Manifest (2018–…): Season 4, Episode 8 - Episode #4.8 - full transcript
Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
[Olive] Previously on Manifest...
[Kathryn] Subject three only.
- [machine whirs]
- [grunts]
Hostages? How could you?
How could you?!
What's the point of a powerful mutation
if you can't replicate and weaponize it?
- You're a father, yes?
- A boy and a girl.
Can you imagine
not being able to save your own child?
I am trying to protect my kid, damn it!
I'm your kid too, Dad.
It's like whenever humans have been
in communication with the divine,
it was thanks to sapphire.
There's someone I'm helping,
and I don't know
if I should be helping her.
I'm looking for Angelina.
May this holy ordinance cleanse the soul
and redeem you in his name.
[mysterious music playing]
We've got about two minutes
till the Registry shows up.
This is hard, but I need to know
what Violet said to you last night.
Anything that can help us understand
why Angelina's mom targeted her.
Look, Cal, if we catch Noelle,
we clear your name.
Angelina, uh... Violet told me that
she helped her with baby stuff, I think.
Noelle's targeting anyone
who helped Angelina.
- Picked her up as soon as I got the text.
- What's going on?
Cal! We gotta go. Get in the car.
- Stop. We gotta talk about this.
- We don't have time.
The evidence is circumstantial at best.
If he goes in and answers the questions...
What? And let them take his prints?
Track his DNA?
- Yes.
- Years of protecting his real identity.
- Running makes him look guilty.
- And staying makes him a lab rat.
When they find out Gabriel is Cal
5.5 years older, they'll never let him go.
Maybe talk to your dad
about your symptoms.
I'm fine.
I sense something more.
You sense
me finding out Violet was murdered
and not wanting to be arrested for it.
One minute.
[Ben] Cal!
Car. Now.
- What? Did you get the picture?
- What picture?
I told you I need the picture by my bed...
[man] 828 Registry! Open up!
- Go! Go! Go!
- [man] Open up!
- Run!
- [man] Police!
- Let him go! Get off of him!
- [Jared] No, Ben!
[echoing] Hey! He's under arrest.
Stand back.
I said stand back!
- Come on.
- [handcuffs click]
Don't say anything, okay?
I'll be right behind you.
I'll be right behind you!
[opening theme playing]
If Noelle is targeting people
that were harboring Angelina,
we need to know who's next on that list.
I've got Drea looking for leads
for everyone who was at the compound.
We need to make sure
everyone here is safe.
We took in Angelina before anyone else.
They'll cancel our protective detail
now they think they found the killer.
I'll stay put until I get a buddy
from the 129 to watch the house.
Then I'll check Noelle's
and make sure she's there.
Drea got a hit on Adrian's credit card.
Metro Motel, Sunnyside.
- Adrian had Angelina at the compound.
- [Michaela] Yeah, exactly.
If there's anyone
Noelle's gonna go after next, it's Adrian.
Okay, I'm gonna go check out the hotel.
What? You think you're going alone?
Excuse me! Excuse me!
That young man has done nothing wrong.
Mr. Stone.
Capt. Fahey. They brought me from DC
to take command of the Registry.
How do you arrest a kid
because he knows the victim?
Gabriel was the last one seen with Violet
after having what appeared to be
an aggressive exchange.
Mr. Stone, please.
We're gonna run his prints and DNA.
We're gonna question him.
If he's done nothing wrong,
he's got nothing to hide.
All right. All right.
[lightbulb buzzing]
[water dripping]
[ominous music playing]
[Adrian] Help!
Save me!
[echoes] Adrian!
[Zeke] Uh...
Something tells me
he's not just going for ice.
There's chloroform on this.
Noelle stabbed all her victims
at the scene.
She must have something special
in mind for him.
What are you doing here?
I'm staying two doors down.
His farm blew up. I felt bad.
No Four Seasons,
but it's the least I could do.
The room's under his credit card.
I pay the nightly. Incidentals are on him.
Like I said, it's the least I could do.
He's on the level. You can tell him.
We think Adrian was taken
by Angelina's mom.
She's the one killing passengers.
Do you seriously think
she's the 828 serial killer?
Yes. We think she's targeting anyone
who helped Angelina.
- I helped Angelina. Ish.
- [phone dings]
And I was at mommy dearest's house.
She knows my face, my name.
- Well, lock your door and lie low.
- Noelle's probably coming back for me.
- I need to go with you.
- I'm sorry. There's nothing...
Your whole deal is helping passengers.
It doesn't get more passenger-y than me!
You are not staying at our house, okay?
I had a Calling! Just a minute ago.
Heard Adrian's voice say, "Save me."
That's why I came here to check on him.
I can help you find him.
He's still telling the truth.
- There's always the couch downstairs.
- Well, he's for sure on my kill list.
Don't expect a mint on your pillow.
[Eagan sighs]
You talking like a straight-up couch?
Or you got a hide-a-bed?
Sugar rush in the break room.
[sighs] Damn it, Mikami.
I thought we were friends.
Friends don't let friends miss out
on red velvet because of a stupid diet.
[door buzzes]
[Drea whispers] Hey.
I'm all over Noelle.
Running plates, credit cards.
Her family's
in the debris hauling business.
They got contracts with construction sites
all over the boroughs.
Could be hiding out anywhere. This...
this is the address of the headquarters.
Is that him?
- Yeah.
- Okay.
Excuse me, sir. Jared Vasquez, 129.
I know who you are.
Sir, with all due respect,
you have an innocent kid on ice in there.
You should look at Noelle Meyer.
That woman has a history...
Know your place, Vasquez.
We have a suspect.
Leave it,
or I'll have to call your captain,
let him know
you're messing with 828 affairs, okay?
[door buzzes]
Why do you keep moving me?
We need to keep you safe, Angel.
You said the last place was safe.
[eerie music playing]
- Mom, what did you...
- He led you astray.
Soon, you'll watch
as he's cleansed from the world
like the others
who made you abandon God's path.
You aren't hiding me.
You aren't keeping me safe.
I'm your prisoner.
Sh, sh, sh, sh!
It's okay, sweetie.
[door buzzes]
- What's happening? Where is he?
- Still in questioning.
I got rid of the fingerprint file.
- That's great.
- Bought us a couple hours.
They'll reprint him
once they realize the file's missing.
What I'm more worried about
is the DNA sample.
The lab tech's gonna be here soon
to take the blood draw.
- Can't you lose that sample too?
- No.
DNA has a different chain of custody.
It's right from the tech to the lab.
You have to get him out of here
before that tech shows up.
- I'm sorry. I can't do more.
- Thanks.
[door buzzes]
[Vance] Heard from Michaela.
They think the killer
is Angelina's mother.
Is there anything that we can do?
Until there is,
we should focus on our work here,
which I suspect is about to pick up steam.
You got a visitor.
Dr. Gupta, thank you for coming.
I saw your signature
on the detainees' records.
I had no idea you'd been caring for them.
I feel tremendous guilt
about what happened to those poor souls.
A failure and a tragedy.
[Saanvi] Maybe not a complete failure.
I think the detainees are stuck
in a constant state of Calling,
and I'm hoping you can help me
safely replicate the major's protocols.
Those detainees may never recover.
You wanna replicate this?
I wanna know how she did what she did
because I wanna avoid making her mistakes,
not repeat them.
I copied her files
before we were locked out of Eureka.
[ominous music playing]
- [panting]
- [chair scraping floor]
Don't bother.
Your mom's not messing around.
She's the one
who's been killing the passengers.
Yeah, no shit. The question's why?
Anna. Sam.
Ugh, I confessed to my mother
how they helped me.
She must blame any passenger
she thinks led me astray...
and you've helped me the most.
So why hasn't she already killed me?
She wants to rid sinners from my life.
She wants me to watch you die.
Unless you wanna see that, we gotta find
a way out before she comes back.
- You guys don't look like the movers.
- Uh, no, we're here to see Noelle Meyer?
You're not gonna find her here.
Noelle sold off all our projects.
Laid off the staff without notice.
I worked for her father for 30 years.
She inherits the company, guts it in five.
Look. We have reason to believe
Noelle may be using one of her job sites
for criminal activity.
Can we possibly look at the project files?
Do you have a warrant?
No, we do not, but...
Good. Then this never happened.
Come on inside. Look at whatever you want.
Oh, wow. Okay. Uh...
Only 10,000 project files.
This'd be a great time
for you to get one of those Callings.
[mysterious music playing]
- This one. Marko's scan.
- Hmm.
It looks just like...
a passenger's Calling I recorded on fMRI.
Yes, it would. That was the first Calling
the major recorded
before the experiments began.
You knew about sapphire all along?
The major did. I was a fly on the wall.
She used sapphire to generate Callings.
Wait. What does this note mean?
"Failed to procure preferred grade.
Used commercial sapphire."
What other kind of sapphire is there?
The major was better at giving orders
than explanations.
But whatever sapphire she was using,
it got results.
[Aria] This is a drawing Marko made
of what he saw in his Calling.
The major was desperate
to find out what it meant.
She generated a Calling repeatedly,
increasing the intensity each time.
She intentionally increased the charges,
which... increased his pain.
The more pain, the clearer the Calling.
Okay. What if there's a way
to get passengers to the same place
without extreme levels of pain?
That would be a breakthrough, but...
The major just didn't know when to stop
because she thought of passengers
as lab rats.
But I am a passenger.
I won't let that happen.
Those hash browns
aren't gonna eat themselves.
All yours.
How'd you sleep? Any repeats
of the Calling from last night?
Callings don't exactly come on demand.
Besides, my ass was too busy
playing whack-a-mole
with the springs on that couch
to focus on anything else.
[phone ringing]
[clears throat]
[Saanvi] Hey.
We were right about the sapphire.
I just... I didn't know how to use it,
but the major did, and she left a roadmap.
To what? Generate Callings?
It seems that she was searching
for some kind of significant sapphire.
I'll send you the info.
God, imagine how easy it would be
to save the Lifeboat
if we could safely generate Callings
when we need them.
It's so funny. Eagan was literally just
saying how Callings don't come on demand.
Wait. You're with Eagan?
Yeah. He had a Calling last night
about Adrian being in danger, so...
If someone recently had a Calling
about the killer or one of the victim's,
I could... regenerate
or... possibly enhance that Calling.
[Olive] So,
you wanna give Eagan a Calling?
[Saanvi] If Callings are memories,
who better to generate one than a guy
with a photographic memory?
It might just save Adrian's life.
And Cal's.
Definitely worth the risk.
Whatever science experiment
you just signed me up for, hard pass.
Ah, well, it has to be you.
You had a Calling about Adrian
for a reason.
People are dying. Never too late
to do the right thing, Eagan.
I always do the right thing.
The right thing for me.
It was my great-grandfather's compass.
The compass took a bullet
for your grandpa at Normandy.
Yada yada, you told me already.
Nearly got me killed at that bank.
I thought transferring to a cell
with a passenger
would be better
than getting my ass kicked every day.
Turns out, it's more painful.
Stories have endings, you know.
Take my first Calling.
I heard, "Help him."
Didn't know who the hell the him
I was supposed to help was,
but I did see a volunteer
leave a petty cash bag sitting out.
So, I helped myself. The end.
All the Calling wanted you to do
was help someone.
Why not just figure out who
and do the right thing?
[inhales deeply]
About a month after 9/11,
there was this other immigrant kid
at school getting bullied.
I already took my share of abuse
and figured,
why not jump further into the fire?
So I stuck up for him.
Yeah? Must've felt good.
It felt good
for about two seconds.
Then it turned into a fistfight
with the star linebacker.
Golden boy got one week suspension.
But me?
I got a fat lip and a full expulsion.
Years of honor roll up in smoke
along with my college prospects.
Lesson learned.
Best to rely on me,
and I.
[mysterious music playing]
You people have been asking me
the same questions for hours.
I don't feel well. Please, can I go home?
Look, if it's just a misunderstanding,
clear it up for me.
Then we both get to go home.
So, what? You got your jacket back
from Violet, you guys hit it off,
you sang karaoke.
So, what then?
Good night? Thanks for the memories?
No, uh...
We kissed.
Oh yeah?
How was that?
It... it was...
the greatest feeling I've ever had.
That feeling lasted all of two hours.
And then she was gone.
[weeps] I just wish I had walked her home.
Maybe I could have done some...
done something.
[tones playing repeatedly]
[tones playing on violin]
[knock at door]
Radd, I need your help.
[suspenseful music playing]
So you heard the music.
- You too?
- [Radd] Mm.
I knew it couldn't just be me.
It has to be connected, Radd.
I'm glad you come.
Last time our Calling helped your son.
I'm hoping we can help mine.
He's been arrested by the Registry.
They think he's killing these passengers.
Cal? I thought he ran off.
No, he's back, and he's... older now.
It's hard to explain.
I've become accustomed
to the unexplainable.
Cal's been living
under an assumed identity,
which is why I have to get him out
before they find out who he really is.
Ever since we got Adio out,
I've been working with families
for the wrongly convicted,
advocating for their release.
Must be why
the Callings brought us together.
You can help get Cal released.
Wish I could. There's little I can do
until after conviction.
[sighs] Then what are we missing?
I mean, the Callings could've
brought us together in any other way,
but we both heard the same melody
from our last Calling.
No, not quite the same melody.
Years ago, I turned the music
of the Calling we shared
into a composition for my son.
Maybe... maybe there's something in it
that can help yours.
That's what you heard?
That's the new section.
But you heard this?
That's the start of the song.
The pain of him being behind bars.
I see, but...
they don't seem to go together.
That's because we're missing
a part in between.
The part I wrote for you.
You were the connection we needed.
The bridge.
The bridge. That's gotta be
what I'm supposed to find, but...
[suspenseful music playing]
[Olive] Okay,
you gotta come check this out.
I had Saanvi send me
some of the major's files,
which said they had to resort
to using commercially available sapphire.
- What else is there?
- Exactly.
If you believe in Apocrypha,
everything from
the stone of the Oracle of Delphi
to the Ten Commandments,
they're all said to be made from sapphire
mined from the same ancient quarry.
The scholars refer to them
as Omega Sapphires.
So why do you think the major wanted
an Omega Sapphire?
Well, these sapphires
are thought to be supercharged.
Maybe the major thought
she could tap into the full power
of the Callings.
You actually think there might still be
one of them out there?
I don't know.
But if there is, we need to find it.
Gotta admit, I imagined
a slightly more professional operation.
This makes me feel like I'm about to get
shot into space in a roll of toilet paper.
We have everything we need.
What we don't have is time. Sit.
The only reason I agreed
to allow you in my building
is Saanvi assured me
the process would be extremely painful.
You allowed me in
because a passenger's life is in danger,
and I'm the only one who can help.
So let's save the ball-buster act.
After you drop the good Samaritan routine.
We both know you don't care
about anyone but yourself.
Did you think I was serious?
Adrian's super dead by now.
The passenger I'm trying to save is me.
Lie back, please.
You said you wouldn't go past
using a 40% electric charge, right?
The major achieved some degree of clarity
with her subjects at 50%,
but that's where
the risk becomes too great.
So we're hoping with you as our subject,
we can get more clarity for less power.
Hey, Eagan, you with me?
Yeah, yeah, clarity, power, copy.
[Radd playing piano]
[sighs] There's something we're missing.
[phone chimes]
Okay. Can you play the bridge again
but slower, and just the melody?
Yes. Yes.
[playing piano slowly]
Okay. I count ten notes.
And musical notes correspond to numbers,
don't they?
That's right.
This song is written
in the key of E minor,
so E is one and so on, so...
Two, one.
[piano playing]
The numbers. They're
That's ten digits, beginning with 212.
That's a... that's a New York phone number.
[monitor beeping]
[exhales] Deep breath.
Calm your mind.
[mysterious music playing]
Focus on the Calling you had last night.
Picture the faucet.
Picture the black mold.
Find where the hallway leads.
Find where Adrian is being kept.
How will we know it's working?
If he gets a Calling,
it'll flash bright white
and his memory center will light up.
[static crackling]
[tempo of beeping increases]
Pulse rising fast. 152.177.
I saw the flash! There's a faint glow
coming from the memory center.
No, we have to stop. Eagan?
- Eagan? Eagan? Hey, Eagan.
- [panting]
[Saanvi] Hey, you okay?
You okay?
Did it, um... did it work?
If you're trying to weaponize migraines,
then, yeah, it worked.
Your brain scan lit up.
Are you sure didn't see anything?
Just a few seconds of bright light.
Nothing to write home about.
[Saanvi] Are you sure?
Why would I lie? I don't wanna be
serial killed any more than you do.
You stopped where the major began
to see results. You had no choice.
Even if it means finding a killer?
No. No.
I will not sacrifice a life
to save another.
If there is a god
at the other end of this frequency,
this can't be how she wants
to communicate with us.
[line ringing]
Oncology, Dr. Bates.
[somber music playing]
[Ben] Oncology.
Is... is that Dr. Alex Bates?
Yes. Can I help you?
My name is Ben Stone. Is my...
Is Gabriel Stone... your patient?
Dr. Bates, I know all about HIPAA.
Now, I've been led to you for a reason.
I know Saanvi trusts you
more than anyone in the world,
and I trust Saanvi, so please.
My son, is...
is he sick again?
I'm so sorry.
This isn't how anyone should receive news.
Ben, if he's sick,
I can argue that the Registry doesn't have
the resources to care for him.
[Ben] Then the Registry will have
to release him to his doctor,
hopefully before they take his DNA.
Mr. Stone, meet me at the Registry.
I'll do anything I can to help.
Yeah. Thank you.
We're running out of time.
We just gotta choose some locations,
work our way down the list,
and hope we get lucky.
Wait, hold on. Something's off.
This place on 165th.
The box is here,
but it's not on the active job list.
That place got shut down by the city,
but it should still be on the list.
It's not. Someone must have wanted it
off the books after the transfer.
Why was the site shut down?
Water main burst.
Black mold everywhere. Nasty stuff.
Black mold.
It's like Eagan's Calling.
Vance here.
Hey, Jared's gonna text you an address.
Meet us there, okay?
Okay, so I tracked down
all of the Omega Sapphires
that I could find,
and the Oracle of Delphi did use one,
but it disappeared off of the...
Ground Control to Major Tom.
What's up with you?
I'm fine. Just a little tired.
[Olive] Oh.
Okay. Well, first, um...
you're a really bad liar for an empath,
which is ironic.
Um, second, you've been off
for a couple days now.
I messed up.
Fell off the wagon about two days ago.
I'm back at it.
Went to a meeting.
[poignant music playing]
But I still gotta tell Mick. [sighs]
Well, when I was in a really tough place
and felt completely trapped on the inside,
you freed me.
And I know I can't do the same for you,
but I believe in you.
And Mick will too.
She loves you.
I needed that.
[suspenseful music playing]
What are you doing?
You led the Stones right to me.
Let them steal my guardian angel.
I don't know what my mother plans to do
to you, but you deserve whatever's coming.
Don't let me die here!
You can still make things right!
[Adrian] Angelina!
Please tell me you found something helpful
in the major's research.
[Olive] I literally just now
found this on Reddit. Ready?
Okay, it looks like there were
seven powerful stones
called Omega Sapphires.
Most were lost to history,
but I just stumbled onto a lead
to the last remaining one.
Where is it?
In a place called Ağri Daği in 2013.
Ağri Daği is what the Turkish
renamed Mount Ararat.
That's where they found
the fragment of Noah's Ark
that we had at Eureka.
It was imbued with sapphire,
and I tossed it into the fissure.
I literally threw away my only shot
at generating a Calling.
I have to go.
You knew.
Even if it doesn't feel like it now,
you did the right thing.
But it doesn't make any sense.
If what I did was right,
then what we are doing now is wrong.
God can be a dangerous role to play.
But your grandmother,
the dragon constellation.
I mean, you said so yourself,
"Faith has a seat at the table after all."
And perhaps someday we'll understand how.
I don't know about you,
but failing to find a serial killer
through experimental science
always makes me
This wasn't just about
fighting Noelle, was it?
I was hoping it was gonna be the beginning
of a conversation with the divine.
But I think that's impossible now.
I thought you science types
didn't believe in the impossible.
Well, I do now.
Turns out, I need some
specific kind of sapphire called Omega,
and it's been lost forever or destroyed.
[mysterious music playing]
You never know, Saanvi.
Sometimes life's failures lead you
to exactly where you need to be.
I'm gonna take a quick sample
of your blood for DNA testing.
[tense music playing]
Gabriel Stone is at a critical point
in his cancer treatment.
He should be getting systemic treatment
as we speak.
Unless you have
the proper facilities here,
you need to release Gabriel
into the custody of his physician.
Come on. This is her. Dr. Alex Bates.
[tense music swells]
[man] Hey, hold up.
[suspenseful music playing]
[door squeaking]
Angelina should've been here
to bear witness to your atonement,
but God had other plans.
Defend us in the hour of our conflict.
Be our safeguard against the wickedness
and snares of the devil.
No, you're... you're forgetting.
"Somehow faith, hope, and love abide."
"These three."
"But the greatest of these is love."
Quoting Corinthians doesn't make you holy.
"God will judge you."
"For judgment is without mercy
to one who's shown no mercy."
Sh, sh, sh, sh, sh.
[Adrian] Please!
That's Adrian.
[Adrian] Save me!
[footsteps approaching]
[Adrian] Help!
This was not my role to play,
but when called upon,
I will show my devotion
and eliminate all the tempters
from my daughter's path
so she can be returned to salvation!
- Stop!
- [Jared] Noelle, stop!
Drop the knife, now!
[Noelle grunts]
[Vance] Adrian, can you hear me?
Can you hear me?
[handcuffs click]
911, unresponsive.
[Jared] I got it.
[line ringing]
[Michaela] Hey. We got Noelle.
Adrian's alive.
That's good,
but it doesn't look like she's the killer.
We just stopped her from drowning Adrian.
Well, I just got camera stills of Noelle
driving through the toll booth
on the GW Bridge
during the time of Violet's murder.
She might be working with the killer,
but she didn't kill Violet.
[breathing heavily]
[Ben] Why didn't you tell me?
You have enough to worry about.
You are my son.
And you will always be my son,
even when I'm not being the father
that I should.
- It's okay, Dad.
- No, it's not.
I'll never be able to make up
for how I treated you.
You don't have to.
Whatever happens,
we'll get through it together.
[sentimental music playing]
[Zeke] When the snow began to fall
and the waters froze over,
Brown Bear went back into the cave.
- [Zeke] Olive!
- [phone rings]
The killer's still out there.
I'm worried they're...
They're already here.
Olive! Check the doors.
I think someone is trying to break in.
See if the cop is still out front!
[Eden] Uncle Zeke, I'm scared.
[suspenseful music playing]
Everything's okay.
We just gotta be quiet for a little while.
Can you help me do that?
All right, sweetheart. Lay down.
Sh. Okay.
[man] It's okay, miss!
I'm sorry if I scared you, miss.
Is everything okay in here?
No, there's...
I think there may be an intruder.
Stay behind me.
[suspenseful music intensifies]
No! That's Zeke! That's Zeke.
He lives here.
That's not a cop, Olive.
That's Angelina's dad.
Officer Chaudhry's
just taking a little nap
in the trunk of his car
while I get what I came for.
I understand how you feel, Kenneth.
You're angry.
You just wanna help Angelina.
She needs to see with her own eyes
that child is no angel.
It does not have God's protection.
I can help you.
Olive, run!
[grunting in pain]
No one else needs to get hurt!
- [grunts]
- I just need the demon child.
[gun cocks]
Go to hell!
[Kenneth screams]
[indistinct chatter]
Oh my God! What the...
Hey, it's fine.
Angelina's father came for Eden.
- Kenneth.
- Olive sent him out the window.
This does not look good.
Are you sure you're okay?
Bullet went clean through.
Just a quick patch job.
I can come home later tonight.
- I'll meet you at the hospital, okay?
- [Zeke] Okay.
[sighs, grunts]
You did the right thing.
I know.
Just released your buddy from custody.
Dropping all charges.
How'd you crack the case?
One of your special friends
get one of their special feelings?
No, just good old-fashioned police work.
You know, the passengers,
they're just normal people
who came back to a very abnormal world.
You just gotta understand that world
to police it.
- I guess you're still calling my boss?
- Damn straight.
Calling to request a transfer to 828.
Your talents are wasted on patrol.
And the Registry could use
another good detective.
["Heal" by Tom Odell playing]
♪ Take my mind and take my pain ♪
♪ Like an empty bottle takes the rain ♪
♪ And heal ♪
♪ Heal ♪
♪ Heal, heal ♪
♪ And take my past and take my sins ♪
♪ LIke an empty sail takes the wind ♪
♪ And heal ♪
♪ Heal ♪
♪ Heal, heal ♪
♪ And tell me ♪
♪ Some things last ♪
♪ And tell me ♪
♪ Some things last... ♪
[line ringing]
- Hey, it's TJ. Leave a message.
- [sighs]
- [beeps]
- Where are you?
I've been texting, and, um...
today was a really rough day.
♪ And take a heart and take a hand... ♪
So it'd be nice to hear your voice.
- [phone dings]
- ♪ Like an ocean takes the dirty sand ♪
♪ And heal ♪
♪ Heal ♪
- ♪ And heal ♪
- [car door closes]
♪ And take my mind ♪
♪ And take my pain... ♪
What are you doing here?
I... I can't believe you're here.
I just got off a flight,
and I got your messages.
I've been looking
for the same thing in Egypt.
Omega Sapphire?
But I think it might be right here
in New York.
It is really all connected.
I only got two questions for you.
Do you wanna go
on a sapphire hunt with me?
And can I kiss you?
♪ And tell me some things ♪
♪ Last ♪
I'd like to volunteer.
You've been here before, right?
It's been a while.
Feels like it's time
to balance out my karma.
[mysterious music playing]
Ready or not, Omega Sapphire. Here I come.
[suspenseful music playing]
[closing theme playing]
[Olive] Previously on Manifest...
[Kathryn] Subject three only.
- [machine whirs]
- [grunts]
Hostages? How could you?
How could you?!
What's the point of a powerful mutation
if you can't replicate and weaponize it?
- You're a father, yes?
- A boy and a girl.
Can you imagine
not being able to save your own child?
I am trying to protect my kid, damn it!
I'm your kid too, Dad.
It's like whenever humans have been
in communication with the divine,
it was thanks to sapphire.
There's someone I'm helping,
and I don't know
if I should be helping her.
I'm looking for Angelina.
May this holy ordinance cleanse the soul
and redeem you in his name.
[mysterious music playing]
We've got about two minutes
till the Registry shows up.
This is hard, but I need to know
what Violet said to you last night.
Anything that can help us understand
why Angelina's mom targeted her.
Look, Cal, if we catch Noelle,
we clear your name.
Angelina, uh... Violet told me that
she helped her with baby stuff, I think.
Noelle's targeting anyone
who helped Angelina.
- Picked her up as soon as I got the text.
- What's going on?
Cal! We gotta go. Get in the car.
- Stop. We gotta talk about this.
- We don't have time.
The evidence is circumstantial at best.
If he goes in and answers the questions...
What? And let them take his prints?
Track his DNA?
- Yes.
- Years of protecting his real identity.
- Running makes him look guilty.
- And staying makes him a lab rat.
When they find out Gabriel is Cal
5.5 years older, they'll never let him go.
Maybe talk to your dad
about your symptoms.
I'm fine.
I sense something more.
You sense
me finding out Violet was murdered
and not wanting to be arrested for it.
One minute.
[Ben] Cal!
Car. Now.
- What? Did you get the picture?
- What picture?
I told you I need the picture by my bed...
[man] 828 Registry! Open up!
- Go! Go! Go!
- [man] Open up!
- Run!
- [man] Police!
- Let him go! Get off of him!
- [Jared] No, Ben!
[echoing] Hey! He's under arrest.
Stand back.
I said stand back!
- Come on.
- [handcuffs click]
Don't say anything, okay?
I'll be right behind you.
I'll be right behind you!
[opening theme playing]
If Noelle is targeting people
that were harboring Angelina,
we need to know who's next on that list.
I've got Drea looking for leads
for everyone who was at the compound.
We need to make sure
everyone here is safe.
We took in Angelina before anyone else.
They'll cancel our protective detail
now they think they found the killer.
I'll stay put until I get a buddy
from the 129 to watch the house.
Then I'll check Noelle's
and make sure she's there.
Drea got a hit on Adrian's credit card.
Metro Motel, Sunnyside.
- Adrian had Angelina at the compound.
- [Michaela] Yeah, exactly.
If there's anyone
Noelle's gonna go after next, it's Adrian.
Okay, I'm gonna go check out the hotel.
What? You think you're going alone?
Excuse me! Excuse me!
That young man has done nothing wrong.
Mr. Stone.
Capt. Fahey. They brought me from DC
to take command of the Registry.
How do you arrest a kid
because he knows the victim?
Gabriel was the last one seen with Violet
after having what appeared to be
an aggressive exchange.
Mr. Stone, please.
We're gonna run his prints and DNA.
We're gonna question him.
If he's done nothing wrong,
he's got nothing to hide.
All right. All right.
[lightbulb buzzing]
[water dripping]
[ominous music playing]
[Adrian] Help!
Save me!
[echoes] Adrian!
[Zeke] Uh...
Something tells me
he's not just going for ice.
There's chloroform on this.
Noelle stabbed all her victims
at the scene.
She must have something special
in mind for him.
What are you doing here?
I'm staying two doors down.
His farm blew up. I felt bad.
No Four Seasons,
but it's the least I could do.
The room's under his credit card.
I pay the nightly. Incidentals are on him.
Like I said, it's the least I could do.
He's on the level. You can tell him.
We think Adrian was taken
by Angelina's mom.
She's the one killing passengers.
Do you seriously think
she's the 828 serial killer?
Yes. We think she's targeting anyone
who helped Angelina.
- I helped Angelina. Ish.
- [phone dings]
And I was at mommy dearest's house.
She knows my face, my name.
- Well, lock your door and lie low.
- Noelle's probably coming back for me.
- I need to go with you.
- I'm sorry. There's nothing...
Your whole deal is helping passengers.
It doesn't get more passenger-y than me!
You are not staying at our house, okay?
I had a Calling! Just a minute ago.
Heard Adrian's voice say, "Save me."
That's why I came here to check on him.
I can help you find him.
He's still telling the truth.
- There's always the couch downstairs.
- Well, he's for sure on my kill list.
Don't expect a mint on your pillow.
[Eagan sighs]
You talking like a straight-up couch?
Or you got a hide-a-bed?
Sugar rush in the break room.
[sighs] Damn it, Mikami.
I thought we were friends.
Friends don't let friends miss out
on red velvet because of a stupid diet.
[door buzzes]
[Drea whispers] Hey.
I'm all over Noelle.
Running plates, credit cards.
Her family's
in the debris hauling business.
They got contracts with construction sites
all over the boroughs.
Could be hiding out anywhere. This...
this is the address of the headquarters.
Is that him?
- Yeah.
- Okay.
Excuse me, sir. Jared Vasquez, 129.
I know who you are.
Sir, with all due respect,
you have an innocent kid on ice in there.
You should look at Noelle Meyer.
That woman has a history...
Know your place, Vasquez.
We have a suspect.
Leave it,
or I'll have to call your captain,
let him know
you're messing with 828 affairs, okay?
[door buzzes]
Why do you keep moving me?
We need to keep you safe, Angel.
You said the last place was safe.
[eerie music playing]
- Mom, what did you...
- He led you astray.
Soon, you'll watch
as he's cleansed from the world
like the others
who made you abandon God's path.
You aren't hiding me.
You aren't keeping me safe.
I'm your prisoner.
Sh, sh, sh, sh!
It's okay, sweetie.
[door buzzes]
- What's happening? Where is he?
- Still in questioning.
I got rid of the fingerprint file.
- That's great.
- Bought us a couple hours.
They'll reprint him
once they realize the file's missing.
What I'm more worried about
is the DNA sample.
The lab tech's gonna be here soon
to take the blood draw.
- Can't you lose that sample too?
- No.
DNA has a different chain of custody.
It's right from the tech to the lab.
You have to get him out of here
before that tech shows up.
- I'm sorry. I can't do more.
- Thanks.
[door buzzes]
[Vance] Heard from Michaela.
They think the killer
is Angelina's mother.
Is there anything that we can do?
Until there is,
we should focus on our work here,
which I suspect is about to pick up steam.
You got a visitor.
Dr. Gupta, thank you for coming.
I saw your signature
on the detainees' records.
I had no idea you'd been caring for them.
I feel tremendous guilt
about what happened to those poor souls.
A failure and a tragedy.
[Saanvi] Maybe not a complete failure.
I think the detainees are stuck
in a constant state of Calling,
and I'm hoping you can help me
safely replicate the major's protocols.
Those detainees may never recover.
You wanna replicate this?
I wanna know how she did what she did
because I wanna avoid making her mistakes,
not repeat them.
I copied her files
before we were locked out of Eureka.
[ominous music playing]
- [panting]
- [chair scraping floor]
Don't bother.
Your mom's not messing around.
She's the one
who's been killing the passengers.
Yeah, no shit. The question's why?
Anna. Sam.
Ugh, I confessed to my mother
how they helped me.
She must blame any passenger
she thinks led me astray...
and you've helped me the most.
So why hasn't she already killed me?
She wants to rid sinners from my life.
She wants me to watch you die.
Unless you wanna see that, we gotta find
a way out before she comes back.
- You guys don't look like the movers.
- Uh, no, we're here to see Noelle Meyer?
You're not gonna find her here.
Noelle sold off all our projects.
Laid off the staff without notice.
I worked for her father for 30 years.
She inherits the company, guts it in five.
Look. We have reason to believe
Noelle may be using one of her job sites
for criminal activity.
Can we possibly look at the project files?
Do you have a warrant?
No, we do not, but...
Good. Then this never happened.
Come on inside. Look at whatever you want.
Oh, wow. Okay. Uh...
Only 10,000 project files.
This'd be a great time
for you to get one of those Callings.
[mysterious music playing]
- This one. Marko's scan.
- Hmm.
It looks just like...
a passenger's Calling I recorded on fMRI.
Yes, it would. That was the first Calling
the major recorded
before the experiments began.
You knew about sapphire all along?
The major did. I was a fly on the wall.
She used sapphire to generate Callings.
Wait. What does this note mean?
"Failed to procure preferred grade.
Used commercial sapphire."
What other kind of sapphire is there?
The major was better at giving orders
than explanations.
But whatever sapphire she was using,
it got results.
[Aria] This is a drawing Marko made
of what he saw in his Calling.
The major was desperate
to find out what it meant.
She generated a Calling repeatedly,
increasing the intensity each time.
She intentionally increased the charges,
which... increased his pain.
The more pain, the clearer the Calling.
Okay. What if there's a way
to get passengers to the same place
without extreme levels of pain?
That would be a breakthrough, but...
The major just didn't know when to stop
because she thought of passengers
as lab rats.
But I am a passenger.
I won't let that happen.
Those hash browns
aren't gonna eat themselves.
All yours.
How'd you sleep? Any repeats
of the Calling from last night?
Callings don't exactly come on demand.
Besides, my ass was too busy
playing whack-a-mole
with the springs on that couch
to focus on anything else.
[phone ringing]
[clears throat]
[Saanvi] Hey.
We were right about the sapphire.
I just... I didn't know how to use it,
but the major did, and she left a roadmap.
To what? Generate Callings?
It seems that she was searching
for some kind of significant sapphire.
I'll send you the info.
God, imagine how easy it would be
to save the Lifeboat
if we could safely generate Callings
when we need them.
It's so funny. Eagan was literally just
saying how Callings don't come on demand.
Wait. You're with Eagan?
Yeah. He had a Calling last night
about Adrian being in danger, so...
If someone recently had a Calling
about the killer or one of the victim's,
I could... regenerate
or... possibly enhance that Calling.
[Olive] So,
you wanna give Eagan a Calling?
[Saanvi] If Callings are memories,
who better to generate one than a guy
with a photographic memory?
It might just save Adrian's life.
And Cal's.
Definitely worth the risk.
Whatever science experiment
you just signed me up for, hard pass.
Ah, well, it has to be you.
You had a Calling about Adrian
for a reason.
People are dying. Never too late
to do the right thing, Eagan.
I always do the right thing.
The right thing for me.
It was my great-grandfather's compass.
The compass took a bullet
for your grandpa at Normandy.
Yada yada, you told me already.
Nearly got me killed at that bank.
I thought transferring to a cell
with a passenger
would be better
than getting my ass kicked every day.
Turns out, it's more painful.
Stories have endings, you know.
Take my first Calling.
I heard, "Help him."
Didn't know who the hell the him
I was supposed to help was,
but I did see a volunteer
leave a petty cash bag sitting out.
So, I helped myself. The end.
All the Calling wanted you to do
was help someone.
Why not just figure out who
and do the right thing?
[inhales deeply]
About a month after 9/11,
there was this other immigrant kid
at school getting bullied.
I already took my share of abuse
and figured,
why not jump further into the fire?
So I stuck up for him.
Yeah? Must've felt good.
It felt good
for about two seconds.
Then it turned into a fistfight
with the star linebacker.
Golden boy got one week suspension.
But me?
I got a fat lip and a full expulsion.
Years of honor roll up in smoke
along with my college prospects.
Lesson learned.
Best to rely on me,
and I.
[mysterious music playing]
You people have been asking me
the same questions for hours.
I don't feel well. Please, can I go home?
Look, if it's just a misunderstanding,
clear it up for me.
Then we both get to go home.
So, what? You got your jacket back
from Violet, you guys hit it off,
you sang karaoke.
So, what then?
Good night? Thanks for the memories?
No, uh...
We kissed.
Oh yeah?
How was that?
It... it was...
the greatest feeling I've ever had.
That feeling lasted all of two hours.
And then she was gone.
[weeps] I just wish I had walked her home.
Maybe I could have done some...
done something.
[tones playing repeatedly]
[tones playing on violin]
[knock at door]
Radd, I need your help.
[suspenseful music playing]
So you heard the music.
- You too?
- [Radd] Mm.
I knew it couldn't just be me.
It has to be connected, Radd.
I'm glad you come.
Last time our Calling helped your son.
I'm hoping we can help mine.
He's been arrested by the Registry.
They think he's killing these passengers.
Cal? I thought he ran off.
No, he's back, and he's... older now.
It's hard to explain.
I've become accustomed
to the unexplainable.
Cal's been living
under an assumed identity,
which is why I have to get him out
before they find out who he really is.
Ever since we got Adio out,
I've been working with families
for the wrongly convicted,
advocating for their release.
Must be why
the Callings brought us together.
You can help get Cal released.
Wish I could. There's little I can do
until after conviction.
[sighs] Then what are we missing?
I mean, the Callings could've
brought us together in any other way,
but we both heard the same melody
from our last Calling.
No, not quite the same melody.
Years ago, I turned the music
of the Calling we shared
into a composition for my son.
Maybe... maybe there's something in it
that can help yours.
That's what you heard?
That's the new section.
But you heard this?
That's the start of the song.
The pain of him being behind bars.
I see, but...
they don't seem to go together.
That's because we're missing
a part in between.
The part I wrote for you.
You were the connection we needed.
The bridge.
The bridge. That's gotta be
what I'm supposed to find, but...
[suspenseful music playing]
[Olive] Okay,
you gotta come check this out.
I had Saanvi send me
some of the major's files,
which said they had to resort
to using commercially available sapphire.
- What else is there?
- Exactly.
If you believe in Apocrypha,
everything from
the stone of the Oracle of Delphi
to the Ten Commandments,
they're all said to be made from sapphire
mined from the same ancient quarry.
The scholars refer to them
as Omega Sapphires.
So why do you think the major wanted
an Omega Sapphire?
Well, these sapphires
are thought to be supercharged.
Maybe the major thought
she could tap into the full power
of the Callings.
You actually think there might still be
one of them out there?
I don't know.
But if there is, we need to find it.
Gotta admit, I imagined
a slightly more professional operation.
This makes me feel like I'm about to get
shot into space in a roll of toilet paper.
We have everything we need.
What we don't have is time. Sit.
The only reason I agreed
to allow you in my building
is Saanvi assured me
the process would be extremely painful.
You allowed me in
because a passenger's life is in danger,
and I'm the only one who can help.
So let's save the ball-buster act.
After you drop the good Samaritan routine.
We both know you don't care
about anyone but yourself.
Did you think I was serious?
Adrian's super dead by now.
The passenger I'm trying to save is me.
Lie back, please.
You said you wouldn't go past
using a 40% electric charge, right?
The major achieved some degree of clarity
with her subjects at 50%,
but that's where
the risk becomes too great.
So we're hoping with you as our subject,
we can get more clarity for less power.
Hey, Eagan, you with me?
Yeah, yeah, clarity, power, copy.
[Radd playing piano]
[sighs] There's something we're missing.
[phone chimes]
Okay. Can you play the bridge again
but slower, and just the melody?
Yes. Yes.
[playing piano slowly]
Okay. I count ten notes.
And musical notes correspond to numbers,
don't they?
That's right.
This song is written
in the key of E minor,
so E is one and so on, so...
Two, one.
[piano playing]
The numbers. They're
That's ten digits, beginning with 212.
That's a... that's a New York phone number.
[monitor beeping]
[exhales] Deep breath.
Calm your mind.
[mysterious music playing]
Focus on the Calling you had last night.
Picture the faucet.
Picture the black mold.
Find where the hallway leads.
Find where Adrian is being kept.
How will we know it's working?
If he gets a Calling,
it'll flash bright white
and his memory center will light up.
[static crackling]
[tempo of beeping increases]
Pulse rising fast. 152.177.
I saw the flash! There's a faint glow
coming from the memory center.
No, we have to stop. Eagan?
- Eagan? Eagan? Hey, Eagan.
- [panting]
[Saanvi] Hey, you okay?
You okay?
Did it, um... did it work?
If you're trying to weaponize migraines,
then, yeah, it worked.
Your brain scan lit up.
Are you sure didn't see anything?
Just a few seconds of bright light.
Nothing to write home about.
[Saanvi] Are you sure?
Why would I lie? I don't wanna be
serial killed any more than you do.
You stopped where the major began
to see results. You had no choice.
Even if it means finding a killer?
No. No.
I will not sacrifice a life
to save another.
If there is a god
at the other end of this frequency,
this can't be how she wants
to communicate with us.
[line ringing]
Oncology, Dr. Bates.
[somber music playing]
[Ben] Oncology.
Is... is that Dr. Alex Bates?
Yes. Can I help you?
My name is Ben Stone. Is my...
Is Gabriel Stone... your patient?
Dr. Bates, I know all about HIPAA.
Now, I've been led to you for a reason.
I know Saanvi trusts you
more than anyone in the world,
and I trust Saanvi, so please.
My son, is...
is he sick again?
I'm so sorry.
This isn't how anyone should receive news.
Ben, if he's sick,
I can argue that the Registry doesn't have
the resources to care for him.
[Ben] Then the Registry will have
to release him to his doctor,
hopefully before they take his DNA.
Mr. Stone, meet me at the Registry.
I'll do anything I can to help.
Yeah. Thank you.
We're running out of time.
We just gotta choose some locations,
work our way down the list,
and hope we get lucky.
Wait, hold on. Something's off.
This place on 165th.
The box is here,
but it's not on the active job list.
That place got shut down by the city,
but it should still be on the list.
It's not. Someone must have wanted it
off the books after the transfer.
Why was the site shut down?
Water main burst.
Black mold everywhere. Nasty stuff.
Black mold.
It's like Eagan's Calling.
Vance here.
Hey, Jared's gonna text you an address.
Meet us there, okay?
Okay, so I tracked down
all of the Omega Sapphires
that I could find,
and the Oracle of Delphi did use one,
but it disappeared off of the...
Ground Control to Major Tom.
What's up with you?
I'm fine. Just a little tired.
[Olive] Oh.
Okay. Well, first, um...
you're a really bad liar for an empath,
which is ironic.
Um, second, you've been off
for a couple days now.
I messed up.
Fell off the wagon about two days ago.
I'm back at it.
Went to a meeting.
[poignant music playing]
But I still gotta tell Mick. [sighs]
Well, when I was in a really tough place
and felt completely trapped on the inside,
you freed me.
And I know I can't do the same for you,
but I believe in you.
And Mick will too.
She loves you.
I needed that.
[suspenseful music playing]
What are you doing?
You led the Stones right to me.
Let them steal my guardian angel.
I don't know what my mother plans to do
to you, but you deserve whatever's coming.
Don't let me die here!
You can still make things right!
[Adrian] Angelina!
Please tell me you found something helpful
in the major's research.
[Olive] I literally just now
found this on Reddit. Ready?
Okay, it looks like there were
seven powerful stones
called Omega Sapphires.
Most were lost to history,
but I just stumbled onto a lead
to the last remaining one.
Where is it?
In a place called Ağri Daği in 2013.
Ağri Daği is what the Turkish
renamed Mount Ararat.
That's where they found
the fragment of Noah's Ark
that we had at Eureka.
It was imbued with sapphire,
and I tossed it into the fissure.
I literally threw away my only shot
at generating a Calling.
I have to go.
You knew.
Even if it doesn't feel like it now,
you did the right thing.
But it doesn't make any sense.
If what I did was right,
then what we are doing now is wrong.
God can be a dangerous role to play.
But your grandmother,
the dragon constellation.
I mean, you said so yourself,
"Faith has a seat at the table after all."
And perhaps someday we'll understand how.
I don't know about you,
but failing to find a serial killer
through experimental science
always makes me
This wasn't just about
fighting Noelle, was it?
I was hoping it was gonna be the beginning
of a conversation with the divine.
But I think that's impossible now.
I thought you science types
didn't believe in the impossible.
Well, I do now.
Turns out, I need some
specific kind of sapphire called Omega,
and it's been lost forever or destroyed.
[mysterious music playing]
You never know, Saanvi.
Sometimes life's failures lead you
to exactly where you need to be.
I'm gonna take a quick sample
of your blood for DNA testing.
[tense music playing]
Gabriel Stone is at a critical point
in his cancer treatment.
He should be getting systemic treatment
as we speak.
Unless you have
the proper facilities here,
you need to release Gabriel
into the custody of his physician.
Come on. This is her. Dr. Alex Bates.
[tense music swells]
[man] Hey, hold up.
[suspenseful music playing]
[door squeaking]
Angelina should've been here
to bear witness to your atonement,
but God had other plans.
Defend us in the hour of our conflict.
Be our safeguard against the wickedness
and snares of the devil.
No, you're... you're forgetting.
"Somehow faith, hope, and love abide."
"These three."
"But the greatest of these is love."
Quoting Corinthians doesn't make you holy.
"God will judge you."
"For judgment is without mercy
to one who's shown no mercy."
Sh, sh, sh, sh, sh.
[Adrian] Please!
That's Adrian.
[Adrian] Save me!
[footsteps approaching]
[Adrian] Help!
This was not my role to play,
but when called upon,
I will show my devotion
and eliminate all the tempters
from my daughter's path
so she can be returned to salvation!
- Stop!
- [Jared] Noelle, stop!
Drop the knife, now!
[Noelle grunts]
[Vance] Adrian, can you hear me?
Can you hear me?
[handcuffs click]
911, unresponsive.
[Jared] I got it.
[line ringing]
[Michaela] Hey. We got Noelle.
Adrian's alive.
That's good,
but it doesn't look like she's the killer.
We just stopped her from drowning Adrian.
Well, I just got camera stills of Noelle
driving through the toll booth
on the GW Bridge
during the time of Violet's murder.
She might be working with the killer,
but she didn't kill Violet.
[breathing heavily]
[Ben] Why didn't you tell me?
You have enough to worry about.
You are my son.
And you will always be my son,
even when I'm not being the father
that I should.
- It's okay, Dad.
- No, it's not.
I'll never be able to make up
for how I treated you.
You don't have to.
Whatever happens,
we'll get through it together.
[sentimental music playing]
[Zeke] When the snow began to fall
and the waters froze over,
Brown Bear went back into the cave.
- [Zeke] Olive!
- [phone rings]
The killer's still out there.
I'm worried they're...
They're already here.
Olive! Check the doors.
I think someone is trying to break in.
See if the cop is still out front!
[Eden] Uncle Zeke, I'm scared.
[suspenseful music playing]
Everything's okay.
We just gotta be quiet for a little while.
Can you help me do that?
All right, sweetheart. Lay down.
Sh. Okay.
[man] It's okay, miss!
I'm sorry if I scared you, miss.
Is everything okay in here?
No, there's...
I think there may be an intruder.
Stay behind me.
[suspenseful music intensifies]
No! That's Zeke! That's Zeke.
He lives here.
That's not a cop, Olive.
That's Angelina's dad.
Officer Chaudhry's
just taking a little nap
in the trunk of his car
while I get what I came for.
I understand how you feel, Kenneth.
You're angry.
You just wanna help Angelina.
She needs to see with her own eyes
that child is no angel.
It does not have God's protection.
I can help you.
Olive, run!
[grunting in pain]
No one else needs to get hurt!
- [grunts]
- I just need the demon child.
[gun cocks]
Go to hell!
[Kenneth screams]
[indistinct chatter]
Oh my God! What the...
Hey, it's fine.
Angelina's father came for Eden.
- Kenneth.
- Olive sent him out the window.
This does not look good.
Are you sure you're okay?
Bullet went clean through.
Just a quick patch job.
I can come home later tonight.
- I'll meet you at the hospital, okay?
- [Zeke] Okay.
[sighs, grunts]
You did the right thing.
I know.
Just released your buddy from custody.
Dropping all charges.
How'd you crack the case?
One of your special friends
get one of their special feelings?
No, just good old-fashioned police work.
You know, the passengers,
they're just normal people
who came back to a very abnormal world.
You just gotta understand that world
to police it.
- I guess you're still calling my boss?
- Damn straight.
Calling to request a transfer to 828.
Your talents are wasted on patrol.
And the Registry could use
another good detective.
["Heal" by Tom Odell playing]
♪ Take my mind and take my pain ♪
♪ Like an empty bottle takes the rain ♪
♪ And heal ♪
♪ Heal ♪
♪ Heal, heal ♪
♪ And take my past and take my sins ♪
♪ LIke an empty sail takes the wind ♪
♪ And heal ♪
♪ Heal ♪
♪ Heal, heal ♪
♪ And tell me ♪
♪ Some things last ♪
♪ And tell me ♪
♪ Some things last... ♪
[line ringing]
- Hey, it's TJ. Leave a message.
- [sighs]
- [beeps]
- Where are you?
I've been texting, and, um...
today was a really rough day.
♪ And take a heart and take a hand... ♪
So it'd be nice to hear your voice.
- [phone dings]
- ♪ Like an ocean takes the dirty sand ♪
♪ And heal ♪
♪ Heal ♪
- ♪ And heal ♪
- [car door closes]
♪ And take my mind ♪
♪ And take my pain... ♪
What are you doing here?
I... I can't believe you're here.
I just got off a flight,
and I got your messages.
I've been looking
for the same thing in Egypt.
Omega Sapphire?
But I think it might be right here
in New York.
It is really all connected.
I only got two questions for you.
Do you wanna go
on a sapphire hunt with me?
And can I kiss you?
♪ And tell me some things ♪
♪ Last ♪
I'd like to volunteer.
You've been here before, right?
It's been a while.
Feels like it's time
to balance out my karma.
[mysterious music playing]
Ready or not, Omega Sapphire. Here I come.
[suspenseful music playing]
[closing theme playing]