Masterchef (2010–…): Season 10, Episode 16 - NASCAR - Finish Line Feed - full transcript
The top 10 contestants test their speed in a special team challenge at the Irwindale Speedway, where they have 75 minutes to cook for 101 race car crew members.
Gordon: Previously
on "masterchef"...
Wuta, I'm sorry.
Your journey's come to an end.
Season 10!
Welcome to the
masterchef speedway.
You are officially in the
top 10 of "masterchef."
...It's a full throttle
team challenge.
You're gonna cook for the
drivers and their pit crews.
Only the winning team
will claim immunity
at the finish line.
We have 100 orders.
Boom shaka-laka, we're cooking.
- Guys, it's raining.
- Look at our station.
That oil is getting screwed.
Rain is not stopping play, okay?
Let's go, let's go, let's go!
Jamie: We're not just
behind the eight ball,
we're behind the whole
pool table at this point.
- Oh, my gosh.
- Guys, guys,
we're going sideways
on these salmon.
That is ice cold. Oh, my god!
( music playing )
- this is so exciting.
- My gosh, this is a racetrack.
- Look at this eight-mile track.
- Awesome.
- Crossing the road!
- Let's go, one, two three.
Whoo, it's downhill.
I am now top 10.
My confidence is
through the roof.
We pull into this
big racetrack.
I'm not much of a
racetrack kind of girl,
but my dad really loved nascar
and taking us to the racetracks
when we were younger,
and so I feel like
I can handle this.
( engine revving )
oh, boy. That sounds
like a dadgum v8.
- Oh, look.
- Oh, my gosh.
- Look at that.
- Oh, my god.
- That's gordon.
- Whoo!
Gordon's in orange.
Oh, boy.
I feel like I'm in
the south again.
Ooh, the orange
one's catching up.
- Ooh!
- Yeah!
- Called it.
- Yay!
Oh, gordon was in orange.
That's so cool. Wow.
- ( brakes squeal )
- oh, my gosh.
- Yay!
- Well done!
- Oh, boy.
- Man.
Welcome to the
masterchef speedway.
Guys, you are officially in
the top 10 of "masterchef."
come on, how cool is that?
Now, today we want you to split
yourselves up into teams.
We want to see two teams of five.
Let's go.
- What are you thinking?
- Yep, yep.
Every person has just congealed
into jamie's armpits.
- Yep, yep. - I'm like, all
right, everyone's with jamie,
so I immediately realize
I'm just gonna back up.
- Noah, noah.
- Noah?
- Here, let's go over here.
- Let's go. Done.
- Well, isn't that social darwinism at
its finest? - How did this team form?
Uh, the three of us haven't
lost in a team challenge yet,
so we want to try to
keep that streak alive.
Sarah, what was the
attraction over here first?
Dorian and jamie were definitely a
big attraction over on this team.
Micah's shown so much improvement
throughout this competition,
it's just awesome, and I know
subha's hungry for a win.
Both teams, have a
30-second discussion
and come up with a team captain.
Hurry up.
- Circle up, guys.
- I've worked in restaurants before.
I know how a line needs to run.
I know how...
Micah: I really want to
be team captain today.
This is my time to step up
and prove to the judges
that even though
I'm the youngest,
I can lead a team to victory.
My vote's for minnesota,
don't you know?
It's your time to shine.
It's your time to shine.
I have complete faith. We'll
listen to everything you say.
Shari: It feels amazing.
Unanimously, they're
choosing me,
and I think it's time
to prove myself.
I can do this, too.
You guys, who's the
captain and why?
Unanimously, we
decided on shari.
She's calm under
pressure and composed,
and I believe that she'll
lead us to victory.
Today, the challenge is
absolute, utter madness.
I have two kids speeding
around me all the time.
30 cars speeding around you today.
A bit different to kids.
You guys, give us an insight
to the captain and why.
We decided that I'll
be the captain.
- Wow.
- I've worked in restaurants before.
I've been in expo. I know how
the front of house needs to go,
I know how back of
house needs to go.
I love the confidence.
You're a pot washer
in a restaurant.
Right now, but I've
worked in others, chef.
Fine. So, micah, you are the
captain of the red team.
Shari, you are captain
of the blue team.
- Please put on your aprons.
- This is the top 10 of "masterchef."
the finale is just
around the corner,
so I have to get immunity.
Now, this afternoon,
you're gonna have to cook
for the hardworking drivers
and their pit crews
that are racing in today's
incredible qualifier.
To help us learn more, we
have a very special guest.
- Oh, boy.
- Oh, man.
Please welcome nascar hall
of famer bobby labonte.
Awesome. Unreal. There he is!
Unbelievable! There he is.
- So good to see you.
- Yeah, glad to be here.
Noah: I've watched this
guy go around the track
literally thousands of times.
So for me to meet this
southern gentleman,
- it's an honor.
- Welcome to the masterchef speedway.
Congratulations on
all the success.
What's the fundamental
importance of food on race day?
Oh, well, if you think about it,
we're in a race car for
three and a half hours.
Could be 100 degrees.
Burning over 2,500
calories every Sunday
- is a lot of work.
- Amazing.
These hard-working drivers
and their pit crews
do work up an
incredible appetite.
And you, today, will have
to feed all of them.
You two teams will have
to make a hearty meal
for 100 hardworking people.
That's a lot of food
to get out, guys.
You will have 75 minutes
to prep those dishes,
and you better be ready
to deliver on time.
Today, aarón and I will
be in the kitchens
making sure you stay on course.
And joe will be out
with the crowd
getting the feedback from
this incredible lunch.
But, ultimately, we will be
making the final decision.
One team will be safe
and the other will be
facing elimination.
- Bobby, would you please do the honors?
- Yes.
Home cooks, start your oven!
Let's go! Your time
starts now, let's go!
All right, y'all.
Let's go, let's go.
Micah: All right, guys,
I'm thinking chicken.
If we can keep it warm,
it's gonna stay juicy.
- I definitely was thinking
polenta to go with. - Okay.
I need to stake my claim in this competition
as somebody who's strong, willful...
- What are some vegetable options?
- Carrots go great
with chicken and polenta.
And listens to the
people on their team...
- What about a sauce?
- We can do the nice citrus glaze.
- I love that, yeah.
- Gorgeous.
...And truly communicates
You're gonna be helping jamie
with the chicken, sarah.
Dorian, roasted carrots. Subha,
you're gonna be on polenta.
- I'm gonna be checking in with you.
- Got it.
And then I'm gonna be working
on that citrus glaze.
- Red team on three. One, two, three.
- All: Red team!
Let's do crispy skin salmon. What
do you guys think for starch?
- Potatoes go great with salmon.
- Fingerling potatoes.
- Okay, I like that.
- How about with rosemary quartered?
I have the dream team.
Nick, noah, you guys are
gonna be doing the salmon,
but you're also gonna get
these potatoes prepped.
- Absolutely.
- Perfect.
Nick is amazingly creative,
and he can nail a protein.
Noah can cook anything.
Bri, beurre blanc, fred
on the haricot vert.
And then I'm gonna
be helping you guys.
Bri and fred, they're
both amazing platers,
and I know they're gonna knock the
sauce and the veg out of the park.
- Blue team!
- Crispy skin salmon is amazing,
but it's gonna be a nightmare
to get 100 portions consistent,
so I'm trying my best to
get through my green beans
so I can go and
help everyone else.
Okay, boys, how's it looking?
It's looking awesome, shari.
So, our first ever
masterchef speedway.
I love being on the racetrack.
Now, the captains,
fascinating choice.
The blue team put forward, by
unanimous decision, shari.
What was all that about?
I think that leading
a team to victory
is the next stage
in her evolution.
If we can get everything prepped,
we're gonna be sitting golden.
She's cooking as well
as she ever has.
This is her time to shine.
She can bring the
blue team to victory.
You're gonna need
some butter cubes.
Let me start cubing some butter.
Now, the red team,
the big shock for me
is that the youngest
steps up at 19
and wants to lead a
team with jamie,
sarah, dorian, and subha.
Come on.
How many carrots do you
want on each plate, micah?
Five. I like odd numbers.
I think micah's time has come.
He's a pot washer. He
has the experience
of being in an
industrial kitchen.
Maybe, with all the
"masterchef" experience today,
he could lead the red
team to victory.
Red team, blue team,
just over 20 minutes
till the judges' tasting.
- Ready to go, salt? - No, no,
subha. It's got to be boiling first.
Okay. Oh, oh, okay, cool.
All right.
Subha's technique with what he
wants to do with the polenta
is not how it should go down.
- Subha?
- Yep?
- Listen to me.
- Yes.
- Leave that alone. It's gotta boil, okay?
- Got it, got it.
If you're moving it
around with a spoon,
- do you know what that does?
- Yeah, no, I'm not moving--
just listen. I'm
trying to help you.
If you move it around with a
spoon, it cools it down, right?
- Okay.
- So why don't we start prepping this
instead of watching water boil?
- Yeah.
- Subha, let's grab a knife
and start prepping this stuff
instead of watching water boil.
All right, okay, good.
I just can't put this
polenta in his hands.
I just-- ( groans )
a part of me just knows that
it's gonna be a train wreck.
So you know what to do
with this rosemary, right?
Take it off the stem,
pull all those off,
and then we'll
chop them up fine.
If I can prevent him screwing
up the daggum polenta
by putting him on
chopping some herbs,
I don't care if we're using the
herbs or not, I gotta do it.
All right, captain
shari, what's the dish?
We are doing a crispy skin salmon
with a citrus beurre blanc,
fingerling potatoes
with rosemary dust,
and then we also have
the haricot vert,
which are gonna be
finished on the grill.
Here's my one concern.
Crispy skin is
massively ambitious.
A hundred portions.
If it doesn't work out,
we'll tear it off.
Tearing it off is gonna ruin
the integrity of the product.
Who's gonna be responsible for making
100 portions of crispy skin salmon?
Shari: Noah and nick are
gonna be on the salmon,
and then I'm gonna be
around to help out.
I feel really good
about my team,
really good about my team.
- Good luck.
- Okay, thank you.
Red team, give us an insight to the dish.
What are you doing?
So, we have herb chicken
with a citrus glaze,
creamy polenta, and
tri-colored carrots.
How are you splitting the team up?
Who's doing what?
Subha right now is
working on the rosemary,
and then sarah's on the chicken,
dorian is working on the
carrots, and jamie's trying
to figure out the
polenta right now.
And how are we
roasting the carrots?
We blanched them and now
we're roasting them.
Good. I want to see a dish
in eight minutes, please.
Heard, chef. Eight
minutes, guys.
Yes, chef.
- ( thunder )
- look.
That cloud over here
is coming towards us.
- That looks ominous.
- ( thunder )
guys, it's raining.
Look at our station.
Oh, my gosh.
That oil is getting screwed.
Water is just getting
poured in the fryer oil,
which, if anyone
knows anything,
oil and water do not mix.
Ooh, this is just dangerous.
I knew it was gonna
be a monsoon, baby!
( thunder )
oh, my god.
Sarah: It's pouring, and
there's no way we can make
all of this chicken in an oven,
so we need to figure out
something really fast
so that our whole dish
doesn't go down the drain.
Micah: Guys, let's go!
( thunder )
- oh, my god.
- This sucks.
It is a torrential downpour.
- ( thunder )
- let's get those covers on.
- Cover the kitchens.
- Cover the kitchens up?
Aarón: Let's do that.
Gordon: Guys, can
we get these over?
Joe: It's a little wet, but
you'll be all right now.
- Oh, my god.
- Ahh!
Yay! To the rescue. Thank you.
Watch out, guys, please. Stop
chopping for two seconds.
Everything is slippery, so now
we've got to be really vigilant,
we gotta be really
safety conscious.
- Watch out.
- Yes, sir.
I've never cooked
in rain like this.
I've cooked in a lot
of crap before.
I mean, some ridiculous things--
on the appalachia
trail, bears around you,
but this is just nuts.
- We gotta start hustling.
- Oh, my god.
Red team, blue team, two minutes,
guys, until the judges' tasting.
- Yes, chef.
- Rain is not stopping play, okay?
- Okay, can I have some sauce?
- Here you go, potatoes.
- Bri, get up there for the plating.
- Yeah.
- Carrots underneath, maybe?
- Yes, that's what I wanted to do.
Got the green beans laying out.
Green beans, perfect.
- That looks delicious.
- That's a good job.
- Okay.
- So, describe the dish, please.
Shari: We have a
crispy skin salmon
with haricot vert and
a citrus beurre blanc
with roasted
fingerling potatoes
with a little bit
of rosemary dust.
The color of the salmon
looks beautiful.
When you have potatoes that good, they
don't need to be cut into small little bits.
- They cut them all already, gordon.
- Ah.
So that's the only bit. It
looks a bit amateurish.
Do you want to see the
cook on the salmon?
- Shall we?
- Who cooked it?
Nick cooked the salmon,
and it does have a little
salt, pepper, and paprika.
- Looks good.
- Looks good.
You think you could
do 100 like that?
That's a tall order.
I'm really hopeful that we can.
So, the salmon, you've
nailed beautifully.
Um, that beurre blanc, you
don't put a smear of that on.
- It needs to be a sauce.
- Yeah.
The beans are bland.
The beans need help.
- Maybe some almonds?
- Yeah, I like that idea.
Shallots, garlic-- it
just needs a lift.
Here's the other thing. Take that
rosemary and toss the potatoes with it...
- Yeah. - ...To lift them
up, because you're getting
- one bite with rosemary and one without.
- Sure.
You made an excellent dish. The
question is, can you make 100?
I really think we can.
It's about how you
drive the team.
- Great start.
- Thank you so much, guys.
- Let's do a quick huddle, guys.
- Absolutely.
Beans need more flavor, so we're gonna
have to squeeze some more lemon,
- and also let's get some almonds.
- Okay.
The cut up potatoes,
we're gonna toss them
in the rosemary after
they come out.
- Okay.
- We need more beurre blanc.
They want it to be a sauce.
Salmon was absolutely perfect.
So we need to do it every time.
If we have all six
of those going
- and all six of those going?
- And this grill.
You want to do a test run
on this grill right now?
- Let's throw one on the grill.
- All right.
Nick: There is a lot
of responsibility
in taking the role
of the salmon.
You could hide and
do something simple
and not really push yourself,
and you'd probably get through
the challenge just fine.
But for me, I want to
see if I can handle
100 pieces of salmon.
To get to that finale, you have
to take these sort of risks.
Right, micah, describe the dish.
Micah: We have a herb chicken
with roasted carrots,
a goat cheese polenta,
and a citrus glaze.
So, visually, it looks nice.
The carrots look a
bit undercooked.
Joe: A little bit too
much crunch in them.
Yeah, they're still
a little bit raw.
- Gordon: Who made the polenta?
- Jamie.
The polenta's good. It's cooked well.
It needs more fat.
It needs more goat cheese. It
needs to be lifted up, okay?
- Who cooked the chicken?
- That would be sarah.
First she put grill marks on it,
then she finished
it in the oven.
The chicken cook is beautiful.
Up the seasoning on it, and
just get that polenta richer.
Someone has to take
care of the seasoning.
Spice up the chicken,
fatten up the polenta,
get it right, make it yours,
own it, and then own the
responsibility of it.
- Yes, joe.
- Good start, though. On your way.
All right, guys. Team
meeting, right here.
Sarah, they said the cook was excellent,
but they want a little bit more spice,
- a little bit more seasoning.
- Okay, what are you thinking?
Maybe just a little bit
of cayenne, bring it up.
Okay, I don't think we have
cayenne, but I'll check.
They have cajun seasoning
back there, too.
- Just a little bit.
- Just a smidgeon,
just to give it a little taste.
The carrots are just
a little underdone.
- Okay.
- And then, jamie, they just want
a little bit more butter
and more goat cheese,
but they said that this was
a really excellent dish,
and I am confident that we're
going in the right direction.
- Okay, let's go.
- Micah: This is a lot of pressure.
Joe basically tells me, if
this dish is under-seasoned,
your head's on the
chopping block.
But we can correct seasoning,
and I will taste
every single element
before we put it on a plate.
- I got this.
- How's this new batch of sauce tasting?
Dorian: You taste
it and you tell me.
Don't let nothing go past
you without checking it.
- Delicious.
- Bam.
- Dorian, I love you.
- I love you back, baby. I love you back.
So, the blue team, salmon,
skin down, crispy,
done in nonstick pans, 100
portions-- it's a tall order.
- You're working on that salmon,
right, noah? - Absolutely.
Did you oil that
before you put it on?
Yeah, we oiled the living
( bleep ) out of it.
This thing has got
temperature problems.
If I see salmon going out with torn
skins, some skin, some no-skin?
Disaster. An embarrassment.
Nick, I'm not getting enough
heat over here, buddy.
We're gonna have to
concentrate more over there.
It's all right, we
got this, noah.
I'll be fast enough over here.
This grill just does not get
this damn pan hot enough.
My question for the red team is
can micah take responsibility
for the seasoning that needs
to happen in that dish?
- Yeah.
- Does he have the palate?
- Are these fully seasoned?
- No, not yet.
- I was getting these first.
- All right.
Gordon: Well, that's the issue.
He needs to be strong with jamie
and make sure that polenta
is seasoned beautifully.
Sarah cooking the chicken--
seasoning it beautifully.
So that needs the voice of
the captain to step up.
If the captain doesn't step
up, the red team have lost.
Micah, how's this consistency
looking right here?
That's perfect.
Red team, blue team, our drivers
are about to hit the track.
- Dorian: We got this.
- Come on, go, go, go.
- Let's get excited! Let's go, let's go!
- Whoo! Yay!
- Oh, they're going, they're going!
- They're going, guys!
- Ahh!
- Oh, my god. This is so cool.
- Let's go!
- Start busting it out. We have 100 orders.
Keep it going, guys. We gotta go
as fast as those race cars, guys.
- Nick: Come on, let's go.
- We gotta knock this out.
Shari: I'm feeling
really stressed
because the cars are so loud.
It's chaos.
Guys, 10 laps to go!
Time is running out, and
100 portions is a lot.
I mean, there's only
five of us doing this.
Sometimes you bite off
more than you can chew,
and doing crispy skin is such
a high standard to uphold.
Get yourself another
tray ready to go, noah.
- Absolutely.
- So I'm really hoping
that we can somehow
pull this off.
Shari: We gotta
start plating soon.
Noah: Focus, focus. Guys, focus.
- Guys, five laps to go.
- Let's go, let's go, let's go!
There's plenty of
space in that oven.
- Let's get 'em in.
- Hot pan, heard.
Micah, start visualizing who's going
to help you dress the plates.
Sarah's gonna help
me with plating.
Sarah, I'm gonna go get
the plates set out, yeah?
Make sure that you're facing all
the m's the same way, micah.
You know what, micah? She's been cooking
this chicken the whole time, right?
Let's not move her from something
she's already doing right.
I trust you, I trust her.
I want her up front.
Jamie: This is a bad decision.
The judges have just told
us our chicken's perfect.
There's no reason for
sarah to leave the grill.
I don't think it's a good deal.
If she's not messing up,
let's let her do her thing.
That one needs to be
flipped really soon.
- You got 'em all?
- Yep.
All right, shari, how we doing?
I think we're doing good, chef.
We're getting the
salmon in the oven.
You want to season the next one?
Pull that one right here, nick.
Okay, bri, as soon
as you're done,
I'm gonna need you up on plates.
Nick: Shari, someone has
to be on the potatoes.
I got the first
batch right here.
They're not quite,
like, super crispy,
but they're cooked through.
We can start plating now.
What's the first wave?
- How many dishes are we doing?
- 15, chef.
That's why it's important one
person cooks the chicken,
so they know everything's there.
I don't like handing that over
when you've cooked it
so beautifully, sarah.
I agree.
Put him up there with you.
I can finish these,
he can plate.
Jamie, I got you. You ready?
I'll show you.
If she's been doing
a good chicken,
we need to let her keep
doing good chicken.
Also, in her mind, she
knows the first tray,
the second tray, the third tray,
- so I never change that over.
- Exactly.
It's catastrophic, okay?
Micah, being a good
captain, says,
"you know what? You
guys are right.
Let's keep sarah where she is
because she's doing
a great job."
smartest move we
could make all day.
I need you to take the sauce
and just do a little ring.
Little ring.
And then the last thing to go on
- is going to be the chicken, yeah?
- Okay.
Red team, blue team, they're
on their final lap. Let's go!
- Let's go, guys, come on!
- Come on, everyone!
Joe: We need 30 plates to go
up in the next three minutes.
Aarón: Let's go, guys.
Move, move, move!
- I need potatoes over here.
- Coming with hot tray!
Fred, they're haricot vert. You're
not removing someone's appendix.
Use your fingers and
put them on the plate.
- What-- - they didn't
get as crispy, no.
- Oh, my lord.
- They're more like just roasted.
Oh, dear. There's grease,
and we got a beurre blanc
and we've got oily
fish, so it's like--
- it's a lot of grease.
- Blue team,
you're now presenting a
potato that we didn't taste.
It's a completely
different dish.
Noah, can you get these
potatoes on a sheet pan?
I got it. I'm deep frying.
Right here, noah. Get 'em done.
The potatoes don't get
fried, so they're real oily,
- which is no good.
- Watch the fish.
- The fish needs to be pulled.
- Put 'em in there.
All we have to change is
deep frying the potatoes
and then tossing the
rosemary salt on them,
which is the whole plan,
which shari didn't
execute the first time.
- Thank you.
- Got it.
So we have to get
our communication
to where it needs to be
because it's not going well.
Noah: Stay focused, guys.
Red team, blue team,
the race is over
and our diners are arriving.
- Let's go!
- Joe: Guys, this is it.
Aarón: Let's start putting it
into second and third gear.
Come on, we can do this.
- Here they come.
- Let's go!
- We need to have those done right now.
- Here they come.
Make sure we check
that chicken, guys.
I don't want raw chicken.
Let's go, hurry up.
- Hey, hey!
- Good to see you, bud.
- What have you got for us?
- We have the amazing chicken and polenta.
Please pick up the chicken.
Next door for the salmon.
Hey, guys, let's get excited!
Micah: The diners
start lining up,
and I'm having,
like, flashbacks
to when I worked in fast food
and we just had
lines out the door.
And I kick it into
that third gear.
Gentlemen, if you see a
chicken on the plates
with a glaze, these
are finished plates.
Now we've got a system
going here, yes?
- Please enjoy.
- Thank you very much. Good luck.
If this doesn't win, I
don't know what will.
I'm extremely proud of it.
Here we go. Enjoy, guys.
Service starts,
and nick and noah
seem to have that
salmon under control,
and our plate looks amazing.
- Here you go, sir.
- We have 30 plates down,
70 to go, so I think
we're doing great.
All right, guys, give
me 15 more plates
- after these go out, okay?
- Got it.
I got you with the sauce.
I'm right behind you.
Dorian: The plates are
absolutely gorgeous.
To think that we're
on a racetrack
putting out this
food is phenomenal.
Thank you so much.
We're moving like a locomotive,
and there is just
no stopping us.
Hello, everyone.
How y'all doing?
So, anyone loving something,
hating something?
I like the red team
because each item, to me,
had a different seasoning, but
they complemented each other.
- What'd you think?
- They're both good.
I really like the
salmon, though.
Really? What'd you
like about it?
The flavor, preparation,
the cut, everything.
All right, guys, let's
not get complacent.
I need another round,
and another round after this.
Touch that. That's not
even crispy anymore.
Shari: You guys, the salmon
skin needs to be crisper!
- Hey, we've gone down now. - We have extra
pieces, shari. Most of them are crispy.
Shari: I need 'em guys.
How you doing, folks?
Everyone enjoying their
salmon and chicken?
The blue team started
out perfect,
- and then we got to the middle of ours.
- Oh, it's raw.
Oh, my god. All right, you know what?
I'm gonna take it back.
- I'm sorry about that.
- Thank you.
- Noah, I need a system.
- Yes, chef.
- Right now, we're all over the place.
- Yes, chef.
Guys, guys, we're going
sideways on these salmon.
- Oh, no.
- The big pieces are raw,
the smaller pieces
are cooked properly.
So we need two salmon on the
fly that are cooked through.
Shari, can we use one of these?
Yes, those should be good, chef.
Oh, my lord. It's raw.
So, they're crisping the salmon
up, but no one's cooking it.
( bleep )
my role is to cook the salmon
to get the skin crispy,
and noah is supposed to be taking
those salmon on a sheet tray
and finishing them in the oven
while I go on to the next round.
But he's called over
to do the potatoes,
and that's when we start
sending out raw salmon,
because nobody is
taking that salmon
and finishing it in the oven.
Shari really needs to step up
and figure out where
there's a break
in this chain of
communication across our team
or we're gonna continue
serving raw salmon.
You know what? Scrap the
crispy skin right now.
- What?
- All skin off. It's not working.
- I'm sorry, nick.
- It's crispy.
These are crispy. Don't
take the skin off.
Gordon: Blue team,
blue team, blue team.
- Only if they're not crispy, okay?
- I want them off.
At this point, the crispy skin
salmon is too big of a risk.
We need to get back to basics
and get these fish cooked.
- Noah, I need potatoes, please.
- Heard.
Nick, I need the salmon now.
Come on!
Guys, I got chicken in my hands.
Go the other way, subha.
Subha, we are moving this way.
Why are you going that way?
Working with subha is
like having my three kids
in the kitchen trying to help.
Can I serve these? Sarah,
can I serve these?
No. You need to put these on
a smaller tray in the oven.
It's frustrating, but you
just have to remember
some people communicate
Subha, I thought you
were doing the sauce.
- Yeah, I am getting the sauce.
- The sauce is right here.
- Oh, okay. No, no, no.
- That's olive oil.
- No, we have backup.
- Please, god.
He is a good cook. He just doesn't
do well on team challenges.
Subha, for the last time, put it
down and work with two hands.
- Okay.
- I can't have you holding one thing
- and just going one at a time. We're
going to be too slow. - Okay, all right.
Heaven help me.
- We need salmon!
- Blue team.
- Yes, chef? - Our guests are standing
here with chicken in their hands.
Noah: Nick, how much time?
- Three minutes.
- Shari: What's up with this?
- It's crispy.
- These are done.
- Leave the skin on now?
- These are really good.
- They're perfect. They're crispy.
- Let's just serve these ones.
- You're the boss. - So, hold on.
Blue team, is the skin back on now?
- The skin is back on. These are perfect.
- Oh, my god!
- This is so confusing.
- My apologies, I'm sorry.
Nick, you keep making them
just like that, okay?
Breaking news, the skin's back on.
Thank you.
At this point, I don't even
care if the skin is on or off.
The skin means nothing to me.
I just want the fish
cooked perfectly,
and I do not want raw
fish going out here.
This one-- chef, I think
this one is good.
- You think?
- Yeah, I--
I got more color underneath
than I have on top.
- I know, chef.
- Touch that there. Already that's raw.
- Yeah.
- Look. ( bleep )
- the salmon is raw, you guys.
- We are absolutely broken down.
Come on!
Chef, I think this one is good.
- You think?
- Yeah, I--
touch that there.
Already that's raw.
Look. ( bleep )
the salmon is raw, you guys.
Gordon: Hey, hey, hey. Time out.
( bleep ). All of you, come here.
Come here.
The ( bleep ) skin's gone on.
It's come off.
It's gone back on.
It's gone back off.
And now it's ice ( bleep ) cold.
I've seen you guys work
way better than this.
- Yes, chef.
- You're the captain. Change it up.
- Yes, chef. - Have a meeting and
get your ( bleep ) together.
- That is ice cold. Enough's enough.
- Yes, chef.
- Yes, chef.
- Enough's enough.
Okay, you guys, I do
not want to worry
on wasting the time with
the crispy skin now.
I know you love the crispy skin.
I want the salmon cooked.
- No, it's your call. It's your call.
- That's most important.
Gordon: Blue team, the
skin's irrelevant.
Just cook the
salmon beautifully.
That's what I'm saying. I
just want them cooked.
And, noah, when there's two
of you cooking salmon,
- we never change that setup.
- The grill wasn't getting hot enough.
- It wasn't searing the bottom--
- but if we cook less at a time
- and better quality?
- Yes, chef.
- 50 for you, 50 for nick across an hour.
- I'll do better, chef.
- I know you can nail that.
- Yes, chef. Yes, chef.
- Noah, do you want to do it right there?
- Yes, absolutely.
- All right.
- I'm going on the back burner, chef.
- Let's go. - Gordon basically
restructures the entire system
- that we have in our kitchen.
- Nick, ten, ten, ten, ten. That's it!
He basically suggests
that both myself and noah
on two separate stovetops cooking the
entire thing all the way through.
Brilliant, nick. Brilliant.
We're doing awesome.
- I think that's beautiful.
- Off you go. Let's go.
- Perfect, guys.
- You got it ready?
Sorry for the wait, guys.
Salmon is ready for
you all, you guys.
Sorry about that. I'm
so sorry for the wait.
I think that the flavors of
our dish are really good.
But ultimately, executing
it has been rough.
Shari as a captain needs
to communicate better,
and also she needs to have
a better sense of timing.
- Fred, you have your beans?
- They're really hot.
- They're piping hot.
- How long on my next salmon, noah?
Behind you already! We're rolling, people.
Let's keep it up.
These look beautiful, guys.
Two plates? Right here.
Thank you.
I'm so sorry about the wait.
Okay, guys, come on.
We got this.
Let's roll.
I've enjoyed both of them.
That being said,
the red team chicken just didn't have
the flavor that I was looking for.
Thank you so much. Enjoy.
The flavor here on the
salmon was great.
The sauce was amazing. So overall, I am
gonna go with the blue team's salmon.
Sarah: Subha, subha, put
this in the oven, please.
Micah, how many plates you got there?
You got four pieces of chicken.
You guys are plating food without
the chicken being ready.
It shouldn't work like that.
I need chicken hot.
Guys, we need to
have more chicken.
Guys, where's your chicken?
You got more in the
oven, right, jamie?
It's in the oven. We're just
waiting on it right now.
Everything's getting
cold sitting up there.
We're waiting on chicken. We're
not just behind the eight ball.
We're behind the whole
pool table at this point.
I need chicken over here.
I need this done really quickly
or I'm gonna send it back.
Check the oven around the back.
Get me some chicken right now!
Micah, take those carrots, put it
back there. We're starting over.
- Let's not serve ( bleep ).
- Yes, chef.
Aarón makes us ditch
15 of our plates
because we didn't
have chicken out.
I'm not serving
these, okay, guys?
- We gotta reheat these.
- We have to be careful,
because a slight slip-up
will send you home.
You're plating food and you don't
know how much chicken you got.
You gotta make sure all your
product is nice and hot, okay?
This is not a race.
They're the racers.
Okay? Let's go! Let's
go, let's go, let's go!
- How long on the salmon?
- One minute. It's, like, there.
Okay, great. We're
doing good then.
- Yeah, we're good.
- We're doing awesome.
Now we got a system showing.
Let's go.
Chef gordon was right. Nick and noah
are cooking the salmon beautifully.
It's all done on the stove. We're
not putting anything in the oven.
Truthfully, we probably should have
done that since the beginning.
- There you go. Good girl.
- I need some sauce, guys.
- You want to win this, yes?
- Yes, chef, I want to win.
- This one's ready.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
- Thank you, bri.
- Are those ready?
- There is some chicken in here, okay?
- Let's check it. - There's about 12.
Yeah. They should be good to go.
I put it on high heat.
Ready to go.
- Well, that's why that's black.
- You put it on high?
- Subha!
- Just let me put it in. Turn it on.
- No, do not scrape it off.
- Yeah, I'm not scraping off--
we will not serve it.
We have more coming.
- What happened?
- He put it right underneath the char
- and burnt the ( bleep ) out of it.
- What the ( bleep )?
- Don't put it so close to the top.
- I'm not putting it there.
Burnt chicken. Like, you're not
even on the chicken, subha.
He turned it on broil. Why?
It was already grilled.
Like, what were you
trying to accomplish?
- I shouldn't have to ( bleep
)-- oh, my god. - Whoo-hoo-hoo.
- Three chickens in here.
- Oh, my gosh.
- Subha: All right, okay. Yes?
- Sarah: What happened?
He put it right underneath the char
and burnt the ( bleep ) out of it.
- That's okay. Come on, y'all.
- Oh, my gosh.
- We're not serving that, all right?
- What?
- We ain't gonna serve it, because
we have 20. - No, I know.
I hope we have enough.
I hope we have enough.
It is very frustrating.
Subha's not even
cooking chicken,
and he managed to burn it.
I don't know how
that's even possible.
We don't have that much.
We needed that.
Sarah, can I give you a
hand in turning the knob?
- No, no, no. I'm good.
- No, you're good?
Keep your hands off my chicken.
- 20 plates to go.
- I've got the potatoes.
- All right. Are they hot?
- Yeah, they're hot.
- Green beans. This is hot.
- Hand them to me, nick. I can grab them.
Come on, blue team. Come
on, come on, come on.
- That looks perfect.
- Okay, bring them up, noah.
- Hot, behind.
- Thank you for waiting.
I'm sorry. Sorry for the wait.
Raise your hand if you think the
red team's chicken is better.
Okay, all right. Raise your hand if
you like the blue team's salmon.
Everyone except for you.
You're the odd man out.
The salmon? Oh, my god. So good.
The chicken though, it was a
little bit, you know, average.
Which one do you think has better flavor?
You tasted the chicken.
You like the chicken. What
do you like about it?
- It's just got really good flavor to it.
- Seasoned well?
Seasoned very well.
Seven portions to go, guys.
- How many do we have?
- Five, six, seven. We have seven.
- Seven. We're good?
- Yes.
Come on, blue team. Come
on, come on, come on.
Shari: All right, guys.
Make 'em great.
Come on, let's finish strong.
All right, guys. Last couple of plates.
Let's be consistent.
- Okay, here we go. - We need four
more plates, subha. Four more plates.
- Hey, this is the last of the chicken?
- Yes, sarah, that's it.
- Sarah, guess what. We're done, baby.
- What?
- Fred, let's get some more potatoes
on this. - Okay, absolutely.
- That's your best one. This one is split.
- Let's go.
You're good, though. The flavor's there.
All right, thank you.
So sorry for the wait.
- I'm so sorry. Thank you so much.
- Enjoy.
Come on, why did that need
to be that difficult?
- It didn't chef. - Have a debrief, work
it out, and then start clearing down.
- Yes, chef.
- Sorry, chef.
I'm so sorry.
So what it came down to was the
salmon wasn't getting cooked.
It was the timing. I was yelling.
I was feeling rushed.
I was tasked with searing off the
skins, which I was doing with noah.
- Yes. - And noah initially was
on putting them in the oven
- to finish them.
- Yeah.
And then noah gets called
over to the potatoes,
so then nobody was
doing the salmon.
That's on me. I'm sorry, guys.
Shari: If we could have
just figured out this pacing
and cooked the fish
on the stove entirely
instead of in the
oven the whole time,
we would definitely
have this in the bag.
You know what, you guys?
I'm proud of you.
The food is gonna be great. That's
gonna make us win this challenge.
The food is going
to be delicious.
- I'm proud of us.
- Me, too.
Hey, guys, we win together,
and we lose together.
- I mean, that's it.
- Look, this plate was killer.
I'm proud of every
single one of you.
This is the type of energy,
the type of passion
that I appreciate.
- Amen.
- Same.
Red team on three.
One, two, three.
- Red team!
- Baby!
- Come on!
- Yeah!
- All right, guys, nice dishes.
- We got there. We had issues.
- Mixed results.
- The blue team-- skin on, skin off.
- I mean, you saw it.
- Obviously, we had some temperature issues
- on the salmon.
- Aarón: Red team--
had to put the seasoning
on the chicken
because it was a little
bit bland to begin with.
Yes. I think the idea
of the cajun seasoning,
I think that helped lift it up.
- But we have a winner?
- We have a winner.
Let's go.
Ladies and gentlemen,
what a day.
We had rain, we had
sunshine, we had a rainbow,
and I'm hoping we had
some great food.
- You guys enjoy your lunch?
- ( cheering )
and a very special thank
you to our grand marshal
bobby labonte.
Thank you, sir. Amazing.
Glad to be a part of it, gordon.
That was a very exciting race,
both on the track and
in the kitchens.
Now, ladies and gentlemen, please
give a huge round of applause
for both out red team and our
blue team, ladies and gentlemen.
Okay, red team, blue team,
very difficult job today.
The losing team, they
tried their best,
but as we say, the
wheels fell off.
We will see them in
the elimination.
Aarón: But the fact of the matter
is that one of these teams,
they had enough gas in the
tank to go the full distance.
Today's winning team, bobby, will
you do the honors, please, sir?
The team that will not
face elimination...
The team that we
judged to be best...
What? What's about to happen?
The winning team...
...The red team.
( cheering )
- good job, guys. I'm proud of all of you.
- Good job, guys.
Micah. We finally did it.
This is dorian's first win.
This is sarah's first win.
We did this together, and I'm
absolutely on cloud nine.
Sorry, guys.
Red team, congratulations.
Absolutely brilliant.
Great job. Consistent, strong,
but more importantly,
- they loved your chicken.
- Thank you! Thank you!
- Well done!
- Thank you.
Blue team, a, you
were inconsistent.
B, you had raw food.
And shari, as a captain,
you need to be dominant,
and you need to stick
together as a team.
And unfortunately, the
blue team were fragmented.
- Yes, chef.
- Which means, of course,
you'll be facing a tough
elimination challenge tomorrow
- back in the masterchef kitchen.
- Yes, chef.
Now, blue team, get back in there
and clean down that kitchen, yes?
Red team, well done.
Now, go and say
hello, high-five,
- and meet some incredible drivers...
- Awesome.
- Thank you. - ...Mechanics,
pit crew that loved your food.
- Off you go.
- Finally, I'm on a winning team...
- Thank you so much.
- Thank you, guys.
...And it feels
absolutely phenomenal.
- Thank you.
- Awesome, awesome.
I'm sorry, guys.
It was my fault.
I should have been timing
better and pacing us better.
Don't apologize. We win
and we lose as a team.
- Yeah.
- We lost. We gotta fight again.
We were weak! They didn't beat us.
We beat ourselves.
That's the most frustrating
part of this ( bleep )
is we lost because of us!
- Because we didn't stick to our guns.
- Yeah, I know.
It's okay, we just have
to cook for our lives
- and show why we're here.
- Absolutely.
And that's why we're
here, is to cook,
and by god, I'm bringing
hell with me tomorrow.
Gordon: Coming up, a season 10
twist for red team captain micah.
You get to pick any home
cook from your team
who will also have to participate
in tonight's elimination.
( music playing )
welcome back to the
masterchef kitchen.
Now, yesterday you fed race car drivers
and their hard-working pit crews
an incredible lunch. Yes,
it was a tight race,
but one team did take
that checkered flag.
And that was the red team,
captained by micah.
- Well done.
- Great job, guys.
- Good job, micah.
- Thank you.
- Good job, micah.
- Thanks, guys.
Uh, micah, youngest in the
competition, led your team to victory.
Made some pivotal decisions.
How do you feel?
I feel really good. I'm
very proud of our team.
We pulled it together,
and we served a dish
that I would be proud to
serve anytime, anywhere.
I saw a lot of discipline
across the red team.
There was a voice
in the captain,
and even though the
captain may not have made
every decision perfectly, you
just kept your head down,
and you did it.
It was almost in the bag
because you stayed
with your structure.
And then, we had the blue team.
What on earth happened?
We were really ambitious
with what we wanted to do.
And it maybe got the best
of us, our ambition.
I've never seen such a
fragmented team in all my life.
Skin on, skin off. Raw.
The inconsistency
was extraordinary.
- No structure. - Shari, I think,
was just not understanding
that we could not make
these salmons quicker.
It was just fire away,
fire, fire, fire.
The tempo just never
got set at all.
I'm disappointed.
I've seen you all shine
individually way better than that.
Shari: I really wanted
to prove myself,
and I really thought
I could prove myself,
and this is a huge
blow to my confidence.
I was the team
captain, and obviously
I feel responsible that my
team is down here with me.
Red team, you won that
challenge, but...
You know season 10 is
full of surprises,
and none of you...
Should ever feel
completely safe.
Micah, as the winning
team captain,
you will now receive
a huge advantage,
an advantage that could propel you
to the victory of this competition.
You get to pick any home
cook from your team
who will also have to participate
in tonight's elimination.
I think that some of this
is gonna be strategy.
Micah, along with
other competitors,
they feel like I am
indeed a strong cook.
So I'm nervous. I'm
very, very nervous.
We're in the top 10.
You need to think about
who is your competition
and who do you need to
get out of the way.
The target, 100% is on my back.
I don't know what he's gonna do,
but right now I'm just
hoping it's not me.
The moment to decide your
future is now, micah.
In all honesty, joe, for me...
( music playing )
on "masterchef"...
Wuta, I'm sorry.
Your journey's come to an end.
Season 10!
Welcome to the
masterchef speedway.
You are officially in the
top 10 of "masterchef."
...It's a full throttle
team challenge.
You're gonna cook for the
drivers and their pit crews.
Only the winning team
will claim immunity
at the finish line.
We have 100 orders.
Boom shaka-laka, we're cooking.
- Guys, it's raining.
- Look at our station.
That oil is getting screwed.
Rain is not stopping play, okay?
Let's go, let's go, let's go!
Jamie: We're not just
behind the eight ball,
we're behind the whole
pool table at this point.
- Oh, my gosh.
- Guys, guys,
we're going sideways
on these salmon.
That is ice cold. Oh, my god!
( music playing )
- this is so exciting.
- My gosh, this is a racetrack.
- Look at this eight-mile track.
- Awesome.
- Crossing the road!
- Let's go, one, two three.
Whoo, it's downhill.
I am now top 10.
My confidence is
through the roof.
We pull into this
big racetrack.
I'm not much of a
racetrack kind of girl,
but my dad really loved nascar
and taking us to the racetracks
when we were younger,
and so I feel like
I can handle this.
( engine revving )
oh, boy. That sounds
like a dadgum v8.
- Oh, look.
- Oh, my gosh.
- Look at that.
- Oh, my god.
- That's gordon.
- Whoo!
Gordon's in orange.
Oh, boy.
I feel like I'm in
the south again.
Ooh, the orange
one's catching up.
- Ooh!
- Yeah!
- Called it.
- Yay!
Oh, gordon was in orange.
That's so cool. Wow.
- ( brakes squeal )
- oh, my gosh.
- Yay!
- Well done!
- Oh, boy.
- Man.
Welcome to the
masterchef speedway.
Guys, you are officially in
the top 10 of "masterchef."
come on, how cool is that?
Now, today we want you to split
yourselves up into teams.
We want to see two teams of five.
Let's go.
- What are you thinking?
- Yep, yep.
Every person has just congealed
into jamie's armpits.
- Yep, yep. - I'm like, all
right, everyone's with jamie,
so I immediately realize
I'm just gonna back up.
- Noah, noah.
- Noah?
- Here, let's go over here.
- Let's go. Done.
- Well, isn't that social darwinism at
its finest? - How did this team form?
Uh, the three of us haven't
lost in a team challenge yet,
so we want to try to
keep that streak alive.
Sarah, what was the
attraction over here first?
Dorian and jamie were definitely a
big attraction over on this team.
Micah's shown so much improvement
throughout this competition,
it's just awesome, and I know
subha's hungry for a win.
Both teams, have a
30-second discussion
and come up with a team captain.
Hurry up.
- Circle up, guys.
- I've worked in restaurants before.
I know how a line needs to run.
I know how...
Micah: I really want to
be team captain today.
This is my time to step up
and prove to the judges
that even though
I'm the youngest,
I can lead a team to victory.
My vote's for minnesota,
don't you know?
It's your time to shine.
It's your time to shine.
I have complete faith. We'll
listen to everything you say.
Shari: It feels amazing.
Unanimously, they're
choosing me,
and I think it's time
to prove myself.
I can do this, too.
You guys, who's the
captain and why?
Unanimously, we
decided on shari.
She's calm under
pressure and composed,
and I believe that she'll
lead us to victory.
Today, the challenge is
absolute, utter madness.
I have two kids speeding
around me all the time.
30 cars speeding around you today.
A bit different to kids.
You guys, give us an insight
to the captain and why.
We decided that I'll
be the captain.
- Wow.
- I've worked in restaurants before.
I've been in expo. I know how
the front of house needs to go,
I know how back of
house needs to go.
I love the confidence.
You're a pot washer
in a restaurant.
Right now, but I've
worked in others, chef.
Fine. So, micah, you are the
captain of the red team.
Shari, you are captain
of the blue team.
- Please put on your aprons.
- This is the top 10 of "masterchef."
the finale is just
around the corner,
so I have to get immunity.
Now, this afternoon,
you're gonna have to cook
for the hardworking drivers
and their pit crews
that are racing in today's
incredible qualifier.
To help us learn more, we
have a very special guest.
- Oh, boy.
- Oh, man.
Please welcome nascar hall
of famer bobby labonte.
Awesome. Unreal. There he is!
Unbelievable! There he is.
- So good to see you.
- Yeah, glad to be here.
Noah: I've watched this
guy go around the track
literally thousands of times.
So for me to meet this
southern gentleman,
- it's an honor.
- Welcome to the masterchef speedway.
Congratulations on
all the success.
What's the fundamental
importance of food on race day?
Oh, well, if you think about it,
we're in a race car for
three and a half hours.
Could be 100 degrees.
Burning over 2,500
calories every Sunday
- is a lot of work.
- Amazing.
These hard-working drivers
and their pit crews
do work up an
incredible appetite.
And you, today, will have
to feed all of them.
You two teams will have
to make a hearty meal
for 100 hardworking people.
That's a lot of food
to get out, guys.
You will have 75 minutes
to prep those dishes,
and you better be ready
to deliver on time.
Today, aarón and I will
be in the kitchens
making sure you stay on course.
And joe will be out
with the crowd
getting the feedback from
this incredible lunch.
But, ultimately, we will be
making the final decision.
One team will be safe
and the other will be
facing elimination.
- Bobby, would you please do the honors?
- Yes.
Home cooks, start your oven!
Let's go! Your time
starts now, let's go!
All right, y'all.
Let's go, let's go.
Micah: All right, guys,
I'm thinking chicken.
If we can keep it warm,
it's gonna stay juicy.
- I definitely was thinking
polenta to go with. - Okay.
I need to stake my claim in this competition
as somebody who's strong, willful...
- What are some vegetable options?
- Carrots go great
with chicken and polenta.
And listens to the
people on their team...
- What about a sauce?
- We can do the nice citrus glaze.
- I love that, yeah.
- Gorgeous.
...And truly communicates
You're gonna be helping jamie
with the chicken, sarah.
Dorian, roasted carrots. Subha,
you're gonna be on polenta.
- I'm gonna be checking in with you.
- Got it.
And then I'm gonna be working
on that citrus glaze.
- Red team on three. One, two, three.
- All: Red team!
Let's do crispy skin salmon. What
do you guys think for starch?
- Potatoes go great with salmon.
- Fingerling potatoes.
- Okay, I like that.
- How about with rosemary quartered?
I have the dream team.
Nick, noah, you guys are
gonna be doing the salmon,
but you're also gonna get
these potatoes prepped.
- Absolutely.
- Perfect.
Nick is amazingly creative,
and he can nail a protein.
Noah can cook anything.
Bri, beurre blanc, fred
on the haricot vert.
And then I'm gonna
be helping you guys.
Bri and fred, they're
both amazing platers,
and I know they're gonna knock the
sauce and the veg out of the park.
- Blue team!
- Crispy skin salmon is amazing,
but it's gonna be a nightmare
to get 100 portions consistent,
so I'm trying my best to
get through my green beans
so I can go and
help everyone else.
Okay, boys, how's it looking?
It's looking awesome, shari.
So, our first ever
masterchef speedway.
I love being on the racetrack.
Now, the captains,
fascinating choice.
The blue team put forward, by
unanimous decision, shari.
What was all that about?
I think that leading
a team to victory
is the next stage
in her evolution.
If we can get everything prepped,
we're gonna be sitting golden.
She's cooking as well
as she ever has.
This is her time to shine.
She can bring the
blue team to victory.
You're gonna need
some butter cubes.
Let me start cubing some butter.
Now, the red team,
the big shock for me
is that the youngest
steps up at 19
and wants to lead a
team with jamie,
sarah, dorian, and subha.
Come on.
How many carrots do you
want on each plate, micah?
Five. I like odd numbers.
I think micah's time has come.
He's a pot washer. He
has the experience
of being in an
industrial kitchen.
Maybe, with all the
"masterchef" experience today,
he could lead the red
team to victory.
Red team, blue team,
just over 20 minutes
till the judges' tasting.
- Ready to go, salt? - No, no,
subha. It's got to be boiling first.
Okay. Oh, oh, okay, cool.
All right.
Subha's technique with what he
wants to do with the polenta
is not how it should go down.
- Subha?
- Yep?
- Listen to me.
- Yes.
- Leave that alone. It's gotta boil, okay?
- Got it, got it.
If you're moving it
around with a spoon,
- do you know what that does?
- Yeah, no, I'm not moving--
just listen. I'm
trying to help you.
If you move it around with a
spoon, it cools it down, right?
- Okay.
- So why don't we start prepping this
instead of watching water boil?
- Yeah.
- Subha, let's grab a knife
and start prepping this stuff
instead of watching water boil.
All right, okay, good.
I just can't put this
polenta in his hands.
I just-- ( groans )
a part of me just knows that
it's gonna be a train wreck.
So you know what to do
with this rosemary, right?
Take it off the stem,
pull all those off,
and then we'll
chop them up fine.
If I can prevent him screwing
up the daggum polenta
by putting him on
chopping some herbs,
I don't care if we're using the
herbs or not, I gotta do it.
All right, captain
shari, what's the dish?
We are doing a crispy skin salmon
with a citrus beurre blanc,
fingerling potatoes
with rosemary dust,
and then we also have
the haricot vert,
which are gonna be
finished on the grill.
Here's my one concern.
Crispy skin is
massively ambitious.
A hundred portions.
If it doesn't work out,
we'll tear it off.
Tearing it off is gonna ruin
the integrity of the product.
Who's gonna be responsible for making
100 portions of crispy skin salmon?
Shari: Noah and nick are
gonna be on the salmon,
and then I'm gonna be
around to help out.
I feel really good
about my team,
really good about my team.
- Good luck.
- Okay, thank you.
Red team, give us an insight to the dish.
What are you doing?
So, we have herb chicken
with a citrus glaze,
creamy polenta, and
tri-colored carrots.
How are you splitting the team up?
Who's doing what?
Subha right now is
working on the rosemary,
and then sarah's on the chicken,
dorian is working on the
carrots, and jamie's trying
to figure out the
polenta right now.
And how are we
roasting the carrots?
We blanched them and now
we're roasting them.
Good. I want to see a dish
in eight minutes, please.
Heard, chef. Eight
minutes, guys.
Yes, chef.
- ( thunder )
- look.
That cloud over here
is coming towards us.
- That looks ominous.
- ( thunder )
guys, it's raining.
Look at our station.
Oh, my gosh.
That oil is getting screwed.
Water is just getting
poured in the fryer oil,
which, if anyone
knows anything,
oil and water do not mix.
Ooh, this is just dangerous.
I knew it was gonna
be a monsoon, baby!
( thunder )
oh, my god.
Sarah: It's pouring, and
there's no way we can make
all of this chicken in an oven,
so we need to figure out
something really fast
so that our whole dish
doesn't go down the drain.
Micah: Guys, let's go!
( thunder )
- oh, my god.
- This sucks.
It is a torrential downpour.
- ( thunder )
- let's get those covers on.
- Cover the kitchens.
- Cover the kitchens up?
Aarón: Let's do that.
Gordon: Guys, can
we get these over?
Joe: It's a little wet, but
you'll be all right now.
- Oh, my god.
- Ahh!
Yay! To the rescue. Thank you.
Watch out, guys, please. Stop
chopping for two seconds.
Everything is slippery, so now
we've got to be really vigilant,
we gotta be really
safety conscious.
- Watch out.
- Yes, sir.
I've never cooked
in rain like this.
I've cooked in a lot
of crap before.
I mean, some ridiculous things--
on the appalachia
trail, bears around you,
but this is just nuts.
- We gotta start hustling.
- Oh, my god.
Red team, blue team, two minutes,
guys, until the judges' tasting.
- Yes, chef.
- Rain is not stopping play, okay?
- Okay, can I have some sauce?
- Here you go, potatoes.
- Bri, get up there for the plating.
- Yeah.
- Carrots underneath, maybe?
- Yes, that's what I wanted to do.
Got the green beans laying out.
Green beans, perfect.
- That looks delicious.
- That's a good job.
- Okay.
- So, describe the dish, please.
Shari: We have a
crispy skin salmon
with haricot vert and
a citrus beurre blanc
with roasted
fingerling potatoes
with a little bit
of rosemary dust.
The color of the salmon
looks beautiful.
When you have potatoes that good, they
don't need to be cut into small little bits.
- They cut them all already, gordon.
- Ah.
So that's the only bit. It
looks a bit amateurish.
Do you want to see the
cook on the salmon?
- Shall we?
- Who cooked it?
Nick cooked the salmon,
and it does have a little
salt, pepper, and paprika.
- Looks good.
- Looks good.
You think you could
do 100 like that?
That's a tall order.
I'm really hopeful that we can.
So, the salmon, you've
nailed beautifully.
Um, that beurre blanc, you
don't put a smear of that on.
- It needs to be a sauce.
- Yeah.
The beans are bland.
The beans need help.
- Maybe some almonds?
- Yeah, I like that idea.
Shallots, garlic-- it
just needs a lift.
Here's the other thing. Take that
rosemary and toss the potatoes with it...
- Yeah. - ...To lift them
up, because you're getting
- one bite with rosemary and one without.
- Sure.
You made an excellent dish. The
question is, can you make 100?
I really think we can.
It's about how you
drive the team.
- Great start.
- Thank you so much, guys.
- Let's do a quick huddle, guys.
- Absolutely.
Beans need more flavor, so we're gonna
have to squeeze some more lemon,
- and also let's get some almonds.
- Okay.
The cut up potatoes,
we're gonna toss them
in the rosemary after
they come out.
- Okay.
- We need more beurre blanc.
They want it to be a sauce.
Salmon was absolutely perfect.
So we need to do it every time.
If we have all six
of those going
- and all six of those going?
- And this grill.
You want to do a test run
on this grill right now?
- Let's throw one on the grill.
- All right.
Nick: There is a lot
of responsibility
in taking the role
of the salmon.
You could hide and
do something simple
and not really push yourself,
and you'd probably get through
the challenge just fine.
But for me, I want to
see if I can handle
100 pieces of salmon.
To get to that finale, you have
to take these sort of risks.
Right, micah, describe the dish.
Micah: We have a herb chicken
with roasted carrots,
a goat cheese polenta,
and a citrus glaze.
So, visually, it looks nice.
The carrots look a
bit undercooked.
Joe: A little bit too
much crunch in them.
Yeah, they're still
a little bit raw.
- Gordon: Who made the polenta?
- Jamie.
The polenta's good. It's cooked well.
It needs more fat.
It needs more goat cheese. It
needs to be lifted up, okay?
- Who cooked the chicken?
- That would be sarah.
First she put grill marks on it,
then she finished
it in the oven.
The chicken cook is beautiful.
Up the seasoning on it, and
just get that polenta richer.
Someone has to take
care of the seasoning.
Spice up the chicken,
fatten up the polenta,
get it right, make it yours,
own it, and then own the
responsibility of it.
- Yes, joe.
- Good start, though. On your way.
All right, guys. Team
meeting, right here.
Sarah, they said the cook was excellent,
but they want a little bit more spice,
- a little bit more seasoning.
- Okay, what are you thinking?
Maybe just a little bit
of cayenne, bring it up.
Okay, I don't think we have
cayenne, but I'll check.
They have cajun seasoning
back there, too.
- Just a little bit.
- Just a smidgeon,
just to give it a little taste.
The carrots are just
a little underdone.
- Okay.
- And then, jamie, they just want
a little bit more butter
and more goat cheese,
but they said that this was
a really excellent dish,
and I am confident that we're
going in the right direction.
- Okay, let's go.
- Micah: This is a lot of pressure.
Joe basically tells me, if
this dish is under-seasoned,
your head's on the
chopping block.
But we can correct seasoning,
and I will taste
every single element
before we put it on a plate.
- I got this.
- How's this new batch of sauce tasting?
Dorian: You taste
it and you tell me.
Don't let nothing go past
you without checking it.
- Delicious.
- Bam.
- Dorian, I love you.
- I love you back, baby. I love you back.
So, the blue team, salmon,
skin down, crispy,
done in nonstick pans, 100
portions-- it's a tall order.
- You're working on that salmon,
right, noah? - Absolutely.
Did you oil that
before you put it on?
Yeah, we oiled the living
( bleep ) out of it.
This thing has got
temperature problems.
If I see salmon going out with torn
skins, some skin, some no-skin?
Disaster. An embarrassment.
Nick, I'm not getting enough
heat over here, buddy.
We're gonna have to
concentrate more over there.
It's all right, we
got this, noah.
I'll be fast enough over here.
This grill just does not get
this damn pan hot enough.
My question for the red team is
can micah take responsibility
for the seasoning that needs
to happen in that dish?
- Yeah.
- Does he have the palate?
- Are these fully seasoned?
- No, not yet.
- I was getting these first.
- All right.
Gordon: Well, that's the issue.
He needs to be strong with jamie
and make sure that polenta
is seasoned beautifully.
Sarah cooking the chicken--
seasoning it beautifully.
So that needs the voice of
the captain to step up.
If the captain doesn't step
up, the red team have lost.
Micah, how's this consistency
looking right here?
That's perfect.
Red team, blue team, our drivers
are about to hit the track.
- Dorian: We got this.
- Come on, go, go, go.
- Let's get excited! Let's go, let's go!
- Whoo! Yay!
- Oh, they're going, they're going!
- They're going, guys!
- Ahh!
- Oh, my god. This is so cool.
- Let's go!
- Start busting it out. We have 100 orders.
Keep it going, guys. We gotta go
as fast as those race cars, guys.
- Nick: Come on, let's go.
- We gotta knock this out.
Shari: I'm feeling
really stressed
because the cars are so loud.
It's chaos.
Guys, 10 laps to go!
Time is running out, and
100 portions is a lot.
I mean, there's only
five of us doing this.
Sometimes you bite off
more than you can chew,
and doing crispy skin is such
a high standard to uphold.
Get yourself another
tray ready to go, noah.
- Absolutely.
- So I'm really hoping
that we can somehow
pull this off.
Shari: We gotta
start plating soon.
Noah: Focus, focus. Guys, focus.
- Guys, five laps to go.
- Let's go, let's go, let's go!
There's plenty of
space in that oven.
- Let's get 'em in.
- Hot pan, heard.
Micah, start visualizing who's going
to help you dress the plates.
Sarah's gonna help
me with plating.
Sarah, I'm gonna go get
the plates set out, yeah?
Make sure that you're facing all
the m's the same way, micah.
You know what, micah? She's been cooking
this chicken the whole time, right?
Let's not move her from something
she's already doing right.
I trust you, I trust her.
I want her up front.
Jamie: This is a bad decision.
The judges have just told
us our chicken's perfect.
There's no reason for
sarah to leave the grill.
I don't think it's a good deal.
If she's not messing up,
let's let her do her thing.
That one needs to be
flipped really soon.
- You got 'em all?
- Yep.
All right, shari, how we doing?
I think we're doing good, chef.
We're getting the
salmon in the oven.
You want to season the next one?
Pull that one right here, nick.
Okay, bri, as soon
as you're done,
I'm gonna need you up on plates.
Nick: Shari, someone has
to be on the potatoes.
I got the first
batch right here.
They're not quite,
like, super crispy,
but they're cooked through.
We can start plating now.
What's the first wave?
- How many dishes are we doing?
- 15, chef.
That's why it's important one
person cooks the chicken,
so they know everything's there.
I don't like handing that over
when you've cooked it
so beautifully, sarah.
I agree.
Put him up there with you.
I can finish these,
he can plate.
Jamie, I got you. You ready?
I'll show you.
If she's been doing
a good chicken,
we need to let her keep
doing good chicken.
Also, in her mind, she
knows the first tray,
the second tray, the third tray,
- so I never change that over.
- Exactly.
It's catastrophic, okay?
Micah, being a good
captain, says,
"you know what? You
guys are right.
Let's keep sarah where she is
because she's doing
a great job."
smartest move we
could make all day.
I need you to take the sauce
and just do a little ring.
Little ring.
And then the last thing to go on
- is going to be the chicken, yeah?
- Okay.
Red team, blue team, they're
on their final lap. Let's go!
- Let's go, guys, come on!
- Come on, everyone!
Joe: We need 30 plates to go
up in the next three minutes.
Aarón: Let's go, guys.
Move, move, move!
- I need potatoes over here.
- Coming with hot tray!
Fred, they're haricot vert. You're
not removing someone's appendix.
Use your fingers and
put them on the plate.
- What-- - they didn't
get as crispy, no.
- Oh, my lord.
- They're more like just roasted.
Oh, dear. There's grease,
and we got a beurre blanc
and we've got oily
fish, so it's like--
- it's a lot of grease.
- Blue team,
you're now presenting a
potato that we didn't taste.
It's a completely
different dish.
Noah, can you get these
potatoes on a sheet pan?
I got it. I'm deep frying.
Right here, noah. Get 'em done.
The potatoes don't get
fried, so they're real oily,
- which is no good.
- Watch the fish.
- The fish needs to be pulled.
- Put 'em in there.
All we have to change is
deep frying the potatoes
and then tossing the
rosemary salt on them,
which is the whole plan,
which shari didn't
execute the first time.
- Thank you.
- Got it.
So we have to get
our communication
to where it needs to be
because it's not going well.
Noah: Stay focused, guys.
Red team, blue team,
the race is over
and our diners are arriving.
- Let's go!
- Joe: Guys, this is it.
Aarón: Let's start putting it
into second and third gear.
Come on, we can do this.
- Here they come.
- Let's go!
- We need to have those done right now.
- Here they come.
Make sure we check
that chicken, guys.
I don't want raw chicken.
Let's go, hurry up.
- Hey, hey!
- Good to see you, bud.
- What have you got for us?
- We have the amazing chicken and polenta.
Please pick up the chicken.
Next door for the salmon.
Hey, guys, let's get excited!
Micah: The diners
start lining up,
and I'm having,
like, flashbacks
to when I worked in fast food
and we just had
lines out the door.
And I kick it into
that third gear.
Gentlemen, if you see a
chicken on the plates
with a glaze, these
are finished plates.
Now we've got a system
going here, yes?
- Please enjoy.
- Thank you very much. Good luck.
If this doesn't win, I
don't know what will.
I'm extremely proud of it.
Here we go. Enjoy, guys.
Service starts,
and nick and noah
seem to have that
salmon under control,
and our plate looks amazing.
- Here you go, sir.
- We have 30 plates down,
70 to go, so I think
we're doing great.
All right, guys, give
me 15 more plates
- after these go out, okay?
- Got it.
I got you with the sauce.
I'm right behind you.
Dorian: The plates are
absolutely gorgeous.
To think that we're
on a racetrack
putting out this
food is phenomenal.
Thank you so much.
We're moving like a locomotive,
and there is just
no stopping us.
Hello, everyone.
How y'all doing?
So, anyone loving something,
hating something?
I like the red team
because each item, to me,
had a different seasoning, but
they complemented each other.
- What'd you think?
- They're both good.
I really like the
salmon, though.
Really? What'd you
like about it?
The flavor, preparation,
the cut, everything.
All right, guys, let's
not get complacent.
I need another round,
and another round after this.
Touch that. That's not
even crispy anymore.
Shari: You guys, the salmon
skin needs to be crisper!
- Hey, we've gone down now. - We have extra
pieces, shari. Most of them are crispy.
Shari: I need 'em guys.
How you doing, folks?
Everyone enjoying their
salmon and chicken?
The blue team started
out perfect,
- and then we got to the middle of ours.
- Oh, it's raw.
Oh, my god. All right, you know what?
I'm gonna take it back.
- I'm sorry about that.
- Thank you.
- Noah, I need a system.
- Yes, chef.
- Right now, we're all over the place.
- Yes, chef.
Guys, guys, we're going
sideways on these salmon.
- Oh, no.
- The big pieces are raw,
the smaller pieces
are cooked properly.
So we need two salmon on the
fly that are cooked through.
Shari, can we use one of these?
Yes, those should be good, chef.
Oh, my lord. It's raw.
So, they're crisping the salmon
up, but no one's cooking it.
( bleep )
my role is to cook the salmon
to get the skin crispy,
and noah is supposed to be taking
those salmon on a sheet tray
and finishing them in the oven
while I go on to the next round.
But he's called over
to do the potatoes,
and that's when we start
sending out raw salmon,
because nobody is
taking that salmon
and finishing it in the oven.
Shari really needs to step up
and figure out where
there's a break
in this chain of
communication across our team
or we're gonna continue
serving raw salmon.
You know what? Scrap the
crispy skin right now.
- What?
- All skin off. It's not working.
- I'm sorry, nick.
- It's crispy.
These are crispy. Don't
take the skin off.
Gordon: Blue team,
blue team, blue team.
- Only if they're not crispy, okay?
- I want them off.
At this point, the crispy skin
salmon is too big of a risk.
We need to get back to basics
and get these fish cooked.
- Noah, I need potatoes, please.
- Heard.
Nick, I need the salmon now.
Come on!
Guys, I got chicken in my hands.
Go the other way, subha.
Subha, we are moving this way.
Why are you going that way?
Working with subha is
like having my three kids
in the kitchen trying to help.
Can I serve these? Sarah,
can I serve these?
No. You need to put these on
a smaller tray in the oven.
It's frustrating, but you
just have to remember
some people communicate
Subha, I thought you
were doing the sauce.
- Yeah, I am getting the sauce.
- The sauce is right here.
- Oh, okay. No, no, no.
- That's olive oil.
- No, we have backup.
- Please, god.
He is a good cook. He just doesn't
do well on team challenges.
Subha, for the last time, put it
down and work with two hands.
- Okay.
- I can't have you holding one thing
- and just going one at a time. We're
going to be too slow. - Okay, all right.
Heaven help me.
- We need salmon!
- Blue team.
- Yes, chef? - Our guests are standing
here with chicken in their hands.
Noah: Nick, how much time?
- Three minutes.
- Shari: What's up with this?
- It's crispy.
- These are done.
- Leave the skin on now?
- These are really good.
- They're perfect. They're crispy.
- Let's just serve these ones.
- You're the boss. - So, hold on.
Blue team, is the skin back on now?
- The skin is back on. These are perfect.
- Oh, my god!
- This is so confusing.
- My apologies, I'm sorry.
Nick, you keep making them
just like that, okay?
Breaking news, the skin's back on.
Thank you.
At this point, I don't even
care if the skin is on or off.
The skin means nothing to me.
I just want the fish
cooked perfectly,
and I do not want raw
fish going out here.
This one-- chef, I think
this one is good.
- You think?
- Yeah, I--
I got more color underneath
than I have on top.
- I know, chef.
- Touch that there. Already that's raw.
- Yeah.
- Look. ( bleep )
- the salmon is raw, you guys.
- We are absolutely broken down.
Come on!
Chef, I think this one is good.
- You think?
- Yeah, I--
touch that there.
Already that's raw.
Look. ( bleep )
the salmon is raw, you guys.
Gordon: Hey, hey, hey. Time out.
( bleep ). All of you, come here.
Come here.
The ( bleep ) skin's gone on.
It's come off.
It's gone back on.
It's gone back off.
And now it's ice ( bleep ) cold.
I've seen you guys work
way better than this.
- Yes, chef.
- You're the captain. Change it up.
- Yes, chef. - Have a meeting and
get your ( bleep ) together.
- That is ice cold. Enough's enough.
- Yes, chef.
- Yes, chef.
- Enough's enough.
Okay, you guys, I do
not want to worry
on wasting the time with
the crispy skin now.
I know you love the crispy skin.
I want the salmon cooked.
- No, it's your call. It's your call.
- That's most important.
Gordon: Blue team, the
skin's irrelevant.
Just cook the
salmon beautifully.
That's what I'm saying. I
just want them cooked.
And, noah, when there's two
of you cooking salmon,
- we never change that setup.
- The grill wasn't getting hot enough.
- It wasn't searing the bottom--
- but if we cook less at a time
- and better quality?
- Yes, chef.
- 50 for you, 50 for nick across an hour.
- I'll do better, chef.
- I know you can nail that.
- Yes, chef. Yes, chef.
- Noah, do you want to do it right there?
- Yes, absolutely.
- All right.
- I'm going on the back burner, chef.
- Let's go. - Gordon basically
restructures the entire system
- that we have in our kitchen.
- Nick, ten, ten, ten, ten. That's it!
He basically suggests
that both myself and noah
on two separate stovetops cooking the
entire thing all the way through.
Brilliant, nick. Brilliant.
We're doing awesome.
- I think that's beautiful.
- Off you go. Let's go.
- Perfect, guys.
- You got it ready?
Sorry for the wait, guys.
Salmon is ready for
you all, you guys.
Sorry about that. I'm
so sorry for the wait.
I think that the flavors of
our dish are really good.
But ultimately, executing
it has been rough.
Shari as a captain needs
to communicate better,
and also she needs to have
a better sense of timing.
- Fred, you have your beans?
- They're really hot.
- They're piping hot.
- How long on my next salmon, noah?
Behind you already! We're rolling, people.
Let's keep it up.
These look beautiful, guys.
Two plates? Right here.
Thank you.
I'm so sorry about the wait.
Okay, guys, come on.
We got this.
Let's roll.
I've enjoyed both of them.
That being said,
the red team chicken just didn't have
the flavor that I was looking for.
Thank you so much. Enjoy.
The flavor here on the
salmon was great.
The sauce was amazing. So overall, I am
gonna go with the blue team's salmon.
Sarah: Subha, subha, put
this in the oven, please.
Micah, how many plates you got there?
You got four pieces of chicken.
You guys are plating food without
the chicken being ready.
It shouldn't work like that.
I need chicken hot.
Guys, we need to
have more chicken.
Guys, where's your chicken?
You got more in the
oven, right, jamie?
It's in the oven. We're just
waiting on it right now.
Everything's getting
cold sitting up there.
We're waiting on chicken. We're
not just behind the eight ball.
We're behind the whole
pool table at this point.
I need chicken over here.
I need this done really quickly
or I'm gonna send it back.
Check the oven around the back.
Get me some chicken right now!
Micah, take those carrots, put it
back there. We're starting over.
- Let's not serve ( bleep ).
- Yes, chef.
Aarón makes us ditch
15 of our plates
because we didn't
have chicken out.
I'm not serving
these, okay, guys?
- We gotta reheat these.
- We have to be careful,
because a slight slip-up
will send you home.
You're plating food and you don't
know how much chicken you got.
You gotta make sure all your
product is nice and hot, okay?
This is not a race.
They're the racers.
Okay? Let's go! Let's
go, let's go, let's go!
- How long on the salmon?
- One minute. It's, like, there.
Okay, great. We're
doing good then.
- Yeah, we're good.
- We're doing awesome.
Now we got a system showing.
Let's go.
Chef gordon was right. Nick and noah
are cooking the salmon beautifully.
It's all done on the stove. We're
not putting anything in the oven.
Truthfully, we probably should have
done that since the beginning.
- There you go. Good girl.
- I need some sauce, guys.
- You want to win this, yes?
- Yes, chef, I want to win.
- This one's ready.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
- Thank you, bri.
- Are those ready?
- There is some chicken in here, okay?
- Let's check it. - There's about 12.
Yeah. They should be good to go.
I put it on high heat.
Ready to go.
- Well, that's why that's black.
- You put it on high?
- Subha!
- Just let me put it in. Turn it on.
- No, do not scrape it off.
- Yeah, I'm not scraping off--
we will not serve it.
We have more coming.
- What happened?
- He put it right underneath the char
- and burnt the ( bleep ) out of it.
- What the ( bleep )?
- Don't put it so close to the top.
- I'm not putting it there.
Burnt chicken. Like, you're not
even on the chicken, subha.
He turned it on broil. Why?
It was already grilled.
Like, what were you
trying to accomplish?
- I shouldn't have to ( bleep
)-- oh, my god. - Whoo-hoo-hoo.
- Three chickens in here.
- Oh, my gosh.
- Subha: All right, okay. Yes?
- Sarah: What happened?
He put it right underneath the char
and burnt the ( bleep ) out of it.
- That's okay. Come on, y'all.
- Oh, my gosh.
- We're not serving that, all right?
- What?
- We ain't gonna serve it, because
we have 20. - No, I know.
I hope we have enough.
I hope we have enough.
It is very frustrating.
Subha's not even
cooking chicken,
and he managed to burn it.
I don't know how
that's even possible.
We don't have that much.
We needed that.
Sarah, can I give you a
hand in turning the knob?
- No, no, no. I'm good.
- No, you're good?
Keep your hands off my chicken.
- 20 plates to go.
- I've got the potatoes.
- All right. Are they hot?
- Yeah, they're hot.
- Green beans. This is hot.
- Hand them to me, nick. I can grab them.
Come on, blue team. Come
on, come on, come on.
- That looks perfect.
- Okay, bring them up, noah.
- Hot, behind.
- Thank you for waiting.
I'm sorry. Sorry for the wait.
Raise your hand if you think the
red team's chicken is better.
Okay, all right. Raise your hand if
you like the blue team's salmon.
Everyone except for you.
You're the odd man out.
The salmon? Oh, my god. So good.
The chicken though, it was a
little bit, you know, average.
Which one do you think has better flavor?
You tasted the chicken.
You like the chicken. What
do you like about it?
- It's just got really good flavor to it.
- Seasoned well?
Seasoned very well.
Seven portions to go, guys.
- How many do we have?
- Five, six, seven. We have seven.
- Seven. We're good?
- Yes.
Come on, blue team. Come
on, come on, come on.
Shari: All right, guys.
Make 'em great.
Come on, let's finish strong.
All right, guys. Last couple of plates.
Let's be consistent.
- Okay, here we go. - We need four
more plates, subha. Four more plates.
- Hey, this is the last of the chicken?
- Yes, sarah, that's it.
- Sarah, guess what. We're done, baby.
- What?
- Fred, let's get some more potatoes
on this. - Okay, absolutely.
- That's your best one. This one is split.
- Let's go.
You're good, though. The flavor's there.
All right, thank you.
So sorry for the wait.
- I'm so sorry. Thank you so much.
- Enjoy.
Come on, why did that need
to be that difficult?
- It didn't chef. - Have a debrief, work
it out, and then start clearing down.
- Yes, chef.
- Sorry, chef.
I'm so sorry.
So what it came down to was the
salmon wasn't getting cooked.
It was the timing. I was yelling.
I was feeling rushed.
I was tasked with searing off the
skins, which I was doing with noah.
- Yes. - And noah initially was
on putting them in the oven
- to finish them.
- Yeah.
And then noah gets called
over to the potatoes,
so then nobody was
doing the salmon.
That's on me. I'm sorry, guys.
Shari: If we could have
just figured out this pacing
and cooked the fish
on the stove entirely
instead of in the
oven the whole time,
we would definitely
have this in the bag.
You know what, you guys?
I'm proud of you.
The food is gonna be great. That's
gonna make us win this challenge.
The food is going
to be delicious.
- I'm proud of us.
- Me, too.
Hey, guys, we win together,
and we lose together.
- I mean, that's it.
- Look, this plate was killer.
I'm proud of every
single one of you.
This is the type of energy,
the type of passion
that I appreciate.
- Amen.
- Same.
Red team on three.
One, two, three.
- Red team!
- Baby!
- Come on!
- Yeah!
- All right, guys, nice dishes.
- We got there. We had issues.
- Mixed results.
- The blue team-- skin on, skin off.
- I mean, you saw it.
- Obviously, we had some temperature issues
- on the salmon.
- Aarón: Red team--
had to put the seasoning
on the chicken
because it was a little
bit bland to begin with.
Yes. I think the idea
of the cajun seasoning,
I think that helped lift it up.
- But we have a winner?
- We have a winner.
Let's go.
Ladies and gentlemen,
what a day.
We had rain, we had
sunshine, we had a rainbow,
and I'm hoping we had
some great food.
- You guys enjoy your lunch?
- ( cheering )
and a very special thank
you to our grand marshal
bobby labonte.
Thank you, sir. Amazing.
Glad to be a part of it, gordon.
That was a very exciting race,
both on the track and
in the kitchens.
Now, ladies and gentlemen, please
give a huge round of applause
for both out red team and our
blue team, ladies and gentlemen.
Okay, red team, blue team,
very difficult job today.
The losing team, they
tried their best,
but as we say, the
wheels fell off.
We will see them in
the elimination.
Aarón: But the fact of the matter
is that one of these teams,
they had enough gas in the
tank to go the full distance.
Today's winning team, bobby, will
you do the honors, please, sir?
The team that will not
face elimination...
The team that we
judged to be best...
What? What's about to happen?
The winning team...
...The red team.
( cheering )
- good job, guys. I'm proud of all of you.
- Good job, guys.
Micah. We finally did it.
This is dorian's first win.
This is sarah's first win.
We did this together, and I'm
absolutely on cloud nine.
Sorry, guys.
Red team, congratulations.
Absolutely brilliant.
Great job. Consistent, strong,
but more importantly,
- they loved your chicken.
- Thank you! Thank you!
- Well done!
- Thank you.
Blue team, a, you
were inconsistent.
B, you had raw food.
And shari, as a captain,
you need to be dominant,
and you need to stick
together as a team.
And unfortunately, the
blue team were fragmented.
- Yes, chef.
- Which means, of course,
you'll be facing a tough
elimination challenge tomorrow
- back in the masterchef kitchen.
- Yes, chef.
Now, blue team, get back in there
and clean down that kitchen, yes?
Red team, well done.
Now, go and say
hello, high-five,
- and meet some incredible drivers...
- Awesome.
- Thank you. - ...Mechanics,
pit crew that loved your food.
- Off you go.
- Finally, I'm on a winning team...
- Thank you so much.
- Thank you, guys.
...And it feels
absolutely phenomenal.
- Thank you.
- Awesome, awesome.
I'm sorry, guys.
It was my fault.
I should have been timing
better and pacing us better.
Don't apologize. We win
and we lose as a team.
- Yeah.
- We lost. We gotta fight again.
We were weak! They didn't beat us.
We beat ourselves.
That's the most frustrating
part of this ( bleep )
is we lost because of us!
- Because we didn't stick to our guns.
- Yeah, I know.
It's okay, we just have
to cook for our lives
- and show why we're here.
- Absolutely.
And that's why we're
here, is to cook,
and by god, I'm bringing
hell with me tomorrow.
Gordon: Coming up, a season 10
twist for red team captain micah.
You get to pick any home
cook from your team
who will also have to participate
in tonight's elimination.
( music playing )
welcome back to the
masterchef kitchen.
Now, yesterday you fed race car drivers
and their hard-working pit crews
an incredible lunch. Yes,
it was a tight race,
but one team did take
that checkered flag.
And that was the red team,
captained by micah.
- Well done.
- Great job, guys.
- Good job, micah.
- Thank you.
- Good job, micah.
- Thanks, guys.
Uh, micah, youngest in the
competition, led your team to victory.
Made some pivotal decisions.
How do you feel?
I feel really good. I'm
very proud of our team.
We pulled it together,
and we served a dish
that I would be proud to
serve anytime, anywhere.
I saw a lot of discipline
across the red team.
There was a voice
in the captain,
and even though the
captain may not have made
every decision perfectly, you
just kept your head down,
and you did it.
It was almost in the bag
because you stayed
with your structure.
And then, we had the blue team.
What on earth happened?
We were really ambitious
with what we wanted to do.
And it maybe got the best
of us, our ambition.
I've never seen such a
fragmented team in all my life.
Skin on, skin off. Raw.
The inconsistency
was extraordinary.
- No structure. - Shari, I think,
was just not understanding
that we could not make
these salmons quicker.
It was just fire away,
fire, fire, fire.
The tempo just never
got set at all.
I'm disappointed.
I've seen you all shine
individually way better than that.
Shari: I really wanted
to prove myself,
and I really thought
I could prove myself,
and this is a huge
blow to my confidence.
I was the team
captain, and obviously
I feel responsible that my
team is down here with me.
Red team, you won that
challenge, but...
You know season 10 is
full of surprises,
and none of you...
Should ever feel
completely safe.
Micah, as the winning
team captain,
you will now receive
a huge advantage,
an advantage that could propel you
to the victory of this competition.
You get to pick any home
cook from your team
who will also have to participate
in tonight's elimination.
I think that some of this
is gonna be strategy.
Micah, along with
other competitors,
they feel like I am
indeed a strong cook.
So I'm nervous. I'm
very, very nervous.
We're in the top 10.
You need to think about
who is your competition
and who do you need to
get out of the way.
The target, 100% is on my back.
I don't know what he's gonna do,
but right now I'm just
hoping it's not me.
The moment to decide your
future is now, micah.
In all honesty, joe, for me...
( music playing )