Manifest (2018–…): Season 4, Episode 15 - Throttle - full transcript
Desperate to stop Angelina, Ben makes a risky move that yields unexpected consequences. A family emergency sends Michaela in a different direction.
Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Previously on Manifest.
She's got the sapphire.
What chance does the Lifeboat have?
You were tasked to figure out a cure.
I think I did it. The DNA has no anomaly.
You're holding on to your grief
so tight, it's taken a toll.
You are unique, even among 828ers.
I cannot lose another family member
to that godforsaken place.
Ow! You chipped me, didn't you?
We have a plan to find
the 13 fugitive passengers.
I'm part of the safe house.
- They're all together?
- Nine are.
You don't understand.
My anxiety, it's too much.
My duty ended
when I stepped off that plane.
There were only two people who saw
what was coming. You and Captain Daly.
Both of these plagues
originated with Daly.
Judgment only comes
after the two witnesses die.
It is my duty to bring on the end of times
by killing the two witnesses.
It has been just over six hours
since the river
outside the 828 Detention Center
turned blood red.
Scientists are still struggling
to confirm the cause.
No one can say for sure why or how
this mysterious
and, frankly, terrifying sight came to be.
But given the spate of outbreaks
plaguing this 828 facility
and its proximity to the river,
is it crazy to think
this is the fault of 828ers?
After all, weren't these people
responsible for the fissures
that killed
nearly 1,000 innocent civilians?
Aren't some of them still roaming free?
How much longer is our government
gonna pretend this isn't happening...
The safe house doesn't feel safe anymore.
I don't like this.
We should leave.
Amuta said we should stay.
Captain Amuta also should've been back
hours ago. Maybe something happened.
Georgia wasn't at the drop.
She left a note.
So what should we do?
For now? Nothing.
No more supply runs. No more Callings.
This city's a powder keg.
We need to hunker down till this is over.
Until we're caught?
We'll end up like the others
in the detention center.
I am telling you, staying is a bad idea.
I got you.
We're really gonna wait here
like sitting ducks?
- What if you were followed? What if...
- I wasn't.
Look, moving as a large group isn't ideal.
For now, this...
this is our best bet.
We're safe here.
None of us are safe here.
I know you think
you have Angelina locked up,
but she can still endanger the world.
She's a threat!
And she needs to be dealt with.
And what am I supposed to do?
Say I believed you
that Angelina has these powers.
How do I handle her?
Use Saanvi's serum.
Saanvi created that
to eliminate Daly's plagues.
Right. But it was based
on pre-existing research.
What exactly are you telling me?
Years ago, Saanvi created an antidote
that eliminated her Callings.
If it worked on real ones,
it just might work on fake ones too.
You have to at least try it.
Angelina's locked up
24 hours a day in isolation.
She's dangerous.
As far as I'm concerned,
you're all dangerous.
And that crowd growing out there
doesn't disagree.
- They think you poisoned the East River.
- We had nothing to do with the river.
You wanna go out there
and swear to that? I can't...
You kept us all locked up.
Not all.
Too many passengers
are still on the loose,
and one of them might've caused
a plague just like Daly did.
Angelina's in custody now.
She's not my concern.
I have bigger problems on my plate.
Excuse me. Excuse me. Excuse me.
Pardon me.
Hey. Hey, no deliveries today, Pops.
I'm here to see my daughter.
Can you check the list?
Steven Stone is the name.
- What he say?
- Stone.
- Yeah?
- That's him?
All right. Get back. Get back. Get back.
Get back. Get back.
Ben Stone corroborated
everything you said about your abilities.
So when can I expect passengers
to start showing up?
I can't force Amuta to turn himself in.
I can only use the people
he holds most dear to suggest it.
People see you as a threat.
They'd be more than happy for me
to get rid of your powers,
lock you up forever.
No. We have a deal.
We do. I stuck my neck out for you,
but that means you need to deliver.
- I'm trying.
- Try harder.
I have everyone, from my city councilmen
to the White House Chief of Staff,
telling me I need
to get the situation under control.
So if those 12 passengers at large
don't show up within the day,
you're never getting out of here.
Dad, you okay?
Good to see you too, kiddo.
- Sorry, you look really...
- Exhausted?
Yeah. I hate to break it to you,
but it's a bit of a madhouse outside.
I haven't been in a crowd that big
since Woodstock.
Yeah, honestly,
I think it might be safer in here.
You might be right.
I got to work this morning
and found it was closed.
They're gonna keep everything shuttered
until everything gets a bit calmer.
How about, um,
Gabriel or Olive?
I... I dropped them at Port Authority
this morning.
They're gonna stay with a friend up in...
Smart thinking.
Yeah. Well...
I have my moments.
Looks like I have my senior moments too.
I left my shoe untied.
What are you thinking?
This is really dangerous.
It's important.
Olive thinks
she's on to something that could help.
Something that TJ can help complete.
Did you read it?
You know how I am.
All that mythology stuff,
it's above my pay grade.
But Olive sure takes after her grandmother
in that respect.
- Once she gets her teeth into something...
- Oh yeah, there's no letting go.
Remember when Mom decided
she wanted to bird-watch?
We must have hit
every nature reserve in the state.
I miss her.
She would've loved your husband.
It's okay to talk about it.
Yeah, I think I finally can.
She wanted you to know
that you're worthy of happiness, Michaela.
Especially now.
Everything that's happened to you...
to all of you, it's just so unfair.
Hey! Hey, you! Back up!
My name is Daniel Amuta Clarke.
Cocaptain of Flight 828.
Keep them hands up!
Get on the ground! On the ground!
We're safe and sound, locked up in here.
Who's taking care of you?
Dad! Dad! Dad!
Mick? What's going on?
Jordan said it...
What is it? You have a Calling?
What's wrong?
Ben, it was awful.
He just... He just collapsed.
Oh my God. Is he okay?
I don't think so.
Just... I just had to stand there
while the EMTs worked on him.
I couldn't even do anything.
- All right. It's gonna be all right.
- You don't know that, Ben.
No one is telling me where he is
or what is going on. I just...
I can't stay here. I have to do something.
Leave the D.C.?
I wasn't there for Mom when she died.
I wasn't there for Zeke either.
Ben, I'm not gonna just sit here.
I have to find a way to be with Dad.
Use your Calling. The one you just had.
- It's of a stream somewhere...
- Says who?
Zimmer's not gonna know
what your Calling was.
She's only gonna know you had one,
so use it.
To get out. Yeah.
Thank you.
Just find Dad.
Do what you can for him.
I will.
I think someone forgot
to call our group to lunch.
If it's pizza again,
can you let the chef know
I'm cardboard-intolerant?
Angelina's in the D.C.
Using the power of the Omega Sapphire,
she killed them.
What? You on hunger strike
in here, Gandhi?
We got our water back.
Here, drink up. Oh shit. I'm so sorry.
- I hope this wasn't important.
- Back off. I got it.
Sure. I don't need the note anyway.
I already got what I need to know.
It's been a minute
since Angelina knocked me out
and stole my sapphire.
But now that she's here,
it's time for some payback.
You'll never find her. You can't just go
waltzing around the D.C.
I get by with a little help
from your friends.
Clean up on aisle seven!
And don't you try to stop me.
I'm coming with you.
I know he's here. Take me to him.
I want to see Captain Bill Daly.
You're in no position to make demands.
You disobeyed a government order
to turn yourself in.
So lock me up. Throw away the key.
But know this.
If you don't let me see my friend,
you don't get to know
where the others are!
How much longer do you think
your friends can survive on their own?
We have food, shelter,
teams that follow the Callings.
They'll be safe here. Help me help them.
I want to see Bill Daly.
What about my phone call?
I'm a citizen. I have rights!
Director, we have a passenger
with a Calling.
Requesting permission to solve it.
The last thing I need
is another passenger outside.
It's too dangerous.
Look. There's a reason you chose
Michaela Stone out of everyone here.
She's an ex-cop and a damn good one.
She can handle herself.
- Who had the Calling?
- I did.
How convenient. You want to go out
and solve your own Calling?
Want to? No. Need to? Yes.
I think it's related to the blood river,
and I think people's lives are at stake.
Your father's?
I heard what happened this morning.
If you think she's faking her Calling,
it's impossible.
We have three ways
of verifying it, starting...
You were with them?
I assume you can confirm.
Saanvi's not wrong.
Maybe you could fool a heart rate monitor
or blood pressure result,
but look at these fMRI scans.
You can't fake neural activity.
Thank you both. You can go.
I can't afford a misstep,
which is why now, more than ever,
it's important to follow protocol.
She steps one inch out of line,
and you'll be paying the price.
Think you can manage that, Vasquez?
I'll stake my career on it, ma'am.
Back by 5:00
at the latest.
5:00 does not give us much time.
Can you text Drea and tell her
to meet us at Park and Garvey
and that I need alcohol?
I don't get it.
You escaped capture for months.
How did the government find you now?
You misunderstood.
I wasn't arrested. I turned myself in.
I'm waiting for someone here,
but that woman, Zimmer,
she won't let me see him.
Who are you meeting?
Captain Daly.
He came to the safe house this morning.
Amuta, I don't know how to tell you this,
but Bill died yesterday.
What? But that's impossible.
He begged me to meet him here.
He's on his way.
This is what I warned Zimmer about.
Amuta, there's a passenger, Angelina.
She has this power.
She can make you believe
that you see something,
someone who isn't there.
- That's not... I'm telling you...
- No, it's what she does.
Angelina, she twists people,
getting them to do things they'd never do,
evil things
that could sink the Lifeboat forever.
No person could have such a power.
How do you know?
Because I fell for the same trick.
Angelina killed my wife.
And then she made me think
I could see her, touch her.
Grace was right there.
But then she told me to do something
that I would never do.
Give up my daughter.
And now she's made you think
that Daly wants you to do something
that you would never do, turn yourself in.
So you're telling me
not only did I lose my friend...
My God, those people I left
at the safe house to fend for themselves.
But why? Why would Angelina want
to lure me here? What does she gain?
Because Zimmer is desperate
to get every last passenger in the D.C.
But everything she's done
up to this point has failed, which...
Oh my God.
What if she bribed Angelina
to use her sapphire
to convince the others
to turn themselves in?
- Am I free to go?
- Not quite.
But the copilot turned himself in.
We had a deal.
The deal was for all passengers.
Unfortunately, Amuta won't give up
the location of the safe house.
I need the location now.
I don't know where that is.
So get in their heads and figure it out.
Find me that location,
or you'll be stuck here for good.
Okay, I saw some clues
when I projected into Amuta's mind.
Uh, a TV.
Some numbers on the door, 408, I think.
408 what? I need an exact address.
Okay, I see a window.
A street outside.
A sign. A street sign.
What's the intersection?
Fourth and...
What? Fourth and what?
- Did you feel that?
- You're so close.
Don't worry about it.
It was just a tremor.
That's Angelina.
She can control the earth too?
In the past, misusing sapphire
has triggered quakes.
The safe house. This can't happen.
I won't let them make
the same mistake I did.
What choice do we have?
I need to get the code word
so they know they're in danger,
but the guards took my cell phone.
- Do you trust me?
- Mm-hmm.
Guard! I need to see Zimmer.
- What are you doing?
- Sh, sh.
What's the code word? The code word?
- Chicken coop. Why?
- Chicken coop.
Because we might be able to get
to those passengers before Angelina.
Park and Garvey.
Just like your Calling said.
All right. So, what's next?
We wait for Drea.
We wait?
When have you ever wanted to wait
for anything?
You faked it, didn't you?
I didn't fake it.
I did. I had a Calling,
but it was just of some babbling brook,
and I figured it wasn't urgent,
so I thought
we could make a quick field trip.
Not bad, Stone. So what's next?
It's better if you don't know.
A little too late for that.
How'd you know where your dad was?
Old habits.
I mean, it's the closest hospital
to the D.C. that's not on diversion,
and I just figured
the bus would take him there.
Hey. It's a little early
for my signature Mikami martini,
but it's my day off.
What are you guys celebrating?
I see you got Jared's text.
Not quite what I meant, but it'll do.
Do what?
It'll work as a...
I need you to take out my tracker.
And, Drea, I know it's your day off,
but I might need you
to drive around with it.
- Happy to throw 'em off your trail.
- Uh...
What? You mean, you want me to, like...
you want me to cut cut?
I don't know what I was thinking.
Drea, are you down?
Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah, right there.
- Ah!
- Sorry.
Okay. I got it. I got it.
All right.
So, with a few hours of freedom, where to?
I should probably get a Band-Aid first.
Yeah, we just so happen to be
on the same block as a hospital.
Yeah, what are the odds, indeed?
Okay, so wherever Angelina is,
she's not in any of the living quarters.
Sure you haven't seen anyone matching
the description of Muppet for Jesus?
I told you there's a new guy in group A,
but that's all I've seen.
You're up, Houdini. Let's see you
work your magic on that door.
Hey, you know I'm on your side,
but there are limits.
All you have to do is swipe your key card.
Come on, man.
I could get fired.
And that will mean
I can't see Polly or the baby...
We won't let that happen.
- Look, why don't we call it quits?
- Oh, and leave you to the sapphire?
I told you I don't care about
the sapphire. I care about...
Yeah, yeah, the end of the world.
God, you ever get tired
of playing the hero?
Listen, if we do find the sapphire,
it could help Polly. And the baby.
Just a scouting mission?
Swear on my honor.
- Why are you doing this?
- You asked me to.
I was born at night, but not last night.
So why do you really want
to talk to the press?
You wanna know why? Because I'm tired.
I'm tired of the world thinking
the passengers pose a threat.
- If I go, maybe they'll see...
- See what?
That we're no different than them.
That we're human.
Then maybe
all this anti-828 shit will stop.
You think that'll actually work?
Do you have a better idea?
After those tremors, I'll try anything
to get the press off my back.
But, Ben, I catch wind of anything
even slightly suspicious...
Whoa! Hey!
Check it out!
An 828er's here.
We deserve answers. Now!
My name is Ben Stone.
I was a passenger on Flight 828.
Why is the river red?
All right.
I'm not here to answer your questions
about the river or the tremors.
I know as much as you do.
So why are you here?
We gotta know something.
Right. Right.
I'm here before you today,
not as a passenger,
but a person.
A father, a brother, a son,
a human who wants
what every human on this planet wants,
to be free.
Free to have a life of our own choosing.
But you've caged us in this...
this chicken coop for no reason.
No reason?
I don't know why the river turned red,
but I know it wasn't our fault.
- We don't know that.
- Yeah.
So I'm asking you, please.
I'm begging you,
let us fly this chicken coop
and return home to our friends,
our loved ones, our families.
Return to our mission,
not to divide the world,
but to heal it.
Heal on this, freak!
Ms. Stone?
Um, how bad is it?
Good news is your father survived.
The bad news? I mean...
Can I see him? Can I talk to him?
Your father suffered a massive stroke.
The lack of oxygen to his brain
created numerous complications,
including his ability to talk.
- I thought you said he was okay.
- I said he survived.
This is the start of a very long journey.
Your father will need
round-the-clock care,
space for his physical therapy.
Recovery isn't impossible,
but it will require both financial
and personal sacrifice.
I'm sure you were hoping for better news,
so I'll give you some space.
Full-time care, space.
What am I supposed to... I'm a prisoner.
But you're not alone. Okay?
Tell me what I can do.
Seriously, anything. Where can I take him?
I don't think it matters
where you take him. I can't see him.
I'm not gonna abandon him. I just won't.
Police! On the ground now!
Move! Move!
- Hallway is clear!
- Clear! Right!
- Hallway is clear!
- Clear!
Bedroom is clear.
Target location
has been evacuated.
The safe house was empty.
Almost as if someone
warned the passengers.
You think I tipped them off?
Why would I do that? I wanna leave.
There was hot coffee on the counter.
The TV was still on. Someone warned them.
Well, I'm telling you, it wasn't me.
How can I be sure?
You would've never found that address
without me.
I've done my part.
Now it's time for you to do yours.
Or what?
I hold the power of the sapphire
in the palm of my hand.
You've seen what it can do
when I'm working with you.
You don't wanna see what I can do
when I'm working against you.
You're right.
What I'd like to see is what I could do
with the sapphire in the palm of my hand.
I'm so sorry. I'm sorry. Did that hurt?
I'm fine. Don't worry about me.
Of course I worry about you.
You shouldn't. I'm fine.
You took such a beating out there.
It's the passengers
you need to worry about.
Saanvi, Angelina...
the Lifeboat, she's sinking it,
and... I don't know how to stop her.
We are doing everything we can
to counterbalance her.
How? She killed Fiona and Daly.
And whatever message
they were meant to bring, it's gone.
Then she manipulates Amuta,
earthquakes start,
and she puts the safe house in jeopardy.
Dr. Bahl.
Drop everything.
I want you to remove the Omega Sapphire.
No, you can't! God gave me this sapphire.
He needs me to use it.
Who authorized this?
- Orson, sedate the patient.
- No!
We have no idea
what the medical consequences would be
for extracting the sapphire.
You've seen the mayhem
Angelina's already created.
As long as she has that fragment,
we can't control what she does next.
What are you planning on doing with it?
The sapphire. Once we extract it,
what are you planning on doing with it?
People above my pay grade
will make that determination.
Okay, so this has nothing to do
with using the Omega Sapphire
to weaponize Callings?
- Because when the Major...
- Let's remove it.
Then we'll figure out what to do with it.
Dr. Bahl, you can be part
of this procedure,
or you can stand aside.
The sapphire. It's moving.
Where'd it go?
- What do you mean?
- It's gone.
Then cut her open and get it out.
No. I don't think
you were meant to have it.
It's resorbed into her body.
It's dissolved into her veins.
Extracting it now would kill her.
I need to make some calls,
inform everybody of the hiccup.
Bring her to me
the minute she's conscious.
Okay. So what now?
Full-time care place near me or Beverly's?
I feel bad putting him in full-time care
when he's got me.
You're a prisoner. You said so yourself.
Even if Drea's scavenger hunt works
and somehow you're allowed out...
Another Calling?
It's the same stream,
and I didn't recognize it before,
but I think it's by Tarik's house.
I think the Calling's telling me
where to go.
Go? Michaela, you...
But you've gotta be back in...
Jared, the Calling's giving me
another chance to be with my dad.
I'm not gonna... I'm not gonna pass that up.
If this is what you want.
- I'm in.
- What?
- Where are we headed next?
- No, no.
You would be
aiding and abetting a fugitive.
You would be a fugitive.
I'm not asking you
to blow up your life like that.
I know you're not asking.
I'm volunteering.
Maybe this is our chance.
You and I would be together
if it wasn't for that plane disappearing
and robbing us of that opportunity.
I'm not letting that shit happen again.
Are you sure?
You don't...
You don't need to make this decision.
I've always been sure.
The difference is this time, where you go,
I go.
Sorry, that's awkward.
No, no. Whole point of no strings
is that it's never awkward.
Yeah, and, uh...
I mean, we all here know that this...
this hasn't been a thing for a while.
Oh yeah. No, this...
I mean, it was never really even a thing.
It was like a no-thing. It was...
Um, though, I am wondering what to do with
the world's first-ever
80-proof tracking device
since I don't think you're going back.
Tell Ben I love him,
and I'm sorry to make him
captain the Lifeboat on his own,
but the Calling wants me
to be with my dad.
He'll get it.
You know the passengers have me too.
We gotta go. I'll drive.
Oh shit, sorry.
Um, you texted. Was there...
Oh, yeah, I don't even...
I don't even remember what that was about.
Hey, Detective. Stay safe out there.
You too.
- Hey, do we have any hydrogen peroxide?
- Uh...
Can you get some from supply, please?
Hey, did you hear?
Wait, where are you going?
Um, that's the Calling antidote.
We don't have time.
I can inject this into her IV port, right?
Ben, stop.
We have to.
If we can't remove the sapphire,
then we have to stop her from using it.
No, we can't just do that.
We have to run tests.
Saanvi, as long as Angelina has the power
to project false Callings,
none of us are safe.
If we don't take this opportunity,
if we do nothing,
then we put the whole of humanity at risk.
She's killing us.
This is also killing. I nearly died
when I injected myself with the antidote.
And with sapphire in her veins,
we have no idea
how much damage this could cause.
You know who that woman is.
She's a monster.
- If I can take her power away, I'll do it.
- Ben.
Hey. No!
It's over, Angelina. As long as you live,
you're gonna be powerless to hurt anyone.
Stop, Ben, please. The Callings,
my powers, they're all I have left.
- You can't take them from me.
- You took my wife from me and my daughter.
I want you to know what that's like,
to experience what I felt.
The pain, Angelina. The pain.
Ben, wait, we don't actually...
Mick! Mick! Mick!
You okay? Mick?
Help! Help!
Please, I have to get out of here.
The only thing walking out this door
is me and the sapphire.
You stole it from me.
Now I'm taking it back.
You don't understand.
It's not the sapphire you want.
It's me.
Stay down. Stay down.
I can't...
I can't be found here.
If someone sees me and knows I helped
break you in, I'll get fired.
Let me help you, then.
Come on.
I can get us out of Azkaban,
but after that, I'm gonna need an assist.
Ahem, uh, that was your cue.
Well, you got anywhere we could go?
Okay, I... I think I might know somewhere.
- How can I trust you?
- How do I know I can trust you?
Oh, okay.
This is gonna be interesting.
All right. Follow me.
- You okay?
- Yeah.
- What are you doing?
- Testing my DNA.
Look at your arm.
What the hell is that?
This looks like the rash I had
after I injected myself
with the same serum.
Oh my God, Ben.
They're gone. The Callings are gone.
What? They can't be gone.
No, these are identical to the results
after I tested myself.
This is like everybody's been injected
with the serum. Their Callings are gone.
- That can't be. Run the test again.
- No! I could run the test 1,000 times.
They are gone. The Callings are gone.
I sank the Lifeboat.
Saanvi, you warned me,
but I was so consumed
with trying to stop her.
I messed up.
Her... Her screams. Her scream that...
short-circuited our Calling receptors.
Oh my God.
I let her escape.
What happened?
- Is my dad okay?
- He's okay.
He's all right, all things considered.
We both are.
- How you feeling?
- My head hurts.
That arm? Does that hurt?
I don't even know what the...
What happened?
I don't know, Mick. You passed out.
It was so scary.
It's Zimmer.
She needs you back at the D.C. ASAP.
The passengers have lost their Callings.
Does that change things?
I mean, you wanna go back?
And do what? The Callings are gone. They...
Plus, my dad's here. He needs me.
I owe it to him.
I owe it to you too.
You sure this is what you wanna do?
Yeah, we're safe here.
I saw it through their eyes.
This is the place.
Right. Maybe we should have just stayed...
Don't shoot!
We're passengers, just like you. 24D.
33E. Don't shoot. Don't shoot.
It's TJ.
TJ, are you okay?
No. And if Olive is right, none of us are.
The World card shows a red river.
She snuck this in to me this morning.
It has to be connected.
Wait. I tested the river water.
I should have results by now.
Oh my God. Peyssonnelia.
That much? That fast?
What's happening? Fill me in.
Daly's blood isn't what caused the river
to change color. It's red algae.
But the only thing that can cause
that much algae that quickly is if...
there's a hydrothermic vent
in the earth's crust.
As if a volcano is erupting below us?
Dr. Bahl, you need to come with me.
No, I have work to do...
Not anymore. You've been transferred.
Transferred where...
Don't touch me. Transferred where?
- I'm afraid that's classified.
- What? You can't just take her.
You're not even supposed to be here,
Mr. Stone.
Unless you want to end up
in solitary, stand down.
- Hey!
- Don't. Ben!
- Hey!
- Ben! Ben!
Saanvi, I'm gonna fix this. I'm gonna talk
to Vance. It's gonna be fine!
Saanvi, it's gonna be okay!
What was that?
They're ahead of us.
Saanvi's not the only scientist
to figure out there's a volcano
underneath New York.
She might be the only one
who knows what that means.
The World card.
The red river, it leads to a volcano.
It's been trying to warn us.
The world's ending.
And we know how.
Previously on Manifest.
She's got the sapphire.
What chance does the Lifeboat have?
You were tasked to figure out a cure.
I think I did it. The DNA has no anomaly.
You're holding on to your grief
so tight, it's taken a toll.
You are unique, even among 828ers.
I cannot lose another family member
to that godforsaken place.
Ow! You chipped me, didn't you?
We have a plan to find
the 13 fugitive passengers.
I'm part of the safe house.
- They're all together?
- Nine are.
You don't understand.
My anxiety, it's too much.
My duty ended
when I stepped off that plane.
There were only two people who saw
what was coming. You and Captain Daly.
Both of these plagues
originated with Daly.
Judgment only comes
after the two witnesses die.
It is my duty to bring on the end of times
by killing the two witnesses.
It has been just over six hours
since the river
outside the 828 Detention Center
turned blood red.
Scientists are still struggling
to confirm the cause.
No one can say for sure why or how
this mysterious
and, frankly, terrifying sight came to be.
But given the spate of outbreaks
plaguing this 828 facility
and its proximity to the river,
is it crazy to think
this is the fault of 828ers?
After all, weren't these people
responsible for the fissures
that killed
nearly 1,000 innocent civilians?
Aren't some of them still roaming free?
How much longer is our government
gonna pretend this isn't happening...
The safe house doesn't feel safe anymore.
I don't like this.
We should leave.
Amuta said we should stay.
Captain Amuta also should've been back
hours ago. Maybe something happened.
Georgia wasn't at the drop.
She left a note.
So what should we do?
For now? Nothing.
No more supply runs. No more Callings.
This city's a powder keg.
We need to hunker down till this is over.
Until we're caught?
We'll end up like the others
in the detention center.
I am telling you, staying is a bad idea.
I got you.
We're really gonna wait here
like sitting ducks?
- What if you were followed? What if...
- I wasn't.
Look, moving as a large group isn't ideal.
For now, this...
this is our best bet.
We're safe here.
None of us are safe here.
I know you think
you have Angelina locked up,
but she can still endanger the world.
She's a threat!
And she needs to be dealt with.
And what am I supposed to do?
Say I believed you
that Angelina has these powers.
How do I handle her?
Use Saanvi's serum.
Saanvi created that
to eliminate Daly's plagues.
Right. But it was based
on pre-existing research.
What exactly are you telling me?
Years ago, Saanvi created an antidote
that eliminated her Callings.
If it worked on real ones,
it just might work on fake ones too.
You have to at least try it.
Angelina's locked up
24 hours a day in isolation.
She's dangerous.
As far as I'm concerned,
you're all dangerous.
And that crowd growing out there
doesn't disagree.
- They think you poisoned the East River.
- We had nothing to do with the river.
You wanna go out there
and swear to that? I can't...
You kept us all locked up.
Not all.
Too many passengers
are still on the loose,
and one of them might've caused
a plague just like Daly did.
Angelina's in custody now.
She's not my concern.
I have bigger problems on my plate.
Excuse me. Excuse me. Excuse me.
Pardon me.
Hey. Hey, no deliveries today, Pops.
I'm here to see my daughter.
Can you check the list?
Steven Stone is the name.
- What he say?
- Stone.
- Yeah?
- That's him?
All right. Get back. Get back. Get back.
Get back. Get back.
Ben Stone corroborated
everything you said about your abilities.
So when can I expect passengers
to start showing up?
I can't force Amuta to turn himself in.
I can only use the people
he holds most dear to suggest it.
People see you as a threat.
They'd be more than happy for me
to get rid of your powers,
lock you up forever.
No. We have a deal.
We do. I stuck my neck out for you,
but that means you need to deliver.
- I'm trying.
- Try harder.
I have everyone, from my city councilmen
to the White House Chief of Staff,
telling me I need
to get the situation under control.
So if those 12 passengers at large
don't show up within the day,
you're never getting out of here.
Dad, you okay?
Good to see you too, kiddo.
- Sorry, you look really...
- Exhausted?
Yeah. I hate to break it to you,
but it's a bit of a madhouse outside.
I haven't been in a crowd that big
since Woodstock.
Yeah, honestly,
I think it might be safer in here.
You might be right.
I got to work this morning
and found it was closed.
They're gonna keep everything shuttered
until everything gets a bit calmer.
How about, um,
Gabriel or Olive?
I... I dropped them at Port Authority
this morning.
They're gonna stay with a friend up in...
Smart thinking.
Yeah. Well...
I have my moments.
Looks like I have my senior moments too.
I left my shoe untied.
What are you thinking?
This is really dangerous.
It's important.
Olive thinks
she's on to something that could help.
Something that TJ can help complete.
Did you read it?
You know how I am.
All that mythology stuff,
it's above my pay grade.
But Olive sure takes after her grandmother
in that respect.
- Once she gets her teeth into something...
- Oh yeah, there's no letting go.
Remember when Mom decided
she wanted to bird-watch?
We must have hit
every nature reserve in the state.
I miss her.
She would've loved your husband.
It's okay to talk about it.
Yeah, I think I finally can.
She wanted you to know
that you're worthy of happiness, Michaela.
Especially now.
Everything that's happened to you...
to all of you, it's just so unfair.
Hey! Hey, you! Back up!
My name is Daniel Amuta Clarke.
Cocaptain of Flight 828.
Keep them hands up!
Get on the ground! On the ground!
We're safe and sound, locked up in here.
Who's taking care of you?
Dad! Dad! Dad!
Mick? What's going on?
Jordan said it...
What is it? You have a Calling?
What's wrong?
Ben, it was awful.
He just... He just collapsed.
Oh my God. Is he okay?
I don't think so.
Just... I just had to stand there
while the EMTs worked on him.
I couldn't even do anything.
- All right. It's gonna be all right.
- You don't know that, Ben.
No one is telling me where he is
or what is going on. I just...
I can't stay here. I have to do something.
Leave the D.C.?
I wasn't there for Mom when she died.
I wasn't there for Zeke either.
Ben, I'm not gonna just sit here.
I have to find a way to be with Dad.
Use your Calling. The one you just had.
- It's of a stream somewhere...
- Says who?
Zimmer's not gonna know
what your Calling was.
She's only gonna know you had one,
so use it.
To get out. Yeah.
Thank you.
Just find Dad.
Do what you can for him.
I will.
I think someone forgot
to call our group to lunch.
If it's pizza again,
can you let the chef know
I'm cardboard-intolerant?
Angelina's in the D.C.
Using the power of the Omega Sapphire,
she killed them.
What? You on hunger strike
in here, Gandhi?
We got our water back.
Here, drink up. Oh shit. I'm so sorry.
- I hope this wasn't important.
- Back off. I got it.
Sure. I don't need the note anyway.
I already got what I need to know.
It's been a minute
since Angelina knocked me out
and stole my sapphire.
But now that she's here,
it's time for some payback.
You'll never find her. You can't just go
waltzing around the D.C.
I get by with a little help
from your friends.
Clean up on aisle seven!
And don't you try to stop me.
I'm coming with you.
I know he's here. Take me to him.
I want to see Captain Bill Daly.
You're in no position to make demands.
You disobeyed a government order
to turn yourself in.
So lock me up. Throw away the key.
But know this.
If you don't let me see my friend,
you don't get to know
where the others are!
How much longer do you think
your friends can survive on their own?
We have food, shelter,
teams that follow the Callings.
They'll be safe here. Help me help them.
I want to see Bill Daly.
What about my phone call?
I'm a citizen. I have rights!
Director, we have a passenger
with a Calling.
Requesting permission to solve it.
The last thing I need
is another passenger outside.
It's too dangerous.
Look. There's a reason you chose
Michaela Stone out of everyone here.
She's an ex-cop and a damn good one.
She can handle herself.
- Who had the Calling?
- I did.
How convenient. You want to go out
and solve your own Calling?
Want to? No. Need to? Yes.
I think it's related to the blood river,
and I think people's lives are at stake.
Your father's?
I heard what happened this morning.
If you think she's faking her Calling,
it's impossible.
We have three ways
of verifying it, starting...
You were with them?
I assume you can confirm.
Saanvi's not wrong.
Maybe you could fool a heart rate monitor
or blood pressure result,
but look at these fMRI scans.
You can't fake neural activity.
Thank you both. You can go.
I can't afford a misstep,
which is why now, more than ever,
it's important to follow protocol.
She steps one inch out of line,
and you'll be paying the price.
Think you can manage that, Vasquez?
I'll stake my career on it, ma'am.
Back by 5:00
at the latest.
5:00 does not give us much time.
Can you text Drea and tell her
to meet us at Park and Garvey
and that I need alcohol?
I don't get it.
You escaped capture for months.
How did the government find you now?
You misunderstood.
I wasn't arrested. I turned myself in.
I'm waiting for someone here,
but that woman, Zimmer,
she won't let me see him.
Who are you meeting?
Captain Daly.
He came to the safe house this morning.
Amuta, I don't know how to tell you this,
but Bill died yesterday.
What? But that's impossible.
He begged me to meet him here.
He's on his way.
This is what I warned Zimmer about.
Amuta, there's a passenger, Angelina.
She has this power.
She can make you believe
that you see something,
someone who isn't there.
- That's not... I'm telling you...
- No, it's what she does.
Angelina, she twists people,
getting them to do things they'd never do,
evil things
that could sink the Lifeboat forever.
No person could have such a power.
How do you know?
Because I fell for the same trick.
Angelina killed my wife.
And then she made me think
I could see her, touch her.
Grace was right there.
But then she told me to do something
that I would never do.
Give up my daughter.
And now she's made you think
that Daly wants you to do something
that you would never do, turn yourself in.
So you're telling me
not only did I lose my friend...
My God, those people I left
at the safe house to fend for themselves.
But why? Why would Angelina want
to lure me here? What does she gain?
Because Zimmer is desperate
to get every last passenger in the D.C.
But everything she's done
up to this point has failed, which...
Oh my God.
What if she bribed Angelina
to use her sapphire
to convince the others
to turn themselves in?
- Am I free to go?
- Not quite.
But the copilot turned himself in.
We had a deal.
The deal was for all passengers.
Unfortunately, Amuta won't give up
the location of the safe house.
I need the location now.
I don't know where that is.
So get in their heads and figure it out.
Find me that location,
or you'll be stuck here for good.
Okay, I saw some clues
when I projected into Amuta's mind.
Uh, a TV.
Some numbers on the door, 408, I think.
408 what? I need an exact address.
Okay, I see a window.
A street outside.
A sign. A street sign.
What's the intersection?
Fourth and...
What? Fourth and what?
- Did you feel that?
- You're so close.
Don't worry about it.
It was just a tremor.
That's Angelina.
She can control the earth too?
In the past, misusing sapphire
has triggered quakes.
The safe house. This can't happen.
I won't let them make
the same mistake I did.
What choice do we have?
I need to get the code word
so they know they're in danger,
but the guards took my cell phone.
- Do you trust me?
- Mm-hmm.
Guard! I need to see Zimmer.
- What are you doing?
- Sh, sh.
What's the code word? The code word?
- Chicken coop. Why?
- Chicken coop.
Because we might be able to get
to those passengers before Angelina.
Park and Garvey.
Just like your Calling said.
All right. So, what's next?
We wait for Drea.
We wait?
When have you ever wanted to wait
for anything?
You faked it, didn't you?
I didn't fake it.
I did. I had a Calling,
but it was just of some babbling brook,
and I figured it wasn't urgent,
so I thought
we could make a quick field trip.
Not bad, Stone. So what's next?
It's better if you don't know.
A little too late for that.
How'd you know where your dad was?
Old habits.
I mean, it's the closest hospital
to the D.C. that's not on diversion,
and I just figured
the bus would take him there.
Hey. It's a little early
for my signature Mikami martini,
but it's my day off.
What are you guys celebrating?
I see you got Jared's text.
Not quite what I meant, but it'll do.
Do what?
It'll work as a...
I need you to take out my tracker.
And, Drea, I know it's your day off,
but I might need you
to drive around with it.
- Happy to throw 'em off your trail.
- Uh...
What? You mean, you want me to, like...
you want me to cut cut?
I don't know what I was thinking.
Drea, are you down?
Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah, right there.
- Ah!
- Sorry.
Okay. I got it. I got it.
All right.
So, with a few hours of freedom, where to?
I should probably get a Band-Aid first.
Yeah, we just so happen to be
on the same block as a hospital.
Yeah, what are the odds, indeed?
Okay, so wherever Angelina is,
she's not in any of the living quarters.
Sure you haven't seen anyone matching
the description of Muppet for Jesus?
I told you there's a new guy in group A,
but that's all I've seen.
You're up, Houdini. Let's see you
work your magic on that door.
Hey, you know I'm on your side,
but there are limits.
All you have to do is swipe your key card.
Come on, man.
I could get fired.
And that will mean
I can't see Polly or the baby...
We won't let that happen.
- Look, why don't we call it quits?
- Oh, and leave you to the sapphire?
I told you I don't care about
the sapphire. I care about...
Yeah, yeah, the end of the world.
God, you ever get tired
of playing the hero?
Listen, if we do find the sapphire,
it could help Polly. And the baby.
Just a scouting mission?
Swear on my honor.
- Why are you doing this?
- You asked me to.
I was born at night, but not last night.
So why do you really want
to talk to the press?
You wanna know why? Because I'm tired.
I'm tired of the world thinking
the passengers pose a threat.
- If I go, maybe they'll see...
- See what?
That we're no different than them.
That we're human.
Then maybe
all this anti-828 shit will stop.
You think that'll actually work?
Do you have a better idea?
After those tremors, I'll try anything
to get the press off my back.
But, Ben, I catch wind of anything
even slightly suspicious...
Whoa! Hey!
Check it out!
An 828er's here.
We deserve answers. Now!
My name is Ben Stone.
I was a passenger on Flight 828.
Why is the river red?
All right.
I'm not here to answer your questions
about the river or the tremors.
I know as much as you do.
So why are you here?
We gotta know something.
Right. Right.
I'm here before you today,
not as a passenger,
but a person.
A father, a brother, a son,
a human who wants
what every human on this planet wants,
to be free.
Free to have a life of our own choosing.
But you've caged us in this...
this chicken coop for no reason.
No reason?
I don't know why the river turned red,
but I know it wasn't our fault.
- We don't know that.
- Yeah.
So I'm asking you, please.
I'm begging you,
let us fly this chicken coop
and return home to our friends,
our loved ones, our families.
Return to our mission,
not to divide the world,
but to heal it.
Heal on this, freak!
Ms. Stone?
Um, how bad is it?
Good news is your father survived.
The bad news? I mean...
Can I see him? Can I talk to him?
Your father suffered a massive stroke.
The lack of oxygen to his brain
created numerous complications,
including his ability to talk.
- I thought you said he was okay.
- I said he survived.
This is the start of a very long journey.
Your father will need
round-the-clock care,
space for his physical therapy.
Recovery isn't impossible,
but it will require both financial
and personal sacrifice.
I'm sure you were hoping for better news,
so I'll give you some space.
Full-time care, space.
What am I supposed to... I'm a prisoner.
But you're not alone. Okay?
Tell me what I can do.
Seriously, anything. Where can I take him?
I don't think it matters
where you take him. I can't see him.
I'm not gonna abandon him. I just won't.
Police! On the ground now!
Move! Move!
- Hallway is clear!
- Clear! Right!
- Hallway is clear!
- Clear!
Bedroom is clear.
Target location
has been evacuated.
The safe house was empty.
Almost as if someone
warned the passengers.
You think I tipped them off?
Why would I do that? I wanna leave.
There was hot coffee on the counter.
The TV was still on. Someone warned them.
Well, I'm telling you, it wasn't me.
How can I be sure?
You would've never found that address
without me.
I've done my part.
Now it's time for you to do yours.
Or what?
I hold the power of the sapphire
in the palm of my hand.
You've seen what it can do
when I'm working with you.
You don't wanna see what I can do
when I'm working against you.
You're right.
What I'd like to see is what I could do
with the sapphire in the palm of my hand.
I'm so sorry. I'm sorry. Did that hurt?
I'm fine. Don't worry about me.
Of course I worry about you.
You shouldn't. I'm fine.
You took such a beating out there.
It's the passengers
you need to worry about.
Saanvi, Angelina...
the Lifeboat, she's sinking it,
and... I don't know how to stop her.
We are doing everything we can
to counterbalance her.
How? She killed Fiona and Daly.
And whatever message
they were meant to bring, it's gone.
Then she manipulates Amuta,
earthquakes start,
and she puts the safe house in jeopardy.
Dr. Bahl.
Drop everything.
I want you to remove the Omega Sapphire.
No, you can't! God gave me this sapphire.
He needs me to use it.
Who authorized this?
- Orson, sedate the patient.
- No!
We have no idea
what the medical consequences would be
for extracting the sapphire.
You've seen the mayhem
Angelina's already created.
As long as she has that fragment,
we can't control what she does next.
What are you planning on doing with it?
The sapphire. Once we extract it,
what are you planning on doing with it?
People above my pay grade
will make that determination.
Okay, so this has nothing to do
with using the Omega Sapphire
to weaponize Callings?
- Because when the Major...
- Let's remove it.
Then we'll figure out what to do with it.
Dr. Bahl, you can be part
of this procedure,
or you can stand aside.
The sapphire. It's moving.
Where'd it go?
- What do you mean?
- It's gone.
Then cut her open and get it out.
No. I don't think
you were meant to have it.
It's resorbed into her body.
It's dissolved into her veins.
Extracting it now would kill her.
I need to make some calls,
inform everybody of the hiccup.
Bring her to me
the minute she's conscious.
Okay. So what now?
Full-time care place near me or Beverly's?
I feel bad putting him in full-time care
when he's got me.
You're a prisoner. You said so yourself.
Even if Drea's scavenger hunt works
and somehow you're allowed out...
Another Calling?
It's the same stream,
and I didn't recognize it before,
but I think it's by Tarik's house.
I think the Calling's telling me
where to go.
Go? Michaela, you...
But you've gotta be back in...
Jared, the Calling's giving me
another chance to be with my dad.
I'm not gonna... I'm not gonna pass that up.
If this is what you want.
- I'm in.
- What?
- Where are we headed next?
- No, no.
You would be
aiding and abetting a fugitive.
You would be a fugitive.
I'm not asking you
to blow up your life like that.
I know you're not asking.
I'm volunteering.
Maybe this is our chance.
You and I would be together
if it wasn't for that plane disappearing
and robbing us of that opportunity.
I'm not letting that shit happen again.
Are you sure?
You don't...
You don't need to make this decision.
I've always been sure.
The difference is this time, where you go,
I go.
Sorry, that's awkward.
No, no. Whole point of no strings
is that it's never awkward.
Yeah, and, uh...
I mean, we all here know that this...
this hasn't been a thing for a while.
Oh yeah. No, this...
I mean, it was never really even a thing.
It was like a no-thing. It was...
Um, though, I am wondering what to do with
the world's first-ever
80-proof tracking device
since I don't think you're going back.
Tell Ben I love him,
and I'm sorry to make him
captain the Lifeboat on his own,
but the Calling wants me
to be with my dad.
He'll get it.
You know the passengers have me too.
We gotta go. I'll drive.
Oh shit, sorry.
Um, you texted. Was there...
Oh, yeah, I don't even...
I don't even remember what that was about.
Hey, Detective. Stay safe out there.
You too.
- Hey, do we have any hydrogen peroxide?
- Uh...
Can you get some from supply, please?
Hey, did you hear?
Wait, where are you going?
Um, that's the Calling antidote.
We don't have time.
I can inject this into her IV port, right?
Ben, stop.
We have to.
If we can't remove the sapphire,
then we have to stop her from using it.
No, we can't just do that.
We have to run tests.
Saanvi, as long as Angelina has the power
to project false Callings,
none of us are safe.
If we don't take this opportunity,
if we do nothing,
then we put the whole of humanity at risk.
She's killing us.
This is also killing. I nearly died
when I injected myself with the antidote.
And with sapphire in her veins,
we have no idea
how much damage this could cause.
You know who that woman is.
She's a monster.
- If I can take her power away, I'll do it.
- Ben.
Hey. No!
It's over, Angelina. As long as you live,
you're gonna be powerless to hurt anyone.
Stop, Ben, please. The Callings,
my powers, they're all I have left.
- You can't take them from me.
- You took my wife from me and my daughter.
I want you to know what that's like,
to experience what I felt.
The pain, Angelina. The pain.
Ben, wait, we don't actually...
Mick! Mick! Mick!
You okay? Mick?
Help! Help!
Please, I have to get out of here.
The only thing walking out this door
is me and the sapphire.
You stole it from me.
Now I'm taking it back.
You don't understand.
It's not the sapphire you want.
It's me.
Stay down. Stay down.
I can't...
I can't be found here.
If someone sees me and knows I helped
break you in, I'll get fired.
Let me help you, then.
Come on.
I can get us out of Azkaban,
but after that, I'm gonna need an assist.
Ahem, uh, that was your cue.
Well, you got anywhere we could go?
Okay, I... I think I might know somewhere.
- How can I trust you?
- How do I know I can trust you?
Oh, okay.
This is gonna be interesting.
All right. Follow me.
- You okay?
- Yeah.
- What are you doing?
- Testing my DNA.
Look at your arm.
What the hell is that?
This looks like the rash I had
after I injected myself
with the same serum.
Oh my God, Ben.
They're gone. The Callings are gone.
What? They can't be gone.
No, these are identical to the results
after I tested myself.
This is like everybody's been injected
with the serum. Their Callings are gone.
- That can't be. Run the test again.
- No! I could run the test 1,000 times.
They are gone. The Callings are gone.
I sank the Lifeboat.
Saanvi, you warned me,
but I was so consumed
with trying to stop her.
I messed up.
Her... Her screams. Her scream that...
short-circuited our Calling receptors.
Oh my God.
I let her escape.
What happened?
- Is my dad okay?
- He's okay.
He's all right, all things considered.
We both are.
- How you feeling?
- My head hurts.
That arm? Does that hurt?
I don't even know what the...
What happened?
I don't know, Mick. You passed out.
It was so scary.
It's Zimmer.
She needs you back at the D.C. ASAP.
The passengers have lost their Callings.
Does that change things?
I mean, you wanna go back?
And do what? The Callings are gone. They...
Plus, my dad's here. He needs me.
I owe it to him.
I owe it to you too.
You sure this is what you wanna do?
Yeah, we're safe here.
I saw it through their eyes.
This is the place.
Right. Maybe we should have just stayed...
Don't shoot!
We're passengers, just like you. 24D.
33E. Don't shoot. Don't shoot.
It's TJ.
TJ, are you okay?
No. And if Olive is right, none of us are.
The World card shows a red river.
She snuck this in to me this morning.
It has to be connected.
Wait. I tested the river water.
I should have results by now.
Oh my God. Peyssonnelia.
That much? That fast?
What's happening? Fill me in.
Daly's blood isn't what caused the river
to change color. It's red algae.
But the only thing that can cause
that much algae that quickly is if...
there's a hydrothermic vent
in the earth's crust.
As if a volcano is erupting below us?
Dr. Bahl, you need to come with me.
No, I have work to do...
Not anymore. You've been transferred.
Transferred where...
Don't touch me. Transferred where?
- I'm afraid that's classified.
- What? You can't just take her.
You're not even supposed to be here,
Mr. Stone.
Unless you want to end up
in solitary, stand down.
- Hey!
- Don't. Ben!
- Hey!
- Ben! Ben!
Saanvi, I'm gonna fix this. I'm gonna talk
to Vance. It's gonna be fine!
Saanvi, it's gonna be okay!
What was that?
They're ahead of us.
Saanvi's not the only scientist
to figure out there's a volcano
underneath New York.
She might be the only one
who knows what that means.
The World card.
The red river, it leads to a volcano.
It's been trying to warn us.
The world's ending.
And we know how.