Merlí. Sapere Aude (2019–2021): Season 1, Episode 2 - Fin'amor - full transcript

Pol and his father receive a gift postmortem from Merli: A book collection. Pol cheers up a friend. In the faculty, Bolaños puts pressure on Pol to read more and write better. Pol's friendship with Rai leads to a discovery.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -

Let's see!

Don't shout!

The question is simple!

Has anyone in this class
fallen in love with me?

Is there anyone who can't stand
the beating of their heart

when they see me
walk in this hall?

Nobody. Good.

Now imagine that I just won
15 million euros with the lottery.

Ah! Who of all you would give up
your ethical principles

and would swear to love me
eternally just for money?

More than one would quit!

How little you've lived.

Let's see.

Does selfish love exist? Yes or no?

Of course, of course it exists.

A lot of couples form
due to financial interest.

They're like companies.
-Not just for money,

there are people who get married
to avoid being alone.

Then, we could perceive

a certain anxiety
in the search of that love?

Don't you think
that apps like Tinder

are an answer to that anxiety?

We tell the algorithm
what our preferences are

and it is tasked to look
for someone

who fits our profile:

someone who complements us.

But what did
the philosopher Lucretius say

in his poem "De rerum natura"?

He said ideal complements don't exist.


Love isn't a beautiful story

between two soulmates
destined to understand each other.

And he adds:

If your wishes coming true
makes you anxious,

you should give up
on falling in love.

But that's a pessimistic mindset.

On the contrary.

If everyone was conscious
of that principle,

they'd get hurt less.

In other words,

who is more dangerous:

Donald Trump or Walt Disney?


Disney told millions of kids
that ideal love exists!

And blue blooded princes!

And then, life happens, damn it.

In Ethics,

it's very important

to know what type of values

determine our way of life.

Why do we blame the other,

anyone else,
for our failure in love?


Instead of blaming that idea of love
we've been taught?

So one must be savvy in love.

Even if society won't accept it.

It's important to know

that whoever you love will have

an extraordinary mix
between good and bad.

Like Scarlett O'Hara!

Who is Scarlett O'Hara?
-Holy shit.

And you're the best prepared
generation in history?

I'll give back your essays

on Socrates' beauty.

Casamiquela, Rai.

Fuck! A seven!

Rubio, Pol.

What do you have, Rubio?
-Move aside, moron!

Ramos, Andreu. There.

Roca, Biel.

Fuck! A two?

Any issue?

No, nothing.

Well, yes. It's just…

It's impossible.
You've given me only a two.

Do you want me
to recommend a spa for you?

Fuck, it's just…
You can't give

us assignments to think.

Then they say my job
isn't high risk…

Marti, Pol.

This has been a shit day so far.

I know about shit days, believe me.

The best thing you can do
to combat them

is to eat a big piece
of red velvet cake.

Red velvet?

The best cake in the world.

I don't think a cake
can brighten up my day.

At least I had to try.

Don't laugh at Biel so much
because you have no grade.

He probably hasn't even found out.

I'll talk to her later
and solve it.

What do you want for lunch?

What are you saying, dummy?
-Say it. What do you want?

Roasted chicken…


grilled potatoes.

You're eating in my house today.



No, no, no!

Come on!
-It must be one of the producers!

Do you realise how you talk, nan?

You seem like
a character by Shakespeare!

They offer you a job
but don't say how much you earn!


Yes but she can't talk now,
she's very busy.

Leave me alone, fuck!

Your head is fucked up!


all this furniture…

I'm going to sell it.

I'm going to uni.
I'm starting to get tired of you.

Yes, look how he talks
with that disgusting age,

bragging about his youth!

Just so you know,

my world is ending:
my son is gone

and I walk through the city

but everything is different
from how I remembered.

And look!

Here are the phone numbers
of my stage mates.

They're all dying.

The youths enrage me
and you know why?

Because you open the door
and time awaits for you

kneeling at your service!

I was young too,


I have documents that prove it!

Am I missing
someone's phone number?

Let's see? No. I gave it to you.

Six, two, eight, four…
That's mine.

Call me later, okay?
-Okay, okay.

That's how I'll have it.

This cafe is pathetic.
Worse than where I work.

Really? Where do you work?

At the "Taller."
It's pretty but my boss is an idiot.

All bosses are idiots.
I work at a parking lot.

He berates me too much.

Being the owner
gives them terrible power.

They think we're slaves
at their service.

That's how it is,
you work under their commands.

You shut up.
You've never worked in your life.

I'm curious
about the working class.

You can shove
your curiosity up your ass!

Look, Biel.
One, two, three, four, five.

Look, the papers I owe you. There.

Relax. Well, thank you.

What did you write about Socrates
to get a two from Mrs. Bolaño?

I don't know.
I think my essay is good.

It can't be that good.

I barely got a five.

A five?
You didn't want to study this!

Congrats, Oti, congrats!

At least Biel got a grade.

Couldn't it be mentioned?


Mrs. Bolaño,
I'm Pol, a freshman.

I'm surprised
you didn't grade my essay.


It's you.

You're lucky to ask me
in a library

because otherwise
I'd start shouting.

Where did you learn
to hand in projects?

In a jungle of the Congo?

Listen, I…
-No, listen to me.

You have irregular margins,

wrong punctuation,
grammatical errors…

Okay, I get it.

I'm glad you got it, Mr. Rubio.


You know my name.

How many are there?

What is this? A game?
-How many?


The amount of books
you must've read in all your life.

Listen to me.

Read much more

and then I'll grade your exam.

I think you're exaggerating a lot.

The president
of the Arkansas Rifle Association

reads much more than you.

This is the formula
for the no contradiction principle.

It's one of the three
classical axioms in Logic.


Alpha and not Alpha.

In other words, something

can't be
and not be at the same time.

Can I say that this can
and can't be a table?


Therefore, you can't deny
the no contradiction principle.

The thinker Avicenna would say…

Wing or thigh?

…whoever denied this principle,
had to be burnt at the stake,

at least until they admitted
it's not the same thing

to be burnt at the stake
and not to be burnt at the stake.

Cool, huh?:

"The Lyon shooter."

What's fascinating
is that he didn't just kill people,

he also destroyed
entire buildings!

There's horrible buildings
in Barcelona.

They could destroy them!
-Bro, what a day you're having.

But look, look, look!

Do you and your friend Pol
gift each other flowers?

How Victorian.

You still haven't shown us
the photo.

Yes! Photo!

Photo! Photo!
-Okay, okay.

Take this, moron! Here.

He's hotter than hot food.

Typical advert pretty boy.

Look at the orange fish,
so happy

while we have to go to class!


I've just bumped into Mrs. Bolaño.

She said she's waiting for you
at her office.

She wants to talk to you.

What are you saying?

Fuck. No. No, no, no…

Relax, dude,
I'm sure it'll be fine.

Get ready to be roasted!

It's a lie.


Yes, yes. I love it.
Fuck, what a dude.


I can't have a relaxing snack.

I'm Biel Roca, a freshman.

You were looking for me, right?

Me? You? Why?

Silvia, this guy is very cute.

He got a two on a project
and said he doesn't want to think.

No, no, no. Well…

It came out like that
but I didn't mean it so.


I am doing the degree to think.

I like thinking,

even about metaphysics…


Pray to the Unmoved mover
and don't touch yourself.




Poor him.

This kid has to choose
between philosophy and thinking

or restoration and serving.

Can I copy your sentence?

It's for you.

What did Mrs. Bolaño say
about your essay?


that she'll check it out.

I don't believe it.

Why would I lie to you?

Fuck, this dining room
is as big as my whole house!

It's easy
to get used to luxury, right?

Where do you live?

Where do I live?

In a small, old flat
that my nan was renting.

Working class.

You wouldn't bare it.

In this house, all of us
have 200 square meters to ourselves.

You can stay locked up
in here for three days

and not bump into anyone.


Why is the sauna
full of tennis rackets?

It's not a basement!


Hello, are you with anyone?

Pol, from uni.

-Hello. How are you?

Nice to meet you.
-Ester, my aunt.

The sauna was full of stuff:

old tennis balls,
ping pong paddles…

What a mess!

Goodbye, cuties!

Does she live here?

She has the excuse
of accompanying my mother,

but she actually
comes here for the luxury.

And sometimes, we fuck.


You're serious about the thing
with your aunt, right?

Why would I lie?

Nan, this is for you.

How cute!
Give me a kiss! Watch out

so I don't burn you
with my cigar.


Everything marked in red,

I'm selling it.

What are you saying?


New life, new furniture.
I'm tired of this decor,

I need new spaces,
new feelings…

Enough, Carmina Calduch!

I understand that since dad died,
you feel upset…


I can't mourn the loss of a son?

Oh, the library!

There are too many books.

I'm leaving.

Pol Rubio?

Doesn't it say that?

There's a package
or something up there.

Why are you staring at me?

What are you saying?
I'm not staring!

Do you always need to lie?

"I'm not looking at you,

I don't have an issue
with Mrs. Bolaño…"

Don't lie to me, Pol,
if Mrs. Bolaño hasn't graded you,

she hasn't and that's it.
-Okay, fucking Mrs. Bolaño

says I write like fucking shit,

We haven't always
known each other!

Besides, why did I come
if we hate each other?

Because you like me.

And I like you.

Yes, the one making friends
on the first day with your jokes.

I acknowledge
I don't have too many friends.

Your old friends were shit,
I don't want to see them.

Pol, come by the house
whenever you can,

I found a thing you'll like.

Hey, Bruno,

okay, I will. I don't know
what you're talking about but okay.

Okay, bye.

Do you want me to introduce
my father's friends to you?

Fucking hell!

They're nice, huh?

Are they nice?
This is crazy, dude!

Holy fuck.

And this?

Fuck, this is porn, dude!

Holy fuck.

But this shade of red, beast?

Where are you going with this?


Can I kiss it?

Can I?

Fucking hell with your dad!

He'd spend hours here.

He took good care of them.

He'd take them for a ride
once in a while.

Don't you use them?

You resent your dad.

Should we love our family

just because we share
a surname on our ID?

70 % of the final evaluation

comes from two exams,

20 % is for assignments
and essays to hand in.

Thank you, Lourdes,

the minimum
is what we do about Logic,

and 10 % is for attendance.

Isn't it too much
to do the register in every class?

It's just a moment, dude.

If you wish to,
you can, logically.


Yes, Maria?

No what?

I think it's clear.

I don't. I don't do the register.

And I don't do multiple exams.

The idea of being a dean

which, basically, is me,
is that we all work as one.

According to the Bologna Plan…

Bologna is not Bible, sweetie.

My plan as professor is:

I set as many projects
as I please

and I have only one exam.
Doing the register?


We're not in high school.

But well…

We're supposed to do
what helps the student the most.

Maybe we could let them choose

between one exam or two.

I don't think this is a bad idea.

And if it's necessary
to do the register…

You do it.

I celebrate it.

The tendency in the past few years
is to make…

more tests so you don't risk it all
in one go.

I think it's a good idea.
I do three in total.

Three exams.

Exercises, doing the register…

Do you also ask them
to come in without parasites?

It's a joke, Vidal.

Don't get upset!

No, I'm laughing, María!

Us deans laugh on the inside.

Plan Bologna?

Bolaño plan and that's it.

Come on, that's enough,

Relax a little!
I've come to visit you twice!

Yes, yes. I know and I'm grateful.

That's why I rectified but…

They should know
that I'm of the old regime.

Doing the register…

They're making education stupid.

I think the same María.

But you're not 20 years old,
you can't behave like that!

What about the chewing gum…

You're very mature, huh?

I know what's up with you.

Vidal makes you horny.

What you should do…

is take care of yourself.

Silvia, don't go there, okay?
-I will.

There's a reason you don't have
your daughter's custody

You don't know anything.

You make up stories
and you should write novels.

If my moronic ex-husband
came to his senses,

we could arrange
shared custody.

Just saying,
take care of yourself.

I take care of myself, woman.

I'm great. Can't you see me?

I'll invite you for a snack.

I know a place that makes
good homemade muffins.

You want to see me be fat.
-Of course.

Today I'm starting the mission
Hansel and Gretel with you.

"Letter to the father" by Kafka,

"Death in Venice",

"Peer Gynt" by Ibsen…

How cool!

When we were doing
the research project

about Hegel, Merlí told me:
"Go up there and choose 10 books."

-Yes, he made me sit on the couch,

I came here,
he'd ask me questions

and if I didn't answer correctly,
he'd throw a book at my head.

It's very much his style.

Fuck, he kept them for me!


My father gives you gifts
from the other side.

Come on, I don't want to cry.

Your eyes are sparkling.

In a way that suits you.

At least you could hug me,
right, bratty guy?

When will I stop being the brat?

Two guys hugging,

they're either gay

or they're actors.

So Merlí gifts books
to his favorite student.


How are you, Carmina?


call me Mrs.

I won't call you Mrs.
-Pol, what are you doing?

Every time I call you Mrs.
you get upset!

It's about respect. I'm old.

Hasn't Bruno told you
I'm one step away from death?


Shouldn't it be
the other way around?

I mean, if you have lived a lot,
you aren't closer to death,

you're closer to life!

You're much more connected to life.


you're a professional of life.


this kid…

We have to protect him.

Dad! What are you doing here?

Nothing, just came out of work.
I'm fed up of making photocopies.

Do you have the grade
for your Ethics project?


No… Mrs. Bolaño is taking her time.

She told us they'd be graded today,
but they're not, at all.

Right, but you can forgive her, right?

Because she's known
as the best Philosophy professor.


there are better professors.

She's special.

Maybe she thinks she's the best.

You focus,
this degree is intense.

Okay, dad, I always used to have
good philosophy grades.

Yes, but listen,
stuff gets harder now.

For example,
the subject of Logic

is similar to Maths.
And you in Maths…

Well, dad, I'll pay attention.

And if not, I'll ask friends for help.

Or girlfriends, right?
-Don't start!

What? I haven't said anything!

You must like some girl.
-No, enough!

You think I can fall in love
in only 15 days?

15 days? You could in 15 minutes!



Hello, come up.

No, no, no. Minerva?

They're a bit disgusting
but the keys are inside.



Hello? Minerva?

Can you put
the fucking music down?


This house is shit!

-Where's Minerva?

She's not in.
-Not in?

Why did you make me come up?

You have to share.



Minerva isn't in the house.

Wait, maybe you can wait
until she's back.

What time is she back?

Do you have a blender at home?

I told Minerva
I'd cook gazpacho.

I know how to make
a Spanish omelet.


The table at the back.

Jordi, you owe me a grand.

Now is not the time, Minerva.

Not today either, so when?

Whenever I can, pretty.
Come on, to the table.


What are you doing here?

Nothing, thinking about you.

This bar isn't half bad.

It's shit.

What do you want? A beer?

Come on.

What a surprise.

You must be very bored.


I wish I got
the library's scholarship.

Not many hours, peace…

Without having to deal
with this guy.

Forget the scholarships
and tell that guy to fuck off!

Without thinking twice.

Do it now.

You're crazy.

Can I? Can I?

Can I?

Put it in the basket
but don't let me see it.

How is your father doing
with his girlfriend? Do they fight?

-What do you mean they don't?

You live with them,
you should provoke their fights.

You have it very easy.

Mom, don't be mean.

I'm mean.

I want your father to be unhappy

and to live submitted
to a castrating woman.

Lidia does yoga.

Yoga? How ancient.

Come on. Go and look
for an ice cream you like

Without you seeing it.
-Without me seeing it.


Do you want a bag?
-A bag, a bag.

Do you want us to watch
"Gone with the wind"?

Not again. "Captain Marvel."

Oh, don't play with me.
You know it by heart.

Do you have an issue with me
being in love with Red Butler?

I don't like him.
-What do you mean?

He's a gentleman from Charleston.

You're telling me
your boyfriend is more handsome.

Victor is more handsome.

Oh, it smells bad.

Come on, choose a film.

I'll put the ice cream
in the freezer.

You know what?

I've been thinking about doing
the folder exercise

with the freshmen.

It never fails.

The students
will marvel at their professor.

And he left it for you posthumously?

More or less.

He must've wanted
to give them to me one day…

But he died.

Fuck, dad, how subtle.

Hey, sorry, man. Sorry.

Then read, kid.

Yes, I've been told that lately.


of daily life."

Can I borrow it?

Of course.

Hey, dad.

Let's go to live with Gloria.


You're giving me your consent?

No, I'm just saying
I think it might be good.

And, I don't know…

I love you.

Of course, of course.

Sons love their fathers.

Pol are you asking me for money?

Fuck, dad, you're on a roll!

One day I'm nice to you
and it's not easy.

No, dude, no! I like it!

I like it!

Hey, take this.

I don't want to have a brother.

Go to hell! Save it for yourself!

I'm sure you've already
fallen in love at university?

You have, right?

Huh? I got you!

Is she pretty?
-Leave it.

Leave it.
-Listen well, Pol.

Between you and I…

we're going to make
happiness fashionable.

You're so joyous today, huh?


It's love! It's love!

Dad, dad.
-It's love!

-Dad, dad.

What are you doing?
Get down, you'll break your hip.

Where are you going?

You're not at your house, Minerva.

Tell your friends to leave

or not to start conversations.

Yes, of course.

They'll come here and act
as if we don't know each other.

Do you realise
what you're asking me?

"Asking, asking."
Talk properly, fuck.

You're right. It's over.

What are you going to do?

Leave. The end.


You shouldn't be here.

But I love that you came.

But are you saying bye
for real now?

Attention everyone!
Silence please.

What the fuck are you doing?

Ladies and gentlemen.

It was a huge pleasure
to work for you all.

I can't say the same
for the owner of this bar,

who has owed me 1000 euros
for how long?

For three months.
-Calm down, Minerva!


And the son of a bitch
asks me to calm down.

Peace is what I had
for a long time.

You're living on the back
of my work as a slave.

You either pay me 1000 euros
right now or I'll call the police.

Pay me 1000 euros in full

or I look for gasoline
and burn everything down.

Let's go.

What if I don't get
the scholarship, dude?

You're a crazy Argentinian.

We've got something in common.

Damn! What did I do?



It's a marvelous flavor.

With it's egg and yellow,

from Paris to the Antilles,

don't you know?

It's the omelet!

Bravo, bravo.

I didn't know this one!

Dude, of course. It's mine.

Fuck, very good!

Add music,
since you're a composer, right?

Of course.
Biel, you're an intelligent dude.

And a very good cook.

The best Spanish omelet
I've ever had.

Well, thank you.

What do you do?

I'm doing a master's degree

in telecommunication
at the Polytechnic.

How nice!


I don't know
what I'm doing here.

Don't you have Minerva's number?
-No, no, no.

There's no need, since…

That's it, I'm leaving. It's too late.

Are you sure?
-Yes, yes, yes.

No problem. No problem.

Yes, I'll see her tomorrow
at uni and then…

Minerva might like the omelet.

I'm sure.

Okay. Goodbye!

-How nice.

Well, sweetie.

Call me when you're on the bus.


What a son of a bitch!

Anna Karenina.

I haven't arrived
to the bus stop yet.


I had bought the gin

for this weekend,

because I have a dinner
with some friends here.

Have you left me without?

It's Rosa's birthday.

You know that adults celebrate

by eating and drinking.

Everyone does that
once in a while.

Don't tell your dad
that the bottle was for me, love.


Have I told you
I have a cool freshman student?


And he's given me

an excellent project
about beauty.

Albeit with some errors.

I might make him do

the folder exercise.


Amy is doing yoga.

The flat is nice.

Not as much as your house
with a swimming pool.

Your girlfriend must be happy
with so much luxury.

A very subtle way
of asking if I have a girlfriend.

Can't I know if the one responsible
for my bankruptcy is taken?


Girl, you have 1000 euros!

No, I don't have a girlfriend
and I'm not looking for one.

I've had hookups, for sure.


Amy learnt to do
a Spanish omelet.

She's a republican
but she has moments…

What about you?

Have you ever fallen in love?

I don't know how to fall in love.

It's never happened to me.

How strange.

How about you?



A mistake.

As a goodbye.

You've already perverted me
enough for today.

I'm going to my mansion.

And I'm staying in my flat.

Look how cute.

We'll see each other at uni.


Come in.

How are you, cutie?
-Very well.

Well, a little strange,
living in an old teacher's house.

A roll cake?

Oh, how nice!

The jacket.
-Yes, sorry.

What a cool flat, Gloria!
-Yes, it's cute.

I hope you feel at home.

We'll move in a week.
-Already? How quick!

Give it to me.
I'll take it to the kitchen.

I'm planning to sell

the old furniture on Depop.

We won't fill your flat
with junk, Gloria!

He's talking in Catalan
with a Vic accent already, huh?

Thank you, Pol.

No, why?

I needed to say it properly.

If you hadn't agreed…

Love, right?


I want you to know
I won't act as your mother.


But if you wish,
I'll prepare breakfast one day.

Pol, son. Come.

Come to see your room.
-Which one is it?

There, there.
-This one?


A big bed!

And a desk to study.

And we have an extra bed

in case a friend
stays over to sleep one day.

Dad, I'm not seven years old.

Let me be. It's exciting
when you invite people over.

The house fills with life.

Gloria, let's show him
the balcony. Astonishing!

Come on.
-Is it that way?


How cool!

I know.

Everyone's in the cave

with their life.


Alfonso, dinner.



Help me with these boxes!

Dad, I'm leaving. I've already
missed two classes for the move.

Are you leaving me
with all this stuff?


We like to think there's a reality
outside of ourselves.

A world where things
are what they are,

regardless of what we say about them.

Today I'll prove to you

that the human mind is weak.

And we have the tendency to say

what others think and say.

What color is this folder?


If a student arrives late,
as it tends to happen,

I'll ask you about
the color of the folder

and you'll say red. Okay?



You're late, but come in.

Good, let's continue.