McLeod's Daughters (2001–2009): Season 1, Episode 16 - Playing to Win - full transcript
Deceased farmer Max leaves Meg his prize Brown Leghorn rooster, and rumor says it was because Meg slept with him. Claire enters the annual hay bale race. Harry is badly injured in a bulldozer accident and promises Nick half of Killarney while waiting for the ambulance. Terry demands Meg tell him about her relationship with Max, and when the rooster is found dead, Meg blames Terry. A distraught Liz tells Tess that Max could have prevented Nick's accident, and Tess tells Claire. Harry, now recovering, tells Claire he's not changing his will to leave anything to Nick, and Claire tells Nick.
Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
- [Announcer] Previously
on McLeod's Daughters.
- I don't ride anymore.
- Oh.
Is that because of what
happened to your leg?
- We were underage, I was 15, he was 14.
- He said if you're so good, mate,
give the bull a go.
- He was always a better rider than me.
- I was slaughtered.
200 kilo of bull can mash you up a bit.
- I've never seen so much blood.
That bull was right on top of him.
- I was in hospital for months.
Mom came every day, Dad came a few times,
Alex, not once.
- I know Dad blames me.
Every time he yells at me,
every time he picks on me.
- I've ended up with a limp.
Dad hates me for it.
- It was an accident.
It wasn't your fault.
- Tell Dad.
Tell Nick.
(soft guitar music)
(people chattering)
- So sorry for your loss, Beth.
Max was a great bloke.
- I'm so sorry.
If there's anything I can do.
- Thank you, Liz.
- [Tess] You sure it's okay to be here?
- We're paying our respects, Tess.
- We're not related or anything.
It's not like he's our fifth cousin
twice removed or something.
- 'Course not.
- Well excuse me for feeling weird,
but I've only gate crashed
parties not funerals.
- You know Max was a year younger than me.
- Gee whiz, eh?
Who would've thought Maxy Martin.
Never smoked, never drank.
Speaking of which, wanna refill, Harry?
'Nother tea?
- Yes, thanks Terry.
- [Claire] What've you been up to, Nick?
- SL Sweetnum's been
head hunting me for ages.
Maybe it's time for me
to go out on my own.
- There'll be fireworks
when Harry finds out.
- Well Alex is getting Killarney,
I don't think Dad's gonna be surprised
if I go out my own.
I'm looking after myself.
- I'm just gonna go
around and grab the car.
- Figure the hay bale race'll still be on?
- Well Max would've wanted it that way.
- Alex wins every year.
- You gotta run
from the bottom paddock to the top paddock
and then cart a hay bale back.
- Gee, you country folk
have all the fun, don't you?
- Well five years ago
it was for real, Tess.
Rain was pelting down and
Max's truck was out of action
so we all pitched in and
brought the hay in by hand.
One thousand bales.
- And of course
all the blokes started arguing
about who carried the most.
- Of course.
- So now it's an annual event.
- Yeah it's to raise money
for Miss Gungellan (mumbles).
- Oh great, so we get to do it too, right?
- Not that there's any point.
- Is that right?
- I had no idea you
knew my husband so well.
- Well I didn't.
I saw Max in town a few
times, but that's all.
- Obviously meetings he never forgot.
- I don't see why, I'm just
as surprised as you, Beth.
- [Jodi] Surprised about what?
- It seems I've been named in Max's will.
- He left you something?
Oh my god, we're rich.
That's it?
He left you a rooster?
- Oh not just any rooster.
This is a prized Brown Leghorn.
Max always won the Gungallen
show with this one.
- Lovely, we can make a fortune
selling its little blue ribbons then.
- You know I saw Max in town a few times,
and the most I ever said
to him was how are you.
- Should've bought him a cup of coffee,
we might've scored a car.
- I said hello to him.
I never got a rooster.
- I've been a lot friendlier than that
and never been left anything.
- Oh gross, Mom, you didn't
sleep with a dead man?
- Come on, Meg, you can tell us.
We won't breathe a word.
(playful guitar music)
(upbeat music)
♪ It'll take some time
to find your heart ♪
♪ And come back home ♪
♪ You could walk for miles ♪
♪ Cross every river ♪
♪ And find you're not alone ♪
♪ 'Cause I'll be there ♪
♪ Oh ♪
♪ Oh ♪
♪ No, no ♪
♪ Oh ♪
♪ Oh ♪
♪ 'Cause I'll be there ♪
♪ Ooh ♪
- Oy, you two, work to do.
- It'll be dark soon, Dad.
- You might have time to waste, I don't.
I want that dead wood out of Patterson
so we can put in ten extra head.
- What's the rush?
- This place is running
well below capacity.
We need to put in extra stock.
- Since when?
- Since now.
I want more fences for sell
grazing, we need to sink a dam.
And don't just sit there, do it!
- What's the rush?
You're gonna be with us for
a long while yet, you know.
- What're you talking about?
'Course I will.
(dramatic music)
- [Tess] Alex Ryan's got a huge ego.
- But he's gorgeous with it.
- There's no need to race,
I reckon beyond belief.
- But it's true he does always win.
- Terry calls Alex the human forklift.
- How much does a hay bale weigh?
- 25 kilos.
- How much does a hollowed
out hay bale weigh?
- No, Claire wouldn't go for it.
She'd never cheat.
(playful music)
- [Alex] Gonna make it
six years in a row, Dad,
you gotta be there.
- No, no,
Pattersons has to be finished
and I've got that new dam to sink.
- Wake up, the race will will be done.
- I don't need your help.
I ran this place single-handed
when you were kids.
- Phone, Nick.
- Thanks, Mom.
- That's SL Sweetnums, could you tell them
I already bought new stuff?
- It's not.
I mean, why would it be?
- I dunno.
They've been calling a lot recently.
Starting to think they're after my staff.
- Well I'm not your staff, I'm your son.
So there's nothing to worry about.
- Why would he be looking for a job?
- You tell me.
Now look, you don't win that trophy,
don't bother coming home.
- [Alex] Of course I'm gonna win.
- Harry!
- Sorry, Dad, you alright?
- Yeah, yeah, take more than a fairy punch
to keep me down.
- You sure you're alright?
- Yeah, yeah, I said I'm fine, alright?
Now go on and win your
race, I've got work to do.
- Leave him.
(dramatic music)
That's for luck, not that
you need it of course.
- Thanks, Mom.
(dramatic music)
(upbeat music)
- Can't believe Natasha Co-gran
won Miss Gungellan last year.
She's always bagged out
living in the country.
- Come on, Jo, be generous.
I'm just gonna go take a quick look.
- Ma'am.
Howdy, Chris, how you doing?
- Not bad.
- There's no way we can lose.
This baby's as light as a feather.
- It's Craig Woodland we've gotta get past
to the pick up point.
He's got the hots for Jodi.
Shouldn't be any trouble distracting him.
- Thanks, Mom.
- Okay well make sure we put
the light bale at the back,
that way no one else'll pick it up.
- Yeah, we know.
- Alright, I'll see you.
- Gonna win again?
- 'Course we're gonna win.
Oh, Claire, don't do it to yourself.
I hate feeling sorry for you.
- It's not about winning or losing,
it's about charity.
- Well you know what they say,
all losers take the moral high ground.
Hey, kids!
- Just for once I would love
to wipe that smile off his face.
- Be careful what you wish for.
(kids cheering)
- Hi, Jodi.
- Hi, Jess, hey, Rach.
- Hey.
- I heard about your Mom
and Max Martin (laughs).
- Nothing wrong with a reputation.
- There is if it's your mother's.
- So how's the new rooster?
- Gave the old one a run for his money.
- Your average rooster doesn't
like competition, does he?
So, there he is boss of the hen house,
another bloke turns
up, what's he to think?
- I dunno, Terry, what's he to think?
- Well he's to think there's a fox
in the hen house, isn't he?
- You're jealous.
- Well something must've gone on
between you and Max I think it's only fair
you should tell me about it.
- So what're you saying, Terry?
I'm sorry, are you not talking to me?
Oh, we're not talking now?
(guitar music)
- Okay.
Leave it to me.
- Sure?
- Hey, Craig.
Thought I'd watch the race from up here.
- What don't you wanna see who wins?
- Oh we all know it's gonna be Alex.
- Yeah I'd love one, thanks.
- Oh well let's go drink it in the shade.
- It'll be starting any
minute, I should stay here.
(people cheering)
- [Alex] I wanna go easy on you, Claire.
- Don't do me any favors, Alex.
- Right-oh.
- Come on, Claire!
- Come on, Alex!
Get it on, son!
(people cheering)
- Tess didn't stick around?
- No, she's gone to watch
from the pick-up point
with the others.
(whistle blowing)
- The route's the same as always,
across the rocks, through the gate,
past the shack to the tree.
You go and grab your bale of hay
and the first one back here is the winner.
And as Max always used to say,
run like the rain's coming!
Ready, steady (whistle blowing).
(people cheering)
(upbeat music)
- So, Craig, you doing anything tonight?
- No, why?
- Oh I just thought
maybe we could go out if you like.
- Really?
Yeah sure that would be great.
- Yeah.
Oh we can go for some Chinese, or.
- Sorry, are you sure
you wanna go out with me?
- Yeah, of course.
- It's just,
you keep walking away.
Do I smell?
(upbeat music)
(people cheering)
♪ Come on ♪
♪ Gimme room to move ♪
♪ Gimme room to move ♪
♪ Gimme room to breathe ♪
♪ Come on ♪
- Oh my God, look a snake!
♪ Gimme room to breathe ♪
- Alright, stay here, alright?
- Okay you go kill it.
- What are you, nuts?
I'm staying put too.
♪ Gimme room to move ♪
♪ Gimme room to breathe ♪
♪ You're there ♪
♪ Watchin' every move ♪
♪ Watchin' every move. ♪
- Craig, take a good look because.
- 'Kay, go!
- [Jodi] Well, yeah.
- My sister's got a thing like that.
Keeps you warm, eh?
- Yeah, and they come in lots
of different colors as well.
(upbeat music)
- Geez, (mumbles).
- I forgot I was wearing it, okay?
At least I got him distracted.
- Here they come!
(upbeat music)
She did it, go!
♪ Come on let me know ♪
♪ Come on let me in ♪
♪ You're gonna give you're gonna ♪
- [Claire] Come on Alex, shake Nick.
- Go Claire!
(people cheering)
(upbeat music)
Here they come!
- Come on, mate!
What're you doing, boy?
(upbeat music)
- Go, Claire, go!
(people cheering)
- And the winner is Claire McLeod!
- Well done, Claire, we did it!
- Well done, Claire!
- Thanks, Nick.
Thanks for going easy on me, Alex.
- Good on you, but I
know you must've cheated.
- Alex.
- Oh get away, you saw.
Came running down that hill
like she had nothing on her back.
- Well let's see.
- Oh, no, Nick,
I don't think that'll be necessary.
- Nothing wrong with it.
Well, put it this way, mate.
At least Dad didn't see you lose.
(women laughing)
(ominous music)
- [Alex] What do you
reckon we get cracking
and finish clearing out Pattersons?
- Trying to earn some
brownie points with Dad, eh?
- So I didn't bring home the trophy,
at least I'm not thinking about
doing a runner on the place.
- Did your dad turn up at the race?
- You're kidding aren't you?
He's too busy this year.
- I thought that's where he must've been.
Graham Wallace has called me three times
about the new helicopter he leased.
- Try the cell phone, Mom?
- There was no answer.
- He's probably trying to
sink the new dam himself.
- I hate it when he gets like this.
- What's going on, Nick?
Have you got a job with
SL Sweetnums or not?
- If I do I'll tell you, okay?
- Can I have a hold?
- You can keep the damn thing.
Ill gotten gains.
- I thought you were sick
of Alex big knighting himself?
- I am.
This proves nothing.
He was the real winner, not me.
- If the boot was on the other foot,
you really think Alex wouldn't
have cheated to beat us?
You know he would.
So that makes what we did okay.
Ah, is this one of those cheats
never prosper kinda things?
- Yeah, it's the principle, yep.
(ominous music)
(Harry grunting)
- [Terry] Sorry, Meg.
- Thought we weren't talking.
- Yeah well I dunno what got into me.
What you get up to, none
of my business is it?
- No, it isn't.
- Not as if we're married or anything.
So it doesn't matter two shakes.
- That's right.
- So, if it doesn't matter two shakes,
there's no reason why you can't tell me
what went on with Max.
(rooster clucking)
Hey, get out of it you crazy bird!
- Watch it, watch it, that's
a prized Brown Leghorn.
- Oh yeah, and I've been a
prized flaming fool, haven't I?
I bet everyone else knew
about Max except me.
Probably been talking
behind my back for years.
- You should've stuck
to not talking, Terry,
I might've forgiven you.
- Oh yeah?
Since when has it been
a crime to be curious?
- Since now.
I think you better leave.
- Meg.
I will not be pushed around by a rooster.
- That's it, get out--
- A man has got--
- Of my veggie patch!
- His pride!
- Go, shoo!
- Yeah shoo, shoo, shoo, ow!
You'll get yours, pal.
Just you wait.
- [Tess] Why don't we tell Nick and Alex
to turn the cameras around
and then they can check the fences for us?
Save us time.
- Cost us too much money.
We'd have to pay them.
- [Tess] It would only take 10 seconds.
- [Claire] Provided Nick's still
here to work the computers.
- Where's Nick going?
(dramatic music)
- Tess!
(dramatic music)
- [Tess] Oh my god, it's Harry.
- Claire?
- It's alright, Harry.
Be calm.
- Listen, listen,
get my phone will you?
- Don't talk, it's alright.
It's alright, Harry, we're here.
Help's here now.
- It's busted.
There's no way we're
gonna get this off him.
- Bloody thing tipped over.
- I'll ride to Killarney.
- Yeah, make it fast.
- Quickly I'm afraid.
- It's alright, she won't be long.
Help'll be here soon.
(dramatic music)
- [Tess] He's alright, he's with Claire.
- I'll call the boys and an ambulance.
- Here Mrs. Ryan, let me do it.
You sit down.
- Yeah it's right on top
of him, it's on his legs.
(men arguing)
Don't move it!
- What do you mean
don't move it?
- Get it off me!
- The ambo said not to move it.
It could make it worse.
- How could it get any worse
than this, Nick?
- Exactly.
- Can you feel your legs, Dad?
- Always heckling, my
left leg's killing me.
Oh my chest, I can't breathe.
- Let's move it!
- What are you a doctor now?
- Please stop it!
He needs you.
Harry, just relax, we're
getting someone to you, okay?
- He's having problems breathing.
- I'll go and get the tractor.
It's got a lot more grunt
to lift this thing off
by the time the ambos get here, alright?
- I'm not waiting for the ambos,
I'll fly to Fisher and
get the doctor myself.
- Have you got any pain in
your shoulder or your arm?
- Shoulder yeah, arms no.
- Shoulder only.
- No God, it's not a heart attack is it?
- Yeah, okay.
- You're gonna be fine, Dad.
Alright, I'm gonna fly to Fisher
and get the doctor, okay?
- Just keep him warm, keep
him comfortable, no fluid.
Claire, give us a hand
and stop the system.
- Listen, Alex, if I
don't get through this--
- [Alex] Don't be stupid, you'll be fine.
- Just want you to know Killarney's yours.
Look after it.
- You know I will.
You know that.
Dad, you know I--
- Yeah I know.
Just go.
(dramatic music)
- [Liz] Right, water, blanket,
a jacket, I need a jacket.
- No, no, it's alright
you've already packed one.
- Coffee, maybe I should
make some sandwiches.
- I don't think anybody'll
be up to eating or drinking.
Maybe we should just head
down there as soon as we can.
- Yes.
I can't.
I can't do this, not again.
(dramatic music)
- How long?
- Soon, Harry.
Alex'll be back real soon.
- Just get me out of this please.
(Harry shouting)
- Nick!
- Dad, you okay?
- Oh it's just, God it hurts.
- Harry don't talk, just, you'll be okay.
Don't give up on me,
Harry, don't do this to me.
We're gonna have to shift him.
- No.
- Yeah get it off me.
- They said no.
- He's getting worse.
If we take it slowly, he'll be alright.
- Claire, he's my dad if
I say we don't move him,
we don't move him.
- Nick, I wanna change my will.
- Come on, Dad, don't be
like that, you'll be fine.
- No I have to.
Claire, you be my witness.
- I'm right here, Harry.
- I want not just Alex to get Killarney.
Both of you, alright?
- I heard, Killarney goes to both sons.
- Just to make up for,
you know, do a good job.
- Of course, you know I will.
We both will.
- I can't stand hospitals.
All the waiting, not knowing.
- But Harry's tough.
He'll make it.
- I'll never forgive him.
- But it was an accident.
- No, it could've been prevented.
- I'm not--
- I was here.
- Sorry?
- Someone called.
- Who?
- From the rodeo to say
that the boys were there.
He could've stopped them.
He could've said that they
didn't have his permission.
But he wanted to teach them a lesson.
And what have we all learned?
(dramatic music)
- [Nick] Just take it easy,
Dad, you're doing real well.
- Nick, you gotta help
me get this thing off me.
- The doctor said it's gonna
make things worse, Dad.
- Where's, Alex?
- He's coming, he's coming.
Stay calm, stay still, Dad.
Look, it's gonna make it worse for you.
(dramatic music)
It's Terry.
- How is he?
- Look, just get this thing off him.
- Oh, thank God.
I'll fix this, you hook
it on to the tractor.
- No worries.
- You got a tension
pneumothorax, Mr. Ryan.
Busted rib's going in the
space around your lung
and its collapsed, plus it looks like
you got a busted leg.
- Spare me the Spanish,
Jim, is he gonna be okay?
- Oh easy fixed, but
the lung hurts like hell
especially, don't it?
Bet you you thought you were gonna die.
- So he's gonna be alright?
- Oh yeah, yeah, lucky
you found him in time.
Now I'm gonna have to reinflate your lung.
It's gonna hurt like crazy,
but you'll feel better straight away.
Check his antiseptics probably, Alex.
Okay, you ready?
- Yeah.
(Harry shouting)
- [Jim] How's that?
Okay, let's get this thing off him.
- Alright.
- Alright.
Okay, I'm jacking her up!
(engine revving)
(ambulance siren blaring)
(dramatic music)
- He's alright.
Well, will be.
- What a relief.
- So he'll need the bag
for the hospital, pajamas.
- Or we can do that or Alex and Nick can.
Do you think we should go now?
- I was distraught before.
I should never, it's our
business, no one else's
you understand that?
- Yep, of course.
- Harry?
Harry, darling.
Are you alright?
- I'm okay.
- I can't thank you enough, Jim.
You saved his life, mate.
- He's gonna be fine.
- Thank you.
(dramatic music)
What a day, huh?
- Any news from the hospital yet?
- He'll be okay, he'll be
out in a couple of days.
- Good, good.
- [Alex] Tractor's stuffed.
Have to put a new dam on hold.
- And start fixing the fences
to have one up for sell grazing.
- Yeah right-oh, sounds like a good idea.
- You fix the whole boundary line,
we could run a new grid.
- Thought you had other plans?
- No, there's plenty to do here, you know.
- Yeah, I know.
(light instrumental music)
- Thought I'd find you here.
It's not fair, is it?
Dad was never the bastard Harry is.
So Harry could've prevented
the whole accident.
- Nick's riding career over?
- Mm-hmm.
- And he let Alex take the blame for it.
All this time?
If Alex knew--
- We can't.
I promised Liz I'd keep it to myself.
- Yeah well you can tell Liz
that I forced it out of you.
- No, I promised her.
Besides he probably wouldn't believe you.
- I still have to tell him.
- [Alex] Just on my way to see you.
- Same here.
Any news?
- It's nothing serious.
Busted leg, lung's gotta mend,
should be out in a few days.
- Great.
- You could've just called,
you know, Claire.
I know you're busy.
Lost a heap of time out there today.
- I just wanted to make
sure, you know, you're okay.
- Good on you.
- Alex--
- Claire--
- We need to talk.
- No, wait.
I owe you an apology.
- What for?
- When Jack died, I had no idea
what you were going through.
And I reckon I could've
been a better friend.
- Don't worry about it.
- You know I really thought
we were gonna lose Dad
out there today.
I mean, I know we don't always get on.
But all the things he's done,
and its all been for me.
I guess I just never
realized how lucky I am.
- Yeah I guess you are.
- Right-oh.
- See you later then.
- Terry Dodge!
I can't believe it.
I can't believe he'd do that.
It's just a rooster for goodness sake.
- Are you sure it was Terry?
- [Meg] He threatened it.
- Well that doesn't prove anything.
- You'll get yours, that's what he said.
- Well he's a bit weird,
but I don't think
strangling's his style, Mom.
- That's it.
That is it!
- [Terry] You wanted to see me?
- [Meg] I'm very
disappointed in you, Terry.
I know as well as anyone how easy it is
to fly off the handle,
but there's a line and
today you crossed it.
- This about the rooster, right?
- Don't make it any worse,
just cut out the games.
- Look, Meg, I'm sorry for, you know--
- Too late, Terry.
I can't have a relationship with a man
who takes out his jealous rage
on a poor, defenseless animal.
- He attacked me first, remember.
- And that makes what you did alright?
I thought I knew you.
- You do.
- Not anymore.
Today you killed more than
just a rooster, Terry.
- I never touched it!
- And that's why it's over!
Goodbye, Terry.
- Meg!
Come on, gid up, gid up.
(guitar music)
- Are you sure we have to do this?
- Harry's a neighbor.
- Yeah well so was Max Martin
and we only had to go to his funeral.
- Tess.
- Well quite frankly
given what I now know about Harry,
that's the only time I
wanna come here again.
- Visitors, Harry.
- Harry?
- How are you?
- How're you doing?
Glad to be out of hospital?
- You kidding?
A whole week of being
poked at and prodded?
No, I can still smell the place.
- Can I give you a hand with these?
So how'd it go?
It wasn't too bad I hope.
- I'm quite capable of putting flowers
in a vase by myself, Tess.
- Right well I'm just gonna be outside.
- Nice to see the
daughter-in-law dropping in.
- Well you must be feeling better
if you're back at that one.
- Well makes sense.
You and Nick get along,
just think how much stock
we could run if we combine
the two properties.
- Well aren't you forgetting
his half of Killarney?
- There's no need to change my plans now.
- I was your witness, Harry.
I heard you promise him half.
- Well Alex will still need him here.
- So why don't you leave
the place to both of them?
- No, wouldn't work.
Too many differences.
You know some bridges
just can't be mended.
- You really think that little of Nick
that you'd leave him nothing?
- Well you got that completely wrong.
Nick's a great kid, I
think the world of him.
- So why?
- Because he'll make it on his own,
he doesn't need my help.
- And Alex does?
- You know what Alex is like.
Look, I know what I'm doing, Claire.
It's all gonna work out perfectly.
Long as you play your part.
- These are lovely, Claire.
Thank you so much.
- Yeah, thank you, Claire.
For everything.
- Good'ay, Florence
tending to the wounded?
- Nick we're friends, so I'm just gonna
come straight out and tell you this.
- Sounds ominous.
- I'm sorry.
- What?
- You're not getting Killarney.
- You heard what he
said under the tractor.
- He just wanted to keep you here.
He knew about the job at Sweetnums.
- He said that?
- And wanting you to marry me again.
Guess I'm the booby prize.
- This place, it's going
to Alex, he's the oldest.
That's the way it works in
Dad's head, no worries, okay?
Look, I'm gonna get back to this, 'kay?
- One guess who that was.
Terry hasn't stopped calling
for the past 24 hours.
Can you please talk to him?
- He killed my rooster.
- And if he doesn't stop calling,
I'm gonna have to kill him.
You gotta do something, Mom.
- It's not so much what he did, Jo,
it's more the fact that he
can't be honest about it.
Even if I wanted to talk
to him, there's no point.
He'd just keep denying it.
- Geeze, Mom, it's not like there's a lot
of blokes out there to
choose from, you know?
- That's no reason to stay with someone.
- I know.
I just meant I think
you should be 100% sure
Terry did actually do it
before you give him the flick.
- Who else would strangle my rooster?
- Who else'd think it meant
you and Max Martin had a fling?
- My god, bugger!
Bugger, bugger, bugger, bugger!
I should've sorted this out ages ago,
before it all went pear shaped,
but I was so annoyed at
what everyone was thinking
I didn't see why I should have to.
Nothing went on between me and Max.
It was just this one time.
I ran into him at the pub and I helped him
choose the winning numbers
in the chook raffle.
He offered to share the prize with me,
but I said it was a bit hard to split
a frozen chook in two
so he said next time.
- Max never won anything.
- Except for this one chook raffle
and all the ribbons for his rooster,
so that must've been why I got it.
You see, this was the next time.
Nothing went on between us, honest.
I hardly knew your husband.
- Sorry about the rooster.
I've been a bit upset
since he went (crying).
(guitar music)
- [Tess] Nick must've been gutted.
- I reckon he knew it was a lie.
- He had to say that, didn't he?
Who wants to think their
father's done the dirty on them?
- When Dad left you half of
Drover's, I was so angry.
I worked my guts out
and you hadn't set foot
on the place in years.
- I probably would've felt the same.
- 50/50 was the right thing to do.
Otherwise, you end up like the Ryans.
- [Tess] I thought you were
ashamed about ill-gotten gains?
- Well, if cheating in some silly race
is the worst thing we've ever done,
I reckon we're a lot better
off than other people.
- Nick?
You didn't tell me you were
going off on another trip.
- Yeah it's a last minute thing.
Gotta go.
- What will I tell your father?
- Tell him it's business.
He'll understand.
(dramatic guitar music)
- I'll leave you two to it.
- I don't know why you just didn't say
that nothing had gone on
with Max from the start.
- Because everybody
assumed otherwise, Terry,
and because I shouldn't
have to defend myself
especially to you.
- Just like I shouldn't
have to defend myself
about being a psycho choo-klah.
- Then we're even.
I didn't know you were the jealous type.
- What, you'd rather I just gave up
on you without a fight?
- So you think I'm worth fighting for?
- [Terry] What do you reckon?
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
This is something new.
- Sort of.
Waste not, want not.
- You didn't.
(Meg crowing)
- I can't eat another man's--
- It's mine now.
- Second-hand, that's even worse.
- Terry?
It's rabbit (laughs).
- [Terry] Got me.
(Meg laughing)
♪ Come on gimme room to move ♪
♪ Gimme room to move ♪
♪ Gimme room to breathe ♪
♪ Come on ♪
♪ Gimme room to move ♪
♪ Gimme room to breathe ♪
♪ Come on ♪
♪ Gimme room to move ♪
♪ Gimme room to move ♪
♪ Gimme room to breathe ♪
♪ You're there watching every move ♪
♪ Watching every move ♪
♪ And do you know ♪
♪ That I'm on your side ♪
♪ And do you know ♪
♪ I'm not just here for the ride ♪
(upbeat guitar music)
♪ Come on ♪
♪ Gimme room to move ♪
♪ Gimme room to move ♪
♪ Gimme room to breathe ♪
♪ Come on ♪
♪ Gimme room to move ♪
♪ Gimme room to move ♪
♪ Gimme room to move ♪
♪ Gimme room to breathe ♪
(lightning striking)
(thunder rumbling)
(electronic music)
- [Announcer] Previously
on McLeod's Daughters.
- I don't ride anymore.
- Oh.
Is that because of what
happened to your leg?
- We were underage, I was 15, he was 14.
- He said if you're so good, mate,
give the bull a go.
- He was always a better rider than me.
- I was slaughtered.
200 kilo of bull can mash you up a bit.
- I've never seen so much blood.
That bull was right on top of him.
- I was in hospital for months.
Mom came every day, Dad came a few times,
Alex, not once.
- I know Dad blames me.
Every time he yells at me,
every time he picks on me.
- I've ended up with a limp.
Dad hates me for it.
- It was an accident.
It wasn't your fault.
- Tell Dad.
Tell Nick.
(soft guitar music)
(people chattering)
- So sorry for your loss, Beth.
Max was a great bloke.
- I'm so sorry.
If there's anything I can do.
- Thank you, Liz.
- [Tess] You sure it's okay to be here?
- We're paying our respects, Tess.
- We're not related or anything.
It's not like he's our fifth cousin
twice removed or something.
- 'Course not.
- Well excuse me for feeling weird,
but I've only gate crashed
parties not funerals.
- You know Max was a year younger than me.
- Gee whiz, eh?
Who would've thought Maxy Martin.
Never smoked, never drank.
Speaking of which, wanna refill, Harry?
'Nother tea?
- Yes, thanks Terry.
- [Claire] What've you been up to, Nick?
- SL Sweetnum's been
head hunting me for ages.
Maybe it's time for me
to go out on my own.
- There'll be fireworks
when Harry finds out.
- Well Alex is getting Killarney,
I don't think Dad's gonna be surprised
if I go out my own.
I'm looking after myself.
- I'm just gonna go
around and grab the car.
- Figure the hay bale race'll still be on?
- Well Max would've wanted it that way.
- Alex wins every year.
- You gotta run
from the bottom paddock to the top paddock
and then cart a hay bale back.
- Gee, you country folk
have all the fun, don't you?
- Well five years ago
it was for real, Tess.
Rain was pelting down and
Max's truck was out of action
so we all pitched in and
brought the hay in by hand.
One thousand bales.
- And of course
all the blokes started arguing
about who carried the most.
- Of course.
- So now it's an annual event.
- Yeah it's to raise money
for Miss Gungellan (mumbles).
- Oh great, so we get to do it too, right?
- Not that there's any point.
- Is that right?
- I had no idea you
knew my husband so well.
- Well I didn't.
I saw Max in town a few
times, but that's all.
- Obviously meetings he never forgot.
- I don't see why, I'm just
as surprised as you, Beth.
- [Jodi] Surprised about what?
- It seems I've been named in Max's will.
- He left you something?
Oh my god, we're rich.
That's it?
He left you a rooster?
- Oh not just any rooster.
This is a prized Brown Leghorn.
Max always won the Gungallen
show with this one.
- Lovely, we can make a fortune
selling its little blue ribbons then.
- You know I saw Max in town a few times,
and the most I ever said
to him was how are you.
- Should've bought him a cup of coffee,
we might've scored a car.
- I said hello to him.
I never got a rooster.
- I've been a lot friendlier than that
and never been left anything.
- Oh gross, Mom, you didn't
sleep with a dead man?
- Come on, Meg, you can tell us.
We won't breathe a word.
(playful guitar music)
(upbeat music)
♪ It'll take some time
to find your heart ♪
♪ And come back home ♪
♪ You could walk for miles ♪
♪ Cross every river ♪
♪ And find you're not alone ♪
♪ 'Cause I'll be there ♪
♪ Oh ♪
♪ Oh ♪
♪ No, no ♪
♪ Oh ♪
♪ Oh ♪
♪ 'Cause I'll be there ♪
♪ Ooh ♪
- Oy, you two, work to do.
- It'll be dark soon, Dad.
- You might have time to waste, I don't.
I want that dead wood out of Patterson
so we can put in ten extra head.
- What's the rush?
- This place is running
well below capacity.
We need to put in extra stock.
- Since when?
- Since now.
I want more fences for sell
grazing, we need to sink a dam.
And don't just sit there, do it!
- What's the rush?
You're gonna be with us for
a long while yet, you know.
- What're you talking about?
'Course I will.
(dramatic music)
- [Tess] Alex Ryan's got a huge ego.
- But he's gorgeous with it.
- There's no need to race,
I reckon beyond belief.
- But it's true he does always win.
- Terry calls Alex the human forklift.
- How much does a hay bale weigh?
- 25 kilos.
- How much does a hollowed
out hay bale weigh?
- No, Claire wouldn't go for it.
She'd never cheat.
(playful music)
- [Alex] Gonna make it
six years in a row, Dad,
you gotta be there.
- No, no,
Pattersons has to be finished
and I've got that new dam to sink.
- Wake up, the race will will be done.
- I don't need your help.
I ran this place single-handed
when you were kids.
- Phone, Nick.
- Thanks, Mom.
- That's SL Sweetnums, could you tell them
I already bought new stuff?
- It's not.
I mean, why would it be?
- I dunno.
They've been calling a lot recently.
Starting to think they're after my staff.
- Well I'm not your staff, I'm your son.
So there's nothing to worry about.
- Why would he be looking for a job?
- You tell me.
Now look, you don't win that trophy,
don't bother coming home.
- [Alex] Of course I'm gonna win.
- Harry!
- Sorry, Dad, you alright?
- Yeah, yeah, take more than a fairy punch
to keep me down.
- You sure you're alright?
- Yeah, yeah, I said I'm fine, alright?
Now go on and win your
race, I've got work to do.
- Leave him.
(dramatic music)
That's for luck, not that
you need it of course.
- Thanks, Mom.
(dramatic music)
(upbeat music)
- Can't believe Natasha Co-gran
won Miss Gungellan last year.
She's always bagged out
living in the country.
- Come on, Jo, be generous.
I'm just gonna go take a quick look.
- Ma'am.
Howdy, Chris, how you doing?
- Not bad.
- There's no way we can lose.
This baby's as light as a feather.
- It's Craig Woodland we've gotta get past
to the pick up point.
He's got the hots for Jodi.
Shouldn't be any trouble distracting him.
- Thanks, Mom.
- Okay well make sure we put
the light bale at the back,
that way no one else'll pick it up.
- Yeah, we know.
- Alright, I'll see you.
- Gonna win again?
- 'Course we're gonna win.
Oh, Claire, don't do it to yourself.
I hate feeling sorry for you.
- It's not about winning or losing,
it's about charity.
- Well you know what they say,
all losers take the moral high ground.
Hey, kids!
- Just for once I would love
to wipe that smile off his face.
- Be careful what you wish for.
(kids cheering)
- Hi, Jodi.
- Hi, Jess, hey, Rach.
- Hey.
- I heard about your Mom
and Max Martin (laughs).
- Nothing wrong with a reputation.
- There is if it's your mother's.
- So how's the new rooster?
- Gave the old one a run for his money.
- Your average rooster doesn't
like competition, does he?
So, there he is boss of the hen house,
another bloke turns
up, what's he to think?
- I dunno, Terry, what's he to think?
- Well he's to think there's a fox
in the hen house, isn't he?
- You're jealous.
- Well something must've gone on
between you and Max I think it's only fair
you should tell me about it.
- So what're you saying, Terry?
I'm sorry, are you not talking to me?
Oh, we're not talking now?
(guitar music)
- Okay.
Leave it to me.
- Sure?
- Hey, Craig.
Thought I'd watch the race from up here.
- What don't you wanna see who wins?
- Oh we all know it's gonna be Alex.
- Yeah I'd love one, thanks.
- Oh well let's go drink it in the shade.
- It'll be starting any
minute, I should stay here.
(people cheering)
- [Alex] I wanna go easy on you, Claire.
- Don't do me any favors, Alex.
- Right-oh.
- Come on, Claire!
- Come on, Alex!
Get it on, son!
(people cheering)
- Tess didn't stick around?
- No, she's gone to watch
from the pick-up point
with the others.
(whistle blowing)
- The route's the same as always,
across the rocks, through the gate,
past the shack to the tree.
You go and grab your bale of hay
and the first one back here is the winner.
And as Max always used to say,
run like the rain's coming!
Ready, steady (whistle blowing).
(people cheering)
(upbeat music)
- So, Craig, you doing anything tonight?
- No, why?
- Oh I just thought
maybe we could go out if you like.
- Really?
Yeah sure that would be great.
- Yeah.
Oh we can go for some Chinese, or.
- Sorry, are you sure
you wanna go out with me?
- Yeah, of course.
- It's just,
you keep walking away.
Do I smell?
(upbeat music)
(people cheering)
♪ Come on ♪
♪ Gimme room to move ♪
♪ Gimme room to move ♪
♪ Gimme room to breathe ♪
♪ Come on ♪
- Oh my God, look a snake!
♪ Gimme room to breathe ♪
- Alright, stay here, alright?
- Okay you go kill it.
- What are you, nuts?
I'm staying put too.
♪ Gimme room to move ♪
♪ Gimme room to breathe ♪
♪ You're there ♪
♪ Watchin' every move ♪
♪ Watchin' every move. ♪
- Craig, take a good look because.
- 'Kay, go!
- [Jodi] Well, yeah.
- My sister's got a thing like that.
Keeps you warm, eh?
- Yeah, and they come in lots
of different colors as well.
(upbeat music)
- Geez, (mumbles).
- I forgot I was wearing it, okay?
At least I got him distracted.
- Here they come!
(upbeat music)
She did it, go!
♪ Come on let me know ♪
♪ Come on let me in ♪
♪ You're gonna give you're gonna ♪
- [Claire] Come on Alex, shake Nick.
- Go Claire!
(people cheering)
(upbeat music)
Here they come!
- Come on, mate!
What're you doing, boy?
(upbeat music)
- Go, Claire, go!
(people cheering)
- And the winner is Claire McLeod!
- Well done, Claire, we did it!
- Well done, Claire!
- Thanks, Nick.
Thanks for going easy on me, Alex.
- Good on you, but I
know you must've cheated.
- Alex.
- Oh get away, you saw.
Came running down that hill
like she had nothing on her back.
- Well let's see.
- Oh, no, Nick,
I don't think that'll be necessary.
- Nothing wrong with it.
Well, put it this way, mate.
At least Dad didn't see you lose.
(women laughing)
(ominous music)
- [Alex] What do you
reckon we get cracking
and finish clearing out Pattersons?
- Trying to earn some
brownie points with Dad, eh?
- So I didn't bring home the trophy,
at least I'm not thinking about
doing a runner on the place.
- Did your dad turn up at the race?
- You're kidding aren't you?
He's too busy this year.
- I thought that's where he must've been.
Graham Wallace has called me three times
about the new helicopter he leased.
- Try the cell phone, Mom?
- There was no answer.
- He's probably trying to
sink the new dam himself.
- I hate it when he gets like this.
- What's going on, Nick?
Have you got a job with
SL Sweetnums or not?
- If I do I'll tell you, okay?
- Can I have a hold?
- You can keep the damn thing.
Ill gotten gains.
- I thought you were sick
of Alex big knighting himself?
- I am.
This proves nothing.
He was the real winner, not me.
- If the boot was on the other foot,
you really think Alex wouldn't
have cheated to beat us?
You know he would.
So that makes what we did okay.
Ah, is this one of those cheats
never prosper kinda things?
- Yeah, it's the principle, yep.
(ominous music)
(Harry grunting)
- [Terry] Sorry, Meg.
- Thought we weren't talking.
- Yeah well I dunno what got into me.
What you get up to, none
of my business is it?
- No, it isn't.
- Not as if we're married or anything.
So it doesn't matter two shakes.
- That's right.
- So, if it doesn't matter two shakes,
there's no reason why you can't tell me
what went on with Max.
(rooster clucking)
Hey, get out of it you crazy bird!
- Watch it, watch it, that's
a prized Brown Leghorn.
- Oh yeah, and I've been a
prized flaming fool, haven't I?
I bet everyone else knew
about Max except me.
Probably been talking
behind my back for years.
- You should've stuck
to not talking, Terry,
I might've forgiven you.
- Oh yeah?
Since when has it been
a crime to be curious?
- Since now.
I think you better leave.
- Meg.
I will not be pushed around by a rooster.
- That's it, get out--
- A man has got--
- Of my veggie patch!
- His pride!
- Go, shoo!
- Yeah shoo, shoo, shoo, ow!
You'll get yours, pal.
Just you wait.
- [Tess] Why don't we tell Nick and Alex
to turn the cameras around
and then they can check the fences for us?
Save us time.
- Cost us too much money.
We'd have to pay them.
- [Tess] It would only take 10 seconds.
- [Claire] Provided Nick's still
here to work the computers.
- Where's Nick going?
(dramatic music)
- Tess!
(dramatic music)
- [Tess] Oh my god, it's Harry.
- Claire?
- It's alright, Harry.
Be calm.
- Listen, listen,
get my phone will you?
- Don't talk, it's alright.
It's alright, Harry, we're here.
Help's here now.
- It's busted.
There's no way we're
gonna get this off him.
- Bloody thing tipped over.
- I'll ride to Killarney.
- Yeah, make it fast.
- Quickly I'm afraid.
- It's alright, she won't be long.
Help'll be here soon.
(dramatic music)
- [Tess] He's alright, he's with Claire.
- I'll call the boys and an ambulance.
- Here Mrs. Ryan, let me do it.
You sit down.
- Yeah it's right on top
of him, it's on his legs.
(men arguing)
Don't move it!
- What do you mean
don't move it?
- Get it off me!
- The ambo said not to move it.
It could make it worse.
- How could it get any worse
than this, Nick?
- Exactly.
- Can you feel your legs, Dad?
- Always heckling, my
left leg's killing me.
Oh my chest, I can't breathe.
- Let's move it!
- What are you a doctor now?
- Please stop it!
He needs you.
Harry, just relax, we're
getting someone to you, okay?
- He's having problems breathing.
- I'll go and get the tractor.
It's got a lot more grunt
to lift this thing off
by the time the ambos get here, alright?
- I'm not waiting for the ambos,
I'll fly to Fisher and
get the doctor myself.
- Have you got any pain in
your shoulder or your arm?
- Shoulder yeah, arms no.
- Shoulder only.
- No God, it's not a heart attack is it?
- Yeah, okay.
- You're gonna be fine, Dad.
Alright, I'm gonna fly to Fisher
and get the doctor, okay?
- Just keep him warm, keep
him comfortable, no fluid.
Claire, give us a hand
and stop the system.
- Listen, Alex, if I
don't get through this--
- [Alex] Don't be stupid, you'll be fine.
- Just want you to know Killarney's yours.
Look after it.
- You know I will.
You know that.
Dad, you know I--
- Yeah I know.
Just go.
(dramatic music)
- [Liz] Right, water, blanket,
a jacket, I need a jacket.
- No, no, it's alright
you've already packed one.
- Coffee, maybe I should
make some sandwiches.
- I don't think anybody'll
be up to eating or drinking.
Maybe we should just head
down there as soon as we can.
- Yes.
I can't.
I can't do this, not again.
(dramatic music)
- How long?
- Soon, Harry.
Alex'll be back real soon.
- Just get me out of this please.
(Harry shouting)
- Nick!
- Dad, you okay?
- Oh it's just, God it hurts.
- Harry don't talk, just, you'll be okay.
Don't give up on me,
Harry, don't do this to me.
We're gonna have to shift him.
- No.
- Yeah get it off me.
- They said no.
- He's getting worse.
If we take it slowly, he'll be alright.
- Claire, he's my dad if
I say we don't move him,
we don't move him.
- Nick, I wanna change my will.
- Come on, Dad, don't be
like that, you'll be fine.
- No I have to.
Claire, you be my witness.
- I'm right here, Harry.
- I want not just Alex to get Killarney.
Both of you, alright?
- I heard, Killarney goes to both sons.
- Just to make up for,
you know, do a good job.
- Of course, you know I will.
We both will.
- I can't stand hospitals.
All the waiting, not knowing.
- But Harry's tough.
He'll make it.
- I'll never forgive him.
- But it was an accident.
- No, it could've been prevented.
- I'm not--
- I was here.
- Sorry?
- Someone called.
- Who?
- From the rodeo to say
that the boys were there.
He could've stopped them.
He could've said that they
didn't have his permission.
But he wanted to teach them a lesson.
And what have we all learned?
(dramatic music)
- [Nick] Just take it easy,
Dad, you're doing real well.
- Nick, you gotta help
me get this thing off me.
- The doctor said it's gonna
make things worse, Dad.
- Where's, Alex?
- He's coming, he's coming.
Stay calm, stay still, Dad.
Look, it's gonna make it worse for you.
(dramatic music)
It's Terry.
- How is he?
- Look, just get this thing off him.
- Oh, thank God.
I'll fix this, you hook
it on to the tractor.
- No worries.
- You got a tension
pneumothorax, Mr. Ryan.
Busted rib's going in the
space around your lung
and its collapsed, plus it looks like
you got a busted leg.
- Spare me the Spanish,
Jim, is he gonna be okay?
- Oh easy fixed, but
the lung hurts like hell
especially, don't it?
Bet you you thought you were gonna die.
- So he's gonna be alright?
- Oh yeah, yeah, lucky
you found him in time.
Now I'm gonna have to reinflate your lung.
It's gonna hurt like crazy,
but you'll feel better straight away.
Check his antiseptics probably, Alex.
Okay, you ready?
- Yeah.
(Harry shouting)
- [Jim] How's that?
Okay, let's get this thing off him.
- Alright.
- Alright.
Okay, I'm jacking her up!
(engine revving)
(ambulance siren blaring)
(dramatic music)
- He's alright.
Well, will be.
- What a relief.
- So he'll need the bag
for the hospital, pajamas.
- Or we can do that or Alex and Nick can.
Do you think we should go now?
- I was distraught before.
I should never, it's our
business, no one else's
you understand that?
- Yep, of course.
- Harry?
Harry, darling.
Are you alright?
- I'm okay.
- I can't thank you enough, Jim.
You saved his life, mate.
- He's gonna be fine.
- Thank you.
(dramatic music)
What a day, huh?
- Any news from the hospital yet?
- He'll be okay, he'll be
out in a couple of days.
- Good, good.
- [Alex] Tractor's stuffed.
Have to put a new dam on hold.
- And start fixing the fences
to have one up for sell grazing.
- Yeah right-oh, sounds like a good idea.
- You fix the whole boundary line,
we could run a new grid.
- Thought you had other plans?
- No, there's plenty to do here, you know.
- Yeah, I know.
(light instrumental music)
- Thought I'd find you here.
It's not fair, is it?
Dad was never the bastard Harry is.
So Harry could've prevented
the whole accident.
- Nick's riding career over?
- Mm-hmm.
- And he let Alex take the blame for it.
All this time?
If Alex knew--
- We can't.
I promised Liz I'd keep it to myself.
- Yeah well you can tell Liz
that I forced it out of you.
- No, I promised her.
Besides he probably wouldn't believe you.
- I still have to tell him.
- [Alex] Just on my way to see you.
- Same here.
Any news?
- It's nothing serious.
Busted leg, lung's gotta mend,
should be out in a few days.
- Great.
- You could've just called,
you know, Claire.
I know you're busy.
Lost a heap of time out there today.
- I just wanted to make
sure, you know, you're okay.
- Good on you.
- Alex--
- Claire--
- We need to talk.
- No, wait.
I owe you an apology.
- What for?
- When Jack died, I had no idea
what you were going through.
And I reckon I could've
been a better friend.
- Don't worry about it.
- You know I really thought
we were gonna lose Dad
out there today.
I mean, I know we don't always get on.
But all the things he's done,
and its all been for me.
I guess I just never
realized how lucky I am.
- Yeah I guess you are.
- Right-oh.
- See you later then.
- Terry Dodge!
I can't believe it.
I can't believe he'd do that.
It's just a rooster for goodness sake.
- Are you sure it was Terry?
- [Meg] He threatened it.
- Well that doesn't prove anything.
- You'll get yours, that's what he said.
- Well he's a bit weird,
but I don't think
strangling's his style, Mom.
- That's it.
That is it!
- [Terry] You wanted to see me?
- [Meg] I'm very
disappointed in you, Terry.
I know as well as anyone how easy it is
to fly off the handle,
but there's a line and
today you crossed it.
- This about the rooster, right?
- Don't make it any worse,
just cut out the games.
- Look, Meg, I'm sorry for, you know--
- Too late, Terry.
I can't have a relationship with a man
who takes out his jealous rage
on a poor, defenseless animal.
- He attacked me first, remember.
- And that makes what you did alright?
I thought I knew you.
- You do.
- Not anymore.
Today you killed more than
just a rooster, Terry.
- I never touched it!
- And that's why it's over!
Goodbye, Terry.
- Meg!
Come on, gid up, gid up.
(guitar music)
- Are you sure we have to do this?
- Harry's a neighbor.
- Yeah well so was Max Martin
and we only had to go to his funeral.
- Tess.
- Well quite frankly
given what I now know about Harry,
that's the only time I
wanna come here again.
- Visitors, Harry.
- Harry?
- How are you?
- How're you doing?
Glad to be out of hospital?
- You kidding?
A whole week of being
poked at and prodded?
No, I can still smell the place.
- Can I give you a hand with these?
So how'd it go?
It wasn't too bad I hope.
- I'm quite capable of putting flowers
in a vase by myself, Tess.
- Right well I'm just gonna be outside.
- Nice to see the
daughter-in-law dropping in.
- Well you must be feeling better
if you're back at that one.
- Well makes sense.
You and Nick get along,
just think how much stock
we could run if we combine
the two properties.
- Well aren't you forgetting
his half of Killarney?
- There's no need to change my plans now.
- I was your witness, Harry.
I heard you promise him half.
- Well Alex will still need him here.
- So why don't you leave
the place to both of them?
- No, wouldn't work.
Too many differences.
You know some bridges
just can't be mended.
- You really think that little of Nick
that you'd leave him nothing?
- Well you got that completely wrong.
Nick's a great kid, I
think the world of him.
- So why?
- Because he'll make it on his own,
he doesn't need my help.
- And Alex does?
- You know what Alex is like.
Look, I know what I'm doing, Claire.
It's all gonna work out perfectly.
Long as you play your part.
- These are lovely, Claire.
Thank you so much.
- Yeah, thank you, Claire.
For everything.
- Good'ay, Florence
tending to the wounded?
- Nick we're friends, so I'm just gonna
come straight out and tell you this.
- Sounds ominous.
- I'm sorry.
- What?
- You're not getting Killarney.
- You heard what he
said under the tractor.
- He just wanted to keep you here.
He knew about the job at Sweetnums.
- He said that?
- And wanting you to marry me again.
Guess I'm the booby prize.
- This place, it's going
to Alex, he's the oldest.
That's the way it works in
Dad's head, no worries, okay?
Look, I'm gonna get back to this, 'kay?
- One guess who that was.
Terry hasn't stopped calling
for the past 24 hours.
Can you please talk to him?
- He killed my rooster.
- And if he doesn't stop calling,
I'm gonna have to kill him.
You gotta do something, Mom.
- It's not so much what he did, Jo,
it's more the fact that he
can't be honest about it.
Even if I wanted to talk
to him, there's no point.
He'd just keep denying it.
- Geeze, Mom, it's not like there's a lot
of blokes out there to
choose from, you know?
- That's no reason to stay with someone.
- I know.
I just meant I think
you should be 100% sure
Terry did actually do it
before you give him the flick.
- Who else would strangle my rooster?
- Who else'd think it meant
you and Max Martin had a fling?
- My god, bugger!
Bugger, bugger, bugger, bugger!
I should've sorted this out ages ago,
before it all went pear shaped,
but I was so annoyed at
what everyone was thinking
I didn't see why I should have to.
Nothing went on between me and Max.
It was just this one time.
I ran into him at the pub and I helped him
choose the winning numbers
in the chook raffle.
He offered to share the prize with me,
but I said it was a bit hard to split
a frozen chook in two
so he said next time.
- Max never won anything.
- Except for this one chook raffle
and all the ribbons for his rooster,
so that must've been why I got it.
You see, this was the next time.
Nothing went on between us, honest.
I hardly knew your husband.
- Sorry about the rooster.
I've been a bit upset
since he went (crying).
(guitar music)
- [Tess] Nick must've been gutted.
- I reckon he knew it was a lie.
- He had to say that, didn't he?
Who wants to think their
father's done the dirty on them?
- When Dad left you half of
Drover's, I was so angry.
I worked my guts out
and you hadn't set foot
on the place in years.
- I probably would've felt the same.
- 50/50 was the right thing to do.
Otherwise, you end up like the Ryans.
- [Tess] I thought you were
ashamed about ill-gotten gains?
- Well, if cheating in some silly race
is the worst thing we've ever done,
I reckon we're a lot better
off than other people.
- Nick?
You didn't tell me you were
going off on another trip.
- Yeah it's a last minute thing.
Gotta go.
- What will I tell your father?
- Tell him it's business.
He'll understand.
(dramatic guitar music)
- I'll leave you two to it.
- I don't know why you just didn't say
that nothing had gone on
with Max from the start.
- Because everybody
assumed otherwise, Terry,
and because I shouldn't
have to defend myself
especially to you.
- Just like I shouldn't
have to defend myself
about being a psycho choo-klah.
- Then we're even.
I didn't know you were the jealous type.
- What, you'd rather I just gave up
on you without a fight?
- So you think I'm worth fighting for?
- [Terry] What do you reckon?
- Cheers.
- Cheers.
This is something new.
- Sort of.
Waste not, want not.
- You didn't.
(Meg crowing)
- I can't eat another man's--
- It's mine now.
- Second-hand, that's even worse.
- Terry?
It's rabbit (laughs).
- [Terry] Got me.
(Meg laughing)
♪ Come on gimme room to move ♪
♪ Gimme room to move ♪
♪ Gimme room to breathe ♪
♪ Come on ♪
♪ Gimme room to move ♪
♪ Gimme room to breathe ♪
♪ Come on ♪
♪ Gimme room to move ♪
♪ Gimme room to move ♪
♪ Gimme room to breathe ♪
♪ You're there watching every move ♪
♪ Watching every move ♪
♪ And do you know ♪
♪ That I'm on your side ♪
♪ And do you know ♪
♪ I'm not just here for the ride ♪
(upbeat guitar music)
♪ Come on ♪
♪ Gimme room to move ♪
♪ Gimme room to move ♪
♪ Gimme room to breathe ♪
♪ Come on ♪
♪ Gimme room to move ♪
♪ Gimme room to move ♪
♪ Gimme room to move ♪
♪ Gimme room to breathe ♪
(lightning striking)
(thunder rumbling)
(electronic music)