McLeod's Daughters (2001–2009): Season 1, Episode 13 - True Love and Consequences - full transcript

Bill is selling his land and moving to the city, but tries to kill himself. Tess blames him for not living for his family, while Claire keeps remembering that his family has lived on that land for a long time. Tess invites Bill to stay at Drovers Run until his family gets back - but are they coming? Claire breaks a rib trying to clear some land to grow crops.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
- [Narrator] Previously
on McLeod's Daugthers.

- I might marry you.

- Harry and Jack's plans.

- Silly buggers.

- He used to talk to me
for hours about his plans

for the future.

And he always used to say,

it'll all be all right in the end.

- And what was that, Meg?

Pillow talk?

- Do you know you shouldn't
drink while you're hunting?

It's really dangerous.

- Don't you know you get heart attacks

from being so stitched up?

- Just tryin' to look
after you, that's all.

- Hey Tess.
- Mm-hm?

- What's this?

- Oh, that's our mom.

It's no big deal guys, it's just ashes.

- You let me take the blame for the lepto

and the rest of your stock had it as well.

- I didn't know then, I swear.

I never would've put
sick cattle on your land.

- You still let me take the blame.

- I couldn't afford to vaccinate.

- Stock are worth a lot more
than the cost of a shot.

- Yeah, not when you're up
to your neck in debt already.

(midtempo instrumental music)

(people chatter)

(bell rings)

- Nice bike.

- Hey there.

- Yeah, my sister used
to have one just like it.

- Really, what happened to it?

- Oh, I crashed it into a tree. (laughs)

- Nice.

- So you gonna buy it?

- No.

What do I need a bike for
when I can ride a horse?

- [Bill] See anything you like?

- Oh, they're not in bad nick.

- Consider 'em sold.

- Oh, I couldn't.

- Why not?

Whatever doesn't sell now goes to auction.

- You might change your mind.

- I'm not gonna change my mind.

Should've done this ages ago.

- But you might not even like the city.

- Are you kidding?

I've got a job lined up in
my brother's hardware store.

The first month's rent paid
on a house near the beach.

Jenelle and the kids are already there.

- Fair enough.

- So about the saddles.

- I might just take a look around.

- Okay, could use just a minute.

- Oh!
- Careful.

People might think you're a wee cocky.

- And what would be wrong with that?

- Nothing, if you don't mind
Jack rolling in his grave.

- [Bill] I'll give you
200 for the old car.

- Hey Bill, I'll give
you 250 for it, mate.

- Aw, at least 300.
- No way.

- [Alex] Oh, get off, come on.

- Hey, check this out, so kitsch.

Did you get anything?

- No, nothing I wanted.

- So what do you reckon?
- It's a good offer.

I'll think about it.
- Good.

- What's a good offer?

- Oh, Dad's made do
enough on the property?

- (sighs) You sure know how
to kick a man when he's down.

- Bill's more than
happy to listen, Claire,

no one's forcing him.

- So I'll have Ryans
on two sides of me now.

- Not such a bad thing, is it?

- Not if you're the Ryans.

- Hey Jodi.

You think Meg might like this?

- Uh, dunno, Terry.

- Well, she was just a bit
out of sorts this morning

when I saw her,

I thought you might know what's up.

- Maybe she's gone off you.

(gentle piano music)

- Bye, Terry.

- Yeah, see ya.

- [Becky] Bye, Terry.

(cattle low)
(birds chirp)

- So this is where you've been hiding.

(cow lows)

- They'll buy Bill's property.

They Ryans are gonna be surrounding us.

- Ooh, should we dig a moat,
pull up the drawbridge?

- [Claire] I'm gonna end up like Bill

if I don't do something.

- [Tess] What's wrong with Bill?

He sounds pretty happy
to be getting outta here.

- Unlike some people,

I intend on spending the rest
of my life on Drover's Run.

- Yeah, I don't doubt it.

- They're gonna bury me here.

♪ It'll take some time
to find your heart ♪

♪ And come back home ♪

♪ You could walk for
miles cross every river ♪

♪ And find you're not alone ♪

♪ 'Cause I'll be there ♪

♪ Oh, oh ♪

♪ Nah, nah ♪

♪ Oh, oh ♪

♪ 'Cause I'll be there ♪

♪ Ooh ♪

(birds chirp)
(gentle country music)

- What's that smell?

- It's not a smell, it's an aroma.

- It's mama's world famous tomato chutney,

winner of many awards,

including the official Jack
McLeod seal of approval.

- What?
- Nothing.

It's different.

- Here.

It's a bit blah.

- Bland.

- It's not ready yet.
(spoon clatters)

Go, out of the kitchen.

(salt rattles)

- [Man] I've done this before,

you never get tired of

seeing the river.
(door knocks)

- [Man] How long they been waitin'?

(men chatter)

- Oh, hi Jodi, is Meg about?

- [Jodi] What'd you bring?

- Nothin', oh, somethin' for Meg.

- Well, is it nothing or something?

- Oh, I bought you this from Bill's place.

Thought you might like it.

It's one of Jenelle's old dresses.

(gentle instrumental music)

- You brought me another woman's dress.

- Well, not exactly, um--

- Well, if Jenelle's old cast offs

that she didn't want anymore.

- Well, I'm sure she, um--

- Don't you like the
clothes I wear, Terry?

- Oh, I do, definitely.

- Then I don't understand
why bought me this.

- Well I um, uh.

Well, I guess I should be going, bye.

- Terry?
- Yeah?


(gentle acoustic music)

(crickets chirp)

(dramatic music)
- Tess, wake up!

Fire at Bill's place!

(dogs bark)

Beck, you start up the pump.
- Yes!

- Jodi, get the sheep out.

- Got it?
- Yep.

- Okay.

You fine?
- Yep.

Come on, sheep, move it,
you're gonna be outta here

in a minute.

- Yep, come on!
- Come on!

It's goin'.

- Where's Bill?

- Go on!

(sheep bleat)



(suspenseful music)

- [Tess] Becky out there?

- Bill's not in the house.

- Maybe he left already.

- Nothing's packed up.

- Claire, you can't go in there!

- Bill, Bill!

(man coughs)


Bill, Bill, open the door.

(water hisses)

- Where is she, where is she?

- Tess, don't!

- Bill, come on Bill, out you get.

Get up, get up!

(Claire groans)
(flame whooshes)

(women scream)

- Oh!
- Claire!

- Tess!
- Tess!


- Tess?
- Tess!

- Claire!
- Tess!

Come on, up!

(flame whooshes)
(Claire and Tess yell)

- Get back, get back!

- Oh my god.
- How are they gonna get out?

- We gotta do something!

- Turn the hose off.

- What, why?
- Turn it off!

- [Claire] This way, here.

(metal clatters)

- Hey!

You take Bill.

(Tess grunts)

- [Claire] All right.

- Which way?
- I don't know.

(flames whoosh)

(horn honks)

- Oh!

(flame whooshes)

(Tess coughs)

- [Meg] You okay?

- [Terry] What's wrong,
have you got everybody?


Come on.
(group clamors)

- [Man] Hey, you all right, mate?

- Got 'em in now?
- Yeah.

- [Claire] You took your time.

- You could've killed yourself.

- I really am fine, thanks.

- You all right?
- How is he?

- He's still breathin'.

Get in there, there you go.

Deep breathin' man, a
couple of deep breaths.

- [Meg] Don't ever do that again.

- We need to get him to hospital.

- I'll take him.

- Yeah, then maybe he'll sign
over the property to you.

- You should get yourself
checked out, too.

- Come on.

- Should've left me.

- Easy, mate, you just save
your chatter for the nurses,

all right?

Come on, Nick!

(somber instrumental music)

- Bill was a bit of a winger, but.

Who'd have thought he'd try and.

- Should've realized, I should've thought.

- How are you supposed to know

what's going on in someone else's head?

How is it your fault?

- You don't understand.

- You're right, I don't understand.

He's got a wife and kids.

They aren't important to him?

- Bill's family's been here
almost as long as ours.

(chair clatters)

(spoon taps)

(midtempo instrumental music)

(engine rumbles)

- Craning trough sounds
pretty good right about now.

- Can't believe there's as
much crap in one paddock.

(Becky groans)

(engine rumbles)

- [Jodi] Do you ever think about it?

- [Becky] What?

- Doing what Bill did?

It always seemed to make more
sense to kill other people.


- [Jodi] Oh.

- There was this guy once, I
had this huge crush on him,

he started going out with my best friend,

I thought it was the end of the world.

- And what happened?

- Ran into him a few months ago.

He's got really bad acne,
and he's getting fat.

- It's a good thing you didn't
slash your wrists over him

then isn't it?
- Yeah, I reckon.

(midtempo instrumental music)

(chains rattle)

(stump cracks)

- That's a bore, I'm done.
- Mm-hm.

- Any word on Bill?

- [Meg] I didn't think to ring.

- I suppose they'd ring
his wife, wouldn't they?

- Yep.
- And kids.

And how are they gonna feel, huh?

The person who's supposed to
love them most in the world

has decide they're not worth living for.

It's pretty horrible.

- [Meg] What's wrong, Tess?

(somber acoustic music)

- I was seven years old,
and I came home from school,

and I saw Mom lying on the couch.

I thought she was sleeping.

And then I found the pills.

I thought it was something that I'd done.

- Ruth loved you.

- She told me later it
was because of Jack.

Because, um, she loved him too much.

- Ruth was the one who left.

- [Tess] One moment he was a bastard.

Next, he was the love of her life.

I was so angry with her.

- Did you say anything to her?

- Well, I didn't know how.

And I, I thought that if I wasn't perfect,

maybe she'd try it again or something.

- That's a lot for a child to deal with.

- Yep.

- You should've told her.

- You shouldn't have done that to me.

I was just a kid, Mom.

I was just a kid. (sobs)

- Meg, look I, I know I'm
not the smartest bloke

in the world, and I'm a bit of a gripe,

and I never remember your birthday,

and I'm really sorry

about leaving you with my socks that time,

hoping that you'd wash them.

- What are you on about, Terry?

- Well you know, I can
understand if you've gone off me.

I just wanna know, that's all.

- Of course I haven't gone off you,

what gives you that idea?

- Oh.
- Not now, Terry, I'm busy.

- Oh.

Chocolate, Meg?

Oh, thanks Terry, my favorite.

- Never figured you for the
creamy center sort of guy.

- Huh.
- So much for plan B, huh?

- Your mother is a strange woman.

- (chuckles) They're all strange.

You hit 30 and something happens.

- Like what?

- Thought you'd know.

- The thing is, she reckons
nothing's the matter.

- Ugh, what means she wants you
to stew about it for a while

before she tells you what it is.

- You reckon?

- Mm, this much I know.

My mother is an expert at the guilt trip.

- The grand master.
- Oh yeah.

There's only one thing to
do, and that's wait it out.

- Yeah.

Now which one you reckon's
got the nut in it?

- Mm, this one.
- Hm?

- That looks pretty nice.

(birds caw)

- When were you planning on telling me

we were starting to grow crops?

- We need to diversify,
sensible thing to do.

Not ending up like Bill.

- Yeah, well you will
if you don't rest up.

(motor rumbles)

- Bill's gonna be okay.
- That's great.

- Some smoke inhalation,
but he'll be home today.

- No thanks to you.

You should know what losing his land

would've meant to Bill.

All you saw was a good deal.

- Claire, I don't really thing--

- No no, thanks for
bringing over the news.

I'm glad Bill's gonna be okay.

(engine rumbles)

- Don't work too hard.

- I guess clown school
really paid off for you, huh?

(chain rattles)

(water hisses)

- [Claire] How bad is it?

- Looks like you busted the water pump.

- Now Claire, you were pretty hard on Nick

when the only person
to blame here is Bill.

- Can we fix it today?

- I'll see what I can do.

- Did he try and talk to anyone, no?

Is that how you people deal
with your problems around here?

You just ignore them until they go away?

Yes you do, don't you?

(door thuds)

(insects chirp)

- [Nick] Hey.

Lookin' for something?

- You?

- I just went for a ride, ended up here.

- Do you go--
- Yes.

- It's good news about Bill.

- Yeah, I guess I was feeling pretty bad

about the whole thing.

- Don't let Claire get to you.

- You don't agree with her then?

- Of course not.

Everyone's responsible
for their own actions.

- Careful, this whole
thing's pretty unstable.

(gentle instrumental music)

Sometimes the situation can
make you do crazy things, yeah?

- Yeah, like Claire working like a dog

for a piece of land.

- Yeah well, Drover's Run
means everything to her.

- I'll never stay anywhere so long

I can't bear to leave it.

No place, no person, nothing.

Free spirit, that's me.

- So you don't get attached, then?

- Nope.

No way.

(motor rumbles)

- Hurry up.

- Hang on, give me a sec.

- How much does this crate take?

- It's nearly there.

(door thuds)

- Uh, you know, I was thinking--

- Okay, go.
(motor rumbles)

Ah, music to my ears.

- Um, Bill's wife and kids
are still in Adelaide,

so he'll be coming home.

Um, he's gonna be coming
home to an empty house.

- I thought Bill was a coward

and deserved whatever he got.

- Well, uh, I still think
he want about things

the wrong way, but he needs to recuperate,

and um, being alone.
(horn honks)

Uh, he was being discharged
from hospital this morning,

and there was no one to look after him,

so it's just until his wife gets back.

(door thuds)

Hi, Bill.

- [Claire] G'day, Bill.

- Thank you very much, Brick.

- Don't mention it.

- Sorry.
- Come in.

- You got a minute?

(gentle instrumental music)

I fixed it up a little.

It's not as good as new, but, you know.

- It's not my birthday.

- I know.

You wanna take it for a test drive?

(bell rings)

- I really appreciate it, but I'm busy,

and I've got heaps of work to do.

- Uh, there's another
blanket if you get cold,

and I got a whole stack of magazines.

Yeah, they're a bit old, but.

The nurse said you should
drink plenty of fluid,

so you want a cuppa?

- Thank you.

- No trouble at all.

(birds chirp)

Meg's got an apricot and walnut loaf.

It's better with a bit of marge, but.

- One day I'll figure you out.

(birds chirp)

- [Alex] Like the smell of diesel, do ya?

- Haven't you got anything better to do?

- Word of advice, forget the tractor.

Blow it up.

- It's your answer to everything.

(motor rumbles)

(chain rattles)

(motor revs)

(lever thuds)

(water hisses)

(Claire groans)

Stupid, ooh!

Ah, oh! (groans)

- The good news is, I've
finished my chores for today.

Well, the main ones anyway, so
I'm yours for the afternoon.

So we could play cards if you like, or.

Or just talk about things.

It's not good to bottle things up.

You know, the thing with
country people that I've noticed

is they don't like to talk about things.

They think they have to
solve everything themselves.

And if they can't solve it, they just, um.

Why don't you tell me
about your job in the city?

It's a hardware store, isn't it?

There is no hardware store, is there?

(Claire whimpers)

- Oh no.

- You out for a stroll?

- What are you doing out here?

- I heard Bill's staying at your house.

- Tess thinks she can
fix everybody. (winces)

Some things aren't so easily fixed.

- Claire.

(gentle piano music)

- You don't have to worry.

I'll take care of things around
here until you get better.

- Tell Jodi she'll need
to bring the tractor back.

You'll have to help her.

- Uh-huh.

- And fix it properly this time.

- Oh sorry.

- I'll be downstairs if you need me.

- Oh, and tell them

they need to check the fuel supplies, too.

- Claire?
- What?

- Shut up and get well.
(door knocks)

- Can I come in?

- Sure.

Welcome to McLeod's home for
people who injure themselves

out of stupidity.

- You okay?

- It's a broken rib, I'm not gonna die.

- You did quite the
lady-like faint, I tell ya.

- I did not.
- Well I had to catch ya.

- I passed out.
- Fainted.

- Never faint.

- Is it my turn yet?

Double letter score on the W.

Pretty hard to beat, aren't I?

Ooh, triple letter
score on the F, not bad.

Uh, maybe we should play something else.

In fact, I think I just saw
an old Monopoly upstairs, so.

- You've got Claire to look after now.

Maybe I should--

- No, no, you stay right
there, don't be ridiculous.

In fact,

I was thinking of inviting
some people over for dinner.

It's not normally done
around here, I know,

but I'm starting a new tradition.

Getting to know your neighbors.

- Meg.
(Meg gasps)

I thought I smelled something burning.

- Oh.

- So have you done it now?

- Done what?

- Prove whatever it is
you're trying to prove?

That you can do everything by yourself?

- You saying I can't?

- I'm saying you don't have to.

- (scoffs) Got a better idea?

- It was always the plan
that we get married.

- Our fathers' plan.

- Makes sense.

- I'm not about to become
ond of your dad's takeovers.

- Neither am I.

I got my own plans about branching out.

Maybe we share an independent streak.

I hate seeing you knock
yourself out, Claire.

Let me help you.

(gentle acoustic music)

(Claire whimpers)

- I just.
- You all right?

- I invited Alex over.

Oh, uh.

I invited Alex over for dinner,

so you can stay too if you want, Nick.

- If it's no trouble, yeah.

- No, no, no, no, no
trouble at all, I'll um.

Go and get dressed.

(playful acoustic music)

- [Alex] Come on, Tess.

- Hey get in line, Terry.
- What?

- He's next, and I'm after him.

- Who's in there?

- Tess.

- Did she just go in?

- [Alex] Ah.

- You know, I don't get women.

- The thing you have to remember is

they never say what they really mean.

- You have to think around their words.

- Mm-hm.

Like those cryptic crosswords.

They never make any sense
until you know the answer.

- Yeah.

- Mm-mm.
- Mm!

Smells good.

- [Tess] Bathroom's free.

- She's right, thanks.

- What?

- Well Jack used to say it
was good for the garden.

- Aw, charming.
- Bill.

Sit here.
- Dig in.

- Look at those two, made for each other.

How's the rib, Claire?

- Getting better by the second.

- I told you, sure
would've been a lot easier

to blow that stump up.

It'd take five minutes.

- Thanks for the advice.

- No really, I'd be glad to help.

- I'll think about it.

- What do you think of the food, Bill?

- It's uh, Jenelle used to
make this, only with olives.

- Olives?

Oh, I've never thought of that.

Tell her to pass on the recipe.

- Oh, like those stuffed olives,

the ones you get in the jar.

(spoon taps)
- Excuse me.

Um, I just wanted to say that,

well, I've noticed that
you people in the country,

you don't really talk much.

- Well we haven't had
to since you arrived.

(group laughs)
- Thanks, Alex.

But I've also noticed how you chip in

and help each other out,
so I thought that maybe,

since Bill's decided to turn down the job

in the hardware store,

that we could all chip in and
help him rebuild his shed.

- [Alex] Yeah, that wouldn't be a problem

if we all got into it.

- Oh no.

- Plenty of spare materials lyin' around.

The shed's worth that.

- Yeah, I got all that hardwood
up on Knobbish Hill there,

we could use that.

- [Meg] That hardwood is very good.

- It's not necessary, really.
(group chatters)

I don't want the shed.

I don't care about the shed
or the land or the money,

or any of that.

Jenelle's left me.
(somber piano music)

Without her, none of it means anything.

- Mate.

- [Meg] So is Jenelle gonna take him back?

- [Bill] Thank you for everything.

- No problem.

- Jenelle's got a heart of gold, you know.

- Um, what you did,

it doesn't always bring
out the best in people.

- Jenelle.

- You bloody idiot, get in the car.

(door thuds)

(engine rumbles)

- Who'd have thought Jenelle'd
drive a man to all that.

She isn't the easiest
woman to get along with.

- She looks like a pit bull.

- She does not.

- Yes she does.

- I guess that proves it.

True love is blind.

- Or stupid.

- There's someone out there for everyone.

I've always thought that.

- You're right.

(gentle instrumental music)

(door thuds)

- Lead over here.

- You know, there was
this kid a few years ago,

he thought there were
monsters in the crate.

- Yeah?

- He never went there, used
to make up excuses not to go,

so he never learned to swim properly,

and as he got older, he
found it harder and harder

to tell people he couldn't swim,

so he just kept making excuses.

- No, no I'm gonna fall.
- I've gotcha.

- I'm gonna fall!
- It's all right,

it's all right.

Trust me, I've gotcha.

We're goin'.
(Becky laughs)

Come on, keep goin'.

- Okay, okay, no I'm gonna go back down.

- It's okay, turn the corner.

(Becky yells)

(Becky laughs)

- You all right, you all right?

- Yes.

Oh, I tried to teach myself
to ride a bike before,

and it was my brother's bike,

and I fell on the middle bit and it hurt.

- You're tellin' me!


Come on, only on the bike.

- I can teach you to swim if you like.

- Me, no way.

No way.

On the bike.

- Okay, what if I can
ride the bike by myself.

- Maybe.

- Maybe?


I can do this.


- Now I gotcha.
- Okay.

- Just take your time.
(Becky laughs)

- Okay, whoa whoa whoa, okay, okay, okay.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
- Steady.

- Okay, hang on.
- Balance it.

- No, no, no.
- You're there.

- Okay.
- Yep.

- Okay.
- Fine, I gotcha.

Gotcha, you're steady, you're steady.

Keep goin'.

- It's going so fast.
- that's all right, it's easy.


- It's going so fast!
- Keep going, keep going,

I gotcha, I gotcha!
- Okay!

- Keep going, I gotcha!

You're doing it!

- I can do it!
- That's it!

- I think I can do it, this is great!

- [Brick] Keep going!

- You and Terry are happy, right?

- [Meg] Happy enough.

- But he's not the love of your life.

If he left, you'd still be
safe around sharp implements.

- I'd say so.

- That's the way to be, isn't it?

I mean, falling in love's
great, I do it all the time.

But that other stuff,

that stuff that makes you
feel like you can't breathe.

Well, who needs it?

Where does it get you

except for the wrong
end of the exhaust pipe.

I'll never do that.

People in love act like dickheads.

- Could it go off?

- The nitrate?

Nah, play footie with it.

It's when you mix it.

- My dad used to use gelignite.

- This is way more fun.

- You sure you know what you're doing?

- Claire.

Big bangs are my speciality, huh?

- Boom boom.

- Not all love is doomed.

Even if it doesn't work out.

There was someone I was
madly in love with once.

- What happened?

- The timing wasn't right.

But I guess if I'm honest,

I probably loved him
more than he loved me.

- Oh that's awful.

- Not really.

We had our moments.

(birds caw)

- You're loving this, aren't you?

- Who doesn't love blowing things up?

- You're sure we haven't used too much.

- Trust me, will you?

- I think sometimes you don't
have a choice with love.

It takes you over, that's it.

And even though it didn't work out,

I don't regret a minute of it.

- Say goodbye to this stump.

- Goodbye, stump.

- We're gonna miss you, stump.

- (laughs) Oh.

(somber instrumental music)
(birds chirp)

(playful instrumental music)

(explosion booms)
(Claire screams)

- (laughs) I think I used too much.

- [Claire] Oh, stop this is killing me!

(Alex and Claire laugh)

(gentle instrumental music)

- I know you only wanted to
be with the one you loved.

Bye, Mom.

I love you.

And I forgive you for not
letting me get a tattoo

on my 16th birthday.

- [Claire] Mind if I interrupt?

- [Nick] Not at all.

- Finally got that paddock cleared.

Might be able to start planning soon.

- Lotta work.

- Yeah, I think I can handle it.

- By yourself?

- For the time being.

I mean, there's no rush, is there?

- No, not at all.

- You never know what might
happen, a year from now.

- A year's a long time.

- No need to make hasty decisions.

- None.

- Right-o. (laughs)

Get some work done.
- That's right.

- Hello.

- Hi.
- Hi.

Where's the chutney?

- I gave up.
- Why?

- Maybe it's time to let some things go.

- No way, I love your chutney.

- Eh, there's something missing.

- You mean, like an ingredient, right?

- Yeah, maybe.

(playful music)

- Oh, ta.

- [Meg] Drink up.

- Oh. (groans)


Oh come on!

Oh come on.

Come on, come on.

Oh. (sighs)

Oh. (sighs)

♪ Ooh ♪

♪ Ooh ♪

♪ Ooh ♪

♪ Ooh ♪

♪ Common ground ♪

♪ Find common ground ♪

♪ Keep on lookin' till it's found ♪

♪ Got one chance that's what they say ♪

♪ They're all wrong 'cause
there are many ways ♪

♪ Got to want it ♪

♪ Got to know ♪

♪ And nothing's just as it seems ♪

♪ It's not easy ♪

♪ It's a long, long road to find a dream ♪

♪ Ooh ♪

♪ Ooh ♪

♪ Ooh ♪

(thunder rumbles)

(midtempo electronic music)

(gentle electronic tones)