Max Steel (2013–2015): Season 1, Episode 12 - Uncle Sam Wants You - full transcript

Max Steel successfully chases a gang who stole and now smuggle military weapons. Then they're surrounded by colonel Castle's troops, but he assures them to be after the fiends and friendly to them. Castle takes them to his base, shows to know all about MTec as wells as Dread. Castle offers them an Alliance and questions uncle Forge's motives for refusing, pointing out he keeps a secret for Max Steel, who thus decide to accept helping Castle go after Dredd in his canyon hide-out. There they're all up for crucial surprises.

[laser fire]

Hey steel!

You know what I hate most

About chasing down
arms smugglers?

What's that?

The arms!

Faster, steel,
they're getting away!

Then may I suggest piping down
and revving up!

Yah! You may indeed!


[laser fire]

I'm beginning to think
they don't like tailgaters!

What makes you say that?

We gotta get in front
of them!

Then let's find
a shortcut!

Quick! Swing left here!


This is your shortcut,

It's a dead end!

For the turbocycle...

There are no dead ends!

Oh boy.



Max, keep the skyscraper skid
marks at a minimum this time!

Will do, uncle ferrus!

Sheesh, sometimes
it feels like--

We're a dog on a leash?

Exactly, but one with some
real cool tricks!

Well, we're in front
of them.

Now what?


We hit 'em with
the high beams.

I was afraid
you'd say that...

I uh, think I blew
a fuse.

Hah-ha yeah!

You know for the good guys,
we sure are bad!

Up high!




Uh, sorry steel.

You okay?

Next time, a firm handshake
will do.


Alright, guys,
you know the drill,

Weapons down, hands up...



You got a head start.

Yes, and uh, we may want
to join them.


We're surrounded!

Let's... Go turbo!

I'm max mcgrath.

Here's my buddy steel.

Yeah, he's an alien.

I generate the power,

Steel has the alien tech
to control it.

Together, we combine
into awesome turbo modes...

... Take on the bad guys...

Save the world.

You know, hero stuff.

We are...

Max steel.


Did copper canyon just get
invaded and nobody told me?

They have us completely
surrounded, max.


Why would they want us?

Look, we don't want
any trouble...


Hey, where do you think
you're going?

Steel, set it to stun.



Shots fired!


No wait--

[laser fire]

Turbo strength?

Turbo strength.

Go turbo - strength.


I don't know exactly
what's in this thing...

But I'm pretty sure
it all goes boom!




Go turbo flight!

[laser fire]

Go higher, max!

If you say so...


Altitude sickness.


[laser fire]

Hold your fire!

We mean you no harm!

Could've fooled me.

Colonel jasper f. Castle.


The army?


You're on our side?


And you're max steel,
I presume.

I've heard a lot about you,

Well it must've been
some pretty bad stuff!

Why'd you declare war on
us back there, colonel?

Hey, easy.

We thought you were
attacking us.

The arms those
punks stole?

They were ours.

Sir, all the men are safe
and accounted for.

However, half a dozen
of the vehicles

In our convoy have been
reduced to scrap.


Oh, uh, sorry 'bout that.

Don't be.

Major parker's new
to our company.

He doesn't understand you
were just defending yourself.

And doing so with a great
deal of skill.

I must say, I'm impressed..


Well, thanks.

Say, how about coming back
to the base with me.

Let me show you around?

Heh, that an order?


It's a...

It's an invitation.

So this is an army base...

My, it's very...


I know it's probably not
what you're used to.

Certainly different
than n-tek.

You know about n-tek?

I think what he means is...

What's n-tek?

Now, now.

Give me some credit.

Sure, I may not know a lot
about your organization

But I know enough.

But that's not why I brought
you here.

Then why did you
bring us here?

Major parker?


This is a treasure trove
of information...

Even more than
what n-tek has...

You didn't think you
were the only ones

Onto this joker, did you?

We've been gathering intel
on miles dredd

Ever since that little stunt
he pulled back at thi.

Very nice work
by the way.

So nice, in fact,
I was thinking...

You should come work
for us.

Beg your pardon?


I saw how you handled
yourself against my forces.

Imagine what we could
do together.

My intel and your powers?

Dredd wouldn't stand
a chance.

Think it over,

Are you out of your gourd?!

You met with the army?!

Well, not the whole army.

That would take forever.

Relax, uncle ferrus,
colonel castle's on our side.

He's looking to take down
dredd, too.

Max, there's a reason n-tek
is a private organization.

Kat's right -

Other agencies have
their own agendas.

It's not always clear
who you can trust.

Funny, that's how I feel
about certain people here.

What's that supposed
to mean?

It means the colonel told
exactly what he was after

And why he wanted our help.

The honesty was refreshing.

You should try it sometime.

You're not to meet
with him again.

What? Why not?

I don't get it, uncle ferrus,

You're always telling me
and steel

That we can't always
work alone.

How is this any different?

Because it is.

Yo, chief!

Er, I mean,
commander forge...

Our satellite-feed just spotted
jason naught

And a whole squad of
dreddnaught's downtown!



All right, you heard dredd,

Take down anything
that moves.

Copper canyon is officially
under siege.



Take no prisoners.


Loud and clear!

C'mon, steel!

Let's take it to 'em,
turbo style!

With pleasure!

We'll be right behind you!

[alarm wailing]


Go turbo strength!

Hey naught!

Why dontcha try picking
on someone your own size!

Or a smidge bigger
for that matter.


Let's do this!

[laser fire]


Or let's not.

[laser fire]

Keep pushing!

Hit 'em with everything
you got!

[laser fire]

Looks like your army buddy
beat us to the punch.

And speaking of punch...

Castle sure does pack some.

Restrain him and take
'im back to base.

Belay that order.

Colonel castle I suspect.

What can I do for you?

None of your concern.

But I will be taking naught.


I don't think so.

This man is an enemy
of the state.

And besides...We
were here first.

Hey! Hey guys,

I'm sure we can come to
an understanding here--

Hey! Stay out of this.

Why should he?

This is his business as much
as it is yours.

Or...Is there something
you're hiding from him?


What-what are you
talking about?

Why don't you ask
forge here.


That's right, I know
who you are.

And, as I told max, I know a
bit about your organization.

Perhaps it's time you tell him
what n-tek's true mission is.

True mission?


That's what I thought.

Take naught to the
interrogation brig.

And max?

My offer still stands.

If you want to be part
of a family...

And work for someone
you can trust...

Let me know.


Let's move out!

I don't get it, commander,

Naught attacking no one in
particular in broad daylight.

Something's not right.



Uncle ferrus?

Can I come in?

Yah, sure.

Of course.

So, what did
colonel castle mean?

Does n-tek have some
secret mission

That I don't know about?

Max, our mission, as
I've always told you,

Is protecting the world--

No, no there's
more to it than that.

I know there is uncle ferrus
and I want to know what.

Max, it's...Complicated.

The truth isn't complicated.

And that's all I want -
the truth.

The truth?

That's it, huh?

Fine, max, here it is:
The truth is...

The truth is...

The-the truth is that you know
everything you need to know

At the present juncture.

Ya know, I used to think
that when my dad passed,

You were the closest thing
I had to a father.

But I was wrong.

You don't care about me.

All you care about
is n-tek.

Max, wait


[loud beep]


Is everything okay?


Molly, it's max.

He's getting more and more
curious by the day.

I know.

Perhaps it's time
we tell him.

Well we better be sure.

Because once we do,

There's no going back.

Oh, let me guess, another
warm and fuzzy heart to heart

With your uncle ferrus.

I don't want to talk about it.

He's rubbing off on you.


What is it?

A message from
colonel castle.

He wants to see us.


Turns out naught looks
a lot tougher than he is.

It took less than an hour
for him to spill

Everything he knows
about dredd.

Wait, so you know
where he is?

We do.

He's staging something
in a remote region

Of the copper canyons
just south of here.

And I want you to help me
take him down, son.

Whadaya say?

Will you do it?


I second that emotion!


Then let's take
to the skies!

And take it to dredd!

Max, transfer over your n-tek
tracking frequencies

So we can jam anything
that might alert dredd

To our presence!

You heard the man,

Roger that, we're
cutting the leash!

Max's frequency
has gone offline.


Where was his last
known location?

Uh, at colonel castle's
base, sir.

That's it, up ahead.

Hmm, homey.

What have we here?

I'm taking this creep
down myself.

Colonel castle, wait!

He gets points for bravery
but not for smarts!

[laser fire]




Colonel castle...


Don't fret, ol' maxy boy,
I'm fine.

Ah! We both are.


[pained cry]

In fact, I'm feeling better
than ever!

What's going on?!

That's what I'd like
to know!

[pained cry]

It's quite simple, max,
I work for dredd.

And so does my entire team.

With the exception
of major parker.

Like I said, he's new
to our unit.

You traitor!




Why else?

To get you right
where we want you,

From your friends at n-tek
and surrounded...

By my friends.

Now, max steel,
you belong to me.

I'm flattered...But
no thanks!

Go turbo strength!


Steel! Call in to n-tek.

[fighting grunts]

Let 'em know where we are.

[fighting grunts]

I can't - castle's jammed
our tracking systems!

Oh yeah...So much
for cutting the leash!

This whole thing has been
a set up from the get go

Starting with those
arm smugglers.


Take down max steel!

[laser fire]


I'd say calling
the army's out.


You could've told me that
you sent me downtown

Just to get max to fall
for castle's bluff.

Ah, must've slipped my mind.

Now pipe down
and watch the show!



Why'd ya do it, castle?

Why'd you turn your back
on your country?

Ha - do you have any idea how
much dredd is paying us?!

What in the--?!

I've got a visual
on max!

Roger that - now let's
give him some back up!

[laser fire]

How did n-tek find us?!

I - I don't know!

[laser fire]

Whoa, I think we might actually
survive this!

You were saying?




Fight fire power with
fire power, I always say.

Consider that a
dishonorable discharge!

Am I glad to see you!


[laser fire]


[laser fire]

[laser fire]


[laser fire]







[lsaer fire]


If they want a war,
let's give 'em one!

Seems I'll need to
see to this personally!

[lsaer fire]




Now it's my turn!

C'mon cy.T.R.O!


[lsaer fire]

Okay. Now it's max's turn.


I told you, max.

You belong to me!

And now, I'm taking you.



Uh, excuse me, sir.

You've been relieved
of duty.

Max, fire the turboblaster!

What for?!

It won't hurt him!

Trust me!

Okay...If you say so...

Here goes nothing!

Ha-ha-ha, he-hah,

Is this all the power
you have left?

Me, yes.

My friends?





What was that?!

That was turbo energy as
a laser locator beacon...

Thanks for hooking me up
with the bull's eye, steel.

I do what I can!



We've rounded up castle
and all his men, chief.

And dredd?

We went searching for him right
after the missile strike but--

Let me guess.

He was gone.

Along with naught.

Hold it.

Major parker?

Ah, commander forge?

Uncuff this man.

He's on our side.

Turns out I wasn't the only
one suspicious of castle.

When you got in contact
with me I checked you out.

You were the only soldier
in that unit worth his salt.


I'm just glad you received
the coordinates in time.

Huh, and I'm glad you sent
them, major.

Let's keep in touch.

As for you...

You disgrace the uniform
you wear.

Take him away.

Max. Are you okay?

No...Not really.

I feel awful.

None of this would've happened
if I just listened to you.

Uncle ferrus,
I'm so sorry.

I'm not your father,

But I did promise him
I'd look after you.

And that's a promise
I intend to keep.

No matter what.

Now then, we'll discuss your
punishment for going awol

When we get back to base.

Aw, punishment?

Let's move out!

Ya know, steel,

There may be a lot of stuff
we don't know about n-tek

But at least we know one
thing for sure.

They're the good guys.

Eh, I suppose that's true,

But still, there are
other truths out there.

Perhaps it's time I find out

What they are through
another source...