Legend of the Superstition Mountains (2015–…): Season 1, Episode 4 - Curse of the Black Legion - full transcript

The hunters become the hunted when they encounter signs of the mythic Apache Black Legion

( gunshots )

( screaming )

( thud )

( gunshots, screaming )

- A cursed mountain...

hiding $200 million in gold.

250 lives have been lost.

But now five treasure hunters...

will defy the curse... in search of...

America's deadliest treasure.

( beeping )

- Yeah, it's, like, probably
a bullet or something.

- It could be. - There you go.

- Finally got it. Okay.
- Yeah, it looks good to me.

- Yep. ( gunshots )

- Oh my... hey. Jesus Christ.
- You all right?

- Yeah, I got a bunch of cactus in my...

- You okay?

- Stay away from the fire, guys.

Right now, we're in the middle of nowhere.

Hunting isn't allowed after sunset,

so, no, gunshots are not a good sign.

- Build up the fire back right, yeah.

- We better get out of here. - Deal.

- Yeah, yeah. - Throw the flare.

You're putting up a light.
Two gunshots rang out.

You never know what
someone's intentions are.

So the idea is to stay as calm as possible

and just move yourself into the shadows

and get into the dark and get cover.

Get your stuff now. Go. Get the fire.

- You think hiking through
the Superstitions Mountains

during the day is dangerous?
Multiply that by 10 at night.

- I can't see a... thing. Ouch.

I just went into another cactus.
- Quiet as possible.

- I thought we were being followed

ever since we started
exploring these mountains.

I'm not sure I need any more proof.

- Deep in Arizona's
Superstition Mountains...

- All right, guys. We're going up.

- Wayne Tuttle and
his team are on the trail

of the Lost Dutchman's gold.

- Over that ridge is the
Lost Dutchman's Mine,

and we're going to find it.

- The Superstition
Mountains is a nexus of death.

( gunshot )

- The decoding of symbols on
a newly uncovered secret map

led the team to veteran
Dutch hunter, Bob Schuss.

- Gold is where you find it.
- That's a fact.

- Did you find it, Bob?

- Wayne and the team traded
Bob a 25 percent stake in their hunt

in exchange for a new clue.

- There's another map.

- Two maps that date
back to the late 1800s,

which together, reveal the route

to a secret Peralta mine cluster.

- I can take you to this spot.

- The maps revealed a trail of finds

that line up with the
Dutchman's deathbed clues.

- Waltz said there was remains
of a cabin going to his mine.

- And have led the team
into the most dangerous area

in the Superstitions
where the Apache believe

an angry thunder god
guards the mountain's gold

with a deadly curse.

- I can't really say I feel much safer.

Hopefully we did put some distance

between us and whoever was shooting.

But the fact of the matter
is, there's not a lot of places

to hide out here.

So I was reading
something kind of interesting

last time we were back in town.

They were saying this
general area, back in 1840

there was an Apache massacre.

Is that true?

- The story I know... in the
time period 1840s, 1850s,

the Gonzales and Peralta family

camped, actually, just north
of us here down by the river.

The Apaches would sit in the rocks

and they'd just work their way back,

picking everyone off as they went.

They ran through the mountains.

The Apache would hold the high ground,

and they would move
back through the canyons.

They were boxed in. They were just...

simply had no place to go.

Everyone was slaughtered.

- Heard some stories
about American Indians...

that they got a name called Black Legion.

- Accounts of the Black Legion
are part truth, part mythology.

Rumored to be seven feet
tall and not entirely human,

folklore tells us that these
fearsome Apache warriors

were guardians of the land.

They were known to strike
down anyone attempting to remove

riches from the earth
that belonged to the gods.

Many believe the Black Legion
was responsible for the 1847

Peralta massacre, a bloody
event that wiped out the family

and forced them to abandon their mines

in the Superstitions.

- They still live here?

- Well, the word goes
that they are up here,

and they're protecting
something that's very valuable.

I was told that if you're
getting really too close

to whatever they're trying to protect,

that they'll give you a sign.

That gives me goose
bumps thinking about it.

They give you a sign of a
big black hand on something.

And supposedly, that's a
warning to get the hell out of there,

wherever you're at.
I'd really, really freaking

like to know what they're protecting.

- Well, maybe that's why no one's found

the Lost Dutchman Mine.

- That could be what they're protecting.

- I seriously doubt it's the spirits

of the Apache warriors
who fired those shots.

When you're chasing a treasure this big,

you're going to draw all
kinds of unwanted attention.

So, I know everybody's beat.

Get a good night's sleep.
We got a big day tomorrow.

I'll take first watch.

- I hope our alliance with
Bob Schuss was a good deal

because it forced him to reveal his secret.

- Bob Schuss revealed the connections

between the legendary
Peralta and Gonzales maps.

He disclosed what he
believed to be the exact location

where the two maps intersect and line up

with the land itself, giving the team

a place to start their hunt.

Their destination is a fork
at the end of the canyon

where they should be able
to spot a cluster of mines,

any one of which could
be The Lost Dutchman.

- Once we get there, we
need to explore the entire area.

So I'm going to keep my eye
out for any signs that match up

with The Dutchman's riddles.

So the more of these things that line up,

the more I think we're on the right track.

- This kind of looks like
Indian territory right here,

don't it? - Yeah.

Yeah, it sure is.

- Hold up, Deal. Check this out.

- Are you serious? Did
you just really find that?

- Yeah. - You just found an arrowhead

just like that.

Are you freaking serious?

- My eyes always hit the ground.
- That is unbelievable.

- Fracturing.

It's called conchoidal fracturing.

- Yeah. - So it allows them to be able

to make those sharp edges
because it doesn't have

normal lines of cleavage like most rock.

So you can fleck it off
and it randomly breaks

so you can make it into sharp edges.

Finding that arrowhead was really great.

But it was also a sobering reminder

that we're standing in a spot
where dozens and dozens

of people were massacred.

We knew we were going into
the heart of Apache country

and it just makes everything real.

- You got a good eye, Wayne.
- It's a good find.

- The arrowhead that the team discovered

along the new map's
trail is proof that the area

was once heavily traveled
by the Native Americans

and settlers.

Could The Dutchman himself
have passed through here?

And if so, did he hide a stash of gold

or conceal the entrance to the pit mine

containing the mother lode?

- Keep your eye out.
Pottery shards, arrowheads,

little dumps where they
would've just dumped stuff off.

They follow along these washes.

So, possibly more
petroglyphs as we move along.

That black rock, that's what they loved.

That's not something you find every day

and that's not something
you find with a metal detector.

- Is that a cave up there?

- No, grab the binoculars.

- Could it be a vent to a cave?
- Maybe that big.

- It doesn't open up a lot from here.

- And actually, there's
another cutout on the right of it.

Doesn't it look like there's
another hole kind of to the...

- Yeah, it looks like
it dives off to the left.

Deal, how about you take the upper one

since it's further and I'm fatter?

I'll take the lower one. - Yeah.

- The one above, the separate one above

looks like it's had rocks
piled in the opening.

The Dutchman Mine's a pit mine.

And today what we'd be
looking for is a depression

in the earth where it's sunk in.

But along with that,
Waltz's clues also mention

a cave nearby.

- That's been hidden. That
definitely is another cave.

- Another one of the Dutchman's clues

is that the gold might be found running

in a north-south canyon.

We can't afford to leave the area

without giving it a good once over.

You never know what a search might reveal.

So we'll go to that one, then
we'll go up to the next one

that looks like the rocks are stacked.

Keep your eye always for trash.

If someone's been up here
working, doing something,

we'll see trash, right? - Yep.

- That's as exciting as
the cave by the heart.

You know, you miss one cave
and that could be, you know,

somewhere where somebody
stashed a bunch of silver bars

or some gold. - Are we ready?

- Yeah, I'm good. - Eric, Deal, let's go.

So the game plan is this.

We've spotted two caves up
on the side of the mountain.

One's a little higher up than the first,

but we're going to explore both of them.

As we get closer to the end of our trail,

you never know where the Dutchman's gold

is going to turn up.

- It's still hard to see from here.

It's amazing that we even found it.

- There we go.

- Can you hold that?

- Got it? - Yup.

- I don't see anything that
says any humans were here.

I don't see trash or anything, nails or...

- What are we seeing?

- Oh.

That's not very deep at all.

Yeah, it dead ends, but...

- How long you think before
this boulder comes down

that's just sitting above you?

- I tell you what, though,
perfect spot to stash something.

What's that, a screw?

- Yeah, that's what it looks like.

- Strike out on that one,
Deal. Next one's yours, buddy.

Watch out. - Oh, got me.

- Anything in that hole?

- No!

We need to be careful here, boys.

- Be careful up there!

- You know what I'm realizing?
- What's that?

- He's 200 yards away,
and Frank's still the epitome

of a back seat driver. - Yep.

- You break my stick, I'm
going to put my foot in your ass!

- Whoo, doggy.

- If he falls, he's not
going to stop rolling

until he hits bottom.

- Whoa.

Sorry, Magnuson.

- No, there it wasn't even close.

- Hold on, I'm going to wait for Wayne

because that could
happen again very easily.

- It's definitely going to slide up here.

You're going to want to stand right there.

- Deleel, make your way up clear.

- I'm making it.

- Let's go check this out.

See the rock that's loose above? - Yeah.

- I'd be quiet knocking
around because there's a rock,

that pointed rock right there,
sitting there hanging loose.

- Yeah, it sure is. Give me a heads-up

if something starts coming down.

- I wouldn't move anything.
- I won't move anything.

- Because you're looking at a trap.

- I won't be in there
longer than I need to be.

Wait, what the...

- Give me a heads-up if
something starts coming down.

- I wouldn't move anything.
- I won't move anything.

- Because you're looking at a trap.

- I won't be in there
longer than I need to be.

- Wait, what the...

- Careful. - Oh, man, can I get a headlamp?


- This vent's up, right?

- The vent's up and back. It
goes back probably 20 feet.

- Yeah, it looks like the top of the cave

is pretty mineralized, too.

- Yeah, check it out.
Tell me what you think.

- Yeah, it goes back there.

Goes back there a long way.

- Yeah, it would've
been a hell of stash spot.

Nobody could've gotten back there.

- There's a black rock back in here.

You'll see where it splits
the left and the right.

I don't, it looks like a black rock, but...

- It's probably a big chunk of obsidian.

- Yeah, but, dude, obsidian,
there's no way it'd naturally be

in the middle in that, I
guess is what I'm saying.

- You know, whenever we
come across a cave like this,

we have to check for mineralization.

This cave, we found obsidian in it

and obsidian is
essentially a volcanic glass.

That's exactly what
that looks like back there.

- Obsidian is a volcanic
glass formed during the rapid

cooling of lava.

Unfortunately for Wayne's
team, obsidian is not a true mineral

like quartz or iron where
gold is usually found.

Although its sharp edges
were used for tools and weapons

for the Native Americans, the dark glass

is not a good sign for prospectors.

- I really would love if
it was gold, but it's not.

At this point, I think it's
just best that we move on.

- There's no room to swing a pick.

All right, I say we start
working our way back down.

- This is definitely a
mineralized area, but...

- What do we do from here, boys?

- This is where you make that decision.

Right now we're just looking at that hole.

This was the most
promising one, and it's not.

So I would say, personally
I say we start working

our way back down. Let's go.

- Yeah. - Grab up the gear.

Careful going down because going down

is going to be worse than coming up.

- I just want to find something good.

- Oh... - Did you guys enjoy the break?

- We did find a nice piece of obsidian.

Even though this location
didn't pan out, it was worth a look.

I'd always look at 100
caves if there's the off chance

there's millions inside of one of them.

We're very close in
the split in the canyon.

We need to keep our eyes open.

Our next clue could
be right in front of us,

and if we're not careful, we could miss it.

- Hold on a minute, bud.

( grunts ) - I got you.

- Oh.

- Yeah, he's got it.

- The deeper we get into the canyon,

the more brutal the terrain gets.

Woody seems to be holding his own for now,

but I'm going to have
to keep an eye on him.

- Okay, all right.

- I got you, don't worry.

- They're young and I'm
old. And that doesn't matter.

It's what up here that
counts and your abilities

that you think you can do.
- Take your time.

- I think I've proven to them
that I can carry my own weight.

I don't need no help from nobody.

- We did it, Wayne. - This is it.

The split in the canyon.

You got to admit, pretty as hell, right?

- We followed the Gonzales map.

It indicates mines down
over this split in the trail

that we just came up on.

The Lost Dutchman Mine could be down there.

- After conquering the deadly terrain,

Wayne and his team finally
land at the split in the canyon.

According to the map,
this location is the site

where several Peralta mines lay hidden.

Could one of these mines be the Dutchman's?

To find out, the Dutch hunters
must now begin to search

the area for any signs of lost mines.

- I've dreamt about
finding something like this

my entire life, and now I'm actually here.

I have the opportunity,
and we're finding clues,

and they're lining up.

So if this actually pans out, and we find

the Lost Dutchman, it would
absolutely change my life.

I've got my parents who
lost almost everything in 2008,

and the ability to call them up

and tell them they don't
have to work anymore,

they can just retire,

that's the first phone
call I think I'd make.

- Come on, guys, stay together.

Call out. If there's something you see,

call out so we slow down and we stop.

- Okay.

- There, pretty cool rock formation, huh?

- Hey, guys, look at this.

Eric. Deal. - Yo.

- Walk down and look at that, will you?

That's strange.

- What the hell?

- What is that?
- Once we arrived at the end

of the trail, there was
no telling what we'd find.

- Look at that.

- Oh, dude, look at that.

- I have no idea what that is.

- That's a medicine wheel.

- A what? - It's a medicine wheel.

The Apache make these.

This is a sacred site.

This is up on top of a mountain ridge.

There's no water running up here.

This could've been here god knows how long.

- What's this supposed to be?
- They're sacred to them.

This is how they pray.

You know, somebody gets
sick, that's why they call it

a medicine wheel. - Hmm.

- This is a nice find, Woody. Good eye.

- Very good eye, Woody. - Yeah, that's...

- Woody's a pretty sharp guy.

He gets his feelings, and I listen to them.

- I didn't see it, I just kind of
sensed something was there.

- Yeah, I would've walked right by it.

- Something even drawed me to look up here.

I don't even know what did that, you know.

I'm a lot old school.

I've got a sixth sense or something.

I don't know what it is. I
just, I've just got a feeling

about things and something
drawed me over there.

Apaches, they're really, really
strong with that, for medicine.

And I'm sure that's
it's very, very important

to them, you know.

And I don't think we
should even be up here.

- Medicine wheels are
stone circles laid in the shape

of a hoop with many spokes.

Having no beginning and
no end, the wheel is a symbol

for the never-ending
cycle of life that holy men

and tribal healers used to
aid their ceremonies of healing.

- Woody's been telling us all stories

about Indian protectors
like the Black Legion

or the Apache thunder gods.

And to be honest, it's starting
to creep me out a little bit.

I mean, if we're potentially
violating sacred Indian ground,

won't that make us all targets?

- Not a good place to be, you guys.

- We've probably done enough wrong

by just lingering here now,

so it's best to leave this
thing and leave this area.

- Let's get out of here.

- In the foothills of the split canyon,

the map reveals a field of Xs

beside the Spanish word "mina" or mine.

So the target could be anywhere.

The team splits up to
cover the most ground,

looking for signs of a hidden mine.

- I would definitely say
working your way down.

See the dirt area? - Yeah.

- I'd work, start down the wash a bit here.

- Now that we've taken the time
to get here, before we move on,

I need to break out the metal detector

and see if I can find any evidence.

- What's up, Frank?

- Oh, I'm still looking around here.

- Yeah? Where's Magnuson?
- Oh, he's over there.

- Holy... Wayne!

Hey, guys! Yo! Check this... out!

Dude, Frank, look at this.
- Let me see that.

- You know what this is?

Dude, it's iron. I was barely hitting

on this copper face,
really super choppy signal.

- It's a candle holder.

- See, that's a candle
holder for an old mine.

They used to take these
bad boys, you can hang,

like, a lantern here or a candle here,

and they just shove them in the sides.

- Candle holders to light the interior

of hard-rock gold mines were
also called sticking tommys

and were used by gold lust-filled miners

for more than just lighting their way.

Working deep underground,
the miners would hide

gold flakes in grooves of
the candle holder surface.

Then, after caking mud
on the candle holder,

they would smuggle gold
out at the end of their shift.

- Yeah, it's got a face
plate like a manufacturer...

- Cossack Mining Company. - Yeah, dude.

I can read it with, you
don't even need that.

Cossack Mining Company,
Virginia City, Nevada.

This is a good area.
- Dude, that's bad-ass.

That's one of the
awesomest finds I've ever...

that I've seen.

Perfect piece of, like, American West,

1870s, 1880s, I think.

So, who knows when it showed up here.

This thing is in pristine condition.

It is an awesome piece of American history.

But the most exciting
thing about this discovery

is why would there be a
piece of mining equipment

if there wasn't a mine nearby?

Yeah, that's freaking awesome.

- There has to be a mine
around here somewhere.

But what's odd, above this,
we find a medicine wheel.

That's odd.

I mean, we find a medicine wheel,

we come down to the
valley, we start finding

mining implements. - Yeah.

- Are they trying to ward
off people prospecting?

- I don't know. Maybe it's coincidence.

- Ah, there's no such
thing as coincidence in life.

Mexicans hated Apaches, and
Apaches hated the Mexicans,

and they were constantly
battling back and forth.

One of the reasons why the Apaches

were in such a remote area is
because they were driven out

of the Mexican areas.

That may be a symbol that they placed there

to keep people like us away from this area.

That make sense? - Yeah.

- And this is their sacred mound,

and you're not going to walk in

and take whatever you want
without some problems with them

if you get in the wrong spot.
I'm not afraid of anything.

But I'll tell you something, I
can be cautious and smart.

I'm not saying to be scared.
I'm just saying be cautious.

- I don't know, I still think
it could be a coincidence.

- This is how you solve crimes.

You look for different
pieces of evidence and think

oh, well, that's a
coincidence. Well, guess what?

Maybe it's not.

So you take a close hard look at it.

How many crimes you think I would've solved

ignoring coincidences?

Coincidences are circumstantial evidence.

You get enough of them
together, you can build a case.

We're starting to get enough here.

Think of all the things we've found.

You found that piece. We
found a medicine wheel.

This is an area that they don't want us in.

- Yeah, but this is Federal land now.

It's not like we're on a reservation.

- This is their land.

- The Apache have lived
here for hundreds of years.

This is their land, and that medicine wheel

is a perfect example.

And that's them telling you
to stay the hell out of here.

We run into a problem, guess what?

Your ass is in my hands. - ( chuckles )

- You believe that. Go ahead and... laugh.

I've been in places like this before.

I'm going to tell you
something, you can count on me.

- Yeah.

- Now that we're here
at the end of the trail,

we need to literally
leave no stone unturned.

The Lost Dutchman Mine could be anywhere.

- Yo, Wayne, there's a little bit of water

in that wash up there. You
think it'd be a decent idea

for me to do a couple pans and test

for some mineralization?

- Yeah, I'd check those two right there.

- They look like they're
pooling just before the wash.

They might be a decent
catch basin to check.

- All right. - Kind of keep your eye out.

- We're looking for any gold
in the area or any minerals

that might indicate gold, like quartz.

- I'm going to go down to the creek

and do a little panning to see
if there's any gold down there.

It's one of the most old-fashioned ways,

but I'm going to give it a shot.

When I'm sample panning a
creek, what I'm looking for is quartz

and black sand or iron magnetite.

If I don't find the presence
of those, it's a bust.

There's no gold here, move on.

- Magnuson, you find anything?

- Jacket off of an old bullet. - Yeah?

- I've been getting a lot
of hits that read as lead.

Lots of bullets.

There was obviously a lot
of death that occurred here.

We found arrowheads,
and we found period bullets,

so it's obvious there was
a battle that occurred here.

But the big question is,
what were they fighting over?

- What... Did you do that?

- Uh-uh.

- That's stacked.

This is a marked location. I
always keep my eyes open.

And Eric was up on a hill
yelling that he found something.

So I walked up to his location,
and I look over to the right

and there were three little rocks piled up

like a little pyramid.
Somebody marked this spot.

I don't know why, but I'm
going to look around and find out.

Somebody marked this
spot before we got here.

And now, we have a three-rock pileup.

Hey, Wayne!

Come over here and check this out!

We found something! - Where you at?

- Yeah, well, I got something here!

I got a mine up here, guys!

- You got what? - I got a vein!

- You got what? - I got a vein!

- On the hunt for the
legendary Lost Dutchman Mine,

Wayne Tuttle and his
team could be on the verge

of a major discovery
after a new interpretation

of two rare maps lead
them to the canyon divide.

Here, the maps reveal a
field marked with four Xs

representing a series of mines.

Might one of these Xs
mark the long lost location

of the Dutchman's $200 million fortune?

- Grab the pack and
the rifle, bring it up here.

We want to spend some time up here.

- The secret may lay
in this ancient riverbed.

The team is scouring the
area looking for signs of quartz.

Prospectors know that
gold ore often hides deep

within deposits of other minerals.

A rich quartz vein here
could mean pay dirt below.

- I haven't found the
mine, but I found the vein.

Check that out.

- That's some nice quartz. Real nice.

- It's running all the
way through here tight.

- Give me a small pick.
Don't we have a small pick?

- I have a rock hammer.
- Yeah, I want a rock hammer.

See if I can pull this out.

- It looks like somebody's
been prospecting here.

You see the deep gouge they carved?

Woody, take that.

Break that up, see if you find anything.

- You got some iron in here, too, Wayne.

- Yeah, I noticed the iron before.

- This is a good, this
is a good gold indicator.

Every prospector knows
gold rides an iron horse.

When you find quartz
heavily stained with iron,

quite often, you also find gold.

- Wayne, I want to mark
this area on the GPS.

- Mark it. We want to be able
to know where this spot was.

- You know, this is
pretty indicative of gold.

I've seen this kind of
rock, this kind of grain

with gold up in the mountains.

There's a few minerals that run with gold

that are really good indicators.

One of them is copper, it
shows up green in the ground,

and the other one is quartz.

And Wayne has found quite a bit of quartz.

- Magnuson, can you get in there?

- Yeah, I can get in there.
- So I don't lose anything.

Remember, guys, just
looking for a hard-rock mine,

a lode mine. Find a
vein, work it up, right?

- When you find a promising area,

one of the first things you need to do

is, A, record your
location and then knock out

some samples, send them to the assay lab

and see what they have to say.

- Get in that crack. - Watch your hands.

- Got my hands out. - Just in case I slip.

- Most of the gold in the
world can't even be seen

with the naked eye,
so we got to get it tested

to know if there's something there.

- Yeah, we're working back a vein.

You can see another
piece here. See my finger?

See it shining through? - Yeah.

- It's really deep in the
rock. It shows up as calcium.

Here's another piece right here. See it?

Runs right along this seam here.

Basic geology tells us that over time,

erosion of minerals flow downhill.

So the next place to check is above us.

Guys, let's grab the gear because there's

another hole up here.

We want to check that
before we come back down.

- You guys are driving me crazy.
- You good, Woody?

- We got one.

- Well, that was walled
up on the other side.

It's perfectly flat.

No animal droppings.

So whoever was working
up here, this wasn't a camp.

And you could probably get a couple guys

to lay down back in there.

- When it comes to the Dutchman legend,

some people believe
that the Dutchman's gold

wasn't from a mine, but it was from a stash

that he hid somewhere in the mountains

that he probably walled-up
the hole with rocks

to conceal it.

Even though it's empty,
this area is still worth

metal detecting for traces
he may have left behind.

- You can just feel how cool it is in here.

It's crazy.

Jackets off old bullets.

Look like two or three-ringers.

- Guys, we are exactly
doing what we wanted to do.

We're working our way up from the river.

Worked up, found a vein,
found signs of mining activity.

We got our GPS. We got our photographs.

We know this area, so we got this spot.

So, let's get our gear
together. Let's get down the hill.

- Whoa.

- Holy... What was that?

- A rattlesnake's no joke, but
a Green Mohave especially,

you get a bite from that thing,
and it's pretty much game over.

You got to hope you can get airlifted out

within the next couple hours.

For even an adult male, you're toast.

- The Green Mohave snake
is one of the most dangerous

and aggressive pit vipers in the world.

Unlike rattlesnakes, they coil
and strike out in self-defense.

The vicious Green Mohave
is an ambush predator

that will chase and attack any prey

intruding on its territory...

including humans.

Dangerous for up to
an hour after its death,

the snake's devastating
bite is one of the most fatal

in the world, delivering
a deadly neurotoxin.

- A little warning here.

- Talking a little bit.

( chatter )

- Frank, he's dead now.

- I can't believe that I almost
got bitten by a rattlesnake.

I just stopped paying
attention for two seconds,

and that's when things happen,
and that's when you get hurt.

- In case you didn't
know, he's still moving.

- I'm lucky to be alive.

- There's your snake, man.
- That's your snake.

You can take that one with you.

- She almost got you.

- We can put that with the beans, guys.

That's just like chicken.

- No more chili tonight.
- No more chili. Thank God.

No more Frank's chili. - Feel that, dude.

You can still feel its muscles contracting.

- Those are the ones that'll
get you, though. Those, ugh.

- You kill something in the afternoon, man,

that just sets off your day.

- After the scare with the snake,

we decided to move on. - It's gorgeous.

Nice territory.

- There's a lot of terrain
to examine in this area,

and we have no time to waste.

- What other clues
should we be looking for?

- Peaks. There was two or three high peaks.

- There's a helicopter, the black one.

- Look how low that helicopter is.

- Isn't this supposed to be a
restricted area for helicopters?

- Yeah, they're not supposed
to be anywhere near here.

- You know, it looks
like they're circling us.

- You're exactly right.

- You're exactly right.

- That's an Apache 864.

- Yep.

- It's coming right over us, too.

- We've been looking for
the Lost Dutchman Mine

for almost two weeks now.

This is like the fifth time

we've felt like someone's been watching us.

This helicopter circling
over us feels more intense,

like someone's trying to keep an eye on us

because we're getting
too close to something.

- Ooh, wow.

- That's crazy, huh?

- This would be a good vantage point

to kind of catch anything.
I'd say start glassing the area.

We need to put our heads to it now,

start looking around for any other signs,

any activity, anything that
just kind of nudges at you,

all right? - Okay.

- Looks like an opening over there.

- Where's the opening, Woody?

- Right over there.

See the tallest yucca tree over there?

- On spot, yeah. - Right above it.

- Just kind of in the dead center of it?

- Yeah, yeah, see it? - The two notches?

- Right.

It's an opening.

It might be a cave.
Hey, Deal, do you see it?

- Yeah, I see it.

So we're up on this vista
point, and we see what looks like

to be a small cave.

- What do you think?

- Well, it's hard to tell from here,

but it might be worth checking out.

- It seemed in our best interest,

definitely looking at Waltz's clues,

a cave across the canyon.

We don't want to pass up opportunity.

- You sure you're good on water?

- Yeah, I'm good on water, thank you.

- All right, be careful.

- To save time, Wayne
decided that I should go hike over

and check out the cave.

That's a nice little wash.

Nice little creek.

So I took the minimal supplies.

I headed that way.

It was a rough hike,
you know, steep cliffs,

but that's an area we need to check out.

- What we'll do is
we'll work the ridge line

in the opposite side,

and we'll work directly across from him.

- Okay. - All right?

- Be careful. Don't slip. - Thanks, Frank.

- Hey, Deal, about another hundred yards.

- Copy that, Wayne. I'm on my way.

- You're going to have to
get up all the way in there,

take a look around.

- Man, that looks like
nasty snake territory.

- What you got?

- Whoa.

Holy... See a black handprint on the wall!

- What?

- Holy...

I see a black handprint on the wall!

- What?

- Actually, Wayne, there's two of them!

- He's talking about them
black handprints in there,

and that's kind of like
what I was telling you guys

about before, about the Black Legion.

I would get away from there, guy.

- If it just comes off,
if it's soot or paint.

- Not a good idea.

- If this has anything to
do with what Woody's been

talking about, I don't
want anything to do with it.

- That's enough. Work your
way back down the ridge,

but kind of keep an eye out for stuff

on your way back, all right? - All right.

- As far as the black handprints go,

I'm not quite sure what to make of it,

but it's definitely a little spooky.

So many people die in wild ways out here

that you really have to take note.

- Hey, man. - Hey, guys.

- How you doing?

- Good. How's it going over here?

- Good, probably not as tired as you.

- Oh, you can say that again.

- So, what'd you see?

- Well, two black handprints.

The cave itself wasn't very mineralized.

I saw some rose quartz.

- So, what about the black handprints?

Regular man size or...

- It was definitely an adult hand.

There was two of them, one on one side,

one on the other.

- Let's get the hell out of here.

The two black handprints is enough,

especially in the cave.
They're trying to tell us

not to be around here, and we're really

too freaking close to them... - Hey, Woody.

Hey, Woody, let me interrupt.
How did they know that we were

going to come up on this ridge
and look over and see that cave

and run over and... - They
didn't just run over here

and do that for us. They did
it for whoever come up here.

We just happened to be here.

I was really freaked out to begin with

about the black hand.

And now, to find a cave
with two of them in it,

that even makes it a lot worse.

So it's spooky. It's real spooky.

I don't even want to be around that thing

or even around this area right here.

- They put it in an obvious spot.

- All right. You know why, guys?

The reason those handprints
were there, it wasn't for us.

It's for the Peralta's, the Gonzales'.

They're old handprints. - Yeah.

- They're for people who came before us.

I don't think we have
nothing to worry about.

- I mean, you're talking about
the Peraltas and the Gonzaleses.

Didn't you guys tell us that
those guys got massacred?

- That's 200 years ago.

Those signs are old. You said so yourself.

Nobody ever said this was going to be easy.

I know we had snakes. I
know this is rough area.

We're not afraid of those handprints.

Let's man-up and just follow Wayne's lead.

- We're on the right
trail on the map, all right?

We got indications of mining activity

and things are fitting together.

- Let's do it. - All right.

I'm not going to let these guys give up.

We've come way too far to turn back now,

and no black handprints
are going to stop us.

- There you guys go. - What the hell?

- What's that, a burial site?

- There's no marker, nothing.

- You know, I got a bad feeling.

- That's usually all you get.

- I got a bad feeling about it.

I think we ought to move on from here.

- Yeah, we'll move on.

- We don't know how the person died.

- It's one thing to talk about a death

back in the Superstitions.

It's quite another to actually
see the results of that.

- Keep your eyes open, though.

They were working around here somewhere.

Could've been anything out here.

- I know we're going into a very bad area.

We better be prepared.

- What the hell's that?

- Looks like a prospect.
- Yeah, looks like miners.

- Oh, yeah.

- You guys coming?
- Oh, that's got to be a mine.

- Oh, yeah, look at that, man.

I don't know. I can't
see whether it's caved in.

Might be a prospect. - Yeah.

- Got to be very careful in there.

That thing can come down on your head.

- Definitely be careful.
Look how loose this is.

- Yeah.

- Hold it. Stop, stop, stop, stop.

Slowly back up, guys.

You guys clear? - Yeah.

- We got a booby trap set up here.

- Next time on "Legend of
the Superstition Mountains..."

- This is a booby trap.
- As twisted as it is,

we got led to a death trap.

- Oh, man. This is not good.
Somebody's been in the camp.

- Let's get out of here, all right?

- Between you and me, I
don't know if that's an X.

That looks more like a cross.

What if that was the
Jesuits that put it there?

- You're going to get
a kick out of this one.

- Yeah, look at that.

- Yeah, it's an old Spanish cross.

- These rocks are fresh rocks.

- How many black hands have
you come on in your camp?

- They were red.