Mobile Suit Gundam (1979–1980): Season 1, Episode 22 - The Trap of M'Quve - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Mobile Suit Gundam
Rage on! Rage on! Rage on! Gundam!

You must run forth!

If you are still burning
with furious rage...

...You must fight the towering foe!
Fight! Fight! Fight!

Bring to bear the rage of justice, Gundam!

Mobile Suit Gundam! Gundam!

Rise once more! Rise once more!
Rise once more! Gundam!

You must seize the power!

Fly toward the galaxy, Gundam!

Mobile Suit Gundam! Gundam!

Just before Operation Odessa...

...the White Base was critically damaged in
combat, and made a crash landing.

Although the Zeon attack force
had withdrawn for the time being...

...there was no telling when
they would attack again.

Matilda's Rescue

The one on the right should be it.

It's no good.

Can't we use the cord for the engine No. 2?

I think the scale is different.

Hurry up, guys.

I'm running out of paper.

Mr. Kai! Someone will
call you a coward again.

Let's see what the pressure is here...

Can we manage with what we have?

I don't think so.
We've tried everything, but it's no-go.

I see. If the enemy attacked now, we'd be...

Shall we get those supplies?

Yes. We made a request to General Revil.

Miss Mirai, Mr. Bright is calling for you.

Miss Mirai, Mr. Bright is calling for you.

What is it, Bright?

I'd like you to be my substitute.
Take over for me?

A ship without a commander
seems pathetic. But... I can't do it.

None of us can.

I'm filled with shame when I think that
my fear may be what's making me ill.

You mustn't...

Here are the basics of ship command.

If you study this...

But... that's not enough.

I know you can do it.


You'll do it, won't you?

I'll be better soon.

Right. I'll try my best.

Meanwhile, having received the
White Base's resupply request...

...General Revil of the Federation Forces had
arrived at the European front-line base.

This was so that Operation Odessa could
happen before Rear Admiral Kycilia...

...sent reinforcements to M'Quve's base.

However, prior to this offensive...

Even if the attack is coming
from just one ship...

...if M'Quve is attacked from behind,
he'll panic and make his move.

But I understand they're badly
damaged after M'Quve's attack.

This plan might work because
they assume that, General Elran.


The rest depends on whether your squadron...

...can repair the White Base's engines.

Yes, General Revil.

No matter how bad the damage.

In addition, there's another item
I want you to deliver to the White Base.

Though they'll probably resent
being the guinea pigs again.

I want them to do the testing
for the Gundam's power-up mecha.


Here's the documentation.

Thank you.

General Revil.

Why are you giving so much support to a unit
that hasn't been properly organised?

We can't use the regular military
for experiments.

This is also the decision of General HQ.

Thank you for informing me.

But you don't know any details
about the Gundam's power-up?

Unfortunately, General Elran didn't have
a chance to check before the White Base...

I understand.

Tell Elran that he should restrain
himself in the Odessa offensive.

Yes, sir!

So, the Federation is getting impatient.

In this battle, the first to move shall lose.

Clink. Take 3 Goufs with 3 Dodai YS's,

and hit the Medea transport team.

Yes, sir!

Take escort fighters as well.

Yes, sir!


What is it?

A coded message from
General Revil just came in.

I've deciphered it by computer.

I'll display it.

Go ahead.

This is Revil. My apologies
for taking so long to contact you.

Lieutenant Matilda is delivering your supplies.

You must join Operation Odessa
as soon as repairs are complete.

Yes, sir!

I've also sent along
new parts for the Gundam.

I'm sure they shall be quite useful in battle.

I hope the pilots will fight better with them.

That's it? We don't even know
when Operation Odessa begins.

I'm sure Miss Matilda...

...I mean, Lieutenant Matilda...
will give us the details.

I'm sure.

I wonder what the new Gundam parts are?

I hope it's something to make
it easier for Amuro and the others.

Detecting a formation at 11 o'clock.

Just when we're almost there.



It's strange...

There can't be that many others
aware of our movements.

All units, prepare for anti-air combat!

Maintain current combat formation!

Send General Revil an SOS, just in case.

Yes, ma'am!

I have you!

Transports weighed down by their
cargo are a piece of cake!

Receiving an SOS from
the Medea transport squadron!

The Medea?! What's the distance?

180 km, north-west!

What to do...

Without those supplies...
the White Base can't move.

We need the Medea to come to us.

Sayla. We need to assist
the Medea transport squadron.


Amuro! Kai! Hayato!

Please launch!
We're rescuing Matilda's squadron.

Miss Matilda's in trouble...?!

No! Wait, Sayla! Stop the launch!


Well... Without the Core Fighters...

...the immobile White Base shall be defenceless.

If the enemy hits us then...

Amuro, go to the Core Fighter!
Job John and Hayato, to the Gunperry!

Load the Gundam parts!

Kai, to the Guncannon!

If that made you angry, you may punish me.


Bright left me in charge!

Never mind.

Here I go!

Do your best, Kai.

Matilda's transport squadron
is bringing us emergency supplies.

Yes, yes. Sayla, you always
honour us. Here I go, then!

Gunperry, I'm moving out!

We'll just have to pray that
the enemy doesn't come here.

Mirai. Why don't you
go sit in the captain's seat.

It's more relaxing here.

Maybe we should have everyone
on anti-aircraft watch.

Yes... You're right.

Miss Matilda.
Please hang on until I get there.

Lieutenant Matilda! No. 5 has been hit...

No matter! Fly lower to the ground!

Yes, ma'am!

You're not touching Miss Matilda,
or the supplies!

It's a Core Fighter!

Very fast, indeed.

But is it a match for those
Zeon mobile suits, the Goufs...

The Dopps are no problem.
But where are the Goufs?!


You'll not get me now!

Down! Down! Down!

That's one Gouf...! Next...?!

I must get between the enemy
and the Medea, or I'll hit Miss Matilda!

Hurry up, Mr. Kai!
I'm running out of ammo!


You can't just wait.

Do repairs... Repairs!

You have to do what you can
while there's time.

This is no time to be reading that.


It's true, Ryu...

The way you did it wasn't the smartest.

But you taught us all by your example.

A person's value depends
on what that person does.

You were strong...

...that's why I want to be like you...



Make your own decisions,

and take action.

Amuro, can you hear me?!

Amuro, I'm entering the docking area!
Can you make it here?!

I read you, Hayato!

Enemy aircraft at 5 o'clock!
We don't have data on it!

Don't be stupid. We have
all the data on the Trojan Horse.

I see it now! A splitting type!

A splitting type?!

That's the one that carries
the Gundam mobile suit!

Habe, cease attack on the Medeas!
We're going after the splitting type!

Splitting type? What's that?!
Is the mobile suit in it?

That's right. Have the remaining
Dopps chase the fighters away!

Amuro! You're going to transfer
to the Gundam right here?!

We have to! The Core Fighter
isn't enough to defeat the Goufs!

All right! Activating laser searcher!


Laser searcher activated!


A Gouf!

Now! Get the fighter!

This one here's a bit slow, you know.

Hey! Hurry up and do the Gundam thing!

Thanks! Give me cover!

There are Goufs around the Medea, too!

I see that!

Docking searcher... activated!

10... 9...!

All right, Hayato!

6... 5...
Releasing B Parts!

Okay! Searcher synchronised!
Releasing A Parts!

Converting to a mobile suit, are you?!

Blasted Gouf! You'll pay for that!

Oh, no!

I hope that's not Miss Matilda's!

No. 1! No. 4 is down!
Please go on ahead!

No. 4 has the Gundam's power-up mecha.

We'll land the formation.

But our two aircraft can still get away!

We can't abandon the Gundam's
power-up mecha.

They landed?!
This is bad!

Ah! Is it that Gouf again?!


Hurry up! Unload the G-Mecha!
We're going to blow!

Keep up the anti-air fire!
There's one enemy mobile suit left!

Amuro! What are you doing?!

Miss Matilda will be hit
unless you come quickly!

Of course, I should probably
try to shoot it down...

Power up the G-Fighter's engines.
We'll have the Gundam use it!

You think he'll learn to use it that quickly?

Amuro can do it.


What does a commander do at time like this?

Sorry. Never mind.

Miss Mirai, at times like this, we feel safe when a
commander looks calm and confident.


Ah, you're right...

No enemies closing in, are there?

No sign of any. The Medea transport
seems to be stalled as well.

Uh, Sayla, would you inform
the mechanics?

Cancel level 1 battle stations
and resume repairs.

Is that safe?

Yes, the enemy doesn't have
much fighting strength.

That's why it's taking them so long.

It'll be fine. They won't come here.

That Gouf! Seems to be
getting stronger and stronger!

Can I do it?!

Is he finished?!


He got me! My engine...!

Oh, no! My leg circuits are all shot!

I must get to Miss Matilda, quickly!

Another one?!

Mirai, has Matilda's squadron arrived?

You're awake?

Everything's fine.
They say they should be here in 5 minutes.

I see. They got through the Zeon siege?

I suppose that's why they made her
a First Lieutenant.

Sorry... I'd like to rest some more.


It's no good...!

I can't move freely!
What to do?!

At this rate, I'll be over-powered!

What to do?!

Is this it...?!
No, you won't get me!



It's the power-up mecha
Miss Matilda brought!

We can put the Gundam on it!

All right...! Let's try it!

Here we go, Amuro!

It's coming!

You lost too much power already!
I'm taking you down!


Hayato! Ram him!

Hayato! Turn! Hurry!


The G-Fighter... So that's...

Well done, Amuro.

And Hayato.

I got the report.

Miss Mirai. As acting commander,
you protected the Medea squadron well.

Thank you.

I'd like you now to
contact the Medea squadron,

and expedite repairs to the White Base.

Yes. Thank you very much.

I'm more and more ashamed of myself.

You shouldn't be, Mirai.

You held on well.

And you were able
to put Bright at ease too.

Thank you, Sayla.

It means a lot to me, coming from you.

With all this, the White Base
shall be fixed up in no time!

Of course!

That's the second time
I've been saved by you...

...Amuro and Hayato.

And Kai too. Today must have
been the toughest on you.

Well... That was nothing, really...
Practically a piece of cake.

You're so dependable, Kai.


Now, let's have you take a look
at all the new Gundam power-up parts.

Yes, ma'am!

You know, I shall try even
harder and get even better...


Hey! Wait for me!

Matilda dies protecting
the White Base,

along with many of her brave comrades.

The Dom heavy mobile suits,
nicknamed the Black Tri-Stars...

...make for an unrelenting
show of ferocity.

Mobile Suit Gundam. Next episode...

Black Tri-Star.

Next episode
Black Tri-Star

Will you be able to survive??

Next episode
Black Tri-Star

Amuro, do not look back.

The star shining far off in space...

Amuro, it's your homeland
where you were born.

Do you remember the days of your childhood??

The morning when you woke up, when it was warm?

Amuro, do not look back. Amuro...

A man must hide his tears, hide his tears.

Only look to tomorrow, to tomorrow... Forever...