Lost Girl (2010–2016): Season 2, Episode 3 - Scream a Little Dream - full transcript

As Bo struggles to accept the new terms of her and Dyson's relationship, she investigates an apartment building whose tenants have seemingly gone insane. Meanwhile, Kenzie makes the dubious choice of employing a Brownie.




What is it, huh?

Are you okay?

What's wrong?

Cruddy broom
totally bit me!


The big talker
who survived

basilisk poisoning gets
TKO'd by a broom?

Oh, like you've
never been suckered

by a big shaft
of wood.


I'm sorry, but you're
freaking me out!

We should be out there
dusting bad guys,

not actually

I am just trying
to scrub away--

The wolf who
shall not be named.

Aw, honey--

Honey, you're
binge cleaning.

Spring cleaning
of the heart starts

with spring cleaning
of the hearth.

Okay, that should be
in a Hurl-mark card.


If it's cleaning
you need--

You can be

and I'll be
your little birdie.

Your sacrifice
is noted.

Good morning,
Mrs. Farlinger

Paper didn't
arrive today?

Yup, a little brisk
out here.

You might wanna
throw on that extra layer.

Everything all right
there, sweetheart?

To sleep,
perchance to dream...

Mrs. F?

Mrs. F!

Mrs. F!

Mrs. F?

Life is hard when you
don't know who you are.

It's harder when you
know what you are.

My love carries
a death sentence.

I was lost for years.

Searching while hiding.

Only to find
that I belonged

to a world hidden
from humans.

I won't hide anymore.

I will live the life
I choose.

And how is life on the road
with a marching band?

This the platform
to Hogwarts?

You're joking.

My talents are completely
wasted on the Fae crowd.

Don't mind
Tina not-Fae here--

I'm Bo.

for coming, Bo.


What can we do
for you, Frank?

I work at
The Crawford.

Nice building.
Good people.

Being a doorman--

That's my
human cover, right?

You're Light Fae?

Yeah, basically,
it's my territory.

I'm supposed to care
for the folks.

Who live there.

I love
those humans.

It kills me to see
them all...messed up!

How messed up
we talking here?

They've gone insane.
All of them.

Mush for brains.

I think it's--

Dark Fae.

Dark Fae feeding
in my territory.

Hurting my humans.

So, take it
to The Ash.

I tried!

He said my turf,
my problem.

You ask me?
This new Ash--

The new guy?

Doesn't give a flying
Watusi about humans.

But you--

They say you have a real
soft spot for them.

You're right,
I don't like the idea

of Dark Fae messing
with humans

anymore than
you do.

So, I promise--
we'll do what we can.

You have no idea

how much that
means to me--

Give me ten
and I'll meet you there?



You know, if we ever
made any actual money

we could hire
a cleaning lady.

Get our place all
waxed and sparkly.

Helping this Frank guy
-- that'll make me

feel better than
cleaning ever could.

Calling Dyson will
make you feel like ass,

O Mistress
of Masochism.


Medical mystery?

Sounds like it's
right up Lauren's alley.


The best way
to get over someone is

to get under
someone else, I get it--

Hey, where you going?

Look, I know you
and the good doctor

have some stuff
to figure out.

Minus this gorgeous

but unnecessary
third wheel.

See ya!

Hey, Lauren--

You in the mood
for a house call?

Look -- Bo deserves
una casa that has that

fresh from
the dentist feeling.

But I'm not genetically
programmed for housework.

And she doesn't
earn enough moolah

to get me the squadron
of maids I deserve!

If you want
spending money,

I'll hire you on
for some shifts.

Work for a living?

Do I look like
a chump?

Do I?

If I say yes,
do I still get that beer?


Hi, there!

Couldn't help
but overhear.

I'm Mumphert.

I got a shot for that
in kindergarten.

Keep walking,

I'm a Brownie.
I clean houses.

Before you...devour
the inhabitants?

I try to stay out
of the way.

Mostly I work
at night. So quiet.

You won't even
know I'm there.

And I do it
for free.


Have a seat!

perfectly harmless

or lock-up-

They eat honey,
not honeys.

In fact, they like
it in their porridge.

What else do they like
in their porridge, huh?

of girl-brain?


A drizzle
of virgin blood?


Eyeball dumplings?

All they eat is
cereal and honey.

Okay, so what
you're saying is,

he's Trick-certified
safe to take home?


Just don't take him
for granted.


You're hired, kid!

Do you come
with your own mop?

Ours got
kinda brutalized

in a cheese fondue
incident, not pretty.

I've lost track -- is this
vent number 49 or 50?

Stay sharp.

And keep looking
for more critters.

I can't believe you made
me catch a cockroach.

I can't believe
you screamed.

Can't sleep...
Can't ever sleep...

Do you want to?

Shall I give you
a sedative?

All righty, then--

Any thoughts?

No obvious signs
on any of the victims--

I can't tell if it's
the work of some Fae,

a new virus,
exotic mould--

I won't know anything 'til
I run tests back at the lab.

A lot of tests.

Well, thank you.

For helping.



You haven't
mentioned yet.

Do we open the
champagne or not?

Over what?

New Ash in,
old Ash out.

He doesn't have
a hold on you anymore.

So, um--

Aren't you, uh--

You know, free?

Like all things Fae

It's complicated.


I promise you, I will
tell you everything--


Just as soon as
we're not

wading through
a swamp of psychosis.

I'll go find another vent
to play Die Hard in.

Hi, Bo-Bo!

Have fun
playing doctor?

Six hours
swabbing vents,

five vermin
samples captured--


Two busted

And we still don't have
one clue in a Fae tree

what caused this "mad
human" disease.

Science is

Yeah, but how'd it go

Kenzi, please, it's
strictly professional.

And might I add
how yummy Lauren is

when she's being

Mug of hot cocoa
to take the edge off?

Go ahead.

And let's just slide
those footsy-wootsies

right into

Guess what
I brought home!

Um, confusion and
chocolate-dispensing terror?

Bo, this is

He is our
new Brownie!

You won't even
notice I'm here.

Um, Kenzi...?

He is our new
live-in help!

Trick said
he's perfectly safe!

I swear on
my free bar tab!

You wanted
a Feng-Shui do-over

and you got it,

And he's doing it
all for free!



Pipes were broken
at my place.

I didn't think
you'd mind.

You just gonna
stand there?

Or you gonna
come join me?

Turn around.


Why are your
nails so sharp?

All the better to--







Kenzi: BO!



(deep breaths)



Whatever it was that
drove those humans crazy--

I think I just
found it.

We should've gotten
a Brownie ages ago.

He ironed everything.
Including my tankini!

How are his
barista skills...?

Yum yum yum!


Oh wow.

And might I add,
thank god.

Teensy thing--

Um, he kinda ate all
the Honey Berry Crunch.

Is that weird?


Not much with
the sleeping, huh?

Would you be able to sleep
with some crazy lady

waiting to jump
on your chest?

What about me?

I had to walk in
and see it.

She was like
five seconds

from going reverse
cowgirl on you.

Anyway, Mumphert
says he didn't see

any more signs
of her all night, so--

Yeah, well--
every time I dozed off

I got slammed
by nightmares.

It's like she's--

Like she's got
her hooks in me.

Well, maybe how you
suck people's faces,

she sucks
people's brains.


You stay on top of the
Honey Berry Crunch situation.

I have to go figure out
what I brought back

from Frank's building
and why she's

inside my dreams.

Sounds like
a Mare.

Well, this filly had
only two legs

and tried
to ride me.

Different kind
of Mare.

As in nightmare.


Usually Dark Fae.

Mares give humans
bad dreams

and feed on
the resulting fear.

But I'm not human.


And mares usually
aren't so toxic.

She rendered an entire
building insane?


You should stay awake
until we know

what we're
dealing with.

Mares only feed on
those who slumber.

Well, what about
the humans?

Can the damage
be reversed?

I.E., can I look
through my books?

Yes, I can look
through my books.

Thank you,


Another nightmare?

Yeah, it was hunger,
real bad--

I, uh--

I scarfed a

It chewed out
through my stomach,

then ate my head.


Your brain's lighting up
when you're asleep.

The overload is probably what
drove the humans insane.

See, this area is strobing
even when you're awake.

I think the Mare established
a psychic connection

with you, the first time
she was on top of you.

Is that why I'm
in her head too?

You shouldn't be.

Usually it's
a one-way street.

No, that intense
hunger I just felt,

That wasn't mine.

That felt like hers.

That's amazing.

It could be you're
even more powerful

and unique, than anyone's
ever given you credit for.

Well shucks,

Oh, wow,
not that powerful.

Let me find something
to keep you awake.

Kiss my couture--
am I dreaming?

We don't only
do chores, you know.

Brownies are also excellent
personal shoppers.

How did you
even find this?

They only did
a limited run!

I have a gift
for retail.

And, by the way,
brownies never pay .

Are you crying?

I'm sorry--
I'm sorry,

You're the most wonderful
man I've ever met.

Just one more thing--

Um, I hesitate
to mention it--

We're out of
Honey Berry Crunch.

you ate it all?

Well, next time
you're out.

Just pick up
a few more boxes.

You lug home a truckload
of luxury loot,

but you can't bother
to snag one box of cereal?

Just remember
to pick some up.

Somewhere in here,
I have pills

from the glands of
a giant Venezuelan wart--

Maybe it's better
you don't know

exactly what
you're swallowing.



of Yours Truly,

I notice a distinct lack
of crazy people screaming.


You promised me
a bed-time story

about you
and the Light Fae.

Feels like
bedtime to me.

I wanna tell you,

I do--

I've wanted to
ever since--

Ever since--

This is
a private party.

It's Bo, right?

Is that short
for something?

You might remember
me as the guy that's

just been crowned
head of the Light Fae--

I remember
a preening jackass

prancing around the woods
with bow and arrow.

I've been asking
around about you.

Got kind of
a casual approach

to Faedom,
haven't you?

Kind of like your approach
to locked doors?


I'm a bit of a stickler
for protocol.

Get up.

As The new Ash,

all The old Ash's
chattel is passed to me.

That means everything
from the lab.

Including you.
Take her down,

then come back for
the rest and help him.

Whatever hand
you don't want to lose,

remove from
the doctor--

Now, now, now, Bo,
don't be so petulant.

You want access
to my property,

make a formal

Lauren is
no one's property.



You'll just
make it worse.

No, I'm going
to make it right.

Look at me.

I need you
to stay out of this.


Stay awake.

Good times.


I'm awake!

And I'm Kobe Bryant.
Drink coffee!


That's all I've
been drinking, I just--

Now I have gut-rot

and I have to pee
like a racehorse.

I really coulda used
those pills from Lauren.

Actually, what
you need is a Baku.


What's a Baku?

It's a shy Fae.

Eats bad dreams.

And where does
baby get Baku?

Did I mention
it's shy?

Nervous stomach?


A live Baku
eats nightmares.

But the pelt of a dead
one wards off disease.

Poor things have been
hunted almost to extinction.

So where
do we find one?

Lauren might have
a Baku or two

in her old
medical records.

Lachlan came for her.
He called her chattel.

I swear,
if he touches her--


I have ears
in many places.

Uh, when you're Fae,
you should probably

use a different

Word in The Ash's
compound is

Lauren is being
treated with respect.

Except for the whole
"owning" thing.

Lachlan is
an unknown quantity.

Tread carefully
with him.

Play nice, Bo.

play nice, Bo.

I'm so tired,

Don't sleep.
Wake up, wake up--

You waiting
for The Ash too?

Oh, um--


I'm just requesting
an audience with a friend.

Do you mind?

One of those

Of course.




You've got something
on your chin.


Late night?

You know what they say
about being a Succubus:

it's not the work that'll
kill you, it's the hours.

It's a little
of both.

Look at you--

I didn't expect to have
the pleasure so soon.

Well, I come to you--

O great Ash--


Can I just please
talk to Lauren?

Yeah, it's a shame.
She's kinda busy right now.

Of course she is.

I gave my men good odds
that you'd never show.

You cost me
a thousand dollars,

you know that?

Well I'd hate
to be predictable.



Fashion refugee.

What are you after with that
contrarian little act of yours?

It's not an act--

Look, this first date
chit chat is swell

and all, but if can just
have five minutes

with Lauren-

I might.

If it's in the interests
of the Light Fae.

It is.

Is it?

One would think it's The Ash's
job to make that call.

I took on Frank's
little problem.

Frank who?

The doorman?

He came to see you,
pleading for help?

And don't tell me
to keep my nose out

of Light Fae business,
because he needed you,

and like the arrogant,

useless prick I'm starting
to get the sense you are

you turned
him away!

I'm sorry.

When I get tired,

my innie thoughts
become outies.

No one by the name
of Frank doorman

or otherwise,
has ever spoken to me.


My bad.

Like I said, I haven't
really been

getting a whole lot
of sleep lately.


I'm sorry
to bother you.


I think there's something
off with the spaghetti!

Too much--



Miss Kenzi?


What's with the campaign
of mass annoyance?

Oh, you know
what you did!

Okay, clearly,
someone's last round

of electroshock
didn't take!

Thank you for everything,

but I think they need you
back in the ward.

You made this my home.
I'm not going anywhere.




Qu'est-ce que
the hell?

Hey! Bo!

Lab results
in already...?


The prognosis
is extremely pissed off!

You lied to me,

You never went
to The Ash.

Ok, ok, ok--
you're upset--

Ya think?

But the best way
to cool down

when you're running so
hot...is sleep it off.

So who wants
to see the new talkie

that just opened
at the Odeon?

I do, I do!!!

Everyone's saying it's the
greatest love story ever told.

Guys, don't invite the buzzkill.
She ruins everything.


Okay, let's go!

I don't! I don't!
No, I--

I like a good love story

just as much as
the next gal!

Guys, wait!

Could someone help
out with a yank?

I think--
I can't seem--

Guys, I'm still here!

Tasty, tasty...

"B" is for Bo.



Don't be mad.

I left mad some time ago.
I'm sailing right into livid.

I had no choice.

The circumstances
are just kind of--

Beyond my control.

I'll show you
beyond your control--


Say, Frank--

You got a real
pretty mouth...

Oh, Mumphert...!



You were gone so long
I thought you'd

abandoned everything.

And everyone.


Abandon my
favorite brownie?


Some people would
take money for what I do.

All I ask for is


I have so much gratitude,
I can barely keep it down!


For me?


You didn't need
to do this.

Wish that
were true.

Mumpty Dumpty,
everything copacetic?

It's fantastic.

Good. Cuz,
I don't know

if you're
up for it yet--

Actually, I don't even
know if you're capable--

Know, what?

Miss Kenzi.

It would be
my pleasure.

Personal shopping
request. Fur.


Mink coat?
Fox stole?

I was thinking a Baku?


Baku pelt.
Very rare.

And I'd like it with the
Baku...still in it?

Talk to me.
Start at the top.

I lied.

I'm not Light Fae.

I'm Dark.

Why'd you lie?

This is Light Fae territory.

I'm just squatting.

Tough times--

The recession...

Don't think you're
gonna get away with it.

Are you kiddin'?

The Light Fae
are...still messed up.

The new Ash still
hasn't restored order.

So, why drag
me into it?

Connie's so hungry.

who's Connie?

My gal.
She's ravenous.

The Mare--

Once she got through
snacking on all the humans,

she needed a juicy Fae
for her main course.

Why not just
feed on you?

I'm a sandman.

I put people to sleep.

But I don't sleep
myself, not ever.

I'm no good
to her that way.

As she likes
to remind me.

So you targeted me.

Everyone knows
you're unaligned.

You're all alone.

Throw that
in my face.

I'm just so sleepy.
Again. Why?

Told ya--
I'm a Sandman.

I shed my dust like
cats shed dander.

Just need a second...
to regroup...

Honey pie...?!

Well if this
doesn't beat all.

Yeah, got a little
messed up here, huh?

You were spilling
your guts to her!

She's strong.

And a threat!

This is the meal
you choose for me?

Who's the one
who knocked back

an entire building
of humans?

Talk about
blowing our cover!

I'm eating for six!

You checked her out
with your own eyes!

You didn't like
the Succubus,

you didn't have
to follow her home!

Moron! In my condition
I shouldn't have HAD

to follow her home!

I woulda been happier
shacking up with a harpie!

Now you woke her.

Get her locked up
before she runs off

and brings down
some real heat on us.

Don't touch me--

Or, somebody
pinch me--

No, no, not you!

Not you.


My dad was right.
You are such a loser.

I can see it
in your eyes, sweetheart--

but still dreaming?

Come on, lemme
take care of you.

Where ya
gonna go, Bo?

I got this place
locked up tight, remember?


Oh, crap.

Hey, slumber butt,
where ya been all day?

I don't know...

I don't know if I'm
awake or dreaming.

Oh, honey berry crunch,
where are you?

I'm at The Crawford.

I don't know--

I don't know what's
real anymore...

Bo, you
gotta hang in--

Look what
I found!

You caught one?
That's amazing!

Who loves ya.

Stay where you are--

I got you a Baku!
We're on our way!

Yes, you are!

I know where
you like, bitch.

I am in your head too.

"B" is for basement.



Are you ok?

I'm sorry.

I didn't mean
to bother anyone--

Oh my God.

Look at you--

You're beautiful--

I never realized
I was so beautiful.

What's wrong?

You're the first person
who's come -- in years.

Where is


She died--

Decades ago.

And then--

After Dyson...
after Lauren--

I never found
love again.

Don't say that--

But you're here now.

Stay with me.
It's been so long.

Since I've been touched.

Since I've had one kiss.

No, I have to go!

Just one kiss!

Kenzi: Bo!


Okay, so how do you
nosh the bad dreams?

Should I hold her head while
you, unhinge your jaw or...?

That's nice.


Where are you going?

What's it to you?


I want it back.


All of it.

I want to be with you.

But...the Norn.

What do you say?

In here we can
be together - always.


I've eaten
the scary dreams.

But your friend is stuck.

Someone or something
is holding her there.



She can't hear you.

Bo, please come back--


And goodbye.


Bo, meet Baku.

Thank you.

I want in.

If you're still hungry
-- there are plenty

of humans
in the building.

Bet their dreams are
pretty bad too.

Thank you,
thank you--

You feeling awake
and not-cuckoo?

I wish.
Kenzi, I feel like--

I feel like the Mare still
has a psychic link to--

I think my
water just broke.

She was feeding illegally
in your territory.

Someone had
to do your job for you.

What do you want
a medal?

I don't want anything
from you.

I have a proposition
for you!

for us.

You won't have
to swear allegiance.

You won't be under my rules --
and I'll pay you a retainer.

To do what?

To do the wonderful
things that you do.

When the need arises.

No disrespect,
but if anything arises--

I'm sure you'll have it
well in hand.

You're leaving?

You should have seen
the Baku's place.

It's a pig sty.

If it's more of
a mess, you want,

I can be messier --
paintball in the kitchen.

I'll shave my legs in
the living room--

It's over, Kenzi!

Poor Baku's lived
alone for decades.

A complete shut-in.

He needs me more.

Love ya!

Send a postcard
or whatevs.

Oh, right--

Got everything
you need?

Eye mask?
Ear plugs?

You get as much beauty sleep
as you need, pumpkin.

I'll be sooo
quiet tomorrow.

And clean too.

Just keep
being you, Kenz.

Sweet dreams.

The sweetest!

Oh, and don't worry,
I got this watch.