Legion (2017–…): Season 2, Episode 9 - Chapter 17 - full transcript
Inner demons take control.
- (helicopter blades whirring)
- (gasps)
(footsteps approaching)
(Melanie grunts)
OLIVER: It's done. She's ours.
("The Castle" by The
Flaming Lips playing)
♪ Her eyes ♪
♪ Were butterflies ♪
♪ Her smile was a rainbow ♪
♪ Her hair ♪
♪ Was sunbeam waves ♪
♪ Shining 'round like a halo ♪
♪ Her face ♪
♪ Was a fairy tale ♪
♪ That has a poison apple... ♪
♪ No way... ♪
he's back.
This morning.
- He looks good.
- Hmm.
Oh, they always do.
Our men, with all their in, out.
In, out.
All their important
things to do.
"World's not gonna
save itself, dear."
And off they go.
A day. A month.
A year.
Admiral Fukyama asked
if you're ready to
get back to work.
- We need you.
- It's how they control us.
Their absence... (clears throat)
distracts us from our lives,
the things that matter.
I'm not sure what
you're trying...
It's never their fault.
Our men.
And God forbid
we should have
a feeling about it.
Mmm, what choice do they have?
Destiny calls.
(kettle whistling)
What kind of bitches would
we be to stand in their way?
(whistling continues)
(whistling stops)
Do you know what
the saddest words are
in the English language?
"Vacant lot."
Don't know why.
Vacant lot.
OLIVER: ♪ My Bonnie
lies over the ocean ♪
♪ My Bonnie lies over the sea ♪
♪ My Bonnie lies
over the ocean ♪
♪ So bring back
my Bonnie to me. ♪
Well, that's most uninviting.
Get up.
Sugarplum, I-I must
confess bewilderment.
- This isn't you.
- How would you know?
Where'd you go this time?
This quality of light.
Remember that rooftop in Bombay?
It's called Mumbai now.
One of many changes
since you've been gone.
Holding each other tight.
Stars above.
A whispered dream.
You left me.
I always come back
to the girl I left behind.
She's gone.
She's not.
I was worried.
When you came back...
If you...
you came back.
All those years.
Did they make me unrecognizable?
What are years?
Just trips around the sun.
(water babbling)
(insects trilling)
FAROUK: We must leave soon.
And go where?
To find the monk.
Le moine qui garde.
Have you seen him?
The monk of the Mi-Go order.
Is he here?
At Division 3?
He alone knows where
the body's hidden.
I remember now.
The monk.
♪ ♪
- (shudders)
- (beep)
You should have burned it.
How's th... how's that?
If you had, I wouldn't
have been stuck
in that hard ice cube.
You see, I'm still tied
to my corporeal form.
But if you just burned me...
Burned you.
I could have danced
through a cosmic field
of multidimensions with
no outer limits to speak of.
Would've been beautiful.
Well, what about me?
You could have tagged along,
to the beyond,
where the real action happens.
Tagged along.
Is that the wrong word?
Yes, followed.
There was a time...
when you'd follow me anywhere.
Yes, there was.
And where did that get me?
they've changed
between us, haven't they?
They have.
MAN (over P.A.):
New symptom alert:
a growing sense of outrage.
continues indistinctly)
Seriously, Melanie, when
are you coming back to work?
Did you ever wonder if
all of this is just a dream?
Life. The world.
I mean, h-how do I know
that you're even real?
- How do you?
- (scoffs)
I'm real.
How do you know?
'Cause when I hit
people, they fall down.
Cause and effect.
Um, e-except that maybe
they're not real either.
Maybe all of this is just
a fantasy in his head.
Whose head?
Cary. Cary.
Your-your other half.
I mean, think about it.
You might not even
be here right now.
Y-You're just his fantasy.
You know, as if, you know, um...
deep down, he is yearning to be
a strong, sensual young woman.
And-and I'm saying
that-that you're his delusion.
Okay, I'm gonna go.
You're clearly having
a senior moment.
No, no, wait,
but-but... Or, or h-he...
Maybe he's your fantasy.
Your fantasy,
your desire for authority,
and that the Cary you
think you know doesn't exist.
he's your delusion.
Get real.
(whispers): Get real. Get real.
You know, reality is a choice.
Who said that?
Someone. Someone.
Stop talking weird.
You're saying a lot of words
that don't make sense.
You know, I was... I
was married once. (sniffs)
Yeah, to Oliver. I met him.
You did?
Wasn't he handsome?
For 21 years, he
lived in an ice cube.
- Doesn't that sound nice?
- No.
Oh, I think it sounds wonderful.
♪ An ice cube built for two. ♪
We should go back there.
I told him that.
And then he said, "But
what about the world?"
And that's-that's
when it hit me.
All these years,
I'd been so focused
on saving the world
that I overlooked
the most crucial fact of all.
You're gonna make me ask.
What is it?
There is no world to save.
It's all in my head.
(inhales, exhales)
(muttering): Let's see what...
♪ ♪
(blows landing)
(fingers snapping)
(snapping stops)
Cary, did you...?
I saw it.
What was...?
Are we supposed to...?
Put the weapon in
the car, drive the car.
(fingers snapping)
The Blue Octopus.
How are we seeing that?
This won't hurt.
An implant.
When I saw David in the hall,
he put these images in my...
- Our.
- Head.
I think he has a plan.
♪ ♪
Keep an eye out.
(whispering): Hurry up.
♪ ♪
So, now all we need is a blue...
♪ ♪
KERRY: I'll drive.
CARY: Since when
did you learn to drive?
How hard can it be?
(engine starts)
(tires screech)
♪ ♪
WOMAN (over P.A.):
New symptom alert.
♪ Have you always
crossed like this? ♪
Tell your mental
monitor at once.
♪ Have you been
this way all the time? ♪
♪ Or were you always trying ♪
♪ To get you with me? ♪
♪ ♪
♪ You used to
check the weather ♪
♪ Now you stopped that ♪
♪ You used to look at time ♪
♪ Now you stopped that ♪
♪ You used to wear red ♪
♪ Now you wear white ♪
♪ What happens all the time ♪
♪ It happens all the time ♪
♪ Replace the word space
with a drink and forget it ♪
♪ Space... ♪
- Buenas tardes, bitches!
- (coughing)
♪ Grab a calculator ♪
♪ And fix yourself ♪
♪ Grab a calculator
and fix yourself ♪
♪ Read the news, baby ♪
♪ Watch your clock, baby ♪
♪ Watch your clock ♪
♪ Watch the weather,
baby, on TV ♪
♪ It's all to get
if you can see ♪
♪ ♪
(man coughing)
Are you the new Barbara?
No, I'm the new Janine.
Who's Janine?
She was the new Barbara.
What happened to her?
She turned into a
ladybug and flew away.
I'm Lenny, by the way.
The Cornflake Girl.
♪ ♪
- (laughs)
- I like your eyes.
Thanks. They're new.
No way.
- No... way.
- Way.
Wake up, hopheads.
The queen is back.
Our lady of the
frosted breakfast cereal.
She's the original Cracker Jack!
She's the toy and the treat.
It's Lenny... uh,
Oh, we should have a party.
(laughs) I think you're
already having one.
No, like... a real party.
You know?
You down?
♪ Yeah ♪
♪ I, I, I, I, I'm gonna ♪
♪ I'm gonna kick 'em out ♪
♪ Yeah! ♪
♪ Well, I feel pretty
good, and I guess ♪
♪ That I could get
crazy now, baby ♪
♪ 'Cause we all got in tune ♪
♪ And when the dressing
room got hazy now, baby ♪
♪ I know how
you want it, child ♪
♪ Hot, quick and tight ♪
♪ The girls can't stand it
when you're doin' it right ♪
♪ Let me up on the stand ♪
♪ And let me kick out the jam ♪
♪ Yes, kick out the jams ♪
♪ I have to kick 'em out! ♪
♪ Yes, I'm starting to sweat ♪
♪ You know my shirt's all wet ♪
♪ What a feeling ♪
♪ In the sound that abounds ♪
♪ And resounds and
rebounds off the ceiling ♪
♪ You got to have it,
baby, you can't do without ♪
♪ When you get that feeling,
you got to sock 'em out ♪
♪ Put that mic in my hand ♪
♪ And let me kick out the jam ♪
♪ Yes, kick out the jams ♪
♪ I have to kick 'em out ♪
(Amy laughing)
♪ So you got to give it up ♪
♪ You know you can't get
enough, Miss Mackenzie ♪
- ♪ Mackenzie ♪
- ♪ 'Cause it gets
in your brain ♪
♪ It drives you
insane, leapin' frenzy ♪
♪ The wailin' guitars, girl,
the crash of the drums ♪
♪ Make you... ♪
(song stops)
♪ ♪
Is this how you did it?
- With David?
- Shit.
Did you scare him in his sleep?
I'm, uh... (chuckles)
not sure, exactly.
I was more like a
Halloween mask.
Sorry about...
- Yeah?
- It's a nice body.
Much healthier
than the one I had.
Are you...?
Is this just gonna
happen now or...?
You could just give
me my body back.
Yeah, I...
don't know how to do that.
Does it help to say
it's not my fault?
Well, I'll tell
you what, sister.
If you're gonna hang with me,
you're gonna see
a lot of nasty shit.
What I did to, well,
new Janine there is
a kid's birthday party
compared to the Caligula
shit I've got planned.
'Cause it's been straight
up years since I've let loose,
between the hospital and...
So... you know,
strap in.
Or you could just
walk away, you know.
Rest in peace.
Might be better in the long run.
Are you a good person?
You're kidding, right?
Are you a good person?
(scoffs) I am not the worst.
Are you a good person?
Not the best.
Are you a good person?
What difference does it make?
- I don't matter, okay?
- Are you a good person?
- Shut up.
- Are you a good person?
- Shut up.
- Are you
a good person?
- Stop it.
- Are you a good person?
Shut up!
Your Majesty?
Who are you talking to?
Nobody. Nobody. I was just...
I was just practicing my
monologue for the school play.
- I did a play once.
- Really?
I was waiting for somebody.
The whole play,
all we did was wait.
Did he ever show up?
No, ma'am.
(scoffs) Men.
- CARY: Ooh...
- KERRY: Now what?
CARY: Put the case in the trunk.
- KERRY: And then?
- CARY: We go.
- (exhales sharply)
- This plan sucks.
There is a weapon in
there that we could use
to seriously mess somebody up.
That is not our job!
We're just
supposed to deliver it.
To who?
I don't know. We
have to trust David.
I don't want to.
- I know.
- It's a stupid plan.
Look, it's okay.
Look, we head back to the
lab, and then who knows?
Maybe he'll contact us again.
("Mon Enfance" by
Jacques Brel playing)
Are you thirsty? I'm thirsty.
(man singing in French)
♪ ♪
Think about it, we... we
understand life backwards,
but it's got to be
lived forwards.
JANINE: Ain't that the truth.
No, no, it's a quote.
Quick. Who said it?
- You?
- No, originally.
Ah, forget it.
Only, don't ever.
♪ ♪
(electricity crackling)
♪ ♪
(French singing continues)
♪ ♪
(French singing continues)
Ever see an electric octopus?
But I kept my distance.
Where was it?
- When?
- Where?
Wait, did you say octopus?
Ah, I was thinking ocelot.
♪ ♪
Bad dream?
(chuckles) You know, man,
when you walk with the
Lord, the Lord walks with you.
In all my dreams, for as
long as I can remember,
I was never myself.
Now I'm only myself in
dreams. Isn't that funny?
I'm sorry.
- I am.
- (muffled scream)
AMY: No, you're not.
Oh. (groans)
What do you want from me?
You need to do what you're told.
By who?
By me.
He's waiting.
He needs you.
For what?
I-I don't understand.
The electric octopus.
You've seen it too?
My guess is Helsinki.
Or Stockholm.
Which-which one
is in Switzerland?
Are you prepared to
do whatever it takes?
For David?
You love him.
Don't be stupid.
Like the flower loves the bee.
He really needs me?
What about...
what's her name?
Ms. Perfect.
She can't do what you can do.
(snaps fingers)
Amen, sister. (laughs)
Yeah. If he needs me, I'll...
I'm just on the R
and R right now.
- You know?
- Lenore.
Neither Helsinki or
Stockholm are in Switzerland.
JANINE: Your Majesty?
We're going to
have a little prince.
They have cream soda?
Uh, it's unlikely.
What is it?
Nothing. Well, I'm
worried about Melanie.
She's not herself these days.
An impostor?
N-No, I just mean
she's feeling blue.
Like the color?
N-No. Sad,
or-or melancholy.
Then why did you say "blue"?
Eh, because it's
a figure of speech,
like having too much
time on your hands
or-or, uh... no.
Anyway, we're getting off track.
Maybe with Melanie
it's a symptom of...
being alone.
She's surrounded by people.
True, but a person in a
crowd can still feel alone.
But they're not.
And yet they are.
I am gonna die.
- What?
- Someday.
I'm getting old.
And then you'll be
alone like... like Melanie.
You're not gonna die.
I would stab Death
twice in the heart
before he could get you.
While an implausible and, um...
rather... gruesome image...
it is a comforting
one, nonetheless.
Is that...?
It appears so.
(chuckles softly)
Is anybody out there?
(radio stations
changing rapidly)
♪ Paranoia, they destroy ya... ♪
Excuse me...
♪ ♪
♪ Self-destroyer ♪
- ♪ Wreck your health. ♪
- LENNY: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
(music stops)
Well, shit.
No, that's okay.
I put a tracking
device on the weapon.
We can follow it.
♪ Paranoia ♪
♪ They destroy ya ♪
♪ And it goes like this. ♪
(engine sputtering)
(engine stops)
Yes, he's here.
He talked to her.
OLIVER: Are you sure?
Yes, I'm sure. You
should have heard it.
Th-The yelling... you could
hear it all over the building.
If he's real, which...
which he isn't, but,
you know, if he is...
And I think you've
crushed him. I really do.
Uh, what do you think he wants?
Some kind of plan.
Pluck out your
eyes. Hi-His eyes.
There was a letter
for her. The-the girl.
He wrote a letter, but
he-but he left alone.
He's coming alone.
Yes. Yes, I'm sure.
I-If I exist... then
with certainty.
Oh. Oh, I want to come, too.
Just one-one more thing.
Violence... why...
does it always end in violence?
(thunder rumbling)
(Melanie grunts)
(thunder rumbles)
♪ ♪
MAN: Now I get it.
Captioned by Media
Access Group at WGBH
- (gasps)
(footsteps approaching)
(Melanie grunts)
OLIVER: It's done. She's ours.
("The Castle" by The
Flaming Lips playing)
♪ Her eyes ♪
♪ Were butterflies ♪
♪ Her smile was a rainbow ♪
♪ Her hair ♪
♪ Was sunbeam waves ♪
♪ Shining 'round like a halo ♪
♪ Her face ♪
♪ Was a fairy tale ♪
♪ That has a poison apple... ♪
♪ No way... ♪
he's back.
This morning.
- He looks good.
- Hmm.
Oh, they always do.
Our men, with all their in, out.
In, out.
All their important
things to do.
"World's not gonna
save itself, dear."
And off they go.
A day. A month.
A year.
Admiral Fukyama asked
if you're ready to
get back to work.
- We need you.
- It's how they control us.
Their absence... (clears throat)
distracts us from our lives,
the things that matter.
I'm not sure what
you're trying...
It's never their fault.
Our men.
And God forbid
we should have
a feeling about it.
Mmm, what choice do they have?
Destiny calls.
(kettle whistling)
What kind of bitches would
we be to stand in their way?
(whistling continues)
(whistling stops)
Do you know what
the saddest words are
in the English language?
"Vacant lot."
Don't know why.
Vacant lot.
OLIVER: ♪ My Bonnie
lies over the ocean ♪
♪ My Bonnie lies over the sea ♪
♪ My Bonnie lies
over the ocean ♪
♪ So bring back
my Bonnie to me. ♪
Well, that's most uninviting.
Get up.
Sugarplum, I-I must
confess bewilderment.
- This isn't you.
- How would you know?
Where'd you go this time?
This quality of light.
Remember that rooftop in Bombay?
It's called Mumbai now.
One of many changes
since you've been gone.
Holding each other tight.
Stars above.
A whispered dream.
You left me.
I always come back
to the girl I left behind.
She's gone.
She's not.
I was worried.
When you came back...
If you...
you came back.
All those years.
Did they make me unrecognizable?
What are years?
Just trips around the sun.
(water babbling)
(insects trilling)
FAROUK: We must leave soon.
And go where?
To find the monk.
Le moine qui garde.
Have you seen him?
The monk of the Mi-Go order.
Is he here?
At Division 3?
He alone knows where
the body's hidden.
I remember now.
The monk.
♪ ♪
- (shudders)
- (beep)
You should have burned it.
How's th... how's that?
If you had, I wouldn't
have been stuck
in that hard ice cube.
You see, I'm still tied
to my corporeal form.
But if you just burned me...
Burned you.
I could have danced
through a cosmic field
of multidimensions with
no outer limits to speak of.
Would've been beautiful.
Well, what about me?
You could have tagged along,
to the beyond,
where the real action happens.
Tagged along.
Is that the wrong word?
Yes, followed.
There was a time...
when you'd follow me anywhere.
Yes, there was.
And where did that get me?
they've changed
between us, haven't they?
They have.
MAN (over P.A.):
New symptom alert:
a growing sense of outrage.
continues indistinctly)
Seriously, Melanie, when
are you coming back to work?
Did you ever wonder if
all of this is just a dream?
Life. The world.
I mean, h-how do I know
that you're even real?
- How do you?
- (scoffs)
I'm real.
How do you know?
'Cause when I hit
people, they fall down.
Cause and effect.
Um, e-except that maybe
they're not real either.
Maybe all of this is just
a fantasy in his head.
Whose head?
Cary. Cary.
Your-your other half.
I mean, think about it.
You might not even
be here right now.
Y-You're just his fantasy.
You know, as if, you know, um...
deep down, he is yearning to be
a strong, sensual young woman.
And-and I'm saying
that-that you're his delusion.
Okay, I'm gonna go.
You're clearly having
a senior moment.
No, no, wait,
but-but... Or, or h-he...
Maybe he's your fantasy.
Your fantasy,
your desire for authority,
and that the Cary you
think you know doesn't exist.
he's your delusion.
Get real.
(whispers): Get real. Get real.
You know, reality is a choice.
Who said that?
Someone. Someone.
Stop talking weird.
You're saying a lot of words
that don't make sense.
You know, I was... I
was married once. (sniffs)
Yeah, to Oliver. I met him.
You did?
Wasn't he handsome?
For 21 years, he
lived in an ice cube.
- Doesn't that sound nice?
- No.
Oh, I think it sounds wonderful.
♪ An ice cube built for two. ♪
We should go back there.
I told him that.
And then he said, "But
what about the world?"
And that's-that's
when it hit me.
All these years,
I'd been so focused
on saving the world
that I overlooked
the most crucial fact of all.
You're gonna make me ask.
What is it?
There is no world to save.
It's all in my head.
(inhales, exhales)
(muttering): Let's see what...
♪ ♪
(blows landing)
(fingers snapping)
(snapping stops)
Cary, did you...?
I saw it.
What was...?
Are we supposed to...?
Put the weapon in
the car, drive the car.
(fingers snapping)
The Blue Octopus.
How are we seeing that?
This won't hurt.
An implant.
When I saw David in the hall,
he put these images in my...
- Our.
- Head.
I think he has a plan.
♪ ♪
Keep an eye out.
(whispering): Hurry up.
♪ ♪
So, now all we need is a blue...
♪ ♪
KERRY: I'll drive.
CARY: Since when
did you learn to drive?
How hard can it be?
(engine starts)
(tires screech)
♪ ♪
WOMAN (over P.A.):
New symptom alert.
♪ Have you always
crossed like this? ♪
Tell your mental
monitor at once.
♪ Have you been
this way all the time? ♪
♪ Or were you always trying ♪
♪ To get you with me? ♪
♪ ♪
♪ You used to
check the weather ♪
♪ Now you stopped that ♪
♪ You used to look at time ♪
♪ Now you stopped that ♪
♪ You used to wear red ♪
♪ Now you wear white ♪
♪ What happens all the time ♪
♪ It happens all the time ♪
♪ Replace the word space
with a drink and forget it ♪
♪ Space... ♪
- Buenas tardes, bitches!
- (coughing)
♪ Grab a calculator ♪
♪ And fix yourself ♪
♪ Grab a calculator
and fix yourself ♪
♪ Read the news, baby ♪
♪ Watch your clock, baby ♪
♪ Watch your clock ♪
♪ Watch the weather,
baby, on TV ♪
♪ It's all to get
if you can see ♪
♪ ♪
(man coughing)
Are you the new Barbara?
No, I'm the new Janine.
Who's Janine?
She was the new Barbara.
What happened to her?
She turned into a
ladybug and flew away.
I'm Lenny, by the way.
The Cornflake Girl.
♪ ♪
- (laughs)
- I like your eyes.
Thanks. They're new.
No way.
- No... way.
- Way.
Wake up, hopheads.
The queen is back.
Our lady of the
frosted breakfast cereal.
She's the original Cracker Jack!
She's the toy and the treat.
It's Lenny... uh,
Oh, we should have a party.
(laughs) I think you're
already having one.
No, like... a real party.
You know?
You down?
♪ Yeah ♪
♪ I, I, I, I, I'm gonna ♪
♪ I'm gonna kick 'em out ♪
♪ Yeah! ♪
♪ Well, I feel pretty
good, and I guess ♪
♪ That I could get
crazy now, baby ♪
♪ 'Cause we all got in tune ♪
♪ And when the dressing
room got hazy now, baby ♪
♪ I know how
you want it, child ♪
♪ Hot, quick and tight ♪
♪ The girls can't stand it
when you're doin' it right ♪
♪ Let me up on the stand ♪
♪ And let me kick out the jam ♪
♪ Yes, kick out the jams ♪
♪ I have to kick 'em out! ♪
♪ Yes, I'm starting to sweat ♪
♪ You know my shirt's all wet ♪
♪ What a feeling ♪
♪ In the sound that abounds ♪
♪ And resounds and
rebounds off the ceiling ♪
♪ You got to have it,
baby, you can't do without ♪
♪ When you get that feeling,
you got to sock 'em out ♪
♪ Put that mic in my hand ♪
♪ And let me kick out the jam ♪
♪ Yes, kick out the jams ♪
♪ I have to kick 'em out ♪
(Amy laughing)
♪ So you got to give it up ♪
♪ You know you can't get
enough, Miss Mackenzie ♪
- ♪ Mackenzie ♪
- ♪ 'Cause it gets
in your brain ♪
♪ It drives you
insane, leapin' frenzy ♪
♪ The wailin' guitars, girl,
the crash of the drums ♪
♪ Make you... ♪
(song stops)
♪ ♪
Is this how you did it?
- With David?
- Shit.
Did you scare him in his sleep?
I'm, uh... (chuckles)
not sure, exactly.
I was more like a
Halloween mask.
Sorry about...
- Yeah?
- It's a nice body.
Much healthier
than the one I had.
Are you...?
Is this just gonna
happen now or...?
You could just give
me my body back.
Yeah, I...
don't know how to do that.
Does it help to say
it's not my fault?
Well, I'll tell
you what, sister.
If you're gonna hang with me,
you're gonna see
a lot of nasty shit.
What I did to, well,
new Janine there is
a kid's birthday party
compared to the Caligula
shit I've got planned.
'Cause it's been straight
up years since I've let loose,
between the hospital and...
So... you know,
strap in.
Or you could just
walk away, you know.
Rest in peace.
Might be better in the long run.
Are you a good person?
You're kidding, right?
Are you a good person?
(scoffs) I am not the worst.
Are you a good person?
Not the best.
Are you a good person?
What difference does it make?
- I don't matter, okay?
- Are you a good person?
- Shut up.
- Are you a good person?
- Shut up.
- Are you
a good person?
- Stop it.
- Are you a good person?
Shut up!
Your Majesty?
Who are you talking to?
Nobody. Nobody. I was just...
I was just practicing my
monologue for the school play.
- I did a play once.
- Really?
I was waiting for somebody.
The whole play,
all we did was wait.
Did he ever show up?
No, ma'am.
(scoffs) Men.
- CARY: Ooh...
- KERRY: Now what?
CARY: Put the case in the trunk.
- KERRY: And then?
- CARY: We go.
- (exhales sharply)
- This plan sucks.
There is a weapon in
there that we could use
to seriously mess somebody up.
That is not our job!
We're just
supposed to deliver it.
To who?
I don't know. We
have to trust David.
I don't want to.
- I know.
- It's a stupid plan.
Look, it's okay.
Look, we head back to the
lab, and then who knows?
Maybe he'll contact us again.
("Mon Enfance" by
Jacques Brel playing)
Are you thirsty? I'm thirsty.
(man singing in French)
♪ ♪
Think about it, we... we
understand life backwards,
but it's got to be
lived forwards.
JANINE: Ain't that the truth.
No, no, it's a quote.
Quick. Who said it?
- You?
- No, originally.
Ah, forget it.
Only, don't ever.
♪ ♪
(electricity crackling)
♪ ♪
(French singing continues)
♪ ♪
(French singing continues)
Ever see an electric octopus?
But I kept my distance.
Where was it?
- When?
- Where?
Wait, did you say octopus?
Ah, I was thinking ocelot.
♪ ♪
Bad dream?
(chuckles) You know, man,
when you walk with the
Lord, the Lord walks with you.
In all my dreams, for as
long as I can remember,
I was never myself.
Now I'm only myself in
dreams. Isn't that funny?
I'm sorry.
- I am.
- (muffled scream)
AMY: No, you're not.
Oh. (groans)
What do you want from me?
You need to do what you're told.
By who?
By me.
He's waiting.
He needs you.
For what?
I-I don't understand.
The electric octopus.
You've seen it too?
My guess is Helsinki.
Or Stockholm.
Which-which one
is in Switzerland?
Are you prepared to
do whatever it takes?
For David?
You love him.
Don't be stupid.
Like the flower loves the bee.
He really needs me?
What about...
what's her name?
Ms. Perfect.
She can't do what you can do.
(snaps fingers)
Amen, sister. (laughs)
Yeah. If he needs me, I'll...
I'm just on the R
and R right now.
- You know?
- Lenore.
Neither Helsinki or
Stockholm are in Switzerland.
JANINE: Your Majesty?
We're going to
have a little prince.
They have cream soda?
Uh, it's unlikely.
What is it?
Nothing. Well, I'm
worried about Melanie.
She's not herself these days.
An impostor?
N-No, I just mean
she's feeling blue.
Like the color?
N-No. Sad,
or-or melancholy.
Then why did you say "blue"?
Eh, because it's
a figure of speech,
like having too much
time on your hands
or-or, uh... no.
Anyway, we're getting off track.
Maybe with Melanie
it's a symptom of...
being alone.
She's surrounded by people.
True, but a person in a
crowd can still feel alone.
But they're not.
And yet they are.
I am gonna die.
- What?
- Someday.
I'm getting old.
And then you'll be
alone like... like Melanie.
You're not gonna die.
I would stab Death
twice in the heart
before he could get you.
While an implausible and, um...
rather... gruesome image...
it is a comforting
one, nonetheless.
Is that...?
It appears so.
(chuckles softly)
Is anybody out there?
(radio stations
changing rapidly)
♪ Paranoia, they destroy ya... ♪
Excuse me...
♪ ♪
♪ Self-destroyer ♪
- ♪ Wreck your health. ♪
- LENNY: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
(music stops)
Well, shit.
No, that's okay.
I put a tracking
device on the weapon.
We can follow it.
♪ Paranoia ♪
♪ They destroy ya ♪
♪ And it goes like this. ♪
(engine sputtering)
(engine stops)
Yes, he's here.
He talked to her.
OLIVER: Are you sure?
Yes, I'm sure. You
should have heard it.
Th-The yelling... you could
hear it all over the building.
If he's real, which...
which he isn't, but,
you know, if he is...
And I think you've
crushed him. I really do.
Uh, what do you think he wants?
Some kind of plan.
Pluck out your
eyes. Hi-His eyes.
There was a letter
for her. The-the girl.
He wrote a letter, but
he-but he left alone.
He's coming alone.
Yes. Yes, I'm sure.
I-If I exist... then
with certainty.
Oh. Oh, I want to come, too.
Just one-one more thing.
Violence... why...
does it always end in violence?
(thunder rumbling)
(Melanie grunts)
(thunder rumbles)
♪ ♪
MAN: Now I get it.
Captioned by Media
Access Group at WGBH