Longmire (2012–2017): Season 5, Episode 9 - Continual Soiree - full transcript
Walt's obsession with Jacob leads to more tension with Cady. Vic testifies against Gilbert. Walt's anger erupts at the Red Pony.
Any sign?
I walked everywhere, re-checked
every clearing I could find.
You want me to grab some shut-eye
while you take another shift?
If Malachi was gonna show up,
we'd have seen something by now,
especially if he was planning an ambush.
Maybe Malachi had no
intention of ambushing anyone
or giving up that evidence
he had on Nighthorse.
Maybe he was just trying to
distract us so he could skip town.
Or someone got wind of what he
was planning and stopped him.
- That key does not work.
- Why not?
- Because I changed the locks.
- Oh, yeah?
What's Malachi gonna
have to say about that?
I neither know nor care
because, last night...
Malachi signed the bar back over to me.
- Why?
- That is not your concern.
In fact, nothing that happens in
this bar is your concern anymore.
You are fired.
I also reserve the
right not to serve you.
It is a beautiful day at the
Red Pony and continual soiree.
This is Henry.
Doesn't look like Malachi's home.
So if Malachi did leave town,
he didn't take anything with him.
Not even his car.
Let's run with your theory
that somebody got to him
before he could give you the evidence.
What exactly was he gonna give you?
Proof that Nighthorse struck
a deal with the Irish Mob
to run heroin and prostitutes
through the casino,
which makes Nighthorse
the most likely suspect
in Malachi's disappearance.
Why don't you call the casino,
see if Malachi is there?
I'll radio Ferg,
have him put a track on
Malachi's phone and bank records.
Who's that?
Hey, Vic.
It's, uh, me, your, uh,
favorite future deputy.
I-It's Travis.
Um, so... uh, you're not
home, uh, so you must be busy.
But, uh, I was cleaning
out the Murphy family garage
and found some of my
old, uh, trailer stuff.
So, um, I'm gonna leave
it up underneath your rig,
and you can thank you
me later if so inclined.
Hello, mama.
Okay, thanks.
The casino said they're
not expecting Malachi
to come in to work for
another couple of hours.
Ferg, any sign of Malachi?
No activity on his bank
or credit card account
- in the last 24 hours.
- What about his phone?
The last call Malachi made was
at 3:18 yesterday afternoon.
That's right after I talked to him.
Interesting timing.
Ferg, I need you to see if Dennis Wabash
has checked out of the Peaksman Motel.
If Malachi's missing,
we need to eliminate
any possible suspects.
- On it.
- Hey.
- Are you gonna go talk to Nighthorse?
- Not yet.
I need to see what we can
find out before I confront him.
First, I'm gonna head
over to the Red Pony,
see if there's been any
sign of Malachi there.
- Vic.
- Yeah?
You're picking up Walter's bad habits.
You don't answer your phone anymore?
Sorry, uh, we were out of cell range.
Well, the Assistant District Attorney
has been trying to get a hold of you.
- A.D.A. Holder? Why?
- She's gonna need you
to testify at Chance Gilbert's
trial sooner than originally planned.
The trial's moving a
lot faster than expected.
Okay. When does she need me to testify?
- Today.
- Today?
I thought I had two weeks.
Yeah, well, more like
two hours, sweetie.
I'm sorry.
Okay. Uh, no, it's fine.
Um, I guess I need to
go get myself ready.
- Vic.
- Yeah?
Before you go, could
I see you for a minute?
I've been so distracted lately,
I haven't taken time to talk with you
about the Chance Gilbert trial.
Well, someone has been
trying to kill you.
Anyway, it's not exactly something
I've been wanting to talk about.
Would it help if I came
to the courthouse with you?
Do you think you're gonna find Malachi
- hiding in the men's room?
- Vic, I'm serious.
I know what you went through.
Now, you might think you're
fine, but when you see his face,
it'll all come flooding back.
I appreciate the offer. I do.
But you have to go find
Malachi, and I will be fine.
Travis, what are you doing here?
I just thought I'd sit here and time
how long it takes for you to tell me.
So far, about 20 seconds.
Tell you what?
"Thank you" for the motorhome supplies?
I-I got your voice-mail.
Thank you.
40 seconds.
Travis, I give up.
- What do you want?
- I want to know
when you were gonna tell
me that we're having a kid.
Get inside.
Were you going through my trash?
No, I was throwing away
my trash, and I saw these.
And you've been sitting out there,
holding on to those until I got home?
- Yeah.
- You do realize I peed on them, right?
O-Of course I realize that, okay?
Look, that...
that's not the point, okay?
Okay, Travis, I got to change for court.
So, as much as I would love to sit here and
have a little heart-to-heart, I can't.
- You know what, Vic?
- At some point, we got to deal
with the elephant in the womb.
Okay, one, never say that again.
And two, isn't it a bit presumptuous
to think that you're the father?
Vic, I know my birds and bees,
and, uh, I don't think
I'm presuming that much.
Okay. You're not gonna regret this.
- I got it.
- Okay.
Shh! Be quiet.
My mom's a light sleeper.
I'm comin'!
Travis, we made a deal.
That was a one-time thing.
We promised we'd never
talk about it again.
Yeah, well, obviously,
the situation has changed.
And, besides, I mean, we had fun.
- Fun has nothing to do with this.
- Really?
Well, I must be remembering
a different rodeo, then.
Here we go.
Moo. Moo.
Moo. Moo.
- Whoo!
- I did it!
I did it! I did it.
So, what are we gonna do?
Nothing, Travis.
I'm not really ready to talk about this.
I'm... I'm just starting to
wrap my own head around it,
and I don't even know
how I feel, all right?
And I really got to get to court, so...
You look great, by the way.
I mean, you can hardly tell
you're carrying the extra weight.
I get it. You know, don't... Don't
say that again, either, right?
Here you go.
Henry, I'm looking for Malachi.
- Is he here?
- No. And he will not be.
- He have a day off?
- He has more than that.
You know how I told you that Nighthorse
was going to help me get my bar back?
Well, it happened.
How exactly did you and
Nighthorse make it happen?
I found ledgers proving that Malachi
was using the Red Pony
to launder Mob money.
I showed them to Jacob, and he
fired Malachi from the casino.
How did you get Malachi
to give you your bar back?
He signed the deed over
to me in exchange for
not getting turned
in to the authorities.
You do realize that
I am the authorities.
I need to see those ledgers.
I gave them to Nighthorse.
You had evidence that Jacob
Nighthorse's head of security
was laundering mob money in my county,
and you gave that evidence
to Nighthorse instead of me?
Yes, I did, after I gave you
the name of Shane Muldoon.
Well, you just helped
a criminal go free.
And you have never done the same?
Did you hand over Shane
Muldoon's name to the FBI?
I was supposed to meet
with Malachi last night.
He was gonna give me concrete proof
that Nighthorse was actually the
one who was running money laundering
with his old friend, Shane Muldoon,
but Malachi never showed
up, and now I know why.
- Any idea where I might find him?
- No.
I went by his house.
He wasn't there, so should
I be looking for a body?
Are you suggesting that I murdered
Malachi to get my bar back?
I'm suggesting that
your new business partner
has an agenda that goes way beyond
your ownership of the Red Pony.
Like silencing the one person that
can connect him to organized crime.
When Nighthorse and I left
Malachi, he was very much alive.
Then you came here.
Where did Nighthorse go?
- I do not know.
- Right.
Ever occur to you that
he might have doubled back
to finish off Malachi,
knowing that you would
provide him with an alibi?
Has it occurred to you that you
sound like someone with a tinfoil hat?
You have become completely
paranoid when it comes to Jacob.
Do you really think that
Malachi is some innocent victim?
We both know what he's capable of doing.
We put him in jail in the first place.
You're right, Henry.
You and I used to be on the same side,
but that was back before Nighthorse
turned both you and
my daughter against me.
I'm sorry, that's not what I do.
If you need legal help,
though, I'll be here.
I-I don't need legal help.
- I need help help.
- I realize that,
but I-I can't just shoot people.
- People are saying you can.
- I know.
I'm sorry for the misunderstanding.
I'd say, you know,
eventually, we'll talk...
- Cady.
- Hey.
- You should have called.
- Sorry.
Can you give us two minutes?
I'll be fast, Homer, I promise.
- Hey.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- Did you need something?
Well, I need a new head of security.
What happened to Malachi?
I had to let him go.
So you want me to just grab
my rifle and, uh, take over?
I have no doubt that you could, but, no.
I'm thinking I may need to hire
somebody from outside the community.
- Seems reasonable.
- Yeah.
Unfortunately, plenty
of people in the tribe
are not gonna find it so reasonable.
You, however, seem to be enjoying
a fair amount of goodwill right now,
as well as a growing clientele.
I thought maybe you could
hire more Cheyenne staff
to help you here,
kind of balance out the
loss of jobs at the casino.
I'll increase your budget accordingly.
Yeah, that... that would be great.
- I could really use the help.
- Excellent.
Um, what do you think the best way is
for me to get out that
I'm looking for applicants?
I've, uh, I've taken care of that.
These people don't...
They don't really have
relevant experience.
Yeah. That's a hard thing
to come by on the Res.
So how did you choose these people?
Well, they're capable,
and they all have close
relatives on the tribal council.
That's too bad.
I wish politics didn't have
to muddy the waters here,
but, uh...
sometimes... to achieve something good,
you have to manipulate perception a bit.
I'll be in touch.
I'm sorry about the late notice.
This trial has been, uh a bit unusual.
-How do you feel? Are you ready?
Yeah, I guess. Is there
anything I should know
about this defense lawyer before
he starts grilling me on the stand?
Oh, my God. I thought they told you.
- Told me what?
- That Chance Gilbert
is representing himself.
- He is?
- Yeah, he is.
Apparently, he's done this before.
Did he win?
Yes, he did.
But don't worry.
I promise you I have a rock-solid case.
State vs. Gilbert.
- How are you feeling?
- Sick to my stomach.
I was beginning to think you were dead.
Oh, hey, Dave.
Sorry. I, uh, didn't
realize I owe you a call.
- What did you want to discuss?
- Oh, you know,
sports, politics, your
pending wrongful-death lawsuit.
Well, it's not really pending.
I told you... I'm settling.
Yeah, and I've been trying
to reach you to tell you
that Barlow's estate refused
to settle for any amount.
- Tucker Baggett is taking you to trial.
- What?
So we need to sit down
and discuss strategy.
- You got time now?
- Uh. No.
Actually, one of my,
uh, one of my deputies
is taking the stand in
the Chance Gilbert trial.
I'm here for moral support.
Which deputy?
- Deputy Moretti.
- Uh-huh.
Uh, no.
- You're not going in there.
- I have to.
You have to stay as far away
from that case as possible.
Uh, first of all, Chance
Gilbert is one more person
accusing your department of
corruption and harassment.
Barlow's entire case is predicated
on you repeatedly stepping outside
the acceptable norms and bounds
of a law enforcement officer.
So until the trial is over,
no public displays of moral support
for the deputy you were seen kissing
in the hospital... passionately.
I'd just be sitting in
the back of the gallery.
Right, with the reporters.
No, no. Terrific. I mean, m-make
sure they spell your name right.
Look, Walt,
the best thing you can do to
help your deputy and yourself
is to get back in your
Bronco and drive away.
Sheriff, are you there?
- Yup.
- Dennis Wabash checked out of
the Peaksman Motel two days ago,
well before the last
time you saw Malachi,
so Dennis isn't feeling like a suspect.
Since Vic had to take off, I
followed up with the casino again.
Malachi still hasn't
shown up for his shift.
- Anything else?
- Yeah.
The phone company was able
to ping Malachi's cell phone.
They gave me a location, and
for the last hour and a half,
it hasn't moved.
Slow day at the office?
Just helping to raise a
little money for a new school.
Our jobs aren't supposed to be
all doom and gloom, you know?
I find it easier to do the hard stuff
when I can remember why I'm doing it.
You should try it.
Well, I'd like to.
The doom and gloom keeps, uh,
demanding all my attention.
- What do you want?
- I need to report a missing person.
Your former boss.
Malachi is missing?
That's the first I've heard of it.
I was supposed to meet
Malachi last night.
He said he was gonna give me
some incriminating evidence
that Nighthorse is tied to the
mob, but he never showed up.
Evidence against Nighthorse.
Now I know why you're so
anxious to find Malachi.
Did you try the casino?
Well, he didn't show up for
work there or the Red Pony.
He's not home, either, but his car is,
so I don't think he's taken off.
So here you are.
Demanding what, exactly?
We traced Malachi's cell phone to here.
- You recognize the location?
- Mm.
Kidnapping, assault, battery, torture.
It's a harrowing ordeal that
Deputy Moretti went through.
How has your recovery been?
Physically, I'm lucky.
I'm not suffering from
any lingering effects
of my grade-2 concussion.
What about emotionally
and psychologically?
Emotionally has been
a bit more difficult.
I'm sure it has been.
I understand.
Well, we wish you the best.
Thank you.
No further questions, Your Honor.
Your witness, Mr. Gilbert.
Thank you, Your Honor.
Ms. Moretti...
first of all, how have you been?
Ms. Moretti,
are you familiar with the
Wyoming Statute number 6-2-201?
- Yeah, I am.
- Can you educate us?
It's the law that says
you can't kidnap someone.
- That's right.
- And it's punishable with a sentence
- of 20 years to life.
- Objection, Your Honor.
This is not the sentencing phase, is it?
Now, Ms. Moretti,
do you know what the
Fourth Amendment says?
I do.
It says that,
"The right of the people to be secure
in their persons, houses,
papers, and effects,
against unreasonable
searches and seizures,
shall not be violated."
That is correct.
Which law supersedes the other?
I know that you held me against my will.
The federal law.
You see, your state kidnapping statutes
do not give you the right
to violate my rights under
the U.S. Constitution.
- I didn't violate your rights.
- Did you come to my door
and fail to announce
yourself as a deputy?
I was off duty.
Can I get a "yes" or "no"?
I did not identify myself as a deputy.
Did you enter and search my
house, even my root cellar?
Did I search your root cellar?
You threw me down
there and locked me up.
In defense of my civil
liberties and those of my family,
Ms. Moretti...
Victoria, Victoria.
Such a pretty name.
Isn't it true that you came to
my house under false pretenses,
because your department had
previously failed to convict me
on some trumped-up charges?
And you... oh, yes, you were willing
to manufacture a just
cause to search my house.
- No?
- No, it's not true.
When I went to your door,
I had no idea who you were
or your crazy wife or
sister-in-law... whatever hell she is.
I didn't know about your made-up
sovereign nation of Gilbertsville,
or the fact that your justice system
is based on beating
people with baseball bats.
And I also didn't know...
that you kept a dead
body in the damn freezer.
I told you to shut your mouth!
Order! Order!
Order in the court!
When was the last
time you were out here?
This is sacred ground.
I haven't stepped foot out here
since David Ridges shot your deputy.
My deputy was here investigating
where Nighthorse helped
David Ridges fake his death.
Don't you think it's a little
coincidental that the phone company
pinged Malachi's phone
to this same spot?
Makes me wonder if Nighthorse
made another sacrifice.
Come on.
I don't see any phone, no body,
no scavenger birds...
nothing but land and sky.
Can I borrow your phone?
Who you calling?
Not sure.
Maybe the spirits.
So I guess cockroaches bleed, after all.
So you really think Jacob Nighthorse did
something to his own head of security?
I'm starting to believe
he had some help.
Any further outbursts, and
I will clear this courtroom.
Are we clear?
Now... Mr. Gilbert, proceed.
Ms. Moretti, why did
your ex-husband leave you?
Why my ex-husband left
is none of your business.
It is my business.
You see, freedom is my business,
and your relationship to
your ex-husband is relevant,
which this court will understand
once you've answered my question.
Now, why did you and Sean get divorced?
Well, getting kidnapped and tortured
by you and your shitheel goons
didn't help our relationship.
That's not what he said.
Do you know what he said?
He said the two of you broke up
because of your romantic obsession
with the man who's
supposed to be your boss,
Walt Longmire.
And your ex spoke about this
in his videotaped testimony
that we all reviewed last week.
He wouldn't have said that.
He didn't deny it.
Do you?
I have never had
an inappropriate romantic
relationship with Sheriff Longmire.
A strong, emphatic denial, then.
And you wouldn't change that just a bit
if I told you that I'm privy
to transcripts of a deposition
you gave to a Tucker
Baggett just recently?
Got very quiet in here all of a sudden.
So let me try this a different way then.
Ms. Moretti, have you ever taken
Walt Longmire's face in your hands
and kissed him on his lips with passion?
- Objection!
- Yes, you should object!
We should all object to
a Sheriff's Department
that is run like it's Walt Longmire's
own personal justice system,
as well as his own harem.
Objection, Your Honor.
He's making defamatory statements
about witnesses who aren't even present.
Mr. Gilbert, I am no longer entertained.
Next non-question brings this
cross-examination to a close.
I'm sorry, Your Honor.
All right, Deputy Moretti,
Sheriff Longmire was willing to
put himself in a bullet's path
to protect you.
Now, if he asked you,
would you risk your life for him?
because that's part of the job.
Would you, also, out of
your feverish devotion
for the great Walt Longmire,
have entered my home
under false pretenses
just so he could illegally
search my property
and fabricate charges against me?
Not even if he offered to kiss you?
- Objection!
- Sustained.
Mr. Gilbert, I have given
you more than enough leeway.
- We are done here.
- Walt Longmire killed my brother!
And he's manipulated
this naive individual...
Mr. Gilbert, that is enough!
...in his pursuit of
a vendetta against me.
- Ms. Moretti, you are excused.
- A vendetta against me.
No, that's right, Ms. Moretti.
Just run away.
Run back to your master!
Find out what law he
wants you to break next.
What did you do?
Excuse me?
Or should I say, what did Hector do?
Perhaps we should continue
this discussion in my office.
What are you talking about?
Malachi's gone missing,
and I just got back from
the Res with the sheriff.
Would you like to know
what we found out there?
Malachi's phone and his blood
and the words "Hector Lives"
spelled out with stones.
- "Hector Lives"?
- That's right, Picasso.
I guess you just can't help signing
your name to your work, can you?
Hector did not sign anything.
- Hector did not do anything.
- So you were never out at that cliff?
I was...
With Nighthorse.
We took Malachi out there to
banish him for betraying his tribe,
for bringing the mob and heroin
and despair to our people,
for killing Mingan.
Nighthorse cut him, and I got him
to sign the Red Pony back over to me.
But when we left him, Malachi was alive.
- So who wrote out "Hector Lives"?
- I do not know.
Who knew you were
taking Malachi out there?
Just Jacob.
What is it?
Walt said that he suspected that
Nighthorse put on a show for me,
then went back to kill Malachi.
Maybe he did.
Maybe he wrote out "Hector Lives."
Hector would be a
handy fall guy for this.
Well, whatever happened, we need
to find Malachi, dead or alive,
before Walt tries to convict
Hector of murder again.
Are you following me?
Don't be paranoid, Deputy.
Don't threaten me,
you whacked-out bitch.
You seem nervous, Victoria.
Don't know what to do without
your uniform and your gun?
I know exactly what to do.
You want to see for yourself, or
do you want to do the smart thing
and walk away?
He's going to win.
And when he gets out, he's
gonna remember your lies.
- Jacob.
- Hey.
How is Eamonn recovering
from his injury?
He should be fine,
especially if I can find the
person who shot him and shot at us.
- You mind if I sit?
- Of course.
So, uh...
Malachi come in to work today?
You think Malachi was the one
in the woods shooting at us?
- I do.
- Well, so do I,
which is why he won't
be coming to work today.
I fired him.
How'd you figure out it was Malachi?
I found some discrepancies in his books
that suggested he'd made his
own side deal with the mob.
I imagine my ending that arrangement hurt
both his finances and his reputation,
and Malachi doesn't handle those
kind of setbacks as calmly as I do.
- Do you know where he is?
- I do not.
Why don't you give me
that bookkeeping evidence?
I'll track down Malachi and
make sure he's put behind bars.
Mm, yeah.
Well, I can't do that.
Why not?
Because of our history.
You and I both know what you'll
do with those books, Walt.
You'll use them against me.
No matter what your intentions are now,
eventually, you'll convince yourself
that I condoned all of
Malachi's illegal activities.
You really can't help
yourself at this point.
You're determined to
see me as a criminal.
I wonder why.
I can't win with you, man... cannot win.
So I think I'll take my
chances with Malachi instead.
- The man who shot at you.
- Yeah.
Well, I don't think he'll
be trying anything more.
- Is that because you murdered him?
- Wow.
I mean, that... that was
even faster than I expected.
So I'm a murderer now?
You do realize I'm being asked
to testify at your civil trial.
- Is that a threat?
- It's advice.
It's damn good advice.
You... You can't even
prove the man is dead.
- Have you found his body?
- Not yet, but I will.
So you didn't come here
because you thought Malachi
was behind the shooting, did you?
No, no. Of course not.
You think I was behind it.
You think I made the deal with the mob,
shot at myself to
throw you off the track,
and now you think I killed Malachi
because that ungrateful bastard
was gonna give me up, yeah?
I don't think you actually
did any of those things.
I think, as usual,
you found someone else to
do the dirty work for you.
I think you had Malachi make
those deals with the mob.
I think you hired someone to shoot
at you in my presence and miss.
And I think you had
somebody else kill Malachi
so you could keep his
blood off your hands.
You know, I haven't seen
you this sure of yourself
since you were convinced that I had
both Branch and your wife killed.
It's almost entertaining.
It's like I can't sleep at
night anymore, wondering,
what wild fiction is Walt
gonna come up with next?
I think this is stranger than fiction.
I found Malachi's cell phone
and blood out on the Reservation,
right near where you staged
David Ridges' funeral pyre.
I also found the words
"Hector Lives" nearby.
So there it is.
- Now you think I'm Hector.
- No.
But I think you've recruited him
to do the things Ridges
used to do for you.
I don't suppose you would
tell me who Hector is.
If I knew, I wouldn't tell you.
If I told you, you wouldn't believe me.
So I think I'll just
answer any further questions
with a genuinely stunned silence.
You know... Jacob...
I'm getting closer to
finding this new Hector.
And when I do, I'm gonna bring him down,
along with anyone who's using him
as their own mercenary for hire.
You have a nice day.
- Travis!
- Aah! Ohh!
Why would you hit me?
All right. Here.
- Right here.
- Lay back.
Yeah, yeah.
Oh, man.
That's one hell of a right hook.
Yeah, well, I'm also a good shot,
so you're lucky you just got the fist.
Well, you shouldn't be punching
your baby's father, anyway.
Look, there is a good possibility
that you are not the father, all right?
So... there was somebody else?
Okay, I am not discussing
my sex life with you,
so if that's why you came back...
No, that's... that's
not why I came over.
I-I came over 'cause I
wanted you to have this.
It's a coupon for, uh, free babysitting.
Look, I-I know you don't want
to think about this right now,
so you can stick it in
a drawer or whatever,
but I want you to have that.
You can cash it in whenever you want to.
No limits, no expiration date.
Whoever the father happens to be.
Look, Vic, I grew up raised
by a single mom, okay?
And however this plays out...
at some point, you're
gonna need a friend.
- Thank you, Travis.
- Okay.
So, uh, what are the odds?
That you're the father?
Or not the father.
- Fifty-fifty.
- Oh.
So it's just one other dude? Okay.
That's... That's good.
Um, that's not bad.
I mean, so, um, is... is he your type?
I don't have a type.
Yeah, you do.
Manly, alpha male, natural-born
law enforcement type.
Hey, Walt.
- Is it him?
- Shush!
What? No, nothing.
I'm fine.
The trial went fine.
Thanks for checking.
Okay. Bye.
So, uh...
is it him?
- You need to leave.
- Okay.
Why do you think this guy
will lead us to Malachi?
Because he is Malachi's
most loyal lieutenant.
If Malachi is alive,
Darius would be the first
person he would call.
In my experience,
loyalty among criminals
can shift in a hurry
if someone shows up with more money.
You think Nighthorse paid
him to turn on Malachi?
I think I just saw a big
thug put a shovel in his car.
Let's see where he's going.
Hey, Dad.
- Floor looks good.
- Yeah.
Except for the blood
stain under that rug.
What are you doing here?
I wanted to talk to
you about Nighthorse.
Has he been by lately?
Yeah. He is my boss.
Yeah. I haven't forgotten that.
Has he asked you to
provide any legal assistance
to, uh, someone that's been
operating outside of Reservation law?
Like who?
You know what Jacob did ask me?
He came by with Henry
to ask me how I was doing
after shooting a man.
He also offered to pay for extra employees
to help me manage the workload here.
What a monster.
What about Henry?
He and Nighthorse seem
to be closer than ever.
Has Henry asked you to do
anything for Nighthorse?
Has he asked you to help out Hector?
You know what?
Since I started this legal aid center,
Henry has asked for my
help exactly one time.
He wanted to foster a
Cheyenne child named Mingan
whose only parent O.D.'d on heroin.
- Henry's fostering a child?
- No.
Because the boy ended
up killing himself.
When was this?
The 13th.
The 13th.
Dad, Jacob and Henry are good men.
They're not perfect, but they care.
It's a daily battle trying to fight
the hopelessness and powerlessness
that's taken over this place.
You have to think differently
here to make things work.
If you were here every
day, maybe you'd see that.
I see plenty.
I see Nighthorse
pretending to be a good man,
and you and Henry both falling
for it, regardless of what I say.
Are you still dating that psychiatrist?
Because if you are, maybe
you could talk to her
about your irrational
Nighthorse obsession.
I love you, Dad, and I always will,
but I...
I think maybe you've been
doing this job for too long.
You've developed these...
these deep-seated biases that
are clouding your judgment,
and you're not thinking clearly anymore.
It might be time to consider retiring.
Thank you for your counsel.
Hey, Dad, I'm totally over
shooting and killing that man,
so thanks for asking.
Put your hands up where I can see them.
What's the charge...
digging without a license?
What's in the bag?
I don't know.
check that bag.
Who sent you out here, Darius?
Do you know where Malachi is?
Did Nighthorse send you out here?
What's in there?
Enough money to kill for.
Oh, so that's the door you use
when you want to avoid people.
Oh, smart.
Morning, Dave.
Glad I insisted that
I wait for you in here,
although I think even you would
have had a hard time avoiding this.
"Survivalist Leader Claims Lovelorn
Deputy Does Sheriff's Bidding."
The more this Chance Gilbert character
puts on his sex-drenched
conspiracy circus,
the more interested the media gets.
He's a deranged psychopath.
He'll say anything to try and get off.
Unfortunately, everything he's saying
feeds into the exact same narrative
Tucker Baggett is building
in your civil case,
that you're a rogue sheriff
who plays by his own rules
and runs his department like a cult.
Tucker Baggett said that?
No, Chance Gilbert said that.
He compared you to Jim
Jones and David Koresh.
I appreciate coolness
under pressure, Walt,
but I suggest you start
taking this seriously
and help me build a decent
defense on your behalf.
Fine. I will.
- Let's get started.
- Actually, uh, Dave, I can't start now.
I've got a... missing persons case.
- How about tomorrow?
- Perfect.
Just like the old saying...
no better time than tomorrow.
And just a parting thought...
if you don't stop doing
your job for a moment
to deal with this lawsuit,
you may find yourself
without a job to do.
Vic, Ferg!
- What is it?
- It's about Malachi.
I need you to pull files on
the recent drug-dealer attacks
linked to Hector on the Res.
So, uh, that'd be Jamie DeBell,
when he was making
his Res pizza delivery.
And who else?
Joey Takoda, the guy that Henry
found outside the Red Pony.
Hector burned his heroin stash.
- Okay. Anyone else?
- Maybe.
- Let's just start with those two.
- Okay.
When did, uh, Hector attack
Jamie and burn up his pot?
The 18th.
What are you doing?
I'm thinking.
When did Hector burn Joey
Takoda's heroin stash?
The 15th.
The 15th.
So these incidents are
all connected to Hector.
Well, and heroin.
- Jamie only deals pot.
- True.
But Eddie Harp was
recruiting him to deal heroin.
And if Malachi is the one who
brought in Eddie and the Irish Mob,
then he's tied to heroin, as well.
So if Hector is waging a
one-man war on drugs, why now?
None of these things
were happening last month,
and then, suddenly, a
whole bunch of attacks
in a short period of time.
Something must have triggered it.
Something right before the 15th.
We should check and see what was
happening on the Res during that time.
Maybe there was a drug-related incident
that happened just before
Hector's first attack.
There was.
The suicide of this boy, on the 13th.
Okay. But so how does that relate
to the drugs and all the other stuff?
His only parent O.D.'d from heroin.
And you think Hector's
avenging his death?
I do.
You got any better idea who
Hector is and where to find him?
I might.
I'm gonna ask you again.
Whose money is this?
- I don't know.
- Well, how'd you know where to find it?
Just lucky, I guess.
This is a waste of time.
Darius, is Malachi alive or dead?
- Yes.
- Okay. That's it.
If you're not talking,
I'm locking you up.
All right.
I'll talk...
to a lawyer.
I gather court didn't go
as well as you said it did.
Why didn't you tell me?
Because I didn't want to worry you.
But now it's... it's
all over the papers,
- and they're making you sound like...
- Don't worry about it.
I can handle a little bad press.
I'm more worried about you.
He's not gonna get off, is he?
I mean, the truth's got to
count for something, right?
It has to.
Cheyenne Legal Aid. This is Cady.
Yes. Yeah. Of course.
Um, where are you currently located?
And what have they charged you with?
They haven't told you?
Good. That means they
don't have anything on you.
Uh, please don't say another word
to them until I get there, okay?
But I'm... I'm sorry.
I-I-I didn't get your name.
Can you... Can you repeat it?
Darius Burns.
Got it.
Okay, great. I'll be right there.
Walt, I know what it feels like
to have a death weigh on you.
I think about Hector every day.
And so, in a way, yes, Hector
lives as an idea and a hope.
Is it also possible
that somebody's picking
up Hector's mantle?
Anything is possible.
Mathias tried to
arrest Joey for dealing,
but he could never hold
him, so he was frustrated.
Becoming Hector would
get him around all that.
Mathias is not the only one
who is frustrated with the
limit of Reservation law.
Since I started this legal aid center,
Henry has asked for my
help exactly one time.
He wanted to foster a
Cheyenne child named Mingan.
- Henry's fostering a child?
- No.
Because the boy ended
up killing himself.
I'll take a Rainier.
Knocking off a little early today?
Why don't you go ahead and make it two?
Something on your mind?
Cady thinks I should retire.
Why does she think that?
Apparently, I've been
doing the job for so long
that, uh, it's affecting my judgment.
Do you agree?
I don't know.
Maybe she's right.
Maybe I can't do the
job the way I used to,
the way I should.
Sometimes I find myself
staring right at the truth
without even seeing it,
all because I don't want to see it.
Human nature.
Sometimes... it's not my fault.
Sometimes I can't see it because
someone else is hiding it from me.
I feel like you are now talking
about something very specific.
Take off your shirt.
If you're who I believe you are,
you have a bullet wound
somewhere on your body.
I do not think you need
another one of these.
I shot Hector in the woods,
right near that bonfire
where Gab's rapists were.
We found blood on the
ground, so I knew I hit him.
- What are you saying?
- Can you look me in the eye
and tell me you're not Hector?
Let go of my arm.
Stop lying to me, Henry.
I'm sick of it.
All I ever do is try and help people,
and all I ever get in return
is people lying to me and hiding things.
Has it dawned on you that sometimes
people do not tell you the truth
because they want to protect you?
That's a bullshit excuse.
No, that is love.
But you choose to see it as disloyalty.
Dishonesty is disloyalty.
And breaking the law when I am
the law is absolutely disloyal!
You cannot know what it takes
to fight back the violence and
drugs and suicides on the Res.
- Like Mingan Pine's?
- Yes, like Mingan.
- Now let go of my arm!
- I just want to hear you say it.
Tell me.
Tell me you're Hector!
Why would I trust you
with something like that
when your own daughter
does not trust you enough
to call you after she has been arrested?
I know it's you!
You are out of control!
Any sign?
I walked everywhere, re-checked
every clearing I could find.
You want me to grab some shut-eye
while you take another shift?
If Malachi was gonna show up,
we'd have seen something by now,
especially if he was planning an ambush.
Maybe Malachi had no
intention of ambushing anyone
or giving up that evidence
he had on Nighthorse.
Maybe he was just trying to
distract us so he could skip town.
Or someone got wind of what he
was planning and stopped him.
- That key does not work.
- Why not?
- Because I changed the locks.
- Oh, yeah?
What's Malachi gonna
have to say about that?
I neither know nor care
because, last night...
Malachi signed the bar back over to me.
- Why?
- That is not your concern.
In fact, nothing that happens in
this bar is your concern anymore.
You are fired.
I also reserve the
right not to serve you.
It is a beautiful day at the
Red Pony and continual soiree.
This is Henry.
Doesn't look like Malachi's home.
So if Malachi did leave town,
he didn't take anything with him.
Not even his car.
Let's run with your theory
that somebody got to him
before he could give you the evidence.
What exactly was he gonna give you?
Proof that Nighthorse struck
a deal with the Irish Mob
to run heroin and prostitutes
through the casino,
which makes Nighthorse
the most likely suspect
in Malachi's disappearance.
Why don't you call the casino,
see if Malachi is there?
I'll radio Ferg,
have him put a track on
Malachi's phone and bank records.
Who's that?
Hey, Vic.
It's, uh, me, your, uh,
favorite future deputy.
I-It's Travis.
Um, so... uh, you're not
home, uh, so you must be busy.
But, uh, I was cleaning
out the Murphy family garage
and found some of my
old, uh, trailer stuff.
So, um, I'm gonna leave
it up underneath your rig,
and you can thank you
me later if so inclined.
Hello, mama.
Okay, thanks.
The casino said they're
not expecting Malachi
to come in to work for
another couple of hours.
Ferg, any sign of Malachi?
No activity on his bank
or credit card account
- in the last 24 hours.
- What about his phone?
The last call Malachi made was
at 3:18 yesterday afternoon.
That's right after I talked to him.
Interesting timing.
Ferg, I need you to see if Dennis Wabash
has checked out of the Peaksman Motel.
If Malachi's missing,
we need to eliminate
any possible suspects.
- On it.
- Hey.
- Are you gonna go talk to Nighthorse?
- Not yet.
I need to see what we can
find out before I confront him.
First, I'm gonna head
over to the Red Pony,
see if there's been any
sign of Malachi there.
- Vic.
- Yeah?
You're picking up Walter's bad habits.
You don't answer your phone anymore?
Sorry, uh, we were out of cell range.
Well, the Assistant District Attorney
has been trying to get a hold of you.
- A.D.A. Holder? Why?
- She's gonna need you
to testify at Chance Gilbert's
trial sooner than originally planned.
The trial's moving a
lot faster than expected.
Okay. When does she need me to testify?
- Today.
- Today?
I thought I had two weeks.
Yeah, well, more like
two hours, sweetie.
I'm sorry.
Okay. Uh, no, it's fine.
Um, I guess I need to
go get myself ready.
- Vic.
- Yeah?
Before you go, could
I see you for a minute?
I've been so distracted lately,
I haven't taken time to talk with you
about the Chance Gilbert trial.
Well, someone has been
trying to kill you.
Anyway, it's not exactly something
I've been wanting to talk about.
Would it help if I came
to the courthouse with you?
Do you think you're gonna find Malachi
- hiding in the men's room?
- Vic, I'm serious.
I know what you went through.
Now, you might think you're
fine, but when you see his face,
it'll all come flooding back.
I appreciate the offer. I do.
But you have to go find
Malachi, and I will be fine.
Travis, what are you doing here?
I just thought I'd sit here and time
how long it takes for you to tell me.
So far, about 20 seconds.
Tell you what?
"Thank you" for the motorhome supplies?
I-I got your voice-mail.
Thank you.
40 seconds.
Travis, I give up.
- What do you want?
- I want to know
when you were gonna tell
me that we're having a kid.
Get inside.
Were you going through my trash?
No, I was throwing away
my trash, and I saw these.
And you've been sitting out there,
holding on to those until I got home?
- Yeah.
- You do realize I peed on them, right?
O-Of course I realize that, okay?
Look, that...
that's not the point, okay?
Okay, Travis, I got to change for court.
So, as much as I would love to sit here and
have a little heart-to-heart, I can't.
- You know what, Vic?
- At some point, we got to deal
with the elephant in the womb.
Okay, one, never say that again.
And two, isn't it a bit presumptuous
to think that you're the father?
Vic, I know my birds and bees,
and, uh, I don't think
I'm presuming that much.
Okay. You're not gonna regret this.
- I got it.
- Okay.
Shh! Be quiet.
My mom's a light sleeper.
I'm comin'!
Travis, we made a deal.
That was a one-time thing.
We promised we'd never
talk about it again.
Yeah, well, obviously,
the situation has changed.
And, besides, I mean, we had fun.
- Fun has nothing to do with this.
- Really?
Well, I must be remembering
a different rodeo, then.
Here we go.
Moo. Moo.
Moo. Moo.
- Whoo!
- I did it!
I did it! I did it.
So, what are we gonna do?
Nothing, Travis.
I'm not really ready to talk about this.
I'm... I'm just starting to
wrap my own head around it,
and I don't even know
how I feel, all right?
And I really got to get to court, so...
You look great, by the way.
I mean, you can hardly tell
you're carrying the extra weight.
I get it. You know, don't... Don't
say that again, either, right?
Here you go.
Henry, I'm looking for Malachi.
- Is he here?
- No. And he will not be.
- He have a day off?
- He has more than that.
You know how I told you that Nighthorse
was going to help me get my bar back?
Well, it happened.
How exactly did you and
Nighthorse make it happen?
I found ledgers proving that Malachi
was using the Red Pony
to launder Mob money.
I showed them to Jacob, and he
fired Malachi from the casino.
How did you get Malachi
to give you your bar back?
He signed the deed over
to me in exchange for
not getting turned
in to the authorities.
You do realize that
I am the authorities.
I need to see those ledgers.
I gave them to Nighthorse.
You had evidence that Jacob
Nighthorse's head of security
was laundering mob money in my county,
and you gave that evidence
to Nighthorse instead of me?
Yes, I did, after I gave you
the name of Shane Muldoon.
Well, you just helped
a criminal go free.
And you have never done the same?
Did you hand over Shane
Muldoon's name to the FBI?
I was supposed to meet
with Malachi last night.
He was gonna give me concrete proof
that Nighthorse was actually the
one who was running money laundering
with his old friend, Shane Muldoon,
but Malachi never showed
up, and now I know why.
- Any idea where I might find him?
- No.
I went by his house.
He wasn't there, so should
I be looking for a body?
Are you suggesting that I murdered
Malachi to get my bar back?
I'm suggesting that
your new business partner
has an agenda that goes way beyond
your ownership of the Red Pony.
Like silencing the one person that
can connect him to organized crime.
When Nighthorse and I left
Malachi, he was very much alive.
Then you came here.
Where did Nighthorse go?
- I do not know.
- Right.
Ever occur to you that
he might have doubled back
to finish off Malachi,
knowing that you would
provide him with an alibi?
Has it occurred to you that you
sound like someone with a tinfoil hat?
You have become completely
paranoid when it comes to Jacob.
Do you really think that
Malachi is some innocent victim?
We both know what he's capable of doing.
We put him in jail in the first place.
You're right, Henry.
You and I used to be on the same side,
but that was back before Nighthorse
turned both you and
my daughter against me.
I'm sorry, that's not what I do.
If you need legal help,
though, I'll be here.
I-I don't need legal help.
- I need help help.
- I realize that,
but I-I can't just shoot people.
- People are saying you can.
- I know.
I'm sorry for the misunderstanding.
I'd say, you know,
eventually, we'll talk...
- Cady.
- Hey.
- You should have called.
- Sorry.
Can you give us two minutes?
I'll be fast, Homer, I promise.
- Hey.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- Did you need something?
Well, I need a new head of security.
What happened to Malachi?
I had to let him go.
So you want me to just grab
my rifle and, uh, take over?
I have no doubt that you could, but, no.
I'm thinking I may need to hire
somebody from outside the community.
- Seems reasonable.
- Yeah.
Unfortunately, plenty
of people in the tribe
are not gonna find it so reasonable.
You, however, seem to be enjoying
a fair amount of goodwill right now,
as well as a growing clientele.
I thought maybe you could
hire more Cheyenne staff
to help you here,
kind of balance out the
loss of jobs at the casino.
I'll increase your budget accordingly.
Yeah, that... that would be great.
- I could really use the help.
- Excellent.
Um, what do you think the best way is
for me to get out that
I'm looking for applicants?
I've, uh, I've taken care of that.
These people don't...
They don't really have
relevant experience.
Yeah. That's a hard thing
to come by on the Res.
So how did you choose these people?
Well, they're capable,
and they all have close
relatives on the tribal council.
That's too bad.
I wish politics didn't have
to muddy the waters here,
but, uh...
sometimes... to achieve something good,
you have to manipulate perception a bit.
I'll be in touch.
I'm sorry about the late notice.
This trial has been, uh a bit unusual.
-How do you feel? Are you ready?
Yeah, I guess. Is there
anything I should know
about this defense lawyer before
he starts grilling me on the stand?
Oh, my God. I thought they told you.
- Told me what?
- That Chance Gilbert
is representing himself.
- He is?
- Yeah, he is.
Apparently, he's done this before.
Did he win?
Yes, he did.
But don't worry.
I promise you I have a rock-solid case.
State vs. Gilbert.
- How are you feeling?
- Sick to my stomach.
I was beginning to think you were dead.
Oh, hey, Dave.
Sorry. I, uh, didn't
realize I owe you a call.
- What did you want to discuss?
- Oh, you know,
sports, politics, your
pending wrongful-death lawsuit.
Well, it's not really pending.
I told you... I'm settling.
Yeah, and I've been trying
to reach you to tell you
that Barlow's estate refused
to settle for any amount.
- Tucker Baggett is taking you to trial.
- What?
So we need to sit down
and discuss strategy.
- You got time now?
- Uh. No.
Actually, one of my,
uh, one of my deputies
is taking the stand in
the Chance Gilbert trial.
I'm here for moral support.
Which deputy?
- Deputy Moretti.
- Uh-huh.
Uh, no.
- You're not going in there.
- I have to.
You have to stay as far away
from that case as possible.
Uh, first of all, Chance
Gilbert is one more person
accusing your department of
corruption and harassment.
Barlow's entire case is predicated
on you repeatedly stepping outside
the acceptable norms and bounds
of a law enforcement officer.
So until the trial is over,
no public displays of moral support
for the deputy you were seen kissing
in the hospital... passionately.
I'd just be sitting in
the back of the gallery.
Right, with the reporters.
No, no. Terrific. I mean, m-make
sure they spell your name right.
Look, Walt,
the best thing you can do to
help your deputy and yourself
is to get back in your
Bronco and drive away.
Sheriff, are you there?
- Yup.
- Dennis Wabash checked out of
the Peaksman Motel two days ago,
well before the last
time you saw Malachi,
so Dennis isn't feeling like a suspect.
Since Vic had to take off, I
followed up with the casino again.
Malachi still hasn't
shown up for his shift.
- Anything else?
- Yeah.
The phone company was able
to ping Malachi's cell phone.
They gave me a location, and
for the last hour and a half,
it hasn't moved.
Slow day at the office?
Just helping to raise a
little money for a new school.
Our jobs aren't supposed to be
all doom and gloom, you know?
I find it easier to do the hard stuff
when I can remember why I'm doing it.
You should try it.
Well, I'd like to.
The doom and gloom keeps, uh,
demanding all my attention.
- What do you want?
- I need to report a missing person.
Your former boss.
Malachi is missing?
That's the first I've heard of it.
I was supposed to meet
Malachi last night.
He said he was gonna give me
some incriminating evidence
that Nighthorse is tied to the
mob, but he never showed up.
Evidence against Nighthorse.
Now I know why you're so
anxious to find Malachi.
Did you try the casino?
Well, he didn't show up for
work there or the Red Pony.
He's not home, either, but his car is,
so I don't think he's taken off.
So here you are.
Demanding what, exactly?
We traced Malachi's cell phone to here.
- You recognize the location?
- Mm.
Kidnapping, assault, battery, torture.
It's a harrowing ordeal that
Deputy Moretti went through.
How has your recovery been?
Physically, I'm lucky.
I'm not suffering from
any lingering effects
of my grade-2 concussion.
What about emotionally
and psychologically?
Emotionally has been
a bit more difficult.
I'm sure it has been.
I understand.
Well, we wish you the best.
Thank you.
No further questions, Your Honor.
Your witness, Mr. Gilbert.
Thank you, Your Honor.
Ms. Moretti...
first of all, how have you been?
Ms. Moretti,
are you familiar with the
Wyoming Statute number 6-2-201?
- Yeah, I am.
- Can you educate us?
It's the law that says
you can't kidnap someone.
- That's right.
- And it's punishable with a sentence
- of 20 years to life.
- Objection, Your Honor.
This is not the sentencing phase, is it?
Now, Ms. Moretti,
do you know what the
Fourth Amendment says?
I do.
It says that,
"The right of the people to be secure
in their persons, houses,
papers, and effects,
against unreasonable
searches and seizures,
shall not be violated."
That is correct.
Which law supersedes the other?
I know that you held me against my will.
The federal law.
You see, your state kidnapping statutes
do not give you the right
to violate my rights under
the U.S. Constitution.
- I didn't violate your rights.
- Did you come to my door
and fail to announce
yourself as a deputy?
I was off duty.
Can I get a "yes" or "no"?
I did not identify myself as a deputy.
Did you enter and search my
house, even my root cellar?
Did I search your root cellar?
You threw me down
there and locked me up.
In defense of my civil
liberties and those of my family,
Ms. Moretti...
Victoria, Victoria.
Such a pretty name.
Isn't it true that you came to
my house under false pretenses,
because your department had
previously failed to convict me
on some trumped-up charges?
And you... oh, yes, you were willing
to manufacture a just
cause to search my house.
- No?
- No, it's not true.
When I went to your door,
I had no idea who you were
or your crazy wife or
sister-in-law... whatever hell she is.
I didn't know about your made-up
sovereign nation of Gilbertsville,
or the fact that your justice system
is based on beating
people with baseball bats.
And I also didn't know...
that you kept a dead
body in the damn freezer.
I told you to shut your mouth!
Order! Order!
Order in the court!
When was the last
time you were out here?
This is sacred ground.
I haven't stepped foot out here
since David Ridges shot your deputy.
My deputy was here investigating
where Nighthorse helped
David Ridges fake his death.
Don't you think it's a little
coincidental that the phone company
pinged Malachi's phone
to this same spot?
Makes me wonder if Nighthorse
made another sacrifice.
Come on.
I don't see any phone, no body,
no scavenger birds...
nothing but land and sky.
Can I borrow your phone?
Who you calling?
Not sure.
Maybe the spirits.
So I guess cockroaches bleed, after all.
So you really think Jacob Nighthorse did
something to his own head of security?
I'm starting to believe
he had some help.
Any further outbursts, and
I will clear this courtroom.
Are we clear?
Now... Mr. Gilbert, proceed.
Ms. Moretti, why did
your ex-husband leave you?
Why my ex-husband left
is none of your business.
It is my business.
You see, freedom is my business,
and your relationship to
your ex-husband is relevant,
which this court will understand
once you've answered my question.
Now, why did you and Sean get divorced?
Well, getting kidnapped and tortured
by you and your shitheel goons
didn't help our relationship.
That's not what he said.
Do you know what he said?
He said the two of you broke up
because of your romantic obsession
with the man who's
supposed to be your boss,
Walt Longmire.
And your ex spoke about this
in his videotaped testimony
that we all reviewed last week.
He wouldn't have said that.
He didn't deny it.
Do you?
I have never had
an inappropriate romantic
relationship with Sheriff Longmire.
A strong, emphatic denial, then.
And you wouldn't change that just a bit
if I told you that I'm privy
to transcripts of a deposition
you gave to a Tucker
Baggett just recently?
Got very quiet in here all of a sudden.
So let me try this a different way then.
Ms. Moretti, have you ever taken
Walt Longmire's face in your hands
and kissed him on his lips with passion?
- Objection!
- Yes, you should object!
We should all object to
a Sheriff's Department
that is run like it's Walt Longmire's
own personal justice system,
as well as his own harem.
Objection, Your Honor.
He's making defamatory statements
about witnesses who aren't even present.
Mr. Gilbert, I am no longer entertained.
Next non-question brings this
cross-examination to a close.
I'm sorry, Your Honor.
All right, Deputy Moretti,
Sheriff Longmire was willing to
put himself in a bullet's path
to protect you.
Now, if he asked you,
would you risk your life for him?
because that's part of the job.
Would you, also, out of
your feverish devotion
for the great Walt Longmire,
have entered my home
under false pretenses
just so he could illegally
search my property
and fabricate charges against me?
Not even if he offered to kiss you?
- Objection!
- Sustained.
Mr. Gilbert, I have given
you more than enough leeway.
- We are done here.
- Walt Longmire killed my brother!
And he's manipulated
this naive individual...
Mr. Gilbert, that is enough!
...in his pursuit of
a vendetta against me.
- Ms. Moretti, you are excused.
- A vendetta against me.
No, that's right, Ms. Moretti.
Just run away.
Run back to your master!
Find out what law he
wants you to break next.
What did you do?
Excuse me?
Or should I say, what did Hector do?
Perhaps we should continue
this discussion in my office.
What are you talking about?
Malachi's gone missing,
and I just got back from
the Res with the sheriff.
Would you like to know
what we found out there?
Malachi's phone and his blood
and the words "Hector Lives"
spelled out with stones.
- "Hector Lives"?
- That's right, Picasso.
I guess you just can't help signing
your name to your work, can you?
Hector did not sign anything.
- Hector did not do anything.
- So you were never out at that cliff?
I was...
With Nighthorse.
We took Malachi out there to
banish him for betraying his tribe,
for bringing the mob and heroin
and despair to our people,
for killing Mingan.
Nighthorse cut him, and I got him
to sign the Red Pony back over to me.
But when we left him, Malachi was alive.
- So who wrote out "Hector Lives"?
- I do not know.
Who knew you were
taking Malachi out there?
Just Jacob.
What is it?
Walt said that he suspected that
Nighthorse put on a show for me,
then went back to kill Malachi.
Maybe he did.
Maybe he wrote out "Hector Lives."
Hector would be a
handy fall guy for this.
Well, whatever happened, we need
to find Malachi, dead or alive,
before Walt tries to convict
Hector of murder again.
Are you following me?
Don't be paranoid, Deputy.
Don't threaten me,
you whacked-out bitch.
You seem nervous, Victoria.
Don't know what to do without
your uniform and your gun?
I know exactly what to do.
You want to see for yourself, or
do you want to do the smart thing
and walk away?
He's going to win.
And when he gets out, he's
gonna remember your lies.
- Jacob.
- Hey.
How is Eamonn recovering
from his injury?
He should be fine,
especially if I can find the
person who shot him and shot at us.
- You mind if I sit?
- Of course.
So, uh...
Malachi come in to work today?
You think Malachi was the one
in the woods shooting at us?
- I do.
- Well, so do I,
which is why he won't
be coming to work today.
I fired him.
How'd you figure out it was Malachi?
I found some discrepancies in his books
that suggested he'd made his
own side deal with the mob.
I imagine my ending that arrangement hurt
both his finances and his reputation,
and Malachi doesn't handle those
kind of setbacks as calmly as I do.
- Do you know where he is?
- I do not.
Why don't you give me
that bookkeeping evidence?
I'll track down Malachi and
make sure he's put behind bars.
Mm, yeah.
Well, I can't do that.
Why not?
Because of our history.
You and I both know what you'll
do with those books, Walt.
You'll use them against me.
No matter what your intentions are now,
eventually, you'll convince yourself
that I condoned all of
Malachi's illegal activities.
You really can't help
yourself at this point.
You're determined to
see me as a criminal.
I wonder why.
I can't win with you, man... cannot win.
So I think I'll take my
chances with Malachi instead.
- The man who shot at you.
- Yeah.
Well, I don't think he'll
be trying anything more.
- Is that because you murdered him?
- Wow.
I mean, that... that was
even faster than I expected.
So I'm a murderer now?
You do realize I'm being asked
to testify at your civil trial.
- Is that a threat?
- It's advice.
It's damn good advice.
You... You can't even
prove the man is dead.
- Have you found his body?
- Not yet, but I will.
So you didn't come here
because you thought Malachi
was behind the shooting, did you?
No, no. Of course not.
You think I was behind it.
You think I made the deal with the mob,
shot at myself to
throw you off the track,
and now you think I killed Malachi
because that ungrateful bastard
was gonna give me up, yeah?
I don't think you actually
did any of those things.
I think, as usual,
you found someone else to
do the dirty work for you.
I think you had Malachi make
those deals with the mob.
I think you hired someone to shoot
at you in my presence and miss.
And I think you had
somebody else kill Malachi
so you could keep his
blood off your hands.
You know, I haven't seen
you this sure of yourself
since you were convinced that I had
both Branch and your wife killed.
It's almost entertaining.
It's like I can't sleep at
night anymore, wondering,
what wild fiction is Walt
gonna come up with next?
I think this is stranger than fiction.
I found Malachi's cell phone
and blood out on the Reservation,
right near where you staged
David Ridges' funeral pyre.
I also found the words
"Hector Lives" nearby.
So there it is.
- Now you think I'm Hector.
- No.
But I think you've recruited him
to do the things Ridges
used to do for you.
I don't suppose you would
tell me who Hector is.
If I knew, I wouldn't tell you.
If I told you, you wouldn't believe me.
So I think I'll just
answer any further questions
with a genuinely stunned silence.
You know... Jacob...
I'm getting closer to
finding this new Hector.
And when I do, I'm gonna bring him down,
along with anyone who's using him
as their own mercenary for hire.
You have a nice day.
- Travis!
- Aah! Ohh!
Why would you hit me?
All right. Here.
- Right here.
- Lay back.
Yeah, yeah.
Oh, man.
That's one hell of a right hook.
Yeah, well, I'm also a good shot,
so you're lucky you just got the fist.
Well, you shouldn't be punching
your baby's father, anyway.
Look, there is a good possibility
that you are not the father, all right?
So... there was somebody else?
Okay, I am not discussing
my sex life with you,
so if that's why you came back...
No, that's... that's
not why I came over.
I-I came over 'cause I
wanted you to have this.
It's a coupon for, uh, free babysitting.
Look, I-I know you don't want
to think about this right now,
so you can stick it in
a drawer or whatever,
but I want you to have that.
You can cash it in whenever you want to.
No limits, no expiration date.
Whoever the father happens to be.
Look, Vic, I grew up raised
by a single mom, okay?
And however this plays out...
at some point, you're
gonna need a friend.
- Thank you, Travis.
- Okay.
So, uh, what are the odds?
That you're the father?
Or not the father.
- Fifty-fifty.
- Oh.
So it's just one other dude? Okay.
That's... That's good.
Um, that's not bad.
I mean, so, um, is... is he your type?
I don't have a type.
Yeah, you do.
Manly, alpha male, natural-born
law enforcement type.
Hey, Walt.
- Is it him?
- Shush!
What? No, nothing.
I'm fine.
The trial went fine.
Thanks for checking.
Okay. Bye.
So, uh...
is it him?
- You need to leave.
- Okay.
Why do you think this guy
will lead us to Malachi?
Because he is Malachi's
most loyal lieutenant.
If Malachi is alive,
Darius would be the first
person he would call.
In my experience,
loyalty among criminals
can shift in a hurry
if someone shows up with more money.
You think Nighthorse paid
him to turn on Malachi?
I think I just saw a big
thug put a shovel in his car.
Let's see where he's going.
Hey, Dad.
- Floor looks good.
- Yeah.
Except for the blood
stain under that rug.
What are you doing here?
I wanted to talk to
you about Nighthorse.
Has he been by lately?
Yeah. He is my boss.
Yeah. I haven't forgotten that.
Has he asked you to
provide any legal assistance
to, uh, someone that's been
operating outside of Reservation law?
Like who?
You know what Jacob did ask me?
He came by with Henry
to ask me how I was doing
after shooting a man.
He also offered to pay for extra employees
to help me manage the workload here.
What a monster.
What about Henry?
He and Nighthorse seem
to be closer than ever.
Has Henry asked you to do
anything for Nighthorse?
Has he asked you to help out Hector?
You know what?
Since I started this legal aid center,
Henry has asked for my
help exactly one time.
He wanted to foster a
Cheyenne child named Mingan
whose only parent O.D.'d on heroin.
- Henry's fostering a child?
- No.
Because the boy ended
up killing himself.
When was this?
The 13th.
The 13th.
Dad, Jacob and Henry are good men.
They're not perfect, but they care.
It's a daily battle trying to fight
the hopelessness and powerlessness
that's taken over this place.
You have to think differently
here to make things work.
If you were here every
day, maybe you'd see that.
I see plenty.
I see Nighthorse
pretending to be a good man,
and you and Henry both falling
for it, regardless of what I say.
Are you still dating that psychiatrist?
Because if you are, maybe
you could talk to her
about your irrational
Nighthorse obsession.
I love you, Dad, and I always will,
but I...
I think maybe you've been
doing this job for too long.
You've developed these...
these deep-seated biases that
are clouding your judgment,
and you're not thinking clearly anymore.
It might be time to consider retiring.
Thank you for your counsel.
Hey, Dad, I'm totally over
shooting and killing that man,
so thanks for asking.
Put your hands up where I can see them.
What's the charge...
digging without a license?
What's in the bag?
I don't know.
check that bag.
Who sent you out here, Darius?
Do you know where Malachi is?
Did Nighthorse send you out here?
What's in there?
Enough money to kill for.
Oh, so that's the door you use
when you want to avoid people.
Oh, smart.
Morning, Dave.
Glad I insisted that
I wait for you in here,
although I think even you would
have had a hard time avoiding this.
"Survivalist Leader Claims Lovelorn
Deputy Does Sheriff's Bidding."
The more this Chance Gilbert character
puts on his sex-drenched
conspiracy circus,
the more interested the media gets.
He's a deranged psychopath.
He'll say anything to try and get off.
Unfortunately, everything he's saying
feeds into the exact same narrative
Tucker Baggett is building
in your civil case,
that you're a rogue sheriff
who plays by his own rules
and runs his department like a cult.
Tucker Baggett said that?
No, Chance Gilbert said that.
He compared you to Jim
Jones and David Koresh.
I appreciate coolness
under pressure, Walt,
but I suggest you start
taking this seriously
and help me build a decent
defense on your behalf.
Fine. I will.
- Let's get started.
- Actually, uh, Dave, I can't start now.
I've got a... missing persons case.
- How about tomorrow?
- Perfect.
Just like the old saying...
no better time than tomorrow.
And just a parting thought...
if you don't stop doing
your job for a moment
to deal with this lawsuit,
you may find yourself
without a job to do.
Vic, Ferg!
- What is it?
- It's about Malachi.
I need you to pull files on
the recent drug-dealer attacks
linked to Hector on the Res.
So, uh, that'd be Jamie DeBell,
when he was making
his Res pizza delivery.
And who else?
Joey Takoda, the guy that Henry
found outside the Red Pony.
Hector burned his heroin stash.
- Okay. Anyone else?
- Maybe.
- Let's just start with those two.
- Okay.
When did, uh, Hector attack
Jamie and burn up his pot?
The 18th.
What are you doing?
I'm thinking.
When did Hector burn Joey
Takoda's heroin stash?
The 15th.
The 15th.
So these incidents are
all connected to Hector.
Well, and heroin.
- Jamie only deals pot.
- True.
But Eddie Harp was
recruiting him to deal heroin.
And if Malachi is the one who
brought in Eddie and the Irish Mob,
then he's tied to heroin, as well.
So if Hector is waging a
one-man war on drugs, why now?
None of these things
were happening last month,
and then, suddenly, a
whole bunch of attacks
in a short period of time.
Something must have triggered it.
Something right before the 15th.
We should check and see what was
happening on the Res during that time.
Maybe there was a drug-related incident
that happened just before
Hector's first attack.
There was.
The suicide of this boy, on the 13th.
Okay. But so how does that relate
to the drugs and all the other stuff?
His only parent O.D.'d from heroin.
And you think Hector's
avenging his death?
I do.
You got any better idea who
Hector is and where to find him?
I might.
I'm gonna ask you again.
Whose money is this?
- I don't know.
- Well, how'd you know where to find it?
Just lucky, I guess.
This is a waste of time.
Darius, is Malachi alive or dead?
- Yes.
- Okay. That's it.
If you're not talking,
I'm locking you up.
All right.
I'll talk...
to a lawyer.
I gather court didn't go
as well as you said it did.
Why didn't you tell me?
Because I didn't want to worry you.
But now it's... it's
all over the papers,
- and they're making you sound like...
- Don't worry about it.
I can handle a little bad press.
I'm more worried about you.
He's not gonna get off, is he?
I mean, the truth's got to
count for something, right?
It has to.
Cheyenne Legal Aid. This is Cady.
Yes. Yeah. Of course.
Um, where are you currently located?
And what have they charged you with?
They haven't told you?
Good. That means they
don't have anything on you.
Uh, please don't say another word
to them until I get there, okay?
But I'm... I'm sorry.
I-I-I didn't get your name.
Can you... Can you repeat it?
Darius Burns.
Got it.
Okay, great. I'll be right there.
Walt, I know what it feels like
to have a death weigh on you.
I think about Hector every day.
And so, in a way, yes, Hector
lives as an idea and a hope.
Is it also possible
that somebody's picking
up Hector's mantle?
Anything is possible.
Mathias tried to
arrest Joey for dealing,
but he could never hold
him, so he was frustrated.
Becoming Hector would
get him around all that.
Mathias is not the only one
who is frustrated with the
limit of Reservation law.
Since I started this legal aid center,
Henry has asked for my
help exactly one time.
He wanted to foster a
Cheyenne child named Mingan.
- Henry's fostering a child?
- No.
Because the boy ended
up killing himself.
I'll take a Rainier.
Knocking off a little early today?
Why don't you go ahead and make it two?
Something on your mind?
Cady thinks I should retire.
Why does she think that?
Apparently, I've been
doing the job for so long
that, uh, it's affecting my judgment.
Do you agree?
I don't know.
Maybe she's right.
Maybe I can't do the
job the way I used to,
the way I should.
Sometimes I find myself
staring right at the truth
without even seeing it,
all because I don't want to see it.
Human nature.
Sometimes... it's not my fault.
Sometimes I can't see it because
someone else is hiding it from me.
I feel like you are now talking
about something very specific.
Take off your shirt.
If you're who I believe you are,
you have a bullet wound
somewhere on your body.
I do not think you need
another one of these.
I shot Hector in the woods,
right near that bonfire
where Gab's rapists were.
We found blood on the
ground, so I knew I hit him.
- What are you saying?
- Can you look me in the eye
and tell me you're not Hector?
Let go of my arm.
Stop lying to me, Henry.
I'm sick of it.
All I ever do is try and help people,
and all I ever get in return
is people lying to me and hiding things.
Has it dawned on you that sometimes
people do not tell you the truth
because they want to protect you?
That's a bullshit excuse.
No, that is love.
But you choose to see it as disloyalty.
Dishonesty is disloyalty.
And breaking the law when I am
the law is absolutely disloyal!
You cannot know what it takes
to fight back the violence and
drugs and suicides on the Res.
- Like Mingan Pine's?
- Yes, like Mingan.
- Now let go of my arm!
- I just want to hear you say it.
Tell me.
Tell me you're Hector!
Why would I trust you
with something like that
when your own daughter
does not trust you enough
to call you after she has been arrested?
I know it's you!
You are out of control!