Mixed Unit - Lions of Jordan (2018): Season 1, Episode 3 - Episode #1.3 - full transcript

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Weapons, ready!
-Weapons, ready!

There's no such thing as girl fighters.

The kitchen's dirty.
-Great, go clean it up.

I'm gonna make it.

I gave myself a goal,
I want to be a fighter.

You have 15 minutes to get ready.

I have to get up an hour earlier

to do my makeup.

It's totally different
from what I thought.

Think if you're really ready for this.

All the commanders are gay.

You hear that

and think, how can I tell them?

How can I come out to these people?

What about you, Tomer buddy?

That was the first time
I talked with Noam,

he's more mature.

Are you worried about something?

I feel like I have to tell people
who I am.

Before the army
I didn't fit in anywhere.

Son of a bitch...

You're going too far.

Me and frameworks...

Son of a bitch.

...don't go together.

You'll pay for this.
-No problem.

What were you thinking?

Your punishment is confinement to base.

I'm sick of it.

I started going nuts.

Screw the schedule.

Yeah, screw the schedule.

Let's have a little rebellion.

Almog and Moshe are confused.

they still don't realize where they are.

I'll turn this company upside down.

We rounded everyone up
and told them, "We're rebelling."

Everyone, go get four people.

What the hell are they thinking?

If they do this,
not only will it not work,

but the army will destroy them.

I really don't know
what's gonna happen.

Two, three.

Deputy Company Sergeant Major.

I told them you can't threaten the IDF.

They don't get it.

They think if they say no,

everyone will unite

and they'll be eight or nine
soldiers who refuse.

It's not gonna go their way.
-I know.

The truth is, I was just scared
they'd get in trouble.

I know they'll get in trouble
if they keep this up.

Okay, we'll figure out what to do.

Thank you,
Deputy Company Sergeant Major.

I'm sick of this...

I'm sick of it.

Stop it, Moshe.

Stop it.

I'm sick of everything.

You have to relax.

What do you mean?
-I get that you're angry,


But you can react differently.

Just react differently.

I can't react any other way.

There are lots of other ways
you can react.

It's hard.

I really want to help Moshe,

because he has potential
I don't think he'll ever realize.

I want the commanders to see that too,
because I care about him.

I don't get it.
You were already standing in formation.

So? -Can't you stand properly?

-'Cause I'm mad.

They do things on purpose all day.

All day.

They won't let me smoke,
so they can f*** off.

But Moshe, we're in the army,
not in school.

So get a grip and stand properly.

I don't...


I already have a grip...
-You know you can.

They don't give us a say.

You don't have a say here, you never did.
-Of course I did.

Well, if you did, forget it.

Oh yeah?

I'm dying to leave this place.

Stop it, Moshe.

I came to serve in the army

because I'm an idiot.

What? -I was an idiot.

I'm serious.

I could've been
in Amsterdam right now,

enjoying life.

You're not gonna have any fun
for four months this way.

What do you mean?

If you're gonna be like this,
you won't have any fun.


They need to change their attitude

and treat us better.
-They'll change their attitude...

No they won't.
-They'll treat us better

when we get better.


Six! -Six!

Seven! -Seven!

Nothing's gonna change
if you don't change first.

No one can understand

my relationship with Naama.

I can talk to her about anything.

Make some room for me.

I can talk openly with her.

She hasn't gone through what I have,
but she's trying to understand.

It starts with you
standing properly in formation,

and ends with being on time for things.

What can I do?

Just do what he tells you.

No way.

Quiet down,
Lions of the Jordan Company,

I'm receiving the Company Commander,

we're starting a discussion,
nobody talks, nobody sleeps.

Everyone sit at attention,

hands behind your back.


Lions of the Jordan Company,

yesterday there was

a very irregular incident.

I heard that some soldiers
were thinking of testing us.

You don't want
to mess with me.

Why do I hear talking?


One of the values
that is the basis for everything

is discipline.

We aren't where I want to be.

Discipline is the basis for everything.

If I hear anything
concerning discipline,

there will be a very severe response.

There won't be...

any rebellion.

Our Company Commander is scary.


I'll try not to have screw-ups

she can find out about.

It's too scary.

Lions of the Jordan Company,

our mission is to turn you into

the best fighters
within four months.

Without discipline, we won't be fighters.

We're striving for excellence.

The biggest challenge
in being a platoon commander

is dealing with every kind of soldier.

Moshe doesn't accept authority,

but I'm gonna turn him
into a good soldier.

Attention, Platoon Commander.

At ease. Sit down.

How are you, Moshe?


You started off on the wrong foot.

There's no excuse for that,

and you're letting yourself down.

What do you mean?
-What do I mean?

I don't see it as letting myself down.

Do you see yourself succeeding?


What do you need to succeed?

I don't know, now I...

I want to change my ways.


I don't know. It's complicated.

Weak people give up on themselves.

They don't know how to cope,

so they don't know how to function.

I know I'm coping.

Usually when somebody yells at me

I punch them in the face.

Here, I punch a wall.

And what if you can't?

What if you need to bite your lips?
-Then I'll bite my lips.

Why did you want to be a fighter?

My dad's a captain,
my brother's a 1st lieutenant...


And you want to be an officer?


Do you believe in the system?

The system?

90 percent.
-What do you mean?

No one ever believed in me
in the programs I was in.


Listen, a system is people.

It's you, me,
the Company Commander.

Then of course I believe in it.

Do you have your phone?
I wanna show you something.

Google? -Yeah.

Type in my name.

An article? -Yeah.
-About you?

"A 15-year-old broke through
a barricade and hit a police car.

"A teenager took his father's car
without permission

"and went for a ride with a friend.

"When he encountered the police, he did
what made the most sense to him

"and stepped on the gas pedal."

Did you try to run down a policeman?


Don't believe everything you read.

I don't care about your criminal history.

I don't care what you were,

I care about what you are now.

There isn't very much.

To me you're a clean slate.

You're here now, and you'll leave here
the best that you can be.

The best person,
the best fighter,

and the best commander too.

You'll be great.

We'll help you.

I believe he can become

something he never dreamed of,

and I don't think
he believes in himself enough.

I'll be watching you,

very closely.


Not because of something bad.

I want him to see
someone's supporting him.

I do see you succeeding,

but it won't happen on its own.

I want to see you
overcoming your hardships.

We're only looking forward now.

No problem.

I've only known you
since you put on that uniform

and that's what's important to me.

The Platoon Commander is awesome.

She showed me she's with me.

Thank you.

A Platoon Commander
who sits and talks to you

cares about you.

You know she believes in you,
so you gotta do it.

I wanna prove to her
that I can do it.

Good morning, everyone.

Good morning, Sergeant Major!

No, no, wake up.

Good morning, everyone.

Good morning, Sergeant Major!


We're going to practice
your swearing-in ceremony.

It's a very emotional
and important ceremony.

I get emotional every time
I do these ceremonies.

This week is our swearing-in ceremony.

That means all the parents
and families come,

and everyone swears to protect
the homeland, the State of Israel.

It's exciting.


Oh my god.

Everyone, pay attention!


This is "at ease."

This is "attention,"

left foot and right foot go heel to heel,

-Yes, Sergeant Major!

When I was little,
I'd watch the Independence Day

military parades with my dad.

I always wanted to be there,
it looked so cool.


At ease! Attention!


At ease. Attention. At ease.


What about your left hand?

The Sergeant Major is a special guy.

The formation...

He has good intentions,
and a megaphone too.

Two steps back!


The Sergeant Major...

has mental health issues.


Don't make eye contact with him
if you don't have to.

Just don't,

because he's always gonna find
something to get mad at.

How do you hold your weapons?

Like this, like you said.
-You sure?

-You're not sure?

Then look!

Are your hands okay?

Oh, the other way.

Wake up!

Maybe I should court-martial you.

Move your leg in.

In the groove.

Why are you turning around?

Straighten your arm.

Eyes forward.

Don't look for your weapon
on the ground!

Shoulder arms!

"Hold your weapon like this,

"hold it like that,"
it's such bullshit.

Present arms!


It's not like...

Hold on, terrorists,

look how nice we can march.

Present arms, huh?
Now you don't feel like attacking.

Berets on!

Eyes forward!


Stand up straight!

She butchered her beret.

Look, destruction of IDF property.

Is this a beret?

I beret should look like new.


Give me your ID card.
Write down her details.

She's getting court-martialed
for destruction of IDF property.

Give her a new beret.

Where are you from?

From Herzliya, Sergeant Major.

Why did you enlist here?

I was supposed to be
to a recon unit, but...

Does it matter how we protect the state?

Not really.

Everyone in their own way.
-Yes, Sergeant Major.

In the prep program
they taught me to give 200%

wherever I go.

It shows.

The Sergeant Major is scary.

But he's a man.

Where are you from?
-Kiryat Arba.

The Judea Territorial Brigade.

Who's coming to see you?

My parents, sisters and niece.

We're gonna fill up
the standgrands.

Grandstands. -Grandstands.
-Very good.


You're tired today,
you worked hard this morning.

There's a heart
underneath all that toughness.

Look up.

Stand up straight!



Be proud of what you're doing.

When I get up in the morning,

every morning,

I know why I'm getting up
and what's important to me.

I'm talking to you as a father,

and I love being here
no less than I love being at home.

Sometimes I get yelled at
at home because I like being here more.

Love what you do here.

Stand up straight, be proud.

At the swearing-in ceremony

remember, the people dearest to you
will be there.

You're taking an oath for them
and for your country.

I see everybody getting excited,

the swearing-in ceremony and all that...

and I still don't know
if I'll even be there.

I don't even know
if I want to stay here.

There are lots of question marks.

Understand, Lions?

Yes, Sergeant Major!

You're Lions, no doubt about it.

Weapons, ready!

Weapons, ready!


Cease fire! -Cease fire!

Remove magazine.


Cock weapon!

Here, here, here.

This is much better.

It comes out to five.

That's insane. -Yes.

This is a great grouping.

Run up.

I feel a bit of an outsider.

It's hard for me
to show people who I am

or talk openly with them.

Did you also train
in threes in the prep program?

We had War Week,
a week here, a week there.

I want to lie to my friends
as little as possible,

I've kept it secret for a long time,

but I can't hide my identity any longer.

How's it going so far?

You're with new people 24/7.
-It's crazy.

You need to...

explain to them...

not verbally, who you are...
-I get what you're saying.

And what your goals are in life,

before they judge you initially.

After four or five months
of basic training,

we'll be like a family.

Right. -You understand?

You don't have to be afraid
of the social aspect,

everyone here connects.

Are you afraid of that?

Look... -Why?

I came here with a million fears,

full of fear. -Okay.

The thing is,
I'm attracted to guys.

Wow, you're kidding.

One of my fears is that because of that,

I'll be rejected.

A lot of people here will be put off by that,

you gotta understand that.

-People who live in the past.

They don't...

All the jokes and stuff, that's okay.
I didn't expect any different,

like, boys will be boys.

It's okay, people mature, you know?

It's true, at our age
that's hard to accept.

Unlike most religious people,

I have no problem with it.

That's your attraction,

that's who you are.
You can't change that.

You're totally right.

How do you think
people here will take it?

If they don't accept it,
I won't take it to heart

Totally, totally.

I'm happy I chose to tell Noam.

I feel a little better
that someone from the squad knows.

I assume
everyone will know soon.

Then he told me,
"I came out of the closet in 12th grade."

No way.
-What? -Yeah.

He told me he's gay.

No way.
-I don't believe it.


I was in shock, but I wasn't in shock,

I suspected a little...
-Are you guys idiots? Didn't you see it?

I was a little suspicious.

I don't know.
-I was a little suspicious,

but I didn't really believe it.

He told me he's afraid.

It's scary, bro. I'm serious.

-Bro, now I'm scared

to sleep and shower with him.
-Forget showering, bro.

You think he'll rub up against you

in the shower?
-He'll look, that's scary.

Let him look.
-Let him look?!

Let him enjoy it.

I don't think
anyone here is his type.

You are, bro.

You know what the Company Sergeant
said about you? -No.

"Night cream boy."

"Night cream boy"?

Yeah, bro, I put on cream
before I go to sleep

and I'm not ashamed of it.

I don't think that makes me
less of a man.

You're like a mistress
on the hill.

"Mistress on the hill," that's a new one.
-I'm serious.

I swear, he's living the dream.

He sleeps in the same room
with 14 guys,

sees loads of naked guys
in the shower...

He's living the dream.

What if you slept
in a room with 14 girls?

I don't know what you dream about.

It's great.
-Just kidding.

Isn't it great to sleep in the same room
with 14 girls,

shower with them,
and be with them all day?

That's a dream, bro,
are you kidding?

The truth is, when I came here,

I thought Almog was gay too.

So did I.

Then I hit the brakes.

That's what I wanted
to talk to you about.

We were in the mess hall
and told some gay joke,

I did it too,
I don't remember what it was,

and everybody laughed,
and he...

blushed a little,
and that choked me up.

We need to make sure
we don't say stuff around him...

I do it too, bro,

it slips out.

I do it regularly.
-You see?

It shouldn't be a problem.

We need to be able
to accept him with love,

because I think it's hard for him.

Maybe I'm a snob, bro,

but I don't relate.

Maybe because you haven't talked to him.

You can't reject someone

because of their preferences.

We really need to protect him.

It's okay to laugh at it,
but in good taste.

But we're always cursing...

like, making fun.
-Exactly, so be careful,

he's sensitive.

I have no problem accepting others.

Everyone can do
whatever they want

with whomever they want,

but why should I have to change?

Where I come from,
it flows in the conversation.

He shouldn't have to be afraid here.

If he's afraid here,
he won't survive basic training.

We have to bond with him,

we have to fight for it.
-We need to talk to him.

He's a member of our squad.

Like, open him up... open...


Stop it.
-Don't overdo it, Yair.


We need to make him
open up to us.

Knock it off.


Two columns, 3A.

No talking, Noam.

We have a march.
Give it your all,

push your buddies.

15 seconds, girls.

This march is a competition
between the commanders.

You can see
how stressed they are.

We're gonna get
the best results, understand?

Yes, Commander Nehorai.

Close it.
-Come on, girls.

Yana, your boobs...

you won't have
anything left after this.

But it's obviously also a competition
between the guys and the girls.

I'm behind you, Yana.

Shut up,
no talking during the march,

-Yes, Commander Nehorai.

Follow me.

Why does he say it's gonna
be fun if we can't talk?

-Good luck, 3A.

Roger, England.

Roger, England.

Follow me.

Move it.


Two columns after me, silence.

Stop, stop, quiet.

Quiet, Almog.

Shut up, nobody talk.

Close the gaps.

Follow me, silence.

Close the gaps,
that's an order.

I can't run anymore.

The march was really hard.

My leg started hurting.

After the first march, my leg collapsed.

Every time I run like that,
it hurts.

After X kilometers,
it decides to disconnect.

Come on, we're climbing.

I can't, it hurts.

I can't.

What about you, back there?



Two columns.

My body's disconnected,

I feel like my leg's connected
to my pelvis with a string,

like I'm dragging it on the ground.

Two columns.

This is disgraceful! Two columns,
what don't you understand?

I don't want anyone lagging behind.

Close the gaps.

Come on, two columns. Stop.

Two columns,
what don't you understand?

We passed all the guys,

and that proves girls can also be better.

Sure, it's hard for some girls, and they cry,

but the desire to succeed motivated us,

and also proving to the guys
that everything they say

is bullshit

and they're wrong.

Look at yourselves!

What's wrong with you?

It's so easy!

Even the girls don't cry like you do.

Girls. Aren't you ashamed?

Look at them.

That's an example.

They're not crying.

You're a disgrace.

Shut up.

Meow, meow, we made it.

That was a good march,
because it was hard and we cried.

But we learned.

36 f***ing minutes,

you should be
ashamed of yourselves.

The girls' squads did it much faster.


Because they know how important it is.

They understand the mission,
they don't disrespect their commander.

They're disciplined.

This march was disgraceful.

Am I clear?
-Yes, Commander Nehorai.

I can't year you, am I clear?
-Yes, Commander Nehorai!

Wait here.

Take off your gear.

What a squad of faggots.

Sorry, bro.

I know it's hard,

I see it on your faces.

Be proud of what you did.

I can't...
-But you completed it.

But it hurts.

Lean on me. -It hurts.

It hurts...

Fall back.
-Let go of your rifle.

Fall back. -It hurts...

That's it.

Breathe, Karina, look at me.

It hurts... -Breathe.

Look at me.
-It hurts.

But you gotta breathe.

Get her some water.

Take some deep breaths.

Drink some water, relax.

We worked hard, we should be proud

that we completed it.

It hurt and it was hard,
but we did it.

I want to get out of here.

I decided not to stay
in combat basic training.

That's it.

Man, she's gonna f*** you in the ass.

Why don't you stop saying
"in the ass" and "faggot"

and all that stuff?

I want to talk to them.

He has to learn to accept it.

There's only one of him,

they're 30 of us.

Stop it...

Should I say homo or gay?

Not straight? What?

He's a faggot, how's that our fault?

I don't want to stay.

What do you mean?

I can't. -Why?

You want to have a desk job?
-You'll be bored.

You're not the type
that can sit in a chair

from 8:00 to 2:00.

Regular basic training is a month or two,
that's it.

But seriously, Karina,

admit it that this is more fun

than anything you've ever done,

don't pretend you wanna go home,


Take it in proportion.

It's gonna change after this,
they're gonna ease up on us,

are you crazy?
-I don't know.

You're throwing away

two years and eight months
because of four months, okay?

Don't do that to yourself,

you'll look back later

and regret it.

But it feels like it's never gonna end.

you just got here.
-Everybody wants to finish basic training.

Why are they so hard on us
from the start?

The first thing they told us...

Why do they make it so hard?

Karina, it's something you wanted,
you chose,

and you got accepted to,

and you know what?
This is the best we can do.

It's hard for me.

Of course it's hard.

It's a process, you're not born



Why did you come here?
-I want to be a fighter.


It's hard...
-Whatever your heart tells you,

that's your inner truth.

You know the answer,

I don't know anything.

You're full of it.
-You are, I can see it.

Why are you crying?

-Don't cry.

Don't cry.
-Stop it! -Sweetie.

Come on, Karina.

In four months they'll say,

"To receive the Deputy
Battalion Commander,

"stand at attention."
You'll stand at attention

and say, "Thank you to Avigail
and Naama who kept me here."

Swear it.

No, I don't like to swear.

Then promise.

Pinky swear.

On our friendship.

I want it here!
-It's locked!

Come on, already.
-Stop it.

Come on, we'll have fun.

Forget it, girlfriend... -Okay.
-Hey, she said okay.

That's it. Goodbye.

To receive Deputy Battalion Commander Avigail
Kapelner, stand at attention...


You're walking!

Run! Pick up your feet!



Shout it out, left!

Other side!
-Other side!

Other side!
-Other side...

Come on, double time!

Show me a soldier who loves Krav Maga,

I'll give you whatever you want.





Krav Maga is one of the things

I hate most in the world.

Oh my god, I can't breathe.

Strong, resist me,

why am I able to move you?

You're at 50 percent!

And then there's Gal,

our Krav Maga instructor.


Stick close to each other,
what's not clear?

What's not clear?

Good, finally!

Is this a wall?

She's either the devil's offspring

or the devil himself.

Pair off,

helmets on, go!


Who doesn't have a partner?

I hope
I don't have to be with Tomer.

Oh my god...

Be my partner, Yair.

Good thing I got a girl.


Why are you bending over?

Faggots usually get along better with girls.

Seven seconds, switch partners.

Seven, six, five, four,
three, two, one,


Like this.
Good, kick.

You knocked my helmet off.

Seven seconds, switch roles.

I'm not comfortable hitting a girl.

Do you realize who you're talking to?

A female Krav Maga instructor, female!

Shut up, I don't wanna hear it.

How dare you.

Man, she's gonna f*** you in the ass.

Why don't you stop saying
"in the ass", "faggot"

and all that stuff?

You can give in to it,

which is the easy thing to do,
but I want to tell them.

Why does the word "faggot"
bother you, bro?

It offends me.

It offends the community

that I'm a part of.

Are faggots part of the lesbians
and homos?

The same community?


-It's called the gay community.

And faggots are gay too?

Sorry, Tomer, I didn't know.

I'm not up to speed on things.

When I call a buddy

"faggot" or "homo" as a joke,

it's not really important.

It's a joke.

I don't see why he takes it so hard.

Prone position, aim at your targets!

Permission to fire!

Stand up, weapons at 60 degrees!

Remove magazines!

Cock weapons for inspection!

Why does it bother you?

I'm not bothered.

Sergeant's crate open!

It looks like you're upset.

No, no.

You sure? -Yeah.

What do you think
about what Tomer said today?

I was in shock, bro.

Can't I call Noam a faggot?

What's the big deal, bro?

He's a faggot, why is that our fault?

I told him, "So I can't curse,

can't say faggot, homo,
buttf**ker, gay,

and all that?

We're in the army, bro.
That's army talk.

Can I say "homo"?
You won't bleep that out?

Stop it...

Should I say homo or gay?

Not straight? What?

Let's talk to him.
-What'll we say?

"Listen, bro, you're in the army with guys..."

"We joke around,
cursing, insulting, that's part of it.

"It shouldn't offend you."

Yeah. -"Try seeing it that way, bro,
if it bothers you...

"fine, we won't joke around
all the time."

I'll try to tone it down,

but to stop it altogether?
Faggot too?

Why is he forcing us, bro?

If I want to jokingly call a buddy a name,

why shouldn't I?

I have to change now?

Why should I? -Right.

He should learn to accept it.

There's only one of him,

there are 30 of us.

All the guys here joke about it.

The problem with faggots like Tomer
is that they sanctify it.

Yeah, I think he prays to LGBTism.

To the LGBT god.
-The LGBT god.

Allah LGBT.

You're a faggot, bro,

it's not cursing you

if we joke with
someone else like that.

I don't get it, bro.

I can understand him.

But you can make an effort.

I don't know what to do.

I don't know.

What a mess.
-Let's go talk to him.

-Okay, bro.

F***ing magazine,
I always forget it,

it's crazy.

Come on, you faggot.

What do you do with your leg?

Jump high and lift up with your arms.

O God, creator of walls,
let me make it over. -Start here.


I can't do it, I slip.
-Not enough momentum.

After talking with the girls,
I decided I want to remain a fighter

and I'm not giving up.

I know very well what I'm worth.

You're gonna make it
this time, Karina, jump! Jump!

I'm hot.

I gotta prove to them
that I can be the best.

If you don't do it this time

I'm gonna kick you. Go.

That's my goal.

Blessed be...
-Come on!

Get up already!

Come on, run, run,
you're going over!

I made it a goal
to be a fighter to the end,

and not back down

and I won't.

Come on, Karina, you can do it!

Final sprint, here, here!

Very good, 13:15.

Can I do the wall?
I want to go over it.

You'll have the chance, don't worry.

Next, right side.

You remember your time, Karina?

13:15. -Good, and how fast
are you gonna do it this time?

9:00. -Very good,

I like that attitude.

Sprint! Go, Karina, very good!

Come on, sprint!
To me, to me!

11, 12, 13, 14.

Good, keep it up.
-And 15 is the wall I'm going over.

I love it, let's go.

See? You can get better,
let's go.

Have that attitude.

I'll be very happy when they finally tell me,

"You did it, Karina.
You passed Basic Training 06,"

which is very tough.

Come on, energy!

Go for it!

Come on, Platoon 3!

Very good.

Very good, Karina!

All the way to the red!
-I did it!

All the way, Moshe.

Great, great!

Good, Moshe.



Come on!

Pump it, Moshe.

Good, come on, Moshe.


It's great hearing that,

and from the amazing
Platoon Commander, no less.

Very good.

That's it, Karina.

I see people with tears in their eyes,

"Oh my god!"

And I just climb it,

I climb it, go down, and then do it again.

Let's go, Karina.

What are you afraid of?

Over here!

All the way to the red!

Don't help me!

Great, great.

I did it!

I did it!

You're awesome.

So you're a loner now?


Tell me,

why'd you get mad
at me yesterday?

I don't mean to say anything bad
about you and your friends,

it's just us guys joking.
-I know.

It's not intended to offend you
or some other faggot

or someone from the LGBT.

LGBT, right?

From the LGBT.

If anything bothers you, let it go,

don't pay attention to it,
force yourself to laugh.

Sometimes I ignore it even now,

but I don't want to ignore it.

I don't like that word.

It hurts me.

You take it personally,

like, when I call Magad a faggot,

you take it personally
when you hear it?

Yeah, totally.

But why?

It's like

you're trying to get offended.

That's what it looks like, bro.
-That's not it.

You know?

It's just...

How does it bother you?
-I'll tell you what,

that word,

to me it's a curse word.

Not like "son of a bitch,"

the word itself

is like a scar to me.

I just...

hate that word.

Every time I tell someone
about my sexual preferences,

I just say, "I'm attracted to men,"

I don't say "I'm gay,"

because too many things
happened at school

and on the street...

That word is a bad scar to me.

If someone uses it
as a curse, it really

feels they respect me less
as a human being.

I never thought about it that way.

I never really considered it,

I thought, he's a faggot,
so why should that offend him?

I understand Tomer's situation.

I'm starting to feel
how important it is.

I don't want to be a jerk

or be the one who offends him.

I realize that,
and I'm trying to tone it down.

I've never hung out with a faggot.

Obviously. -Like,

someone in my school,
the most I did was say hi.

I didn't even say hi.

I've never been in this situation.

So I'm not good at it,

I don't know how it works.

There was a gay pride parade
in Be'er Sheva once

and I wanted to throw stones at them.


People can do whatever they like.

It bothers me that they're proud of it,
they shout,

"I'm gay", "I'm a lesbian",
"I'm bi-trans" and so on...

You know why we have those parades?


Because we can't get married here.

You're allowed to do
what I'm allowed to do,

and you're allowed to love
just like I'm allowed to love,

and I shouldn't be prohibited

just because of something
I have no control over.

You think those marches

give them confidence?

I got lots of confidence,

five times as much confidence,

since I went to the parade.

I realized he's a strong person,

he's been through a lot.

You need a lot of courage to take that step.

Good for him.

The whole squad needs to work on it.

We'll try not to make fun
of each other like that.

Army friends are friends for life.

I really want that to happen.

Okay, let's go, they're gonna kill us.

Welcome to the Lions of the Jordan
swearing-in ceremony.



There's Binyamin!

Beautiful boy!

I swear.
-I swear.

I swear.
-I swear.

I swear.
-I swear.

I swear.

Listen to me, Platoon 3.

Weapons over your shoulders.

We're now going to practice

dropping to a prone position
with our weapons.

One, two,

three, four, five.

Get your elbows ready.



Throw your legs back.

All the way back.

Last one.

I want to see you all
doing your best getting up.


Go! Stand up,
as quick as you can.

Do it right, Platoon 3.

We're not resting,
we're working, working, working.



Align your sights.


It's hard.

They drive you crazy,
up-down, up-down,

It's nuts.

Go! Go!

Why do we need this?

Everyone up, move it.


I got ticked off.


Up on your feet.

Silence, or we stay like this.

Jump, jump,
your knees are shot,

your hands are gone.

Everything's gone.



I just feel like having a smoke
on the bench.

It's important you don't give up.


She was unhappy with me
so I got serious

and realized I had to finish it.


I took a deep breath and did it.

I bit my lips and kept going...

Everybody up!

I need to prove myself
to the Platoon Commander,

I gave her my word.

Press your cheek against
the rifle butt.

I want her to believe in me.

I'm gonna be the best soldier.

It means starting down a new path.

Hold your positions,
do not drop your weapons.

On my command, get up.

When the Platoon Commander's around,
I can do things

I've never done before.

That I never thought I could do.

Get used to the position
and the pain in your elbows.

The faster you get used to it,
the less you'll suffer.

She's someone I would follow.

She's my role model,
I'll do whatever she says.

Good work.


The swearing-in ceremony's today.

Our parents are coming.

You swear

on the Bible,
you swear to your country

to complete your mission, everything.

I teared up with emotion.

We've been through so much

and the swearing-in is so emotional

and your family comes...

I swear to protect the State of Israel
and all its residents,

with all that entails,
even with my body.

You came ready.
-Of course.

Karina without makeup
is like Karina without her ID card.

It's time they allowed makeup in the army.

I don't know what I'm doing.

My eyebrows need work.

I want some glitter too.

Do I look okay?

Can I use your makeup, Karina?

Girls ask me, "Karina,

"can I use your makeup?

"Put some on me."

Not on me, it smells like bimbos.

As if you're not.

I'm a bimbo?
-It doesn't smell like the base

or the field, so shut up.

I finally feel like a woman.


I'm so beautiful.

I'm done.
-How can they be ready?

I haven't even gotten started.

The girls all look like Disney princesses
with all the glitter.

Watch the eyebrow, I'll f*** you up.

Son of a bitch.

There's so much hair,
you look like an Indian.

My uniform's full of hair, you jerk!

Do that later,

it'll get full of hair again.

You're such a settler,

you're starting to grow sidelocks.

You son of a bitch.

Now a loving photo.

Turn a little.



My dad will definitely feel emotional.


There's Mom. Come with me.

I'm the first sibling to enlist,

so I think they're very excited.

Oh my god!

-I was looking for you.

I missed you.


There's Binyamin!

Beautiful boy!

I'm most excited to see
my little brother Binyamin.

I raised him myself.

My beautiful boy.

My darling.

I can't handle him growing up

while I'm here.

My parents and siblings came to the ceremony,
it was very emotional.

My family wore special shirts they made.

"There are many lions,
but there's only one Moshe."

With the battalion's symbol.

It's nice.

It's a killer shirt.

Welcome to the Lions of the Jordan
swearing-in ceremony,

they deserve a round of applause.

Stand at attention.

Dear soldiers,

you are swearing the same oath that has
been sworn since the inception of the IDF,

when Prime Minister David Ben Gurion

swore in the top ranks of the IDF,

and that has since been sworn
by all IDF soldiers.

This is the oath:

I swear and commit...

I swear and commit...

To maintain allegiance
to the State of Israel...

To maintain allegiance
to the State of Israel...

Its laws and its authorities...

Its laws and its authorities...

To obey all the orders and instructions...

To obey all the orders and instructions...

To devote all my energy...

To devote all my energy...

And even sacrifice my life...

And even sacrifice my life...

For the protection of the homeland
and the liberty of Israel.

For the protection of the homeland
and the liberty of Israel.

I swear.
-I swear.

I swear.
-I swear.

I swear.
-I swear.

Something happens in your heart

when everyone yells, "I swear."

It's inspiring.

Commanders, present the Bibles.

I swear.

I swear.

I swear.

When you swear,

you realize it has meaning.

It's not a game anymore.

It's moving,

you realize the words have meaning,

when you swear to protect the country

with your body and your soul.

I swear.

Suddenly the oath
is about life and death.

I swear.

I swear.

I swear.

I swear.

It's customary for the commander
to give their unit tag

to a soldier they believe in,

and I gave my tag to Moshe.

A person...

is a little bit of the way he was born,

and a lot of what he makes of himself.

This is a turning point in your life.

I was really surprised that the Platoon
Commander gave me her tag.

I felt very emotional.

From now on you're committed to me
and to the system.

Thank you.
-Is that clear, Moshe?

Of course, Platoon Commander.

Is that clear, Moshe?
-Of course, Platoon Commander.

I swear.

Oh, Moshe...

The swearing-in was really nice.

Ofir giving me her tag
really motivated me.

Somebody really believes in me.

The November 2017 soldiers'
swearing-in ceremony is now concluded.

Give them a round of applause.

Good luck.

This is great.

My light.

I'm proud of you.

To receive Commander Ada,
Squad C will stand at attention.

Two, three... -Attention!

I'm giving my tag to Karina,
because I see

a real change in you.

I was in shock.

What's going on here?

Am I confused?

I got Commander Ada's unit tag.

I wrote: "A person's character
is formed from habit,

"and the purpose of our existence is the
constant work on our own personality."

"Every day, ask yourself what is right,
and do it.

"I believe in you, Commander Ada."

Is that perfect or what?

It's so lit.

It's unbelievable.

It was worth it.

I'm the only one in the squad
that got it.

Your commander's so nice.

What's wrong?

Why are you crying?

I missed you.

Take my beret.

I'm giving it to you.

Where's my platoon commander?

Hey, fighter.

One sec.

Attention, Platoon Commander,
look what they did.

Is that your family?
-Yes. Turn around.

Is Moshiko doing his job?

Is he bringing honor?

She's the next Lion.

He's not just good,

he's the best.

Have fun at home.

Thank you, Platoon Commander.

My family waited for this.

My parents loved the tag.

It's incredible.

I didn't know
she was gonna give it to me.

Very nice.

I didn't know.
-Like a lion's.

It's the first time my parents
can be proud of me.

They're sky-high.

Suddenly I feel
there's a reason I'm here.

After being here a month,
I'm pleased with myself.

No doubt.

I'm super proud and happy I enlisted.

-Of the Jordan!

-Of the Jordan!

-Of the Jordan!

Let's go!