Lie to Me (2009–2011): Season 2, Episode 8 - Secret Santa - full transcript

During the holiday season, Lightman goes to Afghanistan to assist in a mission to rescue two captured marines, and his only source of intelligence is an American expatriate.

Salaam alaikum.

Put down your weapons!
U.S. Forces!

Don't shoot! Don't shoot!

Don't shoot!
Don't shoot! I'm American!

- I'm on your side.
- American?

I know what you're looking for.

- How much? - Relax,
dad. It's a write-off.

It's a rip-off, more likely.

- It's gorgeous, Emily.
- It's for the Christmas party.

You know, the one you're
throwing for your fantastic staff?

Who you've always said are
just like family to you.

You two, you're in this
together, aren't you?

This is a conspiracy, right?

Oh, dad, I'd like you
to meet Rick Massey.

Oh, yeah?

I'm Gillian.


- Dr. Lightman?
- Yeah.


You're with me. You, too.

Not too much on the
lights and that, right?


I'm... I'm sure he likes you.
I wouldn't worry about it.

So, Deputy Assistant

to the President for
National Security Affairs?

What's that mean... CIA?

I work for the President.

I'm going with NSA.

I need you to boot up
your satellite link system.

What I'm about to tell you
is classified, top secret.

Nearly ten hours ago in Afghanistan,

30 miles from the Pakistan border,

two recon marines were
separated from their platoon

during a skirmish with the Taliban.

They haven't been seen since.

Lieutenant Williams from Wisconsin,

Sergeant Hart from Arizona.

This is Hart's third tour of duty.

Williams' wife just gave
birth to a baby girl.

Key in the code jhk 34zy.

Within an hour of their disappearance,

predators, drones and
special missions units

were deployed in the search for them.

46 minutes ago,

one team found something.

Franko James Vincent from
Baltimore, so he claims.

- 34 years old.
- Oh, my God.

Or is this...

it's another John Walker Lindh?

An American who went
over to the Taliban?

Don't know what he is yet.
All we know for sure is

he's given up a Taliban
compound in the Gremen Valley,

where he swears they're
holding the two marines.

Well, I get what you want from me.

- Transmit.
- Ok.


Mr. Vincent.

You say you know where the Taliban
are holding two U.S. Marines?

How do we know you're telling the truth?

I don't want to die.

All right.

The part about not wanting
to die... that's true enough.

When did you join the Taliban?

I was an aid worker,

and... teaching school
when the war broke out.

And... and I got very sick in a village

and they... they saved my life.


they took me in...

That's enough. That's
enough. Stop there.

- No denial about being Taliban.
- No.

Well, the delay's not helping,

but, I mean, I wouldn't trust
him as far as I could throw him.

- He's lying, then.
- Well, look, you'd need

to bring him here for me to
get a proper read. I'm sorry.

While we mount a mission
to rescue those marines,

we'll have to treat him as an
operational asset in country.

No, if you think you're going
to send me to Afghanistan...

You do think you're going to
send me to Afghanistan, don't you?

And there was I, dreaming
of a white Christmas.

- How quick can you get me there?
- Cal.

Have a helicopter on the roof that'll
get you to Andrews in 20, wheels up in 30.

All right. And, um, Gill?

Not a word of this to Emily, all right?

Hey, hey.

Hey. What's that?

It's secret Santa. You pick a name

and you get that person a
gift. There's a $20 limit.

It's for the Christmas party. All right.

Well, look, um...

I've got to go away for a few days.

Oh. Where?

Oh, just out of town. I won't be long.

Well, the Christmas party's in 3
days. You'll be back for that, right?

Oh, I wouldn't miss that for the world.


No, it's fairy lights and...

really... crappy music,

and... and goodwill to all men.

Right up my alley.

Where's your boyfriend... Dick

Rick. Funny, dad.

Oh, did I scare him away, did I?

For your information,
he went home to study.



All right.

In that case...

All right.

counts out bills)


Get the best... Christmas
lights for your tree

- that money can buy, all right?
- All right.

Dad, where are you going? Hey.

Oh, they need me in Florida.

Oh, right. Ok.

What happens if I pick myself?

Then you put it back and pick again.

And besides, somebody already has you.

- Mm-hmm.
- Who?

It's a secret. Duh.

All right, then.

Why are you...

Well, dear...


- I love you.
- Love you, too.

This is going to be the
best Christmas party ever.


You can't go to that place again.

I have never been to
Afghanistan in my life.

You know what I'm talking about, Cal.

Two missing marines, love.

Fear's healthy.

Don't forget it.

Right you are.

Bye, darling.

Foxtrot 31 Delta...

Tango One Romeo headed
for your 20, over.

Zero Alpha, copy, bring it on, out.

Dr. Lightman?

This way, Doc.

"Doc." I like that.
I do, you know? I do.

Right this way.

Watch your head here.


Yeah, the more I make,
the better they get.

Welcome to the North Pole, Dr. Lightman.

John Parks, team commander.

How do you do?

Look, straightaway, I see you're
wondering what idiot came up

with the plan to send me over here.

So, we have something in common.

Charlie team at altitude,

waiting for your go-order, boss.

Right now, all you and I care
about are my 12 soldiers in the air,

ready to halo into the Taliban
compound our new friend here says

are holding those two marines.

Wait. I mean, you already
sent the mission over

before I even had a
chance to talk to you?

I moved my team within
striking distance.

I do my job, you do yours.

Final decision's mine, period.

No disrespect, but we
don't have a lot of time

to screw around before these
animals start cutting heads off.

All right, well, do
me a favor, will you?

Just hold on the go-order, you
know, till I've had a chance

to talk to your new friend here.

Yeah, I'll do my best not
to screw around, all right?

We gave him a shave, cleaned him up.

Looks like one of us now.

Sat-link eyes to your people.

Do you believe in Santa Claus?



Say hello to the folks back home.

I'm serious.

Say hello to the folks back home.


Whoa. He felt that.

Deep sadness at the mention of home.

What are those? Paper snowflakes?

When Lightman asked him if
he believed in Santa Claus,

I saw a flash of hope.

Where's home for you, Franko?


Where's home for you, Franko?

1276 Bayview, Baltimore, Maryland.

Blurts out a street address,
like he memorized it by heart.

I... I lived with my aunt.

Aunt Wendy.

I'm sorry?

Wendy Perriman. My Aunt.

Is that supposed to mean
something to me or...

My Aunt.

Bayview what?

Bayview Avenue?

Bayview... Terrace? Boulevard?

- Street? What is it?
- Avenue.

'Cause you seemed, you know, pretty
sure about every other detail,

except for that one small thing.

Bayview Road, Baltimore.

And the natives pronounce it "ballmer."

You know, I'm not buying much, if any,

of the whole aid worker,

Aunt Wendy story.

I mean, why lie about your Aunt Wendy

unless she's part of some cover-up,

some... what is it?


Oh, that struck a nerve.

All right. Moving on.

How do you know where the Taliban
are holding these two marines?

Why give up that information?

Because I'm an American, not like you.


rogue lunatic... I mean,
whatever it is, any idiot can see

that you've... you've grown some deep...

hatred of all things Uncle Sam.

You know what I think?
I think you're just...

a traitor...

trying to save his own skin.

What's your Taliban name, Franko?

This close to the border with Pakistan,

the Taliban never moves
more than ten miles

with prisoners in the first 48 hours,

and only at night.

The place I told these soldiers about

is the safest place to hide

that close to where the
marines were captured.

He said the first half of
that with extreme confidence

because it's probably true.

But he used the word "safest,"

inferring that the Taliban have more

than one place they hide out.

Where else might the Taliban be hiding?


Oh, well, your shoulder begs to differ.

All call signs, stand by for go.

He's lying.

Yeah, he's sending you
to the wrong location.

He's... lying.

Charlie one, over target area now.

- You're sure he's lying?
- Yeah.

No. Well, 70%.

Yeah, at best, he's sending
you to an empty compound;

at worst, it's an
ambush, right? Sit down.

- 70%?
- It's not an exact science.

If it was, you'd have Bin
Laden by now, wouldn't you, huh?

Charlie One... do you copy? Over.


Do it, Mo. Now.

Abort. Say again, abort mission.

You better be right, Dr. Lightman.

Abort mission. Copy


Forget it. No way in hell.

Look, I get that you're a scientist,

But this is no place for experiments.

Look, this guy, he's
definitely hiding something.

Whatever it is, it's buried it deep.

And there's a connection to
your government somewhere.

I'm telling you, you gotta let me

dig it out of him.

You mean to tell me this
maggot's some sort of spy for us?

Yeah. CIA, or related.

And either he's protecting

some long-term deep cover operation,

or he's just been out here too long

and he's flipped to the other side.

Those are just theories, Doc.

Look, you already
proved smarter than that

when you axed plan "A."

Don't give up on me now, pal,

or I'm on the first donkey
out of here, all right?

Whatever he is, whoever he is,

I don't care.

I need accurate intel from him,

and I need it yesterday.

Yeah, yeah. No, you're right.

Sod the science. Give me a weapon.

Well, at least I'll get home in time

for my daughter's Christmas party.

I'm serious. Weapon please.

Mr. Komisky?

Please. Ed.

State Department? Pentagon?


Special deputy operations and plans.

I'll be observing Dr. Lightman's
progress with the prisoner.

Top secret news sure does
spread fast in this town.

Ha ha! Welcome.

Cute. This way.


All right.

Well, he's ready for battle,

and he's smart enough to know
when to live to fight another day.

So he's a warrior. He's not a martyr.

These are 3 of the
boys you tried to lead

to the wrong Taliban compound.

What was it? Eh?

Was it an ambush?

Was it an empty compound?

Oh, empty compound.

Well, that's something,
I suppose. Eh, lads?


We keep hearing this story

about you being a CIA
agent who got boned.

That you got sent out here years ago,

left for dead. Is that right?

If I don't get home to Texas, boy,

my wife is gonna take my daughter

and move back to Michigan.

Look, this is my last tour.

After this, I'm done.

Is it true you got boned by the CIA?

Still don't understand what you did.

What'd I do?

You went over to the enemy, you punk.

Attempt at anger.

No, wait, wait.

Now, I get it. I see your shame.

I see it.

All right, it was
either join them or die.

I mean, these 3, they
might not do what you did,

but I might.

I mean, I'm a natural born coward, me.

My blood runs as yellow
as the next man's.

Lightman just called him a coward.

How is this helping get
our marines back exactly?

Well, Lightman just called him a coward

because he's about to present him

with an opportunity for redemption.


But what you've got in
common with these guys

is that it's all about
living to fight tomorrow,

right, in the hope that someday soon

you get to go home.

If that's not on the cards,

then all that remains is
the last fight you fight.

And then the question becomes...

which side of the fight are you on?

He's thinking about it.

Oh, God. I'm... crap. I'm so sorry.

Uh, here, let's...
quick, before it stains.

There is another hideout in the area.

But first, I have...

First you have what?

A condition.

It's a very common power play

for someone who feels
backed into a corner

with nothing to lose or gain.

You have a what? What do you got?

Every time you ask me a question,

I get to ask you a question.

The truth buys you the truth.

You lie, I lie.

All right.

But first, you show me on the map

where the Taliban are
holding these two marines.

All right?

Ok, here. There's two caves

with a tunnel that connects them.

It's been there for over 200 years.

Why didn't you tell us about
this place to start with?

No. He's been with the Taliban too long.

You're still the bloody enemy.

Me, on the other hand...

I'm all that's between you two.

I'm really sorry about this.

I needed an excuse to talk to you

away from Komisky.

We need to figure out some signals

or this is gonna get expensive.

Komisky's no stranger to Franko.

Yeah. You saw that, too?

Another thing I saw...

he's careful to keep himself
off the sat-link cameras,

hidden from Lightman and Franko.

Have you heard from my
dad in the last 24 hours?

Yeah. Yeah. Why?

Well, he always calls to
check in when he's out of town,

and he hasn't this time.

His phone goes straight to voicemail.

Sweetheart, he's really
swamped right now,

and he'll call as soon as he can.

Hey guys, we're minutes away from...

Hey, Em, how's the party coming?

Well, what are they minutes away from?

Minutes away from what?

He will be back before you know it, ok?

I gotta go, Em, all
right? We'll talk later.

Yeah, yeah. That's it.

That's the cave.

Bloody better be.

Tell me.

Am I ever gonna get home?

We don't have time for this game.

It's not a game. It's a test of trust.

All right?

Well, if you ever do get home,

you're pretty much screwed.

It's the right cave. I'm 100% certain.

Charlie one, target
confirmed. Move, move.

Charlie one, copy, out.

Stand by...

Contact! Contact!

Man down! Man down!

Casualty... Charlie three.

You and your science just let this
bastard lead us into an ambush.

Man down! Man down!

Hey! No! Back off!

All right. Hey.

What did he just say to
you? What did he say to you?

He said, "kill me now,
it would be an honor."

You meant it, didn't you?

Who are you now? Huh? Who are you?

- My Taliban name is Khaled.
- Yeah?

My name is Mo... short for Mohammed.

Zero, Charlie one,
Charlie three's hit bad.

Wait. Out.


Did you or did you not
send my men into an ambush?

I did not!

I told you it was a Taliban hideout.

Did you expect it to be guarded?

Maybe you underestimate your enemy.

No, wait! No, wait!

Hey, he's telling the truth.

No, he was as shocked as
you are by what happened.

And you're not going to kill
an unarmed man in cold blood

just out of sheer
frustration, so knock it off.

All right?

You know that man?

You know that man?

I've never seen him before.

Do you know that man?

I've never seen him before.

Foster? Foster, who you got in there?

Ed Komisky, Defense Department.

Hi, Ed. I see you've
met my friend Franko,

oh, a little bit ago.

There you go.

Is he one of the ones who sent you here?


Is he the one that sent you here?

What did he tell you?
What did he tell you?

Did he tell you you
were gonna be a hero?

Did he tell you you
were gonna be a patriot?

Is that... what then, eh? Then what?

Oh, that's between you and him?

Well, I'll be very happy to set
up that face-to-face meeting,

but right now, we've got
some mess to clear up,

all right? Move. Move.

Kill the feed.

Kill the feed!

What, he's shutting us out?

Get him on the sat-phone.

Order him to give us eyes back.

Yeah, if you think Cal
Lightman is gonna jump

just because you bark,
you don't know the man.

Trust me.

Call me if he comes back online.

You know Franko, don't you?

The only reason I'm here

is because I want to
see those two marines

returned home alive.

Us, too.

Look at you, huh? Look at you.

A minute ago, you said
you were willing to die

at this man's hand,
it would be an honor.

Now look at you.

You'd anything you can to get home

just because of what
you saw on that sat-Link.

Zero, Charlie one, over.

Casualty, Charlie three.

Chest wound.

Stand by air support and casevac.

Stand by for coordinates.

If he calls in an air strike, right,

in a matter of minutes, a
lot of people are gonna die.

Doesn't matter what side you're on.

When I got here,

You thought I was here
to help you, didn't you?

Didn't you?

There's another way in.


When did you get hooked, Dr. Lightman?

Let's go! Let's go! Hurry the hell up.

What? What?

On war. On this.

You get high on being
in the middle of it all.

Don't you?

Don't you? I can see it in your face.

Why are you... why are you doing this?

Ok, you know what?

There is no other way in. They're dead.

Look, I told you, you lie, I lie.

All right, Bosnia, 1994.

I didn't see direct action,

but I was this close to it.

You get lucky just one
time. You survive, right?

It's the rush. There's no...

There's nothing like it.

It's delusions of immortality.

Right? Right?

You're enjoying this.

No, no. No, no. Now. Now it's your turn.

You owe me the other
tunnel to that cave.

Tell them to go left...

No. You tell 'em. You tell 'em.

You tell him! You tell him!

Tell them to go left
about a hundred yards.

There's a rock with an arch in it.

This doesn't work, he's done.

Yeah, well, so am I.

Charlie call signs...

This isn't just a test of trust, is it?


You're playing this game

because you think that if
this mission goes south,

then you're not the only one to blame.

But if it succeeds,

I'm gonna become your
brother in arms, right?

I'm gonna be more likely to help you

somewhere down the road, right?

Don't hold your breath.

Ms. Lenox, what do you
know about Ed Komisky?

Mr. Komisky is a hangover

from previous administrations.

Man's more like a pentagon ghost.

We're beginning to think
that he was involved

in some sort of operation

which abandoned this man
Franko in Afghanistan.

Are you aware of any such operations?


You don't want to think about it?

I know of no operations
involving Franko.

No records exist of CIA

or any other agency's involvement.

But he could be an agency asset

that you have never heard about?

No. I understand what you're asking.

But I'm not sure I can get

any answers quicker than you can.

Franko's Aunt.

I need her here as soon as possible.

Can you do that?

Hey, Lightman's back on line.

He needs our eyes and
ears for this next part.

We never had...

Never had this conversation. I got it.

If I help get these marines out,

I want my story told.

That's above my pay
grade, pal. Dream on.

It's right at my pay grade,

if your story's true.

Well, that's the back
entrance into the cave.

They're gonna hit a tunnel.

And they can go one of two directions.

Left? Left is bad.

Charlie one, move right, over.

No, no, no! Wait, wait, wait!

Wait a second!

If this is a back way into the cave,

it's also a back way out.

We mount a frontal assault.

That way they'll try and
haul ass out the back way

with the prisoners.

That's what I'd do.

How about you, eh?

Hold, positions, charlie one,

hold positions. Set evac charges.

Stand by for enemy, over.

That's not Florida.

Emily... how did you get in here?

You lied to me.

He lied to me.

Charlie one, hold positions.

Set evac charge.

Stand by for enemy. Over.






Did he just get...

No, no, no, he didn't.

Charlie one, move to
alternate cave entrance.


Charlie three, Charlie
three, zero alpha, over!

How'd the Taliban find us?

They got his radio when he was hit.

They used it for
directions to find us here.

Fire support, confirm position.

Moving through tunnel now.

Going firm at tunnel intersection.

Contact! Contact!

Marine prisoners and Taliban!

3 Taliban dead.

Zero, this is alpha whiskey.

Evac complete.

We have the two marines
and rescue team complete.

Setting evac charges now. Over.

Copy that.

Alpha whiskey one standing by
waiting for your signal. Over.

We need medic on board. Over.

It's a direct hit.

The radios are dead for good.

They're out there on their own now.

Wait. What about us?

You got any contingencies?

In the event of loss of comms

during contact with the enemy,

we have 20 minutes to
haul ass out of here.

What happens in 20 minutes?

Smart bombs turn this
place into a parking lot.

And everything in it.

So the only way that
you can get out of here

is if you lure the enemy
\ into the kill zone,

which happens to be... right?

Copy that.

Oh, thank you very much.

All right, you wait here.

If I'm not back in 18 minutes,

you leave by that door.

You know how to use that?

Not bad for a scientist.

I've had my moments.


We've got 17 minutes.

You want to tell me about your moments?

That game's over now. Yeah, I mean...

besides, you're the one who
wants his story told, so...

How badly you want to hear it?

All right, well,

the answer's probably gonna
stay in this room anyway. Go on.

Ask your question.

What did you do in Bosnia?


You seem like you don't
want to really talk about it.

Why is that?

Well, the past is the past, right?

I can relate to that.

I know that you're trying
to get some common ground

between us, all right, Khaled,

but I didn't betray my country.

You betrayed something.

Yeah, I betrayed myself. How about you?

Mr. Komisky, a moment of your time?

You too, Torres.

My real name is Specialist Glen Welsh.

What branch of the military were you in?

Uh, back to Bosnia, your betrayal.

All right.

Sarajevo. '94.

Right, we were
interrogating a Serb officer

about his sniper positions.


Yeah. MI6, British Intelligence.

And I didn't believe him,

so we changed his clothes

and chocked him out into sniper alley.

He lasted about 4 seconds,

got about 18 feet-ish.

His information was accurate.

But he was the enemy, right?

I'm a scientist. I'm not an executioner.

War got the better of you, too.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Now your turn.

I was aiming for special ops.

Before I got there, '99,

I got in a bar fight.

They threw me in the
brig for three years.


I could tell you my drinks were spiked,

but what would you care, right?


Two years later, and
this is right after 9/11,

I got jumped in the brig and
was thrown in the hospital.

Somebody had knifed me in my back.

That's when they offered me a way out.

That man you saw on the sat-Link.


Ms. Perriman.

Franko's Aunt Wendy?

Franko? He's alive?

Where is he?

And they moved you straight
from the brig hospital

to a training facility, right?

Uh-Huh. Where?

Somewhere out west.
I don't know exactly.

They didn't tell me... you know,

it looked a lot like this hell hole.

All right, and they
trained you to do what?

They taught me pashto.

They... they put me through

their own brand of special ops training.

And then they dropped me in
the middle of Taliban territory,

posing as an aid worker
with Shia sympathies.

You know, they said they
were gonna be watching me,

that they'd have my back

and that they'd pull me
out when the time was right.

All right, but they didn't.

They never came back for you, right?


They betrayed you, right, so
you went over to the other side.

Is that it?

Did you ever kill Any american troops?


That's a bloody lie.

No. No. Look.

Look, look, you try to
shoot over their heads,

but those bastards, they
just keep shooting back.

What? What? What are you doing?

Ah! Aah!

Hold still! Hold still!

How did the people that put you here,

how did they know how to find you?

How were they tracking you? Eh?

I think I know. I think I know.

Hold still! If I'm right,

this is gonna prove your story's real.

What the hell are you doing, Lightman?

All of you, you have to
help me hold him still!

Hold him still!

Hey, we gotta go! We gotta go right now!

Not until I've done this!

You listen to orders!

I often have orders from the president.

Did I forget to mention that?

Now hold him still.


All right, give me the pliers.

The pliers!


My sister, Peg, died
giving birth to Franko.

And I raised him just
like he was my own.

Have you two met before?


What elementary school did Franko go to?

Who was his first girlfriend?

Ms. Perriman...

I believe you really did have
a sister who died in childbirth,

which is what makes
your story believable...

to the layman.

It's not a story.

Do you carry a picture of your nephew?

I just... I imagine over the years

of not knowing where he is

or if he's even alive,

it might be a great comfort to you,

you know, a symbol of
hope to have some...

That's enough.

You don't have to answer that.

They came to me after 9/11.

My sister's death didn't have
to be for nothing, they said.

She's definitely telling the truth.

Now, I can tell you
want to get this out,

so please keep going, Ms. Perriman.

Someone from the CIA did come to me.

I guess it was like an acting role...

for my country.

You gotta understand, I wanted

to do something.

We all wanted to do something.

Including you, sir.

I believe that.

But you sent a man into Afghanistan

to infiltrate the Taliban.

Then what? You just forget about him?

Or you just leave him there to rot?

Or worse.

We lost him.

The battery in his tracking device died.

- The battery?
- It happens.

Know how hard it is to
find anyone out there?

I've heard.

We kept waiting for him to show up,

and when he didn't,
we assumed he was dead.

So please, take your
sanctimonious judgment

and park it somewhere else.



If we don't get out of here,

it'll be the last white
Christmas we ever see.

Not until I finish. Not
until I finish. Hold on.


Hey, hey, hey, hold still!



It's a tracking device.

Two-year battery life.

He is one of ours.

Why didn't you tell us

who you were in the beginning?


I disobey, I'm dead.

The only person I reveal my identity to

is the man with the code. Nobody else!

The code was Aunt Wendy.

Well, that's a reason.

But it's not a real reason, is it?

Come on, you can do better than that.

And these bastards caught
me, and they beat me.

Yeah. I was Taliban.

Well, that's better.

So, who are you now, eh?

You're the expert. You tell me.

You tell your mom?


Why not?

Same reason you didn't tell me.

Don't you think you should tell her?

He can tell her when he gets back.

Move out! Let's go, go!

Let's go! Move, move!

Move, go!

Lightman, you're out of here!

No. No, no, no.

We saw it on your face earlier, right?

You've got orders never to let
this man leave this room alive,

don't you? Eh?

Am I right?

These men remind you of
what you wanted to be,

all right?

And so now it's about
a last fight you fight

and which side of the fight you're on,

all right, and if you finally get to do

what you came here in
the first place to do.


I need 45 seconds of fight out of him

io clear the tunnel.


Where's home?

1245 Glenview Park, Iowa City.

Say it again! Say it
again! Say it again!

12245 Glenview Park, Iowa City.

Nice job, Doc!

Not really!

That's him.

Heard you helped get us out.

Thank you.

No. Thank you.

Dr. Lightman.

Oh. The real Aunt Wendy.

Please don't do this.

This is a matter of national security.

What story did you people
tell Specialist Welsh,

Franko's, family?

Killed in action?

Died in the brig?

Oh, died in the brig. Nice one.

I was serving my country.

Oh, yeah? Our country, you mean.

It's our country.

It's about time you
let that one go, mate.

You go public with this,
you'll be breaking the law.

I'm not going public with it.

I'm gonna tell a man's family

the truth about their son.

You know what I mean.

You know... sooner or later

you got to stand up and be
counted for our mistakes, right?

Your man, Franko, he went over...

to the Taliban.

That's a big mistake.

But in the end...

you know what I mean?

Mr. Welsh?

Yeah, but what's going on out here?

Who are you?

Who is it, hon?

Do you mind if if come in for a minute?

There's a few things
I'd like to tell you

about your son, Glen.


Do you mind?

Happy holidays.

Dr. Lightman...

Would you let me do the talking?

Just so long as it's the truth.

He's late.

Yeah. Midwest is snowed under.

Delays everywhere.

Yeah. My mom's stuck in St. Louis.

What are you gonna you do?


Hello, darling.

I know.

I know.

You shouldn't have had to see that, Em.

I was scared, dad.

I was really scared.

I know. Yeah.

Yeah, me, too. Me, too.

So is it naive to ask
you, beg you really,

never to do anything like that again?


Well, yeah. It's a little bit.


Well, let's share some of that.

All right.

Aw... it's beautiful.

Well, darling...

Are you ok?

I'm not sure.

Good. You're not meant to be.



You look nice...

Thank you.



I got you a secret Santa.

I'm watching you.

Oh, man.

Yeah. Don't mention it.