Legends of Tomorrow (2016–…): Season 5, Episode 10 - The Great British Fake Off - full transcript
With Sara recuperating from her latest battle, Charlie starts to notice something might not be right with her; Constantine and Zari find themselves trapped in a 1910 boarding house; Ava, Gary and Rory take a trip.
Previously on "Legends of Tomorrow"...
- How did you do that?
- How did I do that?
Remember when we dented history?
By building Heyworld,
we changed the future.
What you think of as a haunting
is a temporal echo.
She is the you before you.
Zari, no! What is that?
You can't kill me.
- No!
- I'm a god.
We're being hunted
by a pair of bloody gods.
The situation just got
a hell of a lot more dicey.
Behrad is dead. Can that
Loom bring him back?
If we get the last piece, yeah.
Oh, there you are.
It's always the artsy types
with you, ain't it?
How many times must I tell you my powers
are not a tool for
your amusement, Clotho?
Wait, wait, wait, time out.
But you did look different
at the time, though, right?
Shapeshifter. 'Course I did.
But it makes the story easier to imagine
if you just picture me.
- Yeah, just pay attention.
- Yeah, yeah.
Anyway, then she said her magic word...
I imagine this has something
to do with your theft
of the Loom of Fate?
You disapprove?
Humanity's status quo
should be shaken up
every few millennia.
It's good for them.
Well, I'm glad you think so,
because this is a pretty big shake-up.
I need to make sure that
no one ever finds this.
Not even me, and
especially not Lachesis.
You think you can do that?
Question. La-who?
Lachesis, she's my elder sister.
And also the Leader of the Fates.
Now, she's a real master manipulator.
Atropos kills because Lachesis wills it.
It is you, Clotho, that
has the difficult task.
What, running and hiding?
I'm relieving you of a piece of the Loom
that has been your entire
reason for existence.
Now that you are free of it,
it'll be up to you to
determine what, if anything,
is left of Clotho in its wake.
All I need is to make sure
that that ring is never found.
Existential actualization
can come later.
You cannot run forever, Clotho.
And that is the last
thing that I remember.
You have no idea what
spell Enchantress cast?
Well, that would kind
of defeat the whole point
of going to her, now wouldn't it?
But Charlie, all we
need is the third ring
- to bring Behrad back...
- And now you're telling us
it's impossible to find?
Maybe you could've mentioned that
before your sister got on the ship?
See, this is exactly the kind of thing
- I was afraid would happen.
- Stop.
Passing blame is not
gonna help anything.
I'm sorry, Z.
This Enchantress is a witch, right?
Well, we have whatever it is you are.
So do some hocus pocus
and find the ring.
Yeah, well, it's not as simple as
finding Atropos's ring, love.
Locating something hidden
by someone as powerful
as Enchantress, that can
take months, maybe even years.
I don't accept that.
Behrad is gone and he's not coming back
until you find the ring.
So figure it out, magic man.
You know, um,
I'm here for you if you ever
want to talk about Behrad.
We're getting him back.
There is no point in dwelling on it,
because everything's gonna be fine.
- Totally.
- By the way, uh,
when I went on that totem journey thing,
I met the other me.
How... how is she?
She's great.
Tough, cool...
You must have a thing for warrior women.
Only if they're from another time period
and eventually will leave me, sure.
Did she have a message for me?
But I can tell she
really cares about you.
I really care about her.
And just so you know, I, um,
I care about you too.
Oh, all right, lovebirds,
look, I think I've got something.
Now, it won't be pretty,
but it might just work,
so come on, chop-chop!
Sara, are you there?
Hey, Sara?
Sara? You all right?
Yeah, I just, um...
It was nothing. I'm good.
Listen, you got hit full-force
with the power of Atropos.
- Yeah.
- I know you survived,
but there could still be repercussions.
Charlie, look, I'm telling you,
I'm completely fine, all right?
Assassin's honor.
All right, you lot, listen up.
Our Lachesis's ring could be
anywhere in space and time.
I'm gonna need to borrow a
little bit of magical energy
off you lot to help amplify
the summoning spell.
- Exactly how does that work?
- It's easy.
All you need to do is
keep your mouths shut
and let me use your
auras like batteries.
Is this safe? It doesn't sound safe.
It isn't. Any more questions?
Good, let's hold hands.
O circule, te vocavi ad
hunc locum et tempus.
Veni hic, te iubeo.
Whoa, this feels weird.
It is weird.
Kinda like that time we
went mushroom picking.
Focus, or you'll botch the bloody spell!
Vincio cum hunc loco.
- Sara!
- Focus!
Vincio ad hunc tempori!
Where is everyone?
Wait, something happened.
Oh, bollocks.
When everyone lost focus,
I'd successfully bound
the ring to the house,
but I was still working
to anchor it temporally.
So you, me, and the ring have been
whooshed into the past?
Good work.
It's magic, love, it's more
of an art than a science.
Oh, my, are those guests?
I didn't hear the bell ring.
Well, hello. I'm Mrs. Hughes.
I'm so sorry to keep you waiting.
Oh, no bother, love.
This is a lovely, uh, boarding house.
You know, I could see
myself living here.
Now where ever did my etui get to?
- Oh.
- Is it that?
Thank you, my dear.
I would've found it eventually.
Sometimes one just
needs to stop looking.
Right, totally.
Is that another guest already?
It is, indeed.
Dr. White at your service.
Were you two going to book a room, or...
Right you are. Yes,
me and my wife here...
Oh, we are not... not married.
Well, I'm afraid I'm a bit traditional.
I don't allow single women
to stay in my establishment.
But we are engaged, yay.
Ah, my sincerest congratulations.
Please sign here.
Oh, yes, of course.
And you will be in room
number three, upstairs.
Supper is at 8:00, sharp.
Right, thank you. Mr. White.
Huh. You know, you should take note.
This place could actually
look kind of decent
with a bit of TLC.
See what a difference a nice
set of curtains can make?
Yeah, all right. Now let's, uh,
take stock of our situation, shall we?
Now, I'm assuming you can
wield the totem like Behrad.
Mm-mm. I'm just holding
onto this for him.
I don't have a superpower.
Unless you count having flawless brows.
I don't.
Oh, and by age 15,
I built a social media empire
valued at over $500 million.
"The New York Times" called me
the most influential influencer
of my generation.
Oh, "The New York Times", eh?
Yeah, it's like an app
that tells you the news.
So, uh, your superpower is
that you're sort of popular?
Aww, calling me "sort of" popular
is like calling da Vinci
"sort of" a genius.
Great. Got it.
What about you? What exactly do you do,
besides wear the same outfit every day
- and screw up spells?
- Well, I've banished demons,
slain dragons, and walked
through the fires of Hell.
I'm a sneaky bastard
and the greatest sorcerer
- that ever lived.
- Cool, cool, cool.
Do you wanna go ahead
and "sorcer" something
so we can find the ring
and get out of here?
- Mm. Yeah.
- Yeah.
Okay, so does that mean it's in there?
Yeah, it seems so.
This is the Doctor's room.
Maybe you could, uh, influence him out
- while I go check it out?
- Mmm, see?
You need my skill set already.
Yeah, right. Good luck.
Can I help you?
I seem to have come down
with something, Doctor.
Might you be able to give me a checkup?
Of course. Be happy to help.
Please, come in.
Perhaps we could go
down to the sitting room.
I am a newly engaged woman, after all.
I understand.
One moment.
No ring?
We are still looking for one.
And you arrived with no
luggage, if I'm not mistaken.
Couldn't wait to get away from the city.
Yes, I could see why your
betrothed would want to get you
to himself as quickly as possible.
You have a beautiful face.
Oh, thank you. I moisturize.
It's not like my face.
No one remembers my face.
Huh. You know, you could, uh,
look into getting a
rebranding specialist.
I'm afraid your case
is worse than I thought.
I must insist we return to my room
for a more thorough examination.
Oh, my gosh. Look at that.
No more cough.
You are a real miracle worker, Doc.
You should just stay here, relax,
have a drink, and I'm gonna...
okay, bye-bye.
It seems we did end up
in my room, after all.
Shall we begin the examination?
John, you killed him!
'Course I did.
He's Jack the bloody Ripper.
Behind you!
Old Leather Apron here
must be an Encore.
Hand me some rope now, will you, love?
Captain Lance is experiencing
unusual activity in the striatum,
a region of the brain
that processes time.
I am continuing to run tests
to determine the cause.
So Atropos not only killed Behrad,
but also managed to put Sara in a coma.
I don't think the team's gonna survive
another run-in with
your sister, Charlie.
Well, if we had it my way,
we never would've run into her
- in the first place.
- Pardon me, but Dr. Heywood
and Mr. Green are requesting
your presence on the Bridge.
The Prognosticator is showing
unusual Encore activity.
You got this, Captain.
All the Encores are moving through time.
More specifically, they're all heading
towards a particular point.
Looks like they're hunting something.
Or someone.
Astra must have sent
the Encores after John.
Gideon, pinpoint where and
when they're converging.
See, guys? I knew all
my time spent creating
the Prognosticator would be worth it.
Ava Sharpe saves the day again.
I'm sorry, Captain.
It appears that the Prognosticator
is not equipped to handle
time-traveling Encores.
Ava, take a deep breath...
You know what? We don't even
know if Sara's gonna wake up,
and if she does, she's gonna find out
that two of the Legends are missing.
- This is beyond unacceptable.
- Let's just sit down.
I'll brew you a cup of
your favorite herbal tea...
I'm not just gonna sit around
and do nothing. If we
can't track the Encores,
we have to go after them
at the source... Astra.
I seriously doubt she's just
gonna agree to stop doing
whatever her current evil plan is.
That's why I'm not
gonna give her a choice.
Nighty-night, Jackie-boy.
Sweet dreams of disembowelment
and all that jazz.
What the hell, John?
Astra must have sent him here after me.
You know, not everything is about you.
Yeah, well, it'd be a
big bloody coincidence
if an Encore just happened
to show up in the same time
and place as us for no apparent reason.
Okay, fine, but I thought
you and Astra had a deal?
Clearly she got impatient, all right?
Yeah, I know the feeling.
Did you find the ring?
It wasn't in his room.
Now something is
interfering with my magic.
Yeah, some great sorcerer.
Ooh, some great influencer.
You could barely keep him
distracted for ten minutes.
Oh, I'm sorry,
should I have let
myself be serial killed
so you would've had five more
minutes to not find the ring?
You know what?
We should split up so we
can both find this in peace.
Fine by me, sweetheart.
Howdy, ma'am.
My name's Clyde Barrow.
And my name's Bonnie.
And we're in need of
some accommodations.
Bloody hell, they're all Encores.
All right, while I'm down there,
you two need to work on
fixing the Prognosticator so
we can track down Zari and John.
- Well, tech is not really...
- Charlie.
Sure, we'll figure it out.
Um, I feel like somebody has to ask you.
Are you 100% certain you
want Gary to take you to Hell?
I was kinda wondering the same thing.
Look, Gary's the only wizard
I have access to, and besides,
I'm not only taking Gary down there,
I'm gonna need some extra muscle too.
Well, thank you for
noticing the extra reps
I've been putting on the lat machine.
- You ready, Mick?
- Oh.
Oh, Mick, I thought you
were taking time off
to hang out with the kid?
She told me to go to Hell.
Where are we headed?
The portal to Hell is ready, Captain.
All that's left is for...
me to drink some of this demon blood.
- Come on, Gary.
- Okay, yeah. Okay.
Huh. It's actually quite tangy.
Okay, how do we do this?
I will say some words,
and then the sigil
will transport us to Hell
for precisely four hours.
After that, we'll be
transported right back here.
Sounds good to me.
Flesh become my flesh.
Soul become my soul.
Hades, firstborn of Cronus and Rhea,
I call upon you.
All right, Mick, get
ready to light it up.
- Beer?
- Yeah.
This was a terrible idea.
Should've worn shoulder
pads to blend in.
I like it. There's fire.
Let's just find Astra.
About time we killed the bitch.
No! John has been working
so hard to rehabilitate her.
Also, I thought we didn't
use that word anymore.
You know what? I'm gonna let
the B-word slide this time.
She sent a bunch of
criminals after our friends.
How do we even find her?
What are we supposed to do,
just ask a random demon off the street?
- Where's Astra?
- She's at her club.
Uh, two streets down, make a left.
Wow, I didn't expect that to work.
Thanks, Mickey.
You know, it's times like this,
that I wish I hadn't given up smoking.
Yeah, well, I wish I had
brought my own hairbrush.
Guess we're both out of luck.
Why would Astra send so
many Encores after me?
I mean, seems like overkill.
Again, maybe it's not all about you.
What if they're after the ring?
You know, I never told
Astra about the Loom of Fate,
but you might be onto something.
Oh, look at that. Supper time.
You're not seriously suggesting
we go dine with Hell-people.
I am seriously suggesting
that you stay while I handle it.
I am part of this.
And possess far superior social skills.
Yeah, well, you bottled it
when Jack the Ripper attacked.
Look, I can't look after you
and figure out what Astra's
up to at the same time.
This might be Behrad's totem,
but there is a little
warrior me inside here
from a different timeline
and she's gonna protect me.
I don't even know what to say to that.
But I will say this.
Even if I have to tie you up myself,
you're staying here.
- What are you doing?
- Well, I can't exactly
go out there as John
Constantine now, can I?
I think I have an idea.
Clyde and I were tortured by
Manaxos the Mutilator himself.
Your pain was a mere trifle
compared to what the
Norfulthing did to me.
I thought the Hellhounds
were the worst evil
a man could suffer.
Who exactly are you that you
were worth Norfulthing's time?
I am, of course, King Henry VIII,
ruler of the British Empire.
And what crime sent you to Hell?
- Mmm.
- We rob banks.
And I plunder boats.
You may have heard of me.
The name's Black Caesar.
- Caesar?
- Ah, and you must be Brutus.
I always favored beheadings
over stabbing someone in the back.
Less cowardly.
Supper is ready.
Now, stop dillydallying
and come and have a seat
before the food gets cold.
Excuse me, Miss Astra.
Found this scum lurking by the entrance.
"Lurking" seems like
an overly sinister way
- to describe it...
- Why are you here, twerp?
John Constantine is outside.
He knows you're impatient with him,
but he has the, uh,
thing he promised you.
But he doesn't want to come
in here and risk being seen.
So if you could take a quick break
from eating... bugs and come with me...
Waste my time and I'll
let my demonic friends here
use you as a human piñata.
So that's where Genghis
Khan's sword went.
It's over, Astra.
We know you've sent
your Encores after John,
so don't play coy.
What the hell's an Encore?
It's what we've been
calling the corrupted souls
that you've been sending back to Earth.
I haven't sent a single
"Encore" back to Earth
since John and I last spoke.
- Kill her already.
- Good idea.
Wait, Ava.
What if she's telling the truth?
Come inside and I'll prove it to you.
Ah, just in time.
Oh, I love a good carving.
And who the devil are
you supposed to be?
I, my friend, am Jack the Ripper.
You got quite the reputation, Jack.
- Join us.
- Cheers, mate.
My mistake, sugar.
I would have noticed
if the ring was sitting
directly in front of me.
So we are all here for the ring.
I don't share me treasure
with anyone but me crew.
We've been set up.
And I assume that we all
got the same deal, yeah?
The ring in exchange
for free rein on Earth.
It would appear we are
in direct competition.
So then what the hell are
we doing eating dinner?
Oh, that's a bit on the
nose, isn't it, Brutie?
Just so we're all on the same page here,
each one of us has a Hell-weapon
and we could well and
truly end each other
right here, right now.
Clyde, the way I see it,
this here Jack the Ripper
is our greatest competition.
Yeah, I think you're right, peaches.
Jack here never was
caught by the police.
Greetings, subjects.
I'm your Queen,
Yes, I see.
They're very big and impressive.
That's not what I came here for.
Great, you all have scary weapons.
Now that we know that,
is it really necessary
for everyone to get
cramps in their arms?
You, of course, remember Brutus?
Yes, of course.
"It was not that I loved Caesar less
but that I loved Rome more".
We never had the chance
of meeting before.
- Mmm.
- But I would have thought
my murder of your lover
would be unforgivable.
Damn skippy. Kill him.
I'm not a petty despot
ruled by past grievances.
I'm a strategist.
The most sensible thing to do
is to work together.
As soon as one of us finds the ring,
it's off to the Pits for the rest.
You're just gonna accept that?
As soon as we have
the ring in our hands,
we have all the power.
We can march right into Hell
and demand our freedom.
Hey, hear, hear to that, eh?
All right.
Now, let's eat, okay?
So where's the lug-head?
Rory's guarding our exit,
and he enjoying some entertainment.
Yeah, I'll definitely
be seeing that one again
down here.
Oh, you're no fun.
Now, this is where I
keep all my soul coins,
and as you can see, they're all right...
Did you lose something?
No one with an
"executive privacy" button
has good intentions.
My vault is empty.
Besides me, you're the only
one with access, Tiberius.
Care to explain?
Is this one of those human pranks?
You had me take them
out for you last week.
- Like hell I did.
- I swear it.
I saw you myself.
A shapeshifter.
Damn it!
Oh, don't look at me like that.
He'll be fine in a few hours.
Better, even, 'cause he'll have
learned to be less gullible.
At least the most
valuable one is still...
Who the hell Vandal Savage?
Oh, I actually know that one. He's...
Shut up.
I can't believe she did this to me.
Wait, you know who stole your coins?
But she's...
too powerful for me to take on.
Okay, well, what if you
had backup, you know?
Enemy of my enemy sort of thing.
But this will require stealth.
The boys stay here.
Now that was influencing.
You really think there's
saint's chance in Hell
that your truce is gonna hold?
May I remind you that one
of them is ruddy Brutus!
Sorry, was that some weird
British-y way of saying,
"Thank you for saving my life, Zari"?
Yeah, okay, all right.
I was in a bit of a pickle, I admit it.
But may I suggest that
we use the few minutes
that you bought us to
go and look for the ring?
Sorry about this, hon.
Please, don't.
Don't be scared.
"The evil that men do lives after them",
and all that.
So who's this being we're going to see?
The woman who found
me terrified and alone
when John left me to rot down here.
She took me in and raised me,
taught me how to make it in Hell.
Wow, and now she's betrayed you.
She was the one person
I thought I could trust.
Everything I am, I owe to her.
You know, I don't know
if that's some sob story
or what, Astra, but I know how you feel.
- Really?
- Yeah.
I think it's a pretty specific story.
Yeah, well, I had a mentor once.
Guy's name was Rip. I
trusted him with my life
until I found out that he
fabricated all my memories
to make me good at my job.
That's awful.
So what did you do when you found out?
- Did you kill him?
- Ooh.
I wanted to so bad.
But you know what? The
one thing I learned is,
the only way to keep going is
to take control of your life.
Stop letting everybody act like
they know what's best for you
and make your own choices, you know?
What the?
So it was a sob story, after all.
No, it was the truth.
Thanks for the therapy session.
Don't have too much
fun without me, boys.
I'll be back soon.
Show me the treasure I seek.
Yeah, that compass must have
some sort of Hell powers.
He's using it to track the ring.
Okay, then we need to get the compass.
- All right, I'll grab it.
- Hey, I'm going with you.
All right, follow me.
Well, that was bloody
convenient, wasn't it?
I tried to fight them, just like Rory.
You folded like a cheap
deck of cards, you bum.
It's okay, Gary. I totally
got played by Astra.
On the bright side, there's
not much time left on the sigil.
We'll pop back to the
Waverider soon enough.
Um, about that.
I'm the one who cast the spell,
so I'll pop back to the Waverider,
along with anyone who's touching me
when the time runs out.
Didn't I mention that?
Listen, you dweeb, I
gotta get out of here.
I got a thing.
What thing?
Lita has a soccer match.
She didn't invite me,
but I'm inviting myself.
- Sorry, Rory.
- And I refuse to die here
without getting to know my daughter.
Do we understand each other?
- What position does she play?
- Gary.
Hold on, we were here just a minute ago.
John, we're going in circles.
Yeah, it seems like
it's not just my magic
that's wonky in this place.
Okay, magic or no, there's
so many people looking
for this ring... it should've
turned up by now.
It's like...
It doesn't want to be found.
Hold on a minute, you
might be on to something.
"Sometimes you just have
to stop looking", right?
Why would we stop looking?
Because I'm beginning
to suspect that the spell
on the ring is of a particular breed.
So if you want to find the ring,
you can't find it.
You have got to hand it to Enchantress.
She is a crafty one.
Okay, it's not just
gonna slip our minds,
so what do we do?
We drink.
I know what you did, Lachesis.
Who's she?
Astra, my dear,
I'd like you to meet my sister Atropos.
I have wanted you two to
meet for quite some time now.
Your sister?
We've worn many faces in our long lives,
but we are family.
Anything you need to say to me
you can say in front of her.
I know you stole my soul coins.
Of course I did. I had to.
Astra, they were becoming a distraction.
You'd amassed all this power, for what?
Parties? Gambling?
You need to think in grander terms.
Much grander.
You see, Astra,
my sister and I are
two of the three Fates.
The Loom of Fate belongs to us.
It is our birthright.
Why didn't you tell me?
You weren't ready.
Oh, Astra, making soul coins
and using them to control
the denizens of Hell
was a cheap reflection
of my former glory.
Now that the Loom of
Fate is within reach,
I want you to become one of us.
Become our third sister.
You'd have the power of a god.
Astra, this is what I have
been preparing you for
ever since I took you
in as a young girl.
But what about my mom?
John had promised that
he'd use the Loom of Fate
to make it so she never died.
Astra, you need to move beyond
these petty human desires.
I am offering you the
power to design destiny.
You once sought to rule over Hell,
now you can rule over the whole cosmos.
Will you join us?
What do you say, girl?
Oh, trust me, Astra, I
know what's best for you.
Sister always knows best.
Of course I'll join you.
How could I ever turn
down so much power?
Good girl!
There's just, uh, one thing.
John Constantine's coin.
He's mine to toy with.
Seems like a fair trade.
I took care of Brutus.
And I got our pirate friend Caesar.
Any luck with the ring?
Damn thing might as well be invisible.
Well, Bonnie, guess we got no choice
but to make the rest of
our fellow guests disappear.
Now, what do we have here?
Another Hellian to kill? Lucky us.
- I'm Jack the Ripper.
- Nice try.
- We already met Jack.
- That Jack's an imposter.
Worse, he's John Constantine.
That liar!
He must be here to send us back to Hell.
Now, don't lose your temper, Bonnie.
We'll teach that grifter a lesson, okay?
Good old Mrs. Hughes.
Okay, I'm not thinking about the ring.
I'm not thinking about the ring.
Yeah, that's not gonna work.
So you're just gonna accept
failure when we're this close?
I'm not giving up.
Oh, I don't see it as
giving up, so much as, uh,
accepting reality.
I know myself.
I'm a ripe old mix of,
uh, guilt and torment.
If the Loom of Fate offers
me even one glimmer of hope
of redemption for all my past sins,
particularly Astra, then, uh,
I'll never not be thinking about it.
You know, it's funny,
I'm usually an expert
at getting things out of my head.
Boyfriend cheating on me
with my assistant/best friend?
No time to cry, I have a
fall fashion line to plan.
Overhearing my mother tell
a friend she's embarrassed
her daughter is so
shallow and self-absorbed?
Definitely can't process that.
I will check my CatChat analytics.
But my baby brother dying because
he was trying to protect me?
There's nothing that can
get that out of my head.
I was wearing the totem when he died.
If I hadn't been, then maybe he...
maybe he would've had a chance.
Now, look, you can
take it from an expert.
Nothing good ever comes from
beating yourself up, love.
Don't try to make me feel better.
What if we don't find the ring?
What if I never get him back?
John friggin' Constantine!
We know who you are,
and there's someone here
you'll be just dying to meet.
They do say imitation is the
sincerest form of flattery.
This passage leads outside.
I'll distract them while you escape.
- No, come with me.
- Go.
This is my house and I'm just
crazy enough to defend it.
Listen, you can get Behrad back, Zari.
I truly believe that, but
unless you get out of here
right now, then neither
of you stand a chance.
Ava, I'd just like to say,
you're the best boss I've ever had.
Well, the only boss I've ever had.
I'm more apprentice
than employee with John,
and before the Bureau, well...
Ah, finally. You've come to kill us.
About time. I was getting bored.
Get out of here.
Astra, what made you change your mind?
You're helping John
find the Loom for me.
Might as well let you.
Either he'll come through
or Lachesis is bound to.
Did you say Lachesis? The Fate?
- Wait, how do you know who...
- It's a small underworld
after all. Time's almost up.
Come with us!
- What?
- Astra, it is time
for you to take control,
okay? Don't wait for them.
You can help us find the Loom
and save your mother yourself.
Ten seconds left.
The choice is yours.
Wait, did she ever,
like, channel an animal
while you were, you know...
She did once.
But it was...
- Is that...
- Meet Astra.
- Why does she have the sword?
- There's no time to explain.
We got to move.
Where's the ring, John?
I don't know where the ring is.
And even if I did, I
wouldn't tell you Muppets.
John. John, be reasonable.
We are going to kill you regardless,
but it's up to you how
painful that death has to be.
You'd be surprised how long
you can stay alive without...
- certain organs.
- Ah.
You want your coat back, don't you?
- Mmm.
- You can all go to Hell.
Yes. I order you to stop.
You don't have that kind
of power here, honey.
Are you both serious? She's with him.
Is that so? Maybe this
will make you talk.
I don't know where
the ring is, all right?
Funny, I believe you.
What a shame.
Oh, cheer up, darling.
- We can kill him now.
- Mm.
Hey, you come back.
You okay?
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
The bloody ring.
Must've been here the whole time.
I guess I stopped thinking about it.
Guys, we're here to save you!
But, uh, looks like you, uh,
- took care of it on your own.
- Thank God.
Please tell me that you found the ring.
We did. Thanks to Zari.
- Fantastic.
- Good.
Wait a second, are those Hell weapons?
We could use those, especially...
Yeah, let's just get them
and get out of here.
Good morning.
Are those even more guests?
Oh, um, no.
So sorry, ma'am, we were just leaving.
And, uh, here's me thinking
you weren't allowed to meddle anymore.
Could've been a touch more direct.
I'm sure I don't know what you mean.
Yeah, right.
See you around, John Constantine.
So you got the totem to work?
Yeah, I did. It was amazing.
Terrifying, but amazing.
I sort of felt like
Behrad was there with me.
He'd be so proud of you.
I'm so proud of you.
- John! You're safe!
- Yeah, all right, buddy.
Oh, okay, right, slow down, all right?
I'm happy to see you too, mate.
Hey, how's Sara doing?
Oh, she's still unconscious.
Charlie's sitting with her now.
I'm gonna try to distract myself
by fixing the Prognosticator.
Technical skills are not
Charlie and I's strong suit.
- I know.
- Whoa, whoa, hold on a tick.
If that contraption is broke,
how the hell did you find us?
Uh, about that.
Hey, John.
I hear we have a Loom to build.
- How did you do that?
- How did I do that?
Remember when we dented history?
By building Heyworld,
we changed the future.
What you think of as a haunting
is a temporal echo.
She is the you before you.
Zari, no! What is that?
You can't kill me.
- No!
- I'm a god.
We're being hunted
by a pair of bloody gods.
The situation just got
a hell of a lot more dicey.
Behrad is dead. Can that
Loom bring him back?
If we get the last piece, yeah.
Oh, there you are.
It's always the artsy types
with you, ain't it?
How many times must I tell you my powers
are not a tool for
your amusement, Clotho?
Wait, wait, wait, time out.
But you did look different
at the time, though, right?
Shapeshifter. 'Course I did.
But it makes the story easier to imagine
if you just picture me.
- Yeah, just pay attention.
- Yeah, yeah.
Anyway, then she said her magic word...
I imagine this has something
to do with your theft
of the Loom of Fate?
You disapprove?
Humanity's status quo
should be shaken up
every few millennia.
It's good for them.
Well, I'm glad you think so,
because this is a pretty big shake-up.
I need to make sure that
no one ever finds this.
Not even me, and
especially not Lachesis.
You think you can do that?
Question. La-who?
Lachesis, she's my elder sister.
And also the Leader of the Fates.
Now, she's a real master manipulator.
Atropos kills because Lachesis wills it.
It is you, Clotho, that
has the difficult task.
What, running and hiding?
I'm relieving you of a piece of the Loom
that has been your entire
reason for existence.
Now that you are free of it,
it'll be up to you to
determine what, if anything,
is left of Clotho in its wake.
All I need is to make sure
that that ring is never found.
Existential actualization
can come later.
You cannot run forever, Clotho.
And that is the last
thing that I remember.
You have no idea what
spell Enchantress cast?
Well, that would kind
of defeat the whole point
of going to her, now wouldn't it?
But Charlie, all we
need is the third ring
- to bring Behrad back...
- And now you're telling us
it's impossible to find?
Maybe you could've mentioned that
before your sister got on the ship?
See, this is exactly the kind of thing
- I was afraid would happen.
- Stop.
Passing blame is not
gonna help anything.
I'm sorry, Z.
This Enchantress is a witch, right?
Well, we have whatever it is you are.
So do some hocus pocus
and find the ring.
Yeah, well, it's not as simple as
finding Atropos's ring, love.
Locating something hidden
by someone as powerful
as Enchantress, that can
take months, maybe even years.
I don't accept that.
Behrad is gone and he's not coming back
until you find the ring.
So figure it out, magic man.
You know, um,
I'm here for you if you ever
want to talk about Behrad.
We're getting him back.
There is no point in dwelling on it,
because everything's gonna be fine.
- Totally.
- By the way, uh,
when I went on that totem journey thing,
I met the other me.
How... how is she?
She's great.
Tough, cool...
You must have a thing for warrior women.
Only if they're from another time period
and eventually will leave me, sure.
Did she have a message for me?
But I can tell she
really cares about you.
I really care about her.
And just so you know, I, um,
I care about you too.
Oh, all right, lovebirds,
look, I think I've got something.
Now, it won't be pretty,
but it might just work,
so come on, chop-chop!
Sara, are you there?
Hey, Sara?
Sara? You all right?
Yeah, I just, um...
It was nothing. I'm good.
Listen, you got hit full-force
with the power of Atropos.
- Yeah.
- I know you survived,
but there could still be repercussions.
Charlie, look, I'm telling you,
I'm completely fine, all right?
Assassin's honor.
All right, you lot, listen up.
Our Lachesis's ring could be
anywhere in space and time.
I'm gonna need to borrow a
little bit of magical energy
off you lot to help amplify
the summoning spell.
- Exactly how does that work?
- It's easy.
All you need to do is
keep your mouths shut
and let me use your
auras like batteries.
Is this safe? It doesn't sound safe.
It isn't. Any more questions?
Good, let's hold hands.
O circule, te vocavi ad
hunc locum et tempus.
Veni hic, te iubeo.
Whoa, this feels weird.
It is weird.
Kinda like that time we
went mushroom picking.
Focus, or you'll botch the bloody spell!
Vincio cum hunc loco.
- Sara!
- Focus!
Vincio ad hunc tempori!
Where is everyone?
Wait, something happened.
Oh, bollocks.
When everyone lost focus,
I'd successfully bound
the ring to the house,
but I was still working
to anchor it temporally.
So you, me, and the ring have been
whooshed into the past?
Good work.
It's magic, love, it's more
of an art than a science.
Oh, my, are those guests?
I didn't hear the bell ring.
Well, hello. I'm Mrs. Hughes.
I'm so sorry to keep you waiting.
Oh, no bother, love.
This is a lovely, uh, boarding house.
You know, I could see
myself living here.
Now where ever did my etui get to?
- Oh.
- Is it that?
Thank you, my dear.
I would've found it eventually.
Sometimes one just
needs to stop looking.
Right, totally.
Is that another guest already?
It is, indeed.
Dr. White at your service.
Were you two going to book a room, or...
Right you are. Yes,
me and my wife here...
Oh, we are not... not married.
Well, I'm afraid I'm a bit traditional.
I don't allow single women
to stay in my establishment.
But we are engaged, yay.
Ah, my sincerest congratulations.
Please sign here.
Oh, yes, of course.
And you will be in room
number three, upstairs.
Supper is at 8:00, sharp.
Right, thank you. Mr. White.
Huh. You know, you should take note.
This place could actually
look kind of decent
with a bit of TLC.
See what a difference a nice
set of curtains can make?
Yeah, all right. Now let's, uh,
take stock of our situation, shall we?
Now, I'm assuming you can
wield the totem like Behrad.
Mm-mm. I'm just holding
onto this for him.
I don't have a superpower.
Unless you count having flawless brows.
I don't.
Oh, and by age 15,
I built a social media empire
valued at over $500 million.
"The New York Times" called me
the most influential influencer
of my generation.
Oh, "The New York Times", eh?
Yeah, it's like an app
that tells you the news.
So, uh, your superpower is
that you're sort of popular?
Aww, calling me "sort of" popular
is like calling da Vinci
"sort of" a genius.
Great. Got it.
What about you? What exactly do you do,
besides wear the same outfit every day
- and screw up spells?
- Well, I've banished demons,
slain dragons, and walked
through the fires of Hell.
I'm a sneaky bastard
and the greatest sorcerer
- that ever lived.
- Cool, cool, cool.
Do you wanna go ahead
and "sorcer" something
so we can find the ring
and get out of here?
- Mm. Yeah.
- Yeah.
Okay, so does that mean it's in there?
Yeah, it seems so.
This is the Doctor's room.
Maybe you could, uh, influence him out
- while I go check it out?
- Mmm, see?
You need my skill set already.
Yeah, right. Good luck.
Can I help you?
I seem to have come down
with something, Doctor.
Might you be able to give me a checkup?
Of course. Be happy to help.
Please, come in.
Perhaps we could go
down to the sitting room.
I am a newly engaged woman, after all.
I understand.
One moment.
No ring?
We are still looking for one.
And you arrived with no
luggage, if I'm not mistaken.
Couldn't wait to get away from the city.
Yes, I could see why your
betrothed would want to get you
to himself as quickly as possible.
You have a beautiful face.
Oh, thank you. I moisturize.
It's not like my face.
No one remembers my face.
Huh. You know, you could, uh,
look into getting a
rebranding specialist.
I'm afraid your case
is worse than I thought.
I must insist we return to my room
for a more thorough examination.
Oh, my gosh. Look at that.
No more cough.
You are a real miracle worker, Doc.
You should just stay here, relax,
have a drink, and I'm gonna...
okay, bye-bye.
It seems we did end up
in my room, after all.
Shall we begin the examination?
John, you killed him!
'Course I did.
He's Jack the bloody Ripper.
Behind you!
Old Leather Apron here
must be an Encore.
Hand me some rope now, will you, love?
Captain Lance is experiencing
unusual activity in the striatum,
a region of the brain
that processes time.
I am continuing to run tests
to determine the cause.
So Atropos not only killed Behrad,
but also managed to put Sara in a coma.
I don't think the team's gonna survive
another run-in with
your sister, Charlie.
Well, if we had it my way,
we never would've run into her
- in the first place.
- Pardon me, but Dr. Heywood
and Mr. Green are requesting
your presence on the Bridge.
The Prognosticator is showing
unusual Encore activity.
You got this, Captain.
All the Encores are moving through time.
More specifically, they're all heading
towards a particular point.
Looks like they're hunting something.
Or someone.
Astra must have sent
the Encores after John.
Gideon, pinpoint where and
when they're converging.
See, guys? I knew all
my time spent creating
the Prognosticator would be worth it.
Ava Sharpe saves the day again.
I'm sorry, Captain.
It appears that the Prognosticator
is not equipped to handle
time-traveling Encores.
Ava, take a deep breath...
You know what? We don't even
know if Sara's gonna wake up,
and if she does, she's gonna find out
that two of the Legends are missing.
- This is beyond unacceptable.
- Let's just sit down.
I'll brew you a cup of
your favorite herbal tea...
I'm not just gonna sit around
and do nothing. If we
can't track the Encores,
we have to go after them
at the source... Astra.
I seriously doubt she's just
gonna agree to stop doing
whatever her current evil plan is.
That's why I'm not
gonna give her a choice.
Nighty-night, Jackie-boy.
Sweet dreams of disembowelment
and all that jazz.
What the hell, John?
Astra must have sent him here after me.
You know, not everything is about you.
Yeah, well, it'd be a
big bloody coincidence
if an Encore just happened
to show up in the same time
and place as us for no apparent reason.
Okay, fine, but I thought
you and Astra had a deal?
Clearly she got impatient, all right?
Yeah, I know the feeling.
Did you find the ring?
It wasn't in his room.
Now something is
interfering with my magic.
Yeah, some great sorcerer.
Ooh, some great influencer.
You could barely keep him
distracted for ten minutes.
Oh, I'm sorry,
should I have let
myself be serial killed
so you would've had five more
minutes to not find the ring?
You know what?
We should split up so we
can both find this in peace.
Fine by me, sweetheart.
Howdy, ma'am.
My name's Clyde Barrow.
And my name's Bonnie.
And we're in need of
some accommodations.
Bloody hell, they're all Encores.
All right, while I'm down there,
you two need to work on
fixing the Prognosticator so
we can track down Zari and John.
- Well, tech is not really...
- Charlie.
Sure, we'll figure it out.
Um, I feel like somebody has to ask you.
Are you 100% certain you
want Gary to take you to Hell?
I was kinda wondering the same thing.
Look, Gary's the only wizard
I have access to, and besides,
I'm not only taking Gary down there,
I'm gonna need some extra muscle too.
Well, thank you for
noticing the extra reps
I've been putting on the lat machine.
- You ready, Mick?
- Oh.
Oh, Mick, I thought you
were taking time off
to hang out with the kid?
She told me to go to Hell.
Where are we headed?
The portal to Hell is ready, Captain.
All that's left is for...
me to drink some of this demon blood.
- Come on, Gary.
- Okay, yeah. Okay.
Huh. It's actually quite tangy.
Okay, how do we do this?
I will say some words,
and then the sigil
will transport us to Hell
for precisely four hours.
After that, we'll be
transported right back here.
Sounds good to me.
Flesh become my flesh.
Soul become my soul.
Hades, firstborn of Cronus and Rhea,
I call upon you.
All right, Mick, get
ready to light it up.
- Beer?
- Yeah.
This was a terrible idea.
Should've worn shoulder
pads to blend in.
I like it. There's fire.
Let's just find Astra.
About time we killed the bitch.
No! John has been working
so hard to rehabilitate her.
Also, I thought we didn't
use that word anymore.
You know what? I'm gonna let
the B-word slide this time.
She sent a bunch of
criminals after our friends.
How do we even find her?
What are we supposed to do,
just ask a random demon off the street?
- Where's Astra?
- She's at her club.
Uh, two streets down, make a left.
Wow, I didn't expect that to work.
Thanks, Mickey.
You know, it's times like this,
that I wish I hadn't given up smoking.
Yeah, well, I wish I had
brought my own hairbrush.
Guess we're both out of luck.
Why would Astra send so
many Encores after me?
I mean, seems like overkill.
Again, maybe it's not all about you.
What if they're after the ring?
You know, I never told
Astra about the Loom of Fate,
but you might be onto something.
Oh, look at that. Supper time.
You're not seriously suggesting
we go dine with Hell-people.
I am seriously suggesting
that you stay while I handle it.
I am part of this.
And possess far superior social skills.
Yeah, well, you bottled it
when Jack the Ripper attacked.
Look, I can't look after you
and figure out what Astra's
up to at the same time.
This might be Behrad's totem,
but there is a little
warrior me inside here
from a different timeline
and she's gonna protect me.
I don't even know what to say to that.
But I will say this.
Even if I have to tie you up myself,
you're staying here.
- What are you doing?
- Well, I can't exactly
go out there as John
Constantine now, can I?
I think I have an idea.
Clyde and I were tortured by
Manaxos the Mutilator himself.
Your pain was a mere trifle
compared to what the
Norfulthing did to me.
I thought the Hellhounds
were the worst evil
a man could suffer.
Who exactly are you that you
were worth Norfulthing's time?
I am, of course, King Henry VIII,
ruler of the British Empire.
And what crime sent you to Hell?
- Mmm.
- We rob banks.
And I plunder boats.
You may have heard of me.
The name's Black Caesar.
- Caesar?
- Ah, and you must be Brutus.
I always favored beheadings
over stabbing someone in the back.
Less cowardly.
Supper is ready.
Now, stop dillydallying
and come and have a seat
before the food gets cold.
Excuse me, Miss Astra.
Found this scum lurking by the entrance.
"Lurking" seems like
an overly sinister way
- to describe it...
- Why are you here, twerp?
John Constantine is outside.
He knows you're impatient with him,
but he has the, uh,
thing he promised you.
But he doesn't want to come
in here and risk being seen.
So if you could take a quick break
from eating... bugs and come with me...
Waste my time and I'll
let my demonic friends here
use you as a human piñata.
So that's where Genghis
Khan's sword went.
It's over, Astra.
We know you've sent
your Encores after John,
so don't play coy.
What the hell's an Encore?
It's what we've been
calling the corrupted souls
that you've been sending back to Earth.
I haven't sent a single
"Encore" back to Earth
since John and I last spoke.
- Kill her already.
- Good idea.
Wait, Ava.
What if she's telling the truth?
Come inside and I'll prove it to you.
Ah, just in time.
Oh, I love a good carving.
And who the devil are
you supposed to be?
I, my friend, am Jack the Ripper.
You got quite the reputation, Jack.
- Join us.
- Cheers, mate.
My mistake, sugar.
I would have noticed
if the ring was sitting
directly in front of me.
So we are all here for the ring.
I don't share me treasure
with anyone but me crew.
We've been set up.
And I assume that we all
got the same deal, yeah?
The ring in exchange
for free rein on Earth.
It would appear we are
in direct competition.
So then what the hell are
we doing eating dinner?
Oh, that's a bit on the
nose, isn't it, Brutie?
Just so we're all on the same page here,
each one of us has a Hell-weapon
and we could well and
truly end each other
right here, right now.
Clyde, the way I see it,
this here Jack the Ripper
is our greatest competition.
Yeah, I think you're right, peaches.
Jack here never was
caught by the police.
Greetings, subjects.
I'm your Queen,
Yes, I see.
They're very big and impressive.
That's not what I came here for.
Great, you all have scary weapons.
Now that we know that,
is it really necessary
for everyone to get
cramps in their arms?
You, of course, remember Brutus?
Yes, of course.
"It was not that I loved Caesar less
but that I loved Rome more".
We never had the chance
of meeting before.
- Mmm.
- But I would have thought
my murder of your lover
would be unforgivable.
Damn skippy. Kill him.
I'm not a petty despot
ruled by past grievances.
I'm a strategist.
The most sensible thing to do
is to work together.
As soon as one of us finds the ring,
it's off to the Pits for the rest.
You're just gonna accept that?
As soon as we have
the ring in our hands,
we have all the power.
We can march right into Hell
and demand our freedom.
Hey, hear, hear to that, eh?
All right.
Now, let's eat, okay?
So where's the lug-head?
Rory's guarding our exit,
and he enjoying some entertainment.
Yeah, I'll definitely
be seeing that one again
down here.
Oh, you're no fun.
Now, this is where I
keep all my soul coins,
and as you can see, they're all right...
Did you lose something?
No one with an
"executive privacy" button
has good intentions.
My vault is empty.
Besides me, you're the only
one with access, Tiberius.
Care to explain?
Is this one of those human pranks?
You had me take them
out for you last week.
- Like hell I did.
- I swear it.
I saw you myself.
A shapeshifter.
Damn it!
Oh, don't look at me like that.
He'll be fine in a few hours.
Better, even, 'cause he'll have
learned to be less gullible.
At least the most
valuable one is still...
Who the hell Vandal Savage?
Oh, I actually know that one. He's...
Shut up.
I can't believe she did this to me.
Wait, you know who stole your coins?
But she's...
too powerful for me to take on.
Okay, well, what if you
had backup, you know?
Enemy of my enemy sort of thing.
But this will require stealth.
The boys stay here.
Now that was influencing.
You really think there's
saint's chance in Hell
that your truce is gonna hold?
May I remind you that one
of them is ruddy Brutus!
Sorry, was that some weird
British-y way of saying,
"Thank you for saving my life, Zari"?
Yeah, okay, all right.
I was in a bit of a pickle, I admit it.
But may I suggest that
we use the few minutes
that you bought us to
go and look for the ring?
Sorry about this, hon.
Please, don't.
Don't be scared.
"The evil that men do lives after them",
and all that.
So who's this being we're going to see?
The woman who found
me terrified and alone
when John left me to rot down here.
She took me in and raised me,
taught me how to make it in Hell.
Wow, and now she's betrayed you.
She was the one person
I thought I could trust.
Everything I am, I owe to her.
You know, I don't know
if that's some sob story
or what, Astra, but I know how you feel.
- Really?
- Yeah.
I think it's a pretty specific story.
Yeah, well, I had a mentor once.
Guy's name was Rip. I
trusted him with my life
until I found out that he
fabricated all my memories
to make me good at my job.
That's awful.
So what did you do when you found out?
- Did you kill him?
- Ooh.
I wanted to so bad.
But you know what? The
one thing I learned is,
the only way to keep going is
to take control of your life.
Stop letting everybody act like
they know what's best for you
and make your own choices, you know?
What the?
So it was a sob story, after all.
No, it was the truth.
Thanks for the therapy session.
Don't have too much
fun without me, boys.
I'll be back soon.
Show me the treasure I seek.
Yeah, that compass must have
some sort of Hell powers.
He's using it to track the ring.
Okay, then we need to get the compass.
- All right, I'll grab it.
- Hey, I'm going with you.
All right, follow me.
Well, that was bloody
convenient, wasn't it?
I tried to fight them, just like Rory.
You folded like a cheap
deck of cards, you bum.
It's okay, Gary. I totally
got played by Astra.
On the bright side, there's
not much time left on the sigil.
We'll pop back to the
Waverider soon enough.
Um, about that.
I'm the one who cast the spell,
so I'll pop back to the Waverider,
along with anyone who's touching me
when the time runs out.
Didn't I mention that?
Listen, you dweeb, I
gotta get out of here.
I got a thing.
What thing?
Lita has a soccer match.
She didn't invite me,
but I'm inviting myself.
- Sorry, Rory.
- And I refuse to die here
without getting to know my daughter.
Do we understand each other?
- What position does she play?
- Gary.
Hold on, we were here just a minute ago.
John, we're going in circles.
Yeah, it seems like
it's not just my magic
that's wonky in this place.
Okay, magic or no, there's
so many people looking
for this ring... it should've
turned up by now.
It's like...
It doesn't want to be found.
Hold on a minute, you
might be on to something.
"Sometimes you just have
to stop looking", right?
Why would we stop looking?
Because I'm beginning
to suspect that the spell
on the ring is of a particular breed.
So if you want to find the ring,
you can't find it.
You have got to hand it to Enchantress.
She is a crafty one.
Okay, it's not just
gonna slip our minds,
so what do we do?
We drink.
I know what you did, Lachesis.
Who's she?
Astra, my dear,
I'd like you to meet my sister Atropos.
I have wanted you two to
meet for quite some time now.
Your sister?
We've worn many faces in our long lives,
but we are family.
Anything you need to say to me
you can say in front of her.
I know you stole my soul coins.
Of course I did. I had to.
Astra, they were becoming a distraction.
You'd amassed all this power, for what?
Parties? Gambling?
You need to think in grander terms.
Much grander.
You see, Astra,
my sister and I are
two of the three Fates.
The Loom of Fate belongs to us.
It is our birthright.
Why didn't you tell me?
You weren't ready.
Oh, Astra, making soul coins
and using them to control
the denizens of Hell
was a cheap reflection
of my former glory.
Now that the Loom of
Fate is within reach,
I want you to become one of us.
Become our third sister.
You'd have the power of a god.
Astra, this is what I have
been preparing you for
ever since I took you
in as a young girl.
But what about my mom?
John had promised that
he'd use the Loom of Fate
to make it so she never died.
Astra, you need to move beyond
these petty human desires.
I am offering you the
power to design destiny.
You once sought to rule over Hell,
now you can rule over the whole cosmos.
Will you join us?
What do you say, girl?
Oh, trust me, Astra, I
know what's best for you.
Sister always knows best.
Of course I'll join you.
How could I ever turn
down so much power?
Good girl!
There's just, uh, one thing.
John Constantine's coin.
He's mine to toy with.
Seems like a fair trade.
I took care of Brutus.
And I got our pirate friend Caesar.
Any luck with the ring?
Damn thing might as well be invisible.
Well, Bonnie, guess we got no choice
but to make the rest of
our fellow guests disappear.
Now, what do we have here?
Another Hellian to kill? Lucky us.
- I'm Jack the Ripper.
- Nice try.
- We already met Jack.
- That Jack's an imposter.
Worse, he's John Constantine.
That liar!
He must be here to send us back to Hell.
Now, don't lose your temper, Bonnie.
We'll teach that grifter a lesson, okay?
Good old Mrs. Hughes.
Okay, I'm not thinking about the ring.
I'm not thinking about the ring.
Yeah, that's not gonna work.
So you're just gonna accept
failure when we're this close?
I'm not giving up.
Oh, I don't see it as
giving up, so much as, uh,
accepting reality.
I know myself.
I'm a ripe old mix of,
uh, guilt and torment.
If the Loom of Fate offers
me even one glimmer of hope
of redemption for all my past sins,
particularly Astra, then, uh,
I'll never not be thinking about it.
You know, it's funny,
I'm usually an expert
at getting things out of my head.
Boyfriend cheating on me
with my assistant/best friend?
No time to cry, I have a
fall fashion line to plan.
Overhearing my mother tell
a friend she's embarrassed
her daughter is so
shallow and self-absorbed?
Definitely can't process that.
I will check my CatChat analytics.
But my baby brother dying because
he was trying to protect me?
There's nothing that can
get that out of my head.
I was wearing the totem when he died.
If I hadn't been, then maybe he...
maybe he would've had a chance.
Now, look, you can
take it from an expert.
Nothing good ever comes from
beating yourself up, love.
Don't try to make me feel better.
What if we don't find the ring?
What if I never get him back?
John friggin' Constantine!
We know who you are,
and there's someone here
you'll be just dying to meet.
They do say imitation is the
sincerest form of flattery.
This passage leads outside.
I'll distract them while you escape.
- No, come with me.
- Go.
This is my house and I'm just
crazy enough to defend it.
Listen, you can get Behrad back, Zari.
I truly believe that, but
unless you get out of here
right now, then neither
of you stand a chance.
Ava, I'd just like to say,
you're the best boss I've ever had.
Well, the only boss I've ever had.
I'm more apprentice
than employee with John,
and before the Bureau, well...
Ah, finally. You've come to kill us.
About time. I was getting bored.
Get out of here.
Astra, what made you change your mind?
You're helping John
find the Loom for me.
Might as well let you.
Either he'll come through
or Lachesis is bound to.
Did you say Lachesis? The Fate?
- Wait, how do you know who...
- It's a small underworld
after all. Time's almost up.
Come with us!
- What?
- Astra, it is time
for you to take control,
okay? Don't wait for them.
You can help us find the Loom
and save your mother yourself.
Ten seconds left.
The choice is yours.
Wait, did she ever,
like, channel an animal
while you were, you know...
She did once.
But it was...
- Is that...
- Meet Astra.
- Why does she have the sword?
- There's no time to explain.
We got to move.
Where's the ring, John?
I don't know where the ring is.
And even if I did, I
wouldn't tell you Muppets.
John. John, be reasonable.
We are going to kill you regardless,
but it's up to you how
painful that death has to be.
You'd be surprised how long
you can stay alive without...
- certain organs.
- Ah.
You want your coat back, don't you?
- Mmm.
- You can all go to Hell.
Yes. I order you to stop.
You don't have that kind
of power here, honey.
Are you both serious? She's with him.
Is that so? Maybe this
will make you talk.
I don't know where
the ring is, all right?
Funny, I believe you.
What a shame.
Oh, cheer up, darling.
- We can kill him now.
- Mm.
Hey, you come back.
You okay?
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
The bloody ring.
Must've been here the whole time.
I guess I stopped thinking about it.
Guys, we're here to save you!
But, uh, looks like you, uh,
- took care of it on your own.
- Thank God.
Please tell me that you found the ring.
We did. Thanks to Zari.
- Fantastic.
- Good.
Wait a second, are those Hell weapons?
We could use those, especially...
Yeah, let's just get them
and get out of here.
Good morning.
Are those even more guests?
Oh, um, no.
So sorry, ma'am, we were just leaving.
And, uh, here's me thinking
you weren't allowed to meddle anymore.
Could've been a touch more direct.
I'm sure I don't know what you mean.
Yeah, right.
See you around, John Constantine.
So you got the totem to work?
Yeah, I did. It was amazing.
Terrifying, but amazing.
I sort of felt like
Behrad was there with me.
He'd be so proud of you.
I'm so proud of you.
- John! You're safe!
- Yeah, all right, buddy.
Oh, okay, right, slow down, all right?
I'm happy to see you too, mate.
Hey, how's Sara doing?
Oh, she's still unconscious.
Charlie's sitting with her now.
I'm gonna try to distract myself
by fixing the Prognosticator.
Technical skills are not
Charlie and I's strong suit.
- I know.
- Whoa, whoa, hold on a tick.
If that contraption is broke,
how the hell did you find us?
Uh, about that.
Hey, John.
I hear we have a Loom to build.