Magnum P.I. (2018): Season 5, Episode 1 - Episode #5.1 - full transcript
My name
is Thomas Magnum.
When I'm not inspiring books
by best-selling
author Robin Masters,
I'm his live-in
security consultant
and a private
investigator in Hawaii.
My buddies and I moved here
after serving together
in Afghanistan,
where we spent time in a
POW camp before escaping.
Make a hell of a
team. That's Rick.
If you want something on the
island, Rick is the man to see.
Hey, what about me? That's TC.
He runs the best helicopter
tour business on Oahu.
I've also made
some friends here.
Let me see that Kardashian butt.
This is Kumu.
She's the cultural
curator of Robin's estate.
Detective Katsumoto, HPD.
Make that former HPD.
He recently lost his badge
after he broke a
convict out of prison
in order to save his ex-wife.
Ah! Higgins!
And this is Juliet Higgins,
former British
Intelligence, MI6.
She also works for Robin.
You're his major... dodo.
Sure, we got off on
the wrong foot...
Magnum is an
uncultured man-child,
a lazy freeloader,
a terrible driver,
but he is definitely
not a killer.
But she came around.
We work really well together.
Oh, no!
Magnum, are you about to ask
me to become your partner?
After becoming partners,
we got much closer.
You're my best friend. Ditto.
And then things got complicated.
You may have said my name
in your sleep last night.
Fine. I had a dream about you.
A sexy dream.
I may, possibly, have
feelings for Higgins.
I came to tell you that
I have feelings for you.
♪ Outside ♪
♪ My guy is trying to
find a little spare time ♪
♪ Unwind with me a little ♪
♪ I've got red wine ♪
♪ No lie, and since
there's two of us ♪
Living in Hawaii, you find
that each day is
like the one before,
because here, it's always 80
degrees, it's always sunny,
and everywhere you go, you
can feel that Aloha Spirit.
But sometimes, you wake up,
and everything seems different.
Like it's not just gonna
be another day in paradise.
It might even be
something better.
♪ I heard you wanna be
in the driver's seat ♪
Hey, yourself.
♪ feels right ♪
Yeah, I know what
you're thinking.
But trust me, this
isn't a dream.
This is really happening.
Thanks for not waking me.
Well, we didn't get
much sleep last night.
Figured you might
be tired. Yeah.
We also didn't get a
chance to talk... about us.
Well, who's fault is that?
I mean, I tried to talk to you
when we got back from
the hospital, but...
you had other plans.
Are you implying
that I came onto you?
Because that is
not what happened.
That's exactly what happened.
Okay, well, that is...
That is what happened.
Either way, we need to talk.
♪ But it feels right ♪
♪ And just the thought of you ♪
♪ Gives me the taste
I know I'll crave ♪
♪ But it feels right ♪
I mean, it's not just that we'd
be jeopardizing our partnership.
Then what is it?
Well, on paper, we
really don't make sense.
The notion that opposites
attract is a total myth.
Our personalities
are vastly different,
and we disagree on
pretty much everything.
Well, on the plus side,
at least now when
we have an issue,
we can resolve those
differences with make-up sex.
Magnum, focus.
This... you and me... It's...
it's inherently risky.
Yeah, but most things
that are worth it are.
But I'm willing to
give it a chance.
Then so am I.
But, you know, I-I would like
to just set out a
few ground rules.
Okay, here we go.
Well, what does that mean?
It's just so you.
You want to set rules and...
And... and boundaries and...
No, no, no. Just... Just
hear me out, would you?
I'm not sure that
you're aware of this,
but our friends are
actually kind of invested
in the idea of you
and me as a couple.
Oh, I'm aware.
They even have a
text chain about it.
That's kind of juvenile.
But, anyway, look, we need
to give each other time
to figure this out.
We don't need other
people influencing us.
So, you want to
keep it on the DL.
Thomas, you up?
On that note, you better hide.
No, this is my
house. You hide.
It's Robin's house. Really?
We're gonna do this right now?
Come on. Get in the kitchen.
Hey, Kumu. What's up?
Have you seen Juliet?
She's not in the main house.
No, she's probably riding.
Well, that's what I thought,
but her horse is in the stable.
Did you try the wine cellar?
Why would she be in the wine
cellar at 7:30 in the morning?
Oh. She didn't tell you?
No, no, Higgy is on this
whole "rise and wine" kick.
Claims there are health benefits
to drinking in the morning.
Personally, I think she just...
She just wants to
hit the bottle.
Okay. I'll check
the cellar. Yeah.
Oh, a-and you got a
call on the house line
just a few minutes ago.
New client. Okay.
She's on her way.
I will get dressed ASAP.
"Rise and wine"?
I got rid of her, didn't I?
And, besides, I don't
really like the idea
of lying to our friends.
I-I mean, lying to Katsumoto
is okay because I kind of...
You do it all the
time? Precisely.
But Rick and Kumu and
TC, it just feels...
Look, it doesn't make
me feel good, either.
But I think that we
owe it to ourselves
to give this a real
chance of success.
Moreover, if it
doesn't work out,
it's just gonna be
harder if everyone knows.
Yeah, that's a good point.
sneaking around
might be kind of fun,
in a naughty way.
That's an even better point.
So, how you doing, man?
Aside from suddenly being
unemployed, I'm good.
So, what happens now?
I mean, they just can't
take your badge, right?
No, they can.
Unless I decide to fight
it, which I'm not going to.
Wait, why the hell not?
'Cause I knew what I was doing,
and I'm prepared to
accept the consequences.
You sure, Gordie?
You really just wanna
give up that easy?
I've made my peace with it.
Of course now, I have to
figure out my next move.
I never imagined I'd be
45 and starting over,
but here I am.
Yeah, I know what
that feels like.
So do Thomas, Rick, and Higgy.
But you'll figure
it out like we did.
In the meantime, you know
I got your back, right?
I do.
You're also picking
up the check, I hope,
'cause who knows when
I'll have a job again.
Oh, man, you know...
my wallet fell out the chopper.
Mm. Got it.
No, I got you, man.
I've been going back
and forth on this.
I want answers, but I'm also
afraid of what I might learn.
You're definitely not the
first client to feel that way,
but why don't we just start
with what brought you here?
Six nights ago...
my husband, Greg, died
in a car accident.
It was late.
He was driving home from
work and took a turn too fast
and slammed into a divider.
So sorry.
Paramedics said he
was killed instantly.
No one saw anything.
But yesterday, I went
to the mailbox and...
found this.
It's a red light camera ticket.
That photo was taken less than
two minutes before the crash.
But as you can see...
He's clearly not alone.
There's someone in
the passenger seat.
The police said there was
no one else in the vehicle,
so I don't know if she
survived and ran off
or if Greg let her
out before he crashed.
I take it you don't
know who this is?
That's why I'm here.
Greg is... was...
The last person
I'd suspect of having an affair.
He was a good man.
But maybe there was
another side to him.
The resolution on this photo
is too poor for
facial recognition,
but we can definitely
look into it,
if that's what you want.
It is.
I have to know the truth.
For my own peace of mind.
I need answers.
We'll do everything we
can to get you some.
What do
you need, Thomas?
I'll tell you what
I don't need...
an eyeful of ear wax and hair.
What are you talking about?
You're on FaceTime, pal.
Ah. Sorry.
There she is.
Look at that little ball of Joy.
Wait, why... why are you naked?
I'm not naked. We're
bonding here, okay?
This is called Skin to Skin.
My heartbeat calms the
baby, and this way,
she learns my scent.
She is too cute.
Hey, hey, Rick,
listen, I need a favor.
Of course you do.
You know, Thomas, this is
getting really tiresome.
You know what kind of
friendship they call this?
And it's toxic.
a little cranky.
Uh, let's see. I
have a newborn,
I got 20 minutes of
sleep last night,
I got to cover the
bar in an hour,
I forgot to buy a car seat,
and I'm closing on my
new house this week.
Alright, sounds like
you got a full plate.
I'll tell you what,
I'll take one of those
things off your list.
You'll be Joy's dad so
I can get some sleep?
No, I was thinking the car seat.
Oh. That... That
would be helpful.
Thank you. No problem.
Okay, now is where you ask me,
"What was that
favor you needed?"
And I tell you, "Can you
reach out to your guy
at the Department
of Transportation
to pull some traffic
cam footage?"
And I'm also gonna
need you to track down
a BMW X5 that's totaled.
Uh, it's probably
at an impound lot.
I just have no idea
which one, though.
Okay, let me get this straight.
You take one thing off my to-do
list and you add two more.
Come on, Rick. It's
a couple phone calls.
Send over the details.
Thank you.
And, hey, don't cheap
out on that car seat.
Wouldn't dream of it.
Alright, first
stop... Dr. Macy's office.
Looks like the day he died,
Macy placed two calls
to Hadley & Kroy.
That's the island's
top divorce firm.
Yeah. It's not a good sign.
And it gets worse.
Dr. Macy was researching
temporary housing in Kapolei,
and he'd had recently
downloaded a third-party
messaging app that allows
for covert communication.
Blind Message? Mm-hmm.
That's the go-to app
for serial cheaters.
Yeah. Can you
access the account?
Looks like Dr. Macy was
chatting with somebody
who goes by the letter "J."
How bad are the messages?
Well, in the last
one, Dr. Macy
says, "How are you? I'm
thinking about you."
To which J responds,
"I can't talk.
He's home."
Looks like Sara's
fears were justified.
We have to find out
who this J person is.
Sorry. Clinic's closed.
You don't look like doctors.
We're not.
I'm afraid you're gonna
have to go elsewhere, sir.
I've got one of those, too.
Except mine's real.
I told you
one of these days,
those badges were gonna
get us into trouble.
Yeah, and you were right.
Wait, what? Well,
you did warn me.
Are you... Are you just being
placatory because we're now...
You are, aren't you?
Maybe a little
bit. Please don't.
Could you just be yourself?
Okay, let's talk about what
you two are doing here.
Well, Macy's wife hired us
to investigate his death.
Why would she hire a
couple of private eyes?
Investigators. Investigators.
Macy died in a car accident.
There was nothing
suspicious about it,
and yet, here you are,
searching his office.
Well, it was at least
a little suspicious.
He was an impeccable driver,
he had no moving violations.
Was he upset?
Did he get into some
kind of altercation?
His wife just wants answers.
Detective, if I may,
why are you here?
I mean, a car accident is kind
of below your pay grade, no?
I just transferred into
Central this morning,
and I heard a couple
of PIs requested
Macy's accident report,
and I just thought that
was a little... odd.
I figured this might
be your next stop.
You know, they warned me
about you two already.
It seems your
reputations precede you.
Can't tell if that
was an insult.
It wasn't a compliment.
So, will you be charging us?
I haven't decided yet.
He will not be charging us.
Oh, no? No.
I'm guessing you're
Yeah, you got to do
all this paperwork,
a full day in court for,
what, a misdemeanor.
That's not gonna happen.
Hmm. Your boyfriend
brings up a good point.
We're not... No, no.
We're not involved.
No. Hands.
So, this is your first
and only warning.
Get involved in the case again,
you'll see the inside of a cell.
Well, very nice to
meet you, Detective.
That must be
Gordon's replacement.
You lied to him about
Macy's companion.
Well, Sara did ask us to
use discretion, right?
Lieutenant Magnum,
this is Commander Rachel
Lee over at Pearl.
I was hoping you could tell me
how to get in contact
with Captain Buck Greene.
I've been trying, but his
phone is no longer in service.
Uh, Captain Greene?
No, I'm sorry. I can't.
Oh, that's odd. You're
listed in his file
as the emergency contact.
Well, that's news to me.
I haven't spoken to Greene
but maybe once in
the past three years.
Yeah. What is this about?
Well, sir, Captain
Greene hasn't cashed
his pension check in weeks.
His last known address
is a PO box in Haleiwa,
but he hasn't emptied
it in a while,
so I've been trying
to track him down.
I'm sorry. I wish I could help,
but I don't have any info.
Understood. I appreciate
your time, sir.
Good day.
Apparently, Greene
dropped off the grid.
That's odd.
Also odd that
your former C.O.,
who betrayed you and
nearly got you killed,
then lists you as his
emergency contact.
Ooh. What is going on here?
With Joy coming early,
Rick didn't have a chance
to schedule any paternity leave,
so he needed someone to
come in and sling Mai Tais.
Lucky for him, I bartended
my way through grad school
in the '7... '80s. Right.
Oh, look at this.
- You didn't get the budget model.
- Come on.
We're talking about
my goddaughter here.
Only the best for her.
Yeah, yeah, you
spare no expense.
Thank you, Jules.
I know who paid for that.
Well, you know, I covered
the tax, and that's...
That's really
where they get you.
Yes, he did.
Uh, did you track
down the car yet?
Well, what's left of it.
It's at the impound
lot in Waipahu.
Hmm. Okay, great.
And what about the
traffic cam footage?
Sorry. One for two.
Mu guy at the DOT is
off-island and unreachable.
Okay. Um, I can take a
run at their firewall.
Or we can ask them for
a professional courtesy.
Aloha. This is
Detective Childs,
badge number 5652.
I was wondering if I can
pull the traffic cam footage
from Cooke and Green,
uh, from around 10:55 p.m.
to 11:00 p.m. last Thursday.
Uh, no, no, it's fine.
Go ahead and text me a link.
You memorized his badge number.
I didn't think I
would need it so soon.
Okay, this is all the
coverage that we have
between the red light and
near where Dr. Macy crashed.
Hey. You got my message.
Yeah, you sounded worried, TM.
Well, I am.
Yeah, I just want to
make sure Greene's okay,
and we're on a case right
now, so could you help out?
Yeah, I got you.
So, any ideas where to start?
He did mention having a
place near Anahulu River,
but that's all I got.
Alright, I'll head up
there and ask around.
Alright. Thanks, TC.
I think it's nice that you want
to look in on Captain Greene.
Well, somebody has to. I
mean, the guy has no one.
After his son got killed,
the Navy was the only
family he had left,
and when he lost his commission,
he lost everything.
You know what? It's...
It's not just that.
I mean, outside of my dad and
my uncle, there's really no man
that had more of an impact
on my life than Greene.
He's the one who put
the team together.
You know, me and
Rick and Nuzo and TC.
Two Marines, two SEALs.
That was... That was his idea.
I'm sure he's fine.
He probably just wanted to
unplug for a couple of weeks
and took a trip or something.
Yeah, well, I hope you're right.
So, what do we got?
Well, what we don't have
is a view of the
actual crash, but look.
Here is where Dr. Macy
ran the red light.
It was red for at
least a couple seconds
before he blew through it. Mm.
It doesn't look like he
was just being careless.
Oh, look at that.
Yeah, that SUV ran
the red, as well.
Maybe he was chasing Dr. Macy.
Well, we're about to find out.
Hang on.
About two blocks later, he
takes a turn down an alley.
Then he lets her out.
And there's the SUV again.
Okay, unfortunately, that's
where our coverage ends.
But it's clear that that SUV
was in pursuit of Dr. Macy.
Yeah, and 30 seconds
later, he crashes.
I mean, this... this doesn't
look like an ordinary accident.
It might be murder.
The SUV pursuing Dr. Macy
is registered to a dummy
corporation in Panama City.
Oh, not suspicious at all. Yeah.
We need to figure out
who was behind the wheel
and whether they
were after Dr. Macy,
his passenger, or both of them.
Here's another question... At
what point do we loop in HPD?
Well, if we give them
the heads-up now,
our involvement in the
case is basically over.
So I say we wait until
we absolutely can't.
I don't see any evidence that
it was forced off the road
or PIT maneuvered.
Yeah. Let's look inside.
Nothing up here.
Yeah. Same.
Oh, hang on.
Look at that.
What is that?
A fingernail? It's
an acrylic one.
I don't reckon it belongs
to our client, though.
She didn't have her nails done.
Maybe it belongs to
our mystery woman.
Right. I mean, if
she was gripping
the dashboard really hard
when they were being chased,
it could have broken off.
I mean, it's a long shot, but...
it looks like one of
Kimee's. I'm sorry?
There's only a few
people on the island
that do custom nails like this.
Okay, since when did you
become such an expert
in ladies' fingernails?
Did you date a
manicurist or something?
Two, actually, and one of them,
Kimee, she would do
custom work like this.
If it's her work, she
might be able to tell us
who it belonged to.
Two, huh?
That doesn't bother
you, does it?
No, no, no.
I'm well aware that you've had
your fair share of
dalliances over the years.
Isn't it kinda
weird that we know so much
about each other's history?
Kind of.
But, I mean, there isn't
much about this situation
that's normal.
I mean, we're practically
living together already.
We didn't even have
a proper courtship.
You never had to pursue
me or romance me.
Most guys would kill for
that arrangement, by the way.
Well, I'm not most guys.
'Cause you're a romantic. Mm.
Well, you know, I actually
think courtship is overrated.
You do? Yes. I do.
It's two people putting
their best foot forward,
pretending to be something
that they're not.
It's... It's
dishonest. Come on.
That is... That is a
bit cynical, isn't it?
For what it's worth, I think
I might actually have enjoyed
being courted by you.
Well, I agree.
'Cause my courtship
game... Pretty strong.
Of that, I have no doubt.
How's Suzy doing?
Yeah, what she went
through must've been scary.
Speaking of bad things
that happened yesterday,
I heard about you and HPD.
You alright? Hanging in there.
Hm. Here.
Oh, oh, oh.
TC says you're not
gonna fight this.
Do all of you tell
each other everything,
or do you have,
like, a hive mind?
No, we have a text thread.
He was concerned about you.
So am I.
It just doesn't make any sense.
I broke a convicted
felon out of prison,
and I refused to give
up my accomplices.
I'd say the punishment
fits the crime.
Well, what choice did you have?
They took Beth.
You did what you had to do.
Or is there some other reason
why you're not fighting this?
I'm not gonna fight for
something I don't deserve.
Come on. What are
you talking about?
I was gonna shoot an
unarmed man in cold blood.
I came as close as anyone can
to stepping over that line.
Okay. But you didn't.
Only because Magnum
stopped me. Come on.
If you pulled that trigger,
Thomas wasn't gonna turn you in.
You know that.
You stopped yourself, Gordie.
Doesn't feel that way.
Maybe not, but
that's what happened.
Don't punish yourself for
almost making a mistake.
The real mistake would
be for you to roll over
and accept what's happening.
You gotta fight this.
Thomas Magnum.
How's it going, stranger?
Hey, Kimee, how are you?
Well, I'm doing better now.
Look, I'm... I'm gonna send you
a picture of something, okay?
You know, with
some guys, that usually means
a photo of a certain appendage
is about to show
up in my in-box...
pardon the pun.
She's normally not like this.
Oh, I'm sure.
No, seriously, Kimee, I-I-I
need your help, right?
I'm working on a case.
Did you... Did
you get the photo?
Uh, yeah.
It's one of my
nails. Oh, great.
Can you tell me
who it belongs to?
Sure. Uh, Melinda Parker.
She loved this design.
You got a number for her?
Uh, yeah.
I'll text it to you now.
So, in exchange for my help,
maybe you'll buy me a drink?
Well, actually, I'm...
I'm kinda seeing
somebody right now.
Shut up. Is it serious?
Well, it's a little early,
but it... it could be, yes.
Well, good luck, stud.
Hey, and if it doesn't
work out, hit me up.
Okay. Alright. Bye.
Okay, here we are.
Well, it certainly looks
like our mystery woman.
She's married to
a Nathan Parker.
Nathan Parker. I
know that name.
He's a... a big-time developer,
supposedly with ties to
several criminal organizations.
Well, if a man like that thought
that his wife was
having an affair,
it's reasonable to assume that
he would send people after them.
Yeah, but we still don't know
if Macy and Melinda
were involved.
Well, her phone
pinged three times
at Macy's clinic in
the last two months.
What about the night
of the accident?
It was off.
Powered back on in
her house in Kailua,
and it hasn't left since.
So she hasn't left
her house in six days?
No, it would seem not.
She hasn't made any calls
or sent any text messages,
and there are no credit
card charges, either.
Okay, here's what I'm
thinking, alright?
So, Parker sends his
guys after Melinda,
but they don't get to
her until after the crash
and take her home, or...
Or they disappeared
her and kept her phone.
In which case, we might be
looking at two possible murders.
I think it's time to
loop in Detective Childs.
Yeah, but, look, if the
HPD gets involved now,
Parker's gonna lawyer up.
Maybe we have a better chance
of finding something out
if we talk to him first.
Why is he gonna talk to
us? For the same reason.
He wants to know what we know.
Hi. Mr. Parker.
My name is Thomas Magnum.
This is Juliet Higgins.
We're private investigators.
How can I help you?
Well, we're looking into the
death of a Dr. Greg Macy.
We have reason to
believe that your wife,
Melinda, may have some
information that could help us.
Would we be able
to speak to her?
What, you mean the doctor who
crashed his car last week?
Why do you think
Melinda can help you?
Well, we believe
she knew the victim.
I was wondering how
long it would someone
to put that together.
So, you are aware...
That Macy was screwing
my wife? Yeah.
But now isn't the,
uh, best time.
Why don't you leave your number,
and we'll, uh...
We'll contact you?
Well, it's actually
quite important
that we speak to her now.
We were on our way to
HPD to share our findings
and we need her to
fill in some blanks.
Melinda, this is
Mr. Magnum and Ms. Higgins.
They're private investigators.
What's this about?
It's about you and Dr. Macy.
They know, and they
have some questions.
Oh, well, first, actually, I
would like to ask, Mr. Parker,
how you learned of the affair?
She told me a few days ago.
Sine then, we've just
been here, talking,
working on our issues,
working on our marriage.
It's something we should've
done a long time ago.
I gotta say, you do seem
incredibly forgiving
about the whole situation.
Well, um, not at first,
but, no, the...
the... the truth is,
what happened was just as
much my fault as it was hers.
I've been so focused on work,
I forgot to invest in the
things that truly matter.
Melinda, what made you
confess to the affair?
I, um...
Well, I saw the news
about Greg's death online
and I was upset.
I could tell
something was wrong,
so finally, I managed
to pull it out of her.
Now I have a question.
Dr. Macy was killed
when he crashed his car.
Seems pretty open and shut.
So, what exactly are
you investigating?
Well, there was an image that
was captured about two minutes
before the crash
that killed Dr. Macy.
That's you inside
the car with him.
That's not me.
It sure does look like you.
It's not. Alright.
Well, in that case,
could I ask you
where you were between 10:30
and 11:00 last Thursday night?
Here, with Nathan.
Well, you gotta admit,
there is a... a striking
resemblance between you two.
Maybe this guy had a type.
Well, that was something.
Melinda was obviously scared.
Nathan answered all
of her questions,
practically controlling her.
It just felt very staged.
He probably told her if anyone
comes around asking about
the crash to cop to the affair
so he could avoid suspicion.
Except they weren't counting
on that red light photo
putting her inside the car.
When confronted with that,
her only option was to
say that it wasn't her,
but I reckon they're
hiding something else.
What's that?
Well, Melinda was wearing long
sleeves and really heavy makeup.
Kind of unusual for
a tropical climate.
But it's pretty handy if you're
trying to hide signs of abuse.
I think we've got
this all wrong.
It's not about some affair.
According to
the patient records,
there was only one person
who visited the clinic
on the three occasions where
Melinda's phone places her here.
Jayne Smith.
Come on. Yeah.
That's gotta be an alias.
Same age, height, and
weight as Melinda.
I mean, it's got to be her.
You were right.
Parker's been abusing his wife.
Macy wasn't just
treating her, right?
Those messages to J we found...
"I-I've been
thinking about you,"
"I can't talk. He's home."
That wasn't some conversation
between two lovers.
Macy was worried about Melinda,
and when he looked into a
divorce attorney and housing,
his was probably doing
that on her behalf.
Right. Dr. Macy wasn't
cheating on his wife.
He was just helping Melinda
to leave her abusive husband.
Maybe she finally did.
Only Parker sends
guys after her.
They... They track her
here to the clinic,
so Macy and Melinda jump in
his car to get away from them.
Then after the crash,
they find Melinda
and take her back
home to her husband,
where he's been
keeping her ever since.
Yeah, it's a solid theory.
Let's just hope our new
friend at HPD believes it.
What did I say about
staying out of this?
Well, we've just told
you that Nathan Parker
is likely responsible for
Dr. Macy's death and appears
to currently be holding
his wife hostage,
a wife who he's been abusing
for God knows how long,
and that is your first question?
Listen, you go after
a guy like Parker,
you need hard evidence.
You've got location
data and photos
of someone who
could be his wife.
Detective, compare the
birthmarks on the woman
in this photo to Melinda's.
I guarantee you, they're
gonna match. Alright.
I'll just ask her to come
down here to the station
and get naked for us.
That'll go over so well.
Prosecutors do not like
picking fights they cannot win.
This is a really
hard case to make.
You would need Mrs. Parker
going on the record,
and I've got a better chance
of getting drafted by the A's
than that woman testifying.
So, you're just
gonna do nothing,
when every moment
that this woman spends
with her husband, her
life is in danger?
She's also the only person
that can identify
the driver of the SUV
that chased Dr. Macy
to his death.
Thanks for coming in, guys.
Just be grateful I'm not
charging you with obstruction.
We've gotta talk to
Melinda and convince her
to leave her
husband and testify.
How? She's a prisoner
in her own home
surrounded by bodyguards
and completely cut off.
I didn't say it
was gonna be easy.
Turn those alarms off.
Go check on Mrs. Parker.
- You can't be in
here. - No, no, no.
It's okay. Your
husband isn't home.
We checked. But
he'll be back soon.
You need to go.
I'm going to go,
and you're gonna
come with me, okay?
We know what he's
been doing to you.
No. I can't.
Melinda... You don't know him.
His men, they ran
Dr. Macy off the road.
No, no. We know.
He'll come after me.
He'll go after my
family. No, no.
We will take him down
together. He won't be able to.
It's not possible.
With the evidence
that we have unearthed
and the testimony
that you can give,
we can put him away so he
will never hurt you again.
Melinda, if you stay with him
in this house, he will kill you.
Maybe not the next
time he hits you,
maybe not the time after
that, but it will happen.
Dr. Macy, he understood the
danger that you were in.
He gave his life
trying to save yours.
Let's go.
Come on.
Go. Get out of here.
Where do you think you're going?
That's close enough.
So, what now?
You gonna call HPD?
You've been holding your
wife hostage in this house.
How are you gonna explain that?
Lucky for me, I won't have to.
'Cause we're gonna
keep HPD out of this.
Did you call the police? No.
Well, then how did they...
I have no idea.
Yeah, so make sure
they know that.
Yeah. Copy. I'm
heading over now.
If nobody called HPD,
then how did you know to
come down with the cavalry?
After what I said
about needing testimony
from Melinda and
your reaction to it,
I just had a feeling this
might be your next move.
He had a feeling.
Between us, this is
what you planned.
You provoked us into coming here
because you didn't have the
legal grounds to do it yourself.
You two have a good night.
♪ I found a letter that read ♪
I didn't want your
husband involved, but...
He wouldn't listen, right?
That's who he was.
♪ I think it's coming ♪
♪ Oh, and it comes so fast ♪
I owe him my life.
♪ I'm hearing whispers ♪
♪ Of an infinite yes ♪
♪ And I don't know why it is ♪
♪ Our bodies are dead ♪
♪ Why you look so sad ♪
[ Cellphone beeps ]
It's Gordon Katsumoto.
Listen, I changed my mind.
I'm not gonna let them take
my badge without a fight.
♪ And I don't know why it is ♪
♪ I feel it coming ♪
[ Cellphone chimes ]
♪ I think it's real
and significant ♪
♪ I think I think I think
a little too often ♪
♪ That's what my
therapist said ♪
♪ We're alone in
this wilderness ♪
♪ Left to choke on the pills ♪
♪ And to feed on the viruses ♪
♪ I think it's coming ♪
♪ Oh, and it comes so ♪
♪ Fast ♪
What is this?
I was thinking about what
you said, and you're right.
We did skip a few steps.
Now is a good time to
start making up for that.
That is very sweet.
Kumu is, uh, picking up
a shift at La Mariana,
which means we have
the entire estate
all to ourselves.
Magnum, that... That's
a vintage Bordeaux.
Do you have any idea
how expensive that is?
Well, you're worth every penny,
even if it's not mine.
Don't ruin it.
Excuse me.
Are you the harbor master?
That's me.
I'm looking for
a friend of mine.
I believe he docks
his boat here.
His boat was here this morning.
Really? Yeah.
But the slip's empty.
So your friend
must have set sail.
Would you happen to have
the boat's MMSI number?
I would love to
track it if I can.
Sorry. I'm just
the harbor master.
I don't keep that kind
of information on file.
It's okay.
You asked me to call
if somebody came around
asking about the Navy guy.
Someone just did.
Don't know. Said
he was a friend.
I didn't get a name.
He comes back, you call me.
Not sure yet.
Is he up? Yeah.
Who are you?
That's not important, Captain.
I'm not a captain anymore.
No, but you were. Four
decades in the Navy.
Served with distinction.
Highly decorated.
And, of course, resigned
your commission in disgrace.
Thanks for the recap.
You've obviously done
your homework on me.
Now, what the hell
is this about?!
You're telling me
to take it easy?
You break into my home,
black bag me, knock me out.
Now, what do you want?
Back in Afghanistan,
you put together a team.
Two Navy SEALs, two Marines.
They ran black ops.
Off-the-books stuff.
Their identities were known
only to you and a few others.
You're gonna give
me their names.
Why the hell would I do that?
So we can hunt them
down and kill them.
is Thomas Magnum.
When I'm not inspiring books
by best-selling
author Robin Masters,
I'm his live-in
security consultant
and a private
investigator in Hawaii.
My buddies and I moved here
after serving together
in Afghanistan,
where we spent time in a
POW camp before escaping.
Make a hell of a
team. That's Rick.
If you want something on the
island, Rick is the man to see.
Hey, what about me? That's TC.
He runs the best helicopter
tour business on Oahu.
I've also made
some friends here.
Let me see that Kardashian butt.
This is Kumu.
She's the cultural
curator of Robin's estate.
Detective Katsumoto, HPD.
Make that former HPD.
He recently lost his badge
after he broke a
convict out of prison
in order to save his ex-wife.
Ah! Higgins!
And this is Juliet Higgins,
former British
Intelligence, MI6.
She also works for Robin.
You're his major... dodo.
Sure, we got off on
the wrong foot...
Magnum is an
uncultured man-child,
a lazy freeloader,
a terrible driver,
but he is definitely
not a killer.
But she came around.
We work really well together.
Oh, no!
Magnum, are you about to ask
me to become your partner?
After becoming partners,
we got much closer.
You're my best friend. Ditto.
And then things got complicated.
You may have said my name
in your sleep last night.
Fine. I had a dream about you.
A sexy dream.
I may, possibly, have
feelings for Higgins.
I came to tell you that
I have feelings for you.
♪ Outside ♪
♪ My guy is trying to
find a little spare time ♪
♪ Unwind with me a little ♪
♪ I've got red wine ♪
♪ No lie, and since
there's two of us ♪
Living in Hawaii, you find
that each day is
like the one before,
because here, it's always 80
degrees, it's always sunny,
and everywhere you go, you
can feel that Aloha Spirit.
But sometimes, you wake up,
and everything seems different.
Like it's not just gonna
be another day in paradise.
It might even be
something better.
♪ I heard you wanna be
in the driver's seat ♪
Hey, yourself.
♪ feels right ♪
Yeah, I know what
you're thinking.
But trust me, this
isn't a dream.
This is really happening.
Thanks for not waking me.
Well, we didn't get
much sleep last night.
Figured you might
be tired. Yeah.
We also didn't get a
chance to talk... about us.
Well, who's fault is that?
I mean, I tried to talk to you
when we got back from
the hospital, but...
you had other plans.
Are you implying
that I came onto you?
Because that is
not what happened.
That's exactly what happened.
Okay, well, that is...
That is what happened.
Either way, we need to talk.
♪ But it feels right ♪
♪ And just the thought of you ♪
♪ Gives me the taste
I know I'll crave ♪
♪ But it feels right ♪
I mean, it's not just that we'd
be jeopardizing our partnership.
Then what is it?
Well, on paper, we
really don't make sense.
The notion that opposites
attract is a total myth.
Our personalities
are vastly different,
and we disagree on
pretty much everything.
Well, on the plus side,
at least now when
we have an issue,
we can resolve those
differences with make-up sex.
Magnum, focus.
This... you and me... It's...
it's inherently risky.
Yeah, but most things
that are worth it are.
But I'm willing to
give it a chance.
Then so am I.
But, you know, I-I would like
to just set out a
few ground rules.
Okay, here we go.
Well, what does that mean?
It's just so you.
You want to set rules and...
And... and boundaries and...
No, no, no. Just... Just
hear me out, would you?
I'm not sure that
you're aware of this,
but our friends are
actually kind of invested
in the idea of you
and me as a couple.
Oh, I'm aware.
They even have a
text chain about it.
That's kind of juvenile.
But, anyway, look, we need
to give each other time
to figure this out.
We don't need other
people influencing us.
So, you want to
keep it on the DL.
Thomas, you up?
On that note, you better hide.
No, this is my
house. You hide.
It's Robin's house. Really?
We're gonna do this right now?
Come on. Get in the kitchen.
Hey, Kumu. What's up?
Have you seen Juliet?
She's not in the main house.
No, she's probably riding.
Well, that's what I thought,
but her horse is in the stable.
Did you try the wine cellar?
Why would she be in the wine
cellar at 7:30 in the morning?
Oh. She didn't tell you?
No, no, Higgy is on this
whole "rise and wine" kick.
Claims there are health benefits
to drinking in the morning.
Personally, I think she just...
She just wants to
hit the bottle.
Okay. I'll check
the cellar. Yeah.
Oh, a-and you got a
call on the house line
just a few minutes ago.
New client. Okay.
She's on her way.
I will get dressed ASAP.
"Rise and wine"?
I got rid of her, didn't I?
And, besides, I don't
really like the idea
of lying to our friends.
I-I mean, lying to Katsumoto
is okay because I kind of...
You do it all the
time? Precisely.
But Rick and Kumu and
TC, it just feels...
Look, it doesn't make
me feel good, either.
But I think that we
owe it to ourselves
to give this a real
chance of success.
Moreover, if it
doesn't work out,
it's just gonna be
harder if everyone knows.
Yeah, that's a good point.
sneaking around
might be kind of fun,
in a naughty way.
That's an even better point.
So, how you doing, man?
Aside from suddenly being
unemployed, I'm good.
So, what happens now?
I mean, they just can't
take your badge, right?
No, they can.
Unless I decide to fight
it, which I'm not going to.
Wait, why the hell not?
'Cause I knew what I was doing,
and I'm prepared to
accept the consequences.
You sure, Gordie?
You really just wanna
give up that easy?
I've made my peace with it.
Of course now, I have to
figure out my next move.
I never imagined I'd be
45 and starting over,
but here I am.
Yeah, I know what
that feels like.
So do Thomas, Rick, and Higgy.
But you'll figure
it out like we did.
In the meantime, you know
I got your back, right?
I do.
You're also picking
up the check, I hope,
'cause who knows when
I'll have a job again.
Oh, man, you know...
my wallet fell out the chopper.
Mm. Got it.
No, I got you, man.
I've been going back
and forth on this.
I want answers, but I'm also
afraid of what I might learn.
You're definitely not the
first client to feel that way,
but why don't we just start
with what brought you here?
Six nights ago...
my husband, Greg, died
in a car accident.
It was late.
He was driving home from
work and took a turn too fast
and slammed into a divider.
So sorry.
Paramedics said he
was killed instantly.
No one saw anything.
But yesterday, I went
to the mailbox and...
found this.
It's a red light camera ticket.
That photo was taken less than
two minutes before the crash.
But as you can see...
He's clearly not alone.
There's someone in
the passenger seat.
The police said there was
no one else in the vehicle,
so I don't know if she
survived and ran off
or if Greg let her
out before he crashed.
I take it you don't
know who this is?
That's why I'm here.
Greg is... was...
The last person
I'd suspect of having an affair.
He was a good man.
But maybe there was
another side to him.
The resolution on this photo
is too poor for
facial recognition,
but we can definitely
look into it,
if that's what you want.
It is.
I have to know the truth.
For my own peace of mind.
I need answers.
We'll do everything we
can to get you some.
What do
you need, Thomas?
I'll tell you what
I don't need...
an eyeful of ear wax and hair.
What are you talking about?
You're on FaceTime, pal.
Ah. Sorry.
There she is.
Look at that little ball of Joy.
Wait, why... why are you naked?
I'm not naked. We're
bonding here, okay?
This is called Skin to Skin.
My heartbeat calms the
baby, and this way,
she learns my scent.
She is too cute.
Hey, hey, Rick,
listen, I need a favor.
Of course you do.
You know, Thomas, this is
getting really tiresome.
You know what kind of
friendship they call this?
And it's toxic.
a little cranky.
Uh, let's see. I
have a newborn,
I got 20 minutes of
sleep last night,
I got to cover the
bar in an hour,
I forgot to buy a car seat,
and I'm closing on my
new house this week.
Alright, sounds like
you got a full plate.
I'll tell you what,
I'll take one of those
things off your list.
You'll be Joy's dad so
I can get some sleep?
No, I was thinking the car seat.
Oh. That... That
would be helpful.
Thank you. No problem.
Okay, now is where you ask me,
"What was that
favor you needed?"
And I tell you, "Can you
reach out to your guy
at the Department
of Transportation
to pull some traffic
cam footage?"
And I'm also gonna
need you to track down
a BMW X5 that's totaled.
Uh, it's probably
at an impound lot.
I just have no idea
which one, though.
Okay, let me get this straight.
You take one thing off my to-do
list and you add two more.
Come on, Rick. It's
a couple phone calls.
Send over the details.
Thank you.
And, hey, don't cheap
out on that car seat.
Wouldn't dream of it.
Alright, first
stop... Dr. Macy's office.
Looks like the day he died,
Macy placed two calls
to Hadley & Kroy.
That's the island's
top divorce firm.
Yeah. It's not a good sign.
And it gets worse.
Dr. Macy was researching
temporary housing in Kapolei,
and he'd had recently
downloaded a third-party
messaging app that allows
for covert communication.
Blind Message? Mm-hmm.
That's the go-to app
for serial cheaters.
Yeah. Can you
access the account?
Looks like Dr. Macy was
chatting with somebody
who goes by the letter "J."
How bad are the messages?
Well, in the last
one, Dr. Macy
says, "How are you? I'm
thinking about you."
To which J responds,
"I can't talk.
He's home."
Looks like Sara's
fears were justified.
We have to find out
who this J person is.
Sorry. Clinic's closed.
You don't look like doctors.
We're not.
I'm afraid you're gonna
have to go elsewhere, sir.
I've got one of those, too.
Except mine's real.
I told you
one of these days,
those badges were gonna
get us into trouble.
Yeah, and you were right.
Wait, what? Well,
you did warn me.
Are you... Are you just being
placatory because we're now...
You are, aren't you?
Maybe a little
bit. Please don't.
Could you just be yourself?
Okay, let's talk about what
you two are doing here.
Well, Macy's wife hired us
to investigate his death.
Why would she hire a
couple of private eyes?
Investigators. Investigators.
Macy died in a car accident.
There was nothing
suspicious about it,
and yet, here you are,
searching his office.
Well, it was at least
a little suspicious.
He was an impeccable driver,
he had no moving violations.
Was he upset?
Did he get into some
kind of altercation?
His wife just wants answers.
Detective, if I may,
why are you here?
I mean, a car accident is kind
of below your pay grade, no?
I just transferred into
Central this morning,
and I heard a couple
of PIs requested
Macy's accident report,
and I just thought that
was a little... odd.
I figured this might
be your next stop.
You know, they warned me
about you two already.
It seems your
reputations precede you.
Can't tell if that
was an insult.
It wasn't a compliment.
So, will you be charging us?
I haven't decided yet.
He will not be charging us.
Oh, no? No.
I'm guessing you're
Yeah, you got to do
all this paperwork,
a full day in court for,
what, a misdemeanor.
That's not gonna happen.
Hmm. Your boyfriend
brings up a good point.
We're not... No, no.
We're not involved.
No. Hands.
So, this is your first
and only warning.
Get involved in the case again,
you'll see the inside of a cell.
Well, very nice to
meet you, Detective.
That must be
Gordon's replacement.
You lied to him about
Macy's companion.
Well, Sara did ask us to
use discretion, right?
Lieutenant Magnum,
this is Commander Rachel
Lee over at Pearl.
I was hoping you could tell me
how to get in contact
with Captain Buck Greene.
I've been trying, but his
phone is no longer in service.
Uh, Captain Greene?
No, I'm sorry. I can't.
Oh, that's odd. You're
listed in his file
as the emergency contact.
Well, that's news to me.
I haven't spoken to Greene
but maybe once in
the past three years.
Yeah. What is this about?
Well, sir, Captain
Greene hasn't cashed
his pension check in weeks.
His last known address
is a PO box in Haleiwa,
but he hasn't emptied
it in a while,
so I've been trying
to track him down.
I'm sorry. I wish I could help,
but I don't have any info.
Understood. I appreciate
your time, sir.
Good day.
Apparently, Greene
dropped off the grid.
That's odd.
Also odd that
your former C.O.,
who betrayed you and
nearly got you killed,
then lists you as his
emergency contact.
Ooh. What is going on here?
With Joy coming early,
Rick didn't have a chance
to schedule any paternity leave,
so he needed someone to
come in and sling Mai Tais.
Lucky for him, I bartended
my way through grad school
in the '7... '80s. Right.
Oh, look at this.
- You didn't get the budget model.
- Come on.
We're talking about
my goddaughter here.
Only the best for her.
Yeah, yeah, you
spare no expense.
Thank you, Jules.
I know who paid for that.
Well, you know, I covered
the tax, and that's...
That's really
where they get you.
Yes, he did.
Uh, did you track
down the car yet?
Well, what's left of it.
It's at the impound
lot in Waipahu.
Hmm. Okay, great.
And what about the
traffic cam footage?
Sorry. One for two.
Mu guy at the DOT is
off-island and unreachable.
Okay. Um, I can take a
run at their firewall.
Or we can ask them for
a professional courtesy.
Aloha. This is
Detective Childs,
badge number 5652.
I was wondering if I can
pull the traffic cam footage
from Cooke and Green,
uh, from around 10:55 p.m.
to 11:00 p.m. last Thursday.
Uh, no, no, it's fine.
Go ahead and text me a link.
You memorized his badge number.
I didn't think I
would need it so soon.
Okay, this is all the
coverage that we have
between the red light and
near where Dr. Macy crashed.
Hey. You got my message.
Yeah, you sounded worried, TM.
Well, I am.
Yeah, I just want to
make sure Greene's okay,
and we're on a case right
now, so could you help out?
Yeah, I got you.
So, any ideas where to start?
He did mention having a
place near Anahulu River,
but that's all I got.
Alright, I'll head up
there and ask around.
Alright. Thanks, TC.
I think it's nice that you want
to look in on Captain Greene.
Well, somebody has to. I
mean, the guy has no one.
After his son got killed,
the Navy was the only
family he had left,
and when he lost his commission,
he lost everything.
You know what? It's...
It's not just that.
I mean, outside of my dad and
my uncle, there's really no man
that had more of an impact
on my life than Greene.
He's the one who put
the team together.
You know, me and
Rick and Nuzo and TC.
Two Marines, two SEALs.
That was... That was his idea.
I'm sure he's fine.
He probably just wanted to
unplug for a couple of weeks
and took a trip or something.
Yeah, well, I hope you're right.
So, what do we got?
Well, what we don't have
is a view of the
actual crash, but look.
Here is where Dr. Macy
ran the red light.
It was red for at
least a couple seconds
before he blew through it. Mm.
It doesn't look like he
was just being careless.
Oh, look at that.
Yeah, that SUV ran
the red, as well.
Maybe he was chasing Dr. Macy.
Well, we're about to find out.
Hang on.
About two blocks later, he
takes a turn down an alley.
Then he lets her out.
And there's the SUV again.
Okay, unfortunately, that's
where our coverage ends.
But it's clear that that SUV
was in pursuit of Dr. Macy.
Yeah, and 30 seconds
later, he crashes.
I mean, this... this doesn't
look like an ordinary accident.
It might be murder.
The SUV pursuing Dr. Macy
is registered to a dummy
corporation in Panama City.
Oh, not suspicious at all. Yeah.
We need to figure out
who was behind the wheel
and whether they
were after Dr. Macy,
his passenger, or both of them.
Here's another question... At
what point do we loop in HPD?
Well, if we give them
the heads-up now,
our involvement in the
case is basically over.
So I say we wait until
we absolutely can't.
I don't see any evidence that
it was forced off the road
or PIT maneuvered.
Yeah. Let's look inside.
Nothing up here.
Yeah. Same.
Oh, hang on.
Look at that.
What is that?
A fingernail? It's
an acrylic one.
I don't reckon it belongs
to our client, though.
She didn't have her nails done.
Maybe it belongs to
our mystery woman.
Right. I mean, if
she was gripping
the dashboard really hard
when they were being chased,
it could have broken off.
I mean, it's a long shot, but...
it looks like one of
Kimee's. I'm sorry?
There's only a few
people on the island
that do custom nails like this.
Okay, since when did you
become such an expert
in ladies' fingernails?
Did you date a
manicurist or something?
Two, actually, and one of them,
Kimee, she would do
custom work like this.
If it's her work, she
might be able to tell us
who it belonged to.
Two, huh?
That doesn't bother
you, does it?
No, no, no.
I'm well aware that you've had
your fair share of
dalliances over the years.
Isn't it kinda
weird that we know so much
about each other's history?
Kind of.
But, I mean, there isn't
much about this situation
that's normal.
I mean, we're practically
living together already.
We didn't even have
a proper courtship.
You never had to pursue
me or romance me.
Most guys would kill for
that arrangement, by the way.
Well, I'm not most guys.
'Cause you're a romantic. Mm.
Well, you know, I actually
think courtship is overrated.
You do? Yes. I do.
It's two people putting
their best foot forward,
pretending to be something
that they're not.
It's... It's
dishonest. Come on.
That is... That is a
bit cynical, isn't it?
For what it's worth, I think
I might actually have enjoyed
being courted by you.
Well, I agree.
'Cause my courtship
game... Pretty strong.
Of that, I have no doubt.
How's Suzy doing?
Yeah, what she went
through must've been scary.
Speaking of bad things
that happened yesterday,
I heard about you and HPD.
You alright? Hanging in there.
Hm. Here.
Oh, oh, oh.
TC says you're not
gonna fight this.
Do all of you tell
each other everything,
or do you have,
like, a hive mind?
No, we have a text thread.
He was concerned about you.
So am I.
It just doesn't make any sense.
I broke a convicted
felon out of prison,
and I refused to give
up my accomplices.
I'd say the punishment
fits the crime.
Well, what choice did you have?
They took Beth.
You did what you had to do.
Or is there some other reason
why you're not fighting this?
I'm not gonna fight for
something I don't deserve.
Come on. What are
you talking about?
I was gonna shoot an
unarmed man in cold blood.
I came as close as anyone can
to stepping over that line.
Okay. But you didn't.
Only because Magnum
stopped me. Come on.
If you pulled that trigger,
Thomas wasn't gonna turn you in.
You know that.
You stopped yourself, Gordie.
Doesn't feel that way.
Maybe not, but
that's what happened.
Don't punish yourself for
almost making a mistake.
The real mistake would
be for you to roll over
and accept what's happening.
You gotta fight this.
Thomas Magnum.
How's it going, stranger?
Hey, Kimee, how are you?
Well, I'm doing better now.
Look, I'm... I'm gonna send you
a picture of something, okay?
You know, with
some guys, that usually means
a photo of a certain appendage
is about to show
up in my in-box...
pardon the pun.
She's normally not like this.
Oh, I'm sure.
No, seriously, Kimee, I-I-I
need your help, right?
I'm working on a case.
Did you... Did
you get the photo?
Uh, yeah.
It's one of my
nails. Oh, great.
Can you tell me
who it belongs to?
Sure. Uh, Melinda Parker.
She loved this design.
You got a number for her?
Uh, yeah.
I'll text it to you now.
So, in exchange for my help,
maybe you'll buy me a drink?
Well, actually, I'm...
I'm kinda seeing
somebody right now.
Shut up. Is it serious?
Well, it's a little early,
but it... it could be, yes.
Well, good luck, stud.
Hey, and if it doesn't
work out, hit me up.
Okay. Alright. Bye.
Okay, here we are.
Well, it certainly looks
like our mystery woman.
She's married to
a Nathan Parker.
Nathan Parker. I
know that name.
He's a... a big-time developer,
supposedly with ties to
several criminal organizations.
Well, if a man like that thought
that his wife was
having an affair,
it's reasonable to assume that
he would send people after them.
Yeah, but we still don't know
if Macy and Melinda
were involved.
Well, her phone
pinged three times
at Macy's clinic in
the last two months.
What about the night
of the accident?
It was off.
Powered back on in
her house in Kailua,
and it hasn't left since.
So she hasn't left
her house in six days?
No, it would seem not.
She hasn't made any calls
or sent any text messages,
and there are no credit
card charges, either.
Okay, here's what I'm
thinking, alright?
So, Parker sends his
guys after Melinda,
but they don't get to
her until after the crash
and take her home, or...
Or they disappeared
her and kept her phone.
In which case, we might be
looking at two possible murders.
I think it's time to
loop in Detective Childs.
Yeah, but, look, if the
HPD gets involved now,
Parker's gonna lawyer up.
Maybe we have a better chance
of finding something out
if we talk to him first.
Why is he gonna talk to
us? For the same reason.
He wants to know what we know.
Hi. Mr. Parker.
My name is Thomas Magnum.
This is Juliet Higgins.
We're private investigators.
How can I help you?
Well, we're looking into the
death of a Dr. Greg Macy.
We have reason to
believe that your wife,
Melinda, may have some
information that could help us.
Would we be able
to speak to her?
What, you mean the doctor who
crashed his car last week?
Why do you think
Melinda can help you?
Well, we believe
she knew the victim.
I was wondering how
long it would someone
to put that together.
So, you are aware...
That Macy was screwing
my wife? Yeah.
But now isn't the,
uh, best time.
Why don't you leave your number,
and we'll, uh...
We'll contact you?
Well, it's actually
quite important
that we speak to her now.
We were on our way to
HPD to share our findings
and we need her to
fill in some blanks.
Melinda, this is
Mr. Magnum and Ms. Higgins.
They're private investigators.
What's this about?
It's about you and Dr. Macy.
They know, and they
have some questions.
Oh, well, first, actually, I
would like to ask, Mr. Parker,
how you learned of the affair?
She told me a few days ago.
Sine then, we've just
been here, talking,
working on our issues,
working on our marriage.
It's something we should've
done a long time ago.
I gotta say, you do seem
incredibly forgiving
about the whole situation.
Well, um, not at first,
but, no, the...
the... the truth is,
what happened was just as
much my fault as it was hers.
I've been so focused on work,
I forgot to invest in the
things that truly matter.
Melinda, what made you
confess to the affair?
I, um...
Well, I saw the news
about Greg's death online
and I was upset.
I could tell
something was wrong,
so finally, I managed
to pull it out of her.
Now I have a question.
Dr. Macy was killed
when he crashed his car.
Seems pretty open and shut.
So, what exactly are
you investigating?
Well, there was an image that
was captured about two minutes
before the crash
that killed Dr. Macy.
That's you inside
the car with him.
That's not me.
It sure does look like you.
It's not. Alright.
Well, in that case,
could I ask you
where you were between 10:30
and 11:00 last Thursday night?
Here, with Nathan.
Well, you gotta admit,
there is a... a striking
resemblance between you two.
Maybe this guy had a type.
Well, that was something.
Melinda was obviously scared.
Nathan answered all
of her questions,
practically controlling her.
It just felt very staged.
He probably told her if anyone
comes around asking about
the crash to cop to the affair
so he could avoid suspicion.
Except they weren't counting
on that red light photo
putting her inside the car.
When confronted with that,
her only option was to
say that it wasn't her,
but I reckon they're
hiding something else.
What's that?
Well, Melinda was wearing long
sleeves and really heavy makeup.
Kind of unusual for
a tropical climate.
But it's pretty handy if you're
trying to hide signs of abuse.
I think we've got
this all wrong.
It's not about some affair.
According to
the patient records,
there was only one person
who visited the clinic
on the three occasions where
Melinda's phone places her here.
Jayne Smith.
Come on. Yeah.
That's gotta be an alias.
Same age, height, and
weight as Melinda.
I mean, it's got to be her.
You were right.
Parker's been abusing his wife.
Macy wasn't just
treating her, right?
Those messages to J we found...
"I-I've been
thinking about you,"
"I can't talk. He's home."
That wasn't some conversation
between two lovers.
Macy was worried about Melinda,
and when he looked into a
divorce attorney and housing,
his was probably doing
that on her behalf.
Right. Dr. Macy wasn't
cheating on his wife.
He was just helping Melinda
to leave her abusive husband.
Maybe she finally did.
Only Parker sends
guys after her.
They... They track her
here to the clinic,
so Macy and Melinda jump in
his car to get away from them.
Then after the crash,
they find Melinda
and take her back
home to her husband,
where he's been
keeping her ever since.
Yeah, it's a solid theory.
Let's just hope our new
friend at HPD believes it.
What did I say about
staying out of this?
Well, we've just told
you that Nathan Parker
is likely responsible for
Dr. Macy's death and appears
to currently be holding
his wife hostage,
a wife who he's been abusing
for God knows how long,
and that is your first question?
Listen, you go after
a guy like Parker,
you need hard evidence.
You've got location
data and photos
of someone who
could be his wife.
Detective, compare the
birthmarks on the woman
in this photo to Melinda's.
I guarantee you, they're
gonna match. Alright.
I'll just ask her to come
down here to the station
and get naked for us.
That'll go over so well.
Prosecutors do not like
picking fights they cannot win.
This is a really
hard case to make.
You would need Mrs. Parker
going on the record,
and I've got a better chance
of getting drafted by the A's
than that woman testifying.
So, you're just
gonna do nothing,
when every moment
that this woman spends
with her husband, her
life is in danger?
She's also the only person
that can identify
the driver of the SUV
that chased Dr. Macy
to his death.
Thanks for coming in, guys.
Just be grateful I'm not
charging you with obstruction.
We've gotta talk to
Melinda and convince her
to leave her
husband and testify.
How? She's a prisoner
in her own home
surrounded by bodyguards
and completely cut off.
I didn't say it
was gonna be easy.
Turn those alarms off.
Go check on Mrs. Parker.
- You can't be in
here. - No, no, no.
It's okay. Your
husband isn't home.
We checked. But
he'll be back soon.
You need to go.
I'm going to go,
and you're gonna
come with me, okay?
We know what he's
been doing to you.
No. I can't.
Melinda... You don't know him.
His men, they ran
Dr. Macy off the road.
No, no. We know.
He'll come after me.
He'll go after my
family. No, no.
We will take him down
together. He won't be able to.
It's not possible.
With the evidence
that we have unearthed
and the testimony
that you can give,
we can put him away so he
will never hurt you again.
Melinda, if you stay with him
in this house, he will kill you.
Maybe not the next
time he hits you,
maybe not the time after
that, but it will happen.
Dr. Macy, he understood the
danger that you were in.
He gave his life
trying to save yours.
Let's go.
Come on.
Go. Get out of here.
Where do you think you're going?
That's close enough.
So, what now?
You gonna call HPD?
You've been holding your
wife hostage in this house.
How are you gonna explain that?
Lucky for me, I won't have to.
'Cause we're gonna
keep HPD out of this.
Did you call the police? No.
Well, then how did they...
I have no idea.
Yeah, so make sure
they know that.
Yeah. Copy. I'm
heading over now.
If nobody called HPD,
then how did you know to
come down with the cavalry?
After what I said
about needing testimony
from Melinda and
your reaction to it,
I just had a feeling this
might be your next move.
He had a feeling.
Between us, this is
what you planned.
You provoked us into coming here
because you didn't have the
legal grounds to do it yourself.
You two have a good night.
♪ I found a letter that read ♪
I didn't want your
husband involved, but...
He wouldn't listen, right?
That's who he was.
♪ I think it's coming ♪
♪ Oh, and it comes so fast ♪
I owe him my life.
♪ I'm hearing whispers ♪
♪ Of an infinite yes ♪
♪ And I don't know why it is ♪
♪ Our bodies are dead ♪
♪ Why you look so sad ♪
[ Cellphone beeps ]
It's Gordon Katsumoto.
Listen, I changed my mind.
I'm not gonna let them take
my badge without a fight.
♪ And I don't know why it is ♪
♪ I feel it coming ♪
[ Cellphone chimes ]
♪ I think it's real
and significant ♪
♪ I think I think I think
a little too often ♪
♪ That's what my
therapist said ♪
♪ We're alone in
this wilderness ♪
♪ Left to choke on the pills ♪
♪ And to feed on the viruses ♪
♪ I think it's coming ♪
♪ Oh, and it comes so ♪
♪ Fast ♪
What is this?
I was thinking about what
you said, and you're right.
We did skip a few steps.
Now is a good time to
start making up for that.
That is very sweet.
Kumu is, uh, picking up
a shift at La Mariana,
which means we have
the entire estate
all to ourselves.
Magnum, that... That's
a vintage Bordeaux.
Do you have any idea
how expensive that is?
Well, you're worth every penny,
even if it's not mine.
Don't ruin it.
Excuse me.
Are you the harbor master?
That's me.
I'm looking for
a friend of mine.
I believe he docks
his boat here.
His boat was here this morning.
Really? Yeah.
But the slip's empty.
So your friend
must have set sail.
Would you happen to have
the boat's MMSI number?
I would love to
track it if I can.
Sorry. I'm just
the harbor master.
I don't keep that kind
of information on file.
It's okay.
You asked me to call
if somebody came around
asking about the Navy guy.
Someone just did.
Don't know. Said
he was a friend.
I didn't get a name.
He comes back, you call me.
Not sure yet.
Is he up? Yeah.
Who are you?
That's not important, Captain.
I'm not a captain anymore.
No, but you were. Four
decades in the Navy.
Served with distinction.
Highly decorated.
And, of course, resigned
your commission in disgrace.
Thanks for the recap.
You've obviously done
your homework on me.
Now, what the hell
is this about?!
You're telling me
to take it easy?
You break into my home,
black bag me, knock me out.
Now, what do you want?
Back in Afghanistan,
you put together a team.
Two Navy SEALs, two Marines.
They ran black ops.
Off-the-books stuff.
Their identities were known
only to you and a few others.
You're gonna give
me their names.
Why the hell would I do that?
So we can hunt them
down and kill them.