McLeod's Daughters (2001–2009): Season 1, Episode 8 - Stir Crazy - full transcript
Tess introduces Claire to chat rooms. Jody finds her mother in bed with Terry. A wild stallion lures Blaze away, and Claire calls the Ryans to help recapture her.
Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
(slow music)
- [Narrator] Previously
on McLeod's Daughters.
- Unbelievable.
Yesterday she was wild.
- Yesterday she thought I was the enemy.
- Ah, Meg inside too, or
is she working in the yard?
- Nah, she's gone to town.
- Oh.
- Why?
- Oh, no reason.
Just thought I'd say hello.
- Jeez, you could have
done better than that.
- What's the point?
- Claire might know,
but my daughter doesn't.
- Ah, we're getting to
know each other better.
- I got a much better way of doing that.
- Really?
You an expert?
- Well I haven't had
any complaints so far.
- There's got to be an easier
way to keep Drover's Run.
- Like marry you?
(horses whinnying)
- Good girl.
Oi, enough of that.
There you are, that's better.
That's better.
♪ It makes me sweat ♪
♪ It makes me dream ♪
♪ It's hot tonight ♪
♪ So hot tonight ♪
♪ It all feels so right ♪
♪ In the middle of the night ♪
♪ I want you here ♪
♪ In the middle of the night ♪
♪ I know you're near ♪
♪ In the middle of the night ♪
♪ That long lonely night ♪
- Oh.
Give me a break.
Mango is so sticky.
Yep, that's the one.
- What are you doing?
- Sorry, I missed your loud knock.
- Who are you talking to?
- I'm in a chatroom.
- Kumura, is that you?
- Exotic, isn't it?
- It's a sweet potato.
And you're actually
talking to someone real?
- [Tess] NineInchRod.
- Have you thought about
what he might be doing,
at the other end?
- Typing like crazy,
with one hand I'd say.
- He could be like a big fat 60 year old.
He could be a complete psycho.
- Who cares?
- Tess.
He wants you to...
I don't think you're that flexible.
- Well, it's cyberspace,
let the man dream.
You want to ah, shut the
door on your way out.
- Oh.
♪ It'll take some time ♪
♪ To find your heart and come back home ♪
♪ You could walk for
miles, cross every river ♪
♪ And find you're not alone ♪
♪ 'Cause I'll be there ♪
♪ Oh oh oh oh ♪
♪ Oh oh oh oh ♪
♪ You're not alone ♪
♪ Oh oh oh oh ♪
♪ Oh oh oh oh ♪
♪ 'Cause I'll be there ♪
♪ Ooh ♪
(upbeat rock music)
♪ Think you want me ♪
♪ Don't go there ♪
♪ But you need me, need me now ♪
♪ Think I want you ♪
- [Meg] You know I've given up.
- So, Jodi's up with Becky, eh?
- [Meg] She spends a lot of time up there.
- How long does she usually stay?
- Too long.
- Mm.
♪ Hate you, love you ♪
♪ Want you and I need you ♪
- Just as well it's too hot tonight.
- Yeah, just as well.
- You know how sweaty I get.
- Mm, I know.
(Jodi and Becky laughing)
What da ya think?
- We can't Terry, not with--
- Or we could go for a walk.
I could show you the paddocks.
- And Terry, I'm keen, not desperate.
♪ Can you show me, show me how ♪
- What are you thinking?
- I'm thinkin' insect repellent.
I'll rub it all over ya.
♪ Love me ♪
- (laughs) Go on, go home.
Have a cold shower.
- Oh.
♪ Want you and I need you ♪
♪ It's not easy ♪
♪ Makes me cry ♪
♪ Need you, want you ♪
♪ Hate you, love you, need you, want you ♪
♪ Gotta go, say goodbye ♪
♪ Hate you, love you,
want you and I need you ♪
(dramatic music)
(horses whinnying)
- [Tess] So why do you want Blaze?
Isn't she ready for work yet?
- [Claire] Nah, not yet.
- [Tess] Doesn't she like you?
What's the problem?
- She's come into season.
And before you go on,
why don't you just say
whatever it is you're leading up to
so we can get on with our work.
- We need to meet some other
people, guys in particular.
- NineInchRod let you down, did he?
- It's dire, Claire.
What is there to do around here?
The odd wedding, a B&S ball?
- Don't forget bushfires.
They're always a hoot.
- So let's go mad and
invite Nick and Alex over.
We can have a barbecue.
- Oh, dammit.
Stock have pushed through.
- We'll fix it tomorrow.
- No, Jodi can fix it today.
She was supposed to ride this boundary.
- Well, good then, that's taken care of.
Now, a barbecue, the Ryans.
- They're busy, Tess,
they're tired, just like us.
- I bet they're not.
They've got timers on
all their bore pumps,
their field inventories are on computer.
I bet they inseminate their
cows by remote control.
(slow music)
(Claire laughing)
(upbeat country music)
- Got enough length?
- Yep.
- Are you even counting?
- Yeah I'm counting, 37 meters.
- Now that should do it, let's pump.
- Terry!
- Bloody hell!
- Settle down, it can't be helped.
- If you'd have cleaned the fuel lines
properly in the first place.
- Who's the one who sucked up the dregs
from the diesel tank this morning?
That's where the craps coming from.
- You two wanna go five
rounds with each other,
you do it on your own time, alright.
(motor whirring)
- Jodi.
- She's not here.
- Well if she turns up,
tell her Claire wants the chook
shed finished before lunch.
- [Claire] Here Roy.
(dog barking)
- [Tess] Look what I've found.
Tennis net's still here.
- Stupidly I let the gardener go.
- You see what I'm getting at?
The barbecue, Alex and Nick.
We make it a tennis party.
- You were supposed to be chasing the ewes
out of the top paddock.
- Done, I said boo, they ran.
Weirdest thing.
Good idea or what?
- Yeah good idea.
Roy, get here.
(dog barks)
- Chook hilton fixed up yet?
- Don't you start.
My hands are blistered from
fixing that stupid fence.
And I had to go do the chook shed.
She'll have me collecting cow pats next.
- Not until you've pitched in here.
- Uh, I feel like my life
is happening over there.
- [Becky] Where, chook shed?
- You know what I mean.
Adelaide or Sydney.
- what is it you wanna do again?
- Not sure but I do know
I should be starting to do it by now.
I was gonna be a personal stylist
but who wants to be personally styled
by someone who's shoveled
manure for two hours?
Maybe I should try acting,
or dancing, I am a natural.
(dramatic music)
- Your father was looking for you.
- Well you haven't seen me mum.
You turned around and I was gone.
- Hey Alex.
You better get out of those fancy pants.
I need you to flush that diesel tank.
- I've got an appointment.
- I know, I can smell
the aftershave from here.
Flush the tank.
- Yeah righto, tomorrow.
- Now!
- [Alex] One word out of
you and you're dead, looser.
- Tosser.
- Oh, talk about a short fuse.
They must get that from
your side of the family.
- [Liz] What?
No don't, don't you even think about it.
And do not use my bathroom.
(gentle music)
- Is there a movie on
I don't have to read?
- I'm gonna go and mow the tennis court.
- Okay.
(foot steps)
(door closing)
(mower starting)
Heart to heart adult chat.
My nick?
Oh my nickname.
(keyboard clicking)
(mower whirring)
- Uh, I might go for a walk.
- Uh?
- I might drop in on Becky.
You know, check out the action.
- Ah hmm.
- Huh.
(door slams)
(gentle music)
(door knocking)
- Damn.
- Thought you might
like to go for a drive.
Bite cream
(dramatic music)
- What would you be doing, you know,
if you weren't here?
- Don't wanna think about it.
- Nah I mean what would you like to do?
You borrow my magazines and
you've got all these books.
You must dream of something.
- Yeah, but I like it here.
- Uh yeah.
Oh, so what'd ya score
in the hot lover quiz?
- Give me a break.
- I scored 95.
I just sort of made it up as I went along.
- Your mum know your here?
Oh please, she's watching
some dirty French movie.
She can barely speak.
It will be good though, won't it?
I mean, it's great.
- I'm not an expert Jod.
- Oh hello.
- Okay it can be,
a complete waste of two minutes
if you know what I mean.
But then you meet a guy with a
few clues and it can be good.
It can be great even.
- Oh, I knew it.
- And then you start to
make a habit out of it.
- [Meg] Oh Terry.
- [Terry] Ah ha.
(speaks a foreign language)
Eiffel Tower
- Oh slow down there.
Farmgirl's in no hurry.
Am I ready?
Oh no, not now.
- You got a problem?
- Oh, er er, just finishing up.
Accounts package froze on me again.
- Okay, night.
- Night.
- Farmgirl.
- Oh no.
- A beach theme.
Midnight after a naked swim (giggles).
How romantic is that?
Oh with the waves crashing on the shore
and the seagulls calling from a distance.
- Actually, I'm pretty tired.
I'm really tired to tell you the truth.
- Oh yeah, uh me to.
- Might have another shower,
it's still pretty hot ah?
(gentle music)
- Mum.
- [Meg] Oh.
- Oh!
- Oh that's not good is it?
- No.
No it's not
- Oh since she's seen us
and all, maybe we could--
- Terry.
(loud music)
- Jodi, Jodi listen to me.
(music stops)
I'm sorry.
I was going to tell you.
- For how long?
You two.
- A long time.
- Oh.
- It suits us what we have.
It's uncomplicated.
Terry's a good friend.
- And he's really the best you can do?
- You might like to think before
you open your mouth again.
- [Jodi] Leave me alone.
- [Meg] Jodi.
- [Jodi] Look I know what I think.
- Come back inside, you know nothing.
- You make me sick.
(gentle music)
(horse nickering)
(hooves thundering)
(dramatic music)
(horse calling)
(loud cracking)
- Brumbys, a herd.
- [Claire] They've taken Blaze.
- [Becky] Oh damn it.
- [Tess] What happened?
- The brumbys have taken Blaze.
Get your gear on Bec.
- [Becky] Traveling.
- What do I do?
- [Claire] Call the Ryan's.
- [Tess] Right.
(dramatic music)
(helicopter blades whirring)
- I'm guessing west.
That's where the fence was down yesterday.
- We've got a better chance
of seeing them from the air.
You wanna come?
- Sorry, hate flying.
- I'll come.
- There you go.
- Becky, you and Tess ride the boundary,
towards the national park.
- Yeah well Nick was
checking the creek bed.
He'll keep us posted.
- [Meg] Sorry, stopped for
some fencing gear just in case.
- You take the ute Meg and head
towards Thompson's paddock.
Hopefully we can cut em off.
Can Terry ride with you?
Keep everyone informed, okay.
- Oh, maybe I should grab a horse.
- Get in.
Are you coming?
- I think I'll stay here.
I'm feeling really ill, really suddenly.
- Terry, in.
(dramatic music)
- [Alex] Anything?
Is she a good mare, Blaze?
- I wouldn't have asked you if she wasn't.
- [Alex] Stallions,
nothing but trouble, hey.
- Becky.
You see anything?
- Hang on.
- What's that?
- Nah, it's just Nick.
Have fun looking outside.
- Yep.
- How far are you going?
- How far do you wanna go?
- Gungellan.
I've got some rellies I need to see.
- Right.
- [Alex] They've come a long way.
A lot of trouble to kidnap one mare.
- Blaze is in season.
They need to kidnap her.
Meg, where are you?
- We've got a bit of a
problem here Claire sorry.
- [Claire] Do I wanna know?
- Probably not.
No you're gonna have to count us out.
Good luck.
- Yeah, thanks.
- I can't believe this.
- I can see her.
She's broken away with the stallion.
- [Alex] There'll be a alpha
mare keeping the mob together.
If we can spook them into
bolting without a stallion.
- But he's heading for the fence line.
- [Alex] Yeah, good.
They might pull up when they hit it.
We can have a go at them on the ground.
- Becky, you there?
- Here.
- We've got em.
East of the creek bed, near
the national park fence line.
- I know the spot.
- Well just get here as soon
as you can, we're landing.
- Done deal.
Follow me.
- How are they gonna catch it?
- [Becky] No bloody idea.
(dramatic music)
- [Alex] Just give me a clean shot Claire.
- Just wait.
- He'll take your head off.
- Oh Alex, look at him.
Just look.
- Yeah, I can live without him.
What are you doing?
- I'm gonna get my mare.
- That stallion, it's gorgeous
- Gorgeous dog food.
It's feral, it's bloody dangerous.
- Ch ch ch ch
- So what's Claire doing?
- Committing suicide if you ask me.
Come on.
- Whoa.
Come on Blaze.
You and I have an agreement, remember.
You know he's not gonna treat you right.
You can see it in it's eyes.
- Is she alright?
- [Claire] It's alright, it's alright.
It's okay.
Come on, just give me my mare
or it's off to the glue factory for you.
- Don't be so stupid Claire.
- Hey.
Hey, come on girl.
- No, no what if you miss?
- Claire!
(orchestral music)
- Bloody idiot.
- I'm okay.
You wanna come over
later, tennis, barbecue?
- Yeah, sure.
- That was fantastic,
absolutely amazingly fantastic.
- Nice riding.
You nearly got yourself shot.
- I can rely on you to miss.
- I had everything under control.
- Not from where I sat.
- No sign of any harm done.
Looks like we chased them down in time.
Thanks Nick.
- No worries.
- So you can um, tell if they've mated.
- Not really.
But there's a job for the vets next visit.
Pregnancy test.
- I've got a heap of sheep
to drench, won't wait.
Nice one Claire.
- I'm gonna take Oscar
and lead her back, okay.
- I can give you a lift
back if you like Tess.
- Thanks.
- Hey there's room in the chopper.
I'll take it easy, I promise.
- It's not just flying Alex,
it's um, heights in
general that's the problem.
- Hey can I pack that for you?
- You a girl with ants in your pants?
You've a fair size swag.
Where are you off to really?
- I'm going to Sydney.
- Oh it's an awful place.
- Yeah and lukewarm tea in
the dust beats it every time.
- Too right, every time.
- If I stay another week here,
I am gonna go nuts with boredom.
You must know what that's like.
Driving up and down this
road every single day.
- There's nothin' wrong with this road.
Lots of stuff happens.
How'd you reckon I got this?
How's smoko just like today
and I picked up hitchhiker just like you.
Only it was a bloke.
- Well what did he do?
- Not him, it.
A brown snake, a big brownie.
Any case, this fella wanted it.
He wanted to put it in some
bloody old fish tank he'd got.
Well it's a bloody stupid
idea if you ask me.
Any case, he wanted it
so I got it for him.
Only thing was, I had
me cuppa in this hand,
so I used the other one.
Probably that was a mistake
'cause it sunk it's fangs in real deep.
I was alright to begin with
and then it bit me a couple more times.
- Well how did it do that?
- Well I let go of it the
first time it bit me didn't I.
Then I had to pick it up again.
Well I shook it in a bag and
I had a curse and a swear
and a bit of an upchuck
and then I fell over.
And this fella had to drive me truck
and keep smacking me around
the head to keep me conscious.
The next thing I knew I woke
up in hospital with this.
Oh without it, mores to the point.
So don't tell me the bush is dull.
Come on.
- Great timing.
Jodi will say we've been parking.
Or worse.
Can you hurry it up a bit.
- Hey it's not my fault the bloody ute
hasn't been looked after.
And there's hardly any oil, no water.
Who's s'poused to check it?
- She's had a lot on her mind lately.
- It's not gonna help Claire
if she has to replace a motor
'cause the blocks cracked, is it?
- I know, I know.
She's such a kid.
- Ah, could you get the water for us?
- She won't listen to anything I say.
Won't take any advice.
- [Terry] Start her up.
- [Meg] And what's worse
is she's actually starting
to push me around.
- She's crazy alright.
Um, could you start the car please?
- I've got to talk to her.
I've got to make her
understand a few things.
I haven't got the faintest idea how.
- Well don't ask me for ideas.
I mean teenage girls are
a complete mystery to me.
Especially when I was a teenage boy.
I'll start it myself, will I?
- Sorry, sorry.
- You know, maybe I should
make myself scarce for awhile,
you know, til things settle down.
- Bugger that.
- Okay, bad idea.
- I'll talk to her.
I'll sort her out, don't
you worry about that.
- Meg, you know I'll be really pissed off,
if we die out here.
Would you mind starting the flamin' car
so I can put some water in the radiator.
- You only had to ask Terry.
- Oh you dickhead.
- [Bob] Oh how is ya mum?
- Okay.
- I haven't seen her the
last couple of weeks.
She's a pretty amazing lady.
- Do you know what time the bus comes in?
- Yeah, they've needed her
this last 20 years you know.
Helped kept the place going.
- Yeah, so I've been told.
Ah the bus, what time?
- Bugger I forgot to drop
these off at Terrelle's.
- Well what about getting back to town?
- It'll only take half
hour, 45 minutes tops.
- Just stop here right, this is fine.
- This is nowhere love.
- I'll get another lift, thanks.
- [Bob] Well take care.
(gentle music)
- You took your time.
- Yep well, she couldn't
keep her hands off me.
You know how it is.
- Yeah, sure she did.
Listen I need those back.
I've got a date with a
barbecue and a tennis court.
- You haven't played
tennis since you were 14.
You were lousy at it then.
- I could still whip your arse.
- Yeah, well I've got to have a shower.
I've got a date with a
barbecue and a tennis court.
(car horn beeping)
- Need a lift?
- To town.
- If that's where you're goin'.
So how'd you get this far?
- Got a lift with Bob.
You know that thing with
his arm, it's creepy.
- The crocodile?
- No the snake.
- You gonna believe everything
you're told in the city too?
So what's goin' on Jod?
Why the dash?
- Mum and Terry, it's
been going on for years
and I didn't know.
Plus they're both really old, it's gross.
- Walked in on my mum 12 years ago.
Didn't drive me out of town.
- Maybe your dad didn't
do it with his socks on.
- It wasn't my dad.
Jod, consenting adults.
Meg and Terry, they're allowed.
- Sure they're allowed, it's just...
She could have told me.
- You're a kid, give her a break.
- Yeah exactly, Jodi don't skip breakfast
and Jodi if you can't clean
your teeth eat an apple.
Ahh ah oh god.
And if you tell me my mum
loves me, I'll scream.
- You're mum loves you.
- [Jodi] Ahhh!
- [Tess] Would a foal by the
stallion be such a bad idea?
It's a beautiful animal.
- Mess up the breeding program.
Very heavy bones, no use to us.
- I just dropped Terry at Killarney.
Sorry I missed out on the action.
- Not to worry,
we're having a barbecue
tonight to celebrate.
On the pristine tennis court.
- Nick and Alex are
bringing their rackets,
if you feel up to it.
- Well thanks a lot,
but Jodi and I need to
spend some time alone.
- I didn't leave my car here.
It's petrol money from Becky.
- That'd be right.
Take your car without asking.
- Is there stuff going on here?
- None of our business.
- Since when did that matter?
- Time to talk Jodi
- I wanna talk Mum.
You can't keep treating
me like I'm still 11.
You know in case you haven't noticed,
I've been at boarding school forever
and not once did anyone ask
me if I'd cleaned my teeth.
- Alright, I should have
told you about Terry.
I'm sorry.
- And I'm sorry I slagged him off.
Okay, he's okay and you and him well,
I guess it's nice for you to
have someone in your old age.
- Old age.
- Just don't ask me to be
bridesmaid or anything.
- Oh no, no, no no.
It's not that kind of a relationship.
It's more--
- Too much information.
Okay so, I don't run your life
and you don't run mine.
- I'm still your mum.
Okay let's just work
it our as we go along.
- Okay.
- Okay
I'm glad we sorted that out
'cause the way your were this morning,
I thought you were gonna
pack your bags and leave.
- Ah, as if.
- As if.
- [Bob] Meg, Bob.
I had a bit of a chinwag with your girl.
I left her on the road.
She's probably in town
now or on the bus out.
I thought you might not know.
I'll catch ya.
(happy music)
- Best of three sets hey?
You've had a big day.
- Best of five since
you're gonna get creamed.
- No thanks, we might just
warm up a bit first, okay.
- [Claire] Oh get off
me, get off (laughs).
- [Alex] Get on with it then.
- Perfume
- [Alex] Come on, you call that a serve?
- And it's mine.
- [Alex] Yeah that's gotta be out.
- [Nick] That's straight
down the line, that was in.
- [Alex] It's gotta be out.
- [Nick] Oh come on, it
was right on the line.
- [Alex] Open your eyes, you dreamer.
- [Nick] Let's go, let's go again.
- You went for a drive today.
- Yeah, just a short one.
- Well thanks for that.
Oh, if you haven't eaten yet,
do you want to come to our place for tea?
With us.
- Sure.
Are we um, are you having
that apricot chicken?
- What's wrong with apricot chicken?
- Nothing, it's my favorite that's all.
- Guys you finished warming up yet?
- Yep, soon.
Ha ha long.
- No way.
- [Alex] Open your eyes.
- Chip.
- Fault.
- Bull, it was an ace.
- Dream on.
- 15 love.
- [Alex] Dream on.
- Testosterone's such a terrible thing.
It's sad really.
- I don't know.
It has it's up side.
- Those scars on Nick's leg,
are they from the accident?
- Yep.
- He's cute, isn't he?
- [Claire] He's very nice.
- [Nick] 30 love.
- I'm supposed to marry him.
Have I said that?
♪ Its hot tonight ♪
♪ And I love the heat ♪
♪ It makes me sweat ♪
♪ It makes me dream ♪
♪ Its hot tonight ♪
♪ So hot tonight ♪
♪ And oh it feels so right ♪
♪ And in the middle of the night ♪
♪ I want you here ♪
♪ And in the middle of the night ♪
♪ I know you're near ♪
♪ In the middle of the night ♪
♪ That long lonely night. ♪
(thunder clap)
(slow music)
- [Narrator] Previously
on McLeod's Daughters.
- Unbelievable.
Yesterday she was wild.
- Yesterday she thought I was the enemy.
- Ah, Meg inside too, or
is she working in the yard?
- Nah, she's gone to town.
- Oh.
- Why?
- Oh, no reason.
Just thought I'd say hello.
- Jeez, you could have
done better than that.
- What's the point?
- Claire might know,
but my daughter doesn't.
- Ah, we're getting to
know each other better.
- I got a much better way of doing that.
- Really?
You an expert?
- Well I haven't had
any complaints so far.
- There's got to be an easier
way to keep Drover's Run.
- Like marry you?
(horses whinnying)
- Good girl.
Oi, enough of that.
There you are, that's better.
That's better.
♪ It makes me sweat ♪
♪ It makes me dream ♪
♪ It's hot tonight ♪
♪ So hot tonight ♪
♪ It all feels so right ♪
♪ In the middle of the night ♪
♪ I want you here ♪
♪ In the middle of the night ♪
♪ I know you're near ♪
♪ In the middle of the night ♪
♪ That long lonely night ♪
- Oh.
Give me a break.
Mango is so sticky.
Yep, that's the one.
- What are you doing?
- Sorry, I missed your loud knock.
- Who are you talking to?
- I'm in a chatroom.
- Kumura, is that you?
- Exotic, isn't it?
- It's a sweet potato.
And you're actually
talking to someone real?
- [Tess] NineInchRod.
- Have you thought about
what he might be doing,
at the other end?
- Typing like crazy,
with one hand I'd say.
- He could be like a big fat 60 year old.
He could be a complete psycho.
- Who cares?
- Tess.
He wants you to...
I don't think you're that flexible.
- Well, it's cyberspace,
let the man dream.
You want to ah, shut the
door on your way out.
- Oh.
♪ It'll take some time ♪
♪ To find your heart and come back home ♪
♪ You could walk for
miles, cross every river ♪
♪ And find you're not alone ♪
♪ 'Cause I'll be there ♪
♪ Oh oh oh oh ♪
♪ Oh oh oh oh ♪
♪ You're not alone ♪
♪ Oh oh oh oh ♪
♪ Oh oh oh oh ♪
♪ 'Cause I'll be there ♪
♪ Ooh ♪
(upbeat rock music)
♪ Think you want me ♪
♪ Don't go there ♪
♪ But you need me, need me now ♪
♪ Think I want you ♪
- [Meg] You know I've given up.
- So, Jodi's up with Becky, eh?
- [Meg] She spends a lot of time up there.
- How long does she usually stay?
- Too long.
- Mm.
♪ Hate you, love you ♪
♪ Want you and I need you ♪
- Just as well it's too hot tonight.
- Yeah, just as well.
- You know how sweaty I get.
- Mm, I know.
(Jodi and Becky laughing)
What da ya think?
- We can't Terry, not with--
- Or we could go for a walk.
I could show you the paddocks.
- And Terry, I'm keen, not desperate.
♪ Can you show me, show me how ♪
- What are you thinking?
- I'm thinkin' insect repellent.
I'll rub it all over ya.
♪ Love me ♪
- (laughs) Go on, go home.
Have a cold shower.
- Oh.
♪ Want you and I need you ♪
♪ It's not easy ♪
♪ Makes me cry ♪
♪ Need you, want you ♪
♪ Hate you, love you, need you, want you ♪
♪ Gotta go, say goodbye ♪
♪ Hate you, love you,
want you and I need you ♪
(dramatic music)
(horses whinnying)
- [Tess] So why do you want Blaze?
Isn't she ready for work yet?
- [Claire] Nah, not yet.
- [Tess] Doesn't she like you?
What's the problem?
- She's come into season.
And before you go on,
why don't you just say
whatever it is you're leading up to
so we can get on with our work.
- We need to meet some other
people, guys in particular.
- NineInchRod let you down, did he?
- It's dire, Claire.
What is there to do around here?
The odd wedding, a B&S ball?
- Don't forget bushfires.
They're always a hoot.
- So let's go mad and
invite Nick and Alex over.
We can have a barbecue.
- Oh, dammit.
Stock have pushed through.
- We'll fix it tomorrow.
- No, Jodi can fix it today.
She was supposed to ride this boundary.
- Well, good then, that's taken care of.
Now, a barbecue, the Ryans.
- They're busy, Tess,
they're tired, just like us.
- I bet they're not.
They've got timers on
all their bore pumps,
their field inventories are on computer.
I bet they inseminate their
cows by remote control.
(slow music)
(Claire laughing)
(upbeat country music)
- Got enough length?
- Yep.
- Are you even counting?
- Yeah I'm counting, 37 meters.
- Now that should do it, let's pump.
- Terry!
- Bloody hell!
- Settle down, it can't be helped.
- If you'd have cleaned the fuel lines
properly in the first place.
- Who's the one who sucked up the dregs
from the diesel tank this morning?
That's where the craps coming from.
- You two wanna go five
rounds with each other,
you do it on your own time, alright.
(motor whirring)
- Jodi.
- She's not here.
- Well if she turns up,
tell her Claire wants the chook
shed finished before lunch.
- [Claire] Here Roy.
(dog barking)
- [Tess] Look what I've found.
Tennis net's still here.
- Stupidly I let the gardener go.
- You see what I'm getting at?
The barbecue, Alex and Nick.
We make it a tennis party.
- You were supposed to be chasing the ewes
out of the top paddock.
- Done, I said boo, they ran.
Weirdest thing.
Good idea or what?
- Yeah good idea.
Roy, get here.
(dog barks)
- Chook hilton fixed up yet?
- Don't you start.
My hands are blistered from
fixing that stupid fence.
And I had to go do the chook shed.
She'll have me collecting cow pats next.
- Not until you've pitched in here.
- Uh, I feel like my life
is happening over there.
- [Becky] Where, chook shed?
- You know what I mean.
Adelaide or Sydney.
- what is it you wanna do again?
- Not sure but I do know
I should be starting to do it by now.
I was gonna be a personal stylist
but who wants to be personally styled
by someone who's shoveled
manure for two hours?
Maybe I should try acting,
or dancing, I am a natural.
(dramatic music)
- Your father was looking for you.
- Well you haven't seen me mum.
You turned around and I was gone.
- Hey Alex.
You better get out of those fancy pants.
I need you to flush that diesel tank.
- I've got an appointment.
- I know, I can smell
the aftershave from here.
Flush the tank.
- Yeah righto, tomorrow.
- Now!
- [Alex] One word out of
you and you're dead, looser.
- Tosser.
- Oh, talk about a short fuse.
They must get that from
your side of the family.
- [Liz] What?
No don't, don't you even think about it.
And do not use my bathroom.
(gentle music)
- Is there a movie on
I don't have to read?
- I'm gonna go and mow the tennis court.
- Okay.
(foot steps)
(door closing)
(mower starting)
Heart to heart adult chat.
My nick?
Oh my nickname.
(keyboard clicking)
(mower whirring)
- Uh, I might go for a walk.
- Uh?
- I might drop in on Becky.
You know, check out the action.
- Ah hmm.
- Huh.
(door slams)
(gentle music)
(door knocking)
- Damn.
- Thought you might
like to go for a drive.
Bite cream
(dramatic music)
- What would you be doing, you know,
if you weren't here?
- Don't wanna think about it.
- Nah I mean what would you like to do?
You borrow my magazines and
you've got all these books.
You must dream of something.
- Yeah, but I like it here.
- Uh yeah.
Oh, so what'd ya score
in the hot lover quiz?
- Give me a break.
- I scored 95.
I just sort of made it up as I went along.
- Your mum know your here?
Oh please, she's watching
some dirty French movie.
She can barely speak.
It will be good though, won't it?
I mean, it's great.
- I'm not an expert Jod.
- Oh hello.
- Okay it can be,
a complete waste of two minutes
if you know what I mean.
But then you meet a guy with a
few clues and it can be good.
It can be great even.
- Oh, I knew it.
- And then you start to
make a habit out of it.
- [Meg] Oh Terry.
- [Terry] Ah ha.
(speaks a foreign language)
Eiffel Tower
- Oh slow down there.
Farmgirl's in no hurry.
Am I ready?
Oh no, not now.
- You got a problem?
- Oh, er er, just finishing up.
Accounts package froze on me again.
- Okay, night.
- Night.
- Farmgirl.
- Oh no.
- A beach theme.
Midnight after a naked swim (giggles).
How romantic is that?
Oh with the waves crashing on the shore
and the seagulls calling from a distance.
- Actually, I'm pretty tired.
I'm really tired to tell you the truth.
- Oh yeah, uh me to.
- Might have another shower,
it's still pretty hot ah?
(gentle music)
- Mum.
- [Meg] Oh.
- Oh!
- Oh that's not good is it?
- No.
No it's not
- Oh since she's seen us
and all, maybe we could--
- Terry.
(loud music)
- Jodi, Jodi listen to me.
(music stops)
I'm sorry.
I was going to tell you.
- For how long?
You two.
- A long time.
- Oh.
- It suits us what we have.
It's uncomplicated.
Terry's a good friend.
- And he's really the best you can do?
- You might like to think before
you open your mouth again.
- [Jodi] Leave me alone.
- [Meg] Jodi.
- [Jodi] Look I know what I think.
- Come back inside, you know nothing.
- You make me sick.
(gentle music)
(horse nickering)
(hooves thundering)
(dramatic music)
(horse calling)
(loud cracking)
- Brumbys, a herd.
- [Claire] They've taken Blaze.
- [Becky] Oh damn it.
- [Tess] What happened?
- The brumbys have taken Blaze.
Get your gear on Bec.
- [Becky] Traveling.
- What do I do?
- [Claire] Call the Ryan's.
- [Tess] Right.
(dramatic music)
(helicopter blades whirring)
- I'm guessing west.
That's where the fence was down yesterday.
- We've got a better chance
of seeing them from the air.
You wanna come?
- Sorry, hate flying.
- I'll come.
- There you go.
- Becky, you and Tess ride the boundary,
towards the national park.
- Yeah well Nick was
checking the creek bed.
He'll keep us posted.
- [Meg] Sorry, stopped for
some fencing gear just in case.
- You take the ute Meg and head
towards Thompson's paddock.
Hopefully we can cut em off.
Can Terry ride with you?
Keep everyone informed, okay.
- Oh, maybe I should grab a horse.
- Get in.
Are you coming?
- I think I'll stay here.
I'm feeling really ill, really suddenly.
- Terry, in.
(dramatic music)
- [Alex] Anything?
Is she a good mare, Blaze?
- I wouldn't have asked you if she wasn't.
- [Alex] Stallions,
nothing but trouble, hey.
- Becky.
You see anything?
- Hang on.
- What's that?
- Nah, it's just Nick.
Have fun looking outside.
- Yep.
- How far are you going?
- How far do you wanna go?
- Gungellan.
I've got some rellies I need to see.
- Right.
- [Alex] They've come a long way.
A lot of trouble to kidnap one mare.
- Blaze is in season.
They need to kidnap her.
Meg, where are you?
- We've got a bit of a
problem here Claire sorry.
- [Claire] Do I wanna know?
- Probably not.
No you're gonna have to count us out.
Good luck.
- Yeah, thanks.
- I can't believe this.
- I can see her.
She's broken away with the stallion.
- [Alex] There'll be a alpha
mare keeping the mob together.
If we can spook them into
bolting without a stallion.
- But he's heading for the fence line.
- [Alex] Yeah, good.
They might pull up when they hit it.
We can have a go at them on the ground.
- Becky, you there?
- Here.
- We've got em.
East of the creek bed, near
the national park fence line.
- I know the spot.
- Well just get here as soon
as you can, we're landing.
- Done deal.
Follow me.
- How are they gonna catch it?
- [Becky] No bloody idea.
(dramatic music)
- [Alex] Just give me a clean shot Claire.
- Just wait.
- He'll take your head off.
- Oh Alex, look at him.
Just look.
- Yeah, I can live without him.
What are you doing?
- I'm gonna get my mare.
- That stallion, it's gorgeous
- Gorgeous dog food.
It's feral, it's bloody dangerous.
- Ch ch ch ch
- So what's Claire doing?
- Committing suicide if you ask me.
Come on.
- Whoa.
Come on Blaze.
You and I have an agreement, remember.
You know he's not gonna treat you right.
You can see it in it's eyes.
- Is she alright?
- [Claire] It's alright, it's alright.
It's okay.
Come on, just give me my mare
or it's off to the glue factory for you.
- Don't be so stupid Claire.
- Hey.
Hey, come on girl.
- No, no what if you miss?
- Claire!
(orchestral music)
- Bloody idiot.
- I'm okay.
You wanna come over
later, tennis, barbecue?
- Yeah, sure.
- That was fantastic,
absolutely amazingly fantastic.
- Nice riding.
You nearly got yourself shot.
- I can rely on you to miss.
- I had everything under control.
- Not from where I sat.
- No sign of any harm done.
Looks like we chased them down in time.
Thanks Nick.
- No worries.
- So you can um, tell if they've mated.
- Not really.
But there's a job for the vets next visit.
Pregnancy test.
- I've got a heap of sheep
to drench, won't wait.
Nice one Claire.
- I'm gonna take Oscar
and lead her back, okay.
- I can give you a lift
back if you like Tess.
- Thanks.
- Hey there's room in the chopper.
I'll take it easy, I promise.
- It's not just flying Alex,
it's um, heights in
general that's the problem.
- Hey can I pack that for you?
- You a girl with ants in your pants?
You've a fair size swag.
Where are you off to really?
- I'm going to Sydney.
- Oh it's an awful place.
- Yeah and lukewarm tea in
the dust beats it every time.
- Too right, every time.
- If I stay another week here,
I am gonna go nuts with boredom.
You must know what that's like.
Driving up and down this
road every single day.
- There's nothin' wrong with this road.
Lots of stuff happens.
How'd you reckon I got this?
How's smoko just like today
and I picked up hitchhiker just like you.
Only it was a bloke.
- Well what did he do?
- Not him, it.
A brown snake, a big brownie.
Any case, this fella wanted it.
He wanted to put it in some
bloody old fish tank he'd got.
Well it's a bloody stupid
idea if you ask me.
Any case, he wanted it
so I got it for him.
Only thing was, I had
me cuppa in this hand,
so I used the other one.
Probably that was a mistake
'cause it sunk it's fangs in real deep.
I was alright to begin with
and then it bit me a couple more times.
- Well how did it do that?
- Well I let go of it the
first time it bit me didn't I.
Then I had to pick it up again.
Well I shook it in a bag and
I had a curse and a swear
and a bit of an upchuck
and then I fell over.
And this fella had to drive me truck
and keep smacking me around
the head to keep me conscious.
The next thing I knew I woke
up in hospital with this.
Oh without it, mores to the point.
So don't tell me the bush is dull.
Come on.
- Great timing.
Jodi will say we've been parking.
Or worse.
Can you hurry it up a bit.
- Hey it's not my fault the bloody ute
hasn't been looked after.
And there's hardly any oil, no water.
Who's s'poused to check it?
- She's had a lot on her mind lately.
- It's not gonna help Claire
if she has to replace a motor
'cause the blocks cracked, is it?
- I know, I know.
She's such a kid.
- Ah, could you get the water for us?
- She won't listen to anything I say.
Won't take any advice.
- [Terry] Start her up.
- [Meg] And what's worse
is she's actually starting
to push me around.
- She's crazy alright.
Um, could you start the car please?
- I've got to talk to her.
I've got to make her
understand a few things.
I haven't got the faintest idea how.
- Well don't ask me for ideas.
I mean teenage girls are
a complete mystery to me.
Especially when I was a teenage boy.
I'll start it myself, will I?
- Sorry, sorry.
- You know, maybe I should
make myself scarce for awhile,
you know, til things settle down.
- Bugger that.
- Okay, bad idea.
- I'll talk to her.
I'll sort her out, don't
you worry about that.
- Meg, you know I'll be really pissed off,
if we die out here.
Would you mind starting the flamin' car
so I can put some water in the radiator.
- You only had to ask Terry.
- Oh you dickhead.
- [Bob] Oh how is ya mum?
- Okay.
- I haven't seen her the
last couple of weeks.
She's a pretty amazing lady.
- Do you know what time the bus comes in?
- Yeah, they've needed her
this last 20 years you know.
Helped kept the place going.
- Yeah, so I've been told.
Ah the bus, what time?
- Bugger I forgot to drop
these off at Terrelle's.
- Well what about getting back to town?
- It'll only take half
hour, 45 minutes tops.
- Just stop here right, this is fine.
- This is nowhere love.
- I'll get another lift, thanks.
- [Bob] Well take care.
(gentle music)
- You took your time.
- Yep well, she couldn't
keep her hands off me.
You know how it is.
- Yeah, sure she did.
Listen I need those back.
I've got a date with a
barbecue and a tennis court.
- You haven't played
tennis since you were 14.
You were lousy at it then.
- I could still whip your arse.
- Yeah, well I've got to have a shower.
I've got a date with a
barbecue and a tennis court.
(car horn beeping)
- Need a lift?
- To town.
- If that's where you're goin'.
So how'd you get this far?
- Got a lift with Bob.
You know that thing with
his arm, it's creepy.
- The crocodile?
- No the snake.
- You gonna believe everything
you're told in the city too?
So what's goin' on Jod?
Why the dash?
- Mum and Terry, it's
been going on for years
and I didn't know.
Plus they're both really old, it's gross.
- Walked in on my mum 12 years ago.
Didn't drive me out of town.
- Maybe your dad didn't
do it with his socks on.
- It wasn't my dad.
Jod, consenting adults.
Meg and Terry, they're allowed.
- Sure they're allowed, it's just...
She could have told me.
- You're a kid, give her a break.
- Yeah exactly, Jodi don't skip breakfast
and Jodi if you can't clean
your teeth eat an apple.
Ahh ah oh god.
And if you tell me my mum
loves me, I'll scream.
- You're mum loves you.
- [Jodi] Ahhh!
- [Tess] Would a foal by the
stallion be such a bad idea?
It's a beautiful animal.
- Mess up the breeding program.
Very heavy bones, no use to us.
- I just dropped Terry at Killarney.
Sorry I missed out on the action.
- Not to worry,
we're having a barbecue
tonight to celebrate.
On the pristine tennis court.
- Nick and Alex are
bringing their rackets,
if you feel up to it.
- Well thanks a lot,
but Jodi and I need to
spend some time alone.
- I didn't leave my car here.
It's petrol money from Becky.
- That'd be right.
Take your car without asking.
- Is there stuff going on here?
- None of our business.
- Since when did that matter?
- Time to talk Jodi
- I wanna talk Mum.
You can't keep treating
me like I'm still 11.
You know in case you haven't noticed,
I've been at boarding school forever
and not once did anyone ask
me if I'd cleaned my teeth.
- Alright, I should have
told you about Terry.
I'm sorry.
- And I'm sorry I slagged him off.
Okay, he's okay and you and him well,
I guess it's nice for you to
have someone in your old age.
- Old age.
- Just don't ask me to be
bridesmaid or anything.
- Oh no, no, no no.
It's not that kind of a relationship.
It's more--
- Too much information.
Okay so, I don't run your life
and you don't run mine.
- I'm still your mum.
Okay let's just work
it our as we go along.
- Okay.
- Okay
I'm glad we sorted that out
'cause the way your were this morning,
I thought you were gonna
pack your bags and leave.
- Ah, as if.
- As if.
- [Bob] Meg, Bob.
I had a bit of a chinwag with your girl.
I left her on the road.
She's probably in town
now or on the bus out.
I thought you might not know.
I'll catch ya.
(happy music)
- Best of three sets hey?
You've had a big day.
- Best of five since
you're gonna get creamed.
- No thanks, we might just
warm up a bit first, okay.
- [Claire] Oh get off
me, get off (laughs).
- [Alex] Get on with it then.
- Perfume
- [Alex] Come on, you call that a serve?
- And it's mine.
- [Alex] Yeah that's gotta be out.
- [Nick] That's straight
down the line, that was in.
- [Alex] It's gotta be out.
- [Nick] Oh come on, it
was right on the line.
- [Alex] Open your eyes, you dreamer.
- [Nick] Let's go, let's go again.
- You went for a drive today.
- Yeah, just a short one.
- Well thanks for that.
Oh, if you haven't eaten yet,
do you want to come to our place for tea?
With us.
- Sure.
Are we um, are you having
that apricot chicken?
- What's wrong with apricot chicken?
- Nothing, it's my favorite that's all.
- Guys you finished warming up yet?
- Yep, soon.
Ha ha long.
- No way.
- [Alex] Open your eyes.
- Chip.
- Fault.
- Bull, it was an ace.
- Dream on.
- 15 love.
- [Alex] Dream on.
- Testosterone's such a terrible thing.
It's sad really.
- I don't know.
It has it's up side.
- Those scars on Nick's leg,
are they from the accident?
- Yep.
- He's cute, isn't he?
- [Claire] He's very nice.
- [Nick] 30 love.
- I'm supposed to marry him.
Have I said that?
♪ Its hot tonight ♪
♪ And I love the heat ♪
♪ It makes me sweat ♪
♪ It makes me dream ♪
♪ Its hot tonight ♪
♪ So hot tonight ♪
♪ And oh it feels so right ♪
♪ And in the middle of the night ♪
♪ I want you here ♪
♪ And in the middle of the night ♪
♪ I know you're near ♪
♪ In the middle of the night ♪
♪ That long lonely night. ♪
(thunder clap)