Legends of Tomorrow (2016–…): Season 1, Episode 10 - Progeny - full transcript

The team is divided over killing a 14-year-old boy who will grow to be a powerful ally for Savage.

RIP: In 2166,

an immortal tyrant named Vandal Savage

conquered the world
and murdered my wife and child.

I have assembled an elite team

to hunt him throughout time
and stop his rise to power.

Unfortunately, my plan is opposed

by the body I had sworn my allegiance to,

the Time Masters.

In the future,
my friends may not be heroes,

but if we succeed,

they will be remembered as legends.

RAY: Previously,
on Legends of Tomorrow...

Two years...
You left us stranded in 1958.

I was happy with the life
we built together.

What I thought would be our future.

Chronos attacked us.

Sabotaged the ship and took Snart.

If you're gonna kill me,

you could at least tell me
what's going on.

The Time Masters.

They took me to a place
called the Vanishing Point.

I've spent lifetimes
training by them, being reborn.

-Don't kill him.

took one of our own

and turned him against us.

I say we undo their handiwork.

I trust that you're
comfortable, Mr. Rory.

Or do you answer to Chronos these days?

I don't take orders from you.

I can't believe I ever did.

Well, that's debatable.

I'm calling on you for two reasons.

First, we could use your help.

What's the second reason?

We're headed to 2147
to engage Savage and--

ls that the second reason or the first?

Ah. Forget it.

I owe you an apology, Mr. Rory.

I failed you.

I brought you along on this
mission under false pretenses.

In denial of your true nature.

And when that nature took its course,

I asked Mr. Snart to...

Deal with you.

My point being,

your quarrel should be
with me and not with him.

Well, if it makes you feel any better,

I wanna kill both of you.

GIDEON: Captain, we've arrived at 2147.

Thank you, Gideon.

Set a course
for the Kasnian Conglomerate.

A hundred and fifty years in the future

and people are still wearing wool

-Man, I hate wool.
-Be grateful, Mr. Jackson.

Those living outside
the Kasnia Conglomerate

are dressed in rags.

-SARA: Conglomerate?
-RIP: Yeah.

From the year 2080,

governments began to
give way to corporations.

More like 2008.

According to Gideon, in two hours' time,

our favorite immortal psychopath
is scheduled to attend a meeting

of the conglomerate's shareholders.

Oh, sounds exciting.

You think Savage takes over
the world by trading stocks?

What we do know is in 20 years' time,

Kasnia is the foothold

from which Savage takes over the world.

So we hardly want
to take him on then. But...

If we can figure out how his actions here

lead to his rise to power,

-then we won't need to.
-Copy that, Captain.

But if we're gonna be
checking out the future...

We should probably invite the nerd twins.

You know, I can already hear
what Stein's gonna say

about 2147.

The future, it's...

-Astonishing. (CHUCKLES)

JAX: Well, it's a 50l50 chance
which one he'd choose.

Actually, I was going
to say, "Remarkable."

Isn't it? 2147 was considered
the world's zenith.

All of these people have five
good years to look forward to.

Before what?

Before a ruthless dictator named
Per Degaton comes to power.

Releases the Armageddon Virus,
and most of them end up dead.

Well, that's depressing.


ls that my suit? That's my suit.


-Hey! Stop him !

You have been identified as
violating Ordinance 12.

That is how Per Degaton's father, Tor,

maintains order in Kasnia.

Doesn't look like progress to me.

Speaking of progress, we need
to get a better lay of the land.

And I need to get a better look

at how they made my suit autonomous.

Why don't you take
Martin and Jax with you?

Ms. Lance, Mr. Snart and I
will work on locating Savage.

Tor Degaton holds daily meetings
with his board of directors.

-And it's open to the public?
-Of course not.

Just Kasnia's shareholders.

I hate to break it to you,
but we're not shareholders.

I'm more of a hard asset man, myself.

You're clear to attend.
They'll have to wait outside.

Oh, no, this is my accountant and
she is my personal assistant...


Stockholders only.


TOR DEGATON: We've been through this.
I won't put the resolution to a vote.

BOARD MEMBER: Sir, with greatest respect,

the situation outside
the conglomerate's borders

is becoming untenable.

The food riots, climate change--

I am well aware that
the world outside our walls

is descending into chaos.

But causing chaos
cannot be a proper response.

BOARD MEMBER 2: It is not chaos.

lt is logic.

The world's population is
unsustainable at current levels.

The herd must be thinned.

TOR DEGATON: So you've argued, Mr. Savage.

But no matter how many times
you choose to press your point,

my decision shall stand.


Oh. My boy.

My father would have you killed
for calling me that.

Oh, I wouldn't want to chance
execution. Per Degaton.

So, how did the meeting go?

Your father was being
his usual intractable self.

The problem is, my young student,

to run a corporation is not
the same as ruling a country.

If you're implying that

my father doesn't have what it takes...

Yes, he would have killed me
for that as well.

Well, I suppose I'll just
have to live dangerously, then.


So, how are your studies progressing?

SARA: He's a teacher?

Tutor, it would seem.
To young Per Degaton himself.

You say that like it's supposed
to mean something.

After the death of his father
in five years' time,

Per Degaton unleashes the Armageddon Virus

which decimates the world's population

leaving it ripe for conquest.


Per Degaton primes
the world for dictatorship

and then, when the time is right,


Savage snatches that power away from him.

-SARA: By killing Per Degaton?
-RIP: Indeed.

Okay, so we don't have
what we need to take out Savage.

But, maybe, now, we can figure out a way

to stop his rise to power.

By depriving him of
his springboard. Per Degaton.

Okay. How do we do that?

It's quite simple, really.

We kill the little bastard ourselves.

To be clear,

we're talking about murdering a child.

Who hasn't done anything to anyone.

Yet. So why don't we pick him off now

when the picking is easy?

There's got to be a better way.

How do we know that this
Per Degaton kid's path to becoming

a world -ruling dictator is inevitable ?

Because, in the future that I'm from,
children learn about Per Degaton

in the same way that children in your time

learn about Adolf Hitler.

What about addressing

the larger societal problems
that would allow

for such a despot's rise to power?

We already know what pushes this
punk to the Dark Side. Savage.

Look, it's not the kid's fault he's got

an immortal psychopath as his tutor.

If we don't kill the kid now,
Savage will.

As soon as he's done using him
to take over the world.

If he doesn't build him
into the greatest tyrant

the world has ever known,

Savage can't become the last
tyrant the world will ever know.

Murdering a child in cold blood,

just like Savage murdered your own son?

What's the use in saving the world

if we stoop to his methods to do so?

-I'm with Professor Stein.
-SNART: Okay, fine.

If you all don't have the guts
to kill this kid--

Then removing him from the time line

might be the next best thing.

Great. We've gone from
infanticide to child abduction.


First, we need to devise

how to abduct him
from underneath the noses

of his father's private guard.

And don't forget the army of Atom robots.

We're going to need an accomplished thief.

RAY: Well, while you're
kidnapping baby Hitler,

Professor Stein and I will
sabotage the robot army.

-I call Team Robot Army.
-Isn't that a waste of time?

Not for the Kasnian citizens who
are tormented by my technology.

That technology does lead
to Savage's rise to power.

Good backup plan.

Fine. Team Kidnapping.

Go team.

Hey. You okay?

Yeah, yeah. I was just thinking.


-I think I understand.
-You do?

It's Savage. He's so close,
you can sense him, right?


Do you want to talk about it?

No, don't worry about me.

-I'll be fine.

CARTER: Honey.


I'm home.

-What's the matter?

Can I fix you a drink?

That would be lovely.

And while you do, you can
tell me what's on your mind.

Really, it's nothing.

-You are a terrible liar.
-Yes, but you love me anyway.

Beyond anything I can describe.

And because I love you, I know
when something's bothering you.

(SIGHS) It's just a feeling.

Of him?

It's hard to tell.

I haven't sensed Savage's presence.

But you do. Or think you do.

I think it's time for us to go.

I have some vacation time coming up.

We can drive to Coast City
and do some sightseeing.

A vacation isn't going to fix this.

I know.

Savage isn't just going to forget

-about us because we went away.
-I know.

And he's not going to stop until- -

SON: Mommy.

-I can't sleep.
-Hey, slugger.

-Come here.

What's wrong?

Nothing. Nothing.

I just love you so much.

l love both of you so much.


No litter, no street crime, no smog.

How soon can we leave?

Keep your eyes peeled.

According to Gideon,

Per Degaton should be passing
through any minute

on his way to gymnastics class.

Are you telling me Future Hitler

is enrolled in a gymnastics class?


I got eyes on Little Lord Fauntleroy.

SARA: I don't see him.

SNART: That's because he's surrounded
by daddy's goon squad.

Northeast corner of the plaza.

SARA: Got him.

SNART: You sure you don't want
to just shoot him ?

Be a whole lot easier.

RIP: Stick to the plan, both of you.

Now, Ms. Lance.


I'm in position.

It's up to you now, Mr. Snart.


Take the asset!

Move back!

Since the introduction of our latest line

of autonomous law enforcement officers,

crime has dropped, precipitously.

In fact, it's non-existent.

PROFESSOR STEIN: Really? Well, thank you

for showing us around, Dr. Bryce.

It's my pleasure.

We don't get very many visitors
from Central City

ever since the S.T.A.R.
Labs Corporation took it over.

Uh, unless I'm mistaken, your tech
utilizes a dwarf star alloy?

The technology is proprietary.

But, yes, how did you know, Doctor...

Lecter. Dr. Hannibal Lecter.

So, how did you
get into robotics, Dr. Bryce?

Oh, well, it's in my blood.

Robotics have been a passion
of my family ever since

my great-great-great-great-grandfather

founded this company.

ls that...

Oh, my God.

Weird. You look just like him.

Yes. Look just like...

That's pretty weird.

I can't believe it. I'm, like,
the Wernher von Braun of robots.

The who?

A Nazi scientist who invented
the V2 rocket.

Built it using slave labor,
then used it to level London.

Except my robots will one day be
used to level the entire world.

Ray, dude,

do you not think you're focusing
on the wrong thing here?

I mean, you have a kid
you didn't even know about.

Had a kid. In this particular time period,

his offspring would be long since dead.

Thank you. As if I wasn't
already feeling bad enough.

How is this even possible
that I am someone's


Before we left, in 2016,
the only person I was...

Having sex with?

Ghosted me the week before we left.

-She died?
-No, no. Ghosting.

It's where you pretend to be dead

by not answering somebody's texts.

What a strange age for dating.

You think maybe she didn't reply
to your texts because...

She knew she was pregnant?

No wonder my kid started a company

that manufactures evil robots.

If I had never left 2016,

my child would have had a loving father,

and Palmer Tech might not have gone on

to build a robot army

that Savage uses to conquer the world.

Bit of a stretch, don't you think?

Either way, I was someone's
father and didn't even know it.



-Are you okay?
-Fine. I'm fine.

You don't look fine.

Just a little peckish.


It's nothing a little
energy bar won't fix.

I'll see you.

Edith and Joseph Boardman?

KENDRA: Our new names.

Joe Boardman is a good name.

And besides, I've never
kissed an Edith before.

But I certainly think
that I could get used to that.

And what about Aldus?

How do we explain to our son

why his mother and father keep moving

every couple of years?

Changing their names,

looking over their shoulders
at every turn.

I don't know why we thought
we could do this again.

Do you think we're selfish?

-To have a family ?
-Because when Savage finds us--

-He won't.
-He always finds us.

Maybe this life is different.

Do you honestly believe that?


all I know

is that Savage is not the only
thing that's immortal, my love.

So is this.

What do genocidal maniacs
dream about, I wonder.

GIDEON: He's imagining himself
baking cookies with his mother.


You can monitor our dreams?

GIDEON: Of course.
For example, last night,

you had a rollicking fantasy
involving a young nurse--

Okay, Gideon. Enough.

Gideon, check the time line to make sure

that the kidnapping of the boy

had the desired effect upon the future.

GIDEON: Oh, dear.

I'm afraid you'll be
disappointed with the results.

What do you mean, it did nothing?

I mean that kidnapping Per Degaton

had a nominal effect upon the time line.

Maybe we just need to dump the little brat

somewhere he can't get into any trouble.

Like the Stone Age.

GIDEON: No matter where and when

you sequester him in the time line,

Savage will still rise to power.

But Rip said that this kid's
like a baby Hitler.

Yes, I also said that
time wants to happen.

And such a world -changing event,
like Savage's rise to power,

can't be stopped merely by
kidnapping his young pawn.

So, we're back to Plan A.

Snuffing the kid out in his sleep?

Let us not forget that this "kid,"

will one day be responsible
for billions of deaths.

Including those of my family.

Say that you do stop Savage

and save the lives of your family.

Will you be able to look your
own son in the eye, knowing,

what you did so he could live?

When the alternative is that
I should never see him again?

I got a better idea.

Instead of us arguing about
whether we should kill him

or where and when to dump him off,

why don't we just talk to him?

Savage has spent years
corrupting his mind.

It's not too late
for Per Degaton to change.

Says who?

Says someone with two tours
with the League of Assassins

and a case of blood lust under her belt.

Ah, finally.

Someone who's willing to do a man's job.

Not why I'm here.

It's almost funny how you guys
keep parading in here.

Like it's some kind of
confessional or something.

That's also not why I'm here.

Okay. I'll bite.

Everybody's out there arguing

about whether or not
we should kill this kid

because no one thinks he can change.

Just made me think of you.

You know, no one thinks you can change.

That's why you're in here.

The only reason I'm in here
is if I get out,

I'm gonna give Snart

some payback he's not walking away from.

-He saved your life.
-He wussed out on killing me.

Not the same thing. He marooned me.

It's not like he had many choices.

You know, while you were busy
selling us out

to a homicidal time pirate,

Leonard and I almost died.

He was thinking about you.

He told me about your partnership.
Your friendship.

Did it make you weepy?

You think it's gonna make me weepy?

He's your friend.

A loyal one.

-You should know that.
-Well, thank you.

I'll work it out with him
as soon as I can.


Killing a kid? Not very hero-like.


Mr. Degaton.

For the last 50 years,

everyone inside the conglomerate
has submitted bio-samples,

so they can be tracked
and monitored at all times,

but these three--

Are not from the conglomerate,

nor are they even from the last 50 years.

-How do you know?
-Long story.

What's important is that
I can get your son back.

How do you know
they haven't killed him already?

Because I know the people
who kidnapped him.

-And they are weak.

Squeamish in matters of death.

Who are you?


That's an excellent question.

What was that?

That was our Jumpship taking off.

How could Per Degaton have escaped?

Gideon, who else is on the Jumpship?

GIDEON: It's being piloted
by Captain Hunter.

JAX: Who just turned off his transponder.

Sounds like someone doesn't
want us following him.


Because Rip doesn't want us stopping him.

Stopping him from doing what?

From killing Per Degaton.

Okay, let's just think about this.

Where could Rip be taking Per Degaton?

Uh, Jumpship's got a range
of 8,000 miles. So, anywhere.

SARA: It doesn't matter
where he's taking him,

all that matters is

what he's gonna do to him
when he gets there.

Rip is not a murderer.

For Captain Hunter,
this isn't about killing.

It's about saving.

JAX: Saving?

His son's life for Per Degaton's.

A rather simple, if cold -blooded, calculus

for a father to undertake.

PER DEGATON: Do you know who I am?

-My father is going to--
-Thank me?

I imagine there's a sizable reward

for your safe return.


You'll soon be home.

KENDRA: Come on, honey.
We gotta get moving.

Or the train is gonna leave without us.

-Where are we going?
-We are going on a little trip.

Just think of it
as one of your adventures.

SON: The bad man found us?

The one that you and Mommy
talk about when I'm asleep?

Why is Vandal Savage chasing us?


It's time that he knew.

Come on.


Can you keep a secret, Aldus?

There's something special
about your mommy and daddy.

We've known each other
for a very, very long time.

And loved one another
since the day we met.

I already know that story.


You know part of that story.

Have you ever heard of a place
called Egypt?


it all began during the rule
of Ramesses ll,

when late one night,

a big magical meteor

smashed into the temple
of Horus, the Hawk God.

-Hey. You okay?

Yeah. I'm fine. I was just thinking.

What are you thinking about?

Let me into that
4,000-year-old mind of yours.

The flashes I've been having.

They aren't of Savage, they're of Carter.


And they're not just memories,
they're feelings too.

Oh, well. I get that.

It must be really weird

feeling like you're
cheating on me with him.

No, Ray.

I feel like I'm cheating on him with you.

I'm sorry.

No, it's okay. (CHUCKLES)

I mean, I knew what I was getting into.

The last 206 times you fell in love,

it was with the same guy.

I guess this isn't a great time

to talk about what's been bothering you.

You're not the only perceptive one.

So what's wrong?

lt turns out that

I had a child I didn't know
about back in 2016.

And here in the future,

my great-great-great-great-granddaughter

creates the army of robot-Gestapos

that Savage will one day use
to destroy the world.

Why didn't you tell me?

I didn't want you to think less of me.


How could I ever think less of you?

Well, now that we've got that
off our chests.

What does that mean for us?

No luck finding our homicidal captain?

Gideon's still searching,
but I've a feeling

Rip's not gonna be found
if he doesn't want to be.

So what are you doing down here?

Don't you think you at least
owe him a conversation?

We had our conversation
while he was Chronos.

And he made his feelings
about me very clear.

-And what about your feelings?
-About you?

About Mick.

I don't have any feelings about Mick.

Look, it didn't seem that way
when we were dying

in the engine room of hypothermia.

Look, if you want to ease
your guilty conscience,

that's your business.

But he's still the same
son of a bitch he was

when you all wanted me to put him down.

I wasn't the one who mentioned
marooning Rory.

You did. It's obviously still
weighing on your conscience.

So, stop being an ass
and go deal with it.

This isn't Kasnia.

RIP: I thought a neutral site
would be best for this.

For what?

Exchanging me?

Did your father ever teach you
to swim, Per Degaton?

No, I imagine he had someone
do it for him, didn't he?

You're hardly lacking in tutors, are you?

Such as Mr. Savage.

What are you talking about?

My son, Jonas, always wanted
to learn to swim.

I promised him that I'd teach him.

But there never seemed to be time.

My son never learned to swim.

Because he was killed.

So, you brought me here to kill me.

I brought you here to save my son's life.

Your life in exchange for his.

-I'm sorry.
-No, you're not.

You're not sorry because
you're not going to kill me.

I have to. To save my wife
and son, I have to.

I don't expect you to understand.

lt doesn't matter if I understand.

I can see it in your eyes.
You're not going to do it.

You're like my father.


Vandal Savage has taught me many things.

Including what a killer looks like.

You're not a killer.

Your tutor has taught you well.

-Despite his ill intentions.
-Vandal loves me.

Oh, he wants to use you as his pawn,

and ultimately, he will betray you.

No. No, he wouldn't.

I've said to myself time and time again

that there is nothing

that I wouldn't do
to save my wife and son.

But now, I know that there is.

My reticence to kill you,
Per Degaton, is not weakness.

lt is goodness.

And if there is a shred
of goodness inside of me,

then I have to believe that
there is a shred of goodness

inside of you.

Be the man that your father
wants you to be,

not the man Savage wants you to be.

Savage. He's coming.


GIDEON: Tor Degaton's forces
have surrounded the ship.

I'm afraid our shields will not
be able to sustain

continued bombardment.

You're afraid?

Here's an idea. Why don't you fire back?

I would, except--

The flying robots already
targeted our weapons systems.

We don't need weapons.

He's right. We have superpowers.




I think this is yours.


ATOM: I'll draw their fire.
You handle the ground troops.





Ray. Are you all right?

So this is what it feels like
to be last year's model.

They're too fast.
We have to find another way.

Forget about them.
We'll hold off the robots.

We'll take out their command center.

Who are you?


FIRESTORM: Ray. Hurry up.

I can only hold them back for so long.

Where did you get your suit?


if you don't let us disable
your evil robot army,

then the whole world will be destroyed.

They're designed to bring peace.

I know. I designed the robots.

-I am your


The guy you have a bust of in your lobby,

father of the robotics industry?

You're trying to tell me
that you're Sidney Palmer?


The bust in your lobby,
is of my stupid brother?

Of course!

He must have gone
to work for Felicity in 2016

after I vanished.

He allowed my tech to be perverted

by the defense industry.

That is so Sidney.

So that means that she's not...

I'm not a father.

So we still need your help
disabling the robots.

And why should I believe you?

Because if you have even a drop
of Palmer blood in your veins,

you'll do what's right.

Looks like Raymond was able
to sabotage his robot army.

Which means mopping up
the rest of these guys

shouldn't be a problem.

SAVAGE: Oh, it will be a problem.

What do you want?

I want to exchange this
woman's life for your captain.

-Rip Hunter.
-RIP: I have a better idea.

Her life in exchange for his.

Your son will be returned to you
as soon as you guarantee

-our safe passage.
-Don't do it, Father.

If you let them go now,

they will only come back
for us in the future.

It's your choice.

Your son is right.
We should kill them all.

-TOR DEGATON: Put down your weapons.
-No, Father.

Let my son go, and I will
let you leave in peace.

You have my word.

Better find yourself a new mentor, kid.

What do you want?

People seem to think
we should have a heart-to-heart.

We don't have hearts.
Where does that leave us?

I've got a dozen reasons for killing you,

you've got a dozen and one

for killing me, so--

All the talk in the world
is not gonna change a thing.

Exactly. Here's my proposal.

I open this cell.
We let our fists do the talking.

When I kill you?

You take the Jumpship, make your escape,

live out the rest of your life

anywhere you like.


And if you kill me?


it's better than being
locked up in this place

like some kind of circus freak.

I take that as a "Yes."

Sound the bell.

Hey. You don't have to knock.

-It's your room, too.
-Yeah, I know, it's just...

Things have been weird.

Since I told you I had a lovechild

that I didn't really have?

Or, since you told me that
you're still in love with--

You know what I love about you, Ray?

ls you always manage
to find the bright side.

And no matter what, you never give up.

So, please, don't give up on us.

I'm not giving up.

But it's hard to ignore the math.

You and Carter have spent
lifetimes together,

and in each one, you've fallen in love.

So why would this lifetime
be any different?


I never met you before.

Ray, Carter is my past.

You are my future.


Oh, I didn't expect you
up and about so soon.

My father wanted me to rest, but,

-I wanted to resume my studies.
-Oh, good boy.

So, where should we begin?

Well, I was thinking Greek mythology.

Do you know the tale of Oedipus Rex?

He was the prince of Thebes
before his father exiled him.


Well, because the king was a coward.

He had heard a prophecy that one day,

his son would take his crown.

So he bound his boy's feet,

and tossed him into the woods to die.

-What did the boy do?
-He did what he had to do.

And one day, the prophecy came true,

and the prince became
a great and powerful king.

Well, it wasn't easy.
Great things are never easy.

GIDEON: Unfortunately, our interactions
have done nothing

to halt Per Degaton's rise to power.

If anything, we've merely cemented it.

In fact, the virus

which wasn't supposed to be
unleashed upon the world

-for another five years...
-I'm sorry, Father.

...will now be released
in a matter of days.

As you all know,

our former chairman's
shares in the conglomerate

passed to his son,

who due to his age,
elected me to act as his proxy.

First order of business,

I would like to revisit our discussion

concerning the population crisis

beyond the conglomerate's borders.

As we all know,
we already have a solution.

Did I do the right thing, Gideon?

Not committing murder

is generally considered
the right thing, Captain.

In this instance,

I wonder.


We had a deal, Mick.
Kill me and you walk.

That's what you wanted, isn't it?

To get off the team?

I don't know what I want anymore.

Truth is, it doesn't matter.

What are you talking about?

Whether I stay or leave, I'm dead.

We're all dead.

Since I failed to bring you in,

the Time Masters want to bring me in.

And this time, they're not gonna
take any chances.

They're called the Hunters.


And unlike me, there isn't
a human part left in them.

So they want to lock us all up
in the Vanishing Point?

The Hunters do one thing, kill.

Whenever. Wherever.

And they'll stop at nothing

until every single one of us is erased

from the face of history.

Do you have any suggestions

as to how we might
outsmart them, Mr. Rory?


English - SDH