Mod Squad (1968–1973): Season 1, Episode 10 - Love - full transcript

♪ ♪

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♪ ♪

MAN: Hey, what's going on there?

(engine starts)

(tires screeching)


One, two, three,

four, five

and last night's
robbery makes six.

That's six in three weeks.

Some night and some day.

The items stolen were small,

expensive and easy to fence.

One thing is important.

They always seem to know
when the house is empty.

There's never a witness.

What about the caretaker
who was at the house last night?

68-years-old, hard of hearing.

So they took a calculated risk.

How is he doing?

Critical, head injury.

Couldn't get
anything out of him.

One thing we do know:

whoever's doing these robberies,

knows that
neighborhood thoroughly.

Help's night out,
vacations, everything.

So you think it's
someone who either works

or lives in the neighborhood?

They'd have to.

And that's what
you're going to do.

For the next week,
you're strictly Beverly Hills.

Oh, I'll get you a
car from motor pool.

You'd get arrested
in that jalopy of yours.

But why us?

What can we do that
cops in crew cuts can't?

Are you kidding?

In Beverly Hills,
a cop on stake out

could be spotted by a poodle.

Besides, Pete knows the area.

The robberies were
committed here.

His parents live right here.

(theme music playing)

♪ ♪

LINC: On your right,
ladies and gentlemen,

is the residence
of Lance Larrabie,

the old cowpoke
we all know and love.

Soon to be Senator, Governor,
President, or dogcatcher.

And on your left,

is the palatial estate of
Wanda Wonder, child star.

One more day in this car

and I'll be a walking
map to the stars' homes.

One more day
and I'll get carsick.

I thought you guys liked it

on this side of the tracks.

Living here is one
thing, but riding around

for three days and three
nights is something else.

Yeah, look but don't touch.

(fingers snap): That reminds me.

I've got to get to a
phone and call my cousin.


Yeah, we do hokey things

like get together on
each other's birthday.

She's 18 today.

Oh, you never forget.


Um, Pete, are you...

Did you plan on
coming over here?

Well, I was planning
on coming over, but...

well, I'm a little bit
hung up right now.

Oh, well, that's okay.

I'd made some plans myself.

I've never had a
belated birthday.

Shall we make it tomorrow?

Fine. You're not mad?

No, I'm not mad.

Okay then, I'll
see you tomorrow.


Right. Bye.

(doorbell rings)

Hi. Hi. Ready to go?

I want to tell them I'm leaving.

Come on in.

MAN: Yeah?

May I speak to you
for a moment please?

Is it very important, dear?

I'm quite busy.

Gordy's here.

I thought you might
want to meet him this time.

Is that important enough?

I can't this time.

I've got to be ready
for court in the morning.

We've got the
dinner party tonight.

Let's make it the
next time, okay?

Okay, Daddy.

Okay, sweetheart.

Have a good time.

(baby cooing)

Karen, what are you doing here?

Looking at Arthur
Westphal, II, Mother.

You shouldn't be in here.

You've just
recovered from a cold.

Oh, that was two weeks ago,

and anyway I was
looking for you.

Is it my imagination
or is it cold in here?

(tapping thermostat)
Mother, Gordy's here.

I came to tell
you I'm going out.

That's fine, sweetie.

That's fine.

You know your brother's
gained a pound this week.

He's gonna be bigger
than your father.

Mother! Don't shout.

Have some
consideration for the baby.

Mother, I'm trying
to talk to you!

Oh, why don't you listen?

Huh, a little smile... (cooing)

Mother, I'm trying
to tell you that I...

Sweet baby.

Give me another smile.

Give me a little smile, tiger.

Oh, never mind,
it doesn't matter!

(door slams)

My baby.

Oh, sweetheart.

Let's go! Come on.

♪ ♪

What was it like for you?

Growing up here?

Good and bad... I guess.

For a lot of years, this
was my whole world.

It's a nice world.

Yeah, to look at.

But in those houses
over there, man,

people are hassling
just like anywhere else.

Status games.

Not for survival.

There's a difference.

We're not putting it down, Pete.

We're just thinking how
it would have been for us.


Will you show us your house?

All right.

PETE: And on your right,
in all it's splendid elegance,

the Cochran home.

It was at this site
that Peter Cochran

spent his formative years.

Is anybody home?

No, they're on...


Hey, does your father
drive a welcome wagon?

Not this year.

(van door closes, engine starts)

(tires screech)

I'll get the one in the house.

(engine starts, revs)

(tires screech)


(tires screeching)

(tires screeching)

(tires screeching)

(tires screeching)

(tires screeching)

PETE: Any time, Karen.

KAREN: What do you want, Pete?

You can start by looking at me.

Now try talking.

What can I say?

I'm sorry,

but I'll get it all back for
you, I swear it, everything.

Forget about the things, Karen.

They don't count.

All I'm trying to
do is understand.

You said you didn't
need the money.

Why the six other places?

Well, I told you
already, I don't know!

You don't know?

That's the biggest
cop-out in the world.

When I was in
trouble, I put myself on

for a long time
with the same line.

People do things
for reasons, Karen,

and if you look deep enough

and hard enough inside yourself,

you'll find the reason
that you're doing this.

Look, I don't want to
talk about it anymore.

Will you please leave me alone?

I can't leave you alone.

You're in trouble.

Did you forget
about the caretaker?

Well, that was an accident.

We didn't mean to hurt him.

That's not going
to save his life.

What about the
guy you were with?

Oh, he's just a guy.

Just a guy?

You know his name?

You know I'm not going
to tell you that, Pete.

Do your parents know his name?

(chuckles ruefully)

Do they know anything
about anybody?

Father has his clients

and Mother has the baby.


She treats him like...

he'd break into little pieces
if you even looked at him.

Now, take it easy, honey.

They waited a long
time for another child.

Well, I've waited a long
time for some parents.

So that's the reason.

For what?

Say it straight, Pete.

You wanted to get caught.

You knew you would.

'Cause you wanted to
punish 'em, make 'em pay?

I wanted them to
at least notice me.

I know it's a terrible
thing to do, Pete, but...

I couldn't find any other way.

I love them.

I really do.

Do you realize what could
have happened to you

if the police would have caught
you robbing one of those houses?

You could have been killed.

What am I going to do?

First of all, promise me

that you'll never do
anything like this again.

I swear it, I swear it.


Where are you going?

To see a couple friends of mine.

You stay here.

And you better pray that
your friend didn't get caught

'cause he might
not have your loyalty.


You get chased halfway to China,

your girl may be talking,
and you come back here.

I got to pack.

Pay me for the stuff.


What stuff?

I couldn't get a string of
love beads for this junk.

I need running money.

No deal.

I need money.

Then go steal a car.

(phone ringing)


Hello, Gordy. This is Karen.

Did you get away?


Did you tell them anything?

No, it's all right.

It was a friend of
mine, my cousin.

He won't tell the police.

That's great, Karen, just great.

Gordy, I won't be
seeing you anymore.

Oh, honey, come on.

You're just scared.


Yes, I am, I am scared.

Now, I won't get
you involved, Gordy,

but I'm gonna go home right
now and tell my parents everything.

It's okay.

I swear it's okay.

(unlocking door)

I didn't know you were
subletting my apartment.

Where you guys been?

Out for a quiet
Sunday afternoon drive.

Did you catch him?

Uh-uh, but I
qualified for the 500.

You look bad. Something wrong?

I caught one of 'em.

Well, that's good.

It's lousy.


It was a girl... my cousin.

What'd you do, Pete?


I didn't call Captain Greer.


So... she's my cousin.

She's mixed up and she's lost.

Turning her in

to the police right
now won't help.

Who suggested
anything stupid like that?

Sometimes you act like
we're cops or something.

I'm sorry.

Look, I'll tell you
about the rest of it

on the way over to my house.

Maybe she's in back.


You thinking the
same thing I'm thinking?

I've heard Pete talk
about it so many times.

I'm still not
quite ready for it.

What did he say?

"A house where things are
more important than people"?

I can believe it.

(in British accent): How
do you do, Mrs. Updike?

May I present our furniture?

We're terribly proud of it.

Ah, and here sits our son Peter.

You allow him
to sit in the chair?

Ah, what can you do?

It's so difficult getting
decent children these days.

(without accent): Hey, maybe
we're putting it down so hard

because we never had it so good.


I think we're putting it down
because Pete's our friend.


She's gone.

And he never came back.

So they put another
attorney on the case.

And who do you suppose that was?

But an old fraternity
brother of mine.

Nothing could have pleased
him more than to harpoon me.

Oh, hello, Karen.

Mr. Carter, this is
my daughter, Karen.

Hello, Karen.

May I speak to you
please? It's very important.

Sweetheart, we have guests.

I know, but it'll
only take a moment.

I'm sure it can wait
until the morning.

You know, it's not
the mod generation,

it's the urgent one.

I've done something very bad.

In the morning, all
right, sweetheart?

No, it's not all right!

Where's Mother?

In the nursery.

Now we're ready to go to trial.

And we are really ready.

Then we found out that the judge
was another fraternity brother.


He's beautiful,
Virginia, just lovely.

And so good, he's
just no trouble at all.


Karen, you're home early.

Oh, Sally, this is
my daughter, Karen.

Hi, Karen.

Mrs. Carter, dear.

Mother, may I talk to you?


why don't you go upstairs

and get on that lovely blue
chiffon that Daddy bought you?

Mother, I've got to talk to you.

I'll talk to you in
the morning, dear.

Mother, I need you.

Virginia, the
Stevenson's have arrived.

I'll come to your room later on.


(baby cooing)


Well, Lillian will
feed you pretty soon.

Come here.

I'm in trouble.

Do you know that?

Will you listen to me?

Will you?

Will you listen to me?


We'll make them.

You and me.

We'll make them.

Karen! What in the world
are you doing with that child?


Come back with that child!

Mrs. Westphal!

Karen's taken the baby.



The baby!

The baby!


The baby, Karen!

I told you before, I
didn't want the police.

It was my wife's idea.

How long have Karen
and the baby been gone?

I don't know.

Um, an hour and a half.

Two hours, maybe.

And you didn't want the police?

Karen is my daughter.

I thought she'd be back.

I still have no idea
why she took the baby.

Well, do you have any
idea where she might go?

Friends, relatives?


A boyfriend perhaps?

Karen's grown up, we
don't keep track of her.

Mr. Westphal, here
are the snapshots.

Thank you very much, Lillian.

Yes, these are...

these are all the
snapshots we have.

Thank you.

May I speak to Mrs. Westphal?

She's upstairs under sedation.

She's very upset about the baby.

Well, I'll talk to her later.

I'll be in touch.


What are you going to do?

Find your baby...

and the daughter that
you don't keep track of.

I've done something very bad.

May I see you for
a moment please?

Is it very important,

I'm quite busy.

Is that all the
information, Mack?

Yes, sir.

I want an APB, every
car in the area on it.

Yes, sir.

And remember, keep the lid on.

Will do, Captain.

Looks like we came
to the right place.

But it doesn't make sense, man.

Nobody could have known.

Maybe she told her folks.

What are you doing here?

I thought you were on
a stake-out, all of you.

Well, what are you doing here?

Don't answer a
question with a question.

Well, my cousin lives here.

Your cousin?

What's her name?


Well, your cousin's in trouble.

I'm putting my men on it.

But you can help.

Draw off the robberies.


Look, you know her.

What she looks like,
places she would go.

Here are her pictures.

I don't understand.
What's the big deal?

Wh-wh-what happened?

She ran away, took
her brother with her.

She kidnapped a baby.

(doorbell ringing)





Ho, ho, ho, ho,
Mister, we are closed.

I know.

Well, if you know,
why did you came in?

Is Mr. Grossman here?

It's very important.

My name is Peter Cochran.

I'm not acquainted with you.

Mr. Grossman knows me.

All right, he knows you.

I'll get him.

That sign outside,
you paint on the sign,

nobody looks on the painting.

Then what is the sense to
painting... you don't paint.

Funny place to
look for your cousin.

When we were little,

we used to come
here after the movies.

Her parents would pick us up.

Old Mr. Grossman
would fill us full

of pastrami sandwiches...

and pickled philosophy.

Do you think Karen
would come to him?

I don't know. She
always used to.

There weren't many others.


Pete, how are you?

Where've you been
for such a long time?

It's good to see you.

Mr. Grossman, you
look great. Thank you.

I want you to meet a
couple of friends of mine.

This is Julie
Barnes, Linc Hayes.

This is Mr. Grossman.

How are you? Come, sit
down. Have a sandwich.

No, no, no, no. Shh,
Pete, Pete, Pete, sit down.

You sit here, the pretty
lady will sit right over here...

No, really, you're closed.

Shh, shh, Pete.
Sit down over here.

And the nice gentleman,
will sit right down over here.

Come, sit down. Be a nice boy.

Really... Shh.

Since when have you
been living by a watch?

Did you ever see a
salami watch a clock?


Look, no, really, we
have to talk to you.

It's very important. Oh.

Good night, see you tomorrow.

I ain't through cleaning.

Uncle Louie, good night already.

I didn't finish yet!

Uncle Louie, good night!

Tell me Pete, you in trouble?

Never fear 'cause Grossman's
here. You know that.

PETE: It's Karen.


What's with Karen?

She's missing.

She took her little brother,

and she's gone,
she just took off.

Pete, you know I don't
like those kind of jokes.

It's no joke, Mr. Grossman.

I thought maybe she'd
come to see you first.

If she came here she'd be
home already, you know that.

If you thought she was right,

she'd still be here,
now you know that!

Maybe for a little while.

For a talk, a sandwich.

But then she'd be home.


Tell me, Pete...

why did she do it?

I guess it's just one way

to make her parents
realize that she's around.

Pete, what can I do to help?

Tell me.

Well, we're gonna keep looking

but if she calls...

If she calls, I'll
take care of it.

Don't worry.

Sit, sit. Mr. Grossman,
we don't need anything.

Look, if you're
gonna be looking,

you're not gonna be eating.

I'll make you all
some sandwiches.

Just sit, Pete, wait!

He's a nice man.

He deserves bigger
words than that.

Where do we go from here?

Take you back to the house

in case that's where Karen goes.

It's already late.

Hey, come on, Julie.

Did you ever see a
salami watch the clock?

Okay, five bills.

Five? It's worth 50.

Don't give me a
hard time, buddy.

If you don't like the price,
take it somewhere else.

All right, five bucks.


If it's the cops,

tell them you came
into an inheritance.


Karen, what are you doing here?

May I come in?


It's okay, Chuck.

It's just Karen.

Who's that?

My brother.

Why did you bring him here?

I, uh...

I took him.

You took him?

Well, just for a little while.

Do your folks know you have him?

I guess they do by now.

It was the only way I could
make them understand.

Are you out of your mind?

That's kidnapping.

Karen, you call your
folks and you tell them

you'll bring him back

right now.

No! I'm not gonna take him back!

CHUCK: Hey, look.

We've got enough problems.

If you won't call, I will.


I'm not taking him
back. Not to them.

Not until they look at me.

Know me.

Don't you understand?

I'm their daughter, and
they don't even know me.

(baby crying)

I'm gonna call.

(baby crying)

Well, hold it a minute, man.

Listen, why don't
you and the baby, uh...

go in the bedroom for a while...

take it easy.

(baby continues crying)

Have you flipped?

I just got an idea.

(door opens)

(door shuts)

Any luck?

No, didn't she call?


I was sure she'd phone.

We've been everywhere.

Every friend she has,
no one's seen her.

All this...

all this just because
she wanted a little...

Would you please tell me

what crazy thing
you're cooking up?

Easy, man, just take it easy.

Let's get her out of here.


both of us been
scratching around

for a long time.

For what?

A few lousy dollars.

Now we handle this right
and we're golden for good.


Her folks are loaded, huh?

How much do you think they'd
pay to see that baby back again?

That's kidnapping.

Is it?

Who brought the kid here?

Not us.

She did.

Look, friend,

she doesn't even have
to know we're doing it.

What if...

what if she decides to leave?

She won't leave.

Believe me, she won't leave.

(baby cooing)


Had a rough night?

It was a long one.

I just stopped by
the Westphal home.

Still no word from Karen.

Did they ever check
out the license plate

on that robbery bus last night?

No, but what's that got to
do with Karen Westphal?

We've tried everything.

All the places that Pete
knows and friends, everything.

Well, I can't keep
the lid on much longer.

Another 24 hours and
the whole city will know

that Karen's a kidnapper.

ADAM: Stay on it.

If you come up with
anything, let me know.


Any ideas, Pete?

Man, I don't have the
slightest idea what to do.

I have a wild idea.

You want to hear it?

Whoever was with Karen

during the robbery may have
picked her up at her house.


So, somebody at the
house must know him.

And maybe she's still with him.

If you'll excuse the expression,

thick as thieves.

Julie, you're not wild.

You're wild!

Come on.

You mean to tell me

that Karen has gone out
with this guy five or six times

and you don't even
know his name?

Peter, don't you
speak to me that way!

Aunt Ginny, I'm trying to help.

I still don't know how you

and your friends know
about this. I told you.

The police checked
all of Karen's friends

and I happen to be one of them.

Well, then let the
police handle this.

Now if you'll please excuse me!

Is that the way you
brush Karen off?

Peter, you are being insolent!

When your father
gets home, I'm...

When my father gets home,

you can tell him I was insolent.

And you can also tell him that
your daughter robbed his house!


Yesterday, I was showing
my friends our house

and we caught Karen
and some guy robbing it.

And there were six
others before that.

But why?

We give her everything.

It wasn't the money.

She wanted to get caught.

She wanted to be caught.

She wanted to get
into enough trouble

so that you and Uncle
Arthur would spin around

and notice her, that's all.

Oh, no, Peter, you're wrong.

Karen means everything to us.

We, we love her.

I'm sure you did.

I just wish that you would
have shown Karen that.

Mother, I need you.


Darling baby.

Mother I'm trying
to talk to you!


what can I do?

She might still be
with the same guy.

Will you please call Lillian in?



(door opens)

wants to talk to you.

Lillian, the other day
when I called Karen,

there was somebody
else on the phone.

Do you know who it was?

When she talks that
long, it has to be a boy.

You know what his name was?

Um... was it George...

or something like Georgie...

Georgie but not quite...

Uh, Gordy, that's it, Gordy.


Did you hear anything else?

Well, when I
knocked on her door,

I told her Pete was on the line.

And she said she had to go off.

She said that to Gordy.

And then she said, um...

no, then she asked...

"Should I meet you in the
canyon or will you come here?"

That's what she said.

Anyone want to
guess what canyon?

Let's try the one
where the swingers live.


Shouldn't... what
about the police?

Shouldn't we tell them?

Oh, don't worry, Mrs. Westphal,

we'll get word to them.

(baby crying)

Not a word.

Nothing in the paper,

nothing on the tube.


When people like the
Westphals lose kids,

it makes news.

Well, this ought to
stir up a little action.

(baby continues crying)

What is it?

The rules of the game, friend.

This tells her old man
how to get them back

and how to make us rich.

We'll mail this out right now.

That kid's driving me crazy.

Karen, can't you
shut that kid up?

He won't bother you much longer.


I'm taking him home.

Why the sudden change of heart?

I still want to prove
something to my parents, but...

not like this.

You're not going anywhere.

Why, you can't keep us here!

The baby.

There's no food for
him, he'll get sick.

Gordy will go to the store,

get whatever you need.

Here, mail this.

We'll see how rich
her folks really are.

If you or that kid
want to see your folks,

don't ever try that again.

LINC: Looking for a guy

who lives up here in the canyon.

His name is Gordy.

His name?

No, man, names jam my mind.

Hey, dig, baby, maybe
you seen his wheels.

He drives a bus with
"Love" written on the back.


Look around, man.

Love is everywhere.


Let's try the store.

Hey, you got a minute?

We're looking for a guy who
lives up here in the canyon.

His name is Gordy.

Drives a bus with "Love"
painted on the back.

You know him?

Why? Why are
you looking for him?

Well, he, he owes me money.

You know him, huh?


Kind of.

Last I heard, he left town.


Was there a chick with him?

Oh, never any special one.

He swung real good.

You know, a
bachelor type like me.

Well, see you, guys.

Yeah, thanks.

Did he say he was a bachelor?

Why, you interested?

Doesn't look like your type.

No, I'm serious.

Just that he was one, why?

I just saw him in
the store buying milk

and three baby bottles.

If you're lying, I'll
break your neck!

It's no lie.

It's them.

They know my name,

and they know I
live in the canyon.

They have to be cops.

You! You said he
was your cousin!

Well, he is! He's not a cop.

We're wasting time.

Let's get out of here!


But she goes with us!


We're gonna go up there, Julie.

If we signal, get on the phone

and call the captain.

Be careful.

Both of you.

(leaves rustling)

W6 zero, calling Captain Greer.

W6 zero, calling Captain Greer.

What do you think, huh?

Stay loose.

There's a baby in there.

I guess we just
better play it by ear.







Happy birthday...


Does he know
about the robberies?

No, we didn't tell him anything.

Gordy will, so will Chuck.

But I think I'm
ready for that now.

So are your parents.

Did you tell... No.

But we talked to your mother.

That's how we found you.

What did she say?

Well, I think
that they'll listen.

Unless they want
us hanging around.

Uh-uh, anything but that.

We'd give the
neighborhood a bad name.

GREER: We'll take
you home now, Karen.

Can we, Captain?

Okay, Pete.