Matir Agunot (2019–…): Season 1, Episode 8 - Episode #1.8 - full transcript
Yossef asks Liat for permission to take drastic measures in her divorce case. New information from Hanna's doctor leads Yossef to realise her fertility issues might not be physical.
Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
"Remember? How could you not,
after all the talk...Tuesday, May 15, 8 p.m.
"17 Ester Hamalka Street, Apt. 1
Come. It'll be fun."
Bnei Brak?
Yes, get in.
When did it happen?
Alright, goodbye.
Where do you study?
"Kol Torah."
Rabbi Scheiner, rights
How's it going
I was just informed my father passed away.
Thank you for
your words of encouragement,
I'm sure they'll help.
I'm Meir Levi, by the way.
Yosef Morad.
Thank you.
"Unchained" Created by
Joseph Madmony, Tamar Kay, and David Ofek
"Remember? How could you not,
after all the talk... Tuesday, May 15, 8 p.m.
6 Ester Hamalka Street, Apt. 1
Come. It'll be fun.”
"6 Ester Hamalka St."
"Daniel and Miriam Honig + Gitit
Hello. -Hello.
May I help you?
Do you know if a Meir Levi
lives in this building?
Miriam, -Yes.
Did a Meir Lavi Uva in this building?
I don't remember.
Do you know when he lived here?
-When did he live here?
I'm not sure he lived here,
maybe one building over...
If she doesn't remember, then no,
she doesn't forget a thing.
maybe in number 18 across the way...
Yes, I'm almost sure,
I hear "Meir" at Yehuda's grocery.
Around 50 years old?
Listen to her.
She knows what she's saying,
I learned that lesson well.
I want soda too.
Thank you.
"Blessed are You, God
by whose word all things came to be." -Amen.
She can't see.
When she's around, I get it,
she doesn't like seeing you enjoy yourself
when she's not enjoying herself,
but in your mother's home?
Stop. -Alone?
I don't take sugar
and I don't eat sweets.
What don't you get?
You think it doesn't pain me?
You love sweets.
You have since you were a child.
Mom, stop.
Took, I grew a pot belly.
She doesn't let you eat sweets
and she doesn't give you children.
She can say the same about me
that I don't give her children either.
She's not worth the sole of your shoe,
not her nor her family.
Mom, that's enough!
What do you have against her family?
For 7 years you looked for
an Ashkenazi girl to marry
and look what you got
Hannah is the best thing for me.
With the diabetes and everything!
You're so naive, Yosef.
She's barren.
Why do you think your chief justice
gave her to you?
She's certifiably infertile.
-That's enough. She's not infertile.
We went to all the doctors.
Neither of us has a problem.
Something is wrong with her,
in the head.
You know what?
Lucky you don't have a baby.
Stop it already
don't scare him.
Lower your voice.
Everything's fine.
"Tuesday, come, it'll be fun..."
"Remember? How could you not,
after all the talk..."
What are you doing next Tuesday evening?
Me? Why?
I wont to know if you're free.
I want to organize
a meal for the completion of a tractate.
What's that got to do with me?
It's for Shmuel Yitzhak.
He's moving on to the "Kollel."
(institute for advanced studied}
So aren't cookies and Coke enough?
You don't need me for that.
I thought I'd merge both festivities...
a farewell to Shmuel Yitzhak
and completion of the tractate.
I'm sure he'd love to see you all there.
Your folks, your sisters...
Don't forget, May 15.
May 15.
It'll be fun.
Good morning, Rabbi Yosef.
Thank you.
I don't remember which is which.
I take two sugars.
-Yes, yes...
So let's taste them.
I didn't tell yaw,
but when I heard you’re taking on my case...
I literally screamed "yes!"
I scared the kids at kindergarten.
I was...
very happy too.
Good thing we're meeting here.
Because of the coffee?
"Blessed are You, God,
by whose word all things came to be." -Amen.
I got to recite the blessing:
"Such as these are in Your world.
This is the story.
For some reason I thought
that our meeting is at 9, not 10.
So I went downstairs,
I walked around the building,
just to pass the time.
You could have waited for me here.
Wait, that's not the point.
I went out the building,
reached the parking lot,
realized I forgot my Psalms,
looked up...
and I saw it.
Purple bougainvillea.
In full bloom.
It's beautiful,
so beautiful.
You know?
So I recited:
"Such as these are in Your world.
May I recite it again over the picture?
One doesn't recite a blessing over a picture,
it's about the blessing,
about your first encounter.
Okay, then without God's name.
"Praise God. King of the universe,
that such as these are in Your world.
And I can go to the judges and say:
"Young, naive, she married at 17
to avoid the army,
"but now her faith is strong,
she has potential matches and...
"her husband*.
"is somewhere overseas,"
and we can even go as far as to say
drugs, etc...
who knows if he's coming back...
In 3 weeks
we'll define him as refuser
and you will be deemed a refused wife.
That's what we wanted,
then we can impose sanctions on him.
Sanctions, freeze his credit card.
issue a stay of exit order...
that will take 2-2.5 years.
Best case scenario.
Time is a factor.
Yes, time is a factor.
Are you alright?
Yes yes, I...
I'm trying to think outside the box.
His mother, she's in a bad way.
Yes, it's not...
pleasant, but...
it could help us
apply pressure.
Telling her the starry
from your point of view.
Because a word from her
to her son...
it's a form of last testament.
I know, Liat, it's...
We're ambushing him, but...
"who is merciful to the cruel
eventually would be cruel to the merciful.
I need time,
I have to think this over,
I can't give you an answer right now.
-Of course. I...
respect any decision you make.
But I don't want us to...
miss the train.
In recent weeks...
Is anyone here?
Yosef? Look at me.
It's Rabbi Aaron.
Five? minutes,
are on the way.
Help me pick him up.
Yes, that's it.
He's fine.
Sting him some waiter.
Where's Liat? -Mrs. Ben Shushan?
I told her to leave.
We were in a meeting,
-Forget about work,
the ambulance will be here shortly.
Thank you very much.
I don't make mountains
out of molehills,
but you were unconscious for several minutes.
This is your health we're talking about.
Those stunts won't help.
What stunts?
I'm no idiot.
I may be Iraqi, but I'm not stupid.
"Stupid..." really,
Master Kabbalist was Iraqi.
-I know everything.
The doctors you provided!
They're the finest.
-Your doctors.
Your doctors,
so they'd say
there's no connection
between diabetes and fertility,
I knew it all.
-That's not true,
believe me.
All thug promisee you made
so wouldn't leave your daughter.
Then you go behind my back.
I know what happened
with Liat Ben Shushan's case.
You hand me the case
but you finagle behind my back,
it won't help you.
Cancel the ambulance
to the rabbinate. No need.
All's well, thank God.
Yes, thank you.
How do you feel?
-Praise God.
The cutlets are excellent today.
How are you, Dana?
Fine, thank God.
-I was worried.
No, I'm fine, don't worry.
What did I hear, Rabbi?
Zehava told me something happened.
-Come on, that's enough.
There’s no fire without smoke...
-Do I look like I passed out to you?
She said they called an ambulance.
I'm fine.
-Thank you.
This lettuce is so limp.
How can they serve this here?
I hear that Rabbi Aaron
is going to delay Marina's case
and I made a decision.
I'm going over his head.
I'm going to submit the case to...
the Sephardi Chief Rabbi.
That's some move.
Going over Rabbi Aaron's head?
What do you think?
You don't really want my advice.
You're just testing me.
You think title's a mole
telling Rabbi Aaron what we're working on.
If I tell him what you said,
you got me. If not,
it must be Feige or someone else
who has access.
And what do you say about that?
You know what?
Let me tell you the truth.
You're right
Rabbi Aaron sent me you as a mole.
He knows you're looking
for a main man,
someone who knows the ropes.
He sent me to make sure
you're going book.
That's that then.
Go to Rabbi Aaron
tell him I want to replace you,
in 2-3 days I'll find someone.
listen to my proposal,
that was just the prelude.
I heard you.
But I have something to say.
Rabbi Yosef.
Talk to me.
From now on,
I tell you Whatever he's up to.
Just as he planned, only in reverse.
What do I need Rabbi Aaron for?
Once he doesn't need
he'll toss me like a dog,
you won't.
-I just did.
Rabbi Yosef...
now you have a reason, but him?
To him Sephardis are lowlifes.
Second class.
I'm better off working for one of our own.
I'm better off...
Rabbi Yosef,
let's join forces.
You won't regret it.
Believe me.
Rabbi, I won't let you down.
You'll see. I promise.
Tell me,
if Rabbi Aaron
disses the Sephardis,
what was it you said?
What am I doing here?
Good question.
But why aren't asking
an even bigger question?
Why he married his daughter to me?
The diabetes?
Diabetes isn't enough.
What then?
Come on,
people talk, don't they?
Of course, this is Bnei Brak.
What else will they do?
People are saying
that Rabbi Aaron pulled a fast one,
she's barren,
you didn't know...
but I know that's not true.
You said all the tests came back fine.
So it's not that.
What else are people saying
Someone said..
she was in London
two months before you got engaged.
Maybe she got matched up in London
and it didn't pan out...
her stock plummeted
so they gave her to you...
That's not it.
No? -She has an aunt in London,
she was helping her out.
Then maybe it is the diabetes...
That's why I don't want an Ashkenazi girl,
nothing but trouble.
Did you get offers?
You know, "lowlifes."
How are you?
"Are you coming???"
He has a publishing house,
holy books, a small operation.
Afternoon-evening he's at the Kollel.
He makes a few pennies,
free lunch...
He's here from 2 o'clock.
He doesn't do much
He likes to hang out, no big scholar.
Go forward.
His wife, Miriam, is in computers.
I have the business address if you want.
I didn't know if I should focus on her
so she's always with him in the pictures.
Look how tall.
Now you tell me,
where the Agunah is hiding here.
What's wrong?
Nothing, I feel a little dizzy.
Not the first time,
you should see a doctor.
Nah, it'll pass.
Thanks, Amit.
Take this back, I don't like it.
Are you new here?
Could it toe a sugar deficiency?
You avoid sugar?
try to, of Hannah.
You "try to?"
I hardly touch it,
no sugared beverages, no sweets.
Whatever the body is severely lacking
can cause problems.
You avoid what she doesn't eat?
Only with her or regularly?
Since we got married.
over 4 years.
Okay, we'll know tomorrow.
How are things going for you?
We're at crossroads,
we can't decide if we should try
without treatment.
Last time we did treatments for 2 years...
it crushed us.
The hormones?
Then one year of IVF.
After that we stopped trying.
I mean,
What do you think?
Your doctors are very good.
No, up until now
doctors got us nowhere.
I'm not seeking the advice of a doctor.
With them it's all about vested interests.
I want to hear you,
having gone through southing similar.
Bye, Yifat.
I went over all your numbers, tests
and everything's just fine.,
Either it's statistics
and you're that couple
out of thousands
that simply can't conceive or...
there's an emotional factor.
An "emotional factor?”
Something related to emotions
that prevents conception.
Something medicine can't gauge.
Is this substantiated?
Doctors don't like to discuss something
that is out of their control,
but there are studies
on the odds of unwanted conception.
They say it's an evolutionary mechanism
that women developed overtime
to protect themselves
from unwanted men.
Mainly from rape, but not only.
If one of the spouses
isn't interested in the other,
it has an effect.
You want?
Do you love her?
Does she love you?
Two days ago I found
a message on Facebook from another man.
An invitation.
What did it say?
This doesn't mean she's cheating on you,
the message is not very romantic.
If you were Orthodox,
you'd understand that...
this is not done.
A woman corresponding with a man
who is not family
and not telling her husband, that's...
that's wrong
in our world.
I see.
Then why don't you ask her?
Maybe she'll have a good answer.
And if not,
at least it will alleviate your doubt.
Yes, I.
I can ask her
and she'll tell me Mm truth, but...
I don't know if I could
knowing she cheated an me.
So maybe this is best.
If you ask me,
this is the cause of your dizzy spells,
extreme pressure
that the body can't withstand.
what I really feel is...
that I don't know her.
Because of that message?
No, it's not just that.
I went through her phone,
I saw some pictures she took...
that I can't even associate with her.
And do you...
tell her about our conversations?
I knew you'd ask me that.
I didn't tell her.
I'm sorry
Forgive me. Thank you.
I did some blood tests today
because of the dizziness.
One of the options is...
a sugar deficiency.
I was told to pinch some here and there.
What else could it be?
Stress, pressure.
You know who did the tests?
Dr. Yifat Mintz.
And... what's the result?
You know the clinic.
After the tests we were having coffee
and out of nowhere
she tried to kiss me.
What? -Yes.
She pounced on me.
I got up and ran.
I can see you running away from her...
I can see her storming at you
with that serious look of yours.
How old is she?
-Around 60.
"Come, it'll be fun."
Thank you.
Thank you.
Yes, please.
I'm going to get my wallet from the car.
Yes, please.
Can I help you?
me with this guy who...
Over there.
Hey, Miriam,
I got you a surprise.
You can't talk to me the way you did
and then bring me
knishes and chopped liver
and think I’ll forgive you.
So you don't want it?
I left the Kollel especially.
Some sacrifice.
-Miriam, I’m sorry.
Go away,
I'm having a hard time as it is.
Why? -What?
Why are you removing them?
You asked us to.
Your guy in charge,
he said you can't park
because of the flowers.
Leave something.
Your guy said I should
till the end of the paring tot.
"Praise God, king of the universe,
"that such as these are in Your world."
Gentlemen, quiet.
These are...
new regulations from Jerusalem.
I'll read them to you.
"If a suit was filed
regarding a marriage matter
"and a hearing took place in court
"and the hearing ended in divorce..."
Forgive me, Rabbi Aaron,
I have an urgent matter to tend to.
Forgive me, Gentlemen.
I'm sorry...
I don't understand why.
Hello! -Hi.
-Hi, sweetie.
Go in, story time has begun.
Bye bye.
Liat, you came to me
to help you obtain a Gett, right?
Let me do my job.
I'll go, not you.
That's not the issue,
I can't upset that woman
before she passes to the world to come.
What is the world to come?
Does anyone know what it is?
If someone says they know,
they're lying.
We live in this world
and it's called "the world of action"
because there are things one must do
and if that mother in her condition
will say the word to her son,
he will grant you a Gett.
I can't
I'm sorry I'm driving you crazy,
it doesn't feel right.
Nothing good will come of it, I'm sorry.
I must listen to what my heart says.
I got you something
as compensation for all my
I made it.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Hello, Galia.
Are you the rabbi I talked to on the phone?
Sit down...
It's alright.
-Thank you.
I know why you're here.
You're here to talk about my son, right?
What's there to hide?
I saw how he behaves.
Not only with your girl,
there were others.
I saw it all,
but I couldn't admit it to myself.
It's only at the end
that you see things as they are.
Do you understand what I mean?
It's like...
this scarf that...
covers the truth.
And when you see the truth
what's it like?
It's beautiful.
It's difficult, but it's beautiful.
And then you realize that...
you don't have to fear the truth.
What is it you say?
What is the end of life?
It's the world of truth, right?
I'll talk to Yogev.
Don't worry, I'll talk to him.
Thank you, Galia.
Thank you, it will really help.
You were worried, huh?
You-were afraid I'd die
before talking to him?
You made me laugh.
It's good.
You gave me at least
one more day to live.
One day is a lot.
The Scriptures say
a man can repent
a day before he dies
and all fails sins are erased.
I'll be right out.
After all,
it's great study partner's specialty,
the exalted sage.
Rabbi Yosef Morad.
The son-in-law like part of the father-in-law.
Even better than the father-in-law.
Praise God,
this match of our Shmuel Yitzhak
with Miss Ester
will be a success,
amen and amen!
That's for Rabbi Aaron's table.
No more cutlets?
-There are more here.
Very good.
Cover them so they don't get cold.
Hannah, it's 8, everyone's here...
"On my way"
Rabbi Aaron,
Bushari's husband,
he's been caught,
he's willing to sign.
Go before hi changes his mind.
Shmuel Yitzhak,
forgive me, I must go...
Go, it can't wait.
I have to go,
Bushari's husband,
agree to a Gett.
I must go.
I'll talk to you later.
Daniel, come here a second.
He was asking about Meir Levi, remember?
We we weren't sure if you...
What did I tell you?
You were right.
Wait, are you Hannah?
Oh, then come in, come in.
Make yourself at home,
we're here for you.
I have a cake in the oven, so...
do you want me to address you,
masculine or feminine?
No, I...
I'm kidding, you...
Whatever you prefer,
whatever feels right for you.
Half the guys here
had a girl's "nick" and vice versa.
At one point you drop the secrecy.
Come in.
So what should I call you?
Or not yet.
You know what?
If not Hannah, then Elkana??
This is Elkana,
it's his first encounter with us.
-Hello, there.
My wife said I'm crazy
for inviting someone
I never met before.
But what you wrote,
I said, do or die,
you have to be here.
Have something to eat,
we're to begin.
Hi, I'm Bracha.
-Thank you.
Is this your first time?
So you're just starting out.
Make yourself at home.
we're all coerced, (forced to abandon Judaism)
we're in the same situation.
Have you ever been
to something like this before?
No, no.
Oh, forgive me, I..
I'm used to mixing
meat and dairy by now,
but my first time...
it was with pork too.
Suddenly I see...
all the Gentiles eating pork,
the fat dripping down the sides.
I vomited my guts out.
-We're about to begin.
We're going to watch "Miller's Crossing,
a film by the Coen brothers.
The Coen brothers?
Not Cohen, Coen,
but they too are important Jews.
Leonard Cohen the Coen brothers...
Can you move over?
-Thank you.
Do you need help?
-No, thank you.
Tea? Coffee?
Nothing, thank you.
Tea, I'll have tea.
-With sugar?
Thank you.
-You're welcome.
"Remember? How could you not,
after all the talk...Tuesday, May 15, 8 p.m.
"17 Ester Hamalka Street, Apt. 1
Come. It'll be fun."
Bnei Brak?
Yes, get in.
When did it happen?
Alright, goodbye.
Where do you study?
"Kol Torah."
Rabbi Scheiner, rights
How's it going
I was just informed my father passed away.
Thank you for
your words of encouragement,
I'm sure they'll help.
I'm Meir Levi, by the way.
Yosef Morad.
Thank you.
"Unchained" Created by
Joseph Madmony, Tamar Kay, and David Ofek
"Remember? How could you not,
after all the talk... Tuesday, May 15, 8 p.m.
6 Ester Hamalka Street, Apt. 1
Come. It'll be fun.”
"6 Ester Hamalka St."
"Daniel and Miriam Honig + Gitit
Hello. -Hello.
May I help you?
Do you know if a Meir Levi
lives in this building?
Miriam, -Yes.
Did a Meir Lavi Uva in this building?
I don't remember.
Do you know when he lived here?
-When did he live here?
I'm not sure he lived here,
maybe one building over...
If she doesn't remember, then no,
she doesn't forget a thing.
maybe in number 18 across the way...
Yes, I'm almost sure,
I hear "Meir" at Yehuda's grocery.
Around 50 years old?
Listen to her.
She knows what she's saying,
I learned that lesson well.
I want soda too.
Thank you.
"Blessed are You, God
by whose word all things came to be." -Amen.
She can't see.
When she's around, I get it,
she doesn't like seeing you enjoy yourself
when she's not enjoying herself,
but in your mother's home?
Stop. -Alone?
I don't take sugar
and I don't eat sweets.
What don't you get?
You think it doesn't pain me?
You love sweets.
You have since you were a child.
Mom, stop.
Took, I grew a pot belly.
She doesn't let you eat sweets
and she doesn't give you children.
She can say the same about me
that I don't give her children either.
She's not worth the sole of your shoe,
not her nor her family.
Mom, that's enough!
What do you have against her family?
For 7 years you looked for
an Ashkenazi girl to marry
and look what you got
Hannah is the best thing for me.
With the diabetes and everything!
You're so naive, Yosef.
She's barren.
Why do you think your chief justice
gave her to you?
She's certifiably infertile.
-That's enough. She's not infertile.
We went to all the doctors.
Neither of us has a problem.
Something is wrong with her,
in the head.
You know what?
Lucky you don't have a baby.
Stop it already
don't scare him.
Lower your voice.
Everything's fine.
"Tuesday, come, it'll be fun..."
"Remember? How could you not,
after all the talk..."
What are you doing next Tuesday evening?
Me? Why?
I wont to know if you're free.
I want to organize
a meal for the completion of a tractate.
What's that got to do with me?
It's for Shmuel Yitzhak.
He's moving on to the "Kollel."
(institute for advanced studied}
So aren't cookies and Coke enough?
You don't need me for that.
I thought I'd merge both festivities...
a farewell to Shmuel Yitzhak
and completion of the tractate.
I'm sure he'd love to see you all there.
Your folks, your sisters...
Don't forget, May 15.
May 15.
It'll be fun.
Good morning, Rabbi Yosef.
Thank you.
I don't remember which is which.
I take two sugars.
-Yes, yes...
So let's taste them.
I didn't tell yaw,
but when I heard you’re taking on my case...
I literally screamed "yes!"
I scared the kids at kindergarten.
I was...
very happy too.
Good thing we're meeting here.
Because of the coffee?
"Blessed are You, God,
by whose word all things came to be." -Amen.
I got to recite the blessing:
"Such as these are in Your world.
This is the story.
For some reason I thought
that our meeting is at 9, not 10.
So I went downstairs,
I walked around the building,
just to pass the time.
You could have waited for me here.
Wait, that's not the point.
I went out the building,
reached the parking lot,
realized I forgot my Psalms,
looked up...
and I saw it.
Purple bougainvillea.
In full bloom.
It's beautiful,
so beautiful.
You know?
So I recited:
"Such as these are in Your world.
May I recite it again over the picture?
One doesn't recite a blessing over a picture,
it's about the blessing,
about your first encounter.
Okay, then without God's name.
"Praise God. King of the universe,
that such as these are in Your world.
And I can go to the judges and say:
"Young, naive, she married at 17
to avoid the army,
"but now her faith is strong,
she has potential matches and...
"her husband*.
"is somewhere overseas,"
and we can even go as far as to say
drugs, etc...
who knows if he's coming back...
In 3 weeks
we'll define him as refuser
and you will be deemed a refused wife.
That's what we wanted,
then we can impose sanctions on him.
Sanctions, freeze his credit card.
issue a stay of exit order...
that will take 2-2.5 years.
Best case scenario.
Time is a factor.
Yes, time is a factor.
Are you alright?
Yes yes, I...
I'm trying to think outside the box.
His mother, she's in a bad way.
Yes, it's not...
pleasant, but...
it could help us
apply pressure.
Telling her the starry
from your point of view.
Because a word from her
to her son...
it's a form of last testament.
I know, Liat, it's...
We're ambushing him, but...
"who is merciful to the cruel
eventually would be cruel to the merciful.
I need time,
I have to think this over,
I can't give you an answer right now.
-Of course. I...
respect any decision you make.
But I don't want us to...
miss the train.
In recent weeks...
Is anyone here?
Yosef? Look at me.
It's Rabbi Aaron.
Five? minutes,
are on the way.
Help me pick him up.
Yes, that's it.
He's fine.
Sting him some waiter.
Where's Liat? -Mrs. Ben Shushan?
I told her to leave.
We were in a meeting,
-Forget about work,
the ambulance will be here shortly.
Thank you very much.
I don't make mountains
out of molehills,
but you were unconscious for several minutes.
This is your health we're talking about.
Those stunts won't help.
What stunts?
I'm no idiot.
I may be Iraqi, but I'm not stupid.
"Stupid..." really,
Master Kabbalist was Iraqi.
-I know everything.
The doctors you provided!
They're the finest.
-Your doctors.
Your doctors,
so they'd say
there's no connection
between diabetes and fertility,
I knew it all.
-That's not true,
believe me.
All thug promisee you made
so wouldn't leave your daughter.
Then you go behind my back.
I know what happened
with Liat Ben Shushan's case.
You hand me the case
but you finagle behind my back,
it won't help you.
Cancel the ambulance
to the rabbinate. No need.
All's well, thank God.
Yes, thank you.
How do you feel?
-Praise God.
The cutlets are excellent today.
How are you, Dana?
Fine, thank God.
-I was worried.
No, I'm fine, don't worry.
What did I hear, Rabbi?
Zehava told me something happened.
-Come on, that's enough.
There’s no fire without smoke...
-Do I look like I passed out to you?
She said they called an ambulance.
I'm fine.
-Thank you.
This lettuce is so limp.
How can they serve this here?
I hear that Rabbi Aaron
is going to delay Marina's case
and I made a decision.
I'm going over his head.
I'm going to submit the case to...
the Sephardi Chief Rabbi.
That's some move.
Going over Rabbi Aaron's head?
What do you think?
You don't really want my advice.
You're just testing me.
You think title's a mole
telling Rabbi Aaron what we're working on.
If I tell him what you said,
you got me. If not,
it must be Feige or someone else
who has access.
And what do you say about that?
You know what?
Let me tell you the truth.
You're right
Rabbi Aaron sent me you as a mole.
He knows you're looking
for a main man,
someone who knows the ropes.
He sent me to make sure
you're going book.
That's that then.
Go to Rabbi Aaron
tell him I want to replace you,
in 2-3 days I'll find someone.
listen to my proposal,
that was just the prelude.
I heard you.
But I have something to say.
Rabbi Yosef.
Talk to me.
From now on,
I tell you Whatever he's up to.
Just as he planned, only in reverse.
What do I need Rabbi Aaron for?
Once he doesn't need
he'll toss me like a dog,
you won't.
-I just did.
Rabbi Yosef...
now you have a reason, but him?
To him Sephardis are lowlifes.
Second class.
I'm better off working for one of our own.
I'm better off...
Rabbi Yosef,
let's join forces.
You won't regret it.
Believe me.
Rabbi, I won't let you down.
You'll see. I promise.
Tell me,
if Rabbi Aaron
disses the Sephardis,
what was it you said?
What am I doing here?
Good question.
But why aren't asking
an even bigger question?
Why he married his daughter to me?
The diabetes?
Diabetes isn't enough.
What then?
Come on,
people talk, don't they?
Of course, this is Bnei Brak.
What else will they do?
People are saying
that Rabbi Aaron pulled a fast one,
she's barren,
you didn't know...
but I know that's not true.
You said all the tests came back fine.
So it's not that.
What else are people saying
Someone said..
she was in London
two months before you got engaged.
Maybe she got matched up in London
and it didn't pan out...
her stock plummeted
so they gave her to you...
That's not it.
No? -She has an aunt in London,
she was helping her out.
Then maybe it is the diabetes...
That's why I don't want an Ashkenazi girl,
nothing but trouble.
Did you get offers?
You know, "lowlifes."
How are you?
"Are you coming???"
He has a publishing house,
holy books, a small operation.
Afternoon-evening he's at the Kollel.
He makes a few pennies,
free lunch...
He's here from 2 o'clock.
He doesn't do much
He likes to hang out, no big scholar.
Go forward.
His wife, Miriam, is in computers.
I have the business address if you want.
I didn't know if I should focus on her
so she's always with him in the pictures.
Look how tall.
Now you tell me,
where the Agunah is hiding here.
What's wrong?
Nothing, I feel a little dizzy.
Not the first time,
you should see a doctor.
Nah, it'll pass.
Thanks, Amit.
Take this back, I don't like it.
Are you new here?
Could it toe a sugar deficiency?
You avoid sugar?
try to, of Hannah.
You "try to?"
I hardly touch it,
no sugared beverages, no sweets.
Whatever the body is severely lacking
can cause problems.
You avoid what she doesn't eat?
Only with her or regularly?
Since we got married.
over 4 years.
Okay, we'll know tomorrow.
How are things going for you?
We're at crossroads,
we can't decide if we should try
without treatment.
Last time we did treatments for 2 years...
it crushed us.
The hormones?
Then one year of IVF.
After that we stopped trying.
I mean,
What do you think?
Your doctors are very good.
No, up until now
doctors got us nowhere.
I'm not seeking the advice of a doctor.
With them it's all about vested interests.
I want to hear you,
having gone through southing similar.
Bye, Yifat.
I went over all your numbers, tests
and everything's just fine.,
Either it's statistics
and you're that couple
out of thousands
that simply can't conceive or...
there's an emotional factor.
An "emotional factor?”
Something related to emotions
that prevents conception.
Something medicine can't gauge.
Is this substantiated?
Doctors don't like to discuss something
that is out of their control,
but there are studies
on the odds of unwanted conception.
They say it's an evolutionary mechanism
that women developed overtime
to protect themselves
from unwanted men.
Mainly from rape, but not only.
If one of the spouses
isn't interested in the other,
it has an effect.
You want?
Do you love her?
Does she love you?
Two days ago I found
a message on Facebook from another man.
An invitation.
What did it say?
This doesn't mean she's cheating on you,
the message is not very romantic.
If you were Orthodox,
you'd understand that...
this is not done.
A woman corresponding with a man
who is not family
and not telling her husband, that's...
that's wrong
in our world.
I see.
Then why don't you ask her?
Maybe she'll have a good answer.
And if not,
at least it will alleviate your doubt.
Yes, I.
I can ask her
and she'll tell me Mm truth, but...
I don't know if I could
knowing she cheated an me.
So maybe this is best.
If you ask me,
this is the cause of your dizzy spells,
extreme pressure
that the body can't withstand.
what I really feel is...
that I don't know her.
Because of that message?
No, it's not just that.
I went through her phone,
I saw some pictures she took...
that I can't even associate with her.
And do you...
tell her about our conversations?
I knew you'd ask me that.
I didn't tell her.
I'm sorry
Forgive me. Thank you.
I did some blood tests today
because of the dizziness.
One of the options is...
a sugar deficiency.
I was told to pinch some here and there.
What else could it be?
Stress, pressure.
You know who did the tests?
Dr. Yifat Mintz.
And... what's the result?
You know the clinic.
After the tests we were having coffee
and out of nowhere
she tried to kiss me.
What? -Yes.
She pounced on me.
I got up and ran.
I can see you running away from her...
I can see her storming at you
with that serious look of yours.
How old is she?
-Around 60.
"Come, it'll be fun."
Thank you.
Thank you.
Yes, please.
I'm going to get my wallet from the car.
Yes, please.
Can I help you?
me with this guy who...
Over there.
Hey, Miriam,
I got you a surprise.
You can't talk to me the way you did
and then bring me
knishes and chopped liver
and think I’ll forgive you.
So you don't want it?
I left the Kollel especially.
Some sacrifice.
-Miriam, I’m sorry.
Go away,
I'm having a hard time as it is.
Why? -What?
Why are you removing them?
You asked us to.
Your guy in charge,
he said you can't park
because of the flowers.
Leave something.
Your guy said I should
till the end of the paring tot.
"Praise God, king of the universe,
"that such as these are in Your world."
Gentlemen, quiet.
These are...
new regulations from Jerusalem.
I'll read them to you.
"If a suit was filed
regarding a marriage matter
"and a hearing took place in court
"and the hearing ended in divorce..."
Forgive me, Rabbi Aaron,
I have an urgent matter to tend to.
Forgive me, Gentlemen.
I'm sorry...
I don't understand why.
Hello! -Hi.
-Hi, sweetie.
Go in, story time has begun.
Bye bye.
Liat, you came to me
to help you obtain a Gett, right?
Let me do my job.
I'll go, not you.
That's not the issue,
I can't upset that woman
before she passes to the world to come.
What is the world to come?
Does anyone know what it is?
If someone says they know,
they're lying.
We live in this world
and it's called "the world of action"
because there are things one must do
and if that mother in her condition
will say the word to her son,
he will grant you a Gett.
I can't
I'm sorry I'm driving you crazy,
it doesn't feel right.
Nothing good will come of it, I'm sorry.
I must listen to what my heart says.
I got you something
as compensation for all my
I made it.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Hello, Galia.
Are you the rabbi I talked to on the phone?
Sit down...
It's alright.
-Thank you.
I know why you're here.
You're here to talk about my son, right?
What's there to hide?
I saw how he behaves.
Not only with your girl,
there were others.
I saw it all,
but I couldn't admit it to myself.
It's only at the end
that you see things as they are.
Do you understand what I mean?
It's like...
this scarf that...
covers the truth.
And when you see the truth
what's it like?
It's beautiful.
It's difficult, but it's beautiful.
And then you realize that...
you don't have to fear the truth.
What is it you say?
What is the end of life?
It's the world of truth, right?
I'll talk to Yogev.
Don't worry, I'll talk to him.
Thank you, Galia.
Thank you, it will really help.
You were worried, huh?
You-were afraid I'd die
before talking to him?
You made me laugh.
It's good.
You gave me at least
one more day to live.
One day is a lot.
The Scriptures say
a man can repent
a day before he dies
and all fails sins are erased.
I'll be right out.
After all,
it's great study partner's specialty,
the exalted sage.
Rabbi Yosef Morad.
The son-in-law like part of the father-in-law.
Even better than the father-in-law.
Praise God,
this match of our Shmuel Yitzhak
with Miss Ester
will be a success,
amen and amen!
That's for Rabbi Aaron's table.
No more cutlets?
-There are more here.
Very good.
Cover them so they don't get cold.
Hannah, it's 8, everyone's here...
"On my way"
Rabbi Aaron,
Bushari's husband,
he's been caught,
he's willing to sign.
Go before hi changes his mind.
Shmuel Yitzhak,
forgive me, I must go...
Go, it can't wait.
I have to go,
Bushari's husband,
agree to a Gett.
I must go.
I'll talk to you later.
Daniel, come here a second.
He was asking about Meir Levi, remember?
We we weren't sure if you...
What did I tell you?
You were right.
Wait, are you Hannah?
Oh, then come in, come in.
Make yourself at home,
we're here for you.
I have a cake in the oven, so...
do you want me to address you,
masculine or feminine?
No, I...
I'm kidding, you...
Whatever you prefer,
whatever feels right for you.
Half the guys here
had a girl's "nick" and vice versa.
At one point you drop the secrecy.
Come in.
So what should I call you?
Or not yet.
You know what?
If not Hannah, then Elkana??
This is Elkana,
it's his first encounter with us.
-Hello, there.
My wife said I'm crazy
for inviting someone
I never met before.
But what you wrote,
I said, do or die,
you have to be here.
Have something to eat,
we're to begin.
Hi, I'm Bracha.
-Thank you.
Is this your first time?
So you're just starting out.
Make yourself at home.
we're all coerced, (forced to abandon Judaism)
we're in the same situation.
Have you ever been
to something like this before?
No, no.
Oh, forgive me, I..
I'm used to mixing
meat and dairy by now,
but my first time...
it was with pork too.
Suddenly I see...
all the Gentiles eating pork,
the fat dripping down the sides.
I vomited my guts out.
-We're about to begin.
We're going to watch "Miller's Crossing,
a film by the Coen brothers.
The Coen brothers?
Not Cohen, Coen,
but they too are important Jews.
Leonard Cohen the Coen brothers...
Can you move over?
-Thank you.
Do you need help?
-No, thank you.
Tea? Coffee?
Nothing, thank you.
Tea, I'll have tea.
-With sugar?
Thank you.
-You're welcome.