Magnum P.I. (2018): Season 1, Episode 5 - Sudden Death - full transcript
TC asks Magnum to take on a case to help acquit the father of one of his young football players who is accused of murder.
[crowd cheering]
Let's go, let's go,
let's go, let's go.
♪ Go ahead and
take 'em down... ♪
Blue 52, blue 52.
Hut, hut, hike!
♪ We're gonna show 'em up,
they're spinnin' out now ♪
♪ We're gonna show them
what this team is all about... ♪
[whistle blows]
♪ We came to steal your fame
and take your name... ♪
Rick, it's a simple stakeout.
I've heard that before.
You know, I'm still paying for
the damage to the club's boat
from the last time
you borrowed it.
I thought you said
it was insured.
Apparently not
for bullet holes.
Doesn't Robin
have a yacht?
I live in his guest house.
I drive his Ferrari.
I-I can't ask him
for any more favors.
Here's an idea:
don't ask.
Yeah. You mooch everything
else. Why stop now?
It's true.[chuckles]
Here we go,
here we go.
[crowd cheering]
Yeah, yeah! Come on, let's go!
Go, go! Go, Makoa!
Ooh, that's all day, baby.
Good game, good game.
Man, that kid gets better
and better every game.
Yeah, and we know it can't
be from the coaching.
you keep this up
through next season,
you definitely have a shot
at that scholarship
to Saint Lou High.
I'm proud of you, man.MAN: Makoa!
Coach, I got to go.
Good game, bud.
What's up with
Mr. Friendly?
Never shows up
to the games.
Only picks up his
kid afterwards.
Hani's all right.
Just been hard since his
wife passed away last year.
He works two jobs to
support him and Mak.
So cut him some slack, Orville.
Single father,
two jobs... I don't know, it
kind of sounds like your pops.
Yeah, that hadn't
occurred to me.
What's that?
Nothing. Get in.
Higgins, it's-it's me again.
Can you come out here, please?
Can you do something
about these velociraptors?
Easy, lads.
[low growling]
Took your sweet time,
didn't you?
Just like you took
your sweet time
cleaning up the mess you made
on Mr. Masters' yacht
the other night.
Is that what this is about?
I was trapped in my car
for ten minutes.
Bad enough that you take
your employer's vessel
without asking permission...
It was an emergency.
I was working on a case.
Oh, please.
Empty beer bottles, pizza boxes,
a bikini top
hanging from the mast?
A friend stopped by.
She's European.
They don't like tops.
Oh, spare me.
This mess is your
responsibility, Magnum.
You, and you alone, need to...
sterilize the area
with extreme prejudice.
Oh, unless of course you want me
to inform Mr. Masters
that his "personal security
consultant" hijacked his boat.
No, no, we don't want that.
I-I will clean the boat.
Come, lads.[snap fingers]
TC, what's up?
I need your help.
It's Makoa.
Kid's never missed a
single practice before.
Now he's missed two
in the last few days.
I called his school.
They said he's been
absent since the weekend.
You try calling his father?
Tried, yeah. I left
texts, messages.
He's not getting
back to me.
I just swung by their
house in Nanakuli.
Place looks empty,
locked up.
I'm worried, Thomas.
I-I feel you, man.
Just take a breath.
Look, I know you got a
weird vibe about Hani.
He's just-he's just
not social, you know?
But he's a good man.
He loves his son.
You don't have to sell me.
I'm your brother.
You had me at "help."
TC was personally invested
in every kid
from his football team,
but Makoa was like
a kindred spirit.
When TC's mom
abandoned her family,
his father stepped up,
gave TC a decent upbringing
and became something
of a hero to him.
That's why TC loves being a
surrogate dad for at-risk kids
and just another reason
why I'd do anything for him.
[lock clicking]
Anybody home?
That's not right.
What ain't right?
Cereal. It's Fruity Nut Puffs.
That's some real impressive
detective work, Thomas.
Listen to me.
Fruity Nut Puffs
swell up and get soggy
after ten minutes
in milk. These...
What are you doing?
It's warm.
You can come out now.
You know who this is.
Huddle up.
Come here, cuz.
What's going on, man?
What you hiding for?
I thought you were
Child Welfare.
Why would Child Welfare
be here, Mak?
Where's your father?
[sighs] Arrested for what?
About a year ago,
Hani got himself tagged
for public intoxication,
spent the night
in the drunk tank.
I posted his bail.
He was still reeling from
the death of his wife.
I thought he stopped
drinking, but...
Why don't we swing by HPD?
Maybe they'll kick him
if I promise to get him
into a program.
You gonna see my dad?
I want to come.
A'ight, little man,
come on.
We'll all go together.
Let's go, bud.
I can't help you, Magnum.
I got no info.
You're gonna have to talk
to the detective in charge.
Okay, so, point me
to who's in charge.
Right behind you, Magnum.
So, what's your
interest in this?
Hani Iona's
a friend of ours.
Wait. You work
Major Crimes, Katsumoto.
Since when do you handle
drunk and disorderly?
What D&D?
This is a murder case.
Your pal's our prime suspect.
Vic's name is Dr. Ellis Mason.
Lived on Kauai,
worked in Honolulu.
One of those concierge MDs.
And the body was found
in a parking garage
by a couple of tourists
who also saw a Saturn
fleeing the scene.
And when unis
pulled over your friend,
he seemed extremely nervous,
so we brought him in
for questioning.
That sounds pretty
Damn right it does.
You test him
for gunshot residue?
Uh, GSR results
were inconclusive, but...
we did find blood
on his shoes.
Did Hani say what he was doing
in the parking garage?
He claims he was a patient and
Mason said to meet him there.
But he's not
on Mason's patient roster.
the trunk of Mason's BMW
contained supplies of PEDs.
So, Mason
was doing some dealing
on the side.
You tell me.
Any reason
for your friend might be
interested in PEDs?
No. Hell no.
No way do I believe Hani
is juicing his son.
I-I didn't say that.Yeah, but you
were thinking it.
What makes you so sure
Hani didn't kill this guy?
'Cause I know him.
It's not in his nature.
Remember that story
you told Rick and me
about when you were a kid,
your father got picked up on
suspicion of bank robbery?
The charges were dropped.
That's exactly my point.
Maybe you're projecting
your father's innocence on a man
that-that you don't know
as well as you think you do.
Don't strain yourself
reaching, TM.
Look, one thing has nothing
to do with the other.
I know Hani enough to know that
he would never do something
to risk losing his son.
Yeah, well, I'd have to hear
that from Hani himself
and Katsumoto is not gonna
let anybody talk to him
except for his lawyer.Okay.
Let's find a lawyer to
help sneak you inside.
They'd be risking their career.
Where are we supposed
to find a lawyer
with murky morals like that?
Ain't that a
friend of Rick's?
Aloha, honey.
Vanessa Nero, Attorney at Law.
I'm here to speak to
my client, Hani, uh...
Uh, Hani Iona.
Legal teams only.
Oh, Mr. Magnuson--
he's been a trusted
at my firm for years.
Perhaps now would be a good time
to settle up, sweetie.
I think Rick told you you'd get
your money when the job's done.
I got you in, didn't I?
We're done.
Maybe I can get
a receipt for that?
My office'll e-mail you.
[lock buzzes]
[latch clicks]
Don't mind me, doll.
I'm not even here.
I know you.
You're Coach's friend.
Uh, yeah, that's right, uh,
Thomas Magnum.
I'm a private investigator.
Where's Makoa?
He's safe, with TC.
Uh, Hani,
I w-want to help you, but you
have to tell me what happened.
I had nothing to do with that.
I swear it.
Dr. Mason was already dead
when I got there.
Why didn't you call the police?
I don't know.
I panicked.
I wasn't thinking clearly.
[phone chimes]Wow.
If you were
Mason's patient,
why would you meet
in a parking garage?
It was his idea.
He was treating me off-book.
I couldn't afford
his usual fees,
and insurance wouldn't cover it.
Treating you for what, exactly?
Just general things.
General things.
So it had nothing to do
with the PEDs in his trunk?
drugs? T-The steroids?
I don't know anything
about that.
Did they tell you
about the threats?
What threats?
Dr. Mason was being threatened
by someone.
A-Another patient, I think.
And how would you know that?
Because he confided it to me,
more than a week ago.
I told
the arresting officers,
but because I didn't have
a name, they ignored me.
Or they didn't believe you.
Was the parking garage
the only place that you
and Mason would meet up?
Uh, couple times, uh,
he had me meet him downtown,
at a gym.
What gym?
I don't know if you noticed,
but your boy in there
wasn't being entirely honest.
I thought you weren't listening.
I read body language fluently.
He's gonna need
a really good defense.
Make sure you give him
my card, doll.
Vanessa was right.
Hani was holding back
But if he was right about
someone threatening Dr. Mason,
then the boxing gym seemed
like a good place to start.
But first I had to find someone
to look after Mak.
It's out of the question.
It's just until TC and I
get Mak's dad out of trouble.
Look, I appreciate
the enormity of the situation,
and I-I feel for the child.
His name's Mak.
But I have a lot
of work to do here
and no time to babysit.
And besides, what would
I even do with him?
You could feed him.
My nephew was always starved
when he was Makoa's age.
Right, then.
Come along, Mak.
Let's get you fed.
Do you like duck?
I think we have some left
in the refrigerator.
No worries. I'll make him
a grilled cheese sandwich.
♪ The frustration, rage,
trapped inside a cage ♪
[bell ringing]♪ The beatings till the age
I carried a... ♪
♪ Somebody stop me ♪ Please!♪
♪ Somebody come and get me ♪ What?♪
♪ Little did I know
♪ That the Lord
was ridin' with me ♪
♪ The dark, the light,
my heart, the fight ♪
♪ The wrong, the right
[indistinct chatter]
♪ They don't know
♪ Who we be...
He said, uh,
Mason used to come in here
from time to time.
In fact, just last week,
he got into an altercation
with... that beast,
Wade Steuben.
He's an MMA fighter.
All right, let's go talk to him.
Wait, h-hold on.
On that note,
in order to get that information
out of the guy, I had to...
offer up a sparring partner
for his boy.
Who, me?
You offered up me?
All right, man, who's his boy?
That guy.
This dude?
He looks kind of vicious.
Relax, you got 30 pounds
and a four-inch reach advantage
on the guy. You'll be fine.
Yeah, stay away from his left.
And his right.
Hey, look,
just bob and weave, man.
Get a couple minutes in there.
I'll go talk to Steuben,
we'll get out of here.
Have some fun.
I'm-a kill you for this.
Wade Steuben. Big fan.
That was some
fight last week.
I haven't had a fight in months.
No, I'm talking about
the one you had here,
with your steroid supplier.
Your little run-in?
Look, I-I'm trying to get
a little something-something
for my fighter up here.
What do you think?
[gasping, coughing]
I wouldn't waste your time.
Why is that?
That jerk sold me a masking
agent to pass drug tests.
I failed twice.
It cost me
a two-year suspension,
three endorsements
and the title shot.
Hey, I'll be right back.
Two-year suspension--
sounds like a pretty good reason
to kill a guy.
What, you didn't hear?
Ellis Mason was
shot two days ago.
What are you, a cop?
Eh, private investigator.
Then no one will mind too much
if I kick your head in.
I'll mind.
TC, got to go!
Good fight.
[phone rings]
It's Magnum.
You seriously need to look
into a guy named Wade Steuben,
an MMA fighter.
Magnum...I'm pretty sure he's the one
Hani said was
threatening Ellis Mason.
Look, he's got motive
and a temper.
I've got something better--
murder weapon.
Heckler & Koch 9mm.Where?
That's the best part.
We have security footage of it
being tossed into a dumpster
a half mile
from the murder scene.
Three guesses
who did the tossing.
All right.
He's being transferred
to Oahu Correctional.
Prosecutor's officially charged
him with murder one.
Let's go.
You're thinking
about your father.
I'm scared I won't
see him again.
Of course you will.
You'll come to discover
that Mr. Magnum...
generally succeeds
in what he sets out to do.
How come?
You remember
what this piece is called?
The knight?Mm-hmm.
This particular one
happens to be
the white knight.
And players
often underestimate it,
because it's unassuming.
Its moves seem
almost erratic,
But quite often,
it will surprise you.
You could almost argue it's the
most important piece in chess.
Next to the queen, of course.
But the knight
won't let you down.
What do you mean I'm letting
you down? Hani lied to me.
He must've had good reason.
Just because we're down
at the half
don't mean the game is over.
No, this isn't halftime.
This is sudden death, and we're
on our own two-yard line.
He had the gun.
There must have been
some good explanation for that.
Well, we're not gonna know
what it is
until they're finished
processing him.
Look, you have to consider
the possibility
that Hani is guilty.
Look, Wade Steuben
is the killer.
I know it in my bones.
And so do you.
Maybe TC was right.
But someone with Steuben's
temper and penchant
for violence wouldn't have
needed a gun to kill Mason.
Maybe we were
missing something.
There she is.
Not now, Magnum. I'm slammed.
More like slammin'.
Hey, I, uh, got
a present for you.
You got that from the vending
machine outside in the hall.
You know,
the quality of your bribes
has taken
a serious nosedive.
Must not be that important
of a favor.
No, it's important.
I just didn't have time to stop
and get something better.
So what do you need?
You know the autopsy
on Dr. Mason?
Was there any bruising
or contusions indicating
a struggle with somebody
really strong?
I did notice some bruising,
but I haven't done
the full workup yet.
I can't give you
anything conclusive
until I start the autopsy.
Can you let me know
as soon as you do?
There could be another bag
of stale chips in it for you.
The sooner you leave,
the sooner I can get started.
Thank you.
Don't touch it, Magnum.
I wasn't.
I didn't really need
to pick it up, anyway.
I recognized the crest
on the valet ticket.
The Lunalilo Palace
Hotel and Condos.
Pardon me.Oh, I'm so sorry.
My daughter was told
that she'd be able
to pick up her husband's
wedding ring here.
You're Mrs. Mason.
Yes. This is my mother, Ruth.
I-I'm Thomas Magnum.
I'm investigating
Dr. Mason's murder.
I'm very sorry for your loss.
Thank you.We appreciate what you
and the other officers did,
the man responsible.
Oh, uh...These past two days
have been so awful.
At least now Brooke
can fly home to Kauai
with some small sense
of closure.
You're welcome.
I don't know what made me
feel worse-- their grief
or that I was working
to undo their closure.
The Lunalilo's night manager
was an old client of mine.
He confirmed that Mason rented
a condo there during the week.
Saved him from the commute
back and forth to Kauai.
[beep] A 50 from TC was enough
to get us a keycard
into the place.
Who still uses
these fossils anymore?
People afraid
of their
voice mails
getting hacked.
It's me. Meeting's running late.
I'll just meet you
at the condo tonight.
Text me when you get this.[beep]
Doesn't sound like
his wife.
You're gonna pay for
screwing up my career, Mason.
You can't hide.
That's Wade Steuben.
We have to find out
who she is and how
she's connected to Mason.
She had a key card
to his condo.
Do I got to
draw you a map?
She's Mason's
little side chippy.
Side chippy?
Look, don't get sidetracked.
Steuben's who we're after,
not Mason's little
extracurricular bedroom buddy.[door opens]
[door shuts]RICK:
All right, boys,
we're in luck.
Borrowed this
from a pawn shop buddy of mine.
Now, she's a loaner,
so please--
I know where you live,
so you better be
watching your back.[beep]
There it is. That should be
enough for the cops
to pick Steuben up
and check out whatever
phony alibi he comes up with.
It's Hani Iona.
I won't ask again.
Stop calling my house.
You don't have to remind me
about the money I owe.
You'll get it.
Now stop harassing me.
[beep]Hani owed Mason money.
So? What if he did?
That's a motive.
You always owe me money.
That don't mean
I'm gonna kill you.
Look, Steuben's still the one
throwing threats around.
I agree, but everything
on this tape is evidence.
I'm obligated to turn
it over to the cops.
You can't do that!
It's not just a question
of what's ethically right.
I could lose my license.
That tape could be
the nail in Hani's coffin.
Motive is the one thing
that the cops don't have.
They have everything else, okay?
Why won't you accept that?
You're not gonna
turn that tape over!
Hey, let's all remember
we're friends.
You know things are
getting out of hand
when I'm the voice of reason.
Yeah, look, you have to have
more than a feeling
that Hani is innocent.
How many times,
when we were serving together,
did you have a feeling
or a hunch about something?
Me and Rick
always had your back.
That's different, all right.
You're projecting.
Just because your father
was innocent
doesn't mean that
everybody e...
He wasn't!
My father wasinvolved
in a robbery.
And he went to prison
for it.
I lied about him
being acquitted.
I lied for a long time.
Lied to myself, my friends.
I went to live
with my grandparents
for six years
until he got early parole.
Why didn't you tell us?
Man, you have no idea
what that did to me.
But I have an idea of what
it's gonna do to Makoa.
Well, Tommy,
what are you gonna do now?
What's this?
It's from the vic's
answering machine.
A threatening phone call
from Wade Steuben...
and something else.
You'll know what it is
when you hear it.
You did it, didn't you?
You gave that tape
over to the cops.
Well, good.
You upheld the law.
You protected your license.
I hope it was worth it.
'Cause you just
threw away our friendship.
Part of me wanted to believe
that TC didn't mean
what he said about me
throwing away our friendship.
In a million years,
I couldn't imagine
that bond ever being broken.
So why do I feel like
my right arm was
just ripped out of its socket?
You got to fix this thing
between you and TC, man.
If not for yourself,
then do it for me.
Do you have any idea
how hard this thing is on me?
I'm a child of divorce,
you know.
Well, I guess we're gonna
have to share custody.
I get you every
Tuesday and Thursday,
and alternate weekends.
That's not funny.Look,
I wanted Hani to
be innocent, too,
but when all the evidence
points to his guilt,
I-I couldn't just
sit on that.
I just hope TC
comes around to see that.
You and me both, brother.
[phone rings]
Dr. Cunha.
Got that autopsy result
you wanted.
Oh, well, that's kind of, uh...
Well, go ahead, hit me.
Well, you were right
about there being a struggle,
but the bruising on the torso
is pretty light.
An abrasion on the cheek,
two scratches on the neck...
Angles indicate
that the assailant
was no taller than five-six
or seven.
A woman.
That would be my guess.
Hey, did you
or Forensics turn up
any light brown hair?
Forensics found a couple
of strands in Mason's car,
but we haven't matched them up
to anyone yet.
Dr. Cunha, I owe you
a truckload of Maui chips.
Where you going?
[lock buzzes]
No more lies, Hani.
Five-O has everything
they need to put you away:
the gun, the blood,
your debt to Mason,
so before I lift
another finger to help you,
you need to tell me
the truth.
How much money
did you owe him?
1,200, give or take.
But he promised that
he'd forgive my debt
if I got him a gun.
For protection.
Because of the threats
he was receiving.
Days later, I go to meet him.
I saw his body.
And I saw my gun laying there.
I panicked.
I took it to get rid of.
I knew the cops
would think I did it.
Why didn't you tell
the cops the truth?
A-At least about the drugs.
'Cause I was ashamed, man.
I was scared.
I thought they'd take Makoa
away from me.
What'd you expect, giving
steroids to a 13-year-old?
What? I would never.
They were for me.
I was struggling
after my wife died.
I needed to take them
for my depression.
You were taking PEDs
for depression?
Nothing else worked.
They elevated my moods,
gave me stamina
to keep going.
Did you ever see Mason
with, um, a woman--
light brown hair, young,
probably early 30s?
I think I saw her drop him off
at the gym once.
Remember thinking it's odd
that she was driving a truck.
A red pickup.
Who is she?
Do you have a name?
Daisy. I overheard him talking
to her on the phone last week.
He wanted to stop
what they were doing.
He was done.
They were having an affair.
The red pickup,
plus the name Daisy
was enough for my contact at
the DMV to get me the address
of a Daisy Chase in Pearl City.
And the little bit Hani remembered about the phone call
sounded a lot like Mason was
breaking off
a relationship with her.
Not sure if that's motive
enough to commit murder,
but it's a start to finding out what her game is.
Fullback runs to the sidelines,
guards shift their positions,
creating a lane
for the running back to run to
with fullback as lead blocker.
So that's a Packers sweep.
It's like tactical strategy.
I'm starting to see the appeal.
Let me show you a bootleg play.
We've got company at the gate.
Very unhappy company.
Can I help you?
I'm Ailana Read
from Child Welfare.
We have reason to believe
Makoa Iona is on these premises.
And, uh, what reason
would that be?
A phone call
to Oahu Community Correctional
was made from this address
by Makoa.
Actually, I was the person
who made that phone call
to the prison.
Dating pool's gotten
a little shallow.
We have a recording of the call.
Took a shot.
Look, I can assure you,
Ms. Read,
that Makoa is quite
fine where he is.
Well, I'd like to take
your word for that,
but I'll need to come in
and speak with him
to make sure his needs
are being met.
Well, since his best need
at the moment
is to be safe and secure,
then I'm afraid I'm gonna
have to respectfully decline.
I'll be back with a warrant,
if I have to.
You do that.
And in the meanwhile,
may I suggest you sod off.
[hangs up]
Nicely done.[clears throat]
Makoa, what were you thinking,
calling the prison?
I'll get the car.
[truck engine idling]
An empty, idling truck.
Partially open front door.
Hmm. Never a good sign.
WOMAN [in distance]:
I don't know anything.
You're making a mistake.
Your boyfriend
made the mistake.
Where's the money?!
I don't want
to have to use this.
So don't make any moves.
[both grunting]
Back for round two?
Tap out, big guy.
Tap out.
No, no, no, no!
Damn it!
[truck engine revs]
You broke my leg.
Yeah, probably
a couple ribs, too.
I'm gonna call an ambulance.
Don't hobble off.
911 emergency.
Stay on the line, sir.
A unit is on the way.
He's not gonna hurt you anymore.
I just want to talk.
Easy, easy.
Okay? He's the bad guy.
I'm the good guy.
Look, I called 911.
The cops are on their way,
but you need to
tell them the truth.
The truth?
Yeah, you can't let
an innocent man
take the fall for Mason's death.
Wait, you think...
Why would I kill Ellis?
His death screws up
everything for me.
We were partners.
I work for BioMerk
You supplied Mason
with the PEDs.
It's not like we were
pushing the stuff.
Ellis would sell
the samples I gave him
and we'd split
the profits, 50-50.
But Mason
wanted to stop.
He spoke to you about
it over the phone.
He always felt guilty
about what we were doing.
Only did it to
supplement his income.
His wife Brooke came from money.
He was just trying
to provide her
with the lifestyle
she was accustomed to.
But Steuben said Mason
was your boyfriend.
You're saying it was
strictly business.
It was.
I don't get why people assumed
we were sleeping together.
Maybe everyone thought that,
but I could only think of
one person who'd murder for it.
Is that what's called
"unnecessary roughness"
in the field?How'd you find me?
You made it abundantly clear
how much you love this game.
Almost as much
as you love your father.
Mak, you didn't
have to run away.
I heard what that
Child Welfare lady said
about coming back
with a warrant.
You wouldn't be able to stop
them from taking me away.
You underestimate me
and the white knight.
Magnum won't quit until
he gets to the truth, okay?
You can't either.
If my dad doesn't come back...
I'm alone.
Your dad is counting on you
to be strong.
He needs you to believe in him.
That's what's gonna get him
through every hour of every day
until this is over.
And you won't
be alone.
There's Coach TC, Magnum,
their friend Rick,
even me.
Whatever happens,
you are not alone.
What, man?
I don't blame you for not
wanting to talk to me, okay?
So, I'll do the talking
and you listen.
I'm sorry.
You were right.
You've followed my lead
when I've acted on instinct
more times than I can count,
but at the end of the day,
no matter what we did,
we did it together.
You got a point to make here?
I think I may know who
Ellis Mason's real killer is,
but I can't do it without you.
And your chopper.
[phone rings]
Hello, Mrs. Mason, this is
Thomas Magnum.
I met you and your mother
outside the
medical examiner's office.
Yes, I remember,
Detective Magnum.
No, no, actually,
I'm a private investigator.
Listen, I've come across
some shocking information
about your husband that you
and the authorities
may not be aware of.
What sort of information?
It's probably better
if I show you.
How quickly could you be
on a plane to Oahu?
Now what?
Brooke Mason's laundry.
Don't ask how we got it,
just have Forensics run it
for gun shot residue.
Look, Magnum, I know why you're
doing this. I'm not stupid.
And that boy who's
staying at your place--
he's Hani Iona's kid.
If his father
goes away,
he gets spat into
the foster care system.
Look, I sympathize,
but the prosecutor's
satisfied we have our guy.
Show him.
We also found this
airline receipt.
It proves that Mason's
wife didn't fly to Oahu
after you notified her
about her husband.
She was already here.
Two hours
before the murder.
Should be enough to bring
her in for questioning
until Forensics
finds the GSR.
She'll be landing at the
airport in ten minutes.
Mrs. Mason played off
the inconsistencies
in her timeline as confusion.
A jury might find that
the emotional trauma,
so a lot hinged on what Forensics found on the clothes.
The ones she was wearing
when she confronted her husband in that parking garage
about an affair
he wasn't having.
I began to realize that GSR
on Mrs. Mason's clothing
wasn't gonna fully
exonerate Hani.
For that...
We need her
to confess.
Huh? How do we do that?
Go get Katsumoto,
uh, tell him you want to
talk to him privately.
About what?
I don't care, just keep him
occupied as long as possible.
All right.
Detective, can I have a word?
Excuse me a moment.
What is it?
Thought of something
that might be helpful.
Look, when I was nine years old,
my father went
and got himself arrested.
Mrs. Mason, I wasn't lying
when I said I had new
information about your husband.
I'm not interested in anything
you have to tell me.
You were wrong.
He wasn't cheating on you.
Daisy Chase and he were
business partners, that's all.
In fact, he was
illegally selling steroids
for you,
to keep you living in luxury.
I don't believe you.
You made an understandable
but terrible mistake.
You thought the person
you loved betrayed you,
and I know how awful that feels.
But Ellis was faithful.
By all accounts,
he loved you, very much.
And then, like,
after all those years, man,
I just was lying to myself,
lying to my friends.
Now wh-what does all that
have to do with the case?
You don't... you don't see
the poetry in all this?
Where's Magnum?
It was an accident.
I just wanted to talk to him.
I picked up the gun,
but I didn't...
I didn't mean to.
I didn't mean to do it.
Luckily, Katsumoto
came back in time to hear Brooke Mason's full confession.
Who knew if I was ever
gonna get her to repeat it.
Hani still had to face
charges for the gun,
but the confession was enough
to get him released on bail,
which TC posted.
So, uh...
I know we never
actually, um...
Y... I know.
I mean, I know
you apologized,
but I didn't really
accept it, officially.
That's true.
Are we good?
Always, brother.
[crowd cheering]
[whistle blows]Mak-man.
Lateral 22, just like we worked
on at practice, all right?
Let's go. Let's go.
Let's go, let's go,
let's go!
Come on, Makoa!
Hey, Tommy boy,
you care to make this game
a little more interesting?
Are you seriously suggesting
betting on a child's
football game?
Hey, I'll take action
on anything.
I'll take a piece of that.You're in.
So will I.
I'm not against
a friendly wager.
Doesn't change the fact
that American football
is nothing more
than an over-padded,
far too regulated
bastardization of rugby.
Go, Makoa! Go, Mak!
But... it has its charms.
Captioning sponsored by
[crowd cheering]
Let's go, let's go,
let's go, let's go.
♪ Go ahead and
take 'em down... ♪
Blue 52, blue 52.
Hut, hut, hike!
♪ We're gonna show 'em up,
they're spinnin' out now ♪
♪ We're gonna show them
what this team is all about... ♪
[whistle blows]
♪ We came to steal your fame
and take your name... ♪
Rick, it's a simple stakeout.
I've heard that before.
You know, I'm still paying for
the damage to the club's boat
from the last time
you borrowed it.
I thought you said
it was insured.
Apparently not
for bullet holes.
Doesn't Robin
have a yacht?
I live in his guest house.
I drive his Ferrari.
I-I can't ask him
for any more favors.
Here's an idea:
don't ask.
Yeah. You mooch everything
else. Why stop now?
It's true.[chuckles]
Here we go,
here we go.
[crowd cheering]
Yeah, yeah! Come on, let's go!
Go, go! Go, Makoa!
Ooh, that's all day, baby.
Good game, good game.
Man, that kid gets better
and better every game.
Yeah, and we know it can't
be from the coaching.
you keep this up
through next season,
you definitely have a shot
at that scholarship
to Saint Lou High.
I'm proud of you, man.MAN: Makoa!
Coach, I got to go.
Good game, bud.
What's up with
Mr. Friendly?
Never shows up
to the games.
Only picks up his
kid afterwards.
Hani's all right.
Just been hard since his
wife passed away last year.
He works two jobs to
support him and Mak.
So cut him some slack, Orville.
Single father,
two jobs... I don't know, it
kind of sounds like your pops.
Yeah, that hadn't
occurred to me.
What's that?
Nothing. Get in.
Higgins, it's-it's me again.
Can you come out here, please?
Can you do something
about these velociraptors?
Easy, lads.
[low growling]
Took your sweet time,
didn't you?
Just like you took
your sweet time
cleaning up the mess you made
on Mr. Masters' yacht
the other night.
Is that what this is about?
I was trapped in my car
for ten minutes.
Bad enough that you take
your employer's vessel
without asking permission...
It was an emergency.
I was working on a case.
Oh, please.
Empty beer bottles, pizza boxes,
a bikini top
hanging from the mast?
A friend stopped by.
She's European.
They don't like tops.
Oh, spare me.
This mess is your
responsibility, Magnum.
You, and you alone, need to...
sterilize the area
with extreme prejudice.
Oh, unless of course you want me
to inform Mr. Masters
that his "personal security
consultant" hijacked his boat.
No, no, we don't want that.
I-I will clean the boat.
Come, lads.[snap fingers]
TC, what's up?
I need your help.
It's Makoa.
Kid's never missed a
single practice before.
Now he's missed two
in the last few days.
I called his school.
They said he's been
absent since the weekend.
You try calling his father?
Tried, yeah. I left
texts, messages.
He's not getting
back to me.
I just swung by their
house in Nanakuli.
Place looks empty,
locked up.
I'm worried, Thomas.
I-I feel you, man.
Just take a breath.
Look, I know you got a
weird vibe about Hani.
He's just-he's just
not social, you know?
But he's a good man.
He loves his son.
You don't have to sell me.
I'm your brother.
You had me at "help."
TC was personally invested
in every kid
from his football team,
but Makoa was like
a kindred spirit.
When TC's mom
abandoned her family,
his father stepped up,
gave TC a decent upbringing
and became something
of a hero to him.
That's why TC loves being a
surrogate dad for at-risk kids
and just another reason
why I'd do anything for him.
[lock clicking]
Anybody home?
That's not right.
What ain't right?
Cereal. It's Fruity Nut Puffs.
That's some real impressive
detective work, Thomas.
Listen to me.
Fruity Nut Puffs
swell up and get soggy
after ten minutes
in milk. These...
What are you doing?
It's warm.
You can come out now.
You know who this is.
Huddle up.
Come here, cuz.
What's going on, man?
What you hiding for?
I thought you were
Child Welfare.
Why would Child Welfare
be here, Mak?
Where's your father?
[sighs] Arrested for what?
About a year ago,
Hani got himself tagged
for public intoxication,
spent the night
in the drunk tank.
I posted his bail.
He was still reeling from
the death of his wife.
I thought he stopped
drinking, but...
Why don't we swing by HPD?
Maybe they'll kick him
if I promise to get him
into a program.
You gonna see my dad?
I want to come.
A'ight, little man,
come on.
We'll all go together.
Let's go, bud.
I can't help you, Magnum.
I got no info.
You're gonna have to talk
to the detective in charge.
Okay, so, point me
to who's in charge.
Right behind you, Magnum.
So, what's your
interest in this?
Hani Iona's
a friend of ours.
Wait. You work
Major Crimes, Katsumoto.
Since when do you handle
drunk and disorderly?
What D&D?
This is a murder case.
Your pal's our prime suspect.
Vic's name is Dr. Ellis Mason.
Lived on Kauai,
worked in Honolulu.
One of those concierge MDs.
And the body was found
in a parking garage
by a couple of tourists
who also saw a Saturn
fleeing the scene.
And when unis
pulled over your friend,
he seemed extremely nervous,
so we brought him in
for questioning.
That sounds pretty
Damn right it does.
You test him
for gunshot residue?
Uh, GSR results
were inconclusive, but...
we did find blood
on his shoes.
Did Hani say what he was doing
in the parking garage?
He claims he was a patient and
Mason said to meet him there.
But he's not
on Mason's patient roster.
the trunk of Mason's BMW
contained supplies of PEDs.
So, Mason
was doing some dealing
on the side.
You tell me.
Any reason
for your friend might be
interested in PEDs?
No. Hell no.
No way do I believe Hani
is juicing his son.
I-I didn't say that.Yeah, but you
were thinking it.
What makes you so sure
Hani didn't kill this guy?
'Cause I know him.
It's not in his nature.
Remember that story
you told Rick and me
about when you were a kid,
your father got picked up on
suspicion of bank robbery?
The charges were dropped.
That's exactly my point.
Maybe you're projecting
your father's innocence on a man
that-that you don't know
as well as you think you do.
Don't strain yourself
reaching, TM.
Look, one thing has nothing
to do with the other.
I know Hani enough to know that
he would never do something
to risk losing his son.
Yeah, well, I'd have to hear
that from Hani himself
and Katsumoto is not gonna
let anybody talk to him
except for his lawyer.Okay.
Let's find a lawyer to
help sneak you inside.
They'd be risking their career.
Where are we supposed
to find a lawyer
with murky morals like that?
Ain't that a
friend of Rick's?
Aloha, honey.
Vanessa Nero, Attorney at Law.
I'm here to speak to
my client, Hani, uh...
Uh, Hani Iona.
Legal teams only.
Oh, Mr. Magnuson--
he's been a trusted
at my firm for years.
Perhaps now would be a good time
to settle up, sweetie.
I think Rick told you you'd get
your money when the job's done.
I got you in, didn't I?
We're done.
Maybe I can get
a receipt for that?
My office'll e-mail you.
[lock buzzes]
[latch clicks]
Don't mind me, doll.
I'm not even here.
I know you.
You're Coach's friend.
Uh, yeah, that's right, uh,
Thomas Magnum.
I'm a private investigator.
Where's Makoa?
He's safe, with TC.
Uh, Hani,
I w-want to help you, but you
have to tell me what happened.
I had nothing to do with that.
I swear it.
Dr. Mason was already dead
when I got there.
Why didn't you call the police?
I don't know.
I panicked.
I wasn't thinking clearly.
[phone chimes]Wow.
If you were
Mason's patient,
why would you meet
in a parking garage?
It was his idea.
He was treating me off-book.
I couldn't afford
his usual fees,
and insurance wouldn't cover it.
Treating you for what, exactly?
Just general things.
General things.
So it had nothing to do
with the PEDs in his trunk?
drugs? T-The steroids?
I don't know anything
about that.
Did they tell you
about the threats?
What threats?
Dr. Mason was being threatened
by someone.
A-Another patient, I think.
And how would you know that?
Because he confided it to me,
more than a week ago.
I told
the arresting officers,
but because I didn't have
a name, they ignored me.
Or they didn't believe you.
Was the parking garage
the only place that you
and Mason would meet up?
Uh, couple times, uh,
he had me meet him downtown,
at a gym.
What gym?
I don't know if you noticed,
but your boy in there
wasn't being entirely honest.
I thought you weren't listening.
I read body language fluently.
He's gonna need
a really good defense.
Make sure you give him
my card, doll.
Vanessa was right.
Hani was holding back
But if he was right about
someone threatening Dr. Mason,
then the boxing gym seemed
like a good place to start.
But first I had to find someone
to look after Mak.
It's out of the question.
It's just until TC and I
get Mak's dad out of trouble.
Look, I appreciate
the enormity of the situation,
and I-I feel for the child.
His name's Mak.
But I have a lot
of work to do here
and no time to babysit.
And besides, what would
I even do with him?
You could feed him.
My nephew was always starved
when he was Makoa's age.
Right, then.
Come along, Mak.
Let's get you fed.
Do you like duck?
I think we have some left
in the refrigerator.
No worries. I'll make him
a grilled cheese sandwich.
♪ The frustration, rage,
trapped inside a cage ♪
[bell ringing]♪ The beatings till the age
I carried a... ♪
♪ Somebody stop me ♪ Please!♪
♪ Somebody come and get me ♪ What?♪
♪ Little did I know
♪ That the Lord
was ridin' with me ♪
♪ The dark, the light,
my heart, the fight ♪
♪ The wrong, the right
[indistinct chatter]
♪ They don't know
♪ Who we be...
He said, uh,
Mason used to come in here
from time to time.
In fact, just last week,
he got into an altercation
with... that beast,
Wade Steuben.
He's an MMA fighter.
All right, let's go talk to him.
Wait, h-hold on.
On that note,
in order to get that information
out of the guy, I had to...
offer up a sparring partner
for his boy.
Who, me?
You offered up me?
All right, man, who's his boy?
That guy.
This dude?
He looks kind of vicious.
Relax, you got 30 pounds
and a four-inch reach advantage
on the guy. You'll be fine.
Yeah, stay away from his left.
And his right.
Hey, look,
just bob and weave, man.
Get a couple minutes in there.
I'll go talk to Steuben,
we'll get out of here.
Have some fun.
I'm-a kill you for this.
Wade Steuben. Big fan.
That was some
fight last week.
I haven't had a fight in months.
No, I'm talking about
the one you had here,
with your steroid supplier.
Your little run-in?
Look, I-I'm trying to get
a little something-something
for my fighter up here.
What do you think?
[gasping, coughing]
I wouldn't waste your time.
Why is that?
That jerk sold me a masking
agent to pass drug tests.
I failed twice.
It cost me
a two-year suspension,
three endorsements
and the title shot.
Hey, I'll be right back.
Two-year suspension--
sounds like a pretty good reason
to kill a guy.
What, you didn't hear?
Ellis Mason was
shot two days ago.
What are you, a cop?
Eh, private investigator.
Then no one will mind too much
if I kick your head in.
I'll mind.
TC, got to go!
Good fight.
[phone rings]
It's Magnum.
You seriously need to look
into a guy named Wade Steuben,
an MMA fighter.
Magnum...I'm pretty sure he's the one
Hani said was
threatening Ellis Mason.
Look, he's got motive
and a temper.
I've got something better--
murder weapon.
Heckler & Koch 9mm.Where?
That's the best part.
We have security footage of it
being tossed into a dumpster
a half mile
from the murder scene.
Three guesses
who did the tossing.
All right.
He's being transferred
to Oahu Correctional.
Prosecutor's officially charged
him with murder one.
Let's go.
You're thinking
about your father.
I'm scared I won't
see him again.
Of course you will.
You'll come to discover
that Mr. Magnum...
generally succeeds
in what he sets out to do.
How come?
You remember
what this piece is called?
The knight?Mm-hmm.
This particular one
happens to be
the white knight.
And players
often underestimate it,
because it's unassuming.
Its moves seem
almost erratic,
But quite often,
it will surprise you.
You could almost argue it's the
most important piece in chess.
Next to the queen, of course.
But the knight
won't let you down.
What do you mean I'm letting
you down? Hani lied to me.
He must've had good reason.
Just because we're down
at the half
don't mean the game is over.
No, this isn't halftime.
This is sudden death, and we're
on our own two-yard line.
He had the gun.
There must have been
some good explanation for that.
Well, we're not gonna know
what it is
until they're finished
processing him.
Look, you have to consider
the possibility
that Hani is guilty.
Look, Wade Steuben
is the killer.
I know it in my bones.
And so do you.
Maybe TC was right.
But someone with Steuben's
temper and penchant
for violence wouldn't have
needed a gun to kill Mason.
Maybe we were
missing something.
There she is.
Not now, Magnum. I'm slammed.
More like slammin'.
Hey, I, uh, got
a present for you.
You got that from the vending
machine outside in the hall.
You know,
the quality of your bribes
has taken
a serious nosedive.
Must not be that important
of a favor.
No, it's important.
I just didn't have time to stop
and get something better.
So what do you need?
You know the autopsy
on Dr. Mason?
Was there any bruising
or contusions indicating
a struggle with somebody
really strong?
I did notice some bruising,
but I haven't done
the full workup yet.
I can't give you
anything conclusive
until I start the autopsy.
Can you let me know
as soon as you do?
There could be another bag
of stale chips in it for you.
The sooner you leave,
the sooner I can get started.
Thank you.
Don't touch it, Magnum.
I wasn't.
I didn't really need
to pick it up, anyway.
I recognized the crest
on the valet ticket.
The Lunalilo Palace
Hotel and Condos.
Pardon me.Oh, I'm so sorry.
My daughter was told
that she'd be able
to pick up her husband's
wedding ring here.
You're Mrs. Mason.
Yes. This is my mother, Ruth.
I-I'm Thomas Magnum.
I'm investigating
Dr. Mason's murder.
I'm very sorry for your loss.
Thank you.We appreciate what you
and the other officers did,
the man responsible.
Oh, uh...These past two days
have been so awful.
At least now Brooke
can fly home to Kauai
with some small sense
of closure.
You're welcome.
I don't know what made me
feel worse-- their grief
or that I was working
to undo their closure.
The Lunalilo's night manager
was an old client of mine.
He confirmed that Mason rented
a condo there during the week.
Saved him from the commute
back and forth to Kauai.
[beep] A 50 from TC was enough
to get us a keycard
into the place.
Who still uses
these fossils anymore?
People afraid
of their
voice mails
getting hacked.
It's me. Meeting's running late.
I'll just meet you
at the condo tonight.
Text me when you get this.[beep]
Doesn't sound like
his wife.
You're gonna pay for
screwing up my career, Mason.
You can't hide.
That's Wade Steuben.
We have to find out
who she is and how
she's connected to Mason.
She had a key card
to his condo.
Do I got to
draw you a map?
She's Mason's
little side chippy.
Side chippy?
Look, don't get sidetracked.
Steuben's who we're after,
not Mason's little
extracurricular bedroom buddy.[door opens]
[door shuts]RICK:
All right, boys,
we're in luck.
Borrowed this
from a pawn shop buddy of mine.
Now, she's a loaner,
so please--
I know where you live,
so you better be
watching your back.[beep]
There it is. That should be
enough for the cops
to pick Steuben up
and check out whatever
phony alibi he comes up with.
It's Hani Iona.
I won't ask again.
Stop calling my house.
You don't have to remind me
about the money I owe.
You'll get it.
Now stop harassing me.
[beep]Hani owed Mason money.
So? What if he did?
That's a motive.
You always owe me money.
That don't mean
I'm gonna kill you.
Look, Steuben's still the one
throwing threats around.
I agree, but everything
on this tape is evidence.
I'm obligated to turn
it over to the cops.
You can't do that!
It's not just a question
of what's ethically right.
I could lose my license.
That tape could be
the nail in Hani's coffin.
Motive is the one thing
that the cops don't have.
They have everything else, okay?
Why won't you accept that?
You're not gonna
turn that tape over!
Hey, let's all remember
we're friends.
You know things are
getting out of hand
when I'm the voice of reason.
Yeah, look, you have to have
more than a feeling
that Hani is innocent.
How many times,
when we were serving together,
did you have a feeling
or a hunch about something?
Me and Rick
always had your back.
That's different, all right.
You're projecting.
Just because your father
was innocent
doesn't mean that
everybody e...
He wasn't!
My father wasinvolved
in a robbery.
And he went to prison
for it.
I lied about him
being acquitted.
I lied for a long time.
Lied to myself, my friends.
I went to live
with my grandparents
for six years
until he got early parole.
Why didn't you tell us?
Man, you have no idea
what that did to me.
But I have an idea of what
it's gonna do to Makoa.
Well, Tommy,
what are you gonna do now?
What's this?
It's from the vic's
answering machine.
A threatening phone call
from Wade Steuben...
and something else.
You'll know what it is
when you hear it.
You did it, didn't you?
You gave that tape
over to the cops.
Well, good.
You upheld the law.
You protected your license.
I hope it was worth it.
'Cause you just
threw away our friendship.
Part of me wanted to believe
that TC didn't mean
what he said about me
throwing away our friendship.
In a million years,
I couldn't imagine
that bond ever being broken.
So why do I feel like
my right arm was
just ripped out of its socket?
You got to fix this thing
between you and TC, man.
If not for yourself,
then do it for me.
Do you have any idea
how hard this thing is on me?
I'm a child of divorce,
you know.
Well, I guess we're gonna
have to share custody.
I get you every
Tuesday and Thursday,
and alternate weekends.
That's not funny.Look,
I wanted Hani to
be innocent, too,
but when all the evidence
points to his guilt,
I-I couldn't just
sit on that.
I just hope TC
comes around to see that.
You and me both, brother.
[phone rings]
Dr. Cunha.
Got that autopsy result
you wanted.
Oh, well, that's kind of, uh...
Well, go ahead, hit me.
Well, you were right
about there being a struggle,
but the bruising on the torso
is pretty light.
An abrasion on the cheek,
two scratches on the neck...
Angles indicate
that the assailant
was no taller than five-six
or seven.
A woman.
That would be my guess.
Hey, did you
or Forensics turn up
any light brown hair?
Forensics found a couple
of strands in Mason's car,
but we haven't matched them up
to anyone yet.
Dr. Cunha, I owe you
a truckload of Maui chips.
Where you going?
[lock buzzes]
No more lies, Hani.
Five-O has everything
they need to put you away:
the gun, the blood,
your debt to Mason,
so before I lift
another finger to help you,
you need to tell me
the truth.
How much money
did you owe him?
1,200, give or take.
But he promised that
he'd forgive my debt
if I got him a gun.
For protection.
Because of the threats
he was receiving.
Days later, I go to meet him.
I saw his body.
And I saw my gun laying there.
I panicked.
I took it to get rid of.
I knew the cops
would think I did it.
Why didn't you tell
the cops the truth?
A-At least about the drugs.
'Cause I was ashamed, man.
I was scared.
I thought they'd take Makoa
away from me.
What'd you expect, giving
steroids to a 13-year-old?
What? I would never.
They were for me.
I was struggling
after my wife died.
I needed to take them
for my depression.
You were taking PEDs
for depression?
Nothing else worked.
They elevated my moods,
gave me stamina
to keep going.
Did you ever see Mason
with, um, a woman--
light brown hair, young,
probably early 30s?
I think I saw her drop him off
at the gym once.
Remember thinking it's odd
that she was driving a truck.
A red pickup.
Who is she?
Do you have a name?
Daisy. I overheard him talking
to her on the phone last week.
He wanted to stop
what they were doing.
He was done.
They were having an affair.
The red pickup,
plus the name Daisy
was enough for my contact at
the DMV to get me the address
of a Daisy Chase in Pearl City.
And the little bit Hani remembered about the phone call
sounded a lot like Mason was
breaking off
a relationship with her.
Not sure if that's motive
enough to commit murder,
but it's a start to finding out what her game is.
Fullback runs to the sidelines,
guards shift their positions,
creating a lane
for the running back to run to
with fullback as lead blocker.
So that's a Packers sweep.
It's like tactical strategy.
I'm starting to see the appeal.
Let me show you a bootleg play.
We've got company at the gate.
Very unhappy company.
Can I help you?
I'm Ailana Read
from Child Welfare.
We have reason to believe
Makoa Iona is on these premises.
And, uh, what reason
would that be?
A phone call
to Oahu Community Correctional
was made from this address
by Makoa.
Actually, I was the person
who made that phone call
to the prison.
Dating pool's gotten
a little shallow.
We have a recording of the call.
Took a shot.
Look, I can assure you,
Ms. Read,
that Makoa is quite
fine where he is.
Well, I'd like to take
your word for that,
but I'll need to come in
and speak with him
to make sure his needs
are being met.
Well, since his best need
at the moment
is to be safe and secure,
then I'm afraid I'm gonna
have to respectfully decline.
I'll be back with a warrant,
if I have to.
You do that.
And in the meanwhile,
may I suggest you sod off.
[hangs up]
Nicely done.[clears throat]
Makoa, what were you thinking,
calling the prison?
I'll get the car.
[truck engine idling]
An empty, idling truck.
Partially open front door.
Hmm. Never a good sign.
WOMAN [in distance]:
I don't know anything.
You're making a mistake.
Your boyfriend
made the mistake.
Where's the money?!
I don't want
to have to use this.
So don't make any moves.
[both grunting]
Back for round two?
Tap out, big guy.
Tap out.
No, no, no, no!
Damn it!
[truck engine revs]
You broke my leg.
Yeah, probably
a couple ribs, too.
I'm gonna call an ambulance.
Don't hobble off.
911 emergency.
Stay on the line, sir.
A unit is on the way.
He's not gonna hurt you anymore.
I just want to talk.
Easy, easy.
Okay? He's the bad guy.
I'm the good guy.
Look, I called 911.
The cops are on their way,
but you need to
tell them the truth.
The truth?
Yeah, you can't let
an innocent man
take the fall for Mason's death.
Wait, you think...
Why would I kill Ellis?
His death screws up
everything for me.
We were partners.
I work for BioMerk
You supplied Mason
with the PEDs.
It's not like we were
pushing the stuff.
Ellis would sell
the samples I gave him
and we'd split
the profits, 50-50.
But Mason
wanted to stop.
He spoke to you about
it over the phone.
He always felt guilty
about what we were doing.
Only did it to
supplement his income.
His wife Brooke came from money.
He was just trying
to provide her
with the lifestyle
she was accustomed to.
But Steuben said Mason
was your boyfriend.
You're saying it was
strictly business.
It was.
I don't get why people assumed
we were sleeping together.
Maybe everyone thought that,
but I could only think of
one person who'd murder for it.
Is that what's called
"unnecessary roughness"
in the field?How'd you find me?
You made it abundantly clear
how much you love this game.
Almost as much
as you love your father.
Mak, you didn't
have to run away.
I heard what that
Child Welfare lady said
about coming back
with a warrant.
You wouldn't be able to stop
them from taking me away.
You underestimate me
and the white knight.
Magnum won't quit until
he gets to the truth, okay?
You can't either.
If my dad doesn't come back...
I'm alone.
Your dad is counting on you
to be strong.
He needs you to believe in him.
That's what's gonna get him
through every hour of every day
until this is over.
And you won't
be alone.
There's Coach TC, Magnum,
their friend Rick,
even me.
Whatever happens,
you are not alone.
What, man?
I don't blame you for not
wanting to talk to me, okay?
So, I'll do the talking
and you listen.
I'm sorry.
You were right.
You've followed my lead
when I've acted on instinct
more times than I can count,
but at the end of the day,
no matter what we did,
we did it together.
You got a point to make here?
I think I may know who
Ellis Mason's real killer is,
but I can't do it without you.
And your chopper.
[phone rings]
Hello, Mrs. Mason, this is
Thomas Magnum.
I met you and your mother
outside the
medical examiner's office.
Yes, I remember,
Detective Magnum.
No, no, actually,
I'm a private investigator.
Listen, I've come across
some shocking information
about your husband that you
and the authorities
may not be aware of.
What sort of information?
It's probably better
if I show you.
How quickly could you be
on a plane to Oahu?
Now what?
Brooke Mason's laundry.
Don't ask how we got it,
just have Forensics run it
for gun shot residue.
Look, Magnum, I know why you're
doing this. I'm not stupid.
And that boy who's
staying at your place--
he's Hani Iona's kid.
If his father
goes away,
he gets spat into
the foster care system.
Look, I sympathize,
but the prosecutor's
satisfied we have our guy.
Show him.
We also found this
airline receipt.
It proves that Mason's
wife didn't fly to Oahu
after you notified her
about her husband.
She was already here.
Two hours
before the murder.
Should be enough to bring
her in for questioning
until Forensics
finds the GSR.
She'll be landing at the
airport in ten minutes.
Mrs. Mason played off
the inconsistencies
in her timeline as confusion.
A jury might find that
the emotional trauma,
so a lot hinged on what Forensics found on the clothes.
The ones she was wearing
when she confronted her husband in that parking garage
about an affair
he wasn't having.
I began to realize that GSR
on Mrs. Mason's clothing
wasn't gonna fully
exonerate Hani.
For that...
We need her
to confess.
Huh? How do we do that?
Go get Katsumoto,
uh, tell him you want to
talk to him privately.
About what?
I don't care, just keep him
occupied as long as possible.
All right.
Detective, can I have a word?
Excuse me a moment.
What is it?
Thought of something
that might be helpful.
Look, when I was nine years old,
my father went
and got himself arrested.
Mrs. Mason, I wasn't lying
when I said I had new
information about your husband.
I'm not interested in anything
you have to tell me.
You were wrong.
He wasn't cheating on you.
Daisy Chase and he were
business partners, that's all.
In fact, he was
illegally selling steroids
for you,
to keep you living in luxury.
I don't believe you.
You made an understandable
but terrible mistake.
You thought the person
you loved betrayed you,
and I know how awful that feels.
But Ellis was faithful.
By all accounts,
he loved you, very much.
And then, like,
after all those years, man,
I just was lying to myself,
lying to my friends.
Now wh-what does all that
have to do with the case?
You don't... you don't see
the poetry in all this?
Where's Magnum?
It was an accident.
I just wanted to talk to him.
I picked up the gun,
but I didn't...
I didn't mean to.
I didn't mean to do it.
Luckily, Katsumoto
came back in time to hear Brooke Mason's full confession.
Who knew if I was ever
gonna get her to repeat it.
Hani still had to face
charges for the gun,
but the confession was enough
to get him released on bail,
which TC posted.
So, uh...
I know we never
actually, um...
Y... I know.
I mean, I know
you apologized,
but I didn't really
accept it, officially.
That's true.
Are we good?
Always, brother.
[crowd cheering]
[whistle blows]Mak-man.
Lateral 22, just like we worked
on at practice, all right?
Let's go. Let's go.
Let's go, let's go,
let's go!
Come on, Makoa!
Hey, Tommy boy,
you care to make this game
a little more interesting?
Are you seriously suggesting
betting on a child's
football game?
Hey, I'll take action
on anything.
I'll take a piece of that.You're in.
So will I.
I'm not against
a friendly wager.
Doesn't change the fact
that American football
is nothing more
than an over-padded,
far too regulated
bastardization of rugby.
Go, Makoa! Go, Mak!
But... it has its charms.
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