Mayor of Kingstown (2021–…): Season 1, Episode 10 - Episode #1.10 - full transcript
Previously on
"Mayor of Kingstown".
- Transferring
to Kingstown County
for arraignment.
Who's signing?
- I'll sign.
It is a giant mess,
but we are trying
to clean it up.
- It's your brother's mess.
- Every decision in this place
is the lesser of two evils.
- I had a hundred guys
swear that they'd die for me
and swear to kill,
but you didn't even swear it.
You just did it.
You killed them for me.
- I did it because
they deserved it.
- You got the wrong cell, cuz.
- Everything you have,
I gave you.
And now I'm taking it all back.
Do you wanna
start a war?
- They fuckin' broke
their word, Mike.
- Talk 'em down.
They hungry for this.
- You comin'?
- ♪
- What do you want for dinner?
- Uh, I don't care.
As long as you pair it
with champagne.
- Champagne?
- Mm-hmm.
We're celebrating.
- What are we celebrating?
- Chapter two of me.
- That's the spirit.
- You're not very good at this,
are you?
You know, if we're
gonna pretend,
you gotta play
your part, honey.
- Yes, dear.
Anything you say, dear.
- That's better.
So what do I when you're gone?
- Anything you like.
- I need a purpose.
- What kinda purpose?
- The kind that
keeps my mind busy.
- All right, well,
start writin' chapter two.
All right?
- Okay.
- I'll be back later, okay?
- Not too late, though, right?
- Nope, won't be long.
- The fuck?
Kinda shit is this?
County officials
report an estimated
75 guards have been trapped
in the facility.
We still have no information
on how the riot started.
We know that the uprising...
- You're fucking kidding me.
- ...facility began
yesterday afternoon
and has continued
to intensify throughout
the night and morning hours.
We'll continue with updates--
- Here we go, here we go,
here we go.
We're outside of that
prison waiting for answers
say that officials
have told them
there's going to be as list
coming out...
- The whole world is ending and
you don't answer the phone?
- Look, have they said
his name on the news?
That's all I need to know.
- No, they have not.
- Okay, I'm gonna
handle this, okay?
I got it.
Not to worry.
- The police are here.
Oh my God.
- Look, Mom, just don't
tell them anything, okay?
Don't talk to them.
Don't even answer the door,
Mom, okay?
Don't talk to them!
You hear me?
- Is this the residence
of Lt. Kyle McLusky?
- Yes.
- Is he here?
Don't tell them anything.
When is the
last time you saw him?
- Tell him you saw him
this morning, okay?
You hear me?
You saw him this morning.
You hear me?
Fuck me. You're kidding me.
- I saw him this--
yesterday before his shift.
- And you haven't
seen him since?
Is that unusual?
- Very.
- Thank you, Miss.
- Do you think he's
at the prison?
- There is a detective
assigned to the case.
He'll contact you with
information as he receives it.
- He'll come home.
- Michael...
- Mom.
- They have a detective
assigned to the case.
And I want you to let
the police do their work.
Do not go there.
- The police don't have
jurisdiction in the prison.
You know that better
than anybody, okay?
- I know that.
If he dies...
- We don't know anything yet.
I'll figure it out, understand?
- Oh my God.
- He's not gonna die, Mom, okay?
Just listen to me.
He's fine.
- If he dies...
- Just let me handle it.
I'll figure it out, okay?
I'll call you back. Fuck!
- ♪
This is Ed.
Leave a message.
This is Lt. Ferguson,
Kingstown Police Department.
Please leave your name and
number and I'll get back to you.
- ♪
- State Police wants
to fold you into their unit.
- I'm not taking commands
from those fucking clowns.
- This is not a want-to
situation, Sergeant.
State property.
- Don't you fuckin' Sergeant me.
Those assholes serve warrants
for fuckin' wire fraud.
They've never been shot at
in their lives.
I got shot at yesterday.
So I run my team or my team
sits in the bleachers
and watches this shit show
from way the fuck over there.
- I won't be the middle man
in this.
- All right, fuck it.
- They're measuring dicks
over there.
- Surprise, surprise.
- Hey, are you gonna let the
grown ups handle this, Mike?
- That's why I'm here.
- Can I put my squad sergeant in
touch with your tac commander,
so they can shore up a plan?
Be nice.
- This is Sawyer.
Oh, it's Hank, right?
Yeah, yeah, no, no.
Listen, where are you?
Let's talk in person.
Yeah, on my way.
Let's go.
- Robert, hey,
- I'm in a rush, bud.
- Hang on one sec.
It's Kyle.
He's in with Ian.
- What? Are you sure?
- Yeah.
They take any hostages?
- 36 guards.
- Fuck.
And no mention of cops?
- No cops.
They'd mention that shit.
- Yeah, they'd be singin' it,
wouldn't they?
So look, the department knows,
okay, it's only a matter
of time before the
fucking inmates find out.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Kyle reach out?
- No.
- Fuck, he would've reached out.
- I know.
- Can you get ahold
of anyone inside?
- It just goes right
to voicemail.
- That's why they're fucked.
Who's jammin' the cell signal?
Are you jammin'
the fuckin' cell signal?
- Hey, hey, hey,
we don't want inmates
with the outside world.
- And what about
the corrections officers
and two homicide detectives
that they haven't caught
who can't call us with intel,
because you're jammin'
their fucking phones?
- You have two officers
in the prison?
- Yes.
- How do you know they
haven't been apprehended?
- Because they aren't
hangin' upside down
off the fuckin' walls.
Use your head, not the playbook.
Hey, listen up,
think of all you can learn
if we start listening
to what people are saying!
Well, after you.
- Get cellular back online.
- For fuck sake, I gotta fight
beside these dipshits.
Towers are up, but don't call
him, let him fuckin' call you.
- Yeah, I got it.
- But you call the rest
of those fucks
and you let 'em know
state has a green light
and we're fuckin' comin'.
- Yep. Got it.
- Let's go, boys.
Saddle up.
- Come on, kid.
Phone on silent.
Smart kid, have your
phone on silent.
- The last major riot
in the United States
took place in the
Lee Correctional Institute
in Bishopville, South Carolina.
But a United States prison has
not been overrun since 1980.
That's when inmates took over
the state penitentiary
in Santa Fe, New Mexico.
It was the deadliest riot
in this nation's history
until today.
Kingstown Men's Prison--
--is a medium security.
- They're shooting at us!
They're shooting at us!
Oh my God!
- Jesus...
- How do we know where
the fuck we're going?
Fuck him, fuck him!
- Get his pants.
- Come on, come on.
Come on.
- Come on.
- Oh shit, there's my phone.
It's my phone.
Mike. It's Mike.
- Robert. Robert. Got him.
- This way, this way, this way.
Heads up, heads up.
- I got someone inside
with a cell.
- You got a number?
- Yeah, yeah. Kyle McLusky.
- Hang tight.
- There he is.
- We got him.
- Southeast corner.
- Can you tell what floor?
- I'd need 3D schematics.
- Ask him which room
and which floor.
- He says they're underneath it.
- Listen up, ladies.
We have two police officers
underneath the prison.
- Just hang tight.
- We're sendin' in SWAT.
- Yeah, yeah.
- We'll get him outta there.
- Yeah.
- My turn.
I need a favor.
- What's the favor?
- You Mike McLusky?
- Yeah.
- They won't talk to me.
They want to talk to you.
- Okay.
- Why?
- I am an inmate advocate,
that's why.
- You're also a
criminal informant.
Seems like a conflict of
interest, if you ask me.
- Well, yeah, like I said,
I'm an advocate for inmates.
Somebody's already
informed on them.
That's why they're in there.
So I don't see a conflict.
Do you? Anyone?
- You willing to speak
on our behalf?
- Yeah, yeah.
- You have the right
to remain silent.
Anything you say
can and will
be used against you
in the court of law.
- I'm being arrested?
- When inmates start asking
for a man to represent them
and that man isn't an attorney,
well, we have to assume
that you work with criminals.
Which means we have
to assume you are one.
And in the event that something
is said that incriminates you,
I want it admissible in court.
- You have the right
to an attorney.
If you cannot afford one,
one will be appointed to you.
- Yes, I would like an attorney.
- Well, wish in one hand,
shit in the other.
See which comes true first.
- Do you understand these rights
as I've explained them to you?
- Yes. Yes, I do.
- Please state
that you understand.
- Yes, fuck! I understand them.
How about the fucking phone?
- Over here.
- No one on that wall does a
thing without my say so.
- Do you know who's on this?
You don't know?
This is Mike.
- Wild times.
- Yeah, pretty poorly
planned, Carlos.
Huh? You know how this ends.
- Understand, Ese.
I have no idea how this ends.
It don't feel like a riot.
It feels like a revolution.
- Well, it's not.
It's a riot.
- Whatever it is,
everybody in here
wants it played out.
- Okay, let's play
this out, Carlos.
Let me tell you how it ends.
It ends with
50 snipers on the wall
and the National fucking Guard
in Humvees
drivin' right through
the front fucking gate
and shootin' everything
they see.
- There's an army of 100
brothers in here
ready for what they send.
- That's not an army, Carlos.
It's a mob at best.
And armies don't shoot
at news helicopters.
- Call it what you want.
The prison is ours.
And we will defend it.
They need to know that.
- They know now, okay?
You have demands?
- Oh, we have demands.
- Care to share?
- First, watch the yard.
- ♪
- Are you scared?
- Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you.
- Carlos,
you're playin' against
the house here, okay?
And you keep pushing
your chips in.
There's nothing
they can do, Mike.
Most of us are in here for life.
This is no life, Ese.
No life at all.
The punishment is
taking our time,
our freedom,
but they take more.
They take our dignity,
our manhood.
The things that makes us people,
that's what they took.
And now we're takin' it back.
- This isn't him talking.
This isn't Carlos.
He's reading this shit.
- Why is that important?
- It means he's not the leader.
- Carlos, who's runnin'
this shit show?
And please don't tell me it's
you 'cause it ain't.
- You'll get to meet him, Mike.
- That right?
I can't wait.
- He can't wait to meet you.
- So we're gonna do some lunch,
is that it?
- Lunch it is.
It's a uh, late lunch.
4:00 PM.
- Okay, we'll meet
at the Red Carriage.
- We'll meet right here.
In the yard.
And we'll tell you what we want.
- Why don't you just
tell me now?
- I'll tell you in person.
- What if they don't
let me, Carlos?
- Fuckin' do it.
- Watch the monitor.
- They're all coming for you.
Now, fuck you.
Fuck you!
- Fuck you.
Fuck you!
- No...
- God...
- Dammit.
- They'll let you.
- ♪
- Do you have any idea
what they want?
- Yeah, yeah.
I got a pretty good idea.
- Care to share your theory?
- Payback.
- Shh, shh, Kyle, breathe.
Come on.
Come on, breathe,
you got it buddy.
Breathe, breathe out.
That's it, that's it.
That's it, that's it.
- It's judgement day,
- Shh, shh, shh.
- It's okay.
- Some of you motherfuckers'll
be coming with me.
- Maybe.
But some of us aren't.
- Oh shit.
- Got friendlies.
- Robert.
You gotta get us the fuck outta
- You got it, brother, but we're
gonna take it to 'em first,
all right?
- Just fuckin' cook them
and get him outta here
- Hey, hey, look at me.
Look at me.
If you don't face them,
if you don't hit them
in the fuckin' mouth for this,
you're gonna regret that
for the rest of your life.
All right?
Let's go.
Let's go. Come on.
- Come on.
- ♪
- I'll say this.
When these fuckers clean a
house, they clean a house.
Them fuckers even cleaned
under the sofa.
- Yo, Stevie.
- Hello.
- Hey, what's the
street number here?
- Uh, 1976.
Hey man, you gotta come
and look at this.
- Oh shit.
- You gotta fuckin' come
and look at this shit.
- Acid.
- Yep, check this out.
Shell casings.
- I thought this was
a cookhouse?
- Nah, man,
this is something else.
- I know who we can ask
about it.
- Sinnoli?
- Better.
- Fuck.
- Look at the time.
- He was here when the shots
fired call came in.
- Yep.
- Is that going in the report?
- As soon as the phone
goes into evidence,
it all goes into evidence.
- Oh, what the fuck
you doin', man?
- What are you talkin' about?
- ♪
- There's a beacon on your
front, one on your back.
They emit a bright, green strobe
that we can see
through our night vision.
- All right, well, that's great,
except it's not dark.
- When's he going over?
- In an hour.
- It's gotta be dark.
- We don't control
the timeline here.
- Kingstown PD has a SWAT unit
inside the prison, sir.
- They what?
- Oh fuck.
- Motherfuck.
- We have jurisdiction.
- You had jurisdiction till you
lost the prison
and lost your jurisdiction
with it.
- This is state land.
- Leased from the city.
Speaking of state jurisdiction,
here comes the state police.
Look at that.
The Bureau of Prisons wants
corrections officers to lead.
- With all due respect,
your team has no experience
with assailants who shoot back.
State police has the scene until
the National Guard is in place.
- National Guard?
- You're not negotiating?
- We are in active negotiations,
but we're preparing
for the worst.
- They're gonna take it back.
- Do you know what every inmate
in every prison with cable
is watching right now?
This fucking bullshit.
It is the governor's call
and the governor says,
not on my fucking watch.
Shut it down, so yeah,
you're God damn right.
We're takin' it back.
- ♪
- Get your fucking SWAT team
out of my prison.
- I have two detectives
trapped in there.
They are navigating
their escape.
- They need to navigate faster.
- Fuck.
- So what, you ready?
- As I'll ever be.
- This is what they get
if they fuck this up.
Gotta make sure
they understand that.
- Yeah.
- National Guard has the wall.
Let's get out of this shithole.
Hey, asshole.
- This is fucking crazy,
this is fucking crazy.
- Listen to me, you wanna
go back by ourselves?
Huh? Come on.
Come on, come on.
We're almost home free.
Let's go, let's go.
Come on, come on.
- Hard to believe
we built this for men.
- Hard to believe there are men
we had to build it for.
Well, there are.
- And it appears a negotiator is
now entering the prison.
- Oh my God.
That's Michael.
That's Michael.
God damn him.
God damn, god dammit.
- ♪
- Mike.
You gotta get us
out of here, man.
- Workin' on it.
- No matter what happens,
them motherfuckers never leavin'
this place, cuz.
Long time.
- Yeah.
Thought you got out.
- I did.
They sent me back.
Won't ever leave now.
Why don't we go
somewhere we can talk?
- Where is he going?
- I'm not sure.
Through the crowd.
- I lost visual.
You still got him?
- He's in and out.
- Hey, what the fuck
are you doin' up here?
What the fuck are
you doing up here?
- This is my post.
- I've got a corrections officer
on tower three.
Hey buddy, you're relieved.
Leave your weapon in place
and proceed down from the tower
to the staging area
in the parking lot.
- This is my post.
- This fuckin' guy.
Hey asshole, it's not a request.
It's a fucking order.
- This is my post.
I don't work for you.
- Okay, give me your weapon.
Head down the fucking stairs.
- You can't tell me what to do.
- Give me your weapon.
Do not fuck with me today.
You are going down
the fucking stairs.
- This is my post!
- Fine. Stay there then.
- So you have demands?
- Yeah, I got demands.
- What are they?
- That they watch.
- They watch what?
- What they made us into.
- God fuckin'...
Come on, Paul, you were sent
here for attempted murder.
This place didn't
make you into anything,
you were already made.
- I'm a criminal.
I don't deny it.
So was that fool I shot.
He knew the game same as me.
But now, we just dogs they beat
every time they feed us.
See half these fools think the
beating's a part of the meal,
but not me.
I know the difference.
They made a promise to us, Mike.
We kept our promise and
we killed that motherfucker.
What did we ask for in return?
Feed us something
fuckin' decent,
treat us like fuckin' men.
I ain't never gettin'
out this motherfucker.
I'ma die in here, Mike.
Can't control that,
but you know what I can control?
I can control how I die.
And I won't die some
old man painting watercolors
of birds I never see.
Some half-beat man, nah.
- That's absolutely fuckin'
fine for you, Paul.
You go out anyway you like, man.
Don't make that decision
for others, though.
Let them make that decision
for themselves.
- I ain't decide shit
for anybody.
I didn't ask them
to come out they cells
and come down here with me,
but they here anyways.
- What about the guards?
Hmm? What the fuck
did they choose?
- They choose everything all
day, every fuckin' day.
They the coldest, motherfuckin'
criminals in here.
Make me eat my own shit.
Take the letters
I write my daughter,
wipe they asses with them
and fuckin' give 'em back.
You was in here, man.
You know what it is, cuz.
How do you think criminals
in prison get drugs in here
in the first place?
You think I got my old lady
hiking that shit up her skirt?
Shit, drugs cheaper in here
than they are on the street.
These motherfuckers
wake up every morning
figurin' out new ways
to give us hell.
And go to sleep doin'
more of the same.
It's time the world knew.
It's time somebody
sent a message.
And the messenger's me.
Be sure to tell them
what I said, Mike.
- It's time to paint the world
a picture.
- Yeah, I'm workin' on it.
- Yeah, you're my Mona Lisa.
- No, no, no, no!
- No!
I got ya, I got ya.
There we go.
- Better move, boys.
On me.
- ♪
- He's pretty bad.
- Mike.
- What?
- You good buddy?
- There you are.
- Hit?
- Am I hit?
- You're good, buddy.
That got a little nutty, huh?
- Ya think?
Where's my brother?
- Hey buddy, I'm proud of ya.
You did it.
You did it.
- Ian.
You all right?
- Yeah.
- Yeah, you're all right.
C'mere, c'mere.
You're all right.
You're all right.
- Yeah.
- Hey, come on.
Let's not do this shit here.
All right?
Let's get the fuck outta here.
Come on.
You're all right.
- Okay, stay with me.
You're good. Fuck.
I got you, I got you.
- ♪
- Oh.
- Ma'am.
- Oh my God.
Oh my. Oh.
Oh yes, oh, thank you.
Oh, thank you.
- Sorry, Mom.
- ♪
- I learned something today.
- Yeah.
- What they took,
I'll never get back.
It's like...
everything they did just got a
little piece of my soul.
Now there's just less of me.
And I have to live with that.
Or finish what
they started.
Cut the rest of me away.
- I learned that, too.
Is that what you
plan on doing?
Cut the rest of you away?
- I thought about it.
- What changed your mind?
- I just started thinkin',
what if your soul can grow back?
- ♪
- ♪
- ♪
Previously on
"Mayor of Kingstown".
- Transferring
to Kingstown County
for arraignment.
Who's signing?
- I'll sign.
It is a giant mess,
but we are trying
to clean it up.
- It's your brother's mess.
- Every decision in this place
is the lesser of two evils.
- I had a hundred guys
swear that they'd die for me
and swear to kill,
but you didn't even swear it.
You just did it.
You killed them for me.
- I did it because
they deserved it.
- You got the wrong cell, cuz.
- Everything you have,
I gave you.
And now I'm taking it all back.
Do you wanna
start a war?
- They fuckin' broke
their word, Mike.
- Talk 'em down.
They hungry for this.
- You comin'?
- ♪
- What do you want for dinner?
- Uh, I don't care.
As long as you pair it
with champagne.
- Champagne?
- Mm-hmm.
We're celebrating.
- What are we celebrating?
- Chapter two of me.
- That's the spirit.
- You're not very good at this,
are you?
You know, if we're
gonna pretend,
you gotta play
your part, honey.
- Yes, dear.
Anything you say, dear.
- That's better.
So what do I when you're gone?
- Anything you like.
- I need a purpose.
- What kinda purpose?
- The kind that
keeps my mind busy.
- All right, well,
start writin' chapter two.
All right?
- Okay.
- I'll be back later, okay?
- Not too late, though, right?
- Nope, won't be long.
- The fuck?
Kinda shit is this?
County officials
report an estimated
75 guards have been trapped
in the facility.
We still have no information
on how the riot started.
We know that the uprising...
- You're fucking kidding me.
- ...facility began
yesterday afternoon
and has continued
to intensify throughout
the night and morning hours.
We'll continue with updates--
- Here we go, here we go,
here we go.
We're outside of that
prison waiting for answers
say that officials
have told them
there's going to be as list
coming out...
- The whole world is ending and
you don't answer the phone?
- Look, have they said
his name on the news?
That's all I need to know.
- No, they have not.
- Okay, I'm gonna
handle this, okay?
I got it.
Not to worry.
- The police are here.
Oh my God.
- Look, Mom, just don't
tell them anything, okay?
Don't talk to them.
Don't even answer the door,
Mom, okay?
Don't talk to them!
You hear me?
- Is this the residence
of Lt. Kyle McLusky?
- Yes.
- Is he here?
Don't tell them anything.
When is the
last time you saw him?
- Tell him you saw him
this morning, okay?
You hear me?
You saw him this morning.
You hear me?
Fuck me. You're kidding me.
- I saw him this--
yesterday before his shift.
- And you haven't
seen him since?
Is that unusual?
- Very.
- Thank you, Miss.
- Do you think he's
at the prison?
- There is a detective
assigned to the case.
He'll contact you with
information as he receives it.
- He'll come home.
- Michael...
- Mom.
- They have a detective
assigned to the case.
And I want you to let
the police do their work.
Do not go there.
- The police don't have
jurisdiction in the prison.
You know that better
than anybody, okay?
- I know that.
If he dies...
- We don't know anything yet.
I'll figure it out, understand?
- Oh my God.
- He's not gonna die, Mom, okay?
Just listen to me.
He's fine.
- If he dies...
- Just let me handle it.
I'll figure it out, okay?
I'll call you back. Fuck!
- ♪
This is Ed.
Leave a message.
This is Lt. Ferguson,
Kingstown Police Department.
Please leave your name and
number and I'll get back to you.
- ♪
- State Police wants
to fold you into their unit.
- I'm not taking commands
from those fucking clowns.
- This is not a want-to
situation, Sergeant.
State property.
- Don't you fuckin' Sergeant me.
Those assholes serve warrants
for fuckin' wire fraud.
They've never been shot at
in their lives.
I got shot at yesterday.
So I run my team or my team
sits in the bleachers
and watches this shit show
from way the fuck over there.
- I won't be the middle man
in this.
- All right, fuck it.
- They're measuring dicks
over there.
- Surprise, surprise.
- Hey, are you gonna let the
grown ups handle this, Mike?
- That's why I'm here.
- Can I put my squad sergeant in
touch with your tac commander,
so they can shore up a plan?
Be nice.
- This is Sawyer.
Oh, it's Hank, right?
Yeah, yeah, no, no.
Listen, where are you?
Let's talk in person.
Yeah, on my way.
Let's go.
- Robert, hey,
- I'm in a rush, bud.
- Hang on one sec.
It's Kyle.
He's in with Ian.
- What? Are you sure?
- Yeah.
They take any hostages?
- 36 guards.
- Fuck.
And no mention of cops?
- No cops.
They'd mention that shit.
- Yeah, they'd be singin' it,
wouldn't they?
So look, the department knows,
okay, it's only a matter
of time before the
fucking inmates find out.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Kyle reach out?
- No.
- Fuck, he would've reached out.
- I know.
- Can you get ahold
of anyone inside?
- It just goes right
to voicemail.
- That's why they're fucked.
Who's jammin' the cell signal?
Are you jammin'
the fuckin' cell signal?
- Hey, hey, hey,
we don't want inmates
with the outside world.
- And what about
the corrections officers
and two homicide detectives
that they haven't caught
who can't call us with intel,
because you're jammin'
their fucking phones?
- You have two officers
in the prison?
- Yes.
- How do you know they
haven't been apprehended?
- Because they aren't
hangin' upside down
off the fuckin' walls.
Use your head, not the playbook.
Hey, listen up,
think of all you can learn
if we start listening
to what people are saying!
Well, after you.
- Get cellular back online.
- For fuck sake, I gotta fight
beside these dipshits.
Towers are up, but don't call
him, let him fuckin' call you.
- Yeah, I got it.
- But you call the rest
of those fucks
and you let 'em know
state has a green light
and we're fuckin' comin'.
- Yep. Got it.
- Let's go, boys.
Saddle up.
- Come on, kid.
Phone on silent.
Smart kid, have your
phone on silent.
- The last major riot
in the United States
took place in the
Lee Correctional Institute
in Bishopville, South Carolina.
But a United States prison has
not been overrun since 1980.
That's when inmates took over
the state penitentiary
in Santa Fe, New Mexico.
It was the deadliest riot
in this nation's history
until today.
Kingstown Men's Prison--
--is a medium security.
- They're shooting at us!
They're shooting at us!
Oh my God!
- Jesus...
- How do we know where
the fuck we're going?
Fuck him, fuck him!
- Get his pants.
- Come on, come on.
Come on.
- Come on.
- Oh shit, there's my phone.
It's my phone.
Mike. It's Mike.
- Robert. Robert. Got him.
- This way, this way, this way.
Heads up, heads up.
- I got someone inside
with a cell.
- You got a number?
- Yeah, yeah. Kyle McLusky.
- Hang tight.
- There he is.
- We got him.
- Southeast corner.
- Can you tell what floor?
- I'd need 3D schematics.
- Ask him which room
and which floor.
- He says they're underneath it.
- Listen up, ladies.
We have two police officers
underneath the prison.
- Just hang tight.
- We're sendin' in SWAT.
- Yeah, yeah.
- We'll get him outta there.
- Yeah.
- My turn.
I need a favor.
- What's the favor?
- You Mike McLusky?
- Yeah.
- They won't talk to me.
They want to talk to you.
- Okay.
- Why?
- I am an inmate advocate,
that's why.
- You're also a
criminal informant.
Seems like a conflict of
interest, if you ask me.
- Well, yeah, like I said,
I'm an advocate for inmates.
Somebody's already
informed on them.
That's why they're in there.
So I don't see a conflict.
Do you? Anyone?
- You willing to speak
on our behalf?
- Yeah, yeah.
- You have the right
to remain silent.
Anything you say
can and will
be used against you
in the court of law.
- I'm being arrested?
- When inmates start asking
for a man to represent them
and that man isn't an attorney,
well, we have to assume
that you work with criminals.
Which means we have
to assume you are one.
And in the event that something
is said that incriminates you,
I want it admissible in court.
- You have the right
to an attorney.
If you cannot afford one,
one will be appointed to you.
- Yes, I would like an attorney.
- Well, wish in one hand,
shit in the other.
See which comes true first.
- Do you understand these rights
as I've explained them to you?
- Yes. Yes, I do.
- Please state
that you understand.
- Yes, fuck! I understand them.
How about the fucking phone?
- Over here.
- No one on that wall does a
thing without my say so.
- Do you know who's on this?
You don't know?
This is Mike.
- Wild times.
- Yeah, pretty poorly
planned, Carlos.
Huh? You know how this ends.
- Understand, Ese.
I have no idea how this ends.
It don't feel like a riot.
It feels like a revolution.
- Well, it's not.
It's a riot.
- Whatever it is,
everybody in here
wants it played out.
- Okay, let's play
this out, Carlos.
Let me tell you how it ends.
It ends with
50 snipers on the wall
and the National fucking Guard
in Humvees
drivin' right through
the front fucking gate
and shootin' everything
they see.
- There's an army of 100
brothers in here
ready for what they send.
- That's not an army, Carlos.
It's a mob at best.
And armies don't shoot
at news helicopters.
- Call it what you want.
The prison is ours.
And we will defend it.
They need to know that.
- They know now, okay?
You have demands?
- Oh, we have demands.
- Care to share?
- First, watch the yard.
- ♪
- Are you scared?
- Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you.
- Carlos,
you're playin' against
the house here, okay?
And you keep pushing
your chips in.
There's nothing
they can do, Mike.
Most of us are in here for life.
This is no life, Ese.
No life at all.
The punishment is
taking our time,
our freedom,
but they take more.
They take our dignity,
our manhood.
The things that makes us people,
that's what they took.
And now we're takin' it back.
- This isn't him talking.
This isn't Carlos.
He's reading this shit.
- Why is that important?
- It means he's not the leader.
- Carlos, who's runnin'
this shit show?
And please don't tell me it's
you 'cause it ain't.
- You'll get to meet him, Mike.
- That right?
I can't wait.
- He can't wait to meet you.
- So we're gonna do some lunch,
is that it?
- Lunch it is.
It's a uh, late lunch.
4:00 PM.
- Okay, we'll meet
at the Red Carriage.
- We'll meet right here.
In the yard.
And we'll tell you what we want.
- Why don't you just
tell me now?
- I'll tell you in person.
- What if they don't
let me, Carlos?
- Fuckin' do it.
- Watch the monitor.
- They're all coming for you.
Now, fuck you.
Fuck you!
- Fuck you.
Fuck you!
- No...
- God...
- Dammit.
- They'll let you.
- ♪
- Do you have any idea
what they want?
- Yeah, yeah.
I got a pretty good idea.
- Care to share your theory?
- Payback.
- Shh, shh, Kyle, breathe.
Come on.
Come on, breathe,
you got it buddy.
Breathe, breathe out.
That's it, that's it.
That's it, that's it.
- It's judgement day,
- Shh, shh, shh.
- It's okay.
- Some of you motherfuckers'll
be coming with me.
- Maybe.
But some of us aren't.
- Oh shit.
- Got friendlies.
- Robert.
You gotta get us the fuck outta
- You got it, brother, but we're
gonna take it to 'em first,
all right?
- Just fuckin' cook them
and get him outta here
- Hey, hey, look at me.
Look at me.
If you don't face them,
if you don't hit them
in the fuckin' mouth for this,
you're gonna regret that
for the rest of your life.
All right?
Let's go.
Let's go. Come on.
- Come on.
- ♪
- I'll say this.
When these fuckers clean a
house, they clean a house.
Them fuckers even cleaned
under the sofa.
- Yo, Stevie.
- Hello.
- Hey, what's the
street number here?
- Uh, 1976.
Hey man, you gotta come
and look at this.
- Oh shit.
- You gotta fuckin' come
and look at this shit.
- Acid.
- Yep, check this out.
Shell casings.
- I thought this was
a cookhouse?
- Nah, man,
this is something else.
- I know who we can ask
about it.
- Sinnoli?
- Better.
- Fuck.
- Look at the time.
- He was here when the shots
fired call came in.
- Yep.
- Is that going in the report?
- As soon as the phone
goes into evidence,
it all goes into evidence.
- Oh, what the fuck
you doin', man?
- What are you talkin' about?
- ♪
- There's a beacon on your
front, one on your back.
They emit a bright, green strobe
that we can see
through our night vision.
- All right, well, that's great,
except it's not dark.
- When's he going over?
- In an hour.
- It's gotta be dark.
- We don't control
the timeline here.
- Kingstown PD has a SWAT unit
inside the prison, sir.
- They what?
- Oh fuck.
- Motherfuck.
- We have jurisdiction.
- You had jurisdiction till you
lost the prison
and lost your jurisdiction
with it.
- This is state land.
- Leased from the city.
Speaking of state jurisdiction,
here comes the state police.
Look at that.
The Bureau of Prisons wants
corrections officers to lead.
- With all due respect,
your team has no experience
with assailants who shoot back.
State police has the scene until
the National Guard is in place.
- National Guard?
- You're not negotiating?
- We are in active negotiations,
but we're preparing
for the worst.
- They're gonna take it back.
- Do you know what every inmate
in every prison with cable
is watching right now?
This fucking bullshit.
It is the governor's call
and the governor says,
not on my fucking watch.
Shut it down, so yeah,
you're God damn right.
We're takin' it back.
- ♪
- Get your fucking SWAT team
out of my prison.
- I have two detectives
trapped in there.
They are navigating
their escape.
- They need to navigate faster.
- Fuck.
- So what, you ready?
- As I'll ever be.
- This is what they get
if they fuck this up.
Gotta make sure
they understand that.
- Yeah.
- National Guard has the wall.
Let's get out of this shithole.
Hey, asshole.
- This is fucking crazy,
this is fucking crazy.
- Listen to me, you wanna
go back by ourselves?
Huh? Come on.
Come on, come on.
We're almost home free.
Let's go, let's go.
Come on, come on.
- Hard to believe
we built this for men.
- Hard to believe there are men
we had to build it for.
Well, there are.
- And it appears a negotiator is
now entering the prison.
- Oh my God.
That's Michael.
That's Michael.
God damn him.
God damn, god dammit.
- ♪
- Mike.
You gotta get us
out of here, man.
- Workin' on it.
- No matter what happens,
them motherfuckers never leavin'
this place, cuz.
Long time.
- Yeah.
Thought you got out.
- I did.
They sent me back.
Won't ever leave now.
Why don't we go
somewhere we can talk?
- Where is he going?
- I'm not sure.
Through the crowd.
- I lost visual.
You still got him?
- He's in and out.
- Hey, what the fuck
are you doin' up here?
What the fuck are
you doing up here?
- This is my post.
- I've got a corrections officer
on tower three.
Hey buddy, you're relieved.
Leave your weapon in place
and proceed down from the tower
to the staging area
in the parking lot.
- This is my post.
- This fuckin' guy.
Hey asshole, it's not a request.
It's a fucking order.
- This is my post.
I don't work for you.
- Okay, give me your weapon.
Head down the fucking stairs.
- You can't tell me what to do.
- Give me your weapon.
Do not fuck with me today.
You are going down
the fucking stairs.
- This is my post!
- Fine. Stay there then.
- So you have demands?
- Yeah, I got demands.
- What are they?
- That they watch.
- They watch what?
- What they made us into.
- God fuckin'...
Come on, Paul, you were sent
here for attempted murder.
This place didn't
make you into anything,
you were already made.
- I'm a criminal.
I don't deny it.
So was that fool I shot.
He knew the game same as me.
But now, we just dogs they beat
every time they feed us.
See half these fools think the
beating's a part of the meal,
but not me.
I know the difference.
They made a promise to us, Mike.
We kept our promise and
we killed that motherfucker.
What did we ask for in return?
Feed us something
fuckin' decent,
treat us like fuckin' men.
I ain't never gettin'
out this motherfucker.
I'ma die in here, Mike.
Can't control that,
but you know what I can control?
I can control how I die.
And I won't die some
old man painting watercolors
of birds I never see.
Some half-beat man, nah.
- That's absolutely fuckin'
fine for you, Paul.
You go out anyway you like, man.
Don't make that decision
for others, though.
Let them make that decision
for themselves.
- I ain't decide shit
for anybody.
I didn't ask them
to come out they cells
and come down here with me,
but they here anyways.
- What about the guards?
Hmm? What the fuck
did they choose?
- They choose everything all
day, every fuckin' day.
They the coldest, motherfuckin'
criminals in here.
Make me eat my own shit.
Take the letters
I write my daughter,
wipe they asses with them
and fuckin' give 'em back.
You was in here, man.
You know what it is, cuz.
How do you think criminals
in prison get drugs in here
in the first place?
You think I got my old lady
hiking that shit up her skirt?
Shit, drugs cheaper in here
than they are on the street.
These motherfuckers
wake up every morning
figurin' out new ways
to give us hell.
And go to sleep doin'
more of the same.
It's time the world knew.
It's time somebody
sent a message.
And the messenger's me.
Be sure to tell them
what I said, Mike.
- It's time to paint the world
a picture.
- Yeah, I'm workin' on it.
- Yeah, you're my Mona Lisa.
- No, no, no, no!
- No!
I got ya, I got ya.
There we go.
- Better move, boys.
On me.
- ♪
- He's pretty bad.
- Mike.
- What?
- You good buddy?
- There you are.
- Hit?
- Am I hit?
- You're good, buddy.
That got a little nutty, huh?
- Ya think?
Where's my brother?
- Hey buddy, I'm proud of ya.
You did it.
You did it.
- Ian.
You all right?
- Yeah.
- Yeah, you're all right.
C'mere, c'mere.
You're all right.
You're all right.
- Yeah.
- Hey, come on.
Let's not do this shit here.
All right?
Let's get the fuck outta here.
Come on.
You're all right.
- Okay, stay with me.
You're good. Fuck.
I got you, I got you.
- ♪
- Oh.
- Ma'am.
- Oh my God.
Oh my. Oh.
Oh yes, oh, thank you.
Oh, thank you.
- Sorry, Mom.
- ♪
- I learned something today.
- Yeah.
- What they took,
I'll never get back.
It's like...
everything they did just got a
little piece of my soul.
Now there's just less of me.
And I have to live with that.
Or finish what
they started.
Cut the rest of me away.
- I learned that, too.
Is that what you
plan on doing?
Cut the rest of you away?
- I thought about it.
- What changed your mind?
- I just started thinkin',
what if your soul can grow back?
- ♪
- ♪
- ♪