Look of a Killer (2011): Season 1, Episode 7 - Isä, poika ja paha henki - osa 1 - full transcript

There are two flats of the same size,
one is upstairs.

What happens
now that Ryshkov is dead?

I know the new landlord.

Who is that?
- Me.

Nice size for a house.
- I want to move in here with you.

So you chose that wallpaper.
- Too busy to finish the remodelling.

Do you want coffee?
- No thanks, I quit.

It's been a while since they
crossed the border with guns.

Not as long as you think.

Where am I?
- You're safe.

At the Embassy, Malkin's supervisor
is involved in prostitution.

Malkin wants to remove the problem.
- The price of the return ticket.

In August?
- Can you be a father to this child?


What are you doing here?
Outside in the cold!

How long will you be in Finland?

Listen, I'll come home as soon as
I have enough to buy you a football.

Be good to your mother,
you're a big man now.

Listen, I have to go.
You're a big guy now.



- I never learned to smoke.

Inbreeding at Paanaj?rvi.

Passports. Quickly.

When will we get them back?

Vadajev, Pavel? As soon as
you've covered my expenses.

Work hard and that day will come soon.

Hi there.
It didn't take daddy too long.

You don't leave the child alone
on the bed.

There was plenty of room
all around the baby troll.

What if you fell in the stairs?
Who would have taken care of her then?

Probably Anna's mother...
With a new, handsome man.

All right, let's get you some milk
that Mammy warmed up.

I'm not a Mammy.
- What about Mama Dear?

Get the milk, please.

The female representative
who has warmed the milk for the goblin.

I'll get it.

Hi there.

The sewers are blocked
in your flat. The lower floor.

What have you put in there?
- It's not me, it's the bitches.

Hair all over the place,
sewers totally blocked.

I'll check the place.
What about the flat upstairs?

You don't need to go there.

I can check the sewers there as well.
- You don't have to go there.

You haven't paid the rent on them.
- Danske Bank.

Here. Standard Platinum,
some interest on your rent.

Here you go.
Remember to breathe.

I can feed the troll
and then I have to go.

And you're telling me now?
- I didn't know earlier.

Not one night together
this week.

I have to work sometimes.
I have to get contacts, -

and some of them
are only available at night.

So I got what I ordered?
- Knew whom you married.

Do you regret it?

Come here, baby.
- Some solace to mom at home.

Wash the windows with it.
Hi there, baby!

One, two, three, four
Let us all be glad

When sadness comes
Let it go like that

What do you want?
- Your landlord Kornostayev, hello.

Need to unblock the sewers.

All right then.

Please, put the hair
from the brush into the trash.

It's Elena,
she always throws them in.

Does she live here?

I'm Zinaida.

Do you turn tricks here?
- Are you interested?

No thanks.
Only as the owner of the flat.

It won't cost you anything.

Let me see.

It's stuck there.

It's beautiful.

Are you sure you don't want it?

Did Frolov tell you
to offer it?

And now you will tell him
I didn't do what he told me.

I'll tell him everything was OK.

Are there girls upstairs also?
- No, nobody lives there.

A car stops
in front of the front door.

Then young men come in,
they carry bags.

They carry sporting...
- Sports bags.

Is Frolov ever with them?

And two of his helpers.

And Imran.
He never talks, he's from Caucasus.

If Frolov asks,
I never went upstairs.

Is that OK?

Hi there. Don't interrupt us.
Can you get us some donuts?

If we have money.
- Wait a second.

What now?
- The mail brings invoices, not money.

The bank is empty.

We don't have to worry.
Warm rooms and plenty of food.

You're doing your bestiest.
- My best.

I do my best.
- You do my best and I trust you.

There won't be bank eruption.
- Bankruptcy.

But if we won't get jobs...

Oksana, the donuts.

Very well, then.

I have some bootleg booze.
- Bootleg?

3,000 liters. Three IBC packages,
papers for industrial washing liquid.

You're offering this to me because...

Because your restaurants are selling
more booze than the receipts tell us.

6,50 per liter.
- Four.


- I'll let you know when it gets here.

You and your guys can
come help me put it in cans.

The busy life
of an entrepreneur.

Hello. Arkadi Malkin,
Cultural Affairs, please.

Kornostayev, Viktor.

Financial Times, a great paper.
But expensive, 500 a year.

Who can afford it?
Except bankers and criminals.

The Russian Embassy?
- I got what you asked for.

Frolov is a Moscow Jew. Outsider.
- Because he's not Orthodox like Putin.

Yes. Few friends,
none at the Embassy.

Speaks good Finnish.
- Came with his parents in the 80s.

Good schools, very smart.
Officially lives in Russia, -

comes here with a visa
every two weeks.

In reality,
someone travels for him.

Brings in workers from Russia.
Keeps whores in a flat you own.

That was news for me, too.

Frolov is a pest for everyone.
We don't mind if you get rid of him.

I'm not a killer.
- Whoever said anything like that?

You did. Just now.
- A misunderstanding.

I'm sure you can find a way to thank
Mother Russia for this information.

10% off of Karhu skis
for the whole Embassy.

Oh, Viktor Nikolayevich.

You can buy
and sell everything else, -

but not your past.

Wait in front of
my leased flats.

When you see Frolov coming out, -

follow him and write down
where he goes.

Be careful he doesn't spot you.
- Is this serious?

Are you in trouble?
- I don't know.

Do you have illegal workers?
- A few.

If the inspector arrives,
the same 5-6 guys disappear.

Flies, they?re buzzing
Fourmice are dancing

The cat is banging the drums
The world is singing out loud

Marja, can you take Anna?

Ah say, ma boy,
you have yourself a nice little idyll.

Don't try dialects when you can't.

A returning patriot is teaching
a redneck in his own language.

Did you want something?
- Ask us in, please.

Let's brew some java.
You sure look like you need it.

I told Parjanne you're one of our
best experts in black market labor.

Is that so?
- We're investigating black market.

And illegal workers go hand in hand
with black market economy -

like a tattoo and a HD driver.

The police administration
has given this top priority.

In Finland, everyone has to be paid
the same wages.

My men get exactly
what the union says.

You're a saint,
unlike some of your tribesmen.

What tribe are you talking about?
- Fuck it, K?rpp?.

The authorities can nab you and your
brother for illegal business any time.

We prefer cooperation.

You know how Russian labor
is used in construction.

You can report to us
if you see something unusual.

I can keep my ears open.

Take the car, I'll debrief K?rpp?
about some open cases.

National Geographic?

Where's The World and Us,
the Soviet Reader's Digest?

Stories about a country without
inflation or unemployment.

Let's cut the crap.
I'd like an explanation, please.

About Ypi?
- And all this "Fuck it, K?rpp?"...

I can't tell my boss: "This is
career criminal K?rpp? from Sortavala."

"Teppo's comrade in arms
in the Eastern Carelian Mafia."

So he's your boss!
- I used to be his boss.

He buys his suits from Stockmann,
so he got a promotion.

You got a younger boss.
- Don't rub it in.

Ypi has a sense of importance,
he got to meet a real informant.

You brought Ypi here
and swore at me to impress him.

What's in it for me?
- You sleep better at night.

The police thinks well of you.
- Where's the doll?

Jesus, K?rpp?, what Pilates
have you had your missus do?

No sign of pregnancy any more.

Thanks, I know
how to exercise alone.

Turn that off!
Turn it off!

Fucking Russki,
don't you see that cord?

It's the main supply!
If you cut it, it's over.

This is the third notice.
Come to the office.

An experienced, skilled worker.
- I got him from a company...

I have the e-mail where you sell me
this guy as a skilled worker.

I will get you a new guy.
- 7 am sharp, dressed for work.

Do you want coffee or tea?
- Yes, thank you...

Get lost, you fucking idiot!

Fucking hell!

There's diesel,
the only valuable thing here.

Wash those two old trucks.

You live here.

What is my job here?
- Guard the place against thieves.

2 euros per hour, 10 hours per day.
All else is free time, -

but don't leave the premises.
I'll bring food tomorrow.

Hi, girls.

Viktor Nikolayevich!

Cousin Ksenya!
- Ksenya!

It's been... how long?
- 15 years. This is Sergei.

Seriozha, say hello to Viktor.
- Hi, Viktor Nikolayevich.

Hello, Sergei...
- Sergei Pavlovich.

Sergei Pavlovich. Welcome!
What brings you to Finland?

Ksenya was just explaining...
- My husband Pavel...

He disappeared. He came
to Finland to work hard, but now...

We haven't heard from him.

They promised him such wages
that we can fix the roof and windows.

And a football.
- A football?

When did Pavel leave?
- Three weeks ago.

He promised to call.

That may be difficult
from a building site.

Mother said you will help us.

Of course I will help.
- Thank you.

Where are you staying?

You're welcome to stay here.
We have plenty of room.

Thank you.

Of course we will help them.

What about your dissertation?

I think women's studies
can wait for a while.

You never talked about your cousin.
- Second cousin.

For a long time,
Ksenya wasn't doing so good.

She was doing drugs
in St. Petersburg, selling herself.

She's got her life back together
and now this.

Are you sure?
- Yes.

She might help me with the baby.
- Thank you.

Any time.

A good mother has room for
everyone's children in her heart.



Hello, Finland's sporting youth!
Are you training for the Olympics?

308... Do you have a pen?

I'm in the middle of my run.
I'll call you.

Do you want me to follow you
like this?

The neighbors would like it.

Don't worry, Viktor.
Life is life.

His wife came to me.
She's worried.

See if there are unidentified
victims of crime or accident.

You were supposed to get me
information on illegal laborers.

And now you want me to help
in finding your lost relative.

For better or for worse,
dear Teppo.

I have a reason to annul our marriage.
You don't meet my standards.

And you have a child
with another woman.

Because you always
have a headache.

Hey! Hey buddy!
You're my headache.

He has a boyfriend. Anton.

So Frolov is gay?
- They went to a gay bar.

And then to Kulosaari
to a big white house.

Just the two of them?
- He met two guys downtown.

A Chechnyan and a Russian.
- Imran and Vadim. Zinaida said.

And one more thing.
He went to the Embassy.

Oh? Malkin said Frolov doesn't
have a contact in the Embassy.

Give me the address
for the house in Kulosaari.

Well, what do you say?
- Couldn't make it any bigger?

Be happy for your brother,
the business magnate.

What are you wearing?
- Well, this is a nondescript gig.

Illegal gigs and camouflage...

Who are they?
- Timppa and Jussi from Puotinharju.

Hi, how are you?
- Just fine.

I saw a shipment of bitumen.
- I got it cheap.

Aliosha, the police
are watching you closely.

I import cranberries
and lubricants from Russia.

- It's a growing business.

What with the prostata problems...

Only cranberry juice and ejaculation
help in that. Read the papers.

There's nothing in here.
You need papers for everything.

Shipping lists, custom papers,
invoices. Print them out.

Crumple them, carry in your pocket
and then file them in a folder.

Well, if you're so good at it,
do it yourself.

The police won't look into everything.

Abort it! Abort!

Put everything into the vans.

You haven't called and
asked me for a cup of coffee.

I've been busy.
- During a recession?

Ask me in,
I want to sit down.

Let's reminisce about illegal
border crossings and Soviet sleepers.

We're painting, toxic fumes.
Did you have something?

Well, I talked
about your Pavel to Parjanne -

and he decided that the lost Pavel
represents the suffering -

of all oppressed Russian workers.

Parjanne is a good man.
What about Pavel?

Fatherhood is hard.
- What's that got to do with this?

It's pure hell, fighting with the kids.
And then they're gone, just like that.

Maybe Pavel got tired
of fatherhood and his wife -

and took off.
- I don't think so.

Pavel is not the sharpest
knife in the drawer.

What are you doing
with Embassy's Malkin?

In what sense?

I don't like his attitude.

Made me stop the inquiry
into his boss' prostitute business.

The boss got out of the country
and Malkin got a promotion.

My friend at the Secret Service
saw you taking a walk.

We talked about Pavel.

Secret Service saw us?

We see and hear everything,
always there, like Stasi used to say.

Lots of color
like in a heritage quilt.

Celebrating multi-cultural Finland?

The boys were painting the vans.

The world changes.

And the lot has sewers
and electricity?

Not especially interested,
but maybe I'll put in a bid.

Thank you.

What's up, boys? If you're looking
for the bar, it's the wrong place.

You had asked the girls
about our boss's affairs.

I just fixed the sewers.

Greetings from Zinaida.

Got a piece of ear with it.

A nice girl, but talks too much.

Why's the door open all the way?
The thieves may get in...



You have to have a magneto scan.
- No.

Go to this address
and get the girls to safety.

- Oksana!

I don't like this at all.

Go to my house.
Tell Marja I will explain.

Viktor. - We'll stay together.
You can stay the night.

Tomorrow, we can figure out
everything. Is that all right?

Russian prostitutes.

Zinaida and Elena
will stay here tonight.

What we talked about bad mothers
and other people's children...

Isn't your doctoral thesis
about different female experiences?

They?re regular girls.
Far away from home.

We have a small child.
If this gets dangerous...

I promise it won't.

If they knew at the university about
what's happening in this country -

or even at our house...
- The girls can give a seminar.


Stay here.
- What?

Whatever you hear,
don't come down.

Ksenya and Sergei?
- Went to the store. What's going on?

Quickly, to the back door.

Wait until I call you.

Have you taken my property?
- What property?

I am missing two women
and something more valuable.

What can be more valuable
than women?

Two hores took my stuff,
and it cost me 200,000.

You are behind in your rent.

You're one cool customer.

Half of it.
- And the rest?

When you find the women for me.

Rent is rent, payment is payment
and I'm not looking for a new job.

Say hello to your wife and daughter.

That's the man.
- What man?

My father went into his van.
- The guy who gave me money?

He took my father.