María Marta: El crimen del country (2022–…): Season 1, Episode 6 - Buenos Vecinos - full transcript


You have seven fines here.


All those fines are for nonsense.

Plus, the amount is crazy.

I can't pay all that money at once.

The Country Club has enough money.
They don't need to bleed me dry.

No, nobody here is after your money.

This is about living together in peace
and having respect for those around you.

Listen, the best thing
to avoid fines and accidents

is that you just keep
your dog under control.

I'll keep my dog under control,
and you handle the fines.

I can discuss it with the commission.

They're the ones who decide.

And who's the damned commission,
the Parliament?

My old man
was one of the founders of this place.

They should be more considerate with me.

The rules and fines apply to everyone here

I've also gotten one or two.

They wanna kick me out, right?

Talk to the commission.

What I did want to say

is you have
three outstanding ones from last year:

October, November, and December.

The fines.




So then, we've approved
the expense budget for improvements

to the common areas.

We'll move on to the second order
of business: Security.


We were looking everywhere, we searched
high and low, but the golf clubs

were nowhere to be found.

A few days ago, I went with my son
to the Caddy Club downtown

and we saw them for sale.

- Well...
- I already mentioned this.

- Right. Yes.
- While I was on vacation,

somebody stole golf clubs
and tools from my house.

In that case, it's obvious that someone
from here is passing along information

- Yes.
- About all of us.

- It has to be the domestic staff.
- A ton of people come around here.

Pool guys, gardeners...
There's no record of them.

The security company
is already investigating.

I'm sure in the next few days,
we'll have news.

I'm sorry, but I think that we need
to keep an eye on the security guards.

They're the ones
who know all of our schedules.

If we can't trust them,
then who can we trust?

But it's not about trusting
or not trusting!

Excuse me, excuse me. We want to...

tell you all something horrible
that happened to us.


No, go ahead.

Tell them.

Somebody has kidnapped our dog, Tom,

and they called us asking for a ransom.

- What?
- Yes.

Now, the worst part
is that on the flyers that I distributed,

I had listed my cell number,
but they called us

to the land line, to our house.

- Tom.
- Tommy.

- Tommy.
- I don't understand how he got away!

Dogs get out.

- They come back later.
- He won't come back. He's a puppy.

- A car can hit him.
- Tommy.


- Tom.
- Tommy.



Tom. Tom?



I don't get it. Tom?

He's going to turn up, María.





If you want,
we can look again later this evening.

We're going to look for him
right now! Right now!


UNIT 301

- Hello?
- Who is it?

If you wanna get your dog back,
you'll have to pay me 2000 dollars.

- Who is it?
- Who are you?

What the fuck do you care who I am?
You want your dog or not?

Who is it, María?

Give me back my dog, you son of a bitch!
Who do you think you are?

- Hang up.
- You bastard. Who are you?

- Hang up.
- I know who you are!

- Hang up.
- You'll regret this. You hear me?

Hang up.

He wants two thousand dollars.

Thanks to the housekeeper
at Centeno's house,

we found the kennel
where he dropped off the dog.

But how did they know
that the dog belonged to María Marta?

The dog's leg showed signs of injury,
which caught the attention

of the owner of the kennel.

And we had been informed

that María Marta's dog
had recently injured that very same leg

on a lawn mower.

- And did you investigate Carrascosa?
- Of course.

- Anything noteworthy?
- Yes.

I didn't like him.

He was self-centered.
He had a taste for gambling.

But he didn't kill anyone.

And Matías Centeno?

That's more complicated.

His father was one
of the founding partners of Querandíes.

He was one of the people who divvied up
the land before anything was there.

He was a magnet for trouble.

He was a womanizer, he was an alcoholic.

He was violent.

The family lived
under a black cloud of tension.

According to a rumor
spread by the neighbors,

Centeno set fire to his brother's crib.

It was a miracle he was saved!

Centeno was first accused
for robbery when he was 18.

It was for the theft of a motorcycle

belonging to a family from the area.

Try to relax, Rubén.
I'll handle everything.

Are you sure?

I'll talk to the family...

But later, the attorney

and his father handled everything
and the charges were dropped.

Centeno's father shot himself
when Matías was 20 years old.

And there were doubts
surrounding his death.

The body had a bullet wound
in the right parietal bone,

but the man was left-handed.

In addition, certain documents
had disappeared,

as well as the keys
to the safe on the property.

Later, a fire blazed through the house
and wiped out any possible evidence.

And his brother
always accused him of that death.

And there's something else.

The mother, who had suffered
a nervous breakdown,

she could never control him.

She was under a lot of pressure
by Centeno's attorney.

She had to testify
and hold firm that her son

had been in Buenos Aires City
while María Marta was murdered.

Honey, come on.
My love, we have to go now.

Can I borrow that?
I won't remove any evidence.

- Just a minute.
- One second.

One minute, please. Thank you.
Thank you very much.


Your mother left this and two others.

But I'll have to return it.

- What do we do now?
- You wait.

You wait.

My love...

Matías, try to hang in there.

They want to get a reaction from you,
but don't give them the pleasure, okay?

- Those bastards killed her!
- Trust me.

Matías, trust me. Calm down.

Are you happy, moron?

It's your fault she's dead!

Damned you, damned psycho!

Stop! Enough!

Thank you all
for gathering here to pray.

It's so lovely to pray,
because when we look up at heaven.

We look into our hearts and we know
that our holy Father, the Lord,

is good.

"Your Holiness, Francis the First."

I write to appeal to Your Holiness

and your sense
of profound humanitarianism.

I'm 69 years old,

and on July 10th, 2010

I began a long ordeal
that continues until today.

Thanks to my health care company

and the permission granted
by the 6th Court of San Isidro,

I became aware of my health problems.

I no longer remember how many times
I've requested to be under house arrest,

but I have always been denied
and given a thousand excuses.

Being under house arrest

would allow me to live with greater ease

and have access to adequate nutrition

and the ability to perform
the exercises that I cannot do here

as I am afraid to do them

"because one never knows what one may
encounter while walking around in here."

I don't know how we can help him.

I think the compulsion to eat is
the externalization of internal conflict.

He can't continue doing this.
He's risking too much.

I can't take it anymore.

I want to get out of there.


- How is he?
- Hanging in there.

He can't have
more than two visitors, so I'll take off.

Thank you. Irene told me,
and I came as soon as I could.

- Bye, I'll call you later.
- Thank you.

- Carlos, how are you?
- Fine.

The boys and my dad
all send you humongous hugs.

Thank you.

- How's your mother doing?
- Well, you know...

She's a little disoriented,
but no, she's okay. She's okay.

- That's good.
- The other day she asked about you.

We told her that you went on a trip.

That's a good one.

Dino must be exhausted, right?

Yeah, he gets worn out.
But he's happy there with her.

With Mom all day long, every day.

Always. And Guille? He never calls.

It's complicated...

Is it about the case or something?

No, a few months ago...

he was diagnosed with cancer.

We didn't want to tell you
anything, because...

we didn't want you to worry about, but...

the tests they ran on him...

didn't look good.

I don't want to die over there.

I don't want Guille to die like this.

Why don't you go back home?

- I'll be back soon.
- I won't leave you.

- How are you?
- Hello, how are you?

There are a few things
that you should keep in mind.

I want you to let me know
if the drip feels too strong

or if you start
to have chills or palpitations.

It's not common, but it can happen.

And how long will it take?

Because it's the first time,

we're going to deliver
the medication very slowly.

It'll be three hours, more or less.

- And then we go home, right?
- Yes.

What you have to take into account

is that you may feel fatigue

nausea, things like headaches,
or body aches.

We don't know how the medication
is going to be tolerated by your system.

- Let's get you started.
- Okay.

It's going to be all right.

- If you need anything, let me know.
- Thank you.

Fede left you a message.

He's with his girlfriend.

And Pedro is at home.


All right, we would like to know in detail

everything that you uncovered
in 2004 about Centeno.

All right.

By that time, we already knew, I mean,

my group of friends and I knew
that this guy had a taste for easy money.

In fact, in Querandíes
he had a ton of infractions,

but his attorney would handle them.

So, one day a friend of mine calls me,
who has a shop over on Libertad Street,

and he tells me, "Dude, this guy Centeno
is here, trying to sell me a camera."

Obviously, it was fishy,
it was too suspicious, so I told him,

"Gather all the information you can,
make a photocopy of his ID,

or whatever, and send it to me."

The guy's mind was so set on making
easy money that he gave him everything,

and with the info that my friend sent me,
I composed an email

and I sent the email to several organizers

of local Country Club soccer tournaments.

A bunch of well-known people.

Anyway, a few days later,
maybe two or three days

after I sent the email,

Ale Castex, who's a very close friend
of Fernando, a friend of mine,

sends me an email and it says,
"Dude, I believe that camera is mine."

"I'll send you the... serial number,"
and he was right. It was his camera.

Centeno had stolen it.


Well, Ale gathered up all the information,

he went to the police station
and filed a report.

They got a search warrant,
they entered the guy's house,

and they found a lot of things.

They found cash, and watches,
things like stereo systems...

And get this. He even had sets of keys!

They found sets of keys that he had stolen
from a ton of acquaintances and friends.

And he was using
those stolen keys to steal from folks.

That's the first time that we realized

the guy was doing that.

Yeah, the thing is...
I've played in various hotels.

But nothing like this.
This is delightful.

It's a lovely place,
it's more exclusive.

It's much more comfortable,
it's more expensive,

it's more competitive
and the prize is worth it.

It's worth the cash to be
in a tournament like this.

But it's more than just the money.

Win this prize, when there are 50 guys

who are excellent players,

would be really gratifying.

This is the first time I've been here
and I'm going to continue coming.

That guy should be behind bars.

The justice system truly sucks.

But I need to know the truth
about what happened that day.

Don't worry, we have good news for you.


We've been working hard on this.

It's all the files from the case.
It's already uploaded.

And we saw that there are
an infinite number of details

that the prosecution
didn't take into account at all.

And we got access to the footage
from the Country Club's security cameras

from that day.

- And from the house as well?
- No.

If we did, the cause would be closed.


Here, for example,
you can see Centeno. There he is!

He enters in his personal truck

through the members entrance at 5:34 p.m.

And in this other video,

here he comes, you can see him leaving

at 6:59 p.m., but in another vehicle,

Rosario Álvarez's car, and he's exiting
through the visitors side.

The guy was there an hour and 25 minutes.
I don't know, it's weird.

He returned at night.
He didn't get what happened.

He didn't understand
why nobody called the police.

Or who knows?
Maybe he was just the lookout,

and he didn't know
what happened to María Marta.

No, the testimony that the gas station
attendant gave complicates him.

The economic measures
will be announced today.

- Good morning.
- Good morning.

...a way to reach the end of the year.

The violence continues to escalate.

The lifeless body of a man was found
on the Buenos Aires-La Plata highway.

- Want this cleaned?
- Yes.

According to police source,
it's a homicide

and a robbery attempt is discarded.

- Should I fill it?
- Yes, please.

Have you heard about the woman
killed at the Country Club?

A crime in a Country Club.


The two of you sound so convinced, and...

I believe you.

But we need proof.

In the eyes of the court, we need proof.

- Dad, you okay?
- Yes.

- Well?
- She's not out yet.

Thank you.

I graduated!

I graduated!

Sometimes, it can seem like a fantasy,

a freedom that scares us.

- So, you're in, right?
- Yes.

- But a little later.
- Come on.

- Not now.
- You're not in the mood?


- Hello. Mr. Carrascosa?
- Yes, that's me. Who's speaking?

Pope Francis.

Your Holiness.

Yes, how are you, son?
I received your letter.

Thank you for calling.

No, please...

Thank you, thank you so much for calling.

No, you don't need to thank me.

Tell me. How can I help you?

I sent you

the letter out of desperation,
but with faith.

Of course. How's everything?


My attorney is trying to...

Well, he's trying to handle this

as diligently as possible, but you know
how's the justice system.

You're well aware.

Their times are different.


Coloccini is the key here.

The masseuse?

- Yes.
- Martina, finish that.

Yeah, the masseuse.

She was the only one of the accused
who was then acquitted in the 2011 trial.

And there was
a report filed in July, 2002,

by Sánchez,
the Country Club neighbor, for the robbery

of some golf clubs.

- The report is over here.
- It was there. Here it is.

So, the report was in July 2002,
for the theft of some golf clubs

between 6:15 and 8:40 p.m.

What we didn't know, was that Coloccini
went to Sánchez's house to work that day.

We can add that in 2011
she insisted that Centeno

never offered her his attorney's services.

Something which she herself
had confirmed in the 2003 inquiry.

What do you think of this whiteboard?

It's great. I like it.

Six minutes and 28 seconds
from the entrance

until we got to Carrascosa's house.

She stated
that she arrived at Carlos' house

around 7 p.m.

and that she waited
at the entrance about 15 or 20 minutes,

and that the rest of the drive took her
five or six more minutes.

So, based on that info,
she arrived around 7:24 p.m.

Twenty-four minutes more
than what she testified

while under oath at her deposition.

Do you know what they call
the 24 minutes in question?

The same defense attorney.


Soria. From the day of the crime
to when Coloccini gave her statement

she and Centeno spoke
and met up quite a lot.

Twenty-one conversations!

I mean, meeting, calls,
everything verified and traced.

This woman knows a whole lot
about her client's lives.

Massage after massage, the clients talk,
they let their guards down.

The markets are too volatile.

Just forget about the banks now.

I don't know, maybe a safe.

Or a shoe box.

As long as restrictions are imposed,

we have no alternative, you know?

Okay. Bye.

- I'm going to the Club House.
- Okay.


- Excuse me.
- Sure.

You're the masseuse
from the Belsunce case, right?

- No.
- Yes. You are.

- I have to go now. I can't talk.
- Yes, but you'll have to talk.

- They'll call you to testify.
- Let me out!

Did Centeno pay Soria to defend you?

I can't talk. Let me out.
My family's been through a lot.

- You'll have to talk.
- Let me out or I'll scream!

Take it easy.


- Hi, nice to see you.
- Hello.

Can he go in alone?

- This is a private family moment.
- I'm sorry. We have to go with him.

I'm back.

Stop growing so fast.

- How are you?
- Fine, and you?

Good. Guillermo?

He's upstairs, waiting for you.

- Okay. Let's go.
- Let's go.

Let's go up.

- Come in.
- Excuse me.

- Smoke if you want to.
- No.

- It doesn't bother me.
- No.

I don't want to smoke.
I'm cutting back, believe it or not.

- That's great.
- Here.

- But you can smoke in here.
- I don't want to. Here.

- What's this?
- Read it. Look.

Read the top.

- What's this? The Pope?
- From the Pope.

- The Pope wrote to you?
- Yeah, he even called me as well.

It's a long story, but...

I wrote to him to see
if he could help me get house arrest.

That's great!

- He will help you.
- Yes.

Take care of...

my wife and the boys, all right?

Get them whatever they need.
Please, I'm begging.

What are you saying?

- Are you saying farewell? Don't joke!
- Let me say my goodbye.

You're my friend.
Let me say goodbye properly.

The truth is that...

I feel so guilty
that you're involved in all this.


I'm okay, Carlos.

Look at the boys.

They're men now.

They grew up to be lovely humans!

They are lovely, yes.

On the second page...

The Pope sent you a blessing.

Look at it.

- Forgive me, Carlos.
- No.

- I love you.
- I love you very much too.

Do you remember anything in particular
from October 27th, 2002?

It was just a regular Sunday.

I wasn't using a chronometer.

I understand.

And are you aware that Mr. Carrascosa

has accused you of killing his wife?

Yes, and I'm fed up.

I voluntarily gave my blood
to put an end to the rumors.

It wasn't enough,
and this continues to interfere

with my personal life.

I get that Carrascosa
wants to try whatever he can to get off,

but everything has a limit.

Come here.


What's the matter?


- Police!
- Let go of me!

Turn yourself in!

- Stay quiet.
- What's wrong?

- What are you doing?
- Let go of me!

- What are you doing? What's wrong?
- Stay here.

- Where are you going?
- Stay there!

What do I do?

Break it down.

Don't move!

- I didn't do anything!
- Calm down. Put on some clothes.

- Where's Centeno?
- I don't know him. I don't know.

- Where is he?
- There. He's in there.

- Let's go over there!
- Let's go!

- Put your hand down!
- Goddammit!


The various alleged health problems
inflicting Mr. Carrascosa

have caused the judges
to come to this absurd resolution.

They have granted him house arrest.

Can justice grant
such a privilege to a killer?

Ten thousand, 100,000, a million pesos?
Is that the price for freedom?

This decision

put the justice system once again
in favor of an elite?

If you pass the boundaries,

it's going to trigger
the monitoring system.

- We're going to call you on the phone.
- That won't be necessary.

- Can I get a copy?
- Thank you.

Give him a copy, please.

- All right.
- You're all set.

Let's go.

Thank you.

Thank you very much.

Thank you.

Remember you get 14 meters.
Otherwise, you'll activate the alarm,

and they'll call
from the Penitentiary Service.

Up to there is all right.

I went ahead and marked the border

to avoid any kind of problems.

Thank you, Dad.