Manifest (2018–…): Season 3, Episode 5 - Water Landing - full transcript
Michaela's premonition leads her to pursue a fugitive. Ben tries to gain the trust of an unlikely ally. Olive's relationship with Levi leads to a fascinating discovery. Jared and Drea uncover devastating secrets. Saanvi finds herself faced with a dilemma that may jeopardize the Eureka project.
Previously on Manifest...
Welcome to Eureka.
So, when are you gonna tell us
you had a passenger's corpse on ice?
It's only a matter of time
before those lab coats out there
figure out whose hand
print is glowing on that tailfin.
They'll want to study you.
It's my fault.
The fin disappeared
the moment she died.
Sanitation truck idles
off-hours in a residential area?
Maybe a cop saw
something suspicious?
We spoke about the noise
complaint. Do you have a description?
We have a problem.
Vasquez is getting
too close to the truth.
You felt what
Beverly was feeling?
That is next level.
I'm spending my prom day
digging into some
Egyptian mythology.
This is Ma'at, Egyptian
goddess of justice in the afterlife.
Think this will lead
to finding Jace?
All I know is that while he and
Kory are out there, Cal's in danger.
I wish I'd been there for you.
At least we have each other now.
I was chosen to be with you.
But this second chance
has an expiration date.
I feel like I'm drowning.
I'm literally puking water.
I tried to stop him from...
Your brother
shot him in the leg.
But there are four days
till your Death Date.
I think I know how
you can find Jace.
You know the rules.
Gotta be out of the
residential areas by 11:00.
Sorry, just finishing up.
I'll be done in no time.
Some pissed off
homeowner called it in.
Gotta write you up.
Can't you say I was
gone when you got here?
Can I get your ID?
Look, I'm only late because
my wife's boss kept her late.
Can't leave the dog alone.
And now they're gonna
take this fine out of my check.
Lucky I'm a dog lover.
- Hurry up.
- Yes, ma'am.
Out of here in no time.
Finally. Are you here
about the loitering nannies?
No. No, ma'am, I...
My stoop isn't a
convention center, and...
Excuse me! You can't
ride on the sidewalk!
Sorry, not my jurisdiction.
Miss, I'm here about a noise
complaint you filed last December.
Which one?
You called about a garbage
truck that was operating after hours.
You know, I called 3-1-1
easily twice a week last year,
and do you know how many
times they got back to me?
You're the first.
Better late than never.
Look, I shouldn't have to post
pictures online just to get a response.
Whoa, whoa! You take pictures?
Did you take a picture the night
you filed that noise complaint?
Wait here.
And make sure she scoops.
Right where Pete
said it would be.
I still can't believe you got
him to turn on his brother.
I mean, after the abuse
Jace put him through,
I'm surprised he stuck
around as long as he did.
Well, to be fair, they did
spend three months of that time
trapped together
under a frozen lake.
NYPD! Stand down!
Everyone, stand
down. Nobody's home.
You're gonna want to see this.
- Clear.
- Clear.
What the hell?
What the hell? Is that blood?
So... run-of-the-mill crazy,
or is this just 'cause
you guys are magic?
Either way,
like every other man, he
seems to be obsessed with you.
Some dried foot tracks outside.
Ballpark, I'd say he's
been gone 24 to 48 hours.
Hey, you okay?
- Hey! What the hell was that?
- Oh, my God.
I... I can't explain, I'm sorry.
Yes, you can. You
just don't want to.
I know you saw something
back there. What was it?
Please, please, do
not do this right now.
I think I've done a pretty good
job of turning the other way,
but honestly, I don't know if I
can be your partner anymore
if you're not gonna
be straight with me.
So it's time. The truth.
Right now.
Okay, and what if the truth
is impossible to believe?
You came back from the dead.
I dare you to try to top that.
We see things.
Visions. We hear things.
Who? The passengers?
Those junkies?
- What...
- All of us.
We get... these messages.
These callings that
we're supposed to follow.
From who?
From God... I think.
So those hunches...
all those cases you
magically solved,
you're telling me
you got tipped off
- from...
- Look, I'm sorry, okay?
Someday, I will sit
you down and I will...
I will buy you beers and I will
answer any question that you have.
But right now, I need
help. I need a friend.
Yeah, what can I do?
Look for Jace. I
need to go find Ben.
Jace was all I had, for so long.
And now we're both
gonna die... alone.
You are not going to die.
it's supposed to
happen tomorrow.
You heard Michaela.
If you follow the
callings, you can live.
Yours is coming. It has to.
What if the...
The calling...
is something that
I shouldn't do?
What if it's wrong?
No, Pete. We get the
callings for a reason.
Just like we were brought
together for a reason.
This is all God's plan.
I don't know if it is.
You can't think like that.
All things work
together for good.
You need to focus on the good.
On us, together.
Now tell me what's the first thing
you wanna do when you get out.
I want to see the
sunrise... with you.
I want to hold you.
Pete Baylor?
You're being relocated.
Stand up and place your
hands behind your back.
What? No.
- No, I need to be here. No!
- I said stand up, sir.
- I need to be here with her.
- Pete!
- No...
- Where are you taking him?
- Pete!
- Angelina!
Pete! I'll find you.
It felt like all three
of them were there.
And then he came off the
wall like he wanted to attack me.
Ben, I think that
Jace is coming for me.
Okay. He's got one day left.
All right, you just need to
hide out and you'll be safe.
You don't understand. In the
calling, he was on a rampage.
I have to stop
him. I can feel it.
- Mick...
- Jace Baylor is not fading away, Ben.
The last time he tried
to get me, he took Cal.
What do you think
he's gonna do this time?
- We don't even know where this guy is.
- Okay.
So we find him. We draw him out.
Guys, this painting...
I think these symbols were in
the research Angelina and I found
while looking into Ma'at.
The drawing, it
was Jace's calling.
To what? To kill me?
Ben, that doesn't make sense.
We've never had a
violent calling before.
I don't know.
Maybe it was just
his interpretation of it.
But if Jace had it, Kory
and Pete must've as well.
I mean, think about it.
They've been sharing callings
ever since they came out of that lake.
If you're supposed to stop Jace, Kory
and Pete have to be where we start.
It's a good thing
they're in lock up.
Not anymore.
Angelina said some guys with FBI
badges pulled Pete out of Rikers.
- What do the feds want with him?
- Damn it.
I told Vance about the
Meth Heads coming back.
The caller you have dialed
is unavailable at this time.
I'll go to Eureka,
see if they got him.
Okay, I'll go to the hospital,
see if Kory's still there.
Go to Grandpa Steve's.
Stay by your phone.
No way. I'm going to campus
to check out these symbols.
Ol, I'm not gonna
argue about it.
Jace Baylor is a killer.
You gotta be somewhere
I know you're safe.
Lieutenant, you keep
asking about that park.
Okay, obviously,
you've found something.
Nothing conclusive.
You promised you wouldn't
keep anything from me.
All right. There's a witness.
The night your
mother disappeared,
somebody reported a garbage truck
that was not supposed to be there.
So... what?
You think she was
dead in that truck?
Who would have done it?
I don't know, Sarah.
But we're trying to figure out
an explanation here, okay?
I'm sorry it got to this.
It's not a great update.
The license plate, they're registered to
a private disposal company in Queens.
All right? I'm
headed there next.
I don't know what's worse,
not knowing or the feeling
like you're going to call
me in a couple of hours
with the worst news of my life.
Listen, we get leads
all the time, all right?
Most of them turn
out to be nothing.
Just try to stay optimistic.
I told you, I don't
know where he is.
Great, it's no use
protecting him, Kory.
He shot me.
I wanted to be done with Coach
Hannity, but Jace wouldn't let it go.
I wouldn't protect that son of a
bitch if my life depended on it.
I believe him.
I'm getting that same
connected sense
I got when we were
with Pete and Beverly.
He's scared.
He knows he's dying.
Who the hell are you?
I was there at the
lake. Remember?
Something changed when
you came out of that lake.
You're hearing things.
Having visions, right?
And Jace is in them?
Do you recognize this?
No, Kory. We... we need
to know what it means.
It was like a dream.
Jace was angry.
He knew we were dying.
And you were there.
We were where?
Come on, man.
We need to know
what Jace is planning.
There were trees.
I think we were hiding.
But where?
I can almost see...
He's going to kill you.
You need to hide.
Mr. Baylor, we just
want to run some tests
to find out why your body
seems to be breaking down.
I already said no! I
don't want to be here!
What the hell are you doing?
You told us he had returned.
You had to know we'd investigate.
You're okay with this?
What would you want me to do?
Take on the NSA?
Look, Vance, I
gotta talk to him.
Get in line. You can't
just charge in here...
- No, listen. Listen, listen, listen.
- And demand to...
Mick had a calling.
Jace wants to kill her
and Pete might be
the key to stop him.
We were in the middle of
what might prove to be...
I don't give a damn what you're in
the middle of if it endangers Mick.
I told you!
I'm not helping with anything.
Just take me back, please!
This has got to stop.
All right, enough!
- Leave him alone.
- Mr. Stone!
Pete, I need your help!
All right. All right!
Yeah. That truck you're
looking for went out that night.
It checked out about 11:00
p.m. and came back at 2:19.
Three hours in the middle
of the night? Is that normal?
Detective, I got trucks
coming in and out of here
at all hours of
the day and night.
Can I talk to the driver?
Looks like truck only.
The client sent the driver.
All right. So who's the client?
No record.
Isn't there some
kind of a requirement?
For insurance, liability,
I mean something?
Sure, most clients.
But part of what we do here
is secure documents disposal.
And some of my customers have
contracts that are, well, classified.
What, like the government?
Something like that.
How about if I just come
back with a warrant?
Good luck.
Is there anything
you can tell me today?
I'm sorry, man. They
pay me, I give 'em a truck.
That's just how it works.
And it's all designed to
not to leave a trail, right?
You don't understand.
His brother is trying
to kill my sister.
He might be the only way
I can know where Jace
is and what he's planning.
Mr. Stone, we don't have time
for this. We are already behind.
- Behind what?
- That man's body is deteriorating.
Every moment we waste
is a missed opportunity to understand
an inexplicable phenomenon.
Will you listen to yourself? We
are not some kind of science project.
Ben, I understand. You're
concerned about Michaela...
Concerned? Yeah.
Yeah, I'm concerned.
A killer is hunting her, Vance, and
you're more interested in progress.
I swear if he hurts her or anybody else,
there's gonna be blood on your hands.
I am a scientist, Mr. Stone,
always in search
of the greater good.
The fact is that Pete
Baylor is a unicorn,
and unicorns need to be
studied for the greater good.
Can I speak to the two of you?
Excuse us, Doctor.
Are we still on the
same side here?
- You really have to ask that?
- Yeah, I do.
Because as strange as it sounds,
after my family, there's
no one else in the world
I feel closer to
than the two of you.
So, yeah, I'm asking.
Are we on the same side?
Yes, of course we are.
Then you'll take me
seriously when I tell you this.
That woman is bad news.
Neither of you can see it
because you're too close.
Ben, she's a
scientist doing her...
How is this any different than
what the Major was doing?
Because no one is getting hurt.
I know you think the
callings are the only way,
but we're so close to
understanding the Death Date.
Studying Pete could actually
teach us how to survive it.
This has a chance
to help all passengers,
including your family.
Assuming we can
get him to cooperate.
Let me talk to him.
You need Pete to submit to
testing. I need Pete to help find Jace.
If I convince him to help
you, will you let him help me?
Someone's in a good mood.
Where have you been all morning?
Ah! Working on
the best idea yet.
What would you say to
reopening the family restaurant?
- Tarik...
- Let me finish.
We can make it 828 themed.
Use some of this notoriety
from the flight to help promote it.
I know you're trying
to keep a low profile.
Yeah, we're trying to avoid
having any profile whatsoever.
Think about it.
You and me, Dad's
recipes, it'll be like old times.
Better than old times.
Okay. Can I have a couple
days to think about it?
- Sure thing.
- That's not a yes.
It's gonna be great. You'll see.
Hey, come on, old
man, want a game?
If anyone can get
through to him, it's Ben.
Yeah, I hope so,
for his own sake.
Vasquez is on to the truck.
If he starts asking questions,
things are gonna fall apart.
Let me worry about that.
I need a longer leash
if I'm gonna do my job.
Let's continue this later.
What was that about?
Jared looking into the Major?
It's being handled.
If something bad is gonna happen
because of my actions,
I have to confess.
No, you... you do not. This
isn't just about you anymore.
Emmett's involved, so am I.
I don't trust him.
You already have.
He's going to
make it all go away.
I need you to go along with
what these people are asking.
It's the only way they're
gonna let you help me.
Why would you want my help?
You just want to get back at
me for what we did to your son.
No, no. Cal said you saved him.
I did?
Well, I... I guess I did.
At least, I tried to.
We know you did.
And, Pete, we
are so, so grateful.
But now I need you to
help me save Michaela.
She's in danger, Pete.
Maybe you already know that.
Maybe you saw it...
- in a calling?
- Mr. Stone.
- All right.
- We have an agreement.
Your Death Date's tomorrow,
Pete. You know that, right?
I don't wanna die.
But the calling...
it wants us to hurt her.
I don't know what you're
calling is, Pete, but...
that can't be what it means.
Angelina says
you're a good person.
And I believe her.
Why would a calling want
you to do something bad?
I don't know.
- Help me.
- All right, I'm going to, okay?
But I need you to help me
save my sister from Jace,
and to do that, Pete,
these doctors...
I need you to let
them do their tests.
All I want is to
be with Angelina.
I want to live.
Then let's make that happen.
Maybe Kory's right. Maybe
you should just hang back.
If Jace thinks it's your life or his,
what's it matter how you survive?
No. Since when have the callings shown
something we can't do anything about?
I have to find
Jace. I can feel it.
Michaela, come on.
Why do you always have
to run toward the danger?
Because it's literally my job.
You followed a calling
into a frozen lake,
so don't talk to
me about danger.
Hey, what's up?
Didn't you use to live
at 138 Hawthorne?
Yeah, until a few months ago.
Apartment 414?
Drea, what's going on?
I got a Caucasian female,
20's, knife wound to the chest.
She's alive but unconscious.
It was Jace, wasn't it?
It was.
The camera at the
entryway got a clear shot.
Neighbor down the
hall heard yelling.
Mick, it sounded like
he was looking for you.
Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
I gotta go. I'm so sorry.
Oh, my God.
just stabbed someone
at my old apartment.
Hey, hey. Michaela, no.
You can't blame yourself.
Do you understand?
This is not your fault.
Yes, it is. It is my fault.
Jace nearly killed
someone trying to get to me.
He's not gonna
stop until I stop him.
What you doing?
Trying to find something to
impress your boyfriend back in Cairo?
Can you not?
Maybe you should try a more
conventional approach to your obsession,
like philosophy or beer pong.
Okay, this is important.
So can you cut the condescending
crap for once in your privileged life...
and help me?
Tell me about these
symbols. Can you help?
Yeah. Uh, here,
let's take a look.
Okay, that right there,
that's balance. And...
Well, that's the
symbol for life.
And then...
Wait. Wait, that's impossible.
Is this the papyrus TJ sent?
I mean, the restoration...
Is this some kind of joke?
I mean, who put you up to this?
I literally have no idea
what you're talking about.
Okay. Um...
Well, then how do you have a
drawing with the exact same symbols
as a 2,000-year-old
piece of papyrus
that virtually no one on Earth
besides me has seen in centuries?
I don't know.
I swear. Really.
Levi, what does it mean?
I don't know yet.
I haven't finished
restoring the original.
Then what are you waiting for?
Keep going.
All right. All right.
Jace just stabbed someone
outside Mick's old apartment.
- Oh, my God.
- I mean, how long is this gonna take?
I came through on my end. Now
Vance and Gupta have to on theirs.
What is going on with you?
What does it feel
like you're not here?
Sorry, I just...
Have you ever had the feeling you
may have trusted in the wrong people?
What the hell, Saanvi?
This morning you went
to the mat for this place.
I just realized that
I think there are other forces
at play here I hadn't considered.
Thank you. That makes two of us.
Look, I'm so
sorry. I have to go.
- Mr. Stone, we're still conducting...
- Come on, I came through.
Just give me five
minutes, please.
All right, Pete...
now we gotta help Mick.
Please, I...
- I don't think I can.
- Yeah, you can.
Like I can help you.
Now, I need to
know where Jace is.
You're his brother. You
heard the same calling.
What did it show you?
I can't.
If I tell you, then Michaela
is gonna go after him.
He wants to hurt her.
Your brother nearly
killed an innocent woman
because he was
looking for Michaela.
You and I both know he's
not going to sit back and wait.
If Mick doesn't stop him,
he's going to go on and on...
Jace can't be stopped!
Can't you see that?
- Please! I'm trying to help her.
- Enough.
Find what you're looking for?
Uh... This thing
is great. Thanks.
You think they could do napkins
in the shape of paper airplanes?
What does something
like that cost?
You really still on about that
Montego Air themed restaurant?
T, your nephew was
on that flight, not you.
Yeah, but we're tight.
And my sister is
an awesome cook.
You should've seen the
spread she put out last night.
What you think about menus
in the shape of those
in-flight safety guides?
I think you're nuts.
And bartenders with
drink carts instead of bars,
and a really expensive
hamburger called "First Class."
Come on, Jay. Please, just... I
need a team to go after this guy.
Just give me a couple bodies.
Mick, you know I can't do that.
There's already a
BOLO out for Jace.
How's it gonna look if I put you
in charge of the search party?
We wouldn't do that for
anybody else in the department.
Okay, great. So while
Bowers is out, you're in charge.
Somehow that is worse for me.
That's not fair.
Bowers wouldn't sign off
on this either. You know that.
Where are you right now?
I'm at home
looking after Beverly.
I had to cover for Dad
until Thalia gets here.
No, Jace doesn't
know where I am.
Otherwise he wouldn't have
gone to my old apartment.
Okay, Perfect. Then stay there.
All right, I'll have a patrol
unit come by the house.
Mick, look.
I'm sorry, all right? You know
protecting you is my top priority.
I just got tip about the Major.
I'm gonna go check out right now.
Okay. Great. Thank you.
Mr. Vasquez?
Mr. Vasquez.
How are you, sir?
Special Agent Fischer. Will
you do a ride with me, please?
Wow. This really
isn't fast, huh.
Tell me about it.
I've been at this for weeks.
All right, there we go.
Whole shebang.
Okay, what am I looking at here?
Is this the same as the shadows?
Yeah, I think so. But it's
more than that. You know, I'm...
I'm pretty sure this is a
version of the famous etching
called the The Last Trial.
"The last trial depicts
the story of three prisoners
who were given a second chance to
correct the mistakes they made in life.
The first prisoner used
his chance to find love
and was rewarded
with a companion."
"The second prisoner put past grievances
to rest and was rewarded with peace.
But the third prisoner chose
vengeance, and a river of blood was shed."
Pretty gruesome, huh.
Oh, my God.
This is what's happening.
Happening to whom?
How does this end?
How do they stop it?
Stop it?
No. Olive, it's an allegory.
It's a lesson about redemption.
How is a river of blood
a story of redemption?
Because it was called
"The Last Trial" for a reason.
It was a test.
If the last man had chosen
to forgive his enemies
instead of taking revenge, then
he would have been rewarded.
He didn't, so...
Olive, please tell me
you're not on campus.
Dad, I'm sorry. All
right? I couldn't just...
It's not okay, I explicitly
told you not to go to campus.
Fine. All right? I'm
grounded, for life.
But please, just listen to me.
The calling isn't telling
Jace to kill Aunt Mick.
What do you mean?
He's being tested.
It's a lesson about free will,
about making the right decision.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
I already told you.
I am done talking
about the calling.
All right, Pete, my
daughter found something.
Your calling isn't about
Jace killing Michaela.
It's about him choosing not to.
I don't understand.
Pete, I don't have
time to explain,
but right now we have a chance.
We have a chance to save both
Michaela and Jace to save your own life
so you can have a
future with Angelina,
but we have to hurry now.
Where was Jace in that vision?
Please, Pete, have faith.
Up by the lake.
Where we came back.
Hey, how's Beverly?
She wants me to make sure
you drink enough milk with dinner.
Yeah, why not? Everyone else
is telling me what I should do.
I'm sorry. It's just, I feel
like a sitting duck right now.
How are we supposed to go...
Just me.
It's fine.
It's just Ben. It's Ben.
All good. We're
just a little on edge.
- Did you lock it?
- Yes, I locked it.
Great. Let me
help you unpack it.
Yeah. Okay.
Hey, Ben says Jace is up
by the lake. We gotta go.
- Mick, Jared just told you to lay low...
- I'm going. Are you coming?
What did you do with Jared?
Saanvi, I told you
this is being handled.
You can't go grabbing
people off of the street
to cover up for
something that I did.
If you don't tell me where
Jared is right now, Vance,
I swear to God, I'm gonna
tell the world what we've done.
You brought him here?
Your Kathryn Fitz investigation
is a matter of national
security, Detective.
You need to let it go.
See, I can't do that.
There's a woman missing and
a daughter wanting answers.
Look, I know you guys are covering
up Kathryn Fitz's disappearance.
I just can't figure out why.
Was she out there gaslighting
some other passengers?
Kathryn Fitz is dead.
Do you know who did it?
One of our agents found her body
several months ago, submerged in a bog
45 miles east of New Orleans.
We suspect a foreign asset
based in the region was responsible.
Now I'm only entitled
to reveal this to you
because your
continued investigation
threatens to expose a whole
host of classified matters.
It's time to stand down.
Let it go.
He doesn't know?
As far as Powell or anyone
else in our government knows,
Kathryn Fitz was taken
out by an enemy spy.
I don't understand. Why not just
make it look like she disappeared?
Because then they
would keep looking.
The only reason I was
given control of this facility
is our government's in an arms
race with every super power
to find out what
happened to 828.
And in a competition like
that, I'm their best shot.
And if they figure
out I killed the Major,
and you covered for me...
Then all this falls apart. Saanvi,
you did what you needed to do.
I followed suit.
That means we're
in this together.
- Could Michaela find him?
- Yeah, she's on her way.
Don't worry, Mick
can handle herself.
She'll get him.
Thank you, Pete.
We couldn't have found
Jace without your help.
I... I don't understand.
How did Olive
know this was a test?
By a painting?
It's an Egyptian story
called The Last Trial.
She found it by these symbols
in your brother's drawing.
Jace! Please!
You don't have to do this!
- You had a calling?
- I know what's going to happen.
I know where to find him.
Pete, it's fine. Michaela
is gone. She's going...
No. I have to be there.
I'm the only one who can do it.
This is how I save my life.
I can be with Angelina.
A hall pass? You kidding?
Vance, Pete had a calling.
To stop Jace, I've got
to take him upstate.
This is outrageous. There
are still several vital tests...
You can test him all you
want when he comes back.
- If he comes back.
- Exactly.
Pete Baylor is supposed
to expire tomorrow.
How are we going to study
him if he dies while you're away?
All right, fine. You can
test me, whatever you want.
I'm a bit of a unicorn myself.
But keeping Pete Baylor
here is a death sentence for him
and who knows who
else? Maybe my sister.
Come on.
You can't do this when they
both have a chance to live.
Pete Baylor is a
criminal. You can't just...
I can send an agent.
He'll still be in custody.
I want you back in
four hours. Both of you.
- Thank you. You won't regret it.
- This isn't a favor.
We have an agreement.
Sarah, I'm so sorry.
I was really hoping we'd
find something different.
I think...
deep down I already knew.
That she was gone.
How much she'd done...
I mean, that I still...
I still can't wrap
my head around.
no daughter should have to go
through what you went through.
Thank you.
You've been incredibly kind.
At least now I know the truth.
How did it happen?
They wouldn't
give me the details.
Said it was a matter
of national security.
But they did give me this.
I wish I didn't know anything
about what she did for a living.
That's not how you
should remember her.
Okay, not everything
is black and white.
At the end of the day,
she was your mother.
You have to believe
that she thought that
she was doing this
to protect her country.
I know it's no
comfort right now,
but whatever happened to her...
this way you know
that she died a hero.
How do we even know he's here?
Because he got the
same callings as they did.
Looks like we're on foot
from here. Lake's that way.
Now we just have to
hope he'll listen to reason.
Come on, Mick. He's
got 15 hours to live.
We're in the middle of nowhere.
Can't we just wait
till the sun comes up?
No. No, he'll see us coming.
There is a million ways
in and out of this place.
If we let him go, how many
more people is he gonna kill?
Where you lead, I will follow.
Zeke, you don't have to come.
Hell I don't.
I might not like you going into danger,
but I'm not gonna let you go it alone.
Besides, I've been dead
before. A couple times.
I love you, you know.
I do know.
Turns out I can
sort of read minds.
That's true.
I love you, too.
Let's go get this guy.
You're the one with the gun.
Two guns, actually.
Maybe you don't
shoot me this time.
- Huh.
- Mm-mm.
Few minutes, I promise.
I'm gonna grab some supplies.
Angelina, you're still up?
Hey, hey. Seriously?
Just doing my job, sir.
They're not hurting anybody.
Just give them a second.
When they took
you away from jail, I...
I thought that was the last
time I was ever gonna see you.
I still wanna see
the sunrise with you.
But if we're gonna
see more than one...
I have to stop Jace.
What are you doing, love?
We got a big day tomorrow.
We can go home and see Daddy.
Hey, Mick.
Sorry. I know you're probably
sleeping, but I thought you should know.
They found the Major dead.
I don't have a lot of details,
but thought I should call.
Anyways, good news for you.
At least you're safe on
that front. Good night.
Found his campsite. You see him?
No, not yet.
What is it?
He's here somewhere.
I can feel his anger.
Okay, I'm gonna stick around
the side. Just keep a safe distance.
Where are you?
Welcome to Eureka.
So, when are you gonna tell us
you had a passenger's corpse on ice?
It's only a matter of time
before those lab coats out there
figure out whose hand
print is glowing on that tailfin.
They'll want to study you.
It's my fault.
The fin disappeared
the moment she died.
Sanitation truck idles
off-hours in a residential area?
Maybe a cop saw
something suspicious?
We spoke about the noise
complaint. Do you have a description?
We have a problem.
Vasquez is getting
too close to the truth.
You felt what
Beverly was feeling?
That is next level.
I'm spending my prom day
digging into some
Egyptian mythology.
This is Ma'at, Egyptian
goddess of justice in the afterlife.
Think this will lead
to finding Jace?
All I know is that while he and
Kory are out there, Cal's in danger.
I wish I'd been there for you.
At least we have each other now.
I was chosen to be with you.
But this second chance
has an expiration date.
I feel like I'm drowning.
I'm literally puking water.
I tried to stop him from...
Your brother
shot him in the leg.
But there are four days
till your Death Date.
I think I know how
you can find Jace.
You know the rules.
Gotta be out of the
residential areas by 11:00.
Sorry, just finishing up.
I'll be done in no time.
Some pissed off
homeowner called it in.
Gotta write you up.
Can't you say I was
gone when you got here?
Can I get your ID?
Look, I'm only late because
my wife's boss kept her late.
Can't leave the dog alone.
And now they're gonna
take this fine out of my check.
Lucky I'm a dog lover.
- Hurry up.
- Yes, ma'am.
Out of here in no time.
Finally. Are you here
about the loitering nannies?
No. No, ma'am, I...
My stoop isn't a
convention center, and...
Excuse me! You can't
ride on the sidewalk!
Sorry, not my jurisdiction.
Miss, I'm here about a noise
complaint you filed last December.
Which one?
You called about a garbage
truck that was operating after hours.
You know, I called 3-1-1
easily twice a week last year,
and do you know how many
times they got back to me?
You're the first.
Better late than never.
Look, I shouldn't have to post
pictures online just to get a response.
Whoa, whoa! You take pictures?
Did you take a picture the night
you filed that noise complaint?
Wait here.
And make sure she scoops.
Right where Pete
said it would be.
I still can't believe you got
him to turn on his brother.
I mean, after the abuse
Jace put him through,
I'm surprised he stuck
around as long as he did.
Well, to be fair, they did
spend three months of that time
trapped together
under a frozen lake.
NYPD! Stand down!
Everyone, stand
down. Nobody's home.
You're gonna want to see this.
- Clear.
- Clear.
What the hell?
What the hell? Is that blood?
So... run-of-the-mill crazy,
or is this just 'cause
you guys are magic?
Either way,
like every other man, he
seems to be obsessed with you.
Some dried foot tracks outside.
Ballpark, I'd say he's
been gone 24 to 48 hours.
Hey, you okay?
- Hey! What the hell was that?
- Oh, my God.
I... I can't explain, I'm sorry.
Yes, you can. You
just don't want to.
I know you saw something
back there. What was it?
Please, please, do
not do this right now.
I think I've done a pretty good
job of turning the other way,
but honestly, I don't know if I
can be your partner anymore
if you're not gonna
be straight with me.
So it's time. The truth.
Right now.
Okay, and what if the truth
is impossible to believe?
You came back from the dead.
I dare you to try to top that.
We see things.
Visions. We hear things.
Who? The passengers?
Those junkies?
- What...
- All of us.
We get... these messages.
These callings that
we're supposed to follow.
From who?
From God... I think.
So those hunches...
all those cases you
magically solved,
you're telling me
you got tipped off
- from...
- Look, I'm sorry, okay?
Someday, I will sit
you down and I will...
I will buy you beers and I will
answer any question that you have.
But right now, I need
help. I need a friend.
Yeah, what can I do?
Look for Jace. I
need to go find Ben.
Jace was all I had, for so long.
And now we're both
gonna die... alone.
You are not going to die.
it's supposed to
happen tomorrow.
You heard Michaela.
If you follow the
callings, you can live.
Yours is coming. It has to.
What if the...
The calling...
is something that
I shouldn't do?
What if it's wrong?
No, Pete. We get the
callings for a reason.
Just like we were brought
together for a reason.
This is all God's plan.
I don't know if it is.
You can't think like that.
All things work
together for good.
You need to focus on the good.
On us, together.
Now tell me what's the first thing
you wanna do when you get out.
I want to see the
sunrise... with you.
I want to hold you.
Pete Baylor?
You're being relocated.
Stand up and place your
hands behind your back.
What? No.
- No, I need to be here. No!
- I said stand up, sir.
- I need to be here with her.
- Pete!
- No...
- Where are you taking him?
- Pete!
- Angelina!
Pete! I'll find you.
It felt like all three
of them were there.
And then he came off the
wall like he wanted to attack me.
Ben, I think that
Jace is coming for me.
Okay. He's got one day left.
All right, you just need to
hide out and you'll be safe.
You don't understand. In the
calling, he was on a rampage.
I have to stop
him. I can feel it.
- Mick...
- Jace Baylor is not fading away, Ben.
The last time he tried
to get me, he took Cal.
What do you think
he's gonna do this time?
- We don't even know where this guy is.
- Okay.
So we find him. We draw him out.
Guys, this painting...
I think these symbols were in
the research Angelina and I found
while looking into Ma'at.
The drawing, it
was Jace's calling.
To what? To kill me?
Ben, that doesn't make sense.
We've never had a
violent calling before.
I don't know.
Maybe it was just
his interpretation of it.
But if Jace had it, Kory
and Pete must've as well.
I mean, think about it.
They've been sharing callings
ever since they came out of that lake.
If you're supposed to stop Jace, Kory
and Pete have to be where we start.
It's a good thing
they're in lock up.
Not anymore.
Angelina said some guys with FBI
badges pulled Pete out of Rikers.
- What do the feds want with him?
- Damn it.
I told Vance about the
Meth Heads coming back.
The caller you have dialed
is unavailable at this time.
I'll go to Eureka,
see if they got him.
Okay, I'll go to the hospital,
see if Kory's still there.
Go to Grandpa Steve's.
Stay by your phone.
No way. I'm going to campus
to check out these symbols.
Ol, I'm not gonna
argue about it.
Jace Baylor is a killer.
You gotta be somewhere
I know you're safe.
Lieutenant, you keep
asking about that park.
Okay, obviously,
you've found something.
Nothing conclusive.
You promised you wouldn't
keep anything from me.
All right. There's a witness.
The night your
mother disappeared,
somebody reported a garbage truck
that was not supposed to be there.
So... what?
You think she was
dead in that truck?
Who would have done it?
I don't know, Sarah.
But we're trying to figure out
an explanation here, okay?
I'm sorry it got to this.
It's not a great update.
The license plate, they're registered to
a private disposal company in Queens.
All right? I'm
headed there next.
I don't know what's worse,
not knowing or the feeling
like you're going to call
me in a couple of hours
with the worst news of my life.
Listen, we get leads
all the time, all right?
Most of them turn
out to be nothing.
Just try to stay optimistic.
I told you, I don't
know where he is.
Great, it's no use
protecting him, Kory.
He shot me.
I wanted to be done with Coach
Hannity, but Jace wouldn't let it go.
I wouldn't protect that son of a
bitch if my life depended on it.
I believe him.
I'm getting that same
connected sense
I got when we were
with Pete and Beverly.
He's scared.
He knows he's dying.
Who the hell are you?
I was there at the
lake. Remember?
Something changed when
you came out of that lake.
You're hearing things.
Having visions, right?
And Jace is in them?
Do you recognize this?
No, Kory. We... we need
to know what it means.
It was like a dream.
Jace was angry.
He knew we were dying.
And you were there.
We were where?
Come on, man.
We need to know
what Jace is planning.
There were trees.
I think we were hiding.
But where?
I can almost see...
He's going to kill you.
You need to hide.
Mr. Baylor, we just
want to run some tests
to find out why your body
seems to be breaking down.
I already said no! I
don't want to be here!
What the hell are you doing?
You told us he had returned.
You had to know we'd investigate.
You're okay with this?
What would you want me to do?
Take on the NSA?
Look, Vance, I
gotta talk to him.
Get in line. You can't
just charge in here...
- No, listen. Listen, listen, listen.
- And demand to...
Mick had a calling.
Jace wants to kill her
and Pete might be
the key to stop him.
We were in the middle of
what might prove to be...
I don't give a damn what you're in
the middle of if it endangers Mick.
I told you!
I'm not helping with anything.
Just take me back, please!
This has got to stop.
All right, enough!
- Leave him alone.
- Mr. Stone!
Pete, I need your help!
All right. All right!
Yeah. That truck you're
looking for went out that night.
It checked out about 11:00
p.m. and came back at 2:19.
Three hours in the middle
of the night? Is that normal?
Detective, I got trucks
coming in and out of here
at all hours of
the day and night.
Can I talk to the driver?
Looks like truck only.
The client sent the driver.
All right. So who's the client?
No record.
Isn't there some
kind of a requirement?
For insurance, liability,
I mean something?
Sure, most clients.
But part of what we do here
is secure documents disposal.
And some of my customers have
contracts that are, well, classified.
What, like the government?
Something like that.
How about if I just come
back with a warrant?
Good luck.
Is there anything
you can tell me today?
I'm sorry, man. They
pay me, I give 'em a truck.
That's just how it works.
And it's all designed to
not to leave a trail, right?
You don't understand.
His brother is trying
to kill my sister.
He might be the only way
I can know where Jace
is and what he's planning.
Mr. Stone, we don't have time
for this. We are already behind.
- Behind what?
- That man's body is deteriorating.
Every moment we waste
is a missed opportunity to understand
an inexplicable phenomenon.
Will you listen to yourself? We
are not some kind of science project.
Ben, I understand. You're
concerned about Michaela...
Concerned? Yeah.
Yeah, I'm concerned.
A killer is hunting her, Vance, and
you're more interested in progress.
I swear if he hurts her or anybody else,
there's gonna be blood on your hands.
I am a scientist, Mr. Stone,
always in search
of the greater good.
The fact is that Pete
Baylor is a unicorn,
and unicorns need to be
studied for the greater good.
Can I speak to the two of you?
Excuse us, Doctor.
Are we still on the
same side here?
- You really have to ask that?
- Yeah, I do.
Because as strange as it sounds,
after my family, there's
no one else in the world
I feel closer to
than the two of you.
So, yeah, I'm asking.
Are we on the same side?
Yes, of course we are.
Then you'll take me
seriously when I tell you this.
That woman is bad news.
Neither of you can see it
because you're too close.
Ben, she's a
scientist doing her...
How is this any different than
what the Major was doing?
Because no one is getting hurt.
I know you think the
callings are the only way,
but we're so close to
understanding the Death Date.
Studying Pete could actually
teach us how to survive it.
This has a chance
to help all passengers,
including your family.
Assuming we can
get him to cooperate.
Let me talk to him.
You need Pete to submit to
testing. I need Pete to help find Jace.
If I convince him to help
you, will you let him help me?
Someone's in a good mood.
Where have you been all morning?
Ah! Working on
the best idea yet.
What would you say to
reopening the family restaurant?
- Tarik...
- Let me finish.
We can make it 828 themed.
Use some of this notoriety
from the flight to help promote it.
I know you're trying
to keep a low profile.
Yeah, we're trying to avoid
having any profile whatsoever.
Think about it.
You and me, Dad's
recipes, it'll be like old times.
Better than old times.
Okay. Can I have a couple
days to think about it?
- Sure thing.
- That's not a yes.
It's gonna be great. You'll see.
Hey, come on, old
man, want a game?
If anyone can get
through to him, it's Ben.
Yeah, I hope so,
for his own sake.
Vasquez is on to the truck.
If he starts asking questions,
things are gonna fall apart.
Let me worry about that.
I need a longer leash
if I'm gonna do my job.
Let's continue this later.
What was that about?
Jared looking into the Major?
It's being handled.
If something bad is gonna happen
because of my actions,
I have to confess.
No, you... you do not. This
isn't just about you anymore.
Emmett's involved, so am I.
I don't trust him.
You already have.
He's going to
make it all go away.
I need you to go along with
what these people are asking.
It's the only way they're
gonna let you help me.
Why would you want my help?
You just want to get back at
me for what we did to your son.
No, no. Cal said you saved him.
I did?
Well, I... I guess I did.
At least, I tried to.
We know you did.
And, Pete, we
are so, so grateful.
But now I need you to
help me save Michaela.
She's in danger, Pete.
Maybe you already know that.
Maybe you saw it...
- in a calling?
- Mr. Stone.
- All right.
- We have an agreement.
Your Death Date's tomorrow,
Pete. You know that, right?
I don't wanna die.
But the calling...
it wants us to hurt her.
I don't know what you're
calling is, Pete, but...
that can't be what it means.
Angelina says
you're a good person.
And I believe her.
Why would a calling want
you to do something bad?
I don't know.
- Help me.
- All right, I'm going to, okay?
But I need you to help me
save my sister from Jace,
and to do that, Pete,
these doctors...
I need you to let
them do their tests.
All I want is to
be with Angelina.
I want to live.
Then let's make that happen.
Maybe Kory's right. Maybe
you should just hang back.
If Jace thinks it's your life or his,
what's it matter how you survive?
No. Since when have the callings shown
something we can't do anything about?
I have to find
Jace. I can feel it.
Michaela, come on.
Why do you always have
to run toward the danger?
Because it's literally my job.
You followed a calling
into a frozen lake,
so don't talk to
me about danger.
Hey, what's up?
Didn't you use to live
at 138 Hawthorne?
Yeah, until a few months ago.
Apartment 414?
Drea, what's going on?
I got a Caucasian female,
20's, knife wound to the chest.
She's alive but unconscious.
It was Jace, wasn't it?
It was.
The camera at the
entryway got a clear shot.
Neighbor down the
hall heard yelling.
Mick, it sounded like
he was looking for you.
Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
I gotta go. I'm so sorry.
Oh, my God.
just stabbed someone
at my old apartment.
Hey, hey. Michaela, no.
You can't blame yourself.
Do you understand?
This is not your fault.
Yes, it is. It is my fault.
Jace nearly killed
someone trying to get to me.
He's not gonna
stop until I stop him.
What you doing?
Trying to find something to
impress your boyfriend back in Cairo?
Can you not?
Maybe you should try a more
conventional approach to your obsession,
like philosophy or beer pong.
Okay, this is important.
So can you cut the condescending
crap for once in your privileged life...
and help me?
Tell me about these
symbols. Can you help?
Yeah. Uh, here,
let's take a look.
Okay, that right there,
that's balance. And...
Well, that's the
symbol for life.
And then...
Wait. Wait, that's impossible.
Is this the papyrus TJ sent?
I mean, the restoration...
Is this some kind of joke?
I mean, who put you up to this?
I literally have no idea
what you're talking about.
Okay. Um...
Well, then how do you have a
drawing with the exact same symbols
as a 2,000-year-old
piece of papyrus
that virtually no one on Earth
besides me has seen in centuries?
I don't know.
I swear. Really.
Levi, what does it mean?
I don't know yet.
I haven't finished
restoring the original.
Then what are you waiting for?
Keep going.
All right. All right.
Jace just stabbed someone
outside Mick's old apartment.
- Oh, my God.
- I mean, how long is this gonna take?
I came through on my end. Now
Vance and Gupta have to on theirs.
What is going on with you?
What does it feel
like you're not here?
Sorry, I just...
Have you ever had the feeling you
may have trusted in the wrong people?
What the hell, Saanvi?
This morning you went
to the mat for this place.
I just realized that
I think there are other forces
at play here I hadn't considered.
Thank you. That makes two of us.
Look, I'm so
sorry. I have to go.
- Mr. Stone, we're still conducting...
- Come on, I came through.
Just give me five
minutes, please.
All right, Pete...
now we gotta help Mick.
Please, I...
- I don't think I can.
- Yeah, you can.
Like I can help you.
Now, I need to
know where Jace is.
You're his brother. You
heard the same calling.
What did it show you?
I can't.
If I tell you, then Michaela
is gonna go after him.
He wants to hurt her.
Your brother nearly
killed an innocent woman
because he was
looking for Michaela.
You and I both know he's
not going to sit back and wait.
If Mick doesn't stop him,
he's going to go on and on...
Jace can't be stopped!
Can't you see that?
- Please! I'm trying to help her.
- Enough.
Find what you're looking for?
Uh... This thing
is great. Thanks.
You think they could do napkins
in the shape of paper airplanes?
What does something
like that cost?
You really still on about that
Montego Air themed restaurant?
T, your nephew was
on that flight, not you.
Yeah, but we're tight.
And my sister is
an awesome cook.
You should've seen the
spread she put out last night.
What you think about menus
in the shape of those
in-flight safety guides?
I think you're nuts.
And bartenders with
drink carts instead of bars,
and a really expensive
hamburger called "First Class."
Come on, Jay. Please, just... I
need a team to go after this guy.
Just give me a couple bodies.
Mick, you know I can't do that.
There's already a
BOLO out for Jace.
How's it gonna look if I put you
in charge of the search party?
We wouldn't do that for
anybody else in the department.
Okay, great. So while
Bowers is out, you're in charge.
Somehow that is worse for me.
That's not fair.
Bowers wouldn't sign off
on this either. You know that.
Where are you right now?
I'm at home
looking after Beverly.
I had to cover for Dad
until Thalia gets here.
No, Jace doesn't
know where I am.
Otherwise he wouldn't have
gone to my old apartment.
Okay, Perfect. Then stay there.
All right, I'll have a patrol
unit come by the house.
Mick, look.
I'm sorry, all right? You know
protecting you is my top priority.
I just got tip about the Major.
I'm gonna go check out right now.
Okay. Great. Thank you.
Mr. Vasquez?
Mr. Vasquez.
How are you, sir?
Special Agent Fischer. Will
you do a ride with me, please?
Wow. This really
isn't fast, huh.
Tell me about it.
I've been at this for weeks.
All right, there we go.
Whole shebang.
Okay, what am I looking at here?
Is this the same as the shadows?
Yeah, I think so. But it's
more than that. You know, I'm...
I'm pretty sure this is a
version of the famous etching
called the The Last Trial.
"The last trial depicts
the story of three prisoners
who were given a second chance to
correct the mistakes they made in life.
The first prisoner used
his chance to find love
and was rewarded
with a companion."
"The second prisoner put past grievances
to rest and was rewarded with peace.
But the third prisoner chose
vengeance, and a river of blood was shed."
Pretty gruesome, huh.
Oh, my God.
This is what's happening.
Happening to whom?
How does this end?
How do they stop it?
Stop it?
No. Olive, it's an allegory.
It's a lesson about redemption.
How is a river of blood
a story of redemption?
Because it was called
"The Last Trial" for a reason.
It was a test.
If the last man had chosen
to forgive his enemies
instead of taking revenge, then
he would have been rewarded.
He didn't, so...
Olive, please tell me
you're not on campus.
Dad, I'm sorry. All
right? I couldn't just...
It's not okay, I explicitly
told you not to go to campus.
Fine. All right? I'm
grounded, for life.
But please, just listen to me.
The calling isn't telling
Jace to kill Aunt Mick.
What do you mean?
He's being tested.
It's a lesson about free will,
about making the right decision.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
I already told you.
I am done talking
about the calling.
All right, Pete, my
daughter found something.
Your calling isn't about
Jace killing Michaela.
It's about him choosing not to.
I don't understand.
Pete, I don't have
time to explain,
but right now we have a chance.
We have a chance to save both
Michaela and Jace to save your own life
so you can have a
future with Angelina,
but we have to hurry now.
Where was Jace in that vision?
Please, Pete, have faith.
Up by the lake.
Where we came back.
Hey, how's Beverly?
She wants me to make sure
you drink enough milk with dinner.
Yeah, why not? Everyone else
is telling me what I should do.
I'm sorry. It's just, I feel
like a sitting duck right now.
How are we supposed to go...
Just me.
It's fine.
It's just Ben. It's Ben.
All good. We're
just a little on edge.
- Did you lock it?
- Yes, I locked it.
Great. Let me
help you unpack it.
Yeah. Okay.
Hey, Ben says Jace is up
by the lake. We gotta go.
- Mick, Jared just told you to lay low...
- I'm going. Are you coming?
What did you do with Jared?
Saanvi, I told you
this is being handled.
You can't go grabbing
people off of the street
to cover up for
something that I did.
If you don't tell me where
Jared is right now, Vance,
I swear to God, I'm gonna
tell the world what we've done.
You brought him here?
Your Kathryn Fitz investigation
is a matter of national
security, Detective.
You need to let it go.
See, I can't do that.
There's a woman missing and
a daughter wanting answers.
Look, I know you guys are covering
up Kathryn Fitz's disappearance.
I just can't figure out why.
Was she out there gaslighting
some other passengers?
Kathryn Fitz is dead.
Do you know who did it?
One of our agents found her body
several months ago, submerged in a bog
45 miles east of New Orleans.
We suspect a foreign asset
based in the region was responsible.
Now I'm only entitled
to reveal this to you
because your
continued investigation
threatens to expose a whole
host of classified matters.
It's time to stand down.
Let it go.
He doesn't know?
As far as Powell or anyone
else in our government knows,
Kathryn Fitz was taken
out by an enemy spy.
I don't understand. Why not just
make it look like she disappeared?
Because then they
would keep looking.
The only reason I was
given control of this facility
is our government's in an arms
race with every super power
to find out what
happened to 828.
And in a competition like
that, I'm their best shot.
And if they figure
out I killed the Major,
and you covered for me...
Then all this falls apart. Saanvi,
you did what you needed to do.
I followed suit.
That means we're
in this together.
- Could Michaela find him?
- Yeah, she's on her way.
Don't worry, Mick
can handle herself.
She'll get him.
Thank you, Pete.
We couldn't have found
Jace without your help.
I... I don't understand.
How did Olive
know this was a test?
By a painting?
It's an Egyptian story
called The Last Trial.
She found it by these symbols
in your brother's drawing.
Jace! Please!
You don't have to do this!
- You had a calling?
- I know what's going to happen.
I know where to find him.
Pete, it's fine. Michaela
is gone. She's going...
No. I have to be there.
I'm the only one who can do it.
This is how I save my life.
I can be with Angelina.
A hall pass? You kidding?
Vance, Pete had a calling.
To stop Jace, I've got
to take him upstate.
This is outrageous. There
are still several vital tests...
You can test him all you
want when he comes back.
- If he comes back.
- Exactly.
Pete Baylor is supposed
to expire tomorrow.
How are we going to study
him if he dies while you're away?
All right, fine. You can
test me, whatever you want.
I'm a bit of a unicorn myself.
But keeping Pete Baylor
here is a death sentence for him
and who knows who
else? Maybe my sister.
Come on.
You can't do this when they
both have a chance to live.
Pete Baylor is a
criminal. You can't just...
I can send an agent.
He'll still be in custody.
I want you back in
four hours. Both of you.
- Thank you. You won't regret it.
- This isn't a favor.
We have an agreement.
Sarah, I'm so sorry.
I was really hoping we'd
find something different.
I think...
deep down I already knew.
That she was gone.
How much she'd done...
I mean, that I still...
I still can't wrap
my head around.
no daughter should have to go
through what you went through.
Thank you.
You've been incredibly kind.
At least now I know the truth.
How did it happen?
They wouldn't
give me the details.
Said it was a matter
of national security.
But they did give me this.
I wish I didn't know anything
about what she did for a living.
That's not how you
should remember her.
Okay, not everything
is black and white.
At the end of the day,
she was your mother.
You have to believe
that she thought that
she was doing this
to protect her country.
I know it's no
comfort right now,
but whatever happened to her...
this way you know
that she died a hero.
How do we even know he's here?
Because he got the
same callings as they did.
Looks like we're on foot
from here. Lake's that way.
Now we just have to
hope he'll listen to reason.
Come on, Mick. He's
got 15 hours to live.
We're in the middle of nowhere.
Can't we just wait
till the sun comes up?
No. No, he'll see us coming.
There is a million ways
in and out of this place.
If we let him go, how many
more people is he gonna kill?
Where you lead, I will follow.
Zeke, you don't have to come.
Hell I don't.
I might not like you going into danger,
but I'm not gonna let you go it alone.
Besides, I've been dead
before. A couple times.
I love you, you know.
I do know.
Turns out I can
sort of read minds.
That's true.
I love you, too.
Let's go get this guy.
You're the one with the gun.
Two guns, actually.
Maybe you don't
shoot me this time.
- Huh.
- Mm-mm.
Few minutes, I promise.
I'm gonna grab some supplies.
Angelina, you're still up?
Hey, hey. Seriously?
Just doing my job, sir.
They're not hurting anybody.
Just give them a second.
When they took
you away from jail, I...
I thought that was the last
time I was ever gonna see you.
I still wanna see
the sunrise with you.
But if we're gonna
see more than one...
I have to stop Jace.
What are you doing, love?
We got a big day tomorrow.
We can go home and see Daddy.
Hey, Mick.
Sorry. I know you're probably
sleeping, but I thought you should know.
They found the Major dead.
I don't have a lot of details,
but thought I should call.
Anyways, good news for you.
At least you're safe on
that front. Good night.
Found his campsite. You see him?
No, not yet.
What is it?
He's here somewhere.
I can feel his anger.
Okay, I'm gonna stick around
the side. Just keep a safe distance.
Where are you?