Lost (2004–2010): Season 5, Episode 15 - Follow the Leader - full transcript

Jack attempts to follow through with Daniel Faraday's plan to detonate the hydrogen bomb after Faraday is killed, Locke instructs Alpert to take him to Jacob, and Sawyer is interrogated about an incriminating surveillance video.

Previously on Lost:

Hello, Ben.

- You're alive
- Yes, I am.

Are you saying
you know how to find them?

How to find Jin?

I have some ideas.

So you knew...

this would happen to Locke
if we brought him back here?

Dead is dead.

You don't get
to come back from that.

The Dharma folks
at the Swan work site--

They're gonna
drill into the ground

and accidentally tap into
a massive pocket of energy,

and that will
cause your plane--

Oceanic 815...

To crash
on this island.

I think
I can negate that energy.

If I can...

then that hatch
will never be built,

and your plane will land
just like it's supposed to.

And just how exactly do you plan
on destroying this energy?

I'm gonna detonate
a hydrogen bomb.

Where is the bomb,

Where is it?

The hydrogen bomb that
I told your people to bury.

Where is it?

Listen to me.

Lower your gun,
and we'll talk. Okay?

Nobody has to get hurt here.
Just put the gun down.

I'm gonna give you
three seconds.


Don't do this.

What's he
doing down there?

- Jack, he's crazy.
- Is he?

What if this is
why we're here?

What if
this is our one chance

to put things back the way
they're supposed to be?


What the hell do you
think you're doing?!

- They just shot him! I'm gonna go help.
- Yeah, they're gonna shoot you, too.

We have to go, Jack.
We have to go now.

- Jack!
- Don't you move!

Don't move.


Just who the bloody hell
might you be?


What happened?

This man
walked into camp

and put a gun
to my head,

- And Eloise... reacted.
- Where'd you find them?

Crouched in the bushes...
Like rats.

Did you two come here
with this man?


Put them in my tent.

Would you care to tell me,

why the Dharma Initiative seems
to have declared war on us?

These people aren't from
the Dharma Initiative, Charles.

Then where the hell
are they from?

he's here.

I brought dinner.


Hello, Richard.

It's been a while.

It's--It's been, uh,
three years.

What happened?
What--where--where were you?

I'll explain on the way.

On the way where?

It's gonna be night

You and I have
an errand to run,

and we don't have
a lot of time.

What's wrong?

Something different
about you.

I have a purpose now.

What's he doing here?

He helped me
get back.

What did Locke say
these were his people?

I thought
they were yours.

When I left the island,
John stepped in.

He's the leader now.

Who's that man
he's talking to?

His name is
Richard Alpert.

He's a kind of...


And he has had that job
for a very, very, long time.

What are you...

Were you here
in 1977?

Excuse me?

These people...

Jack Shephard, Kate Austen,
Hugo Reyes.

They were here
with my husband--

Jin Kwon.

Were you here?

Do you remember them?
A-any of them?

Yes, I was here...
30 years ago.

And I do.
I remember these people.

I remember meeting them
very clearly, because...

I watched them
all die.

Follow The Leader

Drink of water?

Do you think
it's true?

They're all dead?

I don't think we went through
all this for nothing, Sun.

I'm ready,

You still have
that compass I gave you?

A little rusty,
but she can still find north.

Ben, I'd appreciate it
if you'd join us.

What, John,
don't you trust me here

my former people?

Afraid I'll stage a coup?

I'm not afraid of anything
you can do anymore, Ben.

Well, in that case,
I'd love to come.


Stay here.

We'll be back
in a couple of hours.

I'll see what
I can find out.

But whatever happens,

you have my word.

If there's a way for you and Jin
to be together again,

If there's a way
to save our people...

I'll find it.

Take it easy on her.

Don't talk.


Are you okay?


You know,
before we were caught...

You said
that we needed

to put things back the way
they were supposed to be.

What did you mean
by that?

If we can do
what Faraday said...

Our plane
never crashes...

Flight 815
lands in Los Angeles.

And everyone we lost
since we got here...

They'd all be alive.

And what about us?

We just...

go on
living our life

we've never met?

All the misery
that we've been through...

We'd just wipe it clean.
Never happened.

It was not
all misery.

Enough of it was.

The man I shot...

What did he need
the bomb for?

I need you to tell me
why he wanted the bomb.

I don't think you'd believe me
if I did.

When I was
17 years old,

I took a young man
to the bomb.

He proceeded to tell me that
if we buried it underground,

then things would work out

When I asked him
how he could be so sure...

He said that he was
from the future.

And then
he disappeared,

right in front
of my bloody eyes.

Ten minutes ago,

I shot that man
in the back.

And before he

He told me
that he...

He said
he was my son.

Explain to me...

And you have my word
I will believe you.

How is this my handwriting
if I don't remember writing it?

Because you haven't
written it yet.

I know this is
hard to understand,


What you just did...

It was an accident,

and I think that there's a way
for you to take it all back.


Your son
came back here

because he had
figured out a way...

to change things.

He doesn't have
to be dead.

You don't have
to have killed him.

If we do what's written
in that journal...

None of this
will have happened.

Does he know
what he's talking about?

He thinks he does.

All right then,
I'll take you to the bomb.


One small issue,

We secured it over
20 years ago underground.

But since that time,

it appears that someone's built
an entire village over it.

The Dharma Initiative?


It appears that you two
have been

passing yourselves off
as members, so...

I suppose coming and going
will be relatively simple.

Ah, it might be a little bit
more complicated than that.

That woman--
Where is she now?

Call my lawyer.

Stuart! What the hell
are you doing?

I'm getting answers.
Where is she?!

Hey. Hey!

Damn it, stop.

That is an order.
I'm still in charge here.

No, you were
in charge, Horace.

But if we're gonna
protect our people

and all the work
we're doing here...

You don't have the stomach
for what happens next.


Okay, Jim,
last chance.

You tell me where she is...

Or so help me God,
I will kill you.


You ready
to talk now?


Believe me,
I'm gettin' tired of this too, Jim.

So why don't you
tell me...

Where your girlfriend
took the boy?

She bring him
to the hostiles?

You know
where they are?

Aah! Stop!

- Please!
- You want me to stop?

Then tell me
what I want to know!

Stuart, please.

We have known each other
for three years.

We are not
bad people!

We are not here
to hurt you!



you tell 'em,

they ain't
gonna believe you.

It's only gonna get
more people hurt.

What are we doing,

Beating him is pointless.

He's not gonna talk.

I can make him talk.

Son of a bitch!


You're a dead man,

I'm gonna kill you.

Mr. Radzinsky?

There's still no sign
of Miles or Jin.

But the recruits
from last week...

I got their sub's manifest
from Amy.

There were
three last-minute add-ons.

They were the two people
that shot at you.

Shephard and Austen.
And one guy we can't track down.

He's gotta be
a part of this.

Who the hell is
Hugo Reyes?

He's the fat guy.

Hurry up!

So what's the rescue plan?

Rescue plan?

We're heading
to the beach.

Why do you think
we sent you for food?

But they got
Sawyer and Juliet.

And there are 30 of them,
and they all have guns.

The only people we can
rescue is our ourselves,

- so let's go.
- We gotta do something.

I mean, Sawyer would never
leave us behind.

Dr. Chang?
What are you doing here?

I could ask you
the same question.

But we asked you first.

Your friend Faraday...

said that you were
from the future.

I need to know
if he was telling the truth.

that's ridiculous.

What year
were you born?

What year?

Uh... 1931?

You're 46?


Yes, I am.

So you fought
in the Korean War?

There's no such thing.

Who's the President
of the United States?

All right, dude,
we're from the future.


It's true then?

You are my son?

Yeah, it's true.

Your friend,
the physicist--

He also told me to evacuate
everyone I could off the island.

He said
there was going to be

a massive accident
at the Swan.

Now is that true?

He's been right
about everything so far.

If Faraday said
get people off the island...

I'd do it.

Well, then let's hope
he knows what he's doing.

Tell me something.

Why is it that
this man looks...

familiar to me?


You and Erik
are coming with me.

Going with you

You can untie them.


Would you mind
giving us a moment?

I'm taking them
to the bomb.


Are you insane?

All right.

I'm worried about you.
Not in your condition.

Who is he?

The man you're asking about, Jack,
is Charles Widmore.

He and Eloise are...

Well, let's just say
love can be complicated.

All right.
Let's move out.

So, John...

You, uh,
you ready to tell me

where you've been
the last three years?

You really don't know?

Well, I know that on the day
that Ben here turned the wheel,

that you and I were
sitting on a log.

There was a bright light.

There was a loud noise,
and then you just...

You disappeared.

Well, Richard, you're just about
to see where I disappeared to.

And after we're finished
with that,

I'd like you
to take me to see Jacob.

That's... not how it works,

Is that true, Richard?
Is this gonna be a problem?

You just got back,

There's no reason
to rush into--

I am the leader now.

Yes, John.
That's right.

Good. Then I would like you
to take me to Jacob.

Can you do that?

Yeah, of course.


Let's keep moving.
We're almost to the plane.

What plane?

It's a beachcraft...

used to
smuggle heroin.

Flew out of Nigeria,
crashed here.

All right, Richard,
listen very carefully

because you're only
gonna have about...

three minutes
to get this right.

To get what right?

A man's about to
walk out of the jungle.

He's been
shot in the leg.

You'll need this
to get the bullet out.

Uh, I'm sorry, John.
I'm not--

Now just listen.
This is the important part.

You're gonna need
to tell him

that he has to bring everyone
who left back to the island.

And when he asks
how to do that...

You tell him
he's gonna have to die.

Who is that man,





What is happening?

What's happening is
that you're bleeding to death.

Okay, here.

I need to
get the bullet out.

How did you know there was
a bullet in my leg, Richard?

Because you told me
there was, John.

No, no.
No, I didn't.

Well... You will.

This must be quite
the out-of-body experience.

Something like that.

Your timing was impeccable,

How did you know
when to be here?

The island told me.

Didn't it ever
tell you things?

No, John.

And clearly it hasn't
told you where Jacob is,

or you wouldn't need
Richard to show you.

You've never seen him.



You've never seen him,
have you?

What just happened?

Where did you go?

To give Richard
his compass back.

You want the bullet?

Keep it.

Everything go all right?

Well, you...

You seemed
pretty convinced,

especially when I said
you were gonna die.

I'm certainly glad
that didn't have to happen.

Actually, Richard,
it did.

We better get back
to camp.

You need to evacuate the island
of all non-essential personnel,

and you need to do it...

What the hell
is going on here?

Aren't you supposed to be
at the Swan right now, Chang?

We're supposed to break ground
in less than 20 hours.

We're under
imminent threat.

If we start drilling,

there's a high probability
of a cataclysmic accident.

We are drilling
and on schedule.

- Horace, you're in charge.
- He's not in charge anymore.

This is my decision,
and it's been made.

- We keep working.
- Put us on the sub.

He's right.
It ain't safe.

Put the women and children
on the sub

and get 'em
the hell out of here.

And if you put me and Juliet
on the sub with 'em...

We'll tell you anything
you wanna know.

You okay with that,


You want on that sub,

Draw me a map.

I wanna know exactly where
the hostiles are.

You two
know how to swim?

Why don't we just
go around it?

No, dear,
we need to go in.

We have to swim under the pond
to get to the tunnels.

I'm not going.


I'm gonna go back
and find everyone else. I...

I can't go any further with you,
Jack. Not this time.

Kate, you can't go
back there now.

They know about us.

tried to kill us.

And what are you
trying to do?

Bye, Jack.

- You're not going anywhere.
- No, you don't need to do that.

We're not in the habit of
telling our secrets to strangers

then just letting them
saunter off.

You know,
I don't care about your secrets.

I just wanna leave.

- Look, just put the gun--
- Step away!

If she
wants to leave,

- she can leave!
- Hey, I said stop!

What are we doing here,

That man just killed
one of our own people,

and you're acting like
it doesn't matter.

If these people
are right

about what they're
about to do, Richard...

It won't matter.

And what are they
about to do?

So you're telling me,

you're going to erase the last
three years of our lives?

We can change things,

I don't know
if you're aware of this,

but I've already
changed things.

I killed
Benjamin Linus,

and we're all
still here.

It's because
you didn't kill him.

Sawyer and me took him
to the Others

so that
they could save him.

Why did you do that?

Why did I do that?

Since when did shooting kids
and blowing up hydrogen bombs

become okay?

The three of us disappeared off
that plane and ended up here,

ended up now,
because this is our chance

to change things.

And if you're wrong,
then everyone on the island dies.

Do you understand that?

I'm not wrong, Kate. This is it.
This is why we're here.

This is our destiny.

Do you know
who you sound like?

Because he was crazy,
too, Jack.

You said so yourself.

maybe I was wrong.

you were right.

I'm going back to find
the rest of our people,

because if I can't stop you,
then maybe they can.

The submarine departs
in 30 minutes.

All evacuees,
please proceed to the dock.

Come now,

Come on, now.
Just stay with me.

This is ridiculous.
I can help you.

No, Lara, you can't.
Just go over there.

At least some day.

I want you to
leave now!

Why is he yelling
at her, dude?

It's the only way
he can get her to leave.

Sorry, man.

We'd better get moving.

Wait! Whoa! Whoa!
Wait--wait a second.

It's Jim and Juliet.

Why the hell
are they...

putting them
on the sub?

Don't worry.
It's gonna be okay.

Sawyer always has a plan,

We'll buy Microsoft.

Excuse me?

Then we'll bet the Cowboys
in the '78 Super Bowl.

We're gonna be rich.

Look, I'm sorry.

I should've
listened to you

when you wanted to get
on this sub three years ago.

I'm glad you talked me
out of it.

Come on, LaFleur.
Get in.

Ladies first.

Good riddance.


If I don't see you on
the other side,

I won't blame you.

Now take a deep breath
and follow Richard under.

There's an opening in the bottom
of the rocks at the far side.

That was a lot further
than I thought it was.

Where are we?

The tunnels.

You wanna
tell me how

we're gonna get a bomb
out of here?

The same way
we brought it in.

I assume you don't mean
through the pool.

It's a 12-foot long,
40,000-pound hydrogen bomb.

No, not through the pool.

I didn't think
you'd come.

Well, if this works,
you might just save us all.

And if it doesn't?

At least you'll put us
out of our misery.

All right.
Let's get started.

You're back.

I'll have a...

tent prepared for you,

We'll get going
first thing in the morning.

I thought we could leave
right now.


I'm eager.

We can do
whatever you want,

but maybe the two of us
should go to my tent

- and talk about--
- Is this everyone?

Well, there's another group
at the Temple, but--

If you don't mind,

I would like to talk
to everyone here now.

Of course.
Be my guest.

Hello, everyone.

My name is
John Locke.

I've been told that...

For some time,

you all have been accepting
orders from a man named Jacob.

And yet,
oddly enough,

it seems that no one
has actually seen him.


I'm sure
there are very good reasons

why his existence
and whereabouts are secret.

I just don't know
what they are.

And to be honest
with all of you,

if there's a man telling us
what to do,

I want to know
who he is.

This man--

Can he tell us
how to bring Jin

and the rest
of our people back here?


Richard has agreed
to show us where we need to go.

So I'm gonna go and see Jacob,
right now.

And I'd like all of you
to come with me.

I'm starting to think John Locke
is gonna be trouble.

Why do you think
I tried to kill him?

We're shovin' off
in two minutes.

Appreciate it if you didn't
cause us any trouble.

Wouldn't think of it,

What are we gonna do
when we get to Ann Arbor?

We ain't going to
Ann Arbor.

- What do you mean?
- These guys ain't cops.

They got no authority over us
back in the real world.

So once we dock
wherever we dock...

We're free.

"Real world."

I don't even know
what that means anymore.

Hey, come here.

Whatever happens,
I got your back, remember?

I love you.

I love you back.

Hold on!
Don't close the hatch!

Horace wants her
off the island, too.

We'll let Ann Arbor
deal with them.

Actually caught her
coming back into town.

Cuff her over there
with the others.



Clear the bridge.

All personnel,

lay below
on the double.

We're away.
Engineering, take your stations.

Boat is
clear for sea.

All men to your stations.
Prepare to dive.

Clear the bridge.

All hands below.

Stand by main vents.

Diving position.

Stand by
on ballast tanks.

Ship has been cleared
for dive.

Repeat, ship has been cleared
for dive. Stand by for dive.

Ship to dive.

Clear engines two and three.
Test two and three.


I'm sure
it's occurred to you

that this
woman's motivation

in helping us detonate
a hydrogen bomb

is only to annihilate
the Dharma Initiative.

- Yes, but I still trust her.
- Why?

Because 30 years from now,
she's the one

who's gonna tell us
how to get back to the island.

And that makes
you trust her?


Now what?

Beautiful day,
isn't it?

So far.

had some concerns.

Concerns about what?

This pilgrimage to Jacob
makes him uncomfortable.

He's expressed...

about whether or not

you know what the hell
you're doing.

I appreciate you bringing this
to my attention, Ben.

I know we've had our differences
in the past, John,

but I'm here
to follow you now.

So if you need Jacob
to help you reunite your people,

- then I'll do whatever--
- I'm not interested in

being reunited
with my people.

What do you mean?
You told Sun--

I know
what I told her,

but that's not why
we're going to Jacob.

Then why are we
going to Jacob?

So I can kill him.

Dedicated to Rogard
for his numerous amount of Lost subs!