Manifest (2018–…): Season 2, Episode 9 - Airplane Bottles - full transcript

As a storm rages outside the Stone home and anxieties boil over inside, Olive frantically searches for meaning in a centuries-old text; Michaela faces unexpected scrutiny at work; Saanvi's lab research takes a dangerous turn.

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Previously on "Manifest"...

You were testing on yourself?

If there's a chance to cure the
Death Date, I have to figure it out.

Zeke, what is this?

Frostbite. I may be freezing to death.

Saanvi thinks she can help.
She may have a cure.

I think I did it. DNA has no anomaly.

My gut is telling me that
Jared's involved in something

that could cause some serious problems.

You've proven quite valuable.

I'm on the verge of exposing the
828ers for the threat they are.

Your case files.

Drea wanted you to print these?

No, it was Vasquez.

We got Vasquez, Captain.

I'll take it from here.

Us. In the park.

That was a mistake.

I don't remember being at the park.

I don't remember a thing.

Yusuv Al-Zuras.

According to legend, he
was lost at sea for 10 years

and mysteriously returned.

Sounds familiar.

The possibility that all of this
has happened before, it's huge.

No way. They found
it... Al-Zuras's journal.

Figured we'd get some answers.

This changes everything.

It's all connected.

All this, and he makes breakfast.

I figure if there's a chance
we're gonna be normal,

we might as well start
trying to live like it.

Mm. Saanvi still thinks she
has the cure for the Death Date?

Hope so. She says I passed
the preliminary testing.

We'll see how phase two goes.

It'd be nice not to
be freezing to death.


FYI, my "normal" is just
coffee and last night's pizza.

This is downright domestic.


Still want that pizza?


Only good thing my
father ever taught me.

You don't talk about your dad that much.

Not much to say.

Guy took off.

Happier subject... Say
Saanvi's cure works.

What do you want to do first?


I don't know. Take a year,
see the world.

Hmm. You do realize

that involves getting on a plane, right?


Where do we go?

Chile? Greece? Thailand?

Um, anywhere that's not Jamaica

would be great.

Crap, I gotta go.

I really don't want to go deal
with this whole Jared thing.

If he really is working with the Xers,

the quicker you take
him down, the better,

as far as I'm concerned.

Or I could just, uh,
come see Saanvi with you.

Trying to be normal, remember?

Which means you go to work.

I'm a big boy.

Perfectly capable of going
to the doctor by myself.

Fine, but I'm gonna spend the whole day

making travel plans, then.

Bye. I'm taking this.

Okay. You should.

Here, lemme help.

It's okay. I-I-I got it.

Thanks for letting me stay
here while I recover.

And for, you know, saving my life.

It was my absolute pleasure.

We're happy to have you.

Right, 'cause things around here
weren't hectic enough already

without an unexpected houseguest.

- You doing okay?
- I don't know.

I mean, all those people died,
and the Callings saved me.

I guess I just don't get it.

TJ, there are so many things

I wish we understood about the Callings,

but right now all that
matters is you're safe.

And the only thing
you need to do is heal.


- You ready?
- Uh, yeah. Yeah.

Olive, why don't you let TJ rest
for a few days, recover a bit?

No, okay? I'm sick of losing people.

I just got you guys back.

If the key to surviving
is in this journal,

then I-I'm not gonna
waste another minute.

It's okay.

Maybe it'll help take
my mind off the fire.

You sure?


Alright, then.

I'm gonna go make sure
Cal's not still in his PJs.

You know, Cal, it
comes with instructions

and all the hardware to put it together.

Somehow I don't think
he's trying to make a crib.

What are you building?

Why won't it work?

It's supposed to work.
It's all connected.

Cal, did you have a Calling?

Come on!

Honey, can we help?

Cal, if you had a
Calling, we need to know.

What did you see?

I can't remember. It...
It was like a dream.

But I think...

I think I was there when
the plane disappeared.

You know what happened to Flight 828?

Internal affairs?

You know, I appreciate
you having my back

- the way I've always had yours.
- Always?

Your new friends think my
family and I are subhuman.

Mick, the box you just opened,

okay, you don't get what's inside.

You know what I don't
get, Jared, is you.


These people need a bit of your time.

Big day.


Ready to save my life?

Yes. Um, yeah.

Yes, I've just... I've
been working all night.


You alright?

I had this, like, really
weird thing with my ex,

and it just stirred me up.

I mean, don't worry. I'm just...

I'm overcompensating
with work. It's just...

That's one way to do things.

It's tried and true. Okay.

Let's see.

Let's, um... Let's get started.

Saanvi, please don't
take this the wrong way,

but are you on something?

No. I'm fine.

Really? Because you seem really wired.

No, I just, uh... Since I
injected myself with the serum,

I've had minor, um...

just minor impulse-control issues.


I'm not the doctor, but it
doesn't seem all that minor.

It's just a temporary side effect.

The Callings changed
our brain chemistry,

and now that they're
gone, it's gonna take

just a little bit of time for
my body to get back to normal.

Put your arm out. Let's get started.

Uh, I'm not sure an
impulse-control issue

is the best thing for
a recovering addict.

It's just a temporary issue.

It's just my brain chemistry's
getting back to normal.

You're repeating yourself.

Okay, your serum was right here.

Oh! Yes!


Let's, uh... Let's get started.

I'm gonna prepare the serum,
and it shouldn't take too long.

Internal Affairs? Really?

You think I had a choice?

Stone had tape connecting
you to the Xers.

If I didn't run it up the ladder,

she would have done it herself.

At least this way, I can control it.

An investigation about me, Captain.

Nobody said this was gonna be easy.

I've got all bases covered.

If Stone gets anywhere with it,

- I can undercut her and make it go away.
- Meantime, she gets to say

whatever the hell she
wants to the rat squad.

We got to play this out
like any other investigation.

We're very interested
in what you have to say.

Appreciate you taking
the time, Detective.

Thank you guys for being
able to jump in so quick.

I-I just, uh, need to
state for the record

that you are here voluntarily,

that you have a right to
representation from the union...

No, I, uh... I just want
to do the right thing.

Good. Then we're on the same page.

Let's start at the beginning.

You have a long history with
Detective Vasquez, correct?

Yeah. Um, you know what?

He... He's a great guy.

He's always been kind and caring.

This is all kind of unexpected.

Uh, Detective Vasquez
separated from his wife

after you came back on Flight 828.

The two of you got back together?

Uh, no, not exactly. W-We had a...

I'm not looking to split hairs.

Uh, we made a mistake.

I think, you know, Jared took that hard,

and I-I can only assume
that's what caused him

to turn to the Xers.

Did your partnership sour
before or after you accused him

of attacking the man that you
were romantically involved with?

I don't see how Zeke is in...

Did you find yourself in need

of some character
rehabilitation at the precinct?

In need of a win?

I'm sorry, uh,

what exactly are you guys driving at?

We're trying to understand
why you seem to have a vendetta

against a man you almost married.

Uh, no. No, no, no.

I'm concerned that the
people he's associating with

might be involved with illegal activity.

So you resent the new woman he's seeing.

That's not at all what I said.

Okay, I understand that you
need to vet my credibility,

but why do I get the sense that
you think that I'm the bad guy?

Why do you have my case file?

We have a few questions
about your case work

since being reinstated
after 828's return.

More than a few, actually.

Uh, you did not just happen
upon these yourselves.

Jared gave those to you to save himself.

We are here to discuss his
involvement with a hate group.

Case after case of yours seems
to involve rescues or solves

with no evidentiary trail whatsoever.

Recovery of two kidnapped girls.

Murder of a barbershop owner.

Murder of a college student.

Ah. Hmm.

Bank robbery by an 828 passenger.

Oh, this is a fun one.
Your boyfriend was involved.

- Let's start here.
- Great. Fine.

But if you don't accept my
explanation of these cases,

then where exactly is this heading?

To a long prison term, Detective.

Alright, think hard, Cal.

What did you see?
What happened to the plane?

I can't remember.

I just have to build it.

Build what?

It's okay. Just take it easy.

Ben, I haven't seen him this worked up

about a Calling in a while.

Alright. Let me help.

What's it supposed to look like?

Like a spider web.
The plane was trapped in it.

You okay?

Yeah, fine.

I'm just feeling a bit woozy.

I thought the morning sickness was over.

What can I do?

Here, hold this while I tie it.

So, what makes you so convinced

that this journal is
the key to everything

and we're the ones who
were supposed to find it?

Because the tarot card
that led to all of this,

it... it came to me when
you guys were missing.

And the book is in Latin.
And you know Latin.

Oh, so my life was spared

because the Callings don't know
how to use Google Translate.

- Great.
- Well, I do,

okay, and all I got was gibberish.

TJ, none of this was an accident.

Your survival, my survival.

We're... We're all in this together.

I know. You're right.

Okay, here we go.

Al-Zuras was definitely like us.

"After a decade, we arrived.

But for the men on board,
no time had passed.

Each of us was as young as when we left,

only now we could hear the word of God".

The Callings.

"Lumen" was the word they used.

"Glow". They thought it was a-a curse.

Callings, they do good.

I don't... I don't know
why they would think...

Well, according to Al-Zuras,

"For every blessing,
a price must be paid.

We returned after 10
revolutions of the sun,

only to learn our lives would
be taken after just 10 more".

He had his own Death Date.

"And for every good that
comes from the Voice,

a trial must follow".

So, in other words, when the
Callings save you from a fire,

get ready for something
bad about to happen.

Maybe the fire was the bad thing.

Have you ever thought of that?

I hope you're right.

"And so began our quest to...

dispel our ailment...

and cheat death once again".

Al-Zuras seemed to think he
could get rid of the Callings.

So if we know what happened to him,

maybe we could figure
it out for ourselves.

Where's my journal? Where's my journal?

- Journal.
- Oh. Yes.

Yes, thank you.

Thank you, thank you, thank you,
thank you, thank you, thank you.

Okay, thank you, thank you,
thank you, thank you, thank you,

thank you, thank you.

How's Michaela?

I bet she's like,
out-of-her-mind excited

about the chance to have
you around for longer.

- She was. We both were.
- Yeah.

But, Saanvi, I think we should
put a hold on the treatment.

No, Zeke, look at me.

Look at me. I am fully functional.

I haven't had a Calling in weeks.

I-I know... I know that I
am a little bit supercharged,

but that's gonna... that's gonna
go away in about a day or two.

You're getting worse. You need a doctor.

- Maybe you missed the name tag.
- You know what I mean.

No! Stop!

- Oh, my God. Ohh.
- Okay.

Do you know what would
happen if they found out

that I was testing
unapproved meds on myself?

It would be my job, my chance
to save us from the Death Date.

Where's my journal?

Where's my journal? Where's my journal?

Thank you. Thank you.

- Saanvi.
- Mm-hmm?

We've had the same
conversation three times.

I've been around the block enough

to know when people are in trouble.

Who can I call?


There must be a doctor you trust.

Dr. Alex Bates.

She's my ex.

She's not taking my calls.
She doesn't want to talk to me.

Then I'll go get her.

Okay, she works at Boroughs.
I'll just go with you.

I-I don't think it's a great idea

for you to be out in this state.

She's not gonna want
to talk to you about...

Saanvi, this is important.
I'll figure it out.

You sit tight.

Don't let anyone in.

- Okay.
- Okay.

There seem to be an awful lot of guesses

and anonymous tips here.

Individually, it wouldn't
raise an eyebrow,

but in totality, frankly, I'm troubled.

All of those cases stood up in court.

Maybe. Still...

Let's talk more about the man
you live with, Ezekiel Landon.

He has nothing to do with this.

And yet after you and Landon connected,

your knack for being in the
right place at the right time

took a giant leap forward.

You know what else took
a giant leap forward?

The amount of second-guessing

and outright betrayal
from my fellow officers.

It's hard to have your
professional capabilities

questioned, to crave respect.

I'm good at my job!

You cut a few corners to get ahead.

But then did you and
Landon manufacture crimes

in order to help your career?

Manufacture?! You...

No, no, no, you cannot
be serious right now.

You knew Isaiah McCann,

manager of the nightclub
that burned down.

Not socially. Yeah, he was
a victim in one of my...

Witnesses and surveillance
put you at the club

before the fire started,
talking to Isaiah McCann.

He asked me to meet him.

Now, I don't think that
you meant to kill anyone.

Maybe you underestimated things.

Maybe the fires got out of control.

Tell me in your own words what happened.

I had nothing to do with this.

I would like my union rep.

It feels like we're on
the verge of something.

Why can't he remember what he saw?

You've seen how Cal processes Callings.

It's like his drawings.

He's got something in his head

and he just can't put it to words.

The plane stuck in a spider web?

Is that a literal web
or Captain Daly's...

dark lightning?


You're getting that look that you get.

Take it easy. He's just a kid.

Yeah, okay.

I just wish I understood
what he wants to build.

Hey, did Cal say something
about a silver dragon?

Art the dragon?

This is different.

According to his journal,

Al-Zuras had a recurring
vision about a silver dragon.

"And on the dragon's
wings was borne despair

and the makings of our own demise".

Cal's Calling, the book...

... it's got to be connected.

Well, everything's connected, right?

But still, spider webs, silver dragons?

It doesn't make any sense.

Well, the Callings
will never just come out

and say something.

It's the point of a puzzle.
Got to figure it out.

- It's getting worse!
- It's okay, Calamander.

It's not okay! It won't
stop until we build it!

The storm's outside. We're safe in here.


It's just a little weather.
Nothing to be afraid of.

Yeah, buddy.

Sorry, what are you guys talking about?

The rain.

It's beautiful outside.

65 and sunny.


Oh, my God.

The storm isn't real.

It's a Calling.

Something's coming.

Okay, what the hell is going on?

Why am I hearing Michaela
called for a union rep?

Apparently, Simon gave IA
those case files you stole.

I thought you said you had
everything under control.

That's when it was about you.

Clearly, Simon called an audible,

and now IA's digging into everything.

So, he... he's just gonna sacrifice me

in order to take Michaela down?

Cap, this can blow up in our faces,

everything we've worked for.

If I were you, I'd go
have words with Simon

and find out exactly how
much of a hole we're in.

This is gonna hurt a lot more
people than just you and me

if things go south.

What does Al-Zuras say
about shared Callings?

- Mass hallucinations?
- Not a lot.

Although he did have a lot to
say about electrical storms.


So did Captain Daly.

Did the captain describe
anything like this?

The storm Calling has
to have something to do

with what happened on Flight 828.

But why are we getting it now,

and what is it trying to show us?

"For every blessing,
a price must be paid".

Would you stop it already, please?

Dad, he thinks the storm is payback

for all the good things
that have happened.

- TJ, get over it!
- Dad.

I'm sorry.

It's just we've never had
a Calling like this before,

one that lasted for an
extended period of time.

And are we the only ones seeing it?

You guys find out what the
storm has to do with the book.

- Keep me updated.
- And where are you going?

Your brother thinks
building a spider web

is the way out of all this.

I'm gonna help him.

Mick, are you seeing a storm?

Give me a call back.

Okay, is this

close to what you're
seeing in your head?

No! It's not right! Take it off!

It's okay, Cal.

The storm isn't real, remember?

I said take it off!

Okay! Just watch your tone.

Now look what you made me do!


Your mom's only trying
to help. We all are.

I'm sorry. I-I don't
know what's going on here,

but I already told Saanvi
I can't see her anymore.

- It's too hard.
- I know. I'm sorry.

Saanvi wanted to respect
your wishes, but this is...

- She really needs your help.
- She doesn't, though.

She just needs someone to
ask the right questions.

- Her research is...
- This isn't about her research.

Saanvi's in trouble medically.

She was working on a treatment

and... and testing it on herself.

She didn't want me to
say anything, but...

The blackouts.

Last week she told me
she was forgetting things.

I thought it might be stress-related,

told her to see someone.

But she didn't, though, did she?

You're the only doctor she trusts.

Please. I'm afraid for her life.

You got nothing, 'cause if you did,

we'd be having a real
different conversation.

Why don't you tell us what you think

is going on, Officer DiBacco?

Whistleblower retaliation.

Vasquez is trying to shut her up.

Our questions about
Detective Stone's record

have nothing to do with Vasquez.

So, those files just walked
themselves into your hand?

Just zip it.

Now, the two of you are supposed to be

the unbiased voice of justice,

not looking to take her down
because a passenger with a badge

doesn't reflect well on the department.

Sir, we are trying to understand

what involvement Detective
Stone may have had

- in the nightclub fire.
- You want to know about the fire? Fine.

It was a trap set to kill me, my family,

- and a slew of other...
- Michaela.

Why don't you tell us how
you knew it was a trap?

You know, if you keep talking,

they're gonna hang you
with your own words.

Detective Stone was a target
of the attack in question.

It strains credulity that you
would try and pin it on her.

When the fire started,

you were one of the first
people out of that building.

- I went back in to help.
- Because you knew it would be safe?

- Because you wanted to be a hero.
- Because people were dying!

That's enough!

I need a moment to confer
with Detective Stone.

My patience is wearing thin.

Come on, we just gotta try again.

Each time we build it,
we get a little closer.

I've tried! I don't know
what it's supposed to be!

Please, Cal, can you just try again?

I can't do it! I can't!

This was a Calling, okay?
It is not your fault.

"For every good that
comes, a trial must follow".

I was supposed to die
in that fire, Olive.

Now everyone here has to
suffer because I didn't.

TJ, the Callings saved
you for a reason, okay?

We need you here.

I need you here.

Guys! Where are you with the book?!

Cal needs help. We got to
find a way to stop this.

What does this say?

That more bad things are gonna happen.

TJ! What does this say?!

"The cure begat the affliction".

According to this,

some of Al-Zuras's men tried
to get rid of the Callings

but ended up going mad.

Some even threw themselves overboard.

I wonder why.


Wait, wait, you guys are
seeing things that aren't there.

Al-Zuras was a sailor, right?

Mom... She's seasick.

Cal losing his temper,

TJ so upset, off-balance,
blaming himself.

The storm.

It's what happened to
the men on the boat.

I think we're all going mad.

What are you thinking coming here?

Ben Stone's office
is just down the hall!

The hell do I care?

You get to blow up my job and
I got to stay clear of yours?

This is not why I gave
you Michaela's case files.

Really, Jared? What'd you
think was gonna happen?

The plan was to dump information

about the 828 passengers onto the Web,

not to feed Mick's cases
to Internal Affairs, Simon!

We have new information
about the passengers.

Plans changed.

You're concerned.

I worked those cases with her.

An IA investigation blows back on me.

They're not looking at you for
the nightclub fire, are they?

It doesn't matter.
She knows I took those files.

- Now she's got plenty of ammo to take me down.
- Don't worry about it.

You know you have like-minded
friends at the NYPD.

What are you talking about?

If Michaela Stone goes on the offensive,

your friends will have your back.

How are you gonna stop her from talking?

What happened to nonviolence?

Jared, this isn't an ideology.

It's a wake-up call.

Did Michaela Stone ever
talk to you about telepathy?

The 828 passengers are
able to see the future.

Her brother's been keeping
quite copious records.

That's news to me.

For all we know,

they're manipulating
the events around us,

controlling us in ways
we don't even realize.

It's everything we've feared.

But it's no longer just a theory.

It's a fact.

And now that one of them
is coming right at us?

Michaela Stone is a threat.

We'll do what needs to be done.

This is so wrong.
This entire inquiry's driven

by circumstantial
evidence and anti-828 bias.

You've been on the other side
of this table plenty of times.

They're baiting you,
waiting for you to trip up.

This was supposed to be
about Jared and the Xers.

Well, forget about
Vasquez. Save yourself.

From what, a conspiracy theory
that I burnt these people down?

That's crap. They know it.

People have questions, okay?

You make a good fall
guy. Don't help them.

Thank you for that.

Oh, and, uh, simple
answers... yes or no.

And for God's sakes, when
I tell you not to answer,

shut the hell up.

Let's back things up a little.

You first met the alleged
nightclub arsonist,

Isaiah McCann, when he
was arrested for the murder

- of another passenger... Kelly Taylor.
- Yes.

And your investigation exonerated him.

Mm-hmm, because he didn't do
it and we caught the killer.

With one of your many
coincidental solves.

McCann knew your niece, Olive Stone.

They were members of the same cult.

Olive is the one who identified
Mr. McCann's attackers

at the church, am I right?

Your niece must really look up to you.

Her cool aunt, a Flight 828 survivor,

a successful detective.

She'd probably do anything you asked.

- No, that is...
- Olive Stone's statement

in the assault case checked out.

Your brother, Ben Stone,

he was involved in a number of
your cases, as well, wasn't he?

What were you thinking?

If I'd known what I
was helping you with...

I know that. That's
why I didn't tell you.

I miss you. I miss...

Saanvi. I can't.

Make a fist.

You know how reckless this is.

Why do this to yourself?

She was trying to help me.

Always looking out for other people

at the expense of yourself.

Help you what?

Not die.

You know the people on
Flight 828, they ha...


I thought he wasn't on Flight 828.

Yeah. The thing is, uh...

Your dopamine levels are off the charts.

We need to get this under control.

Then you need to explain.

Did I say too much?

Saanvi, I know that look,
but this thing with Alex...

I just feel like the universe
wants us to be together.

Yeah. I get it.

But you're not in any
shape to be talking about...

Let's see your arm.

What are you giving her?

A dopamine antagonist that's
helpful in psych cases.

It should stabilize her
and hopefully slow down

whatever's got her running on overdrive.

Sleep well, Vi.

What do we do now?

Now we wait...

and hope she doesn't
need to go to the ER.

I had nothing to do with the fire.

You had motive and opportunity.

This can't be all just
one big coincidence.

No, it's a smokescreen,
and you're falling for it.

- Jared Vasquez is an Xer.
- Michaela.

You and your family had to know

that sooner or later it was
going to catch up with you.

You can't honestly think that my family

had anything to do with this!

We'll know when we get their statements.

Jared is the criminal here!

You have the damn surveillance!

The surveillance you
provided is inconclusive.

A guy is allowed an off-duty drink.

This isn't just any bar!

If you can prove Vasquez
is guilty of actual crimes,

we're all ears.

This is your badge we're talking about.

Don't take the bait.

They don't care about the truth.

They're gonna run me for it anyways.

Look, Jared brought this on himself.

He brings a threat to my family.

You don't think I'm gonna fight back?

What do you want to know?
I'll tell you anything.

Before we proceed, we need
to make clear that in no way

is this an offer of leniency

in exchange for your
informing on another officer.

Whistleblowing doesn't
give you immunity.

Okay, fine. I understand.

No, you don't understand!

Okay, we need to take this
to a neutral location and now.

- On what grounds?
- On the grounds

that you're railroading this
detective in her own house!

She didn't do anything wrong,
but other people here did.

And, frankly, the walls have ears.

That doesn't seem to be a
problem for her thus far.

That's before we were
talking about career suicide!

On top of which, now
she's being pressured

to implicate another member of my union.

I'm gonna need to confer
with my own superior.

If this is some sort
of stalling tactic...

Or we can stay here, my
friend, and I can file an appeal

on the basis of coercion
and intimidation.

We'll reserve a
conference room downtown.

You have one hour.

It doesn't work! It's never gonna work!

Cal, you have to calm down!

This Calling is making
everyone crazy, me included.

Al-Zuras went through the same thing.

It's the storm.

But we have to find
a way to make it stop.

- I can't!
- Yes, you can!

We're here to help!

Cal, come back.

- Please, don't leave!
- I have to!

Why won't you just tell me
what the book is saying?!

This storm is because of me!

If I leave, maybe you'll all be safe!

The storm isn't real!

To you! Don't you see what
it's doing to everyone else?!

TJ, you cannot run out on
a Calling! It won't work!

For all we know, you go out there,
you could get yourself killed.

Well, I'm supposed to be dead already!

You're supposed to be
right where you are... here.

What does the book say?

That the Callings won't stop.

Ever. Now, just let me go.

No! No!

Every Calling needs to be solved.

Now, you had the Calling,
which means you can help.

TJ, whatever is going on in here,

whatever is going on out there,
it is all connected.


The book.

The book. The book.

It's got to be here.

Where is it?

I saw this exact lightning
bolt outside just now.

Yeah, I did, too.

What do you think it means?

Did you see that?

See what?

Right there.

A spider web.

I think I know what
Cal's trying to build.

Out of my hands now.

She's gonna give the rest of
her testimony down at OnePP.

Nice seeing you. Be in touch.

Very good.

She's not gonna make it downtown.

Michaela Stone, you're
under arrest for arson,

conspiracy to commit
arson, and homicide.

Are you out of your mind right now?

- Please put your hands on the desk.
- Captain, what is...

- Detective Vasquez, what do you think you're doing?
- Excuse me!

It's called police work.
I'm arresting my suspect.

You have the right to remain silent.

Are you seriously trying to
handcuff me in our own precinct?

Detective, your colleague's a subject

in an active Internal
Affairs investigation.

According to procedure...

You can take your procedure
and shove it right up your ass.

Detective Stone's in custody.

- She's not going anywhere.
- Think about

- what you're doing right now!
- You have the right to remain silent.

Anything you say can and will be
used against you in a court of law.

You are never gonna
live this down, Jared!

You have the right to an attorney.
If you cannot hire an attorney...

Alex? What are you doing here?

You needed me.

Um, I did? I'm... I'm sorry.

I know I promised I wouldn't call.

Saanvi, if... if you're
in some sort of trouble

or i-if there's something
about Flight 828, I...

No, I'm...

I'm so sorry.

It is...

incredibly unfair for me
to have drawn you into this.

Dangerous, even.

Go back to your family.

Forget about this. Forget about me.


Not even if you up and
vanished into thin air.

Yeah, that would be a feat.

Please be safe.

The world needs you.

Thank you.

Is this what you saw?

Uh, more spread out.

Tie it up there.

Yeah, like that.

I really don't get what
you're trying to prove here.

There's no way out. It
says right here on the page!

"In the end, there is no
way to be rid of the Voice.

The only way to survive is to accept".

Accept what?

That we have to live like this forever?

That it's all connected!

The silver dragon.

Um... What just happened?

It is all connected.

What was that in the sky?

Was that... Flight 828?

Buddy, is that what you saw?

I think so.

Is it possible?

Were Al-Zuras's ship and Flight 828

somehow in the same
place at the same time?

The same storm?


What does it mean for us?


Oh. Hey.

I wanted to say thank you for
not giving up on me back there.

I sort of lost my mind.

Yeah, we all did.

It was the Calling.

But thankfully, you were here,

and we had all the
right pieces to solve it.

TJ, thanks to you,

I think we just learned
how to beat the Death Date.

How so?

Here. You translated it yourself.

"There is no way to be rid of the Voice.

The only way to survive is to accept".

Accept the Voice?

The Callings.

Now, he's telling us
following the Callings

is the only way we have a chance.

He's telling you more than just that.

Keep reading.

"All other paths lead to disaster".

"All other paths".


We're so close.

I just need a little bit more time.

Saanvi, you've already done so
much, put yourself in danger...

I'm not gonna stop.

I refuse to let the Callings
control our lives, okay?

We're gonna beat this
Death Date, no matter what.

Her research, her self-medicating.

You know damn well I
didn't start that fire.

You're being vindictive.

I don't care if I burn
this entire precinct down.

I will out you for every
remotely questionable thing

- you've ever done!
- Mick, shut up?!

You have to keep your mouth shut.

I just saved your life.