Major Crimes (2012–2018): Season 4, Episode 22 - Hindsight, Part 4 - full transcript
As more information pours in about victims from the past and how they tie to the murders of the present, Lieutenants Cooper and Sykes get caught in an unexpected gun fight. Sharon finally finds the pressure point she needs for leverage against Reverend Price, his attorney, and Mark Hickman as she forces her way forward to the truth.
Previously on "Major Crimes"...
Heroin. Found underneath
the baby's car seat.
Sykes: 3-year-old boy
went to the hospital... D.O.A.
Look, this is cannot be true!
Stop lying to me!
Sir, we would not lie to you
about the death of your child!
Sykes: Our victims were shot
with the same gun
that killed Officer Reese
and D.D.A. Gray?
We found the murder weapon
in the altar of your church.
Every now and then I find
something to celebrate.
Like finally having a chance
to leave the Uzi where we'd find it?
Taylor: Hickman perjured himself
on the stand.
He lost us the murder case
of an L.A. cop.
Rusty: How stupid could he be?
Putting his mask on after
he started the robbery.
Cooper: Classic signs of a struggle.
And my Mom's gone.
Stop, L.A.P.D.!
- Gary!
- Gary, stop!
Hey, hey, hey!
Make a deal where you give up Gary.
He will kill you. Do you understand?
I know the guy Emile's living with.
Runs a chop shop.
Buddha, I presume.
And do you have any idea
where his heroin might have come from?
No, I don't know anything
about any heroin.
- Drop your gun!
- No.
Not now. He's confessing.
Mark Hickman, you have the right
to remain silent.
Anything you say can and will
be used against you in a court of law.
Flynn: Are you sick, ill, or injured?
Do you have any suicidal tendencies?
When I think I could have
ended up like you.
Put your arm through the window.
Right arm.
Are you taking any medications?
Pills for high blood pressure.
I'm shocked. Are you an alcoholic?
How many drinks do you have a day?
Not enough.
I'll alert medical to make sure
you don't go through any withdrawals
during your stay with us.
Empty your pockets,
take your laces from your shoes,
remove your belt,
and pass them all through the window.
- [Keys jingle]
- My belt?
I told you I'm not suicidal.
Your word's no good here anymore.
[Coins clatter]
Let's go.
[Knock on door, door buzzes]
He's former L.A.P.D.,
so make sure we put a keep-away on him
when we send him to county.
Put your feet on the steps
marked out on the ground.
Look up.
[Camera shutter clicking]
I'm not talking to her.
Then I'll take you to county.
That what you want?
What about the girl scout?
Detective Sykes is busy.
[Police radio chatter]
Attempted murder? Bullshit.
I just wanted to
have a little man-to-man
with the good Reverend. That's all.
You brought a gun into his church.
I have a permit to carry.
You won't after I write my report.
Doesn't this feel
a little too familiar, Mark?
You sitting across the table from me
trying to justify why you broke the law?
Earlier tonight, I got Reverend
copkiller to confess, okay?
He confessed to shooting Reese.
I recorded the whole damn thing.
You held a gun to his head.
It wasn't a confession.
Not to mention that the guy
cannot be tried again
for Reese's murder.
Well, what about
the murder of Rachel Gray
and the murder of Eric Dunn?
Reverend Copkiller
is absolved of those shootings
because he... he carries a Bible?
The only reason he's free
is because you committed perjury
on the stand.
Listen, Pollyanna,
if you got rid of every cop
on the L.A.P.D.
who committed perjury,
there'd be no one left here
but you and your I.A. Friends.
What makes me the bad guy
is that my partner wouldn't back me up.
- "Lieutenant Michael Tao."
- See? It's my fault.
"Did you also overhear Daniel Price,
A.K.A. Revered copkiller,
confess to the murder of Officer Reese?"
If Mike had just said yes...
Why did you not disclose your affair
with D.D.A. Rachel Gray
after she was murdered?
How does it figure into anything?
Because Rachel Gray
broke up with your sorry ass
right before the trial.
So you were in love with her,
and she left you, and she ended up dead.
You thought of Rachel Gray as the one.
She thought of you as just one more.
And if you did kill Rachel and Eric,
that would explain why the
L.A.P.D. never found the Uzi.
Because the third person
in the car came back for it.
Or Emile knew that you'd found
it and where you'd put it.
And that's the reason you met
him when he came out of prison,
and you told him to
keep his mouth shut or else.
And that explains
the "why now" of it all
for your simple minds, huh?
Shaky Emile returns to the world
and makes for
a great alternative suspect.
And I shoot this Tamika girl
and her baby
because, I don't know,
I'm just that depraved.
Hoping that it will look like
Emile's revenge,
I plant the gun in
Reverend Copkiller's church.
And this phone.
You planted it, too.
And that's important why?
Because someone used it
to call both Tamika and Emile
right before they were murdered.
A-and did you find
my fingerprints on it?
Of course not. It was wiped.
Like the Uzi and the syringe
we found next Emile's body.
And also like them,
this phone had residue of
cornstarch all over it.
And... and where did I plant this phone?
Peter Goldman's car.
Right, Reverend Copkiller's lawyer.
Obviously, Daniel Price left
this phone in Goldman's car.
Price must cut his dope with cornstarch.
It's probably all over
his so-called church.
Check the soles of your shoes.
- You'll see.
- Odd, though.
Once again, we find evidence
linking Price to a murder,
then, by complete coincidence,
you are just a few feet away.
Was I trying to frame the guy
today or kill him?
I-I think you should
make a choice there.
Look, I-I know this might
hurt your tiny heads,
but try thinking for a minute.
If I had located the Uzi years ago,
Daniel Price would have never
gotten away with murder.
He has a point.
The gun would have
corroborated Emile's statement
and the case would have been made.
And one more thing... Rachel...
Rachel left me
because I couldn't find the gun.
Thought I'd let her down.
Thought I'd failed her.
And I...
... I would have never killed her,
because I know she would have
come back to me...
if she had lived.
I know she would have.
I... I know it.
Write down where you were
when D.D.A. Rachel Gray
and Eric Dunn were shot to death
and where you were when Tamika Weaver
and her young son were shot to death
and where you were when Emile overdosed.
And we'll run it down.
This isn't getting us anywhere.
Steph: Shame we had to release
Peter Goldman.
He knows something about
the Reverend's drug trade.
Jon Barnes come home yet?
I'm thinking his house is blown.
He's got to know we're watching it.
Hey, uh, so what you said
the other night about...
Holding people accountable...
- Yeah?
- Yeah, so, uh...
I made an appointment with that doctor.
You know, the one who told my wife
that it was okay
to drop her seizure meds.
Gonna see him the day
after tomorrow in the morning.
Wow, Julio, that...
You think you can do that
without shooting him?
That's the number-one reason
why I waited so long
before talking to him.
[Chuckles] Want to discuss
some of the dumb things
he might say to you first?
I'm about to wrap this up
'cause I have nothing to do.
Uh, I'm a little busy right now, Steph.
What about dinner tomorrow
if we get a break?
Oh, yeah. Dinner sounds great. Sure.
Yeah, I-I'll be over there
in the morning.
We can figure that out.
Okay, then we'll see you then.
Thank you.
Jon Barnes show his face anywhere?
No, sir.
But found a card on some flowers
sent to Tamika's funeral.
Little weird.
"To my Pretty Boy, R.I.P.,
love always... easy."
Easy... Emile's nickname.
Emile? [Chuckles]
Well, it certainly is odd
for a dead man to send flowers
to a funeral.
So, obviously, Emile ordered
those flowers before he died.
Maybe that's why
he asked Buddha for money.
And the flowers were sent to
"my Pretty Boy."
How does that track?
Could Jeremiah have been Emile's son?
No. No, ma'am. Too young.
Pretty Boy was one of the
nicknames we were looking into
as a possible third man
in the car during the Reese murders.
So, gang nicknames are often ironic.
A guy called "tiny" could be 6'6".
A high-strung, sensitive kid
like Emile is "easy."
Tamika Weaver was a cute girl.
So they called her "Pretty Boy."
So the third guy in the car
was not a guy at all.
It was Tamika Weaver.
[Marker cap clicks]
Okay, Lieutenant. So, I think I get it.
If Tamika Weaver was Pretty Boy,
and Pretty Boy was
the third person in the car...
Ye gods. Each one of
these people has 30 names.
Daniel Price is Trigger
is Reverend Copkiller.
- Dennis Price is...
- Klip.
... Klip.
Uh... uh... Tamika is...
- Pretty Boy.
- ... Pretty Boy.
And, uh, ah... Buddha.
Well, he has a different name
And not one, but two hickmans.
Louie, those had better be names
on your guest list.
Well, no. They're murder suspects.
But, Patrice, w-what are you doing here?
I know that you're at work,
but I am not planning
this wedding anymore by myself.
Well, of course you aren't.
I-I'm helping. I-I'm going to, uh...
Louie, I said, "let's elope."
I said, "don't spend lots of money."
I said, "I am not doing all the work."
No, Buzz. You stay. I'm leaving.
You missed the caterer,
so I can't settle the menu.
Invitations still not ready,
despite what you promised me.
And the guest list... not filled out.
[Sighs] Louie, honey, look.
We have our license.
Baby, we can just go across the street
tomorrow during lunch and...
I am not getting married
during my lunch hour.
Now, look. The second this case is over,
I will take care of everything,
and I will make it so beautiful,
like you.
Fill out all of this stuff
and get it back to me tomorrow,
or we do things my way.
Oh, uh, hi, Patrice.
Lieutenant, if you have a minute, um...
He needs to talk to you.
You just hold on. I was...
Louie, tomorrow.
- Bye, Buzz.
- Bye.
- Bye, boys.
- Bye.
- Excuse me.
- Bye, Patrice.
I'm sorry. I didn't mean to...
- I didn't mean to interrupt you.
- It's fine.
You probably just ruined
my whole wedding, but so what?
How can I help you?
- Um...
- How?
I... I talked to m-my other mother
at county last night.
Sharon Beck won't help you guys
because her freaky boyfriend, Gary,
said if she did, he'd kill rusty.
- What?
- O-okay. Okay.
But Gary would never follow
through on a threat like that.
Now we're gonna get this
straightened out right now.
Buzz, I want Sharon Beck brought
over from county immediately.
Thank you, Gus. Thank you.
Tao: She might have been
Emile's girlfriend,
but Tamika was in high school, just 15.
Found a yearbook picture of her.
I can see why
they called her Pretty Boy.
Oh, 15?
Flynn: Hmm. Underage.
Another reason why 20-year-old Emile
might have wanted to
keep her out of this.
If Tamika was
the third person in the car,
maybe she was also there
when they dumped off the gun.
Let's say she was.
Now, jump ahead
to when Reverend Copkiller
paid $10,000 bond
to get Jon Barnes out of jail.
That is the value of the cash
and the heroin we found in Tamika's car.
Tamika knew who ended up with the Uzi
- and was blackmailing them?
- And got killed in the process.
Yes, that could be a version
of how we ended up here.
Of the three people in the car
when Reese was murdered,
Reverend Copkiller
is the only one left alive.
But he has an air-tight alibi
for Tamika and Emile's murders.
And he eventually
bailed Jon Barnes out of jail
on his own.
Yeah, 'cause he's a merciful Christian?
But Tamika was at the church
for taco Monday
not long before she died.
And Reverend Copkiller was there, too.
One other thing.
The car that was used
in the Reese murder.
- It was never found.
- Was never found.
Uh, it's in the murder book.
Yes, it is.
Who do we know that takes cars apart
and is connected to the drug trade?
You got me confused with someone else.
Client's a mechanic.
He fixes cars for a church.
He certainly doesn't steal them.
What about all those
transmissions he was replacing?
And all those catalytic converters...
Where did they come from, huh?
- All reclaimed from junkyards.
- Wrong.
They're kind of new.
Those parts look like
they might have been liberated
from other vehicles.
Sanchez: Look, Buddha,
let the district attorney
put your situation into context.
You're about to go from working on cars
to making license plates,
unless you cooperate right now.
Define cooperation.
I'm interested in a crime
that happened 12 years ago
after Officer Reese's murder.
Your client tells me
what he knows about that...
Come on. That's like blackmail.
No, it's like a lifeline.
You're suggesting complete immunity
from any and all prosecution,
both past and present action?
Oh, no.
If he committed no murders, yes.
Buddha, tell us
what you did with the car
from the Reese murders, or
we're gonna deal out your crew,
try you on the theft
of those auto parts,
and make you spend every penny you have
defending yourself in court.
Did Emile ever talk to you much
about prison?
You think it's a place you'd
like to try out for yourself?
[Whispers indistinctly]
Here we go.
Okay, then. Yeah, fine.
But you got to protect me, all right?
I'm gonna need some serious
protection from people, man.
What people?
Start at the beginning.
Okay, uh... Daniel.
We called him Trigger back then.
He was moving lots of dope,
but also using,
and it made him do wild things,
like what went down
with that cop, Reese.
And when Daniel got arrested,
he wanted evidence to disappear.
So his brother, Dennis...
we called him Klip.
He, uh... he brought a car
over to my shop.
And, uh...
Emile was there, too.
Was Emile alone?
No. Uh, he was with his girl.
Tamika Weaver?
- Now we're getting somewhere.
- Now, don't jinx it.
She was in the car with him the
night of the shooting, right?
Guess it doesn't matter now.
Yeah, that's... that's right.
Tamika was with him,
and she was concerned
about getting arrested.
Daniel was already in jail and
the cops were looking for Emile.
And he and Tamika were arguing.
About what?
Your head ain't right.
I threw it after
we crossed the overpass.
E, we wasn't even on the freeway.
How do you know where I threw it, huh?
E. Huh? You don't.
That's right, 'cause you crying
in the backseat.
Come on, E.
You was tripping, doing hits.
This is why you all turned around now.
What's your Pretty Boy
talking about, huh?
Easy over here don't remember
where he ditched the gun.
Don't listen to her, dawg. You don't
know what you're talking about.
I do. I do know.
Bitch, shut your mouth, all right?
We get to that gun in our own time.
But first, we got business, Buddha.
Yeah, but listen, Klip. Um, I don't...
My brother needs you to
make this ride disappear.
Easy said you the dude
to make that happen.
Look, this is the murder of a cop.
I don't mean no disrespect...
Maybe I'm not explaining myself right.
See, I ain't asking.
Now, you do this and we're gonna
work together again.
You don't, what you think
gonna happen, dawg?
We been friends ever since.
See, once I started
working for Dennis Price,
I couldn't just quit.
Sanchez: You know anyone else
working for Dennis Price?
Like Jon Barnes?
If we're getting into
accusations of drug trafficking,
we would want dual immunity
from all federal charges.
You have your story.
What about the gun?
Did Dennis ever go looking for it?
Don't know. I never asked.
But Tamika saw where they put the Uzi.
If she told Jon Barnes
that story...
Hey, and maybe keep
Daniel Price out of this, man.
Barnes could know
the name of our killer.
You don't really think...
[Cellphone vibrates]
... him preaching the gospel
is an act, right?
Captain raydor.
Yes, thank you.
She's here.
[Door closes]
Sharon, Miriam, do you both
know why we asked you here?
It's because rusty told you
about the threats that Gary made.
- That is correct.
- Threats?
- What's that about?
- Gary, it's her boyfriend.
This woman caused so much damage...
and continues to.
I talked to my client, and she
will give you information
that will aid in the capture
and conviction of Gary Lewis.
But only if you are guaranteeing...
Sharon, please do not tell me
that you are using your son's safety
to make a deal
for charges of armed robbery.
No, I just want a guarantee
that you can arrest Gary
and that you'll try him
and that he can't
get a deal of any kind.
It would be his third conviction.
And so he'd go away for life.
May I continue, Lieutenant?
Please, Miriam. Please.
We also ask that my client's
statement remain anonymous
until you have Mr. Lewis in custody.
Confidentiality is one of
my greatest strengths.
Now, tell me about the robbery.
Well, I didn't know
what was about to happen.
Gary just told me that
he needed to buy cigarettes.
Ah. So he goes into
the liquor store, you wait.
And then he comes out
and gets in the car
and started screaming at me to drive.
Now, I never should have moved
back with him to begin with,
but he swore that he was clean and...
Yeah, but by the time of the robbery...
I knew he was using again,
so I called a friend from the program.
And she said that I could
house-sit her apartment for a month.
So I told Gary
that I was leaving the next day.
And then the asshole
robbed the liquor store.
And he said, "now you're caught, bitch.
You're in this with me."
Clearly, my client was
an unwilling accomplice.
Thank you, Miriam, for the translation.
She always sounds believable
no matter what she says.
If your client could tell us
where Gary is,
it would help us
take her version of events
more seriously.
Gary has one of those
disposable cellphones.
Does that help?
If you know the phone number
and if Gary is still using it.
Tao: So, if we trust
what we're hearing from Buddha,
then Dennis Price, A.K.A. Klip,
forced Buddha to chop the car
from the Reese murders.
Daniel could have been
running things from jail.
An Tamika knew where the gun was
and Dennis said that
he would deal with it.
Maybe he found the gun before we could
and, at the right moment,
in the middle of the trial,
he shot Rachel Gray and Eric Dunn.
Well, that makes for
a credible theory of the crime.
The thing we're missing is
direct evidence.
Which we could get from Jon Barnes.
If we could prove that he
murdered those three teenagers,
we could deal him down
from the death penalty
in exchange for him telling us
who Tamika Weaver was blackmailing.
If Barnes is even still alive.
I mean, if he knew what Tamika knew,
maybe the prices offed him.
Steph: Captain, if we're right
about Dennis Price
and he moved the dope
out of his brother's church,
he may have moved Barnes somewhere, too.
In fact, if I
rattled Dennis' chain a little,
I bet he'd lead us to Barnes.
"Rattled Dennis' chain" how?
I could call him... and Daniel, too...
And say, "look, if you guys know
where Barnes is, tell us.
Let us pick him up, because we believe
Barnes knows something
about why Tamika was shot,
and we have enough leverage
to get Barnes to roll
on the heroin suppliers
in your neighborhood."
That might be enough
to get Dennis on the move.
We put a tail on him,
and hopefully, he leads us to Barnes.
- Oh, they got a new sign.
- You know this place?
Oh, yeah. Used to be a
hookup spot back in high school.
Wait. You brought girls here?
Oh, as a gentleman, I wouldn't remember.
[Both chuckle]
Ah, there's associate
Pastor Dennis Price.
All right, number one has landed
at the, uh, secret garden motel.
Have backup units roll out
to 12756 Adams near Western Inn.
Hey, guys. Today's not a good day
to be hanging out around here,
all right?
Who the hell are you?
I'm a friend, all right?
Now take my advice.
Go catch a movie or something.
Shots fired. Officers need help.
Secret Garden motel
on Adams and Western.
Don't move.
[Gunshots continue]
Freeze! Police! Drop your weapon!
Jon Barnes! Freeze!
Dennis Price, drop your weapon!
Walk out very slowly with your hands up!
Get on the ground now!
Damn it.
- It was self-defense.
- Oh, yeah.
And who was defending themselves, Klip?
It ain't Klip.
The hell it isn't.
[Police radio chatter]
I heard this idiot took a shot at you.
Everything okay?
As long as they keep missing.
- How's Coop?
- Annoyed.
I have to wait for F.I.D.
And they won't be here for an hour.
Well, at least we finally got something
- on that son of a bitch.
- Don't be so sure.
Dennis claims self-defense.
Oh, big surprise.
Any way of knowing who initiated
this little disagreement?
The first two shots were really loud,
and Klip was packing a .40.
What about Barnes?
Barnes had a Beretta...
the same kind of gun
used in the triple murder
of those kids yesterday,
so I guess we can Mark that solved.
Yeah, Sykes, firearms Francine
seems to always let you cut in line,
so why don't you take that
Beretta downtown
and, uh, see if it matches up?
Oh, god. $54 a person.
That's more than I give
my grandkids at Christmas.
And I don't even like
goat cheese on my salad.
Tao: Hey! We found some heroin!
There were 40 bricks of it just
like this taped under the dresser.
I'll take it to narco,
see if it matches the stuff
from Tamika's car.
Julio, do you want to
take that knucklehead downtown?
Buckley: The shooting, which marks
the fifth consecutive day of violence
after the unsolved murder
of Tamika Weaver
and her 3-year-old boy, Jeremiah.
And while these
new murders occurred al...
Hey, Gary was arrested?
Yes. About an hour ago
in a bar in echo park.
So, have a seat.
I wonder if you could explain
why I keep hearing about
what's happening between you
and Gary from somebody else.
I'm... I'm sorry, Mom. I-I just...
I've been... I've been working
really hard to not be a problem,
and... and I-I just...
This is what you always say.
Now, what do you think
would be worse for me...
Getting rid of the person
who is threatening you
or finding out too late that you...
I-I can't even say the words.
H-hold on a second, though,
because... because everything I know
about what Gary said he'd do to me,
I heard from the other Sharon, okay?
And who knows if
she's ever telling the truth?
I just... I-I didn't want to...
I didn't want to upset you
if she's just using this... this
story to... to save herself,
which she's 100% capable of doing.
And I should have told you.
I know. You're right.
This is the end of
every argument we ever have.
I won't do it again, I promise.
You heard the other Sharon.
Does she sound for real to you?
She does, but you are right.
It is very hard to know when
your mother's telling the truth.
I guess we'll find out soon enough.
It only took an hour and a half
for narco analysis on
the heroin from the motel room.
An exact match to the heroin
Jon Barnes was arrested with
two months ago.
I spoke with the Officer that
made that arrest, incidentally.
Want to guess
who Barnes had as a lawyer?
- Peter Goldman.
- The one and only.
Goldman also showed up
for six other dealers.
Steph, if you could, find out
who called Goldman on those occasions.
Tao: Here's a problem, though.
The dope from the motel
was cut with baby laxative,
not cornstarch.
So it's not a match with the
heroin found in Tamika's car.
Hold on. Now we're talking about
two kinds of heroin?
Tamika's doesn't
link back to the church?
Provenza: Uh, all right.
Let's not get sidetracked by
all these irrelevant details
about who got high on what.
We have a shootout, so let's
arrest Dennis, A.K.A. Klip,
for the attempted murder of Jon Barnes,
let Hobbs and Goldman deal the guy
into confessing to
all the rest of these murders.
Sorry. Legally, you're looking
at a mutual combat situation.
But Sykes said that it sounded
like Dennis shot first.
Doesn't mean he drew first, Lieutenant.
Goldman will insist
Dennis was defending himself
against Barnes,
- and I can't prove otherwise.
- Maybe there's another angle.
Yeah, more angles... just what we need.
This one asks us to believe
someone we know to have been
untrustworthy in the past,
but it's worth a shot.
Julio, if you would inform
Reverend Price that we've had
a break in the case
that requires his attention.
Yes, ma'am.
Goldman will be here immediately.
I'm counting on it.
In the meantime, no mention
of Buddha's statement of facts.
Then what will we be holding Klip on?
The heroin was in the hotel room
when he got there.
Your client is a drug dealer
and now, a murderer.
He is a soldier
in a faith-based community
that's fighting for its life.
A soldier? That explains
the Uzi we found in his church
linked to at least five murders.
Reese, D.D.A. Gray, Eric Dunn,
Tamika Weaver,
and her son, Jeremiah Barnes.
Is this the same gun you tried to
pin on his brother three days ago?
You've been sitting on that gun
for years, haven't you, Klip?
- I have not.
- Don't talk.
- Already told you it ain't Klip.
- Don't talk.
Was it Tamika who told you
where the Uzi was
that night you chopped the car
your brother and Emile drove
away from the flower shop?
Did you use that gun to kill her?
Why would I shoot that innocent girl?
I said not to talk.
Now, you can sit here forever
trying to spin straw into overtime,
but my client had a religious conversion
that altered his life.
Look, I get it.
- [Cellphone vibrates]
-It must be very frustrating
-to have mishandled a case this badly.
- Hello?
It is at times like these cops
start forcing investigation...
Captain, that was Julio.
He's on his way up with Reverend Price.
... but my client...
- Mike, do you have the...
- Yes.
Julio has the rest, including
the, uh, charges for the motel.
Lieutenant, would you care to join me?
... wanted by the police.
Flynn: He went there with a gun.
He shot first.
As I understand it, you arrested
my client for protecting himself
from a man you told me yesterday
had shot and killed
three innocent teenagers.
Now, my client's supposed to approach
a man like that unarmed?
Well, he could have called the police.
Reverend Price.
- Thank you for coming.
- Peace and out, Captain.
That's all you're getting from me
until I hear back from my lawyer.
He doesn't know, ma'am.
Know what?
Uh, well, we'll get to that.
Why don't you join us in
the conference room over here?
Uh, you're lawyer will
be with us in a minute.
You called Peter, too?
We didn't need to, Reverend.
Goldman: The way I see it, at worst,
you've got Dennis on
a misdemeanor weapons charge
for firing his gun within city limits.
And for that...
I will gladly go downstairs
and pay the $100 fine myself
to end this discussion.
You will not question my client
while I'm gone.
Dennis, stay calm.
Sure thing.
I'll be back shortly.
What is this? Wha...
You guys wipe your feet
on the constitution
every chance you get.
No, we were only waiting on...
I'm, frankly, disappointed
in you, Captain.
We only now just sat down.
You know better than to question
him without his lawyer present.
We haven't asked him any questions.
We were just going to give him a...
courtesy briefing on our progress.
Because you're so famous
for your courtesy, Lieutenant?
No, it's a trick, and we're leaving.
- Daniel, let's go.
- I am so sorry, Reverend.
I had hoped to be able to explain to you
why we arrested your brother today,
but you can hear about it
on the news later.
- What are you talking about?
- It's ridiculous.
I'll tell you outside. Let's go.
Your brother was in a shootout
with one of your parishioners,
Mr. Jon Barnes,
who you bailed out of jail.
What? Peter? You know about this?
Oh, Reverend, that is why
Mr. Goldman is here.
Dennis called me.
He was worried that you would be angry.
But it was all a trick to distract me
so they could take advantage
of you like this.
Please, come with me.
And make sure that Mr. Goldman
doesn't forget the details
of how your brother has been
running heroin through your church.
Shame on, Detective.
My brother's been
on the straight for years
- thanks to the blood of Christ.
- No, thanks to Mr. Goldman,
who's managed to keep you in the dark.
We found this heroin
in the same motel room
where your brother stashed Jon Barnes.
We just traced back the credit card
paying for the room to Dennis Price.
And he has several other
motel rooms he started using
right before we searched your church.
They're playing a game with you.
I want to listen, Peter. Let him finish.
- What else?
- Are you really not aware
that Mr. Goldman is
working for your brother?
Of course he's working for my brother.
Peter works for our church,
our community.
- And my brother obviously...
- Seven arrests
in your neighborhood
in the last six months,
all of them dealers supposedly
working for your brother
and all of them represented
by Peter Goldman.
Daniel, I promise,
I can explain
everything they're lying about.
Then, Peter, please tell
the Reverend that 40 minutes
after Jon Barnes was arrested
for dealing heroin,
your brother, Dennis,
called your cellphone.
Sanchez: And you showed up
for Jon Barnes
and you represented him
at his arraignment.
That's your proof that
I'm involved in the drug trade?
- Really?
- No, not by itself. No.
But we went back and cross-checked
the other six arrests we mentioned,
and, as you can see, your
brother called Mr. Goldman here
within the hour of each booking.
There's your proof, Peter.
Is this true?
These people will say anything...
Was my brother calling you
to defend the very people
leeching off our community?!
Daniel, if you'll just
follow me outside,
I can explain everything.
Your steps are not the ones I follow!
Is Dennis...
Are you being paid by my brother?
There's your answer, Reverend.
You and I are finished, Peter,
And for what you've done,
may god forgive you.
What I did, Daniel,
was to protect your work.
I'll go.
But I urge you to stay silent.
These people mean to
do you and your community harm.
And without me beside you,
they may well succeed.
Mr. Price, we have more evidence
about your brother's drug
business than Peter knows.
Provenza: That is a statement of facts
from Mr. Greg Mann, A.K.A. Buddha.
Now, Mr. Buddha is going into
the witness protection program.
In exchange, he will explain
how your brother used your
church for drug trafficking.
I don't trust Peter...
But I don't trust you, either.
How can I be sure all of this is true?
There's only one way, Reverend.
What would that be?
We need you to have
a heart-to-heart conversation
with your brother.
In the middle of what
community leaders called
a heated racially charged
gang war, the L.A.P.D. remains
tight-lipped about their progress.
Even though crime suppression units
can be found throughout the
Adams-Normandie neighborhood,
residents say they still...
Mr. Sanchez?
Dr. Foster's ready for you.
... extremely windy and cold,
unseasonably so.
It appears as if the, uh, weather system
is gonna be moving through the area
throughout the next several days.
It's something that we'll be...
[Door opens]
Mr. Sanchez.
It's been a long time.
Over 15 years, yeah.
Your office hasn't changed much, sir.
No. Well, I have a laptop now
and my new patients are fully digitized.
But I have your wife's records here.
What would you like to know?
I'm here to ask a-about...
About how she died, sir.
Mr. Sanchez, your wife passed away
from concussive injuries
sustained in a car accident.
During a seizure,
a seizure that happened
because you took her off her meds.
Why did you do that?
Why did you take Maria
off her medication?
The short answer is I didn't.
In fact, because the dose was so mild,
I suggested Maria keep on it
for another year.
No. No, no. No, wait. Wait.
Maria said you told her
she could go off her meds.
No. I didn't.
In fact, I had Maria sign a form
stating that by discontinuing Dilantin,
she was acting against
the advice of a doctor
and understood
the potential consequences.
And I also urged Maria
to discuss her decision with her family.
She never...
Talked to me about this.
Never would I have agreed
to this in a million years.
Are you sure
it would have made a difference?
From what I recall,
when your wife
felt strongly about something,
she did not shy away from confrontation.
No. No.
She mostly got her way.
She didn't ever just out-and-out
lie to me, sir.
Maybe Maria found a way
to phrase her decision
so it sounded less drastic than it was.
Flynn: We should be able to
hear something very soon.
The wire's active.
Patrollers are driving
Dennis Price to the church
and his brother is waiting
for him in his office.
Confession imminent.
I don't know about that.
Why so pessimistic?
The gunfight at the motel yesterday
just doesn't fit the profile
of our killer,
and Mark Hickman was following
Rachel Gray 12 years ago.
Checking out her security.
Oh, no. He was lying about that.
But was he also lying in wait?
I am.
For a second to be alone with you.
So, uh, tell me.
Did you get a chance to
reschedule your NFL interview?
No. Not yet.
So, you're passing on the security job?
- Or what?
- Andy, I don't know.
I don't know.
All that travel means that we
will see each other even less.
And rusty is still
so very vulnerable and...
And I spent my entire career
ridding the L.A.P.D. of officers
like Mark Hickman and their influence.
And I'm pretty sure
that Amy is talking with him.
Yeah, yeah. I know how it looks.
But remember, Taylor told you
to leave Hickman out of it.
He never told us to avoid him,
and neither did you, for that matter.
Slicing things pretty thin.
Information was withheld.
Was it?
Or did we just hear some
theories about these murders
without knowing whose they were?
- Hmm?
- Go ahead.
Ask Amy.
She's not gonna lie to your face.
I know that.
Provenza: Why can't I tell
what's going on?
And... and where did
the Reverend Copkiller go?
And why did the button cam
suddenly go so dark?
I think he's kneeling by his desk.
It's a good sign. Maybe praying
for strength to help us.
Well, great. Now all we need
is for Dennis to say to his brother,
"I found the Uzi, murdered Emile,
Tamika, her son, Rachel Gray,
her body guard, JFK... "
And then we're done.
I'd be satisfied if Dennis confirms
what Buddha told us
about drug trafficking.
Well, we'll find out soon enough.
Guys, where's Dennis Price?
Tao: Just arrived.
Heading straight to the sanctuary.
Sykes: Doesn't look happy.
Get ready everyone.
We may have to move in.
Damn it, Daniel.
What the hell do you think
you're doing, huh?
Remember where you are.
And you're the one who needs to explain.
According to the L.A.P.D.,
you're using this church
to distribute heroin?
According to the L.A.P.D.?
Tell me how that Uzi showed up here?
How the dogs caught the scent
of dope in an altar to Christ?
Why you were putting Jon Barnes up
in a motel where they found heroin?
Forget Barnes!
Forget the dope, all right?
All you got to do is recite
the Bible to reporters
and I'll go on cleaning up
the mess you made
when you allowed cops
to search this church.
I have nothing to hide.
Do you?
Heroin. Found underneath
the baby's car seat.
Sykes: 3-year-old boy
went to the hospital... D.O.A.
Look, this is cannot be true!
Stop lying to me!
Sir, we would not lie to you
about the death of your child!
Sykes: Our victims were shot
with the same gun
that killed Officer Reese
and D.D.A. Gray?
We found the murder weapon
in the altar of your church.
Every now and then I find
something to celebrate.
Like finally having a chance
to leave the Uzi where we'd find it?
Taylor: Hickman perjured himself
on the stand.
He lost us the murder case
of an L.A. cop.
Rusty: How stupid could he be?
Putting his mask on after
he started the robbery.
Cooper: Classic signs of a struggle.
And my Mom's gone.
Stop, L.A.P.D.!
- Gary!
- Gary, stop!
Hey, hey, hey!
Make a deal where you give up Gary.
He will kill you. Do you understand?
I know the guy Emile's living with.
Runs a chop shop.
Buddha, I presume.
And do you have any idea
where his heroin might have come from?
No, I don't know anything
about any heroin.
- Drop your gun!
- No.
Not now. He's confessing.
Mark Hickman, you have the right
to remain silent.
Anything you say can and will
be used against you in a court of law.
Flynn: Are you sick, ill, or injured?
Do you have any suicidal tendencies?
When I think I could have
ended up like you.
Put your arm through the window.
Right arm.
Are you taking any medications?
Pills for high blood pressure.
I'm shocked. Are you an alcoholic?
How many drinks do you have a day?
Not enough.
I'll alert medical to make sure
you don't go through any withdrawals
during your stay with us.
Empty your pockets,
take your laces from your shoes,
remove your belt,
and pass them all through the window.
- [Keys jingle]
- My belt?
I told you I'm not suicidal.
Your word's no good here anymore.
[Coins clatter]
Let's go.
[Knock on door, door buzzes]
He's former L.A.P.D.,
so make sure we put a keep-away on him
when we send him to county.
Put your feet on the steps
marked out on the ground.
Look up.
[Camera shutter clicking]
I'm not talking to her.
Then I'll take you to county.
That what you want?
What about the girl scout?
Detective Sykes is busy.
[Police radio chatter]
Attempted murder? Bullshit.
I just wanted to
have a little man-to-man
with the good Reverend. That's all.
You brought a gun into his church.
I have a permit to carry.
You won't after I write my report.
Doesn't this feel
a little too familiar, Mark?
You sitting across the table from me
trying to justify why you broke the law?
Earlier tonight, I got Reverend
copkiller to confess, okay?
He confessed to shooting Reese.
I recorded the whole damn thing.
You held a gun to his head.
It wasn't a confession.
Not to mention that the guy
cannot be tried again
for Reese's murder.
Well, what about
the murder of Rachel Gray
and the murder of Eric Dunn?
Reverend Copkiller
is absolved of those shootings
because he... he carries a Bible?
The only reason he's free
is because you committed perjury
on the stand.
Listen, Pollyanna,
if you got rid of every cop
on the L.A.P.D.
who committed perjury,
there'd be no one left here
but you and your I.A. Friends.
What makes me the bad guy
is that my partner wouldn't back me up.
- "Lieutenant Michael Tao."
- See? It's my fault.
"Did you also overhear Daniel Price,
A.K.A. Revered copkiller,
confess to the murder of Officer Reese?"
If Mike had just said yes...
Why did you not disclose your affair
with D.D.A. Rachel Gray
after she was murdered?
How does it figure into anything?
Because Rachel Gray
broke up with your sorry ass
right before the trial.
So you were in love with her,
and she left you, and she ended up dead.
You thought of Rachel Gray as the one.
She thought of you as just one more.
And if you did kill Rachel and Eric,
that would explain why the
L.A.P.D. never found the Uzi.
Because the third person
in the car came back for it.
Or Emile knew that you'd found
it and where you'd put it.
And that's the reason you met
him when he came out of prison,
and you told him to
keep his mouth shut or else.
And that explains
the "why now" of it all
for your simple minds, huh?
Shaky Emile returns to the world
and makes for
a great alternative suspect.
And I shoot this Tamika girl
and her baby
because, I don't know,
I'm just that depraved.
Hoping that it will look like
Emile's revenge,
I plant the gun in
Reverend Copkiller's church.
And this phone.
You planted it, too.
And that's important why?
Because someone used it
to call both Tamika and Emile
right before they were murdered.
A-and did you find
my fingerprints on it?
Of course not. It was wiped.
Like the Uzi and the syringe
we found next Emile's body.
And also like them,
this phone had residue of
cornstarch all over it.
And... and where did I plant this phone?
Peter Goldman's car.
Right, Reverend Copkiller's lawyer.
Obviously, Daniel Price left
this phone in Goldman's car.
Price must cut his dope with cornstarch.
It's probably all over
his so-called church.
Check the soles of your shoes.
- You'll see.
- Odd, though.
Once again, we find evidence
linking Price to a murder,
then, by complete coincidence,
you are just a few feet away.
Was I trying to frame the guy
today or kill him?
I-I think you should
make a choice there.
Look, I-I know this might
hurt your tiny heads,
but try thinking for a minute.
If I had located the Uzi years ago,
Daniel Price would have never
gotten away with murder.
He has a point.
The gun would have
corroborated Emile's statement
and the case would have been made.
And one more thing... Rachel...
Rachel left me
because I couldn't find the gun.
Thought I'd let her down.
Thought I'd failed her.
And I...
... I would have never killed her,
because I know she would have
come back to me...
if she had lived.
I know she would have.
I... I know it.
Write down where you were
when D.D.A. Rachel Gray
and Eric Dunn were shot to death
and where you were when Tamika Weaver
and her young son were shot to death
and where you were when Emile overdosed.
And we'll run it down.
This isn't getting us anywhere.
Steph: Shame we had to release
Peter Goldman.
He knows something about
the Reverend's drug trade.
Jon Barnes come home yet?
I'm thinking his house is blown.
He's got to know we're watching it.
Hey, uh, so what you said
the other night about...
Holding people accountable...
- Yeah?
- Yeah, so, uh...
I made an appointment with that doctor.
You know, the one who told my wife
that it was okay
to drop her seizure meds.
Gonna see him the day
after tomorrow in the morning.
Wow, Julio, that...
You think you can do that
without shooting him?
That's the number-one reason
why I waited so long
before talking to him.
[Chuckles] Want to discuss
some of the dumb things
he might say to you first?
I'm about to wrap this up
'cause I have nothing to do.
Uh, I'm a little busy right now, Steph.
What about dinner tomorrow
if we get a break?
Oh, yeah. Dinner sounds great. Sure.
Yeah, I-I'll be over there
in the morning.
We can figure that out.
Okay, then we'll see you then.
Thank you.
Jon Barnes show his face anywhere?
No, sir.
But found a card on some flowers
sent to Tamika's funeral.
Little weird.
"To my Pretty Boy, R.I.P.,
love always... easy."
Easy... Emile's nickname.
Emile? [Chuckles]
Well, it certainly is odd
for a dead man to send flowers
to a funeral.
So, obviously, Emile ordered
those flowers before he died.
Maybe that's why
he asked Buddha for money.
And the flowers were sent to
"my Pretty Boy."
How does that track?
Could Jeremiah have been Emile's son?
No. No, ma'am. Too young.
Pretty Boy was one of the
nicknames we were looking into
as a possible third man
in the car during the Reese murders.
So, gang nicknames are often ironic.
A guy called "tiny" could be 6'6".
A high-strung, sensitive kid
like Emile is "easy."
Tamika Weaver was a cute girl.
So they called her "Pretty Boy."
So the third guy in the car
was not a guy at all.
It was Tamika Weaver.
[Marker cap clicks]
Okay, Lieutenant. So, I think I get it.
If Tamika Weaver was Pretty Boy,
and Pretty Boy was
the third person in the car...
Ye gods. Each one of
these people has 30 names.
Daniel Price is Trigger
is Reverend Copkiller.
- Dennis Price is...
- Klip.
... Klip.
Uh... uh... Tamika is...
- Pretty Boy.
- ... Pretty Boy.
And, uh, ah... Buddha.
Well, he has a different name
And not one, but two hickmans.
Louie, those had better be names
on your guest list.
Well, no. They're murder suspects.
But, Patrice, w-what are you doing here?
I know that you're at work,
but I am not planning
this wedding anymore by myself.
Well, of course you aren't.
I-I'm helping. I-I'm going to, uh...
Louie, I said, "let's elope."
I said, "don't spend lots of money."
I said, "I am not doing all the work."
No, Buzz. You stay. I'm leaving.
You missed the caterer,
so I can't settle the menu.
Invitations still not ready,
despite what you promised me.
And the guest list... not filled out.
[Sighs] Louie, honey, look.
We have our license.
Baby, we can just go across the street
tomorrow during lunch and...
I am not getting married
during my lunch hour.
Now, look. The second this case is over,
I will take care of everything,
and I will make it so beautiful,
like you.
Fill out all of this stuff
and get it back to me tomorrow,
or we do things my way.
Oh, uh, hi, Patrice.
Lieutenant, if you have a minute, um...
He needs to talk to you.
You just hold on. I was...
Louie, tomorrow.
- Bye, Buzz.
- Bye.
- Bye, boys.
- Bye.
- Excuse me.
- Bye, Patrice.
I'm sorry. I didn't mean to...
- I didn't mean to interrupt you.
- It's fine.
You probably just ruined
my whole wedding, but so what?
How can I help you?
- Um...
- How?
I... I talked to m-my other mother
at county last night.
Sharon Beck won't help you guys
because her freaky boyfriend, Gary,
said if she did, he'd kill rusty.
- What?
- O-okay. Okay.
But Gary would never follow
through on a threat like that.
Now we're gonna get this
straightened out right now.
Buzz, I want Sharon Beck brought
over from county immediately.
Thank you, Gus. Thank you.
Tao: She might have been
Emile's girlfriend,
but Tamika was in high school, just 15.
Found a yearbook picture of her.
I can see why
they called her Pretty Boy.
Oh, 15?
Flynn: Hmm. Underage.
Another reason why 20-year-old Emile
might have wanted to
keep her out of this.
If Tamika was
the third person in the car,
maybe she was also there
when they dumped off the gun.
Let's say she was.
Now, jump ahead
to when Reverend Copkiller
paid $10,000 bond
to get Jon Barnes out of jail.
That is the value of the cash
and the heroin we found in Tamika's car.
Tamika knew who ended up with the Uzi
- and was blackmailing them?
- And got killed in the process.
Yes, that could be a version
of how we ended up here.
Of the three people in the car
when Reese was murdered,
Reverend Copkiller
is the only one left alive.
But he has an air-tight alibi
for Tamika and Emile's murders.
And he eventually
bailed Jon Barnes out of jail
on his own.
Yeah, 'cause he's a merciful Christian?
But Tamika was at the church
for taco Monday
not long before she died.
And Reverend Copkiller was there, too.
One other thing.
The car that was used
in the Reese murder.
- It was never found.
- Was never found.
Uh, it's in the murder book.
Yes, it is.
Who do we know that takes cars apart
and is connected to the drug trade?
You got me confused with someone else.
Client's a mechanic.
He fixes cars for a church.
He certainly doesn't steal them.
What about all those
transmissions he was replacing?
And all those catalytic converters...
Where did they come from, huh?
- All reclaimed from junkyards.
- Wrong.
They're kind of new.
Those parts look like
they might have been liberated
from other vehicles.
Sanchez: Look, Buddha,
let the district attorney
put your situation into context.
You're about to go from working on cars
to making license plates,
unless you cooperate right now.
Define cooperation.
I'm interested in a crime
that happened 12 years ago
after Officer Reese's murder.
Your client tells me
what he knows about that...
Come on. That's like blackmail.
No, it's like a lifeline.
You're suggesting complete immunity
from any and all prosecution,
both past and present action?
Oh, no.
If he committed no murders, yes.
Buddha, tell us
what you did with the car
from the Reese murders, or
we're gonna deal out your crew,
try you on the theft
of those auto parts,
and make you spend every penny you have
defending yourself in court.
Did Emile ever talk to you much
about prison?
You think it's a place you'd
like to try out for yourself?
[Whispers indistinctly]
Here we go.
Okay, then. Yeah, fine.
But you got to protect me, all right?
I'm gonna need some serious
protection from people, man.
What people?
Start at the beginning.
Okay, uh... Daniel.
We called him Trigger back then.
He was moving lots of dope,
but also using,
and it made him do wild things,
like what went down
with that cop, Reese.
And when Daniel got arrested,
he wanted evidence to disappear.
So his brother, Dennis...
we called him Klip.
He, uh... he brought a car
over to my shop.
And, uh...
Emile was there, too.
Was Emile alone?
No. Uh, he was with his girl.
Tamika Weaver?
- Now we're getting somewhere.
- Now, don't jinx it.
She was in the car with him the
night of the shooting, right?
Guess it doesn't matter now.
Yeah, that's... that's right.
Tamika was with him,
and she was concerned
about getting arrested.
Daniel was already in jail and
the cops were looking for Emile.
And he and Tamika were arguing.
About what?
Your head ain't right.
I threw it after
we crossed the overpass.
E, we wasn't even on the freeway.
How do you know where I threw it, huh?
E. Huh? You don't.
That's right, 'cause you crying
in the backseat.
Come on, E.
You was tripping, doing hits.
This is why you all turned around now.
What's your Pretty Boy
talking about, huh?
Easy over here don't remember
where he ditched the gun.
Don't listen to her, dawg. You don't
know what you're talking about.
I do. I do know.
Bitch, shut your mouth, all right?
We get to that gun in our own time.
But first, we got business, Buddha.
Yeah, but listen, Klip. Um, I don't...
My brother needs you to
make this ride disappear.
Easy said you the dude
to make that happen.
Look, this is the murder of a cop.
I don't mean no disrespect...
Maybe I'm not explaining myself right.
See, I ain't asking.
Now, you do this and we're gonna
work together again.
You don't, what you think
gonna happen, dawg?
We been friends ever since.
See, once I started
working for Dennis Price,
I couldn't just quit.
Sanchez: You know anyone else
working for Dennis Price?
Like Jon Barnes?
If we're getting into
accusations of drug trafficking,
we would want dual immunity
from all federal charges.
You have your story.
What about the gun?
Did Dennis ever go looking for it?
Don't know. I never asked.
But Tamika saw where they put the Uzi.
If she told Jon Barnes
that story...
Hey, and maybe keep
Daniel Price out of this, man.
Barnes could know
the name of our killer.
You don't really think...
[Cellphone vibrates]
... him preaching the gospel
is an act, right?
Captain raydor.
Yes, thank you.
She's here.
[Door closes]
Sharon, Miriam, do you both
know why we asked you here?
It's because rusty told you
about the threats that Gary made.
- That is correct.
- Threats?
- What's that about?
- Gary, it's her boyfriend.
This woman caused so much damage...
and continues to.
I talked to my client, and she
will give you information
that will aid in the capture
and conviction of Gary Lewis.
But only if you are guaranteeing...
Sharon, please do not tell me
that you are using your son's safety
to make a deal
for charges of armed robbery.
No, I just want a guarantee
that you can arrest Gary
and that you'll try him
and that he can't
get a deal of any kind.
It would be his third conviction.
And so he'd go away for life.
May I continue, Lieutenant?
Please, Miriam. Please.
We also ask that my client's
statement remain anonymous
until you have Mr. Lewis in custody.
Confidentiality is one of
my greatest strengths.
Now, tell me about the robbery.
Well, I didn't know
what was about to happen.
Gary just told me that
he needed to buy cigarettes.
Ah. So he goes into
the liquor store, you wait.
And then he comes out
and gets in the car
and started screaming at me to drive.
Now, I never should have moved
back with him to begin with,
but he swore that he was clean and...
Yeah, but by the time of the robbery...
I knew he was using again,
so I called a friend from the program.
And she said that I could
house-sit her apartment for a month.
So I told Gary
that I was leaving the next day.
And then the asshole
robbed the liquor store.
And he said, "now you're caught, bitch.
You're in this with me."
Clearly, my client was
an unwilling accomplice.
Thank you, Miriam, for the translation.
She always sounds believable
no matter what she says.
If your client could tell us
where Gary is,
it would help us
take her version of events
more seriously.
Gary has one of those
disposable cellphones.
Does that help?
If you know the phone number
and if Gary is still using it.
Tao: So, if we trust
what we're hearing from Buddha,
then Dennis Price, A.K.A. Klip,
forced Buddha to chop the car
from the Reese murders.
Daniel could have been
running things from jail.
An Tamika knew where the gun was
and Dennis said that
he would deal with it.
Maybe he found the gun before we could
and, at the right moment,
in the middle of the trial,
he shot Rachel Gray and Eric Dunn.
Well, that makes for
a credible theory of the crime.
The thing we're missing is
direct evidence.
Which we could get from Jon Barnes.
If we could prove that he
murdered those three teenagers,
we could deal him down
from the death penalty
in exchange for him telling us
who Tamika Weaver was blackmailing.
If Barnes is even still alive.
I mean, if he knew what Tamika knew,
maybe the prices offed him.
Steph: Captain, if we're right
about Dennis Price
and he moved the dope
out of his brother's church,
he may have moved Barnes somewhere, too.
In fact, if I
rattled Dennis' chain a little,
I bet he'd lead us to Barnes.
"Rattled Dennis' chain" how?
I could call him... and Daniel, too...
And say, "look, if you guys know
where Barnes is, tell us.
Let us pick him up, because we believe
Barnes knows something
about why Tamika was shot,
and we have enough leverage
to get Barnes to roll
on the heroin suppliers
in your neighborhood."
That might be enough
to get Dennis on the move.
We put a tail on him,
and hopefully, he leads us to Barnes.
- Oh, they got a new sign.
- You know this place?
Oh, yeah. Used to be a
hookup spot back in high school.
Wait. You brought girls here?
Oh, as a gentleman, I wouldn't remember.
[Both chuckle]
Ah, there's associate
Pastor Dennis Price.
All right, number one has landed
at the, uh, secret garden motel.
Have backup units roll out
to 12756 Adams near Western Inn.
Hey, guys. Today's not a good day
to be hanging out around here,
all right?
Who the hell are you?
I'm a friend, all right?
Now take my advice.
Go catch a movie or something.
Shots fired. Officers need help.
Secret Garden motel
on Adams and Western.
Don't move.
[Gunshots continue]
Freeze! Police! Drop your weapon!
Jon Barnes! Freeze!
Dennis Price, drop your weapon!
Walk out very slowly with your hands up!
Get on the ground now!
Damn it.
- It was self-defense.
- Oh, yeah.
And who was defending themselves, Klip?
It ain't Klip.
The hell it isn't.
[Police radio chatter]
I heard this idiot took a shot at you.
Everything okay?
As long as they keep missing.
- How's Coop?
- Annoyed.
I have to wait for F.I.D.
And they won't be here for an hour.
Well, at least we finally got something
- on that son of a bitch.
- Don't be so sure.
Dennis claims self-defense.
Oh, big surprise.
Any way of knowing who initiated
this little disagreement?
The first two shots were really loud,
and Klip was packing a .40.
What about Barnes?
Barnes had a Beretta...
the same kind of gun
used in the triple murder
of those kids yesterday,
so I guess we can Mark that solved.
Yeah, Sykes, firearms Francine
seems to always let you cut in line,
so why don't you take that
Beretta downtown
and, uh, see if it matches up?
Oh, god. $54 a person.
That's more than I give
my grandkids at Christmas.
And I don't even like
goat cheese on my salad.
Tao: Hey! We found some heroin!
There were 40 bricks of it just
like this taped under the dresser.
I'll take it to narco,
see if it matches the stuff
from Tamika's car.
Julio, do you want to
take that knucklehead downtown?
Buckley: The shooting, which marks
the fifth consecutive day of violence
after the unsolved murder
of Tamika Weaver
and her 3-year-old boy, Jeremiah.
And while these
new murders occurred al...
Hey, Gary was arrested?
Yes. About an hour ago
in a bar in echo park.
So, have a seat.
I wonder if you could explain
why I keep hearing about
what's happening between you
and Gary from somebody else.
I'm... I'm sorry, Mom. I-I just...
I've been... I've been working
really hard to not be a problem,
and... and I-I just...
This is what you always say.
Now, what do you think
would be worse for me...
Getting rid of the person
who is threatening you
or finding out too late that you...
I-I can't even say the words.
H-hold on a second, though,
because... because everything I know
about what Gary said he'd do to me,
I heard from the other Sharon, okay?
And who knows if
she's ever telling the truth?
I just... I-I didn't want to...
I didn't want to upset you
if she's just using this... this
story to... to save herself,
which she's 100% capable of doing.
And I should have told you.
I know. You're right.
This is the end of
every argument we ever have.
I won't do it again, I promise.
You heard the other Sharon.
Does she sound for real to you?
She does, but you are right.
It is very hard to know when
your mother's telling the truth.
I guess we'll find out soon enough.
It only took an hour and a half
for narco analysis on
the heroin from the motel room.
An exact match to the heroin
Jon Barnes was arrested with
two months ago.
I spoke with the Officer that
made that arrest, incidentally.
Want to guess
who Barnes had as a lawyer?
- Peter Goldman.
- The one and only.
Goldman also showed up
for six other dealers.
Steph, if you could, find out
who called Goldman on those occasions.
Tao: Here's a problem, though.
The dope from the motel
was cut with baby laxative,
not cornstarch.
So it's not a match with the
heroin found in Tamika's car.
Hold on. Now we're talking about
two kinds of heroin?
Tamika's doesn't
link back to the church?
Provenza: Uh, all right.
Let's not get sidetracked by
all these irrelevant details
about who got high on what.
We have a shootout, so let's
arrest Dennis, A.K.A. Klip,
for the attempted murder of Jon Barnes,
let Hobbs and Goldman deal the guy
into confessing to
all the rest of these murders.
Sorry. Legally, you're looking
at a mutual combat situation.
But Sykes said that it sounded
like Dennis shot first.
Doesn't mean he drew first, Lieutenant.
Goldman will insist
Dennis was defending himself
against Barnes,
- and I can't prove otherwise.
- Maybe there's another angle.
Yeah, more angles... just what we need.
This one asks us to believe
someone we know to have been
untrustworthy in the past,
but it's worth a shot.
Julio, if you would inform
Reverend Price that we've had
a break in the case
that requires his attention.
Yes, ma'am.
Goldman will be here immediately.
I'm counting on it.
In the meantime, no mention
of Buddha's statement of facts.
Then what will we be holding Klip on?
The heroin was in the hotel room
when he got there.
Your client is a drug dealer
and now, a murderer.
He is a soldier
in a faith-based community
that's fighting for its life.
A soldier? That explains
the Uzi we found in his church
linked to at least five murders.
Reese, D.D.A. Gray, Eric Dunn,
Tamika Weaver,
and her son, Jeremiah Barnes.
Is this the same gun you tried to
pin on his brother three days ago?
You've been sitting on that gun
for years, haven't you, Klip?
- I have not.
- Don't talk.
- Already told you it ain't Klip.
- Don't talk.
Was it Tamika who told you
where the Uzi was
that night you chopped the car
your brother and Emile drove
away from the flower shop?
Did you use that gun to kill her?
Why would I shoot that innocent girl?
I said not to talk.
Now, you can sit here forever
trying to spin straw into overtime,
but my client had a religious conversion
that altered his life.
Look, I get it.
- [Cellphone vibrates]
-It must be very frustrating
-to have mishandled a case this badly.
- Hello?
It is at times like these cops
start forcing investigation...
Captain, that was Julio.
He's on his way up with Reverend Price.
... but my client...
- Mike, do you have the...
- Yes.
Julio has the rest, including
the, uh, charges for the motel.
Lieutenant, would you care to join me?
... wanted by the police.
Flynn: He went there with a gun.
He shot first.
As I understand it, you arrested
my client for protecting himself
from a man you told me yesterday
had shot and killed
three innocent teenagers.
Now, my client's supposed to approach
a man like that unarmed?
Well, he could have called the police.
Reverend Price.
- Thank you for coming.
- Peace and out, Captain.
That's all you're getting from me
until I hear back from my lawyer.
He doesn't know, ma'am.
Know what?
Uh, well, we'll get to that.
Why don't you join us in
the conference room over here?
Uh, you're lawyer will
be with us in a minute.
You called Peter, too?
We didn't need to, Reverend.
Goldman: The way I see it, at worst,
you've got Dennis on
a misdemeanor weapons charge
for firing his gun within city limits.
And for that...
I will gladly go downstairs
and pay the $100 fine myself
to end this discussion.
You will not question my client
while I'm gone.
Dennis, stay calm.
Sure thing.
I'll be back shortly.
What is this? Wha...
You guys wipe your feet
on the constitution
every chance you get.
No, we were only waiting on...
I'm, frankly, disappointed
in you, Captain.
We only now just sat down.
You know better than to question
him without his lawyer present.
We haven't asked him any questions.
We were just going to give him a...
courtesy briefing on our progress.
Because you're so famous
for your courtesy, Lieutenant?
No, it's a trick, and we're leaving.
- Daniel, let's go.
- I am so sorry, Reverend.
I had hoped to be able to explain to you
why we arrested your brother today,
but you can hear about it
on the news later.
- What are you talking about?
- It's ridiculous.
I'll tell you outside. Let's go.
Your brother was in a shootout
with one of your parishioners,
Mr. Jon Barnes,
who you bailed out of jail.
What? Peter? You know about this?
Oh, Reverend, that is why
Mr. Goldman is here.
Dennis called me.
He was worried that you would be angry.
But it was all a trick to distract me
so they could take advantage
of you like this.
Please, come with me.
And make sure that Mr. Goldman
doesn't forget the details
of how your brother has been
running heroin through your church.
Shame on, Detective.
My brother's been
on the straight for years
- thanks to the blood of Christ.
- No, thanks to Mr. Goldman,
who's managed to keep you in the dark.
We found this heroin
in the same motel room
where your brother stashed Jon Barnes.
We just traced back the credit card
paying for the room to Dennis Price.
And he has several other
motel rooms he started using
right before we searched your church.
They're playing a game with you.
I want to listen, Peter. Let him finish.
- What else?
- Are you really not aware
that Mr. Goldman is
working for your brother?
Of course he's working for my brother.
Peter works for our church,
our community.
- And my brother obviously...
- Seven arrests
in your neighborhood
in the last six months,
all of them dealers supposedly
working for your brother
and all of them represented
by Peter Goldman.
Daniel, I promise,
I can explain
everything they're lying about.
Then, Peter, please tell
the Reverend that 40 minutes
after Jon Barnes was arrested
for dealing heroin,
your brother, Dennis,
called your cellphone.
Sanchez: And you showed up
for Jon Barnes
and you represented him
at his arraignment.
That's your proof that
I'm involved in the drug trade?
- Really?
- No, not by itself. No.
But we went back and cross-checked
the other six arrests we mentioned,
and, as you can see, your
brother called Mr. Goldman here
within the hour of each booking.
There's your proof, Peter.
Is this true?
These people will say anything...
Was my brother calling you
to defend the very people
leeching off our community?!
Daniel, if you'll just
follow me outside,
I can explain everything.
Your steps are not the ones I follow!
Is Dennis...
Are you being paid by my brother?
There's your answer, Reverend.
You and I are finished, Peter,
And for what you've done,
may god forgive you.
What I did, Daniel,
was to protect your work.
I'll go.
But I urge you to stay silent.
These people mean to
do you and your community harm.
And without me beside you,
they may well succeed.
Mr. Price, we have more evidence
about your brother's drug
business than Peter knows.
Provenza: That is a statement of facts
from Mr. Greg Mann, A.K.A. Buddha.
Now, Mr. Buddha is going into
the witness protection program.
In exchange, he will explain
how your brother used your
church for drug trafficking.
I don't trust Peter...
But I don't trust you, either.
How can I be sure all of this is true?
There's only one way, Reverend.
What would that be?
We need you to have
a heart-to-heart conversation
with your brother.
In the middle of what
community leaders called
a heated racially charged
gang war, the L.A.P.D. remains
tight-lipped about their progress.
Even though crime suppression units
can be found throughout the
Adams-Normandie neighborhood,
residents say they still...
Mr. Sanchez?
Dr. Foster's ready for you.
... extremely windy and cold,
unseasonably so.
It appears as if the, uh, weather system
is gonna be moving through the area
throughout the next several days.
It's something that we'll be...
[Door opens]
Mr. Sanchez.
It's been a long time.
Over 15 years, yeah.
Your office hasn't changed much, sir.
No. Well, I have a laptop now
and my new patients are fully digitized.
But I have your wife's records here.
What would you like to know?
I'm here to ask a-about...
About how she died, sir.
Mr. Sanchez, your wife passed away
from concussive injuries
sustained in a car accident.
During a seizure,
a seizure that happened
because you took her off her meds.
Why did you do that?
Why did you take Maria
off her medication?
The short answer is I didn't.
In fact, because the dose was so mild,
I suggested Maria keep on it
for another year.
No. No, no. No, wait. Wait.
Maria said you told her
she could go off her meds.
No. I didn't.
In fact, I had Maria sign a form
stating that by discontinuing Dilantin,
she was acting against
the advice of a doctor
and understood
the potential consequences.
And I also urged Maria
to discuss her decision with her family.
She never...
Talked to me about this.
Never would I have agreed
to this in a million years.
Are you sure
it would have made a difference?
From what I recall,
when your wife
felt strongly about something,
she did not shy away from confrontation.
No. No.
She mostly got her way.
She didn't ever just out-and-out
lie to me, sir.
Maybe Maria found a way
to phrase her decision
so it sounded less drastic than it was.
Flynn: We should be able to
hear something very soon.
The wire's active.
Patrollers are driving
Dennis Price to the church
and his brother is waiting
for him in his office.
Confession imminent.
I don't know about that.
Why so pessimistic?
The gunfight at the motel yesterday
just doesn't fit the profile
of our killer,
and Mark Hickman was following
Rachel Gray 12 years ago.
Checking out her security.
Oh, no. He was lying about that.
But was he also lying in wait?
I am.
For a second to be alone with you.
So, uh, tell me.
Did you get a chance to
reschedule your NFL interview?
No. Not yet.
So, you're passing on the security job?
- Or what?
- Andy, I don't know.
I don't know.
All that travel means that we
will see each other even less.
And rusty is still
so very vulnerable and...
And I spent my entire career
ridding the L.A.P.D. of officers
like Mark Hickman and their influence.
And I'm pretty sure
that Amy is talking with him.
Yeah, yeah. I know how it looks.
But remember, Taylor told you
to leave Hickman out of it.
He never told us to avoid him,
and neither did you, for that matter.
Slicing things pretty thin.
Information was withheld.
Was it?
Or did we just hear some
theories about these murders
without knowing whose they were?
- Hmm?
- Go ahead.
Ask Amy.
She's not gonna lie to your face.
I know that.
Provenza: Why can't I tell
what's going on?
And... and where did
the Reverend Copkiller go?
And why did the button cam
suddenly go so dark?
I think he's kneeling by his desk.
It's a good sign. Maybe praying
for strength to help us.
Well, great. Now all we need
is for Dennis to say to his brother,
"I found the Uzi, murdered Emile,
Tamika, her son, Rachel Gray,
her body guard, JFK... "
And then we're done.
I'd be satisfied if Dennis confirms
what Buddha told us
about drug trafficking.
Well, we'll find out soon enough.
Guys, where's Dennis Price?
Tao: Just arrived.
Heading straight to the sanctuary.
Sykes: Doesn't look happy.
Get ready everyone.
We may have to move in.
Damn it, Daniel.
What the hell do you think
you're doing, huh?
Remember where you are.
And you're the one who needs to explain.
According to the L.A.P.D.,
you're using this church
to distribute heroin?
According to the L.A.P.D.?
Tell me how that Uzi showed up here?
How the dogs caught the scent
of dope in an altar to Christ?
Why you were putting Jon Barnes up
in a motel where they found heroin?
Forget Barnes!
Forget the dope, all right?
All you got to do is recite
the Bible to reporters
and I'll go on cleaning up
the mess you made
when you allowed cops
to search this church.
I have nothing to hide.
Do you?