Mayor of Kingstown (2021–…): Season 1, Episode 5 - Episode #1.5 - full transcript
♪ MTV ♪
on "Mayor of Kingstown"...
So who sent you?
Milo. He's my boss.
I'm gonna give you a year.
Year to what?
You know, I'm
stronger than you think.
No you're not.
I need, uh, Carlos Jimenez.
Carlos runs the Locos, right?
I got a warrant.
What for?
Child support payments.
He's at the ranch.
It's over off Persimmon.
It's where they got their dogs
they fight in there.
If you see him, pick
him up on that warrant.
Y'all got the wrong cell, cuz.
Everything you
have I gave you.
And now I'm taking it all back.
Because you asked for more.
Put him in ad seg.
What the fuck were you
doing in there, huh?
Hey, get back.
I'm looking for, uh,
Detective McLusky.
He's my brother.
Are you a cop?
I didn't fucking think so.
Get behind the line.
Hey, Mike.
I'm by the coroner's van.
Can you, uh, come get me?
Cops won't let me in.
All right, I gotcha, I gotcha.
How are you doin'?
Hey man,
they ain't done with 'em yet,
so we gotta hang back.
What were you doing?
What's up, Mike?
Hey, bud.
I got your prints
on the murder weapon.
Tell me. Tell me.
Hey. Do you work here?
'Til about an hour ago.
What happened?
My boss started shooting
at those guys over there,
and they killed him.
What about this guy over here?
I don't know.
You want one?
Fuck it.
--fucking staring at?
I want my fucking union
rep, you fucking dick.
What the fuck?
It's my responsibility
to determine
if this was a legal shooting,
not your union rep.
He shot at us!
You didn't identify
yourselves as police officers!
Fuck you!
Hey, hey, hey!
What's going on?
What are you doing?
You know you can't
interview these guys
until there's a written report
from the watch commander.
Are you the watch commander?
No, I'm just a witness--to
you violating their rights.
I'm entitled to canvass
the scene
of any officer-involved
Well, that's the
scene right there,
with a dead guy and
the fucking yellow tape.
If we do this at the
station, it's official.
It's recorded.
Keep that in mind.
Here is the best place
to work this out.
What the fuck
are you doing here?
What the fuck
are you doing here?
I'm looking after my brother.
Your brother's fine, Mike.
The clerk had a
rough night, though.
Yeah, maybe he shouldn't
shoot the customers.
And hey, by the way,
defense counsel here,
as you observe this interview--
even if you had a case,
and now you don't,
want to give us a minute?
You're gonna figure
it all out, Mike?
Best I can.
Then give it your best shot.
Thank you.
Hey. You okay?
Yeah, I'm fucking fine.
I'm fine too, Mike.
Thanks for asking.
Yeah, way to defuse
the situation, Ian.
I don't know what to tell ya.
I fucking went in the back door.
The tweaker's sitting right
behind Kyle at the table.
As soon as I step
outta that hallway,
the fucking pizza guy--
the pizza guy unloads
a pistol at my head--
Yeah, we had no choice, Mike.
Look, look, I'm not
questioning that, okay?
Was, uh, was the tweaker armed?
Yeah, he had a knife,
crack pipe, and two dollars.
Anybody run the pizza guy?
No, I didn't, but
I'm sure somebody did.
--tats all the way
up his arm, Mike.
He's selling more meth
than he is fucking pepperoni.
Hey, look,
I'm gonna talk to Tom
and see what side
of the fence he's on.
Thanks, man.
Tom, what the fuck?
Come on, what's up
with grinding my brother?
I'm trying to keep a lid on
this and they're freaking out.
Yeah, well, you know,
interviewing them in front of
a district attorney is not
really putting a lid on it.
Mike, look, when they
get to the station,
they're gonna be
put in different rooms
and then asked
the same questions.
And if their answers
are different,
they got a real fucking problem.
Okay, look, let's just
stop thinking about this
as a shooting and start
thinking about like a drug bust,
cuz that's what it is.
That pizza guy's a
fucking drug dealer, all right?
That's his customer.
And these guys just
walked in on it, all right?
It's that simple.
That's what it is.
They find drugs on the victim?
Not yet.
Sure would simplify matters.
Approach it from that angle.
This guy's a drug dealer.
How do you know?
Look, you have one of
his customers handcuffed
on a sidewalk outside.
Then 15 more across the street
freezing their asses off,
just waiting to
see what you find.
Hey, ask that tweaker
the right questions
and then get the right answers.
All right. I'm on it.
Sure Mike, come on and help
yourself to my crime scene.
Yeah. Look, everyone's looking
at this at the wrong angle.
Well, illuminate me, Mike.
What's the right angle?
You ran the guy?
Yeah, sure we ran the guy.
Okay, how many--how many
drug convictions he got?
How many years he do?
Okay, so you got a felon
in possession of a firearm.
That's one.
Have you searched
the place for drugs?
Looked at his vehicle?
You're trying to change
the narrative, Mike?
Oh no, just clarifying it.
They walked into a drug deal.
That a fact?
That's it.
If they walked in the
middle of a drug deal,
where are the drugs?
They'll find them.
You know, criminals
can be victims too, Mike.
Yeah, and victims
can still be criminals.
Hey, leave
the body until homicide
has had a chance to examine it.
They can examine the body
at the coroner's office.
Well, they need
to search it here.
Wait outside.
Thank you.
I got a client for you.
How about we do
dinner later this week?
The timing, Mike?
None of them are
worth a fuck.
No, man. Since Brady left,
he ain't worth a fuck either.
None of them.
It doesn't matter
who Detroit hires.
Doesn't matter who they draft.
Losing's the only thing
they know how to do.
Yeah, that's for real.
Hey Ernie?
Did you get that
from the commissary?
Forgot my lunch.
You eat that prison shit?
Ernie, your shift
was over at seven.
Who approved your OT?
I'm not on the clock.
Just what?
Fucking hanging out?
Jesus, how rough
can she be, man?
You know you've been married
a long time when you have dinner
in prison just to
get some fucking peace.
Here's what I recommend,
Ernie: alcohol, all right?
And lots of it.
Nothing will speed you
through a marriage
like a bottle of bourbon,
trust me.
Hey, man.
Oh, he's just
trying to help, Ernie!
Come on, man!
Vienna sausages
for dinner, man?
Oh hey,
speaking of dinner,
I wonder if P-dog enjoyed
his dinner, hm?
Hey, keep your eyes
open tonight, all right?
These fuck heads
are sore losers.
Just lock 'em down, Ed.
Let 'em stew in their cells.
No, no, I lock it down now
and then the warden will give me
hell in November, all right?
If you guys want
your Christmas overtime,
we gotta wait another month
before we can seal this place,
Who made his dinner?
I need the bowl.
Come fucking get it.
Is that
really what you want?
Wow, you ate that fast.
Why did
he get two years?
For nothin', man.
He was just along for the ride
when they popped the driver.
You know that how that go.
Charge everyone in the car
for that fucking smack.
Well, doesn't matter
why he's in, Duchard.
He's in.
Ain't that the fucking truth?
But look, he's clean.
Fucking straight-A student
before all this shit.
He's not affiliated?
But they're pushing hard.
And I don't want him
caught up in all that.
All right, listen, Duchard,
in order for me to help,
I need the truth.
Because 16-year-old
first offenders
don't go two years
for possession, okay?
He's in Youth Authority?
Gang members are filtered
out of general population.
It's very hard to sneak through
cuz they don't
wanna sneak through,
because they want
to stay with their clique.
That's why there's
400 kids in gang seg
and 80 in general population.
So which of the 79 kids
in general population
is fucking worth your brother?
Why are you fucking with me?
Because you're lying to me.
That's why.
Your brother,
he fucked up.
And his own set's after him--
probably the one you were with.
So if you just tell me what set,
maybe I can do something
to help out.
Let's talk about
your fee first.
That's some heavy shit.
I negotiate for you.
I don't negotiate with you.
What's your brother's name?
Okay. I'll get into it.
When do I have to pay?
Right now.
How do I know you did the job?
Because you won't
get a fucking phone call
to identify his body.
Pay Rebecca out front.
Yeah, just give me,
like, 30 seconds.
DA's office sent somebody
over here to meet with you.
Yeah. Yup.
Have a seat.
I'll stand, thank you.
If you stand and
you have a gun,
you can pull it off
faster than I could.
So...have a seat,
or I'll stand up
and you don't want that.
You know who I am?
I do.
Then you know I
don't have a gun.
I don't put
anything past anybody.
What can I do for you?
You're familiar with
my daughter's case?
She was abducted.
She wasn't abducted.
She was kidnapped and killed
and god knows what else...
before the fluids were
drawn from her body.
I'm sorry.
I didn't realize
they found a body.
They didn't.
James Parker confess?
He confessed and retracted.
Her case was never prosecuted
because there was no body.
I understand your influence
within the prisons is unique.
What would you like
me to do, Mr. Shaw?
If Parker would confess
to my daughter's murder,
it would mean another trial,
which would mean a stay
of execution.
You sure you want that?
When he's dead,
he's done suffering.
Would you like a drink?
Yeah, very much.
All right, look.
This guy's, uh, fucking insane,
but he's not stupid.
Neither is his lawyer.
So I'm sure he's aware
that an additional confession
will get him another trial,
which buys him another three
or four years per confession.
So if he's the monster
they say he is,
he can be there 'til he's 80.
He's the monster they say.
Then why hasn't he confessed?
That's what I need
you to find out.
Mr. Shaw, you're gonna
need a private investigator--
Private investigator doesn't
have access to every inmate in
the state's penal system.
The answer is inside
the walls, not outside.
I'll ask around.
How much do you charge?
No, I won't charge for this.
Yeah, well, pity
isn't much of a motivator.
Money isn't much of a
motivator for me either.
Then you've never had much.
Is there a, uh...
date set for execution?
It's two weeks.
It's not enough time.
I know.
It's what you've got.
You see what I mean?
Oh yeah, she's beautiful.
Can she dance?
No idea.
Hello, Joseph.
Take your clothes off
and get on the stage.
Why would I do that?
Milo wants you working.
Well, I'm not a dancer.
There are no fucking
senators in Kingstown.
Hookers here walk the streets.
Milo doesn't
want you doing that.
Off with the dress, let's go.
Turn around.
She's a real fucking
black widow, this one.
Get on the stage.
Whoa, whoa, whoa...
Hey, she's fucking naked, Joey.
This ain't a jerk joint, honey.
Put your dress back on.
There we go.
Well, you're fucking beautiful.
And that body...
But can you dance?
I understand the concept.
Yeah, there's not
much to it, is there?
I'll figure it out.
Yeah, you go through that
door and ask for Olga, okay?
She'll get you taken care of.
She's got all kinds of shit--
dresses, heels, everything.
But you gotta wear a G-string.
A little mystery
goes a long way.
I think the only mysterious
thing about the human body
is the eyes.
Wouldn't you agree, Joseph?
What did I say?
The fucking spider.
What's your name, honey?
I'm Iris.
Iris, I am Craig.
Craig. Nice to meet you.
My pleasure.
Yeah, that door right there.
That's right.
Hm. She is gonna
make a fucking fortune.
Hold back half for us.
So where's she staying?
Listen to me.
She is poisonous, okay?
We use her to turn judges.
She needs a cover,
and this is it.
She is ours, so
don't fucking touch.
Bitch will eat you alive.
Look who it is!
Six-foot leprechaun.
How are you doin'?
I'm livin', baby.
Cousin ain't so hot.
Yeah, they feeding him
shit sandwiches in ad seg.
My phone be blowing up, man.
They complaining to me
like a motherfucker.
Well, if they're
complaining to you,
then they're not
complaining about you.
No, Mike, this is serious.
I know.
Them guards is pushin' him.
If they ain't careful,
they gonna wake the beast.
At least the beast
is in the cage.
Y'all forgettin' who
run that motherfucker.
They push too hard, they
gonna fucking remind you.
Look, this is not on me,
and you know it.
I said this would happen.
Tell them guards to back the
fuck off before all this shit
comes to a head.
Got a minute?
Come on.
Duchard Little, what
do you know about him?
Yeah, I know that
rat motherfucker.
He got popped for the key,
only spent two days in county.
Where that fool at?
He came through my office,
worried about his little
Yeah, well, he
fucking should be.
He got that motherfucker
thinking he quit.
Saying he's in fucking
Boy Scouts, I hear? Shit.
Straight-A student, Bunny.
I got a fucking PhD, then.
No, pulled his transcript.
Look, every once in a while,
someone gets scared straight,
Just don't bend him up, okay?
Straight A's don't
mean shit, man.
He in prison.
What the fuck did he
achieve with a jacket?
He's 16, Bunny.
Jacket's not gonna fall him.
Just...give the kid
a chance, at least.
See what he does with it.
What if something happens
to that bitch Duchard?
Fuck him, I don't care.
I care about his little brother.
Got it.
All right, then we trade.
Done. Do what you want.
All right, you got, uh...
Got anybody on death row
in a cell near James Parker?
sick motherfucker?
Hey, I don't understand
white people, man.
Y'all won't get in a
gunfight to save your life,
but y'all will sure as
fuck kill and eat 20 kids.
I need to get to him.
Favor pays top dollar.
See what I can dig up.
I need a favor
from you, though.
My little cousin Hakim,
he on this hockey team, right?
His first game is tonight
down at the City Center.
Could you run him
over there for me?
Why don't you just take him?
It's downtown, man.
You know how it is.
If I drive six blocks
from here, I'mma get shot.
You know this, man.
The king cannot leave
the kingdom, Mike, come on.
Dude, I can't
babysit your nephew.
I ain't ask
you for nothin', come on!
All you do is ask for shit.
Well, I'm asking for some
more shit right now, then!
Okay, yes, fine, fuck!
I'll do it!
Hey, Hakim!
Hey, coach his ass up on
the way over there, a'ight?
He don't know a fucking
thing about hockey.
Why is he playing
hockey, then?
Why not, man? Come on.
Hey, Mike gonna give
you a ride, all right?
You got your gear?
Oh, yes, sir.
Don't call me sir.
Let's go.
Hey, look into that
Parker thing, would you?
I got you, man.
Come on, kid, let's do this!
You know you're my boy, right?
Feel like your bitch.
You're my boy.
That really mean something
around here, you know that.
So you play wing?
Left wing, yes sir.
Don't call me sir.
What do I call you?
Just call me Mike.
So how you know my uncle?
It's a long story.
Guess it's not
that long after all.
Uh, yeah, prison.
I ain't never
goin' to prison, man.
Yeah, I don't recommend it.
I'mma play for the
Red Wings one day.
You know, get
the fuck outta here.
Maybe you should
play for Tampa.
No, I hate their uniforms.
Well, Detroit's
just down the damn street.
That's not getting out of here.
Tampa, that's in Florida.
That's getting the
fuck outta here.
Tampa Bay. Hm.
All right, Mr. Jimenez.
Picked up on a bench
warrant three weeks ago.
I got his bloodwork
and his urinalysis back,
and surprise surprise,
narcotics are present.
His parole's been revoked.
I'll let his PO walk
you through the details.
Officer Jefferson?
Mr. Jimenez was arrested
in 1998 for armed robbery.
Got 20, which he began serving
at the Youth Authority.
Transferred to the
Mall when he was 18.
Racked up three manslaughter
convictions along the way.
He was released in 2018
when the state began its
early release initiative.
He didn't qualify for that.
He's a three-striker.
Fucking four-striker.
Ferguson, McLusky, what
the fuck are you doing here?
You're supposed to be on a desk.
Yes, sir, the commissioner
appointed it
because we're short staffed.
Stay at the back of the line.
Last thing I need is you
cowboys in another gunfight.
Look, regardless of the
algebra that got him paroled,
the failed drug test
sends him back
to serve the rest of his
He owes us two decades,
and I do not expect him
to go softly into the night,
All right, thank you.
All right, the FBI has a GPS
located on the CI that led them
to Jimenez's current location.
He's under surveillance now.
FBI puts GPS on
their informants?
Probably just activated
the LoJack
on your brother's Lincoln.
Gentlemen, focus.
His house is down an alley.
They have about 30 kennels
with pit bulls
behind a 7-foot
chain link fence,
so we have
no element of surprise.
I put my team in a van, we
pop this moron on the street,
and run our APC right through
the back wall of that house.
There's your
element of surprise.
Wait 'til dark?
Middle of the day, while
these assholes are still sober.
Do it.
We run on FBI's frequency
or they run on ours?
No, no, they say your call.
All right.
Robert? Be safe.
You dumb bastard.
--the final round.
Three of our...
While you were jacking
off in the shower,
your son was vomiting
across the room
like he drank fucking sea water!
He hasn't kept a
meal down all week.
Not that you give a shit.
Well, you should
take him to the doctor.
What's the point?
Clean it up before
you go to work.
Clean it the fuck up!
Gone all day!
Gone all night! Never here!
You know the last time
I left this house?
Me neither.
Let's go, boys!
Which one's your kid?
That's my boy right there.
I can see the resemblance.
Should be a good game.
Good time.
You pussies never resist.
Why is that, Carlos?
We're gonna have some fun,
you and me.
Get in the fucking car.
Come on.
Come on, kid!
Good hit, Tony! Good hit!
Knocked that little bastard
right back
across the railroad tracks
where he belongs.
Did you see that shit?
Hey ref, come on!
Would you go play fuckin'
football, you little punk!
♪ Summertime ♪
♪ Better watch out
for that heat ♪
♪ Hot in the shade ♪
♪ Murder on the streets ♪
♪ You better not repeat ♪
♪ Keep your mouth closed ♪
What the fuck are you doing?
♪ Concrete cowboy,
deuces getting wild ♪
Hey, can you grab Iris
and bring her over here
for me? Thanks.
♪ Walk through the valley
of the shadow of death ♪
♪ Three-piece suit ♪
Hey. You doin' okay?
First nights
can be strange, huh?
It's not so bad.
Well, you're not gonna make
any money if you don't dance.
I'm selling the
promise of a dance.
Oh yeah, how is
that working out?
Hope sells for a pretty penny.
Okay, well, just be careful.
You know, once the
novelty wears off,
they're gonna want
more from you.
No one can have me.
That's my appeal.
Besides, I'm spoken for.
Are you? And by who?
Mike McLusky?
You know him?
Yeah. Yeah, I know him.
You don't seem like his type.
What a funny thing to say.
Get the frick up!
Jesus, this thing's strong!
Yeah, nice!
Hey, hey, hey.
What are you doin'?
Fucker! Aah!
Fuck you!
Come here!
Come on, kid!
Get up, get up!
Get back.
Just tell me
something, kid.
Why hockey?
Look at the Williams sisters.
Tiger Woods, PK Subban.
They all play these white
people sports and...I mean,
they dominate them.
I'm not fast enough
for football.
I'm not tall enough
for basketball.
This is my way out.
These motherfuckers
won't let me have it.
And what about, you know,
boxing, you know?
Got a hell of a punch, kid.
God knows you can take one.
Yeah. I've had a lot of
I ain't doing that
shit for a living.
You know what, kid?
If you want to play hockey,
you're gonna play hockey, okay?
I'mma take you to
every goddamn game.
The next game,
I'm gonna bring a crew
of pipe-hitting motherfuckers
that are so nasty,
all those motherfucking fathers,
they're gonna be carrying
your gym bag to my car.
Hakim, I mean it.
When I say I do a thing...
that thing gets fucking done.
You hear me?
There's a...
There's a game next Friday.
Then next Friday it is.
Fuck those crackers.
Yeah, fuck 'em!
Fuck the motherfuckers.
So how was your day? Hm?
You think this is funny?
What are we doing?
Why are we...uh...
What is it about people
that makes them want
other people to fail?
What is the evolutionary
reason for that to exist...
do you think?
I don't know.
I mean, I suppose
10,000 years ago,
somebody had something
he wanted, he would just...
take it, if he could.
But...but today, we just sit
here and watch other people
have the things that we want,
so we wish failure on each other
so nobody has the thing that
we can't have for ourselves.
You gonna order?
I don't think I can chew.
Then what the fuck are we
doing in a restaurant, huh?
You can eat.
I don't want to eat, Mike.
I'm just here so that we can
pretend we like each other
so that you don't feel
guilty about fucking me.
The thing you need to
understand is that the fact
that you are the
last man on the planet
that I would ever have
a relationship with
is the most
attractive thing about you.
So, let's just be what
we are to each other, huh?
A release.
Fine with me.
Oh, come on, you're not
gonna be a dick about it.
I'm not being a dick.
I just don't wanna
waste my time.
You're right.
You're not being a dick.
You're being a fucking baby.
Call it what you like.
Good night.
Hey! Hakim think
you Superman, man!
I'm bringing
half the Irish fucking Mob
to that ice rink next Friday.
Grab my boy a 40, man.
Man, you say y'all
wanted to fight. Shit.
Oh, took me a minute
to turn the tide.
Sound like a long-ass
minute right there.
Yeah, well, one's short.
Hey, Latrell?
Somebody's light.
Damn, look how fucking
mad you are, bro.
That little peek
through that window.
See what the world
really thinks of us, huh?
Hey. Thank you.
Do it again next Friday.
Whenever I get mad,
I start thinking Mitch.
I don't know why.
It's a...
Once I start, I can't stop.
And that fucking pisses me off.
I miss old Mitch, man.
He was smooth.
I like you though, man.
You're a asshole.
You, like--you so
wound fucking tight.
Hakim said
you was chasing crackers
all over the ice, swinging
a fucking hockey stick.
Like it was fucking Excalibur.
Yeah, fuck them.
Those motherfuckers.
Every man in my family is dead
or in prison, except for Hakim.
Unless he gonna run a 4.3...
he gonna end up--
--probably dead
or in prison too.
Fuck, you really know how
to cheer a guy up, Bunny.
Well, for 500 years,
running fast is
the only thing that can--
that can free a black man.
But slavery ended 150 years ago.
And it's still the only
thing that frees a black man.
And that shit
ain't even freedom.
That's just...
Just the money.
I wish they'd just fucking turn
off these street lamps just once
so I can see the
fucking stars, man.
I look up at the sky
and it's just mud.
You know, in my cabin,
you can see so many stars.
You can see the sky.
I stare and it...
it makes me dizzy.
You know, like,
all that, uh...
all that astrology shit?
Like, what the stars are called?
The names and all that?
Some of it.
That's, that's...
That's Orion's Constellation.
Right here, with
the three and the--okay.
You know, it's something
interesting to think about.
These archeologists
find this ivory carving
in a cave in Germany.
And they date it back
to 38,000 years ago.
And that carving is of
that constellation right there.
That right there?
So we're looking at what
they saw 38,000 years ago.
How about that
shit right there?
Or that?
I think that's Taurus.
♪ Hm ♪
♪ Ooh, ooh ♪
They broke their word, Mike!
Sure you
want to start a war?
I don't make this call.
They created this situation
when they made a deal
they won't keep.
Three thousand prisoners
think that they're in the right.
We can't bend!
We gotta push until they break!
I don't think
they're breaking this time.
This is leaving prison
and going to the street.
on "Mayor of Kingstown"...
So who sent you?
Milo. He's my boss.
I'm gonna give you a year.
Year to what?
You know, I'm
stronger than you think.
No you're not.
I need, uh, Carlos Jimenez.
Carlos runs the Locos, right?
I got a warrant.
What for?
Child support payments.
He's at the ranch.
It's over off Persimmon.
It's where they got their dogs
they fight in there.
If you see him, pick
him up on that warrant.
Y'all got the wrong cell, cuz.
Everything you
have I gave you.
And now I'm taking it all back.
Because you asked for more.
Put him in ad seg.
What the fuck were you
doing in there, huh?
Hey, get back.
I'm looking for, uh,
Detective McLusky.
He's my brother.
Are you a cop?
I didn't fucking think so.
Get behind the line.
Hey, Mike.
I'm by the coroner's van.
Can you, uh, come get me?
Cops won't let me in.
All right, I gotcha, I gotcha.
How are you doin'?
Hey man,
they ain't done with 'em yet,
so we gotta hang back.
What were you doing?
What's up, Mike?
Hey, bud.
I got your prints
on the murder weapon.
Tell me. Tell me.
Hey. Do you work here?
'Til about an hour ago.
What happened?
My boss started shooting
at those guys over there,
and they killed him.
What about this guy over here?
I don't know.
You want one?
Fuck it.
--fucking staring at?
I want my fucking union
rep, you fucking dick.
What the fuck?
It's my responsibility
to determine
if this was a legal shooting,
not your union rep.
He shot at us!
You didn't identify
yourselves as police officers!
Fuck you!
Hey, hey, hey!
What's going on?
What are you doing?
You know you can't
interview these guys
until there's a written report
from the watch commander.
Are you the watch commander?
No, I'm just a witness--to
you violating their rights.
I'm entitled to canvass
the scene
of any officer-involved
Well, that's the
scene right there,
with a dead guy and
the fucking yellow tape.
If we do this at the
station, it's official.
It's recorded.
Keep that in mind.
Here is the best place
to work this out.
What the fuck
are you doing here?
What the fuck
are you doing here?
I'm looking after my brother.
Your brother's fine, Mike.
The clerk had a
rough night, though.
Yeah, maybe he shouldn't
shoot the customers.
And hey, by the way,
defense counsel here,
as you observe this interview--
even if you had a case,
and now you don't,
want to give us a minute?
You're gonna figure
it all out, Mike?
Best I can.
Then give it your best shot.
Thank you.
Hey. You okay?
Yeah, I'm fucking fine.
I'm fine too, Mike.
Thanks for asking.
Yeah, way to defuse
the situation, Ian.
I don't know what to tell ya.
I fucking went in the back door.
The tweaker's sitting right
behind Kyle at the table.
As soon as I step
outta that hallway,
the fucking pizza guy--
the pizza guy unloads
a pistol at my head--
Yeah, we had no choice, Mike.
Look, look, I'm not
questioning that, okay?
Was, uh, was the tweaker armed?
Yeah, he had a knife,
crack pipe, and two dollars.
Anybody run the pizza guy?
No, I didn't, but
I'm sure somebody did.
--tats all the way
up his arm, Mike.
He's selling more meth
than he is fucking pepperoni.
Hey, look,
I'm gonna talk to Tom
and see what side
of the fence he's on.
Thanks, man.
Tom, what the fuck?
Come on, what's up
with grinding my brother?
I'm trying to keep a lid on
this and they're freaking out.
Yeah, well, you know,
interviewing them in front of
a district attorney is not
really putting a lid on it.
Mike, look, when they
get to the station,
they're gonna be
put in different rooms
and then asked
the same questions.
And if their answers
are different,
they got a real fucking problem.
Okay, look, let's just
stop thinking about this
as a shooting and start
thinking about like a drug bust,
cuz that's what it is.
That pizza guy's a
fucking drug dealer, all right?
That's his customer.
And these guys just
walked in on it, all right?
It's that simple.
That's what it is.
They find drugs on the victim?
Not yet.
Sure would simplify matters.
Approach it from that angle.
This guy's a drug dealer.
How do you know?
Look, you have one of
his customers handcuffed
on a sidewalk outside.
Then 15 more across the street
freezing their asses off,
just waiting to
see what you find.
Hey, ask that tweaker
the right questions
and then get the right answers.
All right. I'm on it.
Sure Mike, come on and help
yourself to my crime scene.
Yeah. Look, everyone's looking
at this at the wrong angle.
Well, illuminate me, Mike.
What's the right angle?
You ran the guy?
Yeah, sure we ran the guy.
Okay, how many--how many
drug convictions he got?
How many years he do?
Okay, so you got a felon
in possession of a firearm.
That's one.
Have you searched
the place for drugs?
Looked at his vehicle?
You're trying to change
the narrative, Mike?
Oh no, just clarifying it.
They walked into a drug deal.
That a fact?
That's it.
If they walked in the
middle of a drug deal,
where are the drugs?
They'll find them.
You know, criminals
can be victims too, Mike.
Yeah, and victims
can still be criminals.
Hey, leave
the body until homicide
has had a chance to examine it.
They can examine the body
at the coroner's office.
Well, they need
to search it here.
Wait outside.
Thank you.
I got a client for you.
How about we do
dinner later this week?
The timing, Mike?
None of them are
worth a fuck.
No, man. Since Brady left,
he ain't worth a fuck either.
None of them.
It doesn't matter
who Detroit hires.
Doesn't matter who they draft.
Losing's the only thing
they know how to do.
Yeah, that's for real.
Hey Ernie?
Did you get that
from the commissary?
Forgot my lunch.
You eat that prison shit?
Ernie, your shift
was over at seven.
Who approved your OT?
I'm not on the clock.
Just what?
Fucking hanging out?
Jesus, how rough
can she be, man?
You know you've been married
a long time when you have dinner
in prison just to
get some fucking peace.
Here's what I recommend,
Ernie: alcohol, all right?
And lots of it.
Nothing will speed you
through a marriage
like a bottle of bourbon,
trust me.
Hey, man.
Oh, he's just
trying to help, Ernie!
Come on, man!
Vienna sausages
for dinner, man?
Oh hey,
speaking of dinner,
I wonder if P-dog enjoyed
his dinner, hm?
Hey, keep your eyes
open tonight, all right?
These fuck heads
are sore losers.
Just lock 'em down, Ed.
Let 'em stew in their cells.
No, no, I lock it down now
and then the warden will give me
hell in November, all right?
If you guys want
your Christmas overtime,
we gotta wait another month
before we can seal this place,
Who made his dinner?
I need the bowl.
Come fucking get it.
Is that
really what you want?
Wow, you ate that fast.
Why did
he get two years?
For nothin', man.
He was just along for the ride
when they popped the driver.
You know that how that go.
Charge everyone in the car
for that fucking smack.
Well, doesn't matter
why he's in, Duchard.
He's in.
Ain't that the fucking truth?
But look, he's clean.
Fucking straight-A student
before all this shit.
He's not affiliated?
But they're pushing hard.
And I don't want him
caught up in all that.
All right, listen, Duchard,
in order for me to help,
I need the truth.
Because 16-year-old
first offenders
don't go two years
for possession, okay?
He's in Youth Authority?
Gang members are filtered
out of general population.
It's very hard to sneak through
cuz they don't
wanna sneak through,
because they want
to stay with their clique.
That's why there's
400 kids in gang seg
and 80 in general population.
So which of the 79 kids
in general population
is fucking worth your brother?
Why are you fucking with me?
Because you're lying to me.
That's why.
Your brother,
he fucked up.
And his own set's after him--
probably the one you were with.
So if you just tell me what set,
maybe I can do something
to help out.
Let's talk about
your fee first.
That's some heavy shit.
I negotiate for you.
I don't negotiate with you.
What's your brother's name?
Okay. I'll get into it.
When do I have to pay?
Right now.
How do I know you did the job?
Because you won't
get a fucking phone call
to identify his body.
Pay Rebecca out front.
Yeah, just give me,
like, 30 seconds.
DA's office sent somebody
over here to meet with you.
Yeah. Yup.
Have a seat.
I'll stand, thank you.
If you stand and
you have a gun,
you can pull it off
faster than I could.
So...have a seat,
or I'll stand up
and you don't want that.
You know who I am?
I do.
Then you know I
don't have a gun.
I don't put
anything past anybody.
What can I do for you?
You're familiar with
my daughter's case?
She was abducted.
She wasn't abducted.
She was kidnapped and killed
and god knows what else...
before the fluids were
drawn from her body.
I'm sorry.
I didn't realize
they found a body.
They didn't.
James Parker confess?
He confessed and retracted.
Her case was never prosecuted
because there was no body.
I understand your influence
within the prisons is unique.
What would you like
me to do, Mr. Shaw?
If Parker would confess
to my daughter's murder,
it would mean another trial,
which would mean a stay
of execution.
You sure you want that?
When he's dead,
he's done suffering.
Would you like a drink?
Yeah, very much.
All right, look.
This guy's, uh, fucking insane,
but he's not stupid.
Neither is his lawyer.
So I'm sure he's aware
that an additional confession
will get him another trial,
which buys him another three
or four years per confession.
So if he's the monster
they say he is,
he can be there 'til he's 80.
He's the monster they say.
Then why hasn't he confessed?
That's what I need
you to find out.
Mr. Shaw, you're gonna
need a private investigator--
Private investigator doesn't
have access to every inmate in
the state's penal system.
The answer is inside
the walls, not outside.
I'll ask around.
How much do you charge?
No, I won't charge for this.
Yeah, well, pity
isn't much of a motivator.
Money isn't much of a
motivator for me either.
Then you've never had much.
Is there a, uh...
date set for execution?
It's two weeks.
It's not enough time.
I know.
It's what you've got.
You see what I mean?
Oh yeah, she's beautiful.
Can she dance?
No idea.
Hello, Joseph.
Take your clothes off
and get on the stage.
Why would I do that?
Milo wants you working.
Well, I'm not a dancer.
There are no fucking
senators in Kingstown.
Hookers here walk the streets.
Milo doesn't
want you doing that.
Off with the dress, let's go.
Turn around.
She's a real fucking
black widow, this one.
Get on the stage.
Whoa, whoa, whoa...
Hey, she's fucking naked, Joey.
This ain't a jerk joint, honey.
Put your dress back on.
There we go.
Well, you're fucking beautiful.
And that body...
But can you dance?
I understand the concept.
Yeah, there's not
much to it, is there?
I'll figure it out.
Yeah, you go through that
door and ask for Olga, okay?
She'll get you taken care of.
She's got all kinds of shit--
dresses, heels, everything.
But you gotta wear a G-string.
A little mystery
goes a long way.
I think the only mysterious
thing about the human body
is the eyes.
Wouldn't you agree, Joseph?
What did I say?
The fucking spider.
What's your name, honey?
I'm Iris.
Iris, I am Craig.
Craig. Nice to meet you.
My pleasure.
Yeah, that door right there.
That's right.
Hm. She is gonna
make a fucking fortune.
Hold back half for us.
So where's she staying?
Listen to me.
She is poisonous, okay?
We use her to turn judges.
She needs a cover,
and this is it.
She is ours, so
don't fucking touch.
Bitch will eat you alive.
Look who it is!
Six-foot leprechaun.
How are you doin'?
I'm livin', baby.
Cousin ain't so hot.
Yeah, they feeding him
shit sandwiches in ad seg.
My phone be blowing up, man.
They complaining to me
like a motherfucker.
Well, if they're
complaining to you,
then they're not
complaining about you.
No, Mike, this is serious.
I know.
Them guards is pushin' him.
If they ain't careful,
they gonna wake the beast.
At least the beast
is in the cage.
Y'all forgettin' who
run that motherfucker.
They push too hard, they
gonna fucking remind you.
Look, this is not on me,
and you know it.
I said this would happen.
Tell them guards to back the
fuck off before all this shit
comes to a head.
Got a minute?
Come on.
Duchard Little, what
do you know about him?
Yeah, I know that
rat motherfucker.
He got popped for the key,
only spent two days in county.
Where that fool at?
He came through my office,
worried about his little
Yeah, well, he
fucking should be.
He got that motherfucker
thinking he quit.
Saying he's in fucking
Boy Scouts, I hear? Shit.
Straight-A student, Bunny.
I got a fucking PhD, then.
No, pulled his transcript.
Look, every once in a while,
someone gets scared straight,
Just don't bend him up, okay?
Straight A's don't
mean shit, man.
He in prison.
What the fuck did he
achieve with a jacket?
He's 16, Bunny.
Jacket's not gonna fall him.
Just...give the kid
a chance, at least.
See what he does with it.
What if something happens
to that bitch Duchard?
Fuck him, I don't care.
I care about his little brother.
Got it.
All right, then we trade.
Done. Do what you want.
All right, you got, uh...
Got anybody on death row
in a cell near James Parker?
sick motherfucker?
Hey, I don't understand
white people, man.
Y'all won't get in a
gunfight to save your life,
but y'all will sure as
fuck kill and eat 20 kids.
I need to get to him.
Favor pays top dollar.
See what I can dig up.
I need a favor
from you, though.
My little cousin Hakim,
he on this hockey team, right?
His first game is tonight
down at the City Center.
Could you run him
over there for me?
Why don't you just take him?
It's downtown, man.
You know how it is.
If I drive six blocks
from here, I'mma get shot.
You know this, man.
The king cannot leave
the kingdom, Mike, come on.
Dude, I can't
babysit your nephew.
I ain't ask
you for nothin', come on!
All you do is ask for shit.
Well, I'm asking for some
more shit right now, then!
Okay, yes, fine, fuck!
I'll do it!
Hey, Hakim!
Hey, coach his ass up on
the way over there, a'ight?
He don't know a fucking
thing about hockey.
Why is he playing
hockey, then?
Why not, man? Come on.
Hey, Mike gonna give
you a ride, all right?
You got your gear?
Oh, yes, sir.
Don't call me sir.
Let's go.
Hey, look into that
Parker thing, would you?
I got you, man.
Come on, kid, let's do this!
You know you're my boy, right?
Feel like your bitch.
You're my boy.
That really mean something
around here, you know that.
So you play wing?
Left wing, yes sir.
Don't call me sir.
What do I call you?
Just call me Mike.
So how you know my uncle?
It's a long story.
Guess it's not
that long after all.
Uh, yeah, prison.
I ain't never
goin' to prison, man.
Yeah, I don't recommend it.
I'mma play for the
Red Wings one day.
You know, get
the fuck outta here.
Maybe you should
play for Tampa.
No, I hate their uniforms.
Well, Detroit's
just down the damn street.
That's not getting out of here.
Tampa, that's in Florida.
That's getting the
fuck outta here.
Tampa Bay. Hm.
All right, Mr. Jimenez.
Picked up on a bench
warrant three weeks ago.
I got his bloodwork
and his urinalysis back,
and surprise surprise,
narcotics are present.
His parole's been revoked.
I'll let his PO walk
you through the details.
Officer Jefferson?
Mr. Jimenez was arrested
in 1998 for armed robbery.
Got 20, which he began serving
at the Youth Authority.
Transferred to the
Mall when he was 18.
Racked up three manslaughter
convictions along the way.
He was released in 2018
when the state began its
early release initiative.
He didn't qualify for that.
He's a three-striker.
Fucking four-striker.
Ferguson, McLusky, what
the fuck are you doing here?
You're supposed to be on a desk.
Yes, sir, the commissioner
appointed it
because we're short staffed.
Stay at the back of the line.
Last thing I need is you
cowboys in another gunfight.
Look, regardless of the
algebra that got him paroled,
the failed drug test
sends him back
to serve the rest of his
He owes us two decades,
and I do not expect him
to go softly into the night,
All right, thank you.
All right, the FBI has a GPS
located on the CI that led them
to Jimenez's current location.
He's under surveillance now.
FBI puts GPS on
their informants?
Probably just activated
the LoJack
on your brother's Lincoln.
Gentlemen, focus.
His house is down an alley.
They have about 30 kennels
with pit bulls
behind a 7-foot
chain link fence,
so we have
no element of surprise.
I put my team in a van, we
pop this moron on the street,
and run our APC right through
the back wall of that house.
There's your
element of surprise.
Wait 'til dark?
Middle of the day, while
these assholes are still sober.
Do it.
We run on FBI's frequency
or they run on ours?
No, no, they say your call.
All right.
Robert? Be safe.
You dumb bastard.
--the final round.
Three of our...
While you were jacking
off in the shower,
your son was vomiting
across the room
like he drank fucking sea water!
He hasn't kept a
meal down all week.
Not that you give a shit.
Well, you should
take him to the doctor.
What's the point?
Clean it up before
you go to work.
Clean it the fuck up!
Gone all day!
Gone all night! Never here!
You know the last time
I left this house?
Me neither.
Let's go, boys!
Which one's your kid?
That's my boy right there.
I can see the resemblance.
Should be a good game.
Good time.
You pussies never resist.
Why is that, Carlos?
We're gonna have some fun,
you and me.
Get in the fucking car.
Come on.
Come on, kid!
Good hit, Tony! Good hit!
Knocked that little bastard
right back
across the railroad tracks
where he belongs.
Did you see that shit?
Hey ref, come on!
Would you go play fuckin'
football, you little punk!
♪ Summertime ♪
♪ Better watch out
for that heat ♪
♪ Hot in the shade ♪
♪ Murder on the streets ♪
♪ You better not repeat ♪
♪ Keep your mouth closed ♪
What the fuck are you doing?
♪ Concrete cowboy,
deuces getting wild ♪
Hey, can you grab Iris
and bring her over here
for me? Thanks.
♪ Walk through the valley
of the shadow of death ♪
♪ Three-piece suit ♪
Hey. You doin' okay?
First nights
can be strange, huh?
It's not so bad.
Well, you're not gonna make
any money if you don't dance.
I'm selling the
promise of a dance.
Oh yeah, how is
that working out?
Hope sells for a pretty penny.
Okay, well, just be careful.
You know, once the
novelty wears off,
they're gonna want
more from you.
No one can have me.
That's my appeal.
Besides, I'm spoken for.
Are you? And by who?
Mike McLusky?
You know him?
Yeah. Yeah, I know him.
You don't seem like his type.
What a funny thing to say.
Get the frick up!
Jesus, this thing's strong!
Yeah, nice!
Hey, hey, hey.
What are you doin'?
Fucker! Aah!
Fuck you!
Come here!
Come on, kid!
Get up, get up!
Get back.
Just tell me
something, kid.
Why hockey?
Look at the Williams sisters.
Tiger Woods, PK Subban.
They all play these white
people sports and...I mean,
they dominate them.
I'm not fast enough
for football.
I'm not tall enough
for basketball.
This is my way out.
These motherfuckers
won't let me have it.
And what about, you know,
boxing, you know?
Got a hell of a punch, kid.
God knows you can take one.
Yeah. I've had a lot of
I ain't doing that
shit for a living.
You know what, kid?
If you want to play hockey,
you're gonna play hockey, okay?
I'mma take you to
every goddamn game.
The next game,
I'm gonna bring a crew
of pipe-hitting motherfuckers
that are so nasty,
all those motherfucking fathers,
they're gonna be carrying
your gym bag to my car.
Hakim, I mean it.
When I say I do a thing...
that thing gets fucking done.
You hear me?
There's a...
There's a game next Friday.
Then next Friday it is.
Fuck those crackers.
Yeah, fuck 'em!
Fuck the motherfuckers.
So how was your day? Hm?
You think this is funny?
What are we doing?
Why are we...uh...
What is it about people
that makes them want
other people to fail?
What is the evolutionary
reason for that to exist...
do you think?
I don't know.
I mean, I suppose
10,000 years ago,
somebody had something
he wanted, he would just...
take it, if he could.
But...but today, we just sit
here and watch other people
have the things that we want,
so we wish failure on each other
so nobody has the thing that
we can't have for ourselves.
You gonna order?
I don't think I can chew.
Then what the fuck are we
doing in a restaurant, huh?
You can eat.
I don't want to eat, Mike.
I'm just here so that we can
pretend we like each other
so that you don't feel
guilty about fucking me.
The thing you need to
understand is that the fact
that you are the
last man on the planet
that I would ever have
a relationship with
is the most
attractive thing about you.
So, let's just be what
we are to each other, huh?
A release.
Fine with me.
Oh, come on, you're not
gonna be a dick about it.
I'm not being a dick.
I just don't wanna
waste my time.
You're right.
You're not being a dick.
You're being a fucking baby.
Call it what you like.
Good night.
Hey! Hakim think
you Superman, man!
I'm bringing
half the Irish fucking Mob
to that ice rink next Friday.
Grab my boy a 40, man.
Man, you say y'all
wanted to fight. Shit.
Oh, took me a minute
to turn the tide.
Sound like a long-ass
minute right there.
Yeah, well, one's short.
Hey, Latrell?
Somebody's light.
Damn, look how fucking
mad you are, bro.
That little peek
through that window.
See what the world
really thinks of us, huh?
Hey. Thank you.
Do it again next Friday.
Whenever I get mad,
I start thinking Mitch.
I don't know why.
It's a...
Once I start, I can't stop.
And that fucking pisses me off.
I miss old Mitch, man.
He was smooth.
I like you though, man.
You're a asshole.
You, like--you so
wound fucking tight.
Hakim said
you was chasing crackers
all over the ice, swinging
a fucking hockey stick.
Like it was fucking Excalibur.
Yeah, fuck them.
Those motherfuckers.
Every man in my family is dead
or in prison, except for Hakim.
Unless he gonna run a 4.3...
he gonna end up--
--probably dead
or in prison too.
Fuck, you really know how
to cheer a guy up, Bunny.
Well, for 500 years,
running fast is
the only thing that can--
that can free a black man.
But slavery ended 150 years ago.
And it's still the only
thing that frees a black man.
And that shit
ain't even freedom.
That's just...
Just the money.
I wish they'd just fucking turn
off these street lamps just once
so I can see the
fucking stars, man.
I look up at the sky
and it's just mud.
You know, in my cabin,
you can see so many stars.
You can see the sky.
I stare and it...
it makes me dizzy.
You know, like,
all that, uh...
all that astrology shit?
Like, what the stars are called?
The names and all that?
Some of it.
That's, that's...
That's Orion's Constellation.
Right here, with
the three and the--okay.
You know, it's something
interesting to think about.
These archeologists
find this ivory carving
in a cave in Germany.
And they date it back
to 38,000 years ago.
And that carving is of
that constellation right there.
That right there?
So we're looking at what
they saw 38,000 years ago.
How about that
shit right there?
Or that?
I think that's Taurus.
♪ Hm ♪
♪ Ooh, ooh ♪
They broke their word, Mike!
Sure you
want to start a war?
I don't make this call.
They created this situation
when they made a deal
they won't keep.
Three thousand prisoners
think that they're in the right.
We can't bend!
We gotta push until they break!
I don't think
they're breaking this time.
This is leaving prison
and going to the street.