Limitless (2015–2016): Season 1, Episode 6 - Side Effects May Include... - full transcript

Brian's physical and mental health begin to deteriorate again as Morra demands a high price in exchange for another inoculation.

My name is Brian Finch.

I was your average 28-year-old screw-up
until I took a pill called NZT.

Suddenly I had access
to every brain cell.

And that's why the FBI hired me.

Brian Finch, Rebecca Harris. We're
with the FBI. God, that sounds cool.

There's just one problem. NZT will
kill you, unless you have this shot.

Now you can have as much NZT
as you want with no side effects.

My name's Sands.

You belong to Mr. Morra now,
which means you belong to me.

We know quite a lot about NZT.
FBI's playing catch-up.

I want you to find out exactly
what they know and bring it to me.

BRIAN: I made a copy of this file.
I can't tell you exactly how I got it.

But I do think you should know
what's inside.

The FBI knew your father was on NZT
before he died.

Rebecca, they've known since before
you started working at the CJC.

- Where'd you get this?
- Naz's office.

You stole it?

They're giving me that drug every day.

Naz showed me the files
on the FBI studies.

Yeah, but your dad
wasn't part of the FBI trials.

They were also tracking civilians
who they thought might be using NZT.

Why didn't Naz tell me this?

Why are you telling me this
when I could send you to jail for it?

I thought you'd wanna know.

I do.

I wanna know why my boss has a file
on my murdered father

and didn't tell me.

I wanna know what happened to him.

I wanna know
what the FBI had to do with it.

I'll help you.

REBECCA". We can't let anyone know
what we're doing.

It doesn't say
who was following your dad

or how long the FBI was tracking him,

just some background on him
and this one note.

"Upper East Side NZT cluster."

My father was a painter.
He was broke his whole life.

There was nothing Upper East Side
about him.

Well, no, he went to rehab there.
The, uh... New Springs Recovery Center.

That place costs
thousands of dollars a week.

Celebrities go there.
He couldn't afford that.

Well, he was there. I mean, it says
he was discharged September 2013.

And the FBI thinks he got his NZT
from the Upper East Side.

Might be worth checking out.

Boyle's always had my back.
I don't wanna drag him into this.

H! tell him Fm running something down
for my old boss in Criminal.

- BRIAN: What about Mike and Ike?
- I'll tell them you're working for me.

You need to be able
to come and go for a few days.

All right. That's it?
We're locked and loaded?


- Yeah?
- Thank you.

BRIAN: I just made you an accessory
to a crime. Don't thank me.

- Morning.
- BOTH: Morning.

Rebecca, could I see you
in my office, please?


I assume you're familiar
with the concept of a red team?

You mean like a war game?

The Pentagon
stages inter-agency exercises

to test our readiness
for different threat scenarios.

This time they're looking
at what would happen

in the wake of a cyberattack
on the economy.

A blue team represents the US
and its interests from Washington.

A red team play the enemy
based here in New York.

I will be working with EAD Paulson
to head up that red team.

Sounds like quite an honor.

Yeah, it is.
It's also quite an undertaking.

Which is why they've asked me

to select an exceptional agent
to participate this time.

What do you say?

That's very flattering. Um...

I have a brutal case load right now,
so maybe Boyle can help you.

I chose you.

Director Avery played on three different
red teams when he was coming up.

This is how careers are made.

REBECCA". Are you kidding me?

She smiled at me like we were sealing
some kind of pact or something.

- That woman is not my mentor.
- No, but she thinks she is.

And you gotta kind of let her. I mean,
you know you have to do this, right?

It's three days
of sitting right beside Naz.

That's true, but, on the bright side,
it does keep her busy.

And plus you get to be
the bad guys, right?

You're kind of mad at the whole
military-industrial thing right now,

so burn it all to the ground.

Anarchy in the streets.

You make yourself
the barbarian queen of New York City

and I'll go to the rehab center
and see what I can find about your dad.

Fine. Just... don't get caught
breaking in there.

I'm not gonna break in.

Hi, my name is Mike Ikerson
and I'm an addict.

Welcome to New Springs.

So, tell me have you been...

BRIAN: Suffice it to say,
Mike Ikerson has issues.

Hi, everybody. My name's Mike.

A lot o! issues.

I'm happy to be here.

T do think he made some breakthroughs
in group therapy, though.

Unfortunately there was
only so much time for introspection.

Thank you.

And t got myself
in front of those files eventually.

After! made my way through all of them,

Mike Ikerson was ready
to lace the world a sober man.

All right, thanks a lot.
I feel a lot better.

WOMAN: Sir, are you OK? Sir?

It turns out
there are plenty of exciting reasons

for sudden hearing and vision changes.

Brain tumors, strokes... Fun stuff.

- Hey.

Learn anything?

Not a ton. I mean, your dad made it
all the way through treatment.

With flying colors,
according to his file.

My dad was good at charming therapists.
Is that it?

There was one thing.
Your dad had this notation in his file.

It said: "Weekly consult with AE."

I read the files of everyone
who was there at the same time as him.

There were only four people
who had that notation.

Any idea what that means?

They're all connected
to your dad somehow.

So if we can track one of them down,
maybe they know something.

Well, give me the names.

I have to digest this enormous thing
by tomorrow, but maybe I can help.

- Brian?

Are you OK?

Yeah. Uh, think I have
bad sinuses or something.

- Probably coming down with a cold.
- You should go home.

Oh, thank you for this,
and for doing this, all of it.

Bad sinuses? Come on, man.

You don't need the internet
to know what's up with you.

When you stole those files
from Naz's office,

you remember that video
of the government NZT studies?

Day 11 for preliminary human trials
for NZT-48.

In the last 24 hours, [our patients
describe episodes o! metamorphopsia

and concurrent aphasia.

Yeah, she's talking about
distorted vision,

difficulty understanding speech.

You're having NZT side effects, buddy.
Your immunity shot's wearing off.

Where's that booster shot Sands
promised you for committing treason?


I was wondering
how long it'd take you to get in touch.

- How are you feeling, Brian?
- I need that shot.

Seen any white flashes lately?
Speech not sounding quite right?

Why would you want me
to have side effects?

We wanted to get you
in the right frame of mind.

You see, the senator has a job for you.

It's Rebecca Harris.

I told Mr. Morra
that you were growing close to her.

- We're concerned it's a distraction.
- What do you care?

As long as I do what you say,
what do you care?

There's also the issue of her father.

She has the potential to be
uniquely motivated to investigate NZT.

We'd prefer if she didn't.

We want her gone.


I'm not telling you to murder her, mate.

Just get her away from you.

If Agent Harris were to be found

in possession of those files
from Naz's office,

I'd imagine that would do the trick.

So you want me to frame her?

That would get her
kicked out of the FBI. She'd go to jail.

- That's the idea.
- No. I'm not doing that ever.

So you're gonna have to think
of something else.

You're thinking again, Brian?

As always, the only way
is the way we prescribe.

You feel some loyalty to this woman.
That's fine, for now.

In a day, two days, when it feels like
your brain is on fire,

you'll be willing to skin
Rebecca Harris alive for that shot.

Let's not have it come to that, eh?

Things are not as they should be.

Over the past week,

subjects have complained
about memory loss,

extreme paranoia...

Get 'em out of me!

WOMAN: We see signs o! rapid ageing
and encroaching psychosis.

Attempts to discontinue NZT use sent
one patient into a withdrawal so severe

that we currently have him
in a medically induced coma.

I found your microchip!

It's unclear at present
what's more dangerous,

providing the pills or withholding them.


BRIAN: III take that pill,
I get side effects.

But I! I wanna be smart enough to
figure out how to stop the side effects,

I have to take the pill.

Yeah, there's a problem.

♪ >a' Now you're gonna die a'

Aren't you supposed to be finding out
what happened to her dad?

I'll get to that. I'm in a little bit
of a situation at the moment.

I noticed. Well, let's run your options.

I could figure out how to make

whatever's in that shot
that Senator Morra gave me.

Yeah, but it took him months
and millions of dollars to do that.

Doesn't work on our timeline.

I could find someone else
who has the shot.

OK, so who?

If the government knew how to make it,
they wouldn't need you.

What about whoever invented NZT?

Do you know who that is? Doubt it,
cos if you know it, I know it.

And I don't know it.

OK, what if I just stop taking NZT,
just walk away, quit?

Sure, then the government
throws you in jail

for violating your agreement with them,

if the withdrawal
doesn't kill you first.

Devil's advocate?
What if you do what Sands wants?

You mean throw Rebecca under the bus?
Not an option.

OK, so what, then? Die a slow
and mind-bendingly terrible death?

Really not an option.

OK, what if I go
straight to Senator Morra?

He and I can work something out that
doesn't mean sending Rebecca to jail.

It's risky. Every time you go
around Sands, bad things happen.

Worse than a slow,
mind-bendingly terrible death?


How do you even get close
to someone like Senator Morra?

It's not easy to get to him,

but it might be possible
to talk to people close to him.

Hi there.

So I have footage of Senator Morra
in bed with the majority leader's wife.

A third party jumps in there too
after a while. Not sure who that is yet.

I was gonna put it on the market,

unless somebody here
wants to make a preemptive bid?

Wait for it.

Any minute now.


Ha-ha! It's a screamer! Got you!

So, no, I didn't have a video
of Eddie Morra having a threesome.

But by the time I left his offices,
I had something almost as good,

a cellphone belonging
to the director of his field office,

whose son's birthday,
I saw on her calendar, is April 10th.

Mr. Morra, it's Brian Finch. it's urgent
that we speak. Just you and me. Please.


Subject 12
complains of time displacement.

MORRA". I will contact you.

BRIAN: Text from Edward Morra.
That was the only response I got.

All I could do was wait.


Welcome to the red team.

We are a group
of Chinese-sponsored saboteurs

with a mandate
to destroy the US economy,

and we've got the first move.


Are you really gonna make me
call on someone?

Rebecca Harris, who works with me
here at the CJC in New York,

she had some interesting thoughts
during prep.

PAULSON: Is that true, Agent Harris?

If the question is how do we destroy the
economy with the resources we've got...

...we can't.

Anyone else?

In the current conditions,
we have enough manpower

to launch one sabotage op,
if we aren't too ambitious.

We need to create more resources.

We need protesters and looters.
We need chaos.

We could use social media to spread
rumors that cops are cracking down.

We would need an image
that would galvanize people,

so I say we stage a photo
of a cop in riot gear

shooting a community leader.

And how do we stage that?

However we have to,
even if we have to shoot someone.

Your protégée comes to play.

BRIAN: Still waiting to hear something,
anything, from Senator Morra.

I mean, he can't even text me?

- REBECCA: Brian.
- Hey.

- Are you feeling OK?
- What?

Yeah, I just had some hot tea.
It's for my sinuses.

Oh, hey, how'd it go today,
conquering New York and whatnot?

Are you ruling
from atop a pile of human skulls?

Not yet. I did bond with Naz, though.
At least, she thinks we bonded.

Well, let her.
She has to think things are normal.

Things are anything but normal.

Speaking of which,
I did some research today.

- That's my father.
- Yeah.

I tracked down those people
from your dad's rehab group.

All of them were at absolute bottom

when they went into treatment
at New Springs.

Your dad had just been arrested.
Marcus Thaite had his third DUI.

Susan Epstein's own daughter left her
on the sidewalk outside of an ER.

But the moment they got out,
things changed.

Your father started painting again.

Marcus Thaite was a contractor
before he was an addict.

After he got out of rehab, he rebuilt
his family's house from the ground up.

- He built that by himself?
- Mm-hm.

Jeremy Dyer, he was awarded four patents
in the first six months he got clean.

He sold one for $11 million.

I mean, everyone who was
at that weekly consult with AE in rehab

turned their lives around completely.

- You think they were all on NZT.
- Mm-hm.

These five were the only ones at New
Springs that turned their lives around.

But they did have
one other thing in common.

- They all went missing?
- Gone without a trace.

The only one I could account for is your
dad, and that's just because he was...

- He turned up in the East River.
- Mm-hm.

They all disappeared
within a month of each other?

- Mm-hm.
- 613 Lexington Avenue?

Yeah, so I went to see the families
of everyone here.

I dug through anything they had saved,
cellphones, address books, calendars.

After their time at New Springs,
they all went their separate ways.

Except, once a week,
they all met at that address.

- What's there?
- I'll show you.

MAN: The story o! Ubient is not just
a story o! pharmaceutical manufacturing.

It's the story
o! a small group o! people

who took their fascination

with unlocking the potential
of the human brain to the world stage.

Our passion for neuropharmacology

informs every decision
that we make, from finding...

So my dad and all of the others,
they were taking NZT,

and once a week they went to an office
for a company that made neuroenhancers?

Do you think they were studying NZT?

What if they were the ones
who invented it?

We need to figure out who AE is.

Yeah, no kidding. That company might
know what happened to Rebecca's dad.

And they might know
how to stop these side effects too.

Senator Morra's gone silent.

So if anyone's gonna help me,
it's these guys.

BRIAN: Side effects may include...

Memory loss, extreme paranoia,
rapid ageing, encroaching psychosis.

- Andrew Epperly.
- I did a lot of digging around.

There are plenty of people with
the initials AE that work at Ubient,

but I think this is our guy.

- Neurochemist?
- Harvard, MIT.

His name
is on all of these research papers.

Neurochemical regulation of sleep,
chemical synapse manipulation.

This one is on the human trials he ran
at Ubient with drugs on dementia.

Wait, whoa. Human trials?

What if your dad and those patients
were part of some kind of trial for NZT?

I mean, if Andrew Epperly
was running them,

maybe that's why he went to see them
at New Springs.

It's too bad we can't ask him.
He's dead.

He died in a boating accident
off the coast of Maine last year.

Well, you know, even if he was
running some kind of trial,

he wouldn't have been able
to do it by himself.

There's gotta be someone else at Ubient
that knows something.

Let me know what you find out.
I gotta go.


Hey, Finch. Finch.

Hey, Boyle, what's up, man?

I'm covering a couple of Rebecca's cases
while she's out,

and I'm hitting a little bit of a wall
on this Moldovan bank fraud.

Can you look at these transactions,
see if they make any sense to you?

Uh, yeah, of course.
I'm actually really glad you asked.

- I'll get right on that.
- Thanks.

What? Do I have something on my face?



WOMAN: Extreme paranoia
and encroaching psychosis.

Yeah, sorry. I'm... fine. Mm-hm.

OK. All right.
Anyway, um... thanks for the help.


Hi. I need to speak
to someone important.

Do you have an appointment?

No, but just tell them I'm hereto speak
about Andrew Epperly's NZT trials.

Wow. You guys really do look important.

Now, I'm sure you're all very busy
running Ubient Pharmaceutical,

so let's save us all some time.

I know your company
was researching NZT.

Sir, we have never heard of NZT.


If that was true,
I wouldn't have made it past reception.

Now, I know Andrew Epperly
was conducting human trials.

Andrew Epperly is not an employee
of Ubient Pharmaceutical.

While he was an employee
of Ubient Pharmaceutical.

I need to see his research,

specifically anything on counteracting
the side effects of NZT.


And I need any records you have
of the trial participants,

specifically Conrad Harris.

Give me those things
and I don't go to the press with this.

Sir, there was no trial
of any drug called NZT at Ubient.

Andrew Epperly enjoyed a tremendous
degree of autonomy while he worked here,

which, I should add, he no longer does.

Dr. Epperly
tragically passed away last year.

I'm sorry. We can't help you.

Are you all right?

I take it you've all read the blue
team's response to our opening salvo,

or should I say Agent Harris's.

The protesters are now up against
around-the-clock NYPD patrols

and a citywide curfew.

If we organize the protesters,
that might mean more.

That's easier said than done,
of course, but I...


Agent Harris?

Excuse me.

- Are you OK?
- BRIAN: They know, Rebecca.

I was in there with the top people

and they were pretending
not to know what NZT is.

They were saying
Epperly doesn't work there anymore,

that there never was any research
and he's dead now.

Brian, slow down.

Look, they clearly don't want anyone
to make any association

between Ubient and NZT.

I think they might have
done something to Epperly

and maybe
all of those research patients.

But I know the research is in there.

I just gotta get back inside
and find the records.

Are you sure? You sound strange.

I'm fine.



What the hell?


Wh... What's going on?
What am I doing here?

You wanted to meet,
or so you texted.

I texted Senator Morra.

So, here we are.

You were telling me you haven't done
what I asked regarding Agent Harris.

No. No, I haven't.
I can't. I can't do that.

There must be some other way
that doesn't mean ruining her life.

Excuse me.

It's only gonna get worse.

It'll be tomorrow's pill
or the next one,

but you keep going on like this,

one of these days Brian Finch is going
away and he's never coming back.

It's time to think about you now.

Rebecca can't save you, Brian.

Only you can.

Where the hell'd you go yesterday?
You hung up on me.

You didn't answer your phone all night.

[ECHOES] What's going on?

- I had a rough night.
- Are you sick?

I don't know. I just feel weird.

I may need to stop taking NZT.

I'm gonna make you
a doctor's appointment.

- No, no, no, no.
- Yes.


As soon as t get called into
that doctor's office, it's game over.

The FBI is gonna know
I'm not really immune.

H! go to jail. What?

I have to figure out
where that note came from.

If Epperly's alive, he might have
the enzyme to reverse the side effects.

He might know
what happened to Rebecca's dad.

I need NZT for this.

Something wrong?


It's a regulation NZT pill.

This pill is the best shot I have
at remembering where this came from,

and hopefully it doesn't plunge me
into a permanent psychosis.


I'm so sorry you're going through this.

That woman from Ubient.

She wrote the note.

Oh, hey. I was just coming to find you.

What the hell?

- What's the matter with you?
- Sorry, man.

I'm just a little bit jumpy.

By the blue team's own estimate,

our uprising will be crushed
within a matter of hours.

What if we distract them?

And how do you propose distracting
the entire US military?

Right. Plan C.

During the Cold War, the FBI was rumored
to keep a list of names

of people that were to be rounded up
in the event of a crisis like this.

Politicians, artists,
even foreign diplomats.

Anyone who could be labeled subversive.

What if we leak a list of names
like this with millions of people on it?

We could turn half the country
against the government.

And foreign countries would mobilize
to protect their diplomats.

A multi-front conflict.

Agent Harris... remind me
to never get on your bad side.

WOMAN: I will never admit to having this
conversation. You need to know that.

Andrew Epperly came to me a while back.

He said he needed funds for some study
that would change everything.

He didn't give me any details.

I gave him the money.
I didn't ask any questions.

OK, and that was the NZT study?

We didn't know about it until...

until after
the first test subject disappeared.

Andrew was panicking. We panicked.

We destroyed all the research
right before Andrew disappeared.

Why... Why do you think
Epperly's still alive?

About six months after he died,
I got a letter at home.

No postmark, no return address.

It just said,
"You're not guilty of anything. I am."

I think he faked his own death,

so he could get away from everything.

Did he know
how to stop the side effects?

I don't know. If you can find Andrew,
maybe he can help you.

- Good luck.
- God.

BRIAN 2: Do you really have the time to
find a guy who doesn't want to be found?

I don't have a choice!


If it's you or her,
personally I'm a fan of you.

I'm going to find Epperly.

If he's really alive,
he's the key to everything.

The word is out about you.

Your countermeasure made it all the way
up the ladder, to the director.

Wow. I mean... how?

Apparently Director Avery decided to
participate in the exercise this year,

return to his roots.

He was playing for the blue team.

I didn't realize... I... I wouldn't have
said all of those things about Plan C.

Well, he called me directly,
said he loved your countermeasure

and your ability to think outside
of the box, and he wants to meet you.


Oh, wow.

- Well, that's sudden. Um...

Will you excuse me just a moment?

Where are you? I got a text from Boyle
that you were acting weird.

- You have to be a little smoother.
- You need to go see Andrew Epperly.

- I'm sending you his address.
- Epperly's dead.

Brian, why did you leave
your doctor's appointment this morning?

Epperly faked his death.
He's in Connecticut.

He's living under the name
Daniel Kennedy.

- We can drive up there tonight.
- I can't go. I'm sick or something.

OK, I'm coming to get you. If there's
something wrong, we need to...

Rebecca, go to Epperly.
Find out about your dad.

Ask him for anything he knows,
everything he knows, about NZT,

everything about the side effects of
NZT, if there's a way to reverse them.

Are you having side effects?
Is that what's going on?

- Just go, OK?
- Just please stay on the phone.

H! find you
and we can figure this out.


This is Brian. Leave a message.

Rebecca. ls everything OK?

Is there any way we can postpone
this meeting? It's very sudden.

Rebecca, when the director of the FBI
wants to meet you,

you meet the director.

Don't worry,
I'll have Jordan find you a train.

Great. I just need to go home
and pack a bag, then.


Where the hell are you?

Yes, this is Agent Rebecca Harris
from the CJC in New York.

I'm supposed to meet
with the director in the morning,

but unfortunately
something has come up.


Things are not as they should be.


Subjects have complained
about memory loss, extreme paranoia.

Brian, it's not safe.

Oh! Watch it, man!

Brian, they're trying to kill you.

Who the hell are you?

My name is Rebecca Harris,

and if I were you,
I wouldn't shoot a federal agent.

You're Conrad's daughter.

We almost lost you there, Brian.


Don't worry. You're gonna be just fine.

Take it slow.

You've been through a lot.

You hit your head, but you're
gonna be OK once the shot kicks in.

No. No, no, no.

Brian, it's OK. It's over.

I'm not gonna frame Rebecca.

I know. I never thought you would.

- What?
- I didn't think you'd do it.

I just needed to know
what your limits are,

if you're somebody
who just takes orders like Sands

or if you're somebody who has...

So, what, that was some kind of a test?

- I could've died.
- I would never let that happen to you.

And what about Rebecca?
Her dad was taking NZT.

She's not gonna just let that go.

I'm not worried about Rebecca.
This is about you, Brian.

About whether you're just an employee
or somebody who can be a partner.

A partner?

You threatened my family.
You threatened my friends.

All you've ever seen
is the ugly side of what we do,

but there's so much more, Brian.

There's rice?

This rice contains
a complete nutritional profile,

everything the human body needs.

It can grow
in the harshest environments,

places we need it the most.

With a little more research,
this rice could feed the entire world.

I don't understand.
Why can't you tell anyone about it?

I mean, if that's true, why aren't you
shouting it from the rooftops?

Because people won't want it.

I make an announcement,
lobbyists bring it to action,

people rave over GMOs and it's buried.

Science can't change the world
on its own.

The world needs to be willing to change.
And it takes leaders.

Leaders who are willing
to chip away at the obstacles,

cut through the noise and play the game,
and win the game.

- And that's you?
- I think so.

With people like you helping me,
I think so.

I mean what I say
about wanting a partner.

Five NZT pills.

Those weren't just hollow words.

What are those for?

Whatever you want.

Think of it as a discretionary fund.

A token of my... trust in your judgment.

I need you to tell me
everything you know about NZT.

The side effects, how to reverse them.

- I don't know of any way.
- You studied it. You ran trials.

You gave it to my father,
to other patients.

Did the NZT side effects kill them?
Is that what happened?

It's not like that.
There were side effects, yes.

But I didn't know anything about them
at the time.

And the NZT helped them too.
I was trying to help people.

- My father's dead.
- I know that.

- But the NZT did not kill him.
- Then what happened?

Did you kill him? Did you kill all
the other patients to cover your tracks?

No. Your father, all of them,
they weren't just... test subjects.

They were my patients. The NZT wasn't
like the other stuff they'd been taking.

It gave them a chance
to get back on track.

So you invented NZT to give addicts
a chance to pull their lives together?

No, I didn't invent NZT.

My father was in the early stages
of Alzheimer's when I got an email.

I have no idea who sent it.

But the message was a chemical formula
for a nootropic compound.

I had never seen anything like it
and I thought it could help my father.

- But I couldn't wait for the FDA.
- So Ubient agreed to it?

- They didn't know.
- When did they find out?

Ubient didn't know
anything about the study

until several of the patients
had already disappeared.

- What happened to all of them?
- I don't know.

Your dad was one of the success stories.
He was doing well.

But I suspected
he'd started sharing his NZT.

It was popping up all over the city.

I was worried he'd get himself
into trouble, so I cut him off.

So NZT was all over the city.
Where did it go?

That's the question.

One minute it was everywhere
and then it started to disappear.

And then the people who had it
started to disappear.

People from the trial. Your dad.

It was like... some kind of purge.

Someone was clamping down on NZT.

- Who was that?
- I don't know.


- You're OK.
- Yeah, sorry about that.

I just wasn't feeling myself.

You didn't answer me yesterday.
Are you having side effects from NZT?

You know, I thought I was,
but I feel great today.

And that's not really
how side effects work, right?

So, um, I'm sorry I worried you.

Worried is an understatement.

I went to see Andrew Epperly last night.

- Yeah? What happened?
- He doesn't know of any antidote.

- What about your dad?
- He gave my dad NZT.

All of the patients, actually.
But I don't think he killed them.

- I think it was someone else.

Someone with resources.

And I think I'm about to be fired.

- You wanted to see me?
- Yeah.

Close the door and sit down, please.

I got a call from the director's office.
You canceled your meeting.

- I'm sorry. I just...
- How long have you known?

About your father, the file?

You know,
I couldn't put my finger on it at first.

But there was something
about your attitude. A shift.

And then you blow off the meeting
with the director.

You don't do that
unless you no longer want a career here.

So I tried to think
why you would do that.

And there was really
only one good explanation.

NZT is going to change
the entire world, Rebecca.

This division
has to stay in front of it.

- And that's why I'm here.
- It's not that simple.

I got this job
a month after my father died.

You must've made the connection.

Sure I did.
I read the file on Conrad Harris.

I saw that he had a daughter
working Criminal right here in New York,

so I looked into her and I saw an agent
who was inexperienced

but smart, resourceful, tenacious,

someone who could help us with NZT,
someone who would want to.

And I planned on showing you the file.

That's easy to say now.

You don't have to believe me.
That is entirely up to you.

But you need the Bureau's
highest level of clearance

to read the full NZT records.

Legally, that is. And to get that
clearance, you need to advance.

And to advance,
you need people to notice you.

And that's why I put you
on the red team.

And I covered for you with the director.

I told him it was a misunderstanding,
my fault.

- I bought you 48 hours.
- Thank you.

- Was it Finch?
- No.

Would you tell me if it was?

♪ >A' Oh, yeah a'