Maverick (1957–1962): Season 1, Episode 6 - Stage West - full transcript

Bret comes to the assistance of a Eastern woman who came west when she learns of her husband's gold strike. A ruthless family of ranchers have killed her husband, though, and try to convince the young lady that they are her late husband's partners.

Send out tall one
with yellow coat...

we go away.

- You get up.
- Ain't you gonna give him a chance?

We wouldn't be holed up
in here, if it wasn't for him.

He's getting better
than he deserves.

Hurry, Pa, they're
getting ready.

You can have him.

You might as well stop skulking
around back there, Fallon.

There's plenty of
coffee here for all of us.

Should we all put our guns away?

I've known you've been
following me since the first day.

Then you had plenty
of time to think about it.

You know what we want.


That's why I've been leading
you away from the claim.

We've been making
one, big circle.

Here we are.

- You're going to take us to that claim.
- Am I?

You got three guns on me...

but this is a
double-barrel shotgun...

and before I hit the ground
it will get all three of you.

You see, I've got
a big advantage.

If you kill me, what
would you have? Nothing.

We'll argue that point later...

but now you put that
gun down, and fast.

I don't think so.

You're gonna get onto
your horses and ride off.

You might be able to kill all three
of us with that scatter gun you got.

But before you fire that second barrel
you'd have at least three bullets in you.

I don't think you wanna die.

Nobody wants to die...

but you're not
giving me any choice.

Sure we are, Sam. All you
have to do is drop that shotgun.

And you're going to.

- Watch it now, Wes.
- Watch it, shut up.

We don't want to kill you, Harris.
We don't want the whole mine neither.

We just want you to
cut us in for a piece.

You're going to need
some help, anyway.

It would be different if that mine
belonged to you but it don't...

it belongs to Indians.

None of us have
got any right up here.

But I found it.

And I'm gonna keep it.

I don't need any help.

I'm gonna count to three...

if you haven't dropped that
gun, I'm gonna drop you.


- I'm not bluffing.
- We'll know in a couple of seconds.


You didn't have
to kill him, Wes.

He would have killed me.

Ain't that right, Pa?

That leaves you, Matson.

I haven't ever been to the mine.

You were his partner. He certainly
must have told you where it was.

He was taking me for the first
time. He didn't tell me nothing.

Oh, that's too bad.

You've just seen
enough to hang us all.

Might forget that if we
had a good enough reason.

Wait, I swear I don't
know where the mine is.

But I know something just
as good. It will get you there.

What is that?

At the packsaddle station...

someone's coming in on
a stage five days from now.

Someone who knows
as much as Sam Harris.

But you need me there.

Who's coming in?

I'm not going to tell you anymore.
I'll wind up the way Harris did.

He's stalling, Pa.

I'll tell you anything you wanna
know when the stage comes in...

but not before then.

I can get it out of him now, Pa.

No, another dead man
ain't gonna get it for us.

You got something to trade, all right,
we'll trade, but if you're bluffing...

you're gonna wish you got it
just as quick as your partner did.

You give me a chance,
you won't be sorry.

We'll see. Get your horse.

- Rip.
- Yeah?

When I go back inside,
you wait half a minute or so...

then come in after me and
say, "The stage has come."

And what are you gonna do, Pa?

You'll find out when you
get inside. Now do like I say.

And make it sound right.

Got a lot of food here
if you fellas feel hungry.

No, thanks.

Stage is coming, Pa.

That's part of the
dust on top of Pine Hill.

They're early today.

I better be getting
them their horses ready.

Stage is practically
here. You tell us now.

- I said I'd tell you when it got there.
- That could be too late, mister.

This place will be
crawling with passengers...

you'd just go back on the
deal and start yelling for help.

What's to keep me alive after
I've told you what you wanna know?

We're not killers.

You got a short memory.

Harris would be alive if
he hadn't used that shotgun.

You said we need you. So,
what are you so worried about?

What are we haggling for?

You tell us, mister,
and you tell us now.

You sit down, Wes. Now,
look at this thing logically.

You don't think we'd take
a chance on killing you...

with the stage just a
few minutes out, do you?

You've got a lot
better sense than that.

All right.

Harris wrote to his wife in
Boston, told her to meet him here.

He sent her a map of the claim
in case anything happened to him.

She'll be on the stage.

Does she know you?


You're a liar. Now you get outta
here before the stage shows up.

Shouldn't we keep him...

- till we find out he's telling the truth?
- He told the truth. Get going.

You lousy butcher.

If you weren't my
brother, I'd shoot you.

You mean, you thought
we were gonna let him go?

You take it easy, Rip. Matson could've
stopped that stage before it got here...

and this place could've
been full of lawmen.

Now let's get him on a horse
and dump him in Thorn Canyon.

Get him over there.

Station man is outside,
something I can do for you?

No, not a thing.

You seem to be in a
mighty big hurry to get here.

I was. Thanks for
your interest, anyway.


Got some grub there for the
passengers that are coming in...

- you can dig in if you gotta mind to.
- Thanks.

- Didn't get your name.
- It's Maverick.

Hey, you must be waiting for
the stage, same as the others.

Oh, is that so?

But they ain't much
for conversation, heh.

- They thought you was the stage.
- Sorry to disappoint them.

I don't get much company to talk
to outside of a few skin trappers...

or someone heading
for the Sioux country.

Hey, nothing drops in here
except the agency stage...

or a few shade-minded
sidewinders. They make good eating.


Grub for everyone inside,
folks, just help yourself.

Look, isn't this pretty? - Mm-hm


Thank you.

Ain't no way to treat the
animals, they gotta go back east...

and run soon as that
other stage gets in.

Coming in I saw what
looked like Sioux tracks...

maybe a renegade band,
so I got outta there fast.

There ain't no Indians
between here and the Black Hills.

And if there was that
thumb would start aching.

With some folks it's weather,
but with me it's Indians.

And that ain't never
been wrong yet.

You're just getting
old, Simmons.

It's rheumatism that
makes it ache, not Indians.

- Mrs. Harris?
- Yes.

I'm Mr. Matson, Sam's partner.

He's staying up at the mine and
I'm supposed to take you up there.

Oh, but that's not what
Sam wrote in his letter.

You see, he couldn't leave the
mine alone, it's in Sioux country.

The land belongs to Indians.

Which means the mine
ain't legal in the first place.

Now that kind of situation is just
made to order for claim jumpers.

I see.

As soon as you're
ready I'll take you there.

But how can you? Sam wrote that
only he knew where the mine was.

Well, the fact is you're supposed
to take me with the map he sent you.

Well, if you don't mind,
Mr. Matson, I think I'll wait a while...

just in case Sam
changed his mind.

Well, it ain't likely
but suit yourself.

Now just let me know whenever
you're in the mood to go, huh?

- I will.
- Goodnight, ma'am.

Don't know when a morsel
of food tasted so good.

It's just delicious.

Just like our
Southern fried chicken.

It's rattlesnake meat, ma'am.


That's just the way I feel
about Southern fried chicken.

To each his own.

I was in the restaurant business,
heh, and you cannot please them all.

That fellow has a familiar look.

- Is your friend asleep?
- That's right.

Looks like a customer that used
to come to my place in Dodge City.

The man was fair daft
about ribs. Spare ribs.

He don't like to be waked up
and he's never been to Dodge City.

My mistake.

All right, folks, we're
ready to rumble.

Let it roll! Hyah!

Mrs. Harris, my
name is Maverick.

I'm looking after this lady...

and I don't think her husband
would want strangers talking to her.

I don't think Sam Harris cares
one way or the either right now.

What do you mean?

I'm sorry to have to tell you
this but your husband is dead.

- I buried him two days ago.
- You lie.

I ran across Sam four days ago. Some
man had shot him, left him for dead.

I tried to get the bullet out.
I did what I could for him.

I hope you see what he's after,
Mrs. Harris, your husband's claim.

You're a little late.

Sam took me to the
claim before he died.

He asked me to come
here and explain things.

If you are telling the truth
why did you wait so long to talk?

I just figured I'll let you
play out your hand first.

Well, Mrs. Harris...

you certainly ain't gonna take a stranger's
word against Sam's partner, are you?

Why take anyone's word?

Man over there with
his hat over his face...

my guess is he's Matson,
and I don't think he's asleep.

I think we'd better
leave, ma'am.

You're not going
anywhere. Either one of you.

Look, you'll see there's two
guns pointing right at her...

from underneath this table.

You put that gun down
right now or she gets shot.

Put it on the bar.

- What's going on?
- Where's the hardware?

- Are you loco?
- Where is it?

- It's underneath the bar.
- Let's get it.

I don't wanna inconvenience you,
but we got business to transact...

now if you just go over and sit by
that water cooler you won't get hurt.

Now drag Matson's body over behind
the bar just in case somebody comes in.

Shooting your husband wasn't
our idea, ma'am, he forced it...

trying to use a shotgun.

Meaning, he was trying
to keep what was his.

You're gonna talk
yourself right into a box.

That mine didn't belong to your
husband, anyway. It was on Indian land.

From a practical standpoint the gold is
there waiting for anybody who wants it.

And we want it.

I'll take that map, Mrs. Harris.

- I don't have it.
- Mrs. Harris...

I'll strip every stitch
off you to get that map.

It's on the stage.

When you told me I was to take
you to the mine, I didn't trust you.

I decided then to leave
my luggage on the stage.

Rip, get that stage and don't
come back here without that luggage.

Rip ain't got much
stomach for that kind of job...

there's a chance
he might scare off.

Should've sent me, I'd get it.

You'd have shot the driver to get
it and we got enough worries as it.

I figured that maybe you
could save us a lot of trouble.

And you got plenty of that.

A man ain't leaving a million
dollars worth of pay dirt...

without making up a little
map to get him back to it.

You're gonna have to read my mind
to find it because that's where it is.

- Every inch of it, right there.
- We'll see about that.

Take off your coat.

How'd you find out
about Harris's claim?

Everybody knowed it.

Heh, took a chunk of that ore
down to be assayed at Twin Bluffs.

It ran 90 percent.

When he turned down a hundred thousand
dollars for the mine it went all over town.

Your boots.

You weren't very smart. Harris
knew you were trailing him.

He lead you away from a strike.
- We knew that.

But Harris is dead
and I am alive.

Now you figure out who's smart.

All right, your socks.

- You're wasting your time.
- I got plenty of that.

I sure hope there is no such
map on that stage, Mrs. Harris.

Right now, they're just keeping
me around for insurance.

If that map shows up...

it'll just be another case
of them having to kill...

because they
were forced into it.

If he does come back with the
map, they won't need me either.

They won't need any of us.

You stopped me from
feeling sorry for myself.

All right, get them off.

- Was she lying?
- We'll never know.

- What happened?
- It was awful, Pa, just awful.

What happened, boy?

There was nothing
left of that stage...

just a heap of burning
wood and charred bodies.

- Why in the thunder would...
- It was Indians.

And they don't need reasons.

- Where did it happen?
- On the other side of Beaver Creek.

They ain't likely to be
heading this way then.

The best pickings...

- is between there and Twin Bluffs.
- Could be heading for your ranch.

They got a spread?

Over a thousand head
just east of Twin Bluffs.

Most folks say they had
other plans on them first.

A thousand head?

Now, why would anyone with a spread
that big wanna kill a man over a mine?

Doesn't seem to
me like you need it.

Why don't you answer him, Pa?

That's a question I've
been wanting to ask.

- You ask it some other time.
- Maybe I can answer it for you.

Sure, we got a big spread...

but there isn't anybody
who doesn't think we're dirt.

You've always wanted to buy
land above Jackson's place, why?

So you could cut off his water?
With a gold mine you could.

You could get back at
Jackson and all the rest.

- I don't know what you're talking about.
- Neither does he, Pa.

I'm still thinking
about those cattle.

With you and your boys away, we'll
make a nice haul for those Indians.

I hear anything they
can't carry away, they burn.

You'd like for me to forget
you. That's what you'd like.

Well, he just
might be right, Pa.

Whose side you
on, little brother?

- If you had sense you'd know.
- If you had backbone I'd know.

You didn't like this idea.

Now you want us to
give up. What's with you?

- You didn't have to kill Harris or Matson.
- Stop it!

Both of you.

At least you got one boy
who can think for himself.

Let you and me get
one thing straight.

Nobody comes
between me and my boys.

- No matter what happens we stick together.
- He's nothing but trouble.

- I should give it to him right now.
- No!

Uh-uh, your pa won't like that.

It just happens that I'm the only
one that knows where the mine is now.

- Which makes me a privileged character.
- That's telling him.

- That same privilege don't extend to you.
- That's where you're wrong.

It goes for the three of us.

- How far is this mine?
- Two days, hard riding.

Rip, get all the food
in this place together.

I didn't say I was taking you.

Mister, you only got one thing to
bargain with and that's your life.

Now if you don't take
us there, you're going

to lose the privilege
of staying alive.

- What about them?
- They ain't your problem.

I'm making them my problem.

All right. You take us
there and we'll let you all go.

Correction. You let them
go and I'll take you there.

Don't do it, Pa. They'd have a
posse as soon as they hit Twin Bluffs.

You don't have to tell
me that. You're all going.

The odds against you ever
seeing that mine have just doubled.


see how he'd like a slug in that
left arm just to lower them odds.

Look at him.

- Look at him, Pa, he's enjoying it.
- Shut up, little brother.

Close them all windows.

Rip, keep them off our backs.

How many out there?

Could be all of us against
them instead of just you.

Wouldn't give you a gun if
they was looking down my throat.

They are.

Are these the Indians
that burned the stage?

That'd be my guess.

I don't get it, Pa...

if they're a raiding party they'd have
stolen the stock, burned the barn.

- That's what I was thinking.
- They're after something.

Yeah, but what?

No matter what happens...

I want you to know that I am
grateful for what you tried to do.

Frankly, I thought that getting you
out alive would be the easiest part.

I thought you'd be all broken
up about your husband...

but you don't exactly act
like a grief-stricken widow.

If it's of any interest, I lost
my husband four years ago...

the shock has worn off.

I lost him to...

call it "gold fever."

He left us to come out here.

We have a son, Timmy.

He's in Boston with my mother.

Sam was doing it for his son.
He wanted to leave him something.

He did.

He left him without a father.

- They quitting?
- I don't know.

No, they ain't.

Send out tall one
with yellow coat.

We go away.

He means him, Pa.

Wes, keep your
eye on that Indian.

What do they want you for?

You been in the Black Hills,
you ought to know the answer.

I want your version.

Did you ever know the
Sioux to let a white man out...

when they thought he found gold?

And they thought you had, huh?

I didn't ask them why
they were shooting.

Just kept dropping nuggets
hoping to slow them down.

They kept right on coming.

That's why they're out there.

Wanna make sure you
don't take nobody there.

That's just a piece of it. I had to kill
two of them trying to fight my way out.

- They don't take kindly to that.
- No, they don't.

They know where the mine is?

I was two hours away
before they spotted me.

And you knew all that time
while they raided that coach.

- They were looking for you.
- That's a fair deduction.

And you knew that sooner
or later they'd get here.

- Nothing's ever certain.
- Except for your concern.

They ain't gonna wait longer.

- You can't send him out there.
- He won't.

Right now he thinks more of that
gold mine than he does his own skin.

- And I'm his only chance of finding it.
- Don't you be too sure.

I told you nothing
was for certain.

There are a few things
I'll put money on...

like a straight flush
or a crooked mind.

There's too many
of them out there, Pa.

We've gone too
far now to turn back.

You can't have the white man.

You will all die
for yellow coat.

We can't hold out forever, Pa.

That eastbound stage
is gonna be by here soon.

We'll try breaking out then.

Suppose the stage hightails it
back when they hear shooting.

And suppose they
bring back a full posse...

we'd get the same
treatment those Indians get.

Hey, Simmons, what time
does that other stage come?


- It's worse than an oven.
- Well, they got it just as hot out there.

Pa, look.

Give up yellow coat.

- You get up.
- Ain't you gonna give him a chance?

We wouldn't be holed up in
here now if it wasn't for him.

He's getting a better
chance than he deserves.

Hurry, Pa, they're
getting ready.

Hold it. Give us
time to think it over.

You can have him.

They'll drag him
to the Black Hills.

Yeah, and they ain't gonna
be coming back neither.

Sure figured it right, Pa.

Don't turn around.

I could have killed Wes.
You start shooting and I will.

Get their guns.

- You was hiding a gun here all the time.
- I keep one up there for such occasions.

Now get the others.

You should've
dumped him instead.

There's a lot of things I oughta
done but now he's in charge.

Right. Now suppose you sit down.

Can't we leave now?

As soon as I transact
a little business.

I'm afraid I'll have to
ask you to sit down.

- I don't understand.
- I said sit down.

- What's going on here?
- You too.

Rip, go over to
the end of the bar.

Now look behind that poster.

Unroll it.

It's a gold nugget.

Now look at the paper.

Yeah, it's a map, Pa.
It's the one to the mine.

You were right
about one thing...

I made sure I'd
find my way back.

I hid that behind there when I
found out you three were here.

Well, I'll be a
three-toed sand lizard.

You sure can't tell a grass snake
from a sidewinder till you get bit.

So you got the map.
What's that got to with us?

Since you're so interested in
that mine, I'm gonna sell it to you.

- It isn't yours to sell.
- You're about half right.

Belongs to those
Indians that were here.

I can't give you a deed,
Fallon, but I can give you a map.

You double-dealing hyena.

- Interested, Fallon?
- What's the deal?

- 15,000 cash.
- Don't do it, Pa.

The mine's worth a
million, he's up to something.

There's one thing about a crook,
he thinks everyone else is dishonest.

His question still needs an
answer, why only 15,000?

There isn't enough money to get
me back in that Indian country...

not after what happened to me.

What makes you
think the same thing...

- wouldn't happen to me?
- That's your problem.

But you've got three
times the chance that I had.

You run out of backbone, you can
always call them in for your spread.

But you've already killed
two men to get what you want.

I don't think Indians
are gonna stop you.

You've got things
figured right, don't you?

You interested or not?

- Where do I get $15,000 out here?
- Not out here. At your ranch.

It takes operating
money to run a spread.

Your money would be there.

You can let one of
your boys ride for you.

I'm the only one who knows
the combination to the safe.

You can write out
the combination.

Or don't you trust your boys?

Give me a pencil and
something to write on.

Get it for him, Simmons.

- You're worse than they are.
- I'm sorry to disappoint you, ma'am.

My husband believed you were his friend.
He trusted you, showed you the mine.

I didn't ask him to.

- You're gonna take all day?
- Here, now make it fast.

Now write out the combination.

You better tell him to
forget that first note...

because if he
doesn't, you'll be dead.

You'll be an orphan.

Do like he says, boys, I mean
it. Just bring back the money.

I'll take that map.

You can have it back
if he brings the cash.

He will.

Now, Simmons, suppose you tell
me when the stage for the east is due?

So now you're squirmy.

The shoe's on the other foot.

As passenger agent you're
supposed to give out that information.

So you can make sure how much
time you got to get your dirty money.

Where money is concerned
it can be dirty, dusty or soggy.

As long as it's money.

- Now when's that stage due?
- I don't know.

When I leave here, I have the choice of
taking you with me or letting you loose...

or leaving you here with them.

You know too much on Fallon
for him to be this generous.

You'd better tell him.

It will be here in two hours.

Well, let's all
just sit and relax...

since nobody is going anywhere.

If everything works right, you'll
be on your way to Dodge City.

Thanks for your consideration.

Well, since your son is in Boston
I figured you'd wanna go there.

Does it matter to you?

I promised your
husband you'd be all right.

It's too bad he died without knowing
what kind of a man you really are.

As for the mine, when
opportunity scratches my back...

- I make the most of it.
- No matter who gets hurt.

- You can't lose something you never had.
- Sam died for it, it belongs to his son.

He died for something
that didn't belong to anyone.

Then why did you say
Sam left it to our son?

It was Sam's way of
thinking. When a man's dying...

you let him think the way
that makes that going easier.

You have a way of twisting words,
making black white and white black.

Next you'll be asking me to
thank you for stealing the mine.

I might at that.

It's a 2-hour ride
to the ranch...

we both got something to lose
if Wes don't make it back here...

- before the stage gets in.
- He will.

There are some things that
even you can't guarantee.

The Indians took
care of that for us.

Now what would the burning of one
stagecoach have to do with the other?

Well, now suppose you were
driving the eastbound stage...

and you ran on to what
was left of the other one...

I'd hightail it back to
Twin Bluffs for some help.

Well, I see what you mean.

That's gonna give Wes more
than enough time to get back here.

You don't leave much
to imagination, do you?

If I did I wouldn't be alive.

It'd be nice having a
fellow like you on my side.

- Gonna make you a deal.
- I got one.

15,000 against a million?

I don't blame you for not wanting to
go back up in them hills all by yourself...

but if you was with me and the
boys, couple of hands from the ranch...

you'd feel different about it.

And you'd be a
partner. Fifty-fifty.

And I wouldn't get my 15,000.

- No, you'd get a half a million.
- Or a bullet in the back.

You've got too much imagination.

Maverick, it's too
bad you're a crook...

I was just
beginning to like you.

And that's the way I
feel about Rip over there.

If he didn't have him for a father and
a brother who shoots people for fun...

he might turn out all right.

The way things are going he
wouldn't have much of chance.

- Pot calling the kettle black.
- Maybe...

but I've seen men who've
been where he's headed.

You tried splitting us up
once before, it didn't work.

Ain't that right, Rip?

Now, we're here on business
so spare us the sermon.

Consider it finished.

What kind of a
hypocrite are you?

A man doesn't have to
be a saint to give advice.

I just don't
understand you at all.

Things that don't make sense sometimes
add up when you look back at them.

I hope I live to have
that opportunity.

I'm counting on it.

Didn't figure on him
being this late, did you?

Just might be the stagecoach
might get here first, yep.

Just might be.

Why don't you shut up?

Seeing as you ain't got
no gun, I'll just ignore that.

You know, he's right,
we'll be trapped in here.

Well, you could
leave now if he let you.

- Yeah, maybe we could.
- We're staying right here.

That money must
mean an awful lot to you.

Is that my boy?
- Yeah, it's him.

Now, how could I
be that careless?

Count it.

It's there, every
lousy penny of it.

Your son doesn't sound
convinced. You wanna back out?

Are you serious?

You can have your money back...

but you'll never see the mines.

We made a deal.

It's all there.

All right. Here's your map.

There. Right where I figured it.

Next time play your
hunches, it's cheaper.

- Let's go, boys.
- Sit down.

- We've made a deal.
- You leave after we do.

- Get their horses, take them home.
- What did I tell you, it's a stack deal.

We'll turn them loose about five miles out.
Who knows, they may find their way back.

- I don't like it, Pa.
- If you did it would worry me.

How can you let them
go? They're murderers.

The horses are ready.

Shall we leave, Mrs. Harris?


You killed him.

No, Pa...

I never killed him or nobody.

- You're hurt...
- Get your hands off me.

Whatever happened to you?

It was always the three of
us against everybody else.

No, Pa...

it was always you and
him against everybody else.

I'm sorry, Pa.

Looks like you've got
the mine all to yourself.

Are you still going
to let him have it?

He paid for it. Cost him a
lot more than he thought.

They're here. It's the eastbound
stage and they got a posse with them.

Thanks for all your help. They'll
stand trial back at Twin Bluffs.

From what I saw
Rip deserves a break.

I'd be dead now if
he hadn't warned me.

I'll show him every

Just a minute, sheriff, I've been
waiting for this lady to tell you...

but since she ain't, I will.

That two-faced lobo sold a
map that, rightfully, is hers.

Sold it to Fallon for $15,000.

That's a serious charge.

You want to accuse this man?

No. I'm afraid that whatever
he did, he had a right to do.

That's the last time I'll
ever try to help a woman.

What about this map you sold?

I made a map of a
mine in the Black Hills...

belongs to Fallon now and I don't
think you can take it away from him.

The mine in the Black
Hills don't belong to anyone.

I didn't sell him a
mine, I sold him a map.

- No law has been broken.
- There's another thing, sheriff...

he was going to give them back
their horses so they could get away.

The horses belong to them but
they wouldn't have gotten far...

figured you'd send out
a posse from Twin Bluffs.

Can't arrest him
for something...

- he didn't get around to doing.
- Next thing you'll be giving him a medal.

I hope you have
a nice trip east.

Thank you.

Simmons was right
about one thing...

the money is yours.

I couldn't have drawn the map if your
husband hadn't shown me the mine.

If you intended for me to have it,
why did you wait till now to tell me?

If I hadn't, Fallon wouldn't
have gone through with the deal.

- There's so much I don't understand.
- Time to row them.

But the map's worth a million
dollars and Fallon still has it.

He bought it.

I wouldn't worry about that, your husband
didn't know too much about mining...

he struck a pocket of free gold.

It wasn't worth much more
than the nuggets he had us save.

He realized it before he died.

Then you sold Fallon a worthless
piece of paper for $15,000?

He wanted the claim so bad
that he killed your husband for it.

I figured he should have it.

I don't know what to say.

Everything's ready, ma'am.

I'm almost sorry I'm going back.

So am I.

- Make it roll.
- Hyah!


Sure is amazing how an hombre can
steal a woman blind and make her love him.

You keep this as a
souvenir, might bring you luck.

If nothing more, it will
remind you of quite a woman.