McGee and Me! (1989–1992): Season 2, Episode 3 - Beauty and the Least - full transcript

(intense music)

(upbeat rock music)

- [McGee] Ah, fall in Eastfeild.

The leaves are changing colors.

The smell of football
is in the air

and all Nick can think about
is his history test tomorrow.

- [Nick] McGee, have
you seen my eraser?

- It's the last
play of the game.

It all hinges on a field goal.

Can the mighty McGee do it?

- Okay McGee, hand
over the spheroid.

- The crowd goes wild!

- Look McGee, I know
you're excited about

visiting Louis in
Indianapolis this weekend

to watch the Colts play Buffalo,

but if I don't
study for this test,

we may as well kiss those
50 yard line seats goodbye.

- Okay, okay, keep
working Einstein.

But how 'bout one last pass?

You know, to keep
me in practice.

- Okay.

- McGee's going long!

Easy! Martin's gonna
throw the bomb!


(birds chirping)

(ominous music)

(footsteps in dry leaves)

(dog barking)

(intense spooky music)

- That's some
pretty good running.

I knew that kid should've
gone out for JV football.


(dog barking)

- Yeah Dad, he was right
outside the back door.

- I'll handle it, alright?

- Alright, go, go, go on.

(intense spooky music)

- Whoever it was is gone now.


Okay everyone, calm down.

I pity anyone who tries
to break into this house.

But, never fear,
the men are here.

(knocking on door)

(intense music)

- What's the number for 911

- It's got a note or something.

What's it say?

- I don't know.

Give me Grandma's glasses.

Michael and Ilie from Romania?

- Ilie.

- Who?

- Ilie Tinescu, my
pen pal from Romania.

(cheery accordion music)

- Well, I guess we
should let them in.

- Dad!

I can't meet anyone
looking like this!

(speaking foreign language)

- I am Michael Tinescu.

And this is my son, Ilie.

- Hello (speaking
foreign language).

Hello Nick!

I can't believe I
finally get to meet you

after four years.

- Ilie, is it really you?

You're so...


- And you, you are so...


(speaking foreign language)

- Hi.

- Grandma.

- Very happy to meet you.

- What's, where is
Jamie and Sarah?

- I'm Sarah, hi.

I was just looking in on Jamie.

She's got a bad
case of the measles.

- I already had it.

- Oh good, yeah mom's got Jamie
quarantined up in her room.

- And Sarah, she is
taking care of her sister.

Now this is real
American kindness.

- Please forgive the way
the rest of us are dressed,

but Nick wasn't
expecting Ilie til Lent.

- Lent?

Then we are exactly on time.

Today is the first day of
our Christmas Lenten season.

This relief organization
that I work for,

they send Ilie and
me on, to a big

global gathering.

But of course, my goodness,
we are an inquisition.

No, come, Ilie, come here.

No, we must not untrude
on these very nice people.

- Wait!

You're not untruding.

Are they Mom?

- Oh, no.

No, of course not.

Please, stay.


- Oh, I was just practicing.

Can we help you with your bags?

- Oh no, no, no,
there is only one.

- Oh, well in that case, why
don't you follow me upstairs.

Sarah, you can sleep
with Grandma tonight.

And Nick, get the cot
from the basement.

Ilie can stay with you and
don't forget to lock up.

- Wow, (speaking
foreign language).

- Yeah, right!

(speaking foreign language)

- Did you hear that?

Secret code!

They look like
soviet agents to me.

- There are no
more soviet agents.

- Oh, don't tell me
you buy that whole

collapse of the
Soviet Union thing.

Ha! Pure propaganda!


- [Jamie] This is Jamie.

Can you bring me
some ginger ale?

- Yeah.

- [Jamie] And the TV Guide.

And a graham cracker.

- Plain or cinnamon?

- [Jamie] One of each.

- I'm not so sure that
making this intercom

was such a great idea.

I'm getting this strange feeling

that burglars may have
been easier to deal with

than Ilie and his dad.

Of course, the thrill
of putting together

Dad's old army cot added to
an already bizarre evening.

- It is just as I imagined
from your letters.

You are so lucky to
live in such a place!

This is wonderful, Nick!

This must be the model
plane you wrote about.

- Yeah, whatever happened to
the model that you wrote about?

You know, the ship
with the Romanian name

that rescued people
from the Titanic?

- The Carpathia.

I finished it but I
no longer have it.

You see, I need the wood
for another project.

I think if all of
this were mine,

I should not have time for
anything else but play.

- Uh, what was it your
dad said right before

we came upstairs?

- Ah.

It is from "Matei" (Matthew)

You should know this one, Nick.

(speaking foreign language)

- And how's that in English?

- Oh.

Matthew 22:39.

You must love your neighbor

as much as you love yourself.

My Dada knows the
Bible very well.

He reminds me and my
sisters of it's wisdom.

Where is the "baie" (bathroom)?

- The what?

Oh, right down the hall.

First door to the right.

- I can't believe we get
to stay here a whole week!

- A week?

(intense music)

(comical music)

All night, Ilie went on
and on about the great

stuff in my room.

By morning, I was
exhausted from hearing that

even my electric pencil
sharpener was somehow amazing.

- Mm, gotta make
something for them.

Varsa, Romanian pumpkin
cabbage casserole.

Hm, hollow out one
15-pound pumpkin.

Add nine heads of cabbage.

Boil until limp.

(doorbell ringing)

Ugh, that doorbell
is driving me nuts!

- Not to worry, I
am almost finished.

You know, back home, one
push of the finger produces

a long, steady, forceful ring.

And when I'm finished,
yours will do the same.

- Michael, I know this has
been on David's fix-it list

for a while and I thank you
very much for repairing it

and everything, but--
- Oh, it's my pleasure.

- Maybe next time,
when guests come,

they won't have to go to
back door and scare family.

- Right.

(doorbell ringing)

- Mrs. Martin.

- Oh, yes Ilie?

- Look what I made for you.

- Oh!

What is it?

- It's a noch.

- A noch, well
it's very special.

- Put it on.

- Alright.

- No, no, no,
you're upside down.


- Thank you!

- You're welcome.

(doorbell ringing)

- Someone at the door.

- Don't ask.

- Oh!

So I see the Romanian
wood fiend struck again.

Look what I got, a pencil cup.

- Well, looks like
somebody got up

on the wrong side
of the cot today.

- There is no right
side of the cot.

Even when I sleep
over at Louis' house

and stay in the other
bunk, it's not this bad.

- You better call
Louis and let him know

you can't go to the game.

- What?

Mom, this'll be
my first pro game.

- Nick!

You are Ilie's host.

You can't just up and leave
in the middle of a visit!

Louis will understand and we
all have to make sacrifices.

Look, it's tough enough
for me to prepare

Thanksgiving dinner
with your sister sick.

But throw in a last
minute Romanian

pumpkin cabbage casserole--

- Oh, the bell, she is fixed.

Now I must fix faulty light.

You know, it is very perplexing.

Whenever I turn on
switch instead of light

comes this terrible
rumble from sink.


- Oh no, no, no Michael!

No Michael, that's the disposal.


- Is someone at the door?

- No, it's Jamie.

Yes honey?

- [Jamie] Mom, you forgot to
bring me a spoon for my cereal.

Every time the doorbell rings,

there's static on the TV.

- My goodness, that
is amazing device.

- Heh, yeah, keeps me busy.

- [Jamie] Did we get
chocolate milk yet?

- (sighs) Honey,
I'm sorry, I forgot.

- Oh, you know, maybe Ilie and
I will go to store for you.

Yes, yes, all our lives
we hear of big American

grocery store, eh?

You know, like on TV, you know,

"You Love Lucy"!

(cheery music)

- Well, great.

- Well, great.
Why don't ya pick up a
pumpkin and some more cabbage

Why don't ya pick up a
pumpkin and some more cabbage

when you're there.

Nick can show ya how to get
there on his way to school.

- But Mom.

(speaking foreign language)

- old Romanian saying, "a man
is a swine who denies bacon

- old Romanian saying, "a man
is a swine who denies bacon
to his neighbor".

to his neighbor".

Ilie, Ilie, we go
to grocery store.

(upbeat music)

(speaking foreign language)

Oh good morning, sir.

Have a very nice day.

- Okay, this is
where we split up.

I get outta school around two.

The grocery store is
about a block that way.

You can't miss it.

Hey, hey, you're
going the wrong way.

You guys are going
the wrong way.


- Well, hello.

I am Michael Tinescu.

Here, let me assist you.

- No!

- Mr. Tinescu,

that's crazy Jim.

He's a bum.

- A bum?

- I prefer the term
gentleman of reduced means.

James Tillman III
at your service.

- Sorry crazy, I mean James.

We were just leaving.

- A word to the wise, young sir.

When escorting out
of towners about,

you would do wise to
advise them to keep their

hands to themselves.

Dirt, you know?

- Oh, dirt, I know.

Now, I work in the
relief organization

but before, I work in steel
factory here in Brazov.

- Brazov, ya don't say.

Is that near Akron?

- And here, look, here is wife.

- That's my mother.

- At voluntary aid station
after this big earthquake.

James, tell me.

What's meaning of
this word, crazy?

- I prefer the old
English conjugation,

possessing enthusiasm
or great excitement,

two of the more
common definitions.

- [Boy] Nick?

- Oh great.

Hey Jordan.

Uh Jordan, this is my
friend, Ilie Tinescu

and his dad from Romania.

- And this, this is
my friend, James.

- Pleasure to make your
acquaintanceship, Master Jordan.

- Yeah, uh, hi.

Hey, we're gonna
be late to school.

- Yeah, we'd better go.

- Bye Nick!

I'll see you at home.

America is amazing!

- I can't believe this, Jordan.

First I find out I have to
miss the Colts/Bills game

and now I'm on a first
name basis with crazy Jim.

- Hey, maybe crazy
Jim can put em up

while you go to the game.

- You never know
what to expect next

with Ilie and his dad.

I heard Michael saluted
the crossing guard

at the elementary school today.

If they come near
the junior high,

I'm hiding in my locker.

- My friends, I want
you to meet someone.

Come on.

Come in.

This is Julia.

She has been bringing
letters and packages

to this house for many months

but has never met
the people inside.

Can you guys believe it?

- Hello.

- It's nice to meet you.

- I haven't met a lot of
people on my route, really.

- She was just telling
me about Thanksgiving.

It's amazing.

- Oh, you have big plans?

- Not really.

My roommate and I will
probably cook up some bird

in the microwave and watch
reruns of the parade on TV.

- Oh, how nice.

- Suddenly, I am hungry,

especially with all these
things you have done

for your fine
feast, Mrs. Martin.

- Well, Thanksgiving is
really more than just

a big meal, Ilie, it's a
celebration of the time our

forefathers gave thanks
for all God had given them.

It's a time of sharing our
good fortune with others.

- That sounds really nice.

- What did I do
with that grater?

- Well, it's been
nice meeting y'all.

I better get back
to my route now.

- Nice to meet you, Julia.

- Ilie, will you show Julia out?

- Yes, I would.

Come Julia.

(cheery accordion music)


- What honey?

- [Jamie] Mom, Whatever
ate my crackers.

- Now the dog.

I don't think I'm gonna make it.

- Well, I'm starting to
think that the Tinescu's

are probably aliens
from another planet.

McGee, of course,
has another idea.

He's sure they're leaders in
an international spy ring.

- With my new spy
tracking globule,

I'll be able to keep
tabs on the Tinescu's

movements at all times.

- Louis, I've tried everything.

But I'm stuck here babysitting
Boris Badenov and son.



- Hmm, needs a few adjustments.

- Yeah, I thought so too.

I mean, Ilie and I just don't
have anything in common.

His idea of fun is hanging
around street people

and he brought home
our mail girl today.


I mean, Ilie was okay
as a pen pal but,

he's just too much
of a dweebomatic

to actually be in the
same country with.


I wish he'd never come
here in the first place.

(somber music)

Yeah, you too.

Yeah, I'm sorry about
the mix-up, man.


Alright, bye.

- Nick, do you have
Jamie's Walkman?

- Yeah, Ilie was using
it over by the art table.

It was, of course, amazing.

- What's the matter
with Ilie anyway?

- You want the long
list or the short list?

- He seems so upset.

I just passed him
outside your door

and he didn't say a word.

- Oh no!

(dramatic music)

Sarah, have you seen Ilie?

- Yeah, he and
his dad just left.

- What?

- I saw em as I was coming in.

They had their suitcase,
so I guess that means

I get my room back.

(somber music)

- McGee, this is
never gonna work.

- But it is working.

The tracking globule I stuck
to Mr. Tinescu's suitcase

is sending a strong signal.

Trust me, we'll
find em in no time!

Got him, they're just
around the corner, hurry!


- Sorry about that.

- It's okay.

Occupational hazard.

- By the way, have
you seen Ilie?

You know, the little boy that--

- How could I forget?

No, I haven't seen
him but I'll keep my

eye out for him, okay?


Good luck.

- Oww!


- Right around the
corner, hurry up.

- Guess my tracking globule
needs reglobulating.

(soft music)

- Ilie!

Mr. Tinescu!


♪ Come open your eyes

♪ Come and see as before

♪ To care for those around you

♪ Is one thing
worth living for ♪

♪ Come, come as a child

♪ Come and then you'll see

♪ That once you start to give

♪ It's then that
you'll receive ♪

♪ Please somebody tell me

♪ What ever happened to love

♪ Can't somebody tell me

♪ Just how push came to shove

♪ If we come to our senses

♪ Break down all our fences

♪ Then maybe once more, we'll
remember what love was for ♪

- To Nick, my best
American friend, Ilie.


He made this out
of his model ship.

Man, I really blew it.

- Yeah, now ya know what
the turkey feels like

on Thanksgiving.

- I didn't even give
him a chance McGee.

All I could think of
was my own stupid self.

Now I'll probably
never see Ilie again.

- Don't be so sure.

I know a guy who
can find anybody!

- Oh yeah? Who's that?

- The name's Blond, James Blond.

With his suave elegance,
cool detachment

and a rye humor only British
super spies can effect,

James Blond pursues
his arch nemesis,

Demetri Vilenov, through
the narrow back streets

of an exotic European city.

Never one to lose his cool
or dirty his dinner jacket,

Blond activates his
all-purpose gadgetron.

(suspenseful music)

(upbeat music)

(horn honking)


I hope you won't think
I'm a party crasher.

- As a matter of fact, you are!

- So sorry old boy.

Send the bill to Her
Majesty's Cleaning Service.

(intense music)

- Thanks for the thought,
McGee, but this is

one mystery I'm gonna
have to solve on my own.

(somber music)

The day of the
big feast is here.

So why do I feel like my
stomach is full of cement?

All Ilie and his
dad wanted to do

was to love their neighbors.

Ya know, that's funny 'cause
these are my neighbors.


- Nick, come on down,
we're almost ready.

- Not hungry Mom.

- Not hungry?

Ugh, I fixed enough
food for an army.

With Ilie and Michael
gone, I was counting on you

to eat at least
the whole pumpkin

cabbage casserole by yourself.

- I really messed up, didn't I?


- Oh Nick.

We all did, honey.

Sometimes, sometimes,

life starts moving so fast, we
forget to love other people.

We think only of ourselves.

(somber music)

- I'm sorry Mom.

- So am I honey.

So am I.

(football commentating)

Here we go.


- Come on, come on, go!

In the air!


Not waiting on me, I hope.

Nick, will you give thanks?

- Me?

Lord, I'm thankful that
I had a friend like Ilie.

Maybe with your help,
he'll be able to forgive me

for what I did.

Bless him

and bless this food.


- Do we smell
stuffing and gravy?

- Ilie!

- They're back!

- But I thought I--

Where were you guys?

- Didn't you get the note?

I was sure that I

left it here in my pocket.

Oh my friends,
please forgive me.

Yesterday, Ilie and I
went to Back Alley Mission

to help feed people
who do not have

enough food to eat.

- You've been doing
volunteer work all this time?

- There are so
many people to feed

and so few to help feed them.

We wanted to do what we could.

To share what we have,
like Mrs. Martin said.

- Like I said?

- Yes, Mrs. Martin!

Before in kitchen, when
I hear you tell Julia,

the mail carrier how
Thanksgiving is a time

of sharing good
fortune with others,

I think then, you are very wise.

- So, in suitcase, we
put clothes so that

we could share these with people

who do not have enough to wear.

- You gave away your clothes?

- Yes, but we also receive.

Where else could I trade for
such a fashionable hat, huh?

Look (laughing), just
like Indiana Jones, no?

- More like Indiana James.

(dogs barking)

- Dada, they're coming!

- Who is coming?

- I will explain.

Like you said, we invited
all the people that we met,

you know, friends, neighbors.

- You invite people?

- No worry.

Knowing Mrs. Martin's
spirit for giving,

I say to pastor
at mission, I say,

"Hey, I know where to send
all these extra people."

- But Michael, we
don't have enough food!

- Did I hear someone say food?


- Just put it on the counter.

♪ Love those who are in love

♪ Love those who've
lost their way ♪

♪ Take a chance,
then you will find ♪

♪ There is love,
it's calling today ♪

♪ We're all one and the same

♪ Only different by name

♪ Only different by name
♪ If we open our eyes to see

♪ If we open our eyes to see

♪ We'll find what
love meant to be ♪

♪ Please somebody tell me

♪ Whatever happened to love

♪ Can't somebody tell me

♪ Just how push came to shove

♪ If we come to our senses

♪ Break down all our fences

♪ Maybe once more, we'll

♪ Remember what love was for

- Oh Nick, I cannot accept this.

- Please, I want you to have it.

It's just my way of saying

I'm sorry for all
the trouble I caused.

- Nick, it's okay.

If you would've came to visit me

during the World Cup,

I would've thought you
were dweebomatic too.

- Look, I think your son has

learned well our
way of greeting.

- Michael, thank
you for reminding us

what Thanksgiving
is really about.

This may be our best
Thanksgiving ever.


- Get sick for a few days
and look what happens.

My family opens a restaurant.

I gotta get well fast.

(blowing up balloon)

- Forget the spy business.

I can make a fortune
with my McGee cam blimp.

Going up.

(cheery music)

Nothing like a bird's
eye view of the turkey.

(ominous music)

Mayday, mayday!

I'm goin' in!



It's like I always say,

into every bowl of gravy,
a little turkey must fall.

(cheery music)

♪ Come open your eyes

♪ Come and see as before

♪ To care for those around you

♪ Is one thing
worth living for ♪

♪ Come, come as a child

♪ Come and then you'll see

♪ That once you start to give

♪ It's then that
you'll receive ♪

♪ Please somebody tell me

♪ Whatever happened to love

♪ Can't somebody tell me

♪ Just how push came to shove

♪ If we come to our senses

♪ Break down all our fences

♪ Maybe once more,
we'll remember ♪

♪ When love was born

♪ Love those who are unloved

♪ Love those who've
lost their way ♪

♪ Take a chance,
then you will find ♪

♪ That is love,
it's calling today ♪

♪ Cause we're all
one in the same ♪

♪ Only different by name

♪ Only different by name
♪ If we open our eyes to see

♪ If we open our eyes to see

♪ We'll find what
love meant to be ♪