Merlin (2008–2012): Season 2, Episode 13 - The Last Dragonlord - full transcript

Morgana has gone with Morgause, and the dragon, freed by Merlin, repeatedly attacks Camelot, causing huge fire damage. Only a dragon-lord is capable of containing the beast, men whom Uther persecuted years earlier, from which only one still survives (Balinor), who lives like a hermit in a cave. Gaius, who helped him escape Camelot, tells Merlin this is his father, and when Merlin and Arthur trace him, Merlin reveals himself to Balinor (though they keep it from Arthur). Balinor agrees to come to Camelot to assist, but there is further drama before Merlin proves himself to be his father's son and defeats the dragon.

In a land of myth
and a time of magic,

the destiny of a great kingdom rests
on the shoulders of a young boy.

His name - Merlin.

I know you're tired, but make one last
effort for me. Every shot must count.

I don't think people can suffer
a third night of this.

We must trust in Arthur. I do.

But even he has little chance.

I'm sorry you're having to do this.

Why? You're not to blame.

Flame up!

Stay strong, for tonight is not your
night to die, I will make sure of that.

Hold firm!




We've no clean water left. I know,
but it's too dangerous to go out there.

Gwen, don't!

Clear the square!



Fleoge... gar!

Do not imagine that your
petty magic can harm me!

Why are you doing this?

You're killing innocent people!

You shouldn't have risked your life.

I wasn't going to let
anything happen to you.

Are you hurt?
There's nothing I can do.

My magic is no good, it doesn't
work. Dragons aren't monsters,

they're creatures of wonder and magic.

You must realise that they
are immune to your powers.

The dead number 49 men, 27 women,

a further 18 women and
children are unaccounted for.

Most of last night's fires are
now out... The castle walls,

in particular the Western
section, are near to collapse.

I could go on.
Do we have

any further idea on how the beast
escaped? I regret to say, Sire, we don't.

There must be some way to rid
ourselves of this aberration.


We need a Dragonlord, Sire.

You know very well that's not
an option. Sire, what if...

there was indeed one
last Dragonlord left?

That's not possible.
But if there was?

What are you saying?
It may be just rumour...

Go on. I'm not exactly sure,
but I think

his name is Balinor.
Balinor? Where does he live?

He was last seen in Cenred's
kingdom, in the border town of Engerd,

but that was many years ago.

If this man still exists,
then it is our duty to find him.

Our treaty with Cenred
no longer holds, we are at war.

If they discovered you beyond
our border, they would kill you.

I will go alone. No.
I'll not be detected.

- No, Arthur. It is too dangerous.
- More dangerous than staying here?

I will not stand by and watch my men
die when I had the chance to save them.

I have given you my orders.

Do not make this
a test of wills, father.

I am not talking to you as a father,
I am talking to you as a King!

I will ride immediately.

My concern is for you.
Mine is for Camelot.

I will send word
when I have found him.

Prepare the horses.

Who were the Dragonlords?


There were once men who could
talk to the dragons, tame them.

What happened to them?

Uther believed that the art of the
Dragonlord was too close to magic,

so he had them all rounded up...

and slaughtered.

But one survived.

How did you know?
I helped him escape. Gaius!

Merlin, you've never heard the name


Your mother never mentioned him?

My mother?

She took him in.

She stood up against Uther? Yes.

She was brave. Yes.

When Uther discovered where Balinor was,

he sent knights to
Ealdor to hunt him down.

He was forced to flee. Why didn't
my mother tell me any of this?

Merlin... I promised her I would
never speak of these things.

Of what?
I've always treated you as my son.

But that is not what you are.

The man you are going to look for...

is your father.

My father...?


He was a Dragonlord?

Why did no-one ever
tell me? I've wanted to.

Your mother feared it
would be too dangerous.

I had a right to know.

She wanted to protect you. No.

I had a right to know.

Have you got everything you need?

I'm sorry. I didn't mean to...

I know that.

Come on, Merlin.

You're ready? No thanks to you.

Are you OK? It's just a scratch.

Merlin, whatever happens, you must
not let Arthur know who this man is.

Uther would view the son of a
Dragonlord with the deepest suspicion.

This is it. One more step
and we're in Cenred's kingdom.

This Balinor better be worth it.




We're looking for a man
named Balinor.

I'm willing to pay...


Never heard of him.

D'you think one of these men
is Balinor? I hope not.

So do I.

What is wrong with you today? What?
It pains me to admit it, but I do enjoy

your surly retorts.
In fact, it is probably

your only redeemable feature. Thanks.

There are loads of servants
who can serve, but so few

are capable of making a
complete prat of themselves.

What is it? Nothing.
It's something. Tell me.

All right, I know I'm a prince...

so we can't be friends.

But if I wasn't a prince... What?

Well, then...

I think we'd probably get on. So?

So that means you can tell me.

That's true. But, you see,
if you weren't a prince,

I'd tell you to mind
your own damn business. Merlin!

Are you missing Gaius?

Something like that.
Well, what is it, then?

I'll tell you.

I'm worried about everyone back in
Camelot. I hope they're all right.

So do I.




What's going on? Do you know
what the punishment is for theft?

I've got children to feed...

Tell me where to find Balinor.

Balinor? What do you know of him?
Nothing, I...

Do you value your life? It's
been many years since I saw him.

But you know where he lives?

You must travel through the forest of
Merendra, to the foot of Feorre mountain.

There, you will find the cave
where Balinor dwells.

But don't get your hopes up. Why?

He will not welcome you.

Balinor's hates
everyone and everything.

A cave's the best place for him.

It's all right. No, it's the wound.
Let me have look.

Get down, get down!




What d'you want here, boy?
My friend, he's sick. He needs help.

Show me, boy.

What are you waiting for?
Fetch him!

Ahluttre tha seocness.

Thurh-haele braed...

He needs rest.

Will he be all right?

By morning.

Thank you.

Looks good.

How long have you lived here?

A few winters. Must be hard.
Why are you here?

Just travelling...

We're looking for someone.

I was told... Well, they said
that he lived somewhere hereabouts.

A man named... Balinor.

You've never heard of him?

He was a dragonlord.
He's passed on.

You knew him?

Who are you?



And him?

He's my master. His name?

His name is...

Lancelot. He's a Knight,
you know, but a nice one.

His name is Arthur Pendragon.

He is Uther's son.

Yes. This is Cenred's kingdom.

He's asking for trouble.

What do you want from me?

Are you Balinor?

The Great Dragon
is attacking Camelot.

His name is Kilgharrah.

We can't stop him.
Only you, a Dragonlord, can.

He does not act blindly. He
kills for a reason, vengeance.

This is of Uther's making.

He's killing innocent people, women
and children. Uther pursued me.

He hunted me like an animal.

I know. What d'you know
about anybody's life, boy?!

Uther asked me to use my power to
bring the last dragon to Camelot.

He said he wanted to make peace
with it, but he did not.

He lied to me. He betrayed me.

And you want me to protect this man?
I want you to protect Camelot.

He killed every one of my kind,
I alone escaped.

Where did you go?

There is a place called Ealdor.


I had a life there.

A woman...

A good woman.

Ealdor is beyond Uther's realm
but still he pursued me.

Why would he not let me be?

What was it that I had
done, that he wanted to

destroy the life I'd built,
abandon the woman I loved?

He sent Knights to kill me.

I was forced to come here...
to this.


I understand how Kilgharrah feels.

He's lost every one of his kind,
every one of his kin.

You want to know how that feels?

Look around, boy.

Let Uther die.

Let Camelot fall.

You want everyone in Camelot
to die?

Why should I care? What if one of
them was your son? I don't have a son.

And if I told you...




I feel great! What the hell
did you give me?

It was all down to Balinor.

So we've found him, then.
Thank heaven for that.

It doesn't mean he's willing to
help. What?! You won't persuade him.

Does he know what's at stake?

What kind of a man is he?

I don't know.

I thought he'd be something more.

Are you missing Morgana?

She's stronger than people think.

I believe that, wherever she is,
she'll be all right. And Arthur?

You care a lot for him, don't you?
Everyone does.

I think he cares the same way
about you.

It's all right,

I won't tell anyone.

I know it can never be.

Well, the world
is a strange place, Guinevere.

Never underestimate
the power of love.

I've seen it change many things.

What did he say?

He will change his mind.

He said that?! Just... give him
a moment.

Farewell, then.

That's your decision?
I will not help Uther.

Then the people of Camelot
are damned! So be it.

Have you no conscience?

You should ask that question

of your father.
And you are no better than him.

Don't waste your time, Merlin.

Gaius spoke of the nobility of
Dragonlords. Clearly he was wrong.



A good man.


I was hoping you'd be like him.

I wanted... Merlin!

Well, there's no point.

I always thought that silence
would be a blessing with you,

but I find it just as irritating.

You're a riddle, Merlin.

A riddle? Yes, but I've got
to quite like you.


Now I realise you're not as big
a fool as you look.

Yeah. I feel the same.

Now that I realise you're
not as arrogant as you sound.

You still think I'm arrogant? No.

More... supercilious.

That's a big word, Merlin. You sure
you know what it means? Condescending.

Very good. Patronising.
It doesn't quite mean that.

No, you're these as well. Hang on.

Overbearing. Shhh!

Very overbearing. Merlin!

But you wanted me to talk.

Careful, boy.

I thought you might need some help.
This is dangerous country.

And will you return
to Camelot with us?

You were right, Merlin.

There are some in Camelot
who risked their lives for me.

I owe a debt that must be repaid.

If you succeed in killing the
dragon, you will not go unrewarded.

I seek no reward.


Let's eat.

This wood is too wet.

Don't worry, I'm sure we'll
find a way to make it light.

When you healed Arthur,
I heard you mumble some words.

An ancient prayer. I thought it
might have been more than that.

The Old Religion
can teach us many things.

The Old Religion

is that something you were taught?
It is not something you can learn.

Either it's a part
of you or it isn't.

My father knew that

and his father before him.
Were they alao Dragonlords?

We'll need some kindling.

You mentioned...

You spoke of Ealdor.

You took refuge with a woman.

That was a long time ago.
I grew up there.

Ealdor? Yes. I know the woman.


She is still alive? Yes.

She's my mother.

Then she married.

That's good.

She never married.

I'm your son.

I don't know what it is
to have a son.

Or I a father.

You must not tell Arthur.

Why did you never return?

I thought her life
would be better without me.

Why? Uther wanted me dead.

If he'd found me,
he'd have killed me

and your mother.

I wanted her to be safe.

We could've come with you.

And what kind of life
would you have had here?

We'd have been...


When we have finished in Camelot...

...I'm going to take you to Ealdor.

She won't recognise me.

I see her in you.


You have her kindness.

How did you become a Dragonlord?

You don't choose to become
a Dragonlord,

it's not something you're taught.

It's a sacred gift.

For thousands of years, it's been
handed down from father to son.

And that is what you
must now become, Merlin.

I would like that.

Like all Dragonlords,

you won't know for sure that you have that
power until you face your first dragon.

You should get some sleep.

We've a big day ahead of us.

Good night, son.

Sleep well, Father.

Cenred's men!



I see you have your father's talent.


Please! No. Please. I can save you.
Listen to me.

When you face the Dragon...


be strong. A dragon's heart
is on its right side,

not its left.

I can't do it alone. Listen to me.

You are my son.

I've seen enough in you
to know you will make me proud.




Camelot is doomed.

I'm sorry, Father, I have failed you.

The last Dragonlord is dead.

There were many years when I
might've wished for that news.

All is not lost, Father.

We have to fight the monster ourselves, so
let us ride out and fight on our own terms -

on open ground, on horseback,
where we can manoeuvre better.

There is no point. So what?

We stand here
and watch Camelot fall?

You have my blessing.

I need a dozen Knights.

Those who do not wish to fight can do
so without stain on their character,

for those brave enough
to volunteer should know...

...the chances of returning are slim.

Merlin, what happened?
I couldn't save him.


He said the Dragonlord's gift
is passed from father to son.

That is true.

When I faced the Great Dragon... magic was useless.

Your father wasn't dead.

It's only then
you can inherit his powers.

You think I am strong enough
to stand up to him?

Only time will tell.

Look on the bright side, Merlin.

Chances are you're not going
to have to clean this again.

You must be careful today.

Do not force the battle.

Yes, Sire. I'm serious.

I can hear that.

Let matters take their course.

Merlin, if I die... please...


The Dragonlord today.

I saw you.

One thing I tell
all my young Knights -

no man is worth your tears.


You're certainly not.

What are you doing?
I'm coming with you.

the chances are I'm going to die.

Yeah, you probably would
if I wasn't there.

Right! Do you know how many times
I had to save your Royal backside?

Well, at least you've got
your sense of humour back.

Are you really going to face
this dragon with me?

I'm not going to sit here and watch.

I know it's hard for you
to understand how I feel, but...

Well, I care a hell of
a lot about that armour.

I'm not going to let you mess it up.

Hold firm.





Stop... Stop!

'You are the last dragonlord

'You alone carry the ancient gift.

'Deep within yourself you must find
the voice that you and Kilgharrah share,

'for your soul and his are brothers.

'When you speak to him as kin,

'he must obey your will. '

A- a-a-ah! Dragorn.

Non didilkai.

Kar imiss, epsipass

imalla soorkrat.
Katostar abore ceriss.


me ta sentende divoless.



I am the last of my kind, Merlin.

Whatever wrongs I have done,

do not make me responsible
for the death of my noble breed.

Go! Leave!

If you ever attack Camelot again,

I WILL kill you.

I have shown you mercy.

Now you must do the same to others.

Young warlock,

what you have shown
is what you will be.

I will not forget your clemency.

I'm sure our paths will cross again.

What happened?

You dealt him a mortal blow.

He's gone? Yeah.

You did it.

You did it.

I thought I'd lost you.

My boy!

I felt him there with me, Gaius.

He will always be with you.

I hope so.

Merlin, I know I can never
compare with your father,

but for what it's worth...
you've still got me.

Well, I suppose
I'll just have to make do.

Subtitles by Red Bee Media Ltd