Maken-Ki! Battling Venus (2011–2014): Season 1, Episode 1 - The Day We Swore to Heaven - full transcript

, Now, I'm on my way to visit a friend of my childhood


No., Aoyama-Takeru

. We have grown up in the same town and we trained at the same dojo

.But after elementary school, Takeru record suddenly in a private boarding school

Therefore, for a full three years, we are not able to .althdt on the phone, so we meet each other

. I claimed Haruko Amaya

.I new in the prestigious Academy Tenby

.Oona also Vice President of the Student Council

.Taquero ... I wonder what kind of men who became the

Do you have become too long?

Do you become interested in your study?

Aoyama \ h \ h Takeru

Aoyama \ h \ h Takeru

Aoyama \ h \ h Takeru

Aoyama \ h \ h Takeru

Aoyama \ h \ h Takeru

Aoyama \ h \ h Takeru

Aoyama \ h \ h Takeru

Aoyama \ h \ h Takeru

Aoyama \ h \ h Takeru

Aoyama \ h \ h Takeru

Aoyama \ h \ h Takeru

Aoyama \ h \ h Takeru

Aoyama \ h \ h Takeru

Aoyama \ h \ h Takeru

Aoyama \ h \ h Takeru

Aoyama \ h \ h Takeru

Aoyama \ h \ h Takeru

Aoyama \ h \ h Takeru

Aoyama \ h \ h Takeru

Aoyama \ h \ h Takeru

Aoyama \ h \ h Takeru

Aoyama \ h \ h Takeru

Aoyama \ h \ h Takeru

Aoyama \ h \ h Takeru

Aoyama \ h \ h Takeru

Aoyama \ h \ h Takeru

Aoyama \ h \ h Takeru

Aoyama \ h \ h Takeru

Aoyama \ h \ h Takeru

Aoyama \ h \ h Takeru

Aoyama \ h \ h Takeru

Aoyama \ h \ h Takeru

.Taquero, it's me, Haruko

. I am here to Ostahbk

It's the first day of school, I remember?




are you home?


M-from there?

I am. It's, Amaya Haruko

! Would-Haro-nee

! E-Wait for the moment

What do you do?

! Nothing, just wait

! Aanrsa


Are you okay, Haruo-ni?

.Yes, I am fine

-Taquero, I went after

! Â-sorry

! I have slipped


What do you mean by glided]?

...And also

! Put your pants properly, Takei-stupid

.Asv on this

. We have the first time we met three years ago, it is supposed to be private

YOU REALLY mess, Takei-chan

. Please do not call me so

! I am glad to see you again


. We have become more beautiful, Haruo-ni


By the way, I forgot to ask you this before, but why she applied for the Academy Tenby?

. In fact, you can login without taking the exam or job interview

.Oha boarding school

:And also

! Starting today, we will be mixing with the girls of this prestigious school

.Ah, I understood

.Odaa, for those dark days with special middle school boys

These past years, and full of other boys paid. I may desire sex to the explosion stage

! But now, my life optimistic high school waiting for me

! Or rather, I am waiting for your arms Muftouhtan


Takeru, Is it possible that you do not know anything about this school?

about what?

Apart from mixing, it is only

Normal High School, is not it?

No., it is not normal

How so?

Note: Takeru will understand the word battles as dance concerts

... In fact, there is a gallery of the school battles ...

Concerts dance?

. It is, therefore, Strqsn young priests on spiritual music Shinto

! Priestesses?

... priestesses Ttolen responsibility for dance parties

...this means

In other words, I can dance with priestesses beautiful day before the New Year?

Is that what I heard?

.Antbah, all students

, Student Council and those who will attend the entrance ceremony

. Please assemble immediately

.I have to go

.I in the Student Council

.Alhvl will take place in the gym

. So, do not sauntered and went straight there

.Orak then


Takeru-san .ouyama

.Mreha to your Tenby Academy

! If, Snkhtlt starting today

.I am very pleased

.Otsael If there are boys uncharismatic

New .bahm, I think, understand they will be the smallest of us

No. I'm interested

. I did not feel this way a long time ago

! Many girls

. I wish to be Takei-chan's okay

.I'm lost

.Binma you're chasing girls, I ended up in this mysterious place

.Hassana ... It's just another obstacle to joining the new school

! I am glad that I moved to Tenby

, Lkshf luster

To reveal your score own

You show your soul. You must here in Tenby

... the path of the torch

! It must be engraved in the heavens ...

! What-what?

Am I dreaming or something?

What happens here the hell?

. If you win the fight, you Soaidh

I win. If in this fighting, Sttoagafin for whining on every little thing

.Ooh, What a young Poor

! It is mine

! If I was not in this opinion

Are you sure you have allowed this to fight?

. Do not see a problem in this

.Akchav out of this dispute will make things more exciting

.I apologize


I told you that this school has become mixed, is not it?

Oh, do so?

Well, what's up?

I can


I can see


I can see your pants


.Osttia see inner your pants

.Aa her from an old gag

Is it really born in this era?


White sky ...?

White sky]? ]

! Oh, I understand

! Simply I will send you to the heavens

!I'm sorry

! A-I did not see them

You do not there is a white panties

! I did not see them

... A-You

Are you okay, ma'am?

You are ]? ]

! I have to go to the gym

! A-I am sorry

. I should find him

.Ogel, you should find him

.Ta arch


! It is the enemy that I am trying to

! Mixing is the best

.Achtbar, test

.Nicom is currently testing the radio

. We have arrived at the right time

.Achtbar, test

Can you hear me?

I tested a lot. I have

.Sadhati and gentlemen, hello to the Tenby Academy

Director of your school. I, Rcoju Minori

.Ood little talk about this school for new entrants

: Our school logo consists of

the heart

!the heart




! Body

the heart . Beauty . Body

.Gulwbna and our bodies should be strong and beautiful

. This logo will not change, although we have become mixed

Dear boys and girls, to take the this slogan to .gulwbkm and cared for in your bodies and your hearts

.Atbawa school laws

.In both love and war, you made your decisions freely

Valhrb love?

the heart . Beauty . Body

, In all of them, so that you can get one of the eight original McCain

Elements of advisors will you study

, Should your control elements should be enough to get one of the eight McCain

.Hnalk bright future awaits you

McCain]? ]

Elements ]? ]

I do understand a word of what she said

.Hassana, I think the proof will be visually a quick way to explain

.Alvsal 2-B, No. 6, quinoa galette

.Ooadha Chapter 2-B, No. 7, Hinatsu Azuki

.Oatha Director, I have fought with Azuki shortly before

Oh really?

, Naturally

. I have triumphed

.Oatha poor Ku-chan

. From now on, Azuki-san strongly Sthompskh every night

.Udmuah Sthbll pillows

I did not know that Azuki-san was

Stuffed animals .thab

And Tqatlta for that?

Galit ... How do you know this?

I mean

! Not so rampant secrets

.Anh just a fun revenge

What do you want can do about this, O Director?

It would not interfere with one of you resolve it?


, I, Hemegama Kodama

.Sohark in fighting


. It's that girl

... My opponent

The boy notes. It would


!إنتظري لحظة, هيميغامي-سان

!تاكيرو, أوياما تاكيرو-كُن طالب جديد

.أوه, إذًا اسمه تاكيرو

...أجل, هو صديق طفولتي... أعني

.من الظلم أخذ طالبًا جديدًا

.نائبة الرئيسة محقة

.أيتها المديرة, يجب علينا تغيير خصمها

.حسنًا, لا أرَ مشكلة في هذا

...لا يمكن

.حسنًا إذًا, أيها المبتدئ, تقدم

.تقدم إلى المسرح, عزيزي

.هيي, إنهض

...ولكن, أنا

أنت تعلم ما الذي سيحصل لك عندما تنتقل إلى تينبي, أليس كذلك؟

أحصل عليه؟

.لا تبالي, فقط إذهب

هـ-هل يجب أن أقاتل؟

ضد فتاة؟

.هذا غير ممكن


shx :إنتاج

!القتال الخاص بالحفل سوف يبدأ الآن


:الإعلان عن المتسابقان

.عضوة من اللجنة التأديبية, الفصل 2-أيه, الرقم 20, هيميغامي كوداما

.والطالب المنتقل الجديد, أوياما تاكيرو-كُن

لماذا يحدث هذا؟

لماذا يجب علي مقاتلتها؟

مقاتلة فتاة؟

...لا أستطيع

.هيي, أيها الفتى

نعم؟ أنا؟

ما الأمر؟ هل أنت متوتر؟

.أنا آسف بما حدث مسبقًا

.لا تبالي

.فقط إسترخي قليلاً

.قد يُطلق عليه قتال, ولكنه من أجل الحفاظ على التظاهر

.Bataba, I will not seriously Ohajmk

. Just move like you practiced karate

Take on things myself advisors will

.I understand

.Guetal against Hemegama-san ... I wish to be Boukara

.I am very worried

. If this is the case, Vsolab close to them

... that mark on his chest

No. There is no doubt in this

.Anh enemy who must defeat the

, And next to it

, He did not only see my husband's favorite

! But he also stole the first my kiss

What is this cunning, ma'am?

You worry about me. Do you? do not worry

. I will not kill him

Now. Not currently


What is the matter?

.Ltassagah on his chest by lightning

. From clear that it is inappropriate to hold an element

, Given its current condition, it is unaware of even basic defenses

, Shock directly on his heart will cause

Likely to kill him. On

.Sidta, Kamigarri Stjn if exaggerated in this

.Bjanb So, you must not carry Dgaink personal to the ring

.I know this

.Oalm Order

... but still

.Dmayy ... tghly

... expressions Hemegama-san

Do Stqatlh seriously?

.Ho is still unable to use the elements

. Not have Takeru any chance to win

. Even if the battle practically, is against the intervention school rules

.Orjok Be okay

.I beg you

. [Will be fighting in the last three minutes [such as boxing


Just three minutes?

... If it is short, the

. I am pleased, it is still good as usual

.what the hell? It's really boring fight


! Takei-chan

! McCain lock


! I'm not very fast

.Kamodu: it is a powerful sword practiced by the Japanese gods

! McCain detailed: Kamodu

What was this?

You are repulsed so racist?

Who are you?

. This Almckin ... not a copy of the original dish

.It's real

McCain .anh Original

... If so, if

who are you?...

... Finally

.vakhyra vjdtk

... Takyrv-related

Are you fine?

...I apologize

. I am happy to meet you, Takeru-sama

...My God

Excuse me, Listen, can I ask you something?

how did you know my name?

.Taquero-sama, smell very nice

! Cell-smutty behavior


M-Who are you?

How do you know Takeru?

.Asvh late to intrusive, claimed Keshia Aanaho

Come. I have to protect Takeru-sama, starting today



I have revealed. I think favorite thing I have here

E.-This is bad

If, he has a fiancee, huh?

No. You can judge a book by its cover at all

No. It seems that he knows

What is the word [fiancee]?

What do you mean?

. We need to hear the story of Takeru himself

Is there any speeches what, Amaya?

. You really angry loveable

.Alomr is not so

.see you later


. We need to talk

.Omm, wait

I will go, okay?

... Nations

.Ooh, it's you

!What is the meaning of this?

... In fact, we

.Mderh school said as long as we were engaged, we can share the room

The room ... No. 7 will be very spacious for one person

.well, okay

. It's too far away from these responsibilities


.Vty girl should not they have to share credit in the room

. As mayor, I can not allow this

.Manma said Director

.Ooh for, three people in a dormitory is something nice and wide

What's up, Amaya?

You Do Orbakk my presence here?

. This room is enough for three students only

.Nzera different circumstances, I have been appointed in this room also

Different circumstances]? like what? ]


.Hsna, containers

.Omm, it's not as if I asked them to move

This happened. I have no scientific

Nations ... Haruo-ni?



. If, I will live here too

Oh really?

.Llosv, it is a dormitory for only three people

.Alomr has nothing to do with the subject

.Kmhafezh, my duty is to solve problems

No. The mind, but we have only three beds

.Ooh I understand, Takeru and I can participate in one bed

! I do not allow it

No. If a good slept in the upper floor

.Vkrh acceptable

.But, Takeru-sama will be lonely

.Nzera circumstances, there is no other choice

Oh yes, I mentioned earlier that your childhood friend, is not it?

What-What about this?

. [Takei-chan]

. I have no doubt that I have heard you during the fighting dost thou

.Ontma very close relatives

.not exactly

We trained in the same. We have dojo

. I think that this is the logical explanation of what you are doing now

. How dare you

... I'm not really

. I have become hungry instead

. In this case, we should organize a gala dinner tonight


.Kmhafezh, do not allow the parties in this room

. In fact, we do not need to your post

I reject this. I also



.Otsael if he slept well


The first episode title

Day of the divine contract

sunao ni itai no yo

I want to tell you what I feel

sukiyotte itai no yo

[I want to tell [I love you


the unit

One Two

One, two

One Two

One, two


the unit

One Two


One Two Three

!one two Three

kakushitetatte ne mawari ni ha kitto bareteru

I try to hide it, but I'm sure that everyone knows this already



demo chikasugite mo ne kimochi nante ienai

Although we are very close relatives, I can not tell you what I feel



se no takasa itsu kara watashi yori chotto takakute

I've matured and become a little longer to me before I know it



nanoni kodomo mitai na kao wo shite waraundane

However, you still have those childish smile



me wo michau to yowai no

I feel weak when I look into your eyes

kizutte yo

Please, notice me

yappari kizukanaide my baby

You do not see me this way after all, oh baby

bi-bi-bi-bikkuri masuka ne

Are you surprised?

suki ni naru nante

I fell in love?

za-za-za-zaiza to nattara

.... If necessary

mamoru kedo kimi no haato madowasu kehai ga shitara

I will defend you, but your heart sends me mixed signals

mo ippo baby baby my day suki to tsugetai

Another step will say that I love you


...My heart


...My heart





sukaato ni koi ni juudan kakushiteru

! I love Obi bullet under Tnorca

sunao ni itai no yo

I want to tell you what I feel

sukiyotte itai no yo

[I want to tell [I love you


the unit

One Two

One, two

One Two

One, two


the unit

One Two

One, two

One Two Three

!one two Three

sunao ni itai no yo

I want to tell you what I feel

sukiyotte itai no yo

[I want to tell [I love you


the unit

One Two

One, two

One Two

One, two


the unit

One Two

One, two

One Two Three

!one two Three

Became beautiful. We have, Haruo-ni

Preview of Hemegama

.Oday Hemegama Kodama Tenby Academy

If I can help in this, the eyes, the boys improper that invaded our Academy

No. They should gaze to the places they want

! Those who are trying to be my frustration must send them to the heavens

Next Episode Title

Girls Mzhlat, as you know

! Need to warn them this well