Longmire (2012–2017): Season 2, Episode 5 - Party's Over - full transcript
The body of a young girl found dumped in an alley leads Longmire to a gang dealing in stolen prescription medications. Cady returns home after investigating her mother's death.
[Ruby over radio] Walt,
ADT security just called.
There's been a break-in.
[Ruby] 11601 Ridge Lane.
[Lizzie] Don't shoot me, sheriff.
I'm unarmed...
among other things.
What if the Ferg
had answered this call?
Well, then he'd have
quite a story to tell.
But the Ferg
didn't take the call.
You did.
About the only kind of call...
...I can get you to answer
these days.
I know. It's, uh...
Just with...
...- uh, the election, and...
- We're not talking about any...
...of that tonight.
I thought you were out of town.
I was.
[Phone rings]
Everything's fine, Ruby.
False alarm.
She wants to talk to you.
Okay. On my way.
[Beer can opens]
More beer for me.
[Siren wails]
[Siren wails]
[Branch] You got to get down low
for a profile.
[Vic] You want to take the pictures?
What I want's a new truck...
like that one.
Ferg, bounce one of those lights
off the wall.
Teacher's pet's gonna
need some shots of the tagging.
Walt had to buy me a new
vehicle. Mine got totaled.
Yeah, boo-hoo.
[Walt] Sorry I'm late.
I was answering another call.
Could have stayed. We got this.
Well, then... Who did it?
Store clerk found her
taking out the trash...
...closing up shop
about an hour ago.
Stiffness of the corpse
and the purple discoloration...
...of her body tells me she's
been dead more than 24 hours.
[Walt] Blood on her clothes.
None on the ground.
This body was dumped here.
That's what I was saying.
Entry wound is in
the side rib area.
With all that blood...
...I'd say the bullet probably
punctured her heart.
There's also bruising
on her face.
She looks Cheyenne.
There's no I.D., but I searched
her pockets...
...and I did find this.
[Vic] Sure as hell doesn't
look like aspirin.
Given our location here,
and the gang signs...
...this might be
a drug-related murder.
I also found a cellphone
in her other pocket.
And this... a key.
[Walt] Branch, see if you can get
a billing address for that...
if you don't mind.
We'll start there.
Ferg, you stay with the girl
till Doc Bloomfield...
...can get here.
No one should be left
in an alley alone.
[Branch] This is the address.
Phone company said the name
on the account is Tanya Dove.
Allow me.
You ready?
- Sheriff's department!
- Sheriff's department!
Think they heard you?
[Walt] Branch, check the bedroom.
Hey, Walt. This is Tanya.
This girl has Tanya's eyes.
Maybe she's got a sister.
Looks like she's got a couple.
No guns or ammo,
but I did find this...
...wedged between
the mattress and the box spring.
Oxy... Codone.
Prescription for Gerry Solomon.
No address.
Maybe that's where our
pill fragment came from.
Branch, since you found
Gerry Solomon's pill bottle...
...see if you can find
Gerry Solomon.
Let me see Tanya's phone.
Thought you didn't know how to
work one of these things.
Yeah, I'm full of surprises.
- [Phone beeping]
- [Walt] Hmm. There's a Lorna Dove.
[Line ringing]
Lorna's not answering.
You got to check the texts.
Walt, nobody
calls each other anymore.
You say that
like it's a good thing.
Uh, the name that pops up
the most...
...on Tanya's list is...
...Lucy Samms.
[Sobbing] I knew something was weird.
I haven't heard from Tanya
in a couple days, but I...
...I just figured that
Lorna took away her phone again.
Is that something
Lorna has done before?
She acts like
she's Tanya's mother.
She's not?
Tanya's mom's in prison
and her dad's dead.
I guess 'cause Lorna's older,
she's, like, in charge.
Was Tanya on any medication or?
No, she wasn't sick or anything.
She take any drugs?
Hang on.
What are you saying?
What she's saying is we want to
know all we can about Tanya.
Tanya would have told me
if she was taking drugs.
We told each other everything.
We're best friends.
Do you know anyone who may
have had a problem with her?
Boyfriends, ex-boyfriends?
Tanya had a boyfriend...
Justin Bollman.
But he's a sweetheart.
We're gonna talk to Justin.
Right now, we really need
to notify her family.
Anyone know
where we can find Lorna?
She work nights or?
Lorna doesn't work. She fights.
♪ [rock music plays] ♪
Excuse me. Excuse me!
We're looking for Lorna Dove.
I'm her trainer.
We need to talk to her.
Lorna's about to fight.
I'd really rather talk
to her first. It's important.
Can't it wait?
The guy that runs this event
is a real prick.
If she's late, he'll scratch
her event from the card.
I'm just asking for 15 minutes.
Well, right after then.
[Crowd shouting]
They pack'em in to see
girls beat each other up.
It's every man's second fantasy.
Vic, keep an eye on the ring.
Hello, Henry.
Strange to find you
so far from home.
You startled me.
Is that a Manhattan?
I have always
enjoyed Manhattans.
Oh, party's over!
Deena, what brings you to town?
I had a nine-ball tournament
in Cheyenne...
...and I can't come through
Cheyenne without thinking...
...about my warrior.
- [Bell dings]
[Announcer] All right,
all right, all right!
Enjoy the fight.
Our first
flyweight event tonight...
...features a local favorite...
Michelle Breen.
And from over in Durant...
Lorna Dove!
- [Cheering]
- Give it up!
Who's the hottie with Henry?
- [Bell dings]
- ♪[rock music plays] ♪
One round.
The girl's tough.
All right, Lorna's gonna
change and then come out...
...- and talk to you...
- I'm kind of in a hurry.
Hey! Hey!
So, I've been watching Lorna
Dove's apartment...
...since last night.
Still no sign of her.
I mean, should I keep waiting,
...should I go check out
the boyfriend's house?
You stay put.
We're heading there.
Just making a stop first.
You call me immediately
if Lorna shows up.
You got it.
[Hangs up phone]
- Hi.
- Excuse us.
Can I help you?
Yeah, I'm wondering
if a Tanya Dove...
...has any
prescriptions on file.
Let me take a look.
Tanya with an "a"?
[Walt] Yeah.
Uh, aside from
a course of antibiotics...
...a year ago, we haven't
filled anything for her.
What about her sister, Lorna?
- [Typing]
- Nope.
Can you tell me
if this is Oxycodone?
Oh, it's hard to tell...
looks generic.
What makes you think it's oxy?
We found this at Tanya's home.
I know Gerry Solomon.
He came in here...
...a month ago after...
...back surgery.
What's he got to do with this?
That's what we're wondering.
Now, if you have
any way to figure out...
...if that pill
came from that bottle...
you'd be saving us a long drive
to the crime lab.
Sure, I'll look that up for you.
So, I'm sure Gerry Solomon's
a really nice old man.
But he wouldn't be
the first person...
...to try and
turn a $10 co-pay...
...into some extra money
by selling his pills.
Okay, it's generic,
but it's not oxy. It's... here.
It's Hydrocodone.
Uh, it's similar to oxy,
but this is definitely not...
...what Gerry walked out with
last month.
Appreciate your time.
Hey, Vic.
You find the pill-bottle guy?
[Branch] Gerry Solomon?
Not yet. He wasn't home.
Left my card and a note
on his door...
...a message on Gerry's
answering machine.
He and Walt must be
the only guys left...
...who still use
answering machines.
So, where are you?
Going to talk to Tanya's...
if that's okay with you.
So, Vic...
Does Walt seem nervous?
Town-hall debate's
just a week away.
It's game time.
Walt's never been
a big public speaker...
...so I was just wondering
if he's getting nervous.
I'm fine, Branch.
Hey, sheriff.
Any sign of the sister that
got away from you last night?
Just let us know
when you find Gerry Solomon.
Hang that up.
[Walt] So, Tanya was your girlfriend?
How long had you two
been dating?
Six-month anniversary was
coming up in a couple weeks.
She was practically
part of the family.
[Walt] Family.
So, are you close
with Tanya's sister, as well?
[Woman] Not really.
Neither was Tanya.
You aware of much recreational
drug use at the high school?
I've heard some kids
are on Xanax, and...
...Other stuff during finals.
Tanya ever take any pills?
No, no, she...
she wasn't into that stuff.
Did she ever mention someone
named Gerry Solomon?
[Woman] Who's Gerry Solomon?
He's a friend of the family
we're trying to locate him.
Do you think he did this?
We're not sure.
Now, we did notice
some bruises on her face.
Do you know where
those came from?
Tanya and Lorna...
...they used to get into fights.
Real fights.
[Woman] I don't know if I should
say this, but, uh...
...Lorna had addiction issues.
She could have relapsed...
...and if she lost control
of herself...
I... I don't want to
think about it.
[Walt] We need to find Lorna.
She can't stay away
from home forever.
You saw it, right?
Justin was high.
Just checking.
His mom seemed oblivious.
Could you tell when your
daughter was high or drinking?
We never had that problem
in our house.
Every parent thinks that.
Every kid thinks
they're getting away with it.
Cady Longmire?
I'm Lizzie.
- Hi.
- Lizzie Ambrose.
Hi, I'm Cady... which,
apparently, you already know.
I've been bugging your dad
to introduce us...
...for the longest time.
Really? Wha... why?
Oh. Well, I...
...I assumed he
would have mentioned me.
We've been... seeing each other
from time to time.
Oh, well. You know your dad.
Well, it was great
to finally meet you, Cady.
Yeah, it was... it was great.
- Bye.
- Bye.
♪ [rock music plays] ♪
Go ahead. Say it.
What are you talking about?
Henry, please. Deena's great.
And you know
what they say, uh...
...fifth time's the charm.
You buy a ring this time,
or maybe another piano?
She wanted to take lessons!
Ow! [laughs]
Is this why you came
here to judge me?
[Walt] Not the only reason.
I'm trying to find this
fight trainer named Jack Shaw.
Trains a girl named Lorna Dove.
She the girl who was
fighting last night?
Uh-huh. I asked around several
gyms in the county... nothing.
I was thinking maybe
he worked out on the res.
There is a boxing club
on the res.
I can make a call.
See if they have heard of Jack.
Hey, Walt, you want to play me?
I'll beat your ass.
Sorry. I got work to do.
Uh, she's all yours.
Lorna Dove.
Okay, Lorna, let's take five.
Hey! We need to talk to you.
Why did you run off in
such a hurry the other night?
It was my baby's bedtime...
...all right? I didn't have
time to sit around and chat.
But you didn't go home.
We really need to ask you
some questions...
...about your sister Tanya.
She's dead.
What else is there to say?
Why don't you step out
of the ring so we can talk?
No, thanks. I'm done talking.
Jack, let's go.
Jack, put 'em up!
Look. We can talk here, or I can
bring you into the station.
Fine. You want to spar?
Let's spar.
But if I win, you talk.
♪ [rock music plays] ♪
I'm ready to talk now.
[Walt] How did you know
Tanya was dead?
That kind of news gets around.
Where did you go
last night, Lorna?
When I saw you at the bar...
...I figured Tanya was
in some kind of trouble.
I thought that
if I could find Tanya...
...maybe I can get her out of
whatever mess she was in.
Then I talked to
her boyfriend...
...and I found out
what really happened.
After I found out, I just drove.
You know, the car
helps the baby sleep.
Then I came here and slept.
You know, it's quieter here
at night than in my apartment.
Any idea where these came from?
A guy named Gerry Solomon.
This was in your house.
Is it yours?
[Lorna] No.
Is it your sister's?
I don't know.
I tried to keep her
out of trouble...
...but I came home a couple
weeks ago, and she was high.
Tanya said it was no big deal.
It was just painkillers.
But once you start down that
road, it's tough to turn back.
I know. I was messed up.
But l-I turned my life around.
Now, I'm just trying
to scare Tanya straight.
I heard you may have
hit Tanya before.
Is that true?
Who told you that?
That kind of news gets around.
After I found out
about the painkillers...
...I signed Tanya up for a...
...rehab outpatient
program on the res, but...
...Tanya blew it off.
We got into an argument,
and I hit her.
I told her if she was gonna
get high on painkillers...
...then she was gonna have to
feel a little pain.
So you admit to
beating your sister.
And when we came to
talk to you about it, you fled.
Lorna was fighting
the night that Tanya died.
So there's no way she could have
done this terrible thing.
Go find who killed Tanya.
Lorna and me...
...got training to do.
My brain's a little mushy...
...but Tanya didn't die
the night she was found.
She died at least
24 hours earlier.
And if Tanya and Lorna's
fights at home...
...were 1/10 of
what I just felt...
...it could have
gotten out of hand.
We should check and see
if Lorna has any guns.
How do you endure this much pain
and not take any painkillers?
I don't know how Lorna does it.
Maybe she doesn't.
[Walt] Ruby.
Hey, sheriff. Lizzie called.
And Vic wanted you to know
that she couldn't find...
...any guns purchased
by Lorna Dove.
And a reporter
from the 'Durant Courant'...
...wanted a quote from you about
the town-hall debate next week.
Thanks, Ruby.
And I look forward to the
opportunity to share my ideas...
...for a modern approach
to law enforcement.
[Chuckles] No, thank you.
What's up?
I was hoping, after you're done
talking to the press...
...you'd, uh, apply
your modern approach...
...to finding Gerry Solomon.
Who are you?
I'm Gerry Solomon. Uh...
...deputy Connally said
you wanted to talk to me.
I do.
[Walt] You been
out of town, Mr. Solomon?
Well, I've been spending
a few weeks with my daughter...
...over in Tinsley.
What's this all about, sheriff?
I'm interested in your
Oxycodone prescription.
Now, we found this somewhere
it shouldn't have been.
Well, I really
shouldn't say anything.
I... I don't want any trouble.
Actually, Gerry,
the way things stand...
...you already got trouble.
Now, the best way to shake it
is to tell me what you know.
Three weeks ago...
...some kids broke into my house
in the middle of the night.
All they wanted was my pills,
and they knew I had them.
Was this girl one of them?
How about her?
No. They were all boys.
Why didn't you file
a police report?
Well, they said
if I called the...
they'd come back and kill me.
I was scared, sheriff.
That's why I've been staying
with my daughter.
I'm gonna need you to look
at some pictures...
...see if you recognize the
people that stole your pills.
Well, I don't think I can,
sheriff. I... I'm sorry. I can't.
Gerry, those pills seem to
be involved in a wrongful death.
And if you can't point out
for us who stole them...
...we're gonna have to assume
that you sold them illegally.
Did you, Gerry?
[Boys exclaiming]
[Boy] Yo, yo...
give 'em back.
♪ [hip-hop plays] ♪
That look like him?
How is it that kids out here
in the middle of nowhere...
...still manage to look like
Philly gangsters?
They all watch
the same TV shows.
Boys, we have a problem.
We ain't got a problem.
Yeah, we do.
We need to know who you've
been selling drugs to.
The only thing we ever sold
was magazine subscriptions...
...to help out our school.
That ain't easy.
It's a digital age.
Here's another thing
that ain't easy...
...that's doing time
for breaking and entering...
...and murder.
Unless you start
answering my questions...
...you can kiss
your digital life goodbye.
So, you ever sell
any magazines to Tanya Dove?
Nah, man. We used to sell it
to her older sister.
Lorna Dove used to be
a real reader.
That girl loved her magazines.
And then she got all cleaned up,
and she came and she made it...
...real clear to us
she didn't want us selling no...
...magazine subscriptions
to her little sister.
So you never sold drugs
to Tanya?
One time.
But then Lorna got all up
in our grill about it.
Like I said,
she was a good customer.
You got to reward loyalty.
So we don't sell no magazines
to Tanya no more.
Plus, we didn't need some girl
going all MMA on us.
We ain't fighters.
We're lovers.
What about this guy?
Ha-ha! McLovin!
He's a nerd from a movie.
What kind of magazines
you sell to McLovin?
You lied to me, Justin.
You told me you didn't know
anything about drugs...
...then I find out you're
buying them on the street.
- No, l-I didn't buy any...
- I don't have the patience...
...for more dishonesty, Justin.
So unless you want me
to go tell your mother...
...that you're
buying and taking drugs...
...you'll start answering
my questions, right now.
Please, don't tell my mom.
Okay, so, yeah,
Tanya kind of liked to party.
I bought her some stuff
a couple of times.
Like Oxycodone?
Those guys wouldn't
sell to Tanya.
They were afraid Lorna
would go ape-shit.
Watch your language.
When did you buy those?
A couple weeks ago.
You buy anything more recently,
like oxy-or Hydrocodone?
No. She wanted me to.
Tanya ran out of pills,
and she was jonesing.
But buying oxy off...
...of gangbangers
kind of freaked me out.
if Tanya had pills on her...
...I don't know how she got 'em.
I don't know.
I wasn't telling you the truth
before, but I am now.
Tell me one more thing, Justin.
You ran out of pills.
You didn't have anything
to give Tanya.
What were you on yesterday
when we interviewed you?
Friend gave me a joint
when he found out about Tanya.
You're not gonna tell my mom,
are you?
- Lizzie.
- Hey.
- Ah...
- Hi.
Oh, I am so sorry about
interrupting your special night.
Oh, that wasn't your fault.
I only hope you didn't
get in trouble for your part...
...in my little plan.
Walt hasn't even
mentioned it yet.
[Walt] What are you two
talking about?
[Lizzie] Nothing.
That's what concerns me.
I actually came to talk to you.
First of all, I'm sorry
about the whole... false alarm.
I hope you're not too mad.
Well, truth be told,
that's the...
...that's the best home invasion
call I've ever gone on.
You said "first of all."
Usually means there's
more than one topic.
Yeah. Why haven't you told
your daughter about us?
How do you know what Cady
knows or doesn't know?
I ran into her today.
Today? Here, in Durant?
How do you know
what she looks like?
Well, not from you
introducing us, obviously...
...but you do have
pictures of her.
Huh. Is that my gift?
...I'm sorry. L-I haven't had
a chance to, uh, um...
I wanted you to be here
when I... when I opened it.
Um, you know what?
I'm... I'm sorry.
You're absolutely right.
I should tell Cady about you.
In fact...
...I should do it right now.
How do you know she is back?
Lizzie just saw her
on the street.
I tried calling, I went by
her house, but nothing.
You heard from her?
Not since the one e-mail
last month.
You seen her?
You're not scared
to tell me, are you?
I am not.
Why would she not come
to talk to either one of us?
Sheriff Longmire.
Oh. Sorry.
Uh, there's a call on line one.
Would you like me
to take a message?
[Walt] Lorna just threatened
Tanya's friend Lucy Samms.
The best fighters don't always
make the best people, sheriff.
But Lorna's got a good heart.
She's harassing people.
Where is she, Jack?
She left the little one with me
a couple hours ago...
...said she'd be up later
to pick her up.
Can't you leave her be?
She's been through a lot.
Doesn't put her outside the law.
Do you know where she is?
But I'm gonna
look for her right now...
...so don't hassle me.
You said she was
coming back here.
I don't feel like waiting.
Then I'll come with you.
[Lorna moaning]
I never tapped out.
[Lorna] I'm sorry.
Did you do something wrong?
I didn't take
good enough care of her.
Right now we need to focus on
taking care of you.
So, tell me
what happened to you.
I was so angry...
About Tanya...
I... I couldn't think straight.
It was like I was looking
at the world through a tunnel...
...and everything
else was black.
I know how that feels.
I just knew somebody...
...had to pay
for what happened to her.
Who did this?
And after I threw
the first few punches...
...I remembered my baby...
...and how I had to get back
and take care of her.
...It was too late.
They were already beating on me.
There was so many of them.
How many?
- [Siren wailing]
- Stop!
[Vic] Turn around,
get on your knees.
- Back up!
- Get your hands up!
- Back it up.
- Let's go!
You want to buy a magazine?
Yo, I got rights, man!
You got all kinds of rights...
...the right to
remain silent...
...the right to a lawyer,
et cetera.
I'm sure you've heard it before!
You don't have the right
to beat a girl!
You don't have the right to have
your two buddies...
...hold her down while you
kick her in the ribs!
And you don't have the right
to scream racial slurs...
...while you punch her
in the face!
Hands behind your back.
Come here.
Come here!
You're the only one without
bruises on your knuckles.
So I know you didn't hit Lorna.
So I'm gonna give
you a chance...
...that the rest of them
won't get.
You tell me who killed
Lorna's little sister...
...and I won't charge you
with murder...
...like the rest
of your buddies.
I never killed anyone.
Then why was Lorna so sure
that you and your friends did?
I don't know.
Tanya owe you money?
No... we only sold to her
the one time, and she paid up.
What about your supplier?
Could Tanya have gone
straight to him?
Come on.
We ain't got no supplier.
We steal 'em, and we sell 'em.
How do you know
who's got the drugs?
How do you know which houses
to rob?
We got a deal
with the pharmacist.
We pay him, and he gives us
the addresses of old people...
...who fill big prescriptions
for painkillers.
And we bust in,
we steal the pills...
...and then we sell 'em
for 10 bucks a pill.
No one's supposed to get hurt.
- Come on.
- Ah!
[Walt] You kind of
disappeared there, Cady.
I just...
...wanted to make sure
it wasn't 'cause of me.
It wasn't.
You want to take a beat on that?
So, where you been?
All over.
Portland, San Francisco, Denver.
- Denver?
- Mm-hmm.
What did you do in Denver?
Nothing worth talking about.
Yeah, well, if you ever do
need to talk about anything...
...I'm here.
I know.
You know I'm not gonna
invite you in, right?
[Laughs] I know. Um...
I'm... I'm just glad
you're home.
And I'm hoping...
...no matter what happens
with all this that...
...we can find a way
to be friends.
Or, at least, friendly.
Don't forget your sign.
You sure?
I got plenty.
I need you to shut down
for a minute...
...let me in the back.
Look, I... I know it's not okay,
but I swear...
...I told those guys
if anybody ever gets hurt...
...this arrangement is over.
That's very noble of you, Gene.
These drugs... these
are covered by...
...insurance companies
and Medicare.
All anybody has to do
is refill their scrips.
There's no harm, no foul.
A girl is dead.
I had nothing to do with that.
No, no, no, no, no.
I can't go to jail.
I'll tell you anything
you want to know.
You give me a list
of all the names you...
...sold to those gangsters...
...and all the Hydrocodone
prescriptions you've...
in the last two months.
So, Barbara,
you recently filled...
...a big prescription
for Hydrocodone.
[Barbara] Yes.
We found the same generic
in Tanya's pocket.
Also found a key to your house.
You know Justin
and his girlfriend...
...- were stealing your pills?
- No, no, no, no.
That's not...
that's not true, okay?
One time she suggested
that we go through the...
...medicine cabinet
for pills... I said no.
Then how did the pills
get in Tanya's pocket?
I don't know.
Well, one of you does.
I... I didn't give
Tanya any pills.
Maybe you didn't give them
to her. But she took them.
And one of you stopped her.
[Barbara] I don't understand.
Spackle. Still not fully set.
That's what happens when you
try to fill a hole this size.
I'll bet it's the same size
as that bullet...
...that entered
Tanya's side...
...hit her heart.
And I'm guessing there used to
be a nice area rug here.
Covered in blood now, probably.
Which one of you threw it out?
One of you gonna tell me,
or should I guess?
Okay, I'll just guess. Justin.
- No! No, wait!
- Let's go.
Wait! Wait!
Wait! I thought she was
an intruder!
I woke up, and I saw somebody
in the room.
I thought it was a man.
And he went into the bathroom.
I was so... I was so scared.
So I... I took the gun
from the side table,
...and when he came out...
...- I shot him...
- Stop saying "him"!
It's not until I got close
that I realized it was Tanya.
Please, Justin, I'm so sorry!
I'm so sorry, Justin.
It was just self-defense.
So why didn't you just
call the police...
...after the shooting, Barbara?
Because I didn't...
...I didn't want...
...I didn't want you
to hate me.
I didn't want to lose
my son this way.
You were at a friend's house
that night...
...and I thought,
if I could just hide her...
...that you would not
have to know.
So I... I took the pills
out of her sweatshirt pocket.
You must have missed one.
And then I used the rug
to drag her out to the car...
...and I put her in the trunk.
And then I... I took her to
the alley, and I left her there.
You assumed people
would blame drug dealers.
Yes, and they should, because
it was drugs that killed her!
Maybe you're right.
The night of the shooting, you
had any of those pills of yours?
My doctor prescribed them
for me.
'Cause I can't help but think...
...if you'd been a little more
...you might not have shot
Tanya Dove.
I'm so sorry.
Lizzie seems nice.
She, uh... She is, um...
...we're not really dating.
Um, not quite. Uh...
- I'm not sure what you'd call it, but, uh...
- Dad.
Relax. It's okay.
I'm, uh... I'm sure
you would have told me...
[Cady] You know, you were right...
...about how I'd feel
once I knew the truth about mom.
You want to talk about it?
Where you been, punk?
Portland. San Francisco.
Dad, I need you
to tell me something.
Are you ever gonna
finish this cabin?
Only if you come around more.
Promise me.
I promise.
ADT security just called.
There's been a break-in.
[Ruby] 11601 Ridge Lane.
[Lizzie] Don't shoot me, sheriff.
I'm unarmed...
among other things.
What if the Ferg
had answered this call?
Well, then he'd have
quite a story to tell.
But the Ferg
didn't take the call.
You did.
About the only kind of call...
...I can get you to answer
these days.
I know. It's, uh...
Just with...
...- uh, the election, and...
- We're not talking about any...
...of that tonight.
I thought you were out of town.
I was.
[Phone rings]
Everything's fine, Ruby.
False alarm.
She wants to talk to you.
Okay. On my way.
[Beer can opens]
More beer for me.
[Siren wails]
[Siren wails]
[Branch] You got to get down low
for a profile.
[Vic] You want to take the pictures?
What I want's a new truck...
like that one.
Ferg, bounce one of those lights
off the wall.
Teacher's pet's gonna
need some shots of the tagging.
Walt had to buy me a new
vehicle. Mine got totaled.
Yeah, boo-hoo.
[Walt] Sorry I'm late.
I was answering another call.
Could have stayed. We got this.
Well, then... Who did it?
Store clerk found her
taking out the trash...
...closing up shop
about an hour ago.
Stiffness of the corpse
and the purple discoloration...
...of her body tells me she's
been dead more than 24 hours.
[Walt] Blood on her clothes.
None on the ground.
This body was dumped here.
That's what I was saying.
Entry wound is in
the side rib area.
With all that blood...
...I'd say the bullet probably
punctured her heart.
There's also bruising
on her face.
She looks Cheyenne.
There's no I.D., but I searched
her pockets...
...and I did find this.
[Vic] Sure as hell doesn't
look like aspirin.
Given our location here,
and the gang signs...
...this might be
a drug-related murder.
I also found a cellphone
in her other pocket.
And this... a key.
[Walt] Branch, see if you can get
a billing address for that...
if you don't mind.
We'll start there.
Ferg, you stay with the girl
till Doc Bloomfield...
...can get here.
No one should be left
in an alley alone.
[Branch] This is the address.
Phone company said the name
on the account is Tanya Dove.
Allow me.
You ready?
- Sheriff's department!
- Sheriff's department!
Think they heard you?
[Walt] Branch, check the bedroom.
Hey, Walt. This is Tanya.
This girl has Tanya's eyes.
Maybe she's got a sister.
Looks like she's got a couple.
No guns or ammo,
but I did find this...
...wedged between
the mattress and the box spring.
Oxy... Codone.
Prescription for Gerry Solomon.
No address.
Maybe that's where our
pill fragment came from.
Branch, since you found
Gerry Solomon's pill bottle...
...see if you can find
Gerry Solomon.
Let me see Tanya's phone.
Thought you didn't know how to
work one of these things.
Yeah, I'm full of surprises.
- [Phone beeping]
- [Walt] Hmm. There's a Lorna Dove.
[Line ringing]
Lorna's not answering.
You got to check the texts.
Walt, nobody
calls each other anymore.
You say that
like it's a good thing.
Uh, the name that pops up
the most...
...on Tanya's list is...
...Lucy Samms.
[Sobbing] I knew something was weird.
I haven't heard from Tanya
in a couple days, but I...
...I just figured that
Lorna took away her phone again.
Is that something
Lorna has done before?
She acts like
she's Tanya's mother.
She's not?
Tanya's mom's in prison
and her dad's dead.
I guess 'cause Lorna's older,
she's, like, in charge.
Was Tanya on any medication or?
No, she wasn't sick or anything.
She take any drugs?
Hang on.
What are you saying?
What she's saying is we want to
know all we can about Tanya.
Tanya would have told me
if she was taking drugs.
We told each other everything.
We're best friends.
Do you know anyone who may
have had a problem with her?
Boyfriends, ex-boyfriends?
Tanya had a boyfriend...
Justin Bollman.
But he's a sweetheart.
We're gonna talk to Justin.
Right now, we really need
to notify her family.
Anyone know
where we can find Lorna?
She work nights or?
Lorna doesn't work. She fights.
♪ [rock music plays] ♪
Excuse me. Excuse me!
We're looking for Lorna Dove.
I'm her trainer.
We need to talk to her.
Lorna's about to fight.
I'd really rather talk
to her first. It's important.
Can't it wait?
The guy that runs this event
is a real prick.
If she's late, he'll scratch
her event from the card.
I'm just asking for 15 minutes.
Well, right after then.
[Crowd shouting]
They pack'em in to see
girls beat each other up.
It's every man's second fantasy.
Vic, keep an eye on the ring.
Hello, Henry.
Strange to find you
so far from home.
You startled me.
Is that a Manhattan?
I have always
enjoyed Manhattans.
Oh, party's over!
Deena, what brings you to town?
I had a nine-ball tournament
in Cheyenne...
...and I can't come through
Cheyenne without thinking...
...about my warrior.
- [Bell dings]
[Announcer] All right,
all right, all right!
Enjoy the fight.
Our first
flyweight event tonight...
...features a local favorite...
Michelle Breen.
And from over in Durant...
Lorna Dove!
- [Cheering]
- Give it up!
Who's the hottie with Henry?
- [Bell dings]
- ♪[rock music plays] ♪
One round.
The girl's tough.
All right, Lorna's gonna
change and then come out...
...- and talk to you...
- I'm kind of in a hurry.
Hey! Hey!
So, I've been watching Lorna
Dove's apartment...
...since last night.
Still no sign of her.
I mean, should I keep waiting,
...should I go check out
the boyfriend's house?
You stay put.
We're heading there.
Just making a stop first.
You call me immediately
if Lorna shows up.
You got it.
[Hangs up phone]
- Hi.
- Excuse us.
Can I help you?
Yeah, I'm wondering
if a Tanya Dove...
...has any
prescriptions on file.
Let me take a look.
Tanya with an "a"?
[Walt] Yeah.
Uh, aside from
a course of antibiotics...
...a year ago, we haven't
filled anything for her.
What about her sister, Lorna?
- [Typing]
- Nope.
Can you tell me
if this is Oxycodone?
Oh, it's hard to tell...
looks generic.
What makes you think it's oxy?
We found this at Tanya's home.
I know Gerry Solomon.
He came in here...
...a month ago after...
...back surgery.
What's he got to do with this?
That's what we're wondering.
Now, if you have
any way to figure out...
...if that pill
came from that bottle...
you'd be saving us a long drive
to the crime lab.
Sure, I'll look that up for you.
So, I'm sure Gerry Solomon's
a really nice old man.
But he wouldn't be
the first person...
...to try and
turn a $10 co-pay...
...into some extra money
by selling his pills.
Okay, it's generic,
but it's not oxy. It's... here.
It's Hydrocodone.
Uh, it's similar to oxy,
but this is definitely not...
...what Gerry walked out with
last month.
Appreciate your time.
Hey, Vic.
You find the pill-bottle guy?
[Branch] Gerry Solomon?
Not yet. He wasn't home.
Left my card and a note
on his door...
...a message on Gerry's
answering machine.
He and Walt must be
the only guys left...
...who still use
answering machines.
So, where are you?
Going to talk to Tanya's...
if that's okay with you.
So, Vic...
Does Walt seem nervous?
Town-hall debate's
just a week away.
It's game time.
Walt's never been
a big public speaker...
...so I was just wondering
if he's getting nervous.
I'm fine, Branch.
Hey, sheriff.
Any sign of the sister that
got away from you last night?
Just let us know
when you find Gerry Solomon.
Hang that up.
[Walt] So, Tanya was your girlfriend?
How long had you two
been dating?
Six-month anniversary was
coming up in a couple weeks.
She was practically
part of the family.
[Walt] Family.
So, are you close
with Tanya's sister, as well?
[Woman] Not really.
Neither was Tanya.
You aware of much recreational
drug use at the high school?
I've heard some kids
are on Xanax, and...
...Other stuff during finals.
Tanya ever take any pills?
No, no, she...
she wasn't into that stuff.
Did she ever mention someone
named Gerry Solomon?
[Woman] Who's Gerry Solomon?
He's a friend of the family
we're trying to locate him.
Do you think he did this?
We're not sure.
Now, we did notice
some bruises on her face.
Do you know where
those came from?
Tanya and Lorna...
...they used to get into fights.
Real fights.
[Woman] I don't know if I should
say this, but, uh...
...Lorna had addiction issues.
She could have relapsed...
...and if she lost control
of herself...
I... I don't want to
think about it.
[Walt] We need to find Lorna.
She can't stay away
from home forever.
You saw it, right?
Justin was high.
Just checking.
His mom seemed oblivious.
Could you tell when your
daughter was high or drinking?
We never had that problem
in our house.
Every parent thinks that.
Every kid thinks
they're getting away with it.
Cady Longmire?
I'm Lizzie.
- Hi.
- Lizzie Ambrose.
Hi, I'm Cady... which,
apparently, you already know.
I've been bugging your dad
to introduce us...
...for the longest time.
Really? Wha... why?
Oh. Well, I...
...I assumed he
would have mentioned me.
We've been... seeing each other
from time to time.
Oh, well. You know your dad.
Well, it was great
to finally meet you, Cady.
Yeah, it was... it was great.
- Bye.
- Bye.
♪ [rock music plays] ♪
Go ahead. Say it.
What are you talking about?
Henry, please. Deena's great.
And you know
what they say, uh...
...fifth time's the charm.
You buy a ring this time,
or maybe another piano?
She wanted to take lessons!
Ow! [laughs]
Is this why you came
here to judge me?
[Walt] Not the only reason.
I'm trying to find this
fight trainer named Jack Shaw.
Trains a girl named Lorna Dove.
She the girl who was
fighting last night?
Uh-huh. I asked around several
gyms in the county... nothing.
I was thinking maybe
he worked out on the res.
There is a boxing club
on the res.
I can make a call.
See if they have heard of Jack.
Hey, Walt, you want to play me?
I'll beat your ass.
Sorry. I got work to do.
Uh, she's all yours.
Lorna Dove.
Okay, Lorna, let's take five.
Hey! We need to talk to you.
Why did you run off in
such a hurry the other night?
It was my baby's bedtime...
...all right? I didn't have
time to sit around and chat.
But you didn't go home.
We really need to ask you
some questions...
...about your sister Tanya.
She's dead.
What else is there to say?
Why don't you step out
of the ring so we can talk?
No, thanks. I'm done talking.
Jack, let's go.
Jack, put 'em up!
Look. We can talk here, or I can
bring you into the station.
Fine. You want to spar?
Let's spar.
But if I win, you talk.
♪ [rock music plays] ♪
I'm ready to talk now.
[Walt] How did you know
Tanya was dead?
That kind of news gets around.
Where did you go
last night, Lorna?
When I saw you at the bar...
...I figured Tanya was
in some kind of trouble.
I thought that
if I could find Tanya...
...maybe I can get her out of
whatever mess she was in.
Then I talked to
her boyfriend...
...and I found out
what really happened.
After I found out, I just drove.
You know, the car
helps the baby sleep.
Then I came here and slept.
You know, it's quieter here
at night than in my apartment.
Any idea where these came from?
A guy named Gerry Solomon.
This was in your house.
Is it yours?
[Lorna] No.
Is it your sister's?
I don't know.
I tried to keep her
out of trouble...
...but I came home a couple
weeks ago, and she was high.
Tanya said it was no big deal.
It was just painkillers.
But once you start down that
road, it's tough to turn back.
I know. I was messed up.
But l-I turned my life around.
Now, I'm just trying
to scare Tanya straight.
I heard you may have
hit Tanya before.
Is that true?
Who told you that?
That kind of news gets around.
After I found out
about the painkillers...
...I signed Tanya up for a...
...rehab outpatient
program on the res, but...
...Tanya blew it off.
We got into an argument,
and I hit her.
I told her if she was gonna
get high on painkillers...
...then she was gonna have to
feel a little pain.
So you admit to
beating your sister.
And when we came to
talk to you about it, you fled.
Lorna was fighting
the night that Tanya died.
So there's no way she could have
done this terrible thing.
Go find who killed Tanya.
Lorna and me...
...got training to do.
My brain's a little mushy...
...but Tanya didn't die
the night she was found.
She died at least
24 hours earlier.
And if Tanya and Lorna's
fights at home...
...were 1/10 of
what I just felt...
...it could have
gotten out of hand.
We should check and see
if Lorna has any guns.
How do you endure this much pain
and not take any painkillers?
I don't know how Lorna does it.
Maybe she doesn't.
[Walt] Ruby.
Hey, sheriff. Lizzie called.
And Vic wanted you to know
that she couldn't find...
...any guns purchased
by Lorna Dove.
And a reporter
from the 'Durant Courant'...
...wanted a quote from you about
the town-hall debate next week.
Thanks, Ruby.
And I look forward to the
opportunity to share my ideas...
...for a modern approach
to law enforcement.
[Chuckles] No, thank you.
What's up?
I was hoping, after you're done
talking to the press...
...you'd, uh, apply
your modern approach...
...to finding Gerry Solomon.
Who are you?
I'm Gerry Solomon. Uh...
...deputy Connally said
you wanted to talk to me.
I do.
[Walt] You been
out of town, Mr. Solomon?
Well, I've been spending
a few weeks with my daughter...
...over in Tinsley.
What's this all about, sheriff?
I'm interested in your
Oxycodone prescription.
Now, we found this somewhere
it shouldn't have been.
Well, I really
shouldn't say anything.
I... I don't want any trouble.
Actually, Gerry,
the way things stand...
...you already got trouble.
Now, the best way to shake it
is to tell me what you know.
Three weeks ago...
...some kids broke into my house
in the middle of the night.
All they wanted was my pills,
and they knew I had them.
Was this girl one of them?
How about her?
No. They were all boys.
Why didn't you file
a police report?
Well, they said
if I called the...
they'd come back and kill me.
I was scared, sheriff.
That's why I've been staying
with my daughter.
I'm gonna need you to look
at some pictures...
...see if you recognize the
people that stole your pills.
Well, I don't think I can,
sheriff. I... I'm sorry. I can't.
Gerry, those pills seem to
be involved in a wrongful death.
And if you can't point out
for us who stole them...
...we're gonna have to assume
that you sold them illegally.
Did you, Gerry?
[Boys exclaiming]
[Boy] Yo, yo...
give 'em back.
♪ [hip-hop plays] ♪
That look like him?
How is it that kids out here
in the middle of nowhere...
...still manage to look like
Philly gangsters?
They all watch
the same TV shows.
Boys, we have a problem.
We ain't got a problem.
Yeah, we do.
We need to know who you've
been selling drugs to.
The only thing we ever sold
was magazine subscriptions...
...to help out our school.
That ain't easy.
It's a digital age.
Here's another thing
that ain't easy...
...that's doing time
for breaking and entering...
...and murder.
Unless you start
answering my questions...
...you can kiss
your digital life goodbye.
So, you ever sell
any magazines to Tanya Dove?
Nah, man. We used to sell it
to her older sister.
Lorna Dove used to be
a real reader.
That girl loved her magazines.
And then she got all cleaned up,
and she came and she made it...
...real clear to us
she didn't want us selling no...
...magazine subscriptions
to her little sister.
So you never sold drugs
to Tanya?
One time.
But then Lorna got all up
in our grill about it.
Like I said,
she was a good customer.
You got to reward loyalty.
So we don't sell no magazines
to Tanya no more.
Plus, we didn't need some girl
going all MMA on us.
We ain't fighters.
We're lovers.
What about this guy?
Ha-ha! McLovin!
He's a nerd from a movie.
What kind of magazines
you sell to McLovin?
You lied to me, Justin.
You told me you didn't know
anything about drugs...
...then I find out you're
buying them on the street.
- No, l-I didn't buy any...
- I don't have the patience...
...for more dishonesty, Justin.
So unless you want me
to go tell your mother...
...that you're
buying and taking drugs...
...you'll start answering
my questions, right now.
Please, don't tell my mom.
Okay, so, yeah,
Tanya kind of liked to party.
I bought her some stuff
a couple of times.
Like Oxycodone?
Those guys wouldn't
sell to Tanya.
They were afraid Lorna
would go ape-shit.
Watch your language.
When did you buy those?
A couple weeks ago.
You buy anything more recently,
like oxy-or Hydrocodone?
No. She wanted me to.
Tanya ran out of pills,
and she was jonesing.
But buying oxy off...
...of gangbangers
kind of freaked me out.
if Tanya had pills on her...
...I don't know how she got 'em.
I don't know.
I wasn't telling you the truth
before, but I am now.
Tell me one more thing, Justin.
You ran out of pills.
You didn't have anything
to give Tanya.
What were you on yesterday
when we interviewed you?
Friend gave me a joint
when he found out about Tanya.
You're not gonna tell my mom,
are you?
- Lizzie.
- Hey.
- Ah...
- Hi.
Oh, I am so sorry about
interrupting your special night.
Oh, that wasn't your fault.
I only hope you didn't
get in trouble for your part...
...in my little plan.
Walt hasn't even
mentioned it yet.
[Walt] What are you two
talking about?
[Lizzie] Nothing.
That's what concerns me.
I actually came to talk to you.
First of all, I'm sorry
about the whole... false alarm.
I hope you're not too mad.
Well, truth be told,
that's the...
...that's the best home invasion
call I've ever gone on.
You said "first of all."
Usually means there's
more than one topic.
Yeah. Why haven't you told
your daughter about us?
How do you know what Cady
knows or doesn't know?
I ran into her today.
Today? Here, in Durant?
How do you know
what she looks like?
Well, not from you
introducing us, obviously...
...but you do have
pictures of her.
Huh. Is that my gift?
...I'm sorry. L-I haven't had
a chance to, uh, um...
I wanted you to be here
when I... when I opened it.
Um, you know what?
I'm... I'm sorry.
You're absolutely right.
I should tell Cady about you.
In fact...
...I should do it right now.
How do you know she is back?
Lizzie just saw her
on the street.
I tried calling, I went by
her house, but nothing.
You heard from her?
Not since the one e-mail
last month.
You seen her?
You're not scared
to tell me, are you?
I am not.
Why would she not come
to talk to either one of us?
Sheriff Longmire.
Oh. Sorry.
Uh, there's a call on line one.
Would you like me
to take a message?
[Walt] Lorna just threatened
Tanya's friend Lucy Samms.
The best fighters don't always
make the best people, sheriff.
But Lorna's got a good heart.
She's harassing people.
Where is she, Jack?
She left the little one with me
a couple hours ago...
...said she'd be up later
to pick her up.
Can't you leave her be?
She's been through a lot.
Doesn't put her outside the law.
Do you know where she is?
But I'm gonna
look for her right now...
...so don't hassle me.
You said she was
coming back here.
I don't feel like waiting.
Then I'll come with you.
[Lorna moaning]
I never tapped out.
[Lorna] I'm sorry.
Did you do something wrong?
I didn't take
good enough care of her.
Right now we need to focus on
taking care of you.
So, tell me
what happened to you.
I was so angry...
About Tanya...
I... I couldn't think straight.
It was like I was looking
at the world through a tunnel...
...and everything
else was black.
I know how that feels.
I just knew somebody...
...had to pay
for what happened to her.
Who did this?
And after I threw
the first few punches...
...I remembered my baby...
...and how I had to get back
and take care of her.
...It was too late.
They were already beating on me.
There was so many of them.
How many?
- [Siren wailing]
- Stop!
[Vic] Turn around,
get on your knees.
- Back up!
- Get your hands up!
- Back it up.
- Let's go!
You want to buy a magazine?
Yo, I got rights, man!
You got all kinds of rights...
...the right to
remain silent...
...the right to a lawyer,
et cetera.
I'm sure you've heard it before!
You don't have the right
to beat a girl!
You don't have the right to have
your two buddies...
...hold her down while you
kick her in the ribs!
And you don't have the right
to scream racial slurs...
...while you punch her
in the face!
Hands behind your back.
Come here.
Come here!
You're the only one without
bruises on your knuckles.
So I know you didn't hit Lorna.
So I'm gonna give
you a chance...
...that the rest of them
won't get.
You tell me who killed
Lorna's little sister...
...and I won't charge you
with murder...
...like the rest
of your buddies.
I never killed anyone.
Then why was Lorna so sure
that you and your friends did?
I don't know.
Tanya owe you money?
No... we only sold to her
the one time, and she paid up.
What about your supplier?
Could Tanya have gone
straight to him?
Come on.
We ain't got no supplier.
We steal 'em, and we sell 'em.
How do you know
who's got the drugs?
How do you know which houses
to rob?
We got a deal
with the pharmacist.
We pay him, and he gives us
the addresses of old people...
...who fill big prescriptions
for painkillers.
And we bust in,
we steal the pills...
...and then we sell 'em
for 10 bucks a pill.
No one's supposed to get hurt.
- Come on.
- Ah!
[Walt] You kind of
disappeared there, Cady.
I just...
...wanted to make sure
it wasn't 'cause of me.
It wasn't.
You want to take a beat on that?
So, where you been?
All over.
Portland, San Francisco, Denver.
- Denver?
- Mm-hmm.
What did you do in Denver?
Nothing worth talking about.
Yeah, well, if you ever do
need to talk about anything...
...I'm here.
I know.
You know I'm not gonna
invite you in, right?
[Laughs] I know. Um...
I'm... I'm just glad
you're home.
And I'm hoping...
...no matter what happens
with all this that...
...we can find a way
to be friends.
Or, at least, friendly.
Don't forget your sign.
You sure?
I got plenty.
I need you to shut down
for a minute...
...let me in the back.
Look, I... I know it's not okay,
but I swear...
...I told those guys
if anybody ever gets hurt...
...this arrangement is over.
That's very noble of you, Gene.
These drugs... these
are covered by...
...insurance companies
and Medicare.
All anybody has to do
is refill their scrips.
There's no harm, no foul.
A girl is dead.
I had nothing to do with that.
No, no, no, no, no.
I can't go to jail.
I'll tell you anything
you want to know.
You give me a list
of all the names you...
...sold to those gangsters...
...and all the Hydrocodone
prescriptions you've...
in the last two months.
So, Barbara,
you recently filled...
...a big prescription
for Hydrocodone.
[Barbara] Yes.
We found the same generic
in Tanya's pocket.
Also found a key to your house.
You know Justin
and his girlfriend...
...- were stealing your pills?
- No, no, no, no.
That's not...
that's not true, okay?
One time she suggested
that we go through the...
...medicine cabinet
for pills... I said no.
Then how did the pills
get in Tanya's pocket?
I don't know.
Well, one of you does.
I... I didn't give
Tanya any pills.
Maybe you didn't give them
to her. But she took them.
And one of you stopped her.
[Barbara] I don't understand.
Spackle. Still not fully set.
That's what happens when you
try to fill a hole this size.
I'll bet it's the same size
as that bullet...
...that entered
Tanya's side...
...hit her heart.
And I'm guessing there used to
be a nice area rug here.
Covered in blood now, probably.
Which one of you threw it out?
One of you gonna tell me,
or should I guess?
Okay, I'll just guess. Justin.
- No! No, wait!
- Let's go.
Wait! Wait!
Wait! I thought she was
an intruder!
I woke up, and I saw somebody
in the room.
I thought it was a man.
And he went into the bathroom.
I was so... I was so scared.
So I... I took the gun
from the side table,
...and when he came out...
...- I shot him...
- Stop saying "him"!
It's not until I got close
that I realized it was Tanya.
Please, Justin, I'm so sorry!
I'm so sorry, Justin.
It was just self-defense.
So why didn't you just
call the police...
...after the shooting, Barbara?
Because I didn't...
...I didn't want...
...I didn't want you
to hate me.
I didn't want to lose
my son this way.
You were at a friend's house
that night...
...and I thought,
if I could just hide her...
...that you would not
have to know.
So I... I took the pills
out of her sweatshirt pocket.
You must have missed one.
And then I used the rug
to drag her out to the car...
...and I put her in the trunk.
And then I... I took her to
the alley, and I left her there.
You assumed people
would blame drug dealers.
Yes, and they should, because
it was drugs that killed her!
Maybe you're right.
The night of the shooting, you
had any of those pills of yours?
My doctor prescribed them
for me.
'Cause I can't help but think...
...if you'd been a little more
...you might not have shot
Tanya Dove.
I'm so sorry.
Lizzie seems nice.
She, uh... She is, um...
...we're not really dating.
Um, not quite. Uh...
- I'm not sure what you'd call it, but, uh...
- Dad.
Relax. It's okay.
I'm, uh... I'm sure
you would have told me...
[Cady] You know, you were right...
...about how I'd feel
once I knew the truth about mom.
You want to talk about it?
Where you been, punk?
Portland. San Francisco.
Dad, I need you
to tell me something.
Are you ever gonna
finish this cabin?
Only if you come around more.
Promise me.
I promise.