Maria Theresia (2017): Season 2, Episode 2 - Teil Vier - full transcript
[Previously on Maria Theresia]
We are at war.
With your help, I intend to supply
Friedrich with war materials.
We have a traitor among us.
Unfortunately I must tell you that
your mother and your brother are French spies.
It would be an honor to me
to serve in your ranks, Majesty.
You will leave this room immediately!
Does Your Highness have soldiers
who are capable of defeating the enemy?
Men who do not fear hell?
We do not need any
godless/wicked people on our side.
Lord, I do not want to lose.
Do you want to dictate God
what he has to do?
Your Majesty.
- Count.
That cannot be. Me as patron saint
instead of the Virgin Mary. It is a sacrilege.
I subject myself and my pandurs to your order.
Trenck is victorious!
We thank you for your visit, Duchess.
- Now you can rest for a bit, maman.
I will wait for you.
- Do not wait.
How many people in this country are probably able to
arrange for an entire convoy of wagons full of gun powder?
Apparently Baron von der Trenck
was the first one to take this war seriously.
And it shall stay this way.
I will find proof for Trenck's atrocities.
I want to know the truth.
This madness must come to an end.
[Maria Theresia - Part 4
aka Season 2, Episode 02]
My lords,
Baron von der Trenck has set up
his camp outside Munich.
To his eternal glory.
We will pay our highest respects
to The Baron here in Vienna.
Father Johannes will celebrate
a mass for his brave actions.
- For which ones in particular? If I may ask.
He reclaimed Klaus fortress,
Spital, Windischgarsten and Steyr.
He conquered Deggendorf and Plattling.
He occupies all bridges across the Isar.
Count Bartenstein will gladly
write that down for you.
The Baron and his family will receive the title of Count...
- Majesty...
This is not appropriate...
- ...for everything he did for us, you wanted to say?
You are absolutely right.
I know it.
I will confer the Order of the Golden Fleece
on Baron von der Trenck.
That, uhm, ...
It is the highest distinction of the realm.
We got no better warrior than him.
That is why he deserves this order.
Do you not want anything, Seckendorf?
Thank you, Your Majesty. I lost my appetite.
- Too bad.
Enjoy your meal and good morning, ladies.
You allow me?
I did not hear at all
how you came tonight.
And also not this morning.
I rode out to the game enclosure.
The fresh air is wonderful. I feel fantastic.
Your chamberlain does not
seem to feel as good.
He apparently put out your evening attire
instead of the riding habit.
Oh really?
No wonder it felt so uncomfortable.
I talked to Count Kinsky.
He is back in Vienna.
He visited me at Wallnerstraße.
Allegedly you do not have time for him.
He brought several witnesses from Bavaria
who describe unbelievable bestialities
from Trenck's side.
If he truly has such witnesses,
they shall appear in front of the Council of the realm.
They will be heard there.
If these witnesses describe Trenck's behavior in public,
you will be held accountable for it, Maria.
Your popularity would be over then because you protect this criminal.
Everyone has the right to
fight for the Habsburg realm.
Currently he is the only one who really does that
and on top of that successfully.
This the miller whose entire family
was killed by Trenck.
Comment s'appelle-t-il?
Alfons Berthold.
- I asked this man over there.
He does not understand French.
What is your name?
- He also does not speak German.
Only Bavarian/the Bavarian dialect.
Count, if I am supposed to question someone
this person must also be able to talk.
Is there someone like that here?
I will tell you what they told me.
But we want to hear the witnesses, not you.
I am your witness, Your Majesty.
I am captain of the Habsburg army.
Ernst Gideon von Laudon.
Allow me to speak.
You are no witness, Laudon,
you are a pile of shit.
Control yourself!
I fought by Baron von der Trenck's side
as his friend and his deputy.
Our friendship ended last November when The Baron
burned down this man's mill and massacred his family.
Pandurs gouged his mother's eyes out,
drowned his father and
raped his pregnant wife.
Then they tied the few remaining
survivors to the mill wheel.
You did not see what happened!
You laid on the floor like a bloody piece of meat!
You would have kicked the bucket
if I had not come to save you.
I searched three villages before I found you!
You burned down these villages!
The fire spares nothing and no one
including The Baron Laudon's shames!
You yap and whine like a mangy dog.
I should have let you kick the bucket!
- Is this the truth, Baron Trenck?
You murdered civilians
on already conquered territory?
I saved my comrade
who had been taken prisoner.
The miller and his family provided for me.
It was in November?
That was a long time ago.
In front of which war court did you complain
about Baron Trenck back then, Captain Laudon?
In front of none.
So your conscience
has been quiet since November?
And now suddenly you feel
the urgent need to bear witness?
Did maybe someone release you from duty and
send you to Vienna to give exactly this testimony?
Count Kinsky, right?
And you agreed.
For what?
Tell me, General,
purely hypothetical,
if we should dismiss Baron Trenck,
who will take over his troops?
Well his direct subordinate, I assume.
Captain Ernst Gideon von Laudon.
With whom did you eat dinner?
I am going to the Burgtheater and
not to a funeral. I want the blue one.
It is a bit out of fashion.
Give it to me.
Are you sure you want
to visit the Burgtheater?
What they are showing there is beneath you.
- I will be accompanied by Baron Trenck.
A little bit more social prestige
cannot hurt the Habsburg army.
It will be useful for the army
but what about your prestige?
I will have you painted.
Oh careful. Behave yourselves.
What a pretty dress, Majesty.
You must wait until Her Majesty
addresses you, Sofie. You know that.
May I ask Their Majesties most politely
to go to the royal box together now?
Baron von der Trenck could keep
Countess Sofie company.
- And I you, Usher.
We will surely have
a lot of fun together.
Laudon! You traitor!
Arrest him!
Not him!
Count von Laudon!
Yes but...
Why me?
That is not fair.
Who does your mistress think she is?
- I will rebuke her.
That will calm me down.
Do you not feel embarrassed?
You show yourself with her in my presence.
And also with another one too.
Barricade yourself up
with your totties at Wallnerstraße!
To humiliate me like this!
The Habsburg court is not a French brothel!
And you?
You show yourself at the theater
with a scoundrel without equals in Europe!
I stand by my loyalists!
As do I!
But unlike you I take a better pick!
As long as you still got one.
At the order of Her Majesty,
The Archduchess Maria Theresia,
a chastity commission will be established
as part of the court commission
which will be lead by Father Johannes.
The commission's sphere of action
will first and foremost be in Vienna.
Its most important task will be to pay attention
to the adherence of morals.
The chastity commission has the right
to detain and arrest lewd women
who are found in the company of men in public houses.
Mum! Let go of us!
Piss off!
If a person of noble rank
is found in an indecorous situation,
a court commission led by Father Johannes
will pass a judgement on their behavior.
If the chastity commission thinks
a lewd woman incapable of recovery,
she will be shipped to Banat together with
criminals and other people incapable of recovery.
Let go of me!
My boy! Let my boy come to me!
You whore!
Have mercy, Father.
I must take care of the child.
I see no child.
I only see the fruit of sin.
I'll better myself.
I'll make an effort.
Do you believe in the infinite graciousness of
Our Lord Jesus Christus and in God The Almighty?
Yes, Father. Yes, I do.
Then pray he may not let this bastard
kick the bucket in the streets.
I would not count on it.
Seize them!
Seize them!
Yes, take her away!
Whore! Take your bastard
with you, you whore!
Take your bastard with you!
- You wretched bitch!
- Yeah, complain.
Let me go!
Now she's crying.
Well now she's crying.
Go on the ship.
Come on, on the ship with you. Go now!
You too.
Why did you actually invite him?
- He invited himself.
So the Vatican's coffers are empty once again.
Have you ever considered that
maybe not everything is about money?
The papal nuncio has come
to visit the Jesuit college
He would like to look for resources for the repair and
extensions of the buildings together with Your Majesty.
So apparently the coffers are empty.
I firmly believe that the Habsburg realm will be revived in
a refined and purified manner with the help of the Holy See.
That could become an extremely painful process.
A lot of discontent looms over you.
I am used to that.
Last month, we deported
about three hundred sinful girls.
You focus too much on
the poor districts of the city.
Sin is blooming much higher.
Observe Wallnerstraße for once.
But you do not mean...
to observe His Highness Franz Stephan?
Maria Theresia would surely appreciate
a list of the women who visit him there.
Is it her expressed wish to spy on The Archduke?
I do not want to incur her displeasure.
If you bring sufficient proof,
her displeasure will meet Franz Stephan.
So a list of women who...
- And also men who visit Wallnerstraße.
Or to phrase it differently, a list of Freemasons...
- You do not suspect The Archduke to be a member of...
the Freemasons. He is not just a Freemason,
he is a Grand Master and not just that.
This way he disguises his trades
with Protestant countries.
Very, very dirty deals which the Pope
[Literally: Holy Father] does not like at all.
Once I return to the Vatican, I will make a report.
If necessary also that you lack zeal.
Your Majesty, apparently Countess Fuchs
is very much enjoying her time.
She is the governess of
your noble children after all.
No offense.
She is dancing.
- She dances. Then that is how it is.
So? What is it?
Do you want to imply something?
- No.
In no way, Your Majesty.
As long as she is only dancing with Count Tarouca,
no one can say anything against it.
Actually no one could say anything against
them spending the night together at her mansion.
You do not say.
- An open secret.
What does that mean?
F like Faro.
They will meet at the card table later.
And that over there
is an O. Like orangery.
So they will play there.
Sofie is an excellent player.
She already beat most courtiers.
Cards are an expensive vice.
She has a generous patron.
Am I still at the royal palace or
am I already in hell's precipice?
You act like animals!
On the contrary, Majesty.
We try to distract you from everything
that burdens your noble head.
We only think of your well-being.
You probably wanted to say
my husband's well-being.
Where does all the tassel come from
you drape yourself with?
In the last time, fortune has been favorably
disposed towards me during card games, Majesty.
That is enough, Sofie.
- Forgive me, Highness.
I apologize, Your Majesty.
Get out of my sight!
Forgive me. Sofie went to far.
That will not happen again.
You will withdraw your favor?
Please, Reserl. If Sofie really bothers you that much,
I will send her away first thing in the morning.
So you do not care about her?
She is not worth your misery to me. And above all,
the vice squad should not rampage that much.
So well, I surrender.
You do not love her anymore?
I have never loved her, Reserl.
I told you that time and time again.
You are my wife, Resi.
We have children together who we love
and a realm we are trying to save.
That is our job.
Our destiny.
But could we not at least
have some fun during it?
Why are you taking everything
so dead serious all the time?
Because with this fun, you hurt other people.
You betray me and that hurts.
And every woman and every man whose honor is trampled all over feels like that.
The vice guard just prevents
people from suffering because that.
Most of them would not suffer if the Jesuits
would not trumpet their secrets out into the world.
Secrets? Or the truth?
Who do you think cares about the truth?
The court allegedly suffers
under the vice guard's zeal?
Maybe it is exaggerated to speak of suffering.
But all of it gave rise to certain jokes.
Allegedly the commission only serves
Her Majesty to hide her own transgressions.
Allow me to laugh.
What nonsense.
Give it to me.
What? But...
- The people's ingenuity, Majesty.
A lot of immoral pictures and mocking chants
of this kind are making the rounds.
A reaction to Her Majesty's fight against immorality.
You can laugh about such things?
Forgive me, Majesty.
I should have controlled myself. I am really sorry.
Are you waiting for your lover, Countess?
I heard you spend the nights
with Count Tarouca at your mansion.
With out the holy sacrament of marriage.
You raised me.
You were a role model to me.
An example of kindness and
full of understanding.
You were always closer
to me than my mother.
And you betray me like that?
I am so sorry.
I never intended to hurt you, Resi.
You humiliate my children and my family.
You no longer belong at our table.
My children will not be raised by a concubine!
Trenck must leave Vienna.
Send him to Prague.
The army is not armed for such a campaign yet.
The French apparently want to flood
the New Town trench with water from the Botič.
If one considers how little water this small stream carries,
Trenck will not even need to take a run-up to jump over it.
This the miller's daughter.
She was there.
She saw it.
Then they caught her.
Two soldiers held her and...
the third one...
then they switched and
then the next one...
Does this mean...
that Trenck raped this child?
No, he watched.
She says
he laughed.
Christl, you are a brave girl, my little one.
She will come with me.
The miller agreed to her becoming my ward.
Where do you want to go with her?
To Brussels.
It is high time anyway.
I have to check that
everything is in order at my court.
You are taking a path I do not understand, Resi.
You have become hard
towards everybody who loves you.
Franz. The children. Me.
I have to, Anna.
I cannot rule with an iron first in the morning
and be soft in the afternoon.
It is just not possible.
I do not blame you for it.
I just cannot witness it constantly.
Come, Christl.
Count Kinsky.
Put Trenck on trial at
the court of the realm.
I have proof right here which
convicts him of the murder of nobles,
concealment of loot,
consultation with the enemy,
the acceptance of bribes,
rape and scavenging.
Very well.
- I hope you are happy now.
To be completely honest,
most of all I am tired.
I would like to receive
permission to return to my estates.
For how long?
You do not want to be at my service any longer?
Women who fight for a holy cause
must often endure worse things.
But I do not want to be a saint.
I want to show my people
the path to truth and morals.
The Lord's paths are full of thorns.
Countess Sofie is unfortunately not
the only mistress of His Highness Franz Stephan.
Here is a list my brothers have curated
after observing the mansion.
Unfortunately, there are many gentlewoman...
But take a look for yourself.
- Yes.
That is also the reason why
we have to continue fighting.
We must not stray from our path despite any mockery,
any insults and most of all our own weakness.
Give me back the piece of paper.
Can no one here
take proper care of the child?
And where is Füchsin [Countess Fuchs]?
- She is a sinner, madam.
Your daughter deprived her
of the honor to raise the children.
Countess Fuchs? She is probably
the most boring and virtuous person at court.
According to new decree,
she is an adulteress and gambler.
Then Füchsin, the old slut,
is on her way to Banat?
She is going nowhere.
I just do not want her close to me.
I can decide that for myself.
Twelve women?
Do you actually now
how much that hurts me?
What kind of women are they?
Is it already time for it?
- Yes.
The Jesuits spied on Wallnerstraße.
They know every member of the lodge.
You must warn them. Hurry!
This time you will have to
practice patience, Majesty.
The child is taking its time.
Where is Füchsin?
Will she still come?
Unfortunately, she allegedly traveled to Portugal.
With Count Tarouca, if I am not mistaken.
- And Franz?
You black monster!
How can you dare to spy on me -
The Archduke - and my serene friends?
I have my orders.
For you it is not about
the expulsion of vice!
You just need a pretense to discredit my...
- Business conducts and influential friends,
is what you wanted to say, Highness?
That is absolutely none of your business!
The Pope has very effective methods to proceed
against the atheists among the Freemasons
and many European rulers are on his side.
In Spain for example, the membership in this
heretical conspiracy is punishable by death.
You will now...
rip this scrap of paper apart
right here in front of me
and then swallow it piece by piece!
It is not just unappetizing
but it is also unnecessary.
The same list is in the luggage of
His Excellency, The Papal Nuncio.
He is on his way to the Pope.
How could you?
I am happy you address me formally again.
You deserve that, you douchebag!
What do you want? What do you want?
- You douchebag!
You deserve that!
- Nonsense!
Now you get
what you deserve.
Is someone outside?
Secretary Bartenstein.
He is waiting for your order to
officially announce the birth of the child.
Anybody else?
I do not think so.
We are husband and wife
and despite that you left me
for twelve women.
Or for one of them.
I do not know that.
But for the first time
you were not present during the birth.
You are not true to me anymore.
You do not want me anymore.
I do not have enough strength
to demand a separation but...
we will do it as it is the custom at other courts.
Each of us moves into
their own wing of the palace and...
we only see one another at official affairs.
Everything ends.
Maybe we have reached
the end of our common path.
I even understand you.
I got old.
The Jesuits observed Wallnerstraße
for only one reason.
To make a list of Freemasons.
Concerning the list of women,
most of them are the wives of foreign bankers
for whom it is to dangerous to meet me in person
and instead send their wives.
I am Grand Master of
the Viennese Freemason lodge.
I do not believe in your punitive God.
I am a heretic.
I believe in the order of the universe.
In the human mind and diligence.
- What?
What are you telling me there?
The truth which is so important to you.
And for which you judge me now.
I am a Freemason.
And the money I procure for you
so you can finance the war
comes from much worse
transactions than card games.
From transactions with Prussia.
With Friedrich.
Please tell that this is not true.
I accept your offer.
I will have myself rooms furnished
in the southern wing of the palace.
And then heaven opened its doors
and Cherubim and Seraphim ca...
Her Majesty wishes to not be disturbed.
A messenger with urgent news has arrived.
The Empress Dowager accompanies him
to The Archduchess for the purpose of...
...delivering these news.
They concern foreign politics.
We assembled the majority of
the Habsburg army near Olmütz [Olomouc].
The Hungarians regiments have arrived
as well as our troops from the North.
The supplies have been restocked.
Uniforms, blankets,
groceries and gun powder.
We also have enough horses.
We are ready to attack Prague.
You will get me back the Bohemian crown?
It is still uncertain
when we will cut loose.
The supply was bad for a long time
and there are still uncertainties.
There is still a lot to organize.
- I will drive to my troops.
And in what period of time are we allowed
to expect the visit of Your Majesty?
I will accompany you.
- That is out of the question, Father.
You cannot forsake us now here in Vienna.
In the fight against immorality.
Majesty, without me...
- My mother is right.
Rather stay in Vienna.
I can handle that myself.
Present the gun!
Thank you, General.
That is enough.
Would it be possible that he took of this coat?
I don't understand, Your Majesty.
Take it off! Quick!
Gentlemen, these uniforms
endanger the life of our soldiers.
In the time between the sound of the field trumpet and
the attack of the camp, they only make it to the eight button.
The very skillful ones maybe
make it to the tenth one.
Does anybody have a scissor?
Is there a knife?
Take that to Vienna to
His Highness Franz Stephan.
The coat will look like this in the future.
We will save a lot of buttons and stay alive.
As you wish/order, Your Majesty.
He will receive a new uniform.
Vivat Maria Theresia!
- Vivat! Vivat! Vivat!
Do the officers not receive meat?
Doctor van Swieten says
it is not healthy.
Yes, I forbid it.
Men need meat. It gives them strength.
If we eat pork or beef everyday,
it starts to rot in our guts.
And the stomach and
the brain become fat.
We can neither fight
nor work nor think.
We get gloomy.
Doctor van Swieten has saved my life so often
if he would order me to eat dirt, I would do it.
If that is true than take it away.
Attack! Do not be so tired!
You do not look like a doctor.
Much more like a preacher.
I am Jansenist.
The Pope condemned the Janesenists.
You live a delusion.
To always adhere to the Ten Commandments
is just impossible to humans.
Because God does not give them
enough strength for it.
All of us are way too weak and we sin.
Just for the reason alone
that we go to war.
Church dignitaries on the other hand sin
through pride and greed for power.
And measure their own will
by comparing it to God's.
I do not share this opinion at all.
Then I would suggest to avoid
this topic in the future.
We wish Your Majesty a good night.
Forgive us, Majesty.
It is just a simple room.
You can hear the stream gurgle
and the wind in the trees.
I already wished for that as a child.
My room is just next door.
The door is locked
from your side, of course.
If you need anything,
do not hesitate to have me called.
That is all. Thank you.
Stay here!
- Where is he going?
Me too!
- Here!
Catch me! Catch me!
Come here!
What are the kids doing here?
Most of them are orphans.
They lost their parents in the war.
They should not be here.
- Where are they supposed to go?
There is no home waiting for them.
But we have orphanages.
- They are full.
And these children also
do not want to go there.
They are at home at war.
Do you intend to imply
that it is alright this way?
I will gladly have the children
taken away if you tell me where to.
That's enough!
Down with the weapons!
Take care, soldiers!
- Nem tudom.
What did he say?
I do not understand a word.
Is there a Croat here?
[Eastern European accent]
Yes, sir!
What did this man say?
I didn't understand.
Do you only speak Croatian?
I also speak a bit Serbian.
- They did not understand him?
Parlez-vous francais?
- Oui.
Oui, commandant.
And who of you speaks Slovak?
- Yes.
How many languages
are spoken in the army?
Nine different ones.
If I do not account for
the various different dialects.
Once a officer had to order his own execution because
no one else spoke the language of the firing squad.
How can you fight a war with men
who do not even understand the orders?
I have only got those.
I am already happy if my generals understand me.
They do not always listen to my French but therefore
they luckily listen to the money from Franz Stephan.
Back into formation! Come on!
You'll have your turn!
Back! Quick!
Take them away! Disappear!
Nasty skunk!
You're a slut. A whore.
Come here, boys!
Well, come here.
Majesty, you should not
have met these women at all.
It was an unfortunate mishap.
I very much apologize for it.
Where are these women now?
We will punish them
and banish them from the camp.
Of course we have heard that
Her Majesty does not tolerate any unchastity.
They are fulfilling their mission.
I had them wash themselves beforehand.
They will leave the camp
first thing in the morning.
- The day after tomorrow.
When all men have taken their turn.
The regiment will move
towards Prague on Thursday.
It is our custom here to allow the soldiers
some fun the night before departure.
They should rather pray
to God and think of their wives.
They surely think of them during it.
- They just need consolation.
They should look for it in God.
- That is only true for chosen ones.
The simple man needs the woman's lap.
Father Johannes...
- a babbler.
You are committing an outrage!
Where are the other officers actually?
The officers take precedence.
The common soldiers come later.
One after the other?
Taking turns?
From the highest rank to the lowest.
Excuse me, gentlemen.
I am going to bed early today.
What do you say about
the officers' absence from dinner, captain?
It is very impolite. It is not proper
for them to not keep you company at dinner.
I actually mean that
they go to these women instead.
Is an officer not disgusted by these creatures?
It is worse that half of my squad
will probably not survive the battle for Prague.
These women render
a valuable service to the Habsburg army.
Afterwards the soldiers will go
into battle with fresh courage.
You do not use these services?
The services of women
in distress bring me no joy.
And despite that you will bravely go into battle?
I wish you a calm night, Your Majesty.
Good night, Captain Hadik.
Peloton march!
Close the lines!
In lockstep!
Booted, soldier!
Take it away!
Sugar is poison.
You should eat that or you will lose a lot of weight.
[Literally: fall completely of the meat]
Forgive me, Majesty,
this comment was completely uncalled for.
I do not appertain to judge
Her Majesty's beauty in any kind of way.
It will surely not happen again.
I may ask for that.
Wait for me downstairs.
Sister Agnes, could you help me for a moment?
My leg!
Keep laying down.
- How do you feel?
Everything will be fine.
- I need water.
It will be alright.
Instead of senselessly polishing their guns,
your soldiers should rather clean the water barrels,
clean their dishes properly and...
bury their excrements.
Our eternal fight.
More soldiers die from diarrhea than in battle.
Sir is exaggerating.
- Not in the slightest.
If a Prussian intends to shoot you,
your freshly washed hands will not help you.
The most important thing is the gun works.
Until then I have been buried for a long time
and alongside me a third of the army.
Cheers, General.
Bad broth.
God knows for long the water
has already been in there.
Since this morning.
As I said, it already rots in the tubs.
We could establish a cleaning troop
in the army that takes care of it.
Who cleans for others is making a fool
of themselves, Captain. Unless it is a punishment.
So as a punishment?
Better than ten whiplashes.
Whoever does something wrong
must clean for the others as punishment.
The soldiers must get used to regular hygiene.
Waking up an hour earlier and
cleaning everything around them.
And most of all, themselves.
- Then my unit will lead by example.
Hereby the regular morning hygiene
is established as a duty for all soldiers.
So the Captain is not a lone voice.
Don't! Typhus!
Give him your blessing.
God bless you.
Everyone who received
your blessing will die happily.
Is it like this?
Half of the soldiers will not
survive the attack on Prague?
That is how it is.
And you do not face this fate?
I will be at the forefront.
But with God's help...
I do not want that.
I will promote you to a higher rank.
You do not have to go on to the battlefield at all.
Yes, I have to.
With the thought of you...
Oh, so it is true?
You really are back at court.
Her Majesty wrote me the most kind letter
telling me the children were missing me very much.
Of course.
And you?
Did you not miss me?
I should probably apologize to you.
- Yes, my dearest, you should.
Then please forgive me, Countess.
I think I was led by a certain...jealousy.
What is not understandable because...
we women should stick together.
Instead of playing off
ourselves against each other.
That sounds wonderful.
I hope you will stick to that in the future.
You can definitely count on that.
Doctor van Swieten will be
my new personal doctor.
What about Jean Baptiste Bassand?
He asked me to be dismissed from service a while ago.
He wants to dedicate himself to science now.
He did not inform me about that at all.
Why would he?
Majesty, I ask you to wait with the appointment.
I can recommend you a different, an excellent doctor.
I am completely happy
with Doctor van Swieten's expertise.
Majesty, could I talk to you in private for a moment?
- Later.
Who actually is unhappy here, is me, my dear.
While you were having fun with the military,
this black raven which is flying behind us
destroyed the entire social life of Vienna.
He even wants to control whether
the dancing rules are being followed at balls.
And imagine widows shall now be prohibited
to dance at all. They shall only pray.
I think it is not so bad to remember
the deceased husband at prayer.
Two minutes in the morning are enough.
I will take care of it.
It is absolutely urgent.
- Later.
Baron von der Trenck is dead.
I ordered to let him life at all costs.
He wrote his will in prison.
After that he called
for a priest and confessed.
He told him he would die the next day at noon.
There were guards in his cell
from the morning onward.
At twelve o'clock he sat down at the table
and died.
God chooses the time of
our death, not we ourselves.
He wrote you a letter.
Dear Maria Theresia,
God may not be able to forgive me
but you can because
we are similar in some matters.
My fault is to have been brave on the battefield.
But also that I murdered
as soon as someone opposed me.
I do not brook resistance.
We are the same in this matter, are we not?
I will confess today
concerning the miller's daughter.
and the hundreds of others
who had to let my pandurs have their way.
I do not want to burden you
with that, my dear, on the contrary,
I want to thank you.
Because of your favor, I was able to enjoy
my life to the fullest during fighting.
I do not regret a single moment.
But I will not and do not want to live in prison.
Eternally, Your Baron Franz von der Trenck.
If you want to confess...
There is nothing to confess, Father.
We did not expect you, Majesty.
If I had known you were coming...
You would have warned
my husband in advance?
I did not mean it like that, of course.
- Of course.
I will tell him immediately...
- Not necessary.
You did not come to welcome me today.
You also did not say goodbye when you left.
Did you miss me?
Because of your list, the Spanish inquisitors
accused my friends of sodomy and satanism.
They demand the death penalty for them.
By burning.
They stopped burning people
a hundred years ago.
I thought so too.
Are you implying...
- You got it, Resi!
Your Jesuit friends are capable of everything
as long as they get back their influence through it.
And what will now happen to your friends?
I try to buy them ransom
and to smuggle them across the border.
Dolls will be burned in their place
and the church will only excommunicate them.
Damn it!
Can I do something for you...for them?
Get them indulgences with Johannes signature.
- Franz.
Forgive me.
I apologize.
Everyone of us...
I understand now.
Everyone of us tries to do the best.
Everything we can.
We are all sinners.
What happened?
Did you step on an ant?
I am considering to...
Once we have conquered Prague, I will take back some of
the measures I established on Father Johannes' influence.
It is about time.
I have a thought.
What would speak against us appealing against
Karl Albrecht's coronation as Holy Roman Emperor?
He is not my emperor anyway.
- He is no one's emperor.
For a proper appointment he would also need
the vote of the Bohemian king. So the election is invalid.
We will discuss it in the council.
I also have something to discuss,
if Majesty allows it.
Our prisons are crowded with sinners.
We need new ones urgently.
Or we keep our zeal a bit more in check.
That would also be a solution. What do you think?
You remind me of an
impetuous, young lady I once loved.
How about you visit
this lady in her rooms tonight?
There is nothing I would love to do more.
But first, she would have to
render some decrees inoperative.
And if she promises it to you?
As a woman/wife or as a ruler?
We will succeed?
- I also already believe in it.
Look at that.
Thanks to Kinsky, we were able to bring the
Bohemian nobility on our side. That was important.
But Kinsky does not like me.
He is a pragmatist.
Has Captain Hadik come with you?
No, he will stand at the forefront in Prague.
But we promoted him.
He does not have to go the forefront.
But he insists on it.
Well fine.
We announce we have signed
the final peace treaty with Prussia in Berlin.
The war with Friedrich of Prussia is over
and we can focus our strength
onto the fight for Prague.
Prague is being sieged by our army.
We will have chased the French and Bavarians
out of the city by the end of the year.
The Habsburg army under
Karl Alexander's command is...
is... strong...
...well-equipped and...
...supplied. Our brave soldiers...
Call for Bassand!
No. No, no, no. No.
Send Doctor van Swieten to me. Please.
Van Swieten?
Congratulations, Majesty.
I must ask you to stay silent
about this matter.
As you wish.
- Towards everybody.
Including my husband.
According to my faith,
I deserve the torments of hell now.
And according to yours?
You already suffer the torments
of hell already in this life.
And if I call for the angel maker
then I will not make it worse?
The human is a creature of God.
You do not have the right to end its life.
Should I confess the infidelity to my husband?
I may take my leave.
[Literally: I recommend myself]
Is there a way out?
A way out?
I fear not.
Only the duty to raise the child in godliness.
And to not endanger your family.
And how do I do that?
I do not know, Majesty.
Louis XV supposedly told Marshal Belle-Isle
he is extremely disappointed by him.
Extremely disappointed.
But in private.
- No, officially in front of the entire court.
Did you hear that?
Louis accused the marshal of all
the losses you inflicted on him.
Oh, how sorry I am for him.
Once you have chased him out of Prague,
he is allowed to retire to our beloved mother's estates.
They can then mourn together there.
- And do you know how theater is called?
[with a French accent]
The royal coin heist.
Should I call for the doctor?
It is completely out of the question that a theater is called
that. You must have its name changed immediately, Anna.
Wait, I already have an idea.
How about
Théâtre de la Pneumonie?
On the subject of names...
Maybe we will soon have to
choose a name for something...
someone else.
- What?
What do you mean?
I do not understand.
Have I missed something by chance?
A happy news?
Yes, we are happy to be able to announce
that with God's blessing
Anna is expecting a child.
Hey, are you not happy?
I am.
I am, really. I..I...I am
really happy f...f...for you.
For all of us.
For the house.
For the House of Habsburg-Lorraine. I, uhm,...
Excuse me. I believe I must lay down.
I do not feel so well.
An ailment again?
Uhm, Doctor van Swieten
says I have a cold.
I will call the doctor.
He shall bleed you.
No, that is not possible. I...
I am expecting a child.
How wonderful.
Our children can grow up together.
The child is not from Franz.
From whom else?
In the summer...
in Olmütz [Olomouc].
You have...fallen in love?
- Yes.
But not you.
You usually always do everything right.
And now suddenly?
That you would do something like...
What happened to you then?
What possessed you?
Maybe you were touched in the head
because of your many great worries.
Do not be scared.
I am here.
If God's help you will surely find your way back
onto the right path if you just really regret it.
I do not regret it.
Such a sincere and urgent prayer will
surely be answered by God, dear daughter.
How can a deadly sin be forgiven?
Well a deadly sin means a person
does not trust God and violates his commandments.
They must confess.
We can judge it afterwards.
If this person cannot confess
due to whatever reason?
Hurry, Anna.
Breakfast awaits us.
Good day, Father.
We just talked about
the necessity of confession.
I just noticed you yourself have not taken up the opportunity
for a conversation with God in quite some time.
We will find an ideal moment for that.
Do not underestimate it, Majesty.
I advise you well.
I hope you did not tell him anything.
- No.
But you must confess it to him.
For your salvation.
For Franzl. And also for this bastard.
- Do not say something like that!
It will be a child of sin, Resi.
It will be cursed.
But you can still save yourself.
Father Johannes will help you.
- He will not adhere to the seal of confession.
You do wrong by him.
You must atone.
Kneel before him and before Franzl.
- You can forget that!
My God, I should not
have told you about it.
My friend.
Her Majesty allowed me to take
these valuable books from the library.
For your loyal services
you did not receive more than books?
And a pension.
Appropriate for my humble needs.
- Humble?
Actually you deserve more.
I do not complain.
And royal births are not
really something one longs for.
A responsibility that is too great, is it not?
And there supposedly is
another child on the way.
It is weird since they say that His Highness Franz Stephan
does no longer visit The Archduchess in her rooms.
How can Maria Theresia be pregnant then?
Maybe immaculate conception.
But you know more about that than I.
The truth!
To keep the name of a sinner secret
is equal to being one yourself.
By doing so, you incur God's wrath upon your child.
Do you want that, Anna? Do you want that?
Do you want to gamble the soul
of this innocent creature that is growing inside of you?
You will now say the name
of this women aloud.
Only this way I can take care of your salvation.
I will not allow any of the two of you to fall victim to hell.
Maria Theresia.
Are you aware what that means?
The Pope will denounce you as unfaithful
and you will lose everything.
Your right to the Habsburg dominions
is forfeited by it.
Did the little Anna spill everything to mum?
- Even worse.
She confessed to this Jesuit.
Forgive me, Resi
I did something really stupid.
But he harassed me so horribly.
He threatened me that
my child would be damned too.
Did you tell him?
Did you tell him?
You wallow in your emotions like swineherds!
One cannot control herself, the other whines like brat.
One jealous, the other despondent.
It is hideous!
- I am so scared.
Of the birth.
That I die.
I...I...I wanted you close to me.
But I no longer want you close to me.
Maybe I can return in one or two months...
when Resi is no longer mad.
You endangered the interests of the realm.
Mum, I am so scared.
We will get you a doctor.
What do you want from me?
You can begin, Count.
There have been radical changes
in the French army, Majesty.
Of what kind?
It is a strategic military information
which is top secret.
Father Johannes asked me to become
a constant member of the war council.
Her Majesty appointed me as the highest minister
of the Habsburg army due to her infinite graciousness.
This means that from now on all field
and regiment chaplains report to me.
There will be new rules for
the conduction of field masses.
The moral of the army must be punished.
We have no time for this now.
Louis recalled Marshal Belle-Isle and
positions General Maillebois against us.
The attack on Prague will become
significantly more difficult because of that.
Maillebois? I never heard of him before.
I really hope you do not expect us
to teach you lessons in military history, Father.
You tell me why Maillebois is a danger to the army
and I will tell you why the army should not have
accommodated the prostitutes I chased out of Vienna again.
Majesty, would you be so kind
to end this discussion?
General Khevenhüller,
what strategy will the new leadership of the
French army follow, according to your opinion?
Our army strategically
took position South of the city.
It is drafty.
You promised to put an end to his ambitions.
- He will do purges.
Put an end to him, Resi.
- I focus his attention on the army.
Then he has less time
to attend to the moral at court.
This person is your subject.
Just forbid him to do it.
Or are you afraid of him?
You disappoint me. You promised.
Prague has fallen.
The French chased off.
The entirety of the Bohemian nobility
swore loyalty to Maria Theresia.
Long live The Archduchess, The Queen
of Hungary and Bohemia, Maria Theresia!
We thank all of you
who believed in us and helped us.
We were victorious.
We defended the Austrian inheritance.
And proofed the validity
of the Pragmatic Sanction.
You will all be rewarded.
I would like to express my gratitude to you,
your houses and your descendants.
I would also like to thank my husband,
Archduke Franz Stephan, very much.
He rendered an outstanding service to our army
and to the peacemaking with our opponents.
Long live His Highness The Archduke!
My most dearest,
I was never as good as you at writing letters
and that is why I always avoided it.
But now I feel my strength dwindling.
I have to hurry.
I hope so much that you will forgive me.
My little girl was stillborn.
God did not bless her. He damned me
because I did not support you.
I should have bravely support you
as you have always supported me.
I am losing blood
and I am losing faith.
What kind of God is this?
What kind of...what kind of church is this
that it set us against each other?
I will no longer pray.
That would not be honest.
But I just want to ask you for forgiveness.
With all my love, your Anna.
Extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
Anna faces eternal damnation.
You are facing eternal damnation, Father!
You committed the greatest sin I know.
You destroyed a family.
You set up one sister against another. The mother
against the daughter. The husband against the wife.
I strip you of all your powers.
Excuse me?
- Your service is over.
You will only dedicate yourself
to the education now.
- Because you can do less damage at the Jesuit college.
Your Majesty's wish is my order.
So my sermon on Sunday will be my last.
I invite everyone in attendance to come.
I will speak about my holy fight
against the sinners.
Against the open and the secret ones.
No one told me that the Papal Nuncio
would attend this mass too.
From the Revelation to John/Johannes:
And there came one of
the seven angels and said to me
"Come; I will shew unto thee the judgment
of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters."
And I saw a woman sit upon
a scarlet colored beast.
The beast was full of blasphemous names
and had seven heads and ten horns.
And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet color
and she held a golden cup in her hand
full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication.
- Amen.
Stay here.
How should the equation we heard in
today's bible reading be understood?
Who is supposed to be this whore
dressed in scarlet and purple?
Yes, Maria Theresia!
Your Archduchess!
And what kind of cup of vice
is she holding in her hands?
It is the cup of doom
for our soldiers and subjects.
It was she alone who allowed for
these atrocities which made us gasp to happen.
She did it because there was no other way.
Maria Theresia sacrificed her purity and
her calm sleep to protect her subjects' peace.
To defend the country entrusted to her
by her ancestors and the almighty God.
Like Jesus, she stood in the pillory for us.
We assembled here today
in the name of Christ
to pay praise and honor
to the bravest among women.
Long live The Archduchess Maria Theresia!
Vivat Maria Theresia!
Vivat! Vivat! Vivat!
Vivat Maria Theresia!
Vivat Majesty!
She is a sinner.
I have proof.
You obviously do not understand that Maria Theresia
is an institution that keeps our world together.
But she lied!
She fornicated.
And this institution is loyal
to the Holy Roman Empire.
I will scream the truth out into the world.
The truth is what is useful to the monarchy,
the Holy See and interests of the Almighty.
Not the babble of a priest
blinded by the thirst for power.
But for me it is about a higher glory.
The glory of God!
I do not share The Archduchess' opinion
that you should govern the Jesuit college.
You would act just as corrosive there
as you have tried with the monarchy.
You will become a simple friar.
Thank you, Your Excellency.
It was an honor to me, Majesty.
I will gladly send
your regards to the Pope.
But instead of me you should thank your husband.
Because it was him who invited me to Vienna
and he showed himself very generous
toward the Holy See in the last time.
Maybe some more pearls?
- In the end, they are not enough again.
I am happy to see
both of you back together.
We are best friends now.
I will do it.
I would not do that.
It could harm the child.
Just a little bit.
You must leave here.
And quick.
- Who?
You, Majesty.
With The Countess.
I believe I have an idea.
In the last time, I feel a bit sick.
But hopefully it is nothing serious.
A change of air could help you.
Tuscany would surely be good
for you for a few weeks.
A few months would be even better.
But who would take care of the children?
I will do that for you.
I love children.
- Of course.
Just go, my dear.
Alone? The journey is long...
- And if Maria Theresia would accompany you?
She has earned herself some peace
for quite some time.
That is a good idea.
I do not think so.
I think in your circumstance...
you should no travel
so far away anymore, Resa.
Tomorrow I will inform Count Bartenstein
that we are very happy to expect again.
He should tell it to our subjects
so they can be happy with us.
And we could add that it might be a boy.
Your dear husband used to do this, madam.
What do you think?
You surprise me, Franz.
I did not know you could call
such a dramatic talent your own.
Maybe I am something
like a Viennese Racine, right?
Without a doubt.
You have my greatest admiration.
I am...
Franz, I... should...
- You should rather rest, dearest.
It was all very much for you in the last time.
Congratulations, Highness.
- For what?
I have a feeling that the vice squad
is about to retract their measures soon.
Yes, that would indeed be conceivable.
The Lodge of the Freemasons can resume
their work in peace and quite then and
The Archduchess will generously condone it
due to her immense graciousness.
That appears to be possible to me, Leopold.
No one will spy on Wallnerstraße any longer,
Countess Sofie no longer has to hide.
Life is sometimes full
of surprises, is it not?
But it is also complicated.
- But short on the other hand.
True, Leopold.
Do not be scared.
Breathe, Resi.
It will soon be over.
She is so pretty.
Just like you.
I will have myself crowned
in Prague in April.
Do you intend to wipe the Czechs
memory of uncle Albert by doing so?
Very commendable.
But it must be an extraordinary magnificent feast.
Of course.
And I also want to remember
how I met Franz for the first time in the gardens.
We danced together. He fell in love with me
and promised to take me as his wife.
Maria, you knew Franz much early from the Hofburg.
Furthermore, he was fifteen in Prague.
And no gentlewoman was safe from him.
So if you ask me...
You do not understand me, mum.
- How could I even?
From my workshop?
I bought it there.
I would have gladly given it
to you as a gift if you had asked.
I can take care of myself.
I do not ask you with whom
but I would like to know why.
I had hoped it would help me to
no longer only love that one person so desperately.
I did not succeed.
We are at war.
With your help, I intend to supply
Friedrich with war materials.
We have a traitor among us.
Unfortunately I must tell you that
your mother and your brother are French spies.
It would be an honor to me
to serve in your ranks, Majesty.
You will leave this room immediately!
Does Your Highness have soldiers
who are capable of defeating the enemy?
Men who do not fear hell?
We do not need any
godless/wicked people on our side.
Lord, I do not want to lose.
Do you want to dictate God
what he has to do?
Your Majesty.
- Count.
That cannot be. Me as patron saint
instead of the Virgin Mary. It is a sacrilege.
I subject myself and my pandurs to your order.
Trenck is victorious!
We thank you for your visit, Duchess.
- Now you can rest for a bit, maman.
I will wait for you.
- Do not wait.
How many people in this country are probably able to
arrange for an entire convoy of wagons full of gun powder?
Apparently Baron von der Trenck
was the first one to take this war seriously.
And it shall stay this way.
I will find proof for Trenck's atrocities.
I want to know the truth.
This madness must come to an end.
[Maria Theresia - Part 4
aka Season 2, Episode 02]
My lords,
Baron von der Trenck has set up
his camp outside Munich.
To his eternal glory.
We will pay our highest respects
to The Baron here in Vienna.
Father Johannes will celebrate
a mass for his brave actions.
- For which ones in particular? If I may ask.
He reclaimed Klaus fortress,
Spital, Windischgarsten and Steyr.
He conquered Deggendorf and Plattling.
He occupies all bridges across the Isar.
Count Bartenstein will gladly
write that down for you.
The Baron and his family will receive the title of Count...
- Majesty...
This is not appropriate...
- ...for everything he did for us, you wanted to say?
You are absolutely right.
I know it.
I will confer the Order of the Golden Fleece
on Baron von der Trenck.
That, uhm, ...
It is the highest distinction of the realm.
We got no better warrior than him.
That is why he deserves this order.
Do you not want anything, Seckendorf?
Thank you, Your Majesty. I lost my appetite.
- Too bad.
Enjoy your meal and good morning, ladies.
You allow me?
I did not hear at all
how you came tonight.
And also not this morning.
I rode out to the game enclosure.
The fresh air is wonderful. I feel fantastic.
Your chamberlain does not
seem to feel as good.
He apparently put out your evening attire
instead of the riding habit.
Oh really?
No wonder it felt so uncomfortable.
I talked to Count Kinsky.
He is back in Vienna.
He visited me at Wallnerstraße.
Allegedly you do not have time for him.
He brought several witnesses from Bavaria
who describe unbelievable bestialities
from Trenck's side.
If he truly has such witnesses,
they shall appear in front of the Council of the realm.
They will be heard there.
If these witnesses describe Trenck's behavior in public,
you will be held accountable for it, Maria.
Your popularity would be over then because you protect this criminal.
Everyone has the right to
fight for the Habsburg realm.
Currently he is the only one who really does that
and on top of that successfully.
This the miller whose entire family
was killed by Trenck.
Comment s'appelle-t-il?
Alfons Berthold.
- I asked this man over there.
He does not understand French.
What is your name?
- He also does not speak German.
Only Bavarian/the Bavarian dialect.
Count, if I am supposed to question someone
this person must also be able to talk.
Is there someone like that here?
I will tell you what they told me.
But we want to hear the witnesses, not you.
I am your witness, Your Majesty.
I am captain of the Habsburg army.
Ernst Gideon von Laudon.
Allow me to speak.
You are no witness, Laudon,
you are a pile of shit.
Control yourself!
I fought by Baron von der Trenck's side
as his friend and his deputy.
Our friendship ended last November when The Baron
burned down this man's mill and massacred his family.
Pandurs gouged his mother's eyes out,
drowned his father and
raped his pregnant wife.
Then they tied the few remaining
survivors to the mill wheel.
You did not see what happened!
You laid on the floor like a bloody piece of meat!
You would have kicked the bucket
if I had not come to save you.
I searched three villages before I found you!
You burned down these villages!
The fire spares nothing and no one
including The Baron Laudon's shames!
You yap and whine like a mangy dog.
I should have let you kick the bucket!
- Is this the truth, Baron Trenck?
You murdered civilians
on already conquered territory?
I saved my comrade
who had been taken prisoner.
The miller and his family provided for me.
It was in November?
That was a long time ago.
In front of which war court did you complain
about Baron Trenck back then, Captain Laudon?
In front of none.
So your conscience
has been quiet since November?
And now suddenly you feel
the urgent need to bear witness?
Did maybe someone release you from duty and
send you to Vienna to give exactly this testimony?
Count Kinsky, right?
And you agreed.
For what?
Tell me, General,
purely hypothetical,
if we should dismiss Baron Trenck,
who will take over his troops?
Well his direct subordinate, I assume.
Captain Ernst Gideon von Laudon.
With whom did you eat dinner?
I am going to the Burgtheater and
not to a funeral. I want the blue one.
It is a bit out of fashion.
Give it to me.
Are you sure you want
to visit the Burgtheater?
What they are showing there is beneath you.
- I will be accompanied by Baron Trenck.
A little bit more social prestige
cannot hurt the Habsburg army.
It will be useful for the army
but what about your prestige?
I will have you painted.
Oh careful. Behave yourselves.
What a pretty dress, Majesty.
You must wait until Her Majesty
addresses you, Sofie. You know that.
May I ask Their Majesties most politely
to go to the royal box together now?
Baron von der Trenck could keep
Countess Sofie company.
- And I you, Usher.
We will surely have
a lot of fun together.
Laudon! You traitor!
Arrest him!
Not him!
Count von Laudon!
Yes but...
Why me?
That is not fair.
Who does your mistress think she is?
- I will rebuke her.
That will calm me down.
Do you not feel embarrassed?
You show yourself with her in my presence.
And also with another one too.
Barricade yourself up
with your totties at Wallnerstraße!
To humiliate me like this!
The Habsburg court is not a French brothel!
And you?
You show yourself at the theater
with a scoundrel without equals in Europe!
I stand by my loyalists!
As do I!
But unlike you I take a better pick!
As long as you still got one.
At the order of Her Majesty,
The Archduchess Maria Theresia,
a chastity commission will be established
as part of the court commission
which will be lead by Father Johannes.
The commission's sphere of action
will first and foremost be in Vienna.
Its most important task will be to pay attention
to the adherence of morals.
The chastity commission has the right
to detain and arrest lewd women
who are found in the company of men in public houses.
Mum! Let go of us!
Piss off!
If a person of noble rank
is found in an indecorous situation,
a court commission led by Father Johannes
will pass a judgement on their behavior.
If the chastity commission thinks
a lewd woman incapable of recovery,
she will be shipped to Banat together with
criminals and other people incapable of recovery.
Let go of me!
My boy! Let my boy come to me!
You whore!
Have mercy, Father.
I must take care of the child.
I see no child.
I only see the fruit of sin.
I'll better myself.
I'll make an effort.
Do you believe in the infinite graciousness of
Our Lord Jesus Christus and in God The Almighty?
Yes, Father. Yes, I do.
Then pray he may not let this bastard
kick the bucket in the streets.
I would not count on it.
Seize them!
Seize them!
Yes, take her away!
Whore! Take your bastard
with you, you whore!
Take your bastard with you!
- You wretched bitch!
- Yeah, complain.
Let me go!
Now she's crying.
Well now she's crying.
Go on the ship.
Come on, on the ship with you. Go now!
You too.
Why did you actually invite him?
- He invited himself.
So the Vatican's coffers are empty once again.
Have you ever considered that
maybe not everything is about money?
The papal nuncio has come
to visit the Jesuit college
He would like to look for resources for the repair and
extensions of the buildings together with Your Majesty.
So apparently the coffers are empty.
I firmly believe that the Habsburg realm will be revived in
a refined and purified manner with the help of the Holy See.
That could become an extremely painful process.
A lot of discontent looms over you.
I am used to that.
Last month, we deported
about three hundred sinful girls.
You focus too much on
the poor districts of the city.
Sin is blooming much higher.
Observe Wallnerstraße for once.
But you do not mean...
to observe His Highness Franz Stephan?
Maria Theresia would surely appreciate
a list of the women who visit him there.
Is it her expressed wish to spy on The Archduke?
I do not want to incur her displeasure.
If you bring sufficient proof,
her displeasure will meet Franz Stephan.
So a list of women who...
- And also men who visit Wallnerstraße.
Or to phrase it differently, a list of Freemasons...
- You do not suspect The Archduke to be a member of...
the Freemasons. He is not just a Freemason,
he is a Grand Master and not just that.
This way he disguises his trades
with Protestant countries.
Very, very dirty deals which the Pope
[Literally: Holy Father] does not like at all.
Once I return to the Vatican, I will make a report.
If necessary also that you lack zeal.
Your Majesty, apparently Countess Fuchs
is very much enjoying her time.
She is the governess of
your noble children after all.
No offense.
She is dancing.
- She dances. Then that is how it is.
So? What is it?
Do you want to imply something?
- No.
In no way, Your Majesty.
As long as she is only dancing with Count Tarouca,
no one can say anything against it.
Actually no one could say anything against
them spending the night together at her mansion.
You do not say.
- An open secret.
What does that mean?
F like Faro.
They will meet at the card table later.
And that over there
is an O. Like orangery.
So they will play there.
Sofie is an excellent player.
She already beat most courtiers.
Cards are an expensive vice.
She has a generous patron.
Am I still at the royal palace or
am I already in hell's precipice?
You act like animals!
On the contrary, Majesty.
We try to distract you from everything
that burdens your noble head.
We only think of your well-being.
You probably wanted to say
my husband's well-being.
Where does all the tassel come from
you drape yourself with?
In the last time, fortune has been favorably
disposed towards me during card games, Majesty.
That is enough, Sofie.
- Forgive me, Highness.
I apologize, Your Majesty.
Get out of my sight!
Forgive me. Sofie went to far.
That will not happen again.
You will withdraw your favor?
Please, Reserl. If Sofie really bothers you that much,
I will send her away first thing in the morning.
So you do not care about her?
She is not worth your misery to me. And above all,
the vice squad should not rampage that much.
So well, I surrender.
You do not love her anymore?
I have never loved her, Reserl.
I told you that time and time again.
You are my wife, Resi.
We have children together who we love
and a realm we are trying to save.
That is our job.
Our destiny.
But could we not at least
have some fun during it?
Why are you taking everything
so dead serious all the time?
Because with this fun, you hurt other people.
You betray me and that hurts.
And every woman and every man whose honor is trampled all over feels like that.
The vice guard just prevents
people from suffering because that.
Most of them would not suffer if the Jesuits
would not trumpet their secrets out into the world.
Secrets? Or the truth?
Who do you think cares about the truth?
The court allegedly suffers
under the vice guard's zeal?
Maybe it is exaggerated to speak of suffering.
But all of it gave rise to certain jokes.
Allegedly the commission only serves
Her Majesty to hide her own transgressions.
Allow me to laugh.
What nonsense.
Give it to me.
What? But...
- The people's ingenuity, Majesty.
A lot of immoral pictures and mocking chants
of this kind are making the rounds.
A reaction to Her Majesty's fight against immorality.
You can laugh about such things?
Forgive me, Majesty.
I should have controlled myself. I am really sorry.
Are you waiting for your lover, Countess?
I heard you spend the nights
with Count Tarouca at your mansion.
With out the holy sacrament of marriage.
You raised me.
You were a role model to me.
An example of kindness and
full of understanding.
You were always closer
to me than my mother.
And you betray me like that?
I am so sorry.
I never intended to hurt you, Resi.
You humiliate my children and my family.
You no longer belong at our table.
My children will not be raised by a concubine!
Trenck must leave Vienna.
Send him to Prague.
The army is not armed for such a campaign yet.
The French apparently want to flood
the New Town trench with water from the Botič.
If one considers how little water this small stream carries,
Trenck will not even need to take a run-up to jump over it.
This the miller's daughter.
She was there.
She saw it.
Then they caught her.
Two soldiers held her and...
the third one...
then they switched and
then the next one...
Does this mean...
that Trenck raped this child?
No, he watched.
She says
he laughed.
Christl, you are a brave girl, my little one.
She will come with me.
The miller agreed to her becoming my ward.
Where do you want to go with her?
To Brussels.
It is high time anyway.
I have to check that
everything is in order at my court.
You are taking a path I do not understand, Resi.
You have become hard
towards everybody who loves you.
Franz. The children. Me.
I have to, Anna.
I cannot rule with an iron first in the morning
and be soft in the afternoon.
It is just not possible.
I do not blame you for it.
I just cannot witness it constantly.
Come, Christl.
Count Kinsky.
Put Trenck on trial at
the court of the realm.
I have proof right here which
convicts him of the murder of nobles,
concealment of loot,
consultation with the enemy,
the acceptance of bribes,
rape and scavenging.
Very well.
- I hope you are happy now.
To be completely honest,
most of all I am tired.
I would like to receive
permission to return to my estates.
For how long?
You do not want to be at my service any longer?
Women who fight for a holy cause
must often endure worse things.
But I do not want to be a saint.
I want to show my people
the path to truth and morals.
The Lord's paths are full of thorns.
Countess Sofie is unfortunately not
the only mistress of His Highness Franz Stephan.
Here is a list my brothers have curated
after observing the mansion.
Unfortunately, there are many gentlewoman...
But take a look for yourself.
- Yes.
That is also the reason why
we have to continue fighting.
We must not stray from our path despite any mockery,
any insults and most of all our own weakness.
Give me back the piece of paper.
Can no one here
take proper care of the child?
And where is Füchsin [Countess Fuchs]?
- She is a sinner, madam.
Your daughter deprived her
of the honor to raise the children.
Countess Fuchs? She is probably
the most boring and virtuous person at court.
According to new decree,
she is an adulteress and gambler.
Then Füchsin, the old slut,
is on her way to Banat?
She is going nowhere.
I just do not want her close to me.
I can decide that for myself.
Twelve women?
Do you actually now
how much that hurts me?
What kind of women are they?
Is it already time for it?
- Yes.
The Jesuits spied on Wallnerstraße.
They know every member of the lodge.
You must warn them. Hurry!
This time you will have to
practice patience, Majesty.
The child is taking its time.
Where is Füchsin?
Will she still come?
Unfortunately, she allegedly traveled to Portugal.
With Count Tarouca, if I am not mistaken.
- And Franz?
You black monster!
How can you dare to spy on me -
The Archduke - and my serene friends?
I have my orders.
For you it is not about
the expulsion of vice!
You just need a pretense to discredit my...
- Business conducts and influential friends,
is what you wanted to say, Highness?
That is absolutely none of your business!
The Pope has very effective methods to proceed
against the atheists among the Freemasons
and many European rulers are on his side.
In Spain for example, the membership in this
heretical conspiracy is punishable by death.
You will now...
rip this scrap of paper apart
right here in front of me
and then swallow it piece by piece!
It is not just unappetizing
but it is also unnecessary.
The same list is in the luggage of
His Excellency, The Papal Nuncio.
He is on his way to the Pope.
How could you?
I am happy you address me formally again.
You deserve that, you douchebag!
What do you want? What do you want?
- You douchebag!
You deserve that!
- Nonsense!
Now you get
what you deserve.
Is someone outside?
Secretary Bartenstein.
He is waiting for your order to
officially announce the birth of the child.
Anybody else?
I do not think so.
We are husband and wife
and despite that you left me
for twelve women.
Or for one of them.
I do not know that.
But for the first time
you were not present during the birth.
You are not true to me anymore.
You do not want me anymore.
I do not have enough strength
to demand a separation but...
we will do it as it is the custom at other courts.
Each of us moves into
their own wing of the palace and...
we only see one another at official affairs.
Everything ends.
Maybe we have reached
the end of our common path.
I even understand you.
I got old.
The Jesuits observed Wallnerstraße
for only one reason.
To make a list of Freemasons.
Concerning the list of women,
most of them are the wives of foreign bankers
for whom it is to dangerous to meet me in person
and instead send their wives.
I am Grand Master of
the Viennese Freemason lodge.
I do not believe in your punitive God.
I am a heretic.
I believe in the order of the universe.
In the human mind and diligence.
- What?
What are you telling me there?
The truth which is so important to you.
And for which you judge me now.
I am a Freemason.
And the money I procure for you
so you can finance the war
comes from much worse
transactions than card games.
From transactions with Prussia.
With Friedrich.
Please tell that this is not true.
I accept your offer.
I will have myself rooms furnished
in the southern wing of the palace.
And then heaven opened its doors
and Cherubim and Seraphim ca...
Her Majesty wishes to not be disturbed.
A messenger with urgent news has arrived.
The Empress Dowager accompanies him
to The Archduchess for the purpose of...
...delivering these news.
They concern foreign politics.
We assembled the majority of
the Habsburg army near Olmütz [Olomouc].
The Hungarians regiments have arrived
as well as our troops from the North.
The supplies have been restocked.
Uniforms, blankets,
groceries and gun powder.
We also have enough horses.
We are ready to attack Prague.
You will get me back the Bohemian crown?
It is still uncertain
when we will cut loose.
The supply was bad for a long time
and there are still uncertainties.
There is still a lot to organize.
- I will drive to my troops.
And in what period of time are we allowed
to expect the visit of Your Majesty?
I will accompany you.
- That is out of the question, Father.
You cannot forsake us now here in Vienna.
In the fight against immorality.
Majesty, without me...
- My mother is right.
Rather stay in Vienna.
I can handle that myself.
Present the gun!
Thank you, General.
That is enough.
Would it be possible that he took of this coat?
I don't understand, Your Majesty.
Take it off! Quick!
Gentlemen, these uniforms
endanger the life of our soldiers.
In the time between the sound of the field trumpet and
the attack of the camp, they only make it to the eight button.
The very skillful ones maybe
make it to the tenth one.
Does anybody have a scissor?
Is there a knife?
Take that to Vienna to
His Highness Franz Stephan.
The coat will look like this in the future.
We will save a lot of buttons and stay alive.
As you wish/order, Your Majesty.
He will receive a new uniform.
Vivat Maria Theresia!
- Vivat! Vivat! Vivat!
Do the officers not receive meat?
Doctor van Swieten says
it is not healthy.
Yes, I forbid it.
Men need meat. It gives them strength.
If we eat pork or beef everyday,
it starts to rot in our guts.
And the stomach and
the brain become fat.
We can neither fight
nor work nor think.
We get gloomy.
Doctor van Swieten has saved my life so often
if he would order me to eat dirt, I would do it.
If that is true than take it away.
Attack! Do not be so tired!
You do not look like a doctor.
Much more like a preacher.
I am Jansenist.
The Pope condemned the Janesenists.
You live a delusion.
To always adhere to the Ten Commandments
is just impossible to humans.
Because God does not give them
enough strength for it.
All of us are way too weak and we sin.
Just for the reason alone
that we go to war.
Church dignitaries on the other hand sin
through pride and greed for power.
And measure their own will
by comparing it to God's.
I do not share this opinion at all.
Then I would suggest to avoid
this topic in the future.
We wish Your Majesty a good night.
Forgive us, Majesty.
It is just a simple room.
You can hear the stream gurgle
and the wind in the trees.
I already wished for that as a child.
My room is just next door.
The door is locked
from your side, of course.
If you need anything,
do not hesitate to have me called.
That is all. Thank you.
Stay here!
- Where is he going?
Me too!
- Here!
Catch me! Catch me!
Come here!
What are the kids doing here?
Most of them are orphans.
They lost their parents in the war.
They should not be here.
- Where are they supposed to go?
There is no home waiting for them.
But we have orphanages.
- They are full.
And these children also
do not want to go there.
They are at home at war.
Do you intend to imply
that it is alright this way?
I will gladly have the children
taken away if you tell me where to.
That's enough!
Down with the weapons!
Take care, soldiers!
- Nem tudom.
What did he say?
I do not understand a word.
Is there a Croat here?
[Eastern European accent]
Yes, sir!
What did this man say?
I didn't understand.
Do you only speak Croatian?
I also speak a bit Serbian.
- They did not understand him?
Parlez-vous francais?
- Oui.
Oui, commandant.
And who of you speaks Slovak?
- Yes.
How many languages
are spoken in the army?
Nine different ones.
If I do not account for
the various different dialects.
Once a officer had to order his own execution because
no one else spoke the language of the firing squad.
How can you fight a war with men
who do not even understand the orders?
I have only got those.
I am already happy if my generals understand me.
They do not always listen to my French but therefore
they luckily listen to the money from Franz Stephan.
Back into formation! Come on!
You'll have your turn!
Back! Quick!
Take them away! Disappear!
Nasty skunk!
You're a slut. A whore.
Come here, boys!
Well, come here.
Majesty, you should not
have met these women at all.
It was an unfortunate mishap.
I very much apologize for it.
Where are these women now?
We will punish them
and banish them from the camp.
Of course we have heard that
Her Majesty does not tolerate any unchastity.
They are fulfilling their mission.
I had them wash themselves beforehand.
They will leave the camp
first thing in the morning.
- The day after tomorrow.
When all men have taken their turn.
The regiment will move
towards Prague on Thursday.
It is our custom here to allow the soldiers
some fun the night before departure.
They should rather pray
to God and think of their wives.
They surely think of them during it.
- They just need consolation.
They should look for it in God.
- That is only true for chosen ones.
The simple man needs the woman's lap.
Father Johannes...
- a babbler.
You are committing an outrage!
Where are the other officers actually?
The officers take precedence.
The common soldiers come later.
One after the other?
Taking turns?
From the highest rank to the lowest.
Excuse me, gentlemen.
I am going to bed early today.
What do you say about
the officers' absence from dinner, captain?
It is very impolite. It is not proper
for them to not keep you company at dinner.
I actually mean that
they go to these women instead.
Is an officer not disgusted by these creatures?
It is worse that half of my squad
will probably not survive the battle for Prague.
These women render
a valuable service to the Habsburg army.
Afterwards the soldiers will go
into battle with fresh courage.
You do not use these services?
The services of women
in distress bring me no joy.
And despite that you will bravely go into battle?
I wish you a calm night, Your Majesty.
Good night, Captain Hadik.
Peloton march!
Close the lines!
In lockstep!
Booted, soldier!
Take it away!
Sugar is poison.
You should eat that or you will lose a lot of weight.
[Literally: fall completely of the meat]
Forgive me, Majesty,
this comment was completely uncalled for.
I do not appertain to judge
Her Majesty's beauty in any kind of way.
It will surely not happen again.
I may ask for that.
Wait for me downstairs.
Sister Agnes, could you help me for a moment?
My leg!
Keep laying down.
- How do you feel?
Everything will be fine.
- I need water.
It will be alright.
Instead of senselessly polishing their guns,
your soldiers should rather clean the water barrels,
clean their dishes properly and...
bury their excrements.
Our eternal fight.
More soldiers die from diarrhea than in battle.
Sir is exaggerating.
- Not in the slightest.
If a Prussian intends to shoot you,
your freshly washed hands will not help you.
The most important thing is the gun works.
Until then I have been buried for a long time
and alongside me a third of the army.
Cheers, General.
Bad broth.
God knows for long the water
has already been in there.
Since this morning.
As I said, it already rots in the tubs.
We could establish a cleaning troop
in the army that takes care of it.
Who cleans for others is making a fool
of themselves, Captain. Unless it is a punishment.
So as a punishment?
Better than ten whiplashes.
Whoever does something wrong
must clean for the others as punishment.
The soldiers must get used to regular hygiene.
Waking up an hour earlier and
cleaning everything around them.
And most of all, themselves.
- Then my unit will lead by example.
Hereby the regular morning hygiene
is established as a duty for all soldiers.
So the Captain is not a lone voice.
Don't! Typhus!
Give him your blessing.
God bless you.
Everyone who received
your blessing will die happily.
Is it like this?
Half of the soldiers will not
survive the attack on Prague?
That is how it is.
And you do not face this fate?
I will be at the forefront.
But with God's help...
I do not want that.
I will promote you to a higher rank.
You do not have to go on to the battlefield at all.
Yes, I have to.
With the thought of you...
Oh, so it is true?
You really are back at court.
Her Majesty wrote me the most kind letter
telling me the children were missing me very much.
Of course.
And you?
Did you not miss me?
I should probably apologize to you.
- Yes, my dearest, you should.
Then please forgive me, Countess.
I think I was led by a certain...jealousy.
What is not understandable because...
we women should stick together.
Instead of playing off
ourselves against each other.
That sounds wonderful.
I hope you will stick to that in the future.
You can definitely count on that.
Doctor van Swieten will be
my new personal doctor.
What about Jean Baptiste Bassand?
He asked me to be dismissed from service a while ago.
He wants to dedicate himself to science now.
He did not inform me about that at all.
Why would he?
Majesty, I ask you to wait with the appointment.
I can recommend you a different, an excellent doctor.
I am completely happy
with Doctor van Swieten's expertise.
Majesty, could I talk to you in private for a moment?
- Later.
Who actually is unhappy here, is me, my dear.
While you were having fun with the military,
this black raven which is flying behind us
destroyed the entire social life of Vienna.
He even wants to control whether
the dancing rules are being followed at balls.
And imagine widows shall now be prohibited
to dance at all. They shall only pray.
I think it is not so bad to remember
the deceased husband at prayer.
Two minutes in the morning are enough.
I will take care of it.
It is absolutely urgent.
- Later.
Baron von der Trenck is dead.
I ordered to let him life at all costs.
He wrote his will in prison.
After that he called
for a priest and confessed.
He told him he would die the next day at noon.
There were guards in his cell
from the morning onward.
At twelve o'clock he sat down at the table
and died.
God chooses the time of
our death, not we ourselves.
He wrote you a letter.
Dear Maria Theresia,
God may not be able to forgive me
but you can because
we are similar in some matters.
My fault is to have been brave on the battefield.
But also that I murdered
as soon as someone opposed me.
I do not brook resistance.
We are the same in this matter, are we not?
I will confess today
concerning the miller's daughter.
and the hundreds of others
who had to let my pandurs have their way.
I do not want to burden you
with that, my dear, on the contrary,
I want to thank you.
Because of your favor, I was able to enjoy
my life to the fullest during fighting.
I do not regret a single moment.
But I will not and do not want to live in prison.
Eternally, Your Baron Franz von der Trenck.
If you want to confess...
There is nothing to confess, Father.
We did not expect you, Majesty.
If I had known you were coming...
You would have warned
my husband in advance?
I did not mean it like that, of course.
- Of course.
I will tell him immediately...
- Not necessary.
You did not come to welcome me today.
You also did not say goodbye when you left.
Did you miss me?
Because of your list, the Spanish inquisitors
accused my friends of sodomy and satanism.
They demand the death penalty for them.
By burning.
They stopped burning people
a hundred years ago.
I thought so too.
Are you implying...
- You got it, Resi!
Your Jesuit friends are capable of everything
as long as they get back their influence through it.
And what will now happen to your friends?
I try to buy them ransom
and to smuggle them across the border.
Dolls will be burned in their place
and the church will only excommunicate them.
Damn it!
Can I do something for you...for them?
Get them indulgences with Johannes signature.
- Franz.
Forgive me.
I apologize.
Everyone of us...
I understand now.
Everyone of us tries to do the best.
Everything we can.
We are all sinners.
What happened?
Did you step on an ant?
I am considering to...
Once we have conquered Prague, I will take back some of
the measures I established on Father Johannes' influence.
It is about time.
I have a thought.
What would speak against us appealing against
Karl Albrecht's coronation as Holy Roman Emperor?
He is not my emperor anyway.
- He is no one's emperor.
For a proper appointment he would also need
the vote of the Bohemian king. So the election is invalid.
We will discuss it in the council.
I also have something to discuss,
if Majesty allows it.
Our prisons are crowded with sinners.
We need new ones urgently.
Or we keep our zeal a bit more in check.
That would also be a solution. What do you think?
You remind me of an
impetuous, young lady I once loved.
How about you visit
this lady in her rooms tonight?
There is nothing I would love to do more.
But first, she would have to
render some decrees inoperative.
And if she promises it to you?
As a woman/wife or as a ruler?
We will succeed?
- I also already believe in it.
Look at that.
Thanks to Kinsky, we were able to bring the
Bohemian nobility on our side. That was important.
But Kinsky does not like me.
He is a pragmatist.
Has Captain Hadik come with you?
No, he will stand at the forefront in Prague.
But we promoted him.
He does not have to go the forefront.
But he insists on it.
Well fine.
We announce we have signed
the final peace treaty with Prussia in Berlin.
The war with Friedrich of Prussia is over
and we can focus our strength
onto the fight for Prague.
Prague is being sieged by our army.
We will have chased the French and Bavarians
out of the city by the end of the year.
The Habsburg army under
Karl Alexander's command is...
is... strong...
...well-equipped and...
...supplied. Our brave soldiers...
Call for Bassand!
No. No, no, no. No.
Send Doctor van Swieten to me. Please.
Van Swieten?
Congratulations, Majesty.
I must ask you to stay silent
about this matter.
As you wish.
- Towards everybody.
Including my husband.
According to my faith,
I deserve the torments of hell now.
And according to yours?
You already suffer the torments
of hell already in this life.
And if I call for the angel maker
then I will not make it worse?
The human is a creature of God.
You do not have the right to end its life.
Should I confess the infidelity to my husband?
I may take my leave.
[Literally: I recommend myself]
Is there a way out?
A way out?
I fear not.
Only the duty to raise the child in godliness.
And to not endanger your family.
And how do I do that?
I do not know, Majesty.
Louis XV supposedly told Marshal Belle-Isle
he is extremely disappointed by him.
Extremely disappointed.
But in private.
- No, officially in front of the entire court.
Did you hear that?
Louis accused the marshal of all
the losses you inflicted on him.
Oh, how sorry I am for him.
Once you have chased him out of Prague,
he is allowed to retire to our beloved mother's estates.
They can then mourn together there.
- And do you know how theater is called?
[with a French accent]
The royal coin heist.
Should I call for the doctor?
It is completely out of the question that a theater is called
that. You must have its name changed immediately, Anna.
Wait, I already have an idea.
How about
Théâtre de la Pneumonie?
On the subject of names...
Maybe we will soon have to
choose a name for something...
someone else.
- What?
What do you mean?
I do not understand.
Have I missed something by chance?
A happy news?
Yes, we are happy to be able to announce
that with God's blessing
Anna is expecting a child.
Hey, are you not happy?
I am.
I am, really. I..I...I am
really happy f...f...for you.
For all of us.
For the house.
For the House of Habsburg-Lorraine. I, uhm,...
Excuse me. I believe I must lay down.
I do not feel so well.
An ailment again?
Uhm, Doctor van Swieten
says I have a cold.
I will call the doctor.
He shall bleed you.
No, that is not possible. I...
I am expecting a child.
How wonderful.
Our children can grow up together.
The child is not from Franz.
From whom else?
In the summer...
in Olmütz [Olomouc].
You have...fallen in love?
- Yes.
But not you.
You usually always do everything right.
And now suddenly?
That you would do something like...
What happened to you then?
What possessed you?
Maybe you were touched in the head
because of your many great worries.
Do not be scared.
I am here.
If God's help you will surely find your way back
onto the right path if you just really regret it.
I do not regret it.
Such a sincere and urgent prayer will
surely be answered by God, dear daughter.
How can a deadly sin be forgiven?
Well a deadly sin means a person
does not trust God and violates his commandments.
They must confess.
We can judge it afterwards.
If this person cannot confess
due to whatever reason?
Hurry, Anna.
Breakfast awaits us.
Good day, Father.
We just talked about
the necessity of confession.
I just noticed you yourself have not taken up the opportunity
for a conversation with God in quite some time.
We will find an ideal moment for that.
Do not underestimate it, Majesty.
I advise you well.
I hope you did not tell him anything.
- No.
But you must confess it to him.
For your salvation.
For Franzl. And also for this bastard.
- Do not say something like that!
It will be a child of sin, Resi.
It will be cursed.
But you can still save yourself.
Father Johannes will help you.
- He will not adhere to the seal of confession.
You do wrong by him.
You must atone.
Kneel before him and before Franzl.
- You can forget that!
My God, I should not
have told you about it.
My friend.
Her Majesty allowed me to take
these valuable books from the library.
For your loyal services
you did not receive more than books?
And a pension.
Appropriate for my humble needs.
- Humble?
Actually you deserve more.
I do not complain.
And royal births are not
really something one longs for.
A responsibility that is too great, is it not?
And there supposedly is
another child on the way.
It is weird since they say that His Highness Franz Stephan
does no longer visit The Archduchess in her rooms.
How can Maria Theresia be pregnant then?
Maybe immaculate conception.
But you know more about that than I.
The truth!
To keep the name of a sinner secret
is equal to being one yourself.
By doing so, you incur God's wrath upon your child.
Do you want that, Anna? Do you want that?
Do you want to gamble the soul
of this innocent creature that is growing inside of you?
You will now say the name
of this women aloud.
Only this way I can take care of your salvation.
I will not allow any of the two of you to fall victim to hell.
Maria Theresia.
Are you aware what that means?
The Pope will denounce you as unfaithful
and you will lose everything.
Your right to the Habsburg dominions
is forfeited by it.
Did the little Anna spill everything to mum?
- Even worse.
She confessed to this Jesuit.
Forgive me, Resi
I did something really stupid.
But he harassed me so horribly.
He threatened me that
my child would be damned too.
Did you tell him?
Did you tell him?
You wallow in your emotions like swineherds!
One cannot control herself, the other whines like brat.
One jealous, the other despondent.
It is hideous!
- I am so scared.
Of the birth.
That I die.
I...I...I wanted you close to me.
But I no longer want you close to me.
Maybe I can return in one or two months...
when Resi is no longer mad.
You endangered the interests of the realm.
Mum, I am so scared.
We will get you a doctor.
What do you want from me?
You can begin, Count.
There have been radical changes
in the French army, Majesty.
Of what kind?
It is a strategic military information
which is top secret.
Father Johannes asked me to become
a constant member of the war council.
Her Majesty appointed me as the highest minister
of the Habsburg army due to her infinite graciousness.
This means that from now on all field
and regiment chaplains report to me.
There will be new rules for
the conduction of field masses.
The moral of the army must be punished.
We have no time for this now.
Louis recalled Marshal Belle-Isle and
positions General Maillebois against us.
The attack on Prague will become
significantly more difficult because of that.
Maillebois? I never heard of him before.
I really hope you do not expect us
to teach you lessons in military history, Father.
You tell me why Maillebois is a danger to the army
and I will tell you why the army should not have
accommodated the prostitutes I chased out of Vienna again.
Majesty, would you be so kind
to end this discussion?
General Khevenhüller,
what strategy will the new leadership of the
French army follow, according to your opinion?
Our army strategically
took position South of the city.
It is drafty.
You promised to put an end to his ambitions.
- He will do purges.
Put an end to him, Resi.
- I focus his attention on the army.
Then he has less time
to attend to the moral at court.
This person is your subject.
Just forbid him to do it.
Or are you afraid of him?
You disappoint me. You promised.
Prague has fallen.
The French chased off.
The entirety of the Bohemian nobility
swore loyalty to Maria Theresia.
Long live The Archduchess, The Queen
of Hungary and Bohemia, Maria Theresia!
We thank all of you
who believed in us and helped us.
We were victorious.
We defended the Austrian inheritance.
And proofed the validity
of the Pragmatic Sanction.
You will all be rewarded.
I would like to express my gratitude to you,
your houses and your descendants.
I would also like to thank my husband,
Archduke Franz Stephan, very much.
He rendered an outstanding service to our army
and to the peacemaking with our opponents.
Long live His Highness The Archduke!
My most dearest,
I was never as good as you at writing letters
and that is why I always avoided it.
But now I feel my strength dwindling.
I have to hurry.
I hope so much that you will forgive me.
My little girl was stillborn.
God did not bless her. He damned me
because I did not support you.
I should have bravely support you
as you have always supported me.
I am losing blood
and I am losing faith.
What kind of God is this?
What kind of...what kind of church is this
that it set us against each other?
I will no longer pray.
That would not be honest.
But I just want to ask you for forgiveness.
With all my love, your Anna.
Extra ecclesiam nulla salus.
Anna faces eternal damnation.
You are facing eternal damnation, Father!
You committed the greatest sin I know.
You destroyed a family.
You set up one sister against another. The mother
against the daughter. The husband against the wife.
I strip you of all your powers.
Excuse me?
- Your service is over.
You will only dedicate yourself
to the education now.
- Because you can do less damage at the Jesuit college.
Your Majesty's wish is my order.
So my sermon on Sunday will be my last.
I invite everyone in attendance to come.
I will speak about my holy fight
against the sinners.
Against the open and the secret ones.
No one told me that the Papal Nuncio
would attend this mass too.
From the Revelation to John/Johannes:
And there came one of
the seven angels and said to me
"Come; I will shew unto thee the judgment
of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters."
And I saw a woman sit upon
a scarlet colored beast.
The beast was full of blasphemous names
and had seven heads and ten horns.
And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet color
and she held a golden cup in her hand
full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication.
- Amen.
Stay here.
How should the equation we heard in
today's bible reading be understood?
Who is supposed to be this whore
dressed in scarlet and purple?
Yes, Maria Theresia!
Your Archduchess!
And what kind of cup of vice
is she holding in her hands?
It is the cup of doom
for our soldiers and subjects.
It was she alone who allowed for
these atrocities which made us gasp to happen.
She did it because there was no other way.
Maria Theresia sacrificed her purity and
her calm sleep to protect her subjects' peace.
To defend the country entrusted to her
by her ancestors and the almighty God.
Like Jesus, she stood in the pillory for us.
We assembled here today
in the name of Christ
to pay praise and honor
to the bravest among women.
Long live The Archduchess Maria Theresia!
Vivat Maria Theresia!
Vivat! Vivat! Vivat!
Vivat Maria Theresia!
Vivat Majesty!
She is a sinner.
I have proof.
You obviously do not understand that Maria Theresia
is an institution that keeps our world together.
But she lied!
She fornicated.
And this institution is loyal
to the Holy Roman Empire.
I will scream the truth out into the world.
The truth is what is useful to the monarchy,
the Holy See and interests of the Almighty.
Not the babble of a priest
blinded by the thirst for power.
But for me it is about a higher glory.
The glory of God!
I do not share The Archduchess' opinion
that you should govern the Jesuit college.
You would act just as corrosive there
as you have tried with the monarchy.
You will become a simple friar.
Thank you, Your Excellency.
It was an honor to me, Majesty.
I will gladly send
your regards to the Pope.
But instead of me you should thank your husband.
Because it was him who invited me to Vienna
and he showed himself very generous
toward the Holy See in the last time.
Maybe some more pearls?
- In the end, they are not enough again.
I am happy to see
both of you back together.
We are best friends now.
I will do it.
I would not do that.
It could harm the child.
Just a little bit.
You must leave here.
And quick.
- Who?
You, Majesty.
With The Countess.
I believe I have an idea.
In the last time, I feel a bit sick.
But hopefully it is nothing serious.
A change of air could help you.
Tuscany would surely be good
for you for a few weeks.
A few months would be even better.
But who would take care of the children?
I will do that for you.
I love children.
- Of course.
Just go, my dear.
Alone? The journey is long...
- And if Maria Theresia would accompany you?
She has earned herself some peace
for quite some time.
That is a good idea.
I do not think so.
I think in your circumstance...
you should no travel
so far away anymore, Resa.
Tomorrow I will inform Count Bartenstein
that we are very happy to expect again.
He should tell it to our subjects
so they can be happy with us.
And we could add that it might be a boy.
Your dear husband used to do this, madam.
What do you think?
You surprise me, Franz.
I did not know you could call
such a dramatic talent your own.
Maybe I am something
like a Viennese Racine, right?
Without a doubt.
You have my greatest admiration.
I am...
Franz, I... should...
- You should rather rest, dearest.
It was all very much for you in the last time.
Congratulations, Highness.
- For what?
I have a feeling that the vice squad
is about to retract their measures soon.
Yes, that would indeed be conceivable.
The Lodge of the Freemasons can resume
their work in peace and quite then and
The Archduchess will generously condone it
due to her immense graciousness.
That appears to be possible to me, Leopold.
No one will spy on Wallnerstraße any longer,
Countess Sofie no longer has to hide.
Life is sometimes full
of surprises, is it not?
But it is also complicated.
- But short on the other hand.
True, Leopold.
Do not be scared.
Breathe, Resi.
It will soon be over.
She is so pretty.
Just like you.
I will have myself crowned
in Prague in April.
Do you intend to wipe the Czechs
memory of uncle Albert by doing so?
Very commendable.
But it must be an extraordinary magnificent feast.
Of course.
And I also want to remember
how I met Franz for the first time in the gardens.
We danced together. He fell in love with me
and promised to take me as his wife.
Maria, you knew Franz much early from the Hofburg.
Furthermore, he was fifteen in Prague.
And no gentlewoman was safe from him.
So if you ask me...
You do not understand me, mum.
- How could I even?
From my workshop?
I bought it there.
I would have gladly given it
to you as a gift if you had asked.
I can take care of myself.
I do not ask you with whom
but I would like to know why.
I had hoped it would help me to
no longer only love that one person so desperately.
I did not succeed.