Magnum P.I. (2018): Season 2, Episode 5 - Make It 'til Dawn - full transcript
On Halloween, Magnum and Jin search for a skip-tracer at a Halloween bash, just as Katsumoto tracks an escaped killer who is headed to that same party.
Stay behind me.
- I'll check the perimeter.
- Go around back.
Go! Go! Go!
Spread out. Keep your distance. Yes, sir.
Watch it, watch it.
We checked the immediate area.
It's all clear.
All right, listen up.
As of this moment, any officer
who was off duty is now on.
We have an escaped prisoner on the run.
Name's Mason Watts,
and he's not just any prisoner.
He's a mass murderer who was
declared criminally insane.
We need to hunt him down
and we need to do it fast.
We're less than three miles
from a residential area.
Set up checkpoints on all
major streets in the vicinity.
I want birds in the air
and canines on the ground.
It's Halloween. Kids are on the streets.
And we have a real-life monster
on the loose.
Let's go get him.
That bag better be filled
with Kit Kats and Snickers.
And jumbo-sized.
Mr. Masters can't be giving out
tiny candy bars.
I actually won't be helping
candy companies use a holiday
to peddle processed sugar to minors. No.
Uh, Magnum and I actually booked a case.
- On Halloween?
- Blame Magnum.
He seems to think P.I. stands
for paranormal investigator.
Okay. What did he get you into?
Oh, we just have to spend the night
at our client's haunted house.
Oh, a haunted house on Halloween?
- Spooky.
- Correction.
It's not actually haunted,
it's just a house
that our client thinks is haunted.
It's, uh, an old place on Koio Place.
I'm sure the "ghosts" are nothing more
than leaky pipes, but...
Wait, not 5250 Koio Place?
Yes. It is.
How on earth could you know that?
The Slaughterhouse is
the most famous haunted house
on the island.
The Slaughterhouse?
Well, that's what the locals
have called it ever since
the legendary Killer of Waianae
brutally murdered
a family there 20 years ago.
That's awful.
The Slaughterhouse is filled
with tortured souls.
Maybe you shouldn't take the case.
Thank you for your concern, Kumu.
I'm sure we'll be fine.
There is no such thing
as a haunted house.
Hold that thought.
They what?
Tell them not to touch anything.
I'll be right there.
Is everything okay?
Cultural Center emergency.
A real estate developer might
have uncovered a heiau.
I need to go and verify if it's real.
- Wish me luck.
- Bye.
Magnum. Jin.
Hi and bye, Kumu.
Come and gone.
Just like all the women in my life.
What is his deal?
His model girlfriend dumped him.
Keo didn't dump me, it was mutual.
We mutually decided it would be
best if we mutually broke up.
Anybody who says "mutual"
that many times got dumped.
So, you brought Jin here to sulk?
Actually, there's been
a slight change of plans.
Tell her what you told me.
Okay. A couple of days ago,
after my model girlfriend
and I mutually broke up,
I posted bail for my friend Ika.
Unfortunately, he skipped.
And, if he's not caught, I'm out 15K.
Jin wants us to help track him down.
Okay. What's Ika's surname?
And you really have no idea
where he could be?
He literally could be anywhere.
Okay. According to his social media,
his sister is the last person who posted
on his Facebook page, inviting him
to a Halloween party this evening.
You know, he might actually go
to the party.
Wait. How do you figure?
Skips always go back to family,
and a Halloween party would be
a perfect cover
for somebody trying to visit
their family on the DL.
Big crowds,
costumes... he could slip in undetected.
Okay, look, I know it's my fault
for hanging out with a guy like Ika,
and in a way I deserve it,
but I took a big risk
to help out a friend.
I could really use your help on this one.
Well, we're on a case,
but... there are two of us,
and Rick and TC are in the bullpen.
Fine, well, how do we decide
who goes with Jin
and who goes to the haunted house?
Flip for it.
Wait. You're flipping...
you're gonna take the case?
- Yes, we're gonna take the case, relax.
- Tails.
Yes, tails. Higgins for the win.
I'm gonna get the costumes.
It's gonna be great.
Oh, Jin.
I won the toss.
Yeah. I know.
It's you and me, buddy.
Wait a second.
It was either me
or spending the night in a haunted house
and the loser gets me?
Lava rock.
Walls are sloped.
No adhesives.
We've got a heiau.
All right, listen up!
You heard her!
This is an ancient Hawaiian altar.
It's very sacred.
So pack it up.
I want this place locked down
and wrapped up in an hour.
Let's go!
This is our kuleana.
You're doing the right thing.
♪ He did the mash ♪
♪ He did the monster mash ♪
♪ The monster mash... ♪
No. Uh-uh.
No, no, no. No, no.
Nuh-uh. No. Party foul.
We can't both be Robin Hood.
Is that who you are?
I guess you went with
Robin Hood: Men in Tights.
Very funny, my friend.
This is the O.G. Robin Hood: Errol Flynn.
Oh. The O.G.?
More like the J.G.G.
Jolly Green Giant.
I do not look like the Jolly Green Giant.
Nah, you don't. You look more
like his little homey, Sprout.
All right. Come on, man.
When's the party start?
Two hours ago.
Yeah. Damn.
Ah, man.
Slow and steady.
Slow and steady, my brother.
You got this.
Thanks, pal.
Hey, happy Halloween.
You need a favor.
Oh, come on. I-I...
You know, I'm offended
that you would think that's
the only reason why I'd call.
- Well, isn't it?
- No. I just called to see
how my boys are doing.
But now that you mention it,
there is something I'd like
to talk to you about.
No. No. Sorry. Not gonna help.
Yeah, brah, we have lives.
And it's Halloween.
So we only want treats,
none of your tricks.
Hi, guys. The favor's for me.
Oh, whatever you need, Higgy.
Yeah, anything for you.
So, I only need one of you,
and you can decide
which of you it will be.
There is an old lady who believes
that she is living with ghosts.
And I must
spend the night in a haunted house.
Oh, oh, me, me, me. I got it. Me.
This is Rick. I-I'll take it.
Please. Thanks.
- You sure?
- TC, sorry. You snooze, you lose, buddy.
Okay. I will gracefully bow out
from spending the night in a spooky house
out of the goodness of my merry heart.
Thanks, pal. He's an idiot.
Just tell me what you
need and I'll be there.
Okay. Perfect.
I will text you the details.
See you later.
Why'd you shave your mustache?
I think it looks really good.
Easy, Higgins.
I've only been single
for a couple of days.
Slow your roll.
- No, really. Why'd you shave it?
- Duh.
Our Halloween costumes.
For the record,
that John Lennon costume was mine.
In what world am I Yoko Ono
and you're John Lennon?
It's called creativity.
Less expectations.
♪ I came to play ♪
♪ If you think you can slide in,
then pull up to the curb ♪
♪ I came to play... ♪
Well, hello, mermaids.
Really, Jin?
Come on. Sorry, man.
I'm newly single and ready to mingle.
You got to focus, all right?
I-If you're not gonna take
this seriously, I'm out of here.
Sorry, man.
I'm just really into mermaids.
That's all. All right? Don't judge.
People really stepped up
their costume game this year.
It's gonna be easier to blend in.
Problem is, the same thing goes for Ika.
Yeah, that's true.
I'm really bummed I missed it, too.
Tell him I pinky swear
that I'll go through
all his candy with him.
Okay? Got to go.
I love you.
Sorry about that.
It's okay.
Kid's trick-or- treating already?
It's his first time.
Get ready, Pono.
I hate to say it, but this
is just the beginning
of things you're gonna miss.
Holidays, ball games...
Crime doesn't care about your schedule.
Your wife okay with that?
Ah, she says she is,
but I think she's starting to feel
what that sacrifice really means.
You want my advice?
Make sure you let 'em know
you're not gone
because you're too busy for them.
You're gone because you love them.
Copy that.
All units, Five-O requesting backup
at 17 North Pualei.
Suspect has been injured
but remains at large
and is considered highly dangerous.
Use extreme caution.
Uh, can you believe that?
Two psychos loose on the same night.
There's just something about Halloween.
So what's the plan?
We patrol the area
till somebody spots our guy?
Either that or we figure out
where he might be headed.
How? We don't have a single lead.
There's always a lead.
What did CSU find at the crash site?
Gravitational blood drops.
- Which means?
- Watts is injured.
He'll be looking for a place to recover.
A place where he can blend in
and get out of his prison clothes.
Somewhere he can lay low
and figure out his next move.
I can't believe that you managed
to pack an overnight bag,
yet you forgot
to change out of your costume?
I didn't forget, okay?
I worked very hard on this,
and I deserve to flaunt it.
Do you even know who I am?
Yeah, of course. You're Gumby.
What? No.
Oh. Peter Pan.
No. God. No.
I-I'm Robin Hood. Errol Flynn.
Doesn't anybody appreciate
the classics anymore?
Come on in.
What a lovely home.
I don't hear that often.
People tell me I should move away.
But I have so many
wonderful memories here
with my late husband.
Oh, I'm so sorry to hear of his passing.
Oh, thank you.
Well, it was very quiet
for a while after that.
Yes, you said you were
hearing some noises.
Yes. Two days ago is
when I first heard... it.
Well, it sounded like
a young child, wailing.
I know the history of this house,
and so I supposed that it was...
Well, not to worry.
We'll get to the bottom of it.
You can count on us.
Oh. Thank you so much.
Well, I'll see you
- in the morning, okay?
- Yes.
- Bye-bye.
- Good night.
- Bye-bye.
- Bye.
I always wanted to be
in a real haunted house.
Okay, you know this house
isn't actually haunted, right?
Well, who's to say it is or it isn't?
Me. And it isn't.
Okay. Well, agree to disagree.
It's been my dream, always,
to spend one night in
a real haunted house.
This is gonna be so much fun.
Get it together, wahine,
or it's gonna be a long night.
Who's there?!
Kumu, it's just me.
It's TC!
Why you sneaking up on me like that?
I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you.
Well, maybe I did at first,
but then I saw
how freaked out you got
and I had a change of heart.
You had a change of heart,
while I need a change of pants.
What are you doing here?
Well, Thomas and Higgy
told me you were gonna watch the
heiau until the kahu shows up,
so I figured I'd bring
some bare essentials
to hold us down while we keep watch.
What kind of Robin Hood would I be
if I let my sister
stay out here by herself?
TC, that means a lot,
- but you don't have to...
- Okay.
Once you see what I got,
you're gonna want me to stay.
Bare essentials, huh?
Well, shall I take my wine and be gone?
Pop a squat, Lord Locksley.
Oh, my God.
What is it? Please tell me
it's jars of formaldehyde
filled with body parts.
"Help yourselves
to some chocolate haupia pie.
Love, Helen."
Wow. Get this.
Watts killed the entire family
in this room,
in that very spot.
Could you please contain your excitement?
You're talking
about actual murder victims.
"When Watts attacked the first victim,
"he let them cry out in order to draw
the rest of the family to him."
Did you hear a word I said?
It's like being here with Magnum.
Did you hear that?
Shh, shh.
I swear I heard something.
You think you're safe.
But you're not.
I know where you are,
I'm sorry. Oh, I couldn't resist it.
It's just me, man.
I knew it was you the whole time.
It was so obvious.
I didn't get scared at all.
It's Thomas.
So, is this how you thank your friends
who volunteer their spare time
to help you, eh?
Scaring them half to death?
Hang on. I wasn't scared.
And if you're referring
to my buttocks being clenched,
that's due to the tights.
I was just calling to check in,
see how you guys are doing.
Yeah. Fine. All good. We're settled in.
If there's anything wrong
with this house,
we'll find out what it is.
Sounds great.
Thanks, Higgy.
- Hey, Jin.
- What's going on?
Either somebody's stepping up
their Halloween game
with amazing props or HPD's out there.
I know cops give you, uh, allergies,
so I'll be right back. Stay there.
No, no. I'm dressed like a girl
and I shaved my 'stache.
There's no way in hell
they'll recognize me.
You'll see.
Trick or treat, boys.
Magnum, Jin.
Wait, you-you recognize me?
I'm not an idiot.
What are you doing here?
I was helping Magnum out
with something very legal.
Helping out with what?
And why make a point
to tell me it's legal?
That's true. Yeah.
I'm working a case.
Anyway, what's going on out here?
Nothing. It's a holiday.
Just want to make sure everyone's safe.
You're such a terrible liar.
He's bad. Bad. He's bad.
Anyway, I overheard a uni talking about
roadblocks and K-9 units.
Whatever's going on,
it's big.
All units, possible Mason Watts sighting
in the 200 block of Makaleka Avenue.
- Sir, that's four blocks away.
- Wait,
Mason Watts is loose?
That's your big case?
Hold on. Why do I know that name?
He's the Waianae Killer.
He mass-murdered a whole family.
Magnum, Jin, go back to your party. Now.
All right, but...
I'm in work mode.
If you need help...
I won't. Goodbye.
Most of the units are
coming in from the east.
If we cut through the backyard...
Forget about Makaleka.
We're going to that party.
If you were wearing
a prison jumpsuit on Halloween,
where would be the best place to hide?
♪ Walkin' with a dead man
over my shoulder ♪
♪ I'm all dressed up with nowhere to go ♪
♪ Walkin' with a dead man
over my shoulder ♪
Nice costumes, Officers.
I'm busted. Take me in!
Yeah, me, too!
♪ Waitin' for an invitation to arrive ♪
♪ Going to a party where
no one's still alive ♪
I'm telling you,
once you go hurricane popcorn,
you can't go back to regular popcorn.
I mean, I can't even imagine one
without the other.
It's like... cereal and milk.
Or Magnum and Higgins.
Hey, if I hadn't showed up,
you wouldn't be scared
out here by yourself?
Only if some lolo came barging
out of the woods.
Look, I'm sorry about that, again.
It's just...
being out here with this sacred heiau,
you wouldn't be scared to be
out here with all these spirits?
You don't believe in spirits?
I didn't say that.
I have a healthy respect
for my ancestors.
But I know you really believe
in that stuff.
So you wouldn't be scared to...
think you were constantly being watched?
My husband had the loudest voice
you ever heard.
His friends called him
the human megaphone.
His laugh lit up whatever room he was in.
when I'm alone in nature
and it's dead quiet,
I can still hear him laughing.
Do I think it's scary to
be surrounded by spirits?
It's much scarier to
think that we're not.
These pics of Ika are useless.
Half the people in here
are wearing masks.
Hey. How tall did you say he was?
I don't know, Magnum.
I didn't ask him that question.
So he's a close friend of yours,
and you have no idea how tall he is?
I judge a man by his heart,
Magnum, not his height.
Knock it off, all right?
This is your $15,000
we're trying to get back.
Hey, it's 50 grand. Nah, I'm pretty sure
you said it was 15.
I'm pretty sure it was 50 grand
since I'm the one
that's missing 50 grand.
Okay, this is suspicious.
Why are you throwing around
that kind of cash?
And how do you even know Ika?
We're best friends.
Okay, we're friends.
We're, like, best new...
acquaintances, okay?
Which means?
Which means that I've met him twice,
and they were very meaningful encounters.
I'd call them "seated encounters,"
so I don't know exactly how tall he is,
but he's got really good
body posture when he's sitting,
if that's what you want to know.
I can't do this anymore.
Okay, I paid for his bail
with stolen money,
all right, so I could get money in return
in the form of a government check.
Jin, that is money laundering.
Well, I call it a "financial cleanse."
Listen, it would have gone over
smoothly if he didn't jump bail.
All right? We didn't hurt anybody.
Why are you so bent out of shape over it?
You know, I wanted
to believe you when you said
you were making better choices,
and that's on me.
But you made me bail on a
real client, and that's on you.
Good night, Jin.
I'm sorry.
What? Excuse me.
Excuse me!
Go find Katsumoto!
Go! Okay. Okay. Okay!
You're gonna be okay, all right?
Just try not to move your neck too much.
It's Pono, right?
Take the knife out.
No, no, no. It's gonna have
to stay in for now.
That's the only thing
stopping you from bleeding out.
We're gonna get you some help, okay?
EMS is on the way.
- Just take it easy.
- Sir...
- Save your energy.
- No. It's Watts.
He ditched his jumpsuit
for civilian clothes.
Blue jeans, green flannel.
Need all units at 1275 Nuku.
Watts spotted.
He's in blue jeans and a green flannel.
I repeat:
blue jeans and a green flannel.
Katsumoto, I know you got
your guys on it, but...
Go get the bastard.
Come on.
Hey, look at me. Look at me.
You did great.
All right? Just take it easy.
I'll be fine. Go get him.
Oh, we'll get him.
I'm staying right here with you.
You just hang on.
All right, now we can either
sleep 180 back-to-back,
or we can take alternating naps.
Rick, you're not in a bunker
in Afghanistan
with TC and Magnum, all right?
We're in an old lady's house in Hawaii.
No, that can't be.
Yep. Okay. I heard that.
Let's check it out, shall we?
It's probably just the plumbing.
Yeah, his plumbing sounds
just like a screaming child.
Totally normal.
I think it's coming from up here.
Hear that?
I think it's coming
from behind that door.
After you.
Me? Why me?
Because this is your
haunted house fantasy.
Good point.
Well, it's just a...
normal doorknob anyway, right?
Or is it?
It's actually
quite an ornate little fellow.
Is it brass or copper? It's hard to tell.
Depends on whether or not
it's been lacquered, but...
oftentimes, a strange patina will...
Are you kidding me? Move.
You see?
- That wasn't so hard, now, was it?
- Right.
Now, sometimes you can just reach in
and find the light in here.
Aah! Aah!
- What was that?
- Well, if I had to guess,
I would say the corpse of a young child.
"Corpse of a child."
isn't that...
I was gonna say the same thing.
That was not coming from in here.
Okay, don't worry, Higgy, you got this.
So if wasn't for Scrappy,
the gang wouldn't have known
that it was the gardener
pretending to be a ghost the whole time.
Like, he pulled his mask off,
and it was the gardener.
There was never a ghost
in the first place.
Honey, if you have to
explain it, it ain't scary.
Kumu, if you got a better story, then...
I do, actually.
Then by all means.
There once was a man named Hanalei...
who was cursed with a
taste for human flesh.
He kept his cravings
at bay by hunting boar,
but one day...
a storm kept him from hunting,
and he was desperate
for something to eat.
Then he spotted a little girl.
The villagers heard screams,
and when they arrived,
Hanalei was gorging on her flesh.
He refused to settle for boar again.
And some say, to this day...
he roams the forest
searching for his next meal.
Please. Help.
It's my little brother.
He's in danger. Please.
We were riding our bikes
to go see the heiau,
and he just fell over the side.
What's his name? Keala.
Keala, don't look down. Hold on.
Please hurry.
Kids, get away from the edge!
Get away from the edge.
Help! Hurry!
Grab on!
Be careful, TC.
How about now?
Those roots aren't gonna
hold much longer.
Please do something!
I have an idea. Hold on.
No, not yet.
Maybe Watts went back...
What is it? You got Watts?
Let me call you right back.
No, ho-hold...
Excuse me.
Blue jeans, green flannel.
It's the Waianae Killer.
pick up, pick up, pick up, pick up.
- Jin?
- Magnum.
- Magnum!
- Jin!
Magnum! Damn!
Jin, what's going on?
I'm in the truck with Watts.
What do you mean?
He was getting away,
so I snuck inside the truck bed.
- Why?
- Heroes don't ask why.
We just go on instinct.
Now be a good sidekick
and do your nerdy ping thing.
No, I'm saying, why'd you hop
in the back of the truck
when you could've just thrown
your phone in?
Way to ruin a heroic moment.
Whatever. Just add me
to Find My Friends, all right?
Oh, I'm really flattered you're trying
to take our relationship
to the next level.
No, it's to track you, genius.
Oh, yeah, hang on.
Okay, I... I'm-I'm tracking you.
Just-just hang tight
and don't do anything stupid.
Keala, we're gonna get you out of this.
Just keep looking at me, okay?
Please hurry!
Oh, boy.
Okay, buddy, I'm gonna
come to you, all right?
Hop on.
Where the hell'd you learn
to drive that thing?
I worked construction for
my uncle back in the day.
You sure you know what you're doing?
This is not my first rodeo.
Okay, I'm good.
Hang on tight. I'm gonna send you out.
I can't see anything.
You're gonna have to be my eyes.
Okay. A little to the left.
- Okay.
- A little more.
Okay, there! Send me down.
How much further?
A few more feet.
Okay, right there. Stop!
Hey, buddy.
You're gonna be okay.
I just need you to do one thing.
I need you to let go of those roots
and grab onto me.
- I can't.
- Look, I know you're scared,
but I got you.
I got you.
You're gonna be okay, I promise.
Got you!
I got you.
Okay, Kumu, pull us up!
Trick or treat.
Come on.
Where are you, Jin?
- Yo.
- Rick!
He is at the house.
The Killer of Waianae is there!
Okay, cool. Maybe he's hungry.
We can Postmates some poke.
No, I'm not kidding! I-I...
He stabbed a cop in the back,
and I tracked him to your location.
He's at The Slaughterhouse!
Oh, no.
I just realized,
might be too late for poke.
We might have to get some acai or Froyo.
Rick, listen to me! I'm-I'm not kidding!
Okay, pal. Listen, got to go.
About to crack this case wide open.
Rick! Hello?
Higgy! You got to come check this out!
Here, kitty, kitty, kitty.
Here, kitty, kitty, kitty, kitty.
you're not gonna...
Come on, move it!
Come on, come on, Rick.
Come on, pick up the phone.
Watts just went in the house.
- Where are you?
- Listen to me,
I'll be there soon, okay?
HPD's on the way.
Just stay where you are.
Nice of you to join us.
Thomas, you should have seen it.
I mean, it was like a pay-per-view event.
Death match at The Slaughterhouse.
Higgy and Rick versus the Waianae Killer.
I mean, it was incredible.
So, I just spoke with
Dr. Leslie Carpenter,
head of mental health facilities
at Halawa.
- She treated Watts.
- What did she have to say?
Back in the day, this house used to be
the orphanage where Watts grew up.
He was apparently beaten
by the caretakers
who ran the place.
Must've reminded him of all the suffering
he went through as a kid.
Exactly what Dr. Carpenter said.
He associated everything
and everyone in the house
with his misery.
So that's why he murdered
that family 20 years ago
and why he came back tonight.
Putting together
everything she knows about him
and what happened tonight,
Dr. Carpenter thinks
he was gonna burn the place down.
You did good tonight.
Hold on, was that a compliment?
For Higgins and Rick.
Oh! Burn.
Look at that.
Katsumoto walks away, and
Jin just magically appears.
Yeah, I can't help it.
I'm literally allergic to cops.
Cops and shellfish.
Kitty! Hey.
Hey, sweetie.
There is your ghost, Thomas.
Aw, he really likes you, Rick.
You gonna keep him?
Well, Jin, I'm glad you ask,
because it is a "paw-sibility."
Oh, come on.
Yeah? You like that?
I'm actually allergic to cats
and terrible puns.
I will see you guys later.
How you feeling?
Doc says I'll make a full recovery.
Don't expect me to start
taking it easy on you.
I wouldn't dream of it.
Can I ask you a question?
Of course.
When you told me to remind my family
that I was missing things
because I love them...
were you speaking from experience?
More like regret.
Got it.
I understand missing out on your kid
when there's a mass murderer
on the loose,
but what are you doing here now?
You're my responsibility.
And I'm fine.
I already missed the days
of trick-or-treating.
My son's a teenager now,
going to parties.
Kind of too late to take my own advice.
Is it?
Is that what I think it is?
It's the potato chip one.
Whoa! That is exactly the kind
the doctor said would heal me up.
Thank you. You're welcome.
- Did you miss me?
- Yeah.
- You did? Did you miss me?
- Yeah.
How much? This much?
Dennis, it's Dad.
You free this weekend?
I was wondering if you wanted
to grab pancakes at Cinnamon's.
I don't know what I would
have done without you.
What do you mean?
You did all the heavy lifting. Literally.
That must have been some Halloween.
Oh, you have no idea.
Wow, TC.
You're such a Boy Scout.
Only the best for the best.
- Did you get your man?
- It's a long story.
We didn't get our fish, but we did
get a bigger one, didn't we?
And now I'm out 50 grand.
Come on, Jin. That wasn't
your money to begin with.
How about you two? You guys just...
sit around this nice, cozy fire
and talk about your feelings all night?
- That's a longer story.
- Yeah.
Aloha kakahiaka.
- Good morning. Aloha, Kumu.
- Aloha, kahu.
- Mahalo.
- Mahalo. Aloha.
Nice to see you here.
Good to see you. Just wanted
to make sure you're not
running amok in my construction site.
Mahalo, everybody, for being here.
Are you ready? Let's begin
the blessing of the heiau.
Would you join hands, please?
You know, this heiau
is an impressive structure.
On their own, these rocks
are oddly shaped and useless.
But when they
come together,
they become stronger.
They find a greater purpose.
And so, for us, together, we are a team.
Let these rocks represent us, too.
- I'll check the perimeter.
- Go around back.
Go! Go! Go!
Spread out. Keep your distance. Yes, sir.
Watch it, watch it.
We checked the immediate area.
It's all clear.
All right, listen up.
As of this moment, any officer
who was off duty is now on.
We have an escaped prisoner on the run.
Name's Mason Watts,
and he's not just any prisoner.
He's a mass murderer who was
declared criminally insane.
We need to hunt him down
and we need to do it fast.
We're less than three miles
from a residential area.
Set up checkpoints on all
major streets in the vicinity.
I want birds in the air
and canines on the ground.
It's Halloween. Kids are on the streets.
And we have a real-life monster
on the loose.
Let's go get him.
That bag better be filled
with Kit Kats and Snickers.
And jumbo-sized.
Mr. Masters can't be giving out
tiny candy bars.
I actually won't be helping
candy companies use a holiday
to peddle processed sugar to minors. No.
Uh, Magnum and I actually booked a case.
- On Halloween?
- Blame Magnum.
He seems to think P.I. stands
for paranormal investigator.
Okay. What did he get you into?
Oh, we just have to spend the night
at our client's haunted house.
Oh, a haunted house on Halloween?
- Spooky.
- Correction.
It's not actually haunted,
it's just a house
that our client thinks is haunted.
It's, uh, an old place on Koio Place.
I'm sure the "ghosts" are nothing more
than leaky pipes, but...
Wait, not 5250 Koio Place?
Yes. It is.
How on earth could you know that?
The Slaughterhouse is
the most famous haunted house
on the island.
The Slaughterhouse?
Well, that's what the locals
have called it ever since
the legendary Killer of Waianae
brutally murdered
a family there 20 years ago.
That's awful.
The Slaughterhouse is filled
with tortured souls.
Maybe you shouldn't take the case.
Thank you for your concern, Kumu.
I'm sure we'll be fine.
There is no such thing
as a haunted house.
Hold that thought.
They what?
Tell them not to touch anything.
I'll be right there.
Is everything okay?
Cultural Center emergency.
A real estate developer might
have uncovered a heiau.
I need to go and verify if it's real.
- Wish me luck.
- Bye.
Magnum. Jin.
Hi and bye, Kumu.
Come and gone.
Just like all the women in my life.
What is his deal?
His model girlfriend dumped him.
Keo didn't dump me, it was mutual.
We mutually decided it would be
best if we mutually broke up.
Anybody who says "mutual"
that many times got dumped.
So, you brought Jin here to sulk?
Actually, there's been
a slight change of plans.
Tell her what you told me.
Okay. A couple of days ago,
after my model girlfriend
and I mutually broke up,
I posted bail for my friend Ika.
Unfortunately, he skipped.
And, if he's not caught, I'm out 15K.
Jin wants us to help track him down.
Okay. What's Ika's surname?
And you really have no idea
where he could be?
He literally could be anywhere.
Okay. According to his social media,
his sister is the last person who posted
on his Facebook page, inviting him
to a Halloween party this evening.
You know, he might actually go
to the party.
Wait. How do you figure?
Skips always go back to family,
and a Halloween party would be
a perfect cover
for somebody trying to visit
their family on the DL.
Big crowds,
costumes... he could slip in undetected.
Okay, look, I know it's my fault
for hanging out with a guy like Ika,
and in a way I deserve it,
but I took a big risk
to help out a friend.
I could really use your help on this one.
Well, we're on a case,
but... there are two of us,
and Rick and TC are in the bullpen.
Fine, well, how do we decide
who goes with Jin
and who goes to the haunted house?
Flip for it.
Wait. You're flipping...
you're gonna take the case?
- Yes, we're gonna take the case, relax.
- Tails.
Yes, tails. Higgins for the win.
I'm gonna get the costumes.
It's gonna be great.
Oh, Jin.
I won the toss.
Yeah. I know.
It's you and me, buddy.
Wait a second.
It was either me
or spending the night in a haunted house
and the loser gets me?
Lava rock.
Walls are sloped.
No adhesives.
We've got a heiau.
All right, listen up!
You heard her!
This is an ancient Hawaiian altar.
It's very sacred.
So pack it up.
I want this place locked down
and wrapped up in an hour.
Let's go!
This is our kuleana.
You're doing the right thing.
♪ He did the mash ♪
♪ He did the monster mash ♪
♪ The monster mash... ♪
No. Uh-uh.
No, no, no. No, no.
Nuh-uh. No. Party foul.
We can't both be Robin Hood.
Is that who you are?
I guess you went with
Robin Hood: Men in Tights.
Very funny, my friend.
This is the O.G. Robin Hood: Errol Flynn.
Oh. The O.G.?
More like the J.G.G.
Jolly Green Giant.
I do not look like the Jolly Green Giant.
Nah, you don't. You look more
like his little homey, Sprout.
All right. Come on, man.
When's the party start?
Two hours ago.
Yeah. Damn.
Ah, man.
Slow and steady.
Slow and steady, my brother.
You got this.
Thanks, pal.
Hey, happy Halloween.
You need a favor.
Oh, come on. I-I...
You know, I'm offended
that you would think that's
the only reason why I'd call.
- Well, isn't it?
- No. I just called to see
how my boys are doing.
But now that you mention it,
there is something I'd like
to talk to you about.
No. No. Sorry. Not gonna help.
Yeah, brah, we have lives.
And it's Halloween.
So we only want treats,
none of your tricks.
Hi, guys. The favor's for me.
Oh, whatever you need, Higgy.
Yeah, anything for you.
So, I only need one of you,
and you can decide
which of you it will be.
There is an old lady who believes
that she is living with ghosts.
And I must
spend the night in a haunted house.
Oh, oh, me, me, me. I got it. Me.
This is Rick. I-I'll take it.
Please. Thanks.
- You sure?
- TC, sorry. You snooze, you lose, buddy.
Okay. I will gracefully bow out
from spending the night in a spooky house
out of the goodness of my merry heart.
Thanks, pal. He's an idiot.
Just tell me what you
need and I'll be there.
Okay. Perfect.
I will text you the details.
See you later.
Why'd you shave your mustache?
I think it looks really good.
Easy, Higgins.
I've only been single
for a couple of days.
Slow your roll.
- No, really. Why'd you shave it?
- Duh.
Our Halloween costumes.
For the record,
that John Lennon costume was mine.
In what world am I Yoko Ono
and you're John Lennon?
It's called creativity.
Less expectations.
♪ I came to play ♪
♪ If you think you can slide in,
then pull up to the curb ♪
♪ I came to play... ♪
Well, hello, mermaids.
Really, Jin?
Come on. Sorry, man.
I'm newly single and ready to mingle.
You got to focus, all right?
I-If you're not gonna take
this seriously, I'm out of here.
Sorry, man.
I'm just really into mermaids.
That's all. All right? Don't judge.
People really stepped up
their costume game this year.
It's gonna be easier to blend in.
Problem is, the same thing goes for Ika.
Yeah, that's true.
I'm really bummed I missed it, too.
Tell him I pinky swear
that I'll go through
all his candy with him.
Okay? Got to go.
I love you.
Sorry about that.
It's okay.
Kid's trick-or- treating already?
It's his first time.
Get ready, Pono.
I hate to say it, but this
is just the beginning
of things you're gonna miss.
Holidays, ball games...
Crime doesn't care about your schedule.
Your wife okay with that?
Ah, she says she is,
but I think she's starting to feel
what that sacrifice really means.
You want my advice?
Make sure you let 'em know
you're not gone
because you're too busy for them.
You're gone because you love them.
Copy that.
All units, Five-O requesting backup
at 17 North Pualei.
Suspect has been injured
but remains at large
and is considered highly dangerous.
Use extreme caution.
Uh, can you believe that?
Two psychos loose on the same night.
There's just something about Halloween.
So what's the plan?
We patrol the area
till somebody spots our guy?
Either that or we figure out
where he might be headed.
How? We don't have a single lead.
There's always a lead.
What did CSU find at the crash site?
Gravitational blood drops.
- Which means?
- Watts is injured.
He'll be looking for a place to recover.
A place where he can blend in
and get out of his prison clothes.
Somewhere he can lay low
and figure out his next move.
I can't believe that you managed
to pack an overnight bag,
yet you forgot
to change out of your costume?
I didn't forget, okay?
I worked very hard on this,
and I deserve to flaunt it.
Do you even know who I am?
Yeah, of course. You're Gumby.
What? No.
Oh. Peter Pan.
No. God. No.
I-I'm Robin Hood. Errol Flynn.
Doesn't anybody appreciate
the classics anymore?
Come on in.
What a lovely home.
I don't hear that often.
People tell me I should move away.
But I have so many
wonderful memories here
with my late husband.
Oh, I'm so sorry to hear of his passing.
Oh, thank you.
Well, it was very quiet
for a while after that.
Yes, you said you were
hearing some noises.
Yes. Two days ago is
when I first heard... it.
Well, it sounded like
a young child, wailing.
I know the history of this house,
and so I supposed that it was...
Well, not to worry.
We'll get to the bottom of it.
You can count on us.
Oh. Thank you so much.
Well, I'll see you
- in the morning, okay?
- Yes.
- Bye-bye.
- Good night.
- Bye-bye.
- Bye.
I always wanted to be
in a real haunted house.
Okay, you know this house
isn't actually haunted, right?
Well, who's to say it is or it isn't?
Me. And it isn't.
Okay. Well, agree to disagree.
It's been my dream, always,
to spend one night in
a real haunted house.
This is gonna be so much fun.
Get it together, wahine,
or it's gonna be a long night.
Who's there?!
Kumu, it's just me.
It's TC!
Why you sneaking up on me like that?
I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you.
Well, maybe I did at first,
but then I saw
how freaked out you got
and I had a change of heart.
You had a change of heart,
while I need a change of pants.
What are you doing here?
Well, Thomas and Higgy
told me you were gonna watch the
heiau until the kahu shows up,
so I figured I'd bring
some bare essentials
to hold us down while we keep watch.
What kind of Robin Hood would I be
if I let my sister
stay out here by herself?
TC, that means a lot,
- but you don't have to...
- Okay.
Once you see what I got,
you're gonna want me to stay.
Bare essentials, huh?
Well, shall I take my wine and be gone?
Pop a squat, Lord Locksley.
Oh, my God.
What is it? Please tell me
it's jars of formaldehyde
filled with body parts.
"Help yourselves
to some chocolate haupia pie.
Love, Helen."
Wow. Get this.
Watts killed the entire family
in this room,
in that very spot.
Could you please contain your excitement?
You're talking
about actual murder victims.
"When Watts attacked the first victim,
"he let them cry out in order to draw
the rest of the family to him."
Did you hear a word I said?
It's like being here with Magnum.
Did you hear that?
Shh, shh.
I swear I heard something.
You think you're safe.
But you're not.
I know where you are,
I'm sorry. Oh, I couldn't resist it.
It's just me, man.
I knew it was you the whole time.
It was so obvious.
I didn't get scared at all.
It's Thomas.
So, is this how you thank your friends
who volunteer their spare time
to help you, eh?
Scaring them half to death?
Hang on. I wasn't scared.
And if you're referring
to my buttocks being clenched,
that's due to the tights.
I was just calling to check in,
see how you guys are doing.
Yeah. Fine. All good. We're settled in.
If there's anything wrong
with this house,
we'll find out what it is.
Sounds great.
Thanks, Higgy.
- Hey, Jin.
- What's going on?
Either somebody's stepping up
their Halloween game
with amazing props or HPD's out there.
I know cops give you, uh, allergies,
so I'll be right back. Stay there.
No, no. I'm dressed like a girl
and I shaved my 'stache.
There's no way in hell
they'll recognize me.
You'll see.
Trick or treat, boys.
Magnum, Jin.
Wait, you-you recognize me?
I'm not an idiot.
What are you doing here?
I was helping Magnum out
with something very legal.
Helping out with what?
And why make a point
to tell me it's legal?
That's true. Yeah.
I'm working a case.
Anyway, what's going on out here?
Nothing. It's a holiday.
Just want to make sure everyone's safe.
You're such a terrible liar.
He's bad. Bad. He's bad.
Anyway, I overheard a uni talking about
roadblocks and K-9 units.
Whatever's going on,
it's big.
All units, possible Mason Watts sighting
in the 200 block of Makaleka Avenue.
- Sir, that's four blocks away.
- Wait,
Mason Watts is loose?
That's your big case?
Hold on. Why do I know that name?
He's the Waianae Killer.
He mass-murdered a whole family.
Magnum, Jin, go back to your party. Now.
All right, but...
I'm in work mode.
If you need help...
I won't. Goodbye.
Most of the units are
coming in from the east.
If we cut through the backyard...
Forget about Makaleka.
We're going to that party.
If you were wearing
a prison jumpsuit on Halloween,
where would be the best place to hide?
♪ Walkin' with a dead man
over my shoulder ♪
♪ I'm all dressed up with nowhere to go ♪
♪ Walkin' with a dead man
over my shoulder ♪
Nice costumes, Officers.
I'm busted. Take me in!
Yeah, me, too!
♪ Waitin' for an invitation to arrive ♪
♪ Going to a party where
no one's still alive ♪
I'm telling you,
once you go hurricane popcorn,
you can't go back to regular popcorn.
I mean, I can't even imagine one
without the other.
It's like... cereal and milk.
Or Magnum and Higgins.
Hey, if I hadn't showed up,
you wouldn't be scared
out here by yourself?
Only if some lolo came barging
out of the woods.
Look, I'm sorry about that, again.
It's just...
being out here with this sacred heiau,
you wouldn't be scared to be
out here with all these spirits?
You don't believe in spirits?
I didn't say that.
I have a healthy respect
for my ancestors.
But I know you really believe
in that stuff.
So you wouldn't be scared to...
think you were constantly being watched?
My husband had the loudest voice
you ever heard.
His friends called him
the human megaphone.
His laugh lit up whatever room he was in.
when I'm alone in nature
and it's dead quiet,
I can still hear him laughing.
Do I think it's scary to
be surrounded by spirits?
It's much scarier to
think that we're not.
These pics of Ika are useless.
Half the people in here
are wearing masks.
Hey. How tall did you say he was?
I don't know, Magnum.
I didn't ask him that question.
So he's a close friend of yours,
and you have no idea how tall he is?
I judge a man by his heart,
Magnum, not his height.
Knock it off, all right?
This is your $15,000
we're trying to get back.
Hey, it's 50 grand. Nah, I'm pretty sure
you said it was 15.
I'm pretty sure it was 50 grand
since I'm the one
that's missing 50 grand.
Okay, this is suspicious.
Why are you throwing around
that kind of cash?
And how do you even know Ika?
We're best friends.
Okay, we're friends.
We're, like, best new...
acquaintances, okay?
Which means?
Which means that I've met him twice,
and they were very meaningful encounters.
I'd call them "seated encounters,"
so I don't know exactly how tall he is,
but he's got really good
body posture when he's sitting,
if that's what you want to know.
I can't do this anymore.
Okay, I paid for his bail
with stolen money,
all right, so I could get money in return
in the form of a government check.
Jin, that is money laundering.
Well, I call it a "financial cleanse."
Listen, it would have gone over
smoothly if he didn't jump bail.
All right? We didn't hurt anybody.
Why are you so bent out of shape over it?
You know, I wanted
to believe you when you said
you were making better choices,
and that's on me.
But you made me bail on a
real client, and that's on you.
Good night, Jin.
I'm sorry.
What? Excuse me.
Excuse me!
Go find Katsumoto!
Go! Okay. Okay. Okay!
You're gonna be okay, all right?
Just try not to move your neck too much.
It's Pono, right?
Take the knife out.
No, no, no. It's gonna have
to stay in for now.
That's the only thing
stopping you from bleeding out.
We're gonna get you some help, okay?
EMS is on the way.
- Just take it easy.
- Sir...
- Save your energy.
- No. It's Watts.
He ditched his jumpsuit
for civilian clothes.
Blue jeans, green flannel.
Need all units at 1275 Nuku.
Watts spotted.
He's in blue jeans and a green flannel.
I repeat:
blue jeans and a green flannel.
Katsumoto, I know you got
your guys on it, but...
Go get the bastard.
Come on.
Hey, look at me. Look at me.
You did great.
All right? Just take it easy.
I'll be fine. Go get him.
Oh, we'll get him.
I'm staying right here with you.
You just hang on.
All right, now we can either
sleep 180 back-to-back,
or we can take alternating naps.
Rick, you're not in a bunker
in Afghanistan
with TC and Magnum, all right?
We're in an old lady's house in Hawaii.
No, that can't be.
Yep. Okay. I heard that.
Let's check it out, shall we?
It's probably just the plumbing.
Yeah, his plumbing sounds
just like a screaming child.
Totally normal.
I think it's coming from up here.
Hear that?
I think it's coming
from behind that door.
After you.
Me? Why me?
Because this is your
haunted house fantasy.
Good point.
Well, it's just a...
normal doorknob anyway, right?
Or is it?
It's actually
quite an ornate little fellow.
Is it brass or copper? It's hard to tell.
Depends on whether or not
it's been lacquered, but...
oftentimes, a strange patina will...
Are you kidding me? Move.
You see?
- That wasn't so hard, now, was it?
- Right.
Now, sometimes you can just reach in
and find the light in here.
Aah! Aah!
- What was that?
- Well, if I had to guess,
I would say the corpse of a young child.
"Corpse of a child."
isn't that...
I was gonna say the same thing.
That was not coming from in here.
Okay, don't worry, Higgy, you got this.
So if wasn't for Scrappy,
the gang wouldn't have known
that it was the gardener
pretending to be a ghost the whole time.
Like, he pulled his mask off,
and it was the gardener.
There was never a ghost
in the first place.
Honey, if you have to
explain it, it ain't scary.
Kumu, if you got a better story, then...
I do, actually.
Then by all means.
There once was a man named Hanalei...
who was cursed with a
taste for human flesh.
He kept his cravings
at bay by hunting boar,
but one day...
a storm kept him from hunting,
and he was desperate
for something to eat.
Then he spotted a little girl.
The villagers heard screams,
and when they arrived,
Hanalei was gorging on her flesh.
He refused to settle for boar again.
And some say, to this day...
he roams the forest
searching for his next meal.
Please. Help.
It's my little brother.
He's in danger. Please.
We were riding our bikes
to go see the heiau,
and he just fell over the side.
What's his name? Keala.
Keala, don't look down. Hold on.
Please hurry.
Kids, get away from the edge!
Get away from the edge.
Help! Hurry!
Grab on!
Be careful, TC.
How about now?
Those roots aren't gonna
hold much longer.
Please do something!
I have an idea. Hold on.
No, not yet.
Maybe Watts went back...
What is it? You got Watts?
Let me call you right back.
No, ho-hold...
Excuse me.
Blue jeans, green flannel.
It's the Waianae Killer.
pick up, pick up, pick up, pick up.
- Jin?
- Magnum.
- Magnum!
- Jin!
Magnum! Damn!
Jin, what's going on?
I'm in the truck with Watts.
What do you mean?
He was getting away,
so I snuck inside the truck bed.
- Why?
- Heroes don't ask why.
We just go on instinct.
Now be a good sidekick
and do your nerdy ping thing.
No, I'm saying, why'd you hop
in the back of the truck
when you could've just thrown
your phone in?
Way to ruin a heroic moment.
Whatever. Just add me
to Find My Friends, all right?
Oh, I'm really flattered you're trying
to take our relationship
to the next level.
No, it's to track you, genius.
Oh, yeah, hang on.
Okay, I... I'm-I'm tracking you.
Just-just hang tight
and don't do anything stupid.
Keala, we're gonna get you out of this.
Just keep looking at me, okay?
Please hurry!
Oh, boy.
Okay, buddy, I'm gonna
come to you, all right?
Hop on.
Where the hell'd you learn
to drive that thing?
I worked construction for
my uncle back in the day.
You sure you know what you're doing?
This is not my first rodeo.
Okay, I'm good.
Hang on tight. I'm gonna send you out.
I can't see anything.
You're gonna have to be my eyes.
Okay. A little to the left.
- Okay.
- A little more.
Okay, there! Send me down.
How much further?
A few more feet.
Okay, right there. Stop!
Hey, buddy.
You're gonna be okay.
I just need you to do one thing.
I need you to let go of those roots
and grab onto me.
- I can't.
- Look, I know you're scared,
but I got you.
I got you.
You're gonna be okay, I promise.
Got you!
I got you.
Okay, Kumu, pull us up!
Trick or treat.
Come on.
Where are you, Jin?
- Yo.
- Rick!
He is at the house.
The Killer of Waianae is there!
Okay, cool. Maybe he's hungry.
We can Postmates some poke.
No, I'm not kidding! I-I...
He stabbed a cop in the back,
and I tracked him to your location.
He's at The Slaughterhouse!
Oh, no.
I just realized,
might be too late for poke.
We might have to get some acai or Froyo.
Rick, listen to me! I'm-I'm not kidding!
Okay, pal. Listen, got to go.
About to crack this case wide open.
Rick! Hello?
Higgy! You got to come check this out!
Here, kitty, kitty, kitty.
Here, kitty, kitty, kitty, kitty.
you're not gonna...
Come on, move it!
Come on, come on, Rick.
Come on, pick up the phone.
Watts just went in the house.
- Where are you?
- Listen to me,
I'll be there soon, okay?
HPD's on the way.
Just stay where you are.
Nice of you to join us.
Thomas, you should have seen it.
I mean, it was like a pay-per-view event.
Death match at The Slaughterhouse.
Higgy and Rick versus the Waianae Killer.
I mean, it was incredible.
So, I just spoke with
Dr. Leslie Carpenter,
head of mental health facilities
at Halawa.
- She treated Watts.
- What did she have to say?
Back in the day, this house used to be
the orphanage where Watts grew up.
He was apparently beaten
by the caretakers
who ran the place.
Must've reminded him of all the suffering
he went through as a kid.
Exactly what Dr. Carpenter said.
He associated everything
and everyone in the house
with his misery.
So that's why he murdered
that family 20 years ago
and why he came back tonight.
Putting together
everything she knows about him
and what happened tonight,
Dr. Carpenter thinks
he was gonna burn the place down.
You did good tonight.
Hold on, was that a compliment?
For Higgins and Rick.
Oh! Burn.
Look at that.
Katsumoto walks away, and
Jin just magically appears.
Yeah, I can't help it.
I'm literally allergic to cops.
Cops and shellfish.
Kitty! Hey.
Hey, sweetie.
There is your ghost, Thomas.
Aw, he really likes you, Rick.
You gonna keep him?
Well, Jin, I'm glad you ask,
because it is a "paw-sibility."
Oh, come on.
Yeah? You like that?
I'm actually allergic to cats
and terrible puns.
I will see you guys later.
How you feeling?
Doc says I'll make a full recovery.
Don't expect me to start
taking it easy on you.
I wouldn't dream of it.
Can I ask you a question?
Of course.
When you told me to remind my family
that I was missing things
because I love them...
were you speaking from experience?
More like regret.
Got it.
I understand missing out on your kid
when there's a mass murderer
on the loose,
but what are you doing here now?
You're my responsibility.
And I'm fine.
I already missed the days
of trick-or-treating.
My son's a teenager now,
going to parties.
Kind of too late to take my own advice.
Is it?
Is that what I think it is?
It's the potato chip one.
Whoa! That is exactly the kind
the doctor said would heal me up.
Thank you. You're welcome.
- Did you miss me?
- Yeah.
- You did? Did you miss me?
- Yeah.
How much? This much?
Dennis, it's Dad.
You free this weekend?
I was wondering if you wanted
to grab pancakes at Cinnamon's.
I don't know what I would
have done without you.
What do you mean?
You did all the heavy lifting. Literally.
That must have been some Halloween.
Oh, you have no idea.
Wow, TC.
You're such a Boy Scout.
Only the best for the best.
- Did you get your man?
- It's a long story.
We didn't get our fish, but we did
get a bigger one, didn't we?
And now I'm out 50 grand.
Come on, Jin. That wasn't
your money to begin with.
How about you two? You guys just...
sit around this nice, cozy fire
and talk about your feelings all night?
- That's a longer story.
- Yeah.
Aloha kakahiaka.
- Good morning. Aloha, Kumu.
- Aloha, kahu.
- Mahalo.
- Mahalo. Aloha.
Nice to see you here.
Good to see you. Just wanted
to make sure you're not
running amok in my construction site.
Mahalo, everybody, for being here.
Are you ready? Let's begin
the blessing of the heiau.
Would you join hands, please?
You know, this heiau
is an impressive structure.
On their own, these rocks
are oddly shaped and useless.
But when they
come together,
they become stronger.
They find a greater purpose.
And so, for us, together, we are a team.
Let these rocks represent us, too.