Made for Love (2021–…): Season 2, Episode 1 - I Have a Rotting Finger - full transcript
In order to save her father's life, Hazel returns to the Hub, Byron's high-tech palace.
[laid-back guitar music]
♪ ♪
- Should've brought
my swim trunks.
[Henry Mancini's
"Dream a Little Dream of Me"]
♪ ♪
Oh, going inside?
♪ ♪
Wow, hey, this is classy.
No carpet, huh?
I don't get it.
What is this,
one of those modern art things?
♪ ♪
- Dad?
Are you sure you're not mad
that I brought you
to the Hub?
- Well, that's
an interesting way to put it.
You drugged me...
Kidnapped me.
You put me in a replica
of my house,
took away my everyday reality.
♪ ♪
I'm kidding.
What, of c--how could I
be mad at you?
You saved my life.
- I couldn't lose you.
♪ ♪
There's one more thing.
- Jesus Christ!
[unsettling music]
♪ ♪
- I didn't...plan it.
It just...
- This a pickle.
This a big
dead-billionaire pickle.
- So in terms
of disposing the body--
- Hazel.
- [gasps]
- He's still alive!
- [gasping]
- Okay.
- Okay, all right.
[angelic choral music]
♪ ♪
Finish the job.
♪ ♪
- [gasping]
No, no, no.
♪ ♪
- Hazel.
[upbeat music]
♪ ♪
- [gasps] What?
- You were smiling just now.
What were you thinking about?
- Golf.
Oh. Welcome.
Welcome, Dr. Hau.
Yes, Hazel, this is Dr. Hau.
This is the physician
who will be overseeing
Herbert's treatment.
- Pleasure to meet you, Hazel.
- Please, sit down.
- [sighs, chuckles]
- So how do you plan
on treating my dad's cancer
without him knowing?
- Well, that's--
that is the magic of the Hub,
- I was asking the doctor.
- Of course, yeah.
- Well, we've designed
a process for your father
that makes it seamless.
The painkillers Herbert takes
every morning
have been replaced
with fast-acting sedatives.
- Oh, jeez, it's 9:30 already.
All right, enough sitting
around the breakfast table.
Let's go sit on the couch.
What? Unless you got a--
- ♪ Dream, dream,
dream, dream ♪
- Once he's unconscious,
Bennett will alert
the medical team.
- ♪ Dream, dream, dream,
dream, dream ♪
♪ Catcher ♪
♪ Dream, dream, dream, dream ♪
♪ Dream, dream,
dream, dream ♪
- The medical team
will retrieve Herbert...
- ♪ Catcher ♪
- And transport him next door
to a state-of-the-art
medical cube.
It's a medical facility
and treatment center
all in one.
[machines whirring]
♪ ♪
- ♪ Dream, dream,
dream, dream ♪
♪ Dream, dream, dream, dream ♪
♪ Dream, dream,
dream, dream, dream ♪
- When the session
is finished,
the team will return Herbert.
- [scatting]
♪ ♪
♪ Catcher, catcher,
catcher ♪
- Once settled,
they'll reset the time of day
in his home cube
back to the time of departure.
♪ ♪
[unsettling chords]
- ♪ Dream, dream,
dream, dream, dream ♪
- When Herbert wakes up,
he'll simply think
he drifted off for a moment.
- And I, um--
I got you a gift.
I took your high school watch
from your bedroom
and I retrofitted it.
It's synced to all the clocks
in the ranch,
so if you ever need to know
what time Herbert thinks it is,
it's right there.
And if you wanna know
the real time, you just...
[watch beeps]
- How do we explain
the side effects to him?
Because with my mom's chemo,
there was a--
- Chemo? No, that's--
that's medieval times.
Like, you might as well put
a jar of leeches on him.
The Hub isn't hindered
by the FDA or ethics boards.
- We're decades ahead--
gene editing, cell therapy,
molecular vaccines
in combination
with nanosurgery.
In fact, the only side effect
your father might experience
would be from the sedatives--
some mild grogginess.
- Which is barely anything.
- So you just happen to be
working on a cure for cancer?
- Hmm.
- Um...
by-product of research,
I guess.
You know, we--did you know
that cancer cells
on a cellular level
actually become immortal?
- So how long?
- Treatment duration
can be based
on a number of factors.
- You know he's using
my father's life
to hold me hostage, right?
So I just wanna know
how long
I have to keep up
this charade for.
- 12 weeks.
- That's the initial estimate
to remission.
- 12 weeks.
I can do 12 weeks.
The second he is better,
we're leaving.
[tense music]
My dad's cancer
is the only reason
that I am here.
- I know.
Can you give me 12 weeks
to try and fix this?
- Well, I'll leave you two--
- I have a question, actually,
When can I get
this fucking chip
taken out of my head?
- Uh--
- Hmm?
- Well, technically,
I could take it out now.
- Yeah, that's a great idea,
That--we'll have
both of ours taken out.
- You have a chip?
- Yeah.
In a moment of vulnerability,
I had Bennett help me
put one in.
But I never activated it,
because deep down, I knew
that's what you wouldn't want.
- [scoffs]
Husband of the year.
- Thanks.
♪ ♪
- What happened?
What was I,
snoozing in my food?
What the--
♪ ♪
Why's this water taste, uh,
Hmm. So...
It's like mountain air.
- All right, listen up,
'Cause I'm about to blow
your fucking minds.
Three world-renowned
Three not-so-renowned
worker bees
from Gogol plants
around the country.
All these people died
this year.
Sudden accidental deaths
in the prime of their lives.
Terrible tragedies?
Or Gogol's sick
recruitment requirements?
We believe these people
are alive
and working in the Hub.
And now we're about
to find out.
With this guy.
- Uh, hold on. Lights on.
- Oh, come on.
What's the problem, baby?
- The problem, baby, is that
the Twin Sands mission failed.
And I think Hazel
went back to the Hub.
- Yeah, so do we.
And guess what.
We've got you cleared
for an undercover interview
with the Hub.
This could be the biggest case
of our lifetime.
If you find those people,
we've got Gogol
on insurance fraud,
labor conspiracy,
false imprisonment.
Who knows what else?
That sick fuck could be
breeding centaurs.
[laughs] Fucking centaurs.
- Mm-hmm.
- And the timing
couldn't be better, 'cause--
lights off.
[dramatic music]
You've got Hazel Gogol
teed up
and ready to become
an informant.
- Lights on.
I spent two days with her.
I didn't lay down
the proper groundwork.
I wanna get Gogol
just as bad as you do,
but I think our next move--
- Lights off.
You wanna talk moves?
Because I'll tell you
what I see.
It looks like
she's begging for it.
And you there, cool guy?
Look how cool you look.
I've never looked
that fucking cool ever.
I wish you'd just acknowledge
you got a gift, my friend.
- Yeah, homie, everybody wants
to sleep with you.
Hell, I wouldn't
kick you out of bed.
- You smell like cinnamon.
- Lights on!
[dramatic chord]
- [whispering]
I don't know what to do.
- Just turn
the fucking lights on.
- Nobody knows
where the Hub is.
Okay? There'll be
no way to reach me.
We don't know how to get in.
We do not know how to get out.
I don't know what the plan
of extraction is here.
[sighs] Fuck it.
I've done worse. Let's do it.
- Team player.
- There he is.
Oh, by the way, your new name?
[punchy music]
♪ ♪
I came up with that.
- Okay, I need you both
to hold still
for three, two, one.
[machines whirring]
All done.
- That's it?
After everything
I went through?
- Mm-hmm.
- It's just out of my head
like that?
- Just like that.
- What's gonna happen to these?
They're gonna be destroyed,
- Of course.
They'll be incinerated.
- Yeah, absolutely--oh.
- No!
[punchy music]
♪ ♪
- You--you okay there?
- [coughing]
- Good.
- Well.
I think we're done here.
- Oh, you need an access sensor
in your fingertip.
Dr. Hau, do you mind
putting one in Hazel?
- [laughs]
Yeah, right.
You must think
I am really fucking stupid.
I am not letting you
put another chip in my body.
- You mean besides the two
you just swallowed?
The finger sensor
is truly the only method
of getting around in the Hub,
- I might have a work-around.
[clears throat]
came to see me in LA
to beg for his job back.
I said no,
but he gave me
his middle finger
as a parting gift.
- How did you know Hazel
would destroy the chips?
- Oh, I know my Hazel.
A lot better
than she'd like to admit.
Were the transfer plates
able to copy the chips' data?
- Yes.
- Great.
- The data mapped onto
its hard drive upon contact.
A copy of Hazel's consciousness
is uploading
to a dedicated network now.
- Excellent. And my copy?
- I'll upload it
to its own network.
- Keep them together.
You know, it's more
romantic that way.
[engine grinding]
- Come on.
Truck's dead.
It's crazy.
Nothing looks off on it.
Not to be crass, but I know
the inside of its body
as well as I know yours.
[touch tones beeping]
It's got
new spark plugs in it too.
[line ringing]
Well, I mean, kinda new.
[watch ticking]
[line ringing]
- ["feminine" voice]
Amos Automotive.
- Yeah, is Amos there?
- Unfortunately, Amos is
unavailable at the moment.
Can I help you?
- Yeah, yeah, I got
a problem with my truck.
- Oh, trucks.
It's always something.
- Yeah, I think it may be
the timing belt.
Can't think of what else
it could be, so...
- Yes, the timing belt.
The timing belt...
which links the camshaft...
to the crankshaft,
which manages the pistons
of the engine.
- Yeah, right, right, okay.
Can you get somebody out here
right away, please?
Herb Green. Amos knows me.
- Oh, we're pretty booked
at the moment.
There might be
an opening next week.
- Next week? No. What are you--
are you kidding me?
Are you new?
I didn't know Amos
had any women there.
- B-but yes. I am new.
Love--I'm loving it here.
Um, we'll be in touch.
- Okay.
- We'll call you.
[unsettling music]
♪ ♪
[machines beeping]
♪ ♪
- [yelps]
- Are you okay, Bennett?
- Yes.
Yes, indeedy.
♪ ♪
- Hello.
You're my interviewer?
- Have a seat, Jasper.
Could you remove your jacket?
- Sure, yeah.
Just wiggle out of that.
- This goes over
your right index finger.
Thank you.
- Right index--hey.
- Do you have
any electronic devices
anywhere on
or inside your body?
- No, sir.
- All right, ready to begin?
- Yes, sir.
- Question one.
What do you think happens
after we die?
- Wow.
Guess dive right in, huh?
No small talk.
[chuckles nervously]
- Hazel, come here!
You gotta see this!
- What is it?
Oh, God. Is it, uh--
Can you, like,
describe it to me?
Is there--is there blood?
- No, no, no.
It's nothing gross.
Come here. Watch this. Watch.
[toilet flushing]
[toilet gurgles]
Okay, you see
how fast it swirled?
It flushed right away.
I didn't have to jiggle
the handle.
I didn't have to do nothing.
Look, watch.
[toilet flushing]
I mean, I don't get it.
It's like the plumbing fairy
paid us a visit.
- Oh, yeah,
I tinkered with it last night.
I must have, um--
yeah, I guess I, well,
fixed it.
- Wait, you did this?
- Yeah.
- Well, then I don't know
what you're wasting your time
at the bowling alley for,
'cause maybe this
is your talent.
It runs like a race car now.
- Yeah,
I don't know what I did.
- [sighs]
- It was a happy accident.
- I'll say. Yeah.
We should look into
plumbing jobs for you.
There's a lot of money there.
Oh, this made my day.
[computer whirring]
[dramatic music]
♪ ♪
- [chuckles]
More romantic.
[dramatic music]
- Should technology
for a post-human existence
be available?
- Absolutely.
- Do you believe
in the potential
of a nonphysical reality?
- Yes, yes. It's the future.
- Any family
or romantic partners
whose absence could cause
moderate to high stress?
- No, no.
I'm a lone wolf.
[small laugh]
[edgy music]
♪ ♪
- Okay. One more.
Who was your celebrity crush
in high school?
- [chuckles]
That is easy.
Paula Abdul.
Huh? Still is.
- Okay,
that concludes that portion.
On to the next.
Here you'll find
nondisclosure agreements,
liability forms,
the end-of-life agreement,
beneficiary documents--
- Um, uh, end of life?
- Correct.
- Um...
- Hub employees will be
the first to transmigrate
to Gogol's virtual biosphere.
But in exchange
for immortality,
your former identity
must cease to exist.
- Oh.
Oh. Great.
[gentle music]
♪ ♪
[light funky music]
♪ ♪
[insects chirping]
[indistinct whispering]
- She's not allowed here.
[indistinct whispering
[bombastic music]
♪ ♪
- Oh, that's trippy, right?
I know we're underground,
but I-I-I can't
quite convince my brain of it.
Hey, what's in there?
♪ ♪
[heavenly choir vocalizing]
Oh. Hey, excuse me.
Can you show me how to--
I'm trying to access this--
Am I a ghost or something?
Do you--do you people
not see me?
I know that you know who I am.
I am Hazel Gogol, and--and--
and I am fucking allowed
to be down here now
because I have--
because I have this.
Um, you.
What is--what is your name?
- Uh, W-William.
Is that a severed finger?
- Morning, everyone!
all: Good morning!
- [chuckling]
- You need to--
you need to tell them that
I'm allowed to be down here
and that they can talk to me
like I'm a normal
fucking person, because--
because they're all looking
at me like I'm--
like I'm the bogeyman.
- Of course. Right.
You're right.
I'll correct this immediately.
[over loudspeaker]
Hi, my Gogol family!
all: Good morning.
I'm pleased to announce
that as of today,
my brilliant,
brilliant wife, Hazel,
is gonna take a more active
role in the Hub.
So I authorize all Hub workers
to talk to her,
interact with her,
even show her
what you're working on.
Would you like to say hello?
- H-hello.
all: Hello!
- She has the key
to the kingdom.
- I mean, I don't.
I have a rotting finger.
- Thank you. Proceed.
- What?
I'm allowed to walk around.
- Hazel, I'm actually
really happy you're down here.
I would like
to show you something.
- What is this?
Where are we going?
- Do you remember
the date we first met?
- The day that I've regretted
the most in my life?
Yeah, I remember.
- Enter it.
[insects chirping]
[gentle music]
♪ ♪
- What is this place?
- My childhood roof.
Greg Benson's roof.
This is the place I would come
when I was a kid if I...
needed to escape or hide.
When I built the Hub,
I built this place
as a reminder
of where I came from.
The Hub has cameras
in every location except here.
It's the only place in the Hub
that nobody knows about
except me.
It's my sanctuary.
[insects chirping]
- Why did you bring me here?
- [sighs]
Because I'm giving it to you.
I want you to feel safe.
It's your turn to have
a place that's only yours.
- You're never gonna
come in here?
- No.
- And you're okay with never
being in your sanctuary again?
- I am. But...
Maybe one day,
you'll invite me in again.
[soft, eerie music]
♪ ♪
[knock at door]
- Huh? Huh? Huh?
- Good morning.
- What?
What the hell?
What'd you do, get up early
and make breakfast?
- Yup.
- Okay.
I know what's going on here.
Yeah, spill it.
What do you want?
- I can't just do
something nice for my dad
and for my s-stepmom?
- Yeah, no.
No, you want something, huh?
Or you broke something.
But wait a minute,
is the truck not working
because of you?
- No. Dad, this is because--
So I'm gonna make you
breakfast sometimes
because you make me breakfast
That's all this is.
Okay? Come on.
- Yeah.
- Eat.
Your eggs are gonna get cold.
- Okay.
Hmm. Thank you!
- Yeah.
- You know something,
don't you? Hmm?
What's she up to?
Are you in on it?
[angelic choral music]
♪ ♪
- Hi, Byron.
- Hi, Hazel.
- ♪ I see
the crystal raindrops fall ♪
♪ And the beauty of it all ♪
♪ Is when the sun
comes shining through ♪
♪ ♪
♪ To make those rainbows
in my mind ♪
♪ When I think
of you sometime ♪
♪ And I wanna spend some time
with you ♪
♪ Just the two of us ♪
♪ We can make it if we try ♪
♪ Just the two of us ♪
♪ Just the two
of us ♪
♪ Just the two of us ♪
♪ Building castles
in the sky ♪
♪ Just the two of us ♪
♪ You and I ♪
♪ ♪
♪ Good things might come
to those who wait ♪
♪ But not for those
who wait too late ♪
♪ We gotta go
for all we know ♪
♪ Just the two of us ♪
♪ We can make it if we try ♪
♪ Just the two of us ♪
♪ Just the two
of us ♪
♪ Just the two of us ♪
♪ Building those castles
in the sky ♪
♪ Just the two of us ♪
♪ You and I ♪
♪ ♪
- Should've brought
my swim trunks.
[Henry Mancini's
"Dream a Little Dream of Me"]
♪ ♪
Oh, going inside?
♪ ♪
Wow, hey, this is classy.
No carpet, huh?
I don't get it.
What is this,
one of those modern art things?
♪ ♪
- Dad?
Are you sure you're not mad
that I brought you
to the Hub?
- Well, that's
an interesting way to put it.
You drugged me...
Kidnapped me.
You put me in a replica
of my house,
took away my everyday reality.
♪ ♪
I'm kidding.
What, of c--how could I
be mad at you?
You saved my life.
- I couldn't lose you.
♪ ♪
There's one more thing.
- Jesus Christ!
[unsettling music]
♪ ♪
- I didn't...plan it.
It just...
- This a pickle.
This a big
dead-billionaire pickle.
- So in terms
of disposing the body--
- Hazel.
- [gasps]
- He's still alive!
- [gasping]
- Okay.
- Okay, all right.
[angelic choral music]
♪ ♪
Finish the job.
♪ ♪
- [gasping]
No, no, no.
♪ ♪
- Hazel.
[upbeat music]
♪ ♪
- [gasps] What?
- You were smiling just now.
What were you thinking about?
- Golf.
Oh. Welcome.
Welcome, Dr. Hau.
Yes, Hazel, this is Dr. Hau.
This is the physician
who will be overseeing
Herbert's treatment.
- Pleasure to meet you, Hazel.
- Please, sit down.
- [sighs, chuckles]
- So how do you plan
on treating my dad's cancer
without him knowing?
- Well, that's--
that is the magic of the Hub,
- I was asking the doctor.
- Of course, yeah.
- Well, we've designed
a process for your father
that makes it seamless.
The painkillers Herbert takes
every morning
have been replaced
with fast-acting sedatives.
- Oh, jeez, it's 9:30 already.
All right, enough sitting
around the breakfast table.
Let's go sit on the couch.
What? Unless you got a--
- ♪ Dream, dream,
dream, dream ♪
- Once he's unconscious,
Bennett will alert
the medical team.
- ♪ Dream, dream, dream,
dream, dream ♪
♪ Catcher ♪
♪ Dream, dream, dream, dream ♪
♪ Dream, dream,
dream, dream ♪
- The medical team
will retrieve Herbert...
- ♪ Catcher ♪
- And transport him next door
to a state-of-the-art
medical cube.
It's a medical facility
and treatment center
all in one.
[machines whirring]
♪ ♪
- ♪ Dream, dream,
dream, dream ♪
♪ Dream, dream, dream, dream ♪
♪ Dream, dream,
dream, dream, dream ♪
- When the session
is finished,
the team will return Herbert.
- [scatting]
♪ ♪
♪ Catcher, catcher,
catcher ♪
- Once settled,
they'll reset the time of day
in his home cube
back to the time of departure.
♪ ♪
[unsettling chords]
- ♪ Dream, dream,
dream, dream, dream ♪
- When Herbert wakes up,
he'll simply think
he drifted off for a moment.
- And I, um--
I got you a gift.
I took your high school watch
from your bedroom
and I retrofitted it.
It's synced to all the clocks
in the ranch,
so if you ever need to know
what time Herbert thinks it is,
it's right there.
And if you wanna know
the real time, you just...
[watch beeps]
- How do we explain
the side effects to him?
Because with my mom's chemo,
there was a--
- Chemo? No, that's--
that's medieval times.
Like, you might as well put
a jar of leeches on him.
The Hub isn't hindered
by the FDA or ethics boards.
- We're decades ahead--
gene editing, cell therapy,
molecular vaccines
in combination
with nanosurgery.
In fact, the only side effect
your father might experience
would be from the sedatives--
some mild grogginess.
- Which is barely anything.
- So you just happen to be
working on a cure for cancer?
- Hmm.
- Um...
by-product of research,
I guess.
You know, we--did you know
that cancer cells
on a cellular level
actually become immortal?
- So how long?
- Treatment duration
can be based
on a number of factors.
- You know he's using
my father's life
to hold me hostage, right?
So I just wanna know
how long
I have to keep up
this charade for.
- 12 weeks.
- That's the initial estimate
to remission.
- 12 weeks.
I can do 12 weeks.
The second he is better,
we're leaving.
[tense music]
My dad's cancer
is the only reason
that I am here.
- I know.
Can you give me 12 weeks
to try and fix this?
- Well, I'll leave you two--
- I have a question, actually,
When can I get
this fucking chip
taken out of my head?
- Uh--
- Hmm?
- Well, technically,
I could take it out now.
- Yeah, that's a great idea,
That--we'll have
both of ours taken out.
- You have a chip?
- Yeah.
In a moment of vulnerability,
I had Bennett help me
put one in.
But I never activated it,
because deep down, I knew
that's what you wouldn't want.
- [scoffs]
Husband of the year.
- Thanks.
♪ ♪
- What happened?
What was I,
snoozing in my food?
What the--
♪ ♪
Why's this water taste, uh,
Hmm. So...
It's like mountain air.
- All right, listen up,
'Cause I'm about to blow
your fucking minds.
Three world-renowned
Three not-so-renowned
worker bees
from Gogol plants
around the country.
All these people died
this year.
Sudden accidental deaths
in the prime of their lives.
Terrible tragedies?
Or Gogol's sick
recruitment requirements?
We believe these people
are alive
and working in the Hub.
And now we're about
to find out.
With this guy.
- Uh, hold on. Lights on.
- Oh, come on.
What's the problem, baby?
- The problem, baby, is that
the Twin Sands mission failed.
And I think Hazel
went back to the Hub.
- Yeah, so do we.
And guess what.
We've got you cleared
for an undercover interview
with the Hub.
This could be the biggest case
of our lifetime.
If you find those people,
we've got Gogol
on insurance fraud,
labor conspiracy,
false imprisonment.
Who knows what else?
That sick fuck could be
breeding centaurs.
[laughs] Fucking centaurs.
- Mm-hmm.
- And the timing
couldn't be better, 'cause--
lights off.
[dramatic music]
You've got Hazel Gogol
teed up
and ready to become
an informant.
- Lights on.
I spent two days with her.
I didn't lay down
the proper groundwork.
I wanna get Gogol
just as bad as you do,
but I think our next move--
- Lights off.
You wanna talk moves?
Because I'll tell you
what I see.
It looks like
she's begging for it.
And you there, cool guy?
Look how cool you look.
I've never looked
that fucking cool ever.
I wish you'd just acknowledge
you got a gift, my friend.
- Yeah, homie, everybody wants
to sleep with you.
Hell, I wouldn't
kick you out of bed.
- You smell like cinnamon.
- Lights on!
[dramatic chord]
- [whispering]
I don't know what to do.
- Just turn
the fucking lights on.
- Nobody knows
where the Hub is.
Okay? There'll be
no way to reach me.
We don't know how to get in.
We do not know how to get out.
I don't know what the plan
of extraction is here.
[sighs] Fuck it.
I've done worse. Let's do it.
- Team player.
- There he is.
Oh, by the way, your new name?
[punchy music]
♪ ♪
I came up with that.
- Okay, I need you both
to hold still
for three, two, one.
[machines whirring]
All done.
- That's it?
After everything
I went through?
- Mm-hmm.
- It's just out of my head
like that?
- Just like that.
- What's gonna happen to these?
They're gonna be destroyed,
- Of course.
They'll be incinerated.
- Yeah, absolutely--oh.
- No!
[punchy music]
♪ ♪
- You--you okay there?
- [coughing]
- Good.
- Well.
I think we're done here.
- Oh, you need an access sensor
in your fingertip.
Dr. Hau, do you mind
putting one in Hazel?
- [laughs]
Yeah, right.
You must think
I am really fucking stupid.
I am not letting you
put another chip in my body.
- You mean besides the two
you just swallowed?
The finger sensor
is truly the only method
of getting around in the Hub,
- I might have a work-around.
[clears throat]
came to see me in LA
to beg for his job back.
I said no,
but he gave me
his middle finger
as a parting gift.
- How did you know Hazel
would destroy the chips?
- Oh, I know my Hazel.
A lot better
than she'd like to admit.
Were the transfer plates
able to copy the chips' data?
- Yes.
- Great.
- The data mapped onto
its hard drive upon contact.
A copy of Hazel's consciousness
is uploading
to a dedicated network now.
- Excellent. And my copy?
- I'll upload it
to its own network.
- Keep them together.
You know, it's more
romantic that way.
[engine grinding]
- Come on.
Truck's dead.
It's crazy.
Nothing looks off on it.
Not to be crass, but I know
the inside of its body
as well as I know yours.
[touch tones beeping]
It's got
new spark plugs in it too.
[line ringing]
Well, I mean, kinda new.
[watch ticking]
[line ringing]
- ["feminine" voice]
Amos Automotive.
- Yeah, is Amos there?
- Unfortunately, Amos is
unavailable at the moment.
Can I help you?
- Yeah, yeah, I got
a problem with my truck.
- Oh, trucks.
It's always something.
- Yeah, I think it may be
the timing belt.
Can't think of what else
it could be, so...
- Yes, the timing belt.
The timing belt...
which links the camshaft...
to the crankshaft,
which manages the pistons
of the engine.
- Yeah, right, right, okay.
Can you get somebody out here
right away, please?
Herb Green. Amos knows me.
- Oh, we're pretty booked
at the moment.
There might be
an opening next week.
- Next week? No. What are you--
are you kidding me?
Are you new?
I didn't know Amos
had any women there.
- B-but yes. I am new.
Love--I'm loving it here.
Um, we'll be in touch.
- Okay.
- We'll call you.
[unsettling music]
♪ ♪
[machines beeping]
♪ ♪
- [yelps]
- Are you okay, Bennett?
- Yes.
Yes, indeedy.
♪ ♪
- Hello.
You're my interviewer?
- Have a seat, Jasper.
Could you remove your jacket?
- Sure, yeah.
Just wiggle out of that.
- This goes over
your right index finger.
Thank you.
- Right index--hey.
- Do you have
any electronic devices
anywhere on
or inside your body?
- No, sir.
- All right, ready to begin?
- Yes, sir.
- Question one.
What do you think happens
after we die?
- Wow.
Guess dive right in, huh?
No small talk.
[chuckles nervously]
- Hazel, come here!
You gotta see this!
- What is it?
Oh, God. Is it, uh--
Can you, like,
describe it to me?
Is there--is there blood?
- No, no, no.
It's nothing gross.
Come here. Watch this. Watch.
[toilet flushing]
[toilet gurgles]
Okay, you see
how fast it swirled?
It flushed right away.
I didn't have to jiggle
the handle.
I didn't have to do nothing.
Look, watch.
[toilet flushing]
I mean, I don't get it.
It's like the plumbing fairy
paid us a visit.
- Oh, yeah,
I tinkered with it last night.
I must have, um--
yeah, I guess I, well,
fixed it.
- Wait, you did this?
- Yeah.
- Well, then I don't know
what you're wasting your time
at the bowling alley for,
'cause maybe this
is your talent.
It runs like a race car now.
- Yeah,
I don't know what I did.
- [sighs]
- It was a happy accident.
- I'll say. Yeah.
We should look into
plumbing jobs for you.
There's a lot of money there.
Oh, this made my day.
[computer whirring]
[dramatic music]
♪ ♪
- [chuckles]
More romantic.
[dramatic music]
- Should technology
for a post-human existence
be available?
- Absolutely.
- Do you believe
in the potential
of a nonphysical reality?
- Yes, yes. It's the future.
- Any family
or romantic partners
whose absence could cause
moderate to high stress?
- No, no.
I'm a lone wolf.
[small laugh]
[edgy music]
♪ ♪
- Okay. One more.
Who was your celebrity crush
in high school?
- [chuckles]
That is easy.
Paula Abdul.
Huh? Still is.
- Okay,
that concludes that portion.
On to the next.
Here you'll find
nondisclosure agreements,
liability forms,
the end-of-life agreement,
beneficiary documents--
- Um, uh, end of life?
- Correct.
- Um...
- Hub employees will be
the first to transmigrate
to Gogol's virtual biosphere.
But in exchange
for immortality,
your former identity
must cease to exist.
- Oh.
Oh. Great.
[gentle music]
♪ ♪
[light funky music]
♪ ♪
[insects chirping]
[indistinct whispering]
- She's not allowed here.
[indistinct whispering
[bombastic music]
♪ ♪
- Oh, that's trippy, right?
I know we're underground,
but I-I-I can't
quite convince my brain of it.
Hey, what's in there?
♪ ♪
[heavenly choir vocalizing]
Oh. Hey, excuse me.
Can you show me how to--
I'm trying to access this--
Am I a ghost or something?
Do you--do you people
not see me?
I know that you know who I am.
I am Hazel Gogol, and--and--
and I am fucking allowed
to be down here now
because I have--
because I have this.
Um, you.
What is--what is your name?
- Uh, W-William.
Is that a severed finger?
- Morning, everyone!
all: Good morning!
- [chuckling]
- You need to--
you need to tell them that
I'm allowed to be down here
and that they can talk to me
like I'm a normal
fucking person, because--
because they're all looking
at me like I'm--
like I'm the bogeyman.
- Of course. Right.
You're right.
I'll correct this immediately.
[over loudspeaker]
Hi, my Gogol family!
all: Good morning.
I'm pleased to announce
that as of today,
my brilliant,
brilliant wife, Hazel,
is gonna take a more active
role in the Hub.
So I authorize all Hub workers
to talk to her,
interact with her,
even show her
what you're working on.
Would you like to say hello?
- H-hello.
all: Hello!
- She has the key
to the kingdom.
- I mean, I don't.
I have a rotting finger.
- Thank you. Proceed.
- What?
I'm allowed to walk around.
- Hazel, I'm actually
really happy you're down here.
I would like
to show you something.
- What is this?
Where are we going?
- Do you remember
the date we first met?
- The day that I've regretted
the most in my life?
Yeah, I remember.
- Enter it.
[insects chirping]
[gentle music]
♪ ♪
- What is this place?
- My childhood roof.
Greg Benson's roof.
This is the place I would come
when I was a kid if I...
needed to escape or hide.
When I built the Hub,
I built this place
as a reminder
of where I came from.
The Hub has cameras
in every location except here.
It's the only place in the Hub
that nobody knows about
except me.
It's my sanctuary.
[insects chirping]
- Why did you bring me here?
- [sighs]
Because I'm giving it to you.
I want you to feel safe.
It's your turn to have
a place that's only yours.
- You're never gonna
come in here?
- No.
- And you're okay with never
being in your sanctuary again?
- I am. But...
Maybe one day,
you'll invite me in again.
[soft, eerie music]
♪ ♪
[knock at door]
- Huh? Huh? Huh?
- Good morning.
- What?
What the hell?
What'd you do, get up early
and make breakfast?
- Yup.
- Okay.
I know what's going on here.
Yeah, spill it.
What do you want?
- I can't just do
something nice for my dad
and for my s-stepmom?
- Yeah, no.
No, you want something, huh?
Or you broke something.
But wait a minute,
is the truck not working
because of you?
- No. Dad, this is because--
So I'm gonna make you
breakfast sometimes
because you make me breakfast
That's all this is.
Okay? Come on.
- Yeah.
- Eat.
Your eggs are gonna get cold.
- Okay.
Hmm. Thank you!
- Yeah.
- You know something,
don't you? Hmm?
What's she up to?
Are you in on it?
[angelic choral music]
♪ ♪
- Hi, Byron.
- Hi, Hazel.
- ♪ I see
the crystal raindrops fall ♪
♪ And the beauty of it all ♪
♪ Is when the sun
comes shining through ♪
♪ ♪
♪ To make those rainbows
in my mind ♪
♪ When I think
of you sometime ♪
♪ And I wanna spend some time
with you ♪
♪ Just the two of us ♪
♪ We can make it if we try ♪
♪ Just the two of us ♪
♪ Just the two
of us ♪
♪ Just the two of us ♪
♪ Building castles
in the sky ♪
♪ Just the two of us ♪
♪ You and I ♪
♪ ♪
♪ Good things might come
to those who wait ♪
♪ But not for those
who wait too late ♪
♪ We gotta go
for all we know ♪
♪ Just the two of us ♪
♪ We can make it if we try ♪
♪ Just the two of us ♪
♪ Just the two
of us ♪
♪ Just the two of us ♪
♪ Building those castles
in the sky ♪
♪ Just the two of us ♪
♪ You and I ♪