Moonshiners (2011–…): Season 1, Episode 5 - A Price to Pay - full transcript

Narrator: hidden deep within

The hollows of a forgotten

Corner of america...

A battle is raging.

This is probably the most

Paranoid time it is.

Narrator: it's moonshine


A season lived under the gun.

We in the hunt.

We're gonna stay in the hunt.

We've been in the hunt for a

Long time.

Only takes one mistake.

One mistake, and you messed up.

Narrator: the next three

Months can mean over 100 grand,



If you really love your

Country, you're gonna have to

Love moonshine.

Narrator: the season's coming

To a close, but one moonshiner

Is upping the ante by expanding

His operation.

Now we got two pots set up.

That's gonna double the


Narrator: but his partner is

Out of commission.

Watch! Watch! Watch!

I got hurt making moonshine.

But what's making me feel a

Whole lot better?

Narrator: one lawman is

Closing in on an active still


There it is.

Narrator: tim and tickle hope

To double their payday.

There's hundreds of thousands of

Dollars in play, if they can

Churn out enough 'shine before

The leaves fall.

You're buried up deep, man.

I don't know if you're gonna get


[ engine revs ]

Narrator: but with twice the

'shine comes twice the risk.

Get on!

All right, here we go right


Ah, damn!

What in the world did you do?

[ dogs barking ]


Moonshine is a part of our


It exists, but it doesn't,

Almost like a myth.

Bootlegging is more risky


All right.

[ gunshot ]

You're gonna win, or you're

Gonna lose.

[ beep ]

Is that a cop?

Change vehicles and change

Tags -- that's what you got to


[ siren wailing ]

It's the end of the season.

Money's running out, and we got

To do something to make some


Every day, it look like I'm

Getting deeper.

I'm trying to get out of the

Getting beaten.

[ siren wails ]

This is how we make the


[ laughs ]

Narrator: fall is in full

Swing in the mountains of

Southwestern virginia.

And that means the end of

Moonshine season is near.

Tim's still will be exposed and

Easy prey for the law.

All right, now we need to

Spin it.

The abc is really destroying a

Whole lot of our heritage.

If you look back in the past, in

The 1700s, 1800s, and stuff,

Moonshine is really where it was


We were exporting it.

It was a cash crop for the

United states of america.

Try to work your corner


Hold right there.

Narrator: tim, along with his

Still hand tickle and his son

J.T., are in a race against time

To build a camouflage shelter

Over their still site.

Tim's at a crossroads -- either

Stay an outlaw and preserve the

Tradition of his fathers and

Ancestors or go legit for j.T.

All right, look, I'm gonna

Hand you the drill.

You put some screws in there.

Narrator: before he can even

Think about going legal, tim

Needs to come up with a huge

Chunk of the $200,000 bond he'd

Need to get his foot in the


Problem is, he has to do it in

Less than a week.

The only way he's going to get

There is to expand his business.

We're gonna go in and fully

Camouflage the roof, and then

We're gonna move another pot in


Then have two of them in place,

Which that will put us about

1,500, 1,600 gallons of mash.

So that ought to get us going

Where we can get a little gravy

Money, and then maybe we do an

Investment, and then we can move

On up to a little bit more.

Narrator: 1,600 gallons of

Mash will produce up to 150

Gallons of moonshine per run --

A solid start.

But that means a lot of runs.

Tim's never run this much

Moonshine so late in the game.

I'm gonna pull the truck up.

Well, hang on.

Let me jump down there.

Don't you fall.

Watch! Watch! Watch!

Watch it.

What did you break?


Stand still.

You landed on your ribs.

I saw you.


I saw you land on your ribs.

Went to go jump off of the

Roof that we just had pretty

Much finished other than the

Tin, and, well, I said, "I'm

Gonna jump on right down in the

Bed of the truck.

It ain't that far away."

Well, the side of that truck was

A little slick.

So, uh, soon as I landed on it,

Feet went out from under me,

Come down on my side.


You gonna be all right?



Narrator: but tickle's having

Problems breathing.

And so I've got the pain on

My back and the pain in my chest

And the pain on the side.

It's all the way around.

But kind of one thing about what

Moonshining is about.

You got to be tough.

You know, that's just what it


It takes a real man to do it,

And that's the only way that

It's gonna get done.

All right.

Lost your cigarettes.


All right.

All good.

Moonshining is dangerous


Narrator: for tickle, there's

No way he's going to the


You're gonna be sore as hell


I know it.

You'll be sore as hell in a

Minute if we don't hurry up and

Get the roof on.


You just stay right there.

Don't go nowhere.

Don't go running through the

Woods, all right?

You probably done broke three


Yeah, I think so.

There's a whole lot of

Different risks making


Number one is being burned.

[ laughs ]

You can accidentally get shot

By your buddy, you know.

Sometimes you lay the shotgun

Up, and it falls over and goes


[ gunshot ]

And then, you know, like tickle,

You can fall off the roof, too.

And then the whole time, you got

Somebody trying to catch you and

Arrest you for breaking the law.

Moonshining ain't for everybody.

Some of the moonshiners kind of

Get out of it because it's kind

Of a rough occupation.

We got to get this tin up here,

Cover it up.

Running out of time.

That's what's going on right


Narrator: tim's rushing to

Put eight sheets of tin on the


But the only person who can help

Is j.T.

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait,

Wait, wait, wait.

J.T. -- you know, he can do just

What he can do, but he's kind of

Limited, too, with his abilities

And age, too.

You know, I need somebody with

A little more age on him and can

Handle a situation a little bit


It's all right. We got it.

We got it.

You take a break a minute, all


Hung on my watch.

I'm hung on my watch.

Hold on.

This is about the worst time

That anything can happen like

This, for him to get hurt right

In the middle, when we're trying

To get the roof on the thing.

Now I got a shelter built out in

The middle of the open and

Leaves falling off, and I don't

Have a roof on it.

I can't put the camo on it until

I get the roof on it.

So I got to get this thing done.

[ sighs ]

Narrator: 20 miles away, abc

Agent jesse tate needs to finish

His season strong.

[ dog barking ]

After a barking dog shut down

His first surveillance...

That's a big dog.

Narrator: ...He pulled down

His first big bust.

Police! Stop!


Tell you right now, you stay

Right there.

Narrator: since then, a few

Leads have run dry.

Last week, he had a chance

Run-in with a bootlegger.

It was tim's brother.

Be careful.

Take care of yourself.

Narrator: but now, not far

From tim, jesse is on the move

Pursuing a hot lead.

It's the moment he's been

Waiting for.

Myself and my partner, we've

Gotten some information from two

Reliable informants that are

Giving us information about the

Same subject.

My partner conducts some covert

Surveillance in the area.

He spotted the vehicle that we

Know that's transporting and

Going to the still site.

And what I'm gonna do is I'm

Gonna come by in another

Vehicle to see if we can get

Some information about this tank

And who might be operating it.

Right now, all the information

On the suspect is a lot unknown.

Narrator: what he does know

Is that the still site is

Potentially massive.

I do know that one of the

Informants had bought liquor

From him.

He might have died down for a

Little bit just to kind of see

How the activity was in the


So evidently he feels pretty

Confident now.

And he's probably back up and


Well, hopefully it is not a

Little bitty outfit.

It is a pretty substantial-size

Outfit going.

We're getting close to the

Target location.

There it is.

Narrator: coming up...

Tim rolls out a new still.

Put the block under it.


Wait a minute!

Narrator: jesse hits the


Popcorn packs it up.

But the news on tickle isn't


I'm bandaged up pretty good.

It even hurts to *bleep*

We're getting close to the

Target location.

Narrator: jesse has intel on

A suspected moonshiner, and he's

Closing in.

There it is.

Narrator: jesse hits the


The suspected moonshiner is in

Full view.

Looked like the driver had on

A red shirt.

Narrator: the next step --

Get some boots on the ground for

A closer look.

I think it's time for us to

Get back up here and put some

Boots on the ground.

It's all right. We got it.

We got it.

You take a break a minute, all


Narrator: with tickle

Sidelined, tim and his son are

Left to complete the roof of the

Shelter on their own.

J.T. Is struggling.

Hold on.

You all right, tickle?


It's all right.

That's beautiful on 20 feet,

Ain't it?


It really is.

That's beautiful.

Worked out great.


And now we got to nail it down.

We'll be good to go.

Narrator: with the leaves

Falling, tim has to camouflage

The site.

Not only will it be undetectable

By law enforcement aircraft,

Agents on the ground won't see

It either.

I think it looks good.

We got the top put on it.

Next task is gonna be some

Internal camouflage.

Once we get done piling stuff on

Top to cover the tin up and we

Got some more leaning on it,

It's just gonna be looking like

A big brush pile from the air.

So when you fly over it, it's

Just a big brush pile in the

Middle of the woods.

And it'll be hard for them to

Actually get a good, clear

Picture of who is actually

Working, and, you know,

Worst-case scenario, things go

Bad, it'll be hard for it to

Hold up in a court of law.

I'm sorry, dude.

I'm sorry.

I'm just glad you're all



No, they're broke.


It's a nice shelter.

I am very pleased with it.

It is very sturdy.

We're looking at putting us

Another pot in, so that's gonna

Double our output.

Let's go, man.

Wintertime is coming.

So we got to get this thing

Done, and we just got a little

Short window we got to get it


So hopefully we can get some

Help and get this thing

Together, 'cause I just got too

Much money invested in it, and

I'm just running out of time on


Narrator: tim's adding a

Second pot to double his


Just one run can net him over

$6,000, tax-free.

The type of pot a moonshiner

Uses depends on where he's from.

Different regions have different


Tim's pot is called a submarine

Pot, which is typical in

Southwestern virginia.

In kentucky and tennessee, they

Use what's called a turnip pot.

That's the kind of pot that

Legendary moonshiner

Popcorn sutton uses.

Little bit rough on the side,

Ain't it?

Narrator: tim's got a lot to

Do, but tickle's out of action.

Those kind of things come

Along with the job.

You know, moonshining is an


You live and you learn.

Narrator: so tim's old friend

Bill steps up, pitches in.

It's been a while, huh?

Been a while. Been a while.

I've known tim probably 15,

20 years.

Tim called me up and said, "Need

A little help."

I'm always there.

Same goes for tim.

If I called him up and needed

Some help, he'd be right there,

I do believe.

All right.

You're good on this side.

Watch your step on this thing.

Come off for you, j.T.

Move that copper pipe.

Narrator: tim will need to

Retrofit an 8-foot copper pipe

So that the cap will reach both


Then when we connect that...

See, the other pot's got to be

Right in there, and then you got

To have enough to come in here.

That other pot's gonna be

Real close to this pot.

Yeah. Pretty close.

Narrator: distilling

Moonshine out of one 800-gallon

Pot is a feat in itself.

Adding a second one is a whole

Other ball game.

But it's the only way a

Moonshiner can make 'shine

Around the clock.

To do this, a moonshiner needs

Several pots.

Once distillation of the first

Pot is complete, the moonshiners

Simply move the cap to the

Second pot and remash the first


Moonshiners have been known to

Have operations as large as 30

Pots distilling 24/7.

The end result -- 90,000

Tax-free dollars per week.

Even a two-pot operation can

Produce $6,000 to $8,000 every


The cement blocks provide the

Necessary space for the burner

And must be leveled so that the

Heat is evenly distributed.

A little bit here on this


Oh, yeah, quite a bit off.

Narrator: if the pot isn't

Level, the 800 gallons of mash

Could topple the still.

We just leveled out another

Set of cinder blocks.

We're gonna put another pot in.

Try to get that up.

You got to have it equal and

Flat, and that way you get

Everything cooked right.

Once you fill this thing up,

You're talking about 1,500,

2,000 pounds.

You're not gonna move it.

After you set it in place,

That's it.

So you better do it right.

Got it?

Yeah, I got it.

Y'all got it over there?

Right now we do.

All right. Go on up with it.

Gonna put the block under it.


Wait a minute now!

Y'all pushed it over instead of

Picking it up.

Me and bill will pick up while,

J.T., you get the blocks.

No, no, no.

Right here.

All right, we got to put that

Straight and hold it.

Yeah, that's good right there.

Narrator: meanwhile, the news

On tickle isn't good.

He's got three broken ribs.

He never did go to the hospital.

He just bandaged himself, drank

Some home-grown medicine.

It hurts to laugh.

It hurts to do all kinds of

Things -- laugh, breathe real

Hard, anything like that.

It even hurts to *bleep*

I mean, you know, it really


He hit that thing, I mean,



And, hell, he wanted to keep on


The cause and the remedy was

One and the same.

So, I got hurt making moonshine.

But what's making me feel a

Whole lot better?


This is more of that moonshine.

Now, see, this is what I'm

Getting at.

You take this -- man, this is a

Heavy piece of copper, isn't it?

It is.

That's a nice piece.


Oh, yeah.

See that?

Oh, yeah.

Want to get my measure.

About 16 inches. Two blocks.

Narrator: now that tim's

Installed the second pot, he

Has to reconfigure the still

Site, including positioning the

Thumper and caps so they're

Level with both pots.

From the bottom to the

Bottom -- 4 inches.

That'll be perfect.

Yeah. Just two small blocks.

Pick it straight up and set

It down.

You good?


Oh, look at that.

Oh, yeah, yeah.

Oh, yeah.

Looking good.

Yeah, that's good right there.

All right, now, this is in


Now I'm gonna take this off, put

It back over there, run the pipe

All the way across to see where

It is.

Narrator: the pipe will

Transfer the alcohol vapor over

To the thumper and worm.

Oh, yeah.

Oh, yeah, man.

That thing is perfect, too.

And then we got two pots set


That's gonna double the


So instead of putting out, say,

70 gallons, we're gonna make 140


It's kind of rough picking that

Pot up and getting it on.

There's only three of us.

We miss tickle.

Narrator: tim's way behind


And there's no way to know if

The still even works.

The only way he'll get caught up

Is by pulling tickle off the


I'm gonna try to call him in

A little while, see if he's

Feeling up to it.

I need his help.

Narrator: coming up...

Jesse is closing in on his lead.

Person said they'd been up in

The area, said they smelled some


Narrator: tim gets hung up.

The pressure's getting to


Ah, damn!

Narrator: soon tim will be

Firing up the two pots.

With up to $6,000 per run on the

Line, time is in short supply.

I think I went too far.

Narrator: there's only one

Person tim trusts to help him

Finish the camouflage...

Yeah, yeah, you're all up

Into all kinds of mess, man.

Narrator: ...Tickle.

I don't know.

You're buried up deep.

You're buried up deep, man.

I don't know if you're gonna get


Narrator: but three broken

Ribs aren't about to slow him


I'm glad I was driving and

Not him.


Ah! All right!

We got out now.

[ laughs ]

Well, we're gonna move some

Of this stuff that we had laid

Up against it, and we're gonna

Put some pine on top.

At this stage, you can see the


The leaves is drying up and

Coming off of these trees here.

'cause we cut them down, they're


Pine -- that'll last a long


Narrator: in 1920, the game

Of moonshining changed forever.

When prohibition passed,

'shiners had to change their

Ways and conceal their


Hiding places ranged from the

Simplest structures to the most

Unlikely locations.

Secret stills were set up in

Caves, behind walls, and even

Hidden underground.

But most innovative still site

On record was built in

Franklin county, virginia.

In the late 1970s, moonshiners

Dug a hole the size of a room

And covered it with sod.

They disguised the area to look

Like a cemetery, complete with

Headstones and flowers.

In 1979, irs agents finally shut

It down.

The site has gone down in

History as the cemetery still.


They heard us over here with

That truck making that noise.

So we have to be quiet and


Go that way.

For some reason, I like to

Cover up everything, even though

I'm under the shelter.

Narrator: tim takes extra

Caution by camouflaging the

Shelter from any aerial

Surveillance and the still

Itself from abc agents

Approaching on foot.

Most times, them abc agents,

When they come up and they see

Something like that, they keep


They don't get up on it.

They keep back.

But they try to get all the

Pictures they can.

They take pictures of it.

See, when you take pictures of

It looking like this, how are

They explaining what's under it?

That look good?

Yes, it's beautiful.

Got two pots sitting in here,

That's so beautiful.

Look at that moon right


I see it.

Coming right over the pots.

The moon is shining on the


Yeah, I know it.

[ both laugh ]

It's beautiful.

And it's coming right up.

It's beautiful.

Narrator: less than 30 miles

To the east, jesse and jim are

Prepping for what could be their

Biggest bust of the season.

Jesse's learned something new.

Six 800-gallon pots are being

Used near the target area.

Jimmy got this phone call

About some pretty good


Person said they'd been up in

This area, said they smelled

Some mash.

They think a liquor still might

Be going.

Pulled up a map here.

This is what it looks like.

Look like a pretty steep


Is that water?

Got a good water source going

Right there.

Looks like he's got plenty of


He's got easy access.

Looks like he's got all the

Components he needs -- good

Road, good transportation area,

Good water, good cover.

This looks like it may be some

Good information.

I think it's gonna turn out

Something pretty good for us.

We just got to be mindful of

Any soft soil or anything like

That we step on.

We don't want to leave any

Tracks anywhere.

It looks like we can probably

Drop off pretty close to this

Road intersection right up here,

Make our way through the woods

Until we get to the target area

To take a look around.

If we have to make emergency

Exit and kind of get out, we'll

Head back to the west right

Here, and that'll be a second

Rendezvous point to get picked

Up at.

Let's get a drop-off man and get

Geared up and we'll go see what

We can come up with here.

Narrator: coming up...

Jesse's closing in.

I think we're right on target


Don't let it slide out the

Back, all right?

All right.

Narrator: and tickle's losing

His grip.

Ah, damn!

Narrator: after spotting a

Suspected moonshiner in broad

Daylight, jesse moves in.

For jesse and the team, it could

Be the mother lode.

Six pots, holding 4,800 gallons

Of mash, are reportedly firing

Up near a small shed.

They got a good supply of

Water close by, so that's a good



But he's probably done wore that

One out.

Good indication something's

Taking place here.

Yeah, I think we're right on

Target here.

Narrator: this suspected

Moonshiner is at the top of the

Feeding chain.

Sometimes we've been on the

Ground, and they're already in

Operation, so then we really

Have to drop back and say,

Okay, what are we gonna do?

How are we gonna take them down?

Narrator: the moonshiner

Hasn't fired up his still yet,

So jesse decides to return in

The dead of night to catch him




Our goal is to catch them during

The manufacturing process.

But we catch them at the end of

Their level right there while

They're manufacturing liquor,

Then they're going to jail and

We know we done took care of

That problem both on the liquor

Still site and back at the

Community where the liquor's

Going out to.

Narrator: the second pot is

In place, but before they can

Start brewing, bill and tickle

Need to pick up one last

Thing -- a larger worm.

Let's put this thing in here.

Let's do it.


It ain't gonna fit past the

Wheel well.

Let's let it ride right there.

What I'll do is let you ride in

The back.

Narrator: the worm condenses

The alcohol vapor that boils off

The heated mash and turns it

Into moonshine.

You get right here and hold

On to it and don't let it slide

Out the back, all right?

All you got to do, man.

Hey, I got it.

Narrator: even with three

Broken ribs, tickle is still in

The game.

Right now, we're fixing to

Move this worm.

It's a bigger worm.

It's gonna increase our

Productivity, because we done

Put in another pot.

We can't get the amount of

Condensation out of that smaller

Worm that we can this bigger


Tim really needs it.

All I know is he asked me to

Bring it to him.

And here it comes.

Narrator: while tim pulls

Together all the pieces he needs

To start brewing, another

Moonshiner is winding down.

Yes, sir.

All right. Good to go.

I'm coming up on a hill right


Be careful.

All right.

Here we go right here.

Ah, damn!

Narrator: coming up...

What in the world?

Narrator: tim's plan to

Increase production could go


It was either that went out

The back of the truck or I did.

Narrator: tickle and bill are

Bringing the new larger worm to


If they're caught, there'll be a

Lot of questions to answer.

All right, bro, you got it.

All right, you good back

There, man?

Yes, sir.

All right. Good to go.

All right, we're coming up on

A hill right here.

Be careful.

All right.

Ah, damn!

What in the world did you do?

We got to get this damn thing

Up, man.

That thing landed straight up!

Can you believe that?!

Maybe it's in better

Condition than we thought.

I don't feel good sitting

Here in the middle of the

Country with my flashers on...

I don't either.

...And a damn worm sitting

In the road.

You get that side.

Get that -- whoa. Easy, now.

Easy. Easy.

Raise it up. There you go.

Now slide it up on the back of

The truck.

Get this box out of the road.

Get this thing out of the road,

Get out of here.

[ grunts ]

Man, we tore the bottom all

Out of this son of a bitch.

Let's do it.

Let's get out of here.

What in the world?

What in the world happened?

Good news and bad news.

Damn, y'all tore it all to



Y'all didn't tie it up in the


Y'all didn't have a rope?

Well, I was holding it.

Oh, that's the problem.

You was holding it.

Well, I was trying to hold

On to it, but, you know,

That's -- that's a good 200

Pounds and stuff right there.

It was either that went out the

Back of the truck or I did.

Good thing there wasn't

Nobody behind y'all.

Yeah, you're right about


That's all right.

Narrator: though the coil

Itself wasn't damaged in the

Fall, tim will have to build

A new box for it before they can

Get that larger worm in place.

You got to have two more of


Have to have two more of these.

And that there -- you need to

Know what you're doing to cut

Them out right there.

That's right.

And then we have to make a


I'm just glad y'all didn't get

Caught in the middle of the road

With a worm laying in the middle

Of the road.

Somebody may have figured out

What it is.

Anybody seen that gonna know

What that is.

Yeah, they gonna know what

That is.

Narrator: luckily, bill and

Tickle weren't spotted.

But with time running out, the

Worm is another thing for tim to

Fix before he can put his new

Still setup to the test.

Tickle's careless mistake has

Put the operation behind


Without a working worm, there is

No moonshine.

While tickle and j.T. Start

Rebuilding the worm box, tim is

Busy crafting new wooden slats

To keep the worm securely in


It fell off the truck and

Busted the box, but it could

Have been a lot worse.

But at least we got the worm.

We got about $700 worth of

Copper here, so we're good


Hopefully I cut this thing


I'm not a carpenter here.

So I don't know.

What do you think about it,


That looks like a box to me.

Yeah! There we go.

There we go.

That's looking good.

See how it's gonna fit in


Grab it right there, j.T.

Oh, yeah.

Well, it looks a whole lot

Better than it did before.

Yeah, it looks good.

Worm most important.

'cause if nothing else works,

You've got to have the worm.

Anytime you see a still site

Busted up, they always take the

Worm with them.

Narrator: with the worm box

Rebuilt and camouflaged, tim and

Tickle rush to install it.

All right.

You know, I'm trying to get this

About right.

But it look like they're too


Narrator: tim is forced to

Modify the connecting copper

Pipe to accommodate the new

Larger worm.

There we go.

Oh, yeah, that's nice and clean,

Nice and pretty.

Make me a bumper sticker that

Says, "Moonshiners do it in the


There you go.

Either that or "Moonshiners do

It all night."

"In the dark."


All right.

Get this in.

This right here, we don't have

To worry about it getting too


We're gonna have about 150,

Maybe 200 gallons of water right


Oh, yeah, at least.

And that other one only had

About 50 gallons of water.


I'm good.

I'm happy.


Narrator: everything's ready

To go except the propane tanks,

Which tim picked up from an

Undisclosed location.

They're used to fuel the


Tim won't know if the worm

Actually works until he fires


It's all or nothing.

It's getting cold, and we got

To keep this warm.

So that means we're gonna have

To keep somebody down here at

All times.

You can't just set a fire down

Here and, you know, set a burner

On and have nobody watching it.

Because we could burn the whole

Site down.

In addition to the leaves

Falling, there's another reason

Why moonshine season ends in the


When temperatures drop below 50

Degrees, the yeast in the mash

Becomes inactive.

That means it won't ferment,

Resulting in a low alcohol


Moonshiners who want to brew in

The winter need to keep the mash

Warm over a very low flame, and

The propane burner needs to be

Monitored 24 hours a day.

In the dead of winter, it can

Take over a month just to run

One pot of 'shine.

Hang on. Let me come up here.

Get that down.

Get that thing down.


Narrator: the final parts of

The still are put into place.

Everything's locked and loaded.

Tim and tickle are ready to fire

Up the still.

This is going great.

We got two pots in there.

I'm wanting to expand farther,

But right now, we're a little

Short on help, and me and tim

Can spread ourselves but so


Narrator: once tim and tickle

Light up this pot, they'll be

Kicking off a marathon brewing


You don't leave a whole lot

Of time for sleep or family, but

That's what it takes to make

This money, you know?

So, we're gonna see if we

Can't do this without getting

Burnt up.

Lay it right there on that like


Get the gas on, tickle.

All right.

All right, you got it.

That's good.

Get the burner going.

That's good.

It's gonna blow in a minute.

There we go.

Narrator: tim and tickle are

Back in business.

That was the easy part.

If they want to reach their goal

Of making enough money to go

Legal, they'll need to brew

Around the clock, no


That's nice.

Narrator: coming up...

We got to put our skills to

Work tonight 'cause we don't

Want to get caught.

What are you here for?

Get on!

Narrator: jesse and jim are

Hot on the trail of a

Moonshining operation running

Six 800-gallon pots.

There's an active liquor

Still going.

This is the area that it's in,

And we don't have a whole lot of

Information to go on other than

The general area that we'll be

In, so we're just gonna have to

Kind of work with what we got

And hope for the best.

Narrator: now it's time to go

To work.

One thing that we have to be

Very mindful of -- this time of

Year, hunting season comes in,

You see these trail cams.

They can set these trail cams up

Around the areas.

They're pretty sophisticated


Now they can actually watch it

And never leave the residence.

Narrator: the trail cams are

Just like the ones tim set up in

The beginning of the season.

I think it looks pretty good.

One thing that worries me a

Lot about doing night ops -- you

Know, we got equipment, but the

Bad guys have night equipment,

Too, so we got to be mindful of


My unit is a night-vision


It's also infrared, as well.

So if we get in a dark location,

I can turn on the infrared so we

Can see.

You know, even with the night

Vision, you can tell that it's a

Bright light.

Need to be real cautious.

On top of it being bright, it's

Very, very quiet.

So we got to put our skills to

Work tonight, 'cause we don't

Want to get caught.


That sounds good.

We didn't see that last time we

Was here.

We done picked up a noise.

Sounds like a -- to me, it

Sounds like the roar of an


When I say the roar of an

Engine, maybe they're burning

Like a jet engine.

That's the sound that it puts


That's what we hope we hear.

I want to see what's going on

Over there.

Y'all get down.

Narrator: just 5 miles to the

West of jesse, tim and tickle

Have been hustling to bottle

Up a batch of 'shine from their

Newly configured still.

Both pots have produced 150

Gallons of 'shine, and they're

Still running strong.

I can't show you everything.

I don't want you looking inside

The still, 'cause then we may

Get in trouble with the law.

All right, one, two, three,

Four, five, six...

Narrator: now tickle's

Waiting for the first pickup of

The night.


All right.

20 plus 20 is 40.

There we go.

Man, we been running like hell

All night.

And we're getting it out of

Here, and now it's coming to

Pickup time, and it's still

Coming out the worm.

All right, tickle, how you


I'm looking good right now.

Ain't nobody come down yet, but

They should be here any time


Just make it fast as you can.

I'm gonna need some help down


I know that.

Soon as they come in, I'll get

Them loaded up as fast as I can.

Yeah, this must be this guy

Right now.

What are you here for?

How much you supposed to pick


All right, come on back over on


We'll load you up.

All right, hold right there.

Don't get out. I got it.

I'll tell you what.

This is the part of the job

Right here where it gets really


In just a couple minutes, it's

Gonna be his problem, not mine.

All right.

Get on.

'cause you don't know who you

Got coming down here.

This could be an agent.

This could be anybody.

Right now we're just trying

To follow up on this noise we're


Sounds to me -- sounds like to

Me and jimmy that it's a burner

Possibly burning.

We might be on the right night.

They might be running it right


So we're trying to get it on

Location before we can determine

What this noise is.

[ dog barks ]

He's getting worried enough that

He's got to put some dogs into

The area.

That tells us we're getting


'cause, you know, last time we

Checked up on some of this

Information, he didn't have any


Narrator: suddenly, the

Tables turn.


Something's going on.

Narrator: next week on the

Season finale of


Do you smell that?

Narrator: as moonshine season

Comes to a close, all bets are

Off as tim goes for broke to

Reach his goal.

We got 450 gallons in there.

We got to get this order to


I think we're right on them.

Narrator: jesse's stakeout

Takes a dangerous turn.

Something is going on.

Damn, it looks like a police

Car, man.

Narrator: one moonshiner goes
