Lethal Weapon (2016–…): Season 1, Episode 9 - Jingle Bell Glock - full transcript
Holiday celebrations are cut short when the precinct is called to examine a homicide linked to the deranged nephew of the drug lord who has ties to Riggs; and Murtaugh has a problem with his neighbor's excessive holiday decorations.
"BARTENDER". If you don't mind me asking,
what's a pretty lady like you doing
eating alone here on Christmas Eve?
Missed my flight home.
Where's home at?
Hey, Charlie, you know what
I bet this lady wants for Christmas?
Some peace and quiet.
Me, on the other hand...
Been a lousy day.
This will be the first time I haven't been
home for Christmas in...
VVeH, even
Still smiling.
That's something.
So that's my excuse for drinking alone
on Christmas. What's yours?
I'm not big on excuses.
Besides, I'm not drinking alone now, am I?
No, you're not.
Now I've just got one more question.
You gonna finish that steak?
Damn right I'm gonna finish it.
That a girl.
I want you to know I don't normally
go home with guys I've met in bars.
Good. That makes two of us.
Wow. This is, um,
Yeah, you know, I've only been here for
about a year, a year and a half, so...
That can't be comfortable.
Well, it's better
than a standard-issue cot.
Military or prison?
I did a couple tours in Iraq.
Also spent a night in county.
Back in high school.
Cow-tipping laws
are pretty strict around here.
That is a very, very small tree.
Yeah, they...
They gave those to us at work.
Brightens up the place.
Yeah, it does.
Couch is comfy.
It's a little rough around the edges,
but I see some potential.
Not such a bad Christmas.
No, not bad at all.
The man has no decency!
That's just not a few strands
of twinkly lights.
That's gaudy. Tasteless, even.
And with all the juice that he's using,
he's going to overpower our grid!
The grid?
Our power grid.
This is real. We're vulnerable.
Come on, Roger.
Every year, the McNeiles do this,
and every year, you complain about it.
The man's consistent.
One of the many qualities I admire.
Thank you, son.
This time of year is not about decoration.
This is about family.
This is about togetherness.
Totally agree, Dad.
So can I count on you to drive me
to Julie's house tomorrow night?
She's having a few friends over.
I'll drive you, Ri.
- Whose car?
- Yeah.
You know what? Sorry,
not until, you know, after tomorrow.
You know, after we get our presents.
He thinks he's getting a car.
You're not getting a car, RJ.
You're not getting a car.
You guys. Okay. Sure. Yeah.
You wink at me again. I dare you.
All year long, people are out and about,
moving and shaking...
Having fun?
- Not home.
- Listen, your father's right.
It's the one time of year
we are all in the same place
for a few days.
Yeah, so your mother and I
are gonna take some time off,
and we're gonna spend some family time
together whether you like it or not.
- McNeile!
- Roger!
Hey. Jim!
Big Rog!
We taken it to the next level
over here, or what?
The grid.
Have you considered the grid?
The grid?
The electrical grid, Jim.
I mean, with all this stuff,
it's like a fire hazard.
You a fireman now, Rog? Is that it?
Firemen don't carry guns, Jim.
You know what dentists carry?
High-powered Waterpiks
and floss.
Roger! Roger!
Get in here. Now.
Sorry, Jim.
- What was that?
- Sorry, the lights look great.
Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas. Happy holidays.
Merry Christmas.
First of all, he calls me "Big Rog."
Then he makes some sort of threatening
gesture with floss.
I didn't think it was possible
to floss threateningly.
Fair enough.
I mean, dealing with McNeile
is the worst part of the season.
The worst part
of the holiday season is, well,
Everything? You hate it all?
All right, fellows. Our victim's name
is Elena Tull. Twenty-five.
Lived in the penthouse.
You think she offed herself?
Holidays can be hard on some people.
Well, could be,
but, if you're going to take a swan dive,
I doubt that you're worried about
your feet getting cold on the way down.
You want to give it a rest?
We're not exactly caroling out here.
Come on, man.
The guy was just doing his job.
Out doing his job?
Yet another reason why I hate Christmas.
Certain dentist notwithstanding,
it's a time of year when people exhibit
goodwill toward their fellow man.
And I like that.
My God.
My Car!
What was that about goodwill?
Merry Christmas, Big Rog.
Bah, humbug.
- Nice digs for a nurse.
- It's not hers.
Bailey's looking into the owner.
There's a company name on the deed.
Gentlemen, would you join me
on the veranda?
Victim fell from this ledge,
leaving us three options.
Accident, suicide, murder?
- This is the question I set out to solve.
- She was pushed.
Takes force to get that kind of damage.
I had a different and much more
thorough approach, but, yes,
she was pushed.
The apartment is under a holding company
owned by the victim's boyfriend.
An Eduardo Flores.
Eddie Flores?
Who's Eddie Flores?
Christmas came early.
And Santa put a top cartel associate
under the LAPD's tree.
Eddie freaking Flores!
I knew Eddie back in Texas.
Juarez's most eligible drug lord.
He's the homicidal nephew of Tito Flores.
Almost had him busted on
a kidnapping case down in Texas,
but, the day before trial, our only
witness ended up without a head.
Which made it hard to testify.
- It does because... No mouth.
- No words.
No, no words.
Well, he screwed up this time
'cause he's in our town,
and we're gonna nail his ass.
Just know we're gonna have our hands full.
Eddie's not your normal scumbag.
And we're not your normal cops.
Speaking of which, Captain...
Murtaugh, I understand that you had
some time off scheduled this week,
but we have to roll up our sleeves
on this one.
And I'm sorry to say, that may mean
missing out on some family time.
In-laws in town?
They land in an hour. Let's get to work!
I got into Elena's phone.
There's a string of texts
with someone named
"He's onto us. I'm scared."
Okay, H could be a lover,
and Eddie found out.
Okay, let's go through all the contacts,
look for any H's.
- Henry, Hank...
- Hector, Hugo?
No one has an affair with a Hugo.
Guys, are you done doing this whole wild
guess thing, or do you want to find out?
Because Elena is meeting H
for coffee in 15 minutes.
- I'm gonna go with Harvey.
- I'm saying Hamburger.
Hannah! Anyone here named Hannah?
Excuse me, ma'am.
Are you here to meet Elena Tull?
- Who are you?
- We're with LAPD.
That son of a bitch.
- He killed her, didn't he?
- Who?
No. You first.
What do you know?
Doesn't work like that.
We ask the questions.
Look, let's start with an easy one.
What was your relationship with Elena?
Ff lends.
Colleagues, I guess you could say.
- You're a nurse?
- Journalist.
I'm on the city desk at the LA Sentinel.
- What do you cover?
- Crimes, drugs.
Cartels' rise in LA.
All right, so we can cut the crap.
- You know exactly who she was dating.
- Yeah. I know.
You know what kind of man he is?
More so than you.
I was writing a piece on Eddie Flores.
Elena was my source.
Did she know how dangerous he was?
She knew.
At first, she didn't know who he was,
but she was a bright girl. She caught on.
Instead of ending it,
she wanted to take him down.
So why not go to the cops?
You guys have any luck
catching Eddie yet?
Elena is dead, and if Eddie finds out
that she was your source,
then your life is in danger, too.
- So we suggest that maybe you...
- Keep a low profile,
let you guys handle the case.
Yeah, I know the drill.
I think you're underestimating
what Eddie's capable of.
I know Eduardo Flores, Detective.
And nothing would make me happier
than if I was underestimating
what you guys are capable of.
Do you know where we can find him?
Not exactly keeping a low profile.
Anyone can find him.
Question is,
who has the balls to take him down?
- Eddie? Eddie Flores? My...
- That's Eddie.
- It is you!
- He's here.
I haven't seen you since...
Since you chopped that dude's head off
in El Paso.
You look great.
- Do you know him?
- Just a drug cop named Riggs.
That Texas twang,
it makes me feel at home.
Eddie. He's not from Texas.
You're right. From Juarez.
That's right.
Well, I have not had the pleasure.
My goodness, I'm so sorry.
Roger, Eddie. Eddie, Roger.
I hear wonderful things about you.
In fact, I'm a little nervous.
I've never been this close
to a sociopath before.
Ignore them. They harass me all the time.
Just some nonsense from years ago.
No, no, actually, this is about yesterday.
Yeah, new nonsense.
He threw his girlfriend
off a 13-story balcony.
She crashed through the roof of a car,
severed her spine, split her skull in two.
It was a mess.
But you seem to be doing great.
And you're dating again, that's wonderful.
- Excuse me.
- Stay.
Please. No, they're leaving now.
No, no, no, I'm so sorry.
Please, no.
We've got to go get evidence and subpoenas
- and all that jazz.
- Warrants.
We just saw you across the room
and had to say hello, so hello.
You're just like Texas, Riggs.
All bark, no bite.
Well, this time, it's gonna stick.
Just be careful out there.
Right. We wouldn't wanna lose our heads.
I see what you did there!
He's getting all punny.
- Well, it's the holidays.
- Yes.
- Makes me feel good.
- Giddy.
All right.
Hey. Riggs, you know how cruel
this world can be.
How's that?
Sometimes, we lose people, right?
People we love.
Friends, partners,
Accidents happen, right?
Riggs. Riggs!
Are you talking about my wife?
There's a room full of people here.
Answer me! Are you talking about my wife?
Did I touch a nerve?
I'm sorry, Detective.
MURTAUGHI Not like this, Riggs.
Too many people looking. Come on.
He's just trying to rattle your cage.
You should get a better date.
Aw. Cut her some slack, Riggs.
This time of year,
no one wants to be alone.
What part of "no mistakes"
did you not understand?
I got a dozen calls telling me that Riggs
nearly pushed Flores off a ledge.
He didn't push him.
It was more of a controlled dangle.
Roger, what's going on?
The holidays makes him a little nuts.
A little nuts, I understand.
My father-in-law can't stop telling me
about how much he loves "the gays,"
but you don't see me
dangling him off a roof
Eddie said something about Riggs's wife.
It set him off.
Do I need to take him off the case?
We got this.
- Where is he now?
- At a storage locker.
He's looking through some old
El Paso case files.
I think his history with Eddie
is gonna help us on this one.
Don't let him get emotional.
That's what Eddie wants.
I feel like a jackass.
It's a family tradition.
Why aren't you wearing one?
Mine's upstairs in my old bedroom.
Come on, babe. Your family probably
has some dumb traditions, too.
Silly sweaters are
the least of my family's issues.
I haven't been home in 10 years.
Well, that's not me.
Family is everything to me.
You need to know the kind
of life that you're signing up for.
Ugly sweaters, drunk uncles.
It's messy.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
So what do you say, cowboy?
You up for all of that?
I think I'd make a pretty good
drunk uncle someday.
Yeah, you would.
You got him to wear the sweater?
You set me up.
Sorry, babe.
- Wow.
- Sorry.
You all look ridiculous.
I look festive.
He's a keeper!
I told you he was a keeper!
He is part of the family.
I'm just saying,
if Riggs is coming for dinner,
you guys won't even notice that I'm gone.
It's going to be the party of the year.
No, the party of the year
is going to be right here.
A Murtaugh party!
'Cause ain't no party
like a Murtaugh party
'cause a Murtaugh party don't stop.
That's the spirit. And you, miss,
are gonna be here for the family dinner.
Is there something you want to tell me?
- About what?
- I don't know, about a missing reindeer?
Yeah. Jim McNeile stopped by,
said someone stole one of his.
That's terrible. I'm gonna look into that.
Which one was it?
Let me guess. It was Prancer.
You do know you can't steal
his decorations, right, Dad?
Hey. Show Dad some respect.
Hey. You are not getting a car, RJ.
Roger, did you take the man's reindeer?
I mean, it's a terrible crime.
And even though he's been stealing
power from us for years now,
I just came home to get a cup of coffee,
and then I'll go back,
and, after I'm wide awake from
this coffee, I'll solve the reindeer...
Aw, damn you, McNeile!
- Brought you something.
- Riggs. Wow.
This is expensive stuff.
Well, happiest time of year, right?
It was open, and you closed it.
Had to make sure that, you know,
it didn't go bad.
Either way, very thoughtful gift.
It's more of a bribe.
I need you to look at this for me.
This is from El Paso.
Yeah. Um...
I'm just trying
to find any inconsistencies.
You know, they said that the truck driver
was... He was intoxicated,
but I can't find any evidence
that supports that.
Honestly, I don't know
what it is I'm looking for.
I could use some expert eyes on it.
Sure. Victim's name is Miranda...
- This is, um...
- An accident report.
I know, but, um...
McNeile blew the grid!
My next door neighbor. McNeile.
He over-powered his Christmas lights
and blew my power.
What's going on here?
Riggs, brought me a Christmas present.
Hey! 'Tis the season.
Speaking of gifts,
Bailey tracked down Elena Tull's
purchase history.
She just bought a wireless
home security camera.
- She was recording Eddie.
- Yeah.
And hopefully, that camera's
still in the penthouse.
Maybe Santa came early this year.
Riggs, thanks for the...
- I got it.
- Thanks.
- Don't shoot.
- What the hell are you doing here?
Elena borrowed something of mine.
I needed to get it back.
Not so fast, not so fast.
I need to see what's in the bag.
- I'm sorry. Do you have a warrant?
- We don't need one.
You broke into a crime scene.
Do you know how many journalists
have been killed by the Flores cartel?
Over 400 in Juarez alone.
They think they can silence us
through intimidation.
I'm not scared.
With any luck, what's on this
will put Eddie Flores away.
Can I go now?
Merry Christmas.
How do you like the view
from my apartment, Detective?
Damn it. She took the SD card.
It's Flores.
Okay, you talk to him.
I'm going after her.
What's up, buddy?
Did you call to confess?
My conscience is clean.
I was thinking about our time in Texas.
You were such a cowboy.
What brought you out to LA?
You know, smog, traffic.
How about you?
Your uncle finally kick you out of Mexico?
No, I came for the girls, man.
Same as you.
Your hot Chicanita wife
was from here, wasn't she?
Mention my wife one more time.
You're such a hothead, Riggs.
I'm just like you, though.
I get angry
and then, boom, I just explode.
The lED was triggered by a modified
cell phone.
It could have been detonated
from anywhere by a text.
Any way to figure out
who was on the other end?
It was a burner. Untraceable.
He's playing with us.
He called me to brag
while we watched her burn.
Were we able to recover
anything else from the victim?
Found the SD card from Hannah's bag.
It's badly damaged,
but there was a cache of data.
There's a password on it, though.
It's up with Bailey now.
- so we get him with the video.
- How long's that gonna take?
And what if it doesn't work?
Even if it doesn't work,
we will get him with something else.
Right, Rog. We know exactly what he did.
All of us know exactly what he did
and where to find him,
and we're not doing a damn thing about it.
Okay, this is what he wants.
He wants to get in our heads,
make us go after him now
and make a mistake.
What he's doing is he's laughing at us!
He killed Elena. He killed Hannah.
- And he killed Miranda.
- And you know that how?
Because it's what he's telling you.
It's what he wants you to believe!
Please tell him about the report.
Report? What report?
I gave Scorsese Miranda's accident report.
So please tell him.
I'm sorry, Riggs-
There wasn't anything
to indicate it wasn't an accident.
What about the tox report?
The driver wasn't drunk.
There's nothing there.
Look, I know how hard this can be.
- No, you don't.
- Riggs.
I need you to keep it together.
Can you do that?
I've been keeping it together.
And look where that got me.
Why don't you keep it together
for the both of us?
I hope RJ's not too disappointed
with these headphones.
He'll be fine. Those headphones
cost more than my first stereo.
Yeah, I know, but he really does think
he's getting a car.
And Riana keeps asking why she
can't go to her friend's party tonight.
What's wrong?
Honey, come on now.
You're a terrible liar.
I guess I should start asking,
what's wrong with Riggs?
This cartel guy keeps messing with
his head, trying to make him think
that he had something to do
with his wife's death.
- Did he?
- No.
He's baiting him, and it's working.
I'm afraid he's gonna hurt somebody.
I know I'm telling you something
you probably already know,
- but you need to be there for him.
- I'm trying.
Believe me. But he's not having it.
You know, this time last year,
he probably thought
this Christmas,
he would be with his wife and baby.
Now, he's alone.
Can you imagine that?
I can't.
RIGGSI All right.
What? In your pocket.
My God!
- It's beautiful.
- Merry Christmas.
- Thank you. Here, help me.
- Yeah.
All right.
It's so pretty.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
Okay. Your turn.
How did you get
a fire truck inside of here?
- A train set? No?
- No, open it.
- Grenade launcher?
- No. Better.
Does this mean that...
You're going to be a daddy.
I came to apologize.
I need to be a little more understanding
about how hard this time of year
is for you.
Why don't you go home, R097
Go be with your family.
Is that gun for Flores?
Don't go asking questions
you don't want the answers to.
Well, here's one I need answered.
If you go and kill Flores in cold blood,
what's left for you?
What's left for me now?
If you really feel that way,
then you need to go ahead
and turn that thing on yourself.
Look, Riggs,
we don't know yet if Flores
had anything to do with Miranda.
The best way to find out
is to arrest him for the murders
of the two women we know he killed.
Once we have him,
we can find out the rest.
What if he pleas down or walks?
If we get him the right way
and he walks, I will help you find him.
I'm not asking for your help, Roger.
I know.
You never do.
But I know he killed her,
so, one way or another,
it's either him or me.
What are you still doing here?
I thought you got a promotion
so you could go home early.
- He's avoiding his in-laws.
- No, I'm closing a double homicide.
So he doesn't have to commit one.
But we did crack the password.
- We got video?
- Yeah, but it's not that great a quality.
It's tough to ID who Elena's with.
Come on. That's Eddie.
That's his clothes, the way he walks.
It's him.
Won't hold up in court.
We need to see his face.
Come on. Turn around.
- I knew it. He's gonna walk.
- Play that again.
Rog, it doesn't matter.
You can't see his face.
Play it.
Wait. Stop. Look at that tree.
Those big gaudy bulbs.
Rog, we get it.
You hate the exploitation of the holiday.
No... Bailey, zoom in on that one.
That ball right there.
- It's him.
- Go get the son of a bitch.
Excuse me.
Well, you're in a good mood, Detective.
Finally find that holiday spirit?
You know, sometimes it just takes
getting that perfect gift.
And I got a great one today.
You know what it is?
A movie. So let me set it up.
So you got this idiot from Juarez, right?
And he walks into this condo,
beautiful condo...
- No, no, you're telling it all wrong.
- Okay, you tell it!
- You've got to set the stage.
- Okay.
Chestnuts roasting.
There's a chill in the air.
All of a sudden, a man pushes a helpless
woman off a balcony to her death.
- All on camera.
- All on camera.
Is that supposed to mean something to me?
It means something to me.
Does it not mean something to you?
He's in the movie.
It doesn't mean anything?
Call him.
Happy holidays, Mrs. Murtaugh.
I have a delivery for your husband
from LAPD.
- Wow. What is it?
- I'm not supposed to say.
- I guess it's a surprise.
- Okay.
It's a pretty heavy surprise.
Do you mind if I set it down inside?
- I'm sorry. Come on in. Thank you.
- Thanks.
We got him. The right way.
Bah, humbug.
Thank you.
Might be the North Pole.
You're off the naughty list.
- Yeah?
- Feliz Navidad, Detective.
- Who is this?
- You have my nephew in your custody.
Just as I now have
your partner's family in mine.
Who is it?
Bring my nephew
to the Van Nuys Airport.
You have one hour.
- What's wrong?
- Call Trish.
Just do what I tell you,
and your family will be fine.
Don't, and the children die first.
- Hello.
- Put my wife on the phone.
"ALBERTO". You don't make the demands.
You're not in control of the situation.
- You understand?
- Put her on. Now!
- Roger.
- Are you all right?
Are the kids there?
We're okay.
They're upstairs.
They don't know what's going on.
Okay, you listen to me.
Everything's gonna be all right, okay?
I promise you.
I love you.
Fifty-five minutes.
Hey, what the hell
are you doing, man?
Shut up!
No! No! That's my...
Yellow Ferrari.
You take him to the airport.
I'll handle this.
I'll take care of my family.
Space Invaders.
I still got the high score.
Yeah, okay, whatever. Hey.
Hey, who's that?
He's a friend of your father's.
He won't be staying long.
- Why don't you two sit with us?
- No!
No. No, you guys 90-
Go watch a movie in the den.
We need to talk.
- Okay.
- All right.
What do you think would happen
if they saw you
holding a gun to their mother?
They'd panic.
And we both know the best thing
for everyone is to stay calm.
I can't believe I have to stay
here, and Dad's not even here yet.
Don't worry, honey.
Your father will be home soon.
Don't look so glum, Riggs.
Think of it this way.
This time around we managed
to avoid any unwanted accidents.
You know,
I could really use some coffee.
Would that be okay?
Thank you.
Hey, what happened?
- What are you doing?
- Calm down!
Our neighbor's holiday lights
shorted our circuit.
The breakers are just in the garage.
Try anything, and I'll make you
watch me kill your kids.
You got it?
I got it.
There's a step here.
It's just... Just over here.
Breathe and I'll blow your ass
all over this garage.
- You okay?
- Yeah, I'm okay.
See, I told you
my husband was coming home.
It's time for me to go, bro.
That was fun, though.
I'm sure we'll do it again sometime.
Did you kill my wife?
Tell me!
I will blow your brains out
all over the ground.
I want to thank you for bringing
back my nephew.
It's a shame he had such a temper.
Made him weak, unpredictable.
I could no longer ignore his failures.
Did he kill my Wife?
Miranda Riggs.
El Paso, Texas.
September 15th, 2015.
Please tell me.
You weren't that important in El Paso,
and you're not that important now.
Take him to the station.
I'll fill out the paperwork later.
And quietly, okay?
No sirens.
I don't want the kids to hear about this.
I'll take care of it.
- Hey. Bailey, thank you.
- Merry Christmas, Murtaugh.
Roger, is there anything else
you want to tell me?
No, I swear, I told you everything.
And look, baby, I promise you,
you and the kids are safe now.
Baby, I'm talking about that.
- Prancer?
- My good...
How did Prancer get in here?
- How did Prancer get in here, honey?
- I do not know.
- Really?
- Dad!
Come on.
- What?
- Dad.
Dad, you bought me a freaking Ferrari?
You actually bought him a car?
That is so unfair!
That's not yours. You know what's yours?
This roof, this family, that sister.
Start appreciating what you have.
What your father is trying to say is,
we have each other.
- Right?
- Yeah.
That's all we need.
Come here.
We do still get gifts, though, right?
FAA says Tito Flores's jet is gone.
Somewhere in Mexican airspace.
But the Murtaughs are safe.
That's all we have for now.
Probably a good time
to call it a night, head home.
Yeah, have a good night, Captain.
Yeah, why don't you join us,
if you don't have other plans?
Aw, I've got... I've got all
this paperwork I've got to do...
You want a hand? I was actually
a paperwork savant back in the day.
Aw, Cap, come on. It's Christmas.
Go be with your family.
Riggs, I know you wanted Flores
pretty bad.
Did you at least get the answers
you were looking for?
had me believing
in things that don't exist.
It is the time of year for that.
Of course he's here.
Let me go first.
There's no telling what he might be doing.
It may not be kid safe.
I've learned with Riggs,
it's better to knock.
Hello? You in there?
A peaceful family's outside. You decent?
I'm drunk, if that's what you mean, yeah.
- I assumed that already.
- Hey, Riggs-
What's up?
You guys didn't have to do this.
This time of year
isn't the same without family.
And like it or not,
you're part of ours. Come on.
Now, does the stove work?
Didn't even know
there was a stove under there.
Let's see. Hey! We're in luck.
There we go. Yeah.
Yeah, one other thing.
Surprise for you, courtesy of my neighbor,
Mr. Jim McNeile.
- Something outside?
- Yeah.
- Roger!
- Dad!
I thought it was funny.
Remember, we were laughing.
- No, we didn't laugh at this.
- You laughed.
English - SDH
what's a pretty lady like you doing
eating alone here on Christmas Eve?
Missed my flight home.
Where's home at?
Hey, Charlie, you know what
I bet this lady wants for Christmas?
Some peace and quiet.
Me, on the other hand...
Been a lousy day.
This will be the first time I haven't been
home for Christmas in...
VVeH, even
Still smiling.
That's something.
So that's my excuse for drinking alone
on Christmas. What's yours?
I'm not big on excuses.
Besides, I'm not drinking alone now, am I?
No, you're not.
Now I've just got one more question.
You gonna finish that steak?
Damn right I'm gonna finish it.
That a girl.
I want you to know I don't normally
go home with guys I've met in bars.
Good. That makes two of us.
Wow. This is, um,
Yeah, you know, I've only been here for
about a year, a year and a half, so...
That can't be comfortable.
Well, it's better
than a standard-issue cot.
Military or prison?
I did a couple tours in Iraq.
Also spent a night in county.
Back in high school.
Cow-tipping laws
are pretty strict around here.
That is a very, very small tree.
Yeah, they...
They gave those to us at work.
Brightens up the place.
Yeah, it does.
Couch is comfy.
It's a little rough around the edges,
but I see some potential.
Not such a bad Christmas.
No, not bad at all.
The man has no decency!
That's just not a few strands
of twinkly lights.
That's gaudy. Tasteless, even.
And with all the juice that he's using,
he's going to overpower our grid!
The grid?
Our power grid.
This is real. We're vulnerable.
Come on, Roger.
Every year, the McNeiles do this,
and every year, you complain about it.
The man's consistent.
One of the many qualities I admire.
Thank you, son.
This time of year is not about decoration.
This is about family.
This is about togetherness.
Totally agree, Dad.
So can I count on you to drive me
to Julie's house tomorrow night?
She's having a few friends over.
I'll drive you, Ri.
- Whose car?
- Yeah.
You know what? Sorry,
not until, you know, after tomorrow.
You know, after we get our presents.
He thinks he's getting a car.
You're not getting a car, RJ.
You're not getting a car.
You guys. Okay. Sure. Yeah.
You wink at me again. I dare you.
All year long, people are out and about,
moving and shaking...
Having fun?
- Not home.
- Listen, your father's right.
It's the one time of year
we are all in the same place
for a few days.
Yeah, so your mother and I
are gonna take some time off,
and we're gonna spend some family time
together whether you like it or not.
- McNeile!
- Roger!
Hey. Jim!
Big Rog!
We taken it to the next level
over here, or what?
The grid.
Have you considered the grid?
The grid?
The electrical grid, Jim.
I mean, with all this stuff,
it's like a fire hazard.
You a fireman now, Rog? Is that it?
Firemen don't carry guns, Jim.
You know what dentists carry?
High-powered Waterpiks
and floss.
Roger! Roger!
Get in here. Now.
Sorry, Jim.
- What was that?
- Sorry, the lights look great.
Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas. Happy holidays.
Merry Christmas.
First of all, he calls me "Big Rog."
Then he makes some sort of threatening
gesture with floss.
I didn't think it was possible
to floss threateningly.
Fair enough.
I mean, dealing with McNeile
is the worst part of the season.
The worst part
of the holiday season is, well,
Everything? You hate it all?
All right, fellows. Our victim's name
is Elena Tull. Twenty-five.
Lived in the penthouse.
You think she offed herself?
Holidays can be hard on some people.
Well, could be,
but, if you're going to take a swan dive,
I doubt that you're worried about
your feet getting cold on the way down.
You want to give it a rest?
We're not exactly caroling out here.
Come on, man.
The guy was just doing his job.
Out doing his job?
Yet another reason why I hate Christmas.
Certain dentist notwithstanding,
it's a time of year when people exhibit
goodwill toward their fellow man.
And I like that.
My God.
My Car!
What was that about goodwill?
Merry Christmas, Big Rog.
Bah, humbug.
- Nice digs for a nurse.
- It's not hers.
Bailey's looking into the owner.
There's a company name on the deed.
Gentlemen, would you join me
on the veranda?
Victim fell from this ledge,
leaving us three options.
Accident, suicide, murder?
- This is the question I set out to solve.
- She was pushed.
Takes force to get that kind of damage.
I had a different and much more
thorough approach, but, yes,
she was pushed.
The apartment is under a holding company
owned by the victim's boyfriend.
An Eduardo Flores.
Eddie Flores?
Who's Eddie Flores?
Christmas came early.
And Santa put a top cartel associate
under the LAPD's tree.
Eddie freaking Flores!
I knew Eddie back in Texas.
Juarez's most eligible drug lord.
He's the homicidal nephew of Tito Flores.
Almost had him busted on
a kidnapping case down in Texas,
but, the day before trial, our only
witness ended up without a head.
Which made it hard to testify.
- It does because... No mouth.
- No words.
No, no words.
Well, he screwed up this time
'cause he's in our town,
and we're gonna nail his ass.
Just know we're gonna have our hands full.
Eddie's not your normal scumbag.
And we're not your normal cops.
Speaking of which, Captain...
Murtaugh, I understand that you had
some time off scheduled this week,
but we have to roll up our sleeves
on this one.
And I'm sorry to say, that may mean
missing out on some family time.
In-laws in town?
They land in an hour. Let's get to work!
I got into Elena's phone.
There's a string of texts
with someone named
"He's onto us. I'm scared."
Okay, H could be a lover,
and Eddie found out.
Okay, let's go through all the contacts,
look for any H's.
- Henry, Hank...
- Hector, Hugo?
No one has an affair with a Hugo.
Guys, are you done doing this whole wild
guess thing, or do you want to find out?
Because Elena is meeting H
for coffee in 15 minutes.
- I'm gonna go with Harvey.
- I'm saying Hamburger.
Hannah! Anyone here named Hannah?
Excuse me, ma'am.
Are you here to meet Elena Tull?
- Who are you?
- We're with LAPD.
That son of a bitch.
- He killed her, didn't he?
- Who?
No. You first.
What do you know?
Doesn't work like that.
We ask the questions.
Look, let's start with an easy one.
What was your relationship with Elena?
Ff lends.
Colleagues, I guess you could say.
- You're a nurse?
- Journalist.
I'm on the city desk at the LA Sentinel.
- What do you cover?
- Crimes, drugs.
Cartels' rise in LA.
All right, so we can cut the crap.
- You know exactly who she was dating.
- Yeah. I know.
You know what kind of man he is?
More so than you.
I was writing a piece on Eddie Flores.
Elena was my source.
Did she know how dangerous he was?
She knew.
At first, she didn't know who he was,
but she was a bright girl. She caught on.
Instead of ending it,
she wanted to take him down.
So why not go to the cops?
You guys have any luck
catching Eddie yet?
Elena is dead, and if Eddie finds out
that she was your source,
then your life is in danger, too.
- So we suggest that maybe you...
- Keep a low profile,
let you guys handle the case.
Yeah, I know the drill.
I think you're underestimating
what Eddie's capable of.
I know Eduardo Flores, Detective.
And nothing would make me happier
than if I was underestimating
what you guys are capable of.
Do you know where we can find him?
Not exactly keeping a low profile.
Anyone can find him.
Question is,
who has the balls to take him down?
- Eddie? Eddie Flores? My...
- That's Eddie.
- It is you!
- He's here.
I haven't seen you since...
Since you chopped that dude's head off
in El Paso.
You look great.
- Do you know him?
- Just a drug cop named Riggs.
That Texas twang,
it makes me feel at home.
Eddie. He's not from Texas.
You're right. From Juarez.
That's right.
Well, I have not had the pleasure.
My goodness, I'm so sorry.
Roger, Eddie. Eddie, Roger.
I hear wonderful things about you.
In fact, I'm a little nervous.
I've never been this close
to a sociopath before.
Ignore them. They harass me all the time.
Just some nonsense from years ago.
No, no, actually, this is about yesterday.
Yeah, new nonsense.
He threw his girlfriend
off a 13-story balcony.
She crashed through the roof of a car,
severed her spine, split her skull in two.
It was a mess.
But you seem to be doing great.
And you're dating again, that's wonderful.
- Excuse me.
- Stay.
Please. No, they're leaving now.
No, no, no, I'm so sorry.
Please, no.
We've got to go get evidence and subpoenas
- and all that jazz.
- Warrants.
We just saw you across the room
and had to say hello, so hello.
You're just like Texas, Riggs.
All bark, no bite.
Well, this time, it's gonna stick.
Just be careful out there.
Right. We wouldn't wanna lose our heads.
I see what you did there!
He's getting all punny.
- Well, it's the holidays.
- Yes.
- Makes me feel good.
- Giddy.
All right.
Hey. Riggs, you know how cruel
this world can be.
How's that?
Sometimes, we lose people, right?
People we love.
Friends, partners,
Accidents happen, right?
Riggs. Riggs!
Are you talking about my wife?
There's a room full of people here.
Answer me! Are you talking about my wife?
Did I touch a nerve?
I'm sorry, Detective.
MURTAUGHI Not like this, Riggs.
Too many people looking. Come on.
He's just trying to rattle your cage.
You should get a better date.
Aw. Cut her some slack, Riggs.
This time of year,
no one wants to be alone.
What part of "no mistakes"
did you not understand?
I got a dozen calls telling me that Riggs
nearly pushed Flores off a ledge.
He didn't push him.
It was more of a controlled dangle.
Roger, what's going on?
The holidays makes him a little nuts.
A little nuts, I understand.
My father-in-law can't stop telling me
about how much he loves "the gays,"
but you don't see me
dangling him off a roof
Eddie said something about Riggs's wife.
It set him off.
Do I need to take him off the case?
We got this.
- Where is he now?
- At a storage locker.
He's looking through some old
El Paso case files.
I think his history with Eddie
is gonna help us on this one.
Don't let him get emotional.
That's what Eddie wants.
I feel like a jackass.
It's a family tradition.
Why aren't you wearing one?
Mine's upstairs in my old bedroom.
Come on, babe. Your family probably
has some dumb traditions, too.
Silly sweaters are
the least of my family's issues.
I haven't been home in 10 years.
Well, that's not me.
Family is everything to me.
You need to know the kind
of life that you're signing up for.
Ugly sweaters, drunk uncles.
It's messy.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
So what do you say, cowboy?
You up for all of that?
I think I'd make a pretty good
drunk uncle someday.
Yeah, you would.
You got him to wear the sweater?
You set me up.
Sorry, babe.
- Wow.
- Sorry.
You all look ridiculous.
I look festive.
He's a keeper!
I told you he was a keeper!
He is part of the family.
I'm just saying,
if Riggs is coming for dinner,
you guys won't even notice that I'm gone.
It's going to be the party of the year.
No, the party of the year
is going to be right here.
A Murtaugh party!
'Cause ain't no party
like a Murtaugh party
'cause a Murtaugh party don't stop.
That's the spirit. And you, miss,
are gonna be here for the family dinner.
Is there something you want to tell me?
- About what?
- I don't know, about a missing reindeer?
Yeah. Jim McNeile stopped by,
said someone stole one of his.
That's terrible. I'm gonna look into that.
Which one was it?
Let me guess. It was Prancer.
You do know you can't steal
his decorations, right, Dad?
Hey. Show Dad some respect.
Hey. You are not getting a car, RJ.
Roger, did you take the man's reindeer?
I mean, it's a terrible crime.
And even though he's been stealing
power from us for years now,
I just came home to get a cup of coffee,
and then I'll go back,
and, after I'm wide awake from
this coffee, I'll solve the reindeer...
Aw, damn you, McNeile!
- Brought you something.
- Riggs. Wow.
This is expensive stuff.
Well, happiest time of year, right?
It was open, and you closed it.
Had to make sure that, you know,
it didn't go bad.
Either way, very thoughtful gift.
It's more of a bribe.
I need you to look at this for me.
This is from El Paso.
Yeah. Um...
I'm just trying
to find any inconsistencies.
You know, they said that the truck driver
was... He was intoxicated,
but I can't find any evidence
that supports that.
Honestly, I don't know
what it is I'm looking for.
I could use some expert eyes on it.
Sure. Victim's name is Miranda...
- This is, um...
- An accident report.
I know, but, um...
McNeile blew the grid!
My next door neighbor. McNeile.
He over-powered his Christmas lights
and blew my power.
What's going on here?
Riggs, brought me a Christmas present.
Hey! 'Tis the season.
Speaking of gifts,
Bailey tracked down Elena Tull's
purchase history.
She just bought a wireless
home security camera.
- She was recording Eddie.
- Yeah.
And hopefully, that camera's
still in the penthouse.
Maybe Santa came early this year.
Riggs, thanks for the...
- I got it.
- Thanks.
- Don't shoot.
- What the hell are you doing here?
Elena borrowed something of mine.
I needed to get it back.
Not so fast, not so fast.
I need to see what's in the bag.
- I'm sorry. Do you have a warrant?
- We don't need one.
You broke into a crime scene.
Do you know how many journalists
have been killed by the Flores cartel?
Over 400 in Juarez alone.
They think they can silence us
through intimidation.
I'm not scared.
With any luck, what's on this
will put Eddie Flores away.
Can I go now?
Merry Christmas.
How do you like the view
from my apartment, Detective?
Damn it. She took the SD card.
It's Flores.
Okay, you talk to him.
I'm going after her.
What's up, buddy?
Did you call to confess?
My conscience is clean.
I was thinking about our time in Texas.
You were such a cowboy.
What brought you out to LA?
You know, smog, traffic.
How about you?
Your uncle finally kick you out of Mexico?
No, I came for the girls, man.
Same as you.
Your hot Chicanita wife
was from here, wasn't she?
Mention my wife one more time.
You're such a hothead, Riggs.
I'm just like you, though.
I get angry
and then, boom, I just explode.
The lED was triggered by a modified
cell phone.
It could have been detonated
from anywhere by a text.
Any way to figure out
who was on the other end?
It was a burner. Untraceable.
He's playing with us.
He called me to brag
while we watched her burn.
Were we able to recover
anything else from the victim?
Found the SD card from Hannah's bag.
It's badly damaged,
but there was a cache of data.
There's a password on it, though.
It's up with Bailey now.
- so we get him with the video.
- How long's that gonna take?
And what if it doesn't work?
Even if it doesn't work,
we will get him with something else.
Right, Rog. We know exactly what he did.
All of us know exactly what he did
and where to find him,
and we're not doing a damn thing about it.
Okay, this is what he wants.
He wants to get in our heads,
make us go after him now
and make a mistake.
What he's doing is he's laughing at us!
He killed Elena. He killed Hannah.
- And he killed Miranda.
- And you know that how?
Because it's what he's telling you.
It's what he wants you to believe!
Please tell him about the report.
Report? What report?
I gave Scorsese Miranda's accident report.
So please tell him.
I'm sorry, Riggs-
There wasn't anything
to indicate it wasn't an accident.
What about the tox report?
The driver wasn't drunk.
There's nothing there.
Look, I know how hard this can be.
- No, you don't.
- Riggs.
I need you to keep it together.
Can you do that?
I've been keeping it together.
And look where that got me.
Why don't you keep it together
for the both of us?
I hope RJ's not too disappointed
with these headphones.
He'll be fine. Those headphones
cost more than my first stereo.
Yeah, I know, but he really does think
he's getting a car.
And Riana keeps asking why she
can't go to her friend's party tonight.
What's wrong?
Honey, come on now.
You're a terrible liar.
I guess I should start asking,
what's wrong with Riggs?
This cartel guy keeps messing with
his head, trying to make him think
that he had something to do
with his wife's death.
- Did he?
- No.
He's baiting him, and it's working.
I'm afraid he's gonna hurt somebody.
I know I'm telling you something
you probably already know,
- but you need to be there for him.
- I'm trying.
Believe me. But he's not having it.
You know, this time last year,
he probably thought
this Christmas,
he would be with his wife and baby.
Now, he's alone.
Can you imagine that?
I can't.
RIGGSI All right.
What? In your pocket.
My God!
- It's beautiful.
- Merry Christmas.
- Thank you. Here, help me.
- Yeah.
All right.
It's so pretty.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
Okay. Your turn.
How did you get
a fire truck inside of here?
- A train set? No?
- No, open it.
- Grenade launcher?
- No. Better.
Does this mean that...
You're going to be a daddy.
I came to apologize.
I need to be a little more understanding
about how hard this time of year
is for you.
Why don't you go home, R097
Go be with your family.
Is that gun for Flores?
Don't go asking questions
you don't want the answers to.
Well, here's one I need answered.
If you go and kill Flores in cold blood,
what's left for you?
What's left for me now?
If you really feel that way,
then you need to go ahead
and turn that thing on yourself.
Look, Riggs,
we don't know yet if Flores
had anything to do with Miranda.
The best way to find out
is to arrest him for the murders
of the two women we know he killed.
Once we have him,
we can find out the rest.
What if he pleas down or walks?
If we get him the right way
and he walks, I will help you find him.
I'm not asking for your help, Roger.
I know.
You never do.
But I know he killed her,
so, one way or another,
it's either him or me.
What are you still doing here?
I thought you got a promotion
so you could go home early.
- He's avoiding his in-laws.
- No, I'm closing a double homicide.
So he doesn't have to commit one.
But we did crack the password.
- We got video?
- Yeah, but it's not that great a quality.
It's tough to ID who Elena's with.
Come on. That's Eddie.
That's his clothes, the way he walks.
It's him.
Won't hold up in court.
We need to see his face.
Come on. Turn around.
- I knew it. He's gonna walk.
- Play that again.
Rog, it doesn't matter.
You can't see his face.
Play it.
Wait. Stop. Look at that tree.
Those big gaudy bulbs.
Rog, we get it.
You hate the exploitation of the holiday.
No... Bailey, zoom in on that one.
That ball right there.
- It's him.
- Go get the son of a bitch.
Excuse me.
Well, you're in a good mood, Detective.
Finally find that holiday spirit?
You know, sometimes it just takes
getting that perfect gift.
And I got a great one today.
You know what it is?
A movie. So let me set it up.
So you got this idiot from Juarez, right?
And he walks into this condo,
beautiful condo...
- No, no, you're telling it all wrong.
- Okay, you tell it!
- You've got to set the stage.
- Okay.
Chestnuts roasting.
There's a chill in the air.
All of a sudden, a man pushes a helpless
woman off a balcony to her death.
- All on camera.
- All on camera.
Is that supposed to mean something to me?
It means something to me.
Does it not mean something to you?
He's in the movie.
It doesn't mean anything?
Call him.
Happy holidays, Mrs. Murtaugh.
I have a delivery for your husband
from LAPD.
- Wow. What is it?
- I'm not supposed to say.
- I guess it's a surprise.
- Okay.
It's a pretty heavy surprise.
Do you mind if I set it down inside?
- I'm sorry. Come on in. Thank you.
- Thanks.
We got him. The right way.
Bah, humbug.
Thank you.
Might be the North Pole.
You're off the naughty list.
- Yeah?
- Feliz Navidad, Detective.
- Who is this?
- You have my nephew in your custody.
Just as I now have
your partner's family in mine.
Who is it?
Bring my nephew
to the Van Nuys Airport.
You have one hour.
- What's wrong?
- Call Trish.
Just do what I tell you,
and your family will be fine.
Don't, and the children die first.
- Hello.
- Put my wife on the phone.
"ALBERTO". You don't make the demands.
You're not in control of the situation.
- You understand?
- Put her on. Now!
- Roger.
- Are you all right?
Are the kids there?
We're okay.
They're upstairs.
They don't know what's going on.
Okay, you listen to me.
Everything's gonna be all right, okay?
I promise you.
I love you.
Fifty-five minutes.
Hey, what the hell
are you doing, man?
Shut up!
No! No! That's my...
Yellow Ferrari.
You take him to the airport.
I'll handle this.
I'll take care of my family.
Space Invaders.
I still got the high score.
Yeah, okay, whatever. Hey.
Hey, who's that?
He's a friend of your father's.
He won't be staying long.
- Why don't you two sit with us?
- No!
No. No, you guys 90-
Go watch a movie in the den.
We need to talk.
- Okay.
- All right.
What do you think would happen
if they saw you
holding a gun to their mother?
They'd panic.
And we both know the best thing
for everyone is to stay calm.
I can't believe I have to stay
here, and Dad's not even here yet.
Don't worry, honey.
Your father will be home soon.
Don't look so glum, Riggs.
Think of it this way.
This time around we managed
to avoid any unwanted accidents.
You know,
I could really use some coffee.
Would that be okay?
Thank you.
Hey, what happened?
- What are you doing?
- Calm down!
Our neighbor's holiday lights
shorted our circuit.
The breakers are just in the garage.
Try anything, and I'll make you
watch me kill your kids.
You got it?
I got it.
There's a step here.
It's just... Just over here.
Breathe and I'll blow your ass
all over this garage.
- You okay?
- Yeah, I'm okay.
See, I told you
my husband was coming home.
It's time for me to go, bro.
That was fun, though.
I'm sure we'll do it again sometime.
Did you kill my wife?
Tell me!
I will blow your brains out
all over the ground.
I want to thank you for bringing
back my nephew.
It's a shame he had such a temper.
Made him weak, unpredictable.
I could no longer ignore his failures.
Did he kill my Wife?
Miranda Riggs.
El Paso, Texas.
September 15th, 2015.
Please tell me.
You weren't that important in El Paso,
and you're not that important now.
Take him to the station.
I'll fill out the paperwork later.
And quietly, okay?
No sirens.
I don't want the kids to hear about this.
I'll take care of it.
- Hey. Bailey, thank you.
- Merry Christmas, Murtaugh.
Roger, is there anything else
you want to tell me?
No, I swear, I told you everything.
And look, baby, I promise you,
you and the kids are safe now.
Baby, I'm talking about that.
- Prancer?
- My good...
How did Prancer get in here?
- How did Prancer get in here, honey?
- I do not know.
- Really?
- Dad!
Come on.
- What?
- Dad.
Dad, you bought me a freaking Ferrari?
You actually bought him a car?
That is so unfair!
That's not yours. You know what's yours?
This roof, this family, that sister.
Start appreciating what you have.
What your father is trying to say is,
we have each other.
- Right?
- Yeah.
That's all we need.
Come here.
We do still get gifts, though, right?
FAA says Tito Flores's jet is gone.
Somewhere in Mexican airspace.
But the Murtaughs are safe.
That's all we have for now.
Probably a good time
to call it a night, head home.
Yeah, have a good night, Captain.
Yeah, why don't you join us,
if you don't have other plans?
Aw, I've got... I've got all
this paperwork I've got to do...
You want a hand? I was actually
a paperwork savant back in the day.
Aw, Cap, come on. It's Christmas.
Go be with your family.
Riggs, I know you wanted Flores
pretty bad.
Did you at least get the answers
you were looking for?
had me believing
in things that don't exist.
It is the time of year for that.
Of course he's here.
Let me go first.
There's no telling what he might be doing.
It may not be kid safe.
I've learned with Riggs,
it's better to knock.
Hello? You in there?
A peaceful family's outside. You decent?
I'm drunk, if that's what you mean, yeah.
- I assumed that already.
- Hey, Riggs-
What's up?
You guys didn't have to do this.
This time of year
isn't the same without family.
And like it or not,
you're part of ours. Come on.
Now, does the stove work?
Didn't even know
there was a stove under there.
Let's see. Hey! We're in luck.
There we go. Yeah.
Yeah, one other thing.
Surprise for you, courtesy of my neighbor,
Mr. Jim McNeile.
- Something outside?
- Yeah.
- Roger!
- Dad!
I thought it was funny.
Remember, we were laughing.
- No, we didn't laugh at this.
- You laughed.
English - SDH