Marry Me, or Not? (2015–2016): Season 1, Episode 14 - Episode #1.14 - full transcript

What are they doing?

This is an activity
that's gone viral recently

known as green graffiti.

The masterpieces are made
from moss and natural nutrients.

But what's more interesting about it

is people won't be able to tell
what you're drawing.

After a period of two weeks to a month,

when the moss grows out,

only then will people see the drawing.

How did you know about this?


I had a million reasons to avoid marriage.

But at the end of the day,

the only reason I refused
to get married was this,

I couldn't imagine living my life
with a girl for the rest of my life.

But after falling for her,

I slowly understood what love really is.

I realized there is a lady
in the world where

when she smiles,

I smile, too.

When she cries,

I'll hurt even more than she does.

It got me thinking,

if she's by my side,

maybe I'd stop running away from marriage,
I might even stop fearing it.

If I'm going to live the rest
of my life with this girl,

I will look forward to every new day.

Every morning

when I open my eyes,

and the first thing I see

is her.


Meng-meng is here looking for you.

Tell him to go home, I'm sick.

I told you to tell him...

Come with me.

Thank you all for coming.

I am the chairman of Times Corporation,
Jiang Chien-yao.

I'd like to thank the media

for attending the Times Corporation's
press conference.

We would like to say a few words
regarding the incident that has occurred.


the ex-chairman, Mr. Chin Shang-en,
expresses his deepest regrets

and has resigned immediately.


Hold on.

One of the involved parties,
Ms. Tsai Huan-chen,

has a few statements to make.

May I say a few words?

Good day, everyone.

I'm Hao Meng.

I'm Ms. Tsai Huan-chen's appointed lawyer.

At the same time,

I am her boyfriend.

As per the media's reports,

we recently came back
from a holiday in Korea.

Today, I'm going to give
everyone an explanation.

Someone among us has been lying.

This person did everything he could
to achieve his goals.

And that is to set up Tsai Huan-chen

and Chairman Chin Shang-en.

And that person happens to be

Jiang Chien-yao.

Do you have any proof of that?

That time, I bribed the waiter

and got him to spill wine
on Tsai Huan-chen.

After that, I got my secretary
to send her to Chin Shang-en's room.

The plan was to have photos
of their private meeting taken.

I thought you would stop talking to me.


I've thought about it for a long time.

I think you have far too many secrets
that I don't know of,

and that scares me.

So, this time,

I can't agree to a relationship with you.


It's not that I wasn't willing
to say a thing.

I was afraid that if I did,

you'd be more afraid of me,
and you'd stop talking to me.

But if there's anything you want to know,

I'll definitely tell you the truth now.


You'd tell me anything?

I will.

Then I'd like to know...

How did you

set Tsai Huan-chen up?

That time, I bribed the waiter

and got him to spill wine
on Tsai Huan-chen.

After that, I got my secretary
to send her to Chin Shang-en's room.

The plan was to have photos
of their private meeting taken.

But I never...

I never wanted Tsai Huan-chen
to be sexually assaulted.

When Chin Shang-en attempted
to rape Tsai Huan-chen,

I rushed ahead to stop him.

After that, I gave
the pictures to the reporter

and told him to hype up the matter.

Because I knew that

the Times Corporation
wouldn't let a person

with a bad reputation
hold the position of a chairman.

Was that video telling the truth?

Could you say something?

Is that video real?

Could you say something?

Is that video of you real?

Did you really set up Tsai Huan-chen?

Could you say something?

All you care about now
is the interview, the articles,

and the television news.

Have you forgotten one important thing?

All of you owe Tsai Huan-chen an apology.

You owe her a word of sorry.

As a reporter,

you didn't consider any evidence.

You assumed that what you heard
is the basis of what had happened,

and reported it as the truth.

You thought of yourselves
as a justice-seeker.

Naturally, when you guys
had the upper hand,

you humiliated her,

you attacked her.

You labeled her as the bad person.

You wanted her to say to the public,

"I'm sorry.

It was my fault.

I'm the world's most rotten lady."

As if her apology would soothe you,
but you're all wrong!

She doesn't owe you a single thing.

You accused her of stealing things,

and fighting for things.

But that's because she's
confident about herself.

She knows she has
what it takes to achieve things.

She's better than the rest of you

who can't even fight
for your happiness and success,

and hope that it magically falls
from the sky for you.

The job that she has today

is one that she deserves.

I am proud of her.


I hope all the media reporters
present here,

as well as the netizens hiding
behind their computers,

typing away and talking bad about people,

I hope all of you would be able...

to apologize to Tsai Huan-chen
for all the criticisms and

insensitive remarks that

you've made.


You win.

It's just as you said,

you've protected her.

Can you say something?

-Can you please say something?
-Was that video real?

-Did you set them up?
-Was it you who planned it?

Why did you do that?

Were you really going
for the Chairman's position?

Please say something.

Please say something.

Can you please tell us what happened?

Please say something.



Do you really think this changes anything?

It doesn't.

The problem between us still exists.

Did you really think things
between us will be fine after this?

I didn't say all of that
just to change your mind.

I just didn't want
to continue seeing you get hurt.

I hope I can protect you.

Even if the misunderstanding
has been cleared,

and the media will no longer judge me.

None of that changes
what your family feels about me,

that we're still not a good fit
for each other.

I don't know how to change
the way they think of me,

I don't even know
what the future holds for us.

But what I know is

that you have a great future ahead of you.

You should go to Singapore
to fulfill your dreams.

Don't stay for my sake.

I've already rejected
the offer in Singapore.

I'll start again here.

I'll continue to look after my dreams.

Because you're...

a part of that dream.

You know the person that I am.

You should know

that I don't look back

when I've decided on things.

Thank you.

Why are you thanking me?

Thank you for doing all that.

Thank you for trusting me.

Actually, I'd rather...

you apologize to me.


I don't understand.

I was the one who was set up,
why do I have to apologize to you?

Tsai Huan-chen, are you aware

of the horrible things you've done
to me in the past few years?

Last year, while you were working
at Longshiang,

you badmouthed me
in front of your clients.

You purposely had meal appointments
with the clients I was working with.

What are you trying to say now?

During university,

I was supposed to work with Hsiao-dai
and Jia Jia on the report,

but you took them away,

and left me all alone

to present my report on stage.

Hao Sheng-nan,

Are you trying to get even with me now?

You're right, I am trying
to get even with you.

You could have told me
that you didn't like Chien-yao.

The both of you were never
together in the first place.

Okay, you want to get even, don't you?

If you're going to do it,
let's go all out!

Who was the one who accused me and said

I stole your boyfriend and caused a scene?

In fact, you talked bad about me
in front of the entire class!

How was I supposed to explain myself?

You never said anything to me
in the first place.

You became friends
with Chien-yao because of me.

You wanted him to stay away from me.

But you didn't say that.

How was I supposed to know?
I'm not a mind reader.

You're driving me crazy!

Who told me that

"this is the first guy that I like

and I hope my best friend

doesn't talk bad about him?"

You already told me that.

How was I supposed to say how bad he was?

He already said
he was using you to get to me.

How was I supposed to say that?

-How could I even say that?
-Shut up!

This is what I hate about you.

If you really thought of me
as your best friend,

you wouldn't have let those things

cause a misunderstanding
between us and make me hate you.

Did you know how many nights I spent
crying because of that incident?

You knew me well enough.

You should have known

that if you explained things to me,

I wouldn't have been mad at you.

You knew my temper so well.

You should have known

that if you hadn't taken
the first step in talking to me,

I wouldn't have had
the courage to speak to you.

How else would I be able
to apologize to you,

and tell you that it was my mistake?

How was I supposed to tell you

that we should stop fighting?

I'm sorry.

It's my fault.

I'll apologize to you.

It's too late.

It's too late for you to say all of that.

I'll just apologize
a hundred times to you then.

I'm sorry...

I'm sorry...

Can we stop fighting?

I don't want to fight with you anymore.

I don't want to fight with you either.

Did you know I had no friends
after I fought with you?

I was so lonely, did you know that?


You were the one who took away
all of my friends from me.

I'm talking about my true friends.

True friends like you
whom I can tell everything to.

I forgot.

How are things going
for you and my brother?

Are you guys back together now?



Even I felt touched hearing
what my brother said at the press.

How is it possible that he didn't manage
to touch that icy cold heart of yours?

Who said I wasn't?

But you know

that your mom hates me.


I almost caused Hao Meng to lose his
chance to work in Singapore.

If I don't let go,

he'll be the one who gets hurt the most.

I may not be the right person to say this.


instead of being afraid of getting hurt,

he's more afraid
to have a future without you.

All right, enough about me,
what about you?

Have you ended things
with Jiang Chien-yao?

How could there possibly be an ending

when we haven't even started yet?

Besides, a lot of things have happened,

there's no way I'd be with him.

Hao Sheng-nan.

You can have memories
when a relationship has ended,

but never ever have regrets.

If I were you,

I'd bid him farewell.

Jiang Chien-yao.

Listen to me.

I'll never forgive you for the rest
of my life for whatever you've done to me.


my best friend here has
something to say to you.

Are you just going to leave
without saying a word?


I didn't know how to say goodbye to you.

I'm sorry, Chien-yao.

I deceived you.


I like you because you know
how to differ the right from wrongs.

Thank you for being who you are.

That's the reason I fell for you.

But there is one thing
that you absolutely have to believe.

And that's my feelings for you.

They're genuine.

Take care of yourself.

Jiang Chien-yao.

You're the worst man in the world.

In the university, you bet
with your friends for a pair of sneakers.

You got close to me, used me,

and caused me to lose my best friend.

Even though you've
had feelings for me by then,

and called off the bet,

why didn't you say anything to me
before you flew off?

You made me

foolishly fall in love
with you for ten years.

Ten years later,
when you were finally back,

you said you

wanted to make up for the regrets
that you had towards us.

You said you wanted to start anew with me.

But you never let go
of the grudge in your heart.

For the sake of vengeance,

you manipulated my best friend

and caused her harm.

You knew if you did all of that,

no matter how much I liked you,
I could never be with you.

But you went along with it.

You're really despicable.

You're the worst.

But I believe you.

I believe that you truly like me.

I do too.

In fact, I still like you now.

Nothing's changed.

But today,

aside from bidding you farewell,

I'm going to say goodbye

to my ten years old feelings for you.

Give me your phone.

This is my number in Korea.

If you need any help,

you can call me.



Good luck to you!


I don't know when I'll ever be back.

But I hope

I still get to see you around.


Good luck to you!

Hi, Boss.

It's fine for a lady
to go through heartbreak.

What matters is that you still
have your best friend.

Even if the misunderstanding
has been cleared...

None of that changes
what your family feels about me,

that we're still not a good fit
for each other.

I don't know how to change
the way they think of me,

I don't even know
what the future holds for us.

But what I know is

that you have a great future ahead of you.

You should go to Singapore
to fulfill your dreams.

Don't stay for my sake.


Mom, I'm heading for work.

What are you doing?




Am I seeing things?
Are you putting a spell on dad?

You don't know anything.

It's a tough world out there for adults.

Just keep quiet.

Like that'll happen.

Are you going to tell me?

If you're not telling me,

-I'll tell dad about this.
-I'll tell you!

I worked so hard to make things
work for you and Meng-meng.

Now, I'm having problems with your dad.

What problems?

You're his daughter
and you don't even care about him.

Don't you think
he's been acting strange lately?

He's always out of focus when talking
to us and he comes home late at night.

He no longer cooks for us and just buys
food for us, have you forgotten that?

Now that you mention it,

it does sound strange.

Your dad has a mistress!


How is that possible?

I mean it's possible
for a man to have one,

but it's dad we're talking about.

Do you have any proof?

Of course, I do.

You do?

I do.

I'll tell you something.

I calculated your dad's
natal charts again.

This year, he's got pretty good luck
going for him in the areas of love.

In fact, it's the hardest kind
of cherry blossom tree to cut.

I can't do much but to give him

holy water daily,

hoping he'd drink it

so he'd behave.

-I don't want to talk about that mistress.
-Okay, it's going to be fine.

Okay, you have a lot of proof.

-It's fine, be good, come here.
-He has to be good.

You do your stuff, I've got to do mine.

I'm going to work now.

Remember that I love you.

Tsai Hung-li!

Just you try cheating on me!

-Tsai Huan-chen, did you see my brother?


What's the matter?

My mom said he left home early
but he didn't stop by the office.

Hsin said my brother didn't tell him
where he was going either.

The point is, he's gone missing
and his phone is turned off.

If he didn't come to you,
do you have any idea where he went?

I don't know.

But since I've broken up with him,

he probably wouldn't come looking for me.


Well, I'm taking a day off,
I'm not heading to the office.

If you see him,
please tell him to contact us.


How many copies do you need for this?

Just take the documents for now.

-Revamp the website according to this.


There's one less zero stated
at the brochure for the Busan offer.


Green graffiti is the latest hype.

But what's more interesting about it

is people won't be able to tell
what you're drawing.

After a period of two weeks to a month,

when the moss grows out,

only then will people see the drawing.

Don't peek at my drawing!

I've arranged the room for the Osaka line.

The local tour guide
shouldn't be a problem.

Well done.

Huan-huan, what about yours?


Tsai Huan-chen.

Tsai Huan-chen, what about yours?

Madam, I'd like to take
a leave for the day.

What I'm trying to say is,

I've always depended
on sleeping pills to fall asleep.

Since you were with me last night,
I had no problems falling asleep.

So if you're gone,
I won't be able to fall asleep.

Who will be responsible for that?



You're just going to write our names?

What else do I have to write?


I love you.

I hope you'll remember this day forever.

I really like you.

And I really, really,

want to be with you forever.

I keep thinking that life
is much more different than a fairy tale.

I don't know how long it would take
for me to be with the wrong guy

before I find my Prince Charming.

You were that worthy prince for me.


I was never the right princess
for you to begin with.

Let's just stop lying to ourselves.

I've never lied to myself.

I wanted to become an environmental lawyer
to protect what I love.

It used to be this piece of land,

but now...

It's you.


Where are you?

I'm at Busan.

Have you ever wondered,
if we had not met each another,

what kind of life
would we be living right now?

It must...

It must be better
than what we're having now.

I might have been able to keep
my job as a sales manager,

have a decent boyfriend

and probably get married.

I might not have to think
about too many problems.

It must be better than what we have now.

The same goes for you too.

If we had never met,

you might have lived a happier life.

But is this what you really want?

It's a good life.

Who wouldn't want it?

If I had never met you,

my life would have had more freedom.

I would have had fewer problems

and I wouldn't be who I am now.

But you're the only girl in the world

who could make me happy with your smile,

the one who could make me sad
when you left.

I just wanted you to know

every moment that I spent with you,

to me,

is irreplaceable.


Dad, I'm going to work.

Come back earlier.

Meng, where did you go?

I have a favor to ask you both.

Hello? Mom, it's me.

I haven't seen
for a long time, I miss you.

Are you free at the moment?

Let's have a meal together.


Let's meet at my office.

Call me when you're here.


I'm leaving.

Tsai Huan-chen.

What's the matter?

-Let's have a little talk.

Mom, give me a little more time.
Grab a cup of coffee when you're here.

What did you want to talk to me about?

Hao Meng came back from Korea,

he's fine now.

What else is there?

May I know who you are looking for?

-Hao Sheng-nan.
-She's at the meeting room.


Well, I wanted to talk to you about...

talk... about...

Sheng-nan, your mom's here.
I did as you told me to.

You can talk to Huan-huan now,
she's heading over there.

What's the matter?

There's something that I never told you.

My mother

started arranging blind dates
for my brother again.

That's good.


Aren't you sad at all?

I'd be sadder if Hao Meng couldn't go
to Singapore because of me.

But Tsai Huan-chen,
my brother really likes you.

It's precisely because of that
why I can't stay by his side.

If you like someone,

you should do what's best for him.

Even if it ends up hurting you.

What do you mean by that?

If I continued being with Hao Meng,

he'll have conflicts with your mom
for the sake of protecting me.

But I'm sure the one who will be hurt
the most in the process isn't me,

nor your mom,

but Hao Meng.

Tsai Huan-chen,

are you really going to give up
on my brother just like that?

Have you ever thought about

what happens if someday, a lady

appears by his side
and replaces you in his life?

Also, my brother falling in love with her.

Just think about that.

Aren't you hurt
just by thinking about that?

If that happens,

I'll be happy for him.

Tsai Huan-chen.


if a lady appears in his life,

could you tell her this for me?

You don't have to tell her who I am,

just say it's from you.

What do you want me to tell her?

Hao Meng...

can't tolerate alcohol well.

Don't let him drink.

He'll forget about everything
that'll happen when he's drunk.

He'll be an easy target for women
to set up if that happens.

He's an insomniac.

So she must keep him company
and talk to him until he falls asleep.

He's tried everything.

Milk doesn't work.

Listening to music doesn't either.

He loves drinking energy soup
in the morning.

But it's too cold for him.

When winter comes,

remember to make some for him.

And he likes his ego.

He doesn't apologize after a fight,

and he would never bow down.

But in his heart,

he's already apologized to you
a thousand times.

So don't blame him.

Make up with him.

He loves reading environmental knowledge.

When she's free,

she needs to read more relevant stuff.

That way, she'll have something
to talk to him about.

His childhood dream

is to be a superhero and change the world.

That's why he's passionate
about environmental conservation.

She should try to understand

and support his dreams.

If he ever falls someday,

she must protect him at all costs.

Because that's when he's at his weakest,

and he needs company.


Enough talking already.

You have so much to say.
Tell it to her yourself.

I can't do that.
That's why I need your help.


I forgot you were waiting for me.

Did you hear...

You put up that show on purpose,
didn't you?

Say it.

Was it Meng

or Tsai Huan-chen that made you do that?


It was I who decided to do it.

Is that so?

I thought you hated Tsai Huan-chen.

That's just because I misunderstood her.

I thought she took away
the person that I liked.

But in reality, she knew
that person was using me.

Instead of telling me that,
she'd rather I misunderstood her.

Because she knew the truth

would hurt me.

She broke up with Meng for his own sake.

I feel sorry for her too.

That's why I want
the both of them to make up.

And I wanted you to see
Huan-chen for who she really is.

I'm sure you knew that Huan-chen's
tears back there were real.

In fact, she...

might know more about Meng than we do.



The two ladies who love Meng the most

are probably you and Tsai Huan-chen.

Combined together,

the two of you would give him
double love and happiness,

not double the pain.

Am I right?

Did it work?

Of course, it worked,
who do you think I am?

Tsai Huan-chen was even better.

I was thinking if I didn't
give her a heads-up,

would she able to say
what we wanted mom to hear?


she said a lot of touching words to me.

I bet mom must have felt her sincerity
while she was listening from outside too.


Tsai Huan-chen is really, you know,

that to you.

More importantly,

we should move on to our next plan.

What's the next plan?

What are the two of you doing?

Dad, just exactly how long do you...

You should tell your brother that

I'm only dressed up
like this for his sake.

How many times do you have to repeat that?

I told you those lotus flowers
are for praying purposes.

You were not even focusing
when you folded them.

Now it's become a black lotus flower,
what am I supposed to tell my customer?

What black lotus flower?

A lotus flower is a lotus flower.

What black lotus flower?

No one would know!

The guy up above will know!
No one would know, my ass!

The guy up above...

Turn off the television.

You must fold the lotus heart
with utmost effort and sincerity.

Let your heart and soul be at peace.

Who is that?

It's the bank.

How would you know it's the bank
if you didn't pick it up?

The bank's calling all day long.

I can tell just by looking at the number,
it's probably just loans.

Let me look at your phone.

-What for?
-Just let me have a look at it.

Let me have a look at it.

What's the matter with you today?

You criticize my lotus flower art...

You're not happy when the bank calls...

Are you unhappy with me?

Why are you so crazy all of a sudden?


I've been folding lotus flowers all day.

Even my ass hurts.

I can't do this anymore.

Hello? Were you looking for me?

That's right...

I'm free...


Where to?

Okay, wait for me...

Mom said she's going to meet her friends.

Let's go to where she is.

With her friends there,
she probably wouldn't reject dad.

I'll forward the details
of the location. Just get dad over.

It wouldn't be a problem, right?

I'm counting on you.

98, Yanping South Road

Tsai Huan-chen.

Mom, what are you doing?
Why didn't you knock on the door?

We're going to catch a mistress.

Whose mistress?

Your father's.

My father's?

-Hurry up, Dad!

You must tell your brother,
I'm doing this for...

I know.

You're doing it for Hao Meng.

Hao Meng's at the next spot
preparing for a candlelit dinner.

We have to make things work on this end.

That way, you'll have a bargaining chip
if Hao Meng and Tsai Huan-chen make up.

-All right, you should get going.

Good luck!



Hey, how did it go?

Did they make up?

Friend my ass!

I knew it from the beginning.

It was your first love,
Tsai Hung-li, your lover.

What lover? How could you
say such horrible things?

I'm saying horrible things?

You met your lover
right in front of our kids.

Aren't you ashamed?

I'm not meeting my lover, you're weird!

What are you trying to imply?

What's going on?

Hao Meng.


It's not what you think it is.

I went to meet Hung-li

because he's Tsai Huan-chen's father.

-And that's because I...
-So you knew her dad from the very start.

We used to be friends.

Just stop explaining yourself.

Just sign this. You're free
to leave once you sign it.

Dad, calm down.

Are you really going to divorce me?

I thought you wanted a divorce,
now I'm giving it to you.


Don't stop your mom
from finding a second love.


Perhaps it's just a misunderstanding.

Perhaps they were just...

You guys met coincidentally, right, Mom?

Hao I-sheng.

You're all dressed up today,

and you brought Hao Meng
and Sheng-nan along with you.

Were you trying to find out
if I was cheating on you?

Dad and I thought of...

Hao Meng.

Tell her!

You're right, I did it just to see
if she's cheating on me.


Tell your father

that it wasn't a misunderstanding.

I was indeed cheating.

You want a divorce, right?

Very well.

I've been wanting to leave
this marriage for 30 years now.

You really did sign it.

What were you expecting?

I'm warning you,

don't go asking me
for a single cent of alimony.

If you do that,

I'll sue you for infidelity!

Hao Meng, I'm hiring you as my lawyer now

-to sue the both of them.
-Hao Meng.

I'm hiring you as my divorce lawyer too.

I want to claim the alimony
that I rightfully deserve.

Are you guys done fighting?

I don't know if I should be happy or sad.

For the longest time,

you guy refused to talk to one another.

You used Sheng-nan and I
as a tool of communication.

Now you guys are talking,

but here you are talking about divorce.

Am I supposed to congratulate
the both of you?

Now's the time to talk about a divorce.

At the very least,
you won't have to fight for custody,


Hao I-sheng.

Don't you worry.

I've been suffering
in the Hao household for 30 years,

I will take the money
that I rightfully deserve.

-Sheng-nan, don't go after her.

Dad, are you really going to do this?

Are you sure you won't regret it?


Dear, I've already
explained things to you.

Yu-he and I are each other's first love,

but we don't have anything going on.

We're just friends.

That's right.

I wouldn't have remembered
if you didn't mention that.

She was that first love
that you loved to death, Hsia Yu-he.

You nearly even
crossed Tamsui River for her.


Don't do this, my beautiful wife.

It's not nice for the child to see this.

At least you know it's not a nice scene.

You should feel embarrassed too.

Did you know

that she's the mother
of Huan-huan's friend?

She's also Hao Meng's mother.

That's right, what will Huan-huan do now?

-What are you saying?

Pursue what girlfriend?

Even though Yu-he and I
were each other's first loves,

she and I just met coincidentally,
it wasn't an affair.

We're really just friends.


Otherwise, I'll swear on my life.

If I, Tsai Hung-li, ever have something
going on with Hsia Yu-he, I...

-I'll let a car hit me to death.
-Don't talk nonsense.


Don't listen to this horrible
person's words.

I'm sorry.

Amitabha, I'm sorry.

My beautiful wife.

Do you believe me
that even if Hsia Yu-he is my first love,

you will be

my eternal lover?
Tsai Hung-li's eternal lover.

Right? Have you ever thought of that?

For the past 20 years,

I gave all of my attention to you.

Why would I

behave like a kid and pick up
women outside, right?

Keep it down.

Our daughter's here.

-That's right...

If it's like what you said,

that you're just friends
with Hao Meng's mother,

you could have just said it.

Why did you have to sneak around

and cause mom and I to think
that you're having an affair?

Young lady.

Don't sell me out.

Tsai Hung-li.

You better come clean!


I'm going to cut that off.

I'm telling you the truth.

I went out the moment
I got the phone call.

I had no idea what's going on.

Before we even got to talk, you...

You guys came.

Is it like what you said?

It is.

Yu-he has a husband.

I have a beautiful wife too.

We really weren't having an affair.

How about this.

How about I get Yu-he to explain
what's going on between us?

That way, there won't be any problem.

No problem.


Can we trust him?


Hand it over!

Hand it over or else.

And you said you have nothing
to do with her!

-I really don't!
-What? You don't?


My husband is divorcing me,
I really have nowhere to go to.

For my sake, can you help me?

Hello, Sheng-nan?

Where are you? Why can't I see you?

I'm arriving soon...

I'm on the road.

Be there soon!

Wait for me at the gate!

What I really care about

is whether Hao Meng is happy or not.

Just a moment.

Just divorce him.


I'd like to introduce him to you.

Mom, am I hearing things?

You want to arrange a blind date
for Huan-chen?

Let me compose myself

until I have an answer, all right?

And what if you don't have one?

You just don't have an idea
of what I want, do you?

Subtitle translation by Jason Emanuel Lee