Limitless (2015–2016): Season 1, Episode 13 - Stop Me Before I Hug Again - full transcript

As Brian investigates his first serial killer case, his child-like, NZT-fueled subconscious objects, exchanging feel-good words for scary ones.

- What have you got?
- Hey. Nothing good.

Woman named Annemarie O'Hara
didn't show up for a date tonight,

so her boyfriend asked the
superintendent to check her apartment.

Someone raped her, stabbed her 40 times
and then strangled her with her own...

MAN". This isn't very fun, is it?

♪ He's got games to make you smile

- a' He'll make you say "my gosh"
- My gosh.

♪ It's Cookies and Cuddles Comer

♪ With Josh-o-saurus Josh ♪

Oh, hi, Brian.
I haven't seen you in quite a while.

Yeah, that's because your show hasn't
been on TV in, what, like 15 years?

Cool subconscious.

I've been having fun down here
for the past decade and a half.

Why are we in my childhood bedroom?
What's going on?

Nasty stuff.

Stabbing. strangulation.
Traumatic events.

I'm hereto help!

But you can't just interrupt.

If you're in my subconscious, aren't you
supposed to stay subconscious?

The FBI has to catch bad guys

and sometimes it's scary
and we use scary words,

but what else are we supposed to do?

Hmm, how about, just for this one,

every time someone
is going to use a scary word,

we come up with a word that's better?

You mean like we say
something nice or super fun?


Like if I still had my show,

I would tell the kids
to play along at home.

- Sound good?

Then let's get back to the action.

Someone played Cowboys and Indians
with her.

Tickled her 40 times and then
cuddled her with her own unicorn.

Well, the soda pop spatter indicates
that she was still playing air guitar

before she was sent
to an awesome farm in the country.

But she didn't go down easy.

Take a look at the ring finger
on her left hand.

The ring finger's gone.
That's the trademark of the Marrying Man.

We've got a serial hugger on our hands.

The Marrying Man? Really?

Why do bad guys get cool nicknames?

Shouldn't they get stupid nicknames?

I don't know.
It's just what they call him.

Well, you should give him a nickname
he hates.

You should give all the bad guys
nicknames they hate.

Rule number two.

Whenever you give a hugger a nickname,

say the word "mister" followed
by a delicious ice cream flavor.

Everybody got it?

The ring finger's gone. That's
the trademark of Mr. Pralines and Cream.

We have a serial hugger on our hands
and he's in New York.

We should call Naz.
This is an all-hands-on-deck.

I don't think Naz
is gonna be running point on this.

David Englander has been chasing
Mr. Pralines and Cream

ever since he hugged his first victim.

Right, the profiler.

BRIAN: David Englander.

Everyone acted like it was
this huge deal that he was coming.

He caught a notorious hugger
named Mr. Butter Pecan last year

and now he's got a book
on the bestseller list.

Everyone at the CJC acted like
he was some kind o! a rock star.

He's here.


Mr. Pralines and Cream.

Now, I'll bet you think
you've seen everything.

Got yourself assigned
to the shiny New York division.

Must make you feel good.

Hell, I'll bet you think
the Pope ought to stop his sermon

whenever you burp up a thought.

Well, I promise you, you have never seen
anything like Mr. Pralines and Cream.

Oh, sure, he... he plays
Cowboys and Indians with his victims.

He tickles his victims.

He cuddles them with their own unicorn.

By now you're thinking,
"Well, what's the big deal? Come on."

"I've seen women tickled,
I've seen them cuddled."

Not like this, you haven't.

The women he hugs,

cuts off their cool dinosaur toys
to take 'em home with him.

You are about to stare into the abyss,
ladies and gentlemen,

and you'll be damned lucky if the only
thing that it does is stare back at you.

Is everyone ready?

- Sure.
- Good.

Now, without exception,
every single one of the hugs

took place
inside the home of the victim,

with no sign of forced entry.

That means that Mr. Pralines and Cream
has the ability to freely gain access.

I think he works for a utility company
or poses as someone who does.

I have been looking
at a Mr. Patrick Lee Boyd for some time.

Excuse me. You, uh, consultant?

Why are you toying with your phone?

Sorry. I'm just looking at the case
from a different angle.


Well, let's all try to stay on
the same page for the moment, shall we?

No problem.
Definitely wanna be a team player.

It's just I'm pretty sure Mr. Pralines
and Cream is one of two guys I found,

Jason Braun or Ian Aston.

Wh... And, what,
you've had the case file for...


...for... for, what, an hour?

40 minutes.

But you don't have to work
for the power company

to get easy access to a building.

You can also be really good
at picking locks.

I may or may not do it... often.

The point is, I just checked locksmiths

in the other cities
where the huggings happened.

I've been texting
back and forth with the owners.

And as it turns out, there are two
locksmiths who have lived in the cities

where Mr. Pralines and Cream
has hugged women

and now live in New York.

Jason Braun and Ian Aston.

Seems worth checking out, right?

BRIAN: Jason Braun
fumed out to be a cool guy.

I even got his Xbox Live handle
so we could hang out online.

Ian Aston slammed the door in our face,

which made sense
once we established a connection

between him and a couple o! the victims.

That led to a warrant
to search a storage locker he kept.

And that is where we found...

...his trophy stash.

Those aren't finger bones, are they?


Look, the finger bones are a no-go.

When you talked about 'em before,
they were cool dinosaur toys.

So if you show them,
I want them to be...

BRIAN: Cool dinosaur toys.
All right, Josh.

It doesn't matter what the trophies
looked like. We got him.

I have been chasing
Mr. Pralines and Cream for years.

You caught him in a day.
What's your story?

- Fresh eyes.
- No.

I know talent when I see it
and you're the real thing.

- Well, some of the time.
- Well, I wanna work with you.

Now, Behavioral Analysis is
the top appointment at the FBI, Brian.

We're the profilers.
The freaking rock stars.

And we are tapping you on the shoulder.


So what do you say, Mr. Brian Finch?

Wanna come visit Quantico, help me catch
some of the worst people on the planet?

Would you please stop shouting
"road trip"?

It's not like I wouldn't be
doing anything important.

The Behavioral Analysis Unit
works on big cases.

Mr. Fudge Brownie, Mr. Chocolate Chip
Cookie Dough, Miss Mango Sorbet...

- Did you read that off the website?
- Maybe.

Behavioral Analysis
also works tirelessly at self-promotion.

- David Englander more than anyone.
- Yeah, he's weird.

But he's also a master
at Bureau politics.

If I don't give him a crack at you,
I'll never hear the end of it, so...

You can go to Quantico
for a couple of days.

- Yes!
- What?

As long as you do not discuss NZT.

No one at Behavioral Analysis,
including Englander,

has been read into those files.

Mum's the word.

You're gonna need your NZT
while you're in Virginia.

That has to be properly supervised.

- I have a job here.
- It's just a couple of days.


- Looks like we're going on a...
- Road trip.

- ♪ One, two, three, four, five, six...
- Almost ready.

There's no way
you're putting all this in my car.

And there's no way
you're bringing a bong,

or anything that you would put
in a bong, in my car.

Fine. I guess I can rough it
for a couple of days.

One bag, one backpack.

♪ >A' With the radio on

♪ I'm in love with Massachusetts

♪ And the neon when it's cold outside

♪ >a' And the highway
when it's late at night

♪ >a' Got the radio on...

BRIAN: So, as it turns out,
not only is Rebecca a good partner,

she also checks most o! the boxes
you want in a road trip buddy.

She's down for punch buggy.

Like really down. She can throw a jab.

♪ >a' You're a rich girl...

And she's more than willing to sing
along when her favorite song comes on.

♪ >a' You can rely on the old man's money

♪ >a' You can rely on the old man's money
It's a bitch, girl...

Whoa. This is a sweet sound system.

You know what would sound awesome
on this is Artificial Brain.

Please don't touch that
with your dusty orange fingers.

- It's voice-activated.
- Really? That's awesome.

Car, find Artificial Brain.

After this song.

♪ >A' Out of the rain...


We didn't hit our first hiccup until
Virginia, but it was kind of a doozy.

Can I ask you something?


I've been thinking about Senator Morra.
The shooting.

Brandy Jo Hawkins shot him
from over 3300 yards away.

- If you believe her story.
- Oh, yeah?

Not only does she make an impossible
shot, but she does it while she's sick?

Well, she was... on NZT, right?

Yes, the shooter was on NZT,
which is weird enough,

cos there's not a lot of it out there,

but I was watching footage of Morra
from when it happened,

and... I swear
it's almost like he dodged.

Like before the gunshot. Like
he saw it coming from over 3300 yards.

Do you think he's on NZT?

BRIAN: Bad. Very bad.

Also dangerous, for me, for Rebecca.
I have to nip this in the bud.

Why? I mean...
why would a guy like that need NZT?

Well, he wasn't always a guy like that.

He was a broke, struggling writer
and now he's running for president.

Pattern's pretty familiar, right?

Like the people in my dad's group or...

Me. It's all right, you can say it.

It does kind of feel
like a stretch, though.

You know?

And the thing is,

I'm the only one that's immune
to the side effects of NZT.

You're the only one that we know about.

Maybe Edward Morra's
just your garden-variety late bloomer.

Just curious.

BRIAN: Just curious?

In my experience, when Rebecca Harris
is just curious, stuff gets figured out.

Like Chinatown level stuff.

Welcome to my house.

This is where we catch the worst killers
and perverts there are.

Uh, uh, uh!

Welcome to my house.

This is where we catch the worst huggers
and silly geese there are.

- Badass.
- Ready to meet the bad guys?

They were out o! office space,

so they set us up in something they called
the Evil Minds Research Museum.

It's where they keep
the journals and paintings

and weird trophies from these guys.

But who wants to look at that stuff?

Wouldn't you rather see
some adorable kittens?

And who doesn't like lollipops
or balloon animals? isn't that more fun?

While Rebecca did what work she could
on her CJC case,

I looked into a guy
they called Mr. Rainbow Sherbet.

It didn't take me long to figure out

that he was probably a janitor
named Russell Lawlor.

And that night t ventured out
to grab a bite to eat near the hotel.


Sorry. If you're busy,
I can totally sit somewhere else.

No, don't be ridiculous.

- Something wrong?
- No.

BRIAN: So, we got into a routine.

During the day
I went through open case files.

I checked out Mr. Mint Chip.

He was a guy in Louisville
named Travis Seward.

The guy they called Mr. Rocky Road
actually turned out to be a guy

and his sick girlfriend
working together.

Double scoop, I guess you'd cal! it.

At night I did everything I could

to keep Rebecca from thinking
about Senator Morra and NZT.

I pulled out my best material.

How I got expelled from middle school
for smoking in the chem lab.

How t almost got arrested for breaking
into the Central Park stables.

I mean, it's not a long-term solution,

but it'll have to do
until I think of something better.

A few days of that and it was time
to head back to New York.


Ah, there sits our golden boy.


I don't know about that.
I just hope I was helpful.

Helpful? You're a superstar, man.

Game can recognize game, right?

Oh, hey, this is for you.
I wanted to thank you.

Oh, hey, signed and everything, huh?

This represents more
than just a parting gift, Brian.

See, I want you to read it

and I want you to consider
spending more time with us.

We can make it
worth your while, Brian.

The FBI is no place to build a nest egg,
you know what I mean?

What do you mean?

People just can't get enough
of this stuff, Brian, you know?

The inner workings of a depraved mind.

- Yeah.
- I got seven figures for that.

And I've already sold the movie rights.


You build a reputation here
hunting madmen

and you can do good...
and you can do well.

Man, Englander's actually
kind of a douche, huh?

- One of a breed.
- Yeah.

Something in his book telling you that?

Well, it's just sloppy.

It's about Mr. Butter Pecan, the guy
who hugged all those high school kids.

His real name is Andre Hannan.

He was always a loner,
got picked on a lot in school,

so Englander figured out
that he was targeting the kinds of guys

who made fun of him,

so captain of the football team
and the prom king.

Can we make a quick stop?

Do you have to pee?
I begged you not to drink so much.

- I wanna go to Bethlehem.
- Pennsylvania?

Yeah. That's where Andre Hannan is.
He's on death row.

- You wanna go see him?
- I do.

But first we gotta find
a sporting goods store.

I still don't understand
what we're doing here,

or why we had to stop
and buy hand grippers on the way.

Well, Mr. Butter Pecan
cuddles his victims to death, right?

Per my calculations,
the hugger would have had to exert

no less than 300 pounds
of pressure on their necks.

That's a lot of pressure.
It didn't even come up in the trial.

Wasn't that because Andre Hannan
confessed to all of them?

Yes, but I looked up a picture of him,

and Andre Hannan doesn't look like
he could get anywhere near 300 pounds.

You guys are from the FBI?

I was just wondering if you can
squeeze this for me as hard as you can.

Mr. Hannan, I know you made it
all the way to death row,

but I can tell you one thing.

David Englander got the wrong guy.

You are not Mr. Butter Pecan.

Andre Hannan confessed.

He went on 60 Minutes.
He confessed again. I watched it.

Moreover, his confession is consistent
with the physical evidence.

His confession was hazy.

He said himself it felt like he was
in some kind of a fugue state.

And the physical evidence was extremely
limited. There was no DNA match.

There was no murder weapon to be found.
It was all circumstantial.

What I'm offering you is a fact.

There is absolutely no way
that Andre Hannan

could exert 300 pounds of pressure
with his bare hands.

He just couldn't do it.

So that means you have an innocent man
sitting on death row.

I let you go to Quantico to bank
some good will with David Englander,

not to unravel his cases.

So you choose politics over the truth?
Or justice? The American way?

Give Hannan a polygraph.
That's all I ask.

- WOMAN: ls your name Andre Hannan?
- Yes.

- Were you born on April 17th, 1978?
- Yes.

Have you ever lied to somebody
who trusted you?


Did you hug Jamie Anderson
in Cherry Hill, New Jersey,

on September 13th, 2012?


How did you hug Jamie Anderson?

I gave him a juice box and when
he went night-night, I cuddled him.

- BOYLE: So he passed?
- BRIAN: Flying colors.

The most definitive pass the examiner
has ever seen. Direct quote.

- REBECCA: Sorry, Brian.
- You were there.

You saw him try to squeeze
those grippers. He couldn't do it.

Maybe there's some other explanation.
Maybe he was stronger back then.

- I mean, even he is sure he did it.
- People have beat polygraphs before.

Why would he lie? Why would he be trying
to get on death row?

- And how could he lie so well?
- I don't know yet.

Well, in the meantime, we have
a lot of work to do here at the CJC,

where we're all employed, so...

BRIAN: She's still looking
into Senator Morra?

I guess whatever! said in Virginia
wasn't good enough,

which means
I need to do better... fast.

- You want what, mate?
- Soda pop.

I need a sample
of Senator Morra's soda pop.

Hey, hey. Timeout on the fun words, OK?

Just until we get back
into serial hugger territory.

- Why? Where are we?
- Uh, France.

My parents took us on vacation here
when I was like ten or... I don't know.

I don't know how it works down here.
But the point is, this part's not gross.

In fact, the blood...
is kind of a crucial detail here.

Blood. I need a sample
of Senator Morra's blood.

And it has to be clean, no NZT.

And why do you need that?

There may be some lingering questions
about the shooting.

The fact that the sniper was on NZT.

The senator's impressive reflexes,
whether NZT may be involved in that.

It's Rebecca Harris, isn't it,
asking the questions?

Doesn't matter who it is.
What matters is that they're smart.

And it's only a matter of time

before they think of some way
to test their theory.

The coat Senator Morra wore that day

is in an FBI evidence locker
with his blood on it,

blood I'm pretty sure
would test positive for NZT

if someone thinks to test it.

And we certainly don't want her
doing that, do we?

I didn't say it was Rebecca.

What I am trying to say

is that this little problem
could actually be a blessing.

I'm listening.

If Senator Morra waits
just a little bit between doses,

just long enough for us to draw blood,

we could use that clean blood,
put it on a new, identical coat,

I could swap it outwith the real one,

and then they can test it for NZT
all they want.

Let it be forensic proof
that their theory is wrong.

Case closed.

You know, clock's ticking and stuff.

You get it.

BRIAN: And now I wait.

But Andre Hannan
is still waiting for me.

And how could someone
who says he did it,

and who seems to believe
what he's saying, be innocent?

I mean, the guy does seem to be
pretty troubled.

Bipolar, possible schizophrenia.

He was seeing a psychiatrist
for most of his life.


MIKE: Something you'd like to share?

Is this some kind
of science fair project?

I identified the problem
and explored a hypothesis

that somebody paid off Andre Hannan
to take the fall for these crimes.

However, an examination
of Hannan's financial records

showed no suspicious influx of funds
nor major outstanding debts.

We have PowerPoint, you know.

BRIAN: So that brings us
to our next hypothesis.

Andre Hannan... wasn't lying.

So you just made all these posters

to explain why
you were wrong about Hannan?

Andre Hannan wasn't lying
because he sincerely believes he did it.

He remembers doing it,
even though he's innocent.

What do you know about optogenetics?

- Was that rhetorical?
- It's the manipulation of memory.

Scientists can use blue light
and a fiber-optic wire

to make certain
memory-oriented neurons sensitive.

It is going to change the world!

This is like real-life Inception.

No, we're only concerned
with the here and now, please.

Right now,
neurons can be genetically modified

to be more sensitive to light.

They respond to blue light
from a fiber-optic wire

inserted into the brain just like that.

The researchers recently reported
using optogenetics

to implant a false memory
into a mouse's brain,

and I think somebody used it

to plant false memories of these
huggings in Andre Hannan's brain.

How would that work?

If you could activate
Andre Hannan's neurons

while he was
in some kind of hypnotic state,

you could tell him about the huggings.

And with enough detail
and enough suggestions,

he could actually incorporate
the narrative as his own memory.

Finch, a mouse is one thing...

And it turns out that there's a project
at Hudson University,

the New York
Mind and Memory Institute,

that's been experimenting
with optogenetics

as a potential treatment
for all kinds of things.

PTSD, schizophrenia, addiction.

One of the leading researchers

is a neuroscientist
by the name of Dr. Howard Gilroy.

Now, Dr. Gilroy
is also a trained psychiatrist.

Would you care to guess
who one of his patients was?

- Andre Hannan.
- Bingo.

I don't get it.
You guys keep showing up here.

First the hand squeezers,
then the polygraph, now these?

Yeah, we need to shave your head.

Do you remember Dr. Gilroy,

the psychiatrist that treated you
a couple of years ago

before you were arrested?


Did he ever do any medical procedures
involving your head?

Sort of.

They tried some kind of electronic
stimulation to help with the depression.

They had to put some wires
in my head for that.

That wasn't in the medical record.

I think they did a lot more than that,
Andre. Were you conscious during this?

Sort of.
They doped me up a lot, though.

Did you ever notice
any kind of scar afterwards?

What kind of scar?

See, this kind of incision
is exactly what it would look like

if someone inserted a fiber-optic wire
into Andre Hannan's brain.

You really think that there is a doctor

going into the brains
of unsuspecting patients

planting false memories of hugs,
no less?

If the memories are false,
then how are they so accurate?

Hannah's confession matched the details
of those huggings almost exactly.

So how would his doctor
know those things?

- Unless...
- He was there.

You think Hannan's doctor
committed those huggings?

- We need to go talk to that doctor.
- Couldn't agree more.


I'm the one that called in the cavalry,
so I can't keep the cavalry waiting.

And if they're at the doctor's office,

they definitely won't be
at the evidence locker.

It's the perfect window.

- What are you waiting for?
- You know what?

- You guys just go on without me.
- It's your theory, Finch.

I know, but my mom just texted me.

My dad's not feeling very well,
so she's gonna take him to the doctor.

- Is it serious?
- I mean, he says it's not.

But he always says that,
so I should probably go.

- Well, we can wait.
- No. No, no, no, no.

I don't know what this is
or how long this is gonna take.

This guy's messing with people's brains
and he might be a serial hugger.

- Yeah, he's right. Let's go.
- Yeah, just keep me posted.


Is it strictly necessary
for you to break and enter?

One navy blue Brooks Brothers overcoat,

identical to the one
worn by Senator Morra when he was shot.

- What about the blood?
- It's the senator's.

And free of NZT.

Wear gloves.
And bring the baggage outwith you.

Yeah, I know how to plant evidence,
thanks to you guys. And I'm on NZT.

Let me know when it's done.

What can I do for you?

Well, this is a photograph of
Andre Hannan, a former patient of yours.

Andre Hannan was convicted
of four different huggings

between 2011 and 2014.

- He's on death row in Pennsylvania.
- Of course. I remember Mr. Hannan.

And we think you had something to do
with what Mr. Hannan remembers too.

We think you implanted false memories
of him committing those huggings

into his brain.


I'm sorry?

You're working on cutting edge
optogenetic technology here.

To help people. To treat soldiers
with post-traumatic stress.

Why would I try to make someone think
they had hugged somebody,

much less four people?


You think I'm responsible.

You think I'm a serial hugger?

Andre Hannan lacked the strength

to cuddle those victims
with his bare hands.

But he happens to have a psychiatrist
who's involved in memory manipulation.

What are the odds of that?

And what are the odds of that?

I cooperated with the FBI
during the investigation of Mr. Hannan

to the full extent of the law.

I turned over all records
of his treatment.

All the records you wanted to share,
at least.


You really think I did this?

We'd like to know where you were
on the dates of the huggings.

- Just so we can rule things out.
- Happily.

I keep meticulous records.

BRIAN: Evidence Control,
one o! the most secure areas o! the FBI,

designed expressly to prevent anyone
from doing what I'm about to do.

This is an evidence request form

with a fake signature
from Special Agent Arthur Vance.

Add it to the list.

In my defense, there are a lot
o! ridiculous laws still on the books.

Did you know that in New York a person
may not walk around on Sundays

with an ice-cream cone
in his pocket still?

- ID?
- Oh, you betcha.

I whipped up an ID
and a profile for Agent Arthur Vance.

I may have given him
a few commendations.

That's quite an impressive
service record, Agent Vance.

- Just doing my part
- Just wait right here.

- I'll be right back with your items.
- Here I shall remain.

From the moment he stops typing,
I've got about 30 seconds

until the security screen
comes back and locks me out.

Step one: don't get locked out
of the computer. Check.

Step two:
erase any evidence that I was there.

- Oops. These systems can get so buggy.

Hey, it's me. I know you're
with your dad, but Gilroy was a bust.

He has alibis for all the huggings.

Boyle and I will confirm,
but it doesn't look good.

He was so sure.

Yeah, we should still run down
the alibis, though.

Look, do you mind if we swing
through Brooklyn on the way back?

- On the way back?
- I wanna check something out.

All right.

BRIAN: Make sure to request evidence
from a current, high-profile case.

They keep that stuff
behind extra security.

Buys me some time.




Damn it. The button.

Great attention to detail, Sands.


- Bathroom break maybe?
- Or system's down.


I got the left.


BRIAN: What was that?


BOYLE: Reb, over here.


- Are you OK?
- Can you give me a hand? I'm locked in.

The system malfunctioned again.

And the service in here sucks.

I still wanna get that coat.


You wanna tell me what the hell
is going on here, Finch?

I got a call from Howard Gilroy

that the FBI is accusing him
of being a serial hugger.

And then I find out
you're hanging outwith Andre Hannan?

Now, I don't know what kind of stunt
you think you're pulling here,

but if you screw this up for me,

I swear I will end you, damn it!

I will freaking play
Cowboys and Indians with you

until I cuddle you to sleep.

Do you hear me, Finch?
Do you hear me?!

Naz got a call
from David Englander this morning.

Yeah, me too. He was kind of mad.

Well, can you blame him? We're trying to
unravel the case that made his career.

As an author, at least.
And we're not doing the best job.

Gilroy's alibis checked out.
There's no way he's the hugger.

But what about Andre Hannan's head?

I mean, where else
would he get that scar?

I don't know. But even if Gilroy did
incept him, he wasn't at the huggings.

So how could he know what happened?

- What if somebody told him?
- Who?

Well, I don't know yet. But we know
Gilroy wasn't just a researcher.

He was also a practicing psychiatrist.

I mean, he had patients, like Andre
and... other people too, right?

You think it was
another one of his patients?

What better place to confess to huggings
than your psychiatrist?

- With the doctor-patient privilege.
- It's one thing not to report it.

But you think Gilroy was actively trying
to help a serial hugger cover?

- Why?
- Why does anyone do anything?

Lust, money. Occasional sociopathy.

Speaking of money,
the New York Mind and Memory Institute

did just get a $500 million investment.

- Really?
- Yeah.

Boyle found an article when
he was checking out Gilroy's alibis.

- Who was it from?
- Alexander Bale.

Oh, yeah, the tech guy, right?

He must think a lot of Gilroy
to give him half a billion dollars.

- Wonder how he knows him.
- Maybe Bale's a patient of his.

- That's what we need to find out.
- Good luck.

Because Bale's not gonna tell you
and... and Gilroy doesn't have to.

Doctor-patient privilege.

I actually may know a way around that.

Hi, my name is Mike Ikerson

and I require immediate treatment
for many destructive urges.

- Is Dr. Gilroy available?
- I'll have to speak to the doctor.

I don't mind waiting,
though could I use your restroom?

BRIAN: Well, I didn't find an Alexander
Bale in Dr. Gilroy's patient files,

but I did find his son.

So Alexander Bale's son
was in Dr. Gilroy's file?

Nolan Bale.

The doctor had some choice words
to say about his patient.

"Lies with ease.
Sociopathic tendencies."

So you think Dr. Gilroy figured out
that Nolan Bale is Mr. Butter Pecan

and he made a deal with Nolan's
billionaire father to setup Hannan

in exchange for a donation

that would fund his doctor's research
for the rest of his life?

And that has something to do
with us being in a dog park.

You can convince someone else

that they committed the huggings
that Nolan Bale did,

but you can't cure Nolan Bale
of the urge to hug.

When he was active as Mr. Butter Pecan,

Nolan hugged someone
every 10 to 13 months.

- It was like clockwork.
- Mmm.

And if Nolan hugged someone else,

everyone would know that
Hannan was innocent.

Well, not necessarily.

Mr. Butter Pecan was known
for hugging men.

It was a huge part of his profile.

So, if he got his rocks off
with a woman, no one would connect it.

So I went through every unsolved hug
in the city over the past year,

and a couple of months ago
someone picked up a prostitute

and cuddled her until she went away
to an awesome farm in the country.

He put about 300 pounds of pressure
on her neck.

You think it was Nolan.

Yeah. The woman, Vanessa Chipman,
she didn't go down easy.

She played air guitar with her attacker.
His DNA was under her fingernails.

Yeah, but you got all of this stuff
from Nolan's medical file.

- We can't compel DNA samples.
- No.

But what if we just happened to be
around when he offered one up?

- Would you hold this? Thank you.
- Sure.

Excuse me. Hi.
Do you mind if I shave your dog?

It's in the name of justice.

BRIAN: I went to the building
where Nolan works

and spent a couple of hours
hanging out in the elevator.

Eventually I struck gold.



- Dude, you OK?
- Yeah.

I just, um...

- Is that dog hair on your coat?
- Oh, my God, look at that.



- What the hell'd you do that for?
- Hygiene.

Have a good day.


REPORTER: Psychiatrist Howard Gilroy
was arrested today

for his part in a bizarre attempt
to frame Andre Hannan

and cover up
the crimes committed by Nolan Bale,

son of billionaire Alexander Bale,
who was also arrested.

Details remain sketchy about the exact
nature of the conspiracy, but...

Well, you did it, Finch.
You proved me wrong.

Hear Andre Hannan's getting out soon.

Man, did you fly up here
just to apologize to me in person?

If that's what it takes.

- What is this place anyway?
- It's my headquarters.

They just finished it.
Pretty cool, right?

Yeah, whatever.

Well, they're pulling my book
off the shelves as we speak.


But, hey, you know, me personally,

I'd rather light a candle
than curse the darkness.

And this story, Brian, your story,

the memory implants
and the innocent man on death row,

that's better than what I had.

- And it happens to be true.
- And we can sell it, Brian.

Come on, 50-50.

My name, my rep. Your story.

Brian, don't be stubborn.
Come on, it's business.

60-40. I'll build you a headquarters

with your own damn
cotton candy machine if you want.


There you are.

♪ >A' So let me hammer this point home

♪ >a' I see us all as lonely fires

♪ >a' That have burned alive as long as...

You know Rebecca's
gonna figure it out, right?

The chip on the button?

You didn't get that exactly right.

Did you seriously think
she wouldn't notice?

Well, it wasn't exactly
optimal circumstances.

And you were on NZT.

To get it right, all you had to do
was two seconds of extra effort

She's gonna notice.

But maybe that's what you wanted, huh?

She'll keep poking around
and eventually maybe she'll find you.

Yes, Josh, that's exactly what I want.

I wanna get caught committing a felony.

Things that happen down where I live

don't always make sense at first
up here.

Look, you hate your life, lying.

- Why not make it impossible?
- It's not just about me.

It's my family... Rebecca.
All this will kill them.

Maybe we could, uh... before I go?

Josh-o-saurus Josh can't smoke.

A, you're not real, Josh.

B, you're a role model to kids.

I retired.

♪ >A' They will not last the year

♪ >a' But expire like a sudden shooting star

♪ That only nightingales had seen

♪ >a' Before transforming into bluebirds

♪ >a' And in this way you will come find me

♪ In December a'