Lethal Weapon (2016–…): Season 2, Episode 13 - Better Living Through Chemistry - full transcript

Murtaugh and Riggs respond to the murder of an escaped patient of Dr. Cahill's who mysteriously goes off the rails. The investigation brings to light a hidden scheme far bigger than they ...

I was gonna clean my room
until I got high

I was gonna get up
and find the broom

But then I got high

La, da-da-da-da

My room is still messed up
and I know why

Why, man?

Yeah, 'cause I got high

Because I got high,
because I got high

La da-da-da-da-da-da...

You're really
not worried about this?

No. Look at the bubbles.

He's-he's-he's got
excellent lung capacity.

It runs in the family.
He-he's fine.

He's not fine.

It's been three weeks
since he left school,

and this is all he does.

He floats. He sinks.

He comes back in the
house for cereal.

He goes back
out to the pool

for more floating
and sinking.

I mean, maybe he's training
to be a Navy SEAL.

Or a real seal.


Serious, I'm worried.

I think he's depressed.

We need to take him
to see a therapist.

Therapy is for crazy people.

RJ's not that.

Riggs goes to therapy.

You've been to therapy.

That was different.

That was a very specific
bedroom-related glitch

that has since been
straightened out.

Mm. You and I are taking
RJ to the therapist today,

or there will be a
brand-new bedroom glitch.


Martin, help.


Help me!



Are you kidding me?!

Ah, bud.

These are the quietest
vehicles, man.

I didn't even
hear you coming.

You just spit juice
on me and my car.

What the hell
is wrong with you?

You know, there's no quick way
to answer that question,

but relax;
I've got a rag in the truck.

Oh, come...!


You scratched it!

But I think we can both agree
that the parking places

in this city are
way too small.

Way too...
Hey, I don't care

about the parking
spaces, okay?

I care about my car.

All right, just relax.

Look, I-I can buff this out.

Ooh, you moron!

You-you did that
on purpose, huh?

This is a custom
paint job.

Well, this was my hangover cure.
All right? So...

No winners here.

Yeah, no, only losers.

W-W-Where the hell do you
think you're going, huh?

Hey, hey, hey, hey!

Hey! You're gonna pay
for this scratch,

the detailing and my suit!

All right.



Come on!
Look at that.


No, no, no! Aah! Ooh!

And a loser.

You're not gonna get away
with this.

Do you know who I am?

I'm getting a pretty good idea.

You should be in an institution!

Probably right.


Dr. Cahill,
thank you for coming.

Your patient is currently
in isolation.

Doesn't make sense.

I mean, he'd been
making progress.

The mania was
under control.

He was, until he put his fist
through the pharmacy window.

Stanley was not a patient
at risk for suicide.

He showed no signs.

Except the fact that he was in
a mental hospital to begin with.


Last time I saw you,

you were doing well.

What happened?

Is it okay if I...

...if I gave you a hug?


Of course.

what are you doing?
I'm sorry.

Stanley, what are you doing?!

Stanley, what
are you doing?!

Shh, Doctor.
I don't want to hurt you.

I don't want to hurt you.

Stanley, please just
think about this.

Stop talking.


Get your badge out.

Get your badge out!
Okay, okay!

Okay, okay, okay.

Right here, right here.

Get your...

See, I'm a moron, right?

Aah! Ooh!

And a loser.

It's a fender
bender, really.

That is not
a fender bender.

Technically, you're right.
There was no fender.

It's like a smartphone
with wheels. It was...

What's wrong, Cap?

It's not even noon, Riggs,
and I'm staring into the abyss.

The guy whose car
you destroyed,

do you have any idea who he is,
what he does for a living?

Is he a chimney sweep?

I hate chimney sweeps.

Try deputy mayor.

Deputy mayor?

Of what?
The city of Douchebaggery?

Of Los Angeles.

The phone calls
I've been getting all morning,

physically nauseous.

Oh, come on, Cap.
We've been through worse.

Buck up.
Ah, I deluded myself.

I thought you were less crazy,
less angry.

I'm less angry.
No, you're not.

You know, actually,

I woke up this morning

Well, that's just not
a healthy way to live, Captain.

I mean, you got nowhere
to go but down.

Now I know.

There it is.
The sound of my bubble bursting.

We have a situation.

Are we sure she's...?
We'll find out.

We found the car underneath
the Colorado Street Bridge

near the 134.

Hey, Riggs, I got something.

Yeah, me, too.

Hey, Doc.
How are you?

Where is he?

I'm gonna kill him!

Think somebody
already beat you to it.

We drove for 40,
maybe 45 minutes

before he pulled over
to-to make a phone call.

It must've been
a pay phone.

You know who he called?

I don't know. I-I-I
didn't hear any names.

I just heard him screaming at
someone to bring him money.

We find out
who he called,

we find out
who killed him.

What the hell are you doing?
What is all this?

I'm making tea.

Tea? She was in
the trunk of a car.

She needs something
a little stronger than tea.

I know, and tea
is soothing.

In fact, you should try some.

I'm gonna karate chop you
in the throat.

It doesn't make any sense.

I know. Let me grab
some whiskey under my desk.

No, it doesn't, it
doesn't make sense.

Stanley was busted for stealing
jewelry from-from empty houses.

He wasn't violent.
He was bipolar.

That's why he was in a hospital
and not prison to begin with.

I-I actually thought
I was helping him.

Drink some tea.

Hey, come on, Doc.

You were helping him.

In what world?

He duped me.

He staged a suicide
so I would help him get out.

Say something.

Be encouraging.
Say something.


Doc, come-come on.

You're aces
at this therapy game.

You know, hey,
look how far I've come along.


No, no, no!

As an institution,

we're running out of words
to describe him.

He's an-an unfixable
force of chaos.

Do you know where I was
24 hours ago?

On a cruise ship in Fiji.

My first vacation in 14 years.

I've heard good
things about Fiji.

I thought Riggs
was doing better.

Maybe this is
a turning point.


Someday, we'll be gone.

And our legacy?

We allowed a detective
to crumble

the third largest police
department in the country.

Tell me he's still seeing

the department psychiatrist.

Oh, good. I want
to hear from her.

It's not a good time
'cause Dr. Cahill's...

Oh, I don't care.

We are in uncharted waters.

I got a lead on the...

Bowman's reading lips.

Okay, so why do I
have to be quiet?

Because we're trying
to figure out

what Avery and Gina
are discussing.

You're trying to figure out
if they're talking about you

because you think everyone
is always talking about you.

Gina said,
"What about Murtaugh?"


Usually I'm right.


is supposed to be a good
influence on Riggs."

Oh, it's my fault?

That guy was broken

way before he got to me.

Who's the suspect?

Stanley only had one visitor the
entire time he was locked up,

an ex-con named Carl Edwards.

What'd he do time for?

He did B&Es
with Stanley.

They had a falling out, and
last time Carl visited,

orderlies overheard him
threatening Stanley's life.

Okay. Some actual police work.

Go find me Carl Edwards.

"Is there anyone

older we can
put with Riggs?"

Avery: "No.

Murtaugh's the oldest
we've got."

You know what, he didn't

Avery just said that.
Read his lips again.

He didn't say that.
I can't read the lips again.

They're wrong.


Avery's wrong and Gina's wrong
and the deputy mayor's wrong?

And I don't care.
Say that, then.

I'll say that next time.
Let me ask you a question.

And there's no wrong
answer here, okay?


Since we met, would
you say that I'm...

A) more angry,
or B) less angry?

I'd say C) same angry.

You said there was
no such thing as wrong.

I lied.


Clearly, I'm less angry.

I'd say more angry.

You know what?
The old me would've flipped out.

Definitely much more angry.

My heart

Kick-start my heart

Always got the cops
coming after me...

Oh, great. Why can't we ever get
sent into, like, a petting zoo?

Look, we're gonna go
get Carl Edwards,

get out, minimal damage.

I'm gonna show you
how I'm less angry.

Watch it, bro.
Oh. Forgive me, sir.

Less angry.

Less angry.

Hey, everybody, we're
looking for Carl Edwards.

Who's asking?

Oh, just your
friendly boys in blue.

Uh, well, I guess we're not--
Is this blue?

Um, I got blue. Yeah.
This is black.

I know. That's the...
I'm Carl Edwards.

Okay, well, we need
to ask you...


I'm Carl Edwards.

They're lying.

I'm Carl Edwards.

Ah. You see
what's happening here?


I'm with Carl Edwards.

But I'm also
Carl Edwards.


Hmm. Okay, well...

It's very funny, guys,

but we're actually looking
for the real Carl Edwards.

We have a few questions,
that's all.

Why don't you just say
that I'm less angry

so we can handle this properly?
I'm not gonna say that.

Why can't you say that?

I'm Carl Edwards.
Put it on my tab.

My goodness.

Look at this.

See what's happening?

See, I'm not angry.
They're the angry ones.

Okay, you're less angry.
All right.

Oh, yeah

Kick-start my heart,
give it a start

Oh, yeah


Oh, yeah

Mm-hmm. Not Carl Edwards.

Not Carl Edwards.

Not Carl Edwards.

Not Carl Edwards.

Did I just hear my name?

What happened in here?

Carl Edwards?


Need to talk to you
about Stanley Oliver.

Stan Oliver.

Hate that guy.

Huh. He was murdered yesterday.

No kidding.

That's fantastic.

Carl, let me ask you a question.

I-I know we just met,

but do I seem like
the kind of guy that's getting

less angry or more angry?

Say "less angry."

So, Stan the man
got himself shot.

Tell me, how
many bullets?

One to the head.

Huh. Not for nothing,
I would've given him two.

Probably more.

Carl, where were you
yesterday, around 2:30?

Don't worry about it.
I'm covered.

Hey, don't worry about it.

He's covered. Okay.
He's covered.

Look, you guys know
The Price Is Right?

The TV show?

Your alibi is you were watching
The Price is Right?

You're gonna have to
come better than that.

No. My alibi is I was on
The Price Is Right.

That's the best alibi
I've heard all day.

That's pretty good.

Get the tape.

So, how'd you do?

A classic living room set,
four pieces.

Couch, loveseat,
easy chair, ottoman.

How much?

Was it leather?
Automatic or manual recliner?

manual recline, tufted pillows.

Eh, I'll say $1,900.

One dollar.

One dollar?

Do you not know
how the game works?

Where do you shop for a dollar?

You're gonna overbid...
Forget the game.



I overbid.
He overbid.

And you underbid.

I would've won.
I walked out
with nothing

but a stupid Jet Ski
I can't even pay the taxes on,

which, not for nothing,
is Stan's fault.

How's that?

We did a job together.

Ripped off this mansion

in Pasadena.

I was supposed to fence the
jewelry, but Stan screwed me.

He went off to the loony bin,

and told me
he found a new fence.

This fence have a name?


But I'll bet you
one unused Jet Ski

he's the guy who shot Stan.

I am such a moron!

Come on!
Look at that!

No, no, no!

Mm. This was yesterday?

Before work.

We have some decisions
to make.

An affidavit?

Mm-hmm. Attesting to the fact

that Detective Riggs
is mentally fit

to continue working
for the LAPD.

Don't my reports
already attest to that?

Well, under
normal circumstances.

But we're past that now.

If you sign this,
Detective Riggs stays.

And his behavior becomes
your responsibility.

Or don't sign it, and he's gone.

Problem solved.

That seems
fairly straightforward.

This is your
professional reputation.

Think about it.

You can give me
your answer tomorrow.

The deputy mayor?

Riggs, I just saw the tape.
What is wrong with you?

I don't know.
You know me better than anybody.

I should, but I-I don't.

Truly, Riggs,
I-I'm at a loss here.

Should we be having
this conversation down here

in front of everyone?
Does it matter?

I mean, you can avoid
your crap down here

as easily as you can upstairs.

You know what, Doc?
Why-why don't you say it

a little louder; I don't think
the guys up in vice heard you.

You should see yourself
on that tape, Riggs.

You are so damn angry,

and you are too terrified
to find out why.

Go look around, Doc,
everybody's angry.

Not everyone's my patient.

Good news.

We tracked down the pay phone

and got the name
of the fence Stan called.

Jose Esparza.

Please tell me
that you're joking.

Have you met Bailey?

She doesn't joke around.

Jose was my patient.

And Stanley's roommate
at the psych facility.

Well, at least we're keeping it
in the family.

We have a P.O. box,
but no current address.

His last whereabouts are...

I have his number
right here.

Hey, hey, what are you...?
What are you doing?

You can't just
make a phone call.

That's not how
police work... works.

Uh, J-Jose.

Uh, yes, it's-it's
Dr. Cahill.

Um, I-I just, I-I
wanted to check in.

It's been a while.

Um, thought we should
schedule an appointment.

Yeah. That's-that's perfect.

I can, I can
come to you.

See you in 30.

So she just called up
the suspect,

and he said
he would meet her?

I know. Ridiculous, right?

I think we're doing
something wrong.

No, Rog.

We should not have a shrink
in the field with us.

You know I can
hear you, right?

Oh, it's like
you're in my head, Doc.

CAHILL: Riggs, this is
not my first rodeo.

Heads up, guys.
We got a live one.

You ever been to a rodeo, Doc?

By the way, I am perfectly
comfortable in the field.

Well, I'm pretty sure
your field's a little different

from my field.

You brought the cops?

Hey, I just want to ask you
a couple of questions...

Hey, watch it, man!

Where does he think he's going?

The crazy ones,
they always climb.

Hey, hey, hey!



I just want to ask you
some questions, okay?

Look, make eye contact with me.

Back off. Back off!

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Whoa, whoa, hey.
Hey, look at me.

Look at me, Jose.

Hey, Jose.
Come on.

So you've been
going to see Cahill.

Back off!

What the hell is he doing?

Back off!

Look, you're running out
of real estate.

All right?

Oh, my God.

He's gonna fall.


You're scaring Cahill.

Guys, get out of here! Go!

What could they be
possibly talking about?

He's in there for
such a long time.

What he needs to talk about.


I think I just heard him
say "Dad."

Roger, stop it and sit down.

I bet this is about the time

that I didn't
play catch with him.

Or-or when I took his
quarters on poker night

and told him that
it was the tooth fairy.


PEGGY: You okay?

Just admiring your door.

It's wood.

How are you, sweetie?

Feeling good.
You know, better.

Okay, good.
Good, good.

Yeah, he's a
terrific kid.

Yeah, he's great. He is.

Okay, Roger, Trish.
Your turn?



So, uh, full disclosure.

Uh, RJ was our
first kid, so, uh,

needless to say,
mistakes were made.

Right? Yeah.

Well, RJ asked me
to talk to you.

The good news is
he's gonna be fine.


That's a relief.

But he has been

feeling very acutely

your sense
of disappointment in him

for having dropped out
of school.

Oh, no.

We're the opposite
of that.

RJ told me he overheard you
telling the mailman

that he was home because
he has a rare tropical disease.

You know that Doug likes
to spread gossip.

You know, he's so judgmental.
You told him he
had a disease?


she dropped RJ

on his head
when he was just a baby.

Her, not me.

I tried to catch him.
She said, "No, leave him.

He'll sleep
through the night."

So, Scorsese,
what do we got?

Drug-wise, nothing is
out of the ordinary

with Jose's system
as well as Stanley's.

Both tox reports, clean.

That makes no sense.

Cahill was treating
Stanley with SSRIs

and anti-anxiety meds.
Jose, too. Lithium.

Even if he stopped taking it
after he left the facility,

there should still be traces.

Which is why I asked you--
not so much--

you down here.

Are you sure I can't
pour you a ginger ale?

Okay, maybe...

Scorsese, it will
always be no.

Rain check.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Hands off the Jarlsberg.

Not for you.

May I have a fig?

Get out.

Good, you're still...

Look who it is.




To failing
all of my patients.

Or... to finding out
that Stan and Jose

were not taking
their meds.

Excuse me?

Not a drop of 'em.

Which means it's not
your fault they snapped.

So I missed that, too.

I thought I was helping them.

I thought that
I was helping you.

Come on, Doc, I know it doesn't
always look like it...

No, it doesn't.

Because you're not trying.
But it's-it's not your fault.

You see, it-it's my fault.
That's the truth.

I just, I-I can't
get through to you.

I think I've made you worse.

Come on, Doc.

I'm getting better.
It's just baby steps.

I do wish that were true.

I saw you with Jose.

You like it up there.

Inches from death, so...

close to the edge.

You're so angry.

One day, it'll kill you.

And I won't know why.

It's like the anger's
always been there.

I mean, not when
I was a kid, you know.

Certainly after my mom passed.

It's like a...
like a fire, you know.

Sometimes I get so hot,

I just want to jump outside
of myself, you know.

Night, Doctor.

Stop. No, stop, please.

Stop whistling.


'Cause I also know some Bonanza.

Oh, I can't believe I...
I drank so much.

What is that?

is a hangover cure.

You said something last night.


Thought you were asleep.

About, uh, Jose and-and Stanley
and the

Oh, clean as a whistle.

Those guys never avoided
taking their meds.

And even if they had,
the facility

and Dr. Samuels, they-they
had protocols in place.

What do you think
the street value

of those drugs are?

It's a depressing tox report
for sure,

but not surprising.

Every year, our
patients find new ways

to avoid taking
their meds.

The stories I could tell.

I'll bet you could.

Hey, Captain, could I
borrow you for a minute?

Fine with me.

I should probably
get going.

Actually, Doc,
could you hang out a sec?

We, uh, got some
paperwork to do.


I signed the report.

Anything else
can be e-mailed.

Well, these are, um,
these are sensitive debriefs.

They can't be sent

But I, and I still want
to hear some of those stories.

They guy's dirty.

He makes 47K a year
at a psych facility,

but has an offshore account

and just bought a condo
in Palm Desert.

And a Ferrari.
Rosso Corsa.

That's "red" in Ferrari.

I really should be
hitting the road.

Oh, please, Dr. Samuels.
We just put in your lunch order.

We're having dumplings.

You're gonna love the dumplings.

You don't want to miss
the dumplings; they're so good.

In a second.

So, you think he's taking
the patients' meds?

He's replacing them
with placebos

and selling them on the street.

You figure 30 a pill,
two a day,

about 55 patients--
he's making an easy...

million a year.

And you think Stanley found out,

and that's why
he broke out.

It's possible.
If he did,

Dr. Samuels would definitely
want to keep him quiet.

Okay, look,
we can't hold him,

because we only have a theory;
we don't have any evidence.

We need somebody
on the inside.

Are you
thinking an orderly?

No. I'm thinking a patient.


would punching his
captain in the face

get a cop thrown into
a psych ward?

Depends on the cop.

Isn't there any other way?

Well, I have to say,

I'm kind of surprised
you signed.

Why? Because I stand
by my patient,

or because I'm willing
to risk my career for it?

Dr. Cahill,
if you don't believe that...

Riggs has demons that he has not
been able to slay yet,

but I don't believe that
he's a danger to others.

We're better off
with him out there.

Mm. I hope you're right.

Dr. Samuels, the captain
wanted to apologize

for taking up
so much of your time.

A dress code?

A God!
It is not a code,

it's a suggestion.
You know what?

What's happening there?
That's all you do

is make suggestions.

Tell me when it's coming.

You know what?

I'm done with your suggestions.

And why don't I write it across
your forehead with a marker?

Riggs, I need
you to step back

and calm down.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

Did you just tell me
to calm down?
I did.

Step back and calm down.


I just have really
good reflexes.

Detective, that
man needs help.

What happened?

He's your problem now.

I've got it in writing.

Boots, belt,
all possessions in the box.

Welcome to Copeland.

Well, they bought it.

Why didn't you
tell me the plan

before putting on
that awful display?

Uh, there wasn't
enough time.

Samuels needed to see it.
We needed him to believe.

Did Riggs think I wouldn't
let him go through with it?

It'll work out.

His room's unlocked
for an activity hour.

He'll get into the pharmacy,
find the placebos,

and then we spring him
during visiting hours.

And you're still worried.

When I was in there,
I just got this feeling.

That this is a mistake?

No, that one day
we'll be doing this for real.

All right, check it out.

Let's go.

You got anything?

Check the hall.


Hey, ladies.

How are you?

Page Dr. Samuels.

Detective Riggs.

I'll say this: your
file was accurate.

So much anger.

Oh, we're just scratching
the surface, Doc.

You have questions about
my prescription drug policy?

Oh, "policy"?

Well, you're really just
stealing from your patients

and selling on the streets,

So no questions?

Medical professionals
in state-run facilities

are woefully underpaid.

Look into it.

Well, Stanley--
he actually looked into it.

Right? That's why
you had him killed?

There was no hope for Stanley.

But the good news is

a diagnosis like yours--
explosive rage,

antisocial mania--

easily justifies
a most aggressive treatment.


Riggs! Riggs!

Detective. Dr. Cahill.

Here's your problem.

You enter this facility
without a proper warrant,

you're looking at
a public relations disaster.

Doctor, here's
your problem.

Sometimes people get tired

of talking about their problems.

Where's Martin Riggs?

Before we go in...

...we need to talk.

I've been trying all day.

Your mother
is a strong woman,

and she's proud, too.

I know.

But she's getting sicker.

And that chemo she's on, you
seen what it does to her.

She hates it.

We all hate it.

But it's fighting
the cancer.

Yeah, well...

it's losing.

She, uh...

...she doesn't want
to do it anymore.

Just doesn't.

I don't understand.

What's that
supposed to mean?

She giving up?

Your mother loves us, son.

She wants to die.
Is that it?

Wants to leave us?
Is that what she wants?

No. No, that's the last thing
in this world she wants,

but you got to...

Tell her no.
I'll tell her.


There's a room
inside my heart

That no one ever goes

It's been boarded up
and locked for years

And everything is gone...

Then you come along

And cut yourself a key...


Swept the floors
and opened all the windows

Said, "Baby,
let it breathe..."

He needs adrenaline.
Stay with him.


You okay?

It's gonna be okay.

It's gonna be okay, son.

Hey, Riggs.

I'm right here with you.

It's okay, son.

No. No!

I'm right here with you!
No, no!

It's okay!

Let go of me!


Mom! Mom!

Riggs. Riggs,
can you hear us?

There he is.

Okay. Okay.

Hey. You with us?

You all right, bro?

You guys finally got me
in a straightjacket.

All these years

It is you I've loved
all these years.

How's he doing?


Riggs. I heard it got
a little rough in there for him.

He'll be all right.

And you have the signed
affidavit saying as much.

Mm-hmm. I do.

And it's why I thought
you might want this.


In case any last-minute
changes of heart.

I stand by my decision.

I figured you would.

Uh, don't you need this?

Send it up
to the powers that be.

Oh, I have.
That's your copy.

Not that you need a reminder
of what you signed up for.

I'll walk you out.

This is crazy, Riggs!

Look, Rog, one
shot on the chin.

Come on.
We got to do it.

Why do I have to do it?

Balance out the universe.

Come on.

Look, I hit you,
so now if you don't hit me,

it's gonna fester up

and turn into anger or
move into your bowels.

It'll be messy.

This is moronic!

Is it

No, I'm not gonna hit you!

Okay, I could smell it
festering inside of you.

Great job, guys.

Oh, sorry.

Sorry. Sorry.

I was giving you
a compliment!

No, I know.
That was for Riggs.

The universe is balanced.

D-Do you still have
that Wite


I feel so much better.

Thanks, Riggs.

What are you doing tonight?

I was thinking, uh,
watch the Laker game.

Maybe. Or I might just...


Hey, no judgment.
I understand the appeal.

You know what?

I'd do more floating
except I'm a natural sinker.


Listen, RJ, I know
you're going through something.

And I'm here if
you want to talk.

You're worried
about your future.

Well, you don't have to.

I mean, it's easy
for you to say.

You got it all going on:
job, Mom, this house.

And you don't have
to worry about any of it.

You're like
an impossible target to hit.

You think I don't worry?

I know you don't.

'Cause I hide it.

But from the moment I wake up,
I'm worried about all of it,

about you,
about your sisters,

about your mother,
about my crazy partner,

about the mistakes I made, about
the mistakes I'm gonna make.

Wow, so...

so, you

Sometimes I'm up all night

worrying that
I don't worry enough.

And sometimes I worry too much.

I'm just a worrier.

What's up, boys?

Dad and I are gonna watch
the Laker game.


Good talk, Dad. Thanks.

Appreciate it.


He seems better, honey.

What were you
talking about?

Just to see
what it would make...

Oh, baby, what's wrong?

I'm worried.

Or you'll never get on

Don't you forget
you come from nothing

Or you'll never get on

That wind is
calling my name...

I won't wait...


Did you forget we had a session

or just decide not to come?

Sorry. Time got away from me.

I bet it did.


Those drugs they gave me,

I feel like they're still
rattling around in my head.

Well, it's a shame
you don't have anyone

to talk to about that.

I dreamt a trail
up to the sky...


You still there?

Yeah, it's... it's just...

It's just what?

You're good at what you do, Doc.

Thank you.

I'm serious. I know that, uh,

I'm not the, you know,
most ideal patient.

But when I'm staring
into the abyss...

you're the only thing
that keeps me from falling in.

So thank you.

Riggs, where are you right now?

Or I'll never get on...

Where I always am.

See you tomorrow.

That wind is calling my name

I won't wait

Or I'll never get on.