Manifest (2018–…): Season 2, Episode 2 - Grounded - full transcript
Ben forms a cautious alliance with a student from Flight 828; Saanvi strives to further her research into the Death Date; Grace makes a startling discovery about her pregnancy.
Previously on "Manifest"...
Save the passengers.
Grace: I'm pregnant.
I just thought this would be
something special
to bring us all together
when everything else
is so scary.
NSA, drop your weapon!
[ Machine-gun fire ]
Somebody help me!
You're Dr. Saanvi Bahl,
I'm sorry. And you are...?
Troy Davis.
Oncology lab tech.
I have an appointment...
with a therapist.
Michaela and I,
we're meant to be together.
[ Gun cocks ]
Back off!
[ Gunshot ]
Where's Zeke?
NYPD's looking for him.
I'm here to ask you
to call off the hunt.
It was an accident.
Bowers: You got shot,
and your new
boyfriend ran off.
The Callings said
you guys are gonna die!
You need to be
with Michaela.
She doesn't have much time.
And neither do you.
He's never gonna know
about his Death Date.
He's innocent.
We have to make it possible
for him to come home.
I didn't mean to hurt you,
and I did.
What happens the next time
I get a Calling?
This is what I need to do --
own up to my actions.
Zeke turned himself in.
He knows he's guilty.
You're not the only one
who can come back from the dead.
[ Siren wailing ]
[ Police radio chatter ]
[ Indistinct conversations ]
We got to clear the airway.
Let's get him onto an I.V.
Please step back, ma'am.
[ Wailing continues ]
Excuse me, is that -- Is that
Vance? How bad is it?
Can you just tell me
how bad it is, please?
[ Engine starts ]
[ Siren wailing ]
You okay, sir?
My arm hurts like hell,
but I'll live,
thanks to you
pulling me out of there.
Sir, we need to get you
to a hospital.
No, people inside
our own government
were willing to kill me.
If I'm gonna
take them down,
I want them to think
they succeeded.
You know the drill.
The world needs to think
I'm dead.
Well, I was convinced.
The whole world was.
You would have loved
your funeral...
Well, I'm sorry I couldn't
tell the truth to you --
well, both of you,
but no one knows
except my guys,
my wife,
and now the two of you.
You want to bring her up
to speed, or should I?
Well, I wasn't planning
to see you
until I knew who the Major was,
but your bloodhound brother
our little reunion.
Yeah, well,
that's our Ben for you.
So far, I've identified a-a
black ops financial pipeline
that appears to be funding
a shadow 828 investigation.
Suffice it to say,
I've been following the money.
And in the past week,
that money has doubled.
What's the Major planning?
Well, that's why
I asked you here.
I was hoping one of you
could tell me.
A budget spike like that had to
be the response to something.
Did anything significant happen
to the 828 passengers
this week?
not that we know of.
You want me to do
some poking around?
Stone, the last time
you poked around,
you ended up
in the back of a van
with a hood
over your head.
Right. Yeah.
I'll leave the espionage to you.
But I have been connecting
with more
and more passengers
every day.
In fact, I've got a meeting
in an hour with an 828er.
He's a freshman
at Astoria.
He called me
twice yesterday.
Seems like he's got
something to tell me.
'Cause after all this is over,
I can stop being dead,
and I would really
like you all to live.
And maybe we can get
to the bottom
of where the hell you all went
for 5 1/2 years.
Ben: TJ.
Thanks for meeting me
on campus.
No problem.
I'd forgotten how quiet
a campus gets
between sessions.
I used to be a professor.
You don't teach anymore?
[ Chuckles ]
No, I'm trying,
but with all
the attention and suspicion,
the opportunities
just haven't been there.
828 changed my life
a lot.
Me too.
It changed
everything for me.
I used to love it here.
Did well in my classes,
joined the cross country team,
the Latin club.
I was in it.
And my mom was proud...
which made me proud.
And then
you went to Jamaica.
You know, this was
probably a mistake.
I'm sorry
that I bothered you.
Listen, you asked me here
for a reason.
Is it because
you're seeing things?
Hearing things, maybe?
And they've gotten...
Hey, it's okay.
You can talk to me about this.
I-I get them, too.
A lot of us do.
Sometimes they can be
pretty terrifying.
Like seeing
your own death?
Yeah, like that.
This morning,
I had a vision
of being inside
my own grave.
Cal: You think it's
a Death Date Calling?
You still thinking
about the "save
the passengers" Calling?
Yeah, me too.
It felt like the plane
was crashing.
So maybe it's showing us
how we're gonna die?
Well, your dad seems to think
that it's about
saving the passengers
before the Death Date.
It felt more urgent
than that, didn't it?
I know.
We have to talk to Zeke.
He was on the plane
in our Calling,
even though he wasn't
in real life.
That means something.
Yeah, I know.
Well, once he's out on bail,
we can talk to him.
He had the same Calling,
so --
He didn't.
How do you know that?
In the Calling, he couldn't
hear us or see us,
and neither
could anyone else.
We have to save him,
just like we have to save
the rest of the passengers.
I'm gonna try again
to talk to him, alright?
I'm gonna miss having you
live with us, Auntie Mick.
Well, I'm gonna miss
stealing your waffles, buddy,
but I got to go back
to my apartment.
It's time.
[ Sighs ]
[ Horn honking ]
Are you sure about this?
Once we know,
we can't un-know.
It's gonna be okay,
no matter what.
[ Door opens ]
Paternity, right?
So, we just need to get
a single vial of blood
and then
I'll swab your cheek
and we'll send them
both to the lab
and we should have results back
within one to two days.
Are you afraid of needles?
[ Echoing ] Stop.
You okay?
Um, uh...
[ Echoing ] Stop.
[ Echoing ] Stop!
[ Gasps ]
I'm -- I'm sorry,
we have to go!
Wait, you -- you -- you --
you can't -- you can't just --
We have to go.
Honey, are you okay?
What just happened?
I just h-heard
my own voice,
over and over,
telling me to stop.
Oh, my God.
You just had a Calling.
[ Engines roaring ]
I don't understand.
How could I have a Calling?
It doesn't make any sense.
I wasn't --
I wasn't on the plane.
But I was.
That still
doesn't explain...
Oh, my God.
The pregnancy.
It's the only thing
that makes sense.
that would mean...
it's your baby.
It sure seems that way.
God, Ben, it's your baby.
Come on.
Let's get you home.
Come on.
[ Cell door buzzes ]
That inmate
is refusing visitors.
Ezekiel Landon?
Can you try again?
That inmate's
refusing visitors.
Uh, does this help?
Sure, assuming
the ADA sent you,
advised the inmate's lawyer,
and you have a case number.
No, I'm not officially
on the case,
but I'm
an interested party.
I'm a friend of his.
Thank you.
Have a good day.
[ Indistinct conversations ]
Wycoff and Holland,
look into the automobile theft
at Clark Towing.
I got it.
And, Raines,
your warrants came through
on the 15th Avenue bust.
And of course, welcome,
Detective Stone,
back from medical leave.
[ Whistling and applause ]
Okay, let's get to it.
Detective Stone.
Drea Mikami.
I just want to say it's such
an honor to meet you.
Your conviction record
is almost too good to be true.
I was wondering, maybe,
if you had a second,
we could sit down,
and I could pick your brain
about how you --
Um, Mikami, do you mind?
Uh, kind of.
Detective Stone, I see you've
met your new partner,
Detective Mikami.
Hold on.
Captain. Captain.
Wow, this is --
This is great.
Yeah, give --
one sec.
Uh, Captain?
Detective Stone and I --
we used to be partners.
Yeah, and that partnership
triggered a lot
of internal investigations
and unwanted attention
from One PP.
So now I'm in charge,
and Detective Stone
has a new partner.
Don't start sleeping
with this one.
You know this
is not gonna work.
You need me to have
your back here.
You know what?
Actually, I think
I just need you to let this go.
Maybe it's for the best.
Clean break.
[ Indistinct conversations ]
Definitely need this nap.
I forgot how exhausting
it is to make a new human.
Well, I am a big fan
of your work.
We should still confirm.
I'll go see Saanvi
as soon as I'm up.
[ Cellphone vibrating ]
It's that kid TJ,
the one that had
the Death Date Calling.
I was supposed to meet him
again tomorrow, but...
TJ: Ben?
I didn't know what to do.
I didn't want
to call the police.
Alright, what is it?
What happened?
It wasn't me
I saw in the grave.
It wasn't me.
[ Sighs ]
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God, TJ,
what happened?
I have no idea.
I was trying to follow
the Calling,
to see if I could make
any more sense of it
after we talked
this morning.
A-And it brought you here?
And I just started digging.
What do I do?
Grace: Apparently,
the Calling
only trusts you
to take my blood.
This changes everything
I thought I knew.
Scientifically speaking,
Callings have now been
transferred genetically
through the baby.
So, if it is
Ben's baby...
will the Death Date
also transfer?
We have no proof
of that...
[ Indistinct conversations ]
Detective Vasquez,
Catch me up.
You are looking at late teens,
early 20s.
Rigor is abating,
suggesting that she's been
dead at least 36 hours.
Blunt force trauma
and suffocation.
We found a student key card
in her pocket.
Campus security is going
to run it for an I.D.
Thank you.
You're campus security,
I want to know every time
and place that key card
was used this week.
Jared, I called 911.
How'd you get put on this?
Oh, I saw your name
as a reporting witness.
I thought I should just
come check it out.
Uh, this is TJ.
He was on 828,
and he...
found the body.
How, exactly?
It's okay.
He'll understand.
Well, I was walking,
and, I don't know,
I just had a feeling.
So I started digging,
and I found her.
I know how crazy
that must sound.
Can I talk to you
for a minute?
So, he's saying
that a Calling
he had led him here,
and you believe him?
Yeah, how else could he have
found the girl's body?
He could have found her
by putting her there.
Come on, Jared.
You think he killed her?
Look, I don't think
anything, Ben.
I'm gathering
the facts, okay?
That's my job.
[ Indistinct conversations,
telephones ringing ]
You're a better cop
than a criminal.
Sorry, what?
You swiped that file
off Vasquez's desk.
Is that his court docket?
Are you and Vasquez
in some kind of detente
I need to know about?
Uh, need to?
Got it.
My last partner retired.
Aviera. Good guy,
but super old-school.
How did Aviera feel about
being paired with a rich kid?
Where'd that come from?
That watch
is three months' salary,
you say things
like "detente,"
and you have a photo
on your desk of a horse --
English saddle,
not Western.
So, yeah,
you're moneybags.
Okay, not me, exactly,
but my mom kind of killed it
on Wall Street.
I'm guessing this isn't
quite the trajectory
she had in mind for you.
Being a cop?
But I love it.
And I want to learn
from the best.
So maybe lesson one
is why you read arraignments
so carefully?
Lesson one is this.
What is the foundation
of any good partnership?
So, you can trust me
not to tell anyone
about your
Upper Eastside past.
Tribeca. Deal.
What do I do?
Cover for me while I deal
with something.
I'll return the contraband.
[ Police radio chatter ]
[ Bell ringing ]
Oh, whoa.
These are some
serious books.
SAT prep.
I'm starting to realize exactly
how much I don't know.
Not all answers
can be found in books.
Hang on to this.
I love your jacket,
by the way.
Grace: Olive?
Who was that?
I don't know.
Oh, no, honey.
We can't be talking
to Believers.
No, mom, she's super nice.
I dropped my book.
Sweetie, we have to be
really careful.
If they find out
there's an 828 baby --
If it is an 828 baby.
It is.
Wait. Wait.
So, i-it is dad's baby?
You took the paternity test.
I mean, not exactly,
but, yeah, it's dad's.
Wait, what?
I'm --
How do you know, then?
I had a Calling.
What? Wait?
How -- How is that even...?
I-I don't know.
Something to do
with the pregnancy.
Sweetie, this is --
this is great news.
We can all be one family,
just like we'd hoped.
Not really.
Now I'm the only one.
[ Sighs ]
Bailiff: All rise.
Judge: Ezekiel Landon,
you are charged
with one count of reckless
endangerment of human life...
Where's his lawyer?
I have no idea.
He won't talk to me.
Yeah, me, neither.
I can't lose him again.
What if I can't
afford the bail?
We're gonna get the money.
One count of assault
in the first degree.
And you wish to defend yourself?
I do.
Can I make a statement?
Go ahead.
Your Honor, I've made a lot
of mistakes in my life,
and I've hurt people,
good, decent people
whose only flaw
was believing in me.
I hurt my little sister,
my parents,
and I hurt someone --
someone I never wanted
to hurt.
I don't want
to spend the time
I have left fighting
these charges
and dragging out the pain
for those I care about.
What are you doing?
As to the count of assault
in the first degree,
I plead guilty.
Zeke, stop!
No, you can fight this!
Your Honor, it was an accident.
-Order in the court!
Zeke, you can fight this!
It was an accident!
No! Zeke!
No, no, no, Zeke!
As to the count of illegal
possession of a firearm...
Zeke, stop!
...I plead guilty.
What are you doing?
You can fight this.
Ma'am, please.
As to the count of fleeing
the scene of a crime,
I plead guilty.
It was an accident.
Your Honor, it was an accident.
None -- None of it
was supposed to happen!
As to the count of reckless
endangerment of human life...
[ Door slams ]
...I plead guilty.
[ Telephones ringing,
indistinct conversations ]
How are you holding up?
Yeah, I've been better.
I just can't believe Zeke
pled guilty to...
How's Grace?
Taking it easy.
She's still thrown by the whole
getting a Calling thing.
I can't wrap my head
around that.
it doesn't make any sense.
I feel like
we say that a lot.
[ Chuckles ] It's true.
Is that him?
Hi, I'm, uh, Michaela.
You must be TJ.
I hear Detective Vasquez
brought you in
for a follow-up.
Though he's kept us
waiting long enough.
It's fine.
TJ's a glutton
for punishment.
He's a cross-country runner
who studies Latin.
My office, Detective.
What's that about?
Um, probably my
unscheduled appearance
at Zeke's arraignment.
You don't have to wait
with me.
If you're here, I'm here.
The question is...
do you want to stay?
I want to see it through.
I mean, there's got
to be a reason
why I got this
Calling, right?
Why it was sent to me
and not you or your sister?
Yeah, maybe.
We still haven't figured out
exactly how it works.
Well, at least
you have each other.
Just like me with my mom.
She was cool.
More like a best friend,
you know?
If your best friend constantly
makes you eat salmon
and listen to Madonna.
Sounds like
you guys were close.
What happened to her?
When the plane went missing, um,
she must have felt like
she didn't have anything
left to live for.
And she OD'd on sleeping pills
a month later.
Oh, TJ, I'm so sorry.
My mom died
when we were gone, too.
While I was gone, the school
emptied my dorm room,
and my mom's landlord
tossed her stuff.
So I don't have anything.
Not even a photo of her.
[ Sniffling ]
Hi, excuse me. I need access
to a DNA Sequencer.
Dr. Bahl!
Troy Davis, remember?
I tightened up
the beard a little.
Yes. Hi.
How are you doing?
You know what?
I think I left my I.D.
in my office.
Don't worry.
I can vouch.
Y-You need
a DNA Sequencer.
What do you need it for?
Anything interesting?
I would love to help.
Oh, it's just a theory
that I'm working up.
Is it about
that blood marker?
From your
pediatric patient?
I'll just put down
And by the way,
I would love to help.
you mentioned that.
Just, uh, have the machine
and we can play
the rest by ear.
Thank you.
[ Door opens, closes ]
[ Door buzzes ]
[ PNV Jay's "Level Up" playing ]
♪ Diamonds dancin'
on the chain ♪
♪ I swear all these is lame ♪
♪ Came from murder
and robberies ♪
♪ Better not think about
robbing me ♪
♪ She suck me,
I'm all in her artery ♪
♪ These hatin'...
be watchin' me ♪
♪ Run to the guap ♪
♪ I'm headed
straight to the top ♪
♪ broke, you a flop ♪
♪ It's PNV, I will not stop ♪
I didn't realize
I needed permission
to attend an arraignment.
Captain Riojas was --
Let me tell you
how it works in my precinct.
We have rules.
And making a scene at your
own assailant's hearing
several of them.
He's not my assailant.
Not an assailant,
not your boyfriend.
You keep correcting me,
and we just met.
He shot a cop.
That's confirmed
by Detective Vasquez,
who witnessed it,
and by the defendant himself,
who pled guilty.
Right, but it's not
that simple.
It's exactly that simple.
It's a nice, simple,
closed case.
The only one who's trying to
make it difficult here is you.
He didn't mean to.
Well, he sure as hell meant
to plead guilty, Detective.
So drop it.
[ Police radio chatter ]
[ Indistinct conversations,
telephones ringing ]
Jared: Mick.
You want to tell me
why you've been making
that kid wait all day?
Oh, you're referring to the kid
who swears he doesn't know
anything about a homicide victim
he just happened to dig up?
No, he doesn't, Jared.
Ben told you.
He -- He had a Calling.
TJ never met her.
His fingerprints are all over
the victim's room.
His prints were
in her room?
Okay, no, there's
an explanation for this.
Just because he was
on that plane
does not mean
he's not a murderer.
you're doing it again,
where you're looking
for the worst in people.
No, I'm looking
for the evidence.
He knew exactly
where the body was.
Okay, his fingerprints
were found all over a room
of a victim
he swore he never met.
You know the drill.
Mick, you know
I got to do this.
No, actually, you --
Jared, come on, stop.
Oh, my God.
Stand up and turn around,
Stand up and turn around.
Jared, what's going on?
You have the right
to remain silent...
Come on, Jared. What the hell?
You said he'd understand!
Listen to me, Ben.
I didn't do it.
Please. I didn't do it.
Jared, he's innocent!
Mick, you've got --
I didn't do it!
Please, listen to me!
Do something, please!
Ben! Ben!
Hey, look at me.
Look at me.
[ Rumbling ]
You feel that?
What the hell
you talking about?
[ Rumbling continues ]
Get him out of here.
No, stop!
Please let go!
[ Sighs ]
[ Telephones ringing ]
Jared's still
interrogating TJ.
It could take hours.
Well, I'm not leaving.
I told TJ I was here for him,
and I meant it.
Now, can we discuss
what happened?
I've never seen anyone shake
like that during a Calling.
I know.
It -- It felt like turbulence,
like the plane Calling
Cal and I had.
When he told you to
save the passengers?
[ Sighs ]
It happened right
when TJ was arrested.
He's a passenger.
It's telling you to save him.
He's clearly innocent.
No, actually.
Not clearly.
Look, TJ told us
that he'd never met her,
but his prints
were all over her room.
Ben, I've gone over
and over the file.
Her name was Frannie.
She was an art student.
Well, he didn't do it.
That's not what
the evidence says.
Well, find new evidence!
Ben. You're too close
to this, okay?
Oh, and you weren't close
to the guy
who shot you and ran off?
Don't bring Zeke into this.
You know he's innocent.
So is TJ!
Ben, you've known him
for one day, okay?
You are way too trusting,
and I --
and I love
that about you, but...
it's a weakness, okay?
TJ tells you a sob story,
and --
He is a passenger.
And you know what?
You're right.
I do trust him.
Because right now passengers
are pretty much
the only people
I can trust.
So, please, dig deeper.
But if I find more proof
that -- that he murdered
this girl,
then it's my job
to make sure
he never sees
the light of day.
Cal: Can you take me
to see Auntie Mick?
At the police station?
Cal, what -- what's up?
I need to talk to her.
There's --
There's something
we're supposed
to do together.
It's important.
Well, then,
you're in luck
because your older
and oh-so-wiser twin sister
just happens to be sitting
right in front of you,
ready to listen.
That's okay.
But if mom or dad call,
tell them I need help.
I-I can help.
At least let me try.
What is it?
It's about a Calling.
You wouldn't understand.
It's just that --
No, no, no.
I get it.
[ Crying softly ]
[ Knock on door ]
Having fun
with your new toy?
I'm just getting set up.
I can show you how I set up
my test runs on this baby.
It's a little different
from other Sequencers.
I'm just running
some test results
before I even get started.
Maybe we could get
a coffee or something
while you're waiting.
I figure
we're overdue, anyway.
I suspect we may have more
in common
than just being
keen researchers.
Might be fun to find out.
I'm sorry, what?
Just rambling.
♪ I'm a ramblin' man ♪
so, I have to go.
Which means you
have to go.
After you.
I already told
the other cops.
I don't know him.
Frannie and I have been
sorority sisters
for three years,
and I've never seen
that guy before.
Do you know why Frannie
stayed on campus
in between sessions?
She's a Visual Arts major.
She was almost done
getting ready
for her first solo show
at the campus gallery.
It's supposed to open
this weekend.
Is this Latin?
I think so, yeah.
Maybe that's the crossover.
Maybe they were both
in Latin.
Those notes
aren't Frannie's.
She didn't take Latin.
Why does she have someone
else's stuff in her room?
She had a ton of other
people's junk around.
She pulled it out of the trash
for her art.
She made collages
out of found objects.
These must've been
the discards
that didn't make it
into the show.
Cross country, Latin --
This --
This is TJ's stuff.
He was telling the truth.
He was never in this room,
but his stuff was --
his old stuff
from before 828.
Michaela, you okay?
Yeah, um...
That's Frannie's key card.
She must have dropped it
when she was sorting
through stuff.
Frannie had her key card
on her when she died.
Must've been
a replacement.
Campus security records
didn't have any reports
of her card being lost.
Or them
issuing a replacement.
You think they'd keep
track of that.
If you needed to get a new card,
where would you go?
Someone looks happy.
It's just a good day.
How nice!
Personal or professional?
Have you met me?
Though I think this lab tech
just asked me out today.
He came by my office
claiming to be checking in
on the Sequencer, but --
I'm sorry.
Checking in on the what?
It's a DNA Sequencer.
Oh, got it.
I had a new realization
about the Callings --
that they might be
transferable, genetically,
so I needed a new machine
to look at the DNA sequencing
so I can isolate the --
I'm sorry.
Sorry, this is so boring.
If you're excited
about something,
then I am happy to listen.
It is really exciting.
Actually, you know,
Troy could be helpful
with the sequencing
because the calibration
needs to be so precise.
As long as I don't let him see
any of my research.
[ Birds chirping ]
Hey, I don't want
to do the SATs,
and I really don't need
the lecture.
Come here, love.
I know how it felt when
we were the only two people
not having the Callings.
And I can only imagine
how you must be feeling now
that I've had a Calling.
Honey, we will always
be a family.
Nothing can come
between us.
Not even the Callings.
Mom, do you think
I'm resentful
because everyone else
gets the Callings and I don't?
You're not?
Mom, I'm not resentful.
I'm terrified.
Because the Callings gave Cal
and dad the Death Date.
How do you know that you
and the baby don't have it, too?
And in five years,
you'll all be gone.
And I'll be
the only one left.
I had thought that
maybe the baby --
I really don't see why
I'm cramming
all of this SAT stuff
just to be standing there
alone at my college graduation
wishing that all of you
were alive.
Honey, I'm sure
we'll be at --
Mom, you're not sure
about anything!
And you are lying
if you say you are!
[ Footsteps departing ]
[ Indistinct conversations ]
Hi, there.
Detectives Mikami
and Stone, NYPD.
Just wondering if we could,
uh, talk to you
about Frannie King?
Yeah, of course.
Whataya need?
The card that she had on her
was a replacement.
Just want to know
when it was issued.
There's no entry
in the log.
Do you know who was on shift
the night before last?
That'll be Wilkins.
[ Taps on glass ]
What's going on?
Uh, that student who died --
Frannie King.
She come in for
a key replacement?
You sure?
'Cause even if it's not
in the log,
the key card machine's
a computer,
so it records every output.
We just got to download it.
You know, a girl did run
in here for a card.
She was in a hurry
to get back to her room.
I guess
I forgot to log it.
Why was she in a hurry?
No idea.
She didn't talk much.
She just took the card
and headed towards
the west gate.
Not towards her sorority?
I don't know if she was
in a sorority.
I just saw her leave,
and that was it.
Sorry, so, you noticed
that she was in a hurry
and where she was going,
but you --
you didn't notice
the giant sorority letters
on her sweatshirt?
That's kind of selective
in your observations.
Sorry, but that's
all I remember.
I need to get going.
Yeah, one more quick
question, actually.
When did you get
the shiny new boots?
It's really hard to get blood
out of leather, isn't it?
[ Gun cocks ]
You have the right
to remain silent.
Anything you say can
and will be
used against you
in a court of law.
I assume
you're gonna clue me in
as to what just happened.
That's lesson
number two.
It's over.
They found the perp's boots
in a Dumpster
outside of his house
covered in Frannie's DNA.
I should have been able
to help her, though.
It's my fault.
No, no.
She was dead before you
ever got the Calling.
TJ, you couldn't
have saved her.
Why would the Calling want me
to find a dead body?
Without you, Frannie's body
may never have been found.
At least now her family
can get some closure.
Yeah, the guard left
his previous jobs
under suspicion of harassment
and stalking.
I mean, he was likely
a serial predator.
You saved whoever would have
been his next victim
or victims.
But why me?
Why did I get this Calling?
I think we may know.
Come on.
I'll show you.
Thank you.
Come on.
Give me a second.
Thank you.
And I'm sorry I pushed
too hard before.
It's another one
of my weaknesses.
No, no. The, uh --
The only thing that I'm mad at
is the fact
that you were right.
So, I'm sorry, too.
Congratulations on
an amazing solve, Stone.
I've been looking back
at your cases,
and you've had a lot of
solves from anonymous tips.
A lot.
So many, in fact, an ADA
might start asking questions.
You see, I like a paper trail.
I like a long paper trail.
It means that my cops
are doing their jobs.
So, tell me, detective,
how'd you solve this one,
in two hours,
no less?
Anonymous tip.
It's your case, Vasquez.
You buy that?
I do.
Because I don't buy it
for a second.
Going forward, I don't
want you two
anywhere near the same cases.
The school held onto
your stuff for years
before they threw it out.
But when they did,
it was found again... Frannie.
That's why the Calling
led you to find her.
'Cause she found you.
I can stay
if you want me to.
No, I just, uh...
I don't know
how to thank you.
Go see your mom.
Ben Stone?
You're kidding me.
How long has it been?
for you or for me?
What are you doing here?
I'm a dean.
Well, can you believe it?
Yeah, I can.
You were the smartest student
in Number Theory.
Well, my group study partner
was a real inspiration.
What about you?
Besides shattering
the laws of physics,
what have you been up to?
Actually, dean,
I'm on a job hunt, so if you --
Sent me your
My e-mail's on
the department's website.
Will do.
Uh, you're the...
Yeah, the girl with
the two tons of SAT books.
No, you were so much more
than just that.
You were the girl
in the killer jacket.
Thank you.
I'm Maxine Taylor.
Olive Stone.
"Stone," as in...
Yes, but, you know, I don't
really want everyone to --
Yeah, no worries!
Come in.
Adrian's about to speak.
And you have to tell me
where you shop.
Deal, if you tell me
where you got your hair done.
Oh, this is all DIY.
I can hook you up.
[ Indistinct conversations ]
[ Door buzzes ]
I don't suppose
you know anything
about DNA Sequencers.
I assume you're talking about
the one Saanvi's been using.
She made a new discovery
about a genetic change
to the 828ers,
but she's been doing
the tests in her labs
to keep it all under wraps.
How would you know about that?
Because it's clearly
not under wraps.
I've been tracking
the accounts.
Looks like the Major
just ordered one.
How the hell does the Major
know about Saanvi's discovery?
[ Gunshot ]
Jared: Shots fired.
Officer down.
Hold on, Michaela.
I'm so sorry.
"Dear Zeke..."
[ Rumbling ]
"I don't know how to say this,
other than I need you."
[ Rumbling continues ]
It's happening again!
Just hang on.
Just hang on.
Zeke! Zeke!
Zeke, please!
[ Passengers screaming ]
Zeke, can you hear me?
Can you hear me?
[ Fire whooshes ]
Zeke, I'm right here, okay?
Hey, hey, hey,
I'm right here.
I'm right here.
Zeke, I'm right here.
Is that you?
It's not working.
Let's double the dose.
No, please.
I need...
No, the Calling.
[ Crying softly ]
I'm sorry.
Save the passengers.
Grace: I'm pregnant.
I just thought this would be
something special
to bring us all together
when everything else
is so scary.
NSA, drop your weapon!
[ Machine-gun fire ]
Somebody help me!
You're Dr. Saanvi Bahl,
I'm sorry. And you are...?
Troy Davis.
Oncology lab tech.
I have an appointment...
with a therapist.
Michaela and I,
we're meant to be together.
[ Gun cocks ]
Back off!
[ Gunshot ]
Where's Zeke?
NYPD's looking for him.
I'm here to ask you
to call off the hunt.
It was an accident.
Bowers: You got shot,
and your new
boyfriend ran off.
The Callings said
you guys are gonna die!
You need to be
with Michaela.
She doesn't have much time.
And neither do you.
He's never gonna know
about his Death Date.
He's innocent.
We have to make it possible
for him to come home.
I didn't mean to hurt you,
and I did.
What happens the next time
I get a Calling?
This is what I need to do --
own up to my actions.
Zeke turned himself in.
He knows he's guilty.
You're not the only one
who can come back from the dead.
[ Siren wailing ]
[ Police radio chatter ]
[ Indistinct conversations ]
We got to clear the airway.
Let's get him onto an I.V.
Please step back, ma'am.
[ Wailing continues ]
Excuse me, is that -- Is that
Vance? How bad is it?
Can you just tell me
how bad it is, please?
[ Engine starts ]
[ Siren wailing ]
You okay, sir?
My arm hurts like hell,
but I'll live,
thanks to you
pulling me out of there.
Sir, we need to get you
to a hospital.
No, people inside
our own government
were willing to kill me.
If I'm gonna
take them down,
I want them to think
they succeeded.
You know the drill.
The world needs to think
I'm dead.
Well, I was convinced.
The whole world was.
You would have loved
your funeral...
Well, I'm sorry I couldn't
tell the truth to you --
well, both of you,
but no one knows
except my guys,
my wife,
and now the two of you.
You want to bring her up
to speed, or should I?
Well, I wasn't planning
to see you
until I knew who the Major was,
but your bloodhound brother
our little reunion.
Yeah, well,
that's our Ben for you.
So far, I've identified a-a
black ops financial pipeline
that appears to be funding
a shadow 828 investigation.
Suffice it to say,
I've been following the money.
And in the past week,
that money has doubled.
What's the Major planning?
Well, that's why
I asked you here.
I was hoping one of you
could tell me.
A budget spike like that had to
be the response to something.
Did anything significant happen
to the 828 passengers
this week?
not that we know of.
You want me to do
some poking around?
Stone, the last time
you poked around,
you ended up
in the back of a van
with a hood
over your head.
Right. Yeah.
I'll leave the espionage to you.
But I have been connecting
with more
and more passengers
every day.
In fact, I've got a meeting
in an hour with an 828er.
He's a freshman
at Astoria.
He called me
twice yesterday.
Seems like he's got
something to tell me.
'Cause after all this is over,
I can stop being dead,
and I would really
like you all to live.
And maybe we can get
to the bottom
of where the hell you all went
for 5 1/2 years.
Ben: TJ.
Thanks for meeting me
on campus.
No problem.
I'd forgotten how quiet
a campus gets
between sessions.
I used to be a professor.
You don't teach anymore?
[ Chuckles ]
No, I'm trying,
but with all
the attention and suspicion,
the opportunities
just haven't been there.
828 changed my life
a lot.
Me too.
It changed
everything for me.
I used to love it here.
Did well in my classes,
joined the cross country team,
the Latin club.
I was in it.
And my mom was proud...
which made me proud.
And then
you went to Jamaica.
You know, this was
probably a mistake.
I'm sorry
that I bothered you.
Listen, you asked me here
for a reason.
Is it because
you're seeing things?
Hearing things, maybe?
And they've gotten...
Hey, it's okay.
You can talk to me about this.
I-I get them, too.
A lot of us do.
Sometimes they can be
pretty terrifying.
Like seeing
your own death?
Yeah, like that.
This morning,
I had a vision
of being inside
my own grave.
Cal: You think it's
a Death Date Calling?
You still thinking
about the "save
the passengers" Calling?
Yeah, me too.
It felt like the plane
was crashing.
So maybe it's showing us
how we're gonna die?
Well, your dad seems to think
that it's about
saving the passengers
before the Death Date.
It felt more urgent
than that, didn't it?
I know.
We have to talk to Zeke.
He was on the plane
in our Calling,
even though he wasn't
in real life.
That means something.
Yeah, I know.
Well, once he's out on bail,
we can talk to him.
He had the same Calling,
so --
He didn't.
How do you know that?
In the Calling, he couldn't
hear us or see us,
and neither
could anyone else.
We have to save him,
just like we have to save
the rest of the passengers.
I'm gonna try again
to talk to him, alright?
I'm gonna miss having you
live with us, Auntie Mick.
Well, I'm gonna miss
stealing your waffles, buddy,
but I got to go back
to my apartment.
It's time.
[ Sighs ]
[ Horn honking ]
Are you sure about this?
Once we know,
we can't un-know.
It's gonna be okay,
no matter what.
[ Door opens ]
Paternity, right?
So, we just need to get
a single vial of blood
and then
I'll swab your cheek
and we'll send them
both to the lab
and we should have results back
within one to two days.
Are you afraid of needles?
[ Echoing ] Stop.
You okay?
Um, uh...
[ Echoing ] Stop.
[ Echoing ] Stop!
[ Gasps ]
I'm -- I'm sorry,
we have to go!
Wait, you -- you -- you --
you can't -- you can't just --
We have to go.
Honey, are you okay?
What just happened?
I just h-heard
my own voice,
over and over,
telling me to stop.
Oh, my God.
You just had a Calling.
[ Engines roaring ]
I don't understand.
How could I have a Calling?
It doesn't make any sense.
I wasn't --
I wasn't on the plane.
But I was.
That still
doesn't explain...
Oh, my God.
The pregnancy.
It's the only thing
that makes sense.
that would mean...
it's your baby.
It sure seems that way.
God, Ben, it's your baby.
Come on.
Let's get you home.
Come on.
[ Cell door buzzes ]
That inmate
is refusing visitors.
Ezekiel Landon?
Can you try again?
That inmate's
refusing visitors.
Uh, does this help?
Sure, assuming
the ADA sent you,
advised the inmate's lawyer,
and you have a case number.
No, I'm not officially
on the case,
but I'm
an interested party.
I'm a friend of his.
Thank you.
Have a good day.
[ Indistinct conversations ]
Wycoff and Holland,
look into the automobile theft
at Clark Towing.
I got it.
And, Raines,
your warrants came through
on the 15th Avenue bust.
And of course, welcome,
Detective Stone,
back from medical leave.
[ Whistling and applause ]
Okay, let's get to it.
Detective Stone.
Drea Mikami.
I just want to say it's such
an honor to meet you.
Your conviction record
is almost too good to be true.
I was wondering, maybe,
if you had a second,
we could sit down,
and I could pick your brain
about how you --
Um, Mikami, do you mind?
Uh, kind of.
Detective Stone, I see you've
met your new partner,
Detective Mikami.
Hold on.
Captain. Captain.
Wow, this is --
This is great.
Yeah, give --
one sec.
Uh, Captain?
Detective Stone and I --
we used to be partners.
Yeah, and that partnership
triggered a lot
of internal investigations
and unwanted attention
from One PP.
So now I'm in charge,
and Detective Stone
has a new partner.
Don't start sleeping
with this one.
You know this
is not gonna work.
You need me to have
your back here.
You know what?
Actually, I think
I just need you to let this go.
Maybe it's for the best.
Clean break.
[ Indistinct conversations ]
Definitely need this nap.
I forgot how exhausting
it is to make a new human.
Well, I am a big fan
of your work.
We should still confirm.
I'll go see Saanvi
as soon as I'm up.
[ Cellphone vibrating ]
It's that kid TJ,
the one that had
the Death Date Calling.
I was supposed to meet him
again tomorrow, but...
TJ: Ben?
I didn't know what to do.
I didn't want
to call the police.
Alright, what is it?
What happened?
It wasn't me
I saw in the grave.
It wasn't me.
[ Sighs ]
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God, TJ,
what happened?
I have no idea.
I was trying to follow
the Calling,
to see if I could make
any more sense of it
after we talked
this morning.
A-And it brought you here?
And I just started digging.
What do I do?
Grace: Apparently,
the Calling
only trusts you
to take my blood.
This changes everything
I thought I knew.
Scientifically speaking,
Callings have now been
transferred genetically
through the baby.
So, if it is
Ben's baby...
will the Death Date
also transfer?
We have no proof
of that...
[ Indistinct conversations ]
Detective Vasquez,
Catch me up.
You are looking at late teens,
early 20s.
Rigor is abating,
suggesting that she's been
dead at least 36 hours.
Blunt force trauma
and suffocation.
We found a student key card
in her pocket.
Campus security is going
to run it for an I.D.
Thank you.
You're campus security,
I want to know every time
and place that key card
was used this week.
Jared, I called 911.
How'd you get put on this?
Oh, I saw your name
as a reporting witness.
I thought I should just
come check it out.
Uh, this is TJ.
He was on 828,
and he...
found the body.
How, exactly?
It's okay.
He'll understand.
Well, I was walking,
and, I don't know,
I just had a feeling.
So I started digging,
and I found her.
I know how crazy
that must sound.
Can I talk to you
for a minute?
So, he's saying
that a Calling
he had led him here,
and you believe him?
Yeah, how else could he have
found the girl's body?
He could have found her
by putting her there.
Come on, Jared.
You think he killed her?
Look, I don't think
anything, Ben.
I'm gathering
the facts, okay?
That's my job.
[ Indistinct conversations,
telephones ringing ]
You're a better cop
than a criminal.
Sorry, what?
You swiped that file
off Vasquez's desk.
Is that his court docket?
Are you and Vasquez
in some kind of detente
I need to know about?
Uh, need to?
Got it.
My last partner retired.
Aviera. Good guy,
but super old-school.
How did Aviera feel about
being paired with a rich kid?
Where'd that come from?
That watch
is three months' salary,
you say things
like "detente,"
and you have a photo
on your desk of a horse --
English saddle,
not Western.
So, yeah,
you're moneybags.
Okay, not me, exactly,
but my mom kind of killed it
on Wall Street.
I'm guessing this isn't
quite the trajectory
she had in mind for you.
Being a cop?
But I love it.
And I want to learn
from the best.
So maybe lesson one
is why you read arraignments
so carefully?
Lesson one is this.
What is the foundation
of any good partnership?
So, you can trust me
not to tell anyone
about your
Upper Eastside past.
Tribeca. Deal.
What do I do?
Cover for me while I deal
with something.
I'll return the contraband.
[ Police radio chatter ]
[ Bell ringing ]
Oh, whoa.
These are some
serious books.
SAT prep.
I'm starting to realize exactly
how much I don't know.
Not all answers
can be found in books.
Hang on to this.
I love your jacket,
by the way.
Grace: Olive?
Who was that?
I don't know.
Oh, no, honey.
We can't be talking
to Believers.
No, mom, she's super nice.
I dropped my book.
Sweetie, we have to be
really careful.
If they find out
there's an 828 baby --
If it is an 828 baby.
It is.
Wait. Wait.
So, i-it is dad's baby?
You took the paternity test.
I mean, not exactly,
but, yeah, it's dad's.
Wait, what?
I'm --
How do you know, then?
I had a Calling.
What? Wait?
How -- How is that even...?
I-I don't know.
Something to do
with the pregnancy.
Sweetie, this is --
this is great news.
We can all be one family,
just like we'd hoped.
Not really.
Now I'm the only one.
[ Sighs ]
Bailiff: All rise.
Judge: Ezekiel Landon,
you are charged
with one count of reckless
endangerment of human life...
Where's his lawyer?
I have no idea.
He won't talk to me.
Yeah, me, neither.
I can't lose him again.
What if I can't
afford the bail?
We're gonna get the money.
One count of assault
in the first degree.
And you wish to defend yourself?
I do.
Can I make a statement?
Go ahead.
Your Honor, I've made a lot
of mistakes in my life,
and I've hurt people,
good, decent people
whose only flaw
was believing in me.
I hurt my little sister,
my parents,
and I hurt someone --
someone I never wanted
to hurt.
I don't want
to spend the time
I have left fighting
these charges
and dragging out the pain
for those I care about.
What are you doing?
As to the count of assault
in the first degree,
I plead guilty.
Zeke, stop!
No, you can fight this!
Your Honor, it was an accident.
-Order in the court!
Zeke, you can fight this!
It was an accident!
No! Zeke!
No, no, no, Zeke!
As to the count of illegal
possession of a firearm...
Zeke, stop!
...I plead guilty.
What are you doing?
You can fight this.
Ma'am, please.
As to the count of fleeing
the scene of a crime,
I plead guilty.
It was an accident.
Your Honor, it was an accident.
None -- None of it
was supposed to happen!
As to the count of reckless
endangerment of human life...
[ Door slams ]
...I plead guilty.
[ Telephones ringing,
indistinct conversations ]
How are you holding up?
Yeah, I've been better.
I just can't believe Zeke
pled guilty to...
How's Grace?
Taking it easy.
She's still thrown by the whole
getting a Calling thing.
I can't wrap my head
around that.
it doesn't make any sense.
I feel like
we say that a lot.
[ Chuckles ] It's true.
Is that him?
Hi, I'm, uh, Michaela.
You must be TJ.
I hear Detective Vasquez
brought you in
for a follow-up.
Though he's kept us
waiting long enough.
It's fine.
TJ's a glutton
for punishment.
He's a cross-country runner
who studies Latin.
My office, Detective.
What's that about?
Um, probably my
unscheduled appearance
at Zeke's arraignment.
You don't have to wait
with me.
If you're here, I'm here.
The question is...
do you want to stay?
I want to see it through.
I mean, there's got
to be a reason
why I got this
Calling, right?
Why it was sent to me
and not you or your sister?
Yeah, maybe.
We still haven't figured out
exactly how it works.
Well, at least
you have each other.
Just like me with my mom.
She was cool.
More like a best friend,
you know?
If your best friend constantly
makes you eat salmon
and listen to Madonna.
Sounds like
you guys were close.
What happened to her?
When the plane went missing, um,
she must have felt like
she didn't have anything
left to live for.
And she OD'd on sleeping pills
a month later.
Oh, TJ, I'm so sorry.
My mom died
when we were gone, too.
While I was gone, the school
emptied my dorm room,
and my mom's landlord
tossed her stuff.
So I don't have anything.
Not even a photo of her.
[ Sniffling ]
Hi, excuse me. I need access
to a DNA Sequencer.
Dr. Bahl!
Troy Davis, remember?
I tightened up
the beard a little.
Yes. Hi.
How are you doing?
You know what?
I think I left my I.D.
in my office.
Don't worry.
I can vouch.
Y-You need
a DNA Sequencer.
What do you need it for?
Anything interesting?
I would love to help.
Oh, it's just a theory
that I'm working up.
Is it about
that blood marker?
From your
pediatric patient?
I'll just put down
And by the way,
I would love to help.
you mentioned that.
Just, uh, have the machine
and we can play
the rest by ear.
Thank you.
[ Door opens, closes ]
[ Door buzzes ]
[ PNV Jay's "Level Up" playing ]
♪ Diamonds dancin'
on the chain ♪
♪ I swear all these is lame ♪
♪ Came from murder
and robberies ♪
♪ Better not think about
robbing me ♪
♪ She suck me,
I'm all in her artery ♪
♪ These hatin'...
be watchin' me ♪
♪ Run to the guap ♪
♪ I'm headed
straight to the top ♪
♪ broke, you a flop ♪
♪ It's PNV, I will not stop ♪
I didn't realize
I needed permission
to attend an arraignment.
Captain Riojas was --
Let me tell you
how it works in my precinct.
We have rules.
And making a scene at your
own assailant's hearing
several of them.
He's not my assailant.
Not an assailant,
not your boyfriend.
You keep correcting me,
and we just met.
He shot a cop.
That's confirmed
by Detective Vasquez,
who witnessed it,
and by the defendant himself,
who pled guilty.
Right, but it's not
that simple.
It's exactly that simple.
It's a nice, simple,
closed case.
The only one who's trying to
make it difficult here is you.
He didn't mean to.
Well, he sure as hell meant
to plead guilty, Detective.
So drop it.
[ Police radio chatter ]
[ Indistinct conversations,
telephones ringing ]
Jared: Mick.
You want to tell me
why you've been making
that kid wait all day?
Oh, you're referring to the kid
who swears he doesn't know
anything about a homicide victim
he just happened to dig up?
No, he doesn't, Jared.
Ben told you.
He -- He had a Calling.
TJ never met her.
His fingerprints are all over
the victim's room.
His prints were
in her room?
Okay, no, there's
an explanation for this.
Just because he was
on that plane
does not mean
he's not a murderer.
you're doing it again,
where you're looking
for the worst in people.
No, I'm looking
for the evidence.
He knew exactly
where the body was.
Okay, his fingerprints
were found all over a room
of a victim
he swore he never met.
You know the drill.
Mick, you know
I got to do this.
No, actually, you --
Jared, come on, stop.
Oh, my God.
Stand up and turn around,
Stand up and turn around.
Jared, what's going on?
You have the right
to remain silent...
Come on, Jared. What the hell?
You said he'd understand!
Listen to me, Ben.
I didn't do it.
Please. I didn't do it.
Jared, he's innocent!
Mick, you've got --
I didn't do it!
Please, listen to me!
Do something, please!
Ben! Ben!
Hey, look at me.
Look at me.
[ Rumbling ]
You feel that?
What the hell
you talking about?
[ Rumbling continues ]
Get him out of here.
No, stop!
Please let go!
[ Sighs ]
[ Telephones ringing ]
Jared's still
interrogating TJ.
It could take hours.
Well, I'm not leaving.
I told TJ I was here for him,
and I meant it.
Now, can we discuss
what happened?
I've never seen anyone shake
like that during a Calling.
I know.
It -- It felt like turbulence,
like the plane Calling
Cal and I had.
When he told you to
save the passengers?
[ Sighs ]
It happened right
when TJ was arrested.
He's a passenger.
It's telling you to save him.
He's clearly innocent.
No, actually.
Not clearly.
Look, TJ told us
that he'd never met her,
but his prints
were all over her room.
Ben, I've gone over
and over the file.
Her name was Frannie.
She was an art student.
Well, he didn't do it.
That's not what
the evidence says.
Well, find new evidence!
Ben. You're too close
to this, okay?
Oh, and you weren't close
to the guy
who shot you and ran off?
Don't bring Zeke into this.
You know he's innocent.
So is TJ!
Ben, you've known him
for one day, okay?
You are way too trusting,
and I --
and I love
that about you, but...
it's a weakness, okay?
TJ tells you a sob story,
and --
He is a passenger.
And you know what?
You're right.
I do trust him.
Because right now passengers
are pretty much
the only people
I can trust.
So, please, dig deeper.
But if I find more proof
that -- that he murdered
this girl,
then it's my job
to make sure
he never sees
the light of day.
Cal: Can you take me
to see Auntie Mick?
At the police station?
Cal, what -- what's up?
I need to talk to her.
There's --
There's something
we're supposed
to do together.
It's important.
Well, then,
you're in luck
because your older
and oh-so-wiser twin sister
just happens to be sitting
right in front of you,
ready to listen.
That's okay.
But if mom or dad call,
tell them I need help.
I-I can help.
At least let me try.
What is it?
It's about a Calling.
You wouldn't understand.
It's just that --
No, no, no.
I get it.
[ Crying softly ]
[ Knock on door ]
Having fun
with your new toy?
I'm just getting set up.
I can show you how I set up
my test runs on this baby.
It's a little different
from other Sequencers.
I'm just running
some test results
before I even get started.
Maybe we could get
a coffee or something
while you're waiting.
I figure
we're overdue, anyway.
I suspect we may have more
in common
than just being
keen researchers.
Might be fun to find out.
I'm sorry, what?
Just rambling.
♪ I'm a ramblin' man ♪
so, I have to go.
Which means you
have to go.
After you.
I already told
the other cops.
I don't know him.
Frannie and I have been
sorority sisters
for three years,
and I've never seen
that guy before.
Do you know why Frannie
stayed on campus
in between sessions?
She's a Visual Arts major.
She was almost done
getting ready
for her first solo show
at the campus gallery.
It's supposed to open
this weekend.
Is this Latin?
I think so, yeah.
Maybe that's the crossover.
Maybe they were both
in Latin.
Those notes
aren't Frannie's.
She didn't take Latin.
Why does she have someone
else's stuff in her room?
She had a ton of other
people's junk around.
She pulled it out of the trash
for her art.
She made collages
out of found objects.
These must've been
the discards
that didn't make it
into the show.
Cross country, Latin --
This --
This is TJ's stuff.
He was telling the truth.
He was never in this room,
but his stuff was --
his old stuff
from before 828.
Michaela, you okay?
Yeah, um...
That's Frannie's key card.
She must have dropped it
when she was sorting
through stuff.
Frannie had her key card
on her when she died.
Must've been
a replacement.
Campus security records
didn't have any reports
of her card being lost.
Or them
issuing a replacement.
You think they'd keep
track of that.
If you needed to get a new card,
where would you go?
Someone looks happy.
It's just a good day.
How nice!
Personal or professional?
Have you met me?
Though I think this lab tech
just asked me out today.
He came by my office
claiming to be checking in
on the Sequencer, but --
I'm sorry.
Checking in on the what?
It's a DNA Sequencer.
Oh, got it.
I had a new realization
about the Callings --
that they might be
transferable, genetically,
so I needed a new machine
to look at the DNA sequencing
so I can isolate the --
I'm sorry.
Sorry, this is so boring.
If you're excited
about something,
then I am happy to listen.
It is really exciting.
Actually, you know,
Troy could be helpful
with the sequencing
because the calibration
needs to be so precise.
As long as I don't let him see
any of my research.
[ Birds chirping ]
Hey, I don't want
to do the SATs,
and I really don't need
the lecture.
Come here, love.
I know how it felt when
we were the only two people
not having the Callings.
And I can only imagine
how you must be feeling now
that I've had a Calling.
Honey, we will always
be a family.
Nothing can come
between us.
Not even the Callings.
Mom, do you think
I'm resentful
because everyone else
gets the Callings and I don't?
You're not?
Mom, I'm not resentful.
I'm terrified.
Because the Callings gave Cal
and dad the Death Date.
How do you know that you
and the baby don't have it, too?
And in five years,
you'll all be gone.
And I'll be
the only one left.
I had thought that
maybe the baby --
I really don't see why
I'm cramming
all of this SAT stuff
just to be standing there
alone at my college graduation
wishing that all of you
were alive.
Honey, I'm sure
we'll be at --
Mom, you're not sure
about anything!
And you are lying
if you say you are!
[ Footsteps departing ]
[ Indistinct conversations ]
Hi, there.
Detectives Mikami
and Stone, NYPD.
Just wondering if we could,
uh, talk to you
about Frannie King?
Yeah, of course.
Whataya need?
The card that she had on her
was a replacement.
Just want to know
when it was issued.
There's no entry
in the log.
Do you know who was on shift
the night before last?
That'll be Wilkins.
[ Taps on glass ]
What's going on?
Uh, that student who died --
Frannie King.
She come in for
a key replacement?
You sure?
'Cause even if it's not
in the log,
the key card machine's
a computer,
so it records every output.
We just got to download it.
You know, a girl did run
in here for a card.
She was in a hurry
to get back to her room.
I guess
I forgot to log it.
Why was she in a hurry?
No idea.
She didn't talk much.
She just took the card
and headed towards
the west gate.
Not towards her sorority?
I don't know if she was
in a sorority.
I just saw her leave,
and that was it.
Sorry, so, you noticed
that she was in a hurry
and where she was going,
but you --
you didn't notice
the giant sorority letters
on her sweatshirt?
That's kind of selective
in your observations.
Sorry, but that's
all I remember.
I need to get going.
Yeah, one more quick
question, actually.
When did you get
the shiny new boots?
It's really hard to get blood
out of leather, isn't it?
[ Gun cocks ]
You have the right
to remain silent.
Anything you say can
and will be
used against you
in a court of law.
I assume
you're gonna clue me in
as to what just happened.
That's lesson
number two.
It's over.
They found the perp's boots
in a Dumpster
outside of his house
covered in Frannie's DNA.
I should have been able
to help her, though.
It's my fault.
No, no.
She was dead before you
ever got the Calling.
TJ, you couldn't
have saved her.
Why would the Calling want me
to find a dead body?
Without you, Frannie's body
may never have been found.
At least now her family
can get some closure.
Yeah, the guard left
his previous jobs
under suspicion of harassment
and stalking.
I mean, he was likely
a serial predator.
You saved whoever would have
been his next victim
or victims.
But why me?
Why did I get this Calling?
I think we may know.
Come on.
I'll show you.
Thank you.
Come on.
Give me a second.
Thank you.
And I'm sorry I pushed
too hard before.
It's another one
of my weaknesses.
No, no. The, uh --
The only thing that I'm mad at
is the fact
that you were right.
So, I'm sorry, too.
Congratulations on
an amazing solve, Stone.
I've been looking back
at your cases,
and you've had a lot of
solves from anonymous tips.
A lot.
So many, in fact, an ADA
might start asking questions.
You see, I like a paper trail.
I like a long paper trail.
It means that my cops
are doing their jobs.
So, tell me, detective,
how'd you solve this one,
in two hours,
no less?
Anonymous tip.
It's your case, Vasquez.
You buy that?
I do.
Because I don't buy it
for a second.
Going forward, I don't
want you two
anywhere near the same cases.
The school held onto
your stuff for years
before they threw it out.
But when they did,
it was found again... Frannie.
That's why the Calling
led you to find her.
'Cause she found you.
I can stay
if you want me to.
No, I just, uh...
I don't know
how to thank you.
Go see your mom.
Ben Stone?
You're kidding me.
How long has it been?
for you or for me?
What are you doing here?
I'm a dean.
Well, can you believe it?
Yeah, I can.
You were the smartest student
in Number Theory.
Well, my group study partner
was a real inspiration.
What about you?
Besides shattering
the laws of physics,
what have you been up to?
Actually, dean,
I'm on a job hunt, so if you --
Sent me your
My e-mail's on
the department's website.
Will do.
Uh, you're the...
Yeah, the girl with
the two tons of SAT books.
No, you were so much more
than just that.
You were the girl
in the killer jacket.
Thank you.
I'm Maxine Taylor.
Olive Stone.
"Stone," as in...
Yes, but, you know, I don't
really want everyone to --
Yeah, no worries!
Come in.
Adrian's about to speak.
And you have to tell me
where you shop.
Deal, if you tell me
where you got your hair done.
Oh, this is all DIY.
I can hook you up.
[ Indistinct conversations ]
[ Door buzzes ]
I don't suppose
you know anything
about DNA Sequencers.
I assume you're talking about
the one Saanvi's been using.
She made a new discovery
about a genetic change
to the 828ers,
but she's been doing
the tests in her labs
to keep it all under wraps.
How would you know about that?
Because it's clearly
not under wraps.
I've been tracking
the accounts.
Looks like the Major
just ordered one.
How the hell does the Major
know about Saanvi's discovery?
[ Gunshot ]
Jared: Shots fired.
Officer down.
Hold on, Michaela.
I'm so sorry.
"Dear Zeke..."
[ Rumbling ]
"I don't know how to say this,
other than I need you."
[ Rumbling continues ]
It's happening again!
Just hang on.
Just hang on.
Zeke! Zeke!
Zeke, please!
[ Passengers screaming ]
Zeke, can you hear me?
Can you hear me?
[ Fire whooshes ]
Zeke, I'm right here, okay?
Hey, hey, hey,
I'm right here.
I'm right here.
Zeke, I'm right here.
Is that you?
It's not working.
Let's double the dose.
No, please.
I need...
No, the Calling.
[ Crying softly ]
I'm sorry.