Manhunt (2017–…): Season 2, Episode 4 - Run Rudolph Run - full transcript
Are you wondering how healthy the food you are eating is? Check it -
Angiogenesis. Come on,
boy. Angiogenesis.
Angiogenesis: A process where
cancerous tumors take over blood vessels.
It is the same. To
create metastases.
Spelling: A – n – g – i – o – g…
Damn! What was that?
- An explosion. - No, it wasn't.
It's smoking! It was a blast!
Isn't that what they demonstrate?
The abortion clinic. Did one of
the scrolls blow it up, do you think?
There's something wrong with that guy.
- With whom? - There he is. See.
He is the only one who goes
away from the explosion. Tiny, right?
I'm sure there's something
wrong with that guy.
No no. You didn't!
This is screwed!
- It's the guy who did it.
- You can't know that.
- I follow.
- Someone else can take it.
Who's gonna take it ?!
Come on.
Come on, come on... Damn!
Come on. Where did you go?
I have to borrow the
phone! It is an emergency.
Please! There is no phone
booth here! I have to call 112!
The hotline. What happened?
This is important! That applies
to the explosion in 17th street.
I saw a man walk away from it and avoid
the muzzle. He was white, 35 years...
- He looked intense!
-In what way?
He saw that I was following him,
so he hid.
When he arrived again,
he was wearing a new jacket, hat and wig!
-Calm down. I'm eating breakfast.
- What kind of wig?
It was long. But he replaced it,
There he is! I see him in a car!
He has changed again.
He is very suspicious!
- I have to run after him!
- No, stay on the thread.
Green shirt,
pilot glasses and silver pickup!
- This boy is crazy!
- He disappears.
- I have to follow him.
-Do not do it
In that case,
he'll get away! Shit in it. Send the snout!
Damn! A silver Nissan. Turn right,
then I turn left.
No no no!
KND-1117. We got him.
KND-1117 is his
sign. We got him!
- Eyewitness Jermaine Hughes.
- The only track?
- How sure are you about this, Hughes?
- One hundred percent sure.
- You missed a try.
- Yes, in biology.
Ask your teacher to call
me if you can't take it again.
- Yes, sir. I will do that.
Go home and rest.
Don't talk to the media.
Call if you come up with
anything more. Around the clock.
The pickup stands on a Bob
Randolph in North Carolina.
But Bob Randolph doesn't
exist. The address is also false.
- Can anything show where he lives?
- Not a parking ticket once.
Nothing can narrow the search area.
If the sign is all we have,
then we can use it. Collection here!
Call for pickup among
federal and local police,
- toll roads, harbors and the like.
But no one has to contact the driver.
What absolutely does not have to happen
is that one more snout is blown to pieces.
Come on.
Are you a legal technician?
Is it the same perpetrator as in
Sandy Springs and Otherside Lounge?
Beyond reasonable doubt.
How do we know that the guy in the
pickup is the bomber, and not a witness?
There will be leftovers on the
steering wheel if he has taken TNT.
Wipe it off with one.
If it gets purple...
... then you have
found a serial bomber.
We catch the guy for all three
bombs as soon as we see purple.
You probably won't believe me,
but on the top floor of that house—
- we just found a directional
plate of steel from the bomb.
What does that mean?
It is similar to the one from the
Olympics bomb. A good, forensic proof.
The one you're hunting for is the same guy
who bombed the Centennial Olympic Park.
We've all taken the Olympics
bomber. His name is Richard Jewell.
The bomb in the Olympics had a
different type of explosive, container, -
- trigger mechanism,
target and mode. Did I forget something?
A similar part is a coincidence,
not a proof.
Directional plates are very rare. In
all my years in the bomb squad...
End! We are hunting for a bomber
who has just killed a policeman.
But believe me, I ask the suspect
about the Olympics bomb when I take him.
Is that Sanderson's sign?
Come here.
Can we find out more about this? Then
it will end up in a warehouse for months.
No. They have taken
all the important samples.
Get that badge washed and
give it to Sanderson's son. Today.
The damned Atlanta police!
I had to drown them in the
Freedom of Information Act to get it.
They seem to think it is a
condemned state secret.
Alarm Center in
Atlanta. What is it about?
It's a bomb in Centennial Park.
You have 30 minutes on you.
–Can you spell "Centennial"?
-Not really.
A man calls a bomb,
but the PC does not recognize the name.
Incredible! 150 people were
injured because they can't spell ?!
- What kind of system is it?
- It's not Richard's voice.
It's a bomb in Centennial
Park. You have 30 minutes.
He distorts his voice.
It can be anyone.
That is why the FBI
wanted a voting test.
To filter it, make the voices sound
the same and give them to the media.
It's paranoid.
If you had not
interrupted the voting test,
- then they would compare
the votes and release Richard!
They've had that recording for months.
They know that the voice is not equal.
They won't do a damn
shit if we don't force them.
I found it! Look here.
The coin phone from
which the bomber called...
- Located at 32 Nassau Street.
It's here. And the bomb was here.
- It's the closest coin phone.
- It wasn't that night.
-We can go there and see.
- The park is being rebuilt.
-So what? I'll show you anyway.
-Greit. We are leaving.
-Where are you going?
-Centennial Park.
No! The press has
just calmed down.
If you want to stroll around in the middle of
the day, it's like asking them to come again!
I know, Mom. But...
Look at me. Look at
my face. And on my ribs.
I just want to wait until it ends,
but it doesn't do it by itself.
It won't happen until I fix it.
I won't have to,
but no one else will.
-It is okay?
- Go now. Be careful.
Thanks for taking the time!
When I heard you were coming...
I would fly here for your sake.
The last time we met,
I spit in a garbage can outside...
- Wasn't that a strip club?
- Wish I had forgotten.
The youth's exuberance.
What is the mission here?
- Someone has to dig in the shit.
- We have half an hour on us.
You have to tell Illana what
happened in East Point, Kathy.
What did I say now?
I realize that I have come before
the police to a murder scene.
What are you doing?
I pull out a credit card
and open the door.
The victim is lying there naked, with
a dick even if half his head is missing.
I see the murder weapon,
condoms and porn on the TV.
Finally comes a police patrol.
The boy is as nervous as the fan.
-What do you say?
- "Why did you sleep like that?"
You can't do that in D.C. We
would have been fired in The Post.
I was only 23 years old. A
little miss from Augusta, Georgia.
I wanted to show the
police that I belong here.
And after that,
Atlanta police started taking me seriously.
It is important to know their
city and the people there.
And learning what it takes to succeed,
regardless of city.
Atlanta is a great city,
but I've probably grown from it.
I'm ready for the next step. Maybe
I want to fit with you in The Post?
D.C. is a very large pond.
Absolutely. But according to Richard
Jewell news, people know what I'm good at.
Jewell was a real bargain.
That happens only once.
Now we have another thing.
I would appreciate it if you
put in a good word for me.
I probably have a lot to offer
every newspaper, even The Post.
We can put in a good word,
but it honestly hardly matters.
You're a great journalist in Atlanta,
but D.C. is a whole other world.
And... you're not 23 anymore.
"I have enough to offer all
newspapers." Your pitiful loser!
–Kathy Scruggs. - Hi, Kath.
You asked me to tell me if
I saw Jewell outside. I did.
He and a loud guy walked around
as if they owned Centennial Park.
-What should I do?
- Follow him. I'm on my way.
- Did the photographer come?
- He's over there.
Hello my friend.
This is good. That's very good.
What did?
Returns to the scene.
It's torn, but the scene was here.
Sound and Light Tower...
... stood here.
The bomb was under a bench there.
The call was called at. 00.49
from the telephone box there, -
- across from this Olympic statue.
According to the witnesses, I handed out water
in the sound and light tower at. 00.46, -
- and I notified Agent Donaldson
about the bag at. 00.51.
We know this because he
announced. It only gives me five minutes.
So I think they should have
gone from that bench over there-
- to that coin phone,
called and came back in five minutes.
- It only takes 30 seconds.
- Not during the Olympics.
The entire side of the park was
barred by a fence during the Olympics.
-Like now?
- Just like the construction fence.
There were only two entrances.
One behind you and the other there.
You had to enter
every time you entered.
Was it the closest entrance?
It means... to make the call, -
- had to run all the way to that port,
up to the phone and back -
- and then to the sound and
light tower in five minutes.
They would shoot you if
you ran during the Olympics.
According to the FBI's own time record,
I can't possibly be the Olympian.
That doesn't seem possible.
- But we have to prove it.
-Here and now?
- I have a stopwatch
- Then we do.
- How are the bones?
- The legs are good. The ankles are slim.
- Should you run too?
- No, I'm standing here.
-Greit. Are you ready?
- I'm watching you.
Give everything you
have so we can prove it.
Three... two... one...!
Hurry! Speed up the fat ass!
Come on! You can do this!
Come on!
- Come on, Richard!
- Give it all!
You can do this! It goes
well. You can do this!
- Was it from there he called?
-I think so.
-You can do it!
- It's a bomb in Centennial Park.
Hurry! Bet on gold, your feiting!
Come on! Don't slow down now!
What the fuck are they doing?
- Finds an alternative theory.
-But why?
Come on!
Faster! You can do it!
Come on!
Prove it to them! Faster, faster!
Come on! All the way!
Hurry! Hurry.
You fix this!
Come on!
-Come on! Seven minutes!
- Seven minutes ?! Did you say seven?
- You can't do it.
- I can't do it!
It's incredible that it's good
to be too fat and too slow!
You fixed it! It's totally impossible!
We have to do it
again with a camera.
Okay. We film everything
and show it to the FBI.
Forget it! The FBI only cares about
evidence that supports their theory.
They would distort the truth
even if they believed in you.
Why else should we film it?
The vultures are nearby,
looking for fresh meat.
We'll give it to them.
They can't come until two
days. Earlier Saturday morning.
What should poor
old mrs. H do while?
They are busy at Andrews.
And this is a small country road.
Yes. The priorities
are as usual.
They can forget it. I'll fix it.
We need to fix this.
Go back, mrs. H.
For a moment, I will remove this.
Your asshole!
Head over to the other side, madam.
Darla? Hadn't they called
for a gray Nissan pickup?
He's on the thread.
-Here? -Yes.
Leading Special Agent Brennan in the FBI.
Sheriff... Thompson? Did you see the pickup?
Yes, sir. I've done more than
that. I know who the owner is.
Eric Robert Rudolph,
a white man in his 35s.
Confirm it: Romeo – Uniform–
Delta – Oscar – Lima – Papa – Hotel?
That is right.
Eric Robert Rudolph,
a white man in his 35s.
Without address, social security card,
bank account and criminal record.
You can't get more ghosts. The
only thing that exists is... this.
Applied to the Special Forces,
but was sent out for disciplinary reasons.
But he managed to get
training in flight and escape...
... and guess what: explosives.
Send the FBI emergency
squad to the scene at the moment.
Take it from the Atlanta office.
And find out where the Murphy fan is.
We'll go there right away. Sheriff?
Do you know where Rudolph lives?
Even better. I'm
looking at him right now.
What? What do you
mean by looking at him?
I mean I'm standing
in his driveway.
He is in the caravan say.
He seems to be cooking.
The pickup is on the back. Do
you want me to arrest him for you?
Absolutely not! Back away. Rudolph
is considered armed and dangerous.
Sir. This is Murphy.
Here everyone is armed,
and most are quite dangerous.
What happened? Is he
calling for something?
The situation is very serious! Leave
the place immediately. Understood?
I can wait a while away if he
finds out that he's going to leave.
- When is the emergency squad there?
-In two hours.
Okay. Stay at a good distance,
with the lights off.
Tell if he's moving,
but don't follow him.
You must confirm that you have heard,
understood and will follow the instructions.
I have heard, understood and
should follow the instructions.
Look at them. The FBI
and the media. It never ends.
They will judge you without having
to be disqualified by any lawsuit,
- evidence or the truth.
And now we have just
proved that it is on your side.
But how do I get a job when
the FBI follows me everywhere?
It's good that they follow you!
It's good that you have the whole
bunch of crap around you around the clock.
-How long? What shall we
do? –Call a press conference.
- No, Watson. - Yes, we should.
We're going to turn all those
cameras on them and bring them to trial.
You can do it without
me. I've been to CNN.
Do you know the story
of Jason and Medusa?
Medusa was such a nasty girl that
everyone who saw her was petrified.
Do you know what Jason
did? Bring a mirror with you.
She sees herself and is petrified.
Then Jason can cut off her head,
bite her throat—
- and marry a princess,
or some such thing.
You should do the same. Meet
the media gorgon face to face, -
- hold up a big, damn mirror and say,
"Look at yourself."
"Straighten your cameras
and look at yourself."
"See how ugly you have become."
The more people watch, the better.
-Pressekonferanse? -Yes!
-Mr. Jewell? Why are you back?
- Now we leave. Drive!
We call for a press conference,
We are at the Nantahala Wilderness, one
of the most remote places in the country.
Murphy is teeming with survivorship,
militias and independent citizens.
People are moving here
to escape the federal state.
The militia of North Carolina Regulators
is from before the War of Independence.
They fought first against the British
and then against George Washington.
Did George attack
Washington? They will like us.
We will not be welcome and
we should not stay here too long.
we will get headlines about a siege.
We hit Rudolph's caravan
and make our way afterwards.
- Then we'll be in court tomorrow morning.
- Now we go.
The cavalry is here.
Down on the floor! FBI!
- The bedroom is secured!
He was just here.
- There are some out there.
-It is him!
- We have the car in sight.
- Where's he going?
- There is nothing but woods here.
-Good. Then the road is soon over.
Keep following him. Local
police are further ahead.
Where did he come from? Condemned!
- Tell Bravo that they must turn right.
-Bravo! Take a right turn.
- Alpha on the left.
- Alpha, turn left!
Condemned! Watch out.
- Can anyone see him?
- We don't see him. Do you see him ?!
No, we don't see suspects.
Come on!
- We have him. - We see him!
Hold on tight!
-Fanken! -Watch out!
-He is gone. Do you see him?
-No. Still not.
Go back! All units, go back.
Where is he?
Wait! - Release it.
Come on! Find him.
- Get the rest of the dogs here now!
- They're on their way.
Why don't the dogs
get the baby off him?
Cayenne Pepper.
It is used by home burners and
marijuana growers against dogs.
They are out of service for a few
days after filling the muzzle with it.
He can't take them all. Get
your noses cleaned and sent out.
- Who the fuck are you?
- We talked on the phone earlier.
It was I who could take Eric
into custody three hours ago.
Positive for TNT.
Eric Rudolph is a serial bomber.
The police are his
target. He blew a cop.
I made you lie away,
so you didn't become a deputy. No problem.
From today: vitamins, oatmeal,
fruit, tuna and dried meat.
There must be enough food for
two weeks. Caloric, but easy to carry.
So he wants to hide?
Good. We find or starve him.
You were right. 25
boxes of cayenne pepper.
It does not matter.
He has nowhere to go.
Nowhere to go? Do you
have any idea how big this is?
It's 2,000 square miles.
It's as big as Rhode Island.
It can be.
But you forget something.
He is one man. We're the FBI.
Angiogenesis. Come on,
boy. Angiogenesis.
Angiogenesis: A process where
cancerous tumors take over blood vessels.
It is the same. To
create metastases.
Spelling: A – n – g – i – o – g…
Damn! What was that?
- An explosion. - No, it wasn't.
It's smoking! It was a blast!
Isn't that what they demonstrate?
The abortion clinic. Did one of
the scrolls blow it up, do you think?
There's something wrong with that guy.
- With whom? - There he is. See.
He is the only one who goes
away from the explosion. Tiny, right?
I'm sure there's something
wrong with that guy.
No no. You didn't!
This is screwed!
- It's the guy who did it.
- You can't know that.
- I follow.
- Someone else can take it.
Who's gonna take it ?!
Come on.
Come on, come on... Damn!
Come on. Where did you go?
I have to borrow the
phone! It is an emergency.
Please! There is no phone
booth here! I have to call 112!
The hotline. What happened?
This is important! That applies
to the explosion in 17th street.
I saw a man walk away from it and avoid
the muzzle. He was white, 35 years...
- He looked intense!
-In what way?
He saw that I was following him,
so he hid.
When he arrived again,
he was wearing a new jacket, hat and wig!
-Calm down. I'm eating breakfast.
- What kind of wig?
It was long. But he replaced it,
There he is! I see him in a car!
He has changed again.
He is very suspicious!
- I have to run after him!
- No, stay on the thread.
Green shirt,
pilot glasses and silver pickup!
- This boy is crazy!
- He disappears.
- I have to follow him.
-Do not do it
In that case,
he'll get away! Shit in it. Send the snout!
Damn! A silver Nissan. Turn right,
then I turn left.
No no no!
KND-1117. We got him.
KND-1117 is his
sign. We got him!
- Eyewitness Jermaine Hughes.
- The only track?
- How sure are you about this, Hughes?
- One hundred percent sure.
- You missed a try.
- Yes, in biology.
Ask your teacher to call
me if you can't take it again.
- Yes, sir. I will do that.
Go home and rest.
Don't talk to the media.
Call if you come up with
anything more. Around the clock.
The pickup stands on a Bob
Randolph in North Carolina.
But Bob Randolph doesn't
exist. The address is also false.
- Can anything show where he lives?
- Not a parking ticket once.
Nothing can narrow the search area.
If the sign is all we have,
then we can use it. Collection here!
Call for pickup among
federal and local police,
- toll roads, harbors and the like.
But no one has to contact the driver.
What absolutely does not have to happen
is that one more snout is blown to pieces.
Come on.
Are you a legal technician?
Is it the same perpetrator as in
Sandy Springs and Otherside Lounge?
Beyond reasonable doubt.
How do we know that the guy in the
pickup is the bomber, and not a witness?
There will be leftovers on the
steering wheel if he has taken TNT.
Wipe it off with one.
If it gets purple...
... then you have
found a serial bomber.
We catch the guy for all three
bombs as soon as we see purple.
You probably won't believe me,
but on the top floor of that house—
- we just found a directional
plate of steel from the bomb.
What does that mean?
It is similar to the one from the
Olympics bomb. A good, forensic proof.
The one you're hunting for is the same guy
who bombed the Centennial Olympic Park.
We've all taken the Olympics
bomber. His name is Richard Jewell.
The bomb in the Olympics had a
different type of explosive, container, -
- trigger mechanism,
target and mode. Did I forget something?
A similar part is a coincidence,
not a proof.
Directional plates are very rare. In
all my years in the bomb squad...
End! We are hunting for a bomber
who has just killed a policeman.
But believe me, I ask the suspect
about the Olympics bomb when I take him.
Is that Sanderson's sign?
Come here.
Can we find out more about this? Then
it will end up in a warehouse for months.
No. They have taken
all the important samples.
Get that badge washed and
give it to Sanderson's son. Today.
The damned Atlanta police!
I had to drown them in the
Freedom of Information Act to get it.
They seem to think it is a
condemned state secret.
Alarm Center in
Atlanta. What is it about?
It's a bomb in Centennial Park.
You have 30 minutes on you.
–Can you spell "Centennial"?
-Not really.
A man calls a bomb,
but the PC does not recognize the name.
Incredible! 150 people were
injured because they can't spell ?!
- What kind of system is it?
- It's not Richard's voice.
It's a bomb in Centennial
Park. You have 30 minutes.
He distorts his voice.
It can be anyone.
That is why the FBI
wanted a voting test.
To filter it, make the voices sound
the same and give them to the media.
It's paranoid.
If you had not
interrupted the voting test,
- then they would compare
the votes and release Richard!
They've had that recording for months.
They know that the voice is not equal.
They won't do a damn
shit if we don't force them.
I found it! Look here.
The coin phone from
which the bomber called...
- Located at 32 Nassau Street.
It's here. And the bomb was here.
- It's the closest coin phone.
- It wasn't that night.
-We can go there and see.
- The park is being rebuilt.
-So what? I'll show you anyway.
-Greit. We are leaving.
-Where are you going?
-Centennial Park.
No! The press has
just calmed down.
If you want to stroll around in the middle of
the day, it's like asking them to come again!
I know, Mom. But...
Look at me. Look at
my face. And on my ribs.
I just want to wait until it ends,
but it doesn't do it by itself.
It won't happen until I fix it.
I won't have to,
but no one else will.
-It is okay?
- Go now. Be careful.
Thanks for taking the time!
When I heard you were coming...
I would fly here for your sake.
The last time we met,
I spit in a garbage can outside...
- Wasn't that a strip club?
- Wish I had forgotten.
The youth's exuberance.
What is the mission here?
- Someone has to dig in the shit.
- We have half an hour on us.
You have to tell Illana what
happened in East Point, Kathy.
What did I say now?
I realize that I have come before
the police to a murder scene.
What are you doing?
I pull out a credit card
and open the door.
The victim is lying there naked, with
a dick even if half his head is missing.
I see the murder weapon,
condoms and porn on the TV.
Finally comes a police patrol.
The boy is as nervous as the fan.
-What do you say?
- "Why did you sleep like that?"
You can't do that in D.C. We
would have been fired in The Post.
I was only 23 years old. A
little miss from Augusta, Georgia.
I wanted to show the
police that I belong here.
And after that,
Atlanta police started taking me seriously.
It is important to know their
city and the people there.
And learning what it takes to succeed,
regardless of city.
Atlanta is a great city,
but I've probably grown from it.
I'm ready for the next step. Maybe
I want to fit with you in The Post?
D.C. is a very large pond.
Absolutely. But according to Richard
Jewell news, people know what I'm good at.
Jewell was a real bargain.
That happens only once.
Now we have another thing.
I would appreciate it if you
put in a good word for me.
I probably have a lot to offer
every newspaper, even The Post.
We can put in a good word,
but it honestly hardly matters.
You're a great journalist in Atlanta,
but D.C. is a whole other world.
And... you're not 23 anymore.
"I have enough to offer all
newspapers." Your pitiful loser!
–Kathy Scruggs. - Hi, Kath.
You asked me to tell me if
I saw Jewell outside. I did.
He and a loud guy walked around
as if they owned Centennial Park.
-What should I do?
- Follow him. I'm on my way.
- Did the photographer come?
- He's over there.
Hello my friend.
This is good. That's very good.
What did?
Returns to the scene.
It's torn, but the scene was here.
Sound and Light Tower...
... stood here.
The bomb was under a bench there.
The call was called at. 00.49
from the telephone box there, -
- across from this Olympic statue.
According to the witnesses, I handed out water
in the sound and light tower at. 00.46, -
- and I notified Agent Donaldson
about the bag at. 00.51.
We know this because he
announced. It only gives me five minutes.
So I think they should have
gone from that bench over there-
- to that coin phone,
called and came back in five minutes.
- It only takes 30 seconds.
- Not during the Olympics.
The entire side of the park was
barred by a fence during the Olympics.
-Like now?
- Just like the construction fence.
There were only two entrances.
One behind you and the other there.
You had to enter
every time you entered.
Was it the closest entrance?
It means... to make the call, -
- had to run all the way to that port,
up to the phone and back -
- and then to the sound and
light tower in five minutes.
They would shoot you if
you ran during the Olympics.
According to the FBI's own time record,
I can't possibly be the Olympian.
That doesn't seem possible.
- But we have to prove it.
-Here and now?
- I have a stopwatch
- Then we do.
- How are the bones?
- The legs are good. The ankles are slim.
- Should you run too?
- No, I'm standing here.
-Greit. Are you ready?
- I'm watching you.
Give everything you
have so we can prove it.
Three... two... one...!
Hurry! Speed up the fat ass!
Come on! You can do this!
Come on!
- Come on, Richard!
- Give it all!
You can do this! It goes
well. You can do this!
- Was it from there he called?
-I think so.
-You can do it!
- It's a bomb in Centennial Park.
Hurry! Bet on gold, your feiting!
Come on! Don't slow down now!
What the fuck are they doing?
- Finds an alternative theory.
-But why?
Come on!
Faster! You can do it!
Come on!
Prove it to them! Faster, faster!
Come on! All the way!
Hurry! Hurry.
You fix this!
Come on!
-Come on! Seven minutes!
- Seven minutes ?! Did you say seven?
- You can't do it.
- I can't do it!
It's incredible that it's good
to be too fat and too slow!
You fixed it! It's totally impossible!
We have to do it
again with a camera.
Okay. We film everything
and show it to the FBI.
Forget it! The FBI only cares about
evidence that supports their theory.
They would distort the truth
even if they believed in you.
Why else should we film it?
The vultures are nearby,
looking for fresh meat.
We'll give it to them.
They can't come until two
days. Earlier Saturday morning.
What should poor
old mrs. H do while?
They are busy at Andrews.
And this is a small country road.
Yes. The priorities
are as usual.
They can forget it. I'll fix it.
We need to fix this.
Go back, mrs. H.
For a moment, I will remove this.
Your asshole!
Head over to the other side, madam.
Darla? Hadn't they called
for a gray Nissan pickup?
He's on the thread.
-Here? -Yes.
Leading Special Agent Brennan in the FBI.
Sheriff... Thompson? Did you see the pickup?
Yes, sir. I've done more than
that. I know who the owner is.
Eric Robert Rudolph,
a white man in his 35s.
Confirm it: Romeo – Uniform–
Delta – Oscar – Lima – Papa – Hotel?
That is right.
Eric Robert Rudolph,
a white man in his 35s.
Without address, social security card,
bank account and criminal record.
You can't get more ghosts. The
only thing that exists is... this.
Applied to the Special Forces,
but was sent out for disciplinary reasons.
But he managed to get
training in flight and escape...
... and guess what: explosives.
Send the FBI emergency
squad to the scene at the moment.
Take it from the Atlanta office.
And find out where the Murphy fan is.
We'll go there right away. Sheriff?
Do you know where Rudolph lives?
Even better. I'm
looking at him right now.
What? What do you
mean by looking at him?
I mean I'm standing
in his driveway.
He is in the caravan say.
He seems to be cooking.
The pickup is on the back. Do
you want me to arrest him for you?
Absolutely not! Back away. Rudolph
is considered armed and dangerous.
Sir. This is Murphy.
Here everyone is armed,
and most are quite dangerous.
What happened? Is he
calling for something?
The situation is very serious! Leave
the place immediately. Understood?
I can wait a while away if he
finds out that he's going to leave.
- When is the emergency squad there?
-In two hours.
Okay. Stay at a good distance,
with the lights off.
Tell if he's moving,
but don't follow him.
You must confirm that you have heard,
understood and will follow the instructions.
I have heard, understood and
should follow the instructions.
Look at them. The FBI
and the media. It never ends.
They will judge you without having
to be disqualified by any lawsuit,
- evidence or the truth.
And now we have just
proved that it is on your side.
But how do I get a job when
the FBI follows me everywhere?
It's good that they follow you!
It's good that you have the whole
bunch of crap around you around the clock.
-How long? What shall we
do? –Call a press conference.
- No, Watson. - Yes, we should.
We're going to turn all those
cameras on them and bring them to trial.
You can do it without
me. I've been to CNN.
Do you know the story
of Jason and Medusa?
Medusa was such a nasty girl that
everyone who saw her was petrified.
Do you know what Jason
did? Bring a mirror with you.
She sees herself and is petrified.
Then Jason can cut off her head,
bite her throat—
- and marry a princess,
or some such thing.
You should do the same. Meet
the media gorgon face to face, -
- hold up a big, damn mirror and say,
"Look at yourself."
"Straighten your cameras
and look at yourself."
"See how ugly you have become."
The more people watch, the better.
-Pressekonferanse? -Yes!
-Mr. Jewell? Why are you back?
- Now we leave. Drive!
We call for a press conference,
We are at the Nantahala Wilderness, one
of the most remote places in the country.
Murphy is teeming with survivorship,
militias and independent citizens.
People are moving here
to escape the federal state.
The militia of North Carolina Regulators
is from before the War of Independence.
They fought first against the British
and then against George Washington.
Did George attack
Washington? They will like us.
We will not be welcome and
we should not stay here too long.
we will get headlines about a siege.
We hit Rudolph's caravan
and make our way afterwards.
- Then we'll be in court tomorrow morning.
- Now we go.
The cavalry is here.
Down on the floor! FBI!
- The bedroom is secured!
He was just here.
- There are some out there.
-It is him!
- We have the car in sight.
- Where's he going?
- There is nothing but woods here.
-Good. Then the road is soon over.
Keep following him. Local
police are further ahead.
Where did he come from? Condemned!
- Tell Bravo that they must turn right.
-Bravo! Take a right turn.
- Alpha on the left.
- Alpha, turn left!
Condemned! Watch out.
- Can anyone see him?
- We don't see him. Do you see him ?!
No, we don't see suspects.
Come on!
- We have him. - We see him!
Hold on tight!
-Fanken! -Watch out!
-He is gone. Do you see him?
-No. Still not.
Go back! All units, go back.
Where is he?
Wait! - Release it.
Come on! Find him.
- Get the rest of the dogs here now!
- They're on their way.
Why don't the dogs
get the baby off him?
Cayenne Pepper.
It is used by home burners and
marijuana growers against dogs.
They are out of service for a few
days after filling the muzzle with it.
He can't take them all. Get
your noses cleaned and sent out.
- Who the fuck are you?
- We talked on the phone earlier.
It was I who could take Eric
into custody three hours ago.
Positive for TNT.
Eric Rudolph is a serial bomber.
The police are his
target. He blew a cop.
I made you lie away,
so you didn't become a deputy. No problem.
From today: vitamins, oatmeal,
fruit, tuna and dried meat.
There must be enough food for
two weeks. Caloric, but easy to carry.
So he wants to hide?
Good. We find or starve him.
You were right. 25
boxes of cayenne pepper.
It does not matter.
He has nowhere to go.
Nowhere to go? Do you
have any idea how big this is?
It's 2,000 square miles.
It's as big as Rhode Island.
It can be.
But you forget something.
He is one man. We're the FBI.