Masters of Horror (2005–2007): Season 1, Episode 4 - Jenifer - full transcript
While parked in a remote spot, eating lunch with his partner, Detective Frank Spivey saves a disfigured woman named Jenifer from being killed by a deranged homeless man. He feels sorry for Jenifer, and takes her from an insane asylum and brings her home. Frank becomes obsessed with Jenifer, feeling lust and attraction for her. When he realises there's more to her, he moves with her to an isolated old cabin in the woods, with tragic consequences.
What the fuck is this?
No more, you hear me?
No more...
Freeze! Police!
Throw down your weapon.
It's too late!
It's too fucking late!
Let her go.
Go away.
You don't know what she is.
- You have no idea!
- Don't do it.
Don't do it!!
Wha- What the fuck?!?
You okay?!?
You call it in.
This guy tried to chop her up.
- I had to stop it.
- Jesus! What a mess!
All right, all right.
Come on...
Okay, uh...
Okay. All right.
It's okay. It's all right.
Ow my!
It's all right.
You're gonna be okay.
He's dead. He's dead...
He's not gonna hurt you anymore.
Girl doesn't speak?
I don't think she understands
anything that we say, you know.
Her attacker seemed crazy.
- Well, he was a homeless guy, right?
- Yeah, looked like it.
The funny thing...
He had on a Patek Philippe...
you know and a
clothes .. he had been ...
pretty high flying not too long ago.
Yeah, well, he was a thief
and a would-be slasher.
Pretty sure.
Didn't have any ID on him.
Guy looked out of it...
Crazy eyes, I'll say that much.
Well, "Who walks like a
duck and quacks like
a duck, it's a duck
with a meat cleaver."
it's all in there, I think.
Yeah, good job. Nice work.
You been to psych yet?
Ah, come on, Charlie...
No, no, no, Frank. No, no. This is standard op.
It's not my call. You gotta go down there.
I mean, you just don't just
ice some guy
and then go home, put your
feet up and watch QVC!
You killed a psychopath. I don't
care if he was trying to slice her up.
It's gotta warp you.
So when we're finished here.
You gotta go down there.
Come on, Charlie.
For Christ's sakes...
Frank, listen. This is your
first fatal O.I.S., all right?
Well go down and see Branson, okay?
And you don't come back until
you finish your psych session.
- Hey, Frankie!
- Hey.
I'm off track though. I'm going
to go to the Admiral for a pint.
- You in? Take that edge off?
- No. No thanks.
- You'll take a raincheck, huh?
- Yeah.
Hey Frank? What's wrong with
her face? What happened to her?
The fuck should I know?
Kind of sad, huh?
- Yeah.
- Hmm. Come on!
- Hi!
- Hey, Amy.
Frank? Is that you?
Yeah. No, Frank's here.
No, I'll give you a call later.
Yeah. Bye.
What's the matter?
I killed a guy today.
Jesus. Frank...
- You did what you had to do.
- Hey, I know that, God damn it!
- Sorry.
- It's okay.
The prince of darkness is home.
- Are you hungry?
- Your son's always hungry.
- Where are you going?
- To wash this cut on my hand.
- I um, didn't mean to scare you.
- No, you didn't. It's just...
I had a shitty day.
Come here.
Mommy fix.
Is there anything I can do?
No. No, thank you.
It's been so long...
Do you want...
Do you wanna... try it?
Come on, baby.
Come on, baby...
Stop! What are you thinking,
you bastard?
- Frank, how can I help you?
- Yeah. Um...
That uh, that girl - the...
disfigured one who... was with
the guy that I uh... that I shot.
The guy you had to shoot.
Yeah, right. That's what
everybody keeps telling me.
So uh...
What's going on with her?
Well, I can tell you
her name is Jenifer.
We found it in a note
the guy had in his pocket.
What did it say?
That's just it. All
it said was "Jenifer"
Like there wasn't
anything else he could say.
- Do you know where she's from?
- No idea.
Apparently she didn't
really have a home.
She was with that guy and he didn't
have a permanent address either.
Any idea who he was?
Well, we thought he was a derelict,
but it turns out he was actually a fairly
well-to-do businessman at one time.
From upstate.
Lost everything.
His family won't even claim him.
- You're kidding me.
- No, and she's certainly not talking.
She's retarded, I think.
Mentally challenged.
Or at least I hope she is. Poor thing.
I don't even know how much she understands.
So where is she now?
She's at Watkin's Island.
Wait a second. I thought you
said she was retarded.
What's she doing in that shithole?
Hey, don't blame me, Frank.
It's the system.
It eats its young, you know?
Excuse me,
I'm Detective Spivey.
I came about the girl
who was admitted last night.
The creepy one.
Jesus. How did you get
that head on that body?
You can't stay here.
Come on.
It's all right, it's all right.
Here it is. It's uh...
This is my place.
This is uh...
This is where I live.
And uh...
You know, you can stay for...
for a while...
Okay, all right.
I'll get you a place to stay.
What are you doing here?
Okay. Uh...
It's alright! It's alright!
Stop it!
What in the name of
the holy God is that?
Her name is Jenifer. She's the victim
of the guy that I shot the other day.
She's no where to go.
And you brought her here?
You brought her into our house?
I just wanted to give her a place
to spend the night, that's all.
She was in an insane asylum.
Jesus! Look at her.
She can't even speak.
Just wanted to help her, that's all.
She's got nobody to give a damn about her.
What's wrong with her?
Was she born that way?
- I don't know.
- She scared the hell out of me, Frank.
She fucking awesome.
And she's got a great rack.
You know, for a morlock.
Hey! She's a human being,
you understand?
She's got nobody to care about
her. She's got no place to go.
- I'm going to find her a place to stay.
- She can't stay here.
Look at her. There's a reason
why she doesn't have a home...
- It would be inhuman to abandon her!
- No, Frank. She has to leave.
Go ahead, find her a place,
but get her out of here.
- Ruby, ...
- No! Enough!
I just got nowhere else to take you.
Nobody... Nobody cares.
Nobody wants to help.
I don't know...
Let's get out here...
Jenifer, please.
What are you doing?
Oh Fuck!
- No one would take her.
- Can you blame them, Frank? Look at her.
- She can't stay here.
- I can't leave her on the streets!
Either she goes, or I do!
- Who's that lady?
- Not now, Amy.
Just one more night.
That's it.
Open the door!
What do you want?
Go away.
What's your name?
Can't you talk?
What happened to your head?
Is that Amy?!?
No! No!
What did you do?!?
What did you do?!?
What did you do?!?
What did you do?!?
What did you do?!?
What did you do?!?
What did you do?!?
What did you do?!?
What did you do?
What did you do?
What did you do?
So is it a deal?
Will you take her?
I don't know if she's
anything like you described.
Oh yeah.
Could be interesting.
She's uh... exactly how I described.
And while all this going on,
where exactly will you be?
for a few days.
- Okay.
- These are the keys.
Shouldn't take too long,
but you know...
Listen, I'm going to need
some incentive to do this.
What you're asking is breaking
and entering. And I here...
could get in trouble.
No, don't worry.
I'm a cop.
Come on.
There is a little town
not far from here.
I'll see if I can get a job or something.
You stay here, okay?
Hey, you won't do anything
while I'm away, will you?
You stay here.
Can I help you?
Yeah, I saw your sign out there.
I don't think I've seen
you around here before.
Yeah, I guess not...
But I can sure use a job.
- Well...
- Please, please.
I mean... I can really use a job.
I mean, I can do anything.
It's just... things have
been kind of tough, lately.
Tough for everybody.
I need someone to clean up in back
and do some stock work.
Yeah, I can do that.
It's really more for a high school kid
or something. I can't pay much.
Whatever you think would be fair.
Can you start now?
- Thank you, ma'am.
- Follow me.
This man is going to be
doing some work around here.
Stay at the register while
I take him in the back.
Okay, mom.
This way.
I got a job.
I um...
At a grocery store.
What time am I supposed to be
at Richie's going away party?
Uh, Juliet said around 7.
- It's almost 7 now. I'll start closing up.
- Not yet, buddy.
You're gonna be a
little late getting there.
How late?
Late. We got a lot of cleaning up to do
and I have to finish this inventory.
Oh, come on, ma!
That bum guy can finish up
the cleaning and...
we can do the rest of
the inventory tomorrow.
He's not a bum...
That man is in trouble, and he has been
humbled, and he's looking for a way out.
And he's willing to work
to get back on his feet.
And, we have to finish
this inventory tonight.
Okay, but... Ricky said he
needs help with the bonfire.
Any chance his sister
might be there as well?
Uh, I don't know.
What about it?
I'd be happy to work late, ma'am.
See, ma?
Can I go?
Well, okay.
Thank you.
- I couldn't think of anything better to do.
- Yes, thanks.
- Hey, what's your name, mister?
- Frank.
Thanks, Frank!
Nice to meet you, Frank.
My name's Rose.
Well, it's nice to meet you, too.
You clean up pretty good, Frank.
Thank you, Rose.
It's gonna get a lot better,
Frank. I just know it.
I hope so.
- I'm just gonna finish up...
- Alright.
You're doing a good job.
Thank you.
It's been a while since I've uh...
I've been good at anything.
Where do you live?
Little ways up in the woods.
We got a little house there.
That's right.
My daughter's uh... with me.
She's sick.
That's too bad.
The poor thing. With what?
You know what?
Not my business.
I think it'll be it for the day.
Don't be such an idiot, man.
She totally knows you dig her.
No, bullshit.
He's right, man. Come on, you're always
walking around on moon night and shit...
No man. That's not even having
a moon night, alright?
That's what they call
"virgin singing backup," bro.
Man, fuck you!
Oh, hey... Check it out.
Hey look.
She's not my property.
Still, man. If I was you, I'd go
and kick his ass right now.
You guys keep the
laugh track going on.
I'll be right back.
I'm just gonna go drain the beast.
- Drain the thimble's more like it.
- You guys are fucking hilarious!
What's your name?
Hey, wait up!
Hey, where are you going?
Please, don't run!
Don't run away, okay?
Wait for me!
No more, Jenifer.
No more!
Don't worry.
I'm gonna get you out of this.
You're okay.
Here you go.
You're okay.
You'll be okay.
What the fuck is this?
No more, you hear me?
No more...
Freeze! Police!
Throw down your weapon.
It's too late!
It's too fucking late!
Let her go.
Go away.
You don't know what she is.
- You have no idea!
- Don't do it.
Don't do it!!
Wha- What the fuck?!?
You okay?!?
You call it in.
This guy tried to chop her up.
- I had to stop it.
- Jesus! What a mess!
All right, all right.
Come on...
Okay, uh...
Okay. All right.
It's okay. It's all right.
Ow my!
It's all right.
You're gonna be okay.
He's dead. He's dead...
He's not gonna hurt you anymore.
Girl doesn't speak?
I don't think she understands
anything that we say, you know.
Her attacker seemed crazy.
- Well, he was a homeless guy, right?
- Yeah, looked like it.
The funny thing...
He had on a Patek Philippe...
you know and a
clothes .. he had been ...
pretty high flying not too long ago.
Yeah, well, he was a thief
and a would-be slasher.
Pretty sure.
Didn't have any ID on him.
Guy looked out of it...
Crazy eyes, I'll say that much.
Well, "Who walks like a
duck and quacks like
a duck, it's a duck
with a meat cleaver."
it's all in there, I think.
Yeah, good job. Nice work.
You been to psych yet?
Ah, come on, Charlie...
No, no, no, Frank. No, no. This is standard op.
It's not my call. You gotta go down there.
I mean, you just don't just
ice some guy
and then go home, put your
feet up and watch QVC!
You killed a psychopath. I don't
care if he was trying to slice her up.
It's gotta warp you.
So when we're finished here.
You gotta go down there.
Come on, Charlie.
For Christ's sakes...
Frank, listen. This is your
first fatal O.I.S., all right?
Well go down and see Branson, okay?
And you don't come back until
you finish your psych session.
- Hey, Frankie!
- Hey.
I'm off track though. I'm going
to go to the Admiral for a pint.
- You in? Take that edge off?
- No. No thanks.
- You'll take a raincheck, huh?
- Yeah.
Hey Frank? What's wrong with
her face? What happened to her?
The fuck should I know?
Kind of sad, huh?
- Yeah.
- Hmm. Come on!
- Hi!
- Hey, Amy.
Frank? Is that you?
Yeah. No, Frank's here.
No, I'll give you a call later.
Yeah. Bye.
What's the matter?
I killed a guy today.
Jesus. Frank...
- You did what you had to do.
- Hey, I know that, God damn it!
- Sorry.
- It's okay.
The prince of darkness is home.
- Are you hungry?
- Your son's always hungry.
- Where are you going?
- To wash this cut on my hand.
- I um, didn't mean to scare you.
- No, you didn't. It's just...
I had a shitty day.
Come here.
Mommy fix.
Is there anything I can do?
No. No, thank you.
It's been so long...
Do you want...
Do you wanna... try it?
Come on, baby.
Come on, baby...
Stop! What are you thinking,
you bastard?
- Frank, how can I help you?
- Yeah. Um...
That uh, that girl - the...
disfigured one who... was with
the guy that I uh... that I shot.
The guy you had to shoot.
Yeah, right. That's what
everybody keeps telling me.
So uh...
What's going on with her?
Well, I can tell you
her name is Jenifer.
We found it in a note
the guy had in his pocket.
What did it say?
That's just it. All
it said was "Jenifer"
Like there wasn't
anything else he could say.
- Do you know where she's from?
- No idea.
Apparently she didn't
really have a home.
She was with that guy and he didn't
have a permanent address either.
Any idea who he was?
Well, we thought he was a derelict,
but it turns out he was actually a fairly
well-to-do businessman at one time.
From upstate.
Lost everything.
His family won't even claim him.
- You're kidding me.
- No, and she's certainly not talking.
She's retarded, I think.
Mentally challenged.
Or at least I hope she is. Poor thing.
I don't even know how much she understands.
So where is she now?
She's at Watkin's Island.
Wait a second. I thought you
said she was retarded.
What's she doing in that shithole?
Hey, don't blame me, Frank.
It's the system.
It eats its young, you know?
Excuse me,
I'm Detective Spivey.
I came about the girl
who was admitted last night.
The creepy one.
Jesus. How did you get
that head on that body?
You can't stay here.
Come on.
It's all right, it's all right.
Here it is. It's uh...
This is my place.
This is uh...
This is where I live.
And uh...
You know, you can stay for...
for a while...
Okay, all right.
I'll get you a place to stay.
What are you doing here?
Okay. Uh...
It's alright! It's alright!
Stop it!
What in the name of
the holy God is that?
Her name is Jenifer. She's the victim
of the guy that I shot the other day.
She's no where to go.
And you brought her here?
You brought her into our house?
I just wanted to give her a place
to spend the night, that's all.
She was in an insane asylum.
Jesus! Look at her.
She can't even speak.
Just wanted to help her, that's all.
She's got nobody to give a damn about her.
What's wrong with her?
Was she born that way?
- I don't know.
- She scared the hell out of me, Frank.
She fucking awesome.
And she's got a great rack.
You know, for a morlock.
Hey! She's a human being,
you understand?
She's got nobody to care about
her. She's got no place to go.
- I'm going to find her a place to stay.
- She can't stay here.
Look at her. There's a reason
why she doesn't have a home...
- It would be inhuman to abandon her!
- No, Frank. She has to leave.
Go ahead, find her a place,
but get her out of here.
- Ruby, ...
- No! Enough!
I just got nowhere else to take you.
Nobody... Nobody cares.
Nobody wants to help.
I don't know...
Let's get out here...
Jenifer, please.
What are you doing?
Oh Fuck!
- No one would take her.
- Can you blame them, Frank? Look at her.
- She can't stay here.
- I can't leave her on the streets!
Either she goes, or I do!
- Who's that lady?
- Not now, Amy.
Just one more night.
That's it.
Open the door!
What do you want?
Go away.
What's your name?
Can't you talk?
What happened to your head?
Is that Amy?!?
No! No!
What did you do?!?
What did you do?!?
What did you do?!?
What did you do?!?
What did you do?!?
What did you do?!?
What did you do?!?
What did you do?!?
What did you do?
What did you do?
What did you do?
So is it a deal?
Will you take her?
I don't know if she's
anything like you described.
Oh yeah.
Could be interesting.
She's uh... exactly how I described.
And while all this going on,
where exactly will you be?
for a few days.
- Okay.
- These are the keys.
Shouldn't take too long,
but you know...
Listen, I'm going to need
some incentive to do this.
What you're asking is breaking
and entering. And I here...
could get in trouble.
No, don't worry.
I'm a cop.
Come on.
There is a little town
not far from here.
I'll see if I can get a job or something.
You stay here, okay?
Hey, you won't do anything
while I'm away, will you?
You stay here.
Can I help you?
Yeah, I saw your sign out there.
I don't think I've seen
you around here before.
Yeah, I guess not...
But I can sure use a job.
- Well...
- Please, please.
I mean... I can really use a job.
I mean, I can do anything.
It's just... things have
been kind of tough, lately.
Tough for everybody.
I need someone to clean up in back
and do some stock work.
Yeah, I can do that.
It's really more for a high school kid
or something. I can't pay much.
Whatever you think would be fair.
Can you start now?
- Thank you, ma'am.
- Follow me.
This man is going to be
doing some work around here.
Stay at the register while
I take him in the back.
Okay, mom.
This way.
I got a job.
I um...
At a grocery store.
What time am I supposed to be
at Richie's going away party?
Uh, Juliet said around 7.
- It's almost 7 now. I'll start closing up.
- Not yet, buddy.
You're gonna be a
little late getting there.
How late?
Late. We got a lot of cleaning up to do
and I have to finish this inventory.
Oh, come on, ma!
That bum guy can finish up
the cleaning and...
we can do the rest of
the inventory tomorrow.
He's not a bum...
That man is in trouble, and he has been
humbled, and he's looking for a way out.
And he's willing to work
to get back on his feet.
And, we have to finish
this inventory tonight.
Okay, but... Ricky said he
needs help with the bonfire.
Any chance his sister
might be there as well?
Uh, I don't know.
What about it?
I'd be happy to work late, ma'am.
See, ma?
Can I go?
Well, okay.
Thank you.
- I couldn't think of anything better to do.
- Yes, thanks.
- Hey, what's your name, mister?
- Frank.
Thanks, Frank!
Nice to meet you, Frank.
My name's Rose.
Well, it's nice to meet you, too.
You clean up pretty good, Frank.
Thank you, Rose.
It's gonna get a lot better,
Frank. I just know it.
I hope so.
- I'm just gonna finish up...
- Alright.
You're doing a good job.
Thank you.
It's been a while since I've uh...
I've been good at anything.
Where do you live?
Little ways up in the woods.
We got a little house there.
That's right.
My daughter's uh... with me.
She's sick.
That's too bad.
The poor thing. With what?
You know what?
Not my business.
I think it'll be it for the day.
Don't be such an idiot, man.
She totally knows you dig her.
No, bullshit.
He's right, man. Come on, you're always
walking around on moon night and shit...
No man. That's not even having
a moon night, alright?
That's what they call
"virgin singing backup," bro.
Man, fuck you!
Oh, hey... Check it out.
Hey look.
She's not my property.
Still, man. If I was you, I'd go
and kick his ass right now.
You guys keep the
laugh track going on.
I'll be right back.
I'm just gonna go drain the beast.
- Drain the thimble's more like it.
- You guys are fucking hilarious!
What's your name?
Hey, wait up!
Hey, where are you going?
Please, don't run!
Don't run away, okay?
Wait for me!
No more, Jenifer.
No more!
Don't worry.
I'm gonna get you out of this.
You're okay.
Here you go.
You're okay.
You'll be okay.