Manhunt (2017–…): Season 2, Episode 6 - Army of God - full transcript

Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -

The bomber speaks out. Eric Rudolph
is charged with three bombings -

- and has published
a number of letters.

In the letters,
Rudolph takes charge of the attacks -

- against an abortion clinic
outside Atlanta, Otherside Lounge -

- and the abortion clinic where
Officer Robert Sanderson was killed.

Rudolph claims that one sole
goal was "to stop the child murders".

Rudolph calls himself "a defender of the
values ​​that founded the United States".

Another chapter in the
pursuit of the bomber.

This part of the letter
contains details -

- on the construction of the bombs
in Sandy Springs and Birmingham.

He will prove that he is guilty.
Is that right, he writes, Embry?

The details are right. None of them
have been shared with the public.

The bomber is the only
one who can know this.

The letters are written by Eric Rudolph,
the signature notwithstanding.

"God's army". What do we have on
them? Is it a terrorist organization?

It is common for lonely
wolves to try to appear powerful.

He is not part of any movement.

Unabomber mentioned a fictitious
association called The Freedom Club.

- The "army of God" does not exist.
- He's trying to appear good.

He writes,
"I wouldn't do any harm."

"Stop the child murders. Those
who kill are hereby warned."

He is not a killer but
tries to prevent murder.

Sending the letters is
risky. Why does he do that?

My theory is that he has no
more oatmeal to eat for breakfast.

Or that a patrol has
come a little too close.

I think Rudolph is talking about
God to grieve for a future jury.

He is trying to escape a
charge of intentional killing.

He is close to being
caught and preparing for trial.

If Rudolph thinks of a lawsuit,
we must take care of the rest.

Double the number of patrols
where the letters were posted.

Extra people at the barriers. If
he wants to escape, so be it now.


One more thing if you have time.

If you're right,
then who is his audience?

Potential jurors in Alabama.
And maybe a fool in Nantahala -

- that will provide a Christian
man with a couple of sandwiches.

This is the first time he
has assumed responsibility.

He boasts the closest.
"I know everything about

the bomb,
because I'm the warrior of God."

Who is his audience? Who?

I'm not saying you're wrong.

But remember,
he planned two L-shaped ambush attacks.

He doesn't just drive around in
search of food. He has a plan.

I don't know what it's all about,
but he has one.

Excuse us for a moment?

You've probably noticed that he takes
responsibility for three attacks, not four.

Sandy Springs, Otherside Lounge
and Birmingham. Not the Olympics.

I know.

I will not repeat myself,
but the facts say something else.

Do you mean Rudolph detonated a
bomb when the whole world was watching -

- one of the most successful
terrorist bomb attacks in history -

- then take responsibility for
three small attacks in comparison -

- without mentioning
his real masterpiece?

Doesn't that sound sought?

You're absolutely right. I
don't understand that either.

Thanks for your help.

Earl. You are not as
smart as you think. Pis.

- We're home in three hours.
- We're not going home.

If the directional plate is not enough,
we must find something else.

9.00 SUNDAY SCHOOL 10.30


I wanted to preach about
turning the other cheek -

- but they read the letters this morning.
The FBI has said again and again -

- that Eric Rudolph is a terrorist,
an enemy of society.

I believed in them. But
then I read his words.

And there was something that didn't matter.

I see a man who dares to
shout what we all believe -

- to protect defenseless babies.

Eric's so-called crimes brought to power
by the mighty government and the FBI -

- to besiege the city
and this congregation -

- is that he attacked empty
houses. He blew bricks into the air.

He accidentally killed a
guard and injured a nurse -

- which, if truth be told,
feeds on mass murder.


I don't know what that means.
I would never call for violence -

- whether by Eric Rudolph
or the congregation.

"Don't kill" is a commandment,
not a recommendation.

But... I have to say...

If God's army actually exists,
shouldn't we all sign up?

- Today? Here and now?
- Yes!

The "army of God" is no terrorist
group! It's here in the church -

- and in 10,000 churches
across the country!

If you are not in it,
you stand on the edge of the abyss!

For if God stands on our side,
who dares to stand on the other?


My hope no bounds know,

for it is based on the
righteousness of Jesus.

I don't trust every single embrace,

but have full confidence
in the name of Jesus.

You see it.

Well, gentlemen. Just feel at home.

- We really appreciate this.
- Here you go.

The key to Eric's kingdom.

- Have a nice day.
- Thanks.

Phineas? Phineas!

What a nice dog. He must
have gotten off my food.

- I know who you are.
- You don't have to be afraid.

Me? I am not. Go home, Phineas!

Aren't you the woman the FBI
assaulted? Her with the kids?

I heard about
it. I'm very sorry.

You need to go further afield.
The FBI is here several times a day.

I did it to help people.
To protect the innocent.

Just the thought of people like you
suffering because of me is horrible.

Children should not see
that kind. It should not be so.

Go that way. North East.


- Hannah.
- Thank you, Hannah.

Sit down, honey. Good dog.

Can you stay here?


It is just me. Pardon.

They scared me. The FBI
patrols make me easy to scare.

Why are you here? Why
are you in Nantahala?

It is the land of God. Filled
with the people of God.

I grew up here.

Are they? No one
in town knows you.

Mrs Patterson at the school
does. I made some trouble.

She threw me out for my
Christian perspective on science.

- We lived next door to Paul Ashland.
- Did you know old Paul?

He was like a father to me.
He led my family to Jesus.

Paul was my husband's friend. You
could trust him when the storm hit.

He probably would have
said the same about me.

I read your letter. Is
it true? Is that all true?


I'm starving in the
woods and shaking -

- fleeing the FBI day and night,
but worth it.

I would do it again
if I got the choice.

When it is hardest,
I imagine an infant -

- that had been ripped
out of his mother's womb.

I imagine the
child growing up...

It runs around laughing.

If I have to suffer like this
for a single child to live -

- so let me suffer.

They do not treat you well. The
FBI's justice is a bullet in the back.

I chose this path in the glory of God.

I want to help you.

They don't know me,
but me and my husband...

We have many reliable friends.

Say what you need and
how we can protect you -

- then I'll fix it.

Will you pray with me?

Lord, give us Your light.

We bang our heads against
the wall. There's nothing here.

He is religious, hates the state,
and carries out ideological attacks.

But there is not a single
brochure or a single prayer card.

No pictures of dead children,
books on government or manifestos.

The only thing we have is a
"You are a farmer's ass if..."

And a couple of Cheech &
Chong ties. We're going home.

Do you know the Greek myth
about the farmer and the snake?

Then it's story time. I
love when it's story time.

A farmer is on his way home
on a cold winter's evening.

He spots a snake on the
road. It's almost frozen to death.

The farmer puts the hose in his
pocket and it gets the warmth of his skin.

He saves the life of the snake.

As soon as the snake feels the
heat in his body... he bites the farmer.

The farmer is dying and
looking down at the snake.

He asks why on earth it did.

The snake replies,
"It's weird. It must be in my nature."

I have seen such
places countless times.

I've been reviewing possessions
and assembling the puzzle.

For 99% of the bombers,
the motive is simple and personal.

One has been fired,
abandoned or convicted.

The neighbor plays Guns N
'Roses in the middle of the night.

For the last one percent,
the motive is extreme ideology.

The kind that dominates thoughts,
relationships and one's home.

It sucks out all
energy like a disease.


I've seen a few
cases... quite a few...

Maybe one or two during
my 40 years in the business...

who does it solely for pleasure.

They don't believe in anything. They
only want to see blood, chaos and horror.

There are no motives.
They just like it.

It lies in their nature.

You're right,
young Joe Holliwell. There is nothing here.

That's what scares me.

Treasure. I have seen him.

I've met him. He is
the real commodity.

He's doing something.
He is a God-fearing man.

And he's one of us. Paul
Ashland led him to Jesus.

Did you ask questions?
Are you sure?

Yes. He didn't ask for help,
but he needed help.

The FBI shoots him in the
back. Only one man can help him.

What sets us Regulators apart
from the civilian population?

Have we not sworn to fight
the tyranny of the government?

It's easy to say when you
have neither a job nor a family.

You have nothing to lose!

Did you read the letters? How
can you say we should not respond?

If we don't strike again,
we might as well shut down.

We don't know him! Do you want
to go to war or sit inside for his sake?

I won't be raped for 30 years
because you got a good idea!

We must be cunning.

We have families. None of
us will sit inside for 30 years.

That's just how it is.

But there is a reason
why we have that flag.

I've read the letters. And
then I've read them again.

To me, it's like someone bombed
the gas chamber in Auschwitz -

- and wounded Doctor
Mengele and killed an SS guard.

Now the Waffen-SS has come to our city -

- to find and kill the hero.

We all know how
history judged the SS.

We also know how history
judges those who did not resist.

We have to be very
careful... and very clever.

But this is what we
have been preparing for.

Eric Rudolph is trying to save
unborn children from mass murder.

He needs help and we help him.

Our children need to know
that we were on the right side.

- What happens?
- We must not search the car.

- Him?
- All.

They don't even roll down. The
same thing happens elsewhere.

- Am I arrested or do I have to drive?
- To the side.

- Am I arrested or do I have to drive?
- Who taught you to say that?

- Are you in the militia? Regulators?
- Am I arrested or do I have to drive?

Am I arrested or do I have to drive?

- What is he doing here?
- I do not know. Is he going away?

Eric Rudolph can hide here.
We can't let anyone drive.

Received. But what do we do?

- Jump in! We know where he is.
- Take over here.

- A backpack.
- Seek coverage!

Bomb Technician! Check the bag.



Another false tip.

Was anyone hit?

I can see him! Race!

In coverage!

Red Team 1, Red Team 1!

now! Reinforcements, now!

Set the shooting!

- Has anyone been hit?
- Red 2 is uninjured.

Red 3 is also uninjured.

They shot over our heads.
They shot over our heads!


- God's army does not exist.
- It didn't.

But now it does.

Jack Brennan. Tell the
boss I have an update.

I dedicate the next
song to a local hero.

You know who I mean. Here
comes "Get off now, Rudolph".

No one should be hurt,
no, he doesn't hurt a fly.

The Lord knows that Rudolph
didn't want 'anybody' to die.

He didn't look passively when
he knew what they were doing.

He stopped the murderers
and made a bomb.

Get off now, Rudolph. Get off,
Rudolph, run.

the FBI will shoot you in the back.

Not this time.

What are you doing here?

Waiting for my order. Get a beer.

- It's the only bar in town.
- FBI, I suppose.

No. ATF.

What is the difference?

They promise each other eternal
fidelity and walk in cabin shoes.

I walk in work boots and bowls.

Fine enough, Mr ATF.

I have to tell you something. This
is my family. Do you understand?

Let's say someone came home
to you and threatened your family.

What would you do?

I would introduce
him to my shotgun.


But when the storm breaks out... we
don't check what shoes you're wearing.

When I see that picture
and hear that song -

- I think about
what you think of it?

I believe so.

- The agent takes his order.
- Do you refuse a man his beer?

Take it with you.


- How's it going tonight?
- Pretty good.

Get off now, Rudolph, get off.

the FBI will shoot you in the back.

- It's hanging.
- They play it constantly on the radio.


I don't understand why they think
the guy is some kind of crusader.

I don't know if Eric Rudolph
is who he claims to be.

But he has got the
inhabitants on the hook.

If they decide to take action...

it ends up wrong.

- What are you talking about? The militia?
- Exactly. The Regulators.

They are not joking. They shot
over the heads of the FBI today.

Next time they shoot to
kill. Where does it end?

Listen up.

Big John Gray has connections
to militias throughout the region.

If you want to start a war
back home in America -

- you have to have Big John on his side.

I am disgusted by how passive
this whole action has been.

He was allowed to decide the place,
the pace and everything else.

But most of all I am
disgusted by your weakness!

The shot exchange was not accidental.

It was the result of a series
of defeats on your part.

Here's how it goes when letting cars
drive unpunished through roadblocks.

When allowing signs that
support the wanted one!

When you let a known
militia freeze in a search area!

Without doing anything.

When you are shot by the militia...

was your first thought
to call "husband" -

- instead of hitting
again immediately!

It's all been samples.

And you are systematically
dumped in every single test.

Every single defeat has
gone around the world.

Not only do defeats make
you appear in a bad light -

- but the whole FBI.

Think about it.

I hate scolding my people.
But the worst thing is...

that you brought me into a
situation where it was necessary.

You've said that a fish
rots from the head down.

That's my action. I take
on all the responsibility.

I am a failure as a leader.
But I can turn around.

I know who was behind the
gunfire and what we should do.

Big John Gray. Head of
the militia The Regulators.

If we arrest him, they are missing
their leader and falling apart.

Cut off the hose head.

- Why didn't you?
- I need people.

You don't just knock on Big
John's door. You kick it in.

I need special forces
trained for actions in the dark.

Give it to me, and then I'll get
Big John in the evening news.

That's how it should sound,
Brennan. You are loyal and intelligent.

But you have to have the
killer instinct to reach the top.

- A shark in a suit.
- Yes.

You do not get a special
force. You get a whole army.

Armored vehicles, helicopters.

All the people you need.
You get a whole military base.

Now we have to dominate
and show who decides.

I appreciate that. But...
it's a difficult balancing act.

Despite the events,
we believe that only a few -

- that will help Rudolph
or oppose the FBI.

A large base can alienate
every single Nantahala resident.

Sit down.

That's what it is like to be an
FBI agent. You are all alone.

The locals are
never on our side.

Imagine if Rudolph gets away
and kills police officers somewhere.

What does the Chief of Police
say then? "That's not my problem."

We can't say that.

If you lower the parades
and Eric flees and kills more -

- we have their blood on our hands
and it can never be washed off.

We are not responsible for a city,
but for an entire country.

For the American people.

I can forgive a few mistakes.
No one is always right.

But what I cannot
forgive is weakness.

Not in this agency and with
the responsibility we have.

It is better to be strong and
wrong than weak and right.


You just got a Lamborghini.
I hope you can run it.

I know why Rudolph didn't write
about the Olympics and how we find him.

- We're going to war in ten minutes.
- Can we two just talk together?

- Nine minutes!
- A minute.

You asked why Rudolph did not
take responsibility for the Olympics.

The reason is that the Olympics
bomb shows who Rudolph really is.

There were small children. The Olympian
bomber doesn't care about abortions.

He's evil. And everyone knows that.

Let's say it was him. It
doesn't help me with an arrest.

Yes! Introduce Big John to
the facts. He listens to you.

- He doesn't protect the Olympian bomber.
- Those who blamed us, blow on the facts!

I have spoken with him!
What would you have done?

Regardless of the law, what would
you do if someone assaulted your family?

He just wants to do the right thing.

If you go to Big John with
the truth and a bit of humility -

- he and the gang change
his mind and give us Rudolph.

Jewell is the Olympics bomber. Big John
doesn't last the night. We're going in.

No, listen to me now.

You're an accomplished FBI
agent who's been in a bad situation.

I understand you're
under a lot of pressure.

But the truth is the truth,
whether or not we accept it.

You know that everything you
have on Richard Jewell is veneer!

It looks good but is not real
wood. Soon the cracks are coming.

Talk to him. Talk to Big John!

That's the only thing right. I promise
you. That's the only thing right.

That would be weak.
We must not appear weak.

It's too late already.

It's time to drive.

Good luck. Be careful.

- Would you talk to me?
- Yes.

Does the Chief of Police have the
same rights as fishery inspectors?

Fisheries inspectors don't need a warrant,
do they? Well.

Stay in the car. We are your people.

- I'll explain on the way.
- Where?


Sir. agent!

Pis. Look. A pretty
clear "clean me up".

You should probably see this.

They have taken all their
equipment and have disappeared.


Hear. It's "The Misty Glen".

An old rebel song.

From the Civil War?

No, earlier than that. People out
here carry a nag for a long time.

They have been robbed
by strangers for 300 years.

The pipes say...

"Ignore our history
at your own risk."

They say, "We own these mountains."


Brush your teeth and pray your prayers,
Timothy. I love you.

- Do you have everything you need?
- Yes, right here.

- Be careful.
- I promise.

Take the first guard.
I have an errand.