Man from Atlantis (1977–1978): Season 1, Episode 10 - Shoot-Out at Land's End - full transcript

The powerful one will
require at least one giant Pearl

before the turning of the moon.

It shall be so.

The United Nations voted to
seal the stuff in those special

canisters and plant it
where no one could get at it.

You accept these tokens and
this sacrifice, oh powerful one?

I will take the
canisters now, muldoon.

Do what you have to do.

Oh powerful one, we bring
you these tokens of our fidelity.

We ask that you accept them
from the hands of this maiden

who comes to you now to die.

Do you accept these
tokens and this sacrifice,

oh powerful one?

Well, well, well,
what have we here?

Up, you pretty thing, up.

Come down here and let
muldoon have a look at you.

That's it, come on,
don't be shy, come on.

And what a lovely
little heathen you are.

Oh Oscar can't you
stay out of the cobwebs,


Well done, you silly
two-headed beast.

You go and get your dinner now.

Grow up big and
strong like daddy.

Go on.

I do not understand this.

I was chosen as
a sacrifice to him.

Am I not to die?

Well, not necessarily.

Not if you can cook.

Can you cook?

Yes, I can cook very well.

Well then come with
me, my little flower.

All six of these special
canisters were buried

in the philippine trench.

So deep that none of them could
ever be brought up again by man.

What was in them?

material of some sort.

They still won't
tell me exactly.

But the science council at the
United Nations voted unanimously

to seal the stuff in
those special canisters.

And plant it where
no one could get at it.

I mean ever.

Our meeting seems to imply

they were not entirely
successful, c.W.

Three days ago, a small child
on panune island was discovered

playing with one
of those things.

Are they absolutely sure it
was one of the same canisters?

Oh, they're sure.

Where in the philippine
trench were they buried, c.W.?

Just north of the
cape Johnson deep.

Over 34,000 feet down,
six and one half miles

beneath the surface.

The canisters were not removed
by any natural force, Elizabeth.

The seafloor around the
container was burrowed out.

And the container itself ripped
open with tremendous force.

C.w. On the line.

We have a report on that
one canister they found.

It was brought to panune
by a merchant seaman,

and he picked it
up on cholo island.


It is the same chain
of islands, c.W.

We will check it out.

I think there are no great
pearls left in these shallows.

You are tired anyway, toba.

Let us go home now.

I will not go home
with no pearls.

Let's try the deeper water.

Mabu, do as you like.

I will try the deeper water.

There's no sufficient
opening in the barrier reef.

Are you sure?


Do we have any
information on cholo island?

Yeah, right here.

Cholo island, discovered
by captain cook in 1751.

Small, non-aggressive

Unquestioning allegiance
to their tribal chief,

who rules by succession.

Current chief is named canja.


- Air lock ready.
- Thank you.

Take into account that we
won't be able to follow you in.

Activate, please.

It's very deep here, toba.

Should not the son of the chief
dive deeper than the others?

But you've been diving all day.

Toba, toba!

Relax, let the
lungs work naturally.

Do not tell my father.

Promise me.

I am well, father.

How did this happen?

Mabu, he dove too deeply again?

Too far, is that it?

No father, I did not disobey.

Who is that?

I was pull downward, father.

It was him.

He pulled me downward.

I fought him, father.

But he came from the
deep, from nowhere.

What manner of thing are
you that swims in from the sea

and attacks my son?

I did come from the sea
but I did not attack your son.

I have come to this
island in search of...

The powerful one has told us
that sea devils will come from

time to time in
the shape of men.

This magic has saved you, toba.

I will give thanks.

The powerful one,
is that chief canja?

How do you know that name?

It is necessary that
I speak with him.

You will.

Prepare him.

This is not necessary,
I am not your enemy.

You are a sea devil.

You sought to drawn my son.

Your son is not
telling the truth.

That is something for
the powerful one to decide.

When darkness comes so comes
the powerful one to judge you.

It is important that I
speak with chief canja.

I am chief canja.

You are what Elizabeth
would call a fraud.

Is this your home,
this where you live?

Come on, come on.

This is where you live?

Are you here by yourself?

Oscar, you loudmouth.

What's all the noise?

- Jake muldoon.
- I don't believe it.

Mark, old buddy.

I bet you thought you'd
seen the last of me, huh?

You were sealed in a vortex,
trapped in another world.

How did you escape?

Matter of fact, it was Oscar
who brought me back here.

Why don't you be a good boy and
go for a swim or something, huh?

Go on.

Strongest creature
I've ever seen.

Created a vortex all by himself,
and that's how we got to this

unspoiled little paradise.

When we first came here,
these people were worshiping

these useless giant pearls
you hear about from time to time.

But now, they're just as
happy worshiping my unusual

little pet Oscar.

Useless pearls.

No value to me whatsoever.

But what you're doing here,
old buddy, that's another story.

I mean, you weren't a lot of
help to me in that other world,

you know.

You bring your own misfortune
upon yourself, muldoon.

Me... i think you've got
things twisted around a little,

haven't you?

I am looking for five
metal cylinders, muldoon,

that were buried at sea.

The sixth was
found on this island.

Do you know of it?

Tiwi, my lovely new flower.

Come in, girl.

Don't be shy.

Mark, this lovely
fruit-bearing creature is tiwi.

Tiwi, say hello to Mark.

Cylinders... what's in them?

I do not know.

Don't know what's in them.

Mark, have you no
honesty left at all?

They are the property
of the United Nations.

They are?

Sounds valuable.

Tiwi, why don't you
go outside and have fun

with the other ladies, huh?

Other ladies?

Every one of them gladly
and properly sacrificed.

I mean a man does need the
feminine touch around the place.

And they seem happy enough.

They sing, they laugh.

They are not held
prisoner here by you?

Let's just say we enjoy
each other's company.

And they do respect the wishes
of the powerful one, naturally.

Speak of the devil.

Good to see you, Oscar.

Back from your swim
already, are you?

He's the worst scavenger
I ever met in my life.

What have you got this time?

I said, be careful.

Now look what you've done.

Where are your brains,
you ignorant beast?

You've done enough
damage to sink a battleship.

He mistook these
cannonballs for pearls.

Well, since the folks around
here don't worship them anymore.

Muldoon, these were brought
up from incredible depths.

He brings up every
ridiculous thing in the ocean.

Oscar, these are not pearls.

Now be a good boy and go
put them in your collection.

Does he put everything
he finds in one place?

In his bedroom.

He's a regular packrat.

He collects everything.

Chews on it and plays with it.

I think he really
misses his home.

But he's a good boy.

I would like to see his bedroom.

Well, now that's
a difficult request.

I mean, there is the right of
privacy in his own bedroom,

you know.

But I think I might be
able to persuade him,

given the right motivation.

Muldoon, you are
trying to make a deal.

Consider what's important to me.

Like, say, the one great
grand daddy of all these pearls.

The natives have had
a hard time finding it.

They say it's down too deep.

And you are asking
me to bring it up?

I'm asking you how
important it is to see

what's in Oscar's bedroom.

If anything is in
Oscar's bedroom.

Well, come by and see me,
whenever you get a chance.

Very well, muldoon, I
will bring your Pearl up.

That's generous of you,
Mark, very generous, indeed.

Shouldn't take you long.

You just go right back out
the way you came in, turn right

and you'll be at the
ocean in no time at all.

We hear what you tell us,
canja, we hear you very well.

But we must dive deeper and
deeper to find the great Pearl.

And it is too dangerous.

Then we will go to
the trembling rocks.

But we never dive there.

The rocks do not want us.

We must have an offering
to pay for the life of my son.

The magic of the
powerful one protects us.

Was not my own son saved by it?

Then I will dive alone.

And when I return with the
great Pearl for the powerful one,

you then shall have proof
that there is nothing to fear.

Oscar, my boy, it's just a
thought, you understand.

But I was wondering
whether in your little nocturnal

rovings and scroungings

in the various oceans here
about, you might have happened

upon a say five nice metal...

Good lord.

That's them. You do have them.

Oscar, what a good boy.

What are you crazy?

All right, I'll get you a
new toy, a dozen new toys.

Now, let me have it.

Oscar, this is ridiculous.

I guess it's always
like this, huh?

You raise them, give
them everything you can.

Heal their little
cuts and bruises.

Then all they do
is break your heart.

Oh no.

No, now there's no
need for you to apologize.

I mean after all, you do
have your own life to live.

No matter how much pain
you caused those who love you.

Now don't make it any
harder for me than it is.

I realize the canisters are
yours and there's no need for

you to feel guilty or selfish.

Or cruel or cold or ungrateful.

Elizabeth, can you hear me?

We can hear you Mark,
but we can't see you.

You're being
blocked off by the reef.

I'm in a lagoon.

I believe I've
located the canisters.

We heard from c.W.
On the canisters.

You are not,
repeat, not to risk...


Mark, are you there?

Clammed up, was he?

Well now there's no
great mystery about it.

You see the
powerful one foretold

he would come into
difficulty in the sea.

So rather than just kill
the creature from the deep

who almost took your son,

he sent him instead to
your aid for his own death,

which served the powerful
one by restoring life to the great

chief canja.

Oh chief.

Naturally in payment for his
great effort, the powerful one

will require at least one
giant Pearl before the turning

of the moon.

It shall be so.

And of course chief canja,
since it was your life saved,

I'm sure a little
personal offering

would not be overlooked.

You know, I never thought Mark
would go and get himself killed.

Muldoon, all is well?

There's going to be
another delay in finding

that giant Pearl.

For offering to the
powerful one I mean.

But, on the other hand, Mark's
friends are still going to want

those cylinders now aren't they?

Ah muldoon you're a genius.

Hello, cetacean, come in.

Calling the cetacean, hello.


Mark, amigo.

There has been
a slight misfortune.

They told me you were dead.

Had me believing it, too.


Where's the Pearl?

I have searched as
you have required.

If there is such a
Pearl, I cannot find it.

Well without that Pearl,
I'm afraid you lose, too.

What a pity.

Tiwi, dear one, will you give
us a minute for two old friends

to talk, all right?

You're telling me
you couldn't find it?

I have been in contact
with the cetacean.

Those canisters
are very dangerous.

They must be buried beneath
the sea as soon as possible.

Dangerous... what
kind of dangerous?

- I cannot tell you.
- Oh now come on.

Don't try to con a conman.

Those containers must
be buried immediately.

I will take them now, muldoon.

Oscar will just bring
them back, they're his toys.

Then Oscar must be
returned to his own world.

He is far too
dangerous in this one.

Wait just a minute.

That animal is my
bread and butter here.

If he stays, he
will be destroyed.

Now that's ridiculous
Mark and you know it.

He never hurt a soul,
and without him...

Without him the natives
will no longer work for you.

I will take the
canisters now muldoon.

And I must report about Oscar.

Well, do what you have to do.

Tiwi will show you
to Oscar's cave.

Tiwi, the cave of the
powerful one did not contain

what I was looking for.


You know of them?

Muldoon said to me that
your friends would want them.

He is very good hearted.

Then they were there.

Tiwi, my friends do want them.

Did muldoon take
them from the cave?

Oh yes.

He and the powerful
one took them to the grotto

where no one goes.

Well I must go there and
you must show me the way.

It is our burial place.

Taboo for all except
the powerful one.

And also muldoon told us we
must not be seen again by those

we have left behind.

That is because they
believe you are dead.

Tiwi, there is no need
for you to be seen.

But you must show me the way.

If you do not, all people
will die, including muldoon.

Surely you do not want that.

Oh no, do not say such a thing.

I do know that muldoon
wishes you to have the cylinders.

It will make him happy to
know that I have helped.

What do you mean?

What are you saying to me?

You say she went out?

She left you?

Good lord, if they find
him and see that she's...

If they get together
and start discussing it...

Oh boy.

Oh boy, oh boy.

Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy.



Oscar, I see them.

You must give them to me.


Oscar they are very dangerous.


Oscar, come back.

Oscar, please stop.

I will follow until you
give me the canister.


We are not afraid.

Your magic will not hold
against that of the powerful one.

I have no magic.

Why do you hunt me?

Oscar, no.

It's cracking.

Oscar, get back.

Move back.

Listen to me Oscar, move back.

Oscar, move.


Oscar, move back.

We are very fortunate.

Only the outer cover was broken.

A harmless buffer gas
was released, that is all.

Had the inner cover
been broken, we would die.

It is not to us you must speak.

Your fate lies with
the powerful one.

Oscar, muldoon.

Find muldoon.

Go Oscar, muldoon.

Chief canja.

The powerful one
listened to him.

Went away as he told him to.

Who are you?

A god greater than muldoon?

I know you have
returned from the dead.

I am not a god.

Muldoon is not a god.

He has tricked you.

Using that innocent
creature to Rob you

of your giant pearls.

It is the truth.


No, no, wait, please, please.

- A spirit.
- I am alive.


Yes toba, I am well.

All of the sacrificed
maidens are alive.

Muldoon would
rather have them alive.

To cook his food, clean his
house, keep him company.

Then the man muldoon
is responsible for the life

of no one.

But you, despite your
word and your manner,

you had pulled my son
down in the sea to drown.

It is time now to speak
the truth of that also.

Toba, there's no braver man
than one who has the courage

to admit his own misdeeds.

The truth does not
bring shame toba.

It brings respect.

Why does he say
these things, my son?

What you tell you father
now will bring pride, not anger.

He will see that
his son has honor.

When I almost died in the
water father, it was because

I did disobey you.

I was too tired and
I dove too deep.

He did not take my life father.

He saved it.

I accused him
because I was ashamed.

I was frightened
of your displeasure.

You have restored
honor to my son.

You have told the truth.

The only reason I
went to the grotto,

broke your taboos
was to rid the island

of these dangerous things.

Your words are proven
as are your deeds.

Go, take what you wish.

Thank you.


Yes, muldoon.

Well, finally.

Where you been, huh?

Did you see tiwi and
that fellow, did you?

Canja's natives too, right.

Oh all right, all right, you
can stop licking me now.

Come on, come on.

Come on, powerful one.

We got a bit of preventive
maintenance to take care of.

Dr. Merrill.


I have located the
canisters, Elizabeth.

They are in my possession.

I have four of the five
stacked up on the beach.

You want me to activate a crew?

The faster we get these
things of cholo island

the better off we will be.

I can return with the
fifth canister by the time

the crew arrives.


Mark, help.

Please come quickly,
they're going to kill him.

Kill who... tiwi, your
people are not killers.

They say the death of muldoon
and his animal is the only thing

that can clear their shame.

Oh please, you must come.

The canisters.

Tiwi, there is still a
canister left in the cave.

It must be brought to the beach.


If anything happens to that
canister muldoon and Oscar

will not be the only
ones who will die.

I have told you that.

If it is only one canister more,
I can go for it, bring it here.

Jake and Oscar, they
do not have to die.

You get the canister,
I'll see what I can do.

Well come on powerful
one, do something powerful.

And if you can't get
that together, just keep

your eyes on me, all right.

As soon as I get those
heathens to start groveling,

then you take over, okay.

There they are.

All right, all right
people, get over here.

Come on, come
on, make it snappy.

Come on.

Hey, guys, I mean if
there's something I said.

Come on, you dumb reptile, move.

Take him.

He's with the
powerful one, father.

Have you not heard the
powerful one is harmless?


Now can't you move any faster
than that you ungainly beast?

No wonder dinosaurs are extinct.

Here... come.



No, sacred ground.

It is the only way if
we are to be sure.

The beast must be incinerated.

Oscar, where is muldoon?

What is happening?

Where is he?

Where is muldoon?


Mark, old buddy.

Tiwi said the people
have turned on you.

Well, it's not all that bad.

I mean right now they're
content with just turning on

poor old Oscar, and if I know
the customs around here,

they're going to take him back
to his cave and they're going

to burn him there.

You better move fast.

Tiwi is in that cave.

And I do not know how long the
canister can stand intense heat.

Well I hope you're not
expecting any last minute back-up

from yours truly
this time, old buddy.

I got me a couple
of them pearls now.

A lovely little inflatable
raft and an honest compass

to steer me by.

If you think I'm going to let my
conscience get to me this time,

you got another think coming.

You know what I hate?

Being used, manipulated.

It is no use.

No one can get through there.

The beast cannot survive.

Nothing inside can survive.

I don't care how wet you
are amigo, nobody is getting

through that.

Is there another way in?


- Poor dumb critter.
- And tiwi.

Wait a minute, there's the
old ceremonial entrance.

Ah, but that's blocked off with
a Boulder the size of Cleveland.

Where is it?

Well it's back around over here.

But I'm telling you, you're
not going to be able to move it.

- Let us try.
- Okay.

That's it.

Even if you could move it,
you can't move it fast enough.

See, heavy stuff, huh.

Hey, after you and
I get through here.

We're going to have to sit
down and talk about a mining deal

I was offered once in Baja.

Tiwi, quickly...
Oscar, the canister.

It's all right.

Now can we get out of here?

Not until we close the cave.

Oscar, come on, help me.

Why, Mark, what are you doing?

Now we make sure.

Oscar, push, push.

Okay, all right.

Okay, now.

My friend you just
said the magic word.

There must be...

There must be a body.

Bones, there must be.

The powerful one
has changed into air.

He has returned to
the form of the spirits.

Well, you got them.

And far be it for me to
begrudge you, old buddy.

But you know Oscar is just
going to find them down there.

I don't care where
you hide them.

He's going to dig them
up and bring them back.

Oscar cannot stay here,
muldoon, you know that.

He must go back
where he has come from.

- Oh, Mark.
- He is right.

If they see him again now
that he has become a spirit...

Well if I don't have to go back
through that vortex with him.

I mean, I got me a
this world grub steak.

You know what I mean?

You mean the pearls?

You got it.

Come on, old friend,
it's time to go home.

Come on.

We will accompany you.

After all this time and
you still don't trust me?

Well, you don't have
to accompany us.

We're already here.

The door to Oscar's world.

Now watch.

Now, would I put you on?

Come on, old friend,
time to go home.

Now don't take it like that.

You know you didn't
like this side of the door

that much anyway.

And don't try to
tell me you did.

That's right, this is goodbye.

But it's been a real
pleasure knowing you.

That's something I'm
going to carry with me

in my heart of hearts forever.

Ciao, paesano, arrivederci.

Wait a minute, what is this?

Let go of me, you heathen beast.

Mark, Mark!

He forgot his pearls.