Legend of the Seeker (2008–2010): Season 2, Episode 20 - Eternity - full transcript

Richard and Kahlan discover the Stone of Tears is hidden in a magical land from which they cannot leave, while a surprise reunion lures Cara and Zedd into a deadly confrontation.

Previously on Legend
of the Seeker.

The only way to close the
rift is the way the Creator

sealed the Underworld.
The Stone of Tears.

I think it's a compass.

This orb will guide
the Seeker's way.

To what? Hopefully
the Stone of Tears.

Richard, we can't trust her.

Twice now she's proven
herself to me. I can use her.

I consider you to be my friend.

I save Richard.

Suddenly you wanna
defeat the Keeper?

I want to live again.

Sister Marianna,

Darken Rahl has betrayed me.

What do you ask of us?

Send him back to me.

I have no intention of going back.

The only reason you
want to save the world

is to save yourself.

I'm sure I'll see you again,

I'm sure you will.

Richard Cypher, you are the
true Seeker.

♪ Legend of the Seeker 2x20 ♪
Original Air Date on May 8, 2010

Cara, it's me.

Dahlia? You know her?

We served together for many years.

Why were you following us?

The true Lord Rahl is in danger.

I need your help to save him.

Darken Rahl may have used magic

to come back to the
world of the living,

but Richard is the true Lord Rahl.

I'm not talking about Darken Rahl.

Or the Seeker.

I'm talking about your son.

You have a son?

Many Mord-Sith bear children.

But not many bear children
fathered by Darken Rahl.

Why didn't you ever tell us?

It wasn't important.

What happened to the child?

He was taken from me at birth.

Oh, Cara, I'm so sorry.

Don't be.

It was considered an honor
to be chosen by Lord Rahl.

You know where the baby was taken?

Male children born to Mord-Sith

are sent to be raised
by the Dragon Corps

to learn to fight for D'Hara.

When Darken Rahl died,
my Sisters and I

went to find the boy.

We took him back to our
temple and served him

like the true Lord Rahl
he will one day become.

But a week ago, our temple was
raided by Sisters of the Dark.

The Sisters' powers are
useless against Mord-Sith.

We thought so too,
but they've grown stronger.

We couldn't repel their magic.

I was the only
Mord-Sith to survive.

The Sisters took the boy.

Where? I tracked them to a retreat

in the hills of Eritrane,

but I knew I wouldn't be
able to rescue him on my own.

We have more important things to do

than chase after a missing child.

Cara, there's nothing more
important than your son.

He's the future of D'Hara,

and he needs your help.

You know I can't read a Mord-Sith.

Do you think we can trust her?

I've known her for a long time.

Before we were Mord-Sith,
we were schoolmates.

She was taken from Stowecroft too.

If there's even a chance

she's telling the truth,

we need to find this boy.

What we need to find
is the Stone of Tears.

This could be a trap set
by the Sisters of the Dark

to take you away from your quest.

Cara, we're talking about a child.

Your son.

He means nothing to me.

Whether you care for him or not,
the child is out there.

A child with Rahl blood,
possibly Rahl magic.

If Sisters of the Dark have him,

there's no telling
what nefarious purpose

they have for him.

Zedd, go with Cara.

If Sisters of the Dark
have learned new magic,

she may need your help.

Kahlan and I will keep
following the compass.

We'll catch up with you
just as soon as we can.

And the Seeker
defeated Darken Rahl,

and the people were freed
forever from his cruelty.

That's a lovely story.

Tell me another one.

Do you want to hear my favorite?

I want to hear all your stories.

It's about a man who
loves a woman so much

that he would give his life
twice over just to hold her.

I know that one.

It doesn't end the
way you want it to.

Elodie, I would swim
across an ocean.

I would slay dragons.

Anything to touch you just once.


I have to go.


When will I--?

Who were you talking to?

I was just praying to the Creator.

And she has heard your prayers.

The Seeker is getting close.

The compass is telling
us to go straight ahead.

That's impossible.

Maybe not.

Does he always sleep so loudly?

If I were a Wizard traveling
with two Mord-Sith,

I'd sleep with one eye open.

Zedd trusts me.

He doesn't question your loyalties?

He has no reason to.

I'm glad you decided
to come with me.

I came because Richard
ordered me to.

Are you sorry you did?


Neither am I.

This isn't so bad.

Sleeping in a cold, dark cave?

Being alone together.

I can't remember the last time.

It's nice.

I, uh-- I hope Cara's all right.

And the boy.

If anyone could take on
the Sisters of the Dark,

it's the son of Cara
and Darken Rahl.

Can you imagine what that
child is going to be like?




Enough to take over the world.

Who could stop him?

Our child.

Well, our child would
have to be a girl.

A girl that could take out
a dozen D'Haran soldiers,

just like her mother.

Well, I'd want her
to have a good heart,

like her father.

Well, I would want her to
have her mother's eyes.

No. No.

I'd want her to have your eyes.


We can't. It's all right.

It's just a kiss.

And Zedd and Cara aren't here.

That's the problem.

When they're with
us it's easy for me

not to grab you and kiss you,

but without them,

there's nothing stopping
us except good judgment.

When you kiss me like that, I--

I feel that judgment slipping away.

It's a good thing the
Wizard sleeps so soundly.

If we move quickly
we can reach Eritrane

and rescue the child
before nightfall.

And then you'll go back to
the Seeker and his quest?


You don't have to.

You could stay with me.

We could raise the
Lord Rahl together.

Richard is the Lord Rahl.

Cara, you led the
charge at Pallus Ridge.

You were merciless at Valeria.

You once swore to kill
the man you now serve.

What happened to you?


The Seeker could use a fighter
as strong as you, Dahlia.

We could serve him together.

I should wake Zedd.

Oh, it's beautiful.

Look at the compass.

You must be the Seeker.


Bless the Creator

Whose light and wisdom
Are eternal

Who are you?

My name is Asa.

We've been waiting for
you for a very long time.

The Stone of Tears.

In the beginning of time,

the Creator asked us to be
the Guardians of the Stone.

She knew, in her infinite wisdom,
that one day,

the Keeper would wage
war on the living.

She told us that a Seeker
and Confessor would come

to preserve the precious
life she created.

We've waited thousands
of years for you.

Your ancestors would be very proud.

We have no ancestors.

I don't understand.

We're the same people to whom
the Creator gave the Stone

thousands of years ago.

You're the first generation.

How is that possible?

The Stone's magic has protected us

and kept us from aging.

Blessed is the Creator

Who gave us the Stone

We've prepared a
cottage and a hot meal.

Elodie will take you. Thank you.

But we can't stay.

I need to get the Stone

to the Pillars of Creation
as quickly as we can.

The Pillars of Creation?

The Scroll of Valdaire
said I had to take it there

to seal the rift to the Underworld.

I don't know anything
about a scroll.

But the rift to the Underworld
can never be sealed.

This valley will be protected
from the Keeper's destruction.

So the Stone must stay
right here with us.

And so must you.

We came here to save the
world of the living,

not to hide from the Keeper.

The compass led you here,
didn't it?

Yes, but-- The compass was a gift

from the Creator.

One of our own, Ulrich,

sacrificed his eternal life

and carried the compass
out of the valley

so that when the end was near

you would find it, Seeker,
and be led back to us.

We found the compass in the tomb
of the first Abbot of Ulrich.

The order must have
been named after him.

I know nothing about
orders and abbots,

but I know you will save the world.


In time, after the
destruction is over,

you and the Mother Confessor

will leave our valley

and begin the world anew.

We can't have children.

That's why we need you.

Your children will be the
new first generation.

That is the Creator's will.

Even if this is true,
I don't believe the Creator

wants everyone else
in the world to die.

Since you are here,

it means the world's already
been corrupted by the Keeper.

The people are wicked.

You don't need to mourn their loss.

That's not true.

There are good people in the world.


We haven't left this
valley or seen the Creator

for thousands of years.

Maybe they know more about
the outside than we do.

The Creator has told
us all we need to know.

But I can't let the rest of
the world fall to the Keeper.

Not if there's a chance to save it.

If you take the Stone
out of this valley

and fail to stop the Keeper,

the world will end

and you and the Confessor will die.

There will be no one
left to preserve life.

That is how the Keeper will win.

Is that a chance you're
prepared to take?


Now, I don't want to fight you,
but we're leaving.

We're not violent people.

We can't stop you.

All we can do is pray for
the Creator's guidance.

Blessed Creator

Give us wisdom In
our uncertainty

Bless us with your eternal Grace
and compassion

Blessed Creator

Give us wisdom In
our uncertainty

I don't understand.

This is where we came in.

The compass.

That's what got us through before.

The compass was created
to lead us to the Stone.

Maybe now that it's done that,
its magic no longer works.

We need to find another way out.

How much further to Eritrane?

We're close.

Oh! Dahlia, no!

Why are you doing this?

When it's all over,
you'll be glad I did.

Welcome home, Cara.

Your sisters and I have missed you.

Where's Zedd?

Your concern for the
Wizard is touching.

I shall put your
tender heart at ease.

He's alive. For now.

What do you want with us?

Isn't it obvious?

I want you back on my side.

Though I must admit

you haven't made it easy for me.

I may no longer have
armies at my command.

But fortunately,

I knew of your special
friendship with Dahlia.

I knew she would want you
back as much as I do.

My son

was never kidnapped,

was he?

Your son was killed
the day he was born.

I couldn't risk the
little bastard growing up

to challenge my authority,
now, could I?

Oh, Cara.

Has that made you sad?

You really have grown soft since
you started serving the Seeker,

haven't you?

It's my fault, I suppose.

I left your training to underlings.

But someone as valuable as you

deserves my personal attention.

This time,

I won't make the same mistake.

We're right back where we started.

There's no getting
through these cliffs.

If we can't go through...

we'll go over.

Where's Cara?

Whatever your plan is,
it will fail.

Richard will find me.

And he will humiliate you again.

Oh, poor Cara.

You actually believe the
Seeker would stop his quest

simply to save you?

You're not that important.

Lord Rahl.

Our scouts report
no sign of enemies.

If you'd like, I can call
them back to break the Wizard.


Keep them on watch.

The Sisters of the Dark have
been following me for weeks.

They can't be far behind.

And as for the Wizard with
the rada'han around his neck,

he's nothing more
than a frail old man.

My Lord, you've been
exhausting yourself for hours.

Let me continue her training
so you can get some rest.


Put pain before pleasure, Dahlia.

I wish there were another way.

Why did you lie to me?

Remember when we were little girls?

How terrifying the
Agiels were then?

How much they hurt?

You held my hand so tightly,

it was the only thing
that kept me from crying.

We knew if we cried they'd
just torture us more.

We survived because we protected
each other from our weaknesses.

That's what I'm doing now.

The Seeker has made you soft.

He's poisoned you
against your Sisters.

Your family.

Richard, Kahlan and Zedd

are my family.

They hardly know you.

They can't love you like I do.

It seems Lord Rahl has
been too gentle with you.

I'll let him know he needs to
apply himself more forcefully.

We're almost there.

Give me your hand.



Hold on!

Take my hand!

No, we'll both fall!

It's all right, I'll catch you.


Come on!

Come on!

We can't let the Keeper win.

You have to go on without me.

Kahlan, don't!

I love you, Richard.


Kahlan, no.




I don't know.

Just when I thought I was
gonna hit the ground,

I found myself standing right here.

The Guardians are using magic to
keep us trapped in this valley.

You came back.

Praise the Creator.

Take the spell off now.

It would be impossible
for us to cast a spell.

We don't have any magic.

Well, then, tell us how to get out.

None of us has ever tried to leave.

He's telling the truth.

There must be a way out.

We prayed to the Creator
to keep you safe.

And she answered our prayers.

Bless the Creator

Whose light and wisdom
Are eternal

I know what you're doing, Cara.

You're dividing your mind.

You're thinking about your friends.

But happy thoughts about Richard
are not going to protect you.

They already have.

And if you were half
the Lord Rahl he is,

you wouldn't have to break someone

to get her to do what you want.

Lord Rahl.

The scouts have spotted
the Sisters of the Dark.

They're closing in on us.
We don't have much time.

We'll have to take
Cara somewhere else

to finish her training.

No, let them come.

My Lord?

Perhaps they can help make
our Cara more cooperative.

You have betrayed the Keeper,
Darken Rahl.

Only a fool would try
to bargain with him now.

Oh, I think you'll disagree

when you hear what I am
about to accomplish for him.

The only thing he wants from you

is the pleasure of tormenting
your soul for all eternity.

I'm quite sure there
is something he wants

even more than that.

The Stone of Tears.

The Keeper thinks
I've betrayed him.

He is wrong.

I am on the verge of finally
getting the Stone for him.

Something he has been
unable to do himself

since the beginning of time.

If you help me achieve
this victory for him,

I have no doubt that the Keeper

will reward you beyond imagining.

What do you propose?

What are they doing?

They are imbuing the Agiel

with the suffering of every soul

that Cara has tortured and killed.

When they're finished,
its touch will be more painful to her

than all the fires
of the Underworld.

My Lord, be careful.

Don't worry, Dahlia.

This Agiel can't hurt anyone...

but Cara.

I'm going to enjoy this.

We'll get out of here.

What if we don't?

Richard, we'll never see
Zedd again, or Cara,

or my sister.

Why should they die at
the hands of the Keeper

if we get to live?

Kahlan, I don't believe
this is the Creator's plan

any more than you do.

But if we can't get out of here,

maybe we can do
what they're saying.

Start the world over again?

We could have those
children we imagined.


If we had children,
you would be confessed.

Maybe not.

If there is a Creator,
and this is her plan for us,

maybe it's because she
knows that we're--

I don't know, different somehow.

Maybe our love for each
other would protect us.

And if we're not different

and you're confessed to me?

What would it matter?

It wouldn't distract
me from my quest.

I wouldn't have one anymore.

And even if I were confessed,

I couldn't possibly love you
any more than I already do.

I'm sorry to disturb you.

I just wanted to
leave you some food.

The Creator has provided us
with wonderful things to eat,

a beautiful place to live.

Maybe you could learn
to like it here.

How could we like it here

when our friends on the
outside are suffering?

But you're safe here.

In a world free from the Keeper

and banelings and Darken Rahl.

Asa said none of you have
ever left this valley.

How do you know about
banelings and Darken Rahl?

There are stories written
in the ancient scrolls.

She's lying.

Do you understand
what a Confessor does?

If you do not tell us the truth,
I will release my power

and you will be my slave
for as long as I live.

And in this valley, that is
going to be a very long time.

I'll tell you, but please,

you can't tell Asa

or he'll take the
ring away from me.

What ring?

Asa told you of Ulrich,

who took the compass
out of our valley.

Before he left, the Creator
made two magical rings

so that Ulrich could speak to
Asa even when he was far away.

When Asa slept,

I'd take the ring

so that I could speak to Ulrich.

I was in love with him

and this was the only way
we could be together.

But he grew old and you didn't.

When Ulrich died,

Asa cast his ring away.

But I found it and
secretly kept it.

Sometimes I would take it
out to remember Ulrich.

One day, I put the ring on and
an old woman appeared to me.

The old woman told me
she'd bought the ring

from a traveling merchant.

The ring has fallen into
many hands over the years,

and I've made many more friends.

Who has the other ring now?

His name is Alastair.

He's the first man I've
loved since Ulrich.

I need to speak with him.

This may be our only chance
of stopping the Keeper.

But I would be defying
Asa and the Creator.

Elodie, if we don't
take this chance,

good people are going to die.

Do you believe that's
what the Creator wants?

I need to use the ring.

When I last saw Zedd,

we were on the road near Dalmoore.

He headed east towards Eritrane.

He said he'd come back to find us

when his mission was finished.

Travel in the direction he went,

and if we're lucky,

you'll find him
heading back your way.

I need you to give him the ring.

And then he'll be able to
get you out of the valley.

And Elodie too?

I don't know.

Your training is
finally over, Cara.

But now you face one final test

to ensure that you are re-broken.

I want you to kill the Wizard.

I know you, Cara.

This isn't who you are.

Don't keep me waiting, Cara.

Cara, no!

I told you I serve Richard.

We don't have much time before

the Sisters of the Dark come back.

Let's go.

We need the key to the rada'han.

No, Cara!

If you kill him,
he'll tell the Keeper

where Richard is supposed
to take the Stone.

Excuse me, friends.

Have you seen a tall man
with long white hair

pass through here?
I spoke to a man in Dalmoore.

He said he had seen him on
this road a few days ago.

We might be able to help you.

But it'll cost you 10 shillings.

I don't have any money.

I'll have to ask somewhere else.



You can't take that!


I-It can't be worth much to you,

but the fate of the
world depends on it.

The fate of the world?

Well, no one's ever tried
that excuse before.

Are you all right, young man?

You're Zeddicus the Wizard.

That's right.

The Seeker told me to find you.

I can't even sense
where the portal is.

Whatever magic allowed you
to pass through this rock

is beyond my powers.

If you can't get in,

what about the spell of taking?

It doesn't work on living things.

I can't use it to get
you out of the valley.

No, but you once used it to take
the Sword and compass from me.

It might work on
the Stone of Tears.

It might, but the last time
I performed that spell,

I had Shota's help.

I don't know if I
can do it on my own.

We have to try, Zedd.

And maybe if you get
the Stone out of here,

the compass will
start working again.

And lead you out of the valley

But if it doesn't,

and Kahlan and I are
trapped here forever,

you'll still have the Stone.

You and Cara can take it to the
Pillars of Creation without us.

The spell is more likely to
work if I can see the Stone.

It worked.

So does the compass.

I'll see you soon my boy.

Zedd, what's wrong?

Cara, why?

My master ordered me to.

Zedd? Zedd!

Richard, what's happening?
I don't know.

Zedd, are you all right?

Cara attacked me.

She took the Stone.

I thought she had withstood
Rahl's attempts to re-break her,

but obviously I was deceived.

Stay where you are.

We'll be there as soon as we can.

The Stone is gone.

We can feel it.

What have you done with it?

I sent it out of the valley.

Who has it now?

The compass is working again.

We'll get the Stone back

and take it to the
Pillars of Creation.

I know this isn't what you
thought the Creator intended,

but we're going to
defeat the Keeper.

For the sake of the world...

I hope you're right.

You can't imagine
what it's been like,

to be able to see each other,
but never be able to touch.

I'm happy for you both.

We need to get the Stone back.

What about Cara?


I see that you've returned

to the bosom of your family, Cara.

My Lord.

You played our little scene
for the Wizard brilliantly.

I brought what you asked for.

It's good to have you back.