Marine Boy (1968–1969): Season 1, Episode 20 - Battle to Save the World - full transcript

Marine Boy leaves the P-1 to search for the wreckage of a ship sunk by Captain Rex Rancid's electronic missiles.

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -


Start Operation Gold.

Hey, water. We've sprung a leak.


All right, men. Get the cargo of gold.

Calling all ships. This is the S.S. Slosh
and we're sinking. Help.


This is the S.S. Slosh and we're sinking.

We're sinking. Send help. Uh, send help.

How can a ship be sinking
when there isn't even a storm today?

Besides, the S.S. Slosh
is supposed to be sink-proof.

We're going down. We're sinking.

MAN: Hurry up. Lower it.
- Now let's get out of here.

SAILOR (OVER RADIO) : The water's
up over our gunwales. Send help--

They stopped calling.

- Piper, how far are we from their location?
- Ten miles, Bulton.

And that ship was guaranteed.
I can't figure out what did it.

Calling Brigander.
This is Captain Rex Rancid.

The job is done.

Good. Start Operation Lion.


Careful. That's a time bomb.

MAN 1: Wonder why the boss
made a time bomb shaped like this.

MAN 2:
Who knows? Mr. Brigander's a genius.

And sometimes geniuses are wacky.



MAN 3: Captain Rancid,
something's approaching us.

What? Hurry up, men.
We've got to get back to our sub.

It's the Ocean Patrol.
Well, we're ready for them.

Send out the smoke screen.

I wonder what's causing that smoke.

Stand by with the homing torpedoes.



Here come some torpedoes.


Marine Boy, turn the ship.

Those torpedoes won't give up.

Release the safety decoy
and let's hope they chase that.


That was close.

Those Ocean Patrolmen
think they're smart.

But we'll get them now.



Bulton, there's an electronic torpedo
headed right for us.

What? That kind of torpedo
travels faster than we can.

We won't be able to get away from it.


Let's try to squeeze through there.


- Let's go.
- Hang on, Marine Boy.

They escaped.
But at least we got rid of them.

And that's what counts.


Who attacked us, anyway?

Probably the same ones
who sank the S.S. Slosh.

And that reminds me,
we better find that ship.

I'll go and look through that smoke screen.

Be careful, Marine Boy.

But first I'll take some oxygum
so that I have extra oxygen.



I'll check into that.

This cargo area has been emptied.

Come on, Splasher,
let's look around some more.


What's wrong, Splasher?

A time bomb.


I can't reach it. It's going to go off.
Get away.

This way, Splasher.

What happened? Marine Boy,
are you all right? Answer me.


Calling Marine Boy.

This is Bulton calling Marine Boy.

Can you give me a report?
What happened?


Hi, Splasher.


This is Marine Boy calling the P-1.
I'm okay.

Glad to hear it, Marine Boy.

I was caught in the explosion
when the S.S. Slosh blew up.

- Marine Boy.
MARINE BOY: Hi, Neptina.

What's up, Neptina?

I saw some strange men
carrying something into a cave over there.

Really? I'd better investigate.


Come on, Splasher.

Bulton, Piper, follow me in the P-1.


What a school of sharks.

I don't feel like being a shark's dinner.

Pipe down, Piper,
and pretend that you're brave.

Something must be hidden in that cave.






- They're gonna tear the ship apart.
- Not if I give them a blast of our jets.




It's a dead end. But it can't be.

There must be a switch
somewhere around here.

I'll bet this is it. It wasn't.





Well, I don't see any sharks,
but I don't see Marine Boy either.

Let's go look for him.



BULTON: A dead end.
Maybe we can blast our way through.

I still don't see Marine Boy.
I wonder what he's up to.


A transparent barrier.

What kind of place is this?

You let him and the rest of those other
Ocean Patrolmen make a fool of you?

You should be ashamed of yourself,
Captain Rancid.

Oh, I am, sir. I am.

Well, he's only a boy...

...but he could ruin
my scheme for world conquest.

I'll really get rid of him, Mr. Brigander.

Do it with the antique stone robots.


Get him.



That exit must be some kind of trick.

But there's no other way out.
What will I do?





I'll try to get away.



What is that over there?


Can you jump, Marine boy?

If you can't,
you won't be able to save yourself.

It takes bravery to jump all that way,
but you're not that brave, are you?


I didn't think I could make it.

You can see I'm all right, Splasher,
so stop worrying.

I guess you thought
I'd be trapped in there forever, huh?


Now listen, Splasher,
it's too dangerous for you down here.

Go on back. That's an order, Splasher.
Go. Splasher.

Marine Boy calling the P-1.

- Marine Boy, are you safe?
- For the moment, I am.

This is more than a pirate base.
I think I saw a missile-launching site.

Relay the information to headquarters.

I sure will.

What? Guided missiles?

Dr. Mariner, this is even more serious
than we thought.

- What are you going to do, sir?
- Call out the entire Ocean Patrol.

If Marine Boy's report
about a missile-launching site is correct...

...we're headed toward
a powerful enemy.

You're right, commander.
We'd better send out a scout plane.


I was right. It is a missile-launching site.

Marine Boy calling the P-1.
Their missiles are very powerful.

I'm going to try to destroy
the launching site.

You can't do it alone, Marine Boy.
Wait for the rest of the Ocean Patrol.

Marine Boy. Marine Boy.

He doesn't answer.

P-1 calling the commander's ship.

This is the commander.

Marine Boy is going to try to destroy
the missile site single-handed, sir.

Oh, no.
You can't let him go in there alone.

P-1, go and help Marine Boy.

Aye, aye, sir.

We'll all do what we can
to help your son, Dr. Mariner.

Full speed ahead.

- Unh!
- Ow!




MAN 1: Come on.
MAN 2: We're being attacked.


We're being attacked, Mr. Brigander.

I know, Captain Rancid.

So we've got to launch our attack
against the world right now. See to it.

When my missiles find their targets
and destroy the cities in the world...

...I'll become the glorious ruler
of the rubble.




- That kid's ruining me. Fire the missiles.
- Yes, sir.



Oh, no.


And we haven't got a chance
to take over the world now.

We've gotta get out of here.

It sounds as if Marine Boy's
had a successful mission.

Then let's not stay around here
any longer. Come on.

Well, that takes care
of that missile-launching site.

My dream. My dream is smashed.

What's happened to Marine Boy
and the P-1?

P-1 calling the commander.
Come in, sir.

This is Dr. Mariner.
The commander's right here. Go ahead.

Father, this is Marine Boy.

- Oh, then you're all right, my son.
- Yes, sir.

And the enemy base
is completely destroyed.

I'm proud of you, son.
Very proud indeed.

Well, Marine Boy,
shall we head back to headquarters?

- Hey, where is he?
- He's already on his way.